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barartists · 5 years ago
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INGREDIENTES ESENCIALES: BITTERS @the_mixlab Los amargos son un ingrediente esencial para cócteles. Pueden mejorar y elevar cualquier cóctel. Debido a que hay tantas opciones, lo mejor es reducirlo a unas pocas opciones clave. Para obtener más información sobre la amplia gama de amargos, consulte @creativedrunk de @amoryamargo para todas sus amargas necesidades. ¿Cuáles son algunos de tus amargos favoritos? > Angostura Bitters: el ingrediente clásico y esencial probado y verdadero para innumerables bebidas > Peychauds: otro clásico con dulces notas de anís > Amargos de naranja: me gusta usar la versión @deathandcompany de partes iguales 🍊 amargos de @feebrothersbitters, @gazregan y @angosturahouse > Mole Bitters - notas de cacao y especias y funciona bien con tequila y ron > Bittermens Tiki: si te encanta el ron y el tiki, es un ingrediente imprescindible > @bittermens Hopped Grapefruit: un amargo cítrico floral que funciona bien con cócteles de cítricos brillantes > Apio amargo: para cuando desee agregar una nota salada extra a un cóctel _______________________________ #thirsty #LiqPiq #drinksathome #drinkpunch #imbibe #themixlab #cocktailcodex #drinkphotography #instadrinks #punchdrink #imbibegram #iheartbitters #homebartender #cocktailgram #drinkoftheday #cocktailrecipes #cocktailsofinstagram #cocktailoftheday #craftedmixology #feedfeedcocktails #cocktailcollective #thebitterlife #tw50bc #mixology #punchdrink #IJHFTD (en Quito, Ecuador) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDSrZd4D445/?igshid=36bhpu8updda
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rodriserrano-blog1 · 6 years ago
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#PinGame #MoverNShaker @moverandshakerco @the_garnishguy #PinCollector #PinLover #Shakers #Jiggers #Mugs #Bitters #Pineapple #HospitalityIndustry #IndustryLifeStyle #CocktailsNDreams #StrongerDrinks #MiamiUSBG #ColumbusUSBG #UncoventionalBartending #IHeartBitters #Hospitable #SwizzTilDeath #DaqTilDeath (at Athens, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtHAznSlR1y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18qklcwsi03vu
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goldenagebartending · 7 years ago
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Fernet Branca bike!!!? Say what???🤩 . Hard to drive it after some Fernet shots, that's for sure! 🤐 . Repost from @creativedrunk 📣 . This time he went full creative! Nice one, indeed.👌😎 . . His words: . In the coming weeks, I’m going to do a giveaway of a Fernet Branca bike at @AmoryAmargo ! Follow both accounts to learn how to enter. . . #iHeartBitters #iHeartAmaro #Bitters #Amaro #Amari #PennyTiles
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thenickbennett · 7 years ago
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Flipping through photos of Italy finding some gems. Meeting the legendary Maurizio at Bar Basso and doing @amaromontenegro lay backs at @nuloungebar are stand outs. #madewithmonte #iheartbitters (at Italy)
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theworlds50bestcocktails · 5 years ago
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Thanks to 🍸 @the_mixlab • • • • • What is your favorite herb to mix with? I never knew how much sage looked like carpet or wool fibers up close (swipe to check out the macro shot). Whisky Lemon Honey Sage Allspice _______________________________ #thirsty #LiqPiq #tw50bc #drinkpunch #imbibe #themixlab #cocktailcodex #drinkstagram #instadrinks #supercall #ttcocktails #imbibegram #homebartender #cocktailgram #drinkoftheday #mixologyart #cocktailrecipes #cocktailsofinstagram #cocktailoftheday #craftedmixology #iheartbitters #cocktailcollective #thebitterlife #homebarawards #artofdrinks #theworlds50bestcocktails #barflixx #50bestcocktails https://www.instagram.com/p/CD8exBMoX55/?igshid=1qa4edfkefkw3
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rodriserrano-blog1 · 6 years ago
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#TheMaiKai #BehindTheStick #KitchenBar #BlenderBartender #Barback #BehindTheBar #MolokaiBar #GreatMemories #SpeedRack #Training I’m Still missing this #beautiful and #Wonderful #Place #TheLittleIsland #ThePolynesianRestaurant #PinCollector #PinLover #IheartBitters #TikiCocktails #TropicalCocktails #TheMotherShip it was one of my last days over there I had a great Team work that I miss them a lot!! #TikiEnthusiast #IndustryLife #IHeartRum #RumAlways @the_maikai_restaurant (at Mai-Kai Restaurant and Polynesian Show) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrGThvKlYkK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9r4zfcdwjcpd
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thenickbennett · 7 years ago
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I was shown some of the best hospitality this past week in Italy. I hope can return the favor in the future. Salute. #madewithmonte #iheartbitters #legonickatlarge (at Bologna, Italy)
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thenickbennett · 7 years ago
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Things were made wrong here in all the right ways. I got to see the birth place of the Negroni Sbagliato and meet the son of the man who invented it. Milan did not disappoint. #legonickatlarge #iheartbitters (at Bar Basso)
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thenickbennett · 7 years ago
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Had a blast with the team at the amazing tiki Nu Lounge Bar in Bologna. Thanks for the great experience. #legonickatlarge #iheartbitters (at nu lounge bar)
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rodriserrano-blog1 · 6 years ago
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#Bitters #Collection #TheBitterTruth #VeryBitterPerson #IHeartBitters #Drops & #Dashes #BogartSBitters #JerryThomas #LTDEdition #MoverShaker #AmorYAmargo #BradThomasParson #BittersLover #HomeBar #ElNuevo #Cantinero #DelPueblo #SoyCantinero #IAmABartender (at Athens, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoPN5uKlwNT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u0ycge6xapja
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