#ignore the typos ... work in progress
outc4sted · 3 days
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FROY  GUTIERREZ.  TWENTY  FIVE.  CIS  MAN.  HE/HIM.  — since  you  aren’t  aware  of  them  yet…  that’s  RAFAEL  DEL  RÍO  wandering  around  in  hollow  creek!  from  what  i  know  they’ve  lived  in  hollow  creek  for  FOUR  MONTHS.  i’m  also  aware  of  the  fact  that  they  work  as  a  CAFÉ  WAITER  /  BUSBOY  in  town!  but  if  you  were  to  ask  me,  what  i  see  when  i  think  about  them  are:  TO  BE  LOVED  IS  TO  BE  CHANGED  —  THE  SPARK  IN  ONE'S  EYE  THAT  COMES  WITH  COMPANIONSHIP,  ETERNALLY  MENDING  THE  HOLES  IN  YOUR  CLOTHING,  A  JOURNAL  THICKENED  WITH  THE  MEMORIES  YOU  STUFF  INSIDE,  DARK  CIRCLES  AND  A  COLD-BITTEN  NOSE,  KEEPING  YOUR  CARDS  GLUED  TO  YOUR  CHEST.  if  anything,  i  feel  like  they  could  be  ADEPT,  STEADFAST,  CLOSED-OFF  &  ALOOF.  it’s  really  weird,  though…  because  they  seem  to  be  hiding  something  that  no  one  else  knows.  but  i  sure  do!  and  that  is  REDACTED.  wild,  huh?  i  know.  they’re  hoping  no  one  will  ever  find  out.  and  the  very  last  thing  that  i’d  say  about  them  is  that  they’re  mainly  known  to  be  THE  PARIAH.  just  keep  a  lookout!  who  knows  if  they’re  putting  on  a  facade!  
notable statistics :
full name — rafael del río.
nickname(s) — rafa, raf.
age — twenty5 yrs old.
gender & pronouns — cis man, he/him.
sexuality — bisexual, biromantic.
appearance : 6ft 1in, brown untamed hair, hazel eyes, freckles in the spring and summer, a small scar on his lower lip near the left side of his face, no tattoos or piercings yet. usual dress includes medium wash jeans, sneakers — high top classic b&w chuck taylors or some black oxfords he wears at work, and any plain or barely there graphic tee.
cont'd :
birthdate — april 7th, 1999.
hometown — tuscon, az.
sun sign — aries.
occupation — waiter / busboy at the hollow creek café.
personality :
rafa  is  definitely  a  more  reserved  person  compared  to  most.  he  tends  to  mind  his  business,  mostly  for  safety  reasons,  as  he  has  truly  found  a  home  in  hollow creek  and  has  no  desire  +  is  much  too  tired  to  pack  up  and  restart  again.  in  doing  so,  he  can  easily  come  off  cold  or  uncaring,  which  is  why  he  currently  does  not  have  any  friends  outside  of  his close group & co-workers.  he  has  been  fired  from  a  one  shop  around  town  because  of  his  lack  of  a  personable  attitude. he  is  lucky  that  he  has  managed  to  keep  his  job  at  the  café.
when  he  does  warm  up  to  people,  he  is  staunchly  loyal,  as  it's  truly  in  his  nature.  his  level  of  communication  doesn't  necessarily  go  up,  but  he  is  very  fond  of  showing  care  and  devotion  via  acts  of  service  or  cracking  a  joke  when  no  one  is  expecting  him  to.  he  also  tends  to  get  flustered  very  easily  and  has  found  that  to  be  his  achilles  heel.  he  would  not  do  well  in  an  interrogation  room  or  on  a  first  date.
headcannons :
rafa  has  the  tendency  to  be  a  bit  of  a  kleptomaniac  when  it  comes  to  things.  he  finds  a  thrill  in  it,  but  doesn't  really  steal  large  items  or  anything  he  assumes  would  have  a  large  monetary  value.  his  targets  are  mainly  small  trinkets  or  what  he  would  consider  '  useless  items.  '
he  is  also  very  sentimental,  and  has  hoarded  all  of  his  old  transportation  tickets  and  some  postcards  from  a  lot  of  his  stops.  he  wants  to  be  able  to  get  himself  a  film  camera  one  day,  but  hasn't  gotten  the  chance  to.
he's  a  bit  of  an  insomniac,  and  can  be  found  walking  around  town  late  at  night,  or  at  least  around  the  grounds  of  where  he  lives. 
rafael hopes to at least lay low enough to be able to attend the local junior college and receive his GED.
he truly is book smart and highly capable, as well as emotionally intelligent ( at least in the case of others more so than himself ), but just doesn’t apply himself to the standard of what it means to be a productive member of society. very will hunting from good will hunting coded …
notable information :
rafael,  the  younger  of  two  sons  to  the  del  río  family,  both  now  what  he  assumes  separated  from  their  birth  parents.  picture  perfect  was  what  they  aimed  to  be  in  his  youth  —  family  christmas  cards,  matching  outfits,  the  whole  nine.  unfortunately,  that  never  came  to  be.
he  pretty  much  toughed  it  out  through  school,  really  just  sticking  to  the  cul  de  sac  of  other  kids  whose  houses  could  escape  to  when  he  didn't  want  to  deal  with  whatever  came  with  home  life.  
(  content warning  :  mentions  of  verbal  abuse  )  —  he  was  already  on  the  run  prior  to  coming to hollow creek,  not  so  much  out  of  necessity,  but  practicality.  he  had  cut  off  his  family  at  sixteen  due  to  an  unstable  home  life  and  v*rbal  ab*se  he  had  endured,  and  has  gone  in  and  out  of  motels  and  shared  housing  agreements  ever  since,  doing  one-off  gigs  or  odd  jobs.  he  harbors  a  lot  of  resentment  for  them,  but  at  the  same  time,  still  longs  for  a  different  fate.  because  of  this,  he  tends  to  be  really  envious  of  others with a strong family history, whether its blood or found, he longs for that himself.
because  of  that,  not  a  lot  is  known  of  his  family  history  ;  a  lot  of  it  is  private,  tucked  away  in  some  mental  lockbox  that  he  wouldn't  dare  open  to  people  he  views  as  fleeting  connections.  it  would  take  a  lot  for  him  to  delve  down  that  road.
hollow  creek  is  nothing  more  to  him  than  another  stop.  it  looks  the  same  as  every  unassuming  small  town,  hopefully  allowing  him  a  clean  slate  and  some  breathing  room  before  he  packs  up  and  continues  on.  there's  nothing  truly  unassuming  about  hollow  creek,  only  that  usual  small  town  eerieness  that  is  expected  with  every  tight  knit  community.
next page ... the connections ! tbd.
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nanowrimo · 3 months
Smash Your Word Count Goals in 3 Easy Steps
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from our sponsors at Freewrite
Here at Freewrite, we help writers reach peak productivity in order to meet word count goals and create their best work yet. That’s our reason for being.
Today, we’re going to share the three easy steps proven by science to help you reach your writing goals!
1) Set A Goal & Write It Down
The psychology of goal setting is pretty clear. It’s what NaNoWriMo is all about, right? Research has proven that people who set goals experience higher motivation and are more likely to feel accomplished.
However, the type of goal you set makes a big difference to your efforts. Make sure that your goals are (a) clear and specific, (b) realistic, and (c) measurable.
Being clear about your goal will help you hone in on what you’re trying to achieve and ignore distractions. Make sure to write it down, as well. Research by psychologist Gail Matthews has revealed that people who write down goals are 33% more successful than those who simply set a goal in their head.
Next, be realistic. This means being honest with yourself about what you can and can’t achieve based on your other life obligations. Setting goals that you can’t achieve will only lead to frustration and, ultimately, a lack of motivation.
And last, make sure each goal is measurable. “Write 1,000 words each day” is much easier to measure than “Finish this book.” Because we all know it’s difficult to measure a book being “done”!
Breaking these goals down into smaller, simpler steps will help, too. If your goal is to write 20,000 words during Camp NaNo, break that down into 5,000 words a week, and then figure out how many words you’ll have to write each day to reach those smaller goals.
2) Practice Freewriting
Freewriting is thinking. It’s as simple — and as difficult — as that.
While every writer is unique, and there is no one way to be a writer, there are similarities we all share as humans — especially humans in the modern world — that create common obstacles to doing the things we love — like reading, writing, and yes, thinking. There are the obvious external obstacles: social media, email, the internet. But there are sneaky internal obstacles, too — the main culprit being the inner critic.
As humans, we are judgmental. It’s in our DNA. Our brains are constantly assessing situations, imagining outcomes, and making decisions. It’s part of survival at a very basic level. However, that means that when we do anything, including writing, we tend to automatically assess our actions — judging our own words, tweaking and editing them as we go along. That constant evaluation not only hinders progress, it can also stop us from ever getting started. And if we do manage to sit down to write, that inner critic creates an unconscious anxiety that prevents us from experimenting and writing down our most innovative and creative — and weird! — ideas.
We’ve all heard the advice to “write now, edit later.” Or perhaps you’ve heard writers reference “the sloppy/crappy/messy first draft.” Those are just fun ways of referencing the writing method in which you separate the drafting process from the editing process. Or, what we call freewriting.
Many people haven’t written this freely since childhood, but there’s a reason this method is taught in MFA programs. Getting your thoughts down first and revising later increases productivity and yields better, more creative work because it allows you to give your brain fully to each task. It means that when you’re drafting, you’re drafting, and when you’re editing, you’re editing. There’s no context-switching or multitasking.
So, what if you gave yourself permission to write badly at first? And we don’t just mean cheesy or with glaring plot holes — we mean typos, missing words, character names replaced by big Xs because you couldn’t remember them in the moment.
The next time you draft, we challenge you to give it a try. Just let yourself go and give your thoughts and feelings over to the act of creating. Because that’s when the magic happens. 
3) Track Your Stats
OK, you’ve set measurable goals, and you’ve started drafting. What’s next?
Track your efforts!
Here at Freewrite, we’ve created a tool to automatically track important writing stats, like word count, writing days, writing streak, and more! It’s called a Postbox Profile, and it gives you a unique URL that allows you to share your stats with writing friends.
Anyone with a Postbox account — that’s anyone who writes on a Freewrite OR uses our free in-browser drafting tool, Sprinter — can create a Postbox Profile and track their stats.
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👉Don’t have a Freewrite yet? No problem! We have a FREE in-browser drafting experience called Sprinter that helps you shut down distractions and make progress — and gives you access to Postbox. Start writing today absolutely FREE at sprinter.getfreewrite.com.
👉Ready to grab your own Freewrite? Our entry-level device, Alpha, is $50 off this June only! Just use code STARTWITHALPHA at checkout.
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nneogram · 2 years
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PAIRING. wonwoo x reader (f)
GENRE. fluff, college!au
WARNINGS. i think there’s one (1) expletive, wonwoo is not good at speaking on the phone
A/N. happy holidays and long time (loooong long time) no see! i can’t believe how quickly time has passed and i don’t know how long i’ll be back (though as always i have multiple works-in-progress rn) but for now enjoy this spur-of-the-moment piece i wrote while avoiding studying for my final that’s today. this is unedited! there could be typos and grammatical errors >.<
LISTEN TO. “hit me up” by omar apollo, dominic fike, & kenny beats.
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Wonwoo knew it wasn’t a good idea to mention you to his roommate. Because now all Soonyoung wants to do is force Wonwoo to make the first move, something that A) wouldn’t end well and B) will never happen in the first place. Wonwoo would rather suffer an untimely death than be the one to initiate anything. And that’s saying something considering this final paper he was working on right now felt pretty much like death.
“Just call her. Hit her up and go, ‘I’m in love with you, please go out with me or else I’ll throw myself out the window.’” Soonyoung purposely pitches his voice up an octave.
“One,” Wonwoo types away on his laptop, paying no attention to his meddling roommate, “My voice sounds nothing like that. And two, throwing myself out the window isn’t as grave of a repercussion when you remember we live on the first floor.”
Soonyoung sighs. “Okay, how about starting small? Ask her out to dinner or something. Something simple and easy.”
Wonwoo fakes a laugh. “Bold of you to assume that’s easy. There’s nothing easy about calling the girl you like and asking her on a date.”
“You don’t even have to do the first part. I can call her, and all you have to do is ask her out.”
Soonyoung’s offer gets ignored as Wonwoo continues to stare at the half-empty word document on his laptop screen. Knowing his roommate won’t let up until he acquiesces in some way, Wonwoo absentmindedly agrees, saying something like, “Sure. Do whatever you want.”
“Okay.” Wonwoo echoes his roommate and the room descends into silence. Ah, peace and quiet. Something that almost never happens with Soonyoung in the room-
It’s too quiet.
The gravity of the situation doesn’t sink in until he spots Soonyoung a few steps away, Wonwoo’s phone in hand, your contact name pulled up. And Soonyoung’s ring-adorned finger hovering over the “Call” button.
Wonwoo fumbles for the phone, but Soonyoung yanks it out of reach. Wonwoo can only stand in frozen terror as his roommate presses the button for speakerphone and the ringing drones on.
He’s further cemented to his spot when you actually pick up.
“Hello? Wonwoo?” The line crackles as your voice fills the room. Your voice sounds different on the phone - a little deeper, a little more hushed as though this was a private conversation. It was supposed to be a private conversation.
Wonwoo’s stunned silence would have continued if it were not for Soonyoung swatting at his shoulder. Talk to her, his roommate mouths. “Uhm, yeah, hi.” His voice threatens to crack at the end of his sentence, and he clears his throat.
“Hey.” There’s a hint of bemusement in your voice. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine. Sorry for the call, I usually don’t do that, -“
“-Yeah, I got a little confused,” you confess with a breathy laugh. “I wasn’t sure if something was wrong, and even if so I would’ve expected a cryptic text first.”
God, he loves your sense of humor. Wonwoo forces a chuckle. “Yeah, yeah, sorry. So, uh. What’s up?”
There’s a beat of silence from you. He can hear your amusement when you echo back his question. “‘What’s up?’”
Soonyoung facepalms. But he’s at least brought Wonwoo’s phone down to an attainable level now, so Wonwoo takes the opportunity to retrieve it.
He immediately presses the button to remove you from the speakerphone and brings the phone to his ear. “Sorry, sorry, I got sidetracked. This is why I send my cryptic texts.” Your laugh on the other end affirms Wonwoo in his defusing of the situation, and so he continues. “When did you say you were heading back home again?”
“Saturday afternoon. Why, what’s up?”
Fuck it, here goes nothing. Wonwoo takes a deep breath. “The reason why I was calling you is because I was wondering if you wanted to go grab something to eat before you leave to celebrate the end of finals but if you aren’t able to that’s okay.”
Wonwoo ignores the way Soonyoung is staring him down with an incredulous look on his face. Wonwoo is pretty sure he’s red in the face right now.
Once again, more silence on your end. Wonwoo thinks maybe the call has disconnected (or maybe you were so offended by his proposal that you hung up), and he’s about to bring the phone away from his face to check his screen when you finally respond.
“That’s the most I’ve heard you say in one go.” Once again, you’re laughing, and Wonwoo’s worries dissipate. He’s still nervous, of course, especially considering you haven’t actually answered to his offering yet, but something about your laidback nature really puts him at ease. It almost makes him think that even if you said no, he’d be okay-
“I’d love to grab food with you. Did you want to do Friday night or Saturday morning?”
Wonwoo’s roommate has since crept closer to him, head leaning in on the other side of the phone to listen in on the conversation. Soonyoung is just as shell-shocked as Wonwoo is when you say yes.
“Mm, uh,” Wonwoo clears his throat, “Friday night works for me. I’ll be free from my last final by then.”
“Sick! Me too. I can’t wait to be free from the grips of biochem after Friday afternoon.” There’s rustling on your end, likely you getting up and moving around. “I have to head back to studying right now, but we can text as it gets closer to figure out specifics?”
“Sure. Sounds good.” Wonwoo’s throat has gone dry.
Soonyoung has decided at this point that his job is done, and he walks away from Wonwoo with a fist pumping in the air as though his favorite soccer team just won the World Cup.
Wonwoo returns his full attention to you. He can hear your grin when you say, “Great. Oh, and Wonwoo?”
He expects there to be a caveat, a “but” at the end of your acceptance. “Hm?”
“You should call me more often.”
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anim-ttrpgs · 15 days
The Eureka September Patreon update is live!
This might be another one of our biggest updates yet, with a pretty big changelog below! You can get this update right now by subscribing to our patreon, but itchio beta fans may have to wait a few more weeks or a month. The itchio beta won’t be updating until I finish the complete monster overhaul which could take a while.
Also a reminder for those who are a fan of our TTRPG Book Club, once we reach our patreon milestone of $310/month, we will be upgrading and expanding the book club to cover more types of RPGs, including one-page RPGs and GMless RPGs! At the time of writing this, we are at $298/310! Almost there!
For those of you who don’t want to read the whole changelog just yet, some highlights include:
Complete overhaul of the vampire
Complete overhaul of the wolfman
Overhaul and improvement of injury mechanics
Overhaul and improvement of almost every Trait in the game
Full changelog below
Copy-editing Progress: Thoroughly copy-edited up to p. 194.
Stuck most of the $42+ kickstarter backer submission info into the very back of the book just to get it out of our email inbox and to allow the whole team to be able to more easily see it and work with it. Going to be doing more to integrate this stuff into the actual rulebook soon. 
Changed the limitations on how Comfort is used to restore investigator Composure. 
Fixed a typo in the investigation example of play. 
Made it so that Composure rolls for fears in the “Ridiculous” category don’t even always need to be rolled when these things are encountered. 
Moved Character Health and Status, Grievous Wounds, Healing, and Healing Example sections to Chapter 1. 
Changed Partial Incapacitation to give -2 modifiers instead of -1. 
Overhauled the rules for injuries, incapacitation, and grievous wounds completely. A ton of it is changed. 
Added codified rules for medical facilities and what to do in the case of investigator death. 
Added “The Creeps” optional rule. 
Tweak to When is the Party “Split” section regarding how long to go before jumping between groups.
Lots of new art has been added.
Tweaks to Be Prepared to Lose section.
Changed the CQC skill to Close Combat, as this is more clear and obvious what that means at a glance
Made lots of copy-editing progress. Many paragraphs are shorter and convey the rules more clearly. 
Changed the way the Burnout Trait works. It now causes the investigator to lose flat Composure each day rather than affecting their Composure rolls. 
Changed the Death Wish Trait to not suck.
Changed the Elementary! Trait to use Visual Calculus instead of Social Cues.
Changed Go With Your Gut Trait to not suck. 
Added that wallets and like basic clothing and stuff have a WP cost of 0
Added glasses to item list
Added rope to item list
Added hand warmers to item list
Changed Arithmomania trait to where it only gives a +1 base bonus to Paperwork, and the bonus for having a lower Ignorance of Quantity Tiers of Fear rating is more investigation points. 
Changed Femme Fatale to add a +1 Seduce bonus instead of +2. 
Totally redid the Hardy Trait. 
Added -1 modifier to I’m Okay You’re Okay Trait
Redid the Just Built Different Trait. Now it allows a character “no sell” an incoming Superficial Damage attack once per Scene, reducing the damage to 0, among a few other things. 
Added Renaissance Man Trait. 
Removed Love Me Trait. Might try to reword it another time, but it was too similar to too many other traits and wasn't very interesting. 
Completely reworked Lover Trait. 
Many new snoops have been added.
Changed the Mad Genius trait to be called Lovecraft Protagonist and changed what it does. 
Removed the investigation point cap on Man of Action Trait. Also changed the name to Ask Questions Later. 
Changed My Glasses Trait to only provide bonuses to Knowledge Skill Investigative Rolls. 
Changed Nightstalker Trait so that it provides a bonus to all Interpersonal Rolls while trespassing 
Changed None of My Business Trait to suck less.
Changed Not Finished Yet Trait to suck less.
Changed Showboater Trait to suck less.
Changed Skeptic Trait to suck less.
Smalls is now a real Trait instead of just a joke Trait. 
Removed the +1 Bonus from the Unpredictable Trait.
Changed Wicked Trait to not suck. 
Changed Wizened Trait to suck less. 
Woo-Woo Trait no-longer based on Blacked Out Skill. 
Moved “Deadly Combat, Permanent Consequences” here and changed the title to “Disabilities are Disabling”
Changed Basic Physical Therapy on the Wealth Point Item List from 3WP to 2WP. 
Added new section “People Change”
Made Blissfully Ignorant trait immune to “The Creeps.”
Made the Technically… Trait have a +2 bonus instead of +1.
Updated the Hard Boiled Trait to work with the new way that injuries and incapacitation works.
Moved the Hardened Hearts snoop to be the Wicked snoop instead. 
Changed “Empath” Trait to be “Empathetic” instead. 
Made “Did You Know…” a better and more usable Trait
Made Hard Under Pressure a better and more usable Trait.
Changed how the WP cost of an item affects the modifier for rolling for it in-adventure. The modifier is now half the WP cost rounded down. 
Moved the section “Deadly Combat, Permanent Consequences” into chapter 2. 
More art has been added.
Moved Character Health and Status, Grievous Wounds, Healing, and Healing Example sections to Chapter 1. 
More art added
The Blacked Out Skill has been changed in two major ways. First we made it more obvious that the Blacked Out Skill applies even to knowledge of the supernatural that is not necessarily true. And also rather than working the way that every other Knowledge skill works, the Blacked Out Skill now gives leads to where answers might be found rather than immediate concrete answers. 
Added that Alt. Witches have to make their supernatural ability composure rolls at +0 instead of +3. The +3 was a typo.
Started work on the complete monster overhaul.
Vampires have been completely rewritten. Most of their abilities and themes are the same, but the way the abilities work has been overhauled and improved in many cases, as well as now being formatted and structured in a sane and easily-referenceable way. 
More art has been added. 
Changed the +2 Contextual Close Combat bonus for the Werewolf Trait to a +1 Base Bonus
Wolfmen have been completely rewritten. Most of their abilities and themes are the same, but the way the abilities work has been overhauled and improved in many cases, as well as now being formatted and structured in a sane and easily-referenceable way. 
Fairytale Witch is currently being rewritten/overhauled. 
Changed Incredible Strength Mage Trait to have a +2 Close Combat bonus instead of +3.
Elegantly designed and thoroughly playtested, Eureka represents the culmination of three years of near-daily work from our team, as well as a lot of our own money. If you’re just now reading this and learning about Eureka for the first time, you missed the crowdfunding window unfortunately, but you can still check out the public beta on itch.io to learn more about what Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy actually is, as that is where we have all the fancy art assets, the animated trailer, links to video reviews by podcasts and youtubers, etc.!
You can also follow updates on our Kickstarter page where we post regular updates on the status of our progress finishing the game and getting it ready for final release.
Beta Copies through the Patreon
If you want more, you can download regularly updated playable beta versions of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy earlier, plus extra content such as adventure modules by subscribing to our Patreon at the $5 tier or higher. Subscribing to our patreon also grants you access to our patreon discord server where you can talk to us directly and offer valuable feedback on our progress and projects.
The A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club
If you would like to meet the A.N.I.M. team and even have a chance to play Eureka with us, you can join the A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club discord server. It’s also just a great place to talk and discuss TTRPGs, so there is no schedule obligation, but the main purpose of it is to nominate, vote on, then read, discuss, and play different indie TTRPGs. We put playgroups together based on scheduling compatibility, so it’s all extremely flexible. This is a free discord server, separate from our patreon exclusive one. https://discord.gg/7jdP8FBPes
Other Stuff
We also have a ko-fi and merchandise if you just wanna give us more money for any reason.
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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bvbygrl-writes · 8 days
Season of The Witch (3)
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Pairing: Jacob Black x Witch!Reader x Edward Cullen
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: (Y/n) (L/n) is 19 and still trying to figure out the world. She isn't sure of a lot of things but she is sure of one: she's gonna have her cake and eat it too.
A/N: Edward's here!
Warnings: N/A but it will be 18+ at some point most likely. Minors and blanks dni. Also I didn't edit any of it so ignore any typos.
The morning sunlight streamed in gently through every window in your room. The sounds of birds and crickets singing in a chorus together were the first sounds you awoke to. The only way you knew last night wasn’t a dream was from the text on your phone from Jacob, letting you know he was looking forward to seeing you. You felt dizzy with delight, sending him a reply to know you were looking forward to seeing him too.
Stretching as you stand up, you walk over to the balcony, opening the doors as you step out into the unusually warm Fall air. Looking down, you see the progress your mom has made in such a short time in the yard. A pergola now sat near the edge, a beautiful outdoor dining table sat under it with string lights that had not yet been turned on. Directly below your window, she had began on a garden. Strawberries, blueberries, tomatoes, pumpkins, and many different types of herbs were already in bloom, despite the season. Looking to your left, you saw her floating near the window to your dad’s office. She was finishing planting a few flowers in a planter box she had added. She smiled as she noticed you, flying over a bit as she perched her elbows on the railing of your balcony.
“Good morning, sweetie. I couldn’t sleep last night, I was too excited to start decorating! I have so many ideas blooming.” she gushed to you enthusiastically. You yawn, trying to rub the sleep from your eyes as you give her a soft smile.
“It looks amazing so far mom. Just be careful, it’s broad daylight. Anyone could walk by and see you flying and sprouting stuff from the ground.” you remind her. She rolls her eyes, waving you off.
“Already ahead of ya. I put a veil over the house so to anyone, it’ll just look like I’m on a ladder. Me and your dad had breakfast already since he had to be in for work early but I left you a plate in the kitchen!” your stomach grumbles at the mention of breakfast. “Also I left a list of potion supplies we’re growing low on, do you think you could head into the woods after you’re dressed and get them for me?” you nod lazily and she squeezes your hand gently before floating back over to the window, continuing her meticulous flower planting.
After you’ve gotten ready for the day, you head down to the kitchen. On the counter, there’s a plate of pancakes, fresh maple syrup, and a bowl of fruit. You see the list stuck to the fridge with a magnet. Taking your plate to the dining room, you begin looking the list over as you scarf down your breakfast. Everything should be easy enough to gather. 
Placing your plate into the dishwasher, you toss the list in your satchel before grabbing some twine and a basket near the back door. As you step out of it, you notice the entrance your mom must’ve made for you to the forest. The trees are braided around each other in a circular shape, flowers woven throughout.
There’s not a clear path as you go deeper but that doesn’t scare you. Waving your hand, a golden luminous line follows behind you so you can easily find your way back home. With your list floating near your head with a pen, you start to search for the first ingredient.
“Mugwort…mugwort…ah, there it is!” Taking out a pair of plant sheers, you cut a nice amount, your twine floating out of your bag to tie the bushel up before it floats back to your open bag. The enchanted pen crosses it out from the list. “Just eight more things to go.” you mutter to yourself. Hopefully the rest would be as easy to find.
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With eight out of nine things gathered, you just needed the final one: water from a natural source. As you went further and further into the woods, you could hear running water. Turning left, you walked forward finally finding the source of the sound. There was a small creek running further than your eyes could see. Taking out a mason jug, you leaned down to the water filling it up. It was going well enough until you heard a noise. It was fast footsteps and from the sound of it, it was getting closer to you. Standing up with your half filled jar, you got prepared in a stance.
 An unnaturally fast blur was a few feet from you. Without a second thought, you shook your hands raising them above your head. Thick vines and roots began to raise, wrapping tightly around the creature which you now could identify as a…person? If you could even call him that. The man before you was gorgeous, his face looking as if it was chiseled from marble. But something was different about him. He was unusually pale, with eyes of gold and pretty pink lips. You watched as he struggled in the vines, an intense look on his face until his eyes met you. Your mouth was agape, eyes wide as you approached him.
“What…what are you? You’re clearly warm blooded but you’re definitely not human.” he said in an aggressive tone. Waving your hand, you released him from the vines. He wasted no time in approaching you, a mere inches away from you. Your head began to throb a bit. Was he…
“Are you trying to read my mind?” you questioned, scowling at him. Your mom had taught you how to block your thoughts from other occults but it always came at a cost. You got a small headache whenever you did so. His eyes widened, staggering back a bit.
“Yes but…how did you do that? I could get into your mind but, I was blocked from your thoughts.” he responded in amazement. He reached out, grabbing your face in both his hands, causing you to shudder. His hands were as cold as ice. The speed, his body temperature, the color of his eyes. It was all starting to make sense now. 
You both said at the same time. You both step back from each other, scared of what the other may do, not knowing that neither of you were a threat. “I thought all witches went extinct during Salem.” he said. You scoffed, rolling your eyes.
“Clearly not. They did a number on us but many of us exist, although most are outside of America. But as you know, we’re not an enemy to none but a friend to all.” you explain. He steps closer to you, running a hand down your shoulder.
“Amazing.” he answers breathlessly. Looking up at him, you get an even better look at his features now. He truly is a sight to behold. Before you can say another word, he’s on the ground as a shirtless man you’re quite familiar with attacks him.
“Get away from her, bloodsucker!” Jacob shouts. Your eyes widen in shock. The two of them roll around on the ground, attacking each other. There are punches thrown left and right and Jacob is surprisingly holding his weight well. But you’re not sure if either one will live if they go on like this. And you know if Jacob gets any more angry, he might wolf out.
You blow air from your mouth, a big swarm of wind towards them. The both fly back from one another, landing on the ground with a thud. Even with the cuts on his body, Jacob still looks up at you with concern.
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” he asks, standing up with a grunt as he rushes to your side. He grabs your face, looking it over for any signs of damage. You place your hand over his, causing him to look into your eyes. He relaxes at your touch some.
“I’m okay, Jacob honestly. I can hold my own quite well. Plus,” you look over at the vampire who’s now standing up, near you but far enough away that Jacob can’t touch him. “He’s no threat. I read into his mind a little, Edward is no threat.” Edward smiles at that, causing Jacob to growl, pulling you back flush into his chest. 
“Well that’s not fair. You can read mine but yours is off limits?” He asks. Jacob’s grip tightens on you some.
“You don’t deserve to know a single thought in her head.” He spits out, causing Edward to look up at him with a scowl. You could tell Jacob was slowly losing his composure. Releasing yourself from his grip, you grab his hand tugging him back towards the direction you came.
“Let’s just go, Jake. You were going to show me around, remember?” You ask, looking up at him. He looks down at you smiling, squeezing your hand some. You put his mind at ease, bringing him a sense of calm just from being near him. Looking back over your shoulder, you see Edward still watching you. “The name’s (Y/n) by the way.”
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When you’re finally back to your house, you see a motorcycle parked in your driveway, a helmet hanging from the right handle. You look from the bike to Jacob. “This yours?” you ask him, walking around the bike as you inspect it.
“Yeah, I built it myself. I’m pretty good with things like that.” he shrugs, as if it’s no big deal. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls something out. Stepping towards you, he motions for you to turn around. You do so, lifting your hair as he places a necklace around your neck. It’s a gold necklace with a pendant of a wolf on it. You hold the charm in your hand, smiling. “I noticed the other day you like to wear a lot of necklaces so I made this one for you.”
“Wait, you made this? Jake this is amazing! Thank you, really, thank you.” you say, turning around to hug him. He instantly reciprocates it, his hands trailing up and down your back before kissing the top of your head.
“A special girl deserves a special gift. And you…are a special girl.” He whispers the last part, pulling back from you. You bite your lip nervously, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet.
“I feel like since you know my…secret, it’s only right that I tell you I know yours too.” his eyes widen before he looks away, turning his attention to the ground. “It’s okay, I think it’s cool. I saw your tattoo and recognized the symbol from one of my occult history books. You know, witches and werewolves have worked alongside each other for centuries.” you tell him, grabbing his hand. He lets out a sigh of relief, massaging your hand in his.
“I grew up hearing legends about witches but I wasn’t aware they were still around. I guess it was written in the stars for us to get along so well.” he says, handing you the helmet as he mounts the bike. You put it on, strapping it in place before hopping on behind him. You wrap your arms around his middle, leaning against his back.
“I guess so.”
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writingdotcoffee · 1 year
Writing Challenge: Fast Drafting
Fast drafting, or vomit drafting, is a pretty self-explanatory approach to writing. You try to get the first draft down as fast as you can. Contrary to what the name suggests, it's not all about speed (or, well, indigestion).
In this post, we'll go over the benefits of fast drafting and why you should try it at least once.
Why Fast Draft?
Although you write faster than usual when fast drafting, speed isn't the point. For most writers, speed isn't a concern at all. Who cares whether it took you three, six or nine months to finish your book?
The problem many writers face is getting bogged down and never finishing at all. You probably heard the stats before. Nine out of ten writers who start working on a book will never finish the first draft.
Often, the issue isn't time or energy. These aspiring authors are paralysed by self doubt, second-guessing everything.
I still remember my first attempt at writing a novel. I spent weeks writing and rewriting the first few paragraphs — about 700 words. And that's it. I never got beyond that.
It starts by going back to edit stuff — rephrasing a few sentences here and there. Any bigger issue you can't fix right away will gnaw on you. Suddenly, you've got this feeling simmering inside of you that the story won't work.
You go back to your outline and start moving things around. Maybe you killed the sidekick too early? Isn't the build-up too predictable? Ugh! The whole thing is a mess, and you don't want to be working on it anymore.
How Fast Drafting Works?
The goal is to keep your mind focused on making progress. You don't want to give it a chance to second-guess anything until you've finished the first draft.
It's surprisingly difficult to do if you haven't done it before.
Your first draft will be a mess. All first drafts are. But you will have to ignore that and keep ploughing ahead. Your inner perfectionist will be in agony.
To stay disciplined, many writers don't allow themselves to fix anything. Mistyped a word? It stays in. No exceptions.
Editing is a slippery slope. You fix a typo here and there. Next, you're fixing the odd structural issue, moving a few paragraphs around. Before you know it, you're outlining again, wondering whether you should rather kill the sidekick in chapter 24.
That said, a messy first draft can be a blessing. Instead of seeing your first draft as this seemingly polished thing, you see it for the mess that it is. No matter how much you edit during the first draft, it will never be perfect.
When you start editing, you'll fix the typos and obvious issues. That will help you get into the flow and be ready to tackle the big things next.
The Editing Lock
Writing Analytics (the app that I built) has a thing called the editing lock. When you enable it, you won't be able to delete anything from your draft.
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Every time I use it, I'm surprised just how much I go back to edit stuff. It's so helpful.
It was a suggestion from one of the readers of the blog a while ago (massive thank you 🙏).
If you'd like to try it, the app is free for everyone for the first two weeks.
The Challenge
Spend an hour or more this week fast-drafting a story. Come up with an idea and stick to it until the end — no matter what. Put the editing lock on if you're struggling and crush all the self-doubt that comes up with a steamroller.
I set up a challenge where you can write along with me (and others):
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Kaiju Week in Review (February 4-10, 2024)
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Zoe Tunnell's Godzilla: Valentine's Day Special for IDW was everything I wanted it to be and more. While the kaiju are essential to the story, the focus is on the rivalry-turned-romance between an EDF captain and an independent kaiju researcher, which unfolds wonderfully across multiple attacks. Kaiju researchers have decried a military-first approach since 1954, of course, but Piper Simmons goes a step further by questioning whether an explosion in defense spending on shiny super-weapons is just making the problem worse. Essential reading.
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Shout Factory! TV added seven vintage Toei tokusatsu titles out of nowhere, all in Japanese with English subtitles. Magic Serpent (retitled Dragon Showdown) is probably the most familiar and of-interest title to kaiju fans, but there's also Planet Prince (the first of two films edited together and dubbed under the title Prince of Space), Invasion of the Neptune Men, Watari: The Ninja Boy, Ninja Scope, and The Golden Bat. Earlier today, we learned that they're all being released in a Blu-ray set as well—but more on that in the next column.
Here's a new CG short called Daikaiju vs. the Giant Girl (we are ignoring the typo in the thumbnail/video title). Great action, and I had to check the credits to confirm it was completely computer-animated.
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When Titanic Creations first announced its articulated Gorgo figure, I was less than confident they'd be able to deliver on their promise of a graphic novel sequel to the film. Well, work on it seems to be progressing well, although at some point along the way it became a prequel instead. Artist Patrick McEvoy posted on his Facebook that the comic is fully inked. The company is also rather boldly setting it in the same universe as their original kaiju graphic novel Soul War, also illustrated by McEvoy.
Warning from Space has a surprisingly large role in this Martin Scorsese-directed Squarespace ad. Leave it to the world's foremost Marvel hater to have me watching and enjoying a Super Bowl commercial.
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I don't often post X-Plus news, but this Bagan figure based on his appearance in Godziban seemed noteworthy. They're also releasing a figure based specifically on the giant Cybot Godzilla animatronic from The Return of Godzilla, with the Shonen Rick limited edition including a small Shockirus.
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kiwiana-writes · 4 months
Did I ask you some of these already? I forgot! If I haven't then:
2, 13 28
If I have, then you can ignore these - unless you want to answer them!😊
2. Are you a pantser or plotter?
Pantser. Hands down forever and ever a pantser. Even in my original novel, for my sins 🤣
13. Describe your writing process from idea to polished
-Have unhinged idea -Message whoever is online to be like "omg please don't let me write this" -Get told to write it -Create a google doc, which then has an automation set up to add a new line to the Works In Progress tab in my Airtable 😅 -Write, at some point, maybe??? This is VERY dependent on a number of things. Sometimes I just sit down and smash something out. Sometimes *cough*Anastasia AU*cough* they stall and linger for months -Optional: If it's a long complicated story or I have plot stuff I'm unsure about, fling it in the vague direction of a beta reader -Read over once for typos and then yeet it onto AO3, usually right before I go to bed so I can hopefully wake up to COMMENTS 🥰
28. Favourite side character
LIAM MY BELOVED. RAFAEL LUNA MY BELOVED. TO GO BACK TO SCHITT'S CREEK, JAKE AND RACHEL MY BELOVEDS. (Lmao at @whimsymanaged who is currently watching SC and had to deal with my RACHEL!!!! JAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
[A Writer's Ask Game]
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idcallmyselfhuman · 1 year
with all the news i completely forgot to post abt albedo lol
sir you embody the gay artist pining for someone through his work and being r/im14andthisisdeep about it so well and i respect that about you archons bless ur non-existent heart. happy birthday
okay in all seriousness, albedo and aether's progress through the years in these little messages is so heartwarming. the latest letter was a lot more well-written than the ones in the past, and i like to think it's because albedo's more mindful of what he wants to say to him, compared to back then when he was just inviting him over.
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(ignore the typo wiki editor was prob rushing)
this part makes me think of albedo, bringing out the old painting he made of aether every so often, admiring the many painted-over wrinkles on the canvas as it's proof of the times he's spent trying to return it to how it originally looked, no matter how many times it begins to crack.
they are just so romantic i keep saying theyre not my main ship but damn i always end up talking about them longer than i think i would hsdjdhdh
bro went from "a birthday is just any other day for me. come over so it can feel special :)) no rush tho haha ha ha (i have everything prepared)" in 2021
to "let's meet up. i need to learn abt ur preferences so i can paint you and talk to you about my nerd shit. p.s. theres snacks as always" in 2022
and then, "i bring out the painting i made of u every now and then to admire it and paint over the cracks so i can cherish it for longer." in 2023.
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kame-writes · 2 months
Could you talk about your writing and editing process? Maybe tell three keywords that describe your writing?
Three keywords? Non-liniear, stream of consciousness and daydreaming are probably the ones I'd go with. More phrases than words, but I think it fits.
More under the cut
Usually I have a very basic idea or plot, maybe a few lines of dialogue or specific things in my mind before I start writing. A lot of scenes and situations are things I've just daydreamed or thought of while trying to sleep, or walking the dog ect.
I write down whatever I thought of that started the story first, even if it's for something towards the end of the story or chapter, it helps flesh out the tone of the writing and where I need to get to or go from there.
For example, 'wounded deer' started with just "Alastor gets healed by Lucifer, but puts up a fight about it" as the main premises, and then I came up with the funny misunderstanding of Lucifer asking Alastor to take off his shirt and Alastor having an Asexual panic over it.
I wrote that, and then a very basic version of Alastors reaction to Lucifer's blood both at the same time, and just kept pushing back the blood scene until it fit with the flow of the story. The scene is very different from that first draft since the situation had changed a lot by then. (I hadn't planned on them making a deal, or half of their arguing)
For editing, since its non-linear I do it all on one Google doc with large gaps between the scenes where I need to fill in the blanks. Once I'm happy with a chunk that works as a full chapter with no missing scenes, I cut and paste it into its own document. Then edit the chapter separately before carrying on with the main doc and splitting off chapters until the story is done.
One-shots just always stay in the one document, with large gaps until I fill them in and move scenes around with connections so it works as one coherent piece.
I don't have a beta reader, so I just reread chapters as I finish them to look for mistakes, then usually go back to writing something else and come back with fresh eyes to double check I didn't miss anything. Sometimes I add little bits in this stage to make things flow better, but usually this is just for typos before I post it.
That's basically my process, it's a bit all over the place, but it seems to work for me. Everything is on Google docs so I don't have to worry about losing progress from forgetting to save, and I can access them anywhere. I also do all my writing, editing and posting on my phone since that's the most comfortable for me. (Drawing is on a Samsung note tablet)
It does mean I have docs with over 1000 words of content written that isn't all connected up yet for various different stories. I work on multiple at a time, jumping between them to which ones I've got the best ideas or motivation for.
Hope that helps someone out. It's taken me about 20yrs to get a style of writing and editing that fits me, and it might not fit me in the future. Writing styles and methods change a lot as you grow as a writer, sometimes you just have to play around and ignore conventional rules until you find something that fits.
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ladyniniane · 10 months
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Endings and beginnings
Below some musings and me being emotional on main (and I will try to stay coherent even if my skull is currently being split in two by a headache. Sorry for the typos).
Yesterday I reached 30k in my NaNoWriMo but more than that, I wrote the last words of my Fire Emblem Three Houses Fanfic La geste des preuses/Quatre guerrières (Song of the valiants/Four warriors).
(By the way if you want to read the thing, it's here or here. It's still being updated and it's good. Or so I was told ;) ).
Yes, after 1 year and 9 months working on it, I finally wrote the last words. And it ended with a character who started the story suicidal saying out loud and she wants to live and exist in the present. What a perfect way to end this.
The whole thing is certainly more than 150k long (idk how long it is really.)
It's my first time committing to a project of this scale. So that's a huge personal achievement. I remember that, when I got the idea, I told a friend: "I did something crazy". Because yes, 4 main characters, long fanfic...it was something else. I didn't imagine that I would get this long.
When I began writing it, my mental health was improving and I was starting to get in a better place. However, I still struggled with writing. I had previously finished an original project, but I still somehow lived with a hater in my head. I was afraid of failing and I doubted my ideas and my writing. I even doubted when I saw pretty stupid (IMHO) takes on Tumblr. I was like "no one will ever want to read this". (Since then, I've learned to block and ignore).
Doing it and sticking to it was the best decision I could take. It bolstered my confidence and taught me to write consistently and without worrying. Thanks to this story, I've spend many amazing moments and met amazing people (more about that later).
Here are some of the things I learned
-Write for myself and write what I want to see and be unapologetic about that. Yes it's niche and it isn't the way to be popular in fandom (not that I care about that). But it's what I like. And it's by having fun that I will create something I'm proud of.
-Screw perfectionism. It prevents you from getting things done. I'm doing this for free and on my free time. So it won't be perfect. But that's okay because even professional writers make mistakes.
-My writing style improved, I learned to properly write dialogues and to make my sentences less...wordy. I've also challenged myself into writing stuff that I didn't easily write.
I also want to thank all the people who supported me. First of all is the incredible @lilias42. Thank you for your energy, your advice and for still being there. Your FE stories are amazing and well thought, keep going!
Same goes to all the people who left kudos, votes and comments on AO3 and Wattpad. And even to those who read silently. You made it possible!
Maybe I still don't realize that it's over...because it's not! I still have many chapters to proofread!
In the future, I also want to go back to original projects. I still don't know if I want to get published or not, but I know that I've learned and progressed. And I'm sure that all this will be useful.
So what now? For the rest of the NaNo I will board the Ravka Express and write another chapter for my Shadow and Bone OC, Marya. And I will also begin a brand new project that is a sort of sequel of Four warriors! Did you think I was done with Fodlan ;)?
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jewishcissiekj · 2 years
Welcome to the DC Comics JewShowdown!
In which 32 Jewish DC characters (the ones who matter) will battle it out in a who-can-eat-the-most-maror-without-water competition. Or just vote for your favorite ig
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(Don't try to zoom in on this thing, I'll be listing off the contestants here, the quality in this is awful, and I stretched the pics out so far to fit the frame so they're plain ugly)
I'll be starting off with 16 matches (Oh fuck) and progress from there. Here are the starting matches:
Albert Rothstein Vs. Alice Cohen II Barbara Gordon/Batgirl (DC Super Hero Girls TV Series) Vs. Barry Allen (DCEU) Benjamin Gruener/Reaper I Vs. Bruce Wayne Cissie King-Jones/Arrowette (formerly) Vs. Michael Schorr Dan Dreiberg/Nite Owl (Watchmen) Vs. Wesley Dodds/Sandman I Beth Kane/Alice Vs. Eric Cohen Eric Strauss Vs. Frieda Goren Gim Allon Vs. Booster Gold/Michael Carter (ignore my typo in the image) Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) Vs. Jesus of Nazareth (New Earth) Harleen Quinzel Vs. Jonathan Osterman (Watchmen) Katherine Kane Vs. Morris Edelstein/Morgan Edge (Earth-One) Miriam Bätzel/Miri Marvel (DC Bombshells) Vs. Moyshe Nakhman Myndi Mayer Vs. Nyssa Raatko Rachel Goldman/Sublime (Wildstorm) Vs. Rory Regan Sebastian Ives Vs. Ursula Zandt (Watchmen) Willow Zimmerman Vs. Zatanna Zatara (DC Bombshells)
This will be split into 4 rounds each divided in two (hence the two sides), and a final round. there's gonna be a day to vote for each poll, and you can find all of them in the #DC Jewish tournament tag. Starting with Round 1A, the first 8 matches I'll post all in one batch, and so on (I think it'll be clearer once I post them) I. I'll post the entirety of round 1A once this post reaches 10 notes bc I'm anxious and I need to know there is an audience, and 10 notes in enough for me. I'll post round 1B once the voting for round 1A will be closed, and do the same for the rest.
some explanations for some characters that might not seem like they fit here: All but three characters here were listed as Jews (I am Jewish, I can say that) in the DC Database category page and I've made sure there's a source to that (DCEU Barry calling himself a Jewish Boy, DC Superhero Girls Babs being in a Happy Hanukka post from the show's account, etc). The three characters that weren't are Bruce Wayne (Jewish by association with Kate Kane bc her writers don't know how Judaism works and once made her dad Jewish which would make his sister, Bruce's mom Jewish and make him Jewish), Booster Gold (confirmed to be Jewish by Jeff Katz, a Booster Gold writer, on Twitter) and Cissie King-Jones (I decided she's Jewish, and it's my poll, so shut up), and I have explanations for them all.
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boltupbitches · 2 years
Joey Bosa - Gonna Make You Sweat
(18+ content ahead; NSFW)
((I need to go back and fix some typos - sorry for not getting a chance to right now.))
I could feel my muscles burning as I finished my last squat. Finally, I sighed with relief as I placed the weight I was using back down on the rack.
I joined Joey for an early morning workout in our gym this morning. It was off-season now, which meant we were back at his house in Fort Lauderdale.
This was the first time I was spending an extended amount of time with him at his place. Typically, we spent most of our time in LA when the season was in.
After the Chargers lost in the playoffs against the Jaguars, Joey was adamant I come back with him to his home town for a while.
As his girlfriend and his personal chef, I agreed to come along as I was all but living in his townhome in LA.
I wasn't really focusing on much else as I took a drink of my water, lost in thought, when I felt a hand slap me on my ass roughly.
I jolted forward with a gasp, turning around in shock at a smirking and shirtless Joey Bosa.
"I scare you?" He teased.
I just glared at him in return.
"I called your name twice. I had to get your attention somehow." He said.
I opened my mouth to fire back at him when I realized that his chest was glistening with sweat. He had a headband in, his hair pushed out of his face, and his gym shorts were slung a bit low, emphasizing the v-shape peeking out of the waistband.
It's funny how anytime he worked out, he started full dressed. Then, as time progressed, more and more clothing items were stripped off.
I wanted to tease him for it, but honestly the only thing I could stare at was his crotch. More importantly, the dick print growing prominent through the fabric.
He smirked at me and snapped his fingers to get my attention. "You have a one track mind."
"Me?" I scoffed at that. If anyone had a one track mind, it was him. Just a week ago I was trying to reach a spoon I dropped underneath the dining room table. Once I retrieved it and crawled back out from underneath, I saw Joey standing there, smirking to himself, obviously pleased with the sight of my ass in the air.
"Yeah, you." He walked closer and took my water. He squirted the water in his mouth and handed it back to me. "Sometimes I think you're only with me because of my body." He said, with a fake pout on his face.
"Get real. I'm clearly with you only for your money, your outstanding personality, and then finally your body." I said sarcastically, moving away from him and towards the treadmill. I could feel his eyes on me. "Stop staring at my ass!"
"Can't help it. It's mine and it looks good in those leggings." He said nonchalantly.
I flipped him the bird, stepping on the treadmill and ignoring his patronising chuckle. I wanted to finish my workout and whatever he had concotted while lifting would have to wait until afterwards.
It was quiet again as I built up to a steady jog, taking in the beautiful waterfront in front of me. The room Joey put his gym equipment in was amazing. Floor to ceiling glass windows that overlooked the nearby oceanfront. I could even see his boat.
I was lost in my thoughts when I suddenly realized that the treadmill was slowing down. I looked down in confusion, not understanding why, until I realized Joey had his phone connected to its bluetooth control and was likely fucking with me.
Well, if he wanted a game, I'd give him one.
I stopped the treadmill and stepped off, pretending to not notice what he was up to over at the bench he was sitting at, weights long forgotten next to him.
Instead, I walked to the center of the room and started to do some stretching, making sure my back was facing him.
I heard him curse quietly and then no other sound as I focused on my breathing and assumed the downward dog position, being certain to take my time as I groaned out at the stretch in my muscles.
I held the position for a few seconds when I heard heavy footsteps approaching me from behind.
I felt hands around my waist as I made the move to stand up, but the hand on my back kept me in position.
Joey pulled me back by my hips as he pressed his erection into my ass, grinding it and moaning at the friction of it.
I giggled and said up to him, "You started it."
"Yeah, I fucking did! The second you put that sports bra on and those fucking legs, I knew we weren't going to make the hour." He said gruffly.
I made to stand again and started to stand again, this time he allowed me and pulled me back against his chest.
We stayed like that for a moment, just breathing he each other in when Joey said, "I'm going to fuck you right now. I don't think we're going to make it to the bedroom."
I went to say something when he lifted me over his shoulder and carried me towards the mats he kept in the corner for stretching. He laid me down gently on them and went to work immediately in yanking my sneakers and socks off, tossing them haphazardly behind him before he grabbed the center of my new leggings and tugged at the front of the waist band, within seconds I could hear tearing as he ripped them down the middle and off managed to yank them off my legs.
"Joey! I just fucking bought those!"
"I'll buy you a new pair." He said back and proceeded to yank my bra up over my head.
I laid there naked, staring up at him as he rid himself of his footwear and yanked his pants and boxers down quickly, kicking them away, and crawl over me.
We made out languidly for a few moments, Joey rutting himself against my core.
I could feel a shiver run down his spine as I ran my nails lightly down his back, before bringing them back up to tangle in his hair.
He pulled back slightly, looking down at me. "You ready?"
I nodded, waiting eagerly to get this show going.
Within moments, he lined himself up and pushed the head of his cock in.
I moaned loudly as he bottomed out slowly. He was like that for a few moments, his head tilted down, sweat pouring from his earlier workout and being sexually worked up. He was cussing quietly to himself as he waited for me to adjust. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. How the fuck are you still so tight after all this time?"
"Am I too tight or are you just too fucking big?" I shot back.
"Too big? You want smaller?" He asked rudely.
I glared at him, "Obviously not if I'm still fucking you."
"And I'm the only one you will be fucking. Let's keep it that way." He said with a smirk as he leaned down to kiss me before rising up again, gripping my legs to drape over his shoulder as he started to thrust.
He pressed a kiss to my ankle before increasing speed.
I was in total euphoria and could barely comprehend what was going on.
The only thing that could be heard in the gym was the sound of our love making and our moans.
I learned quickly early in our relationship that Joey could really get it up and going anywhere.
I'm just thankful it was here in his private gym and not when I was dropping off his meals at the Chargers training facility.
At some point, missionary was boring him and I found myself suddenly rolled onto my stomach, my knees shaking as he pulled me up into a semi-kneeling position, my lower back up in the air and my front pressed into the mat.
He was back inside me within moments and was pounding me even harder now.
I was sure I looked like a mess with tears running down my eyes at how good I was feeling in that moment, and my hair long since coming loose from the ponytail I had it in.
Joey pulled my front up suddenly and I was pressed into his back as he continued to thrust. We were kneeling together as he continued to rut into me, his hand coming around to stroke me while his other held firm against my throat, causing me to turn my head and lock lips with him.
I moaned loudly as he rubbed my clit faster, trying to help me get there. I pulled my lips from his and cried out loudly as I came, my body shaking as Joey held me firm against him, still thrusting into me from behind.
I felt him lower us onto the mat, my back still to his as he thrusted sloppily into me still, this time the pace becoming more erratic until his hips stuttered and he pressed deeply just once more before moaning loudly and cumming inside me.
We laid there for a few minutes, both completely spent, but still within each other's arms.
Joey hissed as he moved to pull himself out, gingerly rubbing his hand up my back and massaging it. "Sorry I was a bit rough." He said sheepishly.
I turned my head to smile back at him. "No need to apologize. I've definitely worked up a sweat," I said cheekily.
He laughed at that before leaning down to kiss my again. "I fucking love you."
"I love you too."
We laid there a few more minutes, just basking in each other's presence.
This was for sure the best workout I had in a long time.
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Bonded: part #1
I haven’t been on tumblr in a hot minute but I have been really into forced proximity romances lately and thought I might write up something quick for Elain and Lucien. 
Lucien needs to return to Autumn to check on his mother who sent him a letter asking for help. Lucien wants to go but as Emissary has no reason to visit and Beron wouldn’t let him in the court otherwise. Elain overhears Lucien and she needs to travel to Autumn for her own agenda. As quarters get close and a bed has to be shared, passion sparks in the couple who has long refused their bond… I felt like I just wrote an intro for a telenovela. Anyway I hope you enjoy it!
Also sorry about the typos I wrote this in between studying for a couple of tests so my brain is all over the place.
Please send help.
His mothers beautiful handwriting did not elicit the same joy as usual, but that was most likely because it was a plea for help and not a ‘happy equinox’ letter.
Sitting in the worn chair next to Vassa, who was currently reading over his shoulder, Lucien thought he might be sick.
“Why would he hurt Eris?” Vassa’s calm tone did nothing to relax his heart which was beating faster and faster with each breath, hammering against his chest.
“He wouldn’t,” Lucien said, gripping the letter, his eyes darling across the neat handwriting once more to ensure He had read it correctly.
Eris, trapped in the torture chambers subject to all kinds of agony for what?
It wasn’t unusual for their father to take a whip to them or beat them senseless for acting against his will, but tortured for weeks on end. Even his mother had found it excruciating. 
Dragging his fingers through his hair, Lucien attempted to channel some semblance of control.
He had disowned his family long ago. Beron was not his father or his master. He was nothing to him.
“What are we going to do?” Vassa’s voice rang out in his delicate fae ears, bouncing the words around in his skull.
“We,” he gestured between the two of them. “Are going to do nothing. Beron is still working for Koschei and he will likely kill you if you make a move against him.”
Vassa huffed and he let her snatch the letter out of his hands.
“You don’t even like Eris, why are you so upset?” Lucien questioned Vassa, though the question could have very well been for himself.
“It is not Eris I am worried about,” she spat. “I couldn’t give a shit about what that bastard is up to. It is your mother.” crossing her arms her blue eyes thinned into slits. “what are you going to do?”
Lucien shook his head. He was supposed to bring information in and out of the courts and mediate conflicts, not start one.
Eris was under Beron’s Jurisdiction. Lucien couldn’t do anything if he wanted to. Interfering would mean war between courts.
Though, war was bound to happen with Autumn at some point, especially with Beron’s alliance with Koschei.
“I need to speak with Rhysand.”
“We broke alliances with Autumn court the moment we found out Beron was working with Bryillan.” Rhysand’s words slowly decimated Lucien’s plan.
If there was no reason to go to as emissary then there was no reason for him to venture to Autumn court. It would look suspicious if he went out of his own free will.
“Though we need to know the progress with spring,” Rhysand’s voice carried through the rage in Lucien’s ears.
If you want to know so badly then go there and look yourself! He wanted to bellow at Rhysand. Instead he rained in his temper and said, “almost all of the village homes are repaired but the armies are still far from what they used to be.”
He left Tamlin out of his report as he usually did, and Rhysand never complained about being ignorant of the high lord of spring. 
Lucien thought he at least owed Tamlin a bit of discretion. He had taken Lucien in when he was weakest and Lucien would always owe him for it.
“Is there anything else you need from me?” Lucien could feel her, skittering across his skin, Like a scratch he couldn’t itch. 
He needed to leave before his legs brought him somewhere he wasn’t wanted.
Rhysand shook his head in dismissal. 
Lucien left the high lords office and went to find Feyre before he left for the mortal lands to regroup.
Eris’ bruised and mutilated body flashed in his mind reminding him of a time where power was a thing that took and never gave. A time where having a tender heart could be your demise. 
“O.” a small voice that rarely graced his ears sounded right as the source of the noise bumped into his chest. 
He internally cursed as the scent of petrichor and roses filled his senses. 
“Lady Elain, I apologize I was distracted.” he took a step back, straightening out his unwrinkled tunic. 
He hadn’t seen her since Solstice which had been months ago. 
Not that he spoke to her. He had given up on having a conversation with the second youngest Archeron sister long ago.
“Excuse me,” he said through gritted teeth ignoring the incessant bond tugging on his heart as he avoided his mate’s soft doe eyes.
A shuddering breath fell from his lips. He couldn’t remember that last time she had used his name or if she had ever used it.
He wanted to keep walking, to storm out and ignore the soft voice, but the gentle syllables wrapped around his heart strings and tugged him back.
He took a deep breath to steady himself and turned before his nerves took over fully.
“Yes Lady?” 
He had taken to calling her Lady when they first met. He thought it might make her comfortable by using a more mortal term. It also may have been because every time he spoke her name fear entered her eyes. Like he had violated her.
“I can help you get into Autumn.”
He blinked and a ghost of a smile crossed over his lips.
“Were you spying on your high lord?”
Instead of pulling a smile from her like he had hoped, her brows bunched in anger.
“He is not my high lord.” powerful words considering that very high lord was mere feet away from them ruminating in his office.
Lucien didn’t question her anger, if anything he tried very hard to ignore the red flush of her cheeks and her slight sharp breaths.
Images of a fanciful night flashed in his mind. Elain painting above him, moaning his name like it was a prayer encased in lust–
He fought against the bond so hard a slight sweat broke out along his brow.
Elain didn’t seem phased as she gently crossed her arms and continued.
“A marriage announcement would get you in.”
Puzzled, Lucien continued to stare at the small Archeron who was utterly determined to confuse him.
“Who is getting married?”
He hadn’t heard anything since the last time he was here and that was only two weeks ago. Even if someone in Valeris was getting married it couldn’t be nearly important enough news to bring to Autumn.
Right before Elain muttered the words clarity washed over him like a typhoon from Tarquin's court.
She couldn’t be suggesting…
“we are.”
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focusandrelaxforme · 1 year
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 1)
So I've started working with a new subject recently by the name of KittySub, and after a couple of days of submission and obedience training, we had the idea of documenting her progress for both us and everyone else to see.
Just a few notes:
- All entries are written by her with no input from me. The only alterations I'll make are for typos or if she writes anything that may need to be taken out or edited for safety reasons.
- All entries are written by her while she's in a trance. While in this trance, she has access to all the memories of everything we've done, even the stuff that she normally wouldn't remember while out of trance.
- This will be an ever evolving work. I've never documented the progress of a subject like this, so there will probably be changes to the way it's done over time.
- Constructive feedback is welcome. Any harassment or negativity will be ignored.
Alright, with that out of the way, here is a short introduction from KittySub herself.
Hello, my name is KittySub and I am writing this to document my journey into becoming a deeply hypnotized slave for my Master. I have decided to write a series of diary entries to remember my growth as a hypno slave. My deep purpose is to become so deep and obedient for my Master. I would love to be the most obedient slave he has ever had. I want to explore every kink he has in mind for me..while also becoming better as a person. My Master has a plan to help me become healthier..while also turning me into a perfect obedient cumslut slave for him.
Please enjoy these entries and feel free to comment your experiences or ideas for my Master to enjoy. I'm sure ideas to make me more obedient will always be welcomed.
Xoxo My Masters deeply hypnotized slave
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rjalker · 2 days
Made with speech to text I'm not fixing the fucking typos.
Sometimes I wish I had never read any of other Martha wells's books because the murderbot fandom is just living in blissful ignorance if they haven't read all of her books, they think she's so much more progressive than she actually really is, but the truth is that she has just been biosentialist this whole time, which leads to racism, ableism, explicit support for eugenics, and constant slavery apologism.
They look past the fact that murderbot is literally the non-binary robot stereotype because they assume oh well this is probably her first time writing a book so she doesn't know any better! No she does, she's just an extra sexist biosentialist bigot who thinks that non-binary people aren't really real. Which is why she literally only has non-binary humans in the murderbot series for like 5 seconds before they are hustled off screen, just long enough to get the queer kids to cheer because they are being handed scraps, but not long enough for bigots to immediately drop the series in disgust.
This is also why murderbot has literally never told a single person what it's pronouns are, and everybody just magically assumes because biological essentialism and gender essentialism.
This is also why the 7th fucking book in the series has a scene where murderbot, the non-binary protagonist, who uses neopronouns, mocks the idea of asking people for their pronouns.
Because murderbot is literally only non-binary because it is the stereotype, the extra sex is bigoted stereotype of the non-binary robot. And Martha Wells doesn't actually care about writing representation for real non-binary people. She literally just wants the credit for not actually doing the work.
I'm not sure how you can read to the 7th murder bot book and not pick up on this yet, but maybe it's different for people who are just getting into the series now where they can binge the entire thing instead of having to wait years and hoping that she's actually gotten some progressive politics since then in regards to trans people and you know actually being against slavery for real.
Like I wish more people knew that she saw an essay where someone was defending one of her racist stories by arguing that it's not racist by saying that if her story is racist, then that's like saying that the British colonizers were racist. And Martha Wells loved this essay. She loved this essay where people say that British colonization wasn't racist. Because the person who's saying that British colonization wasn't racist is also saying that she wasn't racist for using some of the world's oldest racist tropes and literally explicitly supporting eugenics.
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