nysus-temple · 2 years
Ilytia: Can you give me some sweets?
Ares: What did dad say?
Ilytia: He said no...
Ares: Then, why should I give them to you?
Ilytia: Are you going to let him give you orders?
Ares, mentally: It's a trap, IT'S A TRAP
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nysus-temple · 2 years
[ Mother's Day - I'm their mother for a reason ]
"Ares!" exclaimed Hera, separating him from Hephaestus. "What did I told you about hitting your brother?" She looked behind, running to her youngest daughter. "Ilytia, don't bite that! Damn it, Hephaestus, will you please pick up your tools off the ground? Can't you see your sister starts playing with them... ? Oh by Mother Gaia, Hebe! Stop dragging you on the floor!"
Hera sighed as she watched Athena take her youngest daughter, Ilytia, in her arms, while she single-handedly held the tools of her stepbrother, Hephaestus.
"Thank you, little one."
The goddess picked up the tools, putting them away.
"I'll take care of Ilytia, My Lady," she offered, holding the smallest, "I'll take care of Hebe as well, if you wish."
Hera stared at the young goddess for a few seconds before answering.
"No, child, it's not necessary, I'll be able to manage on my own."
Athena fixed her owlish eyes on the eldest, then shook her head.
"I have my father's permission, My Lady."
She went to the garden with the two younger ones, thus calling the attention of the older ones, who followed her curiously.
Meanwhile, the queen of the gods let out a long sigh.
"Call me by my name, please, little one," she said out loud, but between whispers, so that no one heard her.
She raised her head in surprise.
“Ah… Forgive the mess, Demeter."
The newcomer shook her head with a smile.
"You shouldn't apologize, Hera; I can imagine how tiring it is to be watching these tadpoles all the time."
" Well… Athena does help me a lot."
Demeter arched an eyebrow.
"Athena?" she asked, surprised. "As young as she is… She's only a few years older than Hephaestus."
Her sister put her hands on her hips, looking down.
"Despite the names she calls me, those eyes of hers… Those owl eyes... Ugh, I feel like I'm being judged constantly."
"Hera, you shouldn't torture yourself like that-"
"It's… It's just that the girl is so similar to Metis…" she murmured, ignoring her, "even her firmness is the same."
The brown-haired one crossed her arms in annoyance.
"Sister, that's bullshit of yours," she clarified, "the last thing Metis would want now is to see you this way, so... Down."
Demeter pointed to the side of her.
"Isn't that your grandson?"
" He's Persephone's son, yes"
"The kid... He never says a word"
"Don't take it into account, let's suppose it's something hereditary… My daughter was the same when she was his age."
Hera frowned after hearing that last answer, looking at the aforementioned with curiosity.
Her gaze was the same as Persephone's when she was younger, just as Athena's eyes were nailed to those of the well-known Metis.
"It's hard to know what he thinks with that lost look he always brings," Demeter affirmed, looking at his sister again, "but considering who his mother is…
"Who his mother is…" Hera repeated, clenching her fists; "Oh, the poor Athena…" she cried, then "she surely is so distant from me because of how different I am from her mother... Dear Mother Gaia, my presence must disgust her."
"Zagreus, come here, come!"
The aforementioned ran towards the goddess who called him, holding her hand quickly.
"I prefer that you refer to me with my second name."
"Dionysus, you say? Oh no, your mother won't be very happy to hear that you think the name Zeus gave you is prettier than the one she gave you…"
The boy frowned as he puffed out his cheeks.
"It is just a lack of habit."
The woman looked at the queen of the gods with a smile.
"Say goodbye politely, come on."
Dionysus looked at Hera carefully.
"See you, My Queen."
"You can simply call me 'Hera', little one."
He arched an eyebrow with a mischievous smile.
"I'll see you later, then, sister" added Demeter, "my daughter will arrive soon and you know how she gets if she doesn't see this little brat!"
She left, leaving her companion in a sea of ​​doubts.
"My Lady?"
Hera ducked her head, looking at whoever was tugging at her dress.
"This necklace was made by Ares and Hephaestus as an apology for breaking the one you were wearing the other day" she held out the object, bowing as an apology afterwards.
"And this other detail is from my mother."
She lifted the corners of her lips with both hands, Hera chuckled at her seeing her like that.
"Don't force yourself to smile now, little one, I'm sure that when the time comes, you will show me a smile just like your mother's."
[ Because, you are her daughter for a reason. ]
The youngest nodded, leaving for the garden again.
"What a pair of smartasses they are, those two…" she said to herself, holding the necklace "just like me; since I'm their mother for a reason."
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