#ill just be soooo trembling shaking crying the entire time as well
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love seeing friends join and talk in this little discord knowing that MY bestie actively Tricked Me Into Joining by saying he was joining too and then he left me to die 💔💔💔
#SLASH DRAMATIC it was. my own fault. i KNEW BETTER i KNEW how busy he was i KNEW he couldnt/shouldnt join another exchange... and yet.#also i did need the extra push i think or i wouldve been too scareds to do it. now that im Here its like i might as well u know...#ALSO also idk if he actually meant to join or not? he mightve meant and then forgot OR it was a lie but either way its Really funny#ill just be soooo trembling shaking crying the entire time as well#itd be so much easier if i had even ONE published fic for this fandom but no. 26k wip that im nowhere NEAR done with#its fine its fine its so so fine#alyalyoxenfree
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I saw a prompt where dads find out dadsona is an actor, and they go through all of his shows/movies. I love that idea soooo much. Could i possibly request something like that, and also that they find a movie/tv show where dadsona dies and they get all freaked out?
You have no ideawho spilled the beans. The topic of your work never came up, so you’d nevertold him you’re an actor, but he must have found out some way or the other,because there’s no other explanation for why you come home to find [Dad]sitting on the couch with one of the latest show you’ve starred in playing onscreen and a small pile with other movies and shows next to him on the table.You strongly suspect Amanda told him, but short of asking, you don’t have anyproof and thus, your case wouldn’t hold in court. You silently sit down next to[Dad] and lean back. Watching yourself on screen still is weird, but youmostly focus on [Dad]’s expressions. You recognised the episodeimmediately and you’re curious about his reaction to your death.
Your screen self isstanding between two other members of the gang, trying to defuse the situation.Suddenly, one of them pulls a gun. Your character jumps forward to pull it outof their hands. In the resulting grapple, a shot goes off. Your character sinksto his knees, then falls to his side, a large red spot on his stomach that’sgetting bigger by the second.
🥃 Robert’sface is blank, like always, but you’ve known him long enough to notice thatlook in his eyes. His gaze is distant, like he’s somewhere entirely differentwith his thoughts. Carefully, you reach out and nudge his shoulder. “Hey, Bobert?”He doesn’t react. You nudge him again, harder this time, and wave a hand infront of his face. “Earth to Bobert, are you—“ He knocks the air out of yourlungs lunging himself at you, wrapping his strong arms around you tightly, asif he’s scared of you vanishing if he doesn’t cling. Confused, you wrap yourarms around him in return. “Babe, what’s wrong? It’s just a TV show and sure,it looked real, but it’s definitely not…” He makes a noise. You don’t recogniseit, at first, but then it dawns on you – he’s crying. You tighten your grip onhim, rubbing his back and murmuring sweet nothings into his ear. “I-I can-can’tlose you,” Robert sobs. “I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t want to… not y-you too…” Youcontinue holding him even after he stops crying again, assuring him that youwouldn’t leave him anytime soon.
🍸 “Oh my. T-that was, well, that was… quite realistic.” Joseph lifts a handto press his palm to his chest, right above the heart. You notice he’s gottenpaler than usual. Is his hand shaking? No, his whole body is shaking, not justthat specific body part. You frown and scoot closer until your thighs arepressed together. The proximity and body contact seems to help him calm down,but only a little. “W-when Damien told me Lucien saw you in a movie I honestlyd-didn’t expect you to s-star in things l-like that but you’re truly a… askilled actor. T-that looked… um… very real. M-maybe a bit too real.”“Are you okay, Joe? You’re really pale…” He laughs nervously and rubs his chestthrough the fabric of his polo shirt. You reach up and put your hand on top ofhis, lacing your fingers together. Joseph lets out a long, shaky breath. “Y-yes,I’m okay… C-could you maybe pick the n-next movie? One where you d-don’t die,preferably. I’ll… make us h-hot chocolate.” He stands up, but you pull him downagain and kiss him. You only draw back once you feel him smile, albeit weakly.
☕ After staring at the screen for what feels like hours, Mat finallyturns to look at you. His eyes are wide, shining in what you belatedly realiseare tears, and his mouth hangs open in shock. Then, suddenly, he’s in your lap,trembling like a leaf and, judging by the wet spot that’s spreading from wherehe has his face buried in your shoulder, crying. “Baby, it’s okay,” you say,patting his back. “I’m fine. That was only fake blood, I’m still here, aliveand breathing and also babbling.” Mat huffs into your shirt. “I know it’s notreal,” he whispers. “But it lookedlike it is, like you really died and…” He doesn’t finish the sentence, but hedoesn’t have to. You coo and press a kiss on his cheek. “I’m okay, baby, I won’tleave you anytime soon, I promise…” Some minutes go by, accompanied by thenoises coming from the TV. Finally, Mat draws back again and wipes his eyes. Helooks at you and you look back. “I sure hope you never starred in a musical,”Mat eventually says, breaking the silence. You blink. Then Mat breaks intolaughter and you join in moments later.
🌹 Damien slowly lowers his hand, with which he’s been covering his mouth immediatelyafter screaming the moment the shot rang through the air. As your characterslowly bleeds out, Damien’s eyes are glued to the screen. You’re still proud ofyour performance that day, the way you, if you could say so yourself, conveyedthe last moments of a man’s life as he’s dying. Damien’s reaction proves to youthat your acting is convincing. White as a sheet, Damien turns to you once thescene changes and cups your face, trailing his thumb along your cheekbone. Youraise your eyebrow questioningly; Damien blushes and drops his hand again. “I’mterribly sorry, it’s just… that looked quite real. All that blood… yourexpression… even the light in your eyes, extinguished, like a flame…” With achuckle you reach out and take his hands in yours, lifting them to your lips.Damien’s blush deepens as you kiss his knuckles. “Don’t worry about it, dear. I’mhappy my acting shook you like that. Means I did my job.” Damien laughs. “That’sone way to see it, indeed. Shall we watch another one?”
🎣 “That was…” Brian rubs the back of his headlooking anywhere but the TV screen, where the last minutes of your character’slife pass. His face is caught between shock and his usual, self-confident andcocky smirk. “Good. You’re a good actor.” By now, you know better than to takehis underplaying your accomplishments personally. You’ve come a long way since yourfirst meeting in the park and you know he isn’t serious. Truth be told, youfind his continuous attempts not to get excited adorable, particularly becausehe is bad at acting. As casually as humanly possible, Brian throws his arm overthe back of the couch and, consequently, your shoulders and pulls you close.There’s the finest of tremors going through his body. “Thanks. Did I make for aconvincing dying person?” Brian laughs, but it’s pathetic, compared to hisusual bellows. “I almost believed it.” You elbow his side. Brian nudges rightback and lifts his arm so you can curl up under it. “What would you suggest wewatch next?” You’re glad he can’t see your evil grin. “Oh, I know just theright one.(Two hours later, he’s bawling his eyes out. Terminal illnessesalways do the trick.)
👟 Craig’s face undergoes a journey ofexpressions. He goes from surprised to shocked, then over to sad before finallysettling on excited. He grasps you by the shoulders; at that moment he remindsyou of a puppy, lacking only the wagging tail and floppy ears. “Dude, that wassick! It looked so real and not just because of the blood! You really sold thatmoment. When you told me you wanted to become an actor in college, I neverwould have thought you’d be in something like that.” His beaming grin andsparkling eyes make you laugh softly. “Thanks bro. But who told you what I dofor a living?” He shrugs. “No one did, bro. I just remembered your career plansand was curious whether you managed to follow your dreams. Searched your nameon the internet. You have your own wikipedia page, isn’t that sick, bro?” Hisexcitement is contagious; you find yourself mirroring his grin. “Want to seethe first movie I starred in?” He offers you his fist and you bump yoursagainst it. “Hell yeah, bro!”
📖 Hugo clears his throat and nervously adjusts his glasses. He, like mostteachers, is an expert at hiding his emotions when need be, but at this moment,his thoughts are written on his face, plain as day. When he notices you lookingat him in amusement, he blushes and averts his eyes. You take the remotecontrol and pause the episode, the screen frozen on your lifeless eyes. Hugo’sshudder once he sees the image is barely noticeable, but your close proximitymeans you can feel it. “That was, well, quite impressive. Seeing you try to liein everyday life, I’d never have expected you could act.” With an indignantgasp, you lightly shove against his chest. He falls on his back, but you knowthat if he hadn’t wanted you to, you would not have been able to move him oneinch. “I’ll have you know I’m an excellent liar.” He raises his eyebrow. Youscoff. “Fine, I reserve my skills for work. Did you know I starred in AMidsummer Night’s Dream?” Hugo’s eyes darken a little. “No, I didn’t. Do youhave a recording?” He replies to your nod with a grin and a wink.
- Mod Mare
#dream daddy#dream daddy: a dad dating simulator#dream daddy a dad dating simulator#ddadds imagine#ddadds#Anonymous#death mention tw
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