#illegal substance
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grakpark · 10 months ago
Warning: Dr.retro x Pest = Illegal substance
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Netga: Speedy Rabbit
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Designer’s Reflection: Speedy Rabbit
Obtained: Hot Pursuit gacha
Rarity: SSR
Attribute: Blue/Cool
Awakened Suit: Dashing Bunny
Story - transcripts from Designer’s Reflection
Chapter 1 - Mecha Girl
Chapter 2 - Uninvited Guest
Chapter 3 - First Mission
Chapter 4 - New Partner
Story - summarized
Netga is behind on bills, and it doesn’t help when some of her customers come storming back demanding refunds because they decided they don’t like her modified mechas. Unlike most in her neighborhood, she doesn’t see mechas only as battle weapons. To Netga, each mecha has a unique personality, and she intends to unlock their full potential with her modifications.
If she can get the money for that.
One day, a newscast announces a reward for catching a scientist selling illegal stimulants through the black market. These stimulants would provide a violent, unfair advantage in mecha battles. And the experiments done to make these were on live animals!
Shortly after the broadcast ends, something rifles through the wires in Netga’s garage. She approaches it... and it’s a small bunny, containing a chip behind its ear. Netga hacks into its data-frame and discovers its creator’s origins.
Following the directions, she and her favorite mecha find a suspicious man leaving a building at the back of an alley. It doesn’t take long to break in with Netga’s skills... but instead of a criminal’s lair, she finds a cluttered, disgusting room,filled with cages of bunnies. Other than being brainwashed by violent movies, the critters seem harmless and happy.
Netga reports the suspect’s hideout and hands over the info on the fake stimulants. In days, she collects the reward. It’s not enough to boost all her tools and modifications for her job, but it’s enough to pay her bills. So, she decides to do both bounty-hunting and mecha modification from here on out!
-While Nightbane isn’t a part of this Reflection, his suit Soul Magic makes an appearance in the trailer for this event. Netga is hunting the girl wearing his suit.
-Besides Netga, we’ve met only two other woman scientists/engineers, and that’s Hestia and Cecilia.
Fun Facts
-Rabbits are a common experiment animal. They’re not the most common animal, but they’re mainly used in tests regarding antibodies and health.
-From what I could look up, animal experimentation still occurs, but it seems to be for research purposes rather than for testing makeup or products. No one is forcing them to watch bloody films, though.
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truecobblepot · 2 months ago
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the-mercs-as · 1 year ago
BONUS WEEK: The Mercs As ...
(Note: don't do drugs, kids)
(Suggestion and merc assignments by: anonymous)
(Art by Big Green Pepper)
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needsmorewlw · 5 months ago
Reth has me sat because he goes from "✨Hey babe✨ 😘" to "You still like me right? 🥺👉👈" in half a second flat with absolutely no prompting.
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roseaterougerues · 2 years ago
This is just Stanley in his essence.
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That’s it. Just exists to go against everything Narrator believes and I stand by him for that.
Here’s a quick doodle of the rat bastards
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spacebar2 · 7 months ago
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That one meme that's been going around lol
Version with the swear below.
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cyndrastic · 1 year ago
hey remember when i said i was drawing Vic Chaos as a milf?
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alternates with different lighting (with and without words) and a time lapse under the cut! (btw the words on the cover all have to do with lore in my post covid au so send asks if you’re interested <3)
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tw for nudity (without genitalia) in the time lapse cause i shaded the whole body before drawing the dress
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Chapter 3: First Mission
Narrated by Netga.
Narrator: I crawl into my newly calibrated mecha and put on my sensor devices, connecting my mind to the terminal.
Narrator: The screen flashes. The connection is successful, with the system awaiting my orders.
Netga: Let’s go!
Narrator: The garage gate rolls up, revealing a rose-tinted mist of light above the city that never sleeps.
Narrator: A city where there’s no starlight.
Narrator: Coordinates sent, location locked on. My mecha soars soundlessly through the night sky and joins the vehicles on the streets.
Narrator: I’m as prepared as I can be, but the unknown situation still makes me a bit unnerved... and excited.
Narrator: As the terminal senses my fluctuating mood, a smile appears on the screen.
Narrator: Seeing the familiar smile, I can’t help but smirk.
Netga: Let’s turn up some music!
Narrator: Dazzling holographic ads sweep past outside my capsule, groovy beats entering my ear. I feel much less anxious now.
Narrator: Soon, we arrive at our destination: a street lined with neon billboards.
Narrator: After an uneventful landing, I crawl out of the cockpit and shrink my mecha down to its smallest size.
Narrator: It follows me through the bustling streets, red-infrared eyes glinting in the dark. It sends me real-time info.
Narrator: We follow the GPS to an unremarkable door on the side of an alley.
??: No need to worry. Everything’s going according to the plan, just like before. I’ll be right there.
Narrator: A man is speaking in a low voice. The pitch seems to have been processed, with the auto-tuning making it cold and deep.
Narrator: He opens the door and leaves quickly, a metal suitcase in hand. Sounds like he’s got someone to meet.
Narrator: Under the rim of his cap, he glances at the girl and the mini-robot, completely disregarding us.
Narrator: “Small animal detected in suitcase.” The mecha reports the results of its scan into my earpiece in a timely manner.
Narrator: So... is this the suspect? Or does he have accomplices behind the door?
Narrator: The scanner’s rays pierce through the door and walls. The results continue to be reported to me.
Narrator: There’s no one inside, though there are lots of small animals.
Narrator: Just like what they said in the news. This must be his laboratory.
Narrator: This is the perfect opportunity.
Narrator: After making sure the man has left, I use my portable decryption device to unlock the door and sneak in.
Narrator: In front of me is a passage, and a rustling sound can be heard from the shadows at the very end.
Narrator: Grasping my remodeled automatic laser gun tight, I move on cautiously until I touch a closed door at the end of the hall.
Narrator: The password is surprisingly easy to guess. I unlock the door within three seconds.
Narrator: I knew there’s no one inside, but I can’t be sure about hidden traps.
Narrator: Trying to calm down my racing heart, I take three deep breaths before pushing the door open.
Netga: What the...!?
Narrator: The sight in front of me has me quaking in my boots.
Choose either “Is it that terrifying?” or “So what’s inside the lab?”
If “terrifying,” ...
You: Is it that terrifying?
Narrator: Unexpected, more like.
If “lab,” ...
You: So what’s inside the lab?
Narrator: I don’t even think this mess of a room can be considered a lab.
Narrator: A mountain of empty cans sits by the wall. Filled garbage bags lie all over the place, surrounding a battered mattress.
Narrator: Different scenes flash through the old monitors on the other side of the room, a cacophony of noises coming from the speakers.
Narrator: In front of the monitors are rows of cages, the bunnies inside forced to watch the violent horror films on the screens.
Narrator: A gigantic chip scanner buzzes tirelessly in the background.
Narrator: I check the room and find no evidence of tasers or any equipment to torment animals with.
Narrator: While their environment isn’t the best, the rabbits seem to be having a peaceful time munching on grass.
Narrator: Turns out that’s all there is to this “lunatic’s lab.” I’m relieved but also a bit unsure whether to laugh or cry.
Narrator: Digital stimulant? What a scam.
Narrator: Who knows how many have been duped by this guy’s data packs that are mere placebos.
Narrator: Still, I can’t help feeling a bit excited at how smoothly this has gone. I barely needed to lift a finger.
Narrator: One final step and the rewards are mine.
Narrator: I return to the alley and report what I found to the police, then sneak into my mecha and wait for the man to return.
Narrator: With my help, the cops manage to arrest the suspect that very night.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
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radarchives · 2 years ago
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batw1nggg · 6 months ago
komaeda doesnt like anything too sweet so ive always seen his taste in drinks as being like. tea and coconut water and like straight almond milk. but i do think the one exception to this is his crippling blue ram addiction he’s got alcoholism lite
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beearthive · 3 months ago
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I'm cringe and free :)
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shrews-art · 3 months ago
Good evening everyone, my shit ass country is once again trying to make it near impossible to live here as a trans person and I just want out
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femmikoto · 3 months ago
the british border force customs office is holding MY god damn meeper hostage. there is no justice on this bitch of an earth
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roseaterougerues · 1 year ago
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cacklingroses · 2 years ago
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He thinks that wearing a suit will get him away with everything >:c
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