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CODEX / 6 mars 2025 / Montréal
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Thanks to 🍸 @the_mixlab • • • • • What is your favorite herb to mix with? I never knew how much sage looked like carpet or wool fibers up close (swipe to check out the macro shot). Whisky Lemon Honey Sage Allspice _______________________________ #thirsty #LiqPiq #tw50bc #drinkpunch #imbibe #themixlab #cocktailcodex #drinkstagram #instadrinks #supercall #ttcocktails #imbibegram #homebartender #cocktailgram #drinkoftheday #mixologyart #cocktailrecipes #cocktailsofinstagram #cocktailoftheday #craftedmixology #iheartbitters #cocktailcollective #thebitterlife #homebarawards #artofdrinks #theworlds50bestcocktails #barflixx #50bestcocktails https://www.instagram.com/p/CD8exBMoX55/?igshid=1qa4edfkefkw3
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INGREDIENTES ESENCIALES: BITTERS @the_mixlab Los amargos son un ingrediente esencial para cócteles. Pueden mejorar y elevar cualquier cóctel. Debido a que hay tantas opciones, lo mejor es reducirlo a unas pocas opciones clave. Para obtener más información sobre la amplia gama de amargos, consulte @creativedrunk de @amoryamargo para todas sus amargas necesidades. ¿Cuáles son algunos de tus amargos favoritos? > Angostura Bitters: el ingrediente clásico y esencial probado y verdadero para innumerables bebidas > Peychauds: otro clásico con dulces notas de anís > Amargos de naranja: me gusta usar la versión @deathandcompany de partes iguales 🍊 amargos de @feebrothersbitters, @gazregan y @angosturahouse > Mole Bitters - notas de cacao y especias y funciona bien con tequila y ron > Bittermens Tiki: si te encanta el ron y el tiki, es un ingrediente imprescindible > @bittermens Hopped Grapefruit: un amargo cítrico floral que funciona bien con cócteles de cítricos brillantes > Apio amargo: para cuando desee agregar una nota salada extra a un cóctel _______________________________ #thirsty #LiqPiq #drinksathome #drinkpunch #imbibe #themixlab #cocktailcodex #drinkphotography #instadrinks #punchdrink #imbibegram #iheartbitters #homebartender #cocktailgram #drinkoftheday #cocktailrecipes #cocktailsofinstagram #cocktailoftheday #craftedmixology #feedfeedcocktails #cocktailcollective #thebitterlife #tw50bc #mixology #punchdrink #IJHFTD (en Quito, Ecuador) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDSrZd4D445/?igshid=36bhpu8updda
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@the_mixlab This drink doesn't get nearly the attention it deserves. It's the perfect summer drink that. Comment below if you have ever had 1. Missionary's Downfall 1.25 oz White Rum .5 oz honey syrup .5 oz creme de peche .75 lime juice 4 chunks fresh pineapple About 15mint leaves Blend all ingredients with ice until smooth and pour into a glass _________________________________ #thirsty #craftcocktails #LiqPiq #feedfeed #drinkpuinch #imbibe #themixlab #mixology #cocktailcodex #drinkstagram #instadrinks #supercall #punchdrink #ttcocktails #imbibegram #homebartender #cocktailgram #drinkoftheday #mixologyart #cocktailrecipes #craftcocktails #craftedmixology #cocktailoftheday #mixeddrinks #cocktailcollective #thebitterlife #homebarawards #artofdrinks #discerningdrinkers https://www.instagram.com/p/BwMeBQHl_UEVxrcD5lluoSIsc6W9bscCT6XOL00/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wjlih4icj3hv
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Vodka Martini
2 ½ oz vodka ½ oz dry vermouth Stirred Garnish with lemon peel
Recipe credits #cocktailcodex. Hand model assist @jennifer.wisemoroux https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPYZzcgobS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cuav894fv4vg
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Thanks to 🍸 @theweekendmixologist • • • • • - B A N A N A R A C 1 oz Cognac 1 oz Rye Whiskey ½ oz Banana Liqueur 1 Barspoon Gum Syrup Spray a chilled cocktail glass with absinthe. Add all ingredients to a mixing glass and then add ice. Stir and strain into the rinsed glass. Garnish with a twist of lemon. - A cocktail riff fit for a holiday weekend! . Recipe via @DeathAndCompany - Cocktail Codex #Bananarac #Banana #Sazerac #DeathAndCompany #CocktailCodex #tw50bc #theworlds50bestcocktails https://www.instagram.com/p/B8uxtHqosuI/?igshid=kt1029ff6pon
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