#ii feels incredibly guilty at first for bringing home the kitten
whataboutyouisamascot · 4 months
Vessel is allergic to cats, but can't get enough of the soft looks on his loves' faces whenever they encounter one.
II quietly walks into their home one day, and it is immediately clear to Vessel that there's something in his arms. He moves closer to II, his eyes catching on the small, black triangle ears poking up from his baggy hoodie. Two sets of eyes, one familiar and one foreign, peer up at him.
II explains that he couldn't leave the kitten, that he had found it alone and mewing for any sort of help; as Vessel listens to the approaching store, he can feel the familiar tickle in his nose and throat.
He doesn't want to offend II and their new friend, but he can't help the onslaught of sneezes that begin to rack his body.
They keep the kitten, with II and IV making sure that they were always stocked up on antihistamines. Despite how rough his throat gets, Vessel can't help but dote on the small creature.
It isn't just Vessel that melts at the sight of one of them with a cat.
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sserpente · 6 years
It’s never too late to love (Part IV)
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Back when you were only a teenager, your entire life changed in but a single heartbeat—as a victim of a terrible plane crash caused by a raging thunderstorm, you seek refuge in a cave inhabited by a pack of wolves that decides to accept you as one of them. For seven years, you adapt to their habits, their behaviour and their communication, giving up entirely on being rescued until one day, a man shows up in your cave. He introduces himself as James Conrad, promises to bring you home. Who is this handsome stranger? Can you trust him? And will you learn to understand these flustering feelings you have for him when you look into his beautiful blue eyes?
A/N: Here is the final part! OMG, I enjoyed writing this so much. ♥ Have fun reading!
Words: 3156
Warnings: smut
Find Parts I, II and III on my masterlist or read it on Ao3!
It felt nice, being this close to him. In fact, it felt more than just nice. His presence both flustered and calmed you and suddenly, you were worried about whether you smelled good and whether your hair wasn’t too messy.
James had never exactly bothered about your appearance. When he first met you, you had practically been half a wolf and still, the way he had looked at you with his gorgeous blue eyes had melted your heart.
This was what had happened, why you trusted this wonderful man beside you so much. You only realised it now.
James sighed contently. You could tell he was comfortable with you, relaxed even. Outside of this room, he often seemed tense, always ready to draw a gun and defend his life but with you, he let all of his guards down.
He trusted you too—whether it was because as of yet, you were unable to speak, you did not know but it felt incredible to learn, that you appreciated his trust so much; and that you wanted to show him, let him know just like the wolves had let you know all these years ago.
Smiling, you snuggled up closer to him, burying your face in his neck and brushing your nose over his warm skin. He did not protest when you climbed on top of him like a cat trying to find a warm and cosy position to sleep in, this time brushing your nose against his.
James’ blue eyes flew open. With an amused smile, he stroked your hair lazily, looking at you in a way your former boyfriend never had. It was so full of love you felt tears worsening your sight—it would have bothered you but James had long switched out the lights in the room. You could barely see each other, yet his caring gaze was all but visible.
Resting your forehead against his, you brought up your hands to caress his chest, admiring every single muscle, your face only inches from his. You leaned forward again nuzzle up to him, only to accidentally brush your lips against his.
James held his breath. Had you done something wrong? No. Hang on… to show affection… people… kissed.
Though you feared you had almost forgotten how, you brushed your mouth against his once more, trying desperately to simulate a seducing kiss. It’d been so long… you barely remembered how to do it properly, yet when James suddenly cupped your face with his warm hands, your body developed a momentum of its own.
He kissed you both fiercely and tenderly, thoroughly tasting your lips before pulling away to look you in the eye, concern prominent on his face.
“(Y/N)… are you sure you want to do this?”
Nodding, you blinked. Do you?
There was doubt sparkling in your eyes. Fear of rejection. James noticed immediately.
“I do. Of course I do. But I don’t want you to do anything you are not ready for.”
Smiling gently, you nodded again. I am ready. This is what I want. What I am dreaming of. How else would I explain these feelings for you?
Leaning forward slightly, you kissed him again, taking the initiative this time. James moaned when you pushed your tongue between his lips to taste him, your eyes falling shut when you did all the while your body rubbed against him like a playful kitten until you felt something hard against your inner thighs.
You had aroused him. Proud of what you had done to him with your affection, you licked your lower lip, your hands sliding down his chest and coming to a rest where the buttons of his trousers denied you access to his most intimate parts.
“(Y/N)…” He whispered again, all but enchanted by your gentle treatment. Breathing heavily, he watched every single movement of yours as you undid the buttons and tore down the zipper rather clumsily, tearing both the fabric of his trousers and his boxer briefs down to his knees not only to reveal his muscly thighs but also his erect length, which sprang free in joyful anticipation.
You had spent seven years in nature, living in a cave—but you had never been this hungry.
Eagerly, you lifted your nightgown, grateful for refusing to wear proper pyjamas, for it was still unusual to be wrapped in intact clothes again, exposing yourself to his greedy gaze.
James’ blue eyes caught sight of your sex, your lips glistening with wetness only adding to his arousal. His member twitched, impatient to bury himself inside you, to feel your heat and juices coating him willingly.
You did not hesitate. With a shaky breath, you straddled him, getting rid of your nightgown completely to throw it behind you. You were naked. Utterly and entirely naked. Your walls clenched when his eyes roamed over your exposed skin and then lingered on your breasts as if he had never seen a female body before.
Quite frankly, you had never seen a man’s penis before. His was impressive. Thick, long and erect, it was as hard as a rock when you inched forward, your petals barely grazing it.
James was hypnotised. Panting by now, he grabbed your hips and held them tightly, guiding you onto his length. You saw the conflict in his eyes, yet it vanished as quickly as you saw it flash, for when his tip pressed against your wet entrance, he lost control—and as did you.
Moaning, he bucked his hips, lowering you onto him. Inch by inch, he stretched you to the fullest, the foreign feeling raising both more arousal and a light breeze of fear, yet the pain was all but bearable when you sat down on him, his hard cock now fully sheathed inside you.
A burning sensation spread in your lower regions, almost as if someone had sliced through your skin with a sharp knife. It faded quickly though and all that was left was an incredible sensation that filled you from head to toe.
Your bodies united… this was more than just sex. Perhaps living with wolves had taught you what love really meant. Did you? Love James? It felt like it. It felt real and right.
“Are you alright?” His chest was heaving. He was holding back, you could tell. But when you nodded, licking your lips once more, finally, he moved you on top of him, bucking his hips to thrust. He hit just the right angle. There was a spot, hidden deep inside you he kept grazing, steering you right towards a peak of pure bliss.
James sat up, allowing you to wrap your arms around his neck as he once more captured your lips in a heated kiss. By now, you knew what to do. Riding him eagerly, you elicited countless moans from him, your bodies moving so precisely it seemed choreographed. It was like you were made for him.
Again and again, James hit your g-spot until you clenched around him, coming undone in his arms. You remembered masturbating in the river up in the mountains sometimes, noticing with delight how good it felt to massage yourself between your legs and stroking your breasts. Only you had never had an orgasm before.
Shaking and whimpering, you felt waves of pleasure roll over you, stealing your composure. The sensation was all but intense, almost scaring you as it took over your mind, clouding your senses.
James felt it too. He felt you tightening around his length, milking him frantically and tossing him right into his own climax. Moaning against your lips, his hot breath brushing against your mouth, he emptied himself inside you, thrusting a few more times to ride out his orgasm.
You collapsed against him tiredly, feeling a warm liquid deep inside your core. The intimacy between you was compelling, bewitching. And you never wanted this moment to end.
“J-James…” You murmured, proud of how you had managed to pronounce the letters neatly.
He froze. Leaning back just a little, his lips parted as he locked eyes with you in awe.
“Did you just…”
“James.” You said again, smiling as you did.
He was so amazed all he managed to do in response was to kiss you gently, fearing you might break in his passionate grip.
“Conrad! Haven’t seen you a lot around lately, come on, have a beer with us.” It was one of Slivko’s colleagues and closest friends waving at him when he passed the truck, a collapsible table and camp-chairs spread out next to it on the dusty ground.
He hated this place—it reminded him too much of the island, the guns, the weapons and the war. In fact, he couldn’t wait to get back to the hospital. James felt guilty already for leaving so early in the morning after you had slept with each other, especially since no matter what tasks he took care of, your sweet voice never abandoned him. James, you had said, so happily.
“So? How’s it going with wolf girl? Is she still around?”
“If anything, he’s around her,” Slivko tossed in, chuckling into his beer bottle when James joined them. “You sleep in her room every day, right?”
“She seems to sleep better when I do, she trusts me. A lot more, apparently, than I thought. I…” Conrad hesitated. He needed to talk about this with someone, after all. Slivko and his colleague were soldiers—they were bound to keep silent and not blab and he trusted him not to. “…I slept with her last night.”
“Hang on a second. You had sex with her?!” He shouted, his eyes nearly popping out of their sockets. He nearly choked on his beer.
James lightly punched his upper arm. “Hey! Quiet.”
“Jesus, Conrad, this woman has got the educational level of a fourteen year old.”
“She is a lot more intelligent than you concede to her.” He replied calmly—yet the threatening tone in his voice was clearly audible.
“I don’t believe it. Conrad banged the wolf girl. How does she even know how to have sex?”
The tracker rolled his eyes. “She was fourteen when the plane crashed, old enough to know. She was the one who took initiative, not me.”
“And you just let her? Fuck. I mean, are you sure she didn’t just… I mean, she’s lived with fucking wolves for seven years. Don’t you think she’s just using you for sex?”
“She has adapted to them, Slivko. And animals don’t use each other.” He spat.
“I don’t know about this, Conrad. I mean, she doesn’t even speak.”
James took a deep breath. “She did yesterday.”
“Wait, what? Didn’t the doctors say…?”
“She said my name. She is not just using me, Slivko. I think she might be in love with me.”
“Might?!” He shrieked.
“I am not sure if her feelings are real. I was the first person she met after seven years of being alone, after all. There is a chance she is just… projecting her gratefulness onto feelings she misinterprets.”
“Right… and that you think about after you sleep with her? You’ve become a real cavalier, man.”
“It just happened.” Conrad snapped. He had been irresponsible too, of course. What if you ended up pregnant? They had not used a condom and James doubted you were on the pill. How would you? He needed to take care of that, somehow. Get you an emergency contraception.
“Besides, I…” He did not finish his sentence. Instead, he allowed Slivko to teasingly raise his eyebrows.
“Oh my God, you like her, don’t you? Conrad fell for the wolf girl.” The two men around him chuckled.
“Well, I think it’s real. Her feelings for you, I mean.” He then continued seriously. “I mean, that girl kind of lost all hope in humanity when no one came to save her, right? She doesn’t even trust her own mother, so sleeping with you is a huge act of faith, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, and she said your freaking name before anything else.” His colleague tossed in.
Conrad sighed, his thoughts wandering off. “I guess so…”
He decided to investigate before these unclear feelings of yours ate him all up. He wanted them to be real, of course and the more he thought about how he had buried himself inside your warmth, the more he realised it would break his heart if they turned out to be tricks your tortured mind was playing on you.
James stayed behind after one of your sessions with Dr Drake the next day, waiting patiently until you had left the room with your mother and then turned around again to face the psychologist.
“Listen, could I talk to you for a second, Sir?”
Dr Drake lifted his head. “Of course. What is it?”
“It’s about (Y/N). You might have noticed that I spend a lot of time with her.”
The psychologist nodded. “I have. She likes you, Mr Conrad, doesn’t she?”
“I might believe one reason she does is because I saved her.”
“A reinforcing factor, yes.” He confirmed, nodding in the process.
Now, he couldn’t possibly tell him about the sex. God knew if it was even illegal to just let her slip her hands into his trousers in the first place and he certainly did not want any trouble. Besides, it was none of Drake’s business.
“It seems a lot like her… feelings for me are… somewhat romantic. I was wondering if this might arise from this too… or if they could possibly be real.”
“Hm. That is a possibility of course,” Dr Drake said. “All we can do is wait. Her ‘romantic feelings’ for you might fade as soon as she regains her ability to speak. She will notice that with that, there will come a high level of freedom. If she still acts around you like this then, I would honestly consider that she fell for you. I would not worry, Mr Conrad, however, I would ask of you that if it turns out that she does love you, you break it to her gently you will not act on it. (Y/N) will not be able to deal lightly with another blow in her current mental condition.”
Little did Dr Drake know that he wouldn’t dream of it. All we can do is wait. And if he had to wait for years, he knew he would do it.
8 months later
“What if they don’t recognise me?” You chirped, biting your lips anxiously. It would break your heart. These wolves had become your family. They still were, even if now you had returned to your home and moved back into your old room until you found something else—or until James asked you to move in with him.
James had helped you choosing new furniture and paint for the walls and your mother had bought you a new set of bed sheets with a beautiful forest, dozens of shades of green, printed on them.
You were safe to say you had returned to the human world, successfully—something you would not have managed without this gorgeous man right beside you in the car. James had never left your side during your struggles and your exhausting efforts to learn how to speak again.
You had spent countless time, months, practising together until one day, you simply… started talking. For hours on end, you had chatted about all and sundry, every single word you exchanged making you fall in love with him even more.
It took you another two months to confess, your courage rewarded with a passionate kiss and sweet love making all through the night.
God, (Y/N), I love you too, he had whispered against your lips.
Taking a deep breath, you reached for James’ hand.
“(Y/N), wolves are incredibly intelligent animals. You spent years living with them. How could they forget you?”
From this day forth, you wanted to visit your fury friends at least once a month, bring them some treats and spend time with them cuddling in the cave which had posed your home for such a long time. James was all but compassionate about your decision.
He had fallen for the wolf girl himself, after all.
“Alright, we’re here.” Slivko said, grinning wildly behind the stirring wheel when he stopped the engine and pulled the handbrake. He had parked the car right where James had picked you up all those months ago.
It would take you approximately fifteen minutes to climb the mountain to reach the cave. James had agreed on not bringing a gun. Whether they recognised you or not, they were not hostile—only humans were.
“Let’s go.”
Your heart was pounding like a steam hammer, threatening to jump out of your chest the higher you crawled. James was right behind you. His presence was soothing, calming and reassuring and then, finally, you reached the dark entrance of the cave.
One step, two steps. James held your hand so tightly your fingers turned white. Three steps, four steps. You sensed a movement in the shadows, curious but also hazardous.
It was one of the wolf cubs approaching you first, attempting to climb on top of you to greet you. Only the fraction of a second later, they were joined by the alpha, its omega and the beta. They all mustered you briefly, next thing you knew, they were all over you, forcing you to your knees as they licked, snuggled and howled quietly.
Giggling you wrapped your arms around their strong bodies, enjoying how their fur felt against your skin.
“James… James, come join me.”
Hesitatingly, he kneeled down. Unlike last time, none of the wolves shot him threatening glares or growled. They accepted him, let him stroke them—just like they had accepted you. Did they sense it? That you were a couple?
There were tears swimming in your eyes when you looked at him, watching him struggle with a wolf pup trying desperately to lick his entire face and gently biting his neck. He chuckled, his smile causing planes in your stomach to take off and fly loops.
“Are you okay?” He asked when he noticed you staring, worry sparkling in his blue eyes upon seeing a single tear rolling down your cheek.
“Yes. Yes, more than okay. I’m just… so happy. I just wonder… what did think when you saw me the first time? I was cowering on the ground, dirty, messy… and still… I remember the way you looked at me. You seemed so… enamoured.”
James smiled.
“I saw what I see now, (Y/N). A beautiful, young, strong and intelligent woman—and I saw the strength of a wolf. You made me fall for you so fast…” Pausing, he looked up, mutely asking you for a kiss. “I was meant to find you.”
“I love you.”
Finally obliging, you leaned forward and gently pressed your lips against his.
“I love you too, (Y/N).”
A/N: And I repeat, I enjoyed writing this so much. I hope you guys enjoyed reading too!
If you liked this story, would you care to support me a little by buying me a cuppa? I would appreciate it so much! ko-fi.com/sserpente ♥
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