#ikon love scenario
kcake555 · 5 days
Kim Hanbin cake 🍰
(My ult 😍)
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dreamer-hangugeo · 2 years
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사랑을 했다 우리가 만나 지우지 못할 추억이 됐다 볼만한 멜로드라마, 괜찮은 결말 그거면 됐다, 널 사랑했다 우리가 만든 love scenario 이젠 조명이 꺼지고 마지막 페이지를 넘기면 조용히 막을 내리죠 We were in love. We met. It became an unforgettable memory A melodrama worth watching, a good ending That's enough, I loved you The love scenario we created Now, the lights are turned off When we turn the last page Let's quietly close the curtains - iKON - 사랑을 했다 (LOVE SCENARIO) - ✏️ 𝐕𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲: 사랑 (n): love 사랑하다 (v): love 만나다 (v): meet 지우다 (v): erase, wipe off 추억 (n): memory 볼만하다 (adj): worth seeing, enjoyable to watch 멜로드라마 (n): melodrama 괜찮다 (adj): nice, fine 결말 (n): ending, outcome 만들다 (v): make 조명 (n): lighting 이제 (n): now 마지막 (n): last 꺼지다 (v): go out, stop 페이지 (n): page 넘기다 (v): pass (on), turn over, exceed 조용히 (adv): quietly 막 (n): curtain 내리다 (v): fall, descend, go down ✏️ 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫: 1. V + 지 못하다 = cannot/ to be unable to do (something) E.g. 지우지 못하다 = cannot erase 
2. V/A + 은/는/을 N = N that A/V ~noun modifier E.g. 볼만하다 (worth seeing) + 멜로드라마 (melodrama) = 볼만한 멜로드라마 (melodrama that worth seeing)
3. (으)면 되다 = (으)면 되다 = can, it's ok to (do something) E.g. 그거면 되다 = it’s okay like that
4. (으)면 = when. If ~ express a supposition or a condition about a fact E.g. 마지막 페이지를 넘기면 = when you turn the last page
🌸 🌼 🌻
Support me at: https://koreanlanguageloving.my.canva.site/
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raingalaxy · 10 months
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masugi-sugi · 2 years
what are some quintessential kpop songs for a new fan to listen to? what is the kpop song to you?
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study2009 · 2 years
Learn Korean With iKON Love Scenario (pt.1)
사랑을 했다 우리가 만나 지우지 못할 추억이 됐다
We met and loved and become a memory that can’t be erased
사랑을:love (with object particle) 했다: (past tense of verb) to do, to be 우리가: we (with subject particle attached) 만나: To meet, to get together 지우지: To erase, to forget something  못할: Can’t do, can never do (refers to an ability) 추억이: Memory (with subject particle) 됐다:Is, to be
볼만한 멜로드라마
괜찮은 결말
A melodrama that’s worth the watch with a pretty decent ending
볼만한: Worth watching 멜로드라마: Melodrama (konglish) 괜찮: Good, fine, nice 결말: end, finish
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kpopmultifan · 2 years
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iKON has released a special image announcing that the MV for “Love Scenario” has achieved 600 million views on YouTube.
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princemonday · 9 months
its januaryyyy time to bust out the 2017/18 kpop
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ambivartence · 1 year
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minminyoonjii · 1 year
Types Of Caregivers [OT8/Gender Neutral! Reader]
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❤️Ultimate Masterlist
💜Rules and Guidelines
🧡Stray Kids Scenarios Masterlist
Wholesome|Domestic Settings|Fluffy|Soft Reassurance Fic|Tooth Rotting Sweet
💌 This is a work of fiction, I by all means don't force ship anyone. They have the right to love whomever they want.
🍄Wordcount: 1.5K
Bang Chan [Title: Daddy]
He's father. He's strict, stern but dependable and comforting. He's the type of Cg! who would go through every single Caregiver/Little step-by-step before even starting with the relationship. "Little one, what did I say about leaving your toys everywhere, hm?" he said, raising his eyebrow. "I'm sorry, Daddy," you whined, digging your feet into the rug. Chan hummed, "I know, baby. Now, be a good little one and clean up after yourself, okay?" he says, kissing your forehead. You nodded, "Okay Daddy," you said, picking up your toys. "Aw, my sweet little one? Why are you crying? Tell Daddy what's wrong. You know you can always find me, yeah?" he whispers, rocking your sobbing figure. You sniffled, curling closer to Chan. "You're alright. It's safe baby, you're safe. No one is going to hurt you, not on my watch, yeah? Your daddy will protect you, that's a promise," he whispered, giving you a firm squeeze.
Lee Minho [Title: Mama]
Minho is the type of Cg! that finds joy in feeding you. He's also the Cg! who would bring up rules, punishments and rewards because he wants you to be safe. "Come down cupcake, I made your favourite breakfast!" he shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Coming, Mama!" you shouted back, giggling. Minho chuckled, "Don't run down the stairs, watch your step," he said, watching you slow down and walk slowly. "That's my good cupcake," he cooed, cupping your cheeks. "Cupcake, you know what you've done wrong. Time out in the corner for 5 minutes, I'll put the timer right next to you so we don't accidentally forget. You can have your comfort plushie with you," he said, ruffling your hair. You sniffled, holding your plush close as you faced the wall. Minho frowned but he knew it was the right thing "Your Mommy made his famous brownies, you can have a few after your time out, okay?" he said, kissing your hair.
Seo Changbin [Title: Baba]
Changbin is that one Cg! that finds everything you do adorable and I mean everything. He's also the one that smothers you in cuddles no matter where you are. "Aigo, uri agi-ah so cute. Such a cute little menace," he cooed, carrying you away from Jisung's cowering figure. Jisung shuddered, "Hyung, they're holding Ikon's lightstick," he said, pointing at the bat. Changbin chuckled, "And they look absolutely precious," he said, taking the lightstick away from your grip. You whined but allowed it to get taken away "You're no fun, Baba," you mumbled, nuzzling his neck. Changbin smiled, "I know, agi," he said, kissing your cheek. "C'mere agi," he gruffed, pulling you close to his chest. "Hyung, they're eating," Jeongin said, holding a spoonful of porridge. "I know but look how puffy their cheeks become, I can't help it," Changbin chuckled, smothering your face in kisses. You whined, trying to squirm out of his hold to no avail. "You're stuck with me forever, agi-ah," he said, grinning at your squirms. "Mama!" you shouted and instantly Changbin released his hold.
Hwang Hyunjin [Title: Papa]
Hyunjin will be that Cg! that encourages any type of art you do. You're his little highness and he'll make sure it's known. Hyunjin gasped, "Oh my god, what's that lovely?" he asked, squatting next to you. "Tis a bird, papa," you said, showing him a picture covered in sparkly beads. Hyunjin chuckles "Wow! You're such a precious little artist, aren't you?" he said, rubbing your back. You nodded, wiggling happily "Is artist," you said, holding your picture close. Hyunjin chuckled, "The cutest little artist," he said, kissing your nose. "Spin for me, lovely," he said, watching you twirl in your puffy dress/slick suit. "I'm royalty!" you squealed, eyes sparkling at the gems glowing under the sunlight. Hyunjin lifted you up, "That's right, love. Our little highness," he cooed. You giggled, nuzzling your cheek against his. Hyunjin gasped, "Our highness nuzzled me, I'm so honoured," he said, rubbing his cheek on your skin. You laughed, squirming in his arms "Papa so silly," you said, placing a sloppy kiss on his cheek. Hyunjin smiled softly, "Only to you, lovely. Only to you," he said, holding you close.
Han Jisung [Title: Appa]
Playful Cg! Number One. Whatever game you have in mind, Jisung would be the one who makes it real. He's also dependable like Chan but in his own empathetic way. "Slow down, sweetheart," he chuckled, catching his breath. You giggled, "Hurry up, Appa. The lava is already rising," you squealed, curling up on the kitchen counter. Jisung screamed dramatically "Live on without me," he rasped, melting on the floor. You looked down, waving an invisible flag "You will be missed, Appa," you said, wiping your faux tears, Hyunjin gave Jisung a dirty look, sipping his coffee "It's too early for this," he mumbled, drawing giggles from you. Jisung noticed you sitting quietly at the corner of the sofa, "What's wrong, sweetheart?" he whispered, not sitting too close to you. You whined, rubbing your arms "Too much, Appa. Tis too much," you sniffled, feeling oversensory in your own clothes. Jisung frowned, "Can Appa carry you upstairs, sweetheart? Let Appa help you not feel icky anymore, hm?" he proposed, waiting for your response. "Yes please," you sniffled, curling up into his hold.
Lee Felix [Title: Mommy]
If you have anything you're not sure about yourself, Felix is that Cg! who'd reassure you. He's just a big sunshine to your little sunshine. "Mommy, am I pretty?" you whispered, cuddling closer to Felix. "Of course, you're pretty, sunshine. You're our gorgeous little one," Felix whispered back, kissing your hair. "Are the thoughts back, sunshine?" he asked, stroking your cheek. You nodded, leaning into his palm "I'm sorry, Mommy," you frowned, staring up at him. Felix's heart broke "Aww, sunbeam, don't be sorry, yeah? There's nothing to be sorry about. It's not your fault, none of it is, okay? Do you understand that?" he asked, tightening his hold around you. Felix grunted in surprise, wrapping his arms around your waist "What's got you so excited, sunshine?" he chuckled as you plopped on him. You smiled, "Mommy if I'm sunshine. What's Mommy?" you asked, tilting your head. Felix cooed, "Well you're my little sunshine, my sunbeam and I'm your big sunshine," he said, rubbing your hands. You furrowed your eyebrows, "What's the difference?" you asked, poking his palm. Felix chuckled, "Just think of me as a big blanket of warmth. You can come to me whenever your little light gets dampened," he explained, pressing his forehead against yours.
Kim Seungmin [Title: Dada]
Playful Cg! Number Two. Seungmin is protective. The chances of him punching someone in the jaw if they look at you wrong are decently high. He's also mean. He likes seeing you get mad, he finds it adorable. Seungmin wrapped his arm around you, "Stay close to me, munchkin," he said, side-eyeing the person staring at you. "Is something wrong, Dada?" you asked, holding your plush to your chest. Seungmin smiled, kissing your forehead, "Nothing is wrong, munchkin. Just wanted you close," he said, glaring at the person. You raised an eyebrow but nuzzled into his warmth. Seungmin chuckled, kissing the top of your head "Good munchkin," he mumbled. "Dada, give it back!" you whined, reaching for your plush. "It needs a wash, munchkin. Look at it, when was the last time it got washed?" Seungmin asked, bringing it to the washing machine. You puffed your cheeks, glaring at him "Dada, it's clean," you whined. Seungmin chuckled, pinching your cheek "It will be after being washed," he said, ruffling your hair. You crossed your arms, curling up against the sofa "Dada's a meanie, big meanie," you grumbled, furrowing your eyebrows. Seungmin smirked, rubbing between your eyebrows "Don't do that, munchkin. You're going to get wrinkles," he teased. Your eyes widened, "Daddy!" you yelled. "Seungmin!" Chan's voice boomed within the house.
Yang Jeongin [Title: Ninnin]
Playful Cg! Number Three. He's very good at taking care of you in baby space. The only person in the house that Chan, Minho and Changbin would trust to take care of you when they weren't home. "Innie, your little angel is here," Changbin cooed, rubbing your back. "Ninnin!" you squealed, reaching out to him. Jeongin chuckled, taking you from Changbin's arms "Hello, angel," he said, rubbing your stomach. "She's tethering between younger toddler and baby, be sure to be prepared for both, Iyen-ah," Minho said, handing Jeongin your baby bag. Jeongin nuzzled his face into your tummy, blowing raspberries "Got it, hyung," he said, kissing your nose. Your giggles echoed within the room, wiggling happily in Jeongin's hold. Chan chuckled, kissing Jeongin's forehead "We're not going to take long, prince. We'll be back before noon," he said, ruffling Jeongin's hair. You babbled, drooling around your teether. Jeongin cooed, wiping it away "Ah huh, and then what happened?" he asked, engaging with your babbles. You giggled, wiggling with your plush on your lap. Jeongin chuckled, nodding your head "What's got you all giggly, hm?" he asked, taking out your sippy cup. You chewed on the nib of the sippy cup, humming happily. Jeongin smiled, kissing your nose "You're so precious, angel," he whispered, stroking your cheek.
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mieczyslawn · 3 months
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ★ . . . johnnyjsuh
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wonryllis · 6 months
moots as songs
、ㅤ🌺 ⋆ ࣪ 午 MOOTS AS KPOP SONGS ᵎᵎ ⠀⠀⠀⠀
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i went with the vibes they give off, and added some lyrics to highlight it!! tried to do as many mooties i could i hope you all like it!! i excluded those who have been inactive for long and those i ain't interacting with that much, hope you understand > 3 < love you all! ( MUTUALS )
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✶ @jaesvelvet better things by aespa . . that i, i-i got better things to do with my time. better things to do with my time, do with my time than you
✶ @luvhyun3 tomboy by g-idle . . it's not here, i'm not a doll. yeah, i'm a fucking tomboy! this is my attitude, yeah, i'll be the tomboy
✶ @ctrlemis jopping by superm . . champagne life, that's all you want. don't stop letting it go 'cause we got that glow
✶ @enhalpy love letter by bol4 . . so warm like you, you are my sunshine, i’ll do anything. feel like i feel like i’m surfing your love, feel like i’m reaching the moon
✶ @nyukyujs love scenario by ikon . . we met and became a memory that can't be erased. it was a commendable melodrama, a pretty good ending.
✶ @koishua quarter life by tomorrow by together . . it feels like i'm walking in place, quarter life crisis. thrown into a life without an exit, on this road that doesn't know the end
✶ @boyfhee you & me by jennie . . i love you and me, dancing in the moonlight. nobody can see, it's just you and me tonight. just a little touch my world stops
✶ @okwonyo my world by illit . . this is my world, it might seem a little strange. this is my world, this is truly the real me. each moment is my overindulgence, why does it seem strange? this is me. let me show you my world
✶ @atrirose either way by ive . . some say i sound full of myself, that i'm just showing off. it's not about who's right or wrong, just like how we all love differently
✶ @eeunoia inception by ateez . . feel like dreaming a dream i've never seen even in dreams, it's too vivid to conclude it as just a dream. you are the dream i live in, the dream i can never awake from
✶ @leaderwon hard to love by blackpink . . i'll make it feel like heaven, but i swear i'm not a saint. and you won't see the truth 'causе i'll be kissing it away
✶ @tyunni new jeans by new jeans . . look, it's a new me, switched it up, who's this? new hair, new tee, new jeans, do you see? so fresh, so clean, make it feel like a game
✶ @jjunae pop by nayeon . . baby, baby, you're out of control. so you're under my control. before the excitement stops, i wanna make it pop, pop, pop, you want it?
✶ @stariekis one spark by twice . . i wish for forever, yes, forever. we're sparkling beautifully, i'm sure it'll be beautiful. cause my heart is burning, burning, burning. even if it’s dazzlingly beautiful and painful, it’s our golden days
✶ @lheebra don't wanna cry by seventeen . . i think it will show up, just wait. i have to find you, i have to find you. because if i cry now, i might not be able to see you. i don't want to cry
✶ @isoobie smart by le sserafim . . i am a child who will become a butterfly. what i want is victory. i'm a smarter baby, smarter, i see through it and break through.
✶ @fakeuwus cupid by fifty fifty . . a hopeless romantic all my life, surrounded by couples all the time. so skeptical of love, but still, i want it more, more, more. i gave a second chance to cupid
✶ @lilyuwon flower by jisoo . . guided by the gently blowing wind, because you're the one who doesn't catch it. spring comes, only the scent of flowers remains
✶ @ms-no1kpopstan darari by treasure . . i watched you, i was too stunned to speak, it still circling around you. i can't take my eyes off you
✶ @theyluvvaubery really really by winner . . the most beautiful thing in my eyes right now is you lady, oh. if my feelings for you were money, i would be a billionaire
✶ @jungqkook true by yaori . . tell me the truth, this is the end. i feel like losing myself. can't find my way, to not lose you, why is it so complicated?
✶ @heesbaby run bts by bts . . if we live fast, let us die young. two bare feet are our gasoline, yeah, yeah. let's go, are you ready? run bulletproof, run, yeah, you gotta run
✶ @heelvsted maverick by the boyz . . super villain in the mirror, i run away, chasing, farther away. super bad trouble, i'm just on my way. cut out the scenes from a corny hero movie. everything's just a game to me,
✶ @cornenhapovs loco by itzy . . surrounded by my thoughts of ya, i think i'm a little obsessed, i feel like i was born to love ya. such a rush, you're making me lose my mind
✶ @taeghi celebrity by iu . . have no idea above your lowered head what the bright lights are (shining towards) it's fine to take your time but i hope you notice, at last. the one and only
✶ @jaylaxies step back by got the beat . . you'd better shut your mouth and stand back or else give it a go. try climbing your way up hereYou can't even dream about this level, this isn't the place for you
✶ @moon7jay monster by exo . . why is my heart racing? you’re beautiful, my goddess. i’ll knock so will you let me in? you’ve already fallen for me, don’t be afraid, love is the way
✶ @alvojake pandora by mave . . everyone is heartless but so we are fearless. no one can stop us, never been so careless. hold on tight, string of our hope, so let us sing, say my name. shout it out, let me hear that thing
✶ @sserasin future by red velvet . . don't let me forget my dream where the stars are pouring down, we will end up together. you are another future of mine, a way for love to last forever
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atinycafe · 1 year
NAVIGATION (ノ´・ᴗ・`)ノ*:・゚✧
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SADE. nineteen (she/her). muslim&brown girl. ateez writing blog. ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧
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As you browse through my posts and dive into the depths of my thoughts, I hope you discover a comfy corner that feels like home in my little account. So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, get comfy, and let's embark on this adventure together. But, before you engage with my blog or delve into my content, I kindly request that you keep the following points in mind. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Much love!
Every single piece you'll find here is a creation of mine. I kindly ask you to refrain from reposting, translating, or copying any of my works. They hold a special place in my heart, and I'd appreciate your respect for my artistic integrity. Thank you for understanding! (」°ロ°)」
As of now, I do create some explicitly NSFW content, so I kindly request that individuals under the age of 18 refrain from engaging with this account. It makes me uncomfy when minors come across this genre of content that I write. (×_×)⌒☆
All my works are female!reader unless stated otherwise ("gn reader" in the tags).
Stan list: Ateez, BtoB, BND, EXO, iKON, ITZY, IVE, KARD, Kiss Of Life, Mamamoo, NCT, NewJeans, P1Harmony, Red Velvet, Riize, Seventeen, SHINee, SNSD, The Boyz, TXT, Twice, XG, Xikers.
hard hours: closed soft hours: closed commissions: open
MASTERLIST [4 works]
LIME SORBET — reader finally comes back to s. korea as she finished her training in los angeles, ready to debut as a solo artist under kq ent! exciting right? well her sunbaes seem to like that idea too. [alpha!ateez x omega!idol!reader]
BENEATH THE SURFACE — mermaid!reader literally gets robbed by ateez and then falls in love w them after like they didn't just steal from her?? [pirate!ateez x mermaid!reader]
APOCALYPTIC AMOUR — a tight-knit friend group's carefree days turn into a fight for survival as they navigate a zombie apocalypse [ot8!ateez x fem!reader]
COMMON MASTERLIST — all of my ateez scenarios
BLOG TAGS [15 tags]
#lime sorbet : only and all the chapters of the lime sorbet fic
#beneath the surface : only and all the chapters of the beneath the surface fic
#apocalyptic amour : only and all the chapters of the apocalyptic amour fic
#limesorbet.asks : any inquiries or questions related to the aforementioned fic
#beneaththesurface.asks : any inquiries or questions related to the aforementioned fic
#apocalypticamour.asks : any inquiries or questions related to the aforementioned fic
#sade.speaks : not related to any fic, just my thoughts.
#sade.requests : requested prompts
#masterlist : all my masterlists will be present under this tag.
TAGLIST HERE RULES HERE (please read my rules before requesting!)
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boyfhee · 7 months
10 QUESTIONS FOR U - valentines edition
favorite color of roses?
favorite flowers?
you can send a love letter to anyone. fictional/idols/celebs. who?
which idols have the best rizz?
most rizzful mutual?
favorite petnames/nicknames? giving or recieving?
fictional characters you're in love with?
have you ever had an online crush?
songs that you want to play at your wedding?
fav breakup songs?
fav love-themed kpop song?
mutual with beautiful themes?
pink vs red ? coquette vs old money / preppy?
favorite sweets?
hi anon, tysm for sending this ^_^ make sure you stay hydrated as well, love u ◠◡◠
orange / pinkish orange ( i have it at home :D )
lily of the valley and dahlias
JAY jay park jongseong loml
heeseung ( i need him to go on hiatus atp ) jake, yunjin
i come first and then it's @isoobie / @atrirose / @hoonvrs / @wonryllis
i actually have a habit of addressing people as 'sweetheart' so that goes first. 'baby' is a classic and it's cute. also, i sometimes use 'jaan' or 'meri jaan' so it's one of my fav as well ( trans. my life )
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jo cheong...jongseong...it's coming full circle
omfg yes One time. it was a moment of weakness
idk bro i want chaconne. but in all seriousness, angel baby by troye sivan, for lovers who hesitate by janabi, sherlock by oceanfromtheblue, all bollywood wedding music like it slaps
not exactly break up but the wisp sings by winter aid makes me cry every single time
way back home by shaun, love scenario by ikon
everyone has super pretty blogs but @wonryllis / @atrirose / @isoobie / @yenqa / @tyunni ( may i need a tutorial. )
pink but only the tints. i've recently been into coquette but old money is literally how i usually dress so i can't really pick
anything chocolate, macaroons, cham cham bro it's the craziest indian sweet, rasmalai ( now i want some )
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palajae · 2 years
about us. | season two
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PAIRING ▸ ex! jungwon x reader
GENRE ▸ break up! au, e2ls, angst, romance, fluff 
SUMMARY ▸ when you and jungwon got together, you didn’t expect your relationship to end so suddenly- or so painfully. now months later, you also didn’t expect to encounter said person, and with him comes back everything.  
AKA the past hurts. 
NOTES ▸ mentions of kissing, not proofread, the angst is real in this, if there’s anything else please let me know?? // this is very overdue didndjdj but here is the second season to the series!! :)))
PLAYING ▸ love scenario by ikon. | series masterlist.
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The temperature’s cold out but you don’t think you mind it, in fact. The chillyness in the air actually reassures you of autumn’s presence- that the times were finally changing and you weren’t stuck in summer. You only grabbed a light jacket before going out but looking back, you regret it. Maybe you should’ve gotten thicker padding, you frown. 
For a while now, you’ve been walking around your neighborhood to clear your head and get some exercise in. After a long year of work, work, and work, you recognized that you barely went outside and needed to, as people said now, “touch some grass.” 
You took the same route every day, going a couple blocks before turning back. After a hectic year, you finally got a well deserved break. Appreciating the peaceful breeze and easy of the trees allowed you to take a step back and reflect. 
Occasionally, you would see the same few people either walking their dogs or just taking a nice stroll, just like you. 
At least for the first five minutes, everything is how it always is. The same dog behind the fence barks at you every time you pass by and even the pretty fountain that lights up around Christmas season. 
You breathe out into the fresh air, tucking your hands into your pockets. Your phone suddenly rings and you frown, squinting down at the phone screen. Taking a seat at a nearby bench to sort it out, you soon realize its just some spam. You huff and turn it off. 
Stuffing your phone back into your pocket, you only then realize the presence sitting at the other end of the bench. You peek a glance and your heart stops. 
The familiar posture, the familiar face- 
it all comes back.
He must notice your gaze because he proceeds to meet your eyes. The shock on your face probably mirrors his. 
You can barely stumble out a, “Jungwon?”
The two of you sit there unmoving, staring at the other from the other side of the bench. 
“What are you doing here?” he gets out first, rubbing his face nervously. You look away, unsure if you could handle eye contact with him. 
“I’ve been walking this route for a while now. I, I didn’t know you did too.”
He softens, “Yeah, I started recently. Sometimes I take Maeumi with me.”
There’s a brief pause before he shakes his head, “Sorry.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for…“ you fall silent. You once thought the awkwardness would kill you, but strangely enough, you don’t feel that way now.
Instead, your brain threatens to take you back- all the memories overwhelm you. And you have no idea if you want it to or not.
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The first time you met Jungwon, the sun was shining outside and you were half asleep while studying in the library. Perhaps you were snoring a little bit- Jungwon claims it was quite loud- and being the nice guy he was, he went over to shake your shoulder. 
And perhaps you didn’t mind being woken up abruptly- if it was by a boy as cute as the one that you opened your eyes to. You shoot up and he stifles a chuckle at your reaction. 
“Sorry to wake you, but I think you were snoring a little bit.”
A bit, huh? You look away furiously in embarrassment and Jungwon allows himself a grin. 
“Thank you, uh…” 
He coughs, “Jungwon.” 
You shoot him a friendly albeit flustered smile. “Thanks, Jungwon.”
You didn’t expect to see him the next day, or the day after that. You noted how studious he was, always with his nose stuck in a book or scribbling something down in his notebook furiously. Still, you would find a seat a couple of tables away to get comfortable. 
Obviously, studying took too much energy out of you and you would need a break. And (unknowingly), your eyes would drift to him.
It just became a habit, to study the boy. You didn’t realize it back then, but he had definitely noticed.  Regardless of that fact, maybe Jungwon also enjoyed staring at you (in a non-creepy way he hoped). 
He picked up on the way you furrowed your eyebrows while reading something presumably difficult, or how you brushed your hair out of your face when you were frustrated. Even the times you smiled triumphantly and he supposes then that you got another question right. 
All those things, he thinks he liked it. No, he knew he liked it. 
Of course, it was just so that you continued to see him at the library. Your little hobby of “watching” Jungwon had to have been discovered at some point.  
The one day you look over and find that jungwon’s already staring at you, your pencil falls out of your hand and onto the floor. 
He cocks his head and quickly, like you were trying to escape the situation (and you were indeed), you duck under the table to retrieve it. 
Only to bang your head on the table while getting back up. 
Letting out a silent cry of pain, a pair of shoes come into your sight. Cautiously, you glance up. 
What did you expect- of course it was Jungwon who came over.  
He graced you with a dashing yet amused expression, unspoken words written all over his face. You open your mouth but nothing comes out. It’s only then that Jungwon realizes he never got your name that other day.
Even though he’s seen you multiple times, you’ve almost become a part of his routine. Yet at this point, he still has no clue who you are. 
“Are you alright?” He has the softest concerned look and you wish you weren’t as clumsy as you were. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Sorry if I disturbed you.”
Whether you’re apologizing for bumping your head or getting caught straight up staring at him, you wish you knew. Even then, Jungwon seems surprised and he quickly shakes his head. 
“No, no. you didn’t. Maybe I should be the one apologizing,” he sheepishly scratches his neck. You can’t help but let out a little laugh and he stops, confused.
The whole situation was a bit funny. You two were strangers, apologizing for the littlest of things while pretending as if you didn’t spend the last week watching the other instead of studying. 
Learning each other’s habits and quirks that even your own mother didn’t know- only out of mere curiosity, though. Or at least that’s what you figured. 
You didn’t expect him to sit at your table soon after.
Talking to him was natural- laughing and joking and certainly, stressing together. So was asking for each other’s numbers, which was labeled for “convenience” purposes. 
The fluttering in your chest, warmth spreading through your body, that came normally too. 
Were you waiting for him to ask you out? Sure. Were you afraid to ask him out first? Of course. 
You really didn’t have to wait too long. You might’ve teased at it for too long, and held back from asking him yourself due to fear. What if Jungwon was just being nice? 
Although the shared snacks, blush on his cheeks, and heartfelt notes he left in the library for you that were all stored in a special part of your heart said otherwise. 
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“Fine,” you cross your arms playfully. “Then how do you do it?”
As Jungwon explains the answer, you pay more close attention to his face while he speaks rather than actually finding out the answer. His eyebrows were furrowed and gaze sharp as he went through step by step. 
You nod, although your mind is plagued by thoughts radically different from what you should really be focusing on. 
“-hello? Are you listening?” 
You perk up, “Hm? Yes, what? Me?” 
Jungwon chuckles, and you can’t seem to tear your gaze away from his prominent dimples. He sighs, pouting.
“I was working this problem so hard for you and here you are being all distracted.” 
You cough, “You were the one distracting me,” you mumble. He holds a hand to his ear, acting confused. 
“Wha-? What did you say?”
You push his arm playfully and Jungwon laughs. His hand rests a few inches away from yours, and you suppress the urge to move closer to him.
“Nothing! I said nothing.” To distract yourself you tap your phone and stare at the illuminated screen. Looking at the time and the windows outside, you grimace.
“It’s late,” you turn to Jungwon, “Do you want to go home? We can always continue next time.” 
He nods, beginning to close your books. Turns out, Jungwon was indeed a genius as you observed before. When he saw you struggling, his eyes lit up as he offered to help. You greatly appreciated it, offering snacks in return. 
And it’s not like he was bad at teaching, you were just easily distracted. Distracted by him, that was. You couldn’t help it.
“Do you have a ride?” He asks casually while putting stuff in his bag. 
“Nope. I’ll just walk. It’s not far,” you reassure him.
“Then I’ll walk you home,” he grins and you pretend to act shocked. “What manners!” you exaggerate and he plays along, giggling in agreement. 
On the walk back with your books in hand and Jungwon by your side, your shoes kick the soft petals on the sidewalk. “It really feels like spring now.” 
“I agree,” he replies softly. As the space between you two lessens, you feel the warmth lingering from his fingertips. Glancing down, you find your hands just barely grazing each other’s. 
Jungwon must notice your action, because without another word he swiftly grabs your hand, interlocking your fingers. The pace of your heart picks up, face revealing your bashful expression.  
In between Jungwon’s shy gaze and the dim shine of the streetlights, you feel your heart bloom a bit more. 
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The sound of knocking causes your body to jolt up. After spending the last hour panicking over what to wear and worrying about basically everything that didn’t matter, you didn’t realize what time it was. 
You grab your bag off the couch and rush to open the door. Excitement spreads through your body at the thought of seeing Jungwon, your beloved who you hadn’t seen in a while due to work. Because of the lack of contact, he planned a special date out for the two of you. 
You’re greeted by Jungwon’s smiling face before suddenly you’re brought into his embrace. His scent surrounds you, filling all your senses. 
“Hi,” your voice is muffled. 
You can feel the sensation of him laughing and it causes a smile to grow on your face too. 
“Hi. You look gorgeous.” 
You pulls back so you can see his beaming face once more. “You don’t look too bad yourself,” you cock your head, offering a grin. 
“Ready?” He offers an arm and you take it gladly. 
“Of course.”
Jungwon takes you around the city, echoes of your shared laughter filling the atmosphere. The sun greeted you brightly, filling you with its warm rays. It was truly the happiest day you had in a while, all spent with him. 
When you tug Jungwon’s shirt so that he stumbles closer, eyes widening, it doesn’t take long for him to get the memo. 
He connects the distance between you.
Jungwon invites you to his place that warm summer night, hair falling into his eyes as he moves to unlock the door. Out of habit you brush his bangs off his face, softly laughing when his ears turn red. 
“Just be prepared when you see Maeumi- he might go a little crazy.” 
You nod, nerves jittery. You don’t how many times Jungwon went on a rant about his dog, the affection that sparkled in his eyes was like no other, and here you were about to meet said object of his desires. 
-as much as you wished it was you, you don’t think you were quite on Maeumi’s level yet.  
Jungwon grabs your hand, leading you in as you hear the scampering paws of his dog. Your heart melts at the sight of Maeumi approaching you and you instantly understand why it seemed like Jungwon was utterly obsessed with his dog. 
You fall to your knees, cooing and showering Maeumi with as much love as possible. 
“Hey,” Jungwon jokes while scratching his head, “Save some for me.”
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It was too hot to go out. It was too hot to do anything. It was too hot, period. 
You groan, pushing Jungwon off you in the midst of his complaints. You shoot him a glare, rolling over to capture as much of the cool surface of the couch as possible. 
It was summer, indeed. The a/c was on yet you felt like your body temperature was way over the normal average. You feel the sweat collect on your neck, letting out a sigh. 
Jungwon didn’t make it any better, wanting to be near you at all times even when the temperature made you want to jump into the nearest body of water. 
As much as he protested, you couldn’t handle the heat. The Netflix series he put on tv for both of you to watch was soon forgotten, the distraction of the heat made it impossible to focus.
“How are you not affected at all?” You mutter at Jungwon who was eyeing you with a displeased look based on the fact that you pushed him away. 
“My love for you withstands all the seasons,” he extends his arms out wide cheesily while your nose scrunches. His arms fall to his side with a thud as he sighs. 
“You’re right. It’s way too hot.” 
Still, his hand trails it’s way to yours. You can’t suppress the smile on the face. Not once did you expect Jungwon to be this clingy, and you weren’t complaining. 
“What time do you have to go back?” You ask. 
He groans, “In like an hour.” 
You unconsciously pout, thinking about how your time together will be cut short. It was a mutual thing- you both understood that the other was busy. You each had your own priorities and that was okay. 
Time spent together was just a gift. 
“What about ice cream?” He suggests, head perking up. 
“You know me too well.”
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You run into his embrace, gladly inhaling his comforting scent. 
“It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever,” Jungwon murmurs, voice muffled by the way his face buries into your body. 
“I know. I’m sorry.” You almost feel tears prick the corner of your eyes- it really felt like the last time you saw Jungwon was over a year ago. 
After school and work picked up again, your schedules never matched up. In your current stages, life was so busy- it was almost like the world was trying to keep you two apart. And that meant your time with Jungwon was limited. 
“I missed you.” If anything you squeeze him tighter, never wanting to let go. Phone calls and texts weren’t enough. Nothing was enough, except for being in his presence, being able to reach out and touch his cute dimples. 
And that’s exactly what you do. 
He stands still, amused as you fondly poke his cheek. His hand comes up to cover your own, rubbing comfortable circles into your skin. 
“How did you do on your exam today?”
Your eyes lower to the ground. You spent so much time working. So much time and effort out into your studies, away from Jungwon, and it barely paid off. 
“I… I didn’t do how I wanted, to be honest.”
His grip tightens as he apologizes. “Hey, I know how hard you worked, y/n. I know you’re capable of so much more. One score doesn’t mean anything, alright?”
“But… that means I have to work a lot harder, Jungwonie…” You gaze at him with sorrowful eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry that I’m-“
He stops you with a finger to your lips. “Don’t apologize. Just because we can’t see each other in person doesn’t mean we aren’t together. You know I’m always with you, right? I’m always cheering you and supporting you.” 
You nod, unable to wipe the guilty frown off your face as you hug your boyfriend again. 
“Don’t worry, baby. Things will work out. You’ll be fine. I love you, don’t forget that.” 
“Yeah. I love you too.”
But that tiny insignificant fear began to bloom inside you, would you be able to make it work?
You really, really hoped you could. 
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Unread texts light up your phone as you continue typing. You rub your temples in exhaustion before deciding to take a break. 
Just a ten minute nap- you’ll allow yourself that much. 
Grabbing your phone to set an alarm, you see the messages sent by Jungwon.
You frown, didn’t you already tell him that you were busy?  
Exasperation runs through you for a split second before it fades away to remorse. How could you let your stress get to your head? To ever make you feel irritated by your caring boyfriend? 
You tried to call him earlier and he didn’t answer. It also happened three days ago, except he was the one that called and you couldn’t answer. Most of your messages now were short ones either telling the other good morning or night and not to skip meals. 
As much as you missed him, you didn’t have the luxury to mourn your loss time with him and Maeumi. Your school was at the top of your priorities, and it always was. You couldn’t afford to stop now. You and Jungwon both worked hard in your respective ways.
There was no way you could give up, and neither could he. If that meant sacrificing parts of your life, you would do it. 
Turning off the lights and getting settled, you decide on a reply while lying down. You keep clicking the backspace button, huffing. 
Why couldn’t you find something to say?  
Eventually, the chat is left open and unanswered in your hands as you yawn, unable to prevent your eyes from closing and falling into a dreamless slumber without realizing it. 
Jungwon notices that you’ve seen his text, and yet you’ve sent no response. He doesn’t even remember the last time he’s seen your face. He doesn’t remember when you both stopped putting in an effort to see each other. 
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You finely found a date to meet up. To talk. The look on your face when you finally see him, it takes a lot for you to not break down.
The expression painted on his face, you somehow knew it was the same on yours. The same thoughts running through your head. What happened to us? Why to us? 
You both knew it was coming. But how, when, everything in itself- 
it was never clear. 
When you first met Jungwon, everything was easy. You had no clue when life started getting in the way, and why you chose that over your relationship with him. 
Perhaps there were too many underlying reasons. Why you had no time to even think about being with him, having a future with him. Perhaps that was when you knew it was the end. 
A painful end with the painful throbbing of your heart. The snapping shut of a book. The curtains falling to the ground with a thud. 
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You were the happiest with him and the saddest when you were no longer together. 
In this moment, facing Jungwon after months- has it been a year yet?- have gone by, you can’t find yourself able to remember even one of the several reasons why you broke up. 
Things didn’t work out, yet you can’t help but wonder what it would be like if you were still together. 
But it’s only a slight wander away. A single thought because you took the time to heal. It was a painful healing process that allowed you to learn and grow a lot. You feel okay seeing Jungwon, thinking about Jungwon. Honestly, it was good enough that you were able to love him. 
You loved Jungwon and even though the situation changed, your feelings didn’t. Jungwon must feel the same, you can tell by the way he looks at you. Just like he’s used to holding all the memories and emotions and keeping them from bursting out. 
All of it in a blink of an eye.
“Jungwon…” you start off softly, and he shakes his head.
“It’s alright. You don’t have to say anything.” 
Possibly that was your mistake back then. Not speaking up for the one you loved.
“No,” you state firmly. “I want to.” 
His eyes widen but he doesn’t protest. 
“You don’t have to respond,” you exhale shakily, “But I just wanted to say I missed you and I’m glad I got to see you today.” 
You unconsciously rub your sweaty palms against each other, self conscious about if you’ve just made a mistake or not.   
He takes a deep breath and holds out a hand. You glance down, bewildered. Jungwon makes the effort to lighten up the atmosphere, giving you that same heartfelt smile.
“I’m Jungwon… and I’m also very glad that you’re the one I bumped into today.” 
When did the space between you two on the bench get so small? 
You beam while letting out a short chuckle, and reach out to shake his hand. 
Your book was closed, but that didn’t mean another one couldn’t begin. One with a pretty good ending, that’s all you needed. 
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MAIN TAGLIST ▸ @precioussoulofmine @lov3niki @heesterical @coffeewon @rerequire @nvertheless @duolingofanaccount @hoeshii @love-4-keum @nyanggk
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elryuse · 2 days
Help Author-nim, Just wondering If you could list some of your favorite K-pop songs, and probably some of your favorite K-pop Boy group/Girl Group. Thankss!!
Well, If I have to list it, It'll probably come down to these 10 songs. This is the only K-pop song that I could listen to on repeat 24/7.
Live My Life - AESPA
Love Scenario - iKON
Crazy Over You - BLACKPINK
Loner - CNBLUE
Midas Touch - KISS OF LIFE
Really Really - Winner
Love Shot - EXO
Again, This is My current list of songs that I can listen to all the time, This does not mean I don't listen or enjoy other K-pop songs other than these lists. And if I have to list my favorite K-pop Boy Group/Girl Group, It has to be, Personally for me :
This is some of the most important and impactful Boy Group/Girl Group, That actually got me hooked into the K-pop scene, I still blatantly remember the first time my sister forced me to listen to one of her favorite K-pop boy groups named Super Junior. At first, The Idea of K-pop was weird to me, But after a few years or so, I finally saw and listened to my first ever K-pop mv that I enjoyed, Which was Girl's Generation/SNSD's Genie. I finally understood that K-pop was so much more than just giving or showing visuals of their idols, But it could also produce some top tier idols and songs such as them. And ever since that, Your boy here got hooked on so many groups, That it was almost basically a new culture to his life. But yeah, Anyway sorry for getting too deep and emotional there, But yeah, This is my list of some of the most important and impactful, and some of my favorite K-pop groups out there. Hope you enjoyed it.
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drivestraight · 22 days
remember ikon love scenario what a song.
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