runfive · 5 years
*waves* Hey! It's ijustcantwaittobeme here. ^^' Hopefully it's okay to leave a message with you this evening! I was thinking about you & wanted to say hello but also wish you a kind week before we all have to dive into it! And to also leave a reminder in case you need one, you are one kickass of a soul and a sweetheart. I hope this week is kinder to you than the last and that this message finds you well and in good spirits! *waves for now* ^_^
you are an actual angel thank you so so much for the kind message this has definitely made my week better already and makes me smile every time I read it
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teacup-crow · 5 years
*waves* I know it's not the most recent ask game but I am curious if you are still up for any of these? If so - can I ask you any of the mythology ones? (Specifically Demeter *about nature*, Odysseus *favourite place to travel*, & Narcissus *your best trait*) Hope this was okay to send & that the message finds you doing well & in good spirits! *waves for now* ^_^
Don’t worry about it not being the most recent one, I just really love to reblog ask games! :)
Demeter - do you enjoy nature?
I think I may have answered this one but yeah I love nature despite knowing nothing about it. I can’t identify like any bird or tree but sitting writing in a forest in the autumn sunshine? Sleeping out under the stars in summer? (Though the weather’s been too crazy this year for that unfortunately). That’s the good stuff 👌 I even quite like most bugs except the bitey ones
Odysseus - what’s your favourite place to travel?
this is a tough one - I wonder if it means favourite place you have ever travelled to or a favourite place you travel around regularly? I’m assuming the latter, in which case I love exploring the west coast of Ireland where my mum grew up and my extended family still live. It’s a breathtakingly gorgeous, friendly little corner of the world if anyone gets the chance to visit it.
My favourite place I’ve travelled to is Tanzania on a volunteering/hiking/character building thing, because it was such a completely different culture to anything else I’ve seen before and absolutely beautiful in a completely different way (also unlike the west coast of Ireland it’s not constantly raining there)
(Germany is a runner up because I’ve visited Berlin and Cologne and they’re both lovely cities and I really want to see more of the country before I forget all the German I learnt in school)
Narcissus - what is your best trait?
I feel a bit embarrassed even answering a question about my best trait so I’m tempted to say humility, apart from the fact that you really can’t call yourself humble...
I’d say my best trait is that although I worry a lot and get upset over internal scenarios of my own invention, I’m pretty unaffected and positive about things going wrong externally and I’m usually the first to see the humour in a bad situation. Like, we stayed in a pretty nasty static caravan thing on holiday and I made my mum laugh so much about the broken furniture she couldn’t stay too upset or disappointed. So I can help people find the positive I guess!
Thank you so much for these!
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another-runner-5 · 5 years
Here’s my response to @ijustcantwaittobeme’s list of questions about Fives. Season 2 spoilers ahead.
1. Three supplies my Five collects that:
I. She hoards worse than the hoard chasing them.
Okay first of all, 10/10 wordplay, @ijustcantwaittobeme. The answer would probably be canned food. It’s practical, and if she’s lucky it’ll be soup. Soup is delicious.
II. Seems to pick up a lot that she finds unusual.
Unopened packs of underwear. We all like to joke about the sports bras, but I feel like I hear “picked up a pack of underwear” disproportionately often when running missions. Where did it come from? Who leaves an entire pack of underwear lying around?
III. Is her first choice/main supply that she will discard to distract zombies.
Tools like wrenches and hammers and stuff. They make a loud noise if they hit concrete or rocks, and it’s not like the wrenches Abel already has will go away, right?
2. The silliest thing my Five has seen a zombie do
She was running through a neighborhood and Van Ark’s zoms were throwing stuff at her. One of those things happened to be a garden gnome. She finds garden gnomes ridiculously funny and laughed so hard her chest hurt and she nearly got caught by the zoms.
3. A personal story my Five has concerning a mission where she ended up facing her own mortality
S2M18: Dark and Long. She loved Archie. When she heard her being tortured, she felt nothing. Completely numb. She had heard enough screams in her time, even before the apocalypse, that she had built a defense mechanism to them. Her emotions simply shut off, and she was able to imagine that it was only that girl from her old psych unit throwing a fit. It wasn’t until after she got back at Abel that the truth sank in and the panic attack came.
4. A mission where Five was absolutely sure she was going to die
S2M32: Tightrope. She didn’t think anyone would try to save her, and she didn’t want them to. She convinced herself that she wasn’t worth that risk, and that she didn’t care. By the time she reached the labs, she had resigned herself to death. But she didn’t let any of that show. She made sure Van Ark saw her rolling her eyes, pretending to be annoyed instead of defeated.
5. Five’s mindset at 3am
Either dead asleep or trying to get back to sleep after a nightmare. It doesn’t normally take that long to fall asleep again, but sometimes the dream will just pick up where it left off and half an hour later she’s jolting awake again. If this keeps happening for hours (which is often the case), she’ll give up and sneak outside to walk around or read a book until dawn.
Okay, this was really fun! I love talking about my shameless self-insert of a Runner Five, and these were some really good questions!
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notforconsumption · 6 years
In case you need another ask that reminds you that you are badass, brilliant and valid - I send this your way and hope that you are doing well! You are all these things and more so don't forget that!! :D
Oh gosh– thank you, sweet thing. I was being a little silly in the tags but this is genuinely lovely, especially coming from you (our little fandom’s heart of gold).
The same goes for you, and rest assured I am now Well And Truly Validated.   
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kawaiianimeredhead · 6 years
@kawaiianimeredhead​ Huzzah! Thanks for responding because I am loving everything you have shared here! I want to comment on it and more but goodness spoilers can be a thing but yeah I was unaware of it for a bit as well until a Let's Play channel and now I'm just hoping at some point I can spare enough financially to get a PS4. Been wanting to do so for years but something keeps coming up so yeah a lot of cool games keep going by but this one looks super cool! :D
The graphics are so freaking beautiful too omg. (No worries on rambling about this by the way,I think I could do the same too!) And if I wasn't worried on spoilers my rambles probably would take off but that is so cool that you have had such a different experience and your girlfriend has as well! I always find it fun and insightful when that happens! I had a friend go through the Mass Effect Triology again when she got me to check it out and it was fun! :D
So - all of this to say that I totally get where you are coming from & am glad that you &your girlfriend get to help each other out and share ideas from the game! Also - extended kudos to her for wanting to go through a 100% completionist route! That's pretty cool too! I don't think it's spoiler-y to ask your initial thoughts on the three main characters or is it? You said half so I'm hoping I'm doing okay there. ^^'
But okay I'm talking your head off (sorry ^^) but I love that you get to check it out!! Have fun with it and just - goodness I never would have thought Dave and Busters would freaking have it so that's even cooler!! :D
yeah! it was so exciting to see there because I had seriously spent a lot of the time before we left talking about what of the game I had watched and about how much I wanted it and then it was just There. I almost never see anything there I want but that time there it was!
The game is so so pretty visually! As far as thoughts on the main characters; well my very FIRST thoughts (based on their first and second maybe third parts of play) were: (ok so this was a little long so I decided to put it under a read more. I also was like somewhat vague with things cause I was a little worried about spoilers for people who might just end up reading this but now that there’s a read more I’m not sure it matters but I’m too lazy to change anything oops)
-Conner, I really didn’t think a whole lot of? I did really like a bit of the bar scene with Conner about how (in mine) he offered to buy Hank a drink, I think that was really fun (also while this doesn’t play too much into my first thoughts on him since I didn’t see it til later, I watched in someone’s thing him do the option where he pours Hank’s drink out  and that was just amazing and I loved it a lot). Conner just didn’t have too much too him that was incredibly appealing to me? Like I liked him but it wasn’t anything grabbing me -Kara, I really liked. I thought she was very cute and I liked how she was with Alice. I know that’s kind of programming thing but it was just sweet to me -Markus, I had a LOT about Markus that I thought when I first met him. I really liked his look and while it took me a couple times of thinking, I really got fixated on him? Like I had to watch the beginning with him in Carl’s house 2 ish times but I just thought he was so curious aesthetically? like his clothes. And then of course he started talking with Carl and I was in love. The whole thing was so sweet and lovely and I just fucking love it all a lot
as far as thoughts a bit later things have changed a little bit, at least in favorite character land goes: -Conner, he’s now my favorite. There’s a lot of moments with him where he’s really trying and I appreciate it so much and love him a lot. I love his interactions with Hank and how he’ll try and related to him and make conversations. I think he’s really sweet and now a new curious character to me since there’s clearly a Lot with him going on. But the friendship he’s developed with Hank in my playthrough is really important and sweet to me and I love all of it -Kara, she hasn’t changed a whole lot for me over all but it’s magnified a bit. I really like her and Alice together and it’s another really important relationship to me. Although, there are some small things bothering me that I can’t quite put my finger on that I think are intentional game things. There’s a comment I can’t quite remember that Alice made in a part I played the other day that has me concerned... but I think she’s trying a lot and idk she’s a mom now and doing mostly as best she can so -Markus, while I was talking with my girlfriend after she had played through a thing and before/as I was playing my own game she mentioned how she also had a switch of her favorite. She wasn’t crazy about some moments with Markus and I think I kind of also agree. There’s a change in him which I think makes sense but also seems so... sudden? in a sense. I know I feel like I’ve missed something and I think she does too a bit? We’ve talked about him quite a bit. I still really like him and I understand a lot of what he’s saying and agree with some of his messages, but it just feels... different? There was a comment or two he made recently in my playthrough about something I can’t quite remember but it dealt with his past and the way he spoke it seemed opposite of kinda what was going on? Like just the way he spoke made it seem as if Carl was similar to the other people with androids who treated them like shit and carl didn’t do that. And I can’t tell if this is me genuinely missing something, be it in game or my own kind of perspective on things, or if it’s just kinda how that goes. I still really like him, I’m enjoying a lot of his path (although moments of it I’ve panicked and kinda messed up/did things I didn’t mean to) and I’m really curious to see where things go!
I think there’s still a decent amount of the game left so I’m really excited to see where things go! I think there’s really a Lot to the game on a game level and a message level and I’m excited for all of it. I love media where I can talk about theories with my girlfriend and have that moment where we talk into something really cool and plausible and those moments we get to talk about what the game is saying and these characters take up a lot of it. I love love the main three and so many of the other background characters!
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homeboundrunnerfive · 6 years
ijustcantwaittobeme replied to your post “ijustcantwaittobeme replied to your post “ijustcantwaittobeme replied...”
*waves* Hello @homeboundrunnerfive!! :D Sorry that I'm just now getting to see your comment back on this but reading your message has me grinning so much this evening. You are such a wonderful person - thank you for being you. ^_^ * * * (on the movie) Oh cool! But just as I say that - also - sorry because that means you totally get the sorrow-encompassing chaos that was a good chunk of this film. * * * (will respond with the quote - tumblr is limiting me - hang on) ^^'
ayyyy @ijustcantwaittobeme i could have just been smart and answered everything at the same time but why would i because i’m an idiot! i would argue you are the best, and i am going to because i am right.  
but yes the movie crushed my heart and me and my mate just left the cinema in complete silence... like what. how could marvel assassinate me like this. if anyone came out the theatre with a smile on their face, they are merely empty bodies inhabited by demons. 
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ask-abelsrunnerfive · 7 years
I thought about asking this WAY too late in the actual day but seeing as this is half commercialism for sweets day / half romantic-go-to Valentine's Day, I thought it might be fun to ask. ^_^' Sorry if it's cheezy. ^^' My questions are for both Five and Sam. 1) Are either of you a cynic on this day or do you enjoy the sweets when you can find them? 2) What's the silliest thing you've done for a crush? Before the Apocalypse or after?
I think we both just scarf things down if we can find them, right five?
Not really, I saved you this bag of jolly ranchers, happy valentines.
Y’know St. Valentine is also the patron saint of plagues?
Why do I need to know this information?
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ilyone · 7 years
ijustcantwaittobeme replied to your photoset “I believe my crush is showing ^3^ ”
Hope it is okay to comment but huzzah to some Heimdall love and appreciation! Excellent art piece by the way!! :D
Of course it is OK to comment ! Comments are very much appreciated ^^ And yeah to Heimdall love ! 
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talk-shit-get-fit · 7 years
Hello! Hope I am posting this in the correct area/format but on your Halloween Asks ...would you be interested in answering any of the following? (#6, #18, #32 and/or #39) Thanks for reading. Hope it wasn't a bother. ^^'
Not a bother at all, actually glad someone actually did it. You sent it to the right place.
6. Do you have a Deja Vu story? Drat. I know I’ve had small ones from time to time but on the spot hard to think of one. Drat.
18.Trick, or Treat? Treat. Pranks aren’t usually my thing. Usually.
32. Weirdest Coincidence? The fact that I’ve had multiple instances in my life where one of my eyes’ ability to see has been threaten. But it finally gave in, kind of.
39. Favorite ‘fictional’ bad guy or monster that you wish was real? Hmm. The wish you were real bit is what is getting me. For bad guy, I want to say Lex Luthor since without Superman to obsess over he is actually quite a boon for mankind. Even says that were it not for the Man of Steel, Lex would be humanity’s savior. But for monster... Maybe the Geth from the Mass effect series since they are just misguided at first but ultimately go good and help out a lot. also cause they’re huge robots that look neat.
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goodplace-janet · 5 years
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i was tagged by @yariem-alkahen! (thank you!! 💜) selfies i take in public are always blurry cuz i’m embarrassed, but here i am paying no attention to the indoor football game i went to last night.
i’m tagging (if you want to): @crazyspookies, @eruvadhril,@puptart, @straydog733, and @collected-sports-bra
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ijustcantwaittobeme replied to your post: captainbritish: Artist friends, let me just tell...
Hello! Random Internet stranger here but thanks for sharing this! I’ve thought about getting a stylus & tablet but Wacom is completely out of my price range. Anyway, its nice to know there’s a really good option outside of Wacom so thank you.
You’re welcome! ^__^ Glad to help. Wacoms are kinda like Macs in the way that you can get an equally good or even a much better tablet at a much lower price, but a lot of people keep praising Wacoms so it’s hard to find options. I’m currently using a really cheapass Aiptek and I know I need to upgrade at some point, but yeah my broke ass isn’t gonna drop 150+ € on a Wacom that’s the size of my palm.
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runfive · 7 years
ijustcantwaittobeme replied to your photoset “decided to put together a little runner five cosplay because this game...”
This is so cool!! Thank you for posting and sharing! :D Love the Warrior Five vibe to it as well!
Thank you!! I’m really happy you liked it! 😄
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 7 years
My ZR Secret Santa
I wanted to wait to be sure that @runningalchemist wouldn’t mind me sharing their beautiful work since they are on hiatus. So with their permission, I am honored to share what @runningalchemist‘s ZR Secret Santa gift was to me this year. It is so endearing and lovely - if anyone reads this - even though they are on hiatus, please share some love with them too! Not sure when they will see this but thank you again @runningalchemist for creating this and taking the time to give me such a wonderful gift. I hope your hiatus is treating you well and just know that you and this gift are very much appreciated! Thank you so much!
Title: Love and Memories Warning/Spoilers(?): Mentions of S2 and S3 characters but otherwise spoiler free.  Characters: Sam Yao, Jody Marsh, Janine De Luca, Amelia Spens, and Runner Five.  (Mentioning of other characters as well!) Description: “    “Sam, what are you doing? You never do reports in here.” Uh-oh, she was crossing her arms now! Yep, he wasn’t getting out of this one. Best just tell her, he was never the best at lying anyway.   “Alright, but you cannot tell anyone, Jody. This is something special.”
“Sam! Sam!”
    Sam jerked his head up hearing his name shouted, which resulted in him hitting his head on the underside of the comm-shack desk. For a split second he was worried that it was Janine calling for him. After the initial shock wore off, and the throbbing on the back of his head, Sam concluded that it most certainly was not Janine. In fact, it sounded a lot more like Jody.
    Still, even though it was Jody, she could not know what he was doing. With the grace of a highly trained spy, Sam resumed a sitting position in his chair and leaned back innocently, which is to say he did it with the grace of a duck on land with oversized flippers (he banged his knee at least three times getting into his chair).
    His saving grace was the little fact that the door to the comm-shack tended to stick the colder the weather got. It took Jody a few seconds longer than usual to open the door. That didn’t stop her from being suspicious though.
    “What’cha doing, Sam” Jody asked with her usual smile.
    “Who? Me? Nothing. Just finishing up some reports for Janine.” Yeah, that was the wrong thing to say. Since when does he willingly stay in the comm-shack to finish reports for Janine. Usually he was finishing them up in the mess hall or in the rec center, where in both places he gets overly distracted.
    “Sam, what are you doing? You never do reports in here.” Uh-oh, she was crossing her arms now! Yep, he wasn’t getting out of this one. Best just tell her, he was never the best at lying anyway.
    “Alright, but you cannot tell anyone, Jody. This is something special.” She took him at his word. She had her serious face on, her this is an archery challenge and I am going to win face.
    Sam went back under the desk. It was dangerous, but hiding the box behind all the wires was the best way he could think to keep the box secret.
    “I’ve been working on this for a little while. A few others have been helping me with this. Even Janine has been working on this with me.” As if he was holding a baby, Sam handed the box to Jody.
    Her breath was taken away when she removed the lid. One by one she removed the contents as Sam explained what each one was. The first couple of items were lists of five things each. Multiple lists were made, and based on the different handwriting styles they were all by different people.
    “I went around to some of the people that Runner Five interacts with and asked everyone to write down their five favorite things about them. Even Janine contributed a list!” Sam explained.
    As Jody stopped as she came across a certain name. “This…this one is from Sara! How long have you been doing this?”
    Sam rubbed the back of his neck as he glanced to the floor, his eyes held a great deal of sorrow for a moment before he answered Jody’s question.
    “I…I started it shortly after Abel was destroyed by the rocket-launcher wielding zombies, soon after we started working with New Canton. There’s a list from Archie in there. Even Major De Santa wrote a list for Five.” Sam chuckled, granted it was a nervous one, but a chuckle all the same. “I had thought about asking Nadia to contribute to the list, but I haven’t gotten around to it. Even though they have worked together pretty well since the…uh, the deadlock incident, I have been wondering if I even should ask her.”
    “Have you asked our new Major, that Amelia Spens?” Jody asked. Jody didn’t care for Amelia, if her constant attempts at avoiding her was proof of anything.
    “No, I don’t want to ask her. She wouldn’t have anything good to say about Five.”
    Sam watched as Jody pulled the next several items out of the box. They were some of his favorite photos. Candid shots of Five were always the best. Yes, taking pictures of Runner Five while they were sleeping could definitely be considered creepy. But, come on, Five was just sleeping with three cats curled around them. How could anyone not take a picture of that!
    “Sam, where did you get all these pictures?” Jody was astonished. There were pictures of Five playing Demons and Darkness. There were pictures of Five serving food in the mess hall. There were pictures of Five and Simon having bike races around the quad. There were pictures of Five helping out with the little kids. There were pictures of Five dancing. It seemed like Sam had gathered every single picture ever taken of Runner Five since the apocalypse started.
    “I asked around to see if anyone had any pictures of Five. I had taken most of those myself, but Maxine and Jack and Eugene contributed most of the rest.”
    “Wait a minute! I know this picture!” Sam moved so that he could see what picture Jody was holding in her hand, quite close to her face.
    Sam smiled once he saw what picture it was. That was not a day that anyone would soon forget. In the picture, Runner Five was almost jumping up and down in excitement with a large grin plastered on their face. Jody had just made the winning archery shot for Abel Township in a competition against New Canton. Five had been Jody’s assistant for that contest. Several people, Jack and Eugene included, had wanted Jody and Five to race to see who was the fastest. Both runners declined the race in favor of more celebrating.
    Seeing a picture of a moment when everything was just going right brought a smile to Sam’s face. He was so caught up in his memories that he missed Jody grabbing the last items in the box. It was only her gasp that brought him back to reality.
    “Sam, are these-“ Jody began.
    “Yeah, they are. The kids like bringing Five little items they find and collect and they like bringing Five a bunch of their drawings,” Sam said.
    “I knew the kids did something like this. I even have a few, but no where near as many as Five’s got.”
    “Most of those are from Molly,” Sam explained. “She likes bringing Five a new picture every week. She’s always been proud that she was the first person that Five directly saved since they arrived in Abel.”
    “But, how come I never see Five with these drawings?”
    “Oh, that’s because Five had asked me to keep them safe. I keep the pictures here until Five asks to see them. A lot of the time that the are in here they are looking at the drawings. I think it’s somewhat therapeutic for them.”
    Jody was quiet for quite a while. The entire time she just stood there, staring at a child’s drawing of their hero. In this case, that hero was Runner Five.
    “We have to do something for Runner Five, something nice.” Jody’s abrupt announcement startled Sam.
    “Yes! We should, but what should we do?”
    “Hmm, let me think.”
    Sam could have sworn he heard the lightbulb turn on above Jody. Her impish smile that accompanied said lightbulb confirmed Sam’s suspicions. This was gonna be fun!
    “I know exactly what we need to do!”
    Five was nervous. Janine had summoned them to her farmhouse. While that in itself is not strange or scary, this time was different. This time there was a look in Janine’s eye. It was common knowledge that Janine was always hiding something, more than one something actually. That was just her way, and it very rarely worried Five. Today, though, it felt like Janine was desperately trying to hide something from Five. If Runner Five didn’t know better, it almost seemed like Janine was planning a surprise party or something.
    As they made their way to the farmhouse, they kept rubbing their knuckles together. It was a simple nervous habit. Maxine had jokingly told Five before that they were going to rub off the skin on their knuckles if they kept doing that.
    Before Runner Five opened the kitchen door to Janine’s farmhouse, they could hear voices inside. One was Amelia’s and the other was Jody’s. The door was too thick to let actual words through, but the tones could be determined. Amelia was being her snarky self and Jody was having none of it.
    Sure enough, when Five opened the door there Amelia was looking down with a smirk on her face at Jody, who was nearly on her tippy-toes trying to get in Amelia’s face. That’s the downfall of being a head shorter than someone. It makes it very difficult to intimidate someone when you’re looking up at them.
    “Ms. Spens.” Ah, Janine was talking now. “I approved Ms. March’s idea.”
    “Oh, you approved it. Did you think of checking with me to see if I approved it?” It was hard to tell if Amelia was actually upset or not.
    “No, I didn’t.” Janine, blunt as always.
    “Come on, Amelia. We need this, we all need this. Going around and getting this put together has made a lot of people happy,” Sam said.
    “And it’s not like it’s hurting you. You didn’t have to do anything for it, so that should make you happy.” Jody hadn’t moved from her position in front of Amelia. Five had to admit it was kinda adorable.
    “Fine, fine, do whatever you want with this. But don’t expect me to approve of any parties or anything else. This is it.”
    Amelia turned from the rest to leave the farmhouse when she spotted Five standing just inside the doorway eavesdropping, or whatever it is you call it when someone walks into a conversation and just listens without anyone else knowing.
    “Runner Five, as soon as you are done here come find me. I have a run I need you to do for me. Don’t take longer than ten minutes, it is time sensitive.” And without another word, Amelia walked past Five and out the farmhouse.
    “Five!” Jody shouted as she raced to Five and began dragging them further into the house. Her grin must have been infectious, because Sam had an equally large one on his face and even Janine had a small smile on hers. Whatever was going on it had to be big and it had to be good!
    On Janine’s kitchen table was an object about ten inches wide, fifteen inches long, and at least three or four inches deep covered with a cloth. Sam, Jody, and Janine were staring at Five with expectation and giddiness, at least on Sam’s and Jody’s parts (they both looked like they were about to jump out of their skin with excitement). Gingerly, Five grasped the cloth and pulled it away. Underneath was a large leather-bound book. Sliding it towards themselves, Five opened the book to the first page.
    Runner Five,
    This is a scrapbook of sorts for you. Pretty much everyone in Abel, and a few New Canton residents, contributed to this scrapbook. We love you Five, we all do. We just wanted to make sure that you know that. So that’s what this scrapbook is for. To show you how much we care and love you.
                            Jody, Sam, and everyone else.
          Just that small letter at the beginning of the scrapbook nearly brought tears to Five’s eyes. Flipping page after page, Five saw pictures and drawings and letters and little notes that a couple of people wanted to put in the margins.
    Runner Five wasn’t even halfway through the book before the tears started falling. Some of them were happy tears, other were bittersweet tears (memories of those no longer here), and some of the tears were just from being so overwhelmed.
    Jody had wrapped her arms around Five in a hug when she noticed the tears. Sam joined in the hug a few seconds later. While Janine didn’t hug Five, she did place her hand on Five’s arm in a comforting gesture (from her it was as good as a hug).
    “Runner Five, as reluctant as I am to break this up, which I am, Ms. Spens has requested your assistance on a run. I do not approve of this run, she has not run it by me. Never the less, she is the one sent to us and we must follow the chain of command.” It really did sound like Janine was reluctant to send Five out on a run after showing them the scrapbook.
    “Go on, Five. Sam and I will make sure that this gets someplace safe,” Jody said.
    “Good luck out there, Five,” Sam said. “I’ll be monitoring the comm channels in case Amelia tries to pull anything. Don’t worry, Five, I’ve got your back. We all do.”
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another-runner-5 · 5 years
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I wasn’t sure where to post this, since both this blog and my main one (@endless-fluffering) were tagged. These selfies seem to be circulating around the ZR fandom, so I ultimately decided to put it here.
Anyway, the lovely @ijustcantwaittobeme (aka: the best) tagged me for a selfie right before I went camping, and then I forgot until halfway through the trip. I didn’t have service on Assateague, so I took this selfie for when I got back. Now I’m in the car on the way home, covered in bug bites and hella sunburned. I haven’t showered in four days, my hair is crunchy from the salt water, and there is sand in places sand should never be. Totally worth it.
I feel like everyone in the fandom has already been tagged... Has @teapot-with-legs done this yet? (No pressure!)
Anyway, thank you for tagging me, @ijustcantwaittobeme!
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notforconsumption · 7 years
ijustcantwaittobeme replied to your post “WELP”
Oh no! D: I'm so sorry to hear that!! that sucks! ...I wish I could help but I'm not familiar with many tablets. Does the program/software you use have a backup feature? Where you could access it through a computer like an auto save? I hope that it's fixable and that your work is retrievable!!
Ah ha, thanks for your commiserations! I’m not sure whether I’ll be able to fix the tablet but I haven’t lost any work. Which on the one hand is good, on the other it’s a small comfort considering that all I’d managed so far was the sketch and to paint a corgi. Because, y’know. Some Fives are fluffier than others.
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kawaiianimeredhead · 7 years
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Thanks! And you are more than welcome to reply anywhere even multiple times if you want. I don't mind at all 😀 This goes for you and anyone else who may feel like they need a go ahead kinda thing. I always enjoy it, tho I'm not always the most timely-est when replying to longer messages (sorry) but I love chatting with people
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