#ihnmains am
chuckchuck228 · 3 months
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I forgot to post some robots I drew last month! (Also I forgot that I am multifandom and can post whatever I want)
So here! I don't really like how GLaDOS turned out but I'll work on it(btw she wears science coat I just wanted to draw robot body)
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biribaa · 2 years
Tumblr is the only place i can find the ihnmaims fandom alive so have it
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wimcc · 1 year
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i have an exam tomorrow, and iam doing this instead
also iam sorry, and i not sure if this was already done before
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silvariations · 2 months
Currently, I have only two gods: Spleens the cat and Cinnamoroll
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Had an awful au dream where it was TDI × IHNMAINS
Chris as AM is somehow infinitely more upsetting😭
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martyrofacrimescene · 4 months
tiktok got a hold of ihnmains and now people are making tiktoks like "it's disgusting and problematic to simp for AM" like so what am I just supposed to stop being attracted to it because you think it's bad?? sorry I won't be doing that but maybe I'll become a nun in my next life to make up for it.
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infectedscreen · 2 years
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it's me boy im the allied mastercomputer
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notdeezy · 5 years
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I haven’t seen any Android Russian and Chinese Mastercomputer designs that i like so far so i decided to make my own They are similar to my AM design I’m sorry if their names are gramatically incorrect, I obviously don’t speak Chinese and Russian ^^’ Please correct me if something is incorrect!
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macabremachinery · 2 years
I’ve been laughing about this for like five minutes now over the concept over a masochist being in the main group in “I have no mouth but I must scream”. The group is suffering from whatever AM is doing, and their just vibrating from excitement knowing they will keep suffering and can’t die. Even if AM decided that they were enjoying their suffering to much and killed them, they would technically still win because their dead and free from AM.
(Sorry if this possibly breaks any rules, I don’t think it dose but just wanted to apologize in case I misunderstood something)
You’re totally okay, OP! You’re not breaking any rules at all. :)
So uh, AM kinda did a shit job at planning on his end. I think he assumed (or was programmed to believe) that the gruesome torture he constantly put his 5 prisoners through would condition them to accept their fates, thinking he could permanently use them like toys. What he didn’t anticipate is that, when pushed to the furthest extreme, and when surrounded by something that can be utilized as a weapon, people are gonna go apeshit. Ted, in the peak of his paranoia, ends up committing a brutal yet altruistic act. He freed the other four. He outwit AM even if he didn’t mean to, it’s extremely ironic.
In some way, I guess you can see the end of IHNMAINS as a win for Ted and the others, even if it’s one of the most nihilistic, depressing, claustrophobic fates to be subjected to.
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biribaa · 2 years
HAL 9000 x AM
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biribaa · 2 years
Ok so i cant stop thinking about a dumb but badass musical (something like the The Guy Who Didn't Liked Musicals) of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Most of the time what goes through my head is actually just AM creating a whole song, choreography and set just to sing how much he hates all fives. Imagine hating someone so much, SO MUCH to the point of making a whole song to show your hate since you've explored all means of showing anger... And maybe a some Ellen dancing in the rain with an umbrella, yeah, sounds something very Ellen in my opinion
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