#ilu so much bro
pentuplemint · 1 year
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pickles’ nipples ❤️
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cursedfortune · 1 year
A kiss underwater
Kiss. - 19. @fallesto
She knew it was only a matter of time before Regulus met someone he would struggle with. That's how it always went, wasn't it? Because despite how immortal he sought to make himself on the behalf of using others - he was still mortal under it all. Capable of death. They complimented one another in how they could enrage mortals, in the crimes they committed and the challenge they thus presented to the heroes.
Prove your worth, mortals. Mortem would smile, welcoming the challenge. But Regulus was different. He was affronted, he did not seek to play the game but wipe clean the board. And she could appreciate his way of being. If she hadn't, she wouldn't call him her husband.
The Sin of Greed was so often intent on protecting her. She had witnessed what happened when she shielded him, when she took damage despite him knowing how quickly she could heal the wounds. A personal attack that always resulted in the brutal undoing of mortals and hands that were learning to be gentle took hold of her. He always prided himself on not needing protection, regardless if she still chose to do so because she loved him. But now was not a time for him to be stubborn. She could see their foes gaining the upper hand, learning him enough and then he was suddenly so far away-- her head snapping back as she stared upwards, her legs carrying her as she ran.
Like a meteor he came crashing back down upon the world, shattering the earth's crust and plummeting down into its depths. With her heart inside his chest she could feel it as she drew closer, the panic in the darkness... the suffering. Suffering he surely deserved and yet she blew past the heroes with not even a glance. Because whatever he deserved she would intercept, she would accept the consequences because they were partners in this.
If this world wished to be deprived of witches then fuck them. Pandora be damned to do whatever she wished! Her love screamed silently within her; with ever footfall, in the way a storm rolled in above them with a clap of thunder that rivaled her beating heart. Mortem didn't hesitate to leap into the hole and plummet down after Regulus, into the frigid sewer waters from all the pipes he smashed through on his way down. The current and debris could do whatever it wished to her as she moved with the blows, focusing her senses upon her husband. Reaching out with all her energy, all her blood magic she dragged the two of them closer and finally took him into her arms once more.
Like that of a shield Mortem coiled around Regulus to protect his overwhelmed self from damage. An arm around his shoulders, another to protect his head. Her lips found his then, bullying his to part and take her air - to live. To remember he found her, to remember she chose him. Keeping an arm coiled tight around him her other reached out, trying to find anything to grab onto. She could feel the way her bones broke against piping, against the stone of the sewers and jagged foundation that was crumbling more and more. Finding purchase was damn near impossible.
...And he was going to run out of air soon. Even she would succumb to a lack of oxygen. Recoiling she returned to fully holding onto him and did the only thing that came naturally to the witch - to find a solution through sheer willpower. To manifest a desired outcome.
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Her forehead bumped into his a little harder than she would have wanted but her focus settled in nonetheless. Pooling in her energy, his own. Calling upon their reversed hearts as she demanded the forces of nature hear her, heed her. Once more her lips found his, calling even louder upon the forces to bend to her will, to feel her fury, to tremble at her love and need to keep this one soul alive - to keep him with her. And she could feel as her will collided both their energies, their power-- didn't the witch always say entropy and time complimented one another, were they not inseparable? His ability could send her back... send them both back. Or forward, down a potential path.
Mortem's will unleashed as much of her energy as needed and within an instant they were out of the foul and dark place and beneath the morning sunlight. A wet and tangled mess within the grass, not the type she'd like to be with him, but that didn't matter. Not when she drew in fresh air and took in the colorful scenery of her clearing.
There was no time to take in the sight of her home, of the cabin that sat awaiting her nor the vast forest that surrounded them. Mortem's hands took his face between them, "Breathe, husband. You're safe now." Beyond safe, so far from those that hunted them. This world that was so vastly different, that left her alone for the most part. He... could be safe here. The rest could come later.
For now her forehead pressed to his has a little laugh left her, a sound of relief that he was alive. Mixed among water a few tears trailed down her face as the fear and stress began to fade away. He never lied in saying he was strong, both in will and in power. She had never been so happy to be proven right (yet again) by it, for the terror she felt at the thought of losing him left the witch sniffling. If he ever doubted her feelings, how important he was to her - beyond being the infamous Archbishop of Greed meant to serve the witches, but at her equal... perhaps this would bring clarity. To see she was willing to move worlds to save his life.
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starkeysmoon · 2 years
meeting them (sully siblings)
parings: neteyam sully x gender neutral! reader, lo’ak sully x gender neutral!reader, kiri sully x gender neutral!reader (separated)
summary: what it would be like to meet the sully siblings for the first time as a metkayina!reader
word count: 0.6K! (headcanons/drabble)
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“hello,” greeted neteyam as he walked up to you.
"hi," you reply, but it sounds more like a question as you were surprised that the boy had approached you.
“do you mind helping me with something?” he asked, his voice sounding desperate.
“sure,” you agreed. “ what do you need help with?”
“I can’t seem to find any of the saddles for the ilu’s.” he confessed, scratching his head in confusion.
“there should be some around the docks,” you told him, pointing towards it.
“yes, tsireya mentioned that but there aren’t any there at the moment,” he admitted, looking awfully stressed.
“I could lend you one of mine.” you offered as a smile traced your lips.
“really?” he asked and widening his eyes at your kindness, glimpses of gratefulness could be seen in them.
“yeah.” you said, nodding and shrugging it off as if it was no big deal.
“thank you.” he said quickly. “what is your name?”
“i’m (name), and yours is?” you inquired, tilting your head to the side.
“neteyam. it’s nice to meet you, (name)”
“you too.”
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“hey,” you said greeting the forest boy you'd seen arrive the day before, having already heard so much about him. “new here?” you teased.
“that obvious?” he questioned, a sly smirk forming at the corner of his lips.
“hm, I don’t know,” you said, pretending to think. “I think the fact that you fell while trying to ride an ilu yesterday gives it away.”
he laughs in embarrassment of himself as his ears turn a light shade of pink. “you saw that?”
“you’re hard to miss.”
lo’ak feels heat rise to his cheeks, another hue of pink starting to show on his ears, except it’s darker and not out of embarassment this time. “I am?” he stumbles out.
“yeah.” you reply, a smile beginning to form on your face. “i’m (name) by the way.”
“nice to meet you bro,” he says, almost immediately regretting the words that just left his mouth.
“I-didn’t mean to call you bro.” he sputters out. “I mean unless you’d liked to be called bro, but-”
“it’s alright, lo’ak.” you reassure him, cutting off his cute blubbering.
he pauses at your words. they know my name? he murmurs to himself.
you hear your father call your name from afar and you groan in annoyance. “i’m sorry. duty calls. but it was nice to meet you too, bro.” you quip, waving goodbye as you walk towards your pod, leaving the boy stunned.
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“hey, you’re kiri right?” you ask.
‘“who’s asking?” she questions, expecting it to be one of ao'nung’s friends playing a trick on her again.
“a na’vi who just wants to talk to you,” you reply, a grin on your face.
she turns her head towards you and her eyes widen in shock. “i’m sorry for my rudeness earlier.” she apologizes, shaking her head.
“it’s alright, it happens sometimes,” you assure, as you move to sit down next to the girl.
“I thought you were one of ao'nung’s friends playing a trick or something,” she admits.
“ao'nung and his friends have been doing that to you?” you question, anger slowly starting to flood throughout your body.
she responds with a hesitant nod.
“i’ll skin him,” you grumble at once, but kiri just shakes her head once more and places her hand on your arm.
“it’s fine. I promise.” she insists, but you're not sure if you believe her.
“alright.” you say, beginning to calm down. “but if they pick on you again, let me know.”
“okay.” she agrees. “you never told me your name.”
“it’s (name)” you say, smiling.
“what a beautiful name, it suits you well.”
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crabcollectorskykid · 2 years
M!reader with a corpse husband like voice
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none? Well except how reader got his deep voice...and a bit ooc
Pronouns: he/him
Ft. Metkayina family & sully family (mostly metkayina)
SLIGHT, neteyam x reader
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Both of your parents was from the metkayina clan and both of them were warriors but they sadly died protecting you and the clan
Ronal and tonowari took you in the family as if you were their son.
You were very happy but you barely talk, not really barely, you never actually talked to them at all.
You had to use hand signs to communicate with them. At first they didn't understand why you never really talked to them but once you "told" them that something happened in the past, they stopped you from saying more since it might be a topic you don't wanna talk about.
Aonung was very protective of you because of that reason, he would always keep an eye or bring you with him whenever he has to go somewhere. He always defend you from others whenever they mention something about you being quite or pestering you on why you were always quite. Not even his friends can tease you, only him can tease you, if someone else does it he will consider it as an insult.
Tsiyera is an angel towards you, she would always keep you company whenever aonung goes hunting. Always and I mean always brings you with her whenever she goes feed the ilus, aonung would always try to find an excuse to get you out of it.
Ronal was the most protective, forbids you from going outside the reef without aonung or Tsiyera. She always do daily check-ups on you. You're sick? She's there. You're injured? She's there. Someone is bullying you? The whole family is there-
Tonowari is in the middle of protectiveness. He will teach you about self defense, spear training,in rare times he lets you go outside the reef with him so he'll teach you about hunting. Yes, he won't let you go outside the reef without someone watching you.
When the sully arrived you were fascinated by how they look, they look more blue rather than teal. The sully noticed you after you pulled aonung by his ear when he tease them about their tail.
Once you heard the news about them living here you were quite excited to be friends with them, you weren't gonna teach them since you're not talkative. But you always follow them to see how they are progressing.
When you first spoke you accidentally hit your toe with a rock and yelled "Ow, that hurts" the gang was there and was completely suprised how your voice sounded. Lo'ak was the first one to break
"bro...YOU VOICE IS SO DEEP-" you giggled at the question he decided to say but the others started talking and questioning you so you were quite overwhelmed by the attention
Tsiyera noticing your discomfort she quickly told everyone to stop. "All of you stop, you are making him feel overwhelmed" everyone soon stopped talking, after they stopped you asked "is it really that deep?"
Aonung scoffed "is it really? Your voice is literally vibrating because of how deep is." Aonung said.
You build up more and more confidence about your voice and started speaking more, the gang was happy for you especially aonung and Tsiyera, they were happy that you started to appreciate your voice more.
Aonung would get so protective whenever you interacted with neteyam, he does not like the heart eyes neteyam would secretly give you whenever you look away.
When you first told them how your voice got so deep all of them screamed from shock.
"wait so the acid of your stomach builded up while you were sleeping and damage your vocal cords and now your voice is stuck like this" neteyam repeated, Tsiyera gasped and quickly went to hug your side "you must've been in so much pain, I'm so sorry you went through that"
You hugged Tsiyera gently and said "it's ok, it's all in the past there's nothing I can do. Besides I sound cool." Aonung put all the dots together and gasped "is that why you're afraid of sleeping, (___)?" You giggled and responded "yes, you and Tsiyera would hum me to sleep and then cuddle-" "SHUT-"
You,aonung,and Tsiyera decided to suprise tonowari and Ronal doing dinner about your voice.
"Baba, can you pass me that fruit" you said acting normal, at first tonowari didn't notice it "of course son, here....wait did you just-" all three of you laughed while Ronal and tonowari looked at you with shock, tonowari asked "how long have you been speaking?" "A few weeks ago baba-" "and you two didn't tell us?" "Wait ma-i told them not to tell that I spoke before because I was afraid you would see me different.."
Ronal softened and told you "my son, no matter how your voice sounds like,how you look,how you act, we will love you either way." She said "but would you care to tell us, why your voice is so deep?" You looked at Tsiyera and aonung as they both nodded, you sighed and told them.
Ronal covered her mouth while tonowari had a look of horror, "I can't believe you had to go through that-does it still hurt?" Ronal asked "a bit ma but I can handle-" "nonsense, I will make some tea to ease the pain" you watched as she quickly stood up and collect some ingredients, tonowari was at your side putting a hand on your shoulder "you are a strong and brave warrior going through the pain like that, I'm proud of you." After that sentence you smiled "thank you baba."
Needless to say the family got even more overprotective-/hj
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Eat children
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Hi I was wondering if you could do a loak x twin sister reader were reader and loak are kids and are doing the most stupid things like pushing each other out of trees, wrestling, that kind of stuff then time jump to now and they are explaining what they used to do to aounung rotxo and tsiraya, and all three are like " Excuse me" then neteyam is like "you're surprised?" Just some funny stuff
(Neteyam is fine in this cause my heart) :(
A/N: I loved this request so much <3, I based the twins on Zack and Cody from The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.
It's a twin thing: Lo'ak Sully
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Your dad was sure that he was gonna be sent to an early grave from the amount of stress that you and your brother put him through. See you and Lo'ak were twins and identical ones at that and lived to be absolute menaces. You two would always fight and wrestle with each other and bicker with each other over the stupidest things and the older you got the more bolder and stupider you got. 
"So twin I was thinking..." Lo'ak said. 
"That's a dangerous thing." You said making Spider laugh at your comment. 
"You know we never had a rematch since the last fight that you won." He said as you rolled your eyes.
"We don't need to have one. I'm the strongest twin. For example." You said before you pushed him off the branch causing him to fall through the trees.
"Bro! Lo'ak are you okay?" Spider asked running down to go check on him. 
"I'm fine. Damn sis, you pushed me like a damn dude." He said groaning as you helped him. 
"Told you I was the strongest one." You said with a shrug. 
"Oh really?" He said as you two started wrestling each other as Spider moved out of the way knowing how rough you two can get during these. 
Neteyam had been tasked with going to hunt down the three of you, and as he was walking through the woods he could hear fighting and grunting making him reach for his knife just in case he wasn't you two idiots. He reached the clearing and saw you and Lo'ak on the ground fighting with each other while Spider leaned up against the tree with an amused look on his face. 
"Do I even wanna know?" He asked Spider. 
"No probably not. She pushed him out the tree and said she was stronger than him and then they got into another wrestling match as you can see." Spider said as Neteyam shook his head at you two. 
"Alright, that's enough, you two." Neteyam said pulling Lo'ak off of him. 
"Bro I was winning." Lo'ak complained as Neteyam helped you off the ground and brushed some of the dirt off of you.
"Only because I was letting you." You said getting ready to start the fight back up until Neteyam stopped you. 
"It's almost eclipse. We need to get home. Let's go you three." Neteyam said. 
While you were walking home, you and Lo'ak kept pushing and bumping into each other until he bumped you a little hard causing you to fall to the ground with a yelp as your twin laughed as your older brother rolled his eyes at you two.
"One word. Payback for earlier." He with a smirk as Spider and Neteyam helped you up. 
After Spider's kidnapping and the return of the Sky People, your family was forced to leave the forest and go safety somewhere else. While you were leaving, you felt your twin reach for your hand making you look up at him, which brought a small smile to your parent's faces at how you two could communicate without saying anything. 
After nearly weeks of traveling on their ikrans, your family had finally arrived in Awa'atlu, desperately seeking Uturu to get away from war. You guys were ultimately granted sanctuary with a warning from your dad directed at you and your twin to be on your best behavior and not up to your usual antics. 
"You miss him don't you?" Your twin asked coming to take a seat next to you as you feed your ilu.
"Yeah." You said quietly. 
"I miss him too. I feel guilty for not realizing he was missing until it was too late." He said as you reached for his hand. 
"He's gonna be okay, we'll find some way to get him back." You said squeezing his hand as you two continued feeding your ilu's. 
A few days later, the twins and Neteyam were sitting with Tsierya, Roxto, and Ao'nung talking about the forest and the twins were discussing some of their former antics with laughs while their three new friends looked at them in shock. 
"You pushed him out of a tree?" Tsierya asked shocked. 
"Yeah, I did. It was only fair for all the times he push me out of one." You said with a shrug.
"But you seem so nice. I can imagine you two doing something like that." Roxto said as Neteyam laughed.
"Surprised? Don't be. I'm sure that they are only like this because our dad told them not to do anything to get us kicked out." Neteyam said. 
"I would love to see you two fight." Ao'nung said. 
"Sorry fish man, our fights aren't for your entertainment." You said to him. 
"That was a good one sis, but she's right. We only fight each other for our own amusement and not for your entertainment." Lo'ak said glaring at him. 
You and your twin may be reckless and feed into each other's intrusive thoughts but at the end of the day, you two would always have each other back through thick and thin. 
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goblin-king-jay · 2 months
i recently rewatched all of the unsleeping city and am now onto unsleeping city chapter 2, and you know what
i used to think of cody as a joke, the dorky sword kid, but i forgot how absolutely fucking real he was
if i had been the person i wanted to be when i was a teenager, i would've ABSOLUTELY been a cringey overenthusiastic goth kid like cody walsh is.
i'm on episode 2, where pete turns the devil that cody sold his soul to (very quickly and willingly lmao) into a chest tattoo for him, and murph is like, "cody never smiles and so he's trying SO HARD not to smile right now". cody tries to be SO CHILL about the fact that he just found out less than 24 hours ago that MAGIC IS REAL and DEVILS ARE REAL and he meets these awesome fucking adults, one of whom takes the devil he sold his soul to (again, he offered his soul to this devil immediately) and turns it into a CHEST TATTOO with MAGIC.
I would be fucking LOSING MY GODDAMN MIND if that happened to me as a senior in high school. Cody, and Murph by extension, truly is all of us fuckin nerdy kids from high school who wanted to swing swords around and wear spiked collars and (bleem tim curry voice) CHAIN WALLETS and just like
IMAGINE if you were cody walsh!!! I would be vibrating out of my fucking SKIN by then. I would want to hug Pete and never let go.
"no one has ever been this happy. this is just fucking -- normal stuff --" for you guys, he probably meant to say, because he's so overwhelmed by these 2 grown-ups he just met who like, give a shit and want to know what his deal is and help him for some reason?!? they don't even want anything from him they just??? genuinely want to help him out of the fucking goodness of their hearts???
that would have turned me religious on the SPOT I would believe in magic and the power of friendship more than ANYONE like goddamn. I would be like k / dream / karen tanaka (the cutest fuckin name btw erika ishii ilu) like, trying to have a dark aesthetic but right below the surface i would be squealing like a fangirl in a puffy pink dress.
ANYWAY cody is trying to be SO CHILL around these badass adults who are very blasé and normal about this whole magic thing so he's trying to match their energy and be chill
and ally is laughing their ass off, loving murph pulling faces like he's trying so hard to not smile it's like his face is spasming, but then they get into character and take him SO seriously and when cody says thank you Pete is just like, "for sure man i got you."
i love ally so gd much for that, like. because now i can also see the situation from pete's perspective of this fucking edgelord kid who you just want to ruffle his hair or something but he's SO CHUFFED because MAGIC IS FUCKING REAL but he matches cody's energy and is just like for sure dude, we're very cool and chill about this because bros don't show emotion or whatever lmao. it's so cute I love them and can't wait to re-experience how their friendship evolves over the season.
anyway if you got this far thank you for reading, I wrote this while high and just felt screaming about cody walsh.
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rayassecretlife · 2 years
Hold onto me
Pairing: Aged up!19 Year old Neteyam Sully x Fem!Human!Reader
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Summary: You and Spider grew up like one another, left behind after the sky people perished in the war, but also like spider, you made a connection to the forest and the reef—very loved by its people. You get hurt doing something you shouldn’t have, and your mask breaks before you can react, but your best friend wouldn’t let you go.
Warning(s): Mature language, overprotective Neteyam, Mentions of death, Blood, mentions of drowning, etc (i suck at warnings)
Not proof read!!! Sorry for mistakes
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Some might say that human’s don’t belong with the Na’vi, that they are alien to the clan and always will be—or how they’ll never learn the Na’vi ways. But to you, the Great War between your people and the Na’vi changed your life for the better. Unlike spider, you were loved amongst the clan—even by their Tsahìk, Neytiri. She treated you like her own, braiding your hair for you, making you new outfits to wear, offering her home to you, she was the sweetest woman you’d ever met.
Your mother was very close to the clan, kind of like grace in a way. You had many connections to the forest, but none to the reef. You also had an avatar body back in the forest, but you were always too scared to go through the transition with Eywa. You’d only been in that body once or twice, and Neytiri never pushed you, but she’d always tell you it would make things easier even though she was scared she’d lose you.
There was something about you. Something…different then spider. You were treated like one of them while he was the stray cat just walking around somewhere he shouldn’t be. When Neytiri and jake weren’t around, you had their children protecting you like their lives depended on it, never really letting you get so close to danger like spider. Along the many years of living on pandora, you befriended the oldest sully brother quickly, and he was now your best friend. You two went to each other for everything, he’d even find himself on his way to your small hut in the forest just to sit and talk during the night.
You fit in at the reef slowly but surely, seeing as Ronal didn’t know how to feel about you at first. Although she soon realized how useful you had been to the clan. You were a great healer to her surprise, better then most of the ones they had already. You were also very helpful in any aspect they needed you to be, an amazing swimmer too. You were so respected in both clans, the people would do anything for you. You were one of them.
“Y/N!” You ignored the voices behind you and jumped into the deep water, the few bodies following closely behind you. “I told you to wait for me!” You scoff at him and continue to swim, holding onto his Ilu.
“You worry too much, I’m a much better swimmer then you” you hum, tapping the mask that sat on your face before sinking underwater, letting his Ilu guide you to random spots along the floor. You could feel him watching you, ears still up with worry. It was funny, even being human you had still been a better swimmer then most of the sully family—except Kiri of course.
You soon swam back to the surface, laughing at the boys worried expression in front of you. “It’s not funny, you could drown!”
“And you can’t?” He glared at you but you didn’t care, only shrugging your shoulders with the click of your tongue. “Calm down, Forest boy. I can handle myself” The wave came at you fast causing you to sink under a little, water getting all over your mask in the process.
Before you could see the sky again, you felt strong arms pull you and you already knew it was him, practically pushing you above him and out of the water. “Ow, ow!” You whine at his tight grip and he instantly loosened up, still keeping a firm hold on your waist. He forgot how much bigger he was compared to you. “Neteyam, I was fine-“
“Fine? That’s not fine! You-“
“She’s fine, bro” You turned your head at the sound of Lo’ak’s voice, him and Tsireya approaching on their Ilu’s. “You guys wanna come see payakan?” Your face lit up but Neteyam instantly shook his head, dismissing his brother.
“No way. It’s too deep out there, what if-“
“Don’t be such a loser, Nete” His ears fall at your words while you climb onto his Ilu, running a hand along its back before smiling at the younger brother. “When are we going?”
“Right now” you nod and look over at Neteyam, his eyes staring you down with that same death stare they always gave. He didn’t want you to go but he knew you would anyway, even if he wasn’t there.
“Either come with me or I’ll go with them by myself” You always used this against him because he was way more protective over you then Lo’ak or spider. He grew up treating you how Neytiri did, respecting you and treating you like the fragile human you were.
But he was also your best friend, and he needed to protect you no matter what. With a groan, he hopped onto his Ilu behind you, connecting his queue with theirs as you giggled to yourself, one of his hands holding on and the other holding your waist firmly. He hated when you did that, when you used your life over any decision he had to make—because he knew he’d always choose you.
The water was surprisingly warm as you glided through the ocean, Neteyam refusing to go under the water because you weren’t too keen with holding onto the Ilu. You slowly approached the large animal after awhile of searching, stopping in the middle of the water as Lo’ak and Tsireya slowly sunk down into the waters.
You tried to follow but Neteyam wouldn’t let you, only making you glare at him. “Let go!” He shook his head and you groaned, trying to pry his hands from you but you knew you wouldn’t be able to. He was Na’vi, and jakes son after all. “Your such a scaredy-cat!”
“I don’t want you to get hurt” you scoff, rolling your eyes as you crossed your arms. You wanted to explore, to swim with Payakan and the others. This is why you never came out with Neteyam, you tried to hide from him most days for this exact reason. “Is that such a crime?”
“What the hell did we even come here for if you won’t let me go!” You complain and he sighs in defeat, still holding you against him. “Skxawng” you mumble and he couldn’t help but chuckle, the vibrations in his chest sending through your own. “What’s so funny!”
“You, Syulang” You look at him but he wouldn’t stop, only laughing harder once you smacked your teeth. “You trying to hurt my feelings makes me laugh”
“I can handle myself” He hums, nodding his head at your words. He knew you could, but the thought of you getting hurt scared him half to death. “I’m serious, Neteyam”
“I know you can, Trust me” He sighs, sliding off his Ilu with ease and dipping his head down into the water to check where Lo’ak and Tsireya were. He pulled his head back up to your pleading gaze, practically begging him to let go. “If I let you go, you have to stay close to me”
Your eyes lit up with excitement. He’d never let up that easy before. “Really?” He raises his eyebrows and you nod your head, his hands guiding you down into the water. “Oh my god, there they are!” You both look over watching Payakan surface, Lo’ak and Tsireya laughing from afar and waving you over. “Come on!”
“You said you’d wait!” Neteyam yelled as you swam away from the boy, making your way quickly to the younger brother. He pulled you to sit along Payakan’s fin, ruffling your hair with a laugh.
“He finally let up, huh?” You push his shoulder as he laughs, Neteyam holding onto payakan’s fin to get in front of you. “Oh come on, bro. She’s fine! She used to jump through the trees like it was nothing” He glared at the two of you, shaking his head at your laugh.
“Neteyam, it’s fine” You ran your hand along the animal’s skin, smiling as it looked at you. You signed to the beautiful tulkun, telling him how pretty he had been. You loved the reef and it’s animals, it was calming to you. “Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so scared to go through the transition” you sigh, turning to look at the people around you.
“I’d be scared too” Lo’ak agrees, shrugging his shoulders. “Do you know where spider is? I tried looking for him before we left but he was nowhere to be found” you shake your head at the boy along with the other two, but you weren’t really thinking about that. All you could think about was going underwater, wanting to swim so bad but you knew Neteyam wouldn’t let you. True, he couldn’t tell you what to do, but he was much stronger and definitely could stop you.
“Can we go under?” You ask slightly nervous and the two next to you instantly nod, already on their way back into the water. “Neteyam?” He sighs in defeat after looking at your expression, holding his hand out to help you back into the water. You smile huge, slipping back down while taking his hand. You almost instantly followed Lo’ak and Tsireya down, Neteyam being quick to follow your trail.
You followed Tsireya through the cracks and plants, signing to her here and there once you saw something new. Lo’ak stayed behind with his brother, watching him watch you.
You are so in love The youngest brother signs, watching Neteyam roll his eyes before he began to swim faster, Lo’ak following behind him with a smile. Neteyam watched you closely, admiring how happy you looked. Your smile made his creep but he held it back before Lo’ak could see,
More animals begin to come into view around you, Neteyam’s Ilu nudging your leg as it passed you. Eywa, it was so beautiful down there. Neteyam came behind you once you stopped, smiling at Tsireya who was talking to one of the animals. He could tell you were so jealous, feeling left out like you always did—but you also knew you couldn’t do things they could.
You turn to the boy, giving him a small smile. Thank you. You sign before heading up to the girl, leaving him by himself once again.
But something was wrong—very wrong. Neteyam could feel the growing pit in his stomach while he looked around, ears perking at the thudding sounds behind him. You and Tsireya looked back at the noise as well, your body carrying itself over to him before you could think.
Stay close he signs to you, fingers intertwining with your own. Sighs of relief leave your body when you see Lo’ak swimming toward you, but just before you could shake it off—the large shadow behind him catches your attention.
Neteyam quickly calls to his Ilu and your almost instantly scooped up, trying to track down Tsireya but she was nowhere to be found. You tugged at his arm but he shook his head, only worried about getting you out of there. You caught a glimpse of the animal as it swam past you, it was an Akula. One of the most dangerous animals in the sea. You needed to get out now, before you got hurt.
But it wasn’t until you felt the firm grip on your arm tear away, and Neteyam was no longer next to you. His Ilu swam away, and you were left alone in the open ocean, barely keeping your self afloat. You felt so scared, so lost without anyone around you. Everyone was gone, everyone was gone and you were left to fight for yourself against this huge animal.
When you thought it had been safe enough, you quickly tried to swim to the top, moving your arms and legs frantically not bothering to look behind you. You should have known it would’ve never been that easy, because In just seconds you were thrown halfway across the area you had came from, body colliding with one of the many rock structures.
You could barely open your eyes as water began to fill your mask, fear taking over your now bleeding body. Your mask is broken—on pandora.
Just as the huge animal was about to charge back at you, Payakan came clashing against it, your body getting swept up by a moving force under you. Originally, you thought it was Neteyam or Lo’ak, but to your surprise, the smaller creature under you was trying it’s best to keep you on its back, swimming with its queue wrapped around your arm.
Neteyam’s Ilu. You knew it was unusual for an animal to create a bond with anyone but their rider, but it felt like his was yours, always at your beck and call just like him. Once you reached the surface you could hear her cries as she approached a small rock island, Neteyam finally coming to view.
He was on his knees on the rock, one hand out for you to grab while his other held his side, small grunts of pain leaving his mouth. He had been wounded—he sent his Ilu to get you because he couldn’t.
After noticing your broken mask, his heart practically dropped from his chest. Lo’ak and Tsireya quickly reaching the two of you with calls of urgency to leave. “Come on! We have to go!” Lo’ak urged but soon realized your struggle to walk straight onto the rocks surface, struggling to breath the thick air they so easily did.
“Y/N!” Neteyam called loudly as you slowly felt your air cut off, your feet stopping almost instantly as you clawed at your throat. “Come on!”
“N-Nete!” You manage to choke out and look at him with the most fearful eyes he’d ever seen, Lo’ak and Tsireya now noticing at the same time. “M-my mask is broken!”
His head whipped back around to you, watching you fall to your knees with a gasp. He quickly caught you, pulling you into his arms while he tried to cover the hole in your mask, obviously not achieving much. “Shit! Lo’ak! We have to get her out of here, now!”
You couldn’t focus on anything as your vision became blurry, fear being the only thing you felt as Neteyam moved quickly with you onto Payakan, trying his hardest to calm you with the desperate words against your ear. You couldn’t breathe—God, you couldn’t breathe! You couldn’t cry, you couldn’t move, only suffer the loss of air making it to your lungs.
“I’m gonna get you help just hold your breath, Baby. I’ve got you—we’re almost there” His hands caressed your hair, voice becoming frantic while watching you struggle under him. “Great mother—fuck!” He watched as a single tear fell from your eye and he cupped your small face, tears threatening to fill his own. “Your okay. I won’t let anything happen to you”
His heart burned with fear—screaming for help as you approached the village. Even far away, the clan were able to notice you coming because of the large animal you’d been riding on. Neteyam’s wound hurt worse but he couldn’t pay attention to anything except you, trying his hardest to calm your fear.
“We’re here, we’re here—it’s gonna be okay” He takes your small hand into his own, but just as you look at him for the last time, your air had already ran out. “Y/N” Suddenly, everything felt blank. Everything felt silent. You stopped struggling, and your once loving eyes turned into nothing—that exact moment is when he lost it.
“Neteyam!” He couldn’t hear his fathers voice or anyone else’s behind him as he yelled your name, tears falling down his cheeks like waterfalls. Everything was static, nothing was there but you.
“Great mother! Please!” He begs, pulling your heavy head against his chest as the clan approached, Jake quick to run to his screaming sons aid. “No! No, no, no!” His cries were so loud, practically alerting all of the villages around the reef. He couldn’t let you go, he wouldn’t let you go.
Jake felt his heart tear into two at the sight in front of him, Neytiri coming up behind him to see what was going on. “Neteyam!” He had to hold her back once she realized what was going on, her own sobs still not enough to cover up her sons. “Get her something! We need the healer now!” Her voice was frantic but still nothing could be heard by Neteyam, his eyes and ears were only set on your lifeless body.
“It’s all my fault, I shouldn’t of let you out there—I shouldn’t have took you” He hugs your head, voice cracking at every word. The whole clan watched him fall apart, Neytiri desperately trying to get ahold of the healer.
“Brother, it will be alright” Kiri’s hand against his shoulder was enough for him to snap to reality, looking back at her with his eyes stained with tears. He felt your body lift up and he instantly turned back, watching as a few of the guys from the clan picked you up. “Neteyam!” He tried to follow you but his father stopped him, only to earn a single push against his chest.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” Jake stood there unable to respond as Neytiri sat crying for you, following the clan’s members to the healers pod. “She needs me! I need to go!”
“You know you can’t, it’s too crowded. Please, just wait-“
“Wait? She can’t breathe! And it’s all…it’s all my fault” His knees practically buckled under him, body sinking to the sand in front of the whole clan. It felt unreal—the pain in his heart was almost unbearable. Now, Jake noticed the blood pooling from his sons abdomen, falling to the ground to hold his sobbing mess of a son. “I’m supposed to protect her! I’m supposed to protect her, dad” his words stunt his chest like a thousand bees while his dad shushed him, Lo’ak now sunk to the ground as well only a few feet from them.
Guilt filled the youngest brother, tears brimming his eyes as he stared at the blood on his hands. He told you to go—he said it would be okay. His mother raised them to protect you and he couldn’t even do that. This was more then guilt and sadness, it was disappointment.
Lo’ak couldn’t watch his brother fall apart over you, not imagining the pain he was feeling. You and Neteyam were best friends but in everyone else’s eyes, you were so much more.
They needed you. The sully family needed you. But now, you’d never be able to experience the love he had for you—all because they didn’t listen.
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There WILL be a part 2 to this! Stay tuned, this is just a small little thing to keep y’all occupied while I procrastinate the smut writings 💀
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tojisun · 1 year
‘til you found me
jake sully x metkayina!reader
!! follows atwow but also not canon-compliant; reader’s origins are not mentioned; fluff; jake calls reader baby girl 😔🤞🏼(i was projecting too hard); 1.7k words
: i watched atwow four times now oh my god im losing my mind bros, this is genuinely just to project my yearning – just jake taking reader for a ride on his ikran; the fic is not as polished but god it means sm to me so i hope you guys would love it too <33; psa - im still new to the lore n fandom so if i butchered the canonverse, pls do forgive me babes; title from lost at sea - lana
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jake’sully tilts his head to the side, his lips tugging up in a smirk. your eyes flash to his fangs for a quick second, their perfect sharpness making your lungs constrict to the point that your lips almost parted to let out a gasp.
you look away just as fast, finding his hazel eyes again but jake’sully’s smirk has grown.
he has seen the way you looked at him.
“so? what’d you say i take you f’r a ride, baby girl?” he finally asks, his voice a rich baritone. his na’vi is still accented with his earthen dialect and there are times that your ears strain to try to understand what he is saying but right now, you know you would not like anything else.
“i’m not a babe,” you murmur, your tail whipping in agitation, reflecting the turbulence in your heart.
you know you sound petulant – just like a babe, you think to yourself – but there is a part of you that wants to prove to jake’sully that even without warrior’s blood coursing through your veins, there is still more to you than an inkling similarity to that of an unknowing infant. after all, eywa smiles upon you too.
jake’sully’s eyes crease, his smirk tilting a little and you see flash of apprehension in his eyes – hazel like the roots of marui – before he huffs, a sound that is quiet but fond.
“‘s not what i meant, kid,” he replies, his hands reaching to tangle with yours. you blink at the touch, watching the earthen fingers weaving with yours, still unused to the difference but not bothered by it at the same time.
“i just,” he continues when you do not reply. his voice strains like he is nervous, and you almost smile at the idea that the toruk makto is nervous because of you. “y’r just precious to me, ‘s all.”
you sniff, trying to quash the burning of your cheeks, afraid that he would see the flush racing from the tips of your ears to the centre of your nose. you turn away from him, looking at his ikran.
it is bigger than an ilu, the only ride you can mount, and it looks even more daunting than a tsurak. perhaps it is because a tsurak is still of the waters but an ikran is something so foreign; it is a beast that governs the sky – a prey and, occasionally, an ally of the toruk. there is no reason for a metkayina weaver to mount such creature.
yet here jake’sully is, coaxing you on its back.
perhaps all the breathing exercises have finally got to him.
he laughs when you murmur this to him, his head falling back as explosive laughter booms from his lips. his beautiful lips.
“precious one, indeed.” his eyes are crinkling in delight again and you have truly never seen anything as breathtaking.
there is so much of the forest in jake’sully. it is not only his arms or his tail that portray this, but it is the way he walks: the sureness in his stride like there is no other purpose for his feet other than walking. moving.
it is in the way he hunts: how he is poised on a higher ground, even when mounting his tsurak, listening to his surroundings, before going for the kill. he does not use nets, just his spear or his dagger, and yet he always seemed to claim the biggest fish in the reef.
it is in the way he talks: his words clipped and short, barked out orders that would have been insignificant when in water. he talks like he is afraid that his voice would be lost amidst the chirps of the birds or the rustles of the leaves instead of resonating amongst the people.
it is in the way he uses his hands: closed palms instead of flatly opened, the way it normally is in your clan. all he has known is how to grab and how to yank, but he is learning how to wade. and he is so good at it.
jake’sully is alien even without his demon blood. and yet you cannot help but gravitate towards him, always responding to his call with your own, letting yourself be part of his family.
(“she would have fought you,” jake’sully whispered one evening, his bigger body submerged in the waters, his head resting between your thighs as you worked on his hair and braided them into neat strands.
i know, you wanted to say. she would’ve won the fight before i could even move.
i know, you wanted to say. and maybe then you wouldn’t look at me.
there are so much you wanted to say but you remained silent, letting the gliding waters fill the silence between you, your trembling fingers working slowly to finish the braids.)
“i think i would like to ride him, if that is okay with you, jake’sully?” you tell him, tugging at his hand as you spoke.
“just ‘jake’, baby girl,” he replies as he smiles again. “and of course. i promise you: y’would love the sky.”
you nod, not knowing what is the right thing to say as you mull over his name, earthen by origin but something that is so fitting for the forest warrior.
jake lets go of your hand to pull at his braid and make tsaheylu with his ikran. you watch from your peripheral, making sure that you would not look at the ikran’s eyes. your ears flick as it makes clicking sounds in response to their formed connection before you hear jake replying to it with soft whispers, his voice curling into something that is gentle.
you smile to yourself, feeling warmth exploding in your belly at hearing this side of jake. you are sure that there are only few of your clan’s people who know of jake’s gentleness – they are still too used to only seeing him as his history. the man that he was in the past.
but you understand why.
he may not be olo'eyktan in awa'atlu with the metkayina, but that is not something that just goes away because of formalities. jake commandeers respect even amongst your people, his words and his actions garner awe and produce inspiration.
he is also good to the eyes.
you remember the women in your clan giggling to themselves, envisioning how it’d be like to be with the toruk makto, and fanning themselves when the topic became too sensual. too physical. their voices always petered out into wistful sighs, unable to contain their desires even when jake had been dubbed demon-blood by the tsahik.
it is not like you can fault them, not when you had been one of the many admirers of jake. you just didn’t expect the toruk makto, the former olo'eyktan of omotikaya and the warrior that led the clans to victory against the sky people, to give you his attention.
“come, baby girl,” jake says, yipping to catch your attention. you blink your eyes at him, turning, before you startle at seeing his ikran looking at you, its head tilted to the side – a perfect mirror of jake’s mannerism. “ride with me.”
he offers you his hand and you have barely twined your fingers with his before he is pulling you up, your body going weightless at the sheer strength of toruk makto’s.
you squeak, startling, and jake laughs at your reaction. even his ikran clicks in a tone that resembles laughter and you feel so embarrassed as you press your face onto jake’s back. his skin meets your soft cheeks and the contact has your breath hitching.
jake has always been tactile with you but there is something new today. perhaps it is the whistling winds or the weight of his hand on your thighs, keeping you from slipping off the ikran from where you are sat behind him. whatever it was, you are sure you heard jake’s stuttered breath.
it seems like you aren’t the only one overthinking everything or who is hyperaware of the contact. you smile, knowng that jake can feel your upturned lips from where they are pressed flush on his skin.
jake murmurs something too faint for you to hear before he clicks and the ikran soars.
oh great mother, you think as the wind whirls past you, your braids pushing away from your body as the ikran flies. jake laughs, so joyful that you feel your stomach twisting, coaxing you to stop shrieking and to look up from where you are still pressed on his back.
you want to snap at him and tell him to shut up but you know he is only being nice, after all, jake just wants to show you how the world looks from the sky. so you control your breathing, calming your heart, before you pull away from jake’s body and tilted your head down.
oh how beautiful it is.
the waters stretch further than you expected, their colours changing to signify their depth. you notice the way the lush corals of the reef and the scattering in the thin forest of the island is shining, their lights flickering and dancing with life.
you are so overwhelmed by what you are seeing that you don’t even know you are crying, a sob creeping past your lips. jake startles, not having expected a visceral reaction from you, and you feel him change course, surely finding a place to land his ikran.
this tenderness of his brings more tears to spill from your eyes, your heart weighing in your chest so heavily that you are sure you will explode with it. you push your face on jake’s back again, your arms tightening around his waist, before you press a kiss on his skin.
“i see you, jake,” you say, unsure if your voice would carry to him even amidst the whipping wind.
you feel jake’s hand tighten around your thigh and that is all the confirmation you need.
then, “i see you, baby girl.”
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@whats-belay, thank you for letting me use u as a soundboard throughout the four times ive watched atwow! hope you would love this, especially since it’s more coherent than my keyboard smash
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tewwor · 22 days
 🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒 
send🍒 for nice words >:) ( accepting ) — whoever sent this, ilu
anon, you're so goated 4 this. gotta crack my hand knuckles and brain knuckles for this because WHEW....... i do have that many folks i'd love to yap about in no particular order. also, this is so long — that's my only warning ❤️️
🍒 @desalvar idc if we've only written 1 thing together. i don't care if we haven't chatted an exuberant amount. i'm here to say i love nik sm and i love how passionate you are about him. those hcs i see floating around? eat them up instantly. i cannot wait to yap and explore more no matter how long it takes!!!!!!
🍒 @interxstitial YAINT SLICK. I SAW THAT OTHER ASK SO I MUST PUT YOU ON BLAST about how much i've come to cherish you. fr fr i haven't hehe'd haha'd with a relatively newish mutual this fast in a Long time. but you take the cake. the entire bakery, even. the way you just... okay, look, i said it literally when i first imed you, but your verses are so CHEFS KISS GOOD. THE WAY YOU WRITE IS SO INCREDIBLY GOOD. JIWON AS A ENTIRE CHARACTER IS SO SENSATIONAL.
you're so silly, he's so silly, we're all so silly together. the marked literally became a whole ass community because of your enthusiasm. it genuinely encouraged me to not hold back and continue to yap about all of their stupid nuanced dynamics. and the way we have soooooo many threads together, but they all feel different? juniper's just babey!!!! he's the marked's babey!!!!! don't even get me started on ravi.... i did not think anyone would pick him up by the scruff and hang onto that bro frat man bro. hes so ridiculous but you RAN WITH IT AND WE KEPT SPRINTING. you're amazing, i'm so so happy i followed you all those months ago ❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️
🍒 @gollldrush okay, not going to lie. you're currently an inspiration for my writing. there, i said it. you're so well-rounded with so many genres — like how can you write the most visceral angst, fluff, action, and eerily atmospheric threads? hello? i'm knocking on your blog door, teach me?????? i absolutely adore leo and ellory both SO much. but the way you write rilen specifically has me fascinated.
also, not to mention, it's a field day to chat with you in the best way possible. you're SO nice and you, too, have contributed greatly to the inner dynamics of the marked. i can't wait to see what other shenanigans we come up in the future ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
🍒 @justsurvival KEVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh. DARN. sorry if this comes across as too much, but i was so incredibly excited to see you back. would also like to thank the stars for aligning, because i literally got flashbacks to hatsune miku ORYN THE OTHER DAY OUT OF NOWHERE? the picture... haunts me....... anyways. you're a phenomenal writer across the board. you're so fun to chat with and your creativity's off the fucking charts. when i said i couldn't pick who to write a starter for, i meant it. the concepts are all so GOOD it amkes me ( wails on the floor )
🍒 @cordoliae vic, this is my official appreciate blog post tweet story. i cannot for the life of me... even begin to explain / do justice to how wonderful you are. like, as a person AND a writer — i am bowing down at the steepest degree. your writing is TOP TIER and it has influenced my writing so, so much. a lot of the prosier things i type has 10000% been from our earlier threads where mister no-good chanyeol plonked himself in baby jail to bother THE love his life 💗
also, idk if i've ever told you this but i got into botw because of you. like off to the sidelines, i got that game to relive some nostalgia and try to understand that world more and got dunked into getting lost in everything for an eternity. i would also like to POINT OUT that your understanding of ANY canon you write floors me. vincenzo? that's quite literally him pulled from the kdrama itself. BONGGIL? THAT'S HIM DIRECTLY FROM THE SCREEN ITSELF — ACTUALLY? I would like to also point out how ecstatic i was when you reached out about mutually loving exh.uma. i quite literally haven't tunneled that fast before, and while my focus is severally scattered right now — the best shamans are still in my brain. also, you're one of the 3 people that got me into op, so thank you sm for that ♡♡
🍒 @huntershowl ( kicks thru the wall big bird style ). raine... you.. i cannot describe everything i adore about you, but i sure can try. let's get the obvious out of the way, alright? seph, the creature that you are........ fantastic.. feral..... so for real with the cards you've been dealt............. i want to dub you and seph as THE ones that got me to progress jie so much. also litho HELLO? NOT TO DRAG THAT BEATEN HORSE BACK IN but i'm so serious when i say this, he's like so close to being a single ship with seph. highkey the reason why he only crawls out of his stupid cave when seph's around. it still might end up happening, but either way — the influence and sheer devotion and love he has for seph clocks me over the head every single time.
NOW FOR THE NEWERISH DEVELOPMENT. i might not be immersed in jj.k and only have a pinky toe dipped into wb / bn.ha BUT i know you're taking everything and everyone by storm. anytime i see one of your posts about anxiety ( which is so totally understandable ), i'd like to try and reassure you that there's an entire group of folks that love and adore your version of canons and ocs. and if anyone else tries to muck around like a fucking buffoon, i'll send a mathematical plague upon them i s2g
🍒 @xinxiins this is my confession.... not featuring usher, hi, it's just me. i'm clearing out the entire room to say that you have reconnected jie with his culture and i am so forever grateful for that. his slice of life verse version is currently hibernating, but i Did Not Forget about our yapping and immersion in a community he so desperately wanted to be a part of. and as someone that's also struggled with that connection, i thank you so so so SO much from the bottom of my heart. it's truly so incredibly special to have experienced that, and i hope to continue that in the future!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO, YOUR WRITING IS BREATHTAKING. I FEEL LIKE THAT'S A GIVEN BUT I HAVE TO SAY IT ANYWAYS. AND YOU'RE A GEM TO TALK TO ❣❣❣❣❣❣❣
🍒 @fangmother don't mind me scooting on by, but hi, yes, hello. i know we recently started to interact, but a) love the way you write b) love the lore you have surrounding rainer b.1) i was so immersed reading up on her bio / verses — like, truly, thank you for the meal c) cannot wait to explore more dynamics because already, i'm buckled up for more replies and will eventually reach out just to yap yap yap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🍒 @miidnighters brodie.... 100 golden stars for you. just.. gosh..... i can say with full confidence, i will never tire of your characters ever. i don't care if we have a million dynamics with the x amount of characters i have. i still want more!!!!!!!!! you're so talented. honestly very inspirational. idr if i told you this before, but you are also 100000% part of the reason why i got so involved with the marked. OH? ALSO? LETS NOT FORGET HARBORVIEW TOO? before the marked consumed me BUT HELLO???? FLYNN IS HARBORVIEW'S COLLECTIVE GROWN MAN BUT ALSO BABEY. ahem, anyways, i've learned so many new things about my own characters because of our interactions. and i always, always wish the best for you / am so grateful we're pals.
🍒 @catfcng going to be so fr, idk most of the fandoms you run with but i want to ( eventually )!!!!!!!!!! there's just something so captivating with the way you write and bring attention to your characters in the best way possible. also? your blog's entire aesthetic is So Good. i hope to write more with you and will always cheer loudly from the sidelines !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ax-killjoy · 2 years
☆ Darling, let’s get old.
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synopsis ! 𖦹 : neteyam never wants to admit it, but he misses home.
Notes ! 𖦹 : y’all- thank you sm for all the reblogs, likes, and such. It’s making me a lil nervous fr !! (o´罒`o)
inspired by !! : acolyte - Slaughter Beach, Dog.
neteyam x gn!metkyina!reader
warning ! : mentions of food, a bit of angst, brief depictions of a fight, mentions of a near death experience.
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It had been almost a month since the Sully family moved to Awa’altu, and in that month so much has happened.
They get settled in, they try to become part of the Metkyina. Reef people. They learn to ride Ilu, and hold their breath for so long that they could sit on the ocean floor, staring at fish and casually talk underwater, all with the help of you, Tsireya, and Ao’nung.
Lo’ak’s little heart almost pops at the sight of Tsireya, gets in trouble with You and Tsireya’s older brother Ao’nung (who stares so much to the point it’s getting weird). And of course, if Lo’ak gets into a fight with 3-4 Metkyina plus ! Ao’nung, Big bro Neteyam has to be there to fighting along side him.
Lo’ak almost dies outside of the reef. Neteyam pulls Ao’nung by the queue so hard, that it send shiver down the fish boy’s spine just thinking about it. Lo’ak meets Payakan, an outcast Tulkun, and bonds with him, who Neteyam finds out is such a humble and peaceful animal. And to top it all off, Neteyam almost dies in a fight against some man, who’s been trying to kill his parents since before he was born.
And Eywa, you were there for all of it.
He remembers vividly, as he jumped off his Ikran, staring at the Na’vi. They crowd him, quiet hisses and murmurs spread through the crowd. Then he sees you, you bump through the crowd with big curious eyes, your tail swishes as you circle them. Neteyam stares at you, smiling a bit, and you smile back. It’s a shy smile, but it wasn’t hesitant. Infact it felt welcoming. He makes his brother do the motion, i see you. You smile, doing it back, only staring at Neteyam. This was soon stopped when your older brother Ao’nung stomps through the crowd, a deathly glare and a restless urge to make fun of the Sully.
It still suprises him, you were there to teach him how to breath deep, to teach the ways of the water and the ocean. You sat with Kiri tending to his wounds after the fight with Ao’nung, apologizing profusely, it wasn’t even your fight. You were there when they retrieved Lo’ak, you held Neteyam’s hands as he rambled about how worried he was, and how he was going to gut Ao’nung like a fish.
And you were there when it happened, you were the first to notice his blood spilling into the sea. You yelled at Lo’ak to hold him tight, yelling at the Sky Person named Spider to hold him up, and yelled even louder for Lo’ak’s ilu to speed up.
You held onto him, begging him to keep his eyes open. “Just a little longer love, please.” you beg in the softest you could in a situation like this, your voice cracking, heavy and laced with desperation. And Neteyam thinks, he never wants to hear you like that ever again. Your tears spilled onto his chest, as you and Lo’ak covered his wound with trembling hands. He remembers seeing the horrified look Lo’ak had, and you caressing his face begging him to focus. “He’s gonna be ok Lo’ak, just press harder.”
In that moment, mind jumbled, sight fazing in and out. He decided that he loved you.
And when he woke a couple days later, in a Marui. The Tsahik and Chief’s wife, Ronal speaking to his mother in small whispers, the warmth of the sun and your arms wrapped around his waist.
He finalized that decision, and wanted to declare it to anyone who would listen. That he loved you.
•*¨*•.¸¸♪✧ !!
His eyes open slightly, a pained wince is let out. Alerting everyone in the room, the slight movement wakes up you instantly, drowsiness leaving your body. You go to help him up before his mother gets a chance to move. “Be careful Nete, please.” you whisper, holding him up. His back falls onto the wall of the marui, you watch him survey the area. The sun seems too bright for his eyes, he goes to lift up his arm only for him to groan and snarl at the pain. You whimper, ears flatten, stuck to your head as you try to comfort him. He looks up at you, eyes bright yellow, a soft grin forms as he gazes at you. “Hi.” he says, making both of you huff a laugh. Though, as you both bore into each other’s eyes, your own become glossy. tears fall, slow as you sniffle.
“Why are you crying Y/N ?” he asks, as you continue to cry. “I’m just happy to see you.” You whisper, “I could’ve lost you.”, more tears fall. Neteyam lets out a shaky sigh, trying to not cry with you. He holds your face with the uninjured side of his body, wiping your tears. “I’m here baby, i’m right here. I’m alive.” He assures, and you smile through your tears. “You’re here.” you repeat looking into his eyes.
He moves his hand from your cheek, moving it to the back of your head. Moving you towards his, your forehead against his, noses touching. Basking in eachother, focusing on each other’s breathing, and living beating hearts.
“Oel ngati kameie Ma Y/N” he says softly, feeling your hands caress both sides of his face. Moving to sink into his messy braids, moving down to hold his throat to feel his pulse, then down again on his chest. Feeling his heart beat, keeping your warm hands there.
“Oel ngati kameie, Ma Neteyam.” you say back, and then there was silence. Both of you yet again basking in eachother’s embrace. Feeling the warm that overwhelmed two bodies, holding eachother so close that it almost formed into one.
Everything was going to be ok.
♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪✧ !!
It has been several weeks after Neteyam’s injury, his shoulder seems better. He can move it, yes. But sometimes it feels stiff, and he sometimes he can never get the feeling of the bullet in his shoulder, out of brain.
The Olo’eytkan Tonowari declares the Sully family, Metkyina. Thanking them for their help with defeating the sky people, and saving the Tulkun. As much as Neteyam wishes to be happy about it, and he is. There’s always that feeling that he is missing something, making him feel ever so lonely.
He misses home.
He tries not to make it an issue, his father has done so much for him and the rest of the family to keep them safe, to keep the Omatikaya safe. But no matter how friendly the Metkyina are, he still misses the soil beneath his feet, the smell of rivers, the sounds of his clan chanting, the burning smell of bon fires, he misses his grandmother and her bickering with Kiri. He misses home.
He sulks during his duties, catching fish with a net makes him reminisce of when he merely used a bow to kill fish, when he lives in the forest. “Bro, are you ok ?” Lo’ak asks snapping Neteyam out of his thoughts, and he nods. “Yeah…never better.” He says, walking away. He just wants you with him.
When he comes home, you’re sitting down by the fire, stirring a pot that makes pops and boils. The scent is familiar, it’s almost like home. The smell is so similar to the food his mother used to make, specifically his comfort food for when he was having a bad day, but that couldn’t be the case. That was Omatikaya only food.
“Evening, Ma Teyam.” You say, looking up at him. He grins tiredly, he sits down releasing a heavy sigh. He lets his body rest against yours, his head falling onto your shoulder, soft kisses pressed on your skin. He basks in this feeling, Domestic Bliss his father called it. He lets your warmth and the fire radiate onto him, embracing him like a hug.
“Your Mother and Father are out, they went on a hunting trip with my father and others. Kiri and Tuk are helping My mom and Tsireya find material and herbs, Lo’ak said he was going to Payakan just outside the reef.” You murmur, kissing the top of his head. “We need to fix your braids, oh mighty warrior.” You joke, and he hums. “Later, just need you with me.” he says quietly.
He closes his eyes for a moment, listening as you continue to stir the pot, soft splashing and the smelling that ever so familiar scent. “Ma Yawne, open your eyes.” You say softly, he opens to see a wooden spoon front of him. He doesn’t really know what he’s looking at, but it seems so good. “Taste.” He lets you spoon feed him.
Suddenly he knows exactly what he’s eating, it’s a stew his mother made for him when he felt horrible. Roasted fish, boar maybe, plenty of vegetables. He tastes flavores he knows are specifically from the forest, he wants to ask but he’s to occupied with the flavores bursting in his mouth. He sulks, releasing all the tense muscles as he chews. “Mmf, oh eywa.” He moans, his tail curles around you as he violently purrs. You let out a laugh.
“I’m glad you like it.” You giggle, “How did you even get these herbs ? These are from the forest.” He asks, looking into the pot. His tail almost wagging at the sight of you pouring some of the stew into a bowl for him. “Well, I noticed that you’ve been stiff all day, you looked kind of gloomy today. Decided to ask your mother about what your favorite food was, found she kept some herbs from the forest. She told me how to cook it before she left.”
And for a moment, Neteyam thinks he can’t love you anymore or else his heart will burst. He feels the love encompass his whole body, and he whimpers softly resting his head into the crook of your neck. He wonders what he might’ve done in his past life to deserve you, maybe this was the blessing he got from eywa after the bullet, he doesn’t know and he can’t comprehend it. He can’t get it enough it though, he’s practically drunk off of your existence. “I don’t deserve you.” He says, and you laugh again. He feels the vibration of it, he looks up at you, and sees your gaze. He realizes, that you love him just as much as he loves you. You look at him like he holds the secrets to the universe, the stars, to life.
“Ma Yawne, after everything ? You deserve the world.”
。:.゚ஐ⋆* !!
Ma Yawne - My beloved
Oel ngati kameie - I see you
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latibulater · 3 months
Venture Bros Rewatch notes: Eeney Meeney Miney Magic
I love Rusty's bedroom but do we think that look is a holdover from the last time Jonas remodeled (as it's not dated enough to be 60s when the compound was built) or did Rusty remodel the bedroom as soon as he inherited the master bedroom?
Dean and Hank are playing Ouija is so cute
ENTERING....MR ORPHEUS. He comes OUT of the orphan heart machine (??? why?) and zaps Helper and knocks out Dean and Hank, so Dr. O can disable electronics and also cause instant sleep all with just a single nonverbal look...And his lankiness...his sharp edges...EARLY SEASON ORPHEUS ILU
"His magical Dracula powers" "youre standing there in FLAMES" whoever wrote this scene has a child
"brock is it okay if i cry?" after brock just choked him for waking the bodyguard up too sudden. there is both so much to say yet nothing needs to be said its all there
i can't figure out if you need to go outside to get to orpheus' part of the compound, dean is wearing a jacket over his pjs but no shoes and rusty has his rarely seen bathrobe and slippies
"abandoned arachnid lab" WHAT was GOING ON????
i LOVE the pan-ups for introducing characters
Orpheus was saving Helper........"his feeble mind had perceived what's not possible" this is contributing to my idea that our Helper is like Ben's Helper in that they are uh....not cyborgs exactly but meaty machines
Led zeppelin is pretty much the only music brock listen to during sex
How does Rusty not know Orpheus' name already? He's literally the landlord
"junior college upstate" "fEEL it's evil grip PuUUUUUULL ME BACK IN"
"scuba" "scuba" "scuba"
TRIANA girl of the hour. How is she so well adjusted and normal-acting. I want so badly to see a scene or two of Triana at school. Can she use her magic there? Is she is similar classes as Dermott?
"Single parent eh? Common ground" Rusty is so desperate for a friend as soon as he realizes Orpheus is bit like him he drops all snobbish pretenses
THE QTIP COMMENT. I LAUGH. "a walking reminder of our common shame"
"I saw him kill a guy with sock full of party snaps" okay but then doesn't in the next episode Dean get confused about Brock killing people at all? The whole body bags were sleeping bags bit? More evidence of mind erasure
"I'm kind of home tutored in a box my pop made. it sometimes gets very hot in the box. that my pop made" "wow that's kinda screwy" this is the entire moment of what made Triana hang out with dean and her bemusement tolerance and at the end (before prom) fondness
Brock fixing Helper is soooooooo sexy i wish i could chew on his forearms like a rawhide bone
Hank seeing an endless expanse of nature with Rusty wanting to spend time with him, contrasted then by Brock actually being the one present to get Hank out of the way
"we two doctor dads" LITERALLY RUSTY STOP he's got an instant crush and he is just so thrilled to have someone to hang out with. okay with the message O leaves for Triana who just left for school, but at the end she gets bored waiting for her dad at dinner. they seriously spend all day at rusty's lab?
"dont think i didnt notice the neon appointments" GAY BOYS
Rusty acting like an overly typical irate father, he was so channeling jonas trying to impress the only other single father he's ever met
"i DARE you to make less sense!"
Orpheus just pulled...a singular cupcake with pink frosting out of an upper cabinet....why do the Ventures live like this. 4 boys and a robot.
okay but the whole kitchen scene is so funny and really contrasting rusty and orpheus' character designs, in s1 orpheus really is all long lines and huge blocky black cloak, compared to rusty's tiny little frame, honestly we need more ...(rustyxorpheus=.....thapheus?) of this. the way rusty asks if he wants another brew "kaey"
hank's impression of their dad is hilarious
"the beast hungers for them...i just dont get how they can get the door open"
Orpheus commands the open "by the crimson name of lord balayseeta(?) i command you to open" and shit really DOES open for like a mile around and in-universe implications are that somehow Rusty has created this deeply magic resistant bio-engineered machine
the whole play by play about the orphan heart...........it was probably a clone of hank or dean....
polo polo!
m a r c o
Brock sitting down to hug Dean for feeling bad that is so sweet.
True love seems to be flimsy yet real and based upon chemicals, so could be the person they love most who makes their brainvlight up most when they see them
the way Orpheus stretches out his hands and launches it at the joycan to go into hell. he can just send shit to hell if he wants. and he can NOT go to hell or traverse, but he punches one way tickets.
i LOOOOOOOOOVE this episode truly 9/10
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nyctophicbtch · 1 year
I have another request :)
maybe she’s Kiri’s twin this time and Aonung really likes her (enough to want to mate with her) so he takes her to the spirit tree in a romantic ilu ride, only for the reader to get a seizure when she bonds to the spirit tree (like Kiri). Aonung gets really worried and Jake, Neteyam, and Lo’ak get really protective and mad at Aonung.
“You’ve done enough.” Amidst the ringing in your ears, you could specifically make out Neteyam’s seething voice in the distance.
Everything was heavy, yet you felt like you were floating at the same time. You could barely feel your body and see nothing but pitch black; hear nothing but muffled noise. It wasn’t until Ronal’s final breath on your stomach that you started to sense your surroundings.
She’s awake!
You could’ve sworn you imagined Tuk’s voice in your head, that was until your eyes started blinking open, the harsh light causing you to retaliate immediately. Even with your eyes only half open, you could see your baby sister’s figure looming over you.
“Neteyam! Lo’ak! She’s awake!” She began to call for your brothers as your eyes started adjusting to the room, a weak groan escaping your lips when you tried to sit up.
“Mom?” You were scared and confused when you saw no one there but the Metkayina’s tsahik and Tuk, and the loud argument coming from outside the marui was not helping.
“No, no. She could have died! What were you thinking?” Jake yelled, and you’d pull yourself up in time to see a guilty Ao’nung getting scolded by your father through the slightly opened flap of the marui.
“Guys…” Tuk whined when nobody seemed to have heard her call.
“I’m sorry. I only wanted to-“
“No. You could have gotten her killed, bro.”
“Dad!” your sister called out louder than the last time and he finally looked her way.
You could see his eyes travel past her shoulder to where you laid awake, and he visibly let out a breath of relief.
“Listen. Just… Don’t do that again, okay?” your dad sighed, patting Ao’nung’s shoulder before walking towards you and dropping to his knee beside your mat.
“Hey, baby girl.”
You smiled, but it quickly dropped when you saw Ao’nung standing off to the side guiltily, ears pressed to his skull.
“Dad-“ A single tear fell from your eye just as your brothers came running in, looking down at you with worry written all over their faces.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. You’re okay now.”
“Where’s mom?”
“She and Kiri went outside to look for more of the tsahik’s stuff. I’ll go tell them you’re alright, okay?” he assured, wiping your wettened cheek with a finger.
You nodded and your dad gave one last smile before leaving you with your brothers. Neteyam was the first to approach whilst Lo’ak stood not far behind, observing your brother’s slow steps.
“Hey, little idiot.” He gave your head a pat, earning a smile alongside your little sniffle. “We’re glad you’re okay.”
Tuk nodded, agreeing with his eldest brother as she peered over your shoulder at him. And then you noticed Ao’nung, still silently standing outside, patiently waiting for approval to come see you. Your eyes softened and your lips curved into a frown at the sight.
“What is it?”
“Lo’ak, it wasn’t Ao’nung’s fault. He was trying to do something nice for-“
“He was trying to mate with you, skxawng,” Lo’ak scoffed, interrupting whatever explanation you were about to give him and your face flushed at his words.
“So what if I wanted to?” Neteyam’s ears immediately perked up at your quiet statement.
Your eyes fell to Tuk who was still listening intently and Neteyam brought his hand around her shoulders, guiding her away from you. You could see the looks your brothers exchanged with each other as Neteyam brought Tuk out of the marui and you were absolutely baffled.
They do this too many times and it got annoying being left out of a conversation they were making with their eyes that was clearly about you.
Lo’ak hissed in annoyance before following his brother out, stopping when he was beside Ao’nung. You couldn’t clearly see what was going on through the small opening, but you could make out your brother whispering something in the Metkayina's ear before lightly slapping him in the back, leading him to the entrance of the marui.
“Hey,” Ao’nung greeted softly as he slowly approached you.
Your face lit up when the boy sat beside you, reaching a hand down to play with your fingers.
“Ao’nung do not listen to them. It wasn’t your fault.” You grasped his hand in yours, assuring him with a soft stroke of your thumb.
“No,” he chuckled lightly. “It’s okay. I should have asked first.”
“But you couldn’t have known-“
“Shh. You need rest. We can do this another time. The right way.”
‘Bro. Him? Really?’
‘Ugh.’ ‘Well we cannot stop them.’
‘But c’mon-‘ ‘Eywa, It’s Ao’nung.’
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
How would big bro ao'nung react if Spider was turned into a child? How did Spifer even get into that situation? Nobody knows 🤷‍♀️ not even himself as he has pretty much forgotten everything from the last 5 years. But he still remembers his family and friends though-
(I wrote like most of this and then I registered what you meant by that last part, and couldn't bring myself to rewrite it, so I hope you don't mind the mild deviation)
spider had been missing for days, 3 days, 3 days and 3 nights without his voice or his presence. it was odd, so odd, spider never strayed far, not anymore, he was always with his family now. when he first got taken in by the family he had a tendency to wander off as he was never wanted around by his previous 'parents', but now, he never left his families side for long. he was always sticking close to ao'nung and rotxo or relaxing with his sister in their hut, out on the water with his dad or following his mother around the village, he even spent a fair amount of time with the elders of the village. but now he was gone and no one could find him.
they had people out on tsurak and ilu checking outside the reef, maybe the boy had gotten swept off by a wave and was stuck on one of the rocky islets. others on ilu's check every potential spot within the reef a boy could feasibly get stuck on, unable to make his way home.
free divers were sent to search the ocean floor, and the whole family prayed they would not find him.
they also had people searching the sparse forests of the island, ao'nung included; he had spent 2 days in the water, the fear of finding his brother lifeless body tieing his intestines in knots, so he turned to dry land in hope of a better outcome.
he had been crawling through the brush for hours now, calling for his baby brother for him to come home, but he got no answer. He felt hopeless, he was about to turn back, hoping that he would return to the village and find his brother safe and sound in there hut, when he heard sniffling. it was coming from behind a thick bush hiding the alcove of a tree, and when ao'nung pulled back the leaves, he found a small human child, no more then 5 or 6, with locked golden hair, terrified brown eyes, and faded blue stripes. spider.
he was sure it was his baby brother, as sure as anyone could ever be. the look in the little boys eyes hurt his heart, he remembered it, all too well, that's how spider looked at him when they first met, the fear and distance in them striking a cold chill in the older boys spine. what he wasn't so sure of is why he was tiny or why he was here in the woods. but all of that came second when the little one tucked into himself, utterly terrified of ao'nung, cause the very sight of his trembling body made ao'nung want to cry himself.
he sat down, making himself as small as he could, before putting a gentle hand out, not touching the boy, but rather showing he was harmless,
"hey little dude," he spoke low and quiet, "you know na'vi right?" he remembered spider saying he had been fluent since he was little, having learned from the scientists and his siblings.
the boy looked up at him, nodding a little, before turning back into himself.
"do you know who I am?"
"no, 'm sorry," his voice was nothing more than a little squeak, and it broke ao'nung's heart, he never wanted to see spider this tiny ever again, he had promised his brother he would protect him.
"that's ok, its alright, I know who you are. you're spider right?"
the boy look up in shock, showing his puffy tear-stained cheeks and red eyes, "how... how do you know who I am?"
ao'nung thought about what he would say, what would get the kid to relax enough for ao'nung to take him home.
"I'm a friend of your family, the Sully's, I'm helping look for you," he smiled at the boy, trying to win over his trust.
"you know where they are?" he sounded hopeful, his eyes brightening a bit.
"yeah kid, I can take you back to my village, they're staying there, would you like that?" he offered up his arms, the kid rushing into them as if they would disappear. he was freezing to the touch and up close he looked even worse off then he did in a trembling ball. he had been out here a while, clearly dehydrated, and if the rumbling of his belly was anything to go off of, starving too.
"I've got you little one, don't worry. its a bit of a walk back to the village, but we'll be there before the suns up." he hoisted little spider up onto his hip so he could stand and then pulled him practically all the way up his chest so he could rest his little head on the older boys shoulder. spider clung to him, little hands grappling to hold on, shivering as his skin was exposed to the night air. ao'nung kicked himself for being in such a hurry to go out and look he hadn't thought to bring water or a shawl. "how'd you get out here little one?"
"I don't know... just woke up and I couldn't figure out where I was... these aren't the forests of the Omatikaya are they?" spider looked up at him wearily.
"no, these are the forest of Awa'atlu, the Metkayina."
"I don't know how I got here, I... I..." he burrowed his head into ao'nungs neck. "they're going to be so mad at me, you said their here right, the sully's? they came all the way here for me they're gonna be mad," spider started to thrash out of ao'nungs arms, to much avail as he was so small.
ao'nung's heart twinged again, his baby brother was terrified of the Sully's once again, and now he had a pretty idea of what his childhood looked like.
"no one will be mad, I promise you, we all just wanted you to come home. they're going to be so happy your home... my people too, you've been to our village before, your very important to us, you just don't remember little one." he wanted to tell the boy that his family, his real family, was looking for him, waiting for him to come home, and that he would be going back to a village that will be overjoyed with his safe, if not odd, return.
"on my life little one,"
"ok... I trust you." he plopped his head down on ao'nung's shoulder, letting ao'nung shift to hold him so his large hands and arms would cover more of his skin from the early morning air.
he was half asleep by the time he got back to the village, head lolling as he lost his battle with sleep. ao'nung made a b-line for his family's pod, finding his mother deep in prayer.
"mother, I found him, but somethings... wrong," he spoke gently as not startle her, but the mention of her missing child sent her head flying up from her bowed prayer position.
"where is he-" she cut herself off when she saw the sleeping child in her eldest's arms, getting up to investigate. she looked at the child, her face melting in both pain and pleasure as she recognized her baby's face.
"I found him curled up deep in the forest, heard him crying. he doesn't know who I am... he couldn't recognize the forest, and he must have heard us but had been to scared to come out." he cradled the baby closer as he remembered the look on his little face.
"I will get your father to call and end to the search, stay here with him, offer him water, slowly, I don't want him getting sick," she spoke quick and sure. ao'nung was very grateful that she knew not to separate them; he was protective on a good day, and this was not a good day,
he sat on his pallet, pulling the large kelp blanket around spider as his shivering finally quelled. he reached for the water cup his mother had left out, no doubt waiting for the boy to come home.
"hey spi' want some water," he gently roused the boy, earning a little nod has he started to wake back up.
he helped him sit up, holding the cup while spider lifted his mask, helping him take a long drink. spider drained the cup and then another before ao'nung insisted he take a break. spider was keen on not getting sick though so he wasn't hard to convince.
by the time he had settled again, clearly exhausted from days alone in the woods, the family was back, mother clinging to father, tsireya dragging lo'ak, tuk close behind them with kiri tailing her, jake and neytiri were the last to gather into the pod.
spider hid in ao'nung's chest, not recognizing his own family, either of them.
"it's ok, I promise its ok, we just have to talk... your mostly gonna listen, maybe answer some questions, ok?" he kept spider close as he spoke, not forcing him to turn around or even look at the people gathered in the pod.
spider didn't react, but ao'nung felt his shoulder's ease a little.
they talked for a long while, ao'nung had to retell the story of how he found spider at least 3 times. then the questions began, how had he de-aged? why had he de-aged? was it permanent? how long would it last? how much should they tell spider?
that didn't even include all the questions they asked spider, they were trying to pinpoint exactly when in spider life he had gone back to, finding him stuck at 6. he recognized jake and neytiri, could be swayed to recognize the eldest siblings despite how much they had ages, but he had no memory tuk as she hadn't been born for another 3 years. to the pain of his family, he didn't recognize any of them at all, and only let ao'nung hold him because he'd gotten used to it walking back and was too frozen with fear to let anyone else close.
it was determined that spider should know what happened and that he would live village life as all of the younger kids did, staying with whomever he is most comfortable with, and it would be played by ear. they had no way of determining why or how this had happened (though ronal felt as though spider was getting a second chance at childhood with his new family) or how long it would last so there was little point in arguing about it.
spider was informed of the prediciment, saying that eywa had blessed for a reason, allowing him to go back into his child years for a reason only she knew. that he had been adopted officially by the Tonowari's, the chief and tsahik no less, and that he'd been living with them for over a year. and that he would be free to live amongst the village like any other child, free to float between families as he wished. ao'nung got to do most of that favor, as spider could barely look the women he was calling mother just days before in the eye. nor did he fully trust being around the sully's, he could barely recognize his siblings, and he didn't seem to have the fondest of memories of the parents.
ao'nung found himself very protective of the little thing, more so then he normally was; he was protective of spider because he was his brother and human, he was protective of children because they are defenseless, he was protective of his siblings because that was his job his duty as the eldest. now he was the eldest brother of a tiny, scared, defenseless, human child; he had never felt such a drive to protect in his life. spider stayed with him the first few nights, and ao'nung kept him close, bundled in a blanket. when spider began venturing into the village, ao'nung was close behind, making sure no one messed with his baby brother. spider had lost any and all instinct to live amongst the reef village with his memory; finding it difficult to navigate the sand or swim with strength and confidence, meaning ao'nung was always on the verge of just scooping the little one up and hauling him back to the pod where he would be safe. he hisses and lashes his tail at anyone who disturbs spidr's naps or plays too rough around him (he is his mother's child after all)
spider began warming up to the people around him. first were tsireya and rotxo, it was hard to keep them away from the baby, no matter how hard ao'nung wanted to keep him all to himself. it was nice seeing him reconnect, completely unknowingly on spiders end, with some his best friends in the world. playing in the tide pools with tsireya or napping against rotxo. he even begins to reconnect with ronal and tonowari, spending long hours by the water's edge with his mother watching the sunset or with his father caring for the ilu and tsurak.
ao'nung is testy with the sully parents, not letting them around spider as much as they would like, not wanting them to taint this second chance spider has at childhood; part of him knows its unfair, part of him even thinks it might be good for spider to reconnect with them, now that they were trying to do better, but the need to protect his baby brother from a known threat overshadowed that by a longshot. even as spider sought them out, he had a very angry, very much ready to pounce lashing his tail in the corner as he supervises the meetings.
spider quickly caught up with his siblings, tuk and him being close in age definitely helped. kiri and lo'ak loved fawning after their now little brother. ao'nung was happy to see him happy, he knew the only thing spider had when he was younger was his siblings, so he was happy he got to keep that.
as spider gained his 'sea legs' and confidence in the village, ao'nung had to watch out for slips, trips, falls, and boo-boos. spider was a tough cookie though, while ao'nung was having a heart attack cause his little knees were all scraped up, spider was telling a tale as to how he gained his wounds. helped his mother stay on top of putting ointment on spider's skin so he didn't burn to a crisp; he'd already rocked a sun-poisoned spider to sleep once and he won't be doing it again.
over all, spider has the most attentive, loving, and protective brother possible. whether he has to age all over again or he ages up quickly over time, he will always have his brother to love and protect him.
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aphrodisiac-siren · 6 months
Home~ Neteyam x Metkayina!reader
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Summary: Leaving behind everything he knew was hard for Neteyam and then adapting to the ways of the new clan was even harder. He'd push himself, overwork and exhaust himself even, to live upto his family's expectations; never really giving his own wants a second thought. That's why Y/N was the prefect companion for him, someone who kept things in his life balanced, who made sure to let him know that what he wanted was just as important, perhaps even more so, than what everyone else wanted of him.
//slow burn, time skip//
masterlist, Part 7
Part 6
Time had seemingly frozen for Neteyam in that moment.
The words 'I've been shot' left him feeling like a bullet had gone right through him as well.
He did his very best to keep Y/N afloat, feeling helpless as she continued to bleed from being shot.
"Lo'ak help me" he desperately asked, clicking his tongue at the ilu next to them to swim closer.
They'd managed to get off the sky people's ship, with Spider too and yet Neteyam felt that all his efforts had been in vain. Their escape wasn’t planned out but he thought he could’ve been better at what he always felt was his job: protecting.
He held Y/N close to him, his chin resting atop her head.
With every passing second, his heart only began to pick up pace and a strange feeling engulfed him; like a stone twice his weight was placed on his chest.
He couldn’t bare the idea of losing her so he pushed those thoughts away the best he could yet the dread of the possibility of said instance occurring, lingered.
Lo'ak's voice seemed so distant when he called out to their dad despite him being right behind him.
Y/N coughed and winced in pain as she was carried from the ilu to a rock, clenching her teeth to keep herself from letting all of that antagonising pain emerge in the form of a scream.
Tsirerya was already crying, Lo'ak also just moments from doing the same as they encircled Y/N while Jake examined her briefly.
Neteyam refused to take his eyes off her, his hand holding her's as she occasionally squeezed when the pain got too much.
'Do not take her' he inwardly prayed to Ewa, borderline begging.
He felt as though he had been entrapped in a bad dream and he wanted nothing more than to just wake up to find all of this wasn’t really happening.
"No exit wound" He breathed out, making Neteyam's ears shoot up.
Despite being wounded pretty bad, there was still a slim chance to save her.
Whilst his parents along with Spider went back for his sisters, Neteyam made haste for the village with Y/N.
There was a flame of hope set ablaze at the mention of a possibility that she could be saved and Neteyam would fight almost anyone or anything who would stand in his way of saving her.
"Neteyam" she weakly called out, using up whatever strength she had just to call out his name
'You’re going to be okay' he immediately cut her off before she had a chance to say anything else that would suggest she was giving up 'stay with me, you’re going to be okay'
-End of flashback-
Neteyam and Y/N had, to everyone's surprise, grown distant over the past six years.
Or more like, had been making every effort to stay away from each other as much as possible.
They were like the same poles of a magnet, repelling away from the other.
They both refused to talk about it when questioned and just brushed it off but being part of the same friend circle meant there were some occasions in which they just couldn’t avoid each other and just had to put on a fake front and deal with each other's existence; not to mention the awkward atmosphere they created and the tension that everyone in their group sensed and had to deal with.
"Bro you can’t keep me in the dark about this" Lo'ak groaned, pestering his brother as they sat by the trees at the beach, making arrows as per the instruction of Ronal "I'm your brother, tell me what happened"
"For the last time baby bro, nothing happened" Neteyam rolled his eyes, wrapping the twine around the head of the arrow "sometimes people grow apart"
"Not you two" Lo'ak gave him a look that was a mixture of suspicion and confusion "you guys going from inseparable to absolute strangers is so weird"
"And anytime you do have any conversations" Lo'ak continued "that include more words than just 'hi' or 'hey' it's you two arguing over something stupid"
"Just shut up and do your work" Neteyam playfully smacked the back of his head, not really responding to his statements. Mostly because what his brother was saying was true.
He and Y/N seemed to bicker more than having an actual conversation; those silly banters seemed to be the only time they actually interacted with each other for more than five seconds and even though Neteyam would never admit it, he did not mind.
If that was the only way they would communicate, so be it; as long as it meant he would still be in contact with her.
He found it pathetic but their relationship at this point had sort of narrowed down to only awkward greetings and immature arguments which were never taken to heart but never really playful either.
He did not like the arguments but it came almost naturally and Neteyam had to admit it was both comical and cute when Y/N pouted and puffed anytime she got frustrated enough at him.
Once they were done crafting the arrows, they headed toward Tonowari’s pod to drop them off, or more like Neteyam having to deliver them all by himself while Lo'ak dumped his share of arrows with him and ran off.
When he arrived at the pod Aonung was there to tell him where to put the arrows before he took his leave for his hunting lessons.
Not wanting to dawdle too long in someone else’s home, he made his way toward the designated place for where the arrows were stored along with a few spears which was located right at the end of the pod near the back door that overlooked the blue sea that flowed beneath most of the village.
The tranquil sound of the breeze blowing in harmony with the waves was accompanied by a soft and irregular humming which captured Neteyam’s attention.
He peaked outside the archway of the back door to look at where the humming was coming from.
There was a hammock that was set up right above the waters, in which Y/N seemed to be peacefully asleep. She looked just as ethereal as she did when he first saw her and he wondered how she managed to do it so effortlessly even while being asleep.
He was fully aware that it was weird to gawk so shamelessly at someone when they’re sleeping but that didn’t seem to stop him from inching closer to get a better look at her.
Not a second too soon and he knew he shouldn’t have made the stupid decision of moving toward Y/N because as soon as he did, he stepped on either a small rock or a shell, either of which were sharp enough to send a surge of pain up his foot that caused him to wince in pain- making him drop all of the arrows.
The sound of the arrows falling onto the wooden porch along with his painful wincing awoke the girl and immediately her eyes locked with his.
A mix of both dread and embarrassment washed over Neteyam like a tidal wave and he wanted nothing more than to just dissolve into the waters beneath him and erase himself from this situation.
Just like how anyone would react to waking up and seeing that you were being watched while you slept, Y/N screamed with both fright and confusion. She jolted upright, the sudden and quick movement causing the hammock to rock violently.
Neteyam tried to help her before she fell, moving toward her with his arm stretched out to hold on to either her hand or the hammock, whichever he managed to catch first.
But things only seemed to be going downhill for him and he stepped onto one of the many arrows pooled around him, the pointy side jabbing at the same foot he’d hurt only a few seconds ago and he yelped in agony, the second surge of pain causing him to lose his balance and topple into the hammock; sending the boy crashing into the waters and Y/N along with him.
“You skxawng!” Y/N snapped at him as she rubbed the water out of her eyes “what is wrong with you?”
“I was trying to help you” Neteyam snapped right back, not too happy about falling and then being yelled at over it. He hauled himself over the narrow porch, outstretching his arm for Y/N to take so that he could pull her up, which she took.
“Help me? You threw me over” she huffed.
“Oh no, you were doing just fine falling off by yourself” he immediately shot back.
“Who-who lurks around and stares at someone when they’re sleeping? Creep, that’s why I fell for you” She briefly paused to correct her slip-of-tongue “I fell because of you”
Neteyam wanted to drop it, he really did but he couldn’t fight back the grin that etched its way to his face.
“Fell for me?” He repeated with a shit eating smirk that he knew would earn him a slap from Y/N “aw shit Y/N, didn’t know being a creep was all it took to get you to fall for me”
“So you admit being a creep?” There was absolutely no amusement in her tone whatsoever and Neteyam could tell he was getting under her skin.
“Wait till I tell all the boys about this” he knew he was pushing it. Y/N did sometimes get so hot-headed that she’d fumble over her words but this time she’d just dropped a pot of gold at his feet and Neteyam was going to bask in this moment for as long as he could “I'll tell them they can drop all their extravagant acts of bravado, just staring at Y/N while she sleeps will have her swooning at you in no time”
“Get out you annoying jungle frog” she smacked his arm, running out of patience and the sound of laughter that escaped Neteyam’s lips only seemed to further infuriate her.
“Okay okay my love, I’m out” he raised his hands in surrender as he got to his feet “you’re cranky when you just wake up anyway”
“My love?” Y/N confusingly repeated, her English accent just as heavy as Neteyam’s “what’s that?”
Neteyam didn’t know why he said that, it just sorta slipped out. He didn’t mean anything by it but he knew explaining what the word meant would only make things weird.
With his back still faced toward her, he bent down to pick up the mess of arrows he’d made and neatly put them away in a corner all while an awkward silence surrounded him.
He wasn’t sure if the prolonged pause was because she was awaiting a translation or if she’d just dropped the conversation but he decided to respond with a ‘it’s nothing’ before he made himself scarce.
Over the last six years, Y/N’s spirit of competition only seemed to grow stronger. It had reached a point where even Aonung didn’t try to challenge her much, it was just too exhausting.
So when her recent little encounter with Neteyam ended not only with her absolutely butchering the words that came out of her mouth but with him teasing her for it, proceeding to say something in English which was indefinitely an insult and then refusing to translate it for her, it only left Y/N feeling more annoyed at him.
That was something Neteyam had been doing a lot over the years: being absolutely insufferable and annoying.
She didn’t know what brought it upon him, one moment he was an absolute sweetheart and then all of a sudden he just couldn’t stand to be around her. Ever since that entire fiasco with Quaritch and the sky people, things had become so different.
Neteyam initially used to stay away from her, as if she were a deadly sickness he was afraid of catching. Anytime he’d see her, he’d just turn and go the other way.
And then eventually overtime it turned into silently glancing at each other and then quickly looking away as soon as their eyes met.
From there it evolved into forced smiles anytime they hung out with their friends, occasionally bringing themselves to say a greeting or a goodbye when they dispersed.
Which then became this mess of silly insults and childish banter.
And for some reason, it just stuck that way; never once did they ever come even remotely close to having a normal, sweet conversation like how they used to haven when the Sullys first arrived.
The war between the Na’vi and the sky people had ended but the one between Neteyam and Y/N seemed nowhere near finished.
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sunk-1sssed · 2 years
Neteyam x reader
Synopsis: She has to try, as useless as it was; she had to.
Warnings: angst, death, mentions of blood, injury, mentions of a bulletwound
a/n: its so shitty but i just remembered in the first season aot that girl doing cpr to her half bitten bf, bro. That was shocking, so i tried to put it in avatar😛.
Im so sorry for this, rushed again, its short so not much pain though
The waves of the sea filled with a red tint, tears, and blood mixing as you cradle him to your chest. Your ilu pushing itself to it’s limits as you make your way to the rocks.
Your own heart pounding in your out of your throat, all heard was the struggling breaths of your lover. His eyes pained as he gets lowered to the rocks. Your eyes already fogged with tears, nearly tripping over yourself. You make your way beside him, you saw nothing but him.
Thats all you were focused on.
Your shaky hand placed on the bullet wound on his chest, you mutter incoherent reassuring phrases to the boy in your arms. Barely noticing the increasing presence of people.
Moving your hands, you let jake and neytiri inspect their injured son. A he emits a pained noise at the movement, a jab at your heart.
Her eyes were frantic, panicked and she herself was torn. Jake attempting to keep his composure, for himself and his family.
You hold the his hand, and plead to the boy, to try to keep trying.
But all was futile, as his final breathe is taken you feel a part of you dies along side with him. Screams echo the rocks, your sister triseya turning to Lo’ak for comfort, as you cradle Neteyam’s hand against your cheek.
His eyes are lifeless, but he’s still here right?, he can still try?. Maybe he cant, but you can.
As neytiri is being comforted by jake, they notice your frantic and erratic movements.
Pumping his chest, tears falling onto his worn body, then lowering your face to meet his and blowing air into his mouth, in hopes the boy would be resurrected.
In hopes, if you try, he will too.
The scene leaves them broken, your eyes almost resembling his; dead, not a spark of life in them, yet still held denial.
They thought back to seeing the two of you.
They noticed Neteyam practically drooling over your presence whenever you were around, they had confronted him about it quiet recently. But instead of accepting the relationship you two shared, they shunned it.
Telling him that it would just lead to discourse in the clans, telling him that he was two young to already find the one, telling him “theres plently of time left to find the right person. Don’t rush yourself.”
Had they known his life would be cut short, they would of let the two of you flourish.
You continued, ignoring the cries of the family and your sister, you had to try. Try for him. Try to get him back, you had to. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you hadn’t.
On beat, on repeat, you kept pumping his chest, and blowing into his now cold mouth. The warmth of his body now cold, left a cold lifeless touch. You began crying in contact, kissing his lips then begging the corpse to wake up.
You felt a soothing hand on your shoulder, you cried more, tears rivalling that of the seas. You cradle his cheek, putting your foreheads together as you continue to plead to your lost lover.
The once soothing arm is joined by another, they feel familiar, your brother. They begin to gently pull you away, arms around your shoulders, you thrash.
You fought and begged, begged to let you go, begged to let you get back to him, begged to feel his warm once more, until you couldn’t beg anymore.
You sister joins as the three of you huddle together, Aonung holding the two of you up as you fell apart at the seams.
You cried of days, realising that, even though you had tried. It would of never been enough.
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polutrope · 7 months
Beleg with 20 and 22 for the character ask game
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Mablung! Girdle-Schmirdle, I'm pretty sure these guys are what kept Doriath running behind the scenes through the Age. The way they're like, "Actually Sir Thingol, we're gonna join this epic assault on Angband," is sooooo. Gentleman warrior bros. If everyone in the First Age had just followed the behavioural examples of Beleg and Mablung everything would have been so much chiller.
(Sorry Turin, ilu, but you are no one's ideal best friend.)
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
Wow I do not read enough Beleg fic! This needs to be corrected. A standout Beleg for me was in @elfscribe's The Black Sword (Beleg/Mablung). I like how this fic portrays both his Mightiness (it's in the name!) and sensitivity in balance.
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