#ii.   ⊱     elli laiou.    ›   rel / manjiro sano.
bondedtrauma · 2 years
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send   👫  fo relationship headcanons mwah    /    accepting!
@2citiez​​​  asked  :     👫   — for both boys w/ both of dem 🥺🥺🥺! ( anything for u, sauce..... )
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throwing this under a read more cus im sure ill talk a lot....
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            ☆    the mental illness between these two.... they r unstoppable. i’ve always found mikey and seki’s relationship so interesting, mostly because of seki’s frustration surrounding her affiliations. she has no problem injuring those in toman, but when it comes to mikey, something just breaks in her brain. she has trouble, especially in high school, forming proper attachments to people. so, when she gets attached, she tends to be a little too much. if asked, mikey is not her friend. but, if she were to hear something had happened to him, the perpetrator would be receiving a visit from her.
           ☆    sekiko is barely ever at her own home. she actively tries to avoid it, even if it means sleeping outside some nights. if u ask ME, she has definitely snoozed on mikey’s porch. she never knocks, never asks to go inside -- she’ll just bundle up with a jacket, and fall asleep against the wall. even if he doesn’t know that she’s there, she’ll feel safer knowing that she’s just in his vicinity. it’s not something she would ever admit to, and she would probably call him a liar if he were to bring up this habit. 
           ☆    if she would’ve met mikey before joining tenjiku, i don’t think she would’ve joined either side. she’s very loyal to both him and izana, which tends to bring trouble during brawls. if commanded to attack one of either, i don’t think she could do it. she would rather take a beating herself, which is saying a lot coming from the drama queen.... her own morals tend to align more with tenjiku, however. 
          ☆    there is no talk of her family.    i think mikey probably would’ve gotten this message pretty quickly, but if it were to ever be brought up, she’s ending the conversation immediately and walking away. she can lie, sure, but it becomes harder when its towards those she cares about. he is never to find out about her treatment at home, and if he were, she would start avoiding him, no questions asked. i imagine this would just cause more trouble.
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         ☆    she dedicated her life to that boy and tenjiku. if izana gave her a command, she would do anything to complete it. typically, male figures in her life tend to mold into one of two idealized figures : a perfect lover, or she projects her brother heavily on to them. for izana, it’s the latter. the more he spoke of shinichiro around her, the more she would open up about yoshida. overtime, i think she would get overly attached to the idea of izana. in her head, he is a safety blanket. someone that, even if he’s cold to her, he will look out for her. 
        ☆    elaborating on one of the points above, i think that if anyone were to find out about what was going on between herself and her parents, it would be izana first. it would start with small things not adding up : due to them being around each other more often, she would maybe slip up on a lie. or, she would have fresh bruises and blame it on a brawl that happened days ago. things just wouldn’t match up, and i really do believe he would catch on! if he were to ask her, she wouldn’t give a reply. she would probably avoid himself and tenjiku as a whole for like, a week, and then eventually come back and act like nothing happened.
         ☆    she is especially violent towards others during brawls or arguments with other gangs, especially if izana is around. she tends to try harder, believing that because she’s a girl, she has to prove herself more than the other guys in the group. she wants to show izana that he didn’t make a mistake by allowing her to join -- whether this is breaking someone’s nose, or her own knuckles. nothing is too far for her.
         ☆    she tries hides her friendship with mikey from izana, big time. she hears of how he speaks of mikey, what their history is in the small tid - bits she’s heard over time. she genuinely believes that if izana were to find out, she would lose her brother. in the time leading up to the toman / tenjiku fight, i believe that she was ESPECIALLY wired. she would act out more, drinking, fighting, and i think it would eventually lead up to trying to start a physical fight with izana himself.
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        ☆    i just feel like saying elli adores mikey is a drastic understatement. she is immensely soft on not only him, but everyone in toman. while sure, she’s not supposed to be at the toman meetings, she’s always somewhere nearby after they let out, waiting happily with homemade sweets for the boys. she typically tries to change it up when she can, but if she hears any of them mention a specific treat, she’ll go out of her way to learn how to make it, and bring it to them then. she’s pretty sure that she’s learned recipes of every type of sweet in the world due to mikey. 
       ☆    she tends to gravitate towards toman as a whole. it’s a familial bond that they hold, and elli craves this intimacy. she finds friendship in anyone, even if they aren’t offering it to her. though, before meeting those involved in it, she probably was very frustrated by them, and gangs as a whole. she didn’t really understand it before meeting mikey -- speaking of that, i’d like to think that their first meeting was a bit like hinata and mikey’s first meeting. the idea of her standing up and mouthing off at him only to feel SO guilty afterwards is precious to me. she was probably made chifuyu didn’t have extra time to study or something due to busy meetings.
       ☆    paralleling izana finding out about sekiko’s home life, i think that mikey would notice the abuse going on between herself and her boyfriend. once she had become closer with the group as a unit, brendon would be quick to notice it, and try to put a stop to it. elli is a people pleaser at heart, and would probably struggle heavily with trying to balance both aspects of her life until she literally couldn’t anymore. there would probably be a point where she was ‘banned’ from speaking to the boys, which would eventually end in her having a breakdown the moment mikey questioned it. unlike sekiko, this secret coming out would come from elli’s mouth. it just depends on how much she can juggle before dropping everything.
      ☆    tagging along with the first point,    elli shows up for gang fights. it doesn’t matter how many times she’s told no, nor if they keep a tight lid on where they will be brawling. she WILL be there, because in her eyes, she has to be. after being with them for so long, toman is her family. violence is hard for her to stomach at times, but she would never forgive herself if she wasn’t there when mikey was really hurt. i imagine that she starts bringing themed band-aids to put on everyone. mikey, of course, gets to share her highly esteemed sanrio branded bandaids with her. she brings ones of animals, cartoon characters, anything.
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     ☆    she won’t lie, before meeting him, izana was someone she was heavily weary of. just hearing about such violent rumors was very shocking to her. but, she’s a firm believer in meeting someone before making an opinion of them, and i’d like to think that she did just that when the drama between tenjiku and toman began. knowing her, she probably waltzed up to him like it was no big deal, and just started asking him questions. from what’s your name, to his favorite food, and then why he created tenjiku. she has trouble recognizing when she should be fearful of someone, or if she’s in danger -- he could send her plenty of warnings, but she would still stick around.
     ☆    even though elli sides with toman,    she doesn’t like seeing people get hurt. she would most definitely notice any injuries on izana, and place herself as a front in his life. he WILL get bandaids put on him, and he WILL like it ! she would probably try the same for the rest of tenjiku as well. this is one of the reasons why she’s never had a proper affiliation to a gang -- everyone has their own sides to a story, and she thinks it would be wrong for her to fight against someone she didn’t even know.
    ☆    if she ever feels her faith in izana waver, she often finds herself thinking of previous times she adored their friendship. whether it was the gifts he had prepared for her birthday, or him offering her his scarf when she was cold -- she has many friends that have some problems that affect the way they view the world, and other people. some people just need more patience than others, and she’s more than ready to offer that to him at all times. if he can just give her the littlest bit of positivity or softness to work with, it’ll take elli very far.
    ☆    she’ll scold him like a child.    there were many moments in the tenjiku arc that elli would just not agree with, and that would manifest quite quickly once she got word of what had happened. she would march right up to him, finger pointed and all, and tell him to apologize if he had done wrong. but, not before she first gets his side of the story. she doesn’t pick sides, and she has surely told him that previously. if she were to deem him as right in a situation, the mothering would quickly move back into mikey’s ballfield.
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