#ily fremi
shiningfremi · 7 months
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freminet teaches you how to swim!
[ the pro-diver x the not-so-coordinated y/n ]
wc: 1.9k
enjoy the story! ≽^•⩊•^≼
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❀ you adored your blossoming relationship between you and freminet. but the problem is, you can't swim. how will you accompany him in the water if you can only manage to go two feet in? ah.. this calls for swimming lessons! will he give them to you? you wanted nothing more than to spend time with your boyfriend doing the thing he loves most. plus, you've been needing to be taught this skill for a long time coming, not only for freminet, but for your own safety! no more floaties, y/n~!
❀ you were on a date with him one day, well, it was more of you tagging along with him as he went to dive and log his discoveries, but he enjoyed greeting you at the shore and playing in the shallow end with you at times. freminet would pop up out of the water just to see your pretty face and hang around you for a bit until he went back in again.
❀ you usually loved to pick out the best seashells for him, digging them out of the warm sand. he would end up keeping every single one and held them in a keepsake box. your heart just fluttered thinking about it, but you wanted more than to just stay behind and find trinkets on land.
as the two of you were on the way home for the night, you asked him the question.
"hey, freminet?" you pique his interest.
"yes? is something wrong? i apologize if you were getting bored.. we can do something else tomorrow." he sighed, instinctively putting his walls up.
“not at all. in fact, i wanted to ask you a favor. can you please teach me how to swim?” you asked him, hopes high and eyes gleaming. you were so excited to finally try and learn, and who better than him to teach you? he’s the best diver in all of fontaine!
“wait.. really?” freminet seemed as if that was the last question he was expecting.
“i thought you weren’t open to the idea, seeing you never strayed far from the shore.. so i never pried. are you s-sure?”
“of course! i should’ve learned when i was little, but i’ve always been afraid to drown. now that i realize it, i need to be properly prepared.” you cleared your throat. “i want to explore with you. i truly want to know more, but my lack of ability is holding me back.” you confess.
“alright y/n, i will try my very best to help. i promise to keep you safe.” he gratefully sighed with a small smile. “say, when would you like to start?”
“tomorrow!” you beam cheerfully. >ᴗ<
❀ when you told freminet that you wanted to learn to swim, he was over the moon. he hoped that you would enjoy the realm of possibilities that would unfold as a result. but for now, he was lazer focused on your well-being, and when you guys reached the secluded beach where your first session would begin, he told you over and over again that you shouldn't push yourself. swimming can be difficult at first.
❀ you reminded him of how greatly you wanted to do this, and so he simply gave you a tiny nod, happy knowing that he is able to share his knowledge with you. he loves you whether you are able to swim or not, but the fact that you’re taking the initiative.. warms his heart.
❀ when you two were taking off your coverups, freminet’s swimsuit was revealed and your jaw dropped. it was a change from his thick diving suit that concealed his entire body, and you had never seen him in such a tight fit up until now. it accentuated his muscle tone and his broad shoulders. you willed yourself to stop your heart from beating out of your chest.
“that swimsuit looks perfect on you!” you’d compliment him.
although you could tell he felt a bit insecure.
“ah, it does? thank you.. i'm glad you like it.” he looked away, his face heating right up. your kind words felt very significant to him, but it is difficult for him to express his gratitude without feeling like a horde of butterflies forced their way into his stomach.
“anywho, where do we begin, my dear teacher?” you tease. this makes him blush even more. hey, you just have to give this boy all the admiration that you possibly can! he deserves it~! even if he isn’t used to it.. ;^;
“p-please y/n! you’re making my heart melt.” he blurted out.
“i’m overjoyed that i am.” you gave him a thoughtful grin, and turned away to dabble into the water. “whew, it’s cold!”
freminet followed closely behind you, and both of you began wading in until the water was up to your torsos. that’s about how deep you were able to go without a struggle emerging.
“it will warm up after awhile.” he assures you, whilst he has no reaction whatsoever to the chill.
you stretch your arms and get prepared. "a little cold won't hurt!" you respond in determination, letting out a sharp breath.
“alright, the first step to swimming is knowing how to float. so, we’re going to start off on your back. it will greatly help with keeping stable in the water…” freminet directed.
“okay, that doesn’t sound too difficult!” you excitedly respond. you sink down and slowly lean back, but the sensation puts you off. you didn’t know the first thing about proper form.
as if freminet was reading your mind, he quickly comes to your aid. “i-it’s fine y/n, i’m right here to hold you up. lay down, and i’ll adjust you.”
you trust his guidance, and so you continue to lean until the back of your head touched the surface of the water, and suddenly, you feel one hand under your head and another one holding up your lower back area, stabilizing your body.
“there we go, n-now just breathe how you normally would. you can loosen your legs so they dangle..” he told you. “the thing about floating is that your center of gravity is in your upper body."
you listened in, and looked down at your center to make sure you were balanced. but instead, your body was feeling heavy and you were a bit lopsided. "ohh, gotcha!"
"i'll give you some pointers, uhmm, so you'll want to point your chin up to the sky. if you focus on what your feet are doing, you won't stay afloat because your stomach will sink."
you'd adjust your chin, obeying his instruction. "got it!" you spotted a pretty cloud in the process. what a beautiful day~
"and, you'll want to lift your chest and your hips up. that will arch your back and help tilt your body to break the surface." he helped you out to find the perfect positioning, carefully making small adjustments.
"that's a lot better!" you mentioned, your spirit building. "what next?"
"you're doing a great job, y/n.. now you just need to spread your arms out and pretend you're a swan, propeling yourself backwards. i'll be holding you the entire time. would you like to try?"
"mhm!" you began to move your arms, and glided through the gentle waves. it felt surreal, you were totally weightless with freminet moving you along.
"yes, that's good!" he applauded. "okay, can you use your legs next?" a glint of confidence was revealed within him.
you then used your legs, but flailed them about and accidentally created some splashes.
"a bit more gently, and you've got it. try to keep your calves under the water, then kick on again." he instructed with the smallest hint of a chuckle. this feeling.. his love for you, and your company, it made him feel so giddy.
you took his advice, and tried again, making sure to avoid disrupting the surface of the water, and then you stood up straight with one of his hands boosting you up.
“that's correct. can you.. try using your arms and legs at the same time?”
you were determined, but you paused for a moment to try and figure out how you were going to stay coordinated.
“don't worry about staying afloat yet, we will get to that. my hands are right under you at all times.” he nodded earnestly, patiently waiting for you to try it out.
“i got this!” you pump your fists in the air, then you prepare yourself, angling your frame backwards as freminet hovers his arms near.
“do everything that i’ve taught you so far.”
taking a breath in, you kick your legs, and once you were consistent, you then propelled your arms, making large, controlled movements, grateful for his help to keep steady.
“you’re doing it, you’re doing it y/n!” freminet praised.
“i am?” you beam, and continue on. “i really am!” you couldn’t believe it. this had to be the first time if your life that you properly swam.
you travel for a couple feet, before you look up at freminet's face to notice that he has on the biggest, most adorable smile that you have ever seen.
“it's all thanks to you.” you tell him, before slowing down and coming up once more.
“i've got to say, you're a natural.” his expression was so sincere that you couldn't help but get flustered and beam.
❀ after some more practicing with freminet, you were tired out. but it was a great feeling, because this only marks the beginning of all the progress that there is to come! you were helped to realize that swimming wasn't so scary after all. as long as you had the best teacher by your side, you could accomplish anything!
❀ something else that you were loving was that freminet tended to put his hair up into a ponytail before swimming. occasionally, he lets you put braids in his hair~ what more is there to love?
it was getting dark, and so you both decided to dry off and start walking home together. but as you made your way out of the ocean, a wave surged your leg forward in the shallow end and caused you to trip on a rock.
“ack!” you call out in surprise, feeling yourself losing your foothold. before you could brace your hands forward to hit the ground, you feel a cradling sensation.
you fell right into his arms!
“y/n, are you alright? I'm sorry! i should have warned you about the rocks over here.”
though, his words weren't what you were focused on at the moment. he had a hand on your waist and the other grasping your shoulder, and he was staring down at you in concern, blond locks flowing with the light wind.
“yes.. i'm okay.” you finally speak, and notice an endearing spark in his gorgeous eyes. you swore that you could find a thousand hues of blue in them, getting lost in his dreamy gaze.
you were totally frozen in place, and it wasn’t because of the chilly water.
by now, the dusk had begun to settle, and in the twilight, you find yourself yearning for a kiss, his captivating features inviting you in.
without another word, you pull your head up until you were inches away from his face. freminet blinked a few times, then closed his eyes in anticipation.
your lips met with his, and you both melt into the soft, sweet kiss. the waves crash by your legs, but you weren't going anywhere with the way freminet was holding on to you like no tomorrow.
what a pleasant end to your lesson~
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akutasoda · 8 months
Me again‼️ :D
I would like to request a Lyney, Fremi and Lynette (fluff) x reader who’s like- under Columbina’s care? Like her’s ward- like they just meet on some Fatui meeting mby? I thought about reader having these wings like Columbinas ones but only a single pair of smaller one’s, they’re also keeping their eyes closed (sometimes open them but lovely beautiful amazing Columbina is teaching them to keep 'em closed) they're also trying to keep that lil smile similiar to Columbina’s one but yk they can’t keep it for long so mostly that little smile or just not smiling, not a much of talker, just a smaller version of our beloved Columbina
Thought it would be fun🤷‍♀️
(At this point u’re the only (and my fav) artist Im asking for shots ily💕)
birds of a feather
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synopsis - maybe being in similar situations wasn't that bad
includes - freminet, lynette, lyney
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight angst, wc - 810
a/n: hello!! thank you so much <3
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the house of the hearth was surprisingly quite the large building. while the knave did quite the good job at maintaining it and attending to the various children, sometimes it became to much for her alone especially when she had duties to attend to. so the only person she ever trusted to assist was the damselette.
therefore entrusting some wards to her in the event she would be unable to attend to them. but when you became the latest child to enter the house of hearth, arlecchino was shocked for your sheer resemblance to her co-worker, knowing exactly what ward to entrust you to.
additionally she immediately told columbina as it definitely wasn't an everyday occurrence to see another like columbina. naturally upon meeting you, the damselette immediately took a liking to you and you took a liking to her as you too had never met someone like you.
and from that day onward, you spent more time at columbina's side than at the house of the hearth. she saw you more like family considering how similar you two were and wanted you to be taught personally by her. afterall she knew your powers better than anyone else.
but ultimately, spending so much time with columbina meant you never really socialised with other children in the house. and even so, the first fellow 'children of the hearth' you had met you got along immediately with. although you weren't that talkative you would be dumb to ignore the obvious signs that you could get along with them.
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freminet ★↷
↪when he first saw you, he felt a sort of pity for you. he understood your situation but he knew he most likely couldn't do much about it. and that meant that he did sort of want to befriend you to offer a light that he never had in your situation.
↪you both weren't that talkative, but neither of you minded. most the time you spent with freminet was spent in a comfortable silence.
↪he found your wings so interesting. they fascinated him and he would always ask to have a proper look at them. he did also find them quite beautiful no matter how muched they reminded him of a certain harbinger.
↪same went for your eyes, when he first saw them he asked why you never showed them but answered his own question when he remembered your situation.
lynette ★↷
lyney ★↷
↪she initially never noticed you were there. she hated the fatui meetings where she had to be present, she saw no point in her being there. but when she did see you she couldn't help but feel slightly curious even though nost questions she had could be answered by common sense.
↪but when she did start to know you, which admittedly was a bit awkward as you both weren't known talkers, she did find herself becoming more comfortable around you. you both understood each other and enjoyed spending time with another.
↪she never commented on your slight odd smiling habits as she did admittedly have something similar. but she did comment on why you always had to try and keep your eyes closed. they were beautiful, so why did you hide them?
↪she always found your wings very pretty to look at. they reminded her of her cat-like features. bit she did very much enjoy seeing them.
↪upon seeing you for the first time, he felt indifferent. maybe even a bit of resentment considering who you were stood right next to. although he knew you most likely were in a similar situation to theirs, he still couldn't help but slightly judge you.
↪although overtime as he began to see you and be with you more and more, it did become more sympathy and he started letting down those initial walls, becoming his more normal joyous side.
↪the very first time he saw your eyes he wondered why you hid them but then he remembered who you were spending time with. he did love your wings however.
↪although sometimes they reminded him too much of columbina and by default the fatui but he knew that wasn't your but it couldn't be helped.
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sixosix · 3 months
haiii pookie snukums muah muah cherry pie :3 idk i just wanna give thoughts (and maybe recieve some from u too 👉👈) from the new trailer bc im bored and i feel like im being toasted alive... mainit
FREMI💀 no bc he looks like he can be blown away from a lil breeze. like a sneeze can turn him into dust💀 BUT BRO BLOCKED A WHOLE ASS HIT FROM ARLECCHINO WHILE ALSO HOLDING LIKE A 30 KILO CLAYMORE💥 HOW BUFF IS HEEEEE😭 (lyney at the side like a damsel)
speaking of lyney,,,,i saw somewhere, idk if its canon or not, but i read that lyney is canonically weak. not weak as in "cannot fight", more like, "brains over brawn" type of weak. his main strength comes from his big fat brain and i think thats hot (lyney as brains, thawed!mc as brawns. an unstoppable duo if i do say so myself)
Im just gonna say, arlecchino DID NOT MISS❗❗ when she chose lyney as the successor. bc think about it, the house's main objective is to adopt kids to make them into soldiers(or other stuff). so why are the children not doing anything about it? because they are blinded by father's "love". they've been provided a home and a family that they can love, ofc theyre going to do whatever they can to repay her kindness. i say "blinded by love" bc its most probably not genuine. arlecchino will only do things if it benefits her. so, in short, the children are being decieved into loyalty and submission.
and what is one of lyney's biggest/ most prominent trait? being able to decieve others very easily. he's a magician ffs😭😭 (this is probably why thawed!mc is hesitant/ doesnt believe him whenever he does something bc she knows that its probably not genuine. and bc of this, they're both miserable.💀)
like, he may not be physically strong, but that brain and charisma can bring you to your end in a snap. and that hot.
i only heard childe's voice but i feel like he's important to the lore. my manz been to 3 countries, and hes hasnt retrieve a single (1) gnosis😭 pack up boy ur no harbinger all u do is look pretty and get your ass handed to u THRICE😭 (i love him tho muah)
WIDNTRACE omg windtrce FINALLYY😭😭uueuedhhsuwh
ur so cool bc i just saw the ask asking if theres thawed update tmrw, and ur gonna do RESEARCH???? this is why i love u. marry me. pookie idc how long it takes, everything u write is so delicious. quality over quantity is so real ily. and i dont want thawed to end so soon....
i think thats all of my brain barf today. congrats again on 5k!!! ily muah♥️
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HI AKAAGIIIII i did. i did see. i watched it from zy0xs livestream. first of all, ARLECCHINO IS SOOO COOL her presence… unmatched….. the lore ?! im so excited as a player and as a thawed writer!!!!
I KNOW FREMINET WAS INSANE THERE HAHAHAH the way he didnt fall back.. King. king behavior. LYNEY TOOOO HELLOOO THE LORE BOMBBB the throwback to him being chosen as the next King AAAAAA my brain was going overdrive (thawed!mc being brawns shes so stupid i love her)
and yes!! your thoughts on lyney and arlecchino are so true. arlecchino picking lyney makes sense in her perspective but the fact that lyney doesnt want to do it says so much about his character! lyney is such a well written character im so in love
i was so surprised to hear childes voice i was like oh gosh the thawed is writing itself?????
AND YESSS RESEARCH AAA i rlly rlly want to wait and see what the House lore is all about before i write thawed because i think i could really use it. not only for ideas but for keeping it feel like it could easily be an actual genshin quest.. TY AHAHHAA ILY TOO we shall have a spring wedding, like taht post about artists asking permission to draw fanart from writers (thats me)
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shiningfremi · 8 months
yo thx for the skrunkly wunkly wrunkle scrimblo freminet x sick!reader <33
I've been w this rlly bad cold for 3 days now and this rlly helps
AWWW KSKDJS you're so welcome!! this made my day, i am happy that it has helped you out! i hope you're feeling nice and healthy now mootie!
ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕
i will be writing some new stuff in the next couple of days, more fluffy content coming soon!! ^0^ i appreciate all the support sm!! 🙏
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