#ig even though they're in the corner of the first screenshot
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applealchemist · 7 months ago
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child labor :(
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jeriafterdark · 3 years ago
813 The Reprise- Part 8.4/? Fundamental Question (and the "fanmeet")
First of all, all of this fandom drama and people leaving the mountain is getting very tiring. Ya'll need to calm down and just think for a second. Also Zhang Zhehan's case against CAPA is the most important thing, remember that. Not merch, not ZSJ, these are all distractions to make fans leave so he has no support when he comes back.
Be confident in your thoughts. I'll show you why I can still have peace of mind and confidence in my own observations and reality.
1. I've seen screenshots of the "fanmeet." I don't need to see it at all and I still feel safe saying that this is not the Real Zhang Zhehan. Why? How can I be so sure even though I haven't seen all of the recent video/photos myself?
Because the IG account, the ZSJ merchandise, the puppet and fan accounts that continuously spread these appearances have all already been compromised and refuted.
The burden is now on them, the people behind ZSJ, to show that our critiques and refutations are false. But have they? No. They must retract and edit their theory and hypothesis that ZSJ is Zhang Zhehan. Otherwise, our conclusion and refutations that ZSJ is NOT Zhang Zhehan holds.
This is clear cut.
I've made physical observations and analyses myself that ZSJ's physiques are inconsistent with ZZH's known physical parameters. And they're even inconsistent with known HUMAN parameters.
Blue's vast database of refutations all support the theory that these videos and images are manipulated. There are many PHYSICAL observations that are highly doubtful. Why do I keep saying physical? Because those are the most reliable to disprove. Observations with visual/audio are easily analyzed versus observations of vague intent or circumstantial/correlational evidence.
Case in POINT: This first IG video has this moment.
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Do you see that corner of the eye twitching? My hypothesis, this eye is not a real human eye because human eyes cannot twitch or move in such a manner there due to the lack of muscles there.
Disprove me, refute me. Find evidence that it CAN move like that, otherwise moments like these EXPLICITLY refute the ENTIRE IG video. And THUS, the entire IG account from then onwards. It's VERY VERY simple to make these logical conclusions because it's just step by step. If A = B, and A is wrong, then B is wrong. Yes? Simple.
It's easy to get bogged down on all the crying and hollering, but if you reduce it to simple facts and observations, it's even EASIER to see that ZSJ and the IG are highly suspect, highly in doubt (that's the scientist in me saying this, if a lay person were to say it, they would say that it's just fake.)
This is in addition to Yuki's / Silver Knight's IG deepfake analyses, all quantifiable evidence. NUMBERS, FIGURES. That refute the theory that ZSJ is Zhang Zhehan. A vast body of evidence.
2. Why is it okay to make such clear decisions? A fundamental logical thought process you should know
It's how scientists piece together and form theories and hypotheses to describe the natural world, and predict what will happen next. Can you imagine how difficult it is to wade into the mire of the natural world and start to tease apart answers? There's so much going on from every direction, if I just ask, can this molecule solve cancer? How do scientists begin to answer this?
It's by creating a GOOD hypothesis.
A good hypothesis is a question that can be refuted. It's a question that can have a negative result, and effectively DISPROVE the entire idea. A BAD hypothesis is your daily horoscope.
Bad Hypothesis: Pisces may meet a new person today.
Vague and impossible to disprove, what if Pisces doesn't meet a new person? Does that mean the hypo is wrong? No because it is too VAGUE. It merely ~suggests~ the idea that a new person could be met. It doesn't help you move forward at all.
Good hypothesis: Pisces WILL meet a new person today.
Disprovable, means that your results will definitely yield an answer that will disprove the hypothesis and THUS you can continue to ask another question and reshape your hypothesis in the future, and make some PROGRESS forward for Pisces or whoever.
Sophie/XYH and company intentionally set up the question to be VAGUE, a bad hypothesis, and thus impossible to disprove, and therefore harder to link back to them legally, and will inevitably STALL fandom and cause infighting. And CONFUSE the public perception of ZZH.
Their theory / hypothesis (interchangeable here) is:
ZSJ -may be- Zhang Zhehan, and these ZSJ photos and videos -may- be Zhang Zhehan's thoughts and actions. And thus this merchandise -may- be Zhang Zhehan's merchandise.
Do you see the vagueness of these terms? How do we know it was vague in the first place? Because it was how it was first advertised.
When ZSJ first came out, it was intentionally avoiding the use of Zhang Zhehan's name. Some would say that it was bc Zhang Zhehan's name was banned. Director Li Xuezheng disproved that hypothesis by creating an entire movement to support Zhang Zhehan's case in text and in video and audio. So then, why avoid the use of his direct name? No answer from them. My observation is that the vague terms lets anyone fill in the blanks, as well as keeps XYH and co protected against legal liability of impersonating as someone else.
And then the first video dropped in May on Instagram. And it intentionally used extremely vague language to say: This man is making homophobic accusations at a former co-star (unnamed). Fill in the blank yourselves.
It was intentionally set with extremely vague language, using vague (international) platforms and domestic platforms to sell merchandise all the while refusing to outrightly brand it as Zhang Zhehan. Yes?
(my answer is so they don't get sued by Gong Jun, the person their vague accusations have led many fans to think is the culprit of the IG video's claims)
The original claim, the theory that ZSJ ~may be~ ZZH is impossible to refute. Because of the Vague language. And thus it's a bad hypothesis and bad theory. Why do I emphasize this? Because bad hypotheses and bad theories only serve to confuse you and keep you stalled. It serves to keep fans questioning themselves, their logic, their motives, and get bogged down on petty details that don't serve to progress the answer to the question, is ZSJ really Zhang Zhehan?
Let's reform this question into a refutable question then, logically:
Their claim reformed: ZSJ is Zhang Zhehan because the IG videos feature his face and voice, and the various photographs also feature his face.
How to test this theory? Disprove it? Analyze if it was really his face, his voice. Analyze the PHYSICAL characteristics of each piece of their evidence.
It sounds like a lot of work right? BUT WE'VE DONE IT ALREADY.
And here @bizarrequazar 's lists of evidence as well.
And my own physical and theoretical analyses.
(Personal note: I've had people come into my posts just to say I'm sh*t, period. But they did not disprove any of my physical observations. No one has, and thus, they HOLD, and thus the pictures are DISPROVED.)
These bodies of evidence all work to disprove the theory that ZSJ is Zhang Zhehan. And thus the BURDEN is on their shoulders, not ours, to either refute our evidence, OR reform their entire theory and say ZSJ is NOT Zhang Zhehan.
Of which they've done NEITHER.
3. So, what to conclude?
Once a theory has been disproved even ONCE with VALID data, it must be edited and refined. That's how scientists are able to even CREATE models that can accurately predict advanced complex phenomenons like the weather or financial models or cancer drug screenings or etc etc etc. Because they constantly refine their models to better express reality and predict the future.
It's VALID to conclude thus: Because the original theory that ZSJ is Zhang Zhehan has already been disproven by physical observable quantities of data, then ZSJ is NOT Zhang Zhehan. All platforms that say so are thus, false.
There are limitations to our observations, sure, there is always a possibility that our refutations are false. That is the reality, however, that's the scientist's way of speaking. We speak in very specific terms because we know the gravity and meaning of the "theories", "proofs," "evidence", "significance."
If I translate it into layman's terms, then: if one outstanding piece of evidence serves to disprove this idea, then all of it is disproved. And thus, ZSJ is not Zhang Zhehan. (and all ensuing media coverage is not ZZH and so on).
The ball is in their court, and they won't play the game (because they know they made a false, vague claim).
That's why I can confidently say that all media that contain elements of ZSJ or the fake Zhang Zhehan, or are from outlets that have been disproven, are all false. Unless proven otherwise, there can be no other answer.
It's simple when I break it down that way, I hope you can see that.
And that's why I'm perfectly fine and unlike in the natural world where we can't ask the weather how it's going to be today, we CAN have real proof of this question:
The only way to show us the reality is to have Zhang Zhehan come back, make a public announced appearance, have his name officially and legally cleared.
Note: I don't link or add any of the "new" "videos / photos" of the fanmeet because it's irrelevant to my argument. The sources are from compromised "fan accounts" and such, as well as the actual photographs themselves are highly physically suspect just from initial inspection. Add that to the body of evidence disproving XYH/Sophie/Co's claim.
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