#ikesen mitsuhide hc
the12thnightproject · 6 months
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Warlords in a Snowball Fight
A general winter themed flash headcanon, as a gift for the Flash Exchange. @flash-exchange
Headcanon: Warlords in a Snowball Fight
In Azuchi…
Nobunaga – Strides through the field of battle, easily packing the snow into efficient weapons. Cooly confident that nobody would dare...  Splat!
Masamune – A snow battle? Bring it on! Runs wildly into action, skidding to a drift, quickly forms lopsided snowballs, and throws them with surprisingly good aim, especially given his blind side. Which… by the way… Splat!
Hideyoshi –  Sets out a list of rules, including, no ice in the middle of your snowball, no throwing snowballs inside the castle, absolutely no running! In the midst of announcing the rules… Splat!
Ieyasu –  Splat! He goes home and locks himself in his panic room with his emotional support sourdough starter.
Mitsunari – An army is made and broken by its organization. Carefully stockpiles snowballs at strategic points throughout Azuchi. Then gets distracted by a new book and forgets to join in the battle.
Ranmaru – Finds Mitsunari’s useful stacks of snowballs, and climbs to the roof, where he systematically picks everyone off, sniper style. Splat!
Keiji – Stands in the center of the field of play, grabbing the closest snow at hand, and throwing it randomly. He’s a dervish. Then he opens his arms wide and yodels, “Who wants to take on the wild child of these war-torn islands, he whose name is sung far and wide, the roguish misfit, Keiji Maeda?”  Splat! Splat! Splat!  
Mitsuhide – Excels at sneaking from hiding spot to hiding spot, surprising victims by popping up out of nowhere and disappearing before they can retaliate. Is also the reason Ieyasu is hiding.
At Kasugayama… things are slightly more dangerous
Kenshin – Instead of snowballs, hurls icicles like spears.
Kanetsugu –  When people complain about flying icicles, tells them they should be honored to receive such attention from the God of War.
Shingen – Organizes Yukimura and Yoshimoto into a team and carefully strategizes the best times and places to attack. Has also built a working snow catapult. In spite of all that, he ends up strangely covered in snow, because, let’s face it, the man looks great in a wet kimono. And out of one.
Yukimura – Is an athletic and efficient snowball thrower, very good on the front lines in an all-out battle, but not terribly good at sneak attacks.
Yoshimoto – Is every snowflake truly different? Let’s find out? He wanders out into the garden. Is not seen until spring.
Sasuke – After getting hit by one too many icicles, packs his snowballs with ground spikes and sets off smoke bombs to escape.
Lone Forces…
Kennyo –  Tricks Azuchi and Kasugayama into fighting each other, then goes off and feeds hungry forest creatures.
Motonari – Snow? Snow doesn’t burn. Hell has frozen over. Sets sail for more tropical climates at the first sign of a flake.
Kicho – Sets off an avalanche.
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nuttytani · 1 year
his vs your spice tolerance
characters: ieyasu, hideyoshi, mitsuhide, mai, gn!reader
warnings: none
a/n: I was daydreaming about spicy food during one of those boring lectures and then this happened. don't mind any typos or stuff, it's not proof read. p.s oh followers of mine, do you still wan't to get tagged on my hcs and fics? even though i pop in once in a century.
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He’s known to be able to hold his spice
There hasn't been ANYONE who was able to surpass him in terms of spice tolerance
Enter: you 
Oh boy, he did not expect someone to handle spicier food than him
Genuinely feels scared as he watches you drown your meal in copious amount of hot sauce, roasted and cut chilli (yes, the green or red ones that grow on bushes) and straight up shove it in your mouth without a single flinch
He is scared. Saying that would be an understatement since he has tried your “food” once, and never again. Swears to not even dream about it. Ieyasu was crying his eyes out just from two bites and was chugging down glasses of water…. Which - uhh backfired. 
Needless to say but yasu was breathing fire like a dragon 
Now has profound admiration for your spice tolerance. No one can top you.
He didn’t really have any spice tolerance from the start
Thinks you’re crazier than Ieyasu to…..be able to eat the demonic level of spice that you do
Doesn’t dare to even take a bite out of your food, he already knows that it would end badly for his mouth and his behind. 
But he does feel concerned about your health though, eating too much spice can be detrimental to your health after all
Somehow succeeds in making you eat at least a little less spice than before.
(actually, the only reason you reduced your spice intake was because of his puppy dog eyes. Darn em’ can’t say no to those shiny eyes)
This man can’t even taste, what do you expect him to say about your abominable love for spice? Nothing.
Except, he does enjoy seeing you place a bottle of hot sauce and plenty of chillies on the side of your plate for every meal. 
Once, he exchanged your lunch box with Hideyoshi’s. For educational purposes. 
Gets punched in the face the very next day by Hideyoshi, who appeared to be unwell. 
He did try your food out of curiosity once, alas, no taste, but he did find the mild burning sensation on his tongue to be intriguing. 
You eventually make him addicted to eating whole chilli, ain't that nice? Better than eating random leaves in his garden (and who knows what else)
Thinks you’re some sort of godly specimen to be able to handle extremely spicy food.
Like, even Ieyasu is scared/amazed by your spice tolerance! 
She tries your food once, how bad can it be? Just a little bit of burning won’t stop her from trying it out!
Regrets immediately 
Curses her life choices and is now stuck in the toilet 
Is currently missing her 21st century western style toilets 
Gets the heebie jeebies whenever she looks at your food from then on
She does, however, tried eating whole chilli. After you taught her how to eat it like a pro
Mai is now unstoppable
Flaunts her newfound skill to eat chillies without a sweat to yasu. 
Gets kicked out of his room.
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taglist : im sorry, i lost my old one- uhh if you guys ares still interested tho, let me know
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cherryxblossxms · 1 year
Hormones are raging so I've been thinking about introducing sex toys to the ikesen boys.... (we'll say they go to the future for a lil vacation/extended period, idk)
[GN reader, nsfw, obvious discussion of various sex toys. Im fairly vanilla sorry. Suitors: Mitsunari, Mitsuhide, Yoshimoto, Kenshin, Shingen]
♡ Imagine introducing vibrators/vibrating toys to Mitsunari.. using it on him, he's so sensitive. He's whining and moaning, a total whimpering mess not even a half hour into the session. He's never realized how many places he's sensitive until you touch it with the toy. Despite how lost in pleasure he is, though, don't underestimate him. The very next day, he's using those same toys on you like he's an expert, mapping out all of your weak points as well until you're both collapsing in mutual pleasure. Although, nothing brings him as much joy as delivering that pleasure to you himself, rather than with a toy.
♡ Using toys on Mitsuhide seems dangerous but all depends on how far you go. Of course he's very curious about all the things people have designed, and can guess the function on most at a quick glance. He'll let you play first. He's very susceptible to cock rings and collars. Even though he exudes dom energy, he does love when you take control, and it's a major turn on for you to use toys on him like that, controlling his orgasm and maybe using him to get off. If you give him the chance, though, he can 100% turn the tables on you until you're a puddle.
♡ Shibari already exists at this point in their time period, but Yoshimoto would still go nuts being tied up and if you introduce fleshlights along with it. You think he can't get any more beautiful but somehow he still exceeds expectations, trying to thrust up into the toy but is restrained by the ties. He loves seeing you take control and control his pleasure with the pace you set with the toy. Loves tying you up right back, seeing you squirm against the binding as he attacks all your weak spots when you can't retaliate and all you can do is moan, using his mouth and fingers on you for several sessions before even thinking of penetrating. Also loves seeing the light marks of the rope/ribbon on you after the fact~
♡ No toys for Kenshin. Gets insanely jealous tbh. At first, he wants to play along, he always wants to make you happy. If you show him the different types of dildos, he'll even use one on you. It's such a different experience for him to see you writhe in pleasure but it's not him thrusting into you, and might get a little sadistic with it. Eventually gets a little ticked, will fuck you himself afterwards to show you how much better he is than that pathetic toy. Might be open to trying double penetration on you as a compromise (and might get addicted to it based on your reactions).
♡ Shingen LOVES toys, loves the fluffy handcuffs and pink toys and rainbow toys and everything people have thought to create. He'd happily spend a week trying out every toy possible on you if you were interested. Maybe not a fan of pain toys, like clamps, but most things are good. He discovers flavored lube and is obsessed with it. Also love love loves the couples sex toys, like the app controlled stuff. It turns him on so much to know he can affect you with just the touch of a button, so that you're already ready to fold by the time he gets his hands on you. Might enjoy the use of plugs, perhaps after sex to keep his cum in you... Also like Kenshin, may be interested in trying double penetration with a toy, but is much sweeter about it lol.
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thezestyone · 2 years
The IkeSen Guys’ Reaction To MC Saying “I see you”:
“Yes, that’s what eyes do”: Sasuke, Mitsuhide, Kenshin, Ieyasu, Kanetsugu
“I see you too” *winks flirtatiously*: Shingen, Masamune, Nobunaga, Keiji, Yoshimoto, Motonari
“I also see you” *completely friendly*: Mitsunari, Kennyo, Ranmaru, Yukimura, Hideyoshi, Kicho
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ikeromantic · 2 years
A Wedding Means Goodbye
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A Mitsuhide Akechi fanfiction. This scene is set well after the events of the romantic epilogue and features Mitsuhide and MC in a modern setting extended story. Approx. 2300 words.
First: Mitsuhide and the Maiden
Previous: Useful Tasks
Mitsuhide was certain that he should be nervous. This was his wedding day. The moment he pledged the rest of his life to the woman he loved. A momentous and life-changing occasion that should have put a tremor in his voice and at least a chip of ice in his gut. Yet all he felt was pleased. A peaceful sense of certainty that rose in him like the warm glow of the sun over water. 
“She’s ready for you,” Miyake called from the other side of the door. “What about you?”
“What about me?” Mitsuhide pushed it open and stepped into the hall. 
“I dunno. You nervous? Hungover?”
Mitsuhide wrinkled his nose. “Of course not.”
“Then come on.” Miyake led the way out into the small temple garden. 
As his vassal opened the door, Mitsuhide’s eyes fell on the chatelaine. His little mouse. Beloved of his heart. There had not been time to reconstruct her elaborate dress, but looking at her now he decided she didn’t need it. She was radiant in the simple blue and white sundress she’d chosen. She would be in anything, he thought. 
Then she looked up at him, her gaze catching his, and she smiled and Mitsuhide felt his heart stutter in his chest. That chip of ice he’d expected in his belly arrived and it was a boulder. How could a man like him be marrying a woman like her? He did not deserve her. If they married, he would only disappoint her . . . taint her . . . destroy the joy in her eyes . . .
“Boss.” He felt Miyake’s hand on his shoulder. “It’s gonna be fine. Come on.” Then a gentle nudge forward. 
With a tremble in his step, Mitsuhide joined his love and together they went to the shrine. The short ceremony went by in a blur and all he could remember from it was the feeling of her hand in his and the drum of his own heartbeat. Things only began to come back together afterward, when he and his little one had a moment alone.
“Are you happy?” 
Mitsuhide turned to look at his little one, and saw a glimmer of worry in her expression. “I am so happy that I don’t know what to do with it,” he admitted. 
She hugged him, burying her face in his chest. “Me too. I feel so happy that it hurts. I didn’t think we would really get married.”
“Oh? Did you imagine I would let something stop me from wedding the woman I love?” He kissed the top of her head, reveling in the feel of her in his arms. It was funny to him how good it felt to hold her right now. As if being married made the gesture different, somehow. 
“I thought you might let yourself get in the way.” She laughed softly. “Backing out at the last minute or disappearing with some vague warning that marrying you is just too dangerous.”
Mitsuhide stiffened. “Well, it is too dangerous. But I can’t dissuade you from loving me nor can I make myself give you up. So,” he tilted her chin up to look her in the eye. “It is something we will face together.” And then, to take any sting from his words, he kissed her again. Deeply and hungrily, as if he could pour some of the overwhelming affection he felt into her, but the kiss only made him feel even more. 
She pulled back, breathless. “It’s a good thing everyone else is on their way to the reception. I’m pretty sure you can’t kiss a girl like that in front of her dad.” 
“Is that a challenge, little mouse?”
“Oh god no!” She flushed to the tips of her ears. 
Mitsuhide chuckled. “Are you sure? Because I would hate to disappoint you on our first day as husband and wife.” 
She kissed his chin. “Trust me, I’m not disappointed. I like to keep these kinds of kisses private. Let’s me get away with all kinds of naughty things.” Her fingertips drew a line down his chest, stopping just below his belt buckle. 
“What’s this? Are you trying to tease me?” He leaned back against the wall as if her touch hadn’t sent jolts of pleasure singing through his limbs. They’d made love countless times and yet every time she reached for him it was like the first time. Better even. 
“Maybe . . .” Her fingers crept lower. She smiled wickedly. “Think we have time for . . . you know . . .”
Mitsuhide tried to say yes but words left him and so did all sense as she did more than just skim her fingertips across the taut fabric. It seemed they would be late to their own party, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. 
Sasuke spoke with the caterer with quiet authority. The waitstaff were uneasy, and no wonder. Half the attendees were Miyake’s new ‘warlords’ and then there were Mitsuhide’s trio of miscreant boys, and then there were the other guests. A collection of old school chums and fashionistas that knew the chatelaine, the parents of the bride, and some of their friends as well. It was a volatile mixture that needed only a slight imbalance to descend into disaster. 
Minoru, the chatelaine’s father, paced nervously. He kept glancing at the crowd with a grimace. 
“Sit down, dear. You aren’t going to get our baby girl here any sooner.” Youko, the bride’s mother, beckoned him to a nearby chair. 
“I can’t believe you’re so calm. After everything that’s happened . . . and now she and that fiance-”
“Husband,” Youko corrected.
“Are running late and they didn’t even call and-”
“Minoru, remember our wedding day?” She smiled up at him. 
He frowned even more fiercely. “Exactly! They could be getting up to -”
“All the things married people do. Now sit down and be quiet. I won’t have you making a fuss.”Youko pointed at the chair, and after a moment, her husband sat in it. 
Sasuke walked over after he sent the caterer off on another errand. “The party is going pretty well. I hope you don’t mind, I ordered another round of champagne for the toast later.”
“We don’t mind at all,” Youko replied. 
“Did you hear from my daughter or that man of hers?” Minoru turned his glare on the hapless ninja. 
Sasuke wished he’d packed some smokebombs to engineer a quick escape. “Not yet, sir. But I am sure Mitsuhide and your daughter will be along shortly. They probably got . . . held up. Changing into party clothes. Yes.”
The chatelaine’s father looked more unhappy the more he said. 
“I’ll just . . . oh look, I - I think the dj has a question. Bye!” Sasuke pretended he’d been summoned and got away with his skin intact. Thankfully, just as he arrived at the dj booth, he saw Mitsuhide and the chatelaine enter.
She looked so happy. Mitsuhide as well. It was strange to imagine she was the same girl who tried to save his life the night of that first wormhole. He’d spent years searching for her, training to rescue her. And she hadn’t needed a rescue at all. Funny the way things turned out. And now, they were here in their own time - but strangers to it all, just waiting to go back home to the past. 
The next storm would arrive in a few days, if his calculations were correct. It would take them back to the Sengoku. Back to the friends they’d left behind months ago. Sasuke just hoped it wasn’t too late. The attack on Azuchi, Shingen’s deteriorating health, the return of long-absent allies . . . how many things would be different? It left him feeling anxious in spite of himself. 
He pushed his worry aside. This wasn’t the moment to think about all of that. They would know soon enough anyway. Tonight was about celebrating life and love. And the unexpected. He grabbed a glass of champagne and headed toward the happy couple, eager to give them his well wishes. 
Miyake felt like this was his last night with his lord. It was strangely bittersweet. He’d always wanted to prove himself and be given a proper command - but he’d never imagined getting one would mean leaving behind everything he knew. Of course, it wasn’t just about the job. He looked at the two women beside him fondly. 
Kei was tall, statuesque, her arms as well-muscled as a warrior’s, and her eyes always had a glint of mischief. She was more woman than a man could handle all on her own. But Miyake had somehow caught her attention, and that of Masako. The short, round seamstress-friend of Lady Akechi. He adored Masako’s shy laughter and awkward affection just as much as he did Kei’s forward teasing. 
If he was honest with himself, those two were the real reason he’d chosen to stay and try to fix the corrupt business of these modern ‘mafia’ men. Though they had only a few short, wild months together, Miyake did not want to go back to a life without them. Nor did he want to ask them to give up everything for him. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Kei turned her head to look back at him. “Please tell me you’re about to go all mushy and ask us to marry you?”
Masako clapped a hand over her mouth. “Kei! Don’t go blabbing things like that! I’ll have a heart attack.” 
Miyake chuckled and slipped an arm around Kei’s waist. “Please. We all know if someone was going to propose, it would be you, gorgeous.”
“Why not me?” Mayako frowned. 
“Because you are too adorably shy.” He slipped his other arm around her back. 
She giggled. “Maybe. But you could be wrong. Tell him, Kei.”
“Oh he could be. Never underestimate Masako. She’s tiny but fierce.” 
“Hm. You’ll have to show -” Miyake yelped as two seamstress-strong fingers pinched him. 
Masako grinned triumphantly. “Got you.” 
“So you did.” He grinned. “I’ll remember that ton- ouch!” He jumped a little as Kei pinched him too. “What was that for?”
“I can’t let Masako have all the fun.” Kei grinned. 
“Well now you’re both in for it.” Miyake resisted the urge to rub his poor ass-cheek. Those girls had strong fingers! 
Mitsuhide looked down at his little one’s face, reading her emotions as easily as words on a page. She’d realized something he knew before tonight. The knowledge of it was etched into her features, though she tried to cover it with a smile. 
He let her continue the charade as they thanked the line of well-wishers but when they caught a moment to themselves, he took her hand. “You can still change your mind.”
“What?” She frowned. 
“About leaving. If you really want to -”
She shook her head, dislodging a curl. “No. I mean, I know I will miss my family. My friends. Soft mattresses. Stuff in general, I guess? But . . . I really miss our friends in Azuchi too. I don’t want to abandon them.”
“Even if it means leaving all this behind? Your mother and father?”
Her eyes closed for a moment as she took a deep breath. “Yes. I thought about it a lot, these last few months. I wish there was some way to have it all - but there isn’t. And at least now I can say goodbye. I can make the choice. And I have.”
Mitsuhide felt proud of her, the way she spoke so firmly. The certainty in her posture. 
“I know what I am giving up, and I know what I’m getting. It would be a lot easier to stay here, of course. To let me father and Sasuke arrange things for us. Live like everyone else does here. Comfortable. Peaceful. But we have a duty in Azuchi. People relying on us.” She smiled as she opened her eyes again. “So don’t try to persuade me otherwise, you serpent-tongued kitsune.”
He laughed. “Me? Serpent tongued? When have I ever led you astray?”
“Don’t make me count the times.”
Mitsuhide kissed her cheek. “I just wanted to make sure you know you don’t have to pick Azuchi for me. I would stay, if that’s what you really wanted.”
“I know you would.” She squeezed his hand. “But I really want to go back.” Her gaze took in the crowd. “Sometimes, a wedding is a way to say goodbye. Even if we weren’t going 500 years in the past. We are going to live our own lives, and that means letting go.”
“Wise words, little mouse.” He’d never thought of a marriage in that way, but she was right. Even without their unique circumstance, they would be leaving one life to start a new one. Together. And that was true wherever fate took them.
Next: Home Is Where the Hugs Are
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solomons-poison · 2 years
Akechi later down the line helps his kid eat food they don't like or are suspicious of trying by taking a bite of it, plastering a smile and saying 'it is delicious (This time, I promise-)' which his kid falls hook, line and sinker to every time without fail... till they find out he genuinely has no tastebuds 🤣
Omg that'd be so funny 😂 thats such a cute idea and a good way to get his kid to do it, though, through example.
But I just love the idea of the kid finding out he can't actually taste anything and being like "You've been lying to me!!" and seeing poor Mitsuhide totally lost for words. He'll definitely have to turn to you for help after that lmao. If he's weak to you, I can only imagine how weak he'd be to his child 😁
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klutzyroses · 1 year
hi ! Could I request (Ikemen Sengoku) Kenshin's, Mitsuhide's and Yukimura's reaction/scenerio to finding out y/n is pregnant ?? Their first reaction and maybe some afterthoughts , would they prefer girl or boy are they anxious stuff like that ^^
IkeSen HCs: Pregnant SO
Suitors: Mitsuhide, Kenshin, Yukimura
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Oh ho...what a surprise.
To be honest, it wouldn't be too shocking that he probably figured out she was pregnant before she did.
He is happy of course, though he will likely focus on teasing her about it.
But inside he is just a little conflicted about being a parent, let alone about whether he would make for a good one. He has no doubt that Y/N will be a splendid mother. Him as a father....debatable.
However, he will resolve to be there for her and take care of her every step of the way, she will want for nothing.
He finds himself deep in thought ever since discovering her pregnancy. Contemplating. Planning. He wants this child to grow up happy and safe, but he also knows life tends to have other plans.
If he had to choose between genders, he'd pick a little girl. He will unabashedly say he'd a little girl to spoil and tease as much as he teases his little mouse.
"Now wouldn't that be fun, hm?"
He...almost doesn't understand what she is talking about?
A child? Inside her? What was it doing there?
Logically he knows how it got there but...
His initial reaction may not be the best, as he is not entirely sure how to take it, not because he necessarily upset, even if he may seem that way at first.
He may come off as sullen or despondent at first, but that's only out of shock and maybe some worry.
He doesn't consider it a bad thing when he settles and actually thinks about it. Truth be told, the more he does think about it, the more he likes the idea of having a child with Y/N. A bit apprehensive but glad, even if he doesn't say as much.
He will feel infinitely more protective of her, being extra picky about who is near, how near they are and for how long. This particularly applies to Shingen.
He will cut any potential threat to her and his unborn child to pieces.
He doesn't think too much about the gender but...perhaps a boy? And then the next baby will be a girl. In that order.
"Why settle for just one of them? We will have both."
He is broken. Has ceases to function.
He feels as though she is joking at first but no, she is very much carrying a baby.
His baby no less... Well of course its his, there would be no way it could be anyone else's!
Yuki is...losing his mind a little here. He is just short of mentally running around in circles, as though she is already in labour.
Of course he is overjoyed in ways that can't be described. Once the shock has dissipated, he will pick her up and spin her around, his smile capable of lighting up the night sky with it's brightness.
He does worry about being a good father to the baby, but he vows in his heart he will do everything in his power to be there for his child.
He may not mind the gender of the baby, but if asked, he may say he would prefer a girl. If asked why, he may stutter and grumble that he just wants one, avoiding eye contact and his cheeks tinting red a bit.
"...I want her to be as pretty as Y/N..."
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selenacosmic · 2 years
Teen! MC request: MC gets ready to go on a date with a neighboring daimyo's son, only having to learn that he stood her up. To make things worse, the whole "date" was just a dare made by his friends.
How will the IkeSen guys react?
(I know that Kenshin will totally want to go to war with that said daimyo)
Hello! I am actually starting to love this type of hc! Thank you for requesting.
Teen!MC is stood up, warlords get revenge.
Oda forces.
Nobunaga Oda.
At first he was already suspicious of this sudden invitation for a date, but you seemed so excited that Nobunaga didn’t want to spoil your mood. However, he was very direct about telling you to be careful. If this boy made you uncomfortable or suffer in any possible way, he would pay for it. Still, he provided the best kimono for you to go on this date.
However, when you returned from your date earlier than expected, crying… all hell broke loose, he was ready to make this pest pay for making you cry. You will find the boy and his friends kneeling before you the next day. To comfort you, Nobunaga will give you his sweets jar.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Oh, mamayoshi was worried, you are too young to date! What if this boy tries something with you? Hideyoshi will offer to go with you to protect you! Of course, you will immediately refuse this offer, you want to go to this date freely. After a lot of convincing, he will let you go. All dressed up like the beautiful princess you are.
His heart will break when he sees you crying because you were stood up, he will be filled with rage. “I knew that boy was bad news!” Will be his words as he readied himself to go and confront this boy (will drag his parents into this). Hideyoshi will spoil you rotten to comfort you.
Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Ieyasu isn’t sure about this particular date, he was frowning the whole time when you said this boy asked you out. He just couldn’t allow it, you are too innocent and young for these things. However, you eventually went to this date, Ieyasu would have warned you heavily that you should be careful.
Will be the annoying older brother who says “I told you so.” When you returned home disappointed, but that doesn’t mean he won’t make the boy suffer. He will be apologizing to you immediately after Ieyasu visited him. Ieyasu may not be that affectionate, but he will offer you many hugs. It’s just you who can have them, though.
Mitsuhide Akechi.
He will investigate this boy first, he will know everything he needs to know, just to make sure he is worth being with you. Mitsuhide will know about this bet right away, which he will tell you right away before you even go to this date. Naturally you will still cry and that will break his heart. He will pat your head gently, it will feel warm and comforting.
Mitsuhide will go visit this boy and his friends to give him a little “reminder” of never messing with you.
Mitsunari Ishida.
Oh, what fantastic news! Mitsunari will be happy that you were asked out and will congratulate you, he will be happy to see you excited for it. He will be the brother who will be very supportive of you. But when you get home, crying because you were tricked… he will snap. He will give you the biggest hug and try serving you tea (which you will refuse, he means well though).
It’s very rare to see Mitsunari angry or show signs of being mad, but this will be the moment he will use all of his intelligence to make sure this boy pays. Mitsunari will use his strategic mind to make him suffer.
Masamune Date.
Great! All of his advices about dating are working, Masamune will personally give you tips about what to do on your first date, including what to do if this boy tries anything that you are uncomfortable with, he will train you on self defense for that. Masamune will be surprised when you come back home sad.
Oh, there is no one who can hold this man back from going to this boy’s province to cause commotion. Call him crazy, because he will act like he is. The boy will be begging for your forgiveness after this. He will cook you your favorite food to comfort you.
That’s great! Keiji will be happy as well, he will make sure you are fully prepared as well. He will be suspicious about this boy but won’t try to interfere with your date, he just hopes everything goes well. However his suspicions will be proven right when you come back home with tears in your eyes, he will give you a big hug and comfort you right away.
He is a very strong man, no one can doubt that… he won’t be smiling or being his usual cheery self. This boy will be in big trouble. He will be whipped so hard by Keiji he will never mess with you again.
Ranmaru Mori.
Oh! How exciting. Ranmaru will want to dress you up personally for this date, you will be the prettiest princess there is. He will give you lots of encouragement for this date so that you can have fun.
Oh, Ranmaru will cry a bit if you start crying after returning, he will hug you and tell you how he doesn’t deserve you. Also, we should remember that he is a ninja, Ranmaru will keep messing with this boy and his friends for what he has done to you.
Uesugi-Takeda alliance.
Kenshin Uesugi.
No, he doesn’t trust this boy or any boys who approach you. You are his little sister, you are too young and innocent for these disgusting boys. Kenshin will insist that you stay at home, but will eventually accept that you go. Though he might follow you to see how this date will go.
His heart began to broke when he saw that the boy didn’t even show up. He knew it, he will go to war with this boy! When you get home, kenshin will give you all the comfort you want. He will even reassure you that he has already prepared to go to war against the boy.
Shingen Takeda.
Shingen will be excited for this, very proud too. You are his cute little sister, every boy should feel lucky to go to a date with you. He will teach you all you need to know about dates so that you can go confidently. He will be very supportive of you, though he couldn’t help but feel worry.
When you return home crying, shingen will make his life goal to make this vermin suffer for making you cry. He is a very smart man, he can think of many ways to create trouble for the boy’s province. He will give you a bear hug and his sweets.
Yukimura Sanada.
Yukimura isn’t sure about this, he dislikes dates and things related to them, he can be a bit overprotective of you. He can’t really stop you but will be constantly questioning you about the safety of this date. What if he tries something? What if he is a boring guy? Well, he won’t try to stop you from going.
When he sees you back home earlier than expected, he will be all like “I knew it.”. Yukimura will pat your head and think of this boy as trash for standing you up like that. He will punch him for you, just ask him and he will do it.
Yoshimoto Imagawa.
He will be thrilled, how wonderful that you were asked out on a date! Yoshimoto will be very proud of you and will hope you have a wonderful time. He will offer to dress you up, prepare your hair and make up. Just let him make you the most beautiful girl for this date. Though you already are beautiful. The most supportive big brother you will have.
Seeing you back, sad and crying from your date, will awaken something inside Yoshimoto. He will give you lots of comfort and hugs, telling you that you are too beautiful for an ignorant person like that boy. He will become much more aggressive towards the boy, which will be rare.
He will be very happy to know that you are going out on a date, though Sasuke will try investigating about the boy. He won’t find out about the bet so he won’t stop you from going. He will feel extremely guilty when he sees you back home, feeling sad. Sasuke will cheer you up the best way he can. Besides, he can make you laugh easily.
He will spread ground spikes all over the boy’s bed as revenge.
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 2 months
IkeSen x armless reader
Im going with reader dosent have a right arm- it's your choice if you're amputated or just born without it 🙃
After being thrown back in time, saving Nobunaga, then proceeding to run at the tought of being spoiled and realization fo being tossed back in time. You found the reason why you're here, and the root of all of the problems- who has become.. a Ninja? You kinda just shrugged it off and the two of you got to talking, then he realized. You don't have an arm-
"Oh yeah- it kinda went poof! When comeong back here-"
Sasuke imedeately started to panic and imedeately apologized for this and the instability of your trip and-
"Hey- hey- it's ok! It was like that before-"
Sasuke sighed, relaxed, processed it, and let out a chuckle "I'm glad you can make some jokes-"
Over yout time the two of you got very close and friendly. He also joins in on the missing arm jokes, fooling everyone, and getting people to laugh, even in hard times. Sasuke also helps you with self defense things since he is more experienced with one handed blades and more speed based attacks.
He dosent care that you don't have an arm, actually, he respects you even more. He sees it as a show of a strong charicter that you don't let it hold you back, allowing yourself to do whatever you know you can. This makes him all the more proud when you request a job, he makes sure to have someone there to help you if needed (I mean- he has the same with Mitsunari- Mitsunari dosent realize and probably would feel bad about asking for help). When he does spend time with you, he makes sure you're happy, safe, and flourishing. You easily put a smile on your face with some of the stories you share, the passions you have, and so much more. He is proud to have found such a beautiful gem
The flirt off is imedeate. You gotta understand that you two, are firing so many pickup lines, jokes, everything you can think of at eachother. Chemistry? Imedeate. It honestly makes everyone a little jealious of him and his fans a little jealious of you-
So- the Oda's local mom, can, will, and does worry about you alot. He will chastise you about joking about your arm, then sigh, and do something with you that's fun as a bit of an apology(with headpats).
Takeing care of Mitsunari is one of the easiest jobs you have, and you don't mind it much either. Spending time with him is a joy, and it's clear that things with him are also improving. It's just a win for you, a win for him, and a win for Hideyoshi.
You should understand that- this man probably dosenr get jokes- at all. Unless he makes them of course. (My HC so ye lol) so- you made it your solem duty to make this man laugh at one of your jokes. So far- it has failed...
I think he would be a bit curious about you and how you have done things. Of course, he won't say SHITTTT, but he follows you around when he can to awnser as many questions as he has. You two do hangout and he helps you work on differnt medical things, seeing that when it comes to war, you want to help people not have to face the struggles you do. He finds that admirable. He names a three legged cat after you that he has taken in, yes they and Kitty play often-
Ranmaru: (SWEET BABY BOIIIIIIIIII, we don't have much for cannon so this is based off of the limited knowledge I got :/)
He often does his best to help you with your job(s) when he thinks that you may need it. He is overprotective of you, and is a little pushy. It's sweet.. but uneeded. So you make sure that he knows that you can still do these things and you don't need his help unless asked. So he backs off, but still tries to be there if you need it.
I know even less about him so I'm going to skip
Another flirt off! You two honestly have alof of fun with your flirting, you do also get that bit of chemistry too. He is careing, but not to thr point of being overbearing. It's a bit of a nice change compared to some of the Oda.
Kenshin: (my lord of bunnies)
He very much respects you. He did tryyyy to lock you in a cage, but the rest of them somehow managed to just give you a room in the palace instead. You very much can keep his pace when drinking, terrifying everyone but him. Also, bun army cuddles
He thinks you're a badass. He even joins Sauske in teaching you self defense as a attacker. He holds alot of respect for you and the skills you have had to learn because of your disability. He definately learns how to do some of the things you can, just in case it is needed in his future. He is also annoyed about Shengen teasing him about wanting to marry you-
During wartime:
As allways you are in the back helping warriors recover from wounds. There is another nurse helping you by being an extra pair of hands. After battles you do also help as much as you can with the cooking and serving food.
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oda-princess · 3 months
Modern AU ikesen hc where either Masamune or Mitsuhide send Ieyasu a text titled "when your short friend starts acting up" followed by that video of the elf on the shelf being taped to the table and stabbed.
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lorei-wrote · 1 year
Ikemen Sengoku - HC
* - HCs/series with this symbol by the title have had their trigger warning lists updated in co-operation with readers via this survey. The other works may lack certain (all) trigger warnings. all = all suitors available at the time of posting the work
Truth Serum: (all warlords)
*Warlords & Summer: (all warlords)
*Warlords having “THE TALK”: (all warlords, minus Motonari and Keiji)
*Warlords reacting to pornbot siege: (all warlords)
Reacting to ff about themselves: (all warlords)
Modern things the warlords would appreciate (all warlords, excluding Kennyo)
What if IkeSen was a Disney movie and ONLY Kenshin wouldn’t sing.
*HC: Bunnies at Work - Kenshin
*x Witch!MC:
Nobunaga Oda + visualisation of MC
Masamune Date
Behind the scenes: Masamune & Nobunaga
Mitsuhide Akechi
Ieyasu Tokugawa (+visualisation of MC in the notes) 
Behind the scenes: Ieyasu & Mitsuhide
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Mitsunari Ishida
Behind the scenes: Hideyoshi & Mitsunari
Kenshin Uesugi
Shingen Takeda
Behind the scenes: Shingen & Kenshin
Yukimura Sanada
Sasuke Sarutobi
Behind the scenes: Yukimura & Sasuke
*The way meeting her changed him… :
Masamune & Mitsuhide
Hideyoshi & Mitsunari
Kennyo & Kyubei
Kenshin & Shingen
* Modern AU Boyfriend:
Family AU:
Masamune; Masamune ft. Shogetsu
If he were to be a parent:
Coming to the future: 
Finding the guide:
Mitsuhide, Masamune, Kenshin
Modern AU
Ieyasu, Hideyoshi, Mitsunari
Kenshin & Shingen +mentioned Yukimura
Nobunaga, Mitsuhide
*MC with/who is...:
Insecure about her body: Kanetsugu
a Chinese contortionist: Nobunaga & Kenshin
Innocent / Kind: Kenshin & Hideyoshi
Insecure about having small breasts: Masamune, Mitsuhide & Kenshin
Very Serious about Pinky Promises: Masamune & Kenshin
Fear of Needles: Masamune & Shingen
Sensory Sensitivity - Food: Masamune
Attention Deficit Disorder: Mitsuhide
Atopic Dermatitis: Masamune, Kenshin, Hideyoshi
Apathetic / Depressed: Masamune, Nobunaga, Ieyasu
Physically Strong: Masamune & Shingen
Loves tuba: Nobunaga, Ieyasu, Shingen,Mitsunari
Conflicted about her passion (swimming): Masamune
Finally snaps: Ieyasu, Hideyoshi, Nobunaga
A prosthetic leg, threatening to boink warlords with it (crack): all warlords, Kennyo excluded
Experiences linguistic brain lags: Nobunaga, Masamune, Yukimura, Shingen
Traumatized after a battle: Masamune, Mitsuhide, Nobunaga
Polish: Hideyoshi, Masamune
*OTP Prompts
*Who is not afraid to embarrass the other in public?
*Who finds stray animals and begs the other to let them keep them?
*Who has trouble sleeping alone?
*Who says “I love you” more?
*Who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long?
*Who fusses over takes care of the other when they get ill?
*Emoji Prompts
Prompts developed in the same post were grouped together.
❣️ What makes them blush (...)? 🎇 Are the feelings they have like a whirlwind (...)? 💐 Do they enjoy giving compliments (...)?
🌼 How do they view their significant other? 🌻 Will they do anything for their s/o? 🤧 How far will they go to take care of their sick s/o?
💕 Their future goals in a relationship? 🥰 How often do they stare lovingly at their s/o? 💋 How do they kiss?
❣️ What makes them blush? 🎁 What gift would they get their s/o? 💋 How do they kiss?
NSFW Alphabet
Mitsuhide Akechi (C, F, R, W) (D, E, L, M, V, Z)
Masamune Date  A-Z 
 Kenshin Uesugi (A, F, M, S, X, Y) (C, I, K, J, P, V)
Shingen Takeda (D, J, K) 
Yukimura Sanada (E, I, K, M)
*Smut Alphabet
Masamune Date (A-Z)
Kenshin Uesugi (A, T, X)
Fluff Alphabet
Nobunaga Oda (W, Q, L, K)
Mitsuhide Akechi ( A, F, K, M, O, R, Z)
Ieyasu Tokugawa (B, F, K, P, V, W, X)
Masamune Date (E, J, O, T, S, Y)
Shingen Takeda (A, S, E)
IkeSen Thoughts Playlist (Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, Hideyoshi, Mitsunari, Masamune, Kenshin, Shingen, Kennyo)
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
Congrats on your milestone, Whimsey!!🥳🥳🥳 I'm so happy for you! TwT May I request the NSFW HC number 1 + Arthur, Leonardo, and Mitsuhide, pretty please? ♥ May more readers come your way~ ♥
Thank you so much for the encouragement and for the ask! This one was fun to write. I hope you enjoy!
ikevamp: Arthur & Leonardo
ikesen: Mitsuhide
NSFW prompt 1: Suitors react to an MC/reader who writes smut
NSFW 18+ content
He had seen you writing plenty of times. You never shared your writing with him, but he understood how that could be.
One day, you had left your writing paper out while you had to go run an errand with Sebas.
Arthur came back to the room and saw your paper out. He went to close your notebook. At least that’s what he told himself he was going to do.
He hadn’t planned on reading your book, but he couldn’t help himself. Once he happened to just glance at your page…and he sees what you have written.
When you return to your shared room later, you almost drop the coffee you’re carrying when you see Arthur sitting on the bed, your book sitting open in his lap.
He looks up at you, smiling.
“Luv, why didn’t you tell me what you like to write?”
Your cheeks are red. “It’s…uh…just…a little embarrassing…” You confess.
“You’ve nothing to be embarrassed about, luv. Your writing is good. I especially enjoyed this part.” He then gestures to a particularly spicy section.
You blush even further. “I…uh…”
Arthur is reaching for you and pulling you into his lap. “Your writing really is good. Not just the spicy stuff, but the plot and structure…you can really feel the love between the characters. So it makes the spicy parts even more rewarding.”
“So…you really liked it?” You ask.
Arthur nods. “Of course, luv…now how about we recreate this scene…and all the other spicy bits.” He’s then capturing your lips and taking you on a personal tour of all the love scenes from your own book.
When he stumbles upon you sound asleep with a book in your lap, he thinks you look so precious. He goes to move you into a more comfortable position and then picks up your book.
He’s curious as to what his cara is reading so he begins to read over it.
That is when he recognizes the writing as your own.
At first he thinks it’s a journal and goes to put it away, wanting to respect your privacy.
That is until he reads a few sentences.
His eyes widen when he comes across a sentence that is the beginning of a rather explicit scene.
He soon finds himself sitting down and reading the words, unable to stop himself.
He wasn’t sure how much he had read when he hears you gasp. He looks up and sees your red cheeks.
“Scusa.” He says not at all apologetic. He’s then setting the book aside as he comes over to you. “I had no idea my Cara had such naughty thoughts in that beautiful head of hers.”
“Well…they’re all inspired by you.” You confess, your cheeks reddening.
“What am I gonna do with you, my naughty girl?” He says before gently pushing you back and climbing on top of you. “How about I give you more inspiration, Cara Mia?”
He’s then spends the time taking you to new heights and giving you new things to write about. Though it may take you a few days to be able to even think of doing anything else again.
Mitsuhide returns from a long mission to find you asleep at your desk, brush having fallen from your hand.
He chuckles to himself as he gently moves you to the futon and covers you up. He then goes to clean up your paper, brush, and ink. He was curious as to what you were writing, thinking it must have been a reply to the latest letter he had sent for you.
Amber eyes widen in disbelief at the words he sees written on the paper.
You’re soon being woken up by Mitsuhide’s lips on yours. 
It takes you a few moments to process what’s going on but soon you come to full awareness.
There’s a teasing light in Mitsuhide’s eyes as he looks at you and that’s when you remember what you had been writing before you had fallen asleep. You blush deeply.
“My, my little mouse.” He says. “I never knew you were one to have such lascivious thoughts.”
You blush as you explain that you used to write such stories all the time in your original time and people really liked them.
Mitsuhide gives you that handsome devilish grin. “Oh, little mouse…that is most excellent news… now why don’t we have a little fun and work on new material for you?”
You then spend the night, Mitsuhide treating you to your wildest fantasies you had written. Though you definitely can’t walk for the next few days.
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ikesenwritings · 2 years
hi!! hope you’re doing well!! i’m so excited requests are open! can i humbly request hcs of some ikesen men with an mc that has a lot of tattoos? i specifically have one of a broadsword and i’ve always wondered what the warlords would think of that lol. i’d specifically love masa, mitsuhide, nobu, and shingen, but pls take whatever liberties you want! thank you <3 🗡️
A/N: Hello, anon!! Wowowow, you requested this a while back 😅😅 I’m so sorry this took so long and even more sorry that I only chose to write for Masa. For some reason, I really only had the inspiration to write when I was thinking of Masa. I hope you enjoy my writing—I found it a little difficult because I’m not too knowledgeable about weapons and I had wanted to compare a broadsword to the warlords’ standard weapon, I hope I did somewhat of a decent job.
I also did some brief research about tattoos in Japan because I know it’s widely popular now, but there’s still some stigma around it, and there are restrictions in a few public places if you have tattoos. They were once seen in a positive light but then viewed in a negative light until the Edo Period, when a Chinese novel depicting scenes with tattooed bodies was popularized, where it was starting to be seen more positively again. It actually became a status symbol during this period. Then, in the Meiji Period, the emperor had banned tattoos again but was not limited to tattooing foreigners. Tattoos were fully legalized in 1946. I’d definitely recommend reading up on it, if you’re interested because my research was very surface level lol.
Obviously, I wrote this from the standpoint that all of our beloved, fictionalized historical figures are way more open and understanding!
[HC] Tattooed MC
The first time he got a peak at your tattoos was the very first kiss you shared… y’know, the one where you both fell into a stream and got absolutely soaked?
After the two of you broke apart, you readjusted your kimono and momentarily revealed a part of a tattoo that wound up your left tricep, around your shoulder, and across your collarbone.
He didn’t question it then, but he knew you were hiding more, whatever these strange markings were.
He couldn’t recall if he had ever met someone with tattoos before, they were still considered taboo in the Sengoku period—they had been for centuries.
Eventually, he grew too curious—his feelings for you were serious and his admiration for your sketches and other artwork was profound.
He needed to see what the rest of your tattoo looked like.
He wasn’t ashamed to admit that he’s imagined what other images were beautifully drawn on your body and where they could possibly be located; he’s certainly thought of delicately tracing the lines of ink with his finger or the tip of his tongue.
One night, he visited your room and asked about the tattoo he saw that day.
You told him it was a dragon and how fitting it was for the two of you.
You’re quick to show him, comfortable enough to strip down to your undergarments and eager to show off the longest tattoo you’ve ever sat down for.
His eyes widen—your body is almost entirely littered with ink, and it’s awfully attractive.
Both your arms have a scattering of tattoos as well as one of your thighs.
You even show him the one that’s situated right under your right breast.
The last one you show him is one of a broadsword on your inner forearm.
You tell him the significance of it, whether there was a special meaning behind it or you got it because you thought it looked cool.
Either way, he thinks it’s badass—it’s certainly different from his own weapon and any other sword in Japan.
By the end of show and tell, he’s got you laid back on the tatami mat, leaving kisses on every tattoo on your body.
He relishes in the laugh that escapes your mouth when he started suggesting places for you to get tatted, unknowingly asking if you could get a classic tramp stamp.
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thezestyone · 2 years
Nicknames the IkeSen Guys Would Call MC the most from a few of my favorites:
Will say “Ma” in the most casual and deepest voice ever. Could say it in passing or when trying to spark something: Motonari, Masamune, Kenshin, Ieyasu, Kanetsugu
Will say “Mami” with a playful, flirtatious tone that can border casual if you don’t know better at the moment; beware: Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, Shingen, Keiji, Yukimura
Will say “Princessa” in the most sweetest, purest way, like they’re a fairytale prince, and you’re the fairytale princess: Mitsunari, Ranmaru, Hideyoshi
Will say “Señora” in the most respectful way, treating you like a mature, high-class woman they wish to court: Kicho, Kennyo, Sasuke, Yoshimoto
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yarnnerdally · 2 years
I'm cackling at these poll results.
The top 3 (that I haven't already written the pregnancy/dad hcs for) so far in each game:
IkeSen: Mitsuhide (10), Kenshin (8), and all three in third tied with (3) are Motonari, Shingen, and Ieyasu.
IkeRev: Harr and Luka with (6) and Jonah with (3).
IkeVamp: (whoops I wrote for 2 of the top three tied for first already) but anyways Vlad (5), then with (4) all tied are Charles, Jean, and Vincent.
IkePri: Y'all killed me so far with this one. Simps, all of you, I say. Clavis is first with a whopping (14). Then I already wrote for Chev and Sariel and Rio who would be 2nd and 3rd and 4th (whoops), but then we have Gilbert, Silvio, and Licht all tied with (3).
This is gonna be interesting to try and group sets together lol. And like. I might just not write for a couple that haven't gotten votes so far. Like Dalim, Dean, Ray, Yoshimoto, Mitsunari, Napoleon, and Isaac. That might change. Might not. It would cut down on the amount of writing to do lol.
Eh. We'll see how it all shakes out.
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ikeservant · 3 years
Ikemen sengoku requests.
So the warlord and MC has keep they're relationship in secret, but lately some soldiers has been stalking MC and giving her gifts and confessing their love to her. How would they react?
Hey @traduccionesotomeandme ! I’m finally back in the headcanon game and picked your suggestion first. Hope you like it!
Due to political reasons and making sure MC doesn’t have a target on her back by their enemies, they decide to keep their relationship a secret. But he has noticed during her rounds around camp there has been a soldier following her, making him cautious. When he returned to the shared tent with MC, she ran to them and embraced him, thanking him for the hairpin he left for her. “What hairpin?” “Don’t be silly! The one that you left on my pillow. I didn’t get to read your note yet that you had attached to it.”
Nobunaga: Takes the note out of her hands and reads it all the way to the bottom where the soldier put his name. Immediately calls one of the guards to fetch the soldier, much to the confusion of MC. As soon as the soldier entered the tent, he was met with the face of a confused MC and the searing gaze of Nobunaga. “I called you here to tell you one thing.” He puts his arm around Mc and draws her in. “This is my lucky charm. She belongs to me. Although this is secret to prevent her harm, I want to make it very clear that you may not pursue her any longer. I am pretty sure you know what will happen if you do not need my warning.” He added a sinister smirk at the end to get his point across, causing the soldier to tremble, nod, bow, and run out of the tent, all while MC is trying to process everything. After their return to Azuichi, MC was showered with hairpins. “You know I’m not going to leave you for some guy that gave me a hairpin?” “I’m just making sure you know that you know I can provide you with all the hairpins that you won’t need one from any other man, my fireball.”
Hideyoshi: Snatches the note out of MC’s hands, much to her confusion. He mumble reads it to himself to clarify wtf is going on, which MC picks up on. Hideyoshi squeezes the paper nervously and sighs. He knows it isn’t the guy’s fault since he doesn’t know she’s taken, but his protective side wants to keep her from being stalked and bombarded by unwanted advances towards him. “Wait right here, MC. I’ll be right back”, giving her a kiss on the forehead before leaving for the soldier’s tent, calling the soldier outside to have a “chat”. And by “chat” I mean a 20 minute lecture that MC and him are in a discreet relationship to keep her safe so her heart belongs somewhere else, and that even if she wasn’t that stalking ladies is not okay and that he will pummel him if he catches the solder stalking other women like that again. After returning to Azuichi, Hideyoshi takes MC out to the market, leading her to the hairpin gallery and buying almost every single one she looks at to compensate for the hairpin the other man gave her. MC tried to wrestle the money bag out of his hand but no dice, just let the man spoil you.
Masamune: Is VERY curious what the letter says and peers over her shoulder to read it along with her, watching her realize that it was from an admirer. “You attract a lot of stray cats, kitten. I might have to put a bell on you.” MC nudged him in the gut before asking what they should do about it. Since he’s all about autonomy and letting you speak for yourself, he suggests you talk to him yourself and he can stay guard in case anything goes wrong. So the soldier got a bit of a surprise when MC asked for him to step outside to talk, immediately seeing Masamune with a toothy grin and a hand on his sheath in the background as she explained that her heart belongs to another and that she has to respectfully decline his advances. Masamune’s presence making it obvious what would happen if he didn’t respect her wishes. After returning to the castle, MC was surprised with a hairpin that had a tiger on it, along with a letter from Masamune himself saying that he had to get even.
Mitsuhide: He knew who exactly the stalker/admirer was since he knows EVERYTHING and is always observing MC’s every move (kind of a stalker himself). He unfortunately was too busy with war strategies to notice the soldier slipping the pin and letter in their tent. “Foolish little mouse. Must you pick up sharp objects that might contain poison on them. Let me check these items for safety reasons.” Swooping the items from her hands, he leaves the tent to go towards the soldiers tent. “The Princess politely declined your advances and has already made a pact with a greedy fox that does not like to share. If you do not respect her wishes, I’m sure there’s plenty of room in the dungeons for you to write your next love letter.” Mitsuhide returned to MC’s tent, wrapping one arm around her waist and hooking his finger under her chin. “Dearest little mouse, you almost fell for the most devious plot someone could have: to steal your love away from me. If the soldier by the name of *insert some creep’s name here* approaches you again, let me know and I’ll resolve the problem.” Mc could tell by his mischievous Cheshire grin and his reaction to the letter what happened and sighed with a sarcastic “my hero”. About a week later, Mc finds a hairpin with Mitsuhide’s flower design and a letter and cautiously reads the note to make sure it’s from him. “Looks like you fell for the same trap again. Luckily it’s from me, but it looks like I’ll have to punish you for your lack of precaution.” Don’t worry, it’s a good punishment ;)
Mitsunari: Dude zoned out at first, thinking “wait..did I get that for her and forgot about it?” (Poor baby’s brain is fried from all the writing and strategizing he’s been doing all day give him a break). As soon as Mc’s face started turning downward, he knew it probably was not from him. “What does the letter say, my love?” “I think *insert creeper name here* is trying to court me. I might need to tell him tonight that I cannot reciprocate.” Mitsunari decides to come along to make sure she is safe as she tells him she cannot be with him. Since Mitsunari is not a “warlord” per-say and does not have any political/arranged marriage issues to navigate, they decide to go public with their relationship to avoid any further confusion and to strategically put the soldier in a place where if he continues his stalking behavior, he’d face the wrath of all the warlords and soldiers that ship him and MC, not just him anymore. Believe me, he also gets you a hairpin, this one with a flower that he read means “eternal, lasting love” to show it comes from the heart.
Ieyasu: His alarm bells go to a 100 real fast and is fuming as she starts to read the letter, immediately realizing it isn’t from him. He stomps over and takes the letter out of her hand, scanning it and sees the name of the soldier and starts grumbling it under his breath. “*creeper name* can’t even hold a sword properly what gives him the right to think he has a chance with you. What a buffoon I swear even Mitsunari is more capable than him I mean..”MC had to cut off his rambling or else he would be fuming for the next hour before they could decide how to handle the matter. “You stay here, I’ll be right back.” “Don’t do anything reckless!” MC shouted as Ieyasu quickly walked towards the soldiers tent to deliver a message that was along the lines of ‘I know a hundred ways to heal a person, and I know a thousand ways to break a person. You choose what I’m going to do to you on the battlefield if you want to pursue MC’. He returned to the tent with a red face after showing his possessiveness so openly to his soldiers, immediately pulling Mc to an embrace to calm his nerves and to hide his blushy face. After returning to the castle, Mc found a hairpin on their bed with a small deer on it. When she asked him about it, he turned away while making the excuse “Your messy hair is distracting and you’ll need to keep your hair tucked away or your clumsy self won’t see and trip.” Yeah right, he’s just jelly -u-
Kenshin: The tent becomes ice cold immediately, before Mc knows it the paper and pin are out of her hands and gripped into his fist. Looking down on the piece of paper to see the soldier’s name, he takes his sword and is ready to kill before MC grabs his arm. “He didn’t know. Let him off with a warning. We don’t need any more bloodshed.” With a huff, he set off. The sleeping soldier was awakened with a stabbing sound next to his head. Opening his eyes to see Kenshin hovering over him with the hairpin stabbing the ground next to him would haunt him for the rest of his life. “One look in her direction and this pin is going through your eyes.” and he left as quickly as he came. His murderous thoughts were soothed over once he embraced his lover upon his return, reminding himself that he can keep her safe without locking her away or doing anything too reckless (not always a promise but he tries). Decides first thing in the morning to tell everyone about his relationship since he doesn’t give a damn about politics if it means making it clear that MC is not available to court and warn that anybody that gets close to her will never get the opportunity to physically be able to walk towards her again. Of course gifts her a bunny hairpin as a replacement.
Shingen: Since he knows all the gossip and has connections, he picks up right away that Mc has an admirer that is getting a little too close for comfort and he’s been keeping an eye on. He waits for Mc to read the letter to see what she thinks. “I knew my goddess would have thousands wanting to worship her. Am I the selfish one for wanting to be the only one to worship you?” “Shingen this is serious what should I do?!” He decides to escort you to the soldier to nobly reject him. After telling MC to head back to their tent, he sat the soldier down and gave the “I know as an earthly man how it feels to gaze upon a divine Angel and want to have her bless your life. For some reason she chose to bless me for the limited time on earth that I have, and selfish as it is I want to cherish every blessing she gives me. I hope you find love like that someday.” Returning back to the tent, Shingen swooped up MC and rested his forehead against hers. “Since you are a goddess with one follower, I need to worship you with all my heart and soul right now.” After returning back to the castle , he decided to handcraft a wooden hair ornament with a bear on the end, saying that something he created with love in every blade stroke meant more than any hair pin bought on the market. (Or that’s just him being extra).
Yukimura: He noticed that one of the soldiers was gazing at MC a lot, but he was too dense to put the two and two together until he and MC walked into their tent to find a hairpin and note. “What’s this?” She did not know if Yuki’s stammering and shifting gaze was due to embarrassment of giving her a gift or of confusion because it really wasn’t for him. Immediately opening the letter she saw how the handwriting and poetic words did not match Yukimura’s bluntness. “I think *creeper name* wants to court me. What should I do?” One of the few moments Yukimura’s protective and possessive nature came to the forefront. “Stay here, I’ll set the record straight. Although embarrassed with love and mushy stuff, he was not afraid to make his relationship with MC known due to no real political backlash and it would keep him from worrying about any other of his men from shooting their shot. Swallowing his tsundere nature, he stepped in and talked to the soldier, making sure he and the other men knew that MC was taken and if they wanted her they’d have to fight him. Although half joking of the last part, they could tell that he was not going to tolerate anybody trying to herd his wild boar woman. When they returned back to the castle and walked down the market, Yukimura shyly pulled her to the hair pin booth. “W-which one do you like?” he stammered. After pointing out which one she wanted, he paid and handed it to her, looking away bashfully and quietly muttering “ I can give you nice things too.” (Break him by either making him repeat himself or asking him to put it in your hair).
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