#ill answer afterwards
squidkid15 · 2 years
I feel like rambling about AUs who's got questions
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puppyeared · 9 months
Helloooo popping in to say I love your art! It’s cute and feels soft (reminds me of when you’ve got a really smooth pencil and it just ghosts across the paper) but your poses and anatomy also give it a good feeling of realism :D
classic question here; do you have anything you’d say is a big influence on your art? I love seeing what people answer and trying to connect it back to the kind of thing they currently make :]
!! thank u!!! i do wish i could get more creative with angles, but im happy knowing my art gives u that feeling ^_^
I really enjoy comics!! I like poking thru graphic novels and webcomics, so I've fallen into the habit of exposing myself to lots of different styles over time that I'm fairly explorative with my art. It gives me a lot to study, especially since different artists have different strengths and preferences
I also think of myself as a simple person, so I'm not strongly attached to anything in particular... I notice a lot of artists find their ground in certain interests or aesthetics. But since I'm not really like that, I try to put a bit of myself in whatever I draw to connect with my art better. Its probably why I like taking creative liberty when making fanart lol
im also drawn to indie creative work like games and animation! they tend to be extremely varied and unique from each other, which is great since I work from my own sense of curiosity. I also hate repetition, so having things that set themselves apart visually or otherwise is something I like to look for.
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muzzleroars · 1 year
So, more angst.
What would happen if Michael were to suddenly die?, maybe it was an accident, or just a straight up mystery.
How would the rest of siblings and v2 grieve?
Honestly i can see this scenario being a VERY vivid nightmare Raphael had once, that or it's a common ocurrence for him.
it's definitely something that's there for all of them, the fear that michael will just rapidly decline or be killed with how much he's working a body he no longer knows the limits of. and that anxiety is kept strong because the scares actually do keep happening, with michael suffering bouts of illness due to his overworking or seemingly for no reason at all - the latter are far more frightening, his unexplainable lapses into severe symptoms always carrying with them the fear that this is his body finally shutting down, unable to cope. so their grief teeters, hanging on every rattling breath and the foul ichor that leaks from his mouth, waiting to see if it will be needed, knowing it will be needed but just when. so his death would never exactly come as a surprise, but there is a unique bereavement that comes after watching someone be so ill for so long
gabriel, being the only fallen angel in the bunch, is very open about cursing god for this outcome, that everything he forced onto michael is what ultimately made this happen. his grief is consuming as an angel of treachery, and he is furious that after all of michael's dedication and loyalty to the point of his own detriment, it only earned him this end. this is what the extreme end of a love for god does, this is what happens when one cleaves to him and has no other anchor. he would apologize to michael, telling him how sorry he is that he wasn't there to save him when he was so far from home and taken in by his own desperation for a god who left them. he's sorry. he didn't deserve to rot like this, to end his life in pain and fear and crushing grief and hatred of the self. gabriel should have been there for him, he should have found him when he never came back because he knew only he could regulate michael's unchecked adherence to his faith. but he didn't. he stayed behind while michael tore apart his own body and soul for a god who can no longer hear him, and now he's dead because of it.
raphael wants peace for michael, weeping endlessly for him but just hoping that wherever he is, there is no suffering. that's supposed to be heaven, that's supposed to be what they were born into, but michael never found it. and truthfully, in a way, raphael is glad he finally passed, as ugly and awful as it sounds in his own mind - he watched him suffer through death, day after day, even when he wasn't actively ill or bedridden. his body was consumed by death, he watched as michael rotted away and he saw how he spent so much time in prayer, his endless recitation of psalms of contrition and sickness, his constant readings of job to seek any comfort apart from his decaying body. he implored god over and over and over, to save him and restore him, until he was so exhausted he had no choice but to sit with himself. and raphael tried to heal him, he watched michael attempting to adhere back flesh as it sloughed off, and he knew his anguish was becoming unbearable. so he's finally gone from it. even if there is no life for an angel after death, raphael almost doesn't care. just let michael be at peace, even if it means he's become nothing.
uriel had become especially close with mike in his last days, as they both greatly enjoyed silence in each other's company. in fact, uriel had sought michael out as a source of comfort, still viewing him very much as a protective big brother that kept his anxiety at bay because that had always been michael's job. and that trust meant more than michael could express, so happy he could continue to give uriel that same sense of security despite his appearance now and he greatly appreciated his company every time he sat with him in the garden. so for uriel, that comfort goes with michael. he can't leave his body, doesn't want to walk away and know that he won't see him again, so he stays beside him almost stubbornly. he cries sporadically, but often just sits by his side in silence until they have to forcefully take him away so michael can be buried in the garden he so loved. the garden they spent all that time in together. and uriel follows him out there, now just keeping by his grave. he talks to him more than he probably does anyone else for awhile, occasionally asking him for a sign that he's still listening...but it never really comes.
v2, like gabriel, reacts outwardly with a lot of anger though its reasons differ - how could michael come and love it right at the end of his life, and how could it let him? the grief is so different for v2, only ever knowing him sick with all his venerated images presenting an abstract it never met. it knew its attachment was foolish, it knew it should have shoved him off when things started to get too personal, but it was in awe of what he had gone through and survived, finding a beauty in him and a rare connection it failed to make with so many others. it wanted to save him, it told him it would, and michael began to say that he believed it. god had answered his prayers. but he was wrong, he died thinking v2 could do anything for him. and so that anger is at first misdirected at michael, demanding to know why he gave up, why he fought so hard and had promised v2 that he would live as long as it was willing to find a cure. he quit on it and left it behind even though v2 had told him over and over each time he got sick that he scared the shit out of it. didn't that mean anything to him? didn't he care? but soon it all collapses inward, v2 apologizing for letting him down, for blaming him for his own death when it saw how hard he fought with his own body every day. he had even told it how much this body wanted to die. but v2 is stuck with how it failed him like it had failed humanity. it can only really cope by fully cultivating the samples it took from him, all his plants and fungi and insects, into the same little ecosystem he once had. it keeps michael alive in some way to it, with the garden and all its generations started from those that had once lived with him. it also keeps the icon he gave it to call on him if it ever needed his help, but it hasn't spoken to it since - he never failed to come when it asked, and it doesn't ever want him to.
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creaturefeaster · 1 year
okays.......,. warm up doodle suggestions anyone?
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spidergeists · 1 year
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the kangaroo! another oc without a canon equivalent but thats ok cuz i love her. anyway
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shkika · 1 year
Anyway we can get a continuation to that post collapse nsh comic? I just wanna see the local group all together post ascension and feel happy again
I will draw Saint ascend all of our iterator friends (at least the local group), but first I'll do other stuff too! These things take a little while, because I have to paint them + I'm running an ask-blog aside my art.
I hope that's understandable ^^
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dream-sans-mogai · 4 months
Im so fucking tired of allistic people man...
They always present like 2 choices for you and go on for days about how they understand either choice, they won't judge you no matter what you pick and how they'll be fine regardless then act all disappointed and whiney when you make that choice and they didn't get the answer they wanted.
I'm sorry, how was I supposed to know that was the wrong choice™️. If you wanted me to do something why didn't you say it. I don't care about all your little social shit, be honest with me. I didn't choose based on your wants when I don't know what you want. I made the "selfish" choice despite everyone around me saying they supported my decision and totally understood. Then I'm the bad guy. For making a choice. That I was assured over and over again that I wasn't going to be judged for.... I'm so tired of this... I'm so tired of allistic people setting these fucking landmines for me. Like they enjoy my suffering. I always get fucking burned in these situations. I can either just do what I think they want with varying response or I can be honest and unmask and do what I think is best for me then they all collectively sigh and look away like Im the disappointment...
If it's not truly safe, don't fucking tell me I'm safe. If I truely won't be judged, don't judge me. If I can't safely unmask, don't tell me to be myself and make my own choices. Even allistic people who had no fucking skin in this game judged me. I chose the option that was best for me and now I'm the villain. Again. Fuck allistic people man, fuck those wishy-washy judgey ass people.
#clover speaks#clover vents#its ok they said just do whats best for you they said#and my dumbass was just like yeah sure 😚 and now im looked at like a monster for taking a choice they gave me#and encouraged me to take! ill support you no matter what my ass#it makes me feel so fucking unsafe in my chocies like a fucking saw trap#its always multiple choice questions and nothinge ever seems like the right choice#they are always wrong and everyone always despises me abit afterwards#even when i know i didnt do anything wrong i didnt hurt anyone and i made a chocie for me#its all supports and i love yous and its oks up until the tism comes back out and i get the cold shoulder#i get the look aways and the silence#they know they are hurting me and they dont care about the betrayal i feel over being basically lied to#i know its your choice but i felt like- ok then why didnt you say anything BEFORE I MADE THE CHOICE#FUCK ALLISTIC PEOPLE IM SO FUCKING TIRED OF THEIR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GAMES THAT MAKE ME LOOK HORRIBLE FOR NO REASON#IM SORRY I DIDNT READ YOUR EXPRESSION ITS ALMOST LIKE I HAVE A MODERATE MENTAL DISABILITY THAT PREVENTS ME FROM RWADING EXPRESSIONS#i just wanna say or do something right and they always judge me no matter what#im never safe around these people because everything is always watched and judged according to their morals and what they would choose#as if their morals are superior to mine because they are fine with throwing themselves at trains over nothing and im kot#fuck allistic people man#im so stupid for believing them and thinking this time ill be safe...#im never safe i will never be safe#im always so scared of looking like a stone faced unfeeling monster who dosent love anyone or anything and they always make me into it#no matter what i do or how much i try to express it#i feel things i love people im not a robot#this hurts so much...#sorry for the total lack of context but you dont need any#i dont want or need any more allistic judgement
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lord-squiggletits · 6 months
On the Bipolar Pharma
Bipolar Disorder is commonly initaly misdiagnosed as comorbid anxiety and depression which I have. But it was legit the first thing they checked when I had my first partial hospitalization. So fun psyfacts.
Yeah, when I saw my second psychiatrist (bc the first one was annoying and I didn't like his vibes) he prescribed anti-depressants to me first, but he told me he was concerned about it possibly being a depressive episode (bc apparently those can last months) as part of bipolar disorder, and so told me some signs of mania I should look out for in case I did have bipolar and started a manic episode. One symptom of which was, according to him, "If you feel really happy and anyone telling you that you have mania makes you really annoyed, and especially if you're in a really good mood and don't want to tell me because you think I'll ruin your high" (or something to that effect) which I thought was kinda hilarious. Also, the relative with bipolar disorder told me they'd be watching me for signs of mania and recounted one time where their spouse woke up at 3 AM to find them scrubbing the kitchen floors with a toothbrush. Fun times.
So at least both of our docs were concerned about possible misdiagnoses? Lol
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nerdie-faerie · 9 months
Shout out to little brothers that always know exactly how to rile you up without even trying
#Demon Spawn#and a happy holidays to all!#ive been home two days 😭 fml#one of my oldest brothers ate the present he was giving another brother so he was gonna go to the shops to replace it after our family meal#i had to get presents afterwards too because i tried doing it yesterday and my mum argued with me about where i wanted to go dragged me to#other places until it was too late to get what i needed so i was like#oh me too just come with me he was like nah ill get dad to drop me home then cycle back down to town again and i was like ??? okaaay#anyway i finish my shopping and he calls me and asks me if actually i can get it for him im in heeled boots and the shop i wanted#was right next to the bus stop so i really did not want to go through the high street to the shop he wanted#as that would then mean id need to walk the half an hour uphill back home but i was like okay fine get to the shop and theyve sold out of it#since yesterday so i call him to tell him his options he doesnt answer so after i couple times i text him then carry on calling#i musta called him like 10 times and am about to leave when he finally calls me back only to tell me that actually he wont get him anything#and im like well what are you gonna do tomorrow then you were stressing about not having anything and hes like its fine so im like whatever#and head to the bus stop he then calls me back! asks me to get something anyway so im kinda pssed off with at this point but im not letting#another one of my brothers go without a christmas present if the rest of us have something thats just not fair so ill do it so i grab it get#home my feet are already blistered and i see ive got two texts from him telling me to tell him when im home so i text him ill be up in a sec#i take it up to him he looks at it - its exactly what he asked me to get!! - and hes like i dont need it ive got something else#and im like what!? all of that for nothing?? he did at least pay me back for it but fml
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
Oh yeah also to be exact for stream purposes, average playtime from all 60 reviews is 10-12 hours, but total range is 8-15, double for a 100% playthrough. You do have to progress in the side content to progress in the main story (complete x missions/get x points/get to x rank type of deal), and you'll probably want to progress in the side content to level up since it's money-based and that's the fastest way to make money. I'm pretty sure the variance comes from getting sucked into the side content (probably not likely for your playstyle) or having trouble with the bosses at a lower level (they're apparently pretty hard this time).
It also looks like the Infinite Wealth demo is split into two (an adventure mode with the extra cutscenes and another one that's basically the demo we've seen around). Adventure mode Allegedly doesn't have proper saves at the time of writing (this was an annoyance for one reviewer so I assume it's long enough to warrant that), so it's worth taking that into account too. Anyway that's about it lol don't quote me on any of this because my brain just shut off after a certain point <3
OK BET TYSM CHAMP YOURE A LIFESAVER soooooo doing Quick Maths in my brain i might divide the stream up in two if i start playing at 4:30PM and i plan to marathon it.
ill take a break 3:45 - 5:45 saturday morning since that's a part of my regular routine and ill feel weird if i dip on it. I Dont Need Sleep but god forbid i skip out on all That apparently. plus it's a good break period to get exercise in and move around LMAO
going from 4:30PM -> 3:45AM's like.....10~11 hours... so that's about halfway through the game if i get entranced by side content... if we do somehow finish it all in one shot then we can just do the IW stuff after my routine.. epic.. it prob wont be any longer than an hour if that so stream- AUSPICIOUSLY THINKING- should wrap up around 7~9AM saturday.
#snap chats#and then when its all done ill take the longest nap of my life afterwards LMAOOOOO#jk. ill prob sleep for like. a minute. imagine if i did art stream later LMAOOO NONONO maybe sunday.. if im really ill bout it..#some are wondering Snap Are You Physically Capable Of Doing Thaat and to that i say Yes. Yes I Am.#i didnt grind out buzzsaw mill raids on gaiaonline over night for nothing.. im a Gamer in my soul... a bad one but a gamer nonetheless..#i did it for ishin i can def do it for gaiden- esp if theres an audience and i have people to chat with#also the Break Time will be a great cut off point for recording so people who can't/don't want to show up for the stream can watch it#see it's all going according to plan..... it's all going swimmingly.....#i like how generous im being with my gaiden time. girl we know im gonna suck and take longer LMAOOO WE AINT DOIN IT IN 8 HOURS#maybe ill 100% gaiden off stream or somn if the side stuff really ropes me in#also im late as balls answering this OOPS my friends came by the dining hall and we all chatted. and apparently im going to aldis tomorrow#DONT KNOW HOW THAT HAPPENED but i needed something from the store#just one thing thats it.... i thought of buying snacks and the sort for gaiden but i aint gon subject people t me eating on stream#ill just go with my wack meal prep idea from before LMAO#anyway SIXTY REVIEWS THATS HEINOUS godspeed brother... thank you for your hard word ill do my best to make your work not go in vain#idk HOW but. i'll try not to be lame and low energy during stream I GUESS THATS ALL I CAN DO#boo about Money Aspect returning BUT ILL BE OPTIMISTIC. i wont let that sour me until i see it#i wonder how long the IW demo will be- what it'll HAVE if people are upset about the lack of saves#again i dont think it'll be terrible long- an hour is my min so id be surprised if it reaches two hours#it'd be epic if i could do all of gaiden before my routine since then i can cleanly divide the stream but we'll see
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midoribai · 9 months
with the times i answer asks i bet its terribly difficult for people who dont know my timezone to try and figure out what my timezone is
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stanleypollable · 1 year
432.... if not caring about you, what would you have us do? - 🥚
what would prove that people love you?
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caelumsnuff · 2 years
catching up on some audios and finally giving David’s proposal a listen its so funny being completely and utterly personally disinterested in marriage cause i listened to that “will you marry me?” looking exactly like this:
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wizard-mp4 · 2 years
Sometimes I go to work and I sit in my car unable to move
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serejae · 21 days
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pairing ; vernon x reader
WHAT ! ; after rejecting his bestfriend vernon is left to ponder in what he lost, now its up to him whether to make things right
a/n ; i know ive been writing alot for vernon buttttttttt whos gonna fight me..😒
VERNON swore he didnt care, if anyone asked about you he shrugged it off. the news of you confessing to vernon wasn’t shocking to anyone, the way you two looked at eachother explained everything but the part that shocked them was when he said he rejected you.
“so what? you just rejected them?” dokyeom asked sitting in front of vernon on the floor as he laid on the couch. not bothering to look up from his phone, vernon shrugged
i dont get the big deal everyones making out of it”
“the big deal is that we all know you like them and we’re trying to protect you from regretting anything” dokyeom sighed. all he got back ad a response was a light chuckle from guy sitting on the couch. “i’ll be fine, you guys dont need to be so worried about the decisions i make”
“what if you regret it?”
he looked away from his phone for a second and thought before shaking his head.
now vernon was sitting at his dining table with his now cold mac n cheese infront of him. the word “nah” was constantly repeating in his hand like a broken record trying to overpower dokyeom words of regret, because maybe he was right
and vernon hated to admit it
that he had fell for his bestfriend
and especially when he rejected them first and was now feeling something about them going on a date with another person
it was weird, normally you’d stay for dinner and afterwards you both would cuddle onnthe couch while watching a movie (always of your choice) to digest, then go cuddle in bed and go to sleep. (with the many years of knowing eachother and getting comfortable with one another) its no surprise you fell for him, and he fell for you too
so it was like something, or someone…was missing tonight
the table was too quiet, too much room, he didnt like it, at all.
but vernon was too selfless for his own good to stop you now. you’re already hurt by him, so why would you want someone like him to come back to your life again?
closing his eyes, he rubs his temples as he thinkings about what happened that day. he didnt think you deserved someone like him the day you confessed to him
“just tell me who you like” vernon stretched out his words as he leaned towards you trying to bother you
shaking your head as you laughed, you tried to push him off but he was too persistent in bothering you
“cmon, ill help you” he said trying to convince you to at least give him a hint
“would you?”
vernon nodded his head quickly hoping your answer would be him, but why when it wss did he reject you?
“i like you”
he paused feeling his heart quicken, and out of adrenaline
“im sorry, i dont like you”
in his defense, the idea is much scarier than the reality. the moment he said yes, you would be stuck with him and his problems. so not wanting to hurt you he rejected you
so now why were you and him hurting?
the cold mac n cheese was now stored in the fridge as he lost his appetite thinking of you doing the same stuff you did with him to other people, let alone go on a date.
he wish he could change something about this.
so thats when it clicked
he can
grabbing a sweater and putting on his shoes he ran to his car trying to get their as soon as possible
well, the reality is much scarier than the idea because hes been standing outside your door for 10 minutes walking in circles while simultaneously looking around to see if any cars were pulling up to your drive way indicating your date
even then, if they did show up what was he gonna do?
beat them up?
well, maybe not.
but before they arrived and swooned your heart away, vernon hoped deep down that your heart still belonged to him.
as selfish as it sounded, maybe vernon needed to be selfish to get this one thing he wants
to be your favorite boy
not some random person.
so before his time was up he knocked on your door
and within seconds you opened it, looking as shocked as he did.
and his first words to you? (rather sighed knowing dokyeom was right)
“i still wanna be your favorite boy”
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astralnymphh · 1 month
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sick!ellie is the best, and irrefutably the worst menace. hot soups and action movies in bed did not endure this girl well enough, for a strange wellspring had infected her with energy aplenty. how exactly did she dispense that energy? by making you the object of her sick-in-bed entertainment!
“come here, babe. i won't get you sick.. please?” she would strainingly call out to you, her lanky arms at a stretch outwards, reaching for air she hopes becomes the shape of you in her hold. “just one cuddle for the sick girl?” she ended with a horrid and snotty sniffle, conflicting to her convinces. you cringe to admit it, but you complied each time; it was more than just one cuddle for the sick girl. it lasted throughout the hollow night and resulted in interrupted kisses in the dark. obviously, from sneezing: starting with sweet sensations puckered on your neck, to the inevnitable retreating, eyes unevenly squinting, and guttural, “ahh—choo!” that was shoved into the split ravine of pillows.
“sorry babe,” she would stuffingly drawl and slowly lift her ditzy face up, freckles popping like text in a book from flesh vampirically drawn of life. “did i accidently get it on you?”
then there were the retro 'n robust action movies you managed to tuck her down for. was she at all complying? well, halfway! to spell it out: locking her eyes with the screen at random and pity intervals, sticking spoonfuls of hot soup indeed into her mouth, sometimes into yours. “here comes the annoying, screeching pterodactyl!” she spoke in theatrics, swooping and wooshing the spoon carefully through the air until she nudged it to your mouth. god, this girl acts so stoned when ill. “save it for our kids, alright?” you ply the spoon from her fingers, feeding it into her cracked-open lips instead. “wait—wait, babe, did you say kids?” she nicks the lopsided spoon from her mouth, perked up as a sunflower. “you wanna have kids?”
neither one of you could abandon those vulnerable times, however. sunken lightly into the edges of something blue as morning glory, there was the empty residence of burden. having the flu is a simple, prosaic thing, but it creates a stump in time nevertheless. “sorry for wakin' you up like that i just.. mhhn, just felt it rush, y'know?” the trills of her exhausted speech echoed softly in the bathroom, a chuckle afterwards muddled in the basin of the toilet bowl. “don't want you to feel like you have to come in and hold my hair back everytime. maybe i should start tying it up?”
ellie made light of these situations to eradicate obligation and sentimentality. it took time out of your day, your night; she has this under control, she insists. but you kneeled beside her anyway, collecting her hair in the webs of your thumbs and reciprocating her weak grin, rubbing the warm hill of her upper-back as she plunged those retches right back in. “such an idiot, ellie,” you commented after, brushing thin baby hairs from the frail and pale color of her cheek. “why can't you take yes for an answer?”
“pshh—” she blows from her mouth, amused and propping up on crossed arms. “cause i like being taken care of by you—way too much.”
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sick and silly ellie is one of my weak spots, i think. ohh i have so many ideas for her.
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