#ill have an update on Boy later today when
strwbrymlkshake · 2 years
Why can't I be satisfied with everything? It needs to be perfect to me and I can't accept anything otherwise :(
#mine#oh boy here we go. guy last post was about has been pretty cool and i got flustered around him a few times#but i feel bad bc. i need m o r e he isnt insane enough he isnt making me go absolutely crazy i want to be satisfied but im NOT im sorry#like its quite honestly the most attention acceptance etc ive gotten but its not ENOUGH he doesnt die whenever i send a selfie#im never satisfied WHY i have unrealistic expectations !!!! i hate my brain killing and violence and death etc#i get crushes on guys who want nothing to do with me but then when one actually wants me its not enough? what is wrong with me#thrill of the chase? i cant accept being loved? what is it brain. christ almighty. im not doing anything like deliberately yandere related#anymore im just being generally incomprehensibly mentally ill 🙄 still trying to find a therapist but idk how on earth ill explain that#ill update this post tomorrow with more insanity but for now i am the sleepy tired#// ok its now 3 days later i dont feel like making another post. i think i was just having a mental illness moment as always#because he does make me insane. hashtag girl. im trying to be the smartest and calculated i have ever been with a relationship in my life#like im thinkin about it so hard bro. the future n shit. how would this relationship go. im so scared ill do something wrong its preventing#me from doing things RIGHT. im sad becaude i flipped out today over even imagining him being upset with me a little#so i was really embarrassed and it put me in a weird mood for the rest of the night but he reassured me he doesnt hate me or want me to die#every one aaalways says theyre different. i can only hope this one is telling the truth. i dont know what ill do if he isnt.#well i need to stop whining about fictional scenarios and focus on the good stuff in reality. i get along with him very well and he#is very niceys to me :3 he doesnt think im fucking insane or stupid for overreacting. i feel very comfortable gossiping and talking w him#every long time blog viewer of mine reading this like ah shit here we go again#but thats what im here for. i guess. just have to keep doing this shit until something good finally happens to me romantically hngh#i feel so strange because i have wanted and yearned for a relationship but now that i actually could have one im like WAIT#I DIDNT THINK ID GET THIS FAR 💀💀💀 bruh. and he doesnt even think im stupid hes respectful to me he checks in on me all the time#like perhaps the only person to ever actually almost match my energy in a romantic sense. there was [redacted] i guess but he didnt love me#he listens to me talk about my problems he doesnt think i complain or overreact too much. all the ridiculous cringe shit i do#he doesnt mind it. its nice to be able to be myself. and im really proud of myself for not rushing into a relationship right away
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thecoffeelorian · 5 months
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Hold My Hand (Crosshair x Reader)
Premise: This is the third installment of...what should have been a one-shot, but here we all are a long while later, so it's probably best to just keep on going down this road to see where it leads. Anyway, Part One was Understanding and Part Two was Red Flags, so if you haven't checked those out yet, feel free to do so now.
Story Notes: One small thing about the tagging system, if I didn't say it already: I hope to make a few more updates for this series, so just in case I am, in fact, keeping the folks who want to read and reblog in the loop, please don't hesitate to do so when you are able. If I'm not...you're welcome to ignore this from here on in, and I'll eventually stop tagging you altogether. Thank you, goodnight, and good luck.
Special Notes: As ever, the header was made by @stars-n-spice. Also, little shout-out to @talesfrommedinastation for inspiring me to use a form of sign language between two characters, one that was originally invented for speaking in deep space when the commlinks didn't work, and also mostly inspired by something similar in "The Expanse".
No-Pressure Tags:
@momojedi @moonstrider9904 @calicos-clones @bigboypantstime @youreababboon
@tink1221 @ms-grassi @galaxyglittering @ah-prick24 @littlefeatherr
@donntmindmejustwandering @housepartyfortwo @beatthisbi @urmomsmattress @mysticalgalaxysalad
@groguandthebadbatch @pendustt @weirdest-lights @flyiingsly @courtney0-0
@emmaflame1336 @briefexpertdeer @shadow-rebel-223 @littlemammoth69 @theosb0rnway
@shazkenobi @reader6898 @maxims-multifandom-corner @monster20045 @darkangel4121
@nevadastarrsworld @thatacefr @crosshair-lover @bennieandthejets-5 @jamine-boi-124
@lani03sstuff @ttzamara @beezez-blog @myeternalsin @sublimeclodkidcolor
@nish-xiii @ash04w3 @clonereeses @lllllmm @melymigo and anybody else looking for a tale that doesn't end in disaster.
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🩶 It's my fault.
🩶 This one simple sentence, this confession, jolts through both you and Omega like a blaster bolt. It's more than enough to make the tears start forming in her eyes, and the questions to build up in yours.
🩶 He doesn't seem to be done talking yet, though, because what spills out of him next speaks volumes.
🩶 "I thought they would--protect us, but they lied. They've been lying this whole time."
🩶 By this point, his hand is shaking so much that you don't think about it, that you don't dare to ask any more questions for fear of making an already painful thing several times worse.
🩶 Rather, you're just moving in to take a gentle hold upon it, if only to offer him whatever comfort that you can.
🩶 To your own comfort, though, he doesn't flinch, pull away, or start telling you off in front of Omega even though you would understand perfectly if he did.
🩶 Instead, whatever's causing all of his ills today eases just a little at the moment of contact with you, because the next thing you both know, his panicked breathing is slowing down and his tense posture starts to loosen up.
🩶 This moment can't last very long, though, because as Omega quietly reminds you, she still has to call home and she thought she heard voices calling in the distance. There is literally no time to lose.
🩶 In turn, you don't mind bringing both of your guests to the old spaceport that used to be your family's business during the war, but since then has had to be converted to a ship repair shop like several more wartime industries have done on your planet. However, there are still a few things you can use here, because you haven't exactly let everything go to rust.
🩶 One of these things is the communication console, a somewhat rusted thing, but still able to access encrypted links like the one on board the Marauder. It's here that Omega hears the voices of her surviving brothers for the first time in what feels like forever, and like any other missing child would do, she's able to let a few relieved sobs out of her system.
🩶 She's also composed herself enough to plan her next few steps, for her next move is to go straight to one of Ryloth's moons for a pick-up...or so she tells the two men on the other end of this line.
🩶 You can only hope that this means she wants to surprise them, guaranteeing two returns of lost family members for the price of one flight, as the old sale slogan goes.
🩶 At this same time, though, Crosshair's got a surprise of his own, for as Omega's busy talking, he's busy signaling to you without saying a word. It's the old spacewalk sign language, the one developed by the first workers within the asteroid belt for when their comms stopped working...and right now, he's telling you that he won't be following Omega down the ramp when the time comes.
🩶 How come, you sign back, a look of confusion upon your face. Don't you want to go with her?
🩶 They'll be looking for two clones traveling together, not separately...and besides, I already know I won't be welcome there.
🩶 Oh...? And where do you plan to go, if not with her?
🩶 I'll improvise. Now...act natural.
🩶 Both of you fall awkwardly silent as Omega finishes her comm; then skips back to you with the most heartbreaking of hopeful grins.
🩶 "They're coming to pick us up," she announces, twirling around in place like a happy little service droid. "We get to go home, home, home!"
🩶  "That's--that's great, Omega," Crosshair manages, forcing out the words as though trying not to choke on them. "Just--don't forget not to leave anything behind, all right?"
🩶  That's your cue to signal to them to go back to the house with you--you definitely have to hide the extra used dishes and utensils until further notice, what decent person wouldn't--but before you do, you're careful to make sure that the shop sign stays upon the word "Closed". The last thing anybody needs right now is some pushy customer demanding service.
🩶  Once you take all of the necessary precautions, though...you have to take just one more look around this little home of yours, if only to reassure yourself that you'll return to it soon, if not eventually.
🩶  After all, just like your mother used to say, the galaxy can be a huge, scary place.
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cozy-fantasy-corner · 7 months
Band of Idiots Pt. 4: Coney Island
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, angst, pining, language, Steve being an angsty cat, mentions of violence, alcohol, illness, death, and fondue-ing 
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: Steve, Y/n, and Bucky are as thick as thieves. They spend a day at Coney Island together. Feelings are discovered and lies are told.
Author’s Note: It’s been ages since I’ve updated this fic. My apologies. Life got crazy. I graduated high school, moved out of state for college, and then got super sick. But I’m back and better than ever. My inbox and dms are always open!
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(not my gif. credit to the owner)
Brooklyn summers could be unbearable. The molten heat pounding on the asphalt of a concrete jungle was enough to make any seasoned New Yorker feel faint. The air looked like a blur and felt like it was baking the city alive. The sun a constant, unrelenting oven. 
July of 1934 was no different. In fact, it was somehow worse. 
Just two weeks ago, Stevie had his fourteenth birthday. And boy was he rearing to go. The torturous temperatures had Stevie acting like an alley cat. He was always yowling about something and picking fights with any and everyone. 
Three days this week he’d come home while Miss Sarah was at work cut up and bleeding. I’d be an amazing nurse with the amount of times I’ve given that boy stitches and set his nose. 
With Bucky’s new job down at the docks, he couldn’t save Steve so easily from all of his fights like he used to. Poor Buck is so worried about our boy. The thought of him biting off more than he can chew is enough to cause a knot in all of our stomachs. We wouldn’t know what to do without him. 
Today, Bucky had the day off of work and he’d been saving for weeks to take us to Coney Island to blow off some steam. For him, that was spending all his money to impress dames. For Stevie, it was drawing while next to me on a bench or the beach. As for me, I loved to just sit and observe all of the people: the sights, the smells, the sounds. 
The train ride to the amusement park was crowded and boiling with body heat. It smelled like stale sweat and old people in the worst way. The screams of children and the loud chatter from other patrons were enough to give me a headache, even with my bad ear. My back was killing me from standing for so long without a break, forcing me to brace myself on Steve and Bucky’s shoulders. Of course, Mister Meat-Head over here was flexin’ his suddenly very toned shoulder under my grip which caused me to blush. Thank God my face was already red from overheating, or he’d have poked fun at me about it. 
My shitty lungs were being squeezed by the warm, wet air, and I wheezed slightly. My wheezing was met with Steve’s and a concerned glare from Bucky. I moved my hand to my bag, fumbling for my peppermint oil. My fingers met the cold glass and pried it open near our noses. A deep inhale eased the pressure in my chest. 
“You alright, Kiddo?”
“She’s peachy, Buck. We’re on a hot train with a buncha loud, smelly assholes and we both got shit lungs. Wattaya think, ya jerk?” Steve snarked back, radiating thick annoyance. My mouth fell open in shock. 
Bucky threw up his hand defensively, a mildly hurt look on his face. Steve was never this cross, even on his worst days. Something was wrong, had been for weeks. Getting into fights, coming home later, skipping meals, being snippy, even to me. Now it was getting worse. I hoped that it wouldn’t ruin our day out, but part of me knew that things would only go downhill from there. And all I could do was brace myself for impact. 
I pulled my shoulders closer to my neck and inched towards Buck a little bit. My eyes squeezed themselves shut and I tried to breathe in, hoping for calm. All I got was B.O. and a frown from Steve. He knows I only do that when I’m nervous, and he was the thing making me nervous. 
Buck seemed so set on enjoying the day that he glazed over everything and plastered his trademark Bucky Barnes grin on his sweaty face. I almost wanted to pinch his arm just to snap him out of it. No one should smile that much or look that good doing it. Especially not on a train in the summer heat. Honest to God, it was annoying. 
Between Mister Sunshine and Mister Scrooge, the day was bound to be interesting to say the least. 
Bucky had stopped to grab me some pop while Steve stormed off, a bit too eager to be rid of us for my taste. A minute piece of my heart crumbled away. Never, in all the years that I had known Steven Grant Rogers, had he voluntarily put distance between us. I couldn’t figure a rhyme or reason, all I could feel in that moment was hurt. 
I ambled along the dock, book in hand. The salt-tinged air lapped at my frizzy locks and splotchy skin like a cooling balm. It felt like I could fully exhale finally. Deep breaths were a blessing. 
Very little time passed when Buck had bounced up beside me with his angelic grin. His baby fat had melted away in recent months, giving him a devilish yet heavenly appearance. That stupid, perfect grin caught me off guard. I was in awe that my safety net, my friend could possibly be this beautiful. He had always been handsome, but not once in my life had I seen someone, anyone, look so perfect. I wasn’t aware that my feelings for him could grow, but by-golly they did. 
Just staring at him wouldn’t do, so I elbowed him in the ribs. His playful pout made my chest squeeze. It wasn’t in the usual painful way like my attacks. It was something new, unfamiliar. He chuckled and pulled me under his arm as we continued down the dock. I felt so small and safe at his side. Tiny jolts of electricity seemed to pass from his skin to mine with every step. 
Nestled into Bucky’s side, we meandered towards the rides. A good handful of summers had passed since we’d been able to come here, but we had long outgrown the attractions we were used to. We bickered back and forth about which adventure to choose. I was thankfully able to convince him to take me on the ferris wheel at some point today, but I knew I’d have to let him have his fun first. The way his eyes lit up talking about the Cyclone told me that I wouldn’t have any choice but to go with him. God, I hate roller coasters. 
That Godforsaken ride was the bane of my existence, but my boys loved it to death. I always ended up with my head tucked into someone’s chest as we whipped ‘round and ‘round. On especially good days, like today, I was able to hold my lunch down.  
Something about this time felt odd. Bucky kept looking at me with a goofy grin. This smile wasn’t his normal endearing, toothy grin; there was something more to it that I couldn’t quite place. That look had my heart pounding in my chest, not from fear, but excitement maybe. 
Many more strange glances were exchanged over the next couple of hours, Steve’s attitude problem mostly forgotten. I couldn’t help but worry that something was wrong with Buck. Over the last 7 years, he had looked at me a lot of ways: worried, annoyed, caring. Today was a whole fresh set that I couldn’t quite name. It made me uneasy, yet giddy at the same time. A tiny, delusional part of me thought that maybe, just maybe the older boy loved me like I loved him. That would be impossible. He loves me like a sister. 
The rumble of Bucky’s voice shook me from my thoughts.
“How ‘bout that ferris wheel now? I think I’ve tortured you enough for one day.” he said with a chuckle. I nodded eagerly. 
As I went to start walking towards my favorite ride, I felt a hand in mine. Bucky’s. My breath caught in my throat, but I wouldn’t allow myself to freeze up. He couldn’t know how that tiny gesture affected me. Instead, I smiled up at him, squeezing his massive hand as we moved. 
Such a simple motion brought all of the thoughts I had shoved to the side crashing forward. My mind was in such a state that I didn’t even realize that we were at the front of the line, about to enter our car. Bucky moved to help me up with his kind smile and I sheepishly accepted. 
Damn him. Damn his beautiful smile. Damn his gentlemanly ways. 
After we settled beside one another, he took my hand in his again. His calloused thumb smoothed over the back of my velvet soft hand. It was almost like he was trying to tell me something. Lord, I need calm down. 
As we reached the top, Buck peeled me away from his side and turned look at me. He had an energy about him like he wanted to say something. His brow was furrowed, his eyes serious. His hands rubbed themselves down his thighs nervously. I couldn’t help but feel a little scared. Bucky is the calm one, the happy one. There has never been something he couldn’t turn into a joke. His brow only set itself this way when he was uncomfortable. 
He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. 
I gulped. 
This had to be bad, right? But it couldn’t be. Nothing bad could ever come from such beautiful lips. Nothing. 
A sudden warmth on my lips jerked me out of my worry. My eyes blew wide in surprise. The warmth was Bucky, more specifically, Bucky’s lips. Everything faded away, even the shock, as I melted into the soft feeling of him against my mouth. His work-hardened hands came up to cup my cheeks while I sat there limp in his arms. We had all kissed on another over the years, light pecks on the cheeks and forehead. This one was different. 
Bucky pulled back for air and I sighed softly. Our foreheads met, eyes closed. My body was still limp, but my head spun a million miles a minute. He feels the same way. I’m not crazy. What does this mean? What about Steve?
We jumped apart when a sharp, familiar cough pierced through the haze. My startled eyes met Steve’s angry ones. Dread filled my stomach as I clamored away from Buck and onto the platform of the ferris wheel. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
Steve grabbed my arm roughly and dragged me towards a building nearby. Buck ran after us, yelling for us to stop. I was filled with panic and guilt. Steve looked like he was going to kill someone, well Bucky specifically. 
“What the FUCK was that, Y/N?” Steve growled, fist closing more tightly around my bicep. 
Before I could respond, Bucky was towering over both of us looking just as confused as I was. He paused for a second, taking in my shaking figure. His eyes hardened with rage. No one was allowed to scare me, not even Steve. He grabbed his shoulder harshly and spun him around. 
“You wanna let her go, Punk?” Buck hissed. Steve bristled and clenched his jaw. 
In true Steve fashion, he decided to forgo using his words, leaping straight to using his fists. His fist connected with Bucky’s jaw and I screamed. Bucky shot me a worried glance before pinning Steve to the wall as gently as possible. They stared one another down. All of our chests were heaving. 
Steve looked up at our friend with tears brimming his baby blue eyes, “How could you, pal? You know better”.
Bucky’s face softened instantly and my panic grew. Steve has feelings for me?
Buck muttered an apology and let Stevie go. I pushed myself between them, tears rolling down my flushed cheeks. Their gazes on me were piercing, my skin heating under their eyes. I grabbed Bucky’s hand and turned to Steve. He grabbed my free hand and squeezed softly, eyes full of tears and remorse. I put my head on his chest and hugged him tightly. 
“Stevie, what’s goin’ on, huh?” I whispered pulling back slightly. 
He just croaked, his words seeming to escape him. Buck squeeze my hand, whispering his goodbyes. As the sun dipped low, casting long shadows across the alley, a heavy silence enveloped us. Steve's gaze was distant, lost in the swirl of emotions that had consumed him. I stood there, my heart heavy with the weight of unspoken truths and tangled feelings.
"I... I don't know where to begin," Steve finally murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes searched mine, a mixture of pain and longing flickering within them. 
I reached out, gently touching his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath my fingertips. "It's okay, Steve. Whatever it is, we can figure it out together," I said softly, offering him a small, reassuring smile. Of course we could, I love him more than life itself. 
He nodded, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. "I... I've been trying to deny it, but... seeing you with Bucky, it just..." His voice trailed off, his expression haunted.
I took a step closer, closing the gap between us. "Steve, whatever you're feeling, it's okay. You don't have to hold it all in," I whispered, my heart aching for him. I didn’t mean to hurt him. We had promised as kids never to harm the other. That promise lay shattered at our feet, and it was all my stupid fucking fault. 
Tears welled up in his eyes, reflecting the fading light of the setting sun. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry," he choked out, his voice thick with emotion.
I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close as he buried his face in the crook of my neck. We stood there, clinging to each other in the dwindling light, the weight of our unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. I shushed him softly like Ms. Sarah would, hoping, praying that I could ease his pain with imitation of his mother’s love. 
In that moment, amidst the chaos of tangled feelings and fractured relationships, the crushing realization that I had potentially destroyed the most meaningful bond in my life washed over me. One kiss and our worlds had crashed apart. 
Steve and I remained locked in our embrace, the warmth of each other's frail presence a balm to our troubled souls. The world seemed to fade away around us, leaving only the echo of our steady heartbeats and the whisper of our shared breaths. Clinging to him seemed to be the only thing keeping the ground from vanishing beneath us. He would never let me fall. 
With a gentle touch, I tilted Steve's chin up, meeting his gaze with a tenderness born of years of friendship and unspoken understanding. "I need you to say it." I whisper, my voice cracking under the weight of years of shared memories and unspoken emotions.
Steve's eyes searched mine, his gaze filled with a vulnerability that tore at my heart. "I love Bucky. More than you will ever know, Minnie." he admitted, his voice raw with emotion. Something inside of me fractured. 
He loved him? I felt betrayed. Steve had known for years how I felt, and he had kept this to himself. To what, protect me? Tinges of frustration bubbled up inside of me. He had lied to me, let me confide in him in the earliest hours of the morning, given me advice. None of it was in earnest. 
My anger fizzled out when I saw the tears falling from his pleading eyes. There wasn’t a way in the world I could stay mad at my Stevie, however betrayed I felt. 
I brushed away a stray tear that clung to his cheek, my thumb tracing a gentle path across his skin. "We'll figure it out together, Steve. Whatever comes our way, we'll face it together. All three of us," I promised, the conviction in my words unwavering. He flinched at my mention of all of us. His eyes begged me to keep his feeling for Buck between him and myself. I nodded knowingly, unwilling to betray him. 
In that moment, amidst the fading light of a Brooklyn sunset, I knew that this God-forsaken mess was far from over. But as long as we had each other, I was certain that we could weather any storm that lay ahead. And with that knowledge warming my heart, I held Steve a little tighter, silently vowing to never let go. 
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maryannecrimsworth · 9 months
Original Project: METANOEO
Synopsis: this is the first chapter of my original book: Metanoeo. In this story, the AI ruled nation, Cohen, is divided in four cities. Burgo, the city of the matriarchs, has a role-reversed 18th century society, where the woman rule and the men obey. The apex of feminism can be found here. Welcome to Burgo!
Tropes: matriarch and debutant boy; girl boss and male wife
Characters: Naia and Esben Malkyn (their edits and aesthetics are on the end of this post)
Genre: Dystopia Word count: 2540
If you want to know more about my original projects, leave a comment below and follow me on Instagram @m.torresiona
Esben smelt the smoke permeating the hallway before he even heard the matriarch's footsteps reaching the entrance hall. The thudding sound came much later, powerful and slow, when the boy's nostrils were already burning and he held his breath so as not to cough.
He always recognized the woman by the sound of her typical pacing and the smell of imported tobacco - perhaps if he heard her laugh or smelled her perfume, he wouldn't even recognize her. And when the woman arrived, it could only mean one thing: they were going out.
Esben finished dressing up and took one last look in the mirror before running to the door and opening it. He managed to get out a second before she called him, and he felt very proud of his own competence. His excited smile, however, was noticed with indifference by the woman, who turned to knock on the door of another room.
— Dad, are you ready? — she questioned, and swallowed the thin metal cylinder again. Esben remained holding his breath.
— Yes, my child. — a weak, sweet voice answered, and the man appeared from behind the door. Very tidy and with his hair combed back as usual. It made no sense for an old man like him to tidy his hair like young Esben. It would be vulgar.
The matriarch analyzed his appearance for long seconds. She seemed satisfied. She turned to the iron butler at the end of the hall and dictated:
— "We're going out.
And out they went, the three of them enclosed in the long car where they spent most of their time together. The only environment in which she did not smoke and her father did anything but nod affectionately. In those few minutes that preceded another of Esben's great sufferings, the elders politely talked about what was coming next: another luxurious ball.
The father updated the matriarch on the reputations and histories of the guests, the matriarch told about the status and condition of possible suitors; a preparation for facing all the well-dressed and ill-informed men and women in yet another gigantic hall that stank of alcohol.
Esben was supposed to pay attention to the conversation, but, as usual, he spent his precious time in the car taking deep breaths and remembering everything he was supposed to do. When the matriarch asked his opinion about someone, he was unable to answer. Then his father would intervene and Esben would see the woman's eyes turn with indifference once again.
He didn't understand the reason for that repetition. They had known the families invited for generations, and the matriarch already knew that no one's finances had changed drastically in the last five years. It wasn't as if there was some nasty rumor she needed to know about, so his father's lines were insignificant. They always had been.
Or, at least, they were until today. Today the matriarch didn't look away and decided to repeat the question until Esben heard it.
- What do you suggest? - her tone of voice was a little louder, a little more authoritative than usual. The boy cringed and tried to remember what he had heard before the question.
He couldn't, he hadn't heard anything.
- Mrs. Malkyn wants to know what you intend to do this evening. Would you prefer to dance in the ballroom or enjoy the breeze in the garden?
- Ah," Esben choked, surprised that he could choose. He didn't even have to think about it, "The garden, of course! That is, if it's to your liking.
- Yes, it is. - And that's all the matriarch said.
His father later explained to him that now that he had made his debut, he was ready to be a man, and since everyone already knew about his dancing skills, isolating himself was a great way to attract interested suitors He would isolate himself from the chaos of the party so that they would come to him - and they did. Although excited to escape the loud conversations and heavy drinking, the garden of the Watkins family mansion filled up as soon as they noticed the young man's presence there.
He couldn't tell which was more unbearable: the dozens of older women who waited impatiently for him to say something, or his companions, a few younger men, who tried to attract attention and dance, especially with the matriarch.
She politely declined and stood by Esben's side. It was like a dispute as to which suffocated him more: the proximity of the older woman or his posture correcting vest.
The matriarch's fingers brushed his suddenly, and she indicated to him a woman, subtly, staring at him. She looked different from the others: she looked even older and sterner, and she approached him with a determination that repelled all the other suitors. Literally: the women turned away from her like the sea in a miraculous biblical event.
- Mrs. Goodwin. - the matriarch greeted her, doing Esben a favor by reminding him of the old friend's name. He at least assumed he already knew her. - It's been a long time!
- What can I say, Malkyn? The county is in turmoil, you know very well. - Esben raised his eyebrows. He had never heard someone refer to the matriarch like that. Or talk. What kind of interaction was that?
- But please, my presence here is not related to business, my dear friend, at least not official business. - she glimpsed Esben. - I have come to this dazzling ball to disprove the rumor I have been told: that Naia Malkyn's younger brother is the most beautiful and gentle man in the entire state. - her voice warbled as if in a speech, loud enough for everyone to hear, soft enough to please everyone's ear. It had a conspiratorial, mysterious ring to it, which ended with a heavy sigh from the woman:
- But, how unfortunate!, I will not be able to fulfill my goal...After all, the Malkyn boy has indeed become charming. - And then her eyes rose to him again, and everyone turned to him again, and he felt that his face would explode again.
His whole skin burned and he wanted to run from the woman's words, as if they were a trap, like he was a wild animal, like they were an elegant-looking but disgusting cheese inside, reigning in his mousetrap. He was already wringing his hands and was about to pierce the sea of fish-women that was drowning him when the hand brushed against his shoulder again. Now it was deeper, longer, more intentional: a lull in the chaos, a touch of silence between all the burning in his head.
- What is the use of so many pretty words if the "Malkyn boy" is still thirsty? - the matriarch's question was so sharp, so pointed, that a few eyebrows were raised in the crowd. The persevering lady, however, was unaffected.
- On my way, ladies and gentlemen. - Goodwin warned, before turning around, causing the same effect as before on her way: total repulsion.
Mr. Malkyn was now busy, everyone had heard, but only the women decided to move away. They did not like to be around a lady as direct and unmannerly as Goodwin.
A considerable part of the Malkyn group of followers had dispersed, but the needy men were still there, and so were the desperate women.
Even in such a muffled, noisy, sweaty environment, Esben heard a low, rhythmic, desperate noise echoing through all the footsteps. He looked in its direction and saw his father. He stopped, trembling, confused, stared at the matriarch for a single second, and then turned away. He left the crowd before Mrs. Goodwin returned with two drinks.
Lemonade for her, blue liqueur for the boy. Future man. Was that the drink of a future man? Esben tried to remember the meaning of that drink from his etiquette lessons. It must not have been good, because Naia grimaced and then squeezed his shoulder, saying:
- Good conversation, gentlemen. - But she left. And with her went all the men, and the women who had finally given up on Esben.
- A little peace at last. - Goodwin celebrated, bringing her drink to her lips.
- Don't you like parties either?
- " Either"?
First mistake, right at the start.
- Um... yes, I prefer the gardens to the halls, ma'am. The air, the sky... I like them.
- And there's no air in the halls? - she asked, frowning so seriously that Esben stammered. - It's as if there isn't, isn't it? So stuffy and hot!
Her statement allowed the young man to breathe. No mistakes so far.
- Indeed! - Esben laughed with relief. - If I may ask, what do you do for a living?
- Oh, and I thought I wouldn't talk about work today! - Goodwin sighed, half annoyed, half disappointed. Had he said something wrong? Esben didn't know, but the woman continued:
- I grow apples and strawberries, Mr. Malkyn. Your sister helps with my planting.
- So you work in the Northern Region?
- That's right. - And she smiled as she looked at him. - Why do you seem so excited?
- Oh, it's no big deal, I just really like this region. I love the architecture and the plantations.
- You're not going to tell me you're not a city man? - she laughed with bewilderment and admiration.
- I'm not! - he laughed too. - The mountains and the trees... I really envy anyone who can live in this area!
The woman looked at him again, this time more slowly and calmly, and said in a delighted, deep voice: - Good to know.
And she would still be looking at him like that - dangerously sweet - if Esben's father hadn't intervened.
- Excuse me, Mrs. Goodwin. - the older man said. - We need to get inside. - and pulled his son by the arm to the center of the huge, crowded and suffocating hall.
- Dad, what's wrong? We're staying in the garden, have you forgotten? - he asked, involuntarily cringing at the noise.
- Keep your voice down and straighten up! - He spat with a fury that transformed his face. - Have you gone mad? Talking to Emily Goodwin like that? One wrong move with that scum and your life will be ruined!
- Father! - Esben pleaded as he tried to break free from his grip. It was impressive: the man was holding his arm elegantly, pretending to have the right posture to stick to his son, but in reality he was pinning him down and squeezing him with tremendous force. - Stop, stop! Naia allowed the conversation!
His father finally stopped twisting his skin. His face, once bathed in angry red, took on a pale hue that distressed Esben so much that all the shouting and music around him became insignificant.
- Father?
- It's getting late. - he suddenly commented. - Get ready to go. - and then released him and disappeared into the crowd.
His timing, as always, was precise: the hostess had already instructed the musicians to stop playing soon, and some families were already saying a long goodbye to other guests.
The party had passed, perhaps for the first time, quickly, and Esben went back to looking for Goodwin in the crowd. He couldn't just walk away and disappear from the lady like that.
However, before he could even find her, he was cornered by half a dozen other madams, and unnecessarily gentle and long goodbyes trapped him until his father pulled him by the arm again.
This time, he was accompanied by Mrs. Malkyn, and the family found themselves locked in the car within minutes.
The father, indignant, rattled around inside the car in such a way that even the matriarch couldn't ignore him. She stared at him endlessly, as if her brain was fighting with her lips and neither of them really knew what to do. Finally, they returned to South Central Manor, and Esben fled to his room while Naia carried his fight to the entrance hall.
The father, on the other hand, didn't bother to stop himself. His fists flew open and his hairstyle fell apart as soon as Esben had left the room.
- Naia, what's on your mind? - he screamed, his whole body shaking and boiling, his hands aggressive as he gestured. - Goodwin? Emily Goodwin? Do you really want your brother to become a heretic?
- A heretic?
- A nobody, living on the margins of society like the filthy Goodwin! - he laughed scornfully, an uncontrolled outpouring of anger. - A farmer! Is your brother going to have a farmer's wife now? - And he shouted and shouted until her ears hurt. She didn't even understand what was wrong with Goodwin.
- She lives in the country, just the way he likes it. What's the problem?
- The problem, you stupid girl, is that Goodwin is a disgrace! The woman doesn't go a month without appearing in the worst sessions of every show and you want to make her Esben's companion? - Naia could feel her father's saliva against her skin. - NO! NEVER!
- You don't get to decide that. - she retorted with the same force and firmness as the slap that hit her in the face.
- Listen here, young lady. You're not going to ruin this family name. Your mother worked too hard to get us to the top for you to ruin everything with Goodwin!
- Nothing's happened yet. - Naia assured her, ignoring the pain and numbness spreading across her cheek. - I'll fix it tomorrow.
And that was all the father needed to hear. He went to his quarters without making another sound.
Now the matriarch had to go to her office and catch up on business. In the city of Burgo, many deals took place at night, so she had to be ready and willing to attend to any client. And so she did: she walked without blinking to the other side of the house, crossing endless empty corridors until she reached her office door. But she stopped.
She stopped with her hand already on the edge of the doorknob, hesitating a few centimeters to reach it. She stopped, sighed, and when she felt that her face still hurt, she turned around and almost ran to her brother's room. For a second, she forgot to knock on the door, and was about to open it when a voice came from behind her.
- We have a visitor. - the metallic servant warned. - A man wants to see you.
- What's that? At this hour? - she turned to it with irritation. - Tell him I can't see him!
- Yes, ma'am. - and it went back to the entrance while the woman remained there, her body half out and half in Esben's room. She didn't wait any longer: she entered the room with a determination that would normally have frightened him.
She expected to find him curled up on the edge of his own bed, writing down something interesting he had done that day, so she looked around.
But he couldn't find it. She looked, looked, looked, walked around the room and couldn't find him. The only movement and life in the whole room came from the turbulent curtain, which was unable to quieten down because of the night wind. The wind that came from the wide-open window.
Naia leapt over the window.
From a distance, she saw only a figure, the figure of her own brother sneaking through the night.
Her chest filled with dread.
Esben was running away.
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hey! i recently left a comment on chap 11 of lost boys, but ao3 cut the comment in half so here’s the full comment! sorry if it seems a bit extra for me to do this, i just really wanna show my appreciation for your writing
oh my goodness, i’ve been binge reading this series and so far i thought i was doing well with keeping my emotions at bay but this chapter absolutely broke me </3 especially when matty was talking about louis checking up on him— it was utterly heartbreaking. your writing is so amazing, i absolutely love all the nuances you give each character, and tbh when i was reading the previous chapter i was shouting, “DID THEY USE PROTECTION???” and my question got answered a few lines later. so excited to see how this fic turns out! right now i will just be waiting for both you and kombu to update 🙏🙏
Anon 😭😭 I really needed this today bc I’m kind of ill with this stupid virus and having one of those “I aM a ShIt WrItEr” moods that we all get from time to time 😂
You’re a legend, honestly. Thank you so much for reading. Lost Boys in all its emo chaos will resume v soon - like @drinkurkombucha I too got distracted by another idea! Excited to have loads of time to write over Christmas! 😘
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corpseaten · 10 days
bangle is such a sweet character! love having them (forgot if boy or girl?) on my island. i can also send you pics of my island when i log on later today, okay? yes, that was my id (if the user was MISAKI ILY!!! and a rinko pfp) so ill add u back on bandori and we can play together some time ^^ sanctuary is such a good song!!!! omg, such good taste .aiai's voice is so powerful, i love how high pitched her strong it is. her solo work is good as well, although i haven't listened to it in a while. speaking of enstars, im prob gonna start a the story & anime, but it'll take me a while since my attention span is so low currently, ah. i don't know reina but ill look her up in a bit. adonis from enstars, which is where i chose the name from, since my actual name is so unique everyone would know exactly who it was, haha. but i prefer it since im able to be more masculine & myself online than irl, but when we get closer i will tell you mine, too! being called clover is so nice, though, and yes it's okay to send long, chaotic messages, i love talking to you and i don't mind at all. i want to know how you think and what you care about. your name is so adorable as well, it rolls off the tongue very nicely. it also matches you; it has a shy, but elegant feel to it, as you do. i really enjoy that kind of personality.
you're such a baby, though, getting all flustered on me. i wonder what it'll look like when i really destroy you, huh? silly girl. thank you for replying to me. i have so many things i want to say, that my brain is a bit frazzled. i cant get it all out, but.... i wish i could... just... choke you... and watch your eyes water... would you cry for me? would you beg for me to stop? or beg for me to press harder? ill put you in your place... under me. i won't go that far anymore, though, since it's public and i only want you to see. - 🍀
I would love to see pictures of your island! I like how nice the villagers have become, I know a lot of people wish they kept being meaner but I just think it’s sweet. Ahh it was not . . I am guessing I just added some random person . . This is so sad. I like playing japanese server because I do not like to wait for updates . . Her vocal work is insane, I have never seen a seiyuu as good as her, her in firebird and rozen horizon is so ?!!! How does she do it? My attention span is also horrible. but if I am really into something I find I pay attention a lot easier! She is very pretty. I might just link her to you as I am the girl I pair her with. I think Adonis suits you well, it’s very pretty. The name I actually do go by online isn’t my real name, but I hate my real name, so I would rather change it to what I prefer . . Not in a gender affirming way in my case, I just do not connect with it. I love talking to you as well, I just find myself getting carried away. I can call you whatever you please, my dear. It makes me happy that you want to know that kind of stuff, I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone be genuinely interested about me before, I want to know the same about you, I feel like I know a lot already. It does? You are really quite skilled in making me blush. If it rolls off the tongue, I hope I’ll be able to hear it from you. I guess that is how you’d descibe me! I hope I can always be someone you enjoy, if you ever stopped liking my personality, I would change it in an instant.
A baby? Are you degrading me? I am easily flustered, it does not take much, I’d like to say I’m not easy but . . I really am when I like someone. I hope you keep imagining it, what would it look like? You’ll just have to come here and find out. It’s okay my sweetness, we have more than enough time to organise your thoughts, together. Oh. You are getting very bold here. Oh my. Well. I am certainly not not inviting you to choke me, I’d let you choke me until I pass out, I want a really pretty necklace from you. As long as you do take care of me afterwards, If I died, I’ll haunt someone else forever, just to piss you off. I actually think that depends on my mood, I’d probably rut against you if I wanted more, but then struggle and kick if I wanted you to let go of me. How do you know the exact words to push my buttons? I widh you luck in taming me, I have claws too, maybe I wont let you ontop of me until you’re all bruised and scratched. I may have gone overboard for public . . if you don’t want to reply to some of this you don’t have to, I don’t wish to embarass you, or. give too much to other people.
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
November 2001
November 23, 2001
“this is rocknroll”
so this is the start.
it’s late.
this should turn out to be a documentation of the life of arma angelus. i’ll update it from the road and what not. or maybe it will be just a big waste of time- we’ll see.
i feel like i should do a first post type thing. unfortunately i can’t think of anything so bright or witty.
i’m going to midnight movies right now- i will do a real post later on…
welcome to five ruined lives.
love- pete
November 24, 2001
“the beginning” 
so the midnight movie did not happen. my friends dropped me off to spend a night hidden behind the monitor.
i feel like this is a good time to explain some of my thoughts on these journals. i sometimes feel like they fit into the whole “reality craze”- everyone wanting fame for nothing. the degradation of our lives. we want to see what is behind someone else’s door. we want to buy the dream that anyone can “live the life”. to me this is a waste-
“you thought you knew but you have no idea”- ultimately this is not how i hope this appears. there are certain constraints rythmically and melodically to the expression of ideas in music. hopefully this journal can serve to fill in the blanks. that is the point of this.
well. thanksgiving was pretty uneventful. i was supposed to go out to syracuse and spend it with my friends. that didn’t happen. i am pretty depressed about it. chalk up another missed opportunity- “regret will always get you in the end”. our record won’t be out until december due to an error in the printing. but we’ll have some at our record release show. i’m pretty stoked, we’re practicing for it this weekend. we’ll be out on the east coast with throwdown/bleeding through around new years this year. it should be fun, we’ve been friends since racetraitor. we’ll be playing some new jams so look out. i hope to get some new lyrics up here soon.until then go check out the rumors at www.superherohq.com and buy an eXc dvd…
it couldn’t have been written better: you love to hate us, we love to hate you…
November 26, 2001
“grand failure anthems”
what a weekend. i made it out to the local showcase and was quite impressed. it was great to see the guys from 7angels again after touring with them. watching jared play drums is insane. i guess adam did an interview for the canadian metal magazine Unrestrained which is pretty cool since they sell it at borders and stuff so keep an eye out for it. i think i might have passed out 300 samplers this weekend and we still have a ton more, the box is like neverending. tommorrow i’m going to post the lyrics to three new songs. they are of a bit of a different nature- they are kind of a progressive narrative. it just tells the story of this relationship i have been stuck in and out of- far more personal than the full length so i hope everybody doesn’t hate them or whatever. Also in Arma Angelus Army news, we’re goingto doa massive mailing of stuff next week so watch yur mailbox. we hae a new shirt design in, fresh gear for all the girls and boys. we also bought armaangelus.com- so that should be up shortly. today i’m listening to “Thriller” and wondering when they are going to make regular coke with the lemon in it. i’m waiting… Pete
November 27, 2001
“We are the story of love gone wrong…”
here’s the new lyrics… i feel like i should explain them but then again does anyone care? record release here on dec. 1st- today my friend told me some stuff am getting for christmas. yep- good stuff.
With a focus and a resolve that will not slip I fall tonight. I feel content for the first time- with a look you melt me. with a word I vow to not lie forever in such dissemblance. to not lie forever in my own arms. my flesh has never felt so ill- as though one thousand insects swarm it- longing for your embrace for your gaze to steal me away from the shadows and burdens of this world. rest my troubled head in your hands. I only hope this moment is not passing. My heart That has never felt so full- nor ever thought it would has fallen from security- Has fallen so surely. Can I rest on the promise of your name on my lips. Your wings guard my sleep. As though I was never alone at all. As though my heart beats only for you. If I could steal the way you look at me I would lie in that feeling forever
and fall for you.
As I lie here in the company of none but desperation. I?m dying for you to press your lips against mine and adorn them with romance. Adorn them with disaster and hopelessness upon hopelessness. Please just lay here beside me forever. I?ll sing you this song just one more time. For the brokenhearted. For the loveless. Yet I only wish that such words would compel belief and mandate love from you. I only wish for wings that were not broken. I swear to god I?ll save a smile for you in hell. I swear to god that the words ?I love you? are my last breath. When I?m gone close your eyes and imagine me the person I always wished I was. I watched it all end when she said ?pretty girls make graves?. One more time- I?ll sing this song just one more time for the broken hearted- for the loveless. For you.
Another town, another night away- and I swear to god I?ll lay it all to waste. I?m just another broken heart on your stereo. So turn the volume high because the world?s not waiting for five ruined lives. Lonely quarters for broken phones to tell her how she broke me like a twenty on a pack of smokes. we?re talking to ourselves- our wasted and empty arms dying to hold anyone. Dying to not be alone. send a rusted postcard back home, just so someone cares I?m gone. Dear, can you smell the contempt on my breath? Accomplice of my stolen breath- accomplice of a ruined man. I?ll die hidden behind a pen. because ?regret will always get you in the end?-we are the story of love gone wrong.
November 29, 2001
damn. American Nightmare is so good. i only wish that wes could get more than like three words into the mic a show- it only heightens the fact that he uses multiple tracks to fit them in on the record. so that part is pretty wack. but damn- that guy is a maniac and the lyrics are soooo good.
I passed out like 400 samplers last night at the show. so hopefully all those kids will comeand rock out on saturday. i have a super big weekend coming up-friday Fallout Boy is playing at western. then saturday is our record release here and sunday i cleavland with pretty much the same bands. word.
i’ve gotten a couple of emails about this journal and all and i just wanted to tell everybody to feel free to interact on here- it’s for everybody. you can even be anonymous if you like.
i’m out to go and look for a job i guess. my dad woke me up at seven to tell me this, i was like SIKE!
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crimechannels · 11 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade Updated – Kogi: Burial ceremony of Ohinoyi of Ebiraland announced The remains of Ohinoyi of Ebiraland, Dr Abdulrahman Ado-Ibrahim, who died at 95 early Sunday morning, will be buried by 2:00 p.m. of Sunday. The Secretary of Ebiraland Traditional Council, Alhaji Yunusa Sule, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lokoja that arrangements were being made to give him a befitting burial in Okene. “The burial ceremony is being scheduled for 2:00 p.m. today in Okene. We are waiting for the arrival of the corpse from Abuja, where he died, ” the secretary said. Sule said that the paramount ruler died at around 2:00. a.m. on Sunday in an undisclosed Abuja Hospital after a protracted illness. The scribe said his death was “very sad and a big blow” to Ebiraland. “We lost our daddy and leader this early morning of Sunday in an Abuja Hospital where he had been treated for age related ailment for three weeks now. “We are in shock and pain over his death. He was indeed a good father and leader to not just Ebiraland but Kogi and Nigeria as a whole. “His death has left a vacuum in the entire Ebiraland,” he said. NAN reports that Abdulrahman Ado-Ibrahim was born on Feb. 7, 1929 and was the fourth traditional ruler and Ohinoyi of Ebiraland with headquarters in Okene, Kogi State. He was a son of the second Attah (now “Ohinoyi”) of Ebiraland, Ibrahim Onoruoiza of the Omadivi Clan, who reigned from 1917–1954. Ado-Ibrahim was enthroned as the Ohinoyi of Ebiraland in 1997 and reigned until Sunday, when he died. Nevertheless, before ascending to the throne, Ado-Ibrahim was a successful businesman who lived most parts of his life in Lagos. Dr Ado Ibrahim was born to His Royal Highness, Alhaji Ibrahim Onoruoiza Attah and Hajiya Hauwawu Ozianuva. Young Ado Ibrahim completed his Nursery and Quranic education at the age of 11 years. He was enrolled at the Okene Native Administration School from 1934 to 1940 for his elementary education. Upon completion of his elementary education, he was admitted to Okene Middle School in 1941. After spending two years, he moved to the famous Ondo Boys High School for his secondary education from 1943 to 1946. From 1947 to 1949, he moved to Oduduwa College, Ile-Ife, Osun where he completed his secondary education. He was employed by the United African Company (UAC) in 1950 as a special entrant for accelerated management. Having successfully gone through the Accounting and Sales Department in 1952, he was promoted to the post of Manager at the Kingsway Stores, Kaduna. In January 1953, he quit Kingsway Stores and moved to Jos as Personnel Manager of Amalgamated Tin Mines of Nigeria Limited in charge of maintaining operation areas of Bukuru and Barkin Ladi. In that same year, he attended the first Mining School in Jos and qualified as a Mining Prospector and Area Manager. Later in the year, the company sent him on a further technical training course, organised by the Anglo-American Mining Corporation, in Johannesburg, South Africa. Upon his return, he was immediately promoted to Area manager and assigned the responsibility to excavate the Lead/Zinc Ore deposits at Izom in the Abuja district, and to lead a team prospecting for gold and base materials in the location. Meanwhile, he had enrolled in 1952 as an external candidate for a degree at the London School of Economics, by utilising the extramural study facilities organised by the British Council in Jos. He combined his mining and prospecting duties successfully with the undergraduate study programme and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Statistics from the London School of Economics in 1954. In 1955, he won a Ford Foundation Sponsorship to undertake a six-month course in Marketing and Business Strategy at the Business School of Harvard University. On the strength of his performance, he was readmitted into the Master’s Programme of the school as a full-time student. He thus earned the celebrated Harvard MBA in 1959. Having
fortified himself with practical industrial experience and sound academic training, he settled into marriage with Miss Abimbola Solomon on Nov. 1, 1959. (NAN)
0 notes
tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tommy jack and tubbo
requested: yes/no
an: part 4 of the great adventures series
pairing: platonic y/n/tommy/jack/tubbo
warning: cursing
It was the afternoon before your new adventure with your friends. you had no idea what to expect, however everyone else knew even ranboo, and he wasn’t even joining you all. you would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous, especially after hearing some of tommys plans for future uploads. tubbo had been trying to drop hints about what was going to happen. You honestly couldn’t tell if he was excited or nervous, either way you could tell it was going to be a once in a lifetime opportunity and boy were you excited. the sound of knocking pulled you from your thoughts.
“hi y/n! sorry for the unexpected visit, i tried to call you but it wouldn’t go through.”
“oh god sorry, tubbo, my phones on charge upstairs, ive just finished babysitting my friends twitch chat.”
“that’s okay, tommy wanted me to see if you want to stay the night as i can take you with me now. he said something about it saving time tomorrow as jack won’t have to go as far and we can get there earlier, i honestly just think he’s slightly nervous and wants to spend time with someone.”
“i’ve not prepared a bag or anything as i was just planning on grabbing everything i needed in the morning, but i’m down to go with you. i’ll pack a bag real quick, make yourself feel at home. you can stay down here or come upstairs with me.”
tubbo followed you upstairs, and helped you pick which outfits would be the best to wear for the trip. around 10 minutes later you finished packing your bag and turned around to see a very pale tubbo, dropping your bag to the floor you pulled a chair up to your bed sitting opposite him.
“you feeling okay tubs?”
“just nerves, I'll be alright, are you ready to go?”
“ready if you are!”
the journey to tommys was relatively quick, you spent it talking about group plans for when ranboo comes to the uk.
tubbo: almost here!
tommy: yes! want to stream for a bit later, just something small could do laugh and the stream ends. i’ll go talk to my mum now!
tubbo: please open the door
tommy: on it
the pair of you stood at the door waiting for tommy to unlock it
not too long later, you and tubbo had put everything away and sat with tommy planning out a small stream.
“so i was talking with my parents and we can do an outside stream, and set fire to marshmallows!”
“as much as i love fire tommy i don’t think your parents will appreciate arson in the garden.”
“it’ll be fine now grab a jacket, we need to go walk to the shop.”
the three of you set off determined to get to the shop and back before it got dark, tommy and tubbo walked on either side of you as they want you to feel safe. thankfully the shop was only around the corner so you were all only out for about 20 minutes maximum, you probably could have made it back earlier but you stopped every time you saw a pretty rock.
“y/n come on we still need to stream!”
“did you tweet that you were streaming?”
“no he didn’t.”
“then come and look at this pretty rock!”
tommy and tubbo couldn’t help but laugh at how many rocks you managed to pick up.
“guys i think i’d rather just spend time with you all rather than stream.”
“that’s fine, tommy!!”
the three of you sat around the fire updating one another about plans and opportunitie, coming. the conversation swiftly came to an end when tommy had set fire to a stick claiming it was to make the fire grow. you laughed as you heard his mum yelling at him to stop trying to set you and tubbo on fire.
“sorry about that everyone, but look the fire is big again.”
it got colder as the sun went down, so the three of you sat with a blanket draped over you all. his mum offered to take photos for you and you happily accepted, the pictures looked amazing and you posted it to instagram with the caption ‘i am cold and no one is telling me what’s happening tomorrow.’
it was around 11pm when the three of you agreed it was time to go back inside and sleep.
you and tubbo stayed downstairs and tommy stayed in his room. the sound of tubbos alarm woke the pair of you up.
“turn that fucking thing off!”
“this is the fourth time it’s gone off and you’re still not up?”
“that’s because i’m tired.”
“please get ready jack will be here soon enough.”
realisation finally hit today was the day you were finally about to find out what this once in a lifetime opportunity was. tubbo advised you to wear sensible clothing and not wear the zodiac necklace you always wore, so you decided to wear the hoodie ranboo sent you a week ago and leggings.
“y/n you might wanna tie your hair up.”
“tubbo are you sure you’re feeling okay? you genuinely look ill."
“i’m fine.”
jack: right i’m outside so whenever you’re ready
lani: we’re making our own way later on as the hotel we stayed at is closer
y/n: will someone tell me what we’re doing
ranboo: no
y/n: you’re not even joining us how did you get in the gc
ranboo: magic
y/n: fuck off give me a clue
ranboo: i’ve said it since you dyed your hair neon f/c you’d be able to see from way up in the sky
y/n: what the actual hell is that supposed to mean
soon enough you met up with everyone else and lani started recording.
“we’re skydiving, you ready tubbo?”
you honestly couldn’t wait to do this. it was something you had wanted to do for a while, tubbo on the other hand clearly didn’t agree, which was evident through his whining.
you stood with tommy laughing as tubbo sat alone questioning why he agreed to this.
“look at him.”
“he’s is not happy.”
you sat next to jack and tubbo watching the video demonstrating what you will all be doing soon. you let out a nervous laugh, as although you were excited, you couldn’t help but be a bit nervous.
“you could fall into the engine and get chopped up.”
“tommy stop scaring tubbo!”
“what if the parachute doesn’t work?”
“free fall to your death.”
“y/n you’re not helping!”
you stood recording tubbo laying on the floor once again whining.
“tubbo there are so many people behind you!”
“i’m sure the parachute won’t fail tubbo, but if it does it was lovely knowing you!”
“i fully agree bo.”
soon enough you tommy and jack joined tubbo on the floor.
“look at the clouds.”
“we’re going to be in them soon.”
“hell yeah!”
you tried not to laugh trying to calm tubbo down a bit before you all jumped out a plane, which worked until you left him alone with tommy whilst you spoke to jack for a while.
“to be fair that looks quite fun.”
“and dangerous!”
“well sounds like tubbos thrilled to be here.”
the four of you sat on a bench talking about what’s going to happen, and laughing at tubbos nerves trying to make light of the situation.
“look it’ll be fun, tubbo, provided we don’t die there’s a chance we’ll be in more vlogs.. okay so ignore the black cloud of smoke!”
“that’s not a good omen.”
“shut up!”
you wrapped an arm around tubbo trying to make him feel comfortable and reassure him it’ll be fine, only to be interrupted by jack and tommy bickering about eating before jumping from the plane.
the four of you went to the briefing, at this point you were struggling to contain your excitement, and couldn’t help but laugh out of pure joy.
“no, they are listening, they're just excited.”
after doing training for the jump, you stood with tommy whilst someone questioned him about how he got 9 million subs.
“I just went around being incredibly cool.. doing minecraft.”
you and jack burst out laughing whilst tommy went on to make jokes about how much money he was earning.
it was now almost time to jump out a plane. it was around now nerves were kicking in, so you all went around messing about till you were told it’s time to make your way to get ready.
“let’s go gamers!”
“are you a skydiver enjoyer?”
“i am.”
“well that’s always good... please, don’t let me die!”
“y/n are you scared?”
“no, my ranboo merch will protect me, but if i die can we blame tommy for coming up with this?”
“ranboos not going to believe that you’re wearing the jumper he sent you to jump out a plane.”
a few minutes later you over heard a worker say they’re nervous causing you to tilt your head and blink again, trying to process what was said.
it was now time for the four of you to put the equipment on, so you were ready to jump. jack started talking a lot more than usual at a quicker pace due to the fact he was getting nervous. tommy pointed it out and jack trying to argue he wasn’t made you laugh.
“y/n keeps making a lot of jokes about my parachute being shit.”
“sorry manifold should be fine...more than likely...hopefully. only time will tell really.”
“how you doing buddy?”
“i’m feeling okay. i feel my insides doing inside bits.”
you were now all waiting to go as a worker jokes about forgetting something.
“y/n you’re going with him!”
“okay, but why?”
“well you said your ranboo merch will protect you..”
someone went by going rather fast causing you to stare in awe.
“we don’t go that fast, do we?”
“no not unless something goes terribly wrong.”
you all stood there laughing.
“y/n, i’m now thinking you should go with them instead!”
“are you trying to kill me off jack?”
you all set off towards the plane, a mixture of excitement and nerves began kicking in.
“tubbos on a lead.”
“oh i’m really nervous jack.”
“look at y/n!”
lani began to record you, who was now way ahead of the others, so you stopped and waved at lani.
the others caught up and everyone had their equipment checked again.
“oh dear.. should be fine.”
“i’m alright, don’t worry my ranboo merch will protect us!” you got on first and that when you realised they set you up, so you jumped last as you were more confident and tubbo was jumping first so he could get it out the way.
you all sat on the plane and waved at the camera.
“hi there!”
“please don’t let us die!”
“we’re really jumping out a plane with a dream stan.”
“this is the highest we’ve ever been.”
“gamers in a plane whatever will they do...hopefully not die!”
“sorry tubbo!”
you were currently at 2,000 feet and sat looking out the window waiting to reach 14,000 feet. jack turned to you and tommy, “i can’t believe you’re jumping out the plane in philza merch and y/ns jumping out in ranboo merch.”
“if i die at least ill look great doing it.”
12,000 feet later it was now tubbos turn to jump, he looked back at you all.
you watched as tubbo went.
you laughed as tommy went.
“see you later jack!”
you gave jack a high-five and watched as he went.
“holy shit they actually did it!”
“are you ready, y/n?”
“hell yeah, let’s do this!”
you laughed as you jumped, you couldn’t believe you actually got to jump out of a plane, you waved at camera.
lani met the others as they landed and began telling them about it.
“wait where’s y/n?”
“there they are!”
the others ran up to you as you landed.
“i’m glad you didn’t die!”
“thanks jack!”
“would you all do it again?”
“maybe, i’m not sure.”
“i reckon so.”
not too long later, you were all given certificates to celebrate the fact you had jumped out a plane.
“yay it made nearly dying worth it!”
“you’re so dramatic!”
you thought the day was over and that you were going home, little did you know that wasn’t the case.
“were not done for the day.”
“you’re tilting your head again.”
“i know it’s because i’m confused!”
“anyway, what do you mean we’re not done?”
“you know george, he’s arrived!”
“can i have a nap in the car please? i’m so exhausted."
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mayans-sauce · 4 years
Positively Happy
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Pairing: Coco Cruz x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: cursing
Request from anon Hi, if requests are open, I was wondering if I could request a Coco imagine? Where him and the reader had been trying to get pregnant but the reader deals with PCOS, which can make it extremely hard, and the last test she took said negative but she's had symptoms and then gets another test and it says positive? And she surprises Coco and they go to her 1st appt. And they see their baby?
A/N: sorry this is so late! But I hope I did well for this request and that you enjoy it!
You can read about what PCOS is HERE and HERE
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Coco had explicitly said for years that he didn’t want another kid, not after fucking it up so much with his previous ones. He was glad that he had Letty in his life now and had started to form a relationship with her. A year or two after having Letty in his life, he got to know you, the love of his life, and he felt blessed and happy that he had his two favorite women with him. That was all he needed, and frankly, so did you.
You had both agreed that having your own kids wasn’t a priority in your life, at least not now, or maybe it never would be, but you still had it open for discussion in case something changed in the future.
And for Coco, it did change. It changed the day your sisters dropped off your niece at your house for a few days because she was going overseas for a week for her job. His eyes opened up for a new possibility for joy and laughter in his life watching you interact with the toddler.
Playing, taking care of her, loving her. He wanted that, he wanted that so bad, he loved your niece, and she loved to be with Coco as well, but he was scared to bring it up to you in case you had changed your mind completely, but eventually, he did, and you were more than happy that he wanted to have kids with you.
He told you he was scared. Scared that he would fuck it up as he did with his two others and Letty. He didn’t believe that he could be a good father, but you and Letty convinced him otherwise, especially Letty. She had told him, even though he hadn’t been by her side most of her life, that she loved him with all her heart and that he was the best dad ever to her.
He then knew that he could do it, be a good and caring father with you and Letty by his side.
The baby-making part wasn’t the hard part of getting pregnant because you and Coco were experts; it was the getting pregnant part that didn’t work. You tried for a long time before you went to a doctor. They diagnosed you with PCOS, which along with a few other problems, also makes it harder to get pregnant, but it was still possible. So the doctor suggested that you try more before you could look into other methods of getting pregnant.
Each test you took came out negative, again and again, and each time your hopelessness increased.
“What does it say?” Coco asked as you both waited in the bathroom for the pregnancy test to get ready. You picked it up and hoped that it would finally say positive. But your face dropped when you looked at the results, and Coco knew what that meant. “Nothin?” “Nothing.”
He let out a long sigh, his heart sinking in his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and yours around him, just holding onto one another and giving each other comfort. “We can try again.”
After a few weeks of trying some more, you and Coco had given up on trying the natural way, so you scheduled an appointment with the doctor to work out some other methods. The appointment was some time away, so the weeks leading up to it, you and Coco hadn’t in your thoughts to make a baby while having sex; you just focused much more on each other than you ever had.
A few days before the appointment, you started to feel a little different. Your period was late since it had always been so irregular, so you didn’t think much of it, but you also woke up feeling very ill. So later in the day, you went to buy a pregnancy test just in case. Coco wasn’t home, so you asked Letty if she could join.
Letty loved you like you were her mother. You were best friends and always was there for one another. “Do you think you're pregnant?” “I… don’t know. I don’t think so, but I just feel different than the other times, so I figured just checking wouldn’t hurt.”
When the timer on your phone went off, you lifted the stick straight to your face to look at it, not thinking so much of it because you were expecting it to be negative as always. To your surprise, it said positive, and your heart started racing. “What?” You said in the tiniest whisper, your eyes glossy with tears that began to form in them.
“Y/N, what is it?” Letty came to stand by your side. “It’s… it’s positive.” “Are you sure?” You gave her the pregnancy test so she could check for herself. “I don’t have an extra to check it, but… it’s never said positive before. This is the first time.” Now Letty was crying and overjoyed with excitement. She hugged you long and hard, and you did as well. Emotions were running all over. “I’m gonna be a big sister.” “You're gonna be a big sister Leticia.”
“I need to call him.” You couldn’t wait for him to come home; you needed him to know right away. His phone went to voicemail, which means he was in Templo because he always answered his phone no matter what except when he was in there. So you sent him a message and a picture.
📲To: My Coco❤️
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Let’s hope this means that baby Coco is on the way❤️ I’m so happy❤️
Letty and you moved over to the living room to wait for Coco’s response. Even though it wasn’t 100% sure that you even were pregnant, you started talking and planning for the baby already. What gender you wanted it to be. Letty wanted it to be a girl while you wanted a little Coco running around, but regardless of what, you would all love the baby no matter what. The future for the baby and all the adventures you all would go on.
Fifteen minutes later, the phone rang with Coco’s face lighting up the screen, and you picked up in a second. “Is-is it real,” his voice was shaky as he spoke; you could hear that he was on the verge of tears. “Yes, Johnny, it's real… it’s so real.” He told you he was on his way home to you. He didn’t care about the club or anything other than you right now.
When he arrived, he wouldn’t let go of you, holding onto you as his life depended on it. Letty joined in the cuddling and love. After some time, he got down on his knees so that his head was at level with your belly. His hand softly caressed it as he talked in a gentle voice, “I hope you are in there, little one. I love you so fucking much.” Only the appointment in a few days could tell, so you didn’t entirely hold onto the hope that you were pregnant, but you all wanted it to be real, so you acted that it was.
A few days later, at the doctor's appointment, you, Letty, and Coco all held your breath as they searched for a glimpse that you were pregnant. Coco held your hand tightly as he watched the screen, his leg bouncing up and down in anticipation. Letty held tightly onto her father, just as nervous and anxious as him. To your luck, they found evidence that you were indeed pregnant, and all of you were overjoyed at the news.
Letty squealed in happiness as Coco started lightly crying at the discovery of his entire world changing for the better, but the doctor told you that it might be too soon to celebrate. Because of your PCOS, there was a bigger chance for you to have a miscarriage or other complications with the pregnancy. So you would need to be closely monitored and taken care of.
Coco vowed from that day that you wouldn’t do any hard work around the house or anywhere else. He, Letty, and the rest of the guys would do everything for you. All you needed to do was sit your pretty ass down and relax as they all treated you like a queen.
A few weeks had passed, you and Coco were on the way to the doctor again for another appointment. This time hoping to know the sex of the baby. Coco was driving with one hand on the steering wheel and his other hand playing with your fingers, which always calmed him down. The window was down as the warm wind of Santo Padre seeped into the car.
“I hope it’s a girl,” he admitted. He had told you since the pregnancy was confirmed that his dream was to have a baby girl. A sweet and beautiful little creature that looked exactly like you that he would protect with his whole heart and kill anyone that dared to harm her.
“I hope it’s a boy.” You could see in your dream a little miniature Coco. Him and his father running around in the yard playing together as they laughed in the grass like it was the funniest thing ever. The two being messy boys and getting into trouble all the time and hiding it from mommy.
But you knew no matter what you found out today at the doctors that the little miracle in your belly would be loved unconditionally by everyone in your lives no matter what.
Let me know what you think❤️
GENERAL TAGLIST: @everyhowlmarksthedead @-im-fantastic- @idorkish @bishopslosawife @witching-hour @rosieposie0624 @jessprins13 @skyofficialxx @glamourglambert @jasminee97 @starrynite7114 @gemini0410 @rocketqueen @mack-jay @megapeacelovemusic-blog @weasleytwins-41 @achievement-hunters-blog54 @taurean-brat @multifandom.girlie
MAYANS MC TAGLIST: @blessedboo @60shannon @bellisperennis0 @capnsaveahoe @diaryofkali @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @xvvalx @missswritings @theocatkov @pinguinstudiert @chibsytelford @encounterthepast @rawrlittlepanda-95 @beeroses
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skvaderarts · 2 years
I'm literally one weak moment from making V in Elden Ring and going for the bad ending just for the fuck of it. Anyone want to follow that story? I'm legit thinking of making like a in-game diary and being like:
"Dear diary. I woke up on the floor today in a hail of mist and I set it to follow some creepy yellow light through a doorway. I have no idea where the hell I am, and I don't think I have any powers here, so it looks like I'm going to have to start over from the beginning. Also, apparently I'm "maidenless" and a "lowly tarnished". Whatever that means. Anyway, I just want stuff to stop stabbing me for 5 seconds so I can figure out where the hell I am. I'll update you later."
"So diary... Everything here wants to kill me. Like everything. Some dude turned into a bear, and I'm pretty sure a tree just tried to beat me to death. Looks like calmly offering to read them poetry isn't going to cut it here. I'm going to need some way to defend myself. But hey, some creepy doll offered me a bell that can summon spirits, and I have a magic horse. Still better than how most of my days start!"
"Well Diary... Today I roasted an entire plateau of these godless illiterate psychopaths. I still don't know what I'm doing here, but I know what's going to happen. And everyone here is going to regret the day they tried to kill me unprovoked."
"Well well well, diary. It appears that no one knows who William Blake is in these lands. I must educate them. After they stop stabbing me."
"Oh diary. After a month of being nearly stabbed to death, I have awoken and chosen violence."
"Diary. You have no idea how close I am to burning this entire kingdom to the ground. If one more lobster or giant crab attacks me just going to be held to pay. And the magic college here? Raya Lucaria?! It's run by complete and total hacks, and they wouldn't even look over my admittance paperwork! Looks like I'm going to have to go straight to the dean! There has to be some sort of mistake! This is probably the only place in this kingdom I actually belong! And they have some kind of creepy iron maiden that snatches her soul out patrolling the courtyard? And a giant bowl that tries to roll over you on the way to class? And a dog with a giant sword? Not to mention that the school uniform is a little bit unorthodox... But it literally is the only school in this entire kingdom, so I guess I'm short on choices. It's either that or go pick a fight with the trees again... Or open another chest and get teleported to God knows where. Anyway, it's been a productive day! I'll get back with you soon."
"I'm not even going to start my entry with a greeting today. I can't die. Well, I can die but I don't stay dead. Let me out of this endless death loop! My life consists of nothing but endless suffering! Well, at least some things never change. But that spell yesterday that made me shoot yellow fire out of my eyes? Can't recommend it. So far I'd rate this day a 4/10, and the only reason it isn't lower is because a giant lobster hasn't killed me for a few hours and I found a snazzy outfit on a dead guy. Wouldn't be the first time I procured my clothing by ill gotten means. Guess I got to take what I can get!"
... Omg part of me really wants to do this now holy shit. Would you guys want to see posts about it? Because I would have so much fun writing them!
Not going to lie I'm kind of desperate for somebody to want me to do this now lol! Sounds like I could be a blast! Also, check my stupid tags if you want more ideas has to what I might be planning.
Sorry for any spelling errors. Did this at 4:00 in the morning with speech to text. This is what happens when you stay up this late thinking about two different games... But hey, I did this in Bloodborne, and I can do it again! (Oh boy did the Bloodborne one go completely off the deep end. I ended up platinuming the game with my V character and that one... I mean, have I finished my first playthrough of Elden Ring? Absolutely not. But this might just be the most fun I've had in a while, if you guys are behind it.
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xsarcasticwriterx · 3 years
Wonderwall-part 5
Summary: Steve get closer to you the more your pregnancy advances and tony tries to keep his distance as he come to realize his feeling
Pairing: Tony stark x reader x Bucky barnes, some stucky x reader
Warnings: swearing, alcohol , some minor angsty angst, 
Notes: Ok i really like wonderwall right now so i'm going to update this more frequently (i say and watch i suddenly just hit a wall for this story)
Wonderwall masterlist
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It had been a month since your ultrasound and tony had been so distant but steve had been very close with you and bucky. if bucky was away he was everywhere you were caring for your every move. Bucky appreciated it  and loved seeing you and his best friend so close.
You currently were laying in bed with steve watching a movie. your head was on his stomach and he was playing with your hair. you two were eating chips and really only half watching it as yall kept joking around. 
Bucky was on a mission so steve has been caring for you these past few days. “you feeling ok?” steve asked and you chuckled “for the tenth time yes i promise i'm ok” you said tilting your head looking up at him. he smiled down at you and booped your nose. you laughed and smiled “just checking you've been silent for a while” steve said going back to playing with your hair.
“I was just thinking how nice its been being with you” you said reaching up and stroking his cheek. he smiled softly down at you. he cleared his throat “uh y/n-” steve started to say but the bedroom door opened. “oh hey steve figured you'd be in here” bucky said walking in “hey babe” you said. bucky walked over and kissed your forehead and gave steve a side hug.
steve's head landed on bucky's chest as he kept messing with your hair. “heard you've been taking care of her these past few days” bucky said. “he's been a perfect gentleman” you said with a small giggle. bucky laughed and out his stuff down sliding next to steve. you laying on both of them your legs on steves lap and head on bucky's.
“Tony said he's planning a party to celebrate our return” bucky mentions. you turn your head at the mention of tony. He had been avoiding you recently. Anytime you came near him or tried to speak to him he ran off in the other direction or suddenly had things to do. 
“tony spoke to you?” you asked. bucky knew how tony was avoiding you more so because he was also avoiding bucky. “nope he told nat and also told her to tell me something about him being too busy planning to do it himself. i don't know” bucky said with a shrug
“he still avoiding you two?” steve asked and you and buck replied with a simple nod. you were hurt by it, he had started this vow of silence to you since you had told him your past. you started to wonder if maybe he saw you were too broken. did he even want to be in the baby's life anymore? you sighed before shaking your head “lets go tony cant avoid me there” you said sitting up. 
“sweetheart honey you can barely spend an hour without puking or getting nauseas at least” bucky said stroking your hair “ill be fine. were going no if ands or buts about it” you said huffing and standing up. you walked to your closest and steve turned to bucky “there's no point in trying to change her mind” steve said and they both chuckled. you found a dress and set it up on the door handle. “now what time is it at?” you asked with a small clap. 
bucky gave a small laugh before speaking. He knew that he had no choice but him and steve would be on your tail the whole time making sure your ok. “9pm” bucky said. you gave a small nod looking at the clock which said 5pm in glowing letters. only 4 hours then tony has to speak to you.
at 8:00 you walked into the large bathroom attached to your room.stripping down you looked in the mirror touching your small stomach bump. you were close to the 2 month mark and your stomach was starting to prove that. you walked into the shower letting the warm water wash over you. you closed your eyes relishing in the warmth. you soon felt arms wrap around your waist, one human one metal. letting your head rest on bucky's chest he gave an approving groan before reaching for a bottle of soap and washing your hair. “how are you feeling today?” bucky asked massaging your scalp “mmm good steves been so much help and such a great friend when your away its nice” you said with a small smile. 
Steve was almost always around you and bucky. Anything you needed he got you any help you needed he helped. whenever you got sick he kept your hair out of your face. he’d always help you wash up after. he cared for you when your emotions got too prominent and took control. he kept you still doing small exercises and even researched what you should do when you got self conscious of all the weight you were gaining. He slept in your bed holding you close on days bucky was gone and you couldn't sleep. He cared for you, more than you or bucky knew. 
This isn't just for you though, he spent every moment not with you with bucky. they researched on the baby together things to do once their born how to be a good parent. They even tested how to make baby bottles even thought you had almost 7 months to go before the baby was born. you often walked into the room to find the two boys joking around, laughing. There was the one time you walked in on them slow dancing together to music from the 40′s. They said it was from the last dance they had gone to. You of course recorded it and kept it no matter how much they begged you to delete it. Steve cared for you two and would put his life on the line for you two even if it meant it'd be the end for him.
You stepped out of the shower and bucky followed after wrapping you in a towel. “steve is great isn't he” bucky said with a soft smile. “yea” you replied with a soft smile of your own but also a smirk. you looked at bucky's soft reaction to hearing your approval of steve. how his eyes glistened in happiness and a small smile stayed pressed on his face.
When bucky had first showed up at the compound the connection him and steve had lead you to believe they were together. One night you asked steve and he gave a small laugh before telling you otherwise. Not long after you started seeing bucky. You were honestly shocked nothing was going on between them and nothing had ever gone on. The chemistry they had was unbelievable and the sparks was as if someone was trying to start a fire.
Thou bucky had also thought you had a thing for bucky when he returned into steves life. The way you two smiled and laughed with one another. He saw it as a couple, he was never jealous just happy his best friend finally found someone. That was till you asked him out and he was confused. That lead to you telling him how you thought him and steve were together.
You slipped into your nice dark blue dress. you and bucky walked into the loud living room at 9:00 seeing everyone dancing and drinking. steve spotted you two immediately running over. “hey you two” he said with a large smile. “have you seen tony?” you asked. steve pointed to the bar where you saw tony drunkenly flirting with two girls. rolling your eyes you strolled on over leaving the two boys together.
 “shes gonna beat his ass if she has two isn't she?” steve asked and bucky patted his shoulder “that's our girl” bucky said before walking into the group chatting with other, That remark ‘our girl’ caused steve to chug down the rest of his strong drink. He wanted more no needed more but he really didn't want to enter the warzone known at you and tony.
You grabbed tony's jacket shoving him against the bar. the girl ran off in fear and tony put his hands up in surrender. you slapped him across the face before grabbing his jacket again “listen here stark your not getting away anymore ok. not happening nope. now your going to tell me why your avoiding me or ill keep slapping you till you do” you said pulling him forward and slamming him against the bar again. 
Steve had walked over to natasha stealing her drinking downing it too. “jesus what's up with you?” she asked seeing her tipsy friend. “thor you have any asgardian alcohol on you?” steve asked. thor nervously handed his friend a small shot of it. steve immediately downed it feeling the tingly sensation down his body “them” was all steve said “both of them” he said dropping his head onto the table. they immediately got it “so you finally admit it huh?” nat asked rubbin steves back steve lifted his head “you knew?” he asked. and thor laughed “of course we knew everyone did except tony,y/n, and bucky obviously” thor said. steve groaned and rubbed his face “what do i do?” he asked. nat patted his shoulder “tell them dumbass” and with that steve asked for another shot from thor.
You were still interrogating tony “I told you i cant say”  he replied and was hit with another slap. at this point his face was numb. “Bucky will slaughter me if i do and ill never be able to see my baby” he said tears brimming his eyes. “tony just tell me i wont let that happen” you said releasing your grip on him. “i cant” he said. you slapped him once more. tears fell “tony” you huffed out. he looked at you before rolling his eyes shaking his head “i'm in love you” he said tears flooding out, and with that he walked off. you felt your whole body freeze. you sat on the couch in the corner.
bucky walked over sitting next to you “you get your answer?” he asked. you cleared your throat trying to act natural “uh no no he would say i dont know” you said with a shrug. bucky groaned kissing your temple before walking back to the people. about an hour later a drunk steve plopped next to you. “heeeeeey” he slurred. you laughed before replying “hi stevie” you said ruffling his hair. it had grown out a little sense he'd been so busy caring for you he never had the time to cut it but honestly you thought he looked nice with it a little longer. “your so prettyyyyyyyyy” he said falling into your lap. you laughed and smiled down at him “your pretty too” you replied. steve pouted and you were confused but also adored it, he looked like a sad puppy. “what wrong stevie?” you asked rubbing his torso
“I have an issue” he said squirming and groaning. “what is it?” you asked tilting your head “i am in love with your boyfriend” he said. you laughed a little leaving steve confused. “I know” you replied. “huh?” he asked sitting up. “well yea i mean i knew” you said with a shrug “is that it?” you asked and he shook his head “i love you too” he said his head falling back. “me?” you asked with a small smile. “yes youuuuuu i am in love with 2 of the most perfect people and they love each other” he said slurring. “wait” he said looking at you “your not mad.” he stated. you laughed “no stevie a little shocked you love me? sure but i knew you love bucky always have and its not like you can control who you love” you said with a  shrug. “look tomorrow when your sober tell bucky just trust me. tell him. ill deal with him after” you replied. steve fell into your lap again.
once he was asleep you gave a small smile to him “i love you too stevie” you sai combing through his hair. bucky walked up to you “he asleep?” he asked. you nodded with a small smile. bucky lifted steve bridal style starting to walk to steve's room “where are you going?” you asked. bucky looked at you dumbfounded “to put him in his room” he said confused. “come on” you said entering you and bucky's room. bucky shrugged walking in, he layed steve down and he immediately curled into a pillow. “why here?” he asked. you gave a small shrug and smile “cause he has something to tell you tomorrow” you said leaving bucky confused.  Of course you still had no clue on what to do about tonys confession but that was another problem for another day. maybe one where bucky wont slaughter tony for it.
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heewrlds · 4 years
the boy next door | an enhypen au series
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pairing: non-idol!sunghoon x reader x non-idol!jake
genre: fluff, angst, wholesome series
plot: you and sunghoon have been best friends for as long as you could remember. he finally musters up the courage to confess his feelings to you, but when a cute boy from australia moves next door, things start to take a turn.
notes: this is a jakehoon love triangle series ! i wrote this long time ago but i’ve fixed it up ! let me know if you have any suggestions or thoughts through my asks !! bolded mean it’s through text btw !! also all members of enha will be featured one way or another !!
tags: @cha-raena​
i plan on updating every day btw !! if u want to be tagged then pls let me know !!
<<<prev chapter
you and jake walked through your front door to see sunghoon eating cupcakes in your kitchen.
your house was like a second home to him, your parents treated him like on of their own.
sunghoon heard the door open and to his surprise he saw you with another boy. he didn’t like that
“sunghoon! this is jake, he just moved today” you closed the door behind you.  “I was thinking that maybe he could join us tonight so you two can get to know each other.” you eagerly wanted the two boys to become friends.
“hey man, its nice to meet you.” jake reached for sunghoons hand.
sunghoons eyes met jakes fingers.
he didnt want to go out with you and jake.
he was going to ask you out tonight... alone.
nonetheless, sunghoon didnt want to be rude or make you upset.
“hey, its nice to meet you. im park sunghoon.” sunghoon shook jakes hand, awkwardly smiling.
“y/n, im sorry but is there a washroom i can use” jake asked
“right over there, jake” you pointed to the hallway beside your kitchen as jake hurriedly rushed to the washroom as he didnt want to leave you two waiting.
you looked over to make sure jake couldnt hear you.
“hoon, isnt he soooo cute?” you squealed.
sunghoons eyes widened. “yeah i guess so”
he just felt like his heart shattered in a million pieces. do you like jake? was he too slow? did he miss his chance? will you ever love him back?
“hey sunghoon, who are those flowers for?” sunghoon was hiding flowers behind his back.
“oh these? theyre for uhhhh... your mom,, yeah” sunghoon scratched his head.
they were really for you.
jake came back from the washroom.
“so lets get going” jake smiled wiping his hands on his pants.
“on second thought, its getting kind of late and i have practice tomorrow morning. i dont think i can go” sunghoon really really did not want to go with you two.
“aw okay hoon, well i guess its just you and me jakey” you turned to jake, giggling.
jakey?! did she just call him “jakey” sunghoon thought. he couldnt let you two be alone together.
“on second thought, i can go for a bit” sunghoon changed his mind
“yayy” you clapped your hands as you three head out the door.
you three talked for about an hour.
sunghoon felt awkward. it was like he was interrupting something.
they just met today. stop overthinking sunghoon took a sip of his milkshake, he looked at you who was looking at jake who was telling some sort of story about his school life back in australia.
“excuse me, im going to go to the washroom” you said. leaving the two boys alone.
“soooo, jake how do you like it here so far” sunghoon tried to break the ice.
“it was hard at first, but y/n is super kind. theres nothing between you two right?” jake remembered what you said earlier that day, but he saw the way sunghoon looked at you, and he saw those flowers in sunghoons hands earlier. he wondered how you were so oblivious that a handsome guy like sunghoon had a crush on you.
“aha nooo, we’re just friends” sunghoon turned red.
jake knew sunghoon was lying. he wanted to help sunghoon but he was kind of interested in y/n. he only met you today but he really felt a connection.
“ah okay good to know. shes really cute and i wouldnt want to ruin anything. would it be okay if i maybe you know” jake smiled.
jake didnt have any ill intention, he just wanted to get to know y/n better plus he was a competitive person. 
“yeah of course aha” sunghoon looked down.
no no no no no he thought.
“thanks bro, i hope we can be friends” jake reached for sunghoons hand again.
sunghoon smiled back
“me too”
later that night,,
sunghoon missed his chance and he knew it
he blew it. he may never get the chance to ask you out
he needed to move faster than jake.
he needed to get it together before jake could.
his phone rang
y/n: hey hoon,, are you okay? you were acting strange earlier
so y/n did notice.. he thought
sunghoon: im okay, ive just been tired. 
y/n: are u sure??? :0
sunghoon: yes i am sure. 
y/n: alright :)) anyways, what do you think of jake.. cute right ;) lol
sunghoon: yeah hes cool
y/n :/// you dont like huh... sunghoon dont be jealous 
sunghoon: why would i be jealous?
y/n: hoon, no one could ever replace you. youre my best friend. youre like a brother to me.
sunghoon: aw ok, ty gn y/n
y/n: hoon? you good?
y/n: sunghoon??
y/n: hello????
sunghoon dialed a number on his phone.
“jay, can you help me out.” sunghoon needed advice from his greatest pal. jay park.
“are you finally going to ask out y/n” 
“yes, i am”
“ALRIGHTTT! lets meet tomorrow at 12″
“sounds like a plan” 
sunghoon hung up the phone.
he sighed, laying on his bed.
hopefully he wasnt too late.
next. chapter 3>>>
notes: if u enjoyed this then pls reblog and like this !! also let me know whos team you are and what you would want to happen next :)))
team jake
team sunghoon
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writingonesdreams · 2 years
Hey! Happy Wednesday! Today is a check-in mentally and story-wise! 
How are you? Feeling burnt out or overwhelmed lately? I know we’ve been writing a lot lately, so I would like to check in with you! 
How are you doing with your WIPS? Which one are you focused on? I noticed a new post from you listing all of your WIPS! You have much more than I thought!! 🙈👀❤️I’ve been seeing a lot of Tears of Iron lately. (But it is not on the list so I’m assuming its part of the Sky of Shards world o: ?).
With that in mind,... Given how you know my tastes really well, are there any stories/projects of yours you recommend I start reading more of? (Because if I go into it ill definitely hit you up with questions about it haha so prepare your answer with that in mind) 🙈 😂
@bloodlessheirbyjacques (: (Whoops that was a lot of questions haha sorry about that)
That is so sweet of you to ask🥰
The Tiny Scenes are very inspiring. I took a bit of break during the weekend and have a real busy week. Just proves you gotta write, when you can and feel like it, no point in pushing things for later 😂😅. Now I have three things I need to hand in for uni, so I might be busy with that. But the words I got are beautiful, already in my outline. I think I figured out a new functioning relationship with that cursed outline, obviously can't not do it, but deleting scenes I don't like, moving things around and adding very flexibly is making it a useful tool and not a pressury to do list, so I'm happy. Made a new character, an emotional finale before the final and very excited to get back to it (June will be a giant exam month though 😅).
What's also really working is that the Tiny Scenes are totally canon as of now. They fit into the outline, the story divided into 4 parts (set up, the academy, the problem, the healing) and the slice of life feel I was going for.
AHH you saw my WIP list. Thanks for the interest. They are rather old, the first one back when I started the blog in 2019. The big ones are not really actual, but you might like the finished short stories.
Between Spirits and Humans has shapeshifting dragons, apocalyptic setting, enemies to lovers, sisterly bonds, some dragon boys friendship cause you know me,...
Tears of Silver Night is actually a fic I wrote about the kid of my main characters Kyler and Acacia from 5th Magic. I'm rather proud of it. Works as a stand alone and has Dragons, legacy, mentors, family legacy of the when your famous parents die too soon...
Because we dared is a whumpy bromance scifi oneshot drouble. Looking back at it, it has a lots in common with what's coming in Tears of Iron...
Anyway, Tears of Iron is def the actual and only ongoing WIP. Just updated it in the list 😂. The others are outdated or finished for reading.🙂
Thanks for checking on me. I feel all cared for😊🥰❤️
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nalu4emily · 3 years
The Unexpected Reward - Chapter 17
Summary:  Natsu and Lucy go on a job together, but what they bring home is something neither anticipated. Forced to make a life changing decision, they have to adapt quickly, but that's never easy, especially given the circumstances. As they work together on their toughest adventure yet, they find themselves drawn to one another, in ways they never realised. Rated Mature. 
"Hey, Flame head! Wait up!" Gray called over, catching the fire mage as he hurriedly made for the guild's exit. "Where're you going in such hurry?"
Turning to catch the ice mage walking straight for him, Natsu stopped to answer, "Home. I left Lucy and Haru asleep this morning, so I better get back to 'em."
"Oh... You've not been at the guild much lately, is everything cool with you?" The ice mage pushed further.
"Uh… Yeah! Been kinda busy and stuff, ya know." The slayer shrugged, not seeming too interested in divulging any further information.
"Well, are ya too busy to come on a mission? It's been some time since our last job together as a team." Gray asked, scratching the back of his head.
"It has been a while, now you mention it… I'd have to ask Lucy if she's feeling up to it yet, she's still not feeling too good… Anyway, catch ya later!" Natsu spoke cheerily and turned back towards the door, his hand reaching for the handle.
"Lucy's been sick for an awfully long time now, Natsu." He heard another voice say, halting him in his tracks, "Are you sure there's not something else going on?" Lisanna came up and elbowed him playfully in the arm.
"Hm?" He replied, retracting his arm back to his side.
"That's right! Lucy hasn't shown her face in months now. Has something happened? Are you guys having relationship issues?!" Levy gasped at the thought, her eyes wide with her mouth hung low.
"Relationship issues?" Natsu cocked his eyebrow in disdain; what kind of nonsense was that?
"I think you're getting a little carried away there, Shrimp. You've been reading too many books again." Gajeel teased, poking Levy's pouted cheek as he came up from behind. "And Lucy hasn't been gone that long… has she?"
"How suspicious… His beloved is sick and yet he's not with her!" Juvia murmured, appearing creepily behind Gray, making him shudder. "What is he hiding?"
"I'm not hiding anything! You guys are looking way too much into this." Natsu lied, but for good reason.
The truth was a little more complicated than that. With Lucy being so unwell, she'd not been able to leave the confines of their house, having suffered greatly in the first months of her pregnancy. It'd been hard for the both of them, but Natsu had promised to look after her—to not leave her side, and he'd kept to his word. Having skipped out on job after job, and taking longer and longer breaks between each visit to the guild, it was only natural for their friends to worry and speculate, but it did put him right in the firing line.
He was wasting time. He had to get back to his partner and son, it wasn't fair to keep them waiting. The guild would get their long awaited answers when Lucy returned, which with any luck, would be very soon.
"Can I go now? I got things to take care of." Natsu huffed, starting to get frustrated with their incessant intrusiveness.
Trying to slip out from under the guilds snooping nose, the fire mage was beginning to question whether that was even an option any more, not with the amount of people now crowding him, wanting in on the action. He just hoped the great Titania didn't decide to intervene, then he'd be doomed.
"What things would that be then, Natsu? You're not usually this secretive." Lisanna hinted again, even more curious than before. "I thought you said you had to go home?"
"Just leave the kid alone, he's got his reasons." Laxus shrugged nonchalantly, pretending not to be interested, when really he'd heard everything.
"Yes, listen to Laxus!" Freed jumped in, also creepily appearing out of no where, making the lightning mage quiver. "Natsu doesn't need you all pestering him!"
Said boy sighed, glad to have someone on side and took the opportunity to make his leave—But things were never going to be that easy. The slayer found himself almost smacking his head against the thick, wooden door frame, utterly exasperated, when yet another of his guild mates decided to pipe up and add their two pennies worth.
"Yes, you're right. However, doesn't he usually have the kid with him? Why not today? So many questions that have yet to be answered. It makes you wonder really…" Evergreen chortled to the dubious guild members, hiding her conniving smirk behind her fan.
This was getting out of hand! They were just going 'round and around in circles and at this rate he would never leave. Being backed into a corner, he had no idea what was really going on. His guild mates were chucking all sorts of nonsensical bullshit at him.
Who knew what they were accusing him of? Because he sure as hell didn't know, and was pretty convinced now that they didn't either.
"I've already said Haru's at home with Lucy… The only reason I'm here, is to check in with Mira to make sure everything's ready for his party later. You know, for his birthday today." He explained once again, sighing loudly and slumping forward in despair. "I wasn't gonna bring him in early and spoil the surprise, now was I?"
He wouldn't have bothered with any of it, if it hadn't been for the take over mage and her desire to throw some massive party for the little boy, such was the way of Fairy Tail. But this time, Natsu would've much preferred to celebrate at home where Lucy could be present to enjoy it, too. However, Mira had made her own plans, having suddenly sprung the idea upon the unknowing young man one day in passing, and had given him little choice in the matter—his ultimatum much scarier than Erza could ever be.
"We're well aware of the little one's birthday celebrations today, Natsu." Erza's stern voice echoed through the hall, startling everyone into silence and swiftly marched herself right up to the slayer's retreating body. His heart raced as his worst fear became reality and felt a wave of dread as she approached at speed, her hardened features coming in way too close for his comfort. "However, that doesn't mean I'm any less suspicious of you."
"But why?! There's nothing to be suspicious about, I swear!" Holding his hands up in submission, the fire mage was stunned into silence; his mouth dropping open in disbelief; why were they all so hell bent on this? What even was this? He'd told them what he could; what more did they want? "Lucy and Haru are at home where I left them… What else do you want me to tell you?"
"So secretive and elusive… like you have something to hide. Have you no shame?" Ignoring Natsu's plea, the armoured girl had already come to her own conclusions and summoned one of her treasured swords to point directly at the slayer, her icy glare not the only thing threatening to pierce through him, "Our Natsu would never act like this! He's impulsive and reckless and just downright stupid! What have you done with the real one?"
The fire mage would've taken offence, had the red head not so angrily directed her sharp sword at the bridge of his nose. Narrowing his eyes at the sharp metal so close to him, he gulped thickly, praying to whatever god there was, that today of all days, Lucy might just walk through those big doors, saving him from the hell that was Erza Scarlet.
He shook in his sandals, showered in sweat as the red heads sword tip made contact with his skin, pushing his head right up against the wall, "B-But I am the real Natsu…"
"Then prove it! Explain yourself, now!" She was taking no shit from her fiery companion, not after convincing herself that he was, indeed, an imposter.
Desperate not to be on the receiving end of Erza's wrath, Natsu opened his mouth to speak, but just as quickly shut it again when the old guild doors suddenly creaked open. The sound of an infants voice followed by bickering between two others could be heard filling the loud silence, abruptly halting the interrogation of the defeated fire breather.
"See, Happy! I told you he'd be in here!" The young woman pointed, her eyes landing right on the dragon boy she'd been arguing with flying cat about, only realising moments later the presence of Erza's sword and every eyeball in the building staring unashamedly at her, "Uh… Am I interrupting something?"
"Lucy... you're here..." Natsu croaked in relief, never more glad to see his beautiful girlfriend as he sank to the floor. His voice cracking from the genuine fear the older girl had provoked in him, her sword now fully removed from his face. "My sweet saviour…"
"Uh-oh! Is Natsu in trouble again?" Happy giggled, glancing over at his pink haired friend, taking pity on his horror-stricken features.
"Lucy… You're alive?" Erza stated more than asked, stomping over to the young blonde to inspect her further.
"U-Uh…" The girl in question looked down at herself, confirming that she was definitely alive before looking back up again, confusion etched into her expression. "D-Do you want me to answer that?"
"Maybe you should lay off her a little; I'm sure Lucy's had it rough enough." Gray proclaimed bravely, unable to make eye contact with the unsettled knight.
"Please don't scare her off, not when she's only just returned!" Levy all but pushed Erza out of the way and threw herself at the blonde, who was now trying to balance the new weight along with the baby and herself. "I'm so happy to see you! I've missed you, Lu!"
"I've missed you too, Levy, but I'm sure Natsu's kept you updated." Lucy reassured her, then looked up to all of her other friends, "Hasn't he?"
"Natsu told us you hadn't been feeling well, but that's a suspiciously long illness Lucy, one I hope has a good explanation for making us all worry so much." Erza explained, crossing her arms over her chest.
"That's one long tummy bug!" Mira giggled, walking over to the ever growing group to stand near Lucy. "Anyone would think that you were p-" She paused, eyes growing wide with realisation and darted them down to the stellar mages midriff, before promptly fainting on the spot.
"Huh? Mira! Would think, what?! What were you going to say?!" Lisanna yelled, desperately trying to wake her sister up.
"Oh! I get it!" Gray understood, thinking back to the weird conversation he'd had with Natsu in the park and how it all made perfect sense now. "It definitely explains that idiots weird behaviour." He reached out to pat Lucy on the shoulder affectionately and smiled at her, then turned to smirk at said fire mage still recoiling on the ground. "So that's the way you wanna play? Game on, Pyro!"
Turning his head, Natsu smirked back, accepting the silent challenge as he jumped back up to his feet, looking cocky as ever, "You know it, Frosty!"
"Wait, what does Gray know? Is he a part of it too?" Levy gasped, pointing her accusatory finger at the demon slayer.
"Hell no!" Natsu and Gray yelled out in defence, both offended and totally disgusted by the very thought.
"Then what? What is going on here?" Cana shouted from her bench, having heard everything. "Quit with the suspense and just be out with it already!"
"Juvia understands." Out of the shadows, said water mage appeared before her once 'love rival' and smiled happily at the girl she was about to congratulate, "Juvia is so very happy for you both!" She looked down to her own rounded tummy and placed a hand on it, a noticeable difference in size to Lucy's, "They will be the best of friends, Juvia is sure of it."
Lucy's smile reached the corners of her eyes, relieved the rain woman didn't see this as another rivalry, like their partners apparently did, "Thanks Juvia, I'm sure they will be, despite what their father's might think." They both giggled at the expense of the boys gormlessly standing there, along with the rest of the guild, who still had no idea.
"Hold up! So, what does that mean? You're having a baby too, Lucy?" Lisanna asked, cradling her sisters limp body.
The guild's eyes fell to Lucy, more specifically her stomach where if they looked closely, they would see a small, but noticeable bump stretching out her pink summer dress. She could see the expectant faces of her friends waiting for her to answer, and the warm presence of her beloved dragon slayer come to stand next to her, obviously noticing her hesitancy.
"Natsu, I think you should tell them, I know you're dying to." She murmured, her voice quiet but firm.
"Are ya sure, Luce?" He asked, assuming she'd want to do it after all this time, but seeing the certainty in her eyes and the bright smile lifting her cheeks, he took her hand and turned back to the crowd, not needing any more confirmation than that. He glanced at each person in turn, a sense of pride filling his chest as the words left his mouth, "Heck yeah, we are!"
The entire guild erupted in a chorus of whistles and loud cheers, shaking the very foundations of the building in their excitement for the couple, "Oh, wow! Thanks guys! You're too kind!" Lucy's smile shone brighter than it had done in ages, overwhelmed with glee that their guild mates were so pleased for them.
"They've all been worried about ya, Luce." Natsu whispered closely so only she could hear and leaned in to kiss her cheek, knowing just how much this all meant to her. He took the excitable little guy off her hands, giving her the freedom to catch up with everybody.
"I knew it! I knew there was something fishy about you two! But congratulations guys, that's great news!" Levy cheered, ready to get down to the nitty gritty of every dirty detail.
"You had us worried there, Lucy. For a while, I thought you were never coming back!" Lisanna shared, hugging the celestial mage tightly, probably a little too tight.
"Oh… I'm sorry to have made you all worry, but I'm feeling much better now." The blonde explained, a light tint of pink dusting her cheeks from all the attention she was getting.
She could see Natsu hadn't moved too far away from her and tilted her head to look at him. Chuckling to herself, she could hear Erza try to apologise to him, suggesting the boy punch her right in the face for making such a mistake, a suggestion that was right up his alley, if it weren't for Haru in his arms.
Catching his beautiful blonde staring at him through the corner of his eye, he turned in her direction and winked, grinning as he held the little boy up on his shoulders to walk back over to her, "You feeling alright, Luce?" He asked, worried she may have forced herself into attending the celebrations before she was ready.
She nodded shyly, a little taken aback by the overwhelming attention she was receiving. Feeling his hand once again take hold of hers, she stared up into his confident eyes, then up to the child having the time of his life on his fathers shoulders, "I'm okay, but today's about Haru, not me, and I wasn't gonna miss this for the world." She grinned up at the small boy and reached up to stroke his cheek affectionately, chuckling at his enormous smile.
"You're right! Come on, Lucy! I wanna show you what we've done!" Natsu all but dragged the poor girl outside, Haru and Happy in tow, to show her the sheer amount of effort that had gone in to making Haru's first birthday, special.
The entire guilds courtyard had been lit up like a Christmas tree, with nothing left untouched. Banners and bunting of every colour hung from every post, table and tree. Tables upon tables of delicious food had been laid out with the most gargantuan home made birthday cake (courtesy of Mira) proudly sat in the middle of it all. An enormous pile of gifts had also been laid out, all individually wrapped with little cards to say whom they were from and most importantly, the pool had been filled with all kinds of fun inflatables and toys for all the children to play with.
Lucy looked around in amazement. She couldn't believe they'd gone to so much effort just for a one year old, a child that would unfortunately never remember this, but it didn't matter, she and Natsu would for him. "This is incredible, Natsu! I can't believe you did all this without me!"
"Don't sound too surprised; I can help organise things when I want to. And it wasn't all me, Mira came up with the idea." He looked up to the child above him and chuckled, "You like it, Haru?" The child had no idea what was going on, with no concept of birthdays or parties, he simply cheered anyway, responding to his Daddy's infectious grin, "Good! Well then Luce, let's get this party started!"
With his grin turning evil, he squeezed her hand tight and dived head first into the pool, with no consideration for his, Lucy's or Haru's clothing. She yelped at the top of her voice, her only reply a cackle before being submerged under water, thus setting the mood for the rest of the day.
After a full afternoon of playing with the other children, eating lots of cake and other treats, and opening presents, Haru found himself in the pool once again, this time in more appropriate attire for the water. A pair of cute little lion themed trunks (gifted by Loke), and a cute turtle inflatable ring adorning his middle (a present from Lisanna), made it much easier for him to stay above the surface while enjoying a swim in the water.
Natsu, in his usual flamed swim shorts, also found himself in the pool, diving under and popping back up in random places to surprise the little boy. Haru loved a good game of peek-a-boo, the anticipation of where his Daddy was going to pop up next was just too exhilarating. He squealed and laughed every time he resurfaced, then his eyes would grow wide in anticipation when he dived back down again.
"Gotcha!" Natsu exclaimed, appearing behind the little guy and grabbing his sides. "Does Haru want a go?" He asked, lifting him out of the rubber ring and holding him above the surface with just his hands, letting the infant tread the water to keep himself up, "Look at you! You'll be swimming in no time!"
Lucy watched on from her sun lounger, not remotely amused that the slayer had got her cute dress soaked, or that she now had to lay in just her pastel blue bikini, feeling somewhat self conscious with everyone staring at her exposed belly. She laid comfortably basking in the hot sunlight kissing her skin, trying to catch some semblance of a tan, relaxing while she could. She felt happy, content even, thankful that her symptoms had calmed down just in time for Haru's big day.
It'd been a long time since she'd been able to do this without having to run to the bathroom. With no spell or potion being strong enough to truly rid her of the awful feeling, she'd become well acquainted with the toilet in their house, having spent most of her time with her nose down it. It'd been hard over the last few months adapting to her changing body, her wild mood swings and questionable cravings, but she also knew it would be worth it in the end and it was on days like this, with her friends and loved ones surrounding her that she sincerely felt it.
Smiling to herself, Lucy placed her hand on her small, protruding stomach, feeling the tiny flutterings of the little one moving around inside, "You're an active little one today." She giggled, looking to be talking to herself by onlookers, but she didn't mind. "Then again, you're active everyday."
"Juvia's baby is quite active too, but he's closer to his due date than yours and is much bigger." Juvia said, coming to sit on the next lounger. She cradled her own, much larger bump that'd been covered by a flowy, light green summer dress, finding her regular clothes to form fitting and hot to wear now. "It's quite the feeling when he does somersaults in Juvia's belly."
"He? You're having a boy?" Lucy asked, intrigued to learn more and catch up with her friend.
"Yes, Porlyusica told us the last time we visited. Juvia always imagined she'd have a little boy, maybe watching Haru has something to do with that." She gleamed, looking over to the small fella splashing about in the pool still, having the time of his life with his father.
"I'm so pleased for you! I bet Gray was thrilled!" The blonde exclaimed, knowing he would be.
"Of course! Gray was very pleased. In fact, he made us go out and buy all the boys clothes we could find in the market afterwards. Then he took Juvia home and made-"
"No, it's okay… I don't think I need to know any more!" Lucy felt her cheeks burn red at the very thought.
"Made Juvia dinner…" The water mage finished, furrowing her brows at Lucy's assumption.
"O-Oh… Oops! Sorry Juvia, I thought you were going to say that you guys-"
"Made love? I think those hormones are getting the better of you, Lucy." Cana appeared, wagging her imaginary tail at the slightest mention of sex. "They say you get more horny when you're pregnant. I bet you and Natsu are at it all of the time? Actually, I'm kinda surprised he's not over here right now, with you looking all juicy like that!"
"Cana!" Lucy spluttered, her cheeks burning even more furiously. "You can't say things like that in public!" She didn't want to discuss her sex life in front of others, even if what they were saying was true—when she wasn't heaving of course.
"She's right though, Lucy. Juvia hasn't been unable to keep her hands off of Gray." The blue haired girl reaffirmed, her eyes like love hearts as she thought of her beloved Gray. "And Gray hasn't been able to keep his hands off Juvia, either."
"Wow, looking kinda smug there… You were like that any way…" Cana murmured, shaking her head at the love struck girl.
Well, there went Lucy's relaxing in silence, now she could barely keep from her head exploding—Good ol' Cana! "I don't wanna hear any more!" The celestial mage reiterated, covering her ears for emphasis.
"Oh, come on, Lucy! You're pregnant! That didn't happen by accident! You and Natsu knew exactly what you were doing." Cana retorted, moving herself closer to the flustered girl, her boozy breath permeating the air.
"U-Uh… Well… No, actually. It was kind of an accident…" Lucy admitted, feeling a little awkward by saying that out loud, her friends surprised faces not helping matters, "But it was a good accident!"
"Huh… And here I was thinking you were the cautious type, Lucy… Not that it matters. It's good to let the mood just take ya." Cana grinned, her shock forgotten.
"Don't look so ashamed Lucy, you'll both have another sweet baby to call your own and that's a wonderful thing. I imagine Natsu was over the moon when you both found out." Mira beamed her usual motherly smile as she came to sit near them all, having wanted to get the details on Lucy's pregnancy since earlier, "If Juvia's is a boy, then I bet yours is going to be a girl, Lucy."
"You think so?" The blonde asked back, never having actually considered what the sex would be before, but the thought of having a little girl join the family sounded rather appealing, especially in a house dominated by boys.
"Yes, with Haru as well, we need a little girl to make it more even. And she's gonna have the cutest pink hair and big brown eyes, I can just see it now!" Mira was off in a little world of her own, thinking of blue haired baby boys and pink haired baby girls—she was incorrigible.
"Boy or girl, I just hope that after living in a house full of ravenous beasts, this little one might be more like me. Haru's just a dark haired Natsu, he even laughs like him." Lucy placed her hand where she could feel the little movements of her baby and chuckled down, "But who am I kidding? You've already got your father's energy, that's for sure."
"Hey! Don't say that like it's a bad thing, Luce!" Natsu overheard as he appeared out of no where. "There's nothing wrong with having a mini-me, ain't that right, kid?" He hi-fived the now dry child in his arms, having already dried himself using his magic. "Who cares what they are or who they look like? You'll be in there somewhere, Luce; you're their mother, after all."
"Yeah, you're right." She said, always fascinated by Natsu's simplistic, yet logical way of thinking.
"Any way, it's getting kinda late, I was gonna take Haru somewhere a bit more quiet," Natsu gestured to the current brawl taking place behind him.
"Leaving so soon?" Mira asked, standing to say goodbye to the grizzly birthday boy.
"Yeah, he's all pooped out from the busy day he's had and I think he's ready to go to sleep now. Thanks for organising it, Mira!" He said, before turning swiftly to Lucy, "You coming?"
The bikini clad girl jumped to her feet and stretched her arms up, feeling the tiredness begin to set in, completely unaware of her partners roaming gaze, "Yeah, sure... Just let me put my dress-"
"Lucy! Watch out!" She heard Natsu shout suddenly as she bent to grab the item of clothing.
Feeling herself being pushed back onto the sun lounger, she flailed and reached her arms out to catch herself. Darting her eyes up to see what was going on, she was met with the exposed back of the dragon slayer that had moved to shield her from something. Smoke clouded him and the infant; an unfamiliar heat emanated off of his body. The girl hadn't seen what'd happened, or what she'd been saved from, but if the harsh, heavy breathing of the man in front of her was anything to go by, it was a close call.
"Natsu…" She started, but stalled there after, unsure of what more to say to him.
"What the heck do you think you're doing, you old geezer! Do you have any idea what could've happened just then?!" Natsu bellowed, his voice teeming with rage as his eyes narrowed at the culprit. "You're lucky I was here to catch your stupid attack, or that would've gone straight for Lucy!"
The brawl had come to a complete stand still and Macao, the one that'd thrown a fire ball initially at Wakaba, had gone ghostly pale as the dragon slayer's piercing gaze stared him down. "Hey man, I'm sorry… I didn't even know she was there, it was an accident!" He held his hands up in submission, not wanting to enter into a fight with the maddened slayer, knowing that was one he'd never win. "We got a little carried away, that's all."
"Oh yeah? Maybe I should go all out and see how you like it? Try and dodge this one!" Natsu roared, sending a blazing ball of fury of his own hurtling through the air, aiming it right at Macao's cowering body. Turning hotfooted back to Lucy, the distant cries of the offender being struck by his magic was like music to his ears, his anger satiated.
"Are you hurt, Luce? Did anything hit you?" He did a full search of her body, checking for any kind of injury. His worried eyes eventually fell upon her exposed belly and instinctually brought his hand out to caress it softly, "Is the baby okay?"
Smiling up at him, she brought her own hand to rest on his cheek and pulled him closer, loving just how protective he could be, "Of course, our baby's fine. No need to worry." She guided his palm to where the little one was doing somersaults and allowed him to feel the light pads against his skin.
Unable to keep his infectious grin down for long, he pushed his mouth hastily against Lucy's in a kiss that turned heated all too quickly. Buzzing with adrenaline from the incident, Natsu moved his hand from her belly and tangled his fingers into her hair, holding her in place as he enjoyed the taste of her warm lips.
"That's it, fire breath, you took it too far this time!" He heard Gray shout from behind him, knocking him out of his 'Lucy' trance and pull away, glancing over his shoulder, "Look at what you've done to the pool, you dumbass!" The ice mage pointed to the steaming pit that was once the guilds pool, fuming at the state of it.
"Ha! Looks like you and Juvia are gonna have a fun time filling that back up!" Natsu guffawed, passing the fidgety Haru to Lucy.
"Screw you, Pinky! You're going down!" Gray threatened, launching himself at the fire wizard and starting yet another brawl.
Rolling her eyes, Lucy looked down at the sleepy boy rubbing his tired eyes, and decided to creep away from the fight that just seemed to be attracting more and more people, "Come on then, sweetheart. It looks like Daddy's got himself distracted again." She chuckled, disappearing back inside before anyone had noticed she was gone.
By the time the evening swept in, Lucy had found herself a quiet spot up on a small hill a little ways from the guild, overlooking the lake behind it. She sat cosily against one of the many old oak trees, with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and the baby laid across her chest, begrudgingly, but slowly falling asleep. She hummed her sweet lullaby to soothe her tuckered out child, hoping to coax him into closing his eyes.
It was moments like this that she cherished the most with Haru, just her and him with no one to interrupt. The atmosphere was peaceful and calm, exactly what she was looking for compared to the ruckus that was the guild's 'after' party that continued on down the street. She could even hear the rumble of their antics from where she sat, but luckily, it was pretty muffled, unable to spoil her quietude.
After weeks of staying at home, it sure made a pleasant change to be watching the sunset instead. She'd grown tired and achy after such a busy day, her feet were sore and her head had grown weary, but still she watched contented as the beautiful evening began to fade.
The young mother could finally hear the soft, even breaths of the slumbering child and gently placed him upon her bent up legs, covering him with her blanket to keep him from feeling the chill in the air. Staring at his little angelic features, she found it hard to fathom how drastically her life had changed compared to just twelve months before. She'd grown so much as a person and gained everything she'd ever wanted and more, making new memories along the way.
She and Natsu had unknowingly plunged themselves into a completely new world, taking on the responsibility of an abandoned child and calling him their own. Haru had opened their eyes to a life they never thought they'd get to experience, especially not with each other. The little boy had brought them together in a way that would forever bind them, creating the family unit they were today. It only seemed fitting to name this day as Haru's official birthday, for it was the day his life, and theirs, had begun anew.
Leaning her head back against the tree, becoming lost in her memories, her eyelids began to close, a wave of exhaustion rushing over her while sleep tempted her in. A rustle of a nearby bush was quick to quash that feeling though, as a startled Lucy snapped her eyes wide open and darted her head over to where the sound had come from.
"Oh, Natsu… It's just you…" She breathed, laying her bleary eyes onto that familiar toothy grin and untameable pink hair, a scaly, white scarf to match. "Tell me, what were you doing hiding in the bushes?"
"Looking for you." He said simply, walking out onto the hillside to join her, having deliberately left out the part that he'd been hiding there for much longer than he'd care to admit. In fact, one might say he'd been there the entire time, watching the beauty that was Lucy quietly sing their son to sleep and hadn't wanted to disturb her until she'd finished. "You left, so I had to come find ya."
"Oh, you didn't have to. I just wanted to settle Haru before he started getting grumpy. It's nice and quiet out here." Her voice sounded airy and light, her eyes half lidded and a little bloodshot. "You can go back and join the others if you want, I'm okay." She offered, but Natsu knew better than that, he always did.
"You don't have to pretend for me, Lucy. I can see how tired you are." He'd learnt pretty quickly in the past few months that pregnancy didn't just make her exceptionally sick, but that it had an array of different symptoms, some physical and others emotional, but all unpleasant and incredibly draining for her. "Why would I leave any way, you're all out here?"
"Happy's not."
"Yeah, and Happy's capable of looking after himself. He's too interested in Carla to notice we're even gone. You know what he's like." Natsu explained, scooting closer to Lucy to take the infant from her legs.
He set the baby down in his lap to keep him warm, the fluffy blanket tightly swaddling his body. The two mages cuddled up to one another, watching the twinkling stars come out to glimmer and shine down onto the glistening water in the distance.
"It's crazy to think it's been an entire year since we brought him home. Who knows where we'd be without him here?" Lucy reminisced, her gaze drifting from the moonlit lake, to the baby snoring peacefully without a single care in the world. "Or where his life might've gone, if we hadn't taken him in."
"We'd be what we always were," Natsu stated bluntly, tearing his own gaze away to look at the girl beside him, "Best friends, going on adventures and honestly, that's kinda the sad truth of it all. As for Haru…" He glanced down at his cuddled up son, smiling sadly as he remembered the first time he ever set eyes on the tiny, lifeless baby, that fateful day, "I made a promise to keep him safe; to make sure he lived… He was always going to come with me, there was never another choice. I just didn't know it then."
"And I'll be forever grateful that he did, because..." Lucy cleared her throat, feeling a little emotional at the thought, "Now, I have you and him! And nothing has ever made me happier! Choosing to adopt a child was the most daunting thing I've ever done, but it's proven to be the best decision I've ever made, one I'll always be thankful for." She gave her own toothy smile, a slight tint of pink dusting her cheeks as she poured her heart out to him.
Natsu felt his heart squeeze tight, her words reminiscent of his own feelings and quirked his lips up at her. Reaching his hand forward, he smoothed his fingers through her golden locks, before coming to rest it under her ear, guiding her to him, "Me too, Luce. Which is why…"
Lucy's breathing deepened the closer she got and felt his other hand come up to hold hers tenderly, paying no mind to him fiddling with her fingers, "Which is why, what? Is there something else?" She asked, cocking her head cutely as their breaths began to mingle. "Natsu?" Her eyes fluttered between his dark ones, waiting expectantly for him to finish.
"I… I wanna ask you something." He murmured just before claiming her mouth, connecting their lips in a kiss so sickly sweet, it made Lucy's belly fill with butterflies.
She could have melted into a puddle right then and there, the feel of his affections always had a way of making her turn to goo in his hands. Her spine shivered and the adrenaline buzzed through her system, not having the capacity to comprehend the words that'd been spoken, for her mind had been taken over by the feel of his hot mouth. Letting go of her hand, he snaked his fingers up to the other side of her neck and pulled her closer, craving those sweet cherry lips that he liked to nip at with his teeth.
Her fingers were now free to roam and touch as they pleased, tangling them up through his hair and tugging on the pink strands at the base of his neck. Desperate for breath, she pulled herself away and gazed into his half lidded eyes for mere seconds, before he impatiently delve down to ravish her neck. The sucking and biting just under her ear caused small gasps and whimpers to escape the increasingly aroused celestial mage, her eyes fogging with lust, until something bright caught her attention.
"What was that?" She asked panting, her voice raspy as she tried to catch sight of whatever it was again. It had flickered like a light, shined like a reflection and sparkled all at once, making her wonder if she'd really seen anything at all.
"What was what, Lucy?" He asked her, not meaning to sound quite so unsurprised, when usually he was the first to go looking for trouble.
"I thought I saw…" She didn't really know what she'd seen, her mind too muddled from the heated moment they were having; maybe it was just her eyes playing tricks? Or worse… someone was spying on them.
Natsu clasped at the hand she had buried in his hair and brought it into view, "Was it this, maybe?" He asked, drawing attention to one specific digit.
Feeling the contrast between his warm skin and the cold hardness of something else against her finger, Lucy peered down in curiosity, her breath stalling when her eyes laid upon the object of confusion. Gasping loudly, she clasped at her mouth, two enlarged chocolate orbs flickered between him and her hand in utter astonishment. Somehow, in the midst of their make out session, Natsu had managed to band the most simplistic, yet beautiful ring onto her finger, where it sat proudly and spoke of untold intentions.
"It's… I-It's beautiful! B-But how did you- When-" She stuttered, too lost in what this all might mean, searching deep within his dark eyes for the answers to her silent, but obvious questions.
"That's the right finger, isn't it?" He asked, looking uncharacteristically nervous, a small pink hue dabbing his cheeks. His heart was beating much quicker than he would've liked, hoping he hadn't screwed up already.
That was all she needed to hear to confirm her suspicions, her brown eyes wet with unshed tears, "N-Natsu, I… I don't know what to say-" She couldn't speak, this was too much and he'd not said anything yet.
"Lucy…" He spoke with every sincerity, taking the ringed hand and entwined their fingers. "I'm not so good with this stuff, but I know that getting married is important to you, which makes it important to me, too. I promised you forever and I guess you could say, this is me making good on that promise." He caressed her soft cheek with his thumb and smiled when he saw the glint in her eyes shine back at him. "So, what do you say? Prepared to commit yourself to this," he gestured to himself and winked playfully, "For the rest of your life?"
Finding herself unable to keep her emotions in check, the girl didn't answer, but instead, launched herself at him, giving him barely any time to move the slumbering child out of the way and brace for impact. Landing on top of the winded dragon slayer, she managed to catch herself with her hands and gleamed down at him, tears falling from her eyes and the smile on her face rivalling his. She leant down and connected their lips once again, taking the lead this time, unable to keep her happiness from pouring out.
To the side, still held in Natsu's opened out arm, was Haru, completely unaware of what was going down, his dreams taking him to far off places. His developing sibling in his Mommy's tummy, however, didn't seem quite so pleased, having been wedged between the two loved up adults as they made out under the sea of stars, had decided to take matters into their own hands. With one almighty kick, the kiss came to a quick halt when Lucy groaned and pulled back, grabbing hold of her bump to sooth the sore area.
"Jeez! Was that the baby kicking you? 'Cause even I felt that one!" Natsu looked surprised, amazed that their baby was so strong, at just five months, that he'd been able to feel the force of the kick against his own abdomen. "Is it still hurting, Luce? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, it just shocked me, that's all. They've never been quite that strong before." She chuckled, sitting herself up and straddling his hips as she looked down to her belly, gently caressing it with her thumb, "You were just trying to tell Mommy to move, weren't you?"
Balancing himself up onto his elbow, Natsu also placed his hand on top of Lucy's bump and smirked, "Or maybe, they were just tryin' to get their Mommy to say yes."
"Like you needed an answer!" Quirking her eyebrow up at his smirk, she shifted back a little as he sat himself up against the tree, laying Haru gently next to them while Lucy remained in place, "But you haven't actually asked me anything yet. Who knows what I could be agreeing to? This is you, after all."
The young man chuckled and grinned his thousand watt smile, knowing she'd catch him out eventually, "Alright, have it your way." The mischievous look on his face didn't disappear, even when he tried to take it seriously, "Will you marry me, Lucy?"
She returned his beaming smile with one of her own, glad to have heard it come from his mouth and nodded her head enthusiastically, "Of course, Natsu, the answer was always a yes."
"Good. Can I go back to kissing you now?" He asked, but didn't bother waiting for a reply and went to pull that enticing mouth back in for a third kiss, hoping this time there'd be no more interruptions in the forms of sparkling rings or unimpressed unborn babies.
But just as their lips were about to touch, Lucy paused ever so tantalisingly close to him and furrowed her brows, causing the boy to sigh impatiently, "What is it now?"
"Have you been holding on to that ring all day?" She enquired, only realising now that he must've got it from somewhere.
"Nah, not all day, just the party. I had to ask Happy to go and get it for me while you were distracted with Haru." Natsu explained, scratching the back of his head, "I was gonna do it myself, but stuff happened and then you suddenly showed up."
"Stuff… happened?" Now she was even more curious; what could've gone on in her absence?
"Yeah… them." He shivered still traumatised, pointing over to where Fairy Tail's guild hall stood, still alive and partying, and Lucy understood immediately just what he was referring to, giving her an insight into what she'd unsuspectingly walked in on earlier that day. "So, I had to change up my plans."
"Oh! Why didn't you just do it tomorrow instead? Rather than make it difficult for yourself." She asked, feeling a little smug when she saw the light go on in his brain.
She'd stumped him there. Always the brains of the operation, he couldn't believe he hadn't thought of that. He'd wanted to do it on a day that meant something to the both of them, but really, did it matter? The result would've been the same.
Noticing her cocky smirk and the playfulness in her eyes, he rose to the challenge, a fire in his belly, "Because, Miss Know-it-all, today was special, just like you said… And it wasn't difficult… I had it all under control…"
"Uh-huh…" She watched him become a little fidgety as if he weren't quite telling the truth and her smirk widened into a smug, toothy grin, "So you were just pretending to be scared when Erza was threatening you? I get it."
His eyes were sharp and intense, just like they were in battle, the one sided grin to boot as he bore into her playful expression, "Your playing with fire, Lucy…" His voice dangerous and brimming with cockiness.
"Then let it burn." She whispered close to his ear, barely able to get the words out before she found herself being forced onto her back, her hands held down above her head, with a fired up dragon slayer carefully leant over her form.
"You asked for it!" He growled, gulping down a large breath as he connected his mouth to the sensitive skin of her neck, torturing her senses with his loving but fierce embrace.
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day 24 of drawing calamitas until the draedon update - calamitaker
boy oh boy what to say about this one. i thought more cosplay, specifically helltaker, would be appropriate for the first day of the spooky month. what's spookier than demons? skeletons? idk. either way, this one took... hm. let's say... marginally longer than average to do haha. the idea came from reddit when someone suggested I do calamitas as judgement on the dante post, plus i had already wanted to do virili as beel cause “fly of beelzebub” and all, so the pieces just sort of fell into place. and wow virili isn’t embarassed for once! well, she is, but she’s far too preoccupied with happiness by somehow convincing calamitas to cosplay with her to care. oh i almost forgot to mention, im considering making a discord server? mostly for the people on reddit and twitter since they don’t have access to the inbox like my favorite children do here on tumblr. and maybe some other future projects ideas idk. plus the update’s trailer dropped so maybe update soon??? and having people to play with who are as passionate about the game as me would be nice. idk just some ideas, send me feedback however, and if i feel like the response is big enough ill probably post a link later today or tomorrow. thanks!
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