#ik a two hour drive isn’t a ton for some people
cheolism · 8 months
I can’t wait to move closer to home so I can visit my grandma and grandpa more :(((
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KH 2 playthrough post so far so I don’t actually have to spam my blog and you all:
OOOH!! I just beat Aladdin’s world for the second time and now the organizations place is showing up!! It’s beginning to appear which isn’t too good-
But it’s also perfect bc I am craving to see Riku pleaseeeee.
I have to go back to Twilight Town for the second time and I didn’t see that the path wasn’t opened up yet (like I can see the world but I can’t land there yet), so I went up to it and it did that barrier thing and it scared the crap out of me. Idk why it did, but it did-
HE DIESSS NOOOO. I mean Ik he doesn’t die but STILL ITS SO SAD😭. He just wanted to see Roxas….
I’m looking at the shadow profile in the journal and gosh the way it just twitches…it makes it so hard to believe that Sora was one of these at some point-
Went back to Pride Rock to lvl up bc I remember that spawning those flying creatures thing on top of pride rock and it’s worked pretty well. Got Sora leveled up at least once since the first time so :).
But also why am I only now learning that Sora can actually run in Lion King’s world?? He doesn’t do a short dash…if you hold down square he actually runs…why am I only now realizing this after years-
Yesss!!! The heartless wasn’t that hard. I just didn’t go up to the actual heartless at all and just attacked the big dinosaur thing bc it was safer and that thing was dead within 5 minutes?? Maybe?? Idk but anyways. I really wish we could do drive form in pride lands bc that fight would’ve been really good for leveling up my Valor form and others. I think I need to lvl each form up to beat Roxas so I need to get to working-
Tron: Hugs the crew
Donald and Goofy: Happily accept the hug
Sora: Acts like he’s never been hugged in his life and is so uncomfortable
I still find this moment so funny-
Leveled up my Drive Forms (even tho I could only use limit :’)) and I beat Roxas on the first try! I’m so happy!! And while reading through comments of a video about how to beat him since I haven’t played him in awhile and needed a refresher of what he does, I saw people saying they quit. They literally got to this fight and quiet and it made me a little sad. One comment said they got to lvl 40 and couldn’t beat him and I was like, “Did you…not read the lvl recommendation? It says 50 for me, plus leveling up the drive form needed wasn’t too difficult.” I literally took a TON of damage and could barely block any of his attacks, but if you have Curaga and Hi-Potions, then you can beat him. Literally my first time posting on normal mode and I managed to do it!!
Some even said that it took them two hours to beat Roxas and I was like dang. It took me awhile to level up my drive forms sure, but not two hours. I guess they didn’t go to the right areas :/. I just want to tell people that if you gave up bc of him, to back to this game! It’s so amazing to beat him yourself and feel that satisfaction! It really is! Plus, as long as you’re at the recommendation lvl then you can do it! I’m literally barely dodged his attacks and almost died once, but I managed and it’s very satisfying to beat him!! And very emotional if you look up why you fight him :’’’(.
But yeah there’s my small rant about my fight with Roxas. I really can’t believe I beat him on my first try. Last playthrough (which was the first time I beat the game ever) I sucked so bad.
BRO IM LITERALLY IN TEARS. My head hurts😭. I love that KH seems like a Disney game because of the worlds, but it’s story and lore is real deep and punches you in the heart while simultaneously making you laugh. I love it here even as I cry :).
This is so terrible out of context, but Namine and Kairi running away while holding hands is kinda funny. Just the way they run is a little bit funny. Situation is terrible but I just had a small chuckle at their run-
Okay that’s all for tonight :). It’s almost midnight and I’m just now quitting KH, so yeah. Goodnight yall or good morning :).
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jswdmb1 · 6 years
Put the Message in the Box
“Put the message in the box
Put the box into the car
Drive the car around the world
Until you get heard”
- World Party
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Yes, I have enjoyed my break, thanks for asking, but it’s time to get back to work.  While I was off, I had plenty of time to read through all of the wonderful questions you sent.  Well, actually, it was only one.  But, given my difficulties sometimes grasping with reality, I couldn’t be sure if it was the only one I got, or if there were more just coming from my head.  Turns out, I was mixing up the voices in my head with the radio.  So, to avoid any confusion, I’ve included all of them here in my version of (bow to David Letterman) viewer mail.  Here we go:
“Astrology. Do you believe there is something to it? I mean like real astrology - like Ptolemy, Cassini, and Nostradamus practiced - not the one-size-fits-all horoscope you find in the newspaper.” - anonymous
Great question.  I definitely agree that these silly newspaper horoscopes are a waste of time, but the notion that the stars and planets somehow dictate what happens to us here on Earth is not something that I dismiss.  The problem I have is how could anyone possibly figure that out.  I am a very analytical person, and I just can’t believe someone like Nostradamus could have had the tools and data available to him at that point in time to make any sort of informed conclusions.  Frankly, I think he was just throwing a lot of shit up against the wall and just seeing what sticks.  That being said, the vastness and grandeur of our universe certainly suggest that there are forces out there that could have a significant impact on our lives. Unfortunately, I’m a bit too cynical and/or agnostic to believe that anyone will ever be able to prove that, in my lifetime anyway.  I guess that relegates me back to the astrology section in the newspaper, but I pass right by it to the crossword puzzle anyway, so I guess I’ll just have to keep finding things out one day at a time for now.  But, I’m open to any foresight that can be given to me, with proof of course.
“What’s going on?” - Marvin G., Detroit, Michigan
Gee, Marvin, where do I begin?  It seems if you even take a couple of days off there is “shocking” news that has already been replaced with something even more unbelievable.  I think, however, that this most recent story of a certain lawyer who worked for a certain boss who made him pay certain porn stars and committed a bunch of laws in the process is going to stick.  I think what everyone has to remember, including our president, is that impeachment is a political process and not a legal one.  Whether he can be indicted for a crime, or even if one exists that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt is irrelevant.  If the legislative branch feels from a political standpoint that the president needs to be removed due to his actions (or inaction) then they must proceed with impeachment proceedings.  If you look at impeachment processes in history, notably Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and even Richard Nixon, what got them in trouble pales in comparison to what this guy looks to have done.  I happen to think that means this is going to be going on for a long time and well into the 2020 election cycle.  No matter which side you are on, this is going to be political theater at its highest level, so enjoy it if you are into that thing.
“Can you get to that?” - Mavis S., Chicago, Illinois
Personally speaking, Mavis, I can definitely get to impeachment proceedings commencing at some point in the next six-to-twelve months.  The question is where do they go once they start and do they ever leave the committee level?  Even if they do, it seems unlikely to me that things could move fast enough to the House voting for impeachment by the 2020 primaries.  Furthermore, a Senate trial with a conviction appears even further far-fetched given eighteen Republican senators would have to flip on their sitting president (remember that a 2/3 majority is needed to convict).  I’m actually okay with that scenario playing out as it allows a lot of probing and debate that hasn’t happened in the past two years and gives the voters in the next election much better information than they had last time.  I also think that it gives other Republicans cover to challenge a sitting president in the primaries, which hasn’t happened seriously since Ted Kennedy took on Jimmy Carter in 1980.  My prediction is that impeachment never really gets off the ground, but it damages Trump so badly that he never makes it out of his party’s primaries.  Of course, this could all change tomorrow with the next bombshell that drops, but for now that’s what I see happening.
“What’s the frequency, Kenneth?” - Michael S., Athens, Georgia
Thanks for the note, Michael.  The name’s Jim, actually.  Anyway, if you happen to be driving through the Chicago area, I’ll recommend two frequencies for you to try on your FM dial.  The first, of course, is 93.1 or WXRT.  It is the last true FM rock station left in Chicago that plays everything from blues to classic rock to 80′s new wave to 90′s grunge up to new music from today and everything in between.  The DJ’s are knowledgeable and stay out of the way of the music.  My favorite is Terri Hemmert on weekday mornings from 10:00 to 1:00.  Saturday mornings are also a can’t miss with the three-hour flashback show to a particular year in rock.  The other frequency to try is 88.7.  This one is fun because in the city it will be Loyola University’s WLUW, but as you drive out west (around Harlem on the Ike) it turns into Elmhurst College’s WRSE.  WLUW is the quirkier of the two as you may find an obscure Icelandic electronica song played right after Glen Campbell’s “Southern Nights”.  Nothing wrong with either song, but it helps to be in college and on drugs to enjoy those so close together and I am not in or on either.  As such, I’m more partial to WRSE as they focus on rock variety with the occasional surprise thrown in.  They actually remind me a lot of an amateur version of XRT in many ways.  Whichever you listen to, it’s fun to hear college kids learning their way and it makes me feel just a little hip that they let me tune in.
“How bad do you want it?” - Don H., Linden, Texas
You have no idea how bad I want it Mr. H.  We’ve been waiting over thirty years in this town for a football team with a real shot at winning the Super Bowl, and I think we have one here.  This defense is that good.  Plus, as well as the D played against the Rams, I thought seeing the running game going well was a really good sign.  We’ll still need Mitch to get it back after hurting his shoulder, but I don’t think the Bears have to ride his arm to the Super Bowl.  Now, to get there, they are going to have to win two road games, probably in New Orleans and L.A., but I really think they would have an outside chance at a run if the momentum carries from last week.  If they do get to the Super Bowl, I predict they dominate any team that represents the AFC as I think they are better than them all (including the Chiefs and the Pats who they should have beat a few weeks ago).  The best thing about this team is that they have a ton of young talent that still has a lot of upside, so even if a Super Bowl isn’t in the cards this year, the Bears are a team to be reckoned with for a while in the NFC.   But, first let’s take care of business and win the NFC North title at home over the Packers.  After so many years of misery, I can’t think of a better way for this team to make a statement that it is back and the rest of the league will be messing with them at their own peril for years to come.
“Who are you?” - Pete T., London, England
I get it, Pete, I know that I have no authority to really speak on any of these subjects, but I can’t help myself.  I just love to answer questions and was very grateful for the one question that came to me from a blog reader.  I also think I have done a service by answering some of these additional questions that you all have been singing about for years.  I mean, as far as I know, there never have been any real responses to questions like yours.  I know there are a lot more out there too, so I’m happy to do it again.  I will, so long as I can get some blog reader questions to go along with them.  You know, just so people don’t think I’m completely insane. So, Take a Chance and Read Some Crap readers, hit that question button and keep this going as I’m sure Bob M. (Could You Be Loved?), George H. (What is Life?), and Whitney H. (How Will I Know?) would love answers to their questions too.  Until then, I hope at least some of these answers have satisfied your nagging questions, but the job is never complete.  I think the tide has finally turned for the question and 2019 is going to be full of them.  It may get uncomfortable at times, and maybe even downright nasty, but that is part of life and we are never going to evolve without continuing to challenge those with power and always asking why.
It’s good to be back everyone.  Until next time.
- Jim
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Best Junk Boat Removal Service and Cost in McAllen TX |RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING
More information is at: https://junkremovalmcallentx.org/junk-boat-removal-near-me/
Junk Boat Removal Service near McAllen TX: Are you looking for the Best Junk Boat Removal Service near McAllen TX? RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING, We responsibly dispose of our boats and can typically get them picked up and hauled away. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Junk Boat Removal Service around McAllen TX. We serve McAllen TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Junk Boat Removal
Junk Boat Removal Service near McAllen TX: We have been there. Your boat is done for whatever reason - swamped, old, bad motor, cracked hull, or you're just tired of seeing it rot away every year. Whatever the reason is, we can remove all types of boats, with or without trailers. We offer the most affordable boat removal service in McAllen TX. If you need it gone, we will make it happen. We responsibly dispose of our boats and can typically get them picked up and hauled away in as quickly as 24 to 48 hours from the time you contact us.
Why Use Trash Can Your Boat Removal ● Fair upfront pricing, you won't find better ● Proven professionals at removing and disposing of all boats under 30 feet long ● Fast boat removal response times ● Licensed and insured boat removal ● Capable of removing boats without trailers ● Salvage that works for you - if there are any items of value that go with the boat, we will discount the boat removal ● We recycle and salvage as much as we can from the boats we dispose of to ensure as little as possible ends up in a landfill ● We even buy good boats!
How To Get Rid Of Your Boat And What To Expect
First - The fastest way to start the process is to fill out the form below we typically respond within an hour or two. If you would like to call. This is different from our company number, it goes straight to our boat removal foreman. He isn't easy to reach. That's why we have the form below to get you fast service.
Second - We ask questions! Where is the boat located? How large is the boat to be removed? What's wrong with the boat? Can we salvage any of it? Is it on a road worthy trailer? Does the boat still have fluids in it? Please feel free to include this information in the form below.
Third - After getting a sense for the condition of your boat and how difficult it will be to remove we will offer a guesstimate. Please note - until we see the boat to be removed, we are making our best educated guess so you have somewhat of an idea how much your removal will cost, but, it's not exact and subject to change. In the past some customers have tried to . let's say under state the scope of their boat removal in an attempt to lock us in to removing their boat at a lower price. This will not work or happen. Just like when we do junk removals, we verify the exact pricing upfront ONLY after seeing the boat. Our prices are more than fair, and are guaranteed to be the best price you will find.
Fourth - We set a time! We can typically have boats picked up and disposed of within 48 hours of your having contacted us. This is our goal. Sometimes this doesn't happen despite our best efforts, the point here is we try our best to get to it quickly
Fifth - We confirm pricing and get it out there!! As we spoke of above, we will inspect and go over the strategy for the boat removal while confirming the exact price upfront. If you agree to our plan and price we get busy! We load it up within the time frame we discussed and POOF!!! It’s gone baby! Never to be seen or dealt with by you again, your giant problem is no more!
6 Easy Ways To Junk A Boat
Junk Boat Removal Service near McAllen TX: If you are planning on getting rid of your old boat, even if you think it is junk, you might have some options available that can earn you some money for getting rid of it. Most people, who get rid of boats that are broken down eyesores, often think they are not worth anything and pay someone to come haul them away.
How to Get Rid of Your Boat: Boats, like anything else, have a lifespan that will one day run out. If your boat has run out its lifespan, this likely means that the boat is not worth the cost of upkeep, storage, and has a low monetary value. At this point, you would consider junking your boat. There are options that are available to you when you are in the process of junking an old boat. These options will depend on location and the age and condition of your boat.
1. Recycle/Dismantle:
If you are looking to get some extra money from your junked boat, you can look into nearby boat part dealers or even salvagers. Both used parts dealers and salvagers will take your boat and try to resell any viable parts. They will even compensate you for the value of the usable parts that they intend to sell. This does not necessarily mean you will make any money from this, however, because most used part dealers and salvagers will charge you for the cost of dismantling your vessel as well as recycling or disposing of hazardous wastes. If you intend to look into this option, you will want to check with your local dealers or salvage yards. Each company will have specific requirements for what type of vessels they will accept as well as what size vessels they will accept.
2. Scrap Boats:
It is also possible to scrap your boat. Scrapped boats can be worth a lot of money, especially if they are aluminum boats since most scrapyards. Fiberglass boats can be worth money, but not as much. You will want to check with your local scrap yard. Sometimes scrap yards will only be interested in the metal pieces of your boat. This is because it is hard to reuse fiberglass and scrap yards will not always have the space to store piles of fiberglass. If you choose to scrap your boat, make sure you separate any brass or titanium form the rest of the metal. These are more valuable and you will want to make sure you are getting more money for these pieces.
3. Sell It:
Depending on the condition of the hull, your boat might not be complete junk. Some people refurbish boats to make money. If your hull is in good condition, it can be refinished and reused. Make sure you do not try to sell your boat for too high of a price, or you will have difficulty selling it.
If you plan to go this route, be realistic about what the boat is worth using the base of its parts. Most people will not pay more for “sentimental value” which is the main driving factor for people listing their boats for too high of a price.
4. Vessel Turn-In Program:
If you do not care whether you get any money back or not, and you don’t want to pay for dismantling or the other costs associated with junking a boat, you can look into a vessel turn-in program near you. These services are offered as a no-cost option for surrendering your boat. This option could be as simple as contacting a participating agency and dropping your vessel off. In order to utilize this service, you must be the registered owner of the vessel and sign a release for it. While you will not make any money off of this option, it can be an easy and no-cost way to deal with a boat that you otherwise do not want to deal with. This is also worth looking into if you do not think you will be able to salvage or resell enough parts of your boat to offset the cost of dismantling or recycling of your vessel from a broker or salvage yard.
5. Simple Disposal:
If there is not a vessel turn-in program near you, you can take your boat to a landfill for disposal. Before you do this you will want to contact the site to check whether or not they will accept your vessel, what it might cost, and if there are any restrictions associated. You might be required to remove hazardous waste first if they have any restrictions. This will be something you want to know before you take your boat there.
6. Donate It:
You can also donate your boat to a school that restores boats. This is not only a free way to get rid of your boat, but you are also helping a local school improve their craft. If you donate your boat to a school you can use it as a tax write off. This helps you to save money when tax season comes and can still be better than nothing.
Where to Get Rid of Your Boat: Now that you have decided to get rid of your boat, you might be wondering where you should get rid of it.
COST How much does it cost to dispose/Remove a Junk boat?
Junk Boat Removal Service near McAllen TX: Even disposing of a hull in a landfill can be problematic. Often the owner of an end-of-lifeboat can't afford the disposal fee, which can be $95 to $100 a ton or $5 a foot, plus the cost of transporting the boat or, if it's sunk, thousands more to raise it.
The dead-boat disposal A glut of ‘end-of-life’ hulls is clogging our landfills as experts seek an economically viable system for recycling fiberglass When Texan Pat Zagar moved his boat salvage business three years ago, he had to find a way to dispose of the 200 hulls stored on his property. “I’m in the boat recycling business, and I could not find a place that would take the fiberglass,” says Zagar, 57, of Houston, who dismantles boats for parts and sells them.
So he dumped them into a landfill, where the fiberglass will sit for years. It cost Zagar $40,000 to trash more than 1,100 tons of hull material. We do the environment a good turn by getting these boats out of the water, getting them out of people’s backyards, says Zagar, who started salvaging boats in 2008 after Hurricane Ike roared through Galveston, causing $200 million in damage to boats alone.
Cleaning up the waters and shoreline is a good thing, Zagar says. Taking the hulls to the dump is a bad thing, but I can’t see any other way to do it right now.
He says he could have bought a machine for $100,000 to grind pieces of fiberglass hulls into small glass fibers and powdered resin, then try to sell the material as an additive to virgin fiberglass in some manufacturing processes or to make pilings, fence posts, manhole covers, boardwalk planks, parking stops and other wood substitutes. Europeans seem to be making headway in dealing with the problem. In a report about the conference, organizers said:
● A network of 52 yacht disposal points, where vessels are turned in so they can be cleaned, dismantled and turned over to a recycling company, has been operating along the French coast since 2009 under the umbrella of the French Nautical Industries Association. It has handled about 4,000 boats. ● Disposal prices range from $325 for a small dinghy to $2,400 for a 52-foot fiberglass yacht and $1,635 for a typical 32-foot boat. About 30 percent of the cost is to transport the boat to the disposal yard. ● Boat owners see recycling as an option, but the cost appears to be a deterrent. Owners accept just 10 percent of the quotes for scrapping end-of-life boats. ● Conferees heard that taxpayers might have to foot the bill for some end-of-life disposals. There also was discussion about the industry developing a scheme for raising money for boat disposal, perhaps by charging a fee that is incorporated into the sales price whenever a boat is transferred to a new owner. ● The most feasible technology for recycling fiberglass for now seems to be a mechanical one: shredding the material into particles and combining it with other materials or resins to create a new composite for use in a new product.
What is the most environmentally responsible way of disposing of a boat?
Junk Boat Removal Service near McAllen TX: Enlist the services of a reputable disposal company who will do the work as environmentally responsibly as possible. Inquire to ensure they will properly remove hazardous materials, recyclable parts and anything else on the boat that is not permitted in the landfill or has value and can be sold; these items should be disposed of in accordance with each area's waste disposal guidelines. The hull can be recycled if it is metal; fiberglass and wood hulls will be demolished and transported to a landfill.
Why are abandoned boats a problem?
Each season as boaters take to the waterways throughout Ontario and Canada, there is a possibility that they may come across boats that have been left abandoned not only in the water but as well as on land. Abandoned boats pose a number of environmental and safety risks due to the release of toxins affecting marine life and surrounding habitat. Not only are they an eyesore, they act as a barrier to business development and local economies including waterfront development. For more information click on the image.
How does one know when their boat has reached the end of life?
Your boat has reached its end of life when: ● the essential repairs to keep your boat operational exceed the monetary or emotional value of the boat. ● It is no longer seaworthy. ● It can no longer safely be operated.
How much does boat disposal cost?
The cost of boat disposal can vary greatly depending on a number of factors; ● Size ● Type ● Composition ● Method of intake charge (by foot or by weight) ● We would recommend contacting one or two local businesses that offer boat disposal services and ask for an estimate. Make sure to consider all steps in the process of disposal (retrieval, transportation, wrecking & disposal/recycling).
Can all or part of my boat be recycled or sold?
Some parts of a boat can be repurposed: engines, propane tanks, electronics, and metal hulls, etc. These would be removed as part of the disposal process and can be recycled, sold or disposed of appropriately. Wood and fiberglass hulls are not currently recyclable.
Will someone transport my boat for me?
Yes, we have included in our business listing boat transportation services available to move your boat to its final resting site.
● Junk Boat Removal Services Near McAllen TX ● Junk Boat Removal ● Boat Removal Service ● Boat Disposal ● Who Buys Junk Boats ● Scrap Boat Removal ● Boat Junk Yard ● Junk Boat Removal Ct ● Junk Removal Near McAllen TX ● Junk Boat Removal ● Free Junk Boat Removal ● Boat Removal Service ● Who Buys Junk Boats ● Boat Disposal ● Free Boat Removal ● Junk Removal ● Boat Salvage Yard McAllen TX
CONTACT US: RGV Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (956) 587-3410 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (956) 587 3484 HANDYMAN CALL (956) 587 3486 CLEANING CALL (956) 587 3487 MOVING Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in McAllen, TX Open Monday to Sunday Located in McAllen, TX 78541 Website: www.junkremovalmcallentx.org http://www.valleyjunkremoval.org/ http://www.rgvhouseholdservices.com/ SERVICE AREA: Alamo, TX | Combes, TX | Delmita, TX | Donna, TX | Edcouch, TX | Edinburg, TX | Elsa, TX | Garciasville, TX | Grulla, TX | Hargill, TX | Harlingen, TX | Hidalgo, TX | La Blanca, TX | La Feria, TX | La Joya, TX | La Villa, TX | Lasara, TX | Linn, TX | Los Ebanos, TX | Los Indios, TX | Lyford, TX | Mercedes, TX | Mission, TX | Penitas, TX | Pharr, TX | Progreso, TX | Raymondville, TX | Rio Grande City, TX | San Juan, TX | Santa Maria, TX | Santa Rosa, TX | Sullivan City, TX | Weslaco, TX Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572 #junk #moving #handyman #mcAllen #texas #cleaninghttps://junkremovalmcallentx.org/junk-boat-removal-near-me/
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Best Junk Boat Removal Service and Cost in Wichita KS |WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING
More information is at: https://junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/junk-boat-removal-near-me/
Junk Boat Removal Service near Wichita KS: Are you looking for the Best Junk Boat Removal Service near Wichita KS? WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING, We responsibly dispose of our boats and can typically get them picked up and hauled away. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Junk Boat Removal Service around Wichita KS. We serve Wichita KS and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Junk Boat Removal
Junk Boat Removal Service near Wichita KS: We have been there. Your boat is done for whatever reason - swamped, old, bad motor, cracked hull, or you're just tired of seeing it rot away every year. Whatever the reason is, we can remove all types of boats, with or without trailers. We offer the most affordable boat removal service in Wichita KS. If you need it gone, we will make it happen. We responsibly dispose of our boats and can typically get them picked up and hauled away in as quickly as 24 to 48 hours from the time you contact us.
Why Use Trash Can Your Boat Removal ● Fair upfront pricing, you won't find better ● Proven professionals at removing and disposing of all boats under 30 feet long ● Fast boat removal response times ● Licensed and insured boat removal ● Capable of removing boats without trailers ● Salvage that works for you - if there are any items of value that go with the boat, we will discount the boat removal ● We recycle and salvage as much as we can from the boats we dispose of to ensure as little as possible ends up in a landfill ● We even buy good boats!
How To Get Rid Of Your Boat And What To Expect
First - The fastest way to start the process is to fill out the form below we typically respond within an hour or two. If you would like to call. This is different from our company number, it goes straight to our boat removal foreman. He isn't easy to reach. That's why we have the form below to get you fast service.
Second - We ask questions! Where is the boat located? How large is the boat to be removed? What's wrong with the boat? Can we salvage any of it? Is it on a road worthy trailer? Does the boat still have fluids in it? Please feel free to include this information in the form below.
Third - After getting a sense for the condition of your boat and how difficult it will be to remove we will offer a guesstimate. Please note - until we see the boat to be removed, we are making our best educated guess so you have somewhat of an idea how much your removal will cost, but, it's not exact and subject to change. In the past some customers have tried to . let's say under state the scope of their boat removal in an attempt to lock us in to removing their boat at a lower price. This will not work or happen. Just like when we do junk removals, we verify the exact pricing upfront ONLY after seeing the boat. Our prices are more than fair, and are guaranteed to be the best price you will find.
Fourth - We set a time! We can typically have boats picked up and disposed of within 48 hours of your having contacted us. This is our goal. Sometimes this doesn't happen despite our best efforts, the point here is we try our best to get to it quickly
Fifth - We confirm pricing and get it out there!! As we spoke of above, we will inspect and go over the strategy for the boat removal while confirming the exact price upfront. If you agree to our plan and price we get busy! We load it up within the time frame we discussed and POOF!!! It’s gone baby! Never to be seen or dealt with by you again, your giant problem is no more!
6 Easy Ways To Junk A Boat
Junk Boat Removal Service near Wichita KS: If you are planning on getting rid of your old boat, even if you think it is junk, you might have some options available that can earn you some money for getting rid of it. Most people, who get rid of boats that are broken down eyesores, often think they are not worth anything and pay someone to come haul them away.
How to Get Rid of Your Boat: Boats, like anything else, have a lifespan that will one day run out. If your boat has run out its lifespan, this likely means that the boat is not worth the cost of upkeep, storage, and has a low monetary value. At this point, you would consider junking your boat. There are options that are available to you when you are in the process of junking an old boat. These options will depend on location and the age and condition of your boat.
1. Recycle/Dismantle:
If you are looking to get some extra money from your junked boat, you can look into nearby boat part dealers or even salvagers. Both used parts dealers and salvagers will take your boat and try to resell any viable parts. They will even compensate you for the value of the usable parts that they intend to sell. This does not necessarily mean you will make any money from this, however, because most used part dealers and salvagers will charge you for the cost of dismantling your vessel as well as recycling or disposing of hazardous wastes. If you intend to look into this option, you will want to check with your local dealers or salvage yards. Each company will have specific requirements for what type of vessels they will accept as well as what size vessels they will accept.
2. Scrap Boats:
It is also possible to scrap your boat. Scrapped boats can be worth a lot of money, especially if they are aluminum boats since most scrapyards. Fiberglass boats can be worth money, but not as much. You will want to check with your local scrap yard. Sometimes scrap yards will only be interested in the metal pieces of your boat. This is because it is hard to reuse fiberglass and scrap yards will not always have the space to store piles of fiberglass. If you choose to scrap your boat, make sure you separate any brass or titanium form the rest of the metal. These are more valuable and you will want to make sure you are getting more money for these pieces.
3. Sell It:
Depending on the condition of the hull, your boat might not be complete junk. Some people refurbish boats to make money. If your hull is in good condition, it can be refinished and reused. Make sure you do not try to sell your boat for too high of a price, or you will have difficulty selling it.
If you plan to go this route, be realistic about what the boat is worth using the base of its parts. Most people will not pay more for “sentimental value” which is the main driving factor for people listing their boats for too high of a price.
4. Vessel Turn-In Program:
If you do not care whether you get any money back or not, and you don’t want to pay for dismantling or the other costs associated with junking a boat, you can look into a vessel turn-in program near you. These services are offered as a no-cost option for surrendering your boat. This option could be as simple as contacting a participating agency and dropping your vessel off. In order to utilize this service, you must be the registered owner of the vessel and sign a release for it. While you will not make any money off of this option, it can be an easy and no-cost way to deal with a boat that you otherwise do not want to deal with. This is also worth looking into if you do not think you will be able to salvage or resell enough parts of your boat to offset the cost of dismantling or recycling of your vessel from a broker or salvage yard.
5. Simple Disposal:
If there is not a vessel turn-in program near you, you can take your boat to a landfill for disposal. Before you do this you will want to contact the site to check whether or not they will accept your vessel, what it might cost, and if there are any restrictions associated. You might be required to remove hazardous waste first if they have any restrictions. This will be something you want to know before you take your boat there.
6. Donate It:
You can also donate your boat to a school that restores boats. This is not only a free way to get rid of your boat, but you are also helping a local school improve their craft. If you donate your boat to a school you can use it as a tax write off. This helps you to save money when tax season comes and can still be better than nothing.
Where to Get Rid of Your Boat: Now that you have decided to get rid of your boat, you might be wondering where you should get rid of it.
COST How much does it cost to dispose/Remove a Junk boat?
Junk Boat Removal Service near Wichita KS: Even disposing of a hull in a landfill can be problematic. Often the owner of an end-of-lifeboat can't afford the disposal fee, which can be $95 to $100 a ton or $5 a foot, plus the cost of transporting the boat or, if it's sunk, thousands more to raise it.
The dead-boat disposal A glut of ‘end-of-life’ hulls is clogging our landfills as experts seek an economically viable system for recycling fiberglass When Texan Pat Zagar moved his boat salvage business three years ago, he had to find a way to dispose of the 200 hulls stored on his property. “I’m in the boat recycling business, and I could not find a place that would take the fiberglass,” says Zagar, 57, of Houston, who dismantles boats for parts and sells them.
So he dumped them into a landfill, where the fiberglass will sit for years. It cost Zagar $40,000 to trash more than 1,100 tons of hull material. We do the environment a good turn by getting these boats out of the water, getting them out of people’s backyards, says Zagar, who started salvaging boats in 2008 after Hurricane Ike roared through Galveston, causing $200 million in damage to boats alone.
Cleaning up the waters and shoreline is a good thing, Zagar says. Taking the hulls to the dump is a bad thing, but I can’t see any other way to do it right now.
He says he could have bought a machine for $100,000 to grind pieces of fiberglass hulls into small glass fibers and powdered resin, then try to sell the material as an additive to virgin fiberglass in some manufacturing processes or to make pilings, fence posts, manhole covers, boardwalk planks, parking stops and other wood substitutes. Europeans seem to be making headway in dealing with the problem. In a report about the conference, organizers said:
● A network of 52 yacht disposal points, where vessels are turned in so they can be cleaned, dismantled and turned over to a recycling company, has been operating along the French coast since 2009 under the umbrella of the French Nautical Industries Association. It has handled about 4,000 boats. ● Disposal prices range from $325 for a small dinghy to $2,400 for a 52-foot fiberglass yacht and $1,635 for a typical 32-foot boat. About 30 percent of the cost is to transport the boat to the disposal yard. ● Boat owners see recycling as an option, but the cost appears to be a deterrent. Owners accept just 10 percent of the quotes for scrapping end-of-life boats. ● Conferees heard that taxpayers might have to foot the bill for some end-of-life disposals. There also was discussion about the industry developing a scheme for raising money for boat disposal, perhaps by charging a fee that is incorporated into the sales price whenever a boat is transferred to a new owner. ● The most feasible technology for recycling fiberglass for now seems to be a mechanical one: shredding the material into particles and combining it with other materials or resins to create a new composite for use in a new product.
What is the most environmentally responsible way of disposing of a boat?
Junk Boat Removal Service near Wichita KS: Enlist the services of a reputable disposal company who will do the work as environmentally responsibly as possible. Inquire to ensure they will properly remove hazardous materials, recyclable parts and anything else on the boat that is not permitted in the landfill or has value and can be sold; these items should be disposed of in accordance with each area's waste disposal guidelines. The hull can be recycled if it is metal; fiberglass and wood hulls will be demolished and transported to a landfill.
Why are abandoned boats a problem?
Each season as boaters take to the waterways throughout Ontario and Canada, there is a possibility that they may come across boats that have been left abandoned not only in the water but as well as on land. Abandoned boats pose a number of environmental and safety risks due to the release of toxins affecting marine life and surrounding habitat. Not only are they an eyesore, they act as a barrier to business development and local economies including waterfront development. For more information click on the image.
How does one know when their boat has reached the end of life?
Your boat has reached its end of life when: ● the essential repairs to keep your boat operational exceed the monetary or emotional value of the boat. ● It is no longer seaworthy. ● It can no longer safely be operated.
How much does boat disposal cost?
The cost of boat disposal can vary greatly depending on a number of factors; ● Size ● Type ● Composition ● Method of intake charge (by foot or by weight) ● We would recommend contacting one or two local businesses that offer boat disposal services and ask for an estimate. Make sure to consider all steps in the process of disposal (retrieval, transportation, wrecking & disposal/recycling).
Can all or part of my boat be recycled or sold?
Some parts of a boat can be repurposed: engines, propane tanks, electronics, and metal hulls, etc. These would be removed as part of the disposal process and can be recycled, sold or disposed of appropriately. Wood and fiberglass hulls are not currently recyclable.
Will someone transport my boat for me?
Yes, we have included in our business listing boat transportation services available to move your boat to its final resting site.
● Junk Boat Removal Services Near Wichita KS ● Junk Boat Removal ● Boat Removal Service ● Boat Disposal ● Who Buys Junk Boats ● Scrap Boat Removal ● Boat Junk Yard ● Junk Boat Removal Ct ● Junk Removal Near Wichita KS ● Junk Boat Removal ● Free Junk Boat Removal ● Boat Removal Service ● Who Buys Junk Boats ● Boat Disposal ● Free Boat Removal ● Junk Removal ● Boat Salvage Yard Wichita KS
CONTACT US: Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (316) 500-7551 CLEANING CALL (316) 448-5733 JUNK REMOVAL & MOVING CALL (316) 448-3974 HANDYMAN Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Wichita, KS Open Monday to Sunday 7 Am – 11 PM Located in Wichita, KS 67211 WEB: junkremovalhaulerwichita.org SERVICE AREA: 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS:  Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KSColwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178 #junkremoval #haulingservice #handyman #moving #Wichita #Kasnas #residencialjunkservic #commercialjunk #officejunkremoval
0 notes
lnkhauler · 3 years
Best Junk Boat Removal Service and Cost in Lincoln NE |LNK HAULING JUNK & MOVING
More information is at: http://junkremovallincoln.org/junk-boat-removal-near-me/
Junk Boat Removal Service near Lincoln NE: Are you looking for the Best Junk Boat Removal Service near Lincoln NE? LNK HAULING JUNK & MOVING, We responsibly dispose of our boats and can typically get them picked up and hauled away. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Junk Boat Removal Service around Lincoln NE. We serve Lincoln NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Junk Boat Removal
Junk Boat Removal Service near Lincoln NE: We have been there. Your boat is done for whatever reason - swamped, old, bad motor, cracked hull, or you're just tired of seeing it rot away every year. Whatever the reason is, we can remove all types of boats, with or without trailers. We offer the most affordable boat removal service in Lincoln NE. If you need it gone, we will make it happen. We responsibly dispose of our boats and can typically get them picked up and hauled away in as quickly as 24 to 48 hours from the time you contact us.
Why Use Trash Can Your Boat Removal ● Fair upfront pricing, you won't find better ● Proven professionals at removing and disposing of all boats under 30 feet long ● Fast boat removal response times ● Licensed and insured boat removal ● Capable of removing boats without trailers ● Salvage that works for you - if there are any items of value that go with the boat, we will discount the boat removal ● We recycle and salvage as much as we can from the boats we dispose of to ensure as little as possible ends up in a landfill ● We even buy good boats!
How To Get Rid Of Your Boat And What To Expect
First - The fastest way to start the process is to fill out the form below we typically respond within an hour or two. If you would like to call. This is different from our company number, it goes straight to our boat removal foreman. He isn't easy to reach. That's why we have the form below to get you fast service.
Second - We ask questions! Where is the boat located? How large is the boat to be removed? What's wrong with the boat? Can we salvage any of it? Is it on a road worthy trailer? Does the boat still have fluids in it? Please feel free to include this information in the form below.
Third - After getting a sense for the condition of your boat and how difficult it will be to remove we will offer a guesstimate. Please note - until we see the boat to be removed, we are making our best educated guess so you have somewhat of an idea how much your removal will cost, but, it's not exact and subject to change. In the past some customers have tried to . let's say under state the scope of their boat removal in an attempt to lock us in to removing their boat at a lower price. This will not work or happen. Just like when we do junk removals, we verify the exact pricing upfront ONLY after seeing the boat. Our prices are more than fair, and are guaranteed to be the best price you will find.
Fourth - We set a time! We can typically have boats picked up and disposed of within 48 hours of your having contacted us. This is our goal. Sometimes this doesn't happen despite our best efforts, the point here is we try our best to get to it quickly
Fifth - We confirm pricing and get it out there!! As we spoke of above, we will inspect and go over the strategy for the boat removal while confirming the exact price upfront. If you agree to our plan and price we get busy! We load it up within the time frame we discussed and POOF!!! It’s gone baby! Never to be seen or dealt with by you again, your giant problem is no more!
6 Easy Ways To Junk A Boat
Junk Boat Removal Service near Lincoln NE: If you are planning on getting rid of your old boat, even if you think it is junk, you might have some options available that can earn you some money for getting rid of it. Most people, who get rid of boats that are broken down eyesores, often think they are not worth anything and pay someone to come haul them away.
How to Get Rid of Your Boat: Boats, like anything else, have a lifespan that will one day run out. If your boat has run out its lifespan, this likely means that the boat is not worth the cost of upkeep, storage, and has a low monetary value. At this point, you would consider junking your boat. There are options that are available to you when you are in the process of junking an old boat. These options will depend on location and the age and condition of your boat.
1. Recycle/Dismantle:
If you are looking to get some extra money from your junked boat, you can look into nearby boat part dealers or even salvagers. Both used parts dealers and salvagers will take your boat and try to resell any viable parts. They will even compensate you for the value of the usable parts that they intend to sell. This does not necessarily mean you will make any money from this, however, because most used part dealers and salvagers will charge you for the cost of dismantling your vessel as well as recycling or disposing of hazardous wastes. If you intend to look into this option, you will want to check with your local dealers or salvage yards. Each company will have specific requirements for what type of vessels they will accept as well as what size vessels they will accept.
2. Scrap Boats:
It is also possible to scrap your boat. Scrapped boats can be worth a lot of money, especially if they are aluminum boats since most scrapyards. Fiberglass boats can be worth money, but not as much. You will want to check with your local scrap yard. Sometimes scrap yards will only be interested in the metal pieces of your boat. This is because it is hard to reuse fiberglass and scrap yards will not always have the space to store piles of fiberglass. If you choose to scrap your boat, make sure you separate any brass or titanium form the rest of the metal. These are more valuable and you will want to make sure you are getting more money for these pieces.
3. Sell It:
Depending on the condition of the hull, your boat might not be complete junk. Some people refurbish boats to make money. If your hull is in good condition, it can be refinished and reused. Make sure you do not try to sell your boat for too high of a price, or you will have difficulty selling it.
If you plan to go this route, be realistic about what the boat is worth using the base of its parts. Most people will not pay more for “sentimental value” which is the main driving factor for people listing their boats for too high of a price.
4. Vessel Turn-In Program:
If you do not care whether you get any money back or not, and you don’t want to pay for dismantling or the other costs associated with junking a boat, you can look into a vessel turn-in program near you. These services are offered as a no-cost option for surrendering your boat. This option could be as simple as contacting a participating agency and dropping your vessel off. In order to utilize this service, you must be the registered owner of the vessel and sign a release for it. While you will not make any money off of this option, it can be an easy and no-cost way to deal with a boat that you otherwise do not want to deal with. This is also worth looking into if you do not think you will be able to salvage or resell enough parts of your boat to offset the cost of dismantling or recycling of your vessel from a broker or salvage yard.
5. Simple Disposal:
If there is not a vessel turn-in program near you, you can take your boat to a landfill for disposal. Before you do this you will want to contact the site to check whether or not they will accept your vessel, what it might cost, and if there are any restrictions associated. You might be required to remove hazardous waste first if they have any restrictions. This will be something you want to know before you take your boat there.
6. Donate It:
You can also donate your boat to a school that restores boats. This is not only a free way to get rid of your boat, but you are also helping a local school improve their craft. If you donate your boat to a school you can use it as a tax write off. This helps you to save money when tax season comes and can still be better than nothing.
Where to Get Rid of Your Boat: Now that you have decided to get rid of your boat, you might be wondering where you should get rid of it.
COST How much does it cost to dispose/Remove a Junk boat?
Junk Boat Removal Service near Lincoln NE: Even disposing of a hull in a landfill can be problematic. Often the owner of an end-of-lifeboat can't afford the disposal fee, which can be $95 to $100 a ton or $5 a foot, plus the cost of transporting the boat or, if it's sunk, thousands more to raise it.
The dead-boat disposal A glut of ‘end-of-life’ hulls is clogging our landfills as experts seek an economically viable system for recycling fiberglass When Texan Pat Zagar moved his boat salvage business three years ago, he had to find a way to dispose of the 200 hulls stored on his property. “I’m in the boat recycling business, and I could not find a place that would take the fiberglass,” says Zagar, 57, of Houston, who dismantles boats for parts and sells them.
So he dumped them into a landfill, where the fiberglass will sit for years. It cost Zagar $40,000 to trash more than 1,100 tons of hull material. We do the environment a good turn by getting these boats out of the water, getting them out of people’s backyards, says Zagar, who started salvaging boats in 2008 after Hurricane Ike roared through Galveston, causing $200 million in damage to boats alone.
Cleaning up the waters and shoreline is a good thing, Zagar says. Taking the hulls to the dump is a bad thing, but I can’t see any other way to do it right now.
He says he could have bought a machine for $100,000 to grind pieces of fiberglass hulls into small glass fibers and powdered resin, then try to sell the material as an additive to virgin fiberglass in some manufacturing processes or to make pilings, fence posts, manhole covers, boardwalk planks, parking stops and other wood substitutes. Europeans seem to be making headway in dealing with the problem. In a report about the conference, organizers said:
● A network of 52 yacht disposal points, where vessels are turned in so they can be cleaned, dismantled and turned over to a recycling company, has been operating along the French coast since 2009 under the umbrella of the French Nautical Industries Association. It has handled about 4,000 boats. ● Disposal prices range from $325 for a small dinghy to $2,400 for a 52-foot fiberglass yacht and $1,635 for a typical 32-foot boat. About 30 percent of the cost is to transport the boat to the disposal yard. ● Boat owners see recycling as an option, but the cost appears to be a deterrent. Owners accept just 10 percent of the quotes for scrapping end-of-life boats. ● Conferees heard that taxpayers might have to foot the bill for some end-of-life disposals. There also was discussion about the industry developing a scheme for raising money for boat disposal, perhaps by charging a fee that is incorporated into the sales price whenever a boat is transferred to a new owner. ● The most feasible technology for recycling fiberglass for now seems to be a mechanical one: shredding the material into particles and combining it with other materials or resins to create a new composite for use in a new product.
What is the most environmentally responsible way of disposing of a boat?
Junk Boat Removal Service near Lincoln NE: Enlist the services of a reputable disposal company who will do the work as environmentally responsibly as possible. Inquire to ensure they will properly remove hazardous materials, recyclable parts and anything else on the boat that is not permitted in the landfill or has value and can be sold; these items should be disposed of in accordance with each area's waste disposal guidelines. The hull can be recycled if it is metal; fiberglass and wood hulls will be demolished and transported to a landfill.
Why are abandoned boats a problem?
Each season as boaters take to the waterways throughout Ontario and Canada, there is a possibility that they may come across boats that have been left abandoned not only in the water but as well as on land. Abandoned boats pose a number of environmental and safety risks due to the release of toxins affecting marine life and surrounding habitat. Not only are they an eyesore, they act as a barrier to business development and local economies including waterfront development. For more information click on the image.
How does one know when their boat has reached the end of life?
Your boat has reached its end of life when: ● the essential repairs to keep your boat operational exceed the monetary or emotional value of the boat. ● It is no longer seaworthy. ● It can no longer safely be operated.
How much does boat disposal cost?
The cost of boat disposal can vary greatly depending on a number of factors; ● Size ● Type ● Composition ● Method of intake charge (by foot or by weight) ● We would recommend contacting one or two local businesses that offer boat disposal services and ask for an estimate. Make sure to consider all steps in the process of disposal (retrieval, transportation, wrecking & disposal/recycling).
Can all or part of my boat be recycled or sold?
Some parts of a boat can be repurposed: engines, propane tanks, electronics, and metal hulls, etc. These would be removed as part of the disposal process and can be recycled, sold or disposed of appropriately. Wood and fiberglass hulls are not currently recyclable.
Will someone transport my boat for me?
Yes, we have included in our business listing boat transportation services available to move your boat to its final resting site.
● Junk Boat Removal Services Near Lincoln NE ● Junk Boat Removal ● Boat Removal Service ● Boat Disposal ● Who Buys Junk Boats ● Scrap Boat Removal ● Boat Junk Yard ● Junk Boat Removal Ct ● Junk Removal Near Lincoln NE ● Junk Boat Removal ● Free Junk Boat Removal ● Boat Removal Service ● Who Buys Junk Boats ● Boat Disposal ● Free Boat Removal ● Junk Removal ● Boat Salvage Yard Lincoln NE
CONTACT US: LNK Hauling Junk & Moving Lincoln`s famous junk removal hauling services! CALL (402) 875 7271 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (402) 881 3135 CLEANING CALL (402) 875 7305 HANDYMAN CALL (402) 590 8095 MOVING Open Monday to Sunday Lincoln Nebraska WEBSITE: https://junkremovallincoln.org http://www.lnkjunkremoval.com/ https://lnk-hauling-junk-and-moving-lincoln.business.site SERVICE AREA: Lincoln Nebraska Metro Area: Bennet Ne, Firth Ne, Hallam Ne, Hickman Ne, Lancaster County, Lincoln Nebraska, Malcolm Ne, Milford Ne, Panama Ne, Seward County, Seward Ne, Staplehurst Ne, Utica Ne, Walton Ne, WAVERLY NE, Lincoln NE | Lincoln NE | Lancaster County NE | Seward County NE | Milford NE | 68501, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68524, 68526, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588. Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Lincoln and Sarpy County, including the communities of Lincoln, Omaha, Bellevue, Blair, Carter Lake, Elkhorn, Fort Calhoun, Fremont, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Papillion, Ralston, Springfield, Plattsmouth, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood, Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178. #junkremoval #movingservice #cleaning #commercialjunk #residencialjunkremoval #lincoln #nebaraska #handymanservice
0 notes
lasvegashauling · 3 years
Best Junk Boat Removal Service and Cost in Las Vegas NV |LAS VEGAS HAULING JUNK & MOVING
More information is at: http://junkremovallasvegas.org/junk-boat-removal-near-me/
Junk Boat Removal Service near Las Vegas NV: Are you looking for the Best Junk Boat Removal Service near Las Vegas NV? LAS VEGAS HAULING JUNK & MOVING, We responsibly dispose of our boats and can typically get them picked up and hauled away. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Junk Boat Removal Service around Las Vegas NV. We serve Las Vegas NV and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Junk Boat Removal
Junk Boat Removal Service near Las Vegas NV: We have been there. Your boat is done for whatever reason - swamped, old, bad motor, cracked hull, or you're just tired of seeing it rot away every year. Whatever the reason is, we can remove all types of boats, with or without trailers. We offer the most affordable boat removal service in Las Vegas NV. If you need it gone, we will make it happen. We responsibly dispose of our boats and can typically get them picked up and hauled away in as quickly as 24 to 48 hours from the time you contact us.
Why Use Trash Can Your Boat Removal ● Fair upfront pricing, you won't find better ● Proven professionals at removing and disposing of all boats under 30 feet long ● Fast boat removal response times ● Licensed and insured boat removal ● Capable of removing boats without trailers ● Salvage that works for you - if there are any items of value that go with the boat, we will discount the boat removal ● We recycle and salvage as much as we can from the boats we dispose of to ensure as little as possible ends up in a landfill ● We even buy good boats!
How To Get Rid Of Your Boat And What To Expect
First - The fastest way to start the process is to fill out the form below we typically respond within an hour or two. If you would like to call. This is different from our company number, it goes straight to our boat removal foreman. He isn't easy to reach. That's why we have the form below to get you fast service.
Second - We ask questions! Where is the boat located? How large is the boat to be removed? What's wrong with the boat? Can we salvage any of it? Is it on a road worthy trailer? Does the boat still have fluids in it? Please feel free to include this information in the form below.
Third - After getting a sense for the condition of your boat and how difficult it will be to remove we will offer a guesstimate. Please note - until we see the boat to be removed, we are making our best educated guess so you have somewhat of an idea how much your removal will cost, but, it's not exact and subject to change. In the past some customers have tried to . let's say under state the scope of their boat removal in an attempt to lock us in to removing their boat at a lower price. This will not work or happen. Just like when we do junk removals, we verify the exact pricing upfront ONLY after seeing the boat. Our prices are more than fair, and are guaranteed to be the best price you will find.
Fourth - We set a time! We can typically have boats picked up and disposed of within 48 hours of your having contacted us. This is our goal. Sometimes this doesn't happen despite our best efforts, the point here is we try our best to get to it quickly
Fifth - We confirm pricing and get it out there!! As we spoke of above, we will inspect and go over the strategy for the boat removal while confirming the exact price upfront. If you agree to our plan and price we get busy! We load it up within the time frame we discussed and POOF!!! It’s gone baby! Never to be seen or dealt with by you again, your giant problem is no more!
6 Easy Ways To Junk A Boat
Junk Boat Removal Service near Las Vegas NV: If you are planning on getting rid of your old boat, even if you think it is junk, you might have some options available that can earn you some money for getting rid of it. Most people, who get rid of boats that are broken down eyesores, often think they are not worth anything and pay someone to come haul them away.
How to Get Rid of Your Boat: Boats, like anything else, have a lifespan that will one day run out. If your boat has run out its lifespan, this likely means that the boat is not worth the cost of upkeep, storage, and has a low monetary value. At this point, you would consider junking your boat. There are options that are available to you when you are in the process of junking an old boat. These options will depend on location and the age and condition of your boat.
1. Recycle/Dismantle:
If you are looking to get some extra money from your junked boat, you can look into nearby boat part dealers or even salvagers. Both used parts dealers and salvagers will take your boat and try to resell any viable parts. They will even compensate you for the value of the usable parts that they intend to sell. This does not necessarily mean you will make any money from this, however, because most used part dealers and salvagers will charge you for the cost of dismantling your vessel as well as recycling or disposing of hazardous wastes. If you intend to look into this option, you will want to check with your local dealers or salvage yards. Each company will have specific requirements for what type of vessels they will accept as well as what size vessels they will accept.
2. Scrap Boats:
It is also possible to scrap your boat. Scrapped boats can be worth a lot of money, especially if they are aluminum boats since most scrapyards. Fiberglass boats can be worth money, but not as much. You will want to check with your local scrap yard. Sometimes scrap yards will only be interested in the metal pieces of your boat. This is because it is hard to reuse fiberglass and scrap yards will not always have the space to store piles of fiberglass. If you choose to scrap your boat, make sure you separate any brass or titanium form the rest of the metal. These are more valuable and you will want to make sure you are getting more money for these pieces.
3. Sell It:
Depending on the condition of the hull, your boat might not be complete junk. Some people refurbish boats to make money. If your hull is in good condition, it can be refinished and reused. Make sure you do not try to sell your boat for too high of a price, or you will have difficulty selling it.
If you plan to go this route, be realistic about what the boat is worth using the base of its parts. Most people will not pay more for “sentimental value” which is the main driving factor for people listing their boats for too high of a price.
4. Vessel Turn-In Program:
If you do not care whether you get any money back or not, and you don’t want to pay for dismantling or the other costs associated with junking a boat, you can look into a vessel turn-in program near you. These services are offered as a no-cost option for surrendering your boat. This option could be as simple as contacting a participating agency and dropping your vessel off. In order to utilize this service, you must be the registered owner of the vessel and sign a release for it. While you will not make any money off of this option, it can be an easy and no-cost way to deal with a boat that you otherwise do not want to deal with. This is also worth looking into if you do not think you will be able to salvage or resell enough parts of your boat to offset the cost of dismantling or recycling of your vessel from a broker or salvage yard.
5. Simple Disposal:
If there is not a vessel turn-in program near you, you can take your boat to a landfill for disposal. Before you do this you will want to contact the site to check whether or not they will accept your vessel, what it might cost, and if there are any restrictions associated. You might be required to remove hazardous waste first if they have any restrictions. This will be something you want to know before you take your boat there.
6. Donate It:
You can also donate your boat to a school that restores boats. This is not only a free way to get rid of your boat, but you are also helping a local school improve their craft. If you donate your boat to a school you can use it as a tax write off. This helps you to save money when tax season comes and can still be better than nothing.
Where to Get Rid of Your Boat: Now that you have decided to get rid of your boat, you might be wondering where you should get rid of it.
COST How much does it cost to dispose/Remove a Junk boat?
Junk Boat Removal Service near Las Vegas NV: Even disposing of a hull in a landfill can be problematic. Often the owner of an end-of-lifeboat can't afford the disposal fee, which can be $95 to $100 a ton or $5 a foot, plus the cost of transporting the boat or, if it's sunk, thousands more to raise it.
The dead-boat disposal A glut of ‘end-of-life’ hulls is clogging our landfills as experts seek an economically viable system for recycling fiberglass When Texan Pat Zagar moved his boat salvage business three years ago, he had to find a way to dispose of the 200 hulls stored on his property. “I’m in the boat recycling business, and I could not find a place that would take the fiberglass,” says Zagar, 57, of Houston, who dismantles boats for parts and sells them.
So he dumped them into a landfill, where the fiberglass will sit for years. It cost Zagar $40,000 to trash more than 1,100 tons of hull material. We do the environment a good turn by getting these boats out of the water, getting them out of people’s backyards, says Zagar, who started salvaging boats in 2008 after Hurricane Ike roared through Galveston, causing $200 million in damage to boats alone.
Cleaning up the waters and shoreline is a good thing, Zagar says. Taking the hulls to the dump is a bad thing, but I can’t see any other way to do it right now.
He says he could have bought a machine for $100,000 to grind pieces of fiberglass hulls into small glass fibers and powdered resin, then try to sell the material as an additive to virgin fiberglass in some manufacturing processes or to make pilings, fence posts, manhole covers, boardwalk planks, parking stops and other wood substitutes. Europeans seem to be making headway in dealing with the problem. In a report about the conference, organizers said:
● A network of 52 yacht disposal points, where vessels are turned in so they can be cleaned, dismantled and turned over to a recycling company, has been operating along the French coast since 2009 under the umbrella of the French Nautical Industries Association. It has handled about 4,000 boats. ● Disposal prices range from $325 for a small dinghy to $2,400 for a 52-foot fiberglass yacht and $1,635 for a typical 32-foot boat. About 30 percent of the cost is to transport the boat to the disposal yard. ● Boat owners see recycling as an option, but the cost appears to be a deterrent. Owners accept just 10 percent of the quotes for scrapping end-of-life boats. ● Conferees heard that taxpayers might have to foot the bill for some end-of-life disposals. There also was discussion about the industry developing a scheme for raising money for boat disposal, perhaps by charging a fee that is incorporated into the sales price whenever a boat is transferred to a new owner. ● The most feasible technology for recycling fiberglass for now seems to be a mechanical one: shredding the material into particles and combining it with other materials or resins to create a new composite for use in a new product.
What is the most environmentally responsible way of disposing of a boat?
Junk Boat Removal Service near Las Vegas NV: Enlist the services of a reputable disposal company who will do the work as environmentally responsibly as possible. Inquire to ensure they will properly remove hazardous materials, recyclable parts and anything else on the boat that is not permitted in the landfill or has value and can be sold; these items should be disposed of in accordance with each area's waste disposal guidelines. The hull can be recycled if it is metal; fiberglass and wood hulls will be demolished and transported to a landfill.
Why are abandoned boats a problem?
Each season as boaters take to the waterways throughout Ontario and Canada, there is a possibility that they may come across boats that have been left abandoned not only in the water but as well as on land. Abandoned boats pose a number of environmental and safety risks due to the release of toxins affecting marine life and surrounding habitat. Not only are they an eyesore, they act as a barrier to business development and local economies including waterfront development. For more information click on the image.
How does one know when their boat has reached the end of life?
Your boat has reached its end of life when: ● the essential repairs to keep your boat operational exceed the monetary or emotional value of the boat. ● It is no longer seaworthy. ● It can no longer safely be operated.
How much does boat disposal cost?
The cost of boat disposal can vary greatly depending on a number of factors; ● Size ● Type ● Composition ● Method of intake charge (by foot or by weight) ● We would recommend contacting one or two local businesses that offer boat disposal services and ask for an estimate. Make sure to consider all steps in the process of disposal (retrieval, transportation, wrecking & disposal/recycling).
Can all or part of my boat be recycled or sold?
Some parts of a boat can be repurposed: engines, propane tanks, electronics, and metal hulls, etc. These would be removed as part of the disposal process and can be recycled, sold or disposed of appropriately. Wood and fiberglass hulls are not currently recyclable.
Will someone transport my boat for me?
Yes, we have included in our business listing boat transportation services available to move your boat to its final resting site.
● Junk Boat Removal Services Near Las Vegas NV ● Junk Boat Removal ● Boat Removal Service ● Boat Disposal ● Who Buys Junk Boats ● Scrap Boat Removal ● Boat Junk Yard ● Junk Boat Removal Ct ● Junk Removal Near Las Vegas NV ● Junk Boat Removal ● Free Junk Boat Removal ● Boat Removal Service ● Who Buys Junk Boats ● Boat Disposal ● Free Boat Removal ● Junk Removal ● Boat Salvage Yard Las Vegas NV
CONTACT US: Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (702) 329-9729 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (702) 570-4765 MOVERS MOVING CALL (702) 530-7597 CLEANING Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Las Vegas, NV Open Monday to Sunday Located in Las Vegas, NV 89108 Websites: http://junkremovallasvegas.org/ http://www.mgmjunkremoval.com/ http://www.cleaningserviceslasvegasnv.com/ Service area: Las Vegas NV, Boulder City NV, Enterprise, Henderson, North Las Vegas, Paradise, Spring Valley, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor Nevada. Las Vegas Neighborhoods: Aliante, Anthem/Anthem Country Club, Chinatown, Downtown Las Vegas, Green Valley, Lake Las Vegas, Las Vegas Country Club, MacDonald Highlands, Mountain’s Edge, Paradise Palms, Queensridge & One Queensridge Place, Seven Hills, Southern Highlands, Summerlin, Summerlin South, The Lakes, The Ridges, West Las Vegas Nevada. Las Vegas Neighborhoods: Aliante, Anthem/Anthem Country Club, Chinatown, Downtown Las Vegas, Green Valley, Lake Las Vegas, Las Vegas Country Club, MacDonald Highlands, Mountain’s Edge, Paradise Palms, Queensridge & One Queensridge Place, Seven Hills, Southern Highlands, Summerlin, Summerlin South, The Lakes, The Ridges, West Las Vegas Nevada. #Junk #handyman #cleaning #movers #moving #lasvegas #Nevada
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cyndifferous · 7 years
Kind of a Neverender Story
On May 2nd I attended my 10th Coheed and Cambria show and every day that followed for a month or so since then was a storm of emotions and fuzzy feelings. Every time I try to write this down I get annoyed at my own self and trash it so please bear with me. 5 years ago, February 2012, I got an email about Coheed going on tour like the dozens of emails that came before it since I discovered them only this time, almost 10 years into being a fan I finally decided it was time to go. "I need to do this, babe, just once. I need to get it out of my system, I'll never ask again. Just once." That's what I said to my husband before buying our tickets. I've been living this lie for over five years now, and there's no signs of stopping because every moment since then has been like living in a surrealistic bubble of "how did I get from there to here?" Plus I've won him completely over to the Coheed side, he doesn't even try to fight it anymore. We went and I got my first taste of what it was truly like to be a Child of the Fence. There were people in line with guitars singing Coheed songs, no one was rude, it was like everyone knew everyone else and in a way they did because I learned that every Coheed fan has a home in other Coheed fans. I ran in terror every time a band member was coming or going from the bus, amazed that they were so approachable as other fans said hi or got autographs. My brother in law had a good laugh at my expense when he said, "isn't the lead singer the one with the big hair? He's right there," while I stood frozen in place and I'm sure all the color drained from my face. I literally could not force myself to move. The show was absolutely everything I'd dreamed about and so much more. I found myself square in the danger zone of the pit, the crowd was insanely rough, but my eyes did not waiver from that stage. I planted my feet and turned all my focus into not getting sucked backward so I wouldn't miss a single thing. Every memory of coming to love this band, every part of my past life and the people I shared it with, every painful experience in my life that their music carried me through flooded my mind and hit me in my soul. Watching these guys perform with such zest and energy, as if it would be their last show ever breathed life into me, and when Claudio sang Mother Superior, my favorite song at the time, I wept openly and unabashedly while my husband held me tight. (Ok he was actually holding me up because I was not prepared for how physically exhausted I would be) After the show tons of people were gathered on the corner by the tour bus and I talked my husband into letting us stay despite the 3 hour drive home ahead of us. I met so many COTF that I still know and attend shows with today, people I consider "staples" because I always expect to see them in my corner of the southern US and they're always there. The crowd thinned and suddenly Josh pops out of the building and yells, "WHERE IS DOUGIEFRIZZLE?" o.O This Dougie character skips up, vinyl sleeve in hand (an OG IKS pressing), gets it signed by Josh, gives him a huge hug, explains that he's been waiting forever for Josh to rejoin the band because he was missing only his signature. As it turned out, Doug had tweeted to him that he needed him to sign and Josh being the amazing human he is came out to make it happen. Josh hung out for a bit, talking to everyone, signing things and posing for pictures, even gave one guy a beer from the bus because he said that's all he wanted. I was still terrified and I'm pretty sure I didn't speak. Some time around 2 am, what was once a crowd of us had thinned to about 25 of us; venue security had gone home no doubt believing that we are all insane, and my brother in law had long since retreated to the car to sleep. Coheed's tour manager, Pete, came off the bus and in a very no-nonsense manner gave us the news we'd been waiting for, that the band was going to come out for a meet and greet. At 2 am. In downtown Birmingham. WHAT!! "Have your cameras out, I will take your pictures, if you want something signed have it ready. Any shenanigans and we're getting back on the bus." I didn't have any words for them, except that Zach didn't come out so I requested that. He came and said "I didn't think anyone would want me to," so humble and sweet that man is. I left after getting my pictures and my ticket signed (by all but Josh) and when we passed back by I yelled "I love you Claudio" out the car window and I still cringe when I think of that, hahaha! I didn't sleep that night, how do you just go to sleep when you can feel your life slowly pulling into focus? I love my husband and my children, but I'm a stay at home mom and it can really be the pits sometimes despite the fact that I know I'm extremely lucky to be able to be home with them. At this particular time in my life things were out of whack for me, not as badly as they would come to be, but enough that my own worth already felt unimportant and lost in the repetitiveness of my boring existence. I revitalized a twitter account I had created a few years before and never tweeted from and went on a follow frenzy. I filled the void left by being stuck at home all the time with Coheed fans. I finally had a place to let me be myself, not wife or mommy, just Cyndi. Not only that, but I found hundreds of people just like me: totally invested in Coheed and Cambria, excited about it all the time, where the conversation never ended. People from all over the world, different ages, and from every walk of life you could imagine. What I found was my second home. Thus Cyndifferous was born and I'm onto the meat of my story. In the Coheed community, 10 shows is a drop in the bucket for a lot more fans than you would think, so while I'm personally celebrating that accomplishment, what I came here to talk about isn't that at all. I want to talk about the fans, my friends, my people. I threw myself into the community, dubbing twitter my own personal Heedfeed. I'm always excited about Coheed and when other people are excited too it bleeds back into me and doubles it. I'm pretty sure that I have organs and a nervous system that keep me living, but I'm also pretty sure that without Coheed & the COTF it would all cease to function. I'm a people person and the COTF community welcomed me with open arms. I started using keyword searches to find new friends, and also to share excellent content that may have otherwise been missed. What's great about our community is that even when the band is taking time off, or there's a lull while waiting for movement, there's still ample things to talk about and no shortage of people to talk to. Over the last 5 years in all my personal ups and downs, no matter the distance, I always had my cotf friends for support. When I'm bored, they're there. When I'm sad, they're there. When I'm ecstatic or miserable or anywhere in between. We even get excited about each other's upcoming shows, merch scores, and personal victories. There is no room for jealousy in Heaven's Fence. No room for egos and competition, because we're all so busy looking out for one another and having each other's backs. As true and steady as the keywork that holds Heaven's Fence in place. I've never not felt like the COTF community is my place in the world, my little niche, a safe space for everyone who shares the love for this band that gave us so much just by existing. I mentioned earlier that I've been in a whirlwind of emotions since the show and it's time to clarify. Since the moment I came on board this community I have never felt unwelcome, not even when I would rack up 1,000 tweets in a day or live tweet lyrics to two or three albums in a night. Not even when I parted ways with one project after another, some with an uproar, others a silent exit. Not even when I was constantly asking questions because, let's face it, there's a lot to know about Coheed, it's counterparts, and it's members. People like Neesh who have been around the community seemingly since the beginning of time and who are still enthusiastic and completely on board with welcoming a new person and bestowing upon them what feels like all of their knowledge, but is probably just beginning to scratch the surface. I remember laaaaaaate nights in the RadioXenu chat room with Neesh learning little nuggets of band history, staying up literally all night the night she showed me The Mours and some SUPER old demos from Shabutie & Weerd Science. (Neesh's YouTube channel is a gold mine just by the way) After all this time she is still active and vocal in the community, and still just so damn nice to EVERYONE, that's impressive especially considering how many people I've seen wax and wane or come and go. My point is, Neesh inspired me to always be that person, to always be open and welcoming and a home for COTF, most especially the new ones just hopping on board our particular brand of crazy train, trying to find their place in our vast community. The least I can do after all of the unexpected kindness that has been shown to me over the years is continue to pass that on...forever. Seeing Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV, Volume 1: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness live in all of its glory was an experience I could relive every moment for the rest of my life and die happy. In fact, I hope when I'm about to embark on my next life and my life memories replay that this night is featured. Literally everything about the day was perfect, the weather, the friends, the food. And as the night began it took a huge leap into epic, beginning with witnessing one of the most beautiful moments I've ever witnessed at a show. (I'm looking at you, Yui. And also at you Ern, you amazing human, you.) I'm sparing details because I came here to talk about what happened post-show, I think I've told enough show stories for now, ha! For me, approximately 60% of a Coheed show is meeting people. Internet friends, old friends, new friends, there's no such thing as strangers. This particular show was a "homecoming" of sorts for me because Atlanta is usually where I see my Coheed shows and the previous two tours I skipped Atlanta in search of new places and faces. I got to see people I have missed so dearly since IKS Neverender, including Tim, the very first COTF to ever show me the kind nature of our community at my first show, and also the first I'd heard of people who travel around the country just to see these guys perform their miracle of musicianship. There are not many things in life that parallel the joy of recognizing someone and saying "I KNOW YOUR FACE," even when you've only ever seen it in a tiny profile box online. And so begins a series of happenings that have filled my heart to the bursting point. My bestest friends & I, Jim and James AKA The Awkward Team, met up for this because we are separated by so much distance (Mississippi, Iowa, Florida) that we try our hardest to come together for shows at least. We arrived in Atlanta the day before the show and it wasn't long before our friend Ian reached out to see what we were up to that night. Turns out he was just handed a shitty life card and needed some company! We all met up at Buckhead Pizza Co, my very first day-before-the-show hang, usually I'm a lump in my hotel room the day before haha! We had so much fun hanging out in that pizza place, and being there for Ian to take the burn out of a real bummer of a situation was awesome. Even Nina Uber'd over to hang out with us! Our pizza hangs turned into parking garage hangs and we all laughed so much our faces hurt. In short, thank you for messaging me Ian, you made our night probably 10x more fun and it was great to finally get the time to hang out with you! The show was....I can't even find the adjective to accurately convey that particular evening. The energy was high in the crowd as it always is in Atlanta, but this one was unlike any other. We had full-venue waves going on, it took us a few tries to get the whole floor and balcony involved but when it finally came together it was unforgettably amazing. I thought I would regret choosing to be in the all-seated balcony for this show, but as it turned out the entire balcony was on their feet for the whole show. Give Coheed fans at least one square foot of space to move and dance in and we will do it. And we did. I've been to a couple of shows with a very laid back crowd, this was the exact opposite and that energy conveyed to the band on stage as they powered through one of the most difficult albums in their discography. They moved and grooved right along with us, with the biggest smiles I think I've ever seen them play a show with. And when Final Cut came up, Claudio disappeared from the stage and reappeared ten feet to my left in the balcony shredding a solo and letting a fan play his guitar. Those moments, when the band is floating on the energy of the crowd, when every note they play slams more energy around, when you can tell they're happy to be where they are and loving what they do are next-level. If we could bottle up the energy from a show like that we could live forever on it. I may never experience another show quite like that one, but if not I won't be at a loss because it was immortalized on Coheed TV and I revisit it often. https://youtu.be/aLkoNo5f-r4 After the show I always hang around outside, its prime time to talk about the show, meet up with people you missed beforehand, and sometimes even catch an impromptu meet and greet. I was sitting down in the parking lot because even though I had a balcony seat I was on my feet dancing, jumping and moving around during the entire set. It wasn't long after the show that a gentleman approached me and introduced himself as someone from twitter and thanked me for....being me? I'm trying to stay clear of personal vanity, but he thanked me for being kind and and friendly online, told me I was the first COTF he followed, and it was truly awesome to meet him. He flew all the way from Kansas to come to the Atlanta show! I live and breathe for moments like that, when internet and real life collides unexpectedly and someone expresses their gratitude for me. I can dish out compliments all day long, but taking them is hard for me because I'm just a potato of a person who loves Coheed. What I do is not a special skill or talent, I just love to talk and I happen to have a ton of free time to do that with. So thank you, carnacolypse! I catch a fair amount of grief sometimes from my family for the amount of time I spend online, and those moments where someone tosses me appreciation for that, even though I'm just doing what I do, makes the sting of that grief go away. I'm just a girl in Mississippi, I've said it all along and I'll continue to say it forever. I am not special in any way, but my friends sure do make me feel that way. Not overshadowing all of the other COTF I got to meet for the first time that day, including Alison who came all the way from Canada and started her epic multi-date heedtrip at the Atlanta show! Coming home after a heedtrip is hard. Post-Coheed depression is a very real thing for a lot of fans. I love my kids, and I miss them like crazy when I'm away, but I see them every day of the year, my cotf friends get 2, 3 or 4 if I'm SUPER lucky and coheed busts out a secondary market tour. Sometimes it's not so bad, but this time I was missing my awkward team and sad that the Neverender I felt like I'd waited a lifetime was now officially behind me. A tough pill to swallow. I stayed horizontal pretty much all of Thursday. As always though I fell back into the swing my boring existence, empowered by the task of staying positive and continuing to share and discuss the events of Coheed's continuing tour. A new Tales From The Grail Arbor video drops every so often and this sounds silly, but it hypes me right back up again. Dirty Ern has a way with photos and videos, capturing moments that flood you with memories of your own adventures while enjoying clips of someone else's. I've teared up with joy during almost all of the 16 episodes that have come out so far. PLUG- if you haven't subscribed to Coheed's YouTube do that right now, CoheedTV is everything you love about Coheed DVDs but free and is also a comprehensive behind-the-scenes look into what tour life is like. There are still more episodes on the way. https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialCoheed -ENDPLUG The reality is though, that the joy of being a COTF never really stops coming, even when the post-show sadness tries to sink into my soul. This community is everlasting. The connection is always there, no matter the distance. There's always something happening, someone talking, lives being lived under the precious veil of COTF life. (It's not just a band after all, it's a lifestyle) So while the post-Coheed funk comes hard and fast and devastating, it lifts quickly enough and you propel forward into the next big thing. For me, watching the next wave of excitement when the U.K. leg of the tour started was pretty epic. Following their heedtrips as they come together from so many different countries is amazing. But currently, that's excitement that Coheed is returning to the Amory Wars storyline with their next album (YAY!), the knowledge that Josh is hard at work on a couple of different and very exciting musical endeavors (one of which I was lucky enough to hear a sample of and you people should be over the moon excited for it), and of course the upcoming Chonny and Clyde project. Not to mention, we're still not quite halfway through the release of the long awaited Good Apollo comics, and each issue brings with it another wave of fun because this series is incredible and extremely well done. Truth be told there's always something around the next corner with this band and their members, and that's a big reason why I love being a fan of these people and their art. It's now been almost 3 months since Neverender in Atlanta. The tour has long since finished, SDCC has come and gone, and once more the quiet waiting has settled in. The lull. But today is my birthday, and I can't even put into words how incredible it is to wake up to a flood of birthday greetings from literally all over the world. Close friends and acquaintances the same took time out of their days and lives to wish me well on my birthday and the gratitude and love I feel every single year takes my breath away. It doesn't get old, it never fails to put the biggest smile on my face. In reality my birthday is just another day, but the hundreds of people that I've met, or will soon meet, or may never meet make this day special. It serves as a reminder that I have found my home in another place. I am a person with more to offer than the hundred jobs that fall under the stay-at-home-mom blanket title. It carries its own joy, but knowing that I still exist as a person apart from that is a gift because I have lost that before. There isn't another community in the entire universe I would rather be a part of than this one. I hold great pride in all of you, my friends who keep me going, who share my life with me and allow me to share in yours. Thank you with my whole heart, and thank you Coheed for doing what you do and caring about your fans and putting so much of your time and effort into making sure each move you make is bigger and better than the last. You boys are a rare gift, and your fans know that fully well with everything you do. **Disclaimer: I wrote this a little at a time so my apologies for any errant or incoherent parts, or anything I may have left out. "Words don't come with ease."
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