shallyne · 2 years
This or That TOG edition
Let's play a game: I give you two options of which you have to chose one. Comment or reblog your answers
Wendlyn or the Southern Continent
Witch or Shifter
Fire powers or Ice powers
Valg or Ilken
Damaris or Goldryn
Blueblood or Yellowlegs
Fleetfoot or Abraxos
Terrasen ruled by Aelin or Adarlan ruled by Dorian
Doranelle ruled by Maeve or Adarlan ruled by the King of Adarlan
Undercover in Morath or Undercover in a circus
Stone castle or Glass castle
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bookspine-lux · 3 months
🧟 Ilken 🌳 Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas
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sjmvillainweek · 4 months
Which villain from the SJM series Throne of Glass if your favorite? Tell us why in the notes!
Next week there will be a poll for Crescent City.
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acourtofquestions · 2 months
Welcome to me being an irresponsible insomniac (& making future me hate past me for this😂 because I need to read at least one chapter a day with these cliffhangers😅 & I have no introvert time these days I NEED THIS NOT SLEEP😂) and thanks to my normal annotation sources still down you get a spam post! (I really don’t expect anyone to read these but it’s kinda fun for future fangirl me to have history of “what I thought” in my first read or “when I read it” etc.)
SO, EoS (spoiler warning for anything below the “more bar of safety” ;-) Chapter 55: updates to come as I read!
— The fact Lorcan’s biggest fear is how much it would hurt Elide to see her Queen destroyed says A LOT
— Okay so Fenrys and Gavriel were able to resist the order from a distance (good to know)
— interesting that she’s calm, not firey, not icy rage
— eight against five hundred (I MEAN COME ON)
— When Fenrys first said “divide it up” I totally thought he was braiding his hair😂
— the way Rowan knew she’d suggest the key before she did, and the way he (unfortunately) meant it he would die before letting her do that to herself… but also what does he think happens with the lock (that he’ll allow?) … I just don’t trust anything to do with these mystery items
— “You don’t give me orders.”— gasps oh no she didn’t oh yes she did
— At first I thought Aedion was riling her up to stir the fire and give her more power or something, and now I conquer with Arlin’s “assessment (or should I say sass meant)” he’s just being an ass & I don’t get it. Sure she “had a choice” but also “yeah, she didn’t” (and also it wouldn’t have been the right move anyways) and my gods can she do anything right by all of you? — like Aedion I love you, I know you love Aelin, and you have a right to be angry (she should tell you more, yes, you do know wars, but ALSO) do you not see what she knows? What she carries? What she’s stuck in and going through too? THIS IS NOT THE TIME (ur dad was right Aedion😂) and WHY IS EVERYONE SO HARD ON HER? — I feel like fandoms & series pick this one thing or one character & tear them apart so much more & I don’t understand it with her right now (reminds me of Nesta or Chaol or any of the many) and just Brannon’s dam warning.
— okay a little better teamwork, we’ll take it
— the ding dang lockboxed key🤦‍♀️
— Her taking a moment to hold Lysandra’s hand🥹 (hey this time they are braiding there hair😂… but wait why would she if she’s a shape shifter???) ps Aedion this was Lysandra’s idea so don’t go blaming Aelin AGAIN — another genius gal pal plan for the win!
— guess Rowan took the “my lady” request to heart😂 also this is making me lean towards the Scottish accent theory
— “don’t miss this time” “asshole” — couldn’t have said it better myself
— you know it’s bad when Manon Blackbeak isn’t the Apex predator😅😅
— thank you manorian but also HEY! listen to Aelin NO KILLING DORIANS PLEASE (at least Chaol would be proud😅😂 SHE TRIED)
— well there’s a load of lines in her prep for war monologue
— “the list of horrible/wonderful things Aelin says to Rowan”😂😂😂
— “horrible miserable Lorcan” she said with appreciation?🤣 (honestly though their… dare I say friendship? Idk) has been cracking me up
— “Remember who you are. Every step of the way down, and every step of the way back. Remember who you are. And that you're mine.” — gonna go cry again — HE TURNED THE MARKS INTO TATTOO SCARS — “That he was hers, just as she was his.” — he waited on the sandbank like a puppy🥺
— That Court moment of finally realizing she is their queen and they all belong to each-other like one big happy about to fight 500 demons in the middle of Shrek’s swamp family (reminds me of Feyre & Cassian fight when she gets back from Spring Court; a scene I actually love with their friendship/family/Court/ you matter message!)
— that explains the distraction and magic issue… I really do think it has no end for better or worse…😬
— “For the deeper she went into her power, the more her body, her mind, squeezed under the pressure of it. That was the burnout--when that pressure won, when the magic was drained too fast or too greedily, when it was spent and still the bearer tried to claw deeper than it should.” — a good way to explain the magic burnout
— “The true might of Aelin Fire-Bringer. Not an ember less.” — she claimin titles, LETS GOOOOO
— “So Aelin abandoned every trapping of civilization, of conscience and rules and humanity, and plummeted into her fire. She flew for that flaming abyss, only distantly aware of the humidity lying thick on her skin, of the pressure building in her head. She'd shoot straight down--and push off the bottom, bringing all that power with her to the surface. The drag would be enormous. And it would be the test, the true test, of control and strength. Easy--so easy to spear into the heart of fire and ash. The hard part was bringing it up; that was when the cracking would occur. Deeper and deeper, Aelin shot into her power. Through distant, mortal eyes, she noted the ilken sweeping closer. A mercy--if they had once been human, perhaps obliterating them would be a mercy.” — well that all sounds dangerous on many levels
— The Queen of Flame and Shadow, the Heir of Fire, Aelin of the Wildfire, Fireheart... — the way Fireheart is the last one the one identity she holds closest😭 also all these names just THIS scene
— “She burned through each title, even as she became them, became what those foreign ambassadors had hissed when they reported on a child-queen's growing, unstable power in Terrasen. A promise that had been whispered into the blackness.” — THIS is what I’ve been talking about RECLAIM IT
— so many ash references… how interesting
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hel-dolunay · 2 years
pode fazer headers de ilken (ilkin e kenan - dünyayla benim aramda)???
Prontinho! Espero que goste ❤️
-> Headers ilken
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shadowqueenjude · 10 months
Sluttiest quotes from Lorcan
Omg RoWaN iS tHe HoTtEsT character in TOG!
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“Come a little closer, and I’ll show you just what five centuries can do.” “Watch yourself, girl. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in a week, but someday you will trip up. And I’ll be waiting." “No words, Prince?” “I move quickly.” “Assassins, whores, traitors—what fine company you keep these days, Rowan.” “Is that what you thought of us? All those years that we worked together, killed men and bedded females together? I never heard you complain.” “Run, you stupid fool,” Lorcan hissed, hauling him from the fuse. Aedion was crouched over it, his bloody hands steady as he grasped the flint and struck. Once. Twice. Then a spark, and a flame that went roaring off into the darkness. They ran like hell. “Faster,” Lorcan said, and Aedion caught up to them, taking Rowan’s other arm and adding his strength and speed. Down the passage. Past the broken iron gates, into the sewers. There was not enough time and space between them and the tower. And Aelin— The bond stretched tighter, splintering. No. Aelin— They heard it before they felt it. The utter lack of sound, like the world had paused. Followed by a cracking boom. “Move,” Lorcan said, a barked order that had Rowan blindly obeying just as he had for centuries. "Gavriel is still my brother. I would have faced him with dishonor if I had let his son die.” “I have my skills, just as you have yours.” “Bigger tits won’t prove or hide anything.” “Come, wife.” “Would you like me to kill him for you?” “If you want to survive, you have to be willing to do what is necessary.” “As far as anyone’s concerned, you’re still my wife.” "I will always find you. I promise." “I wanted to go to Perranth with you.” “I have loved you from the moment you picked up that axe to slay the ilken. I will be with you always." “I will marry you, Elide Lochan. And proudly call myself Lord Lorcan Lochan, even when the whole kingdom laughs to hear it. And when we are wed, I will bind my life to yours. So we will never know a day apart. Never be alone, ever again.” Lorcan Salvaterre, commander of the cadre? More like commander of my heart.
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starsreminisce · 9 months
Rowan: Admires the strength Aelin displays as she wields her fire towards her enemies, letting her use his own power, and is always surprised by her quick thinking.
Rhys: Knew he was in love with Feyre when she fought against the Wyrm. Wanted to get her trained to use her gifts and helped her overcome those obstacles.
Lorcan: Knew he was in love with Elide when she picked up the axe to slay the ilken. Protested to let her go into Doranelle to scout out where Cairn was keeping Aelin but eventually relented and instead stood by the entrance waiting for her to return.
Cassian: Knew that Nesta just needed a healthier way to channel her anger, accompanied her to all her missions to search for the trove, even after he spoke out against it to the Inner Circle.
Azriel: Gave Elain Truth-Teller and then still turned around and said she shouldn't search for the Trove. Didn’t even acknowledge in his own POV that Elain stabbed Hybern.
I'm not sure if using previous books was the best argument to make, considering every single one of these fae males shows the admiration and attention to their training for their mates that Azriel reserves only for Gwyn.
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acourtofthought · 11 months
Counter to all those Elain's book arguments
Contains TOG Spoilers
"Elain's book can't be next because she was barely in SF"
Throne of Glass - Chaol 492 mentions
Crown of Midnight - Chaol 604 Mentions
Heir of Fire - Chaol 400 Mentions
Queen of Shadows - Chaol 480 Mentions
Empire of Stroms - Chaol 12
Tower of Dawn - Chaols Book
The book before Chaol got his own he wasn't even on page. His name was only mentioned through other characters. Though he had previously had his own POV in other books, SJM chose to completely eliminate his POV in Queen of Shadows in favor of waiting until his own book.
"Elain's book can't be next because she isn't connected to the plot"
In Empire of Storms Aelin, Rowan, Aedion, and Lysandra rearrange a meeting with the surviving lords of Terrasen but they reject her as a ruler due to her age.
Witch armies fly to Rifthold so Aelin send Rowan to rescue Dorian while she leaves for the coast to gather allies.
Elide is hunted by Ilken.
Aelin wants an alliance with the pirate king.
There is a battle scene and Aelin is taken by Maeve.
If Elain can't have the next book because she's not connected to the plot then how was it possible for Chaol to have his own book when he had nothing to do with the plots of EoS?
Not to mention Elain is connected to some of the major plots of ACOWAR / FAS / ACOSF:
ACOWAR - She went on before I could answer. "I do not have much time left - before I must return to the lake. To him."
ACOFAS - But Vassa's freedom would end. Lucien had said as much months ago, and still visited her often enough that I knew nothing in that regard had improved.
ACOSF - He should have asked someone before coming here how much time remained before Vassa would be forced to return to the continent.
Koschei said, "Tell my Vassa I'm waiting"
Elain had always wanted to visit the continent to study the tulips and other famed flowers.
Elain is the only one who had visions of Koschei, the girls along with Vassa who are trapped at the lake, as well as visions of the onyx box that's important to him. Elain is connected to Lucien who is living with Vassa who is a captive of Kochei and who is the driving force of a lot of the unrest in their world, whispering on the winds to stir up trouble. Beron now wants to ally with him and that also involves Lucien and Eris as his sons. Az may have always hated Eris but he's Lucien's brother and SJM started building the idea that they'll be reconnecting back in ACOWAR and continuing through SF while SF basically had the NC using Eris as a pawn.
ACOSF - With a new war possible and Briallyn up to her bullshit with Koschei, we need a strong ally. We need the Spring Court's forces.
"No. But we need to summon Lucien." "We need to tell him the news and permanently station him at the Spring Court to contain any damage and be our eyes and ears."
Nesta's throat constricted, and she surveyed the swaying cerry blossoms overhead. Elain would love this place. / But Elain...The Spring Court had been made for someone like her. / Too bad her sister refused to see her. Nesta would have told Elain to visit this place.
So yes, Elain is connected to some of the most pressing concerns in the ACOTAR world. Not to mention with the peace treaty remaining unsigned, that's definitely more of an Elucien story than an Azriel one.
"Cassian and Chaol had Bonus Chapters and got the next book so Az will get the next book since he got a Bonus"
Cassian's Bonus hinted at his mating bond but it wasn't accepted until 2 books and almost 2 years later on the timeline. He didn't actually get the next book after his bonus because Feyre got the next book (ACOWAR).
Azriels Bonus did hint at his mating bond but just as Cassian and Lucien's bonds were introduced / hinted at but not accepted for years, it's possible Az's bond won't be accepted for years.
Neither Lucien or Elain needed a bonus to hint at their mating bond because their mating bond was introduced into the actual series.
Also, the Chaol bonus chapter had nothing to do with hinting at his endgame love interest and is different from either Cassian or Az's bonus because on the timeline his story picked up immediately after his bonus while neither Cassian or Azriel's did.
"Elain hasn't hit rock bottom"
Throughout SF, Elain faced pushback from Nesta. They had the worst fight they'd ever had in all their years, Nesta tried blaming Elain for their fathers death, she faced opposition from Nesta on choices Elain made for herself, and she dealt with rejection from Azriel, ending his bonus with hurt and confusion.
In comparison, Azriel began his bonus with feeling put out at his lack of a mating bond, jealousy toward Lucien, then mad at Rhys and himself. But by the end of his bonus he left feeling more hopeful and at peace. And in the actual book there was nothing to indicate that Az was at rock bottom.
I'm not sure either is truly at rock bottom (Elain already reached hers in ACOWAR and I don't think she's ever going back to that) but Az is definitely not worse off than her. Especially when his issues were a sum total of "why don't I get someone to love" while Elain's dealt with people calling her entire character into question.
"Elain isn't ready for a book, she hasn't had enough development."
Elain cocked her head. Didn't dissolve into the crying mess she usually became when Graysen came up.
Elain, surprisingly held her ground.
Challenge filled each word. Challenge - from Elain, of all people.
"Using me."
"You do not decide what I can and cannot do, Nesta."
"I am not a child to be fought over."
Feyre said to her, gratingly gentle, "It wasn't an easy choice for me to ask Elain to endanger herself like this."
"You think Elain is boring?" "I think she's kind, and I'll take kindess over nastiness any day. But I also think we haven't yet seen all she has to offer."
"Let's focus on helping one sister before we start on the other."
"Including Elain, who is more than capable of defending herself against the darkness of the Trove, if she chooses to. Don't underestimate her."
When Feyre had offered to let her remain home, Elain had squared her shoulders and declared that she was a part of this court - and would do whatever was needed.
Wasn't the entire point of the first half of the Feysand bonus chapter telling us all about Elain? How she surprised them? How she's probably capable of more than they had given her credit for? How Feyre didn't mention anything to her but thought how if Elain had accepted Lucien's gift (metaphor for Lucien himself), no harm would have come to her? How after they help Nesta they'll focus on helping Elain? Didn't SF also demonstrate the same?
People keep saying Elain needs to be more involved in the ICs business to have a book but Nesta began her journey refusing everything to do with the IC. And if Elain is not staying in the NC, why would she be majorly involved in what they're doing?
Elain herself said she's ready for more. Rhys and Amren confirm it as well. All that now needs to happen is her putting that into action in her own book.
"Elain isn't connected to the crossover"
First off, Az isn't connected to the crossover in the ACOTAR series, there were no hints that Truth Teller was part of prophecy in SF. I imagine SJM will eventually merge the two storylines but we don't know if that's going to happen in the next ACOTAR book. As it stands, these series are still marketed on Bloomsbury and SJMs websites as standalone series and SJMs website still says you can read them in any order you want.
If you look back over SJMs interviews she once said she knew who the first two books of the spin-offs were going to be about but was leaving the third open (and was considering a book set in the past). She had already done research for Elain's book at that time which to me logically means the Koschei storyline was never going to extend past book 2 and she wasn't sure whether Az would have a spin-off book.
In another interview she said her initial pitch for the spin-offs hadn't changed and that SF simply expanded the world. You can interpret that a few ways but one of those interpretations is that Elain's book is still second as she originally intended and now that the world expanded she knows who the third book will be about (and any books beyond that). And that does mean Koschei could still be dealt with in the second spin-off, paving the way for possible crossover storylines to be introduced in the third (and later dealt with in any future ACOTAR books she may have signed on for). Remember, the point of SF was to try to stop another war in their world from happening, they are trying to prevent a repeat of ACOWAR.
Everything above is based on facts though my own interpretation.
This part is a complete personal opinion and not based on any fact but, I truly don't think Az deserves his HEA right now. He called Elain a mistake yet he gets to end up with his mate in the next book? That would be a little like Tamlin finding his HEA before Feyre after what went down in book 2. Az barely blinked at the thought of killing Lucien and is insanely jealous of him yet Lucien deserves to continue suffering for another book while Az gets rewarded?
I don't think Az is deserving of anyone until he realizes that Lucien is a good male and that he's happy for Elucien.
Cassian was jealous of what Rhys and Feyre had but he was still happy for them, still felt no one deserved it more. When it comes to Lucien, Az is resentful through and through and until he can see Elain happy with Lucien and not feel bitter, I don't think he's in a position to end up with his own mate.
Also, the series started with Feysand and I know some feel the series should end with an Archeron sister but that makes less sense to me. The series started with Feysand and the Night Court. The series should end with the Night Court.
Chaol's journey took us away from Aelin and Rowan to a part of the continent only he had reason to travel to then SJM brought all the characters back together in the final book in the main lands. It doesn't make sense to me to have an Elucien book that would end the spin off series in Spring, Day and the continent as I don't think much of their storyline will take place in the Night Court. To me it makes the most sense to step away from the NC in the next book then eventually bring it back to where Feysands story started. Az is part of the IC and I imagine his book will deal with Feyre and Rhys a bit more than Elain and Lucien's will.
Then if there is going to be a more major crossover storyline down the road, the current spin-offs will have ended with Feyre and Rhys in the mix of things (they represent the "Dumbledore" or "Gandalf" of the series, nothing new happens without their involvement).
I think either an Elucien or Gwynriel book is still a possibility but I don't agree with the arguments as to why Elain's can't be next. And I really hate the arguments claiming that anyone who thinks Elain could be the next book is delusional.
And it's not just about Elain. Lucien's story has been coming since book 1 and when the author talked about getting into the groove of writing ACOTAR 5, where she's got that feeling of having a crush, a possible Elucien book that would most likely feature Lucien (with fire in his blood), Helion (who she's weirdly obsessed with), Eris, Elain (who shares her own real life energy), Jurian and Vassa could absolutely be a reason for her to feel smitten. That is a book filled with a whole lot of sass, snark, and side characters who she'd finally have a chance to explore in greater detail.
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unyieldingwings · 6 months
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I still cry every time I re-read EoS and realize that Fenrys has been loyal to Aelin since the Ilken attack 😭😭😭
Baby boy has wanted to serve and protect her since then. He has valued Aelin so much. 😭😭😭😭
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moonlightazriel · 1 year
Day 1: Tropes
For @elorcanweekofficial
Main Masterlist
Enemies to Lovers
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Elide never had that many friends, but she still remembered Aelin, Aedion, and Ren dearly, she prayed every day for their survival after Terrasen was taken by the King of Adarlan. She spent countless days looking outside her window and wondering when she would see them again, would they remember her? Would they be ashamed of her for not fighting with all she had to get out of that situation?
She wasn't a fighter, at least not like them, she wasn't strong, and she didn't have any magic, all she had was her cunning, and the soft whispers of Anneith in her ear, guiding her.
When she met Manon Blackbeak and the Thirteen, she knew she had made new friends, people she could trust and rely on, she knew Manon's words were to be taken seriously, she would take care of her like she was an Ironteeth too. She might've not had that many friends throughout her life, but she knew how to recognize them.
So despite all the efforts Lorcan Salvaterre made to seem friendly, as they traveled with the carnival troupe, she knew he wasn't being honest, an uneasy feeling setting in her gut whenever he closed the tent and the two were left alone.
She hated him for how he treated her, his condescending tone like she was a child, how he looked at her with a smirk whenever she tried to give him instructions, more than 500 years in this planet, and yet he didn't learn how to treat people with respect.
Lorcan loved to tease her, how she would get flustered whenever he looked at her, her annoyed huffs when he dismissed her "opinions and concerns", as she liked to call it. He knew what he was doing, Hellas himself made sure to teach him how to survive, it wasn't a pathetic human that would save him from danger. Elide couldn't even lift her own arm for too long without complaining.
Things, however, started to change for him as they left the troupe, wandering through cities as he had agreed to take her to Aelin Galathynius. He had left her behind while she negotiated for resources and new clothes, while he went to buy them more food.
Something felt wrong, even Hellas was dead silent as a heaviness spread through his chest, he needed to be fast, something was seriously wrong. He dropped everything on their boat, noticing that she wasn't back yet, he turned back, deciding to go back to the inn.
Terror filled her senses as the door closed and Vernon appeared, smirking like the devil as he looked up and down, bile rose in her throat as his gaze lingered longer than it should. The Ilken held her, and she tried to fight it back, she wouldn't go back to Morath, not now and not ever again.
Her thoughts went to him, he had left her, gotten everything he needed, and left her, she expected that kind of thing from him, she just didn't expect that it would hurt so much, her heart splitting in two as she thought that he had left her behind. She hated him, but she would've fought for him if needed, she would never do such a thing as leaving him alone even if he didn't need her like she needed him.
He had followed her just to see her uncle and a group of Ilken grab her by the arms and try to take her away. His blood boiled as he saw them pushing her toward a box, the man he presumed was her uncle lost his balance as Elide lunged for him, unsheathing the knife from its holster. He watched in pure horror, his heart stopping in his chest as Elide turned the blade in her hand and pointed to her own heart.
She felt the pain before she registered what had happened, the knife falling to the floor as Lorcan's axe had hit her wrist, stopping her from doing the most stupid thing he could think of. As the eyes turned to his previous spot, Lorcan was already moving, his dagger pierced the Ilken's wing, the creature screeching in agony.
Lorcan moved as fast as he could, like the winds of Hellas as he pinned the creatures to the ground and jumped to another rooftop. He threw his sword at another one, counting only two more and Elide's uncle, screaming for them to move and get her in the metal box.
Elide ran, ran for her life with a clear path in mind, Lorcan breathed with relief as he watched her run away, he tried to throw another dagger but the Ilken already knew his methods, easily dodging it, they, however, didn't know Elide's method, and Lorcan watched in awe as she, blood rushing from her nose, a damaged wrist, and his axe clutched in between her slender fingers, shoved the axe in between the creature's wings. The creature screamed and turned to Elide, ready to kill, but it didn't have a chance as she swung the axe again, its head falling to the stones on the floor, black blood spilling from the open neck.
Lorcan was already moving to the next Ilken as the creature rushed to Vernon, taking him away before Elide could kill him too. Lorcan grabbed the axe from her shaking hands, her big eyes watched him and he could see how scared she was.
"They told me you had left." Her broken voice was too much to bear, he pulled her close, his arms wrapped around her small frame as she sobbed into his chest.
"Elide.." he called, his hands grabbing the sides of her face, making her look at him, blood coated her mouth but he didn't care as he lowered to her level, his lips touching hers gently as she interwinds her fingers through his long hair. He kissed her desperately, almost losing her made him realize something. "I would never leave you, you're stuck with me." Her eyes seemed less clouded by fear.
"Forever?" She shyly asked.
"Forever." He promised.
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blodgmonster · 2 months
PART 2 of my Kingdom of Ash reread commentary that no one but Lindsey reads lol.
-- shit, I forgot that Kaltain has a cameo in this one.
-- Lysandra shifting into a horse and letting a dying boy onto her back, where he dies and freezes to her. God, what a powerful image. And Aedion is STILL being a dick to her. Kicking her out barefoot and naked into the snow. What happened to the Aedion I knew and loved? I know in the end they get back together but if I were Lysandra I don't think there is any way that I could EVER forgive him for treating me like that. Get with Ren, sweetheart, at least he's kind to you. Aedion:
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-- "'I'm so tired, Rowan.' His heart strained again. 'I know, Fireheart.' "
-- I forgot that Aelin gives Lorcan the blood oath. Hahaha ha even HE gets the oath before Aedion.
-- they're using wyvern with clipped wings to drag the siege towers and I hate that so much. How dare you clip the wings that you gave them? Poor darlings.
-- hell yeah, the calvary is here!
-- Lysandra poses as Aelin in order to reform the lines. "Her scream as poisoned talons ripped through her thigh sounded above the din of the battle. She went down, shield rising to cover herself. He took it back. He took back everything he had said to her, every moment of anger in his heart." ... "Useless. He'd called her useless. Had thrown her into the snow naked. He took it back."... " She held her ground. Did not yield one inch to the ilken, who advanced another step. For Terrasen, she would do this. For Aelin. He took it back. He took it all back." LYSANDRA IS A QUEEN, A VIP, A GODDESS AND YOU DON'T DESERVE HER, YOU CALLOUS FUCK. Aedion needs to spend the rest of his gods forsaken life attoning for how crappy he treated my girl..
-- "A piece of your bravery that helped me find my own." The female friendships in this series are really where it's at. Aelin and Lysandra. Aelin and Elide. Aelin and Yrene. Aelin and Ansel. Aelin and Manon. Aelin and Nehemia. Aelin and Nersyn. Elide and Manon. Manon and the Thirteen. Nesryn and Borte. Nesyrn and Yrene. Yrene and Hasar. I'm probably missing a few. But they're so good and I think one of the reasons I like ToG better than ACOTAR. Let's name the female friendships in the ACOTAR series, shall we. Feyre and Alis. Feyre and Mor. Nesta and the Valkyeries. Elain and those two wraiths. Is anyone REALLY friends with Amren? Mor and Vivianne. The Archeron sisters love each other but it would be a stretch to call them friends. And that's it. Some of those friendships are not explored. And the friendships, with the exception of Nesta and the Valkyeries, don't really impact the plot. In ToG these friendships are absolutely VITAL to the plot.
-- Fenrys Moonbeam, you absolute legend.
-- "I am so, so tired, Rowan." Gods, give Aelin a fucking break.
-- SJM says so and so's "brows narrowed" a lot and I think she means furrowed?? I can't make my eyebrows get narrower....without plucking.
-- "I have NEVER felt as humiliated as I did when you threw me in the snow. When you called me a lying bitch in front of our allies. NEVER....I was once forced to crawl before men. And gods above, I nearly crawled for you these months. And yet it takes me nearly dying for you to realize you've been an ass? It takes me nearly dying for you to see me as human again?" GET HIM, LYSANDRA!! DRAG HIM TO FILTH!!!
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-- Dorian trying out being a woman and considering slipping into a tent to rub one out. Dude. Focus.
-- Manon drawing a line in the snow, holding the line against the High Witches. Reminds me of Nesta holding the line against the Illyrians to give her friends time to get to the summit. My GIRLS.
-- Her grandmother fleeing, fucking coward.
-- Aelin rocking up to battle in golden armor. Fuck yeah!!!!!
Halfway through the book. Part 3 coming soon.
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nikethestatue · 3 months
I'm truly convinced that Eluciens are "boy moms" because they've got that "ugh just give our precious baby boy lulu a chance you slut!" Mentality
And Gleeriels have genuinely never interacted with a man, romantically or platonically to know the difference.
Like one time my guy friend and I went on a fake date to spy on our other friend having a date and the entire time, we just pretended to outrageously flirt with each other and that was still a platonic interaction. I bet if the gleeriels heard that story, they'd sit here arguing we're soulmates and now I need to push out 3 of his kids bc I have the "right anatomy" 🙄
GAs do seem to be younger for sure. So I think there is less maturity and understanding of what romantic is and what is platonic. Because no matter what, pretty much under all circumstances, if a man is interested in a woman, he will do EVERYTHING to protect her. Everything. It's wired into their DNA. And no matter what a girlboss she is and how powerful she is and whatever else she is, a man will ALWAYS say 'where is my wife?" and will go to the ends of the earth to find and rescue her.
In SJM's universe, whether it's Rowan, Rhysand, Lorcan, or Azriel, it's always ' I am getting her back'. I will fight evil kings, evil queens, the Ilken, or any kind of monster, to save my girl.
Azriel simply did not do that with Gwyn. That's it. That's all you need to know.
As for Lucien stans, that one will always be a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, deep fried in chocolate sauce for me. I don't get it. I don't understand it. I get liking a character, but the blind devotion that he inspires is just not clear to me. WHYYYYY?
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sunshinebingo · 1 year
@elorcanweekofficial Day 6 - What if...
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Synopsis: What if Lorcan told Elide about his fear of losing her after she almost died in the stone marshes?
Word Count: 1.5k
Warning: None
Read on A03 or below the cut
Never is his life had Lorcan felt such guilt. He had failed to protect her. Again. He had made a promise to protect her. But he had come so close to failing for the third time today. First, it had been when they were still travelling with the circus. If she had not found a good hiding spot in that caravan, the ilken would have taken her.
The second time they got even closer to taking her. He still remembered the feeling of dread that had filled him at the sight of Elide near that box. He would have either lost her to Vernon, or to the blade that had been dangerously close to her heart.
Today might have been the worse though. There had been so much blood and pain that she would have died if Gavriel had not healed her so quickly. Just the reminder of her one breath away from leaving him as her eyes started to close made Lorcan want to track Fenrys on the ship and rip him apart. It had been too much. Lorcan could not bear the thought of losing her. He would deserve it if Elide resented him for not having kept his promise of protecting her.
And yet, I choose this, she had told the witch on the coast, with a hand on his arm. She chose him. That small sentence was enough to shake him inside and out. He did not know if he deserved her. But he knew that he was not worth her life. He would never recover if harm came to her again because of him.
Elide saw Lorcan approaching her from the corner of her eye. It had been a while since she had finished talking to Manon and the witch had left to join the others. But Elide had remained at the back of the ship, looking at the sun setting on the horizon and the sea below. She could not help but fear that, just like the calm surface of the water, what they were currently living through was just a small reprieve before the horrors from the depths would point their heads.
It was always meant to be that way. Despite everything they had faced, she knew that her time travelling alone with Lorcan was just the calm before the storm. However, Elide felt a small amount of relief knowing that he was still here. He was her anchor in a sea of new faces. Though she did not allow her mind to wonder for how long he would be.
‘’Hey,’’ he said when he came to stand next to her. She knew that he was close to a burnout due to all the power he had used. She saw the exhaustion in his body and felt it in the flicker of the magical brace around her ankle. Elide wrapped her hands around his arm, trying to provide him with a little comfort. She rested her head against him and they spent the next minutes just staring at the sea and listening to the busy noises of all the ships as the sky turned darker.
‘’Elide,’’ he broke the silence between them. She hummed in response.
Elide felt him take a deep breath before he spoke again. ‘’Promise me to never again put yourself in danger for me.’’
Elide froze. She knew what he was referring to. Lorcan was probably blaming himself for what happened. But it had never been his fault. She had done it without thinking. Some might think that it was stupid but it had saved him. She had done it for him, not because of him. And she would do it again. For him.
 ‘’I will not promise that,’’ she told him.
Lorcan turned around to face her. Elide removed her arms around him and gripped the railing with one hand.
‘’Elide.’’ She could not tell from his expression if he wanted to groan at her stubbornness or if he wanted to beg her to listen. Perhaps his mind was at war with both.
‘’I cannot,’’ she cut him off before he could go on, ‘’promise that.’’
‘’El- ,’’
‘’No. You don’t understand,’’ she almost shouted. He had to understand. She needed to make him understand. Especially with danger and uncertainty lurking in every corner.
‘’I have been alone my whole life. Ever since my parents, no one has cared about me. I thought I would have died with those shackles on or under the claws of those beast. An invisible, nobody broken girl who no one cared about and I was fine with that.’’ Her voice remained strong despite the emotions bubbling up her throat and making her eyes start to sting.
‘’But then you came into my life and everything changed. I have seen to which length you have gone to protect me.’’ Lorcan’s expression softened when she continued. ‘’Then know now that I would do the same for you too. Because I…Lorcan I…’’
The words on the tip of her tongue were ones that she never thought she would want to say to anyone. But that was before him. She knew in her heart that neither of them had felt what they did for the other. Perhaps it even went beyond those words stuck in her mouth. She wanted him to know yet it would not come out. But words were no longer needed when he saw it in her eyes, and he took her face between his hands before he kissed her.
Lorcan did not care about anyone around. He did not care that his reputation preceded him as a cold and heartless brute who was only interested in females when he needed to fuck them before leaving them. What mattered was Elide.
She had chosen him. The words that she was about to say were further proof of that. So, he kissed her liked he had never kissed anyone before. He kissed like he needed her and as a promise that she would never again be that broken girl who had been forgotten by everyone.
‘’I thought I was going to lose you. I almost did. I have never been this afraid in my entire life,’’ his voice was almost drowned out by those who were still working on the ship.
This second of vulnerability felt like it had cracked something open inside of him. But he did not mind it since it was for her. Elide deserved to know.
‘’I don’t think I will recover if something happens to you. If I lose you I -,’’
‘’Lorcan,’’ she stopped him with a hand on his chest. ‘’You cannot keep me away from every danger.’’ She was right but it still hurt him to hear it. It hurt even more knowing that he was the cause of some of these dangers and would probably be responsible for more in the future.
‘’Elide I want to protect you. It has become more than the promise I made to you. I need to. I want this fucking mess to be over so you don’t have to worry about anything.’’ Lorcan tilted her head so she could look into his eyes as he said, ‘’I want you to find your home and your people and anything else that will make you happy and not feel alone.’’
Her next question felt like she was slowly plunging a dagger through his heart as she brought him back to the cruel reality. ‘’Will you still be there with me after I find all these things? After all this is over?’’
Lorcan could not bring himself to give her false hope. He wanted her safe and happy. But he did not even know yet what the future held for him. But the answer he gave her was a truth that he was absolutely certain of. ‘’I want to be with you for as long as I can.’’
‘’What about your queen?’’ She closed the hand on his chest into a fist and pulled on his shirt.
Lorcan sighed. He did not know what to say. He could not think clearly. His mind flashed with images of Maeve and the self-appointed quest he had come on this continent for. But they were soon replaced by Elide. Her scent filled his nose and erased all other thoughts but her. Lorcan became even more aware of the hand she had on his heart and the one still on his face.
He brushed his thumbs on her cheeks and Elide lifted herself higher on her toes to be closer to him. She knew about his blood oath to Maeve. Perhaps she understood how complicated the situation was and that was why she did not ask more about all those things that were trying to keep them apart.
‘’Stay,’’ she whispered, brushing her lips against his. ‘’For as long as you can. We will figure the rest after.’’
Her soft kiss was like a demand he could not refuse. Lorcan had encountered and fought all sorts of creatures in his life. Yet he found himself at the mercy of this woman. Maeve might hold him by the oath. But Elide held a power over him that he had yet to learn more about. Elide held him by the heart.
‘’I will. For as long as I can,’’ he promised and kissed her to seal it.
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sjmvillainweek · 5 months
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Villain Masterlist
For SJM Villain Week, running through 1st - 7th of October.
Throughout the entire Maasverse we come across a myriad of villains. From thieves and assassins, to kings, queens and tyrants. Each of them poses a brutal setback for the protagonist and effect the story in all their own ways.
We have compiled a list of the villains found throughout the Maasverse to make things easier to remember. If you can't see your villain on the list, do not hesitate to tell us and we will add them to the list.
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Amarantha's other Daemati (or Davemati from @acotarmemes)
Brannagh & Dagdan
The Daglan
King of Hybern
The Raven Twins
Tomas Mandray
Throne of Glass
Arobynn Hamel
Elide's Uncle
Blackbeak Matron
King of Adarlan
Valgs, Ilkens
Crescent City
The Autumn King
The Stag King
The Viper Queen
Greatest Villain Of All Time
Paperwork (The most heinous of them all)
Soon our villains will be in the spotlight, we cannot wait to see what you all create. We'll see you in October.
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
These Dorian & Rowan chapters are absolute GOLD:
THE BROMANCE (their bro based friendship is unmatched… maybe my fav thus far, I’m just enjoying this so much)
Dorian being Dorian (I needed this after the pain of QoS; like yes, he’s different now (how could he not be?) but in a way that is slowly healing & maybe a little “broken”; but still Dorian; beloved Dorian🥹)
Rowan being Rowan (in a way we have yet to see that honestly is just SUCH Celaena vibes; their sass is unmatched and I. AM. HERE. FOR. IT.)
Dorian FINALLY having someone appreciate him for all he is worth & Rowan being the person to appreciate & respect him for all of his own genius/goodness/loveliness/skills BECAUSE HE HAS THEM (instead of underestimating & not communicating) like THIS MAN (not only has unmatched levels of magic) but he is a diplomat, a war planner, A PROPER KING. He has survived in the shadows a lifetime (living with A VALG PRINCE) and then ACTUALLY LIVING WITH ONE in his brain; yet he remains grounded in morality, fighting for goodness, for his people & all people. He reads people, his empathy & compassion is a power in itself, he knows how to play the game; use the phrases; make deals and wage alliances. He is level headed, he can plan a part, he keeps it together & has a dam good poker face. He is smart, he is quick on his feet. And he is JUST GOOD; he is a good man. A good king. A good… well… HE’S JUST DORIAN. & Rowan has a great ability to see peoples powers & skills, to teach & empower. And THEY needed this.
Because vice-versa Dorian REALLY appreciates Rowan the way he deserves; instead of fearing him, being angry & bringing up hundreds of years of “what if” & “why not”, instead of feeling the need to puff his chest & “prove” something, creating an environment of distrust & disrespect, or just disregarding annoyance; here he is, thanking him, asking to learn, listening & learning, understanding him, speaking of their lives in honesty, seeing what he’s doing & giving up, treating him as an equal not a lesser or a prejudice just a friend. It is refreshing after centuries to meet a good king, a good man.
The way they work together; they have a great natural ease & understanding. They speak & LISTEN. There isn’t a “captain” or wage for leadership, they just both respect & use the other & their own skill set. They are working both for the present, but also building of the future, while piecing together a lot of pain still aching in their past. They make great diplomats but also warriors. Good cop & bad cop. Hilarity of their youth and age. Just this great balance that’s wholesome & entertaining. You really get to see THE Princes. (Though let’s be honest they are THE KINGS).
The two of them managing to GET. SHIT. DONE. Save the king✔️ Escape Rifthold safely✔️ master their skills & magic (before something explosive happens)✔️ secure an army✔️ build alliances✔️ keep tabs on Maeve✔️ plan for Wyrdkeys✔️ finding Ilken Island (I think this is a check) ✔️
And even as the lovely @mysterylilycheeta mentioned they have a friendship based on more than a mutual pining, love, or heartbreak of a female character. They show emotion. And have a genuine friendship. Frankly it’s just refreshing!!
… so while I miss Aelin & Rowan, anxious to see how Aedion & Gabriel play out, needing Manorian’s ship to fly… etc. I also kinda just want the road trip of fun bromance to continue😂🫶
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tothestarsinvelaris · 3 months
(please no spoilers if interacting w/ this post. i have somehow avoided all TOG spoilers and know nothing more than the lil blurb on the back of the book and what i have read so far. thx <3)
{Just finished chapter 61 in Kingdom of Ash}
My heart has been racing for 3 painfully long chapters and I'm sobbing and I'm not okay!
spoilers below - its a rambling mess because processing info is hard rn!!
Lorcan is literally one of my faves. like... all the male characters are great, but he is really up there for me and I have never been so damn scared in my life after this man ran into battle and got cut down with his last thoughts being that nobody cared if he made it off the battle field... and then Elide was the only one who even noticed he hadn't made it back?!
Her screaming his name over and over, taking Farasha to get him. Hellas guarding Lorcan, Anneith, his consort, watching over Elide all this time. Farasha being called Hellas's horse!!!! stopppp!!!
Elide saying this as she's trying to get him on the horse:
"I promised to always find you. I promised you, and you promised me. I came for you because of it; I am here because of it. I am here for you, do you understand? And if we don't get on that horse now, we won't stand a chance against that dam. We will die."
and honestly, every single bit of the first page of chapter 61 broke my damn heart. I love this man so much holy shit.
She had come for him. Had found him, somehow, on this endless battlefield. His name on her lips had been a summons he could never deny, even when death had held him so gently, nestled beneath all those he'd felled, and waited for his last breaths.
and then just this whole section had me struggling to read through tears omg:
Lorcan slid his other arm around Elide, bringing his mouth close to her ear as he said, "You have to let me go." Each word was gravelly, his voice strained nearly to the point of uselessness. Elide didn't shift her focus from the keep ahead. "No." That gentle quiet flowed around him, clearing the fog of pain and battle "You have to. You have to, Elide. I'm too heavy-and without my weight, you might make it to the keep in time" "No." The salt of her tears filled his nose. Lorcan brushed his mouth over her damp cheek, ignoring the roaring pain in his body. The horse galloped and galloped, as if she might outrace death itself. "I love you," he whispered in Elide's ear. "I have loved you from the moment you picked up that axe to slay that ilken." Her tears flowed past him in the wind. "And I will be with you..." His voice broke, but he made himself say the words, the truth in his heart. "I will be with you always." He was not frightened of what would come for him once he tumbled off the horse. He was not frightened at all, if it meant her reaching the keep. So Lorcan kissed Elide's cheek again, allowed himself to breathe in her scent one last time. "I love you," he repeated, and began to withdraw his arms from around her waist.
Excuse meee???!??
this is the man who Gavriel has known for centuries and has never heard him apologize for anything.
this is the man who has been alive for over 500 years and has never once let somebody in close enough to actually care about them or let them care about him!?
ugh she saved him and he was just happy that somebody cared at all! he was at peace just knowing that she cared enough to come for him, that somebody - especially Elide - came to save him. He would die happy knowing that she was safe, knowing that she came for him.
I am not okay!!!!!
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