#ill just keep writing my silly little fics
weolucbasu · 1 year
Hello ship godmother
Your fics are good ❤️✋
Oh hello!
Let me point out that I will never get tired of being called ship godmother AHAHA
If anyone is confused, I think this will clear it up for ya.
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wyrmswears · 6 months
"Generator"; 1569 words.
The Administrator has something to show Agent Walker.
Sure, he knew it wasn’t the first time he had been called to a one-on-one meeting with The Administrator, but it may as well have been. It wasn’t like he remembered any of their previous interactions; he was going in blind all the same.
When his fax machine first spat out the offending paper, he believed it had been sent to the wrong agent. But there was his name at the top, ‘Agent Walker’. There was the possibility that someone else shared his surname, but as far as he was aware he was the only agent without a first name.
The listed meeting room wasn’t her office, nor was it one of the Administration’s more conventional meeting rooms, complete with tables 30 people long but only one person wide and more fake potted plants than you could ever imagine. No, today he had been called down to the lowest floor of the Administration: the server room. The part of his brain that understood technology bristled at that; it would be much more effective to place the server room on a higher floor. Nonetheless, he wouldn’t say anything about that to The Administrator when he faced her - he would stick to his department, as all good employees did. The networks and communications department could handle that one.
The elevator down required two separate keycards: one was his standard agent ID, and the other digitally recognised him as a department manager. The former granted him permission to move between floors, yes, but only the latter allowed him access to the basement.
The ride down took 2 minutes and 43 seconds. He counted. No one else entered the elevator the entire journey.
When the elevator reached the basement and the doors slid open, The Administrator was standing on the other side of them. He hoped he would forget this meeting like the others, if just so he could become ignorant to the way he jumped at her sudden appearance.
“Agent Walker.”
He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Administrator, ma’am.”
She smiled. This did nothing to soothe his racing heart. “Come, let’s talk.” She beckoned and he followed her into the dark room.
It was large, but so were most rooms in the Administration. The realm reassignment department was tiny relative to the office rooms that the majority of their employees were stationed in. This room was about half the size of block 8E sub-block 185A A3/11√5. He could see three of the walls, dark stretches of concrete, sealing them in. The fourth that should’ve sat opposite to the elevator was obscured by rows upon rows upon rows of computer servers. A blue glow emanated from them and he grimaced at the thought of the voltage it would take to create a light that strong.
As he struggled to keep pace, The Administrator barely spared him a glance. “This may seem beyond your department, but trust me, your role will become clear soon.” She forewarned. She would never have him leave his department, he knew. That was the first rule of the Administration: Stay in your place. “What do you know of Lord Ras of the Wyldness?”
Lord Ras. He had heard that name. Some of the employees that hailed from Imperium had mentioned it in conversations coated with nothing short of hatred. The ‘outlander’ who had gained a position of such power in their otherwise closed society. That sort of talk only ever continued for a couple days before their new job turned their interest towards paperwork and mild office drama.
“Isn’t he the one trying to awaken ancient evils without a permit?”
The Administrator shot him a look, slow and venomous. “He is”, she nodded, “but that’s not important to us right now.” She walked towards him. He averted his gaze to the floor with stiffened shoulders but found that she only continued past him, down the alley of servers. She didn’t need to beckon him this time, he knew what he was meant to do. He followed.
There was little light between the pillars of computers. They were only between two rows of the many, but what he could see was endless. The towers sparked a theory in his mind about why she was mentioning the rogue lord. “We use a lot of power.” He started, testing the waters. The Administrator stopped walking and turned to face him, her silence commanding him to finish his speculation. “Lord Ras allied with Imperium by promising them power; do we need to ally with him too? To have enough power?”
The Administrator smiled and shook her head. Count two for smiles, and a contradiction - she must have expected him to guess wrong. “You’re right that we do plan to ally with him, but it is not out of need for power. We have all the power we could need.” She turned again and continued to weave her way through the computerised nest which was now composed of more than just server towers. Thick cables ran both overhead and underfoot, LEDs glowed from no visible circuitry, and the drone of electric humming and cooling fans only ever got louder the further they went.
Finally, they breached the sea of servers.
Now that he could see the wall they had been trekking towards all this time, he realised that it wasn’t made out of concrete the same as the other three walls. No, this one was glass. Despite this, nothing was visible from the other side. There was no depth at all, only pure light glowing an almost-white with its brightness (though when Walker inspected the way it lit up its surroundings, he realised it to be tinted pale blue).
In front of the glass wall, the cables reached their largest size before slipping underneath panels in the floor. The servers did not get within 10 metres of the wall. Instead, they stood guard in their rows, watching the tiny humans approach the divine light.
The Administrator hummed, snapping Walker’s attention back to her. She gestured towards the glass. “This is our power source. You can look, if you would like.”
He didn’t know if that was a good idea. Just looking at the glass from this distance was already beginning to hurt his eyes. Nonetheless, unsure if it was because The Administrator had told him to or because he chose to, he stepped forwards.
As he approached, he could feel the electricity in the air. It combed through his hair and bounced around a pit in his chest, dangerously close to the one that ached whenever he thought about the family he might’ve once had, before he forgot everything. He didn’t realise he was shaking with a strange sense of excitement until he was close enough to touch the glass and found himself unable to hold his hand still. He almost did touch the glass, but held back just before his fingers made contact. He still couldn’t see anything on the other side. Pale blue swallowed his vision.
He looked over his shoulder to The Administrator. She raised an eyebrow and jerked her head towards the glass again. He turned back. A bright light stared back at him.
He didn’t scream. This was unusual - Walker knew he was cowardly and anxious and that in any other scenario he would’ve jumped or fallen back or swung a punch - but something was different this time.
If anything, he stood closer than he did originally, watching the sparking lights with complete fascination. His breath fogged the glass.
“What is it?” He asked after what could’ve been anything between a second and a day, even though he couldn’t hear what he was saying over the pounding of his own heart.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” The Administrator was at his side now. When had she moved? “It’s lightning.”
Like realising one’s hunger upon taking a bite of food, the word sparked an ache in the back of his head. “Lightning…” He knew what that was, of course, as well as where it came from. They must have captured it live from a storm. He had never seen a storm before, but he had heard anecdotes of them from newly recruited employees and field agents alike. He was jealous. Did all lightning look like this? Freckles and curls?
She watched as he pressed a hand to the glass. The lightning responded in kind, pressing the palm of its hand opposite to his. “We could let it go of course, but it would run away. Far from here.”
Far from here… No. They couldn’t let it free. Now that he had seen it, felt it, he knew he couldn’t bear to part with it. They had to keep it contained. He told The Administrator such.
She nodded and smiled again. “I knew you’d understand.”
He dropped his gaze to study the hand that would’ve held his if it could.
It was almost the same pale blue that shone through the rest of the glass, but somehow brighter. The similarity in colours made it hard to tell the form of the figure apart from its glow, but blue and yellow markings fanned out across its form like the branches of a pine tree. Lichtenberg figures, his mind supplied.
He looked up at its face, admiring its curls and running a hand through his own. He wondered if he’d at all resemble the figure before him if he looked in a mirror.
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girlnextmorgue · 1 year
i j caught maybe one of the most embarrassing mistakes ive ever made when writing... as someone who is very judgy and particular about the things i read (not that i can really be choosy in the creepypasta fandom because most of the fic nowadays is either crazy porn (like noncon or weird stuff... i am not a fan of sa fics!!!) or poorly written stuff by the next generation of crp fans (go for it young ones.... i am rooting for u)) BUT as i was saying as someone who is VERY particular when it comes to my fics it was just very embarrassing to see that because like damn girl i was not paying attention. and i HATE when people dont pay attention to their writing
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milswrites · 5 months
Stubborn Little Fox
~ Eris Vanserra X Reader
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Summary: Eris struggles to look after his stubborn mate when you are sick.
Warnings: Poorly reader but it’s pretty much fluff. Maybe some suggestiveness.
Notes: Just a silly little fic to tide you over until I finish the angst I’m writing. Dedicated to @sarawritestories who wrote me this exact scenario in an attempt to get me to stop writing and go to bed 😌
Your bed was empty.
The wrinkled covers pulled back to reveal the bare sheets of where you had once laid, where Eris was supposed find you soundly sleeping upon entering the room.
The Autumn Prince cursed lowly under his breath, knuckles turning white with frustration as he tightly gripped onto the tray of food he had prepared for you.
It was easier to control his hounds - Eris thought as he carefully placed the tray down on the edge of the bed, lest he toss its contents onto the floor in his anger.
Eris was used to completing impossible jobs, and yet nothing has been more difficult than trying to wrangle his sick mate and convince you to sleep away your illness. Your inability to sit still making caring for you harder than Eris had initially anticipated.
He needn’t try too hard to find you, a swift wander down the hall and to his office was all Eris needed to walk before he opened the door to find your sickly form hunched over his desk with a pen in hand. Scribbling away at whatever documents had been left for you once you had recovered.
It was impossible to stop the exasperated sigh which fell from his lips as he took in the paleness of your face and the worrying sheen of sweat which had coated it.
“And why, pray tell me, aren’t you in bed where you’re supposed to be Little Fox?” Eris snarled, all comfort forgotten as he once more found himself trying to coax you back towards your bed.
With shaking hands you reluctantly place your pen down, guilty eyes meeting the burning stare of your mates unforgiving glare. “I’ve got work to finish!” You defend, gesturing to the stack of paperwork which had only grown during your absence from your job.
At your excuse, the red-haired male inhaled deeply, a disbelieving hand coming to pinch the bridge of his nose in annoyance. And it wasn’t until Eris exhaled his frustrations that he allowed himself to reply as softly as he could, “work can wait until you’re feeling better.”
“It can’t,” you reason, a disappointed sigh drawing from your sickly lips, “I’m far enough behind as it is. Another day without work and I’ll never be able to catch up. Besides, I’m fine. I feel much better now.”
Whilst Eris prided himself on holding back the roll of his eyes which threatened to occur, he failed to stop the raise of his brow as you proceeded to burst into a fit of coughs after your weak-willed reassurances.
“All better?” He mused, a small smirk finding its home on his lips as he watched you pitifully try to compose yourself. Innocent eyes meeting his own as your incessant coughing eventually came to a halt.
“I have to say Little Fox, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you like going against my orders” Eris chided, slowly walking towards you as he spoke. Each step forward drawing you deeper into his hypnotic trance. “Would I be correct in assuming you keep leaving your bed because you want me to scold you?” He asks teasingly, bringing his face down to meet yours, until his playful eyes were level with your own.
“I can’t say I’d hate it if you had to take care of me” you replied honestly, unable to help the way your gaze drifted towards your mates slightly parted lips.
“Is that not what I’ve been doing all this time?” Eris feigns hurt which fails to read through his wicked smile, “Taking care of my mate?”
“I can think of a few more ways I’d like to be taken care of” you answer, hoping to be seductive but ultimately failing as another round of coughs wrack your chest.
“Later” Eris chuckled, his strong arms coming to lift you from where you were sat, “for now you need sleep.”
You furrow your brows in protest, opening your mouth to argue with your mate before he beat you to it. Eris’s soothing voice acting to calm you, “Don’t worry, I’m going to have to cuddle you just to make sure you don’t run off anywhere else.”
Eris’s warm lips came to meet your aching forehead, his kiss already working to dissipate the uncomfortable pulsating of your sore temples. Your mates healing touch enough to already have you drifting off in his comforting embrace.
“My stubborn Little Fox,” he uttered as he began to move back towards the bedroom which you shared, cradling you close to his body in hope that the heat which he emitted would soothe your aching joints, “you better feel well again soon, I’ll be waiting to deliver your punishment for disobeying me.”
You hum happily in response, nuzzling your face into his warm chest to hide your smirk of anticipation, “I’m looking forward to it, My Prince.”
It was only once you woke, when your fever had broken and the ache in your muscles had quelled, that you noticed that Eris was no longer holding you. That it was his turn to escape the comfortable confines of your sheets which had now grown cold in his absence.
Stepping out from the warmth of your covers, you walked barefoot across the cold wooden floors. Seeking the ever-lasting warmth of your mate. You followed the call, moving through the hall until you found yourself outside his office, the strong scent of crackling wood and chestnuts enough to tell you the male was waiting inside.
Cracking open the door you peered inside, noting the way Eris was slumped over the freshly inked papers you had saved to work on when your health had improved.
Your mate - your selfless, loving mate - had completed them all. No doubt seeking to ease your worries and provide you with the extra hours of rest you would no doubt need once you had woken.
Quietly pulling the door to, you move to the kitchen to prepare your love a warming tea. Because as much as Eris longed to take care of those he loved so dearly, sometimes what he needed was for someone to take care of him in return.
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notedchampagne · 3 months
What makes a tlt au work for you? Do u have any favourites out there/that you’ve thought of?
its hard because it can go down to the writing! i have a huge bias for things that put focus on the characters acting awful and driving the story forward- if a story has a plot thats great, but its the difference between "gideon and harrow keep meeting up at parties and fall a little bit in love every time" and "gideons angry she lost her childhood to the cult so she attends a party with the tridentarii to shotgun adolescent experiences, and harrowhark, frustrated that gideon is pulling on her metaphorical leash, follows to stalk her". the former retains a 5+1 fic format and is more bite-size, while the latter puts more focus into their growth as characters. im not great at articulating what i like specifically, but ill put my favorite fics below:
what if nona was dogs tugs at my heart: its post-canon, slice-of-life, and has a unique concept (said in the title). i judged a book by its cover because i thought the premise seemed too silly at first but ive been made a fool and its pet clown. it feels so true to nona the way its about all the things nona loves and how she gets to explore the world through new eyes. i love the way it explores characters softening up and getting hurt through a third person pov
we have always lived in the apartment by @thatneoncrisis i keep saying this but for the love of GOD guys this au is so good it makes me cry and feel such a deep catharsis from it. it takes gideon and harrow and the ninth as a cult and explores their struggle to adapt to a modern society when noone ever gets a break (WOW ITS JUST LIKE IN REAL L-). quinn writes the sides of griddlehark i think go overlooked in fanfic often: their codependency, their tendency to lash out when theyre defensive, their mutual paranoia and different coping mechanisms, harrows psychosis and gideons bitterness, their relationships to each other as being the only other person who really understands what the other suffered through. god. i feel lightheaded.
"but SAM, i dont like angst but i want to see this writing!" read gap between a tragedy and a comedy
"SAM, i also like when gideon and harrow are horrible because theyre maladjusted teenagers! but i want more antics where the characters drive things forward over angst!" read whats eating gideon nav
you just aint receiving is one of my FAVORITE modern aus of all time (and i heavily recommend the authors other fics as well!) if you really want to see how much i love this fic the fact that my comments take up the entire phone screen probably says a lot. its hard to put it concisely: it keeps harrows air of misanthropy and cruelty but redefines it as the result of her upbringing and personal struggle to live in a university while dealing with a backpack of mental illness and frustration. it changes gideons personality as the daughter of john gaius in a way that makes sense having her grow up with johns middling parenting skills and getting everything she ever wanted (connecting it back to kirionas personality in ntn!). it brings in side characters (specially palamedes. my beautiful boy palamedes) in ways that compliment harrow and gideon but not so obviously that they only exist to be supports. they have their own lives and ideals. its a modern au that brings in the boiling politics of johns cult uprising once again in a really novel way
semi charmed kinda life by @griddlebait. jesuchristo and all his middle names this fic is GREAT for you if you want a slice of life, coming of age type modern au that explores what its like for gideon and harrow if they actually got the space to see who theyd become outside of the stifling fate tlt has for them. as far as modern aus go im usually very hesitant to read them because im afraid modernizing the characters takes features away from their core but i really love and respect the way the author treats the 69ers with care and draws distinct lines that shows me how their grow and change while keeping a line to the anchor. also they write HIDEOUS (complimentary) PINING. DISGUSTING. some of these chapters were so chock full of dyke drama that they made me nauseous and whimsical. i think once a friend said this fic felt like if gh could be reincarnated and i like that descriptor a lot
til the cows come home is another postcanon fic that made me feel sick and crybabyish about it- i would definitely recommend it if you want to explore a happier ending with griddlehark! with this and what if nona was dogs the thing i like most about them is that they mix up vulnerability with pain and fear, so it feels more lifelike that way if that makes sense. i lost my taste in fluff fics over time but when its interspersed with struggle and characters causing problems because they cant cope with themselves it feels much more earnest and raw
this became very long. im not sorry
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akunya · 2 years
eiiiiii the idea of getting private meeting with camboy vox HELLO. you make me suffer for good stuffs every single day 😭💦 can you spoil me a little bittttt. - 🐱
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“private session.”
pairings: camboy!vox akuma x male!reader
summary: congrats, lucky winner! because of your generous donations, vox reached out wanting to thank you in person. things, however, take a turn.
tw: DRUGGING, yandere, manipulation, voice fetish. camshows, drinking, implied noncon. age gap, etc.
notes: last fic of 2022! im posting this mere minutes from midnight, so please pardon any mistakes. ill go back and edit this a bit later.
and yes, i can write a part 2 if you truly wish. sorry for cucking you guys, again..
happy new year everyone, thank you for such an amazing 2022. i hope to write much more in the future!
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“im at the right place, aren’t i..?” you mumbled to yourself, frigid, clammy hands swiping your phone to make sure the location was right. the restaurant looked a bit trendy and sophisticated, somewhere you wouldn't dare step inside on your own. you and vox both agreed on a restaurant to meet at around eight o'clock. to be truly honest with yourself, you never thought you’d have the guts to do something like this — but when vox, the streamer who you’ve been watching for months daily and donating to everyday reached out to you personally, how could you say no?
nonetheless, sitting across from him at the table really made you wish you had refused.
for one, he was much too ethereal to be in your lowly presence. the camera didn’t do him justice at all — his pale skin was a nice contrast to his black hair, adorned by his signature red highlights. he even wore the red eye makeup that you loved to look at, except now, you could see his mouth and bottom half of his face, uncovered by the black mask he would usually wear. his lips looked so soft, and when his tongue darted out to lick them you were nearly going to faint. we’re those.. fangs? his canines were sharp, and you felt like a pervert for staring so intensely.
you quickly paid your respects to the other fans who would never know that vox, a niche but popular adult streamer, was a truly beautiful man in person.
you didn't even notice how silent it had gotten between the two of you. “no need to be so quiet. i don’t bite, i promise.” vox’s sweet voice snapped you out of your thoughts, apologizing profusely for zoning out so much. “you’re right! im sorry, ive just never done anything like this before..” you chuckled awkwardly, shifting in your chair while vox just smiled. he found your skittishness adorable. you reminded him of a scared little bunny — and he was the big bad wolf, ready to eat you up whole.
"what a shame. and here i was thinking you do this quite often, with how you accepted my request and all." the demon smirked at how your face flushed, becoming a stuttering mess. you should've expected it, but he was just as snarky in person as he was on his live shows. as your little meeting continued, vox realized he enjoyed your presence much more than he thought. the night was filled with friendly but interesting conversation, and for once, the demon didn’t feel forced to keep speaking.
at first, he debated on meeting with you in person. what if the person who donated nearly thousands to him each month turned out to be not as pleasant as he hoped? while the demon wouldn't be surprised, he would be a tad disappointed with all of the free shoutouts he's given to you. still, with you being his top donator for a while now, he felt compelled to show some form of graciousness. a little present, just in time for the holidays.
vox enjoyed streaming more than he thought he would. even though he could use his voice and other demonic powers for much grander, sinister things - for some reason, using them to tease and drain the wallets of his viewers was surprisingly just as satisfying. doing this, he never had to worry about getting a silly job like most humans did, letting the demon truly relax when he wasnt tampering with cameras and himself.
but, you, however - vox liked how shy and nervous you were. it awakened a sick monster inside of him, that wanted to see you cry and beg for mercy at his fingertips. he thought his days of toying with mortals was over, but unfortunately (or fortunately?) for you, you seemed to rekindle that fire in his heart. if he didn't know any better, he would've never expected you to be someone that watches adult streams online, let alone spend money on them.
taking advantage of how anxious you were, vox continued to ask questions about yourself, forcing you to blurt out answers in hopes of not screwing up. "so, what do you like about my streams, y/n?" the male swiveled the wine in his glass nonchalantly, golden eyes looking into yours, awaiting an answer. you gulped, shakily drinking yours as well.
"um, well, you're the first streamer i've ever really watched for.. that sort of stuff. i initially liked how your voice sounded, and wanted to hear more, but i ended up staying for your little stories and when you'd talk about yourself. you just seemed really nice." it was a bit embarrassing when you had said it aloud, but it was the truth. you enjoyed the moments where the demon would just ramble the most. of course, given the content of his streams, most of the things he'd speak about were so dirty it made your ears feel hot - however, there were moments where he'd just talk about his day, and you seemed to enjoy those the most.
it was vox's turn to blush, his grip tightening on the wine glass ever so slightly. how could a mere mortal make him feel so... flustered? hes had his fair share of affairs over many decades, however, never has he felt so vulnerable. the demon was expecting you to talk about his cock or something, but of course your innocent little head wouldnt do that. you should be thankful vox isn't a cannibalistic demon, or he seriously would've eaten your heart out by now.
therefore, the man didnt feel any remorse when you went to the bathroom and he slipped a drug into your drink while you were away.
it wasnt his fault - how was he supposed to let you go after today? someone as sinless and pure as yourself needed to be his. vox wouldnt be content with letting you go back to being another viewer behind the screen, not after your little meeting. the demon knew truly that you probably wouldn't refuse going home with him, but that also didnt guarantee you'd accept his offer. he considered the drug just a bit of a push in the right direction, if you will.
"sorry for taking so long. there was a line outside, so.." your voice trailed off, going back to your seat as the older man simply chuckled. why did you feel the need to explain yourself? it didn't matter how long you took, even if you tried to run now, vox would surely find you. pouring some more wine for himself, he filled his glass a bit more to match yours. you tried to tell him you weren't too keen or interested in alcohol at the beginning of your little date, but the demon wouldn't take no for an answer. "y/n, lets have a toast, shall we?" his held up his glass expectantly towards you, waiting for you to clink the rim with your own.
you hesitated for a moment. the smell of wine never enticed you, but seeing vox wait earnestly made your heart flutter. one glass shouldn't hurt, right?
you simply nodded, the familiar clank of glass against glass being shared between you two before drinking. you drank a majority of the wine, only leaving a small amount left. "good boy. its good, isnt it?" you nearly sputtered the drink back up from the praise, nodding again and drinking the rest in one gulp. it was much different hearing his words of affirmation in person. it felt addicting, unreal.
"thats it. a toast for the new year, my boy. im excited for the memories we shall make together. aren't you?" oh, did vox mean his streams? of course you looked forward to those, how could you not! he was the highlight of your day, making you smile and laugh. "mhm! im excited. im looking forward to your streams, vox." the demon felt a shiver roll down his spine, suppressing a groan. he could get used to you saying his name. he wanted to hear you say it in other ways, too.
"i hope we can get more.. personal, as well, y/n. it was truly delightful being here with you." the man had such a way with words, making you swoon. was he this nice with everyone? no wonder he had so many followers! while you didnt know the true extent to what he had implied, you agreed, telling him that you were happy you came out today.
of course you were. you were his little rabbit, frail and gullible, unknowing of the big bad wolf sitting across from your very table. he truly wondered just how oblivious you could be, but much to his delight, he'd find out soon enough. your eyes started to feel heavy, zoning out while he talked about random things to keep you occupied.
"goodness, y/n, are you alright? you look a bit pale. here, let me take you back to my place. i don't live far at all." his voice was sickeningly sweet, how could you deny his offer? you nodded drowsily, letting the man hold you to steady your balance.
the cold air of the outdoors didnt phase you, and neither did it bother vox. peering at your sleeping face, he smiled, leaning in to kiss the top of your forehead.
"happy new years, y/n. lets have fun together." vox whispered in your ear, turning the corner towards his apartment.
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firemenenthusiast · 4 months
okay so uh hiii, first off I just wanna say you're writing is top tier, I consider you one of the best writers for Archie's characters, keep up the good work 🩷 ! second off all, the jann fic where he calls the reader mama has plagued my mind for DAYS, like literal brain rot I swear (in a good way tho lol). like I even went on character.ai and got him to call me mama on there like I'm truly down atrocious for subby jann because of you, you must've unlocked something in my brain or something 😭😭.
i don't know exactly if I'm doing this right so if I'm not just let me know and ill try to redo it but i was wondering I could make a request for you to write a few drabbles (if that's the right term, probably not) about casual dominance with subby jann please 👉🏾👈🏾, like not all of them have to be sexual, but best believe I'll have no issue with that lmao. again, I've never done this before so if it's like shitty, all over the place, and makes no sense I apologize 😭. I know you have a couple fics and stuff queued up and other things keeping you busy so no rush or anything.
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domestic sub!jann
he’s a subby man, even casually. here’s some domestic headcannons of my little whiskers meow meow jann mardenborough (gt movie)
a/n: thank you anon for your kind words and request ! SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG 😭🙏🏻 i hope this is what you imagined when writing the ask :] also jann calling reader mama was stuck in my head until i actually wrote it. and i WILL do it again
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- let’s start off by agreeing on the fact that jann is the clingy one in your relationship
- he’s a busy man, especially at the height of his career so whenever he’s home, he just wants to rest his head on your lap in front of the tv
- he NEEDS you to run your fingers through his hair, or gently caressing the back of his head or he’ll take matters into his own hands
- and by that i mean he will grab your hand and place them in his hair himself, but sometimes you just want to tease him. you would constantly pull your hand away each time he’d grab it and he would whine until you give up
- jann’s a snuggler cuddler. he would snuggle himself in your chest whenever you guys cuddle eventho he’s so much bigger than you. he doesn’t care, he just needs to be wrapped snuggly by your arms in your embrace
- jann does silly things at home with you, including opening his mouth at you whenever you eat together, asking you to feed him. then when you actually do he’ll chew his food with a smile that squints his eyes
- other silly things he does is INSISTING on brushing your teeth together after waking up. you’d be getting out of the bed when he’s still chilling around and he would SCRAMBLE out of the duvets to follow your back, like a puppy
- while on the topic, he really acts closely to a puppy around you
- you getting up to go get something from the fridge ? he’ll go: “where are you going ?”
- you pulling his head off your lap to go to the toilet for a moment ? he’ll go: “where are you going ?”
- if you’re slipping on your coat with the trash in your hand at the door ? he’ll go: “im coming with you”
- he knows that you’ll just make him go himself if he offers to carry it so he wouldn’t take the trash off your hand until AFTER you’ve reached the end of the hallway, before the elevator. just so he could go on that little walk with you
- you’ve never felt annoyed or irritated with him, you’ve grown accustomed to his clinginess. if anything you’re happy that he is the way he is cuz it’s not often that he’s home because his busy schedule
- he SO would beg you to play GT with him. he even bought you your own racing wheel and display, and built your whole set up in your favourite colour just so you could play with him
- you guys have your own racing room just sophisticatedly equipped with both of your set ups, a frickin fridge and a crazy sound system.
- he actually uses the sim a lot to practise, and would follow you around the house, watching you do stuffs that you told him you’re going to be busy for that you wont be able to race with him, until you’re done. THEN only he would be willing to practise happily
- if he’s feeling extra clingy ? he’d ask you to sit on his lap, facing him, just clinging onto him like a koala bear while he races
- you’re his first ever serious girlfriend, so he really cherishes you every second he could. scenario of you breaking up with him flashes before his eyes whenever you’re upset
- ego ? dont know her. he’s willing to kneel and kiss at your knees, begging for forgiveness while you sit on the couch, clearly upset with something he’d done
- most of the time it’s just you being jealous of him entertaining his fangirls, him taking selfies with them, sometimes they’re pressed up too close to him
- you love that he’s nice to them, and that he’s loved by many, but you couldn’t help but feeling jealous
- he knows you’d be, so right after the crowd dissipates he’s quick to go to you, pulling at your folded arms.
- “are you mad at me ?” “no”
- then he would rest his head at the crook of your shoulder until you give in
- jann’s also really sulky. he doesn’t really show it, but you’ll know. he’s not the type of person to be giving you the silent treatment when he’s sulking but you’ll notice he’s distracted. he would still do things with you or for you, just quietly
- sulking jann would include avoiding eye contact. jann is generally quite shy with other people, but with you he’ll make eye contact all the time. he would smile and just look into your eyes until you blush, then he’d chuckle. so when he’s struggling to maintain eye contact with you, you know something’s upsetting him
- you know how i mentioned he follows you everywhere ? so that also applies to when you go shopping for clothes. he’s your personal hype-men, a functional one at that too
- he’s not that type of boyfriend that just waits outside the store, just waiting for you to be done. if anything he’s more excited to walk into your favourite stores than you 😭 cuz he knows there’d be new clothing line that you’d want to try on
- he gives legit opinions too, he knows what type of clothes you like, the materials, the cuttings, you would be hearing him say things like: “that looks pretty but are you comfortable?” cuz he notices it’s made with material that you don’t like
- when it’s his turn to buy clothes he lives for your eyes, and your eyes only. you have a vision in mind for the clothes or outfits that you think would make him look cute, so you’d assemble an outfit at the store for him to try on. he’s not picky, he’ll get anything that you say makes him look handsome.
- guys im genuinely tweaking i need him to be my boyfriend
- both of you have your own careers so sometimes his racing schedule clashes with your work, but it doesn’t happen often
- when you actually have a very important thing to attend for your work, and he has a race on the same day, he’ll get really sad that you’re not gonna be cheering him on, or that you’re not gonna be there when he’s done
- you try to finish your work as soon as possible when he has a race, to come to his racing venue. you mostly work remotely, so you’d just finish your work in the hotel room before going to see him. you’re his emotional support, and he’d be really happy if you get to watch him on the track.
- one time he’d been informed that you wouldn’t be there because of work, and he was really sad, pouting his lips, shoulders dropped and all (he’s dramatic like that) but he’s understanding of your work, so he went and raced the best he could so he would get to tell you all about it after you got home
- unbeknownst of him, you finished early that day and were able to catch him on the track. when he got out of the car he noticed your face on the track displays, watching him from the vip viewing area, cheering him on.
- he was quick to take out all his comms wires to go see you, meeting you halfways as you were also running to go see him
- he’s a whole golden retriever puppy boyfriend, who becomes really subby in bed, whining and whimpering underneath you <3
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daengtokki · 7 months
𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝐼 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹
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© ᴏʟʙᴀᴘᴀɪɴᴛɪɴɢꜱ
Kim Seungmin/noona reader
wc: 5.9k
rating: angst/mature/18+ ಇ (idiots trying to get to lovers/mutual pining)
contains: drinking/drunkiness, implied mental illness, medication mention, weight mention
comments: Part two of this noona fic request. Not sure how much interest there is in this (there's more, because I love writing it and I needed some angst), but let me know if you guys like it!
songs to listen to while reading: orion sun - intro // chloe george - when does it get good
Seungmin feels around in the dark, and he knows at any moment, he’s going to trip. The layout of your apartment is still foreign to him, but he likes it here, and he wants to get used to being here. It’s a welcome change from the dorm—there it's usually a mess. It smells, it tends to get loud at the worst moments, and the worst part of all is that you’re not there. Ever.
He’s a bit embarrassed of the place, even though his room is usually clean and ready for company. It’s better here, though. It’s always quiet, and warm, and it smells like vanilla and coffee, even now, in the middle of the night.
As much as he wanted to keep things between the two of you, for now, it did not work. Seungmin came home very late the night after he confessed (and you confessed), so it was easy for everyone to figure out. Still, though, he hasn’t talked much about it in the three days since. And now, somehow, he’s ended up at your apartment, and it’s well past midnight.
You fell asleep on the couch watching a movie, tucked against his side, and he shook you awake eventually.
“Time to get to bed, yeah?” He said, and he gave you a few more minutes to collect yourself before helping you up. Then he guided you into the bedroom, but he just stood there at the door for a moment, watching, waiting until you turned to him and smiled.
“You’re leaving?” You check the time on your phone. It's late.
“Yeah, I should go,” his heartbeat picks up a little as he casually looks around your room. This is his first time seeing it., and Seungmin thinks to himself how very you it is—the colors, the mix of adult and not-so-adult, pages from magazines and photobooks pinned to a corkboard next to very important looking things. He sees his face pinned there as well; a closeup of him, ripped neatly from the Noeasy photobook. No, two photos of him...three.
“Okay. You don’t have to, but…” you think, look around, look back at him, “text me when you get home, okay?”
“I will”
He clicks the hall light off as he makes his way toward the door, and with the glow of the tv gone, it’s suddenly very, very dark. The light of his phone helps, but he hits his foot on the coffee table, of course, and then he finally grabs his bag. Luckily it takes him a few extra minutes to fight into his shoes, because a text comes through just as he goes for the door.
don’t leave yet
Seungmin looks toward your bedroom door and waits. One, two, three seconds. It swings open, and you leave it there so the light pours out and illuminates him.
“Did I forget something?”
You stop in front of him and nod, “I did,” and grab the front of his shirt to pull him down. You kiss, and he kisses right back. And then you let go. “Can I ask what’s in your backpack?”
“Huh? My…oh my bag. Just my usual stuff, uhm, it’s silly. Sometimes I feel like I’ll be pulled away when I have no time to pack, so I always carry something with me.”
“So that's your overnight bag?”
“I guess. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea...if it’s the wrong idea. I wasn’t expecting something to happen, I promise.”
“Seungmin, it’s okay. I just came out to kiss you goodnight, not question your motives.” You pull him to you again and kiss. “And you’re welcome to spend the night—on the couch, or in my bed. Preferably in my bed. But wherever you’re comfortable.”
His laugh is so nervous, and he hates it, “maybe next time?”
“Of course. I’m leaving for a while tomorrow, but I’ll let you know when I get home.”
“Will you be gone long?”
“No, a week at the most”
“A week. Okay, that’s not bad. If I’m home when you get back., we can do something.”
“Right, you might not be here”
You stare at each other silently, maybe hoping to read each other’s mind. You might not see him for a while and that was hard enough when you were just friends, pining endlessly. Now you’ve touched him and kissed him, and you need more time to do those things.
“I might be, though”
“Goodnight, Minnie”
This time he kisses you himself.
─ ⋅⋅ ─
“I’m not surprised…but at the same time I’m a little surprised,” Felix scratches his head. He’s watching Seungmin cross the kitchen to fill his glass with water.
He doesn’t notice everyone staring at him until he turns toward the coffee maker. “What?”
“Surprised why?” Minho cups his chin in his hand and smiles at both of them.
“How was your date last night, kid?”
"Date?" Minho jumps and grins at Seungmin.
“We just watched a movie, it was good. She’s leaving today so I won’t see her for a while.”
“Oh no, that’s no good. So—“
“What are you surprised about?!” Minho slap his palm on the table, “Yongbok!”
“I’m getting there!”
“You’ve never been to her place before, right? What brought that on…a movie at her apartment?”
Seungmin is making his coffee, patiently, and looking at his roommate as he takes his time getting to the point. But Felix waits as he makes his way to the table with them to press on.
“You never really told us what happened the other night. You two just disappeared.”
“Oh, we went to her place, so we could be alone…”
The three of them OH in unison, because Jeongin turns the corner just in time. Minho is still confused, and nobody seems to want to elaborate for him. All four of them here at the same doesn’t happen often, so Seungmin is feeling a little crowded
“…to talk.”
“Ooh,” Jeongin smiles, “and? Did you talk last night, too?”
“Not much, no”
Their eyes grow as they wait for more, but now Seungmin is having too much fun stringing them a long.
“Please continue”
“There’s nothing else,” he shrugs, “we drank a little, watched a movie, we both dozed off for a while, I think…no,” Seungmin throws a hand up when Felix' mouth turns up into a smirk. “It was a long movie, nothing else happened.”
“Did you kiss?” Jeongin leans closer and whispers, “you kissed, yeah?”
Seungmin can’t help but smile when he asks. He can feel his face grow warm just thinking about it. Last night, and then your first kiss. That one got much heavier than he expected, and he loved every second—the touching, your tongue, your fingers running through his hair. He doesn’t want to wait a week for more, but he’s not going to chase after you now. He has to be patient, again.
“You should have spent the night"
─ ⋅⋅ ─
You sit across from each other in the cafeteria, just like you’ve done a dozen times before. It’s not busy, not even at lunchtime, but looking up at him for too long is making your heart race. It’s not that you’re afraid someone will walk by and read your mind (but if they did, they might be disgusted), it just feels different being with him in public now.
It feels like you’re both doing something a little bit wrong.
Seungmin is a young idol, and he’s sweet and kind and innocent, as far as everyone knows. You’ve already seen his unfiltered self, and it’s better than any act he’s had to put on. But he is still sweet and kind and…you assume a little innocent. You’ve never talked about your sex lives, ever.
You look up at him and lock eyes. He smiles, and you can’t help but start undressing him. Yes, you’ve touched him, finally. His thigh—he let you run your hand from his knee and up you went until you knew it was time to stop—his neck, his shoulder, his face…but there’s still so much of him to touch and see. The part of your mind that you can't keep quiet is afraid there won't be many more oppurtunities.
You have to close your eyes and relax.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m okay, just thinking. Over-thinking.”
He smiles again, and you start to wonder if he’s doing it because he’s nervous.
“About us?”
Us? That’s a much bigger word than it was a few days ago. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Good things?”
Good things, yes. As long as you stay focused, there's nothing to think about when it comes to him except for good things. “Yeah, of course.”
“How is your lunch? Spicy enough?”
“Is my face red?”
“A little, yes”
“No spice today, so it’s you doing that.”
─ ⋅⋅ ─
What if he stays too late tonight, again? He doesn’t want to run off at the first mention of spending the night, because he wants to stay here with you. There was no expectation of it when you asked last time, he assumes, because he can sleep wherever he wants; he can do whatever he wants. And you wouldn’t pressure him anyway. He knows you better than that.
He knows nothing about your sex life, though. And almost nothing about your dating life.
Seungmin doesn’t really know much about either of those things when it comes to himself, actually. There was never much time to date, or it was low on the list. And having sex without at least dating someone doesn’t sit well with him.
But he has been on dates, and he has kissed, and touched, and he’s been touched right back. But that’s all. No sex—that blowjob didn’t count—it was awkward, and it wasn’t very good. And as hard as he tries, he can't forget his first time trying to find a clit.
“Do you want a drink?” You shake his arm until he finally seems to hear you, “drink…beer, coke, coffee?”
“I have strawberry and peach”
“Strawberry somaek?”
You disappear into the fridge and dig around, and Seungmin watches carefully when you bend forward. He’s always admired your body, though it never had much to do with him liking you the way he did. But now, he feels like it’s okay to appreciate it more. You’re shorter than him, and curvier (which doesn’t take much, seeing as how Seungmin is basically a straight line). Your ass and thighs are an eyeful for him, though.
Everything looks soft. Everything is soft, because he did sneak his hand there that first night. He squeezed his fingers right above your knee, then moved up ever so slightly to get some thigh. He didn’t dare go any further, though.
The touching you did the second time was much more innocent—holding hands, fingers laced together, your head against his shoulder as you fell asleep. He looked you over carefully, but kept his hands to himself, only daring to run a thumb over your wrist as you dozed off.
“Would you like to pour, or do you trust me?”
Seungmin snaps out of it. He’s pretty sure you caught him staring. “I trust you.”
“Can you grab the glasses for me?”
He does, and he follows you back to the living room and makes himself comfortable at the coffee table. And now that he’s started, he can’t take his eyes off of you as you move.
“That’s…oh okay we have different pours,” Seungmin eyes the glass, but you pull it toward yourself. “That’s much more soju than I usually do.”
You pour his now, but only fill the glass a third of the way before topping it off with the beer.
“I thought maybe you were trying to soften me up.” His breath catches in his chest when he says it, because it sounded much more stupid than it did in his head.
“No, trying to soften myself up, actually.”
“Why? You can’t get drunk without me,” the frown he gives you is over the top and very cute. “I don’t want you to fall asleep too early.”
“I’ll be careful”
─ ⋅⋅ ─
Seungmin feels good after two glasses. It’s not much, but he hasn’t eaten recently, and he’s pretty certain his second drink was identical to yours.
You’re halfway through your third.
“These are too easy to drink.” You sit at the table with a dish of mandu and dakgangjeong. “And I’m guessing you’re hungry.”
“I usually am.” He leans forward and smells the chicken, “did you make all this.
You shake your head, “I’m not the best at cooking. I wish I had more time to practice.”
“That’s okay. Thank you for feeding me, and getting me tipsy.” He grabs a piece of chicken and pops it in his mouth. And then a dumpling. And then finishes off his third somaek.
“You can’t be tipsy yet”
“I will be if I have another”
Seungmin does have another. And the for his next drink, he switches to straight beer—but he’s drunk. He picks up his chopsticks and grabs for a dumpling, but it slips off and bounces onto the table.
Both of you just stare at for a long moment. And then Seungmin giggles as he tries again. This time it makes it to his mouth.
“Where you going?”
He’s slowly getting to his feet, and he stands for a minutes to get his head straight.
“Good idea”
“Are you joining me?”
You stop halfway onto your feet and look up at him, his hand is outstretched like he’s welcoming the company, “ah…you first.”
It’s very obvious he had a bit too much. And you did, too, but you’re working hard to keep yourself together. When you walk back out from the bathroom, Seungmin is standing up, staring at the tv, and the rest of the chicken is making its way into his mouth. He looks comfortable and satisfied—drunk, yes…but happy.
It makes you warm up even more, and you can’t remember the last time you felt so good.
“Hi…hello, do you feel better? Do you want the last few pieces?” He holds some out to you, but it disappears into his mouth as soon as you shake your head. “We should sober up.”
Yes, you should. You sit on the couch and curl yourself up into a ball, but when he sits next to you, your limbs develop a mind of their own. Before you can stop yourself, you slide your arms around his waist and hold yourself tight against him. Your leg drapes over his lap, and you’re practically straddling his thighs. He takes it in stride, though. Seungmin holds you right back and takes the opportunity to slide a hand across your hip, and when he squeezes, you jump.
“Mm mm, no…it’s good. Feels good.”
“It does?”
“Yeah, you’re so warm”
“I think that’s the alcohol”
“Maybe…maybe, but you always—“ you stop and start to giggle, and you shove your face into his shirt to try to stifle yourself.
“Always what?”
You shake your head against him, push harder against his chest, take in his scent…feel yourself becoming even more drunk. “Nothing.”
His hand slides back up and settles on your hip, “always something good, hopefully.”
“Sorry, my head is swimming.”
“Mine too”
“I was hoping the alcohol would help, but you’re making me so nervous.”
“You’re nervous? I’m making you nervous?”
“Yeah, maybe telling you will make it go away."
“I’m also nervous. I wasn’t the last time I was here…so maybe the drinks are working against us.”
You force yourself to look up at him, and he looks down at you with big, heavy eyes. Your gaze drops and takes in every bit of him—his cheeks, his nose, his lips…his lips. He wets them and a smile pulls at his mouth, and you desperately want him to lean down closer to you. Every part of you is screaming for him, but you’re still frozen.
He’s frozen, too. The booze just made both of you stupid.
“Seungmin?” You’ve never, not even as a teenager, felt so stupidly in love with someone.
The longer you watch him, the closer he seems to get, and you see every little detail, every little spot, every little perfect blemish and pore on his skin.
“Kiss me before I explode”
His lips press into yours and his fingers squeeze so hard again. You want him to hold you tighter still, and you need to be closer. He does. Seungmin moves you until you’re on his lap, and he devours you. He’s all tongue, and it’s wet and messy, not like his previous kisses, but it’s so good tasting him, and tasting the entire night on him.
Then he stops suddenly to catch his breath, but he stays there and bites down lightly on your bottom lip. Your eyes open, and he’s right there, staring. He pulls back, looks at the space between your thighs, and there’s not much there. If you let yourself relax a little more, you’d feel his dick growing in his sweatpants.
But you can see it. You’re no longer frozen, so you shake the thought of what’s between his legs out of your head, for now. Both of you are way too fucked up for the first time. What you do need to do is kiss him again, so you take over, squeeze his shoulders and hold him steady while you lick across his parted lips. Seungmin opens up for you and he moans into the kiss—moans right down your throat.
You shake your head, “we should stop until we’re, um…I don’t wanna do this drunk.”
“I don’t either,” he keeps kissing, but slows down and softens his touch. His hands move to your waist, and then your back, where they stay.
“But don’t leave tonight”
“I won’t”
─ ⋅⋅ ─
Seungmin watches you from his side of your bed. He did fall asleep for a while, but he woke from a dream and forgot for a few moments where he was. His racing heart beat against the mattress as he looked toward you, facing away from him, shirt pulled halfway up your back. You kicked the covers off in your sleep—probably too warm from sobering up, but so deeply asleep. Still, he reaches out and runs two fingers down the skin that’s peeking out.
You move ever so slightly, and mumble something. He looks at the time: just after 4am. You’ve been asleep for about three hours, because both of you were out as soon as you hit the bed.
But Seungmin feels better. Less drunk, at least. His head aches a little, but not enough to bother him. He reaches out again, but this time he pulls at your shirt until you’re covered.
“I’m up, you feel okay?”
You mumble again, and groan, but you don’t answer.
“Minnie…hmmm, don’t leave”
“Hey,” he crawls closer and runs a hand down your arm, “hey, oh you’re still asleep.”
You wake up when you feel his lips on your shoulder. “Min?”
“Are you up or talking in your sleep?”
“I’m up…oh no, what did I say?” You turn onto your back and grab his hand. “I don’t do that all the time.”
“Just my name”
“And you told me not to leave,” he squeezes your hand and searches for the soberness in your eyes, “I’m still here.”
“Sorry, I don’t usually speak so clearly”
The sleep-talking doesn’t phase him. In fact, the quietness of the room is a welcome change to his typical nights. The whole night, drunk as you both were, was quiet and calm. “Were you thinking about me in your sleep?”
“I must have been,” you move his hair away from his eyes, and now you’re searching for any leftover drunkenness. He seems wide awake and sober.
“It’s 4 in the morning, if you’re still tired…we can go back to sleep.” That’s not what he wants, but he also wants what you want. Seungmin figured you’d get into bed and both of you would sleep soundly until morning. But he woke up.
“No, I feel good. And you look good.”
The truth is, you are very tired. If you close your eyes right now, you have no doubt that you would fall back to sleep almost immediately. Instead you rip off the rest of the blanket and sit up.
“Where are you going?”
He watches you stand slowly, carefully, just in case. But your legs work just fine. Maybe Seungmin can change that. The thought sends a little wave a pleasure through you, and you smile when you turn to look at him, “bathroom.”
That is what you do, but you dig through the drawer under the sink as well. You didnt prepare properly, because you didn’t double check to see if you still had condoms, and if they were still good.
“Oh good,” you grab the half used pack and look closely at the date stamped on the bottom, "lucky.” But you make the mistake of looking at yourself in the mirror, and your reflection feels like it's a mile away. Your eyes blur, and the room spins for a moment.
A perfectly timed knock on the door makes you jump, and the box slips from your hand.
“Are you okay? I gotta go, too.”
“Yeah, Minnie, I’m coming,” you pick them up and palm them as you head for the door, “sorry, go ahead.”
Seungmin whistles as he returns and quietly shuts the door, “so are you…out?” He holds up the empty box and shakes it. “You left the drawer open.”
“Oh, no no,” you grab the condoms from your bedside table and show them to him, “we have two.”
He pulls one from your fingers and examines it for a moment, “I don’t think these will fit.”
─ ⋅⋅ ─
It’s stupid, and it’s reckless, and you know it. But it’s not going to stop you. From the moment he said the condoms—the only condoms either of you had, wouldn’t work, you tossed it back onto the table, looked up at him, “okay,” and grabbed the waistband of his sweatpants until he was right in your face.
“Okay” He sets his down, too. “Are you…” he groans when you find a good spot on his stomach, and he laughs when you graze your lips across his skin.
Every time you get back to his belly button, you tug a little more. His sweatpants start to tent, and you’re starting to feel exactly how much he wouldn’t fit into those condoms. One more tug, and you can see him—the stiff base of his cock, held still by the grip of your fingers.
He’s so hot against the fabric, and a wet spot of pre-cum starts to come through as you stroke him.
“I’m not surprised you like to tease,” he smiles down at you, but he’s blushing…everywhere. His cheeks, his ears, his neck. When he pulls his shirt over his head, he’s flushed all the way down to where your lips are.
Seungmin is just as lean under all those clothes as you imagined, and his shoulders…
“Turn around”
You stand and grab his hips, “yeah, turn around for me.”
He listens and peeks back at you the best he can—until your hands move from his hips, slowly upward, touching every bit of skin you can—across his shoulder blades, back down his spine.
The sigh he lets out is so content and relaxed, it actually puts you more at ease. He laughs sweetly when your lips touch him. “I like your teasing.”
Seungmin turns back to face you, and your fingers slide across him as he moves.
“Just admiring you." Yes, you are admiring him. Touching him, finally, is doing more for you than anything else possibly could. But every step forward now is taking all of your energy.
“Admiring? Me?” He cups your cheek and lifts until you’re looking at him, then pulls you close.
It’s sweet and it’s perfect, and you melt into him, but now you’re so distracted by his dick pressing against you. You push your hips in until he groans, slide your hands under his waistband.
Seungmin grabs back, and squeezes your ass. “Let me see you.” He pulls your shirt up and over your head before you can react, but you fold your arms over yourself before pressing back into him.
“Ah…I’m sorry, too fast?” His hands keep you against him. He holds so tight, you couldn’t escape even if you wanted to. “I should have let you do that.”
“No, I just—“
“I didn’t think you’d be shy”
A shiver runs through you when his hands move down your back, then back up.
“How about we…” he scoots closer to the lamp, keeping hold of you, and clicks it off. “Is that better?”
“Maybe,” you laugh, but it’s hesitant, a little edgy. “You’re too perfect, Minnie and…ah, I don’t know what's going on, I’m nothing special.”
“No, you're very special. What’s the matter?”
You relax a a little in his arms.
“I’m not perfect, not even close. You haven’t seen me after rolling out of bed at noon, or grumpy when my mouth hurts after getting these things tightened.”
You whine his name. You’re ruining the moment. Him comforting your sudden stupid thoughts and doubts—he’s probably already getting soft. “I’m sorry, I’m making a mess of everything. I'm not sure what happened.”
“Mm, no…you haven’t made a mess of anything.” Seungmin grabs your shirt from the edge of the bed and slips it back on you, “it's okay, we can get back under the covers if you’d like.”
─ ⋅⋅ ─
“Give me your hand”
Seungmin holds it up to you, then sets it in yours.
Back under the covers is where you end up, and you really do feel like a tease now. Poor Seungmin—his dick doesn’t know what’s going to happen next, but right now, you know he’s definitely not hard. You've ruined that.
“You think I’m perfect…can I think you’re perfect?” he lets go of your hand and runs his up your arm.
“No, I’m a mess. My skin, my hair is a mess. I’m getting chubby because I never watch what I eat. I don’t know why you’re here.”
“Because I want to be here. Because you brought me here and made me feel like I was yours."
“I was so high off of your words before. I thought I was dreaming when we were talking after dance practice.”
Seungmin moves closer, and now you’re sharing a pillow, and you breathe in every sigh he breathes out. His hand is moving so slowly over you, and he’s being so patient as it finds the curve of your hip and slides under the bottom of your shirt. “You’re not a mess.” He’s touching you and kneading his fingers into your side. Into your back. He works his way up and drags his fingertips up to your throat. “And they weren’t just words.”
How could you possibly deny him, looking at you like this? You shouldn’t, but your brain is telling you it will never work; it’s a waste of time. He’s going to really see you, and change his mind—he’ll find out how bad you are at this, and how emotional and unbearable you get when you do. It’s too much for him.
Still, his touch is as soft as his eyes, and he moves even closer until his leg can slide over yours.
“No, I don’t deserve you”
He isn’t sure how to reply to that, so he just stares. Maybe he’s waiting for you to crack a smile, or laugh it off, but you don’t. “Why would you say that?”
“You can do so much better than me, I promise.” You get as far as sitting yourself up, and your head pounds against your eyes. The alcohol is catching up to you and turning into a hangover already. “I shouldn’t have let it get this far, I’ve been stupid.”
“What are you saying?” Seungmin grabs your arm as you shift to get out of bed. His head is pounding now, too, because he's trying to figure out what went wrong and where he fucked up. “I can go if that’s really what you want, but give me a minute.”
You struggle with a response. You don’t want him to leave, but he should. And if he does, it might be the end of something that didn’t even begin. “A minute…for what?”
“To say something”
“Right, I’m sorry”
“I meant everything I said before, even if I didn’t say much. But you knew what I was thinking.” He lets go of your arm, because you seem to have relaxed. You’ve settled back in your spot, under the covers, back against the pillows. “I want you, and you want me…I think. And I need you around, I know that much. If I leave, will we go back to how we were before?”
There’s a long silence. You’re not sure if he wants an answer to that, but you don’t want to think too hard about it. Maybe, eventually, the memory of this can pass and you can be friends again.
“I don't want to go back to that. Not after this,” he answers himself. “So…”
Seungmin throws the covers off of himself, puts his feet on the cold floor, and then waits a few seconds before standing. It takes a moment to find his shirt, but he does and throws it on, and the entire time you watch him so intensely. But you stay quiet.
He knows you’re watching, and he takes his time, hoping you’ll stop him as he goes for the door. But you don’t.
And he anxiously waits for his phone to buzz after he grabs it from the coffee table. The empty bottles and glasses—the mess from the food scattered everywhere—Seungmin stares at it, waiting for a text that won’t come, and he decides he won’t leave yet. Instead he starts to clean.
─ ⋅⋅ ─
You’re stuck in your spot on the bed, phone now in hand, and you stare at the messages you’ve shared over the last week—to prove yourself wrong, maybe. Or just to make yourself feel worse. You couldn’t possibly feel any worse right now, though. Seungmin is still here; his scent lingers, and the feeling of his touch. But he left. You kicked him out, and deep down, you know you don’t want to subject him to whatever the future might hold. This isn’t possible, and thinking it could be was both of you just being struck dumb with lust. And maybe love.
You’ll be back tomorrow morning, right? I get my days mixed up sometimes, especially when I’m home for a while. Do you get like that? Maybe my memory is going already, haha I’ll be around if you’re free, so I hope you are. I can’t wait to see you again.
Seungmin is a good texter. He’s thoughtful and sincere, and he seems to choose his words carefully, as if he’s speaking to you face to face. That, or he just closes his eyes and types everything he feels. That wouldn’t surprise you.
I hope texting you so soon isn’t weird. No, it’s you! It’s not weird, or if it is that makes it normal for us. I hope you feel as good as I do. Good night ♥️
You pull the covers up to your chin and try to get comfortable. But you can’t take your eyes off the string of messages.
I practiced your song today! It might take a little more work to get it to sound good with my vocals. Maybe I need your input. But I’d rather surprise you!
He’s probably been working on it all week, and here you almost forgot about it. Before he sent this text, you didn’t know if he was serious, or it was just his opening line.
The sound of glasses clinking together echoes into the bedroom, and your heart pounds wildly. Then the pounding in your head starts up again, and for some reason you choose now to start crying. The tears start to brim, and you try desperately to keep them from going any further.
The sound of water running gets you out of bed fast, and you walk slowly to the bedroom door. You can see the kitchen light on through the crack, and the shadow of movement is there, too. His backpack is untouched at the end of the couch, and when you walk out to the hallway, you see his shoes next to yours. He’s washing the dishes and cleaning up the mess the two of you made.
He jumps and almost drops the glass.
“What are you doing?”
“Uh,” he sighs, “I didn’t want you to have to clean all this up in the morning. I’m sorry, I’m done.” He grabs his backpack and heads for the door. “Get some sleep before the sun comes up.”
One shoe is on, the other is halfway there as he stares at you. “Are you crying?”
You wipe at your cheek and feel what you couldn’t hold back.
Seungmin kicks his shoes off again and hesitates for a moment, but eventually, when you don’t speak, he closes the space between you. “You’re crying,” he takes your cheeks in his hands. “Please…if you won’t talk to me now, please call me tomorrow. Or text, I don’t care. Tell me you still feel the same as you do right now, and I’ll leave you alone.”
“Stop it,” you squeeze your eyes shut and feel more tears escape. Seungmin’s warm embrace, his arms holding tight around your shoulders, it makes everything else fall away.
“Stop what?”
“Being so good, and patient, and calm. You should’ve run off by now”
“Why are you so hard on yourself? You think you should be punished for…yes, I remember you saying that…for what? I know you want this.”
All you can manage is a mumble against his chest.
He relaxes his arms and grips your waist, “what did you say?”
“I do”
“Want this? Or think you should be punished?”
More silence from you, but he waits.
“I’ll leave. And I hope I hear from you tomorrow.”
He lets go, and manages to get into his shoes before you say his name. As fed up as he should be hearing his name again, he’s not. Seungmin looks at you with hopeful, tired eyes.
“Yeah?” He watches you closely, tilts his head to the side. You can see his eyes moving up and down over your body, "tell me I can stay.”
Your legs shake and your head swims. The ache behind your eyes is growing worse and worse, but looking at him makes it bearable, somehow. Even now, he’s ready to run to you as soon as you say go. But you can’t figure out why.
Seungmin is still who he is, and you’re who you are, and you don’t really belong together. Someone will find out and put a stop to it. But what if things slowly start to connect; fall into place; work out for a while? Forever? No, that doesn't sound right. Loving him before was easy, because you assumed it would always be one-sided and simple; no worries about making something work, or about working toward something. Now this is real, and it's a little bit scary looking at him and realizing how much you want him, and how big this could get.
"Say something," he sighs, and it sounds nowhere near as irritated as it should.
Your gaze drops to your feet, defeated—it moves toward his, and again, he’s taking off his shoes. Seungmin stands there and faces you.
─ ⋅♡⋅ ─
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hansslut · 6 days
call this exposing call it whatever idc
i think it's funny how this fandom is full of r4pists and abusers and y'all support their r4pe fics too💀💀 i know 1 specific person from this fandom that keeps on coming back even tho a few people have called them out on their shit, then they delete the acc and come back as a 'new' yellowjackets acc which is total BULLSHIT. Even tho ive been inactive in the yellowjackets fandom for months now, i know a lot of writers since i used to write for yjs too, and the amount of romanticised r4pe ive seen in fics is insane, some people don't deserve to have their own platform. Anyways, at the end of this, i just wanna say that ill possibly be deleting all of my yellowjacket fics since i no longer wish to be associated with a fandom that supports horrible human beings. I've made some great friends because i started writing here and im really thankful for that, but after a few months, porn brainrotted people joined and made everything disgusting. I don't care if you guys get butthurt from this, stop supporting and romanticising real life matters. R4pe isn't just a silly little fic prompt, it's something a lot of people have suffered through and are trying to recover. It's not a "if you don't like it, don't read it" problem, it genuinely makes you a sick and disgusting person.
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
Hey I love your work you’re one of my favorite writers on tumblr!! If you want to I have an Idea! Could u do obey me headcanon or fic on an mc who is sick? I love Lucifer so anything with him is perfect! TYSM!!
Demon Brothers With a Sick MC 
The Brothers x Gender Neutral Reader 
Genre: Fluff, could be read as platonic or romantic depending on your mood 
Content/Warnings: He/She Asmodeus, no warnings, just tooth rotting fluff 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
Being the dad of the house, he’s definitely the most prepared 
And he’s able to keep calm when the others are overreacting 
It’s just a little flu, it happens to humans all the time! 
It’s not like you’re dying or anything! 
…You’re not dying, right? 
No, no! Of course not, that’s a silly worry 
But he’ll keep a close eye on you just in case 
While simultaneously having to keep his terrified brothers at bay so they don’t disturb your much needed rest
He’s already ordered plenty of human world things for you as well since demon sickness and human sickness are incredibly different 
Nothing in the Devildom would work for you 
He’s keeping track of all your meds and when you have to take them 
He’s got a whole schedule and he will make you adhere strictly to it 
But it’s for your own good 
Overall the most responsible caretaker, even if he can be a bit rigid 
It’s only because he cares about you and wants you to get better 
You’re sick?! 
This can’t be happening! 
His precious human has fallen ill! It’s the end of days! Its— 
Oh wait it’s just the common flu? 
But what if that flu gets WORSE?! 
And you DIE?! 
(Yeah he’s freaking out) 
He tries to hide it at first but soon his worry completely takes over 
He’s practically SOBBING at your bedside as if you have days left when in reality you’re just a little sniffly and have a kind of fever 
He accompanies Lucifer on EVERY trip to your room and has to practically be dragged away from you
He knows you need rest but he needs to watch over you just in case! 
And you better not throw up or anything because that will have him convinced you’re at death’s door 
He’s gonna be an absolute mess until you’re 100% recovered, and maybe even a while after 
And he’ll definitely be camping out on the floor of your room to make sure you’re okay and to get you anything you need 
And that means ANYTHING 
Mammon can swindle his way into just about anything 
If Lucifer somehow hasn’t gotten you what you need already, Mammon has it 
And it was totally worth the debt it put him in
He’s the second most worried 
But instead of outwardly freaking out the way Mammon does he lays in his bed worrying about you 
Logically he knows it’s not that big of a deal, and in a few days to a week you’ll be all better 
But his anxiety keeps reminding him of that slim chance that you won’t ever get better 
And the thought is just too much to bear! 
He’ll be visiting you a lot too 
And he’ll probably sleep on the floor once or twice too 
He cant do it as often as Mammon since the hard floor is too uncomfortable for him to actually get any sleep 
But it’s the fact that he tried that matters 
He’ll be supplying you with warm blankets and plenty of little puzzles or games to keep you entertained while you’re stuck in bed (Lucifer’s orders)
He’s simply nice to have around and great gaming partner 
After a bit of reassurance he’ll stop being so worried 
And he strikes the perfect balance of being fun company while also knowing when you need your rest 
Genuinely the least worried 
Obviously that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care, but he thinks his brothers are overreacting a wee bit 
It almost makes him a bit jealous to see them doting on you the way they do 
Even Lucifer! 
Like, what?! 
But that’s okay, because he can out do them all 
When he finally gets a moment alone with you, he makes sure to bring some books 
He’ll read to you for as long as you’d like 
He likes the way you smile up at him as he reads, he can really tell that you’re enjoying not only the story but just his presence itself 
And he gets to share his favorite stories with you! 
It’s a big fat win-win 
He especially likes to read to you at night before you go to bed 
He loves how peaceful you look as you slowly drift off to his words 
Sometimes even the other brothers will join in to hear the stories 
Of course they all leave once you’ve fallen asleep for good, bickering on the way out about something or other concerning your health 
But when he’s sure no one is looking, Satan sneaks back in to your room to give you a kiss on the forehead and a goodnight before heading off 
Oh, and he always leaves a few books on your bedside table in case you want to read them 
They always make him feel better, after all
Lucifer has the medicine covered, but Asmodeus takes care of you in a more glamorous way 
Bubble baths are his go to remedy! 
The right mixture of salts and scents can clear your sinuses, soothe your body aches, and even help bring down your fever 
Self care is always important, but it’s especially essential when you’re feeling under the weather! 
She puts together the most amazing bubble baths too; bath bombs, essential oils, candles, all the fixings 
And with a bit of well done magic she can ensure the water never gets cold 
So you can enjoy the serenity of the dimly lit bathroom without a time limit or getting chilly 
And he’ll even write you little notes on the fogged up mirror 
Of course, though, he’s going to ask to join you 
And if you say yes he’ll absolutely spoil you 
She’ll insist on washing your hair for you since you’re so sickly and weak 
You shouldn’t have to lift a finger 
Just relax and let the rose petals in the water drift through your mind 
She’ll take care of you 
For the avatar of lust, he actually manages to be surprisingly sweet 
There are even times when you can tell he’s genuinely worried 
But she knows you’ll pull through 
After the bubble bath it’s right into the comfiest pajamas a Devilgram brand deal can buy 
And then some beauty rest for the both of you 
This sweet boy is so kind but so clueless 
He doesn’t even totally realize what’s going on until you tell him yourself 
Of course, he’s handling your meals 
At first Lucifer has to monitor him to make sure he doesn’t eat it all before it gets to your room 
But Beel really does want to take care of you 
Everyone else is doing their part, so should he! 
And that is enough to give him the willpower to make you three meals a day without eating a single bite! 
(Okay well— Maybe he did have a tiny bite, but it was so small even Lucifer didn’t notice! That’s pretty impressive for him!) 
Plus, he always makes double so he can eat with you 
Please remember to tell him how good his food is 
It’ll make his heart skip a beat 
He’s not well thought out like Lucifer or comforting like Asmodeus or even as sneaky as Mammon 
But he cares for you just as much as any of his brothers, and he needs to pitch in and get you back to full health 
He’ll even feed you if you’d like 
Rest is important, right? 
So just lay back and let him do all the work 
Don’t worry, he’ll blow on it to make sure it’s not too hot 
And he’s cut it all up to make sure the bites aren’t too big 
He won’t leave until he’s 100% sure that’s your tummy has been adequately filled 
And if you give him permission he’ll gladly take care of your left overs 
Belphie is the absolute best cuddle buddy on a normal day, but it’s especially great when you’re not feeling well 
Demons can’t catch human sicknesses, which means he can cuddle up on you all he wants! 
And he will 
Every chance he gets 
Lucifer will try to keep him out of your room, but once he sneaks in there’s no getting him out 
All it takes is one minuscule slip up and he’s taken up permanent residency in your bed 
He’s so warm and soft, just what you need when your sickness is making you too uncomfortable to properly rest 
He’ll rub your back and whisper softly to you, telling you stories about the Celestial Realm and the beautiful things he’s seen there 
You’ll have the best naps of your life with Belphie 
Hell, I’d even go so far as to say the naps were so good theyd probably speed up youre recovery process! 
Although, once he’s in the habit of waking up by your side it’ll be hard for him to stop 
You’ll have to humor him for a little longer 
Maybe even forever if he has it his way 
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welt except he has a fever and desperately needs sleep
cw: descriptions of illness, high fever, being kinda delirious/out of it, sleep deprivation?, nightmares, headaches, mentions of death
contains spoilers for welt's hi3 lore
also, disclaimer! welt in here is very reluctant to ask for help and feeling bad about it because... well i imagine he'd react like this, BUT! needing help and asking for it is completely normal and valid and okay; please remember that and take care of urself ok!! ily /p
alright, so...
i'm gonna be honest since i found @bugbytez13 's blog welt sickfic ideas don't want to leave my head LMAO except i will write a detailed description of a fic instead of the fic itself. that's it that's the post
tbh this ramble in particular could be made into two separate fanfics (one sickfic and one specifically about the nightmares) but shh
i will forever be self conscious or anxious about things i post that aren't just headcanons or silly little rambles, but also... writing this went surprisingly smoothly so! enjoy the essay or something idk HAHA
so, about welt...
i just know this man is going to force himself to stay awake. maybe his self-sacrificing issues are less present now, and he doesn't immediately throw himself in danger in every fight ever, but he's still stubborn as hell. so he won't admit something is wrong. he won't admit that maybe getting way too little sleep several days in a row wasn't doing wonders for his immune system and he's now finally feeling the consequences. to be fair, he expected it might end like this, but he didn't want to take breaks - there's still too many things to take care of before they finally head to penacony. and now, he will still insist of taking care of everything, even though his body is basically begging him to go take a nap.
except maybe, he didn't even expect it to get this bad. or thought that he can just power through it. i mean, he's been through much worse, right? this is nothing compared to literally losing his body for some time. but he's sitting in the parlor car, and he's half awake, and unusually cold, and his head is hurting, and keeping up the act is getting harder and harder - but he has to, because the younger members of the crew are here too, even if only march is talking to him.
but they pick up on the fact that something is wrong, of course they do. his eyes are unfocused, he looks like he's about to fall asleep - or pass out - and march had to repeat herself twice for him to even fully process what she was asking him, and so suddenly stelle is next to him, attempting to touch his forehead - and he recoils. "i'm fine," he says, and it's probably a bit too quick and a bit too firm than he'd like it to be, and all of this is stupid, really, because he shouldn't be scared of someone touching him. how hot can it really be anyway if he's feeling so cold, right? but if that wasn't enough dan heng asks an even more dreaded question, "are you sure, mr yang? do you want us to call himeko?" and welt decides it's time to excuse himself, before he makes them even more worried. because even in his present state, he can pick up on the fact they're concerned, but at the same time unsure of what to do, and it makes him feel guilty. of course they're unsure; he's usually their caretaker, and he always knows what to do, and it should never be the other way around. he should've just stayed in his room all day, shouldn't he.
"thank you all for your concern, but i'm alright." he stands up. "now, please excuse me, i still have some work to do." of course that's true, but he's almost certain he won't be able to focus on that- but he just needs an excuse to get out from here and be left alone anyway.
but stelle is right next to him, and looking determined to accompany him to his room, too. "you look like you're about to fall, mr yang," they explain, and he wants to insist that he's okay once again, but realizes he's too tired to do so. it would take him at least a few minutes, and it's a few minutes he doesn't have nearly enough energy for. he just wants to finally lie down. so, he lets stelle essentially escort him into the hallway and to his bedroom, and make sure he doesn't collapse on his way there, and-- it's embarassing, honestly, because it's already so difficult for him to show himeko the slightest hints that something might be wrong, and right now the situation is similar but ten times worse - so it's also ten times harder for him to come to terms with the fact he needs to rely on someone.
"my... apologies for making you all worry," he says quietly when they reach his room, and he's so thankful that he left the lights off, because the parlor car was way too bright, and though the hallway was a bit better, it still wasn't good.
"it's alright," stelle shakes her head, and stands there in the doorway, even as he heads towards his bed and sits down. "i'll ask himeko to check up on you in a bit?" she asks, and he only nods, though he isn't sure if she can actually see it. he doesn't want to talk anymore, he doesn't want to think because even just that seems to make his headache worse, he just wants stelle to leave, he just wants to sleep-- he isn't even sure if he understood her question correctly, but he also doesn't have the energy to care. he falls asleep the moment the door closes behind her, fully clothed and half covered with a thick blanket, but even then he isn't allowed a peaceful rest.
memories from old battles flash before his eyes, silhouettes of enemies he once fought, those against whom he won - but also of those who severly injured or even killed him, and with that come the memories of the pain
and the fear of losing his body again.
when he finally awakens, sweating, shaky for reasons other than his fever, and still feeling pretty awful, it takes him longer than usual to remember where he is. it takes him longer than usual to remember that he's safe.
but now there's medicine and a thermometer on his nightstand, and a note written in himeko's neat handwriting - though he actually spots and reads it some time later - telling him to rest as much as he needs to, because she'll take care of everything; and only after he does read it and feels a sense of relief come over him, he realizes how much the thought of having to leave all the work in order to take a break actually stressed him out. he still feels bad about it, because of course he does, and of course he's going to apologize to everyone later.
but he's also able to sleep more peacefully now.
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superconductivebean · 4 months
#986: aesop sharp headcanons - 1
Imelda Reyes: >>>1 || >>>2 (nsfw) || >>>3 || >>>4 || >>>5 || >>>6 Poppy Sweeting: >>>1 || >>>2 || >>>3 Mirabel Garlick: >>>1 Victor Rookwood: >>>1
Once again raising my head from the Brainrot fog to share some character headcanons with the world. Brainrot is a fic I’m working on.
Writing Aesop into this silly little series would be no easy task, he is one of the main characters in the Brainrot. Linking other characters' posts because posts about them have some bits about him.
A light cw/tw for alcohol abuse, perhaps, depression.
Tags: @thriftstorebabayaga @endeavour12345 @mrs-sharp
He is deviously clever, painstakingly stoic, but wistful;
Brainrot: When he joined the ranks, the Office and the Law Enforcement Department were already in its conjoined heyday, slowly encompassing itself with every shade of the law sun. Injury only brought forth the thought to eventually call it quits, however, the resignation didn't go as planned, but unlike many other Aurors going to the early retirement, Aesop decided to keep the badge;
The badge is the symbol and the reminder of who he once was. He went through hell and high water to be able to come and try to save lives; that being said, an idealist he is, he can get upset, sharp or portending. He doesn't tolerate ill-mouthed, petty verbal fights;
Albeit he isn't the one to cheer himself on being a remotely good teacher, he takes pride in what little he can do: observing patterns, discerning causations of ill-suited behaviour, stopping someone's meander from spreading into a disaster. Suffice it to say, he prefers teaching troublemakers to drawing O's and E's, as in his mind, kids with a penchant for mischief aren't hiding their utter dishonesty;
You could say, he fully acknowledges the role of being the bane of someone's otherwise peaceful existence. If that was what fate truly wants him to do, he wouldn't debate it;
Brainrot: Injury made him considerate of superstitions and other Signs From The Beyond. A way of coping after being ruthlessly severed from what he once had in his previous life, yes, to add to his addiction to heavy beverages and mind-numbing potions;
Aesop is always visible, as he is around 6'2. His gait has a tune to it; you've heard it once, you'd always know it's him nearby. To many students, he is the second most talked about staff member, first being Mirabel Garlick. Yet, barely anyone knows him as a person, him as a potioneer, him as an Auror, Him in any capacity. Aesop is a lone wolf, and to a pack animal, it's an onerous existence. Unable to confide in anyone, constantly questioning himself, afraid to stop and look back at his progress -- and at his age, -- he tries to follow paths he can barely recognise, navigate and make sense of. The Ministry doesn't teach its most prised and powerful force to adapt beyond sharking through the criminal underworld;
Brainrot: Drinking isn't for the leg, although Aesop enjoys the soothening warmth of the firewhiskey, tiding the pain away for a while. Drinking is for silencing the inner demons and their ghastly suggestions;
Aesop is prone to make a cautionary tale out of himself, his life and choices; he can easily turn his success into an espying for potential mistakes and his shortcomings into a valuable lessons of how not to shortcut -- and if the one has to, how to do them right;
Terribly low self-esteem and shy attempts at self-reflection through taking someone's ear off are noticed by some but never read as such. Some students and the majority of the staff think highly of him, a demand he always meets, but some also notice Aesop is never quite alright, yet aren't sure how to help -- nor how to approach and to ask; and some just think to let sleeping dog lie.
Aesop doesn't know if how he usually feels is normal. He can only describe it as emptiness, awkward darkness where it used to be him being a derpy smartass, beaming with life. It never lets go of him nor he tries to fight it back, but strands of hope -- for a cure, for getting back into the ranks, for a life better and fruitful -- matter a lot to him.
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thoughtsofatransboy · 6 months
Bro I need a fic where Dave Mustaine and the reader are sleeping in the same bed and a storm happens, the reader is afraid of thunder so to distract his partner, Dave masturbates and fucks the reader under the sheets (female reader)
"It's just a silly rain"
well, here's your ask... sorry 4 being a lazy ass and taking a whole month to this... i hope you enjoy! I didn't sleep to write this lmao
Warnings: Fem!Afab!reader, Dave's a sweetheart, fluff smut under the cut
Tumblr media
You were sleeping, normally with your boyfriend Dave. Suddenly, a clap of thunder interrupted the peaceful silence and you woke up in a panic. Dave, who was always there to comfort you, held you close and whispered, "It's just the rain, my love. There's nothing to be afraid of." You leaned your head on Dave's shoulder and slowly got the pace of your breath stable again.
As the storm rages outside, Dave holds you close in his arms, comforting your trembling body through the loud cracks of thunder. "Shh, don't be afraid," Dave whispers. "I'm here with you, everything is going to be alright." You cannot help but bury your face into Dave's chest, feeling the warmth and safety of their embrace.
With each thunderous boom, Dave's grip tightens around you, holding you tightly to his body. "I won't let anything happen to you," Dave reassures. "I'll keep you safe, always." You take a deep breath, feeling your heart slow down as Dave's comforting words wash over your mind.
But you couldn't help but feel something weird on Dave's grip. His hands all over your body… and the way his breath gets heavier on the crook of your neck… Before you can think too much about it, Dave's hands are already down in your panties.
"Shh… Let me calm you down sweetheart, let me calm you down." Dave's hands are quickly in giving you pleasure. His thumb drawing delicate circles around your clit, while his mouth goes straight to your neck. Kissing and leaving some light hickeys that may or may not be very noticeable tomorrow's morning. He keeps his movements until you get close to cum. Sometimes with his free hand doing some more movements over your body.
He decided to insert a finger in you. Delicately and not worried with velocity, as he knows velocity doesn't means pleasure. He does soft movements, making sure to keep his finger brushing over and over on your sweet spots. When you're about to reach your climax, he makes his movement a little quicker. As you finally release your love all over his hands, he gives you a little peck on the cheek and some praises that you can't even understand, since you're trying to recuperate from your last climax.
You lie down, very tired and almost sleeping. Dave's pants are uncomfortable now, tight and brushing against his dick. Dave tries to ignore it, but he just can't. A little embarrassed, he whispers next to your ear. "Sweetheart, can we cuddle fuck? I promise ill be soft." You use all your remaining energies to nod your head, Dave don't even makes you say it, he's too desperate to keep his dom manners. He puts his pajama pants down, not even caring on taking it off completely. Taking his cock on his hand, he gives it some strokes, already lining it with your entrance, sweetly waiting for your consent to push it in.
When you nod, he don't waste time in start to pick up a pace, not a hard one but not a too easy one. When Dave finally finds his perfect pace, he starts to fucking you, deep and slow, taking time to brush against your sweet spots once again. He kisses all your face, praising you for being such a good girl for him. "Aww sweetheart… too sleepy that you can't even moan… that's ok… keep resting your mind.."
He keeps up a good pace for some more minutes, until his urge to cum gets uncontrollable. His thrusting gets more and more sloppy every minute. He knows that he is about to cum and when you give him a little moan after so many silent minutes, he can't help but feel more and more tempted to cum. "Dave… Mmm! Sweetie…" He just needed one more clench of yours to finally release, and when you do… "Oh… Fuck! Yeah! I'm cumming, 'Kay?"
It don't take more than 7 seconds to him to finally release his arousal on you. Kissing your face some more times. "Hey babe… You aren't scared of the thunders anymore, are you?" He doesn't get an answer. "Sweetheart?" Well, now he sees it… you're sleeping, well… He can't blame you, can he? With a final neck kiss, he puts himself back in his pants and decides to clean you tomorrow, he's too tired right now. He keeps cuddling you… until he falls asleep by your side.
Such a sweet way to overcome your fears 💕
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qqtxt · 2 years
[🌸] be mine w/ txt
✿ pairing: ot5 x reader / idol!txt / non.idol!you / tooth-rotting fluff 🌸 / minor cursing/curse words (none with ill intention!) ✿ mini-fics with each member for the same situation / less than 500 words for each member / altogether, word count: 1,894 words ✿ happy valentine’s, lovelies! 💖 [masterlist 🌸] / other members under the cut! / @kflixnet​​ ✨
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[🐰] soobin / my sweet valentine although soobin’s a shy bean, he still manages to make you shy with the way he had intended for valentine’s to roll out. from asking you to be his valentine through a sticky note he left in his notebook and asking you to open the book to reveal his attempts of writing as cleanly as possible: ‘be my valentine?♡’
ooh... choi soobin is one smooth little shit.
the cute setup allows for soobin to show up at your door with a single rose and that smile on his face when you surprise him with a single rose. it’s like looking into a mirror; hilarious, stupidly sweetly in love. fast forward to now, being in his arms cuddled up in front of the television linked to netflix with an anime rerun he loves to watch but really, it was always just an excuse to have you in his arms. the feeling of your lips pressed to his chest as you partially lean into his embrace to have your eyes glued to the screen; your hands, laced by his hip as you squeeze him every now and then to shift to a comfortable position but always, always by his side.
that makes soobin smile as he curls his arm around your shoulders to shift you closer. it’s the way you silently oblige, willing to be as close to him as possible and the gentle kiss you leave on his chest. he rests his cheek to the top of your head and occasionally allows his eyes to glance at the two stems of roses by the television console.
tl;dr: this cutie might not make it a big deal to ask you to be his valentine’s (as he doesn’t see the need to have to wait for valentine’s to do something sweet) but would see it as a way to kind of playfully show you his affection. say it with me: he :”) feels :”) happy :”) seeing :”) you :”) happy :”) so he’ll definitely try to show you in some way during valentine’s either a small gesture, a cute date, as long as he gets to spend some sort of time with you. (if not, he may just send you flowers or a little something!)
[🦊] yeonjun / my silly valentine you try not to spoil the fun when the second you open the door and yeonjun’s fumbling with his phone because he’s trying to play a love song, only for spotify to fail him. the loading screen makes you snicker quietly, a hand still on the door, the other pressed to your chin to hide your smile. he squints his eyes at you and it makes you drop your smile, now both hands up in front of your chest as a hey, i’m not laughing. just watching you, my guy.
he soon breaks out to a grin when the upbeat tempo of i just called to say i love you by stevie wonder starts playing. he keeps one hand on the phone, juggling the small bouquet of flowers and he extends his other hand to you. before you can reach for his hand, he already juts to grab ahold of it; pulling you close to him to start swaying you to the music even if you didn’t plan on dancing in front of your doorstep with nothing but a shirt and shorts on.
it’s not what you had intended (your box of chocolates for your lover boy over here stashed away in the fridge and he most definitely beat you to it) but with the way yeonjun’s smiling at you widely, trying to dance around with you and make you smile is all you could possibly ask for on valentine’s.
tl;dr: be prepared for extra-ness or just one of the most heartwarming gestures despite it being something simple. i can see he’ll either go all out or resort to being “simple” but... c’mon, we all know even if it’s “simple”, jun’s still going to find a way to make it extra. buying you flowers? man will try to serenade you and force you to take the flower from his hands. buying you chocolate? he just may feed you one by one. regardless, valentine’s is just another excuse for him to shower you with love and his appreciation; be it grand or simple, it’ll have his whole heart.
[🐯] beomgyu / my lovely valentine beomgyu’s a romantic, and it shows even on a day like valentine’s that’s over-commercialised for the sake of ripping out profits from lovesick couples. yes, gladly give me all the damned festivities at the cost of more than what it’s worth, right now. you can’t even see him properly with the balloons that block your view but it’s the way he struggles with his yelps and shouts is what reassures you that yes, this is the man you love past all the silliness and goofiness he does just to see that smile on your face.
“be my valentine?” his voice is nearly drowned from your eardrums but your laughter reaches his ears just as effortlessly.
“do i have an option here? you looked like you robbed the entire party shop,” you try to grab ahold of some of the balloons, luring them in so beomgyu has the chance to step into your home. past the door, he ditches the balloons when they’re able to be constrained to your ceiling. he gently grabs ahold of your wrists to give them a shake so you let go of the balloons and when he’s able to look at you face-to-face, he gets down on one knee with the plethora of balloons surrounding you, framing the silly, lovable sight in front of you that is choi beomgyu looking up to you with sparkling eyes.
“c’mon, i’m not getting up until you give me a solid answer–”beomgyu’s words are left stuck in his throat when your hands move from his grasp, cupping his cheek to give him a kiss that shuts him up completely. it’s brief, but it’s impactful. you’ve officially knocked all the wind out of his lungs and breathed life back into him all at once.
when you pull away, he blinks at you in a daze; entranced... but his personality is never diminished.
“if i knew buying you balloons will give me kisses like that, i would’ve robbed the party shop a long time ago.”
tl;dr: playful and romantic; the perfect combination of choi beomgyu. he’ll make it fun but you can tell it all comes from the love he has for you. apart from the typical cheesy stuff, he’ll find new ways to innovate this forsaken celebration and make it something you look forward to. even if he doesn’t have anything planned, it’s the way he asks you to be his valentine (with a cute twist) is what makes valentine’s worth celebrating. he doesn’t think he needs to do something on valentine’s to show his love but rather, he wants to just because he loves you.
[🐿] taehyun / my sincere valentine it’s an hour or two past midnight that taehyun returns home to you. just the beginning of valentine’s in the wee hours of the new day that he snuggles in bed with you. past the slumber and sleep ebbing away in your consciousness, you can feel his kiss to the side of your head as he curls his arms around you.
“you okay?” your voice groggily reaches him; but it’s always as clear as day, gently nudging his ribcage. he chuckles softly and nods, able to decipher just how tired you sound but it never manages to faze the concern and worry you have for him.
“mhm,” he hums, “better now here with my valentine,”
“hmph,” he feels you huffing against his chest, yet your actions prove otherwise when you circle your arms around him and nuzzle into his embrace, “you didn’t even ask me.”
“oh, sorry,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to your forehead and whispering: “be my valentine?”
“get me chocolates tomorrow, then i’ll consider,” you mutter under your breath, to which he snickers, “who said i didn’t? it’s in the fridge already.”
“...you’re good, kang taehyun,” you sigh, eyes remaining shut as you allow yourself to succumb to sleep. before you do, taehyun doesn’t miss the way your words reach his ears, and it makes him pull you closer with a smile on his face to await for the day to begin officially in a couple of hours that he’ll get to spend with you.
of course i’ll be your valentine. always have been.
tl;dr: his approach is rather simple but it’s not any less sincere than the rest of the boys. he goes for a more... “rational” and lowkey approach, but with the way he expresses his love for you and what he feels on this day is what makes your heart feel full. if there was something he’d want to do or a place to bring you, he wouldn’t wait for valentine’s but he wouldn’t be opposed to using valentine’s as an excuse, either.
[🐧] kai / my soft valentine *pun intended upon opening the door, you’re greeted with a plushie so huge, it almost swallows the person holding it. apparently, it’s–”kai!”
“a little help would be great!” he yells back, past the fluff engulfing him that you lunge forward, easing part of the weight as it begins to topple over you. kai’s signature laughter rings in your ears when you’ve decided to give up, laying on the floor with this huge fluff of a teddy bear on top of you. his animated, excited voice is mumbling something of how adorable you looked; sounds of camera captures entering your ears.
“kai, get this off me!”
“only if you promise to be my valentine,” he huffs, kneeling beside you with a cheeky grin now that he sees you can’t move with this teddy bear on top of you.
“huening,” you deadpan.
“yes, pretty?” he smiles; so sweetly in contrast to your death glare.
“i agreed to be your valentine’s countless of times now since we got together. it’s kind of a given at this point so please, get this off me!”
“benny,” he corrects, already peeling a part of the teddy off you so you can sit up. with narrowed eyes aimed at him, he chuckles, “i named him ‘benny’,”
“you can ask benny for kisses, then!” you manage to nudge the teddy bear at his face so you can sneak away. with a hey!, kai’s quickly closing your front door and terrorising you with the bear he’s bought you... which later on, ends up being a cute movie night of kai leaning against benny behind him with you in his arms in front of him. a kind of combination he won’t switch for the world if it meant having you in his arms.
tl;dr: this boy would approach valentine’s similarly to how he expresses his love for you (and his guilty pleasure) of plushies. he views valentine’s as an opportunity to do something grand, or maybe something just as silly as getting you a big-ass plushie as a joke (but not really, lol). either way, he’ll kinda show you his affection as he usually does on any other day, but just add something a lil’ extra.
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corviiids · 5 months
not a question, but wanted to thank you for all of your jokes and enthusiasm and just general coolness over the years. have been following for so long now, and you’re nothing but a delight. watching the real-time picking up of hades into achilles expert was hilarious and just so fun.
not to mention that your writing is such a treasure. im not quite sure how you jump from homestuck to fish fic so expertly but there’s never been a time where I wasn’t floored with what you’ve written, no matter how silly.
im not sure how much it means, but truly thank you. for sharing, for loving things and for being just all around wonderful. i hope life treats you kindly and that all the hardships get better + that somehow law gets a little less annoying. you are rad all the way through :)
my friend this message made me cry and i keep rereading it. 'thank you for loving things' - what an incredibly kind and lovely thing to say. im sure im not alone in that sometimes it's nerve-wracking to bring too much enthusiasm to the table, especially if it's regarding something you've never talked about before and you're not sure if anyone cares. i will always be so grateful that people like you exist who see that kind of wholehearted excitement as something to appreciate (not just mine but in the world in general), so thank you so much.
ill tell you exactly how much it means! everything! im very touched that you enjoy my writing and so happy if my silly posts have ever made you laugh!! it makes all the uncertainty and stress of sharing your work and putting yourself out there totally worth it if it's the case that someone as nice as you is picking it up.
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notknickers · 1 year
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in the last few days, i have been rotating the big austrian lad in my head relentlessly and, even though i may change my mind about some of these, or have mutually exclusive headcanons cohexist in different renditions of him, i feel like he is starting to take more deifinite shape in my mind. therefore, i want to write a list of my interpretation and share it, both for personal reference, since i'm juggling two different fics, and as modest contribution to fandom. i'll try to keep things coherent, but...
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in spite of the misleading banner, which portrays a silly, cartoonish version of tentakönig i had a lot of fun doodling specially to embellish this post, the following is about human!könig, military contractor. that is just to give an idea of how much he has been bouncing in my skull as if my brain were a trampoline.
♛ he is between forty-two and forty-five years of age;
♛ his untreated social anxiety only increased during his military recruitment and gradually exacerbated into full-on PTSD during his career as contractor; he is afflicted by dissociative episodes, panic attacks and night terrors, as a consequence, which he keeps hidden at any and all cost and manages covertly, sometimes through questionable means;
♛ he is very quiet, pensive and observant. as such, he loathes using more words than he needs to and uses as little as he can, trying to avoid long conversations and small talk alike;
♛ his mask is the only remnant of his pre-military life. he clings to it as a reminder of his own humanity, of the person he used, for good or ill, to be and as acknowledgement of how far he has come from the scrawny, fearful lad he was, even when sometimes, he wishes he would have made different choices;
♛ under his mask, the features on his face are slightly uneven, such as one of his ears, which hangs at a slightly different angle than the other and his left cheekbone, still crooked from a past injury that healed poorly. he also has some deeper disfigurement, the scars of which still remain, less and less visible as time passes, and his lips are ruined. these are the consequence of both maltreatment and bullying during his childhood and adolescence, from both callous peers and neglectful parents, and of injuries incurred on the job. ironically, the worst are not from his military career, however. as such, he barely ever removes his mask, chiefly when alone or on leave.
♛ his hair is light in colour, kept cropped very short as it tends to grow quickly and get matted under his mask and helmet, but beyond the slightly receding hairline typical of men his age, he is nowhere near starting to bald; ♛ his eyes are grey. not blue, nor black. grey. sometimes lighter, sometimes darker, sometimes glittery and glassy, but always grey, according to his state and the light conditions;
♛ even though he is barely average in attractiveness and the presence of keloidal scar tissue, which often ranges from being off-putting to instilling repulsion in others, he is noticeable in size. some would find the mass of packed, rounded muscles in more than 2m rather interesting. however, given that very fact, he probably has or will soon start experiencing heart issues as he ages. realistically, he will probably die younger than his peers, in spite of being in top shape;
♛ his approach is practical and detached: if he's on a rescue mission, that's what he will focus on; what happens afterwards is none of his business, as long as his job is done and he gets recognition remuneration for it. if, on the other hand, civilians or competitors are a liability, he will not hesitate to take care of the situation in the most expedient way, the way that will not impair the status of his mission;
♛ this strong preference for detachment and pragmatism is not to say that he does not take pride in his skills, even though his job is nothing more than a means towards an end, or, well, more than one. namely, a paycheque to live comfortably and never fear poverty or food insecurity again; isolation from people or controlled interactions with predictable scripts, when necessary; the rules that apply, which are different from those of society at large, in which he always struggled and still struggles to fit in;
♛ when engaging the enemy, he is not reckless, but he is beastly and brutal. he displays a sort of controlled berserk mode. he has no particular respect for life and under those specific circumstances, allows himself to delight in carnage. he otherwise appears in control of himself, even though he spends as much time as he can alone, so others only know him so much;
♛ he is not beyond torture, even the disfiguring, excruciating kind, the kind that carries long-lasting, when not permanent effects on body and spirit alike. however, he merely sees it as a means towards an end. he is not the type to waste time threatening and warning: he thinks practical demonstrations are more eloquent that any word. as such, his methods tend more towards the crude, than the sophisticated, but they are equally effective in half the time;
♛ when on leave, he lives frugally and anonymously, barely leaving his abode unless necessary; he lives below his means as a matter of habit, a consequence of his childhood poverty, even when he could afford much, much more;
♛ his modest flat is a pigsty and he likes to leave it like that to break out of the stifling rules and expectations of his job. this is also reflected on his shabby sense of fashion: better to be a practical slob than an elegant buffoon who wastes his hard-earned money on impractical peacocking attires;
♛ whilst true that his height, build and scars attract stares in public, he has become very adept at shutting such rudeness down with one of his strategic, whithering looks. out of combat, he is just some bloke and that is all he cares to be until he is called back from leave;
♛ he compartmentalises a lot his civilian persona from his military persona and, even within his military persona, there are more subdivisions to be found (coold-headed, reserved, collected and calculating vs murderous, bloody and savage in conflict.) to be clear, he is not ashamed of what he does for a living, but his profession also requires a lot of discretion on his part, which makes the compartmentalising already so natural to him an external necessity;
♛ he's a smoker and a drinker: as long as he still performs well on the field, he has no interest in denying himself the scant pleasures only vice can offer;
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tentakönig rolled and bounced all the way down here to say: "if you do not wish to find out what i'm like sexually and romantically, do yourself a favour and do not read below. proceed at leisure, otherwise."
🗡 perhaps not every single time, but more often than not, he cries when he comes;
🗡 i get submissive vibes, with a dash of unpredictability. for now, let's say that, with his lovers, occasional and less so, he knows how to be both rough and rash or gentle and devoted. sometimes, even within the same session, all depending on mood and circumstances.
🗡 i'm toying with the idea of him having a specific type of mummy kink, the kind expressed by seeking the gentle, comforting touch of a willing-enough woman who he will address as mummy, in german, only to end up weeping on her tits as he greedily sucks on them... i may have already begun writing a fic along this lines... >.> i did and more are coming. this is both a promise and a threat.
🗡 when he gets desperate and/or fuckdrunk during his sexual encounters, he starts muttering nonsense in austrian german, incapable of focussing his brain enough to maintain some coherency; it's very endearing to see him lose control like that. if the sex in question is happening with a very lucky woman (lucky according to whom?!) who he trusts enough to be that vulnerable, besides giving in to his native tongue, he will probably also cry, as mentioned above;
🗡 when on leave, he occasionally pays for sex when he can't (or won't bother to) find anything on his own, or when he has something particular in mind and prefers to put himself in the hands of a professional;
🗡 even though he does not consider himself queer, when mercenary sex isn't in the cards, he frequents local gay clubs. as a tall, athletic, middle-aged and moderately hairy man, it is hardly challenging for him to find a willing man to fuck in the face or the arse, even though he never reciprocates;
🗡 though more or less settled in his reality full of idiosyncrasies and resigned to it, he occasionally allows himself to wander off his established path to seek companionship outside of the above-mentioned methods. he knows he could hardly stand a regular life with wife, children, pets and a less dangerous job. yet, there is a part of him still curious, which would like to discover whether he could get what everyone else allegedly seems to want, what he feels he should want but is not sure he actually does. as such, he occasionally tries and manages to establish a relationship in between deployments, but it often collapses or remains in the early stages. the older he gets, the harder he finds to make them happen, especially when he is very much not everyone's cup of tea;
🗡 nevertheless, i believe he would appreciate to know what it's like to see himself through the eyes of someone genuinely infatuated with him and not see them recoil in disgust or reflect back the image of the mindless killing machine with little depth left he considers himself to have become;
may add more in future. apologies for any potential mistake: it's very late and i don't have time to reread everything. thanks for reading.
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