#ill be jin and u can be bang pd = LIFE OF THE PARTY RIGHT THERE
1tooru · 4 years
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henlo wassup turn up ⬆️
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untaemedqueen · 7 years
Please Take Care of Us > k.th
Chapter 35. (Ending)
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I wake up with a groan as the morning sun shines into my eyes. "Yuna." I mutter opening my eyes. I grab my phone and look at the clock. 4:30 I should let her sleep a little bit more. I stand up and stretch my body before opening up the windows hearing the countryside sounds making me smile. I look over at Yuna before tilting my head. I wonder if she really will get pregnant after last night. I sit down on the windowsill looking over the green pastures waiting to be filled with cattle. I'm so happy I could take my future wife here. I hear a whimper as a breeze cuts through the window. I'm surprised Yuna feels cold at the breeze, it's so hot in here. I get up and push the comforter up her skin. My fingers grazing her bare arm. Yuna's skin felt like it was burning. She groans at the skinship and pulls away. I put my hand to her forehead. "Baby, you're burning up." I mutter sitting on the bed making her dip closer to me. "I don't feel so good." She whines opening bloodshot eyes. "Holy shit." I mutter before pressing my lips to her forehead. "You have a fever, babe." I mutter as she rolls on to her back. "I'll be okay." She mutters leaning over the bed and grabbing her water bottle. She drinks some water as she holds her head. "I have a headache." She whispers ripping the sheets off her body. "Maybe we should stay in today." I mutter as she puts her head back against the wall. "No way! I want to farm!" She whines loudly. "Babe...You don't look too good. I don't know what's wrong. You shouldn't go outside." I say rubbing my hands down her arm. "I'm dying to farm." She whispers with a pout. "I know." I say feeling bad. "I'll get better." She says full of gumption.
As we walk down the road with a few of the guys behind us, I keep looking over at Yuna as she walks down the road clutching my hand. "Baby. We don't have to do this. We can go back." I whisper as she tilts her head towards me. "I feel a bit better." She says looking up at me, her face almost covered by her brand name sunglasses. I kiss the top of her head before sighing. "You still have a slight fever." I mutter, "She might have POIS." Namjoon says behind me and I turn around. "PO- what?" I ask letting go of her hand. "I hooked up with a girl once that had it. It's called post-orgasmic illness syndrome." He says fixing his bucket hat. Could she really have that? That's not good. "This never happens to me." She whines fanning her face. "It sounded pretty rough, it could happen." He says making Yuna blush pink. "Okay. Okay." I say wrapping my arm around Yuna's shoulder. She puts her hand on her stomach and mutters to herself. "What's wrong?" I whisper as we slow down walking. "My cervix hurts." She whispers making me smile. "Yeah, I fucked you too good." I say biting the inside of my cheek. She giggles as my grandfathers house comes into view.
We step inside the house, greeted by my family apart from Eon Jin. They're always up early to go out to farm. "Good morning!" My mom says happily sipping on her morning coffee. "Good morning!" Yuna says before walking straight into the kitchen. "Noona, I got up so early because I'm excited to eat your food!" Jeong Guk says making Yuna giggle. "I'll help you." Jin says walking into the kitchen with her. I sit down at the table and rub my fingers over my thumb nervously as she downs a bottle of water. "What's wrong?" My dad asks fixing his baseball cap. "Yuna isn't feeling good today. She won't listen to me, she wants to farm so badly." He looks at the open kitchen as she leans herself against the counter instructing Jin to do a few things for her. "She can do something simple like getting eggs or feed the cows. You're right. She looks out of it." He says worried. I put my hand over my mouth and whisper to myself as she leans over the counter, a sheen layer of sweat developing on her skin.
"You're going to get sunburnt." I whisper walking after Yuna with a bottle of SPF Lotion. She picks up the eggs happily as the hens run away. "I'll be fine!" She says happily. "Kim Yuna. Get over here." I say loudly holding up the bottle. She looks over at me and pouts before walking over to me. "Mrs. Kim, you have to take care of yourself." I say adamantly squeezing out some lotion and rubbing it on her face. "Relax." She says with a giggle. I murmur at how hot her face is. "You always worry me. Why must you always worry me?" I ask rubbing her nose. "You don't have too." She mutters weakly and I pull back, "I'm taking care of you for the rest of my life, of course I'm worried about you. Pabo." I say rubbing her soft cheeks. She smiles up at me and my heart softens a little. "When we get back to Seoul, Byungchan got the papers from the court house for us to sign." I say hoping it brightens her mood. "Huh? What papers?" She asks confused as I rub my hand over her neck. "You need to sign papers to become my wife. Once you sign those and we turn them into the court house then you'll officially be Mrs. Kim." I say kissing the top of her head. "Ahhh. Okay." She says thinking. "We're going to have to hide. It's going to suck." She mutters, I sigh and sit down on a wooden box wiping the rest of the lotion on to my face. "Yeah. I know. I'm sorry." I whisper pulling her to me. I wrap my arms around her waist and she looks down at me with a smile. "It's nothing we haven't been doing." I cock my head and sigh. "Yeah but this is different baby. You're my wife. You'll have my children. I don't want to have to hide my whole life from everyone. It's not fair to us or our future children." She bites her lip and nods quietly. "I am not going to be like Eli from U-KISS. He held his relationship a secret for so long, he couldn't even go to the hospital to see the sonograms of his kid because he was so afraid of fans." "But we HAVE to keep it a secret. You're V. Not just some guy, ARMY will freak out if they hear this news." Yuna says sitting down next to me placing the egg basket on the ground. I put my hands on my face and rub harshly. "Kim Taehyung, V, get married to former personal chef and now manager. I can see it now. And then, ARMY will murder me. They entrusted me with you, caring for me in the end and I ruin their trust like this? Taking one of the most beautiful men in all of K-Pop? No, that's crazy." Yuna says playing with her long white t-shirt. "What happens when you get pregnant? Hmm?" I ask rubbing my hand over the small of her back. "I don't know, all I know is that this is totally not a good idea to release to the public. Maybe later down the line but definitely not now. I side with Bang PD." She says seriously. "Yuna!" I whine loudly looking at my sneakers. "I have respect for ARMY, if I didn't I wouldn't even be saying this, I'd say yeah fuck 'em we can do what we want. They give their time and energy to you selflessly, without wanting a thing in return and I have to respect that." Wow, this is why I love this woman. How could she be so understanding like this? "My fans want me to be happy." "Right. They want you to be happy and they do everything for you guys. More than I could do. How would they feel if V, 24 almost 25 years, just suddenly up and got married without even a second glance or thought to them? They would die of heartbreak. I'm not doing that to them." She says intertwining our fingers. I kiss her shoulder and sigh. "I'm a person too. Don't my feelings matter?" I ask squeezing her hand. "Of course it does baby. It matters to me and to all the guys, to your family. But it doesn't matter to sasaengs and evil fans." She says, I know she's right but I can't be feel helpless. I put our hands to my forehead and I sigh defeated. "I feel so disrespected." I mutter looking up at the graying sky. "You have me forever. Do people really need to know?" Yuna asks, "I want to tell everyone how happy I am and how much I love you." I say looking into her hazel eyes. "It's just not possible right now. We can only think about how happy we are going to be together." She says patting my hand happily. "What if you get pregnant? You'll be showing in front of all ARMY. What are you going to do then?" I ask looking down at her engagement ring. "I'm not sure. We can figure that out." She whispers. I nod and bite my lip. "Tomorrow we have to go to the court house. Do you want to have a ceremony?" I ask trying to change the subject from this horrible conversation. I stand up and offer her a hand to get up.
We start picking up eggs relishing the shade of a gigantic tree near the hen house. "How could we have a ceremony? That's crazy. There's no doubt someone will find out, we can't do it in public." She says sadly. "You deserve to have a beautiful wedding." I say feeling guilty. "Hey. Hey. I didn't even think I would get married in this life time. I don't mind." She says bending down to pick up an egg. "I want to see you in a wedding dress." I say adamantly folding my arms standing up. "Yeah, just so you can take me out of it." Yuna says with a laugh. I tilt my head with a smile. "That'd be a perk." "GET AWAY FROM ME!" Jin yells running past the hen house with Jungkook right behind him holding a bug. Yuna laughs and puts her hand on her neck watching them run. "BE CAREFUL! DON'T HURT YOURSELVES!" Yuna screams and I rub her arm chuckling. "Why don't we have a ceremony at the house?" I ask her, she ponders on it for a second. "Yeah. Right. How many people can we fit in one apartment? Not even 70 people could fit in it during the party." I sigh and bite my lip, "Fuck, Yuna I really want to have a ceremony." I say putting my head back distraught. I feel a drop of water hit my cheek and I look up at the deep grey sky. "It's raining. Let's get going." I say as rain drops land on my skin quicker.As we start to run, Yuna holds her basket close to her. The rain hits the ground harder and she laughs as we fly down the dirt road, dirt kicking up underneath us flying through the breeze. As we reach my grandfathers house Yuna stands underneath the rain as it patters against her skin. "Baby, you are sick. Let's go inside." I say standing underneath the patio awning. "Haven't you ever wanted to kiss your almost wife in the rain?" She asks looking over at me as her cheeks collect more of the falling rain. I laugh and step off the patio before wrapping my arms around her waist. "It is a nice idea." I whisper picking her up and spinning her around making her squeal happily as she grabs on to my arms. I look up at her in my arms and move my arm to her neck pulling her down for a sweet, chaste kiss. She giggles into my kiss as the rain slaps against our skin harder. I smile and look up at her as she pulls away. "I love you." I whisper nuzzling her collarbone. I set her down gently as the rain starts to slap harder. "Come on baby." I say pulling her underneath the awning. "I love you too." She says looking out over the now rainy farm. As we stand there my arms over her shoulder, my head over hers I hear a small gasp. "What? Are you okay?" I ask putting my head next to hers. "Tell me I'm brilliant and amazing." She says turning to me. I raise an eyebrow. "You're brilliant and amazing. Now, why?" I ask moving her wet hair off her neck. "Oh, we'll have a ceremony." She says and I furr my eyebrows. "Where? At the house?" I ask looking down at her. "No. Not at the house." She said puckering her lips. "Then where?" I ask tilting my head. "Here." She says extending her arm, her hand grazes over the far landscape and she smiles widely. I look up at the farm and smile widely matching hers. "You're brilliant and amazing!" I say peppering kisses over her lips and cheeks. She laughs and I pet her head. "That's a great idea baby." I whisper resting my head on top of hers again.
"Hey grandpa?" I ask as all of my family and the boys sit in the living room. I look over as Jungkook, Jeong Guk, Jin and Hoseok teach Yuna, Go Stop. "Wow. You're so much like Tae. How could you possibly not understand game rules?!" Jin says pointing at Yuna with a laugh. "They're complicated rules!" She whines putting her hand under her chin and I smile warmly at the scene. "Yes, Taehyung?" My grandpa asks sitting down next to my dad on the brown leather couch. "Can Yuna and I have our ceremony here?" I ask. My mom claps happily with a squeal. "What? Of course you can!" "Why'd you pick here?" Eon Jin says dissatisfied. "Because Yuna and I have to hide our marriage. This is away from civilization and prying eyes." I say looking around at the reactions. "That's a great idea!" Jimin says shaking my shoulder. "I would rather have the ceremony here then not have one at all." Yuna comments throwing down a card. "Yuna." Hoseok mutters picking up the card and putting it back into her pile. She looks over at him confused. "You don't know how to play." He whispers with a laugh and a shake of his head. "I think it's a great idea! We have so much room here!" "So many idols will be in the same place..." Eon Jin says excited. "Now you're happy." I say with a laugh folding my arms. "How many people?" My dad asks, "Probably around 200." I mutter running through names of friends through my head. "200?!" Yuna yells shocked. "We have a lot of friends babe." "You can't expect to invite 200 people, most of them idols and expect them to show up." She says setting down the pile of cards in her hand. "It's good to invite them anyway. It's our day. Our friends should be invited. All of them." I say as she nods tilting her head. "True." She mutters throwing down another card. "It's not your turn, noona." Jeong Guk says handing back the card and I can only smile.
I sit next from Yuna at the breakfast nook with our wedding papers in front of us. "Sign here and here." I say helping her with the Hangul. She signs it and then looks up at me. Her stare is helpless and it makes me laugh. "I'll teach you more Hangul, don't worry." "Do I sign here too?" She asks pointing at a box. "No thats for our witnesses." I say looking down at the box. "Who are we going to take as witnesses." I bite my lip thinking. We can't take all 7 guys. We'd get noticed. I feel my heart ache thinking of all the guys. "Jimin and Byungchan." I say as the two names come to the front of my brain. "Don't you think it should be Bang PD?" She asks and I groan loudly. "This is so hard." I whine before signing my signature. Yuna nods next to me before putting her forehead to the table. "Why can't we bring them all?" Yuna mutters into the glass. "Because we'll definitely be noticed. No?" I ask grabbing my phone. I look up the closest local district office. "The closest one is 15 minutes away from our house." "Do they have a parking garage, that's the question?" Yuna asks looking up. I look at the street view and look around. "They do." I say zooming in, my fingers rapidly spreading part enlarging the picture. "Then we all go." She says standing up. I smile widely at her, "I won't let our best friends miss the best day of our lives." I wrap my hands around her waist and press my head into her rib cage.
"Let's go!" I say excitedly as the guys pile into the living room. They were all wearing average clothes, nothing too stylish or noticeable with face masks, sunglasses and baseball caps. I fix my face mask and clap happily. "I'm so happy we can all go!" Hoseok hyung yells walking over to the elevators quickly. I laugh and watch as the stairwell door opens, revealing my soon to be wife. She stands before me in a white collared jersey dress, her hair pulled in a long ponytail with sharp black winged eyes and I pull off my face mask. "You look stunning." I whisper before kissing her. "COME ON!" Jimin yells with a laugh pulling us into the elevator.I jump out of the van and look around the dead parking garage. Good, no one is here. Yuna steps out of the van with Byungchan in tow. "Come on." I say to the guys and they pile out. "Oh man! I'm getting emotional already." Jin whines taking off his sunglasses. Jungkook puts his arm around my shoulder and I smile. Byungchan grabs the documents and starts walking in with a big smile. Yuna looks back at me and gives me a wink. In just a few minutes she'll actually be my wife...
We stand in front of the desk, all the guys standing behind us already crying. I look over at Yuna as the man behind the counter stares at me. I put the wedding documents on the counter and take my sunglasses off. "We're here to file for marriage." I say as he nods and looks at the documents. He looks up at me quickly after reading my name off the paper. Byungchan steps up behind me and puts a hand on my back. "We'd appreciate it if this isn't a publicly known document." Byungchan says and the man nods at him before looking at my members behind me. "We should do this quickly, there are a lot of people coming." He says smiling at Yuna. I smile widely and take off my face mask. I hear shuddering clips behind me and look at Jungkook taking phones of this special occasion. The only occasion that will the mean the most to me for the rest of my life. "If your two witnesses would sign." The man says looking around. "Chim." I say making him smile. He jumps over to us and takes off his sunglasses. "I'm so happy!" He says loudly as he signs the document. I chuckle grabbing Yuna's hand and intertwining out fingers. I look over at Yuna who is all smiles and giggles. She makes me soar. "And just one more." The man says leaning on the counter. "Byungchan oppa." Yuna speaks up and he looks over shocked. "Really? Me? I think Namjoon should." The man looks at the clock and bites his lip. He feels pressured for time, so we are not seen and I'm grateful. "Namjoon, sign!" Byungchan says happily giving a face splitting smile. "Is thay okay?" Namjoon asks smiling. Yuna nods happily and he approaches the counter. He pets Yuna's head as he dries his eyes with his hoodie sleeve. "I really love you guys and I'm so happy for you both." Namjoon says signing the document. "If I could have your ID's please." The man says with a smile. I hand mine over and Yuna does the same. "Be right back. Congratulations on your marriage." He says walking away. "We're married." I whisper looking at Yuna. Her eyes glaze over with tears and I kiss her forehead. "Kiss her!" Hoseok says crying loudly. I grab both her hands and look into her hazel pools of glory. "I love you." I whisper squeezing her hands. "I love you too, Tae." She says happily as a tear glides down her cheek. I bend down and press my lips to hers, relishing in the feeling. I raise my hand and cup her cheek. My road was over. The road that I walked down in the darkest of nights was at an end. The most bitter of nights turning into the sweetest of days. The sun was rising, the secret journey beginning. Our secret journey.
I might do a second book. Let me know in my asks if the people that read it want a sequel! 
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