#igor's house of madness
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storythesilly · 3 months ago
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stupid guys (ignore igor n lapis being upside down ok ok)
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storythesilly · 8 months ago
i understand most people won't get it but i drew it
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roxyteal · 3 months ago
Yasssss we be doing more lookings up
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Me too buddy, me too
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h e s b u r g e r (I'm sorry we are way past that guy)
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True, the last of my braincells died when I saw the Onceler in BlackYear's art school Also I like the gimmick that he literally does not speak. It gets around VAing or TTSing without being too obvious. Also your cursor being a target is. I've never seen anything like it
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Onur's Multistory School of Crazyness DEMO! said gay rights Also PLEASE STOP SCREAMING IN STATIC OMG
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Shh you'll wake the them
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That is the smoothest animation I've seen in a Baldi mod/fangame ever. Like holy shit. We've really come a long way
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Dat's a lotta notebooks
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You can just go outside!!!
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Okay this guy's intrigued me for a while. Also sorry no I was wrong, this is the answer to the red + blue question, sorry BlackYear (why do I keep bringing him up omg) Also also he almost sounds like Bonzi Buddy Dave Text Microsoft Adult Male #2, but that just goes to show the popularity of the TTS
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So we have a challenger for Joe, Purple can trollface too, incredible
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Holy shit BBAU is so LGBTQIA+ inclusionary, bless
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Holy shit. Guys. Chat. This is revolutionary. What? You don't see it? Two double doors. I have never seen that before. (You can also go outside!!!) And the mus_school is so good, love the synth
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The super-slowed mus_learn is trippy and I love it. Imagine being asked about the first president of the USA three times in a row, on God (Shoutouts to MediaGamesGuide)
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The Denied's Basics title screen font at the top, ayooo Also Purple is Sans confirmed, Purplovania (and the four-pointed star is like the save star) Player, I remember you're resets Do you want to have a bad time Purple is Perseverance Okay sorry I'll stop
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Oh. No videos for Laps Lazuli's Geology Game... Oh... Sad... :(
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skulleroskeleton · 3 months ago
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Aggio doodles 1/2
Dr. Hick created by Killb94
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zio-stimming-xis-board · 8 months ago
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ramblings-of-a-mad-cat · 2 years ago
The Snake Who Lived and The Goblet of Fire
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What if Harry was Sorted into Slytherin?
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
With Sirius a free man, we'll see if things don't change a little more. Will Harry still enter the Triwizard Tournament? Will Voldemort still returns. Let's find out!
Book 4 does not open with the Riddle House dream, and it doesn’t even happen. At least not yet. Think about it, Wormtail has been taken to Azkaban. So he won’t even be finding Voldemort, who never meets Bertha Jorkins either. Not only that, but there’s no Frank Bryce. No Nagini. And definitely no Riddle House, because Voldemort isn’t even there. He’s been skulking about The Forbidden Forest since Quirrell’s death. Flitting from one body to the next, usually snakes, occasionally chancing a Centaur for some period of time to gain intel, but the Centaurs would be able to sense by now that there is something wrong, that something evil is lurking behind the shadows within The Forest. If we want to give Voldemort a semi-permanent host he’s been using, perhaps Bane? Dumbledore absolutely knows Voldemort is hiding in the Forest, but he doesn’t confront him. No point, really, with the Horcruxes still out there, and Dumbledore’s more recent fear that Harry may even be one of them. Best not poke the bear so long as it’s still drowsy.  
So what is first up on Harry’s bucket list for his fourth adventure? Well, I can think of two things. One, now able to spend extended amounts of time with The Marauders where they don’t have to carefully spend that time talking about plot, I see them bonding a fair bit. Harry has previously been eager to be more like his parents, as being Sorted into Slytherin kind of sets them apart from him. To that end, I think Sirius offers to train Harry in the art of Animagery. So that will be fun. Whether or not Harry takes to it is a different question, we’ll have to see. But Harry’s also still wracked with guilt over the whole Cruciatus Curse incident. Before anything else, though, I think Sirius and Remus finally take Harry on that trip to Godric’s Hollow. It’s wholesome and happy and they visit the Potters’ graves, as well as the wreckage of the house. 
There’s always the possibility that they would run into Snape, who may have come to visit Lily’s grave himself. But that would change a hell of a lot, as it would lead into a huge argument between all parties, ruining the memory for Harry and potentially leading Sirius and Remus to tell him about Snape’s friendship with Lily. If he finds out about that any sooner than he’s meant to…god, think of what could change just from that? I’m trying to limit myself to exploring the butterfly effect of what would happen if Harry had been Sorted differently, and I’d like to avoid too many other “What Ifs” which is why I’m hesitant to over utilize characters like Theodore, Tracey, and Daphne. On the other hand, these characters are present, these events could happen, and the ramifications of things like Hermione’s death for instance, cannot be ignored. It stands to reason that they would cause greater and greater chain reactions. For the time being, I’ll say that they don’t encounter Snape, but then again, it’s not like this is the only time Harry can visit. 
So what’s next? Ah, The World Cup! And we’re gonna talk about it. We’re not just gonna skip over it like a certain movie…actually we pretty much are, because not a lot happens. Arthur would still procure the tickets, and at this point, I think Ron…might still invite Harry. The Crucio Incident is weighing heavily on his mind, but Harry is basically his best mate. This could be an unspoken olive branch. Sirius and Remus would stay behind - Sirius may have had his name cleared but I doubt he wants to make public appearances just yet. Although he could come along as Padfoot, actually…yeah, that works, let’s go with that. So Harry and Padfoot meet up with The Weasleys and though the big dog takes a bit of explaining, Padfoot is totally docile and I doubt anyone has a problem with him. 
Harry likely runs into some of his Slytherin friends here, and he comes across Draco. He hangs out with Ron and Ginny, and sees the match. It plays out the same way, and Fred and George still make the bet with Bagman, so he’s still going to bet on Harry, I don’t see why any of that would change. Harry meets Winkie, but she doesn’t mention Dobby as she doesn’t know him, and Harry doesn’t really take notice of her. Crouch Jr steals his wand, and the night plays out basically the same way. Hate crime, check. Dark Mark, check. Harry and the Weasley kids would likely run into some of Harry’s Slytherin friends and it would be ambiguous just how many of them have parents who are participating in the night’s events.
The scene with Crouch Sr finding Winkie and sacking her plays out the same way…almost. Harry is in a LOT of trouble. The Ministry hasn’t forgotten The Crucio Incident either. I’d say Arthur has to talk Crouch Sr. out of arresting him on the spot. Of course, Crouch knows Harry is innocent, but he also needs a fall guy. In the end, he still decides that Winkie will suffice. I’d also have to say that Arthur probably didn’t know about The Crucio Incident until now, and unfortunately it might affect how The Weasleys see him. 
What may not immediately happen is Voldemort going to find Crouch Jr. He doesn’t know he’s alive, at this rate he may not even know about The Triwizard Tournament. But that’s not to say he hasn’t been busy. By now, he will have learned about the destruction of the diary and the capture of Peter Pettigrew. Voldemort is trying to gain all of the intel he can, but his plan won’t proceed until a ways into the school year. Whether or not Crouch Jr escapes at some point this year is a tricky What-If, because we know he was getting better at fighting the Imperius Curse, and now Winkie is gone…I’ll come back to this.

Everything plays out mostly the same way up till Hogwarts. Moody is the D.A.D.A. teacher but, here’s a twist, it’s actually him this time and not an impostor. Harry learns about the Triwizard Tournament and Draco announces his intention to enter, daring Harry to do the same. I could see this leading into a Fred and George like situation where Draco puts his name in, and Harry is about to, but he hesitates - and then the Goblet retaliates against Draco with the old man beard. Draco is totally humiliated, and it’s only going to get worse for him when Moody turns him into a ferret…if, and only if, we assume that still happens. Would the real Moody have done this? I’m not sure. Part of me thinks that was just Crouch Jr. venting his anger at Lucius for abandoning Voldemort. But Draco’s got to be humiliated somehow, right? This will do. 
Harry and Draco are also fighting about Hagrid. Because this was the Year of The Blast-Ended-Skrewts, after all. I can see Harry admitting to Theodore in confidence that of course the Skrewts are terrible and what the hell was Hagrid thinking? But he’ll never say that to Draco. He’ll continue to back Hagrid in public no matter what. It’s all fun and games until they take class with Moody, but, again…would the real Moody have gone as hardcore as Crouch Jr? I keep wanting to say no, but then again, his impersonation was so good that he fooled everyone, including Dumbledore. If he does demonstrate the Curses, then rather like Hermione, Harry would take a stand against it, which everyone including Ron would notice. If nothing else, I can see Moody practicing the Imperius Curse on his students to train them in resisting it, and Harry is by far the most talented at this. This also may come back later. 
The two other schools arrive and - here’s an interesting change. Viktor Krum is sitting at the same table as Harry. Because the Durmstrang students sat at the Slytherin table in the original book. So Harry and Viktor might have an earlier chance to bond, or at least get to know each other, especially if Theodore loudly mentions that Harry is a Seeker with a Firebolt as well. Anything to ruin Draco’s attempts to cozy up to him. Again, a lot of the Slytherins are starting to realize that Harry is a better horse to bet on than Draco. Hey look, Ron still gets to be jealous of Harry! But overall that dynamic is quite different in this alternate timeline and it’s unlikely that the feud from the original book is going to happen for a variety of reasons. 
Voldemort isn’t entirely out of luck. A former servant arrived at the school a short while ago, a spineless coward who would do anything to save himself from the vengeance of The Dark Lord. Yep, in this timeline, “Bane” is going to corner Karkaroff, but he’ll need to wait for a good opportunity. Some kind of situation where Karkaroff winds up in the Forbidden Forest. Like, when he’s spying on Hagrid showing Madam Maxime the Dragons. Oh yeah, we’re skipping way ahead. You know what that means, right? Harry isn’t a Champion. Well holy hopscotch Batman, we’re in real AU territory now. 
So there are only three Champions, which means Harry has no extended interaction with Rita Skeeter. He isn’t present at the Weighing of The Wands, and for the first chunk of the Tournament, there’s no big plan or conspiracy. Oh, and there are only three dragons. It’s a blink and you’ll miss it line in “The Other Minister” (a chapter from HBP that nobody ever remembers) but The Horntail was the dragon brought over later to accommodate for the fourth Champion that no one was expecting. But that’s not the case this time.
Either way, I think Harry might still be present in the Forest when this happens, along with Ron and Ginny. Hagrid has no game and no concept of how to date, so he would probably think it was just fine to invite his friends to see the Dragons while he’s also on a date. So long as they’re hidden under The Cloak, which Harry totally isn’t using irresponsibly. But that’s not what’s important. What’s important is that Volde-bane corners Karkaroff as he’s trying to eavesdrop. There’s always the possibility that Harry crosses paths with them but he only came across Karkaroff in the original timeline, and he was under the Cloak then as well, so he likely has no idea what’s just happened. 
I’m in two minds. Part of me feels like Voldemort would take no chances. To ensure Karkaroff doesn’t get cold feet and run for it, he could possess him. On the other hand, that didn’t really work out too well for him the last time. So maybe he won’t make that mistake again. Problem is, I need to decide, as it affects a great deal going forward. What is Voldemort most likely to do? He likes control, but he’s afraid of Dumbledore, we all know he is. Ultimately, I think he’d actually fear Karkaroff’s ineptitude and cowardice more. The last thing he wants is for someone else to screw this up for him - it could be his last chance, after all. So yes, I’m gonna definitively state that he possesses Karkaroff. 
Just one problem. Karkaroff is in no position to get close to Harry or catch him alone. But that's okay. At this point, Voldemort has no inklings of the plan that was concocted in the original GOF. At this point, his priority is getting restored to a body, but I think his plan would still center around stealing the Philosopher’s Stone. Keep in mind, it was never destroyed and would still be hidden in the Castle, presumably under the Trapdoor, guarded by Fluffy. Harry never learned about any of that back in Year One, but something tells me he will now. 

The First Task. One question to think about is whether or not Harry still warns Cedric. I believe he would. So Harry and Cedric have a bond now, of a sort, but Harry is still likely rooting for Krum alongside Ron. Come to think of it, I could see this being the moment Ron and Theodore are introduced as they both try to sit with Harry,  and it. Is. Frosty. Ron may make an exception for Harry but by and large, he does not trust Slytherins. The task plays out basically the same. Although, I previously said that Bagman would bet on Harry. He can’t do that anymore, so Cedric would be his next best choice. I could see a small conspiracy forming between Amos, Bagman, and Rita, as a kind of subplot: where they try to rig the tournament so Cedric can win, all with their own personal agendas. Though Rita would probably use this as blackmail, eventually. With no Hermione to discover her secret, she may become a much bigger player in the events to come, we’ll have to see.
No S.P.E.W., and Harry’s not about to learn that Winkie is in the Kitchens, but Dobby still serves the Malfoys and upon being reminded of The Clothing Rule, Harry may be inspired to try and free him. As Voldemort/Karkaroff investigates the Third Floor Corridor, using the Triwizard Tournament as a distraction, Harry plots to trick Draco, but Ron is the one who explains that only an Elf’s master can free them and technically, that’s Lucius, not Draco. Why yes, I am filling my own plot hole as it occurred to me after the fact that I had Draco giving Dobby the Invisibility Cloak. He’s like 12, that shouldn’t count. I’d also imagine that Krum notices something is off about his Headmaster at around this point, as does Moody. 
Things are going to come to a head at The Yule Ball. Harry’s under no obligation to go, or ask anyone this time, so honestly…I don’t think he does. At least, he’s not likely to ask anyone, though his Slytherin friends advise him that he could go with anyone he wants. Draco takes Pansy, (I reckon she’s still in his corner) and Ron is likely planning to skip altogether, which means Harry would too. Of course, Ginny is also hoping Harry will ask her, and given how much time they’ve been spending together, Harry might have been noticing her by now. But much like with Halloween in the First Year, the real problem is Karka-mort. Who has learned from his mistakes, and plays music to put Fluffy to sleep. He is caught in the act by Moody, who has definitely been tailing him. But with no other witnesses, Voldemort is able to release Karkaroff from his hold and take Moody as a Host instead. Karkaroff is pushed right into the Devil’s Snare, and Moody-mort retreats to start from scratch. With an evil impostor taking Mad-Eye’s place, we’re back on schedule. 
Let’s say Harry takes Ginny, and it’s the beginning of a blossoming romance that won’t come completely out of nowhere in Year 6. Sorry, in both the films and the books, Harry/Ginny is totally random. But as Ginny has more or less replaced Hermione in the trio, it makes sense that this would happen sooner rather than later. At some point, I’d imagine the new “Electrum Trio” (Heh, I like that, let’s stick with it.) still walks along the grounds and overhears Hagrid talking to Maxime about their Giant heritage, as well as overhearing Snape warning Dumbledore that there’s something off about Karkaroff. Harry resolves to investigate the matter himself, enlisting both Dobby and Crookshanks to tail him. But obviously, that’s going to lead nowhere. 
Rita Skeeter publishes her defamatory article about Hagrid, as well as Maxime, and this is how Harry learns about her. Krum mentions that she was present at the Weighing of The Wands and was particularly interested in Cedric. Which reminds me, we once again have no Hermione, and as Fleur tried to score a date with Cedric in the original timeline (or it was implied, anyway) I think we can just pair the spares in this case. Either way, I can see a whole conversation evolving between Harry, Krum, and Fleur - who is likewise angry on behalf of her Headmistress. Krum and Fleur suspect foul play, of a conspiracy to push Cedric as the frontrunner to win the tournament. Harry says nothing, as he knows that would be the last thing Cedric would ever want. 
No visit to the Prefect’s Bathroom, not this time. But Ron might still see something curious on the Marauder’s Map. Remember, he has it, not Harry. Here’s the million galleon question - does Possession fool the Map? I honestly don’t know. Most other forms of magic do not, but this matters. If Ron sees “Alastor Moody” flitting about Snape’s office, he’s going to be curious but probably not do anything. If he sees “Tom Riddle” then he’s going to panic. I’m not seeing why Possession should fool the Map if nothing else does, so one night Ron sees “Tom Riddle” on the Map, loses his shit, and goes to warn Dumbledore. He takes Ron seriously, and they track the “Tom Riddle” dot until they catch up with Moody. Dumbledore immediately knows what’s going on, and he incapacitates Moody-mort. I also see the Map getting confiscated here, no way around it, but on the other hand, Rowling always said that it gave Harry too much power, so maybe this is for the best. 

What’s downright hilarious is that Harry won’t even be present for any of this, he’ll be told about it the next day at Breakfast. Rumors will be spreading like Spattergroit that Professor Moody has been arrested and guess who: Professor Snape, is taking over the lessons. Harry resolves to talk to Sirius and Remus about this on the next Hogsmeade weekend. Especially since, by now, Karkaroff’s disappearance has been noted, and he’s been reported missing. The Aurors and Ministry officials arrive to apprehend Moody, but they aren’t likely to take Dumbledore’s claim that this is Lord Volemort too seriously. And that will be their undoing. Moody dies in custody, and no one realizes that the spirit Possessing him has changed hosts again. 
Remus and Sirius are both concerned for Harry, as much like in the original timeline, there are signs that something bad is happening. Karkaroff disappeared, Moody seemingly possessed by Voldemort, and just like Quirrell, he has died upon release. Rumors from the Forbidden Forest of a Centaur who died with similar symptoms. This is not looking good. Mercifully, Sirius is a free man, so he, his (boy)friend, and his godson can all have some butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks. Whereupon, they could run into a whole variety of characters. Bagman, acting shifty. Winkie, picking up her next order of alcoholism. They could definitely gain some intel here. 
So where is Voldemort now? I’d imagine him bouncing between Hosts for a bit, probably including Dawlish because it’s just always Dawlish, before settling on the Host he wanted all along. The man with the most power and access possible, at least for the moment, at both Hogwarts and The Ministry: Barty Crouch Senior. And from here, things get a bit wild. Upon his Possession, all of Crouch Senior’s enchantments are undone, I would presume. Barty Junior is free. Voldemort is about to receive the greatest gift he could ever ask for. Or, he would, if he figures out that Barty exists and is his for the taking. But Barty has no way of knowing that Voldemort is the reason he was set free. He’d seize his freedom and run for it, probably just missing his beloved master. This could all be translated into a Scar-related dream that Harry doesn’t fully understand. You know, the ones where he sees things from Voldemort’s point of view. Likely sees him searching an unknown house and cursing everything in a rage as he realizes the opportunity he just lost. 
Second Task is basically the same. Still don’t know how the spectators actually see anything, maybe there’s some kind of magical projection to what happens underwater? Either way, Cedric and Fleur’s Hostages remain the same, and Krum’s is…I dunno, probably one of his parents? Or a friend from Durmstrang? There’s gotta be somebody he cares about, right? Either way, I think Voldemort knows he has to accelerate his plans. Crouch Senior is the best Host he can hope for right now, and if someone spots Crouch Junior alive, that will lead to awkward questions and attention being placed on him that he doesn’t want. So he needs to steal the Philosopher’s Stone right now. Ideally, he would have Crouch Junior do it for him, but…actually, you know what? This could work. Because I’d bet good money that Crouch Junior won’t skip town without stopping to kill his father first. Oh baby, father and son are about to be reunited in more ways than one. 
So Crouch Junior attacks Crouch Senior, before Voldemort reveals who he really is. And now they’re absolutely golden. Only one problem. That damn Map. They know that the means exist to spy on them so long as they’re within the walls of Hogwarts, and they know it can bypass disguises. If The Map read Voldemort as himself in Moody’s body, it’ll just do the same thing in Crouch’s. He needs to get that Map away from Dumbledore, but how? When? Well, one of the Tasks would make the most sense. Whether it’s The Second or Third just depends on how fast the Crouch family is “reunited.” Honestly though, it doesn’t much matter, because not a lot really happens in between Tasks 2 and 3.  The only thing of value is Harry looking into Dumbledore’s Pensieve. In this timeline, he could do that after his dream of Voldemort searching the Crouch household. Actually, let’s talk about that for a second. Because Harry is about to find out that Snape was a Death Eater. 
Harry is going to confront him, and I could see this scene being similar to the film version of the scene where Snape confronts Harry about polyjuice ingredients going missing. Harry is both furious and wounded. Snape rebuffs him, as we can all expect, and hisses that his past is none of Harry’s concern, before giving him detention. Harry is undeterred. He presses on and points out that his parents were killed by Voldemort, so yes, it damn well is his concern if his Head of House used to work for him. Snape grows very quiet and pale at this, and when Harry tries to speak up again, Snape loses his temper and bellows at him to get out. If Harry were to listen at the keyhole, he might hear Snape quietly crying. So he goes to talk to Sirius and Remus instead, in a scene that is not unlike the Umbridge Fire scene in the OOTP book. Surprise surprise, both of his Guardians already knew, and Remus had persuaded Sirius not to mention it to Harry. Remus insists on the concept of second chances, and Harry, experiencing a painful flashback to his own use of The Cruciatus Curse, decides to drop it. 

Back to Voldemort, who is essentially the secondary protagonist at this point. The main point is that Hogwarts is all but empty during the Tasks, and in particular, Dumbledore is outside as a Judge. So long as they’re sneaking about the castle, they might as well just try to break into the Trapdoor now. They have no hope of bypassing The Gargoyle anyway. Maybe they tried during The Second Task and failed, so they’re back for The Third Task to streamline the process? Yeah, that works. As before, Crouch pretends to be ill, and Percy is oblivious. With everyone out at The Third Task, The “Crouches” break in, put Fluffy to sleep, burn their way through the Devil’s Snare, topple the Troll, they’re working together as a team just like Crouch Junior always wanted. He apparently loved Quidditch so he can grab the Key, and now it’s time for a game of chess. No way to be sure if sacrifices wouldn’t be necessary here, as every game is different. Voldemort is a master strategist but he’d protect himself at all costs. Crouch Junior would gladly give his life for his master, though. I’m gonna say he doesn’t need to, though. Voldemort only has one piece of significance to protect. Ron had two, so he was playing with that handicap. I bet Voldemort has an easier time with this game. 
Long story short, Volde-Quirrel made it past all the trials, so Crouch-emort should be able to as well. It would be rather anticlimactic to say that he just gets away with it and no one realizes it, and odds are Dumbledore would have at least a couple of Order members stationed by the Third Floor Corridor during The Tasks but I wanna say they’d be no match for the combined power of Voldemort and his most faithful servant, so they get knocked out or killed  (again, probably Dawlish because it’s just always Dawlish) Actually, Crouch Junior is crafty, and he’d suggest wiping their memories rather like Harry does in DH to keep Dumbledore off the scent. 
Meanwhile, Rita Skeeter is discreetly stunning Fleur and Krum through the hedges, using her Animagus powers for subterfuge, before sending up red sparks to have them withdrawn from the Task. Bagman is there in the crowd to draw people’s attention to Cedric. Meanwhile, the Crouches reach The Mirror of Erised, and honestly, this is #GoodGameWellPlayed to Voldemort. Because he may not be able to break through The Mirror’s riddle, but you know who can? Only his most faithful servant, who doesn’t want to use the Stone but does want to find it for his master. Here is where, right as Cedric claims the Cup, Harry collapses into a dream/vision similar to the one he has during his History of Magic exam in the original OOTP. He screams from the intense euphoria, the sense of victory, that Voldemort is feeling, as The Elixir of Life restores him to a body. (It was confirmed to be able to do that, though I’m not sure how…) Given how it’s not dark magic, I assume he’ll just look like his old self rather than Rudolph the Red-Eyes/No-Nose Reindeer. By the time Dumbledore gets to Harry and realizes what’s happened, it’s too late. He and the teachers make their way through the various trials to find the Mirror of Erised broken, and Barty Crouch Senior’s smoldering body leaning up against it. Just then, Snape lurches as he feels his Dark Mark burn black, for the first time in thirteen years. 
I’m now realizing how much of the plot Harry just plain wasn’t there for in this installment, but it does make sense. A lot of what went on in GOF, a lot of the important stuff, wasn’t really about him at all. GOF was Crouch Junior’s book - I said what I said, and I am so glad he’s going to be back for more action in future installments of this What-If. As he and Voldemort get away, and though nobody is sure what happened, Dumbledore can guess. The Electrum Trio is now left to speculate as well, though I’d imagine Dumbledore would be honest with Harry. 

Book 4 is going to have more falling action than a Lord of The Rings movie at this point. Let’s go over all of the stuff: First of all, Rita Skeeter totally betrays Amos and Bagman, writing about their plot in her next article. She never revealed her Animagery to them, or anyone, so she can deny all involvement. Bagman has to run for it, and Amos does deny everything but Cedric now realizes that he did indeed cheat to help him get this win, and not only is Cedric’s name in disgrace and his victory tarnished, but he and his father have a huge argument that leads to a major rift. Poor guy. Well, at least he’s alive, right? 
But on the other hand: Moody and Crouch Senior are dead, and in Moody’s case, it’s far too soon. I actually don’t see that mattering too much in the future though, he didn’t really do much…like ever, since most of what he did was actually Crouch Junior. Oh yeah, and Karkaroff’s dead, too. I totally forgot about him - but that’s kind of fitting for his character, don’t you think? Here’s another small-ish change, that will be bigger down the road, much like Cedric’s survival. Bill only came to the Third Task to watch Harry, but in this timeline, Harry was not a Champion. So Fleur never meets him, and that doesn’t take off. She could stick with Krum, but eh, they live in different countries. Even if Fleur stays in the U.K, Krum’s still going back to Bulgaria. He’s got a Quidditch career and stuff. 
Let’s circle things back to our heroes. Hagrid is likely still sent on his mission to recruit the Giants, along with Maxime. Draco and Snape didn’t have a lot to do in this installment, I realize that now, but to be fair the only real contribution of value is the reveal that Snape was once a Death Eater. Speaking of that, I could actually imagine a scene where Harry stops him before he leaves to rejoin Voldemort as a spy. He tries to brush Harry off and say that he is very busy, but Harry talks over him to say that this is his chance to make things right. To prove that Dumbledore is right about him, that he can change. I can see this version of Harry being a bit more open to seeing another side of Snape a little earlier, though how much Snape goes for that is of course, a separate conversion. 
Speaking of Harry, he and Ron are as close as ever, and now he and Ginny are definitely a little closer too. Ron is probably not sure how he feels about that, but mostly he knows that it’s a good thing and is probably annoyed that it’s a good thing, if that makes any sense. They’re definitely going to be writing to each other a lot this summer, that’s for sure. Actually, given how Arthur learned about The Crucio incident, it’s not Ron who’s going to have an issue with this - more likely, it’s going to be Ginny’s parents. Oh, and Percy is also in hot water for the same reasons he was before, Crouch still turned up dead after all. 
Dumbledore is an even worse position to prove Voldemort’s return to Fudge than he was before. Cedric’s alive and well, and there was no funny business with the Tournament - I mean, other than it being rigged in Cedric’s favor. All he has to offer is a broken mirror and another mysterious death that he attributes to Posession. Fudge would be just as likely, in this case, to start trying to control the goings-on of Hogwarts. He’d very much suspect Dumbleore of having some kind of agenda. He also doesn’t trust Harry, not by a longshot. Harry is not only a Parselmouth with a record of using underage magic, in this timeline he’s a Slytherin who has not only attacked muggles but has used an Unforgivable. And the Ministry looked the other way. They’re not going to do that anymore. 
It’s definitely intriguing to see how the perception of Harry can shift even though he’s fundamentally the same person, just in a new situation, but to a lot of people, he’d seem different. 
Did I miss anything? Oh, I just realized. Harry doesn’t win the Tournament so he can’t give the Triwizard winnings to Fred and George. That means they don’t get to start their joke shop and just wind up getting screwed over by Bagman. Actually, with that in mind, people might even wonder if they were actually in on the plan. It’s tricky because they’ve never liked Cedric, but they are in his Year, he was the Hogwarts Champion, and their fathers are friends. Not to mention Percy is under investigation himself for the mysterious death of Crouch Senior. Oh, the Weasley family’s in a lot of hot water now…
Voldemort was really out here Possessing people left and right in this one, almost reminded me of Belos. But that's it for Year 4!
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fingerless-glovez · 9 months ago
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Twisted Wonderland Vice Housewarden Persona AU
TW mentions of death
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No beastmen, merfolk, or fae outside the Shadow World
NRC is a normal non-magic school in a modern setting (Either UK or US but probably UK)
Everyone lives in their own house 
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^ Working title
To enter, you must find the places where the most blot from one person accumulates and dive into the ink
Anyone who hasn't been in the Shadow World can't see or feel the blot. The only exceptions to this is are the Velvet Room residents and Yuu, who unlocks the ability after their first interaction with Igor
Someone who can see the blot can bring those who can't into the Shadow World if they have physical contact while transitioning between worlds (ex: holding hands or bumping into each other)
Those who get sucked into the Shadow World are brought to a place that represents the state of their hearts (aka the dorms)
Think of the dorms as Palaces
They also change into their dorm uniforms and kind of wander around until they meet their shadow (overblot) selves 
They can't leave until they either die or decide to move on from whatever turmoil they're going through that brought them here
The shadow selves manipulate their real-world counterparts into letting them take control until they use too much power and die
The shadow forms become the overblot entities when they capture and take over their host
Once a shadow is defeated, the real world counterparts can leave, but they have to get out before the place implodes on them because the shadow is gone
When someone dies of overblot, their bodies return to where they last were in the real world covered in ink
This has been happening a lot recently, which prompts Igor to summon Yuu to deal with it
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The squad is called the Vice Wardens
When they get their Personas their outfits change to their dorm uniforms 
Yuu is the wild card. Yuu's first Persona is either the Ramshackle ghosts. Their Arcana is the Fool and their weapon is a large hammer
They're a first-year transfer student that was found unconscious somewhere and has no ID or anyone to contact 
Leader of the Vice Wardens and, of course, the resident therapist 
Grim doesn’t have a Persona yet, his Arcana is undetermined, and his weapon is hand claws
Joins during the prologue
Grim is in both a Teddie and Morgana situation where he's a shadow but doesn't know it, and when he's in the real world he's just a regular cat that only the team can understand 
Trey's Persona is the Mad Hatter, his Arcana is Temperance and his weapon is a sword 
Joins during the Riddle arc
Before Kalim joined the squad, his house somehow became the team meeting spot. He did NOT agree to this arrangement
ESPECIALLY since his teammates decided it was more appropriate to climb through his window instead of knocking on the door like normal people
Ruggie’s Persona is Shezi, his Arcana is undetermined, and his weapon is undetermined
Joins during the Leona arc
Lives with his grandma and forgoes school to work and help support her financially 
Ruggie can’t afford to attend NRC, but he does sneak in to meet up with the others. And steal food from the cafeteria 
Gets his hyena features with his Vice Warden uniform
Jade's Persona is Jetsam, his Arcana is the Wheel Of Fortune and his weapon is a spear 
Joins during the Azul arc
The team weapons dealer. You give him money, he gets you upgraded artillery. Where and how does he get it? That is an excellent question.
Gets his eel features with his Vice Warden uniform.
Kalim’s Persona is the Sultan, his Arcana is the Star, and his weapon is a staff
Joins during the Jamil arc
Happy sunshine boy
His house becomes the meeting spot because it's super big and Kalim’s room is very soundproof 
Rook’s Persona is the Huntsman, his Arcana is undetermined, and his weapon is a bow and arrows
Joins during the Vil arc, but is involved with the Shadow World prior to that
This fucking guy has been following the squad into the Shadow World since Trey joined the team in the FIRST ARC
Dude is fascinated by the whole “entering people’s hearts” thing and even more fascinated the Vice Wardens
Jade is the first to realize that they’re being watched and the others are FLOORED when they find out how long he’s been following them
The only reason he’s not dead yet is because he’s a hardcore survivalist and always brings his bow and arrows with him
Ortho’s Persona is Hercules, his Arcana is undetermined, and he is the Navigator
Joins during the Idia arc, but is involved with the Shadow World prior to that
Works for STYX, an organization trying to study the blot and the deaths linked to it
Goes into the Shadow World to do field research by studying the Shadow selves and the Vice Wardens
His job is to buff, heal, analyze the opponent, and occasionally contribute in All-Out Attacks.
Being a robot, he doesn't attend NRC, but he does sneak in to meet up with the others.
Lilia's Persona is the three good fairies, his Arcana is the World, and his weapon is a cleaver
One Yuu's first allies and mentor for Shadow stuff
Joins during the prologue
Poses as a high schooler and transfers to NRC to gain access to the areas in the school that blot accumulates
Gets his fae features with his Vice Warden uniform
(Spoilers for chapter 7, scroll until the next image)
Lilia was a wildcard that used his Persona powers to protect Briar Valley against a diety, but the diety decided to play dirty and manipulated the kingdom of Dawn to start the war, thus limiting Lilia from his fighting capacity.
Lilia's Persona was unresponsive due to all the changes in behavior and the mourning over the lost lives, but years later, he gained his first Persona back, weaker, when he decided to raise Silver. So with time, his Persona could grow stronger and Lilia could realize that his time as the lone fighter is over and that he needs to train the new Persona users to team up together and succeed where he alone failed.
^ (credit to @lowkeyclueless5137 for the specifics of Lilia’s backstory)
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The Velvet Room takes the form of the Mirror Chamber 
But instead of the Dark Mirror it's Igor 
Yuu enters through a coffin in the ceremonial robes
Ace and Deuce are the Velvet Room attendants
Ace’s Arcana is Strength and Deuce’s is the Chariot
They work together to do fusions, where Ace has his playing cards and Deuce has the giant book
Sometimes they fight and cause a fusion fail, which I’m sure surprises no one
Ace can often be seen in the real world hanging out with the team or annoying people
That’s how he meets Yuu, and Trey later on
Deuce usually stays in the Velvet Room, but if he has Igor’s permission, he’ll go hang out with Yuu
Deuce has some… issues
Due to some bad experiences in the past, he’s nervous about going to the real world
Basically: Unfamiliarity with human customs/social cues + People that really suck = Pent up anger that he sometimes loses control of
Yuu tries to help. Ace does not.
That's all I have for now. Ideas and criticism are always welcome! :)
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mask131 · 4 months ago
Creepy and spooky cartoons of my youth (2)
Now we get into the real thing! The actual "creepy cartoons" that shaped who I am today! (As I said before by "creepy cartoons" I range both cartoons intending to be creepy for kids, or kid media that just happens to have a "creepy" motif to it)
Starting with Extreme Ghostbusters. I never watched the original Ghostbusters cartoons, just the movies and this epic series. After seeing it a few times as a kid but then losing all traces of it and wondering if it was not all just a fever dream, I found it back in its entire glory on the Internet (I even got to check into the Patreon of the guy who designed the monsters of the show!). This show introduced me to a... LOT of things let's say
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You might recognize the artstyle/animation style as being somewhat similar in terms of creature designs to the one used in the cartoon series based on "Jumanji", which itself was quite a piece of creepy children media:
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Much more European this time: "My Grandmother is a Witch"! I had this cartoon on VHS and it was one of my early faves. You probably never heard of it, because it is a French cartoon (Ma grand-mère est une sorcière), so a brief recap for you: a teenage witch lives with her granny witch in a cursed and haunted forest right next to a modern-day town. She has a best friend who is a geek tech-gadget-genius, bizarre goblinoid Gremlins-like pets, an "uncle" who is a vampire living in another dimension populated by monsters... And the cartoon is about her various adventures or misadventures being a witch trying to live next to regular humans in a modern world (with the twist being that the humans are often freakier or more insane than the witches themselves - though the witches do regularly indulge in monster-creations and spell-fights in the city causing regional panick and disasters)
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More famous for an English-speaking audience, and even dearer to my heart: Martin Mystery. Does it need any presentation? Designed to be a "horror show for kids" inspired by the X-Files, monster hunters fiction and many horror pieces of all sorts. Part of an unofficial trilogy with "Totally Spies" and "Team Galaxy". One of the manifestations of Europe's 2000s obsession with making anime-styled cartoons. Contains some of the coolest monster designs ever.
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Another European reference - I had a certain soft spot for the "Jibber Jabber" cartoon which despite the uncanny of the "early age" 3D animation, still had a premise I quite loved (and similar to Mona the Vampire) of children living their actual games like entire fictional worlds... Except "Jibber and Jabber" lacks the the weird insanity angle of Mona the Vampire. I mean unlike Mona who can be read as a psychotic kid harassing poor strangers for no reason, Jibber and Jabber are just two kids playing within the confines of their own house and solely bothering their sister and their dog. It is a bit more wholesome X)
Due to the narrative, the show explored various fictional worlds, but I include it here due to the two "horror" recurring universes - the one where the kids play a mad doctor and his "Igor", and the one where they are vaguely-Victorian monster hunters.
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I can't go on without dropping Tutenstein. For a kid into mummies and Egyptian mythology, this was a welcome cartoon (I think it aired somewhere in the morning when I first caught its existence, summer mornings). I was quite shocked when I learned the same man designed the monsters for both this show and "Extreme Ghostbusters". But in retrospective I probably shouldn't be that surprised...
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I am pretty certain I forgot one cartoon I really wanted to talk about... I could speak about some of the creepy Looney Tunes or Disney shorts, but I feel that would be an easy way out... And I could speak of some favorite French shows of mine whose insane, weird and psychedelic style led to some nightmare fuel for kids (like Ratz, or Space Goofs) but I already pulled a cheat card like this one in my previous post...
Oh well if I ever recall, I'll share it in a reblog. Already that's quite a selection for you to appreciate, if you ever want to search for kid-friendly, animated Halloween treets.
And you, what were some of your creepy cartoons as children? Either cartoons that spooked you out a lot, or that were just "macabre fun" a la Addams Family?
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futurequibblerjournalist · 6 months ago
Hello again!!!!
I don't really have much to say abt Mary bc you did like,, such a good job telling me everything that I could have asked about her! You do a great job with everyone that I HAVE asked about too but you get it (I hope lol)
Do you have any like,, thoughts on Lucius? :0 or Viktor!!!! Ik you mentioned him a little while ago :3 Idk seeing him with your interpretation of Igor Karkaroff is special to me idk
Byebye!!!! See you soon lol :D
- 🍃
Ahhhhh I’m so glad you liked my little Mary rant!! I love chatting about the girls they’re just all so mwah,,,
I have a handful of thoughts on Lucius!
His full name is Lucius Abraxas Malfoy and he was born September 8th 1953 (making him a Virgo) at Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire, England. He’s the first born son of Abraxas Malfoy and only son of Luceille Malfoy née Famelle (she’s distantly related to the Flamels but as you can tell some stuff has gotten lost over the years hence the slight change in the last name!) and he’s the older half brother of Xenophilius. His mother died in childbirth and thus he never knew her and it’s given him a few issues ngl,,,
Abraxas remarried a few years after Luceille’s death and thus Xenophilius became a thing. Hestia (Xeno’s mother) tried to step into the role of mum for Lucius but he never wanted any of that and he was lowkey mad at his dad for remarrying even if he never felt like he should let anyone know.
I think he and Narcissa fully adopted Severus as like their Hogwarts kid just like how Xenophilius and Pandora later do with Gilderoy lol (it clearly runs in the family). I don’t usually base my headcanons off of the mobile game but there’s hints in there that Lucius and Narcissa’s marriage was a love match and I 100% believe that. He gifted her a Malfoy brooch to welcome her into the family I believe when they were first engaged (which would have been at some point while she was still at school?? because she puts it in her keepsake box that she had with her sisters while they were all at school) and to tell her that she was worthy of becoming a Malfoy. I think he placed a lot of values on family which is why I also think it’s so funny that the family he does have he’s like “nope I don’t wanna be related to that freak [points to Xeno]” lmaooo
I really love the fact that he’s a part of the school board. Like I don’t think people talk about that enough actually. Also the Malfoy house being represented by (albino?) peacocks and him canonically having Malfoy manor decked out with rhinestones or diamond rims or something like that in the windowsill. Like he’s so cunty. And that’s before we’ve even touched on the obvious hair care routine and the cunty bow that he 100% match with Narcissa.
I honestly need to think about him more but I think he’s just,, so funny. Also imagining Severus running around in his cunty ass hand me downs is just??? I can’t
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As for Viktor!!!
I think he’s so fun. Like,, he’s actually so sweet and people can say what they want I don’t even care. I think he was really sweet to Hermione at a time where she needed it and I think it would have been fun to see them when they were older as like a fun ass power couple with him being a professional quidditch player and her being minister for magic. They’d like,, they’re so mwah to me.
I think it says a lot about how like,, lonely and isolated this kid was when the most important person to him was a girl he’d met a few months earlier. Like he didn’t have a Durmstrang buddy and one could assume if he had siblings they weren’t close and that just,, idk I feel bad for him. I like the idea of him striking up a friendship with Fleur and Cedric though despite them competing and all that
Similar like how I think Karkaroff is actually Karkarov I think Krum is likely Krumov (Крумов). It’s even stated in his wiki that it’s likely that Krum is just like,, an Anglicisation of Krumov. Speaking of Igor, I think Igor was friends/familiar with Viktor’s uncle when he went to school. I don’t have an explanation as to why he has decided to take Viktor under his wing in the way he has but I do think it’s kinda sweet. Me and a friend talked about this once but Igor would totally favour Viktor to the daughter he (in some universes) has with Charity and he’d be like “no no you’re imagining it” meanwhile we’ve seen how blatant his favouritism is lol
Now to the headcanon I’ve probably thought the most about lol,,, I think he’s got some sort of brain injury. This probably sounds a little damn okay but I think it makes sense. I think it makes sense with how much quidditch he plays. A lot of athletes have some sort of injury and considering how he went professional so early he’s undoubtedly played since he was young and I would not be surprised if he took a hit to the head a few times. I think this injury happened during his fourth-ish year (maybe during the summer when he was going extra hard on practicing at home or something??) and he took a Bludger to the frontal lobe and was knocked off of his broom.
I think he repeated a year because of this injury and having to recover (I’m pretty sure his age doesn’t line up with the rest of his supposed peers which is what I’m basing this on but also it’s 9 am and I’ve not yet slept so I could be pulling this out of my ass so keep that in mind lol).
He’s canonically noted as not being particularly intelligent (one of his canon nicknames is literally Dumb Krum) and I think this is in part because of this injury and the issues that followed him afterwards. I specifically think he’d had struggles with reading, both being slow at it and having poor reading comprehension as well as having a poor memory and being prone to confusion. (I also see him struggling with speech at times, perhaps some struggles with grip (which would be especially frustrating and something he’s working hard to overcome given his quidditch position) and since he’s noted as a bit of a klutz I wouldn’t be surprised if he bumped into things a lot).
His Transfiguration spell during the second task in the tournament is not done properly. Even if human transfiguration is a more difficult kind of transfiguration I would assume that if he’s smart enough to cover the basics, Igor (given his own talents with the subject) would have made sure his favourite student had mastered it. Whether this is something he was able to do before his injury I’m open to any takes on. He’s mentioned as someone who’s confident in his duelling skills but not necessarily good at duelling and even though Dark Arts are mentioned in his wiki it’s only in regards to things he did under the Imperius Curse
Also!!! Completely unrelated to me thinking he’s got a brain injury, I am a skinny twig looking Viktor Krum stan. I will always be mad we didn’t get to see him like that in the movies because he’s quite literally described as Severus and Igor’s love child lmaoooo
Can you tell I’ve been waiting to talk about him?? He’s like,, one of if not the only golden trio era character I care about lmao
I hope you enjoyed my little ramble cjfncjnfjc I saved my thoughts about these two for a bit to send something fun your way!!
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shanxpennywise · 1 year ago
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My Favourite Villains Part 1 - 7 Art Dump (Old Art.)
Pennywise (1990)
Pennywise (2017)
Slappy (Goosebumps)
Dr Kamikazi (Robotboy)
Chucky (Child's Play)
Fats (Magic)
Billy (Dead Silence)
N-Gin (Crash Bandicoot)
Hypno (Creepypasta)
King Dice (Cuphead)
Baldi (Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning.)
Zander (Dinosaur King)
Gideon (Gravity Falls)
Sideshow Bob (The Simpsons)
Penguin (The Batman: Animated Series)
Dr Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Mad Mod (Teen Titans)
Defoe (Huntik: Seekers and Secrets)
Little Ogre (Soul Eater)
Dr Phineus Phibes (Shaggy and Scooby Doo Get a Clue)
Dr Calico (Bolt)
Purple Guy (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Mandark (Dexter's Laboratory)
Evil Rick (Rick and Morty)
Mad Hatter (Batman: Animated Series)
The Major (Hellsing Ultimate)
Danzo (Naruto Shippuden)
Vector (Despicable Me)
Archibald Snatcher (The Boxtrolls)
Frollo (Hunchback of Notredame)
Cedric (Sofia the First)
King Candy (Wreck it Ralph)
Gallaxhar (Monsters VS Aliens)
Jack Spicer (Xaolin Showdown)
Jeffery Hawk (Dead by Daylight)
Akainu (One Piece)
Dr.Maniac (Goosebumps.)
Unwanted House Guest (Creepypasta/Meme.)
Jareth the Goblin King (Labyrinth.)
Dr Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs.)
Syndrome (The Incredibles.)
Dr Eggman (Sonic the Hedgehog.)
Maxie (Pokemon.)
Captain (Armando) Salazzar (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man Tells No Tales.)
The Look-See (Crypt TV's The Look-See.)
Kureo Mado (Tokyo Ghoul.)
Drei (Hiiro No Kakera.)
W.D. Gaster (Undertale.)
Freddy Krueger (Nightmare on Elm Street.)
Drago Bludvist (How to Train Your Dragon.)
Claude Faustus (Black Butler.)
Stefano Valentini (Evil Within 2.)
John Bacchus (Future Diary.)
Kisame Hoshigaki (Naruto Shippuden.)
Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Bleach.)
Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter.)
Tighten (Megamind.)
2nd Dimension Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb: The Movie.)
Dr.Octopus (Spiderman 2.)
Squilliam (Spongebob Squarepants.)
Mr.Chuckle Teeth (The X-Files.)
Laughing Jack (Creepypasta.)
Weevil Underwood (YU-GI-OH!)
Dr.Herman Carter (Dead By Daylight.)
Babadook (The Babadook.)
The Child Catcher (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.)
Colonel Muska (Studio Ghibli's Laputa Castle.)
Ghetsis (Pokemon.)
The Crooked Man (The Conjuring 2.)
Crocodile (One Piece.)
Danny Dickens (Angels Of Death.)
Kabuto (Naruto Shippuden.)
Yami Marik (YU-GI-OH!)
Byakuran Katekyo (Hitman Reborn.)
Jason The Toymaker (Creepypasta.)
Slenderman (Slenderman: The Movie.)
Igor Neuhaus (Blue Exorcist.)
Captain Kuro (One Piece.)
Guzma (Pokemon.)
Mr.Wood (Goosebumps.)
Professor Venomous (OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes.)
Lyle Tiberius Rourke (Atlantis.)
Faba (Pokemon.)
Petrel (Pokemon.)
Cyrus (Pokemon.)
Lysandre (Pokemon.)
Arlo (Pokemon.)
Evil Dr Phibes (Shaggy and Scooby Doo Get a Clue.)
Papillon (Buso Renkin.)
The Joker (Batman: Animated Series.)
Mr X (Resident Evil.)
Foolscap (Dinosaur King.)
Giovanni (Pokemon.)
Tamatoa (Moana.)
The Toymaker (Harmony & Horror.)
Jean-Louise Bonaparte (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.)
Benson (Toy Story 4.)
Ed (Dinosaur King.)
Mr Burns (The Simpsons.)
Victor (Boruto.)
Beppi The Clown (Cuphead.)
Scud (Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid Of Light.)
Sordward (Pokemon SWSH.)
Sheildbert (Pokemon SWSH.)
Sakutaro Morishige (Corpse Party.)
Mr Hook (MAR.)
Malvolio (Twelfth Night Manga.)
Captain Hook (Peter Pan.)
John Ratcliffe (Pocahontas.)
Fagin (BBC's Oliver Twist.)
Jack Randall (Outlander.)
Waluigi (Mario.)
The Toad (Flushed Away.)
Gnauss Wisden (NiNoKuni.)
Orochimaru (Naruto.)
Braz D. Blood (Blood Lad.)
Douman Ashiya (Tokyo Ravens.)
Shidou Dairenji (Tokyo Ravens.)
Dr. Yung (Pokemon: The Mastermind Of The Mirage Pokemon.)
Mr Big (Michael Jackson's Moonwalker.)
Grings Kodai (Pokemon: Zoroark: Master Of Illusions.)
Dick Dastardly (Scooby Doo Movie.)
Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist.)
Hidan (Naruto Shippuden.)
Mandrake (Earwig And The Witch.)
Murder The Clown (Goosebumps.)
Kai Chisaki (My Hero Academia.)
The Grabber (The Black Phone.)
The Gold Watcher (Dark Deception.)
Miroku Yukihiko (Get Backers.)
Sartorius Kumar (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.)
Schneizel El Britannia (Code Geass.)
Chairman Rose (Pokemon SWSH.)
Koichi Shidou (Highschool Of The Dead.)
The Riddler (Assault On Arkham.)
Sugou Nobuyuki (Sword Art Online.)
The Handsome Young Man (A Tale Dark & Grimm.)
The Pied Piper (Shrek 4.)
Aizen Sosuke (Bleach.)
Demiurge (Overlord.)
I plan on drawing more of my favourite villains at some point.
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undercover13agent16 · 9 months ago
(FNF Mario’s madness x Sepbox)
Story: Jason was on his way to Alice’s house to hang out with Alice for the 1 millionth time, while walking there, he found a DVD case that says “SEPBOX V9-V15 LEAKS”, that made Jason super hyped since he is a huge Sepbox fan, so he ran to Alice’s house, showed Alice the DVD case, and with Alice also being a Sepbox fan, she was just as excited as him. So she took Jason to her room, booted up her computer, Jason sat on her lap, and they boot up the DVD. But as soon as it starts loading, a bunch of disturbing and traumatizing images of dead Sepbox characters constantly flash the screen, Jason tries to see what’s wrong, he takes out the DVD, but as he touched it, it was burning hot, it popped itself back into the computer, and that’s when they both realized, the DVD they just popped in was a Sepbox DVD copy from hell. And then an abyssal arm popped out of the screen, Jason and Alice run away from the computer, but the abyssal arm grabbed both of them, and dragged them into the screen. After a long falling scene, Jason grabs onto Alice, and as she was carrying him while falling down, she lands safely, fortunately. But then, they’re greeted by an unknown type demon known as “Dallas.EXE”, and he tells Jason and Alice if they want to escape, they have to go through a long journey through the Sepbox copy in order to escape, and what batter way to start off than to go against Dallas.EXE himself.
IT’S-A-ME (Dallas riot)
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STARMAN SLAUGHTER (Dallas riot, Clicker, Tessa, and Watcher)
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SO COOL (Splat-Jack)
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ALONE (Eric payn and Arthur payn)
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OH GOD NO (Dallas riot and Eliot riot)
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I HATE YOU (Eliot riot)
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LAST COURSE (Faker/Hivemind)
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DARK FOREST (Caroline payn)
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BAD DAY (Tuchip)
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DAY OUT (Igor and Karter)
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DICTATOR (Damien Zane)
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RACE TRAITORS (Arthur payn)
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NO HOPE (Eradicator)
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NO PARTY (Kiowa Hopi)
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storythesilly · 7 months ago
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thought id redraw this ↓
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llgg-official · 3 months ago
hi! @storythesilly yammering here. this is the official askblog for my baldi's basics mod, lapis lazuli's geology game. i worked hard on it okay.
YES, this was once @/lapis-lazuli-0. llgg was released, i changed the blog.
Lapis Lazuli (Lapis) - The teacher! 16, ADHD, fixated on geology, any pronouns. He ran away from the mines xe was born in, and now she's a member of the Diamond Man Family. This guy LOVES MSI, and he's pansexual.
Amethyst - Lapis' older sister. 17, she/her, lesbian, she a bitch kinda. But she's nice sometimes. (don't ask about her voice in the mod. it was fucked up, so i made it so she has a vocal disorder.)
Pearl Man - Lapis' older brother. He likes jumpscaring people if they look at him. He/it, aroace, 17, one of my favorites.
Nikon - Some Russian kid that steals items from people for his best friend, Micheal. He's really nice, he's just a dumbass. 9, he/him
Micheal Schmitt - Stupid little 9 year old who loves to jumprope. He's besties with Nikon, too! He/him (intentionally misspelled.)
Push and Pull / PAP - Micheal's robot, which failed in the pulling department. It wanders the halls, looking for a friend. It/they/he, aroace.
Lee - A 16 year old who is trapped in Lapis' office. He's nice, just very shy. They/he, aroallo.
James - The player, AND Lapis' boyfriend. He's so cool, but usually quiet. He/him, bisexual.
ask anyone, just don't be weird. they are all minors. i don't expect this to blow up, no one really downloaded llgg.
the mod is based on dave's fun algebra class (obviously,) garrett's funny animal game, purple's fun trivia game, onur's schoolhouse, igor's house of madness, and blackyear's art trivia remastered. yeajh.
uh um @zionanelequaso HI
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yandere--stuck · 2 years ago
Yandere!Count Vlad x Reader Headcanons
🩵 After the introduction of Mina into his life, The Count had decided to spend more time out of the castle and, much to Igor's chagrin, fraternizing with the human populace. However, hundreds of years spent with only other monsters has left him with some anxiety over talking with humans. Kids like Mina were easy. Just play a game or talk about something they like and you've made yourself a friend! But, other adults? Someone who understands social norms and can know when you're breaking them? Someone who could more easily notice abnormalities and oddities, judge him? But despite his nervousness, Count still believed he should try!
🦇 Taking small steps to get out of his comfort zone, Vlad would go out for his own shopping or take Mina to the park, supervising her or joining in a game in between people watching. It was strangely nice to be around people again. There was a small feeling of connection… Just to be around someone, to be in their view, to be in their lives even in such a small manner - and even if it got him unwanted attention, as Igor warned. As The Count found, though, it was rather easy to watch others without being noticed. Apparently a tall, pale man dressed up in a cape and shielding himself with an umbrella wasn't as much of an eyesore as he expected it to be. At least, if you aren't being watched by one consistently.
🩵 Unfortunately, for you, you caught Vlad's eye. He simply couldn't help it! You were stunning! Your voice was melodious! And you were so sweet with Mina, willing to join in for a game when asked or help her up if she fell. And just to be sure you don't notice him, he'll dart behind a tree and shapeshift into a black cat to shadow you… While occasionally coming up to you and Mina for pets. His stalking doesn't stop there, though. Of course not! The Count needed to know everything about you! With how well you got along with his darling daughter friend, he had a feeling you were the one! The one he'd been waiting for for centuries. So, it's only natural that he follows you around town, hiding in the shade as he watches and listens, absolutely captivated and simply dying to know more. If only he could go into your house uninvited…
🦇 Even though he hates himself for it, he'll persuade Mina into putting in a good word for him. Mina will follow you around like a lost puppy as she babbles on about how super-duper nice The Count is and how he really likes playing games and how he's single and always wanted a family! If Vlad happens to overhear, he'll immediately turn into mist or a bat to make his escape. Confound it, he's so embarrassed! Over seven hundred years old and he's made into a blushing madman too embarrassed to even face you - or he would be, if he still had the capacity to blush. Ultimately, it's Mina who has to help him get up the nerve to talk to you for an extended period - and even then, it takes him a bit to not trip up over every other word. He can't help it! You're just so dreamy, it practically rewires his brain upon sight.
🩵 For some time, Vlad is able to write off the eccentricities of himself and his castle and his… Igor. He is one of those "crazy Europeans," as Mr. Harper had said, after all! The coffins, mad-scientist laboratory, vials of blood - all just decoration! But he knows it's only a matter of time before you realize the truth, and all of the hard work he'd put into bonding with you will be all for nothing. He can't let you go, you're simply too precious! One night, he may just ask for you to look deep into his eyes and with every second you become closer to his hold. He'd treat you like an antique figure, dressing you up and taking care of you. One of his favorite things to do is take you dancing in the ballroom, whispering words of love and admiring the glazed over look in your eyes…
🦇 Even though romantic relationships between humans and monsters are strictly forbidden, Igor finds some solace in knowing that his master has returned to at least some of his devious ways. Even if the extent of The Count's deviousness is planning on making you, him, and Mina (and Igor!) into a family! Hmm, perhaps if he can use his hypnosis on Mr. Harper to sign over custody… Then, Mina really can be your daughter! Oh, and she'd make such a beautiful flower girl for the wedding! And Igor can be the ring-bearing. Oh, darling, Vlad couldn't wait to spend the rest of eternity with you.
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princessmeepa · 1 year ago
POV: that you are Mads Mikkelsen in a horror setting and you have discovered a woman named RS and her webcomic LO waiting outside.
Note: This is supposed to take everything real and it is just a fanfic, so enjoy.
Mads Mikkelsen: At midnight at my house, I was taking a shower to cool myself from a busy day at work. I hear my phone ringing and thinking it was my beloved wife Hanne. when I pick it up it was some number calling me and it was woman who is from New Zealand. “OMG! Madsly pooooo, Why did you cheat on me and I thought we are going to get married.” I thought to myself, who is this crazy lady and why is She talking to me as if we are in a relationship? I take a deep breath and ask “Who is this?” She answered in an angry voice, “It’s me RS, You’re beloved fiancé and you promised me that you are taking me on a date.” I answered “I am sorry wrong number.” Before I was going to hang up, she randomly ask me “You like romance?” “Yes I do” I lied, “Then what is your favorite romantic movie?”is she coping the line from scream? Is is have to be a troll or something, I thought. I answered “I don’t know, maybe Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky, because that is the movie that I’ve played in.” “Ohhhhhhhh I love that one and alll of your movies”She said then answered “My favorite is Lolita, because it is so sweet and romantic of a middle age man is raping a grooming a teenage girl, it is so sweet and I love it and it is one of the best movies out there.” I thought to myself, why would a person let alone a woman who finds a pedo movie romantic, is she deeply mentally ill or is she just kidding? I ask her if she is pulling on my leg and she said no and she that I’ll will be her real life Humbert and she’ll be my real life Lolita. I have fans before who are cool, but this lady is crazy and it gives my stomach upside down, she tells me to look at outside of my window. My heart started to race faster and I am sweating all over my body and hopping it was just a sick jock, when I look at my window and I see a woman who looks like she is in her 30’s and she is wearing a wedding dress and she is standing outside blowing a kiss at me. And she send me a picture, that looks like two cartoon characters getting married.
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When I look closely, the Groom looks like me and the bride looks like the same dress that RS lady is wearing, I frozen in shock, and the power turn off and I call the police but there is no single and I hear sexy romantic music playing from our (my and my wife’s) bedroom and I see RS is laying on our bed with candles and roses everywhere, I call my wife but there is no single. “Ohhhh Madsy darling” she said “I have been waiting for you and this is our special night”, how did she get into my house and I see that she just throw alway all my wife’s things and clothes and it is all been replace with something that I have never seen before. I panic and ran all over the house to escape, but all the doors are blocked with wood and when I ran to the kitchen to get the knife, she handcuffed me to the refrigerator just like Hannibal movie that I played in and She says the lines just like in the move and I past out. When I wake up I was laying on the bed with a black suit and I started to follower the classical music just like the Hannibal movie. And see RS is wearing the Black dress Julianne Moore’s character is wearing and I see my wife all tried up and high, Oh god we are doing the Hannibal sense again. “MADS WHY THE F$&& DID’T YOU LOVE ME!?! She said in a childish temper tantrum tone, “because I don’t know you” I answered. She stated saying that I don’t love her or something speech, as she is preparing a knife, She ask me “Do you ever love me at all, if you don’t say it then I’ll cut that homewreaker b$&@‘s head” “I do love you” I said “please let her go, she has nothing to do with it.” RS smiles at me with a sick smile, “very good then” then she cuts my beloved wife’s head and she give me her brain, “YOUR’RE A SICK PSYCHO B$&@!!!” I scream. “I love you” she said running with a knife at me and I don’t know if I will make it out alive or not.
The End?
Sorry if it is too long to read.
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supernovatales · 1 year ago
Page-A-Day, Day 2
6 panels
Panel 1. Interior of an EXPRESSO JITTERS cafe. Bonnie is talking to a 20-something man in dark clothes and an apron, both standing in front of an Expresso Jitters sign. Have them standing by a cafe counter or some tables to show place. Bonnie looks hopeful and energetic while the man 'speaks'. Employer (vfx in word balloon): The word 'job' with a big red X over it.
Panel 2. Bonnie holding a handout that reads - Now Hiring! House Painters! She's standing in front of a half-painted wall. The floors are covered with dropsheets. Bonnie is grinning and bouncing on the balls of her feet as someone speaks from off-panel.
Employer (op - vfx in word balloon):
The word 'job' with a big green checkmark over it.
Panel 3. Bonnie talking to a 30-something woman in light clothes and a matching cap, one of those wool caps flight attendants used to wear, in front of a Taffy's Candy Boutique sign. They're standing by a small display of candy, or maybe a display counter if it can be clear what's in the counter. Bonnie is less energetic but still smiling.
Employer (vfx in word balloon):
The word 'job' with a big red X over it.
Panel 4. Bonnie talking to CAI CAIN, in Cai's basement workshop. The shop is crowded with old electronics on cheap IKEA shelves - Old CRT monitors, those weird 1950s antennaes, dismantled old radios, etc. Cai wears jeans and his favourite bowling shirt. Cai is grinning enthusiastically, but it's a mean grin. Bonnie is starting to look a little tired but smiles when she hears Cai offer her a PT job.
Cai (vfx in word balloon):
Cai as a mad scientist with Bonnie as his Igor-esque assistant, both in classic B-movie mad-scientist and assistant outfits.
Panel 5. Bonnie getting shoved out of a theatre door. Next to the door is a wall sign reading "Théâtre des Nus!" in large fancy print, "SPICY!" underneath, with "mineurs interdits" below both in much smaller plain print. Bonnie looks startled, the theatre manager indignant.
(Don't sweat the translation, the French is deliberately bad.) Employer (loud): **** NO!
Panel 6. A very tired Bonnie holding a handout that reads - Now Hiring! Dog Walkers! She's outdoors in a park and a golden retriever is sniffing her shin.
Employer (op - vfx in word balloon):
The word 'job' with a big green checkmark over it.
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