#ik its bc im not local that im not ride or die in the same way but i love those guys so much and am loyal to them
3416 · 2 months
so what i've learned is that for mitch marner specifically any points earned in a blowout game don't count actually. especially not in a blowout game where he helped swing the momentum. also points super don't count if you got them in games 1-4 of a potential 7 games series because idk reasons. being the first maple leaf with a round 2 gwg in half a million years doesn't count the most obviously because it wasn't a game 5, 6, or 7. it doesn't matter how you got to games 5-7 but if you're not putting up points in that exact stretch of games then well you're just not built for playoff hockey apparently. unless your name isn't mitch marner of course.
REALLLL TO ALL OF THIS.... everything he's done in the playoffs is bad and he's a whiny child apparently for ? existing ? having an occasional bad game when he just came back from an injury known to continuously impact your game while you heal ? we're just gonna look over the fact that he was better in the first game than everyone that contributed in the second bc we didn't win the first, lol. amazes me that no matter how many times i read this shit, i get so worked up every time like. not even from a mitch marner fan perspective sometimes but just from the sheer lack of fucking LOGIC and then seeing hundreds to thousands of people agree? like bro this is really partially the worst fanbase in the league, lol. i am NOT ride or die with all of you stupid fucks, that's for sure.
even yesterday i was just seeing stats about how he and mo were at the top of the list of most pass to shot attempts made in the oz so far in the ENTIRE playoffs and i'm like ????????????? you'd think he was doing NOTHING just bc his linemates can't put it in, lol. i'm so tired of people saying 'the second mitch is on a non-leaf team, he'll win a cup with them' even as defense of mitch from the fanbase bc like. he's not going anywhere?????? he's got a nmc like what are we even hypothetically discussing??????? him for WHICH stud dman on the market??? letting him walk and pissing off your franchise star center while you're at it???? like what. anyway. the extension with a raise is going to hit so hard after all the 'mitch can only stay if he takes a discount' too fhijdsklfejds.
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