#ikumi gakusha/dolly
saitama-division · 1 year
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ARB Birthday Special: Lola Takahashi
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~~ July 30th ~~
“A wonderful dress can infuse a woman with confidence and inner beauty, empowering the way she moves and feels.”
Login Lines:
“Hm? Oh hey, babes! It’s sooooo good to see you! How you’ve been? Oh? What’s this?”
“Oh gosh, it’s that time of year again, huh? Aw, thank you for the present sweetie! Here’s one from me to you!” *mwah*
Voice Lines:
“On the contrary, I actually like celebrating my birthday. Aside from everyone celebrating me in all my amazing and sexy glory, it does allow me to reflect and I feel proud getting to where I am today. I worked hard, I deserved to be celebrated.”
“My phone keeps blowing up with notifications from my PROFILE, I get a happy birthday message at least every few seconds, don’t get me wrong it’s very sweet and I’m so grateful to my adoring fans but I have to put my phone on silent for the rest of the day.”
“Just like last year, the entirety of Saitama is very keen on celebrating my birthday with me. I’ve been hoping from party to party all day! I don’t mind of course, I love my city dearly and it fills me with such joy seeing everyone enjoying themselves.”
“Sayaka! Sweetness! I’m so happy you managed to show up! Are you having a good time? Oh, I’m so glad! C’mon, let’s head over to the Heaven area, there’s someone I want you to meet-hm? You have something for me?”
“Oh Honey! These are so adorable! I love them! Honestly, it feels like we’ve known each other far longer, I see you as a sister too and I genuinely can’t imagine my life without you, Kureha, and little Yoshiko. Don’t worry about the extravagance this is more priceless than any diamond necklace or platinum earrings I have.”
“Kureha! How’s my little ray of sunshine?! Aw, c’mon, you know I’m kidding, would you feel better if I say that you’re my special little rain cloud? Ahahaha, okay, okay, I’ll stop! So, judging by that look in your eye, you’ve come to give lil ol’ me à présent so come on! Lay it on me!”
“Aw, sweetie! This is so beautiful! It reminds me of your speakers, so very aesthetically pleasing. Hm? The sun is supposed to represent me and the moon is supposed to represent you? Oh god, you’re such a poetic emo, it’s so adorable! Aww, hold on, babe, come back! I was just teasing!”
“Dolly Darling! Thank you thank you thank you soooo much for hosting this party! I’ve been here, there, and everywhere but no place is better than the Afterlife! Look! You even got a statute of me! Damn, that looks good! Hm? Oh I see that look in your eyes, what do you got for me now, pretty?”
“No fucking way!! You actually managed to get it! Ugh, you have no idea how badly I’ve been craving these! Especially since they don’t sell them in Japan anymore! Oh thank you thank you, baby! You’re the best! You treat me so well!”
Sayaka Lines:
“Happy Birthday, Lola! You always know how to throw a fun party, I’m having so much fun! Oh, wait, before we go, I need to give you your present! Here you go, dear!”
“I know it’s not fancy or extravagant as what you usually wear but I had meaning to give you something like this for a while, you’ve always been like a sister to me, way better than the one that I already have and words cannot describe how lucky and grateful I am for having you in my life. I know that our bond is deep to the point where we don’t need something like these but sometimes it’s nice to have a physical reminder of how much family is important.”
Kureha Lines:
“Happy Birthday, Lola. You are the only person that I would endure going to a party longer than 20 minutes for, also could you not call me that?! That’s so cringe, ugh, that’s even worse! Will you just shut up and take this already?”
“I cashed in a favor with a jeweler friend of mine, the design was my idea. I know it looks like my speakers but that’s not the point, the sun represents you because of how brightly you shine and how you always light up the area around you whereas the moon represents me, calm, toned down, a beacon in total darkness…ugh, and with that, I’m leaving. Happy birthday, dumbass.”
Bonus! Dolly Lines:
“Heyyy bitch! Happy birthday to the sexiest whore in the city! You know that I love to do something special just for you, the whole staff was begging me to do a celebration in your honor anyways, I’m just glad you managed to show up. Anyways, I wanted to give you a little something since it’s your big day and all, something tells me that you’re gonna need it after all this.”
“Haha yep, I knew you’d like it. I know how bummed you were when they stopped selling these here so I decided to cash in a little favor and get you a carton, it wasn’t that difficult to get but try not to smoke the whole pack in one sitting, gotta save that beautiful voice of yours, okay? Happy birthday, baby.”
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saitama-division · 2 years
A Letter from Someone Special
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Nighttime had begun to fall over Saitama, causing the city to lit up like a Christmas tree. Due to the pink lights being installed beforehand, the city was practically bathed in a pink glow, celebrating the birth of a special woman inside the city.
The aforementioned birthday girl was currently in her favorite bar, Afterlife. Currently on her 12th and by far most favorite party, the place had been reserved for her…and the large party currently going on. Sitting in the designated VIP area, she smiled as she watched her friends and closest confidants have fun.
Sayaka was smiling and giggling almost uncontrollably, the red hue on her cheeks indicating that she had one too many drinks. Her polite and cheerful demeanor changing into a loud and even more gleeful one, Lola found it so precious and all the more worth it getting her to drink more than what she usually intended to for the night.
Kureha sat next to her, nursing a simple cup of soda. Whether she didn’t want to drink or simply knew that her friends were going to get shitfaced into the next day remains uncertain but Lola didn’t mind, after all, the artist was smiling and even socializing, a very rare sight, the model made a mental reminder to snap some photos later.
Dolly had went out a while ago, Lola didn’t think much about it, it probably had been some “bartender business”, the model was much concerned with finishing 25 shots under a minute. When she did came back, she had a smile and an unreadable look in her eyes, she tapped the birthday girl on her shoulder and gestured to her office in the back room, signaling her to follow.
Thinking that this was just her asking for a quickie, she agreed and when they stepped foot inside, she reached behind her for the zipper of her dress only to be stopped short when she was handed an envelope. Laughing at her perplexed expression, the bartender booped her nose and cooed “Later~”
Grumbling, Lola took the envelope and cut it open using only her nail, inside was a letter and a polaroid photo. However, since the photo was upside down, she couldn’t see it and decided to read the letter first, upon reading it, her eyes widen.
‘My precious flower,
A little doll told me it is your birthday today, how time flies, it feels like yesterday I had taken in the soulful woman covered in carnage and dreams. I know you are just as beautiful now as you were when I first met you, it pains me to not be with you and see you flourish into the magnificent woman you grew to be but always know that I will always be with you. Perhaps one day we will reunite, I’m sure there is much you want to tell me and there is much I want to speak to you about, but for now; sing, dance, be happy and be basked in the joy and riches this life has to offer, for you deserve it more than anyone.
С днём рождения мой прекрасный ангел
Slowly lowering the letter, Lola looked at Dolly in shock, sadness, happiness and awe all at once, Dolly only gave a sympathetic smile back.
Remembering the other item, Lola grabbed the picture and turned it over, her breath hitching. She knew this photo, she knew where and when it was taken, it was on her 20th birthday and she had never felt as happy as she did back then.
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“Alexei…I miss you.”
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saitama-division · 3 years
Relationship: Family - Lola Takahashi
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Chishiya Kunikuzushi † - Lola’s biological father and wanted conman, he and his wife were near infamous around Japan due to their scams and get rich quick schemes, while annoyed that Vanya ended up pregnant, he quickly saw it as an opportunity to improve their scamming quality with bringing in a kid. Unfortunately, he and along with his wife were killed via gunshot after scamming the wrong person.
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Vanya Sokolov † - Lola’s biological mother and Chishiya’s wife, a native Russian woman who was on the run, she fled to Japan to seek refuge and worked as a stripper to get by, eventually meeting Chishiya. What started as a friends with benefits relationship eventually turned into genuine attraction and the two eloped together, starting their long chain of crimes and scamming people. Things however took a bit of a turn when Vanya fell pregnant and the two of them had to change their strategy, coming to an agreement of using their kid for future cons. Unfortunately, she and her husband were killed via gunshot after scamming the wrong person.
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Maaya Funaki - The owner of the brothel Lola used to work in and the woman who took care of her for most of her life. Maaya was, in Lola’s words, “a cold hearted bitch with a stick so far up her ass who actually gave a shit about me”. Their relationship was an odd combination of love and hate and Lola saw her more as a mentor (nearly all of her “skills” she got from her) than some parental figure. Maaya’s whereabouts are unknown and Lola hasn’t seen or spoken to her in over 5 years.
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Kimiko Asahina † - One of the younger workers at the brothel and was the only person Lola allowed herself to get close to before Kureha. A sweet girl who was desperate to pay her mother’s hospital bills but couldn’t find a job that would hire her she took to selling herself on the streets and eventually came across Lola who-hesitant at first-took her under her wing. They became good friends until her body was discovered in the river, apparently her last client was a bit too rough with her.
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Alexei Volkov/“Big Bear” (59 years old) - The closest person Lola has to a father figure and was a high ranking member of the mafia. Lola came across him after leaving the brothel covered in blood and that caught Alexei’s interest, he offered to train and mentor her and gave her a position in the mafia which she accepted with nonchalance. As Lola had her seduction and perception skills from Maaya, she learn her fighting and assassination skills from Alexei, they grew close as they formed a disturbing pseudo father-daughter relationship.
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Ikumi Gakusha/“Dolly” (26 years old) - Lola’s good friend and fellow ex-criminal, Dolly also used to be in the Mafia as an informant and worked closely with Lola which eventually lead to a friendship. Loud and crass, she’ll straight up stab someone should they fuck with her, consequences be damned. After the fall of the Mafia, she now runs a bar in the seedy part of Saitama and continues to be an informant. Her and Lola are still in contact and they even go out partying together.
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