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conatic · 2 years ago
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Bastien et Axel de Wavre un jour de pluie fin Août2023
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jaxthejaguar · 8 months ago
reading SCP-8787 when suddenly
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this line made my soul leave my body, Ihp is a demon for writing this
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universeinorbit · 2 years ago
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lyndacuba · 2 years ago
Feedback sandwich, s**t sandwich or s**t feedback?
Inferno Lynda’s tour around London I’ve been *doing* feedback for decades. I didn’t always get it right in the early days. But I’m kind, considerate and constructive. What I’ve learned: 1. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. 2. Read it back – how does it sound? Will it be perceived and received in the way you intended it? Read and delete. If it’s verbal feedback perhaps…
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hevohuisvesting · 5 months ago
𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐛𝐢𝐣𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐤𝐨𝐦𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐮𝐰𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐰 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐣𝐧!
Inspirerende kennisbijeenkomst "Van IHP naar een toekomstbestendig en duurzaam onderwijsgebouw".
Het realiseren van een nieuw schoolgebouw voor betekenisvol onderwijs terwijl de school in bedrijf blijft op hetzelfde terrein is een uitdaging. De gewenste domein­indeling, het meenemen van het personeel en de afweging tussen renovatie of nieuwbouw zijn onderwerpen die aan de orde kwamen. Hoe zorgt u dat u niet alleen voor morgen maar ook voor de komende decennia bouwt? Hoe worden thema’s zoals gezondheid en circulariteit meegenomen?
In de nieuwbouw van het Ashram College, onderdeel van SCOPE scholengroep, nemen wij u graag mee in de diverse vraagstukken.
De directie van de school, de projectmanager en andere experts delen hun kennis graag met u. De nieuwbouw van het Ashram College is door HEVO begeleid van Programma van Eisen tot en met de realisatie.
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Uiteraard krijgt u de mogelijkheid om de nieuwbouw tijdens een rondleiding te bezichtigen.
Het inhoudelijke programma sluiten we af met een borrel, waarbij u de gelegenheid heeft om op informele wijze kennis en ervaringen uit te wisselen.
Doelgroep: Kennisbijeenkomst voor schoolbesturen, school­leiding en onderwijshuisvestingsadviseurs gemeenten.
Meer weten? Vraag het Linda Kröse. Aanmelden: https://www.hevo.nl/actueel/events/kennisbijeenkomst-ashram-college.
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ihpplans12 · 11 months ago
Empower Your Clients with IHP's Level
In the ever-evolving landscape of health insurance, brokers and employers are constantly seeking innovative solutions to meet the needs of their employer groups. Enter IHP Health Insurance, with its cutting-edge Level-Funded Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) plans designed to revolutionize the health insurance experience. If you're looking to offer your clients a comprehensive, cost-effective, and penalty-avoiding solution, look no further than IHP's MEC health plans.
IHP Health Insurance: As a trusted leader in the health insurance industry, IHP stands at the forefront of innovation and excellence. Our Level-Funded MEC health plans are meticulously crafted to meet the needs of both employers and employees.
Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC): Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), MEC health plans offer essential benefits that meet the federal requirements for health coverage. This ensures that employers and individuals avoid penalties under the Employer Mandate (Part-A) while providing comprehensive healthcare benefits.
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heavenlyakin · 1 year ago
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yogahealth2 · 1 year ago
Bikram Yoga in San Jose: The Perfect Blend of Heat and Healing
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conatic · 6 months ago
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Le salon de l'institution psychiatrique ouverte : les initiatives d'habitations protégées. C'est la Maison de Nimy. C'est un Samedi matin. Septembre2024.
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lyndacuba · 8 months ago
Your Inferno Warrior needs you!
I’d love to go live with Inferno Hot Pilates on my Facebook Page. Celebrating one theme a month The game has changed. I require 100 followers. Please follow me here. Thank you in advance. Let’s get the Inferno started.
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hevohuisvesting · 2 years ago
We feliciteren de schoolbesturen Flores Onderwijs en SIMON Scholen - Leusden met de oplevering van hun prachtige nieuwe schoolgebouw! Door de twee scholen -te weten openbare basisschool De Parkschool en islamitische basisschool Ibn-i Sina- onder één dak te huisvesten, wordt de samenwerking bevorderd en kunnen ze profiteren van gedeelde faciliteiten, terwijl hun unieke identiteit behouden blijft.
De komende weken staan in het teken van de verhuizing van beide scholen. Hierdoor kunnen ze in het nieuwe schooljaar een fantastische start maken in hun nieuwe gebouw.
In het voorjaar van 2020 hebben we nauw samengewerkt met beide scholen en schoolbesturen om het ruimtelijk-functionele en technische programma van eisen voor de nieuwbouw op te stellen. Sindsdien hebben we het gehele project begeleid middels risicodragend projectmanagement.
Meer weten? Vraag het Iris van de Craats, Iris Jansen, Eric Kroeze of William Verploegen. Meer info over project:
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conatic · 6 months ago
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Je suis dans le divan du salon de l'institution psychiatrique ouverte. La référente thérapeutique n'est pas encore arrivée.
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veryfilthyshit · 6 months ago
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baddybaddyadardaddy · 4 months ago
The orc tugs the Southlander into his lap, his good hand wrapped firmly around the back of her neck, the bad one balled against her shoulder. The lock falls from her hands, the two nails being used as lockpicks stuck in them -
"Help me," he rasps again.
"I almost had it unlocked!" the Southlander protests.
"Not the locks. Not that," he pants.
It's only now that she looks at him, truly looks. He had been shiny with sweat before, but now it's dripping off him, soaking into his tunic. His beryl irises are now mere rims around his dilated pupils. His face is chalk white except for his cheeks, which have flushed violet.
And between her legs, the orc's hips twitch with the barely restrained need to thrust. Like a dog in heat, she thinks - and he is neither elf nor man but orc, so perhaps he is truly in heat.
"I won't be able to control myself much longer," he rasps. "I need - I can do it myself but it will be faster if - " and the bulge tenting his pants brushes against her thigh and he keens.
Like he's in heat, the Southlander decides. She wasn't going to risk him in this state when she freed him, and to leave him like this with the elf commander waiting would be cruel. So she's ensure he'd get it out of his system and then free him.
(And it didn't hurt that despite the scars, he was easy on the eyes. She could feel the strength in his scarred hands and his rolling ihps, but he was trembling with the effort not to hurt her. Straining against every animal instinct for it.)
But how would she free him from the frenzy of lust?
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secundus-cinaedus · 2 years ago
So much of human history would have been impossible without horses. I've joked that horse girls are just in touch more with their ancestors, but it's true. People have had deep and meaningful relationships with horses (and many, many other working/livestock/companion animals) and that's only stopped for 90% of people in the past 100-odd years.
Horses are not bougie. Humans have built society on the backs of horses
I understand the stereotype of rich horse people but it’s kind of gotten insane that anyone with a horse is now automatically seen as a landed gentry bourgeois so much so that people are straight up calling horses bourgeois creatures and calling for their ABOLISHMENT and even extinction like wtf is wrong with you. Don’t let the era of the automobile erase the horses history as a beast of burden for the working class and farmers. Horses belong to the proletariat just as much if not more than the role of rich person’s plaything.
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First electrically pumped, continuous-wave semiconductor laser advances silicon photonics integration
Scientists have developed the first electrically pumped continuous-wave semiconductor laser composed exclusively of elements from the fourth group of the periodic table—the "silicon group." Built from stacked ultrathin layers of silicon germanium-tin and germanium-tin, this new laser is the first of its kind directly grown on a silicon wafer, opening up new possibilities for on-chip integrated photonics. The findings have been published in Nature Communications. The team includes researchers from Forschungszentrum Jülich, FZJ, the University of Stuttgart, and the Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics (IHP), together with their French partner CEA-Leti, The rapid growth of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things are driving the demand for increasingly powerful, energy-efficient hardware. Optical data transmission, with its ability to transfer vast amounts of data while minimizing energy loss, is already the preferred method for distances above 1 meter and is proving advantageous even for shorter distances. This development points towards future microchips featuring low-cost photonic integrated circuits (PICs), offering significant cost savings and improved performance.
Read more.
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