#if you've read all this ily and ty <3
Bedeviled - Masterlist
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Pairing: demon!jungkook x female reader
Genre: E2L, drama, romance, horror, angst
Age recommendation: 16+ (pls be aware of your boundaries and don't force yourself to read something that may affect you, ily)
Official Word Count: 165k
Date first posted: October 14, 2022
Date finished: December 13, 2023
Warnings: strong language, brief mentions of liquor, physical violence, gore, cruelty, humiliation, angst, physical injuries, panic attacks, frightening depictions of Hell and those in it, some suggestive content, deals with/summoning of demons (do not), grief, death, loss, strong religious themes
Money. Fame. Power. Love. Health. Courage. Strength.
Humans will trade their souls for anything, unaware of how their selfish desires will fade away as they do; growing feeble and pathetic, until there's nothing left but the ghost of their youth, cowering in a corner until old age disposes of it. 
Convincing yourself to go to the Underworld? Easy...
Walking through to get something that you've waited many years for, accompanied by a demon that will stop at nothing to make sure your soul belongs to him? Maybe not so much.
Making deals with the devil is a tricky business; one you might not have realized could end in something much more painful than death itself if you make a single mistake.
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Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction. It is not religiously accurate and is not claiming to be. That being said, blasphemy will not be used/tolerated during this story. Heavy inspiration from Dante Alighieri's 'Inferno' was used, I am not claiming to have created those ideas on my own, simply incorporated some of them into my world building. If you do not feel comfortable reading this work, please don't. No need to try and correct me on anything, this is all fictional and for entertainment purposes only. Hate will not be tolerated; it will be removed, and you will be blocked immediately.
All Rights Reserved ©️ @writemywaytoyourheart 2022 2023
This story is protected under copyright. If I find out anyone has stolen my writings, I will not hesitate to take legal action against it. You do not have permission to repost my work on any site ever. If I want it somewhere else, I will put it there myself. If you see my works anywhere but Tumblr (and from my account specifically) please let me know so I can confirm whether it is me or not, thank you.
Do. Not. Steal. My. Work.
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Bedeviled Playlist
Table of contents:
As of right now, this story does not have a set schedule, I would like it to be every Friday, but we'll see what the future holds, deal?
1: A Deal with the Devil
2: The First Circle
3. Descent
4. Adumbration
5. Rotten Company
6. rigor samsa
7. Adamantine
8. Summoning
9. The Higher the Wall...
10. The Harder They Fall
11. Hiraeth
12. Apple (12a) (12b)
13. trustfall
14. Always Faithful, Always Strong
15. [a: alea iacta est] [b: Morior Invictus]
Tag list; @kookxin @butterymin @telepathytae @kooliv @highoffbaddecisions @meanum @smitssharon02 @kmpac @ggukkieland @jjanjankook @sugaslittlekookies @hobispriteu1306 @kimchibrat @slowlydeliciousjiminie @screamertannie @i-dont-give-a-fok @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @ohyeahjk @babycandy111 @ttipa @ggukcanim @era-genius @katlumiiine @xmochiloverx @sopikooo @berryonasummerevening @jamlessstars @bangtannie7 @iftheworldiswritten @nuttykittypainter @geniejunn @mal99 @ane102 @charlesswife @jeonssm @ashbxnny @veronawrites @jjkw-7 @jinsundor @h-g-bts @justvibingsblog @hyuneyeon @hellbornsworld @hiii-priestess @nuttypizzacat @vidaficrecs @royallyjjk @thvslvt @hoseoksluv89 @moonchilddna​ @idkjustlovingbts @taiwan0618 @aurorathi @kookies-n-spice @ohxhoneyyxx @namjoonscrabjuice @dumdaradumdaradum @vintagemoonsstuff @jiminsthings @p-i-e-d-p-i-p-e-r @0funsite0 @av0kqdo
(let me know if you want to be added/removed and pls be sure to let me know if you have changed your username and would still like to be tagged, ty ❤)
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sn4pe · 6 months
absolute WORST severus snape takes you've seen?
gonna organize these from Batshit Horrible to Mildly Irksome
- “James Potter wrote the notes in the HBP potions textbook and Snape stole it”. saw it in a youtube comment and. what
- “Snape is an incel” does he blame all women for his problems? does he hold misogynistic views? does he do misogynistic things? no. just because he had weird history with a woman doesn’t make him a fucking incel bye ppl r so weird for this take.
- Louis Garrel as a faceclaim. who coined this, i just wanna talk. don’t mind the gun in my hand. i just wanna talk i just wanna talk. no cuz this shit has done IRREPARABLE damage to my pinterest i can’t find good snape fcs without being bombarded with louis garrel images (i’m being so dramatic but i HATE HIM) HE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE SEVERUS SNAPE AT ALL
- That he and the marauders’ thing was a “rivalry”. A 4 against 1 is not a rivalry. Just admit your faves are bullies it is 1000% okay to like antagonists.
- that he “deserved” what happened in the SWM chapter. idc what awful shit he believed at the time, he was FIFTEEN. he was a CHILD and anyone who doesn’t understand that is likely a child themselves
- that he’s “greasy because of the potions fumes” no bc then everyone would be greasy after potions class and it would be mentioned. severus was a severely neglected child. he never got into the habit of properly bathing himself and that carried on into adulthood.
- when people snatch his entire character and personality and everything and push it onto regulus, then claim to hate snape but loveee regulus black. like bro you just gave him snape’s entire arc word for word but now suddenly bc it’s regulus it’s a good redemption arc? bffr
- every single time he’s ever been mentioned in that rlly popular fanfiction All The Young Dudes. actually every single take in All The Young Dudes is bad. and this isn’t snape specific or anything but i heard that some professor at a university made his students read ATYD for a project. and i’m. flabbergasted bc it’s the biggest piece of horseshit. like snape stuff aside its not a well written fanfiction. it just has all the shiny bells and whistles that the marauders fandom likes.
- relating to that point, the draco malfoyification of severus snape in marauders fanfics in order to make him the antagonist. like i get you want an antagonist but. ugh just irksome it’s not true to his character
- JKR’s drawing of snape w a beard. like who the hell is that
- when ppl hc him to have abs. why?? because he lifted a few cauldrons? bffr
I could probably think of a billion more since this fandom is a nightmare but. yes there u go <3 ily ty for asking i genuinely love answering these
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fallinallincurls · 11 months
🫶🏻 also, idk if you’re willing to do this and i understand but if you’d write a blurb w josty of him comforting his partner after losing a dog, id enjoy it bc im putting mine down this week and figuring out ways to cope :,) ily <3
emmie, i'm so sorry & sending so much love your way <3 i hope this makes you feel a little bit better
it's only been a few days, but the pain of losing your dog hasn't gotten any easier to handle. she was your best friend and had always made you smile no matter what. without her, your apartment is quieter and there's a huge gaping hole in your life that can't be filled.
tyson hated seeing you so upset and was there to say goodbye to her before offering his shoulder to cry on while supporting you in any way he possibly could. but one night when he was holding you in his arms as you slept soundly, he had an idea that he hoped would bring a smile to your face and ease some of the sadness about losing your dog.
so after practice today, he told you had had a few errands to run and he'd be home a little after lunch. with that, he got to work. after consulting both kacey, his mom and yours, the plan was set and admittedly, tyson has never been so nervous.
but when he gathered all the bags and headed up to your apartment, his worries disappeared. he knows he could've shown up empty handed and you still would be happy to see him because it lifts a weight off your shoulders. so this was just going to be a perfect surprise.
when he opens the door, he finds you reading on the couch like usual. you offer him a soft smile before getting up to greet him with a kiss. tyson's heart flutters for a moment until he notices the undeniable amount of sorrow in your pretty eyes.
"hi, babe." he murmurs, kissing your forehead which earns him another small smile.
"hi, tys. errands go well?" you ask, but then catch a glimpse of the unusually large amount of bags in his hands. "what in the world did you get?"
"your usual coffee order," he begins, handing you the coffee with a happy glint in his eyes, "everything i need to make your favorite dinner and dessert later, and this." tyson pauses, gently placing the grocery bags on the counter before presenting the white box shaped like a house.
"you went to build-a-bear?" the question is full of laughter and confusion, but tyson just nods in response.
"i did. open it." he encourages you. you meet his gaze and then carefully begin opening the cardboard box. you have no idea what he's up to, but you go along with it anyway out of curiosity and it's obvious that tyson put a lot of thought into this.
inside is a stuffed animal puppy with a heart shaped name tag around its neck that looks almost exactly like your dog. the name tag even has your dog's name on it.
"ohmygod, tys," you whisper, holding the stuffed puppy in your hands so delicately. tears immediately well up in your eyes and you don't waste any time giving him the tightest hug ever. "you didn't have to do this, but thank you so much."
"i'd do anything for you, baby. and i know how hard it's been without her so i thought this might help. but there's something else." he explains, voice thick with emotion as he holds you close and presses a kiss to the top of your head. he squeezes the stuffed puppy just slightly and the familiar bark of your dog fills the room which only makes the tears start to fall. "i asked your mom for a recording of her happy bark as you always called it. so you always have a piece of her."
you can't think of any words that would be enough to properly thank him so you just hug him again, mumbling "i love you's" into his chest. he's the kindest boy you've ever known and the fact that he loves you will forever be your biggest blessing.
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seaweedbraens · 29 days
Vani, I finally finished my reread and the ending of wcwsthwas and wow
These are all the flowers you deserve and honestly if you ever decide to create a ko-if or whatever, I'll do my best to support you in any way.
The ending is so bittersweet yet so beautiful and so realistic and so brutal but of course war is brutal. You really had them sacrifice so much and suffer really drastic injuries and experience trauma, where Rick lacked the courage or to be fair had to keep it PG 13.
Percabeth have been my favourite characters since I'm 13 which is half of my life now, so already for them I totally love your work, but you've made me fall in love with Piper, Leo and Jason too and that really is something because when I first read the lost hero I didn't care about any of them, I just wanted new Percy content lol
I was crying on the tube reading Jason's whole story to Othrys, Leo deciding on his plan and Piper trying to heal.
I have way too many thoughts that are just jumbled but just know that I (and probably many many others) are so in awe of what you did.
aaaaaaaaaaah omg ty for the flowers!!! and for the lovely compliments <33 it's been a RIDE and i do remember you being here for most (if not all) of it so thank you so much for keeping up with this fic so faithfully and encouraging me on the way!
i am SOOOO guilty of percabeth bias that it's not even funny hahahahha but i did my best with the others as well and i'm happy you see it!! i think a lot of people have said that they loved how i wrote piper and i really did enjoy writing her, and tbh this fic largely came about because of how pissed i (still) am about leo's hoo arc - so i hope i did him justice as well.
thank you thank you thank you for everything <333 seriously every lil comment you left on my textposts/snippets about this fic kept me motivated. flowers for you too!! 💐🌷🌺🪷🌹🥀🌸🌼🌻🪸
(also i am shameless: i do have a ko-fi, i havent updated it in like 50 years and i had to go looking for it, but you mentioned it and. again. i'm very shameless so here it is. (also please dont feel the NEED to spend money!!! i very much did this for fun and for free and out of heroes of olympus-related spite but...ii cannot reiterate this enough. i'm so shameless))
anyway. ily and thank you so much <3
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erisweekofficial · 1 year
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Did you know a drabble is a piece of microfiction that is exactly 100 words?
We didn't! In fact, we thought a drabble was when the author got to write something free-form about a character doing or feeling something that the author perceives as significant. Whoops. The more you know, right? 
But guess what? When it comes to fanfiction, writing rules are like pirate's code: treat them as guidelines. If you wanna write 563 words of a character making lemonade and call it a drabble, we won't stop you! Sometimes folks will call these "Imagines." You can call your writing whatever you want.  
Read On if you want to learn more about traditional drabbles OR read some drabble examples. We also linked back to the prompt guides to get the gears turning. 
If you're a drabble purist, and want to learn more about the traditional requirements of a drabble, here are some resources you can use to learn more. 
Writers Digest (History of the Drabble) 
Drablr.com (How to Write a 100-Word Drabble)
GlobeSoup.net (More on How-to and tips) 
Drabble Examples from BuildWriting.com
Here is an Acotar Drabble that follows the traditional definition of Drabble: 
Eris had been skirting this very moment for centuries but longing for it at the same time. He'd cornered Lucien alone, finally, Vassa and Jurian clanging about in the kitchen washing up after dinner. His younger brother dutifully ignored the question Eris had asked, his jaw set in a hard line as that cunning mind searched for an ambiguous answer. "No," he finally spoke. "I've never thought about it like that, Eris. In my story, you've always been the bad guy." Rage welled up Eris' throat, threatening to explode. "You don't know how much it hurt when you left me."
--written by @lucienforhighking for @secret-third-thing (ty, ily)
If you're a drabble anarchist and want some examples, here are some drabbles from our community members: 
Solace by @thevanserrras
Awkward Family Brunch by @spell-cleavers
Something Special by @hopelessromwriter
All the Words We Don't Say by @sunlightsage
Wait, you may say… aren't some of these getting into one-shot territory? Yep! Some folks say drabbles are anything under 1k, and one-shots are anything over 1k (as long as they only have one chapter). Again, however, the rules are made up and the points don't matter! What matters is what YOU want to label your writing as. 
If you need some drabble Ideas, look at our prompt posts:  
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7. 
Missed your favorite drabble or have one you're proud of? Share your favorite drabbles with us! 
Have questions? Ping us! <3
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autistic-ranpo · 9 months
jumping onto the 20 questions for fic authors thing bc im bored <3 (ty @sensitiveheartless for indirectly 'tagging' me)
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
6,777 </3
3. What fandoms do you write for?
as of rn, bungo stray dogs and sk8 the infinity!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
dont have enough fics lmao, but in order-
1- paralyzed by the sum of your parts
2- and when you see me i'll be there (i promise you)
3- my heart is buried in venice
(if you know any of the songs these r from ily)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!!! i get only one or two comments on each fic so they mean the absolute world to me, i love talking with people who liked my writing :)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
... literally none of them haha i love fluff
maybe my tachigin fic? just bc they still need to sort shit out which has angst potential
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably my renga one!! its super sweet all around its my personal favourite :)
8. Do you get hate on fic?
nope! i'll take barely any kudos over hate any day lmao, the people that do read my fics are absolutely wonderful
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
not yet! i do have a ton of aus tho :3
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope! at least, that im aware of
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but it sounds neat
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
... probably renga, they're just so fun to write i love them
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but probably won't?
CHUURAN MASQUERADE BALL!!! also tachigin movie night
16. What are your writing strengths?
i like to think im good at dialogue
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
pacing!!! and characterization in some cases
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
big fan!! though if i do it, its usually in a language im also fluent in (mainly french)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
... on my current ao3? bsd. in my entire life? kotlc.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
definitely my renga one. its only like 500~ words but im super happy with it
@autistic-katara @silly-cherries @sorry-i-panicked and any of my other writer mutuals that i forgor <333
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cultofsappho · 9 months
get to know me <3
ahh ty @14carrotghoul for the tag!!!
Last song: Balad of a Home Schooled Girl - Olivia Rodrigo. look, I don't know anything about olivia rodrigo and haven't even heard the 2nd half of the album but I scream-sang this the whole drive home from therapy yesterday.... so thats how therapy's going rn
Last film: Pride and Prejudice, 2005. I've had a week. and I just needed to fall in love with Keira Knightly again for 2 hrs (i watch this every few months to feel something)
Currently reading: I'm working through Ashley Herring Blake's Bright Falls series. I just finished the 2nd book, Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail. and i've already bought the 3rd, Iris Kelly Doesn't Date. If you're looking for adult sapphic romance with small town meet-cute vibes, FILLED with adorable, delicious cliches, you've GOTTA check them out
Currently watching: nothing rn, i'm actually really in need of a tv show to binge but can't decide which one to start. nothing's feeling right lately
Currently consuming: just finished a bowl of chicken alfredo w/ a coke for dinner. made it at home and tbh? awful.
Currently craving: the fucking chicken tikka masala and garlic naan i left in the work fridge before i got SNOWED IN! I HATE WINTER!
Tagging the mutuals ily all: @happiness-of-the-pursuit @kiwiana-writes @ships-to-sail @sidthedarklord @sherryvalli @alasse9 @raysletters @daisymae-12 @jesuisici33 @inexplicablymine @affectionatelyrs @cosmicalart @penna-nomen!!!
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mikareo · 1 year
im ur biggest fan!! also here to ask about a complete matchup 👀 idk what else to say mf uhhh from jjk, male, adult, you have access to pics of me 🧍‍♀️ (idk what else to say im a taurus?? intp?? stupid??) omg i like reading, baking, making jewelry, dream date probably a picnic or something simple like that or a barbes and noble run y’know? anyways ily
💌 ✮⋆˙ love letter to...itadorey!
ur my number one matchup fan!!!!! i hope u eat this up bestie ajskl also my formatting is a work in progress pls forgive me and enjoy <3
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[ ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ᰔ ] your complete matchup results!
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congratulations . . . ‧₊˚🪐༘✩ SUGURU GETO ₊˚🦦⊹♡
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ chemistry analysis . . .
i was so so so close to matching you with nanami, but then i was like wtf am i doing...geto is right there. i really think that you and geto would work well and look good together (let's pretend adult him didn't resort to genocide asjkl) considering his quiet nature and calm demeanor. he'd be a moment of peace during your days and would absolutely want to relax with you and let you vent for as long as you'd like— whether that was about relationships, work, or life in general, he's a shoulder to lean on.
once again considering that geto did not want to kill every non sorcerer and maintained his original personality, the two of you would have quiet days together where you'd likely have to babysit gojo— but hey, at least you're in it together. he'd share his favorite novels with you and always read your recommendations before picking up another book of his choice, and later give you a whole summary of what he loved and would change about the writing. we all know geto is the scholarly one between him and gojo, and his habits outside of sorcery more than likely reflect that.
my favorite thing that really made me want to pair you with geto, was your hobby for jewelry making. geto's a bit of a flashy guy with fashion, and he'd 100% turn to you whenever he was looking for a new pair of earrings or a stylish necklace to show off. there'd be times where he'd even ask you for tips on how to make his own creations— though he'll always prefer yours— and ultimately fail at replicating the finesse and skill you've already honed. he'd show off your jewelry as well, proudly stating that his partner created it whenever he receives a compliment on whatever he's wearing.
all in all, you and geto would have a very quaint and quiet life together— in which the only thing that matters is each other. you can associate each other with peaceful mindsets...until one of you has to fetch gojo from some sort of screw up he makes. your hobbies reflect that of each other, and you're proud to share passions and moments that are sacred between you. you could also stop him from committing genocide. geto would adore you and understand what a special person you are, which is all that you deserve and more. <3
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ memories on the wall . . .
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ a treasured moment . . .
"this seems to be a dry spot." geto nods in approval at the small patch of grass that avoided the light rainfall the night before, beneath a heaping willow tree that provides convenient shade from the sun showers above. as you stand basking in the heat of summer, he swiftly manages to lay out all of the goods you've brought to the park in mere minutes— record time!
lemon yellow picnic blanket? check.
woven basket full of sweet treats? check.
wine glasses with champagne? check (there's no occasion, you both just like getting tipsy).
"why don't you sit down and i'll take care of everything." his hands are in his hair, tying it up in a high bun whilst looking your way and insisting that he gives you the princess treatment. as if he's a culinary expert, geto handles the food with ease and places it in a stylish manner upon the blanket— to which you burst out laughing, much to his disdain. "what's wrong with it this time? i think it looks great!"
"you're so particular," you giggle and snatch a strawberry from one of the plates, "we're going to eat it all, so why make it look so pretty?"
he sighs and smiles as your face lights up from the sweetness of the strawberry. "i want it to look nice, that way we can take a picture and treasure this memory." oh, why does he have to be the sweetest man you've ever met? you're so lucky to have him (though he believes he's luckier to have you).
reaching out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind his ear, you grin softly at him. the look of love you share is nothing but wonderful, irreplaceable, once in a lifetime, and beautiful. if you, yourself, could name another wonder of the world it would be the love that the two of you share. "geto..." you whisper.
"every moment with you is one that i treasure."
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i hope u enjoyed this and i that haven't lost my touch for matchups (it's been so long asjkl) this was so cute to write AHHHHH i love him sm AND U
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ilyuu-archive · 1 year
dearest yui,
tumblr user mondaymelon may or may not have accidentally given me an idea earlier today, so i'm back in your inbox now to write a slightly goofy ask about the things i love about you. /p
firstly (and most obviously), you're my beloved partner (*pushes scara and kazuha away*), and you stayed loyal to me by defending me from the MENACE known as tumblr user mondaymelon. i was truly touched when i realized the lengths you would go to in order to protect me from (aHeM) ceRtAiN PeOpLe (or should i say melons?)
also, you're just a nice person to talk to. you're super sweet and wholesome, and i always feel happy when we're having a conversation (evEn iF THAT PERSON is involved). i appreciate being around you, and our chaotic shenanigans are always extremely amusing to me.
other than that, you write delicious fics. i just want to nom nom nom them and keep them with me forever. your vocabulary choice and the way you describe things is reminiscent of poetry, and it's just very calming to read.
you're also fun to brainrot with. i swear i've sent you asks that are only a few sentences long, but you managed to come up with piles and piles of details spanning several paragraphs off the top of your head. you always paint such vivid pictures from the blurry images that i give you, and it simply amazes me.
OH AND ALSO YOUR TAGS WHENEVER YOU REBLOG FICS <3 you don't know how many times i've smiled because of the things you've written about my silly little fics. you're so thoughtful, and you leave such nice feedback. thank you so much.
anyway, that's all i have to say for now. au revoir!
-your future spouse
it’s been three hours and i still don’t know what to say about this except,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wow (melon ty for the idea you’ve bestowed upon rei)
like, you caught me blushing. i can’t say anything more than that because it’s true. i must be looking like a maniac rn and a few hours ago when i first read this because this all is just literally so nice of you and even that word doesn’t to justice to what i feel LIKE it was teehee for the first two paragraphs and i absolutely love that
and then you just gave my heart a heart attack for the next three LIKE HUH?? WORDS ARE SOFT. NICE. making me melt,,,,,,,,,,, guys i’m not living this down
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dojunie · 1 year
hi!! im so sorry if you've addressed this before as i'm new to your blog but did you ever finish 'swimming, for dummies'? i am only able to find the teaser on your masterlist. i am absolutely in love with your writing and cannot wait to read more!
unfortunately sfd is not done LOL i... have no excuses really besides the fact that i have not had the motivation to sit down and finish it in a few months
trust me when i tell you i am Going To Finish it. I love this fic. So much. but it's way way way past my orig wordcount for it (it was supposed to be like 15k) and i still have a whole entire ending to write and its already at 30k. i promise you i will finish it, i open the doc and work on it and edit and move things around all the time, but i often get frustrated w how much STUFF there is and... yeah!
since i just updated messenger and that was what i was mainly focusing on for the last few weeks, i think i'll take another stab at it now actually
ty for reminding me <3 AND TY FOR SENDING AN ASK! ILY!
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jiminrings · 2 years
I've been on Tumblr for fanfictions since 2017/2018, but out of all endearing and fluffy fictional depiction of Koo, your Pink Sapphire was the best and most accurate depiction of the nature of the true Jeon Jungkook? Soft, warm, persistent, hardworking, stubborn, hard-headed, goofy, hilarious, soft-hearted, smart. You've managed to capture them all and add your own essence into perfecting a character that's both fictional and reality. I was crying with an aching heart for a love that's so sweet and soul-crushing. I'm so mad I'm a bit late to read it, but I'm grateful I've accidentally discovered it in one of the tags. Thank you for preserving Jungkook's softness, though fictional worlds allows exploration and differences, but yours are one of the best and left a permanent warmth within me. I'll never forget you and your work ❤️
ah it’s my greatest honor ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 thank u so much for reading n being here n taking the time to send me this ask!! it still makes my heart hurt well whenever i see someone praise me for the characterization and effort it put in so thank u again <3 ily ty i’ll never forget u and ur feedback!!
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eremiie · 3 years
pretty for the camera
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❥ nsfw | 4.8k words | camboy!eren x reader
❥ content - breeding kink, exhibitionism, choking, dumbification
❥ you had no problem just being behind the scenes of eren’s little livestreams until you catch a glimpse of his comment section. maybe it was time he needed to bring on a guest.
based on this ask here!
ty to @murmikaa @arlerted for beta reading, ily guys!
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ewrose: wanna replace ur hand w mine
min1103: fuck u look so good
yasminab: holding my phone with one hand rn
lyssa1997: if only i was there to help you out<3
you made a disgruntled sound as you scrolled through the comment section of eren's live. it was comment after comment, and even though your face would scrunch up in displeasure at each lewd remark, you continued to let your finger drag across the screen to see more.
you didn't know why it made your stomach turn, you were the one who told eren it was okay. you told him you were fine with him recording videos of himself for the internet to see, you told him you were okay with him live streaming while you twisted in a chair in the corner of the room.
you had no reason to be upset when he was the one who repeatedly said, "are you sure, baby? i don't have to do this." and you repeatedly brushed him off and said it was fine. on the plus side, it put a few extra bucks in his pockets for the both of you.
you weren't the jealous type. if you were you probably wouldn't even be able to sit in the same room with him as his hand worked himself in front of a camera in front of hundreds of people. but it was something about the way they talked so explicitly about what belonged to you that made you pout, that made you sink into the chair and glance eren's way one too many times.
but what good would come out of you complaining? watching eren with envy as if he didn't fuck you good every other night— as if that couldn't be you beside him, showing his stream what belonged to you, or better yet having him show his stream what belonged to him.
your legs falls from the seat of the chair until your toes touch the carpet. your hand slips under eren's shirt that you wore, unclasping your flimsy bra and letting it fall around your waist. grabbing the hem of the shirt, you scrunch it between your hands and pull it over the top of your head. once you're in nothing but your panties, you stand up from the chair, making as little noise as possible and toeing over to stand next to the camera.
catching sight of him again almost left you awestruck. the imagery of his head being thrown back and him grunting while his attention lied on the tip of his cock. he must've felt you staring at him because he pulls forward again, half-lidded green eyes meeting yours, making you blink a few times and snap out of the trance he put you in.
catching sight of him again almost left you awestruck. the imagery of his head being thrown back and him grunting while his attention lied on the tip of his cock. he must've felt you staring at him because he pulls forward again, half-lidded green eyes meeting yours, making you blink a few times and snap out of the trance he put you in.
a warm smile was thrown his way and his gaze trails down your body, taking every inch of you in before he looks to the camera. It's amusing how he quirked his brow when his eyes met yours again.
you didn't blame him. you had never done this before, never had the courage to do this. but once again, it needed to be known that you were an actual person, that there was someone behind the camera that got eren's attention when it was off.
he doesn't speak and doesn't even try to, he just lets his eyes tell you all about it so subtly. you were interrupting his stream but he couldn't let the people watching know that.
your finger points to the camera while your other hand trails from the curve of your breasts to the soft skin of your stomach, passing the hem of your underwear and rubbing at the fabric, a silent message to eren that you hope he'd understand.
eren's hand slows in his strokes and his tongue smoothed over his bottom lip, eyes meeting yours again. a raise of his eyebrow asks you if you were sure. you've never joined one of his streams before; this is a first and he wanted you to be certain.
miathesl4t: what is he doing
mochibts: ??? the show must go on
you nod your head and step one foot forward, pausing for a moment until eren scoots back on the bed. he lets go of himself and watches you saunter over until you stop between his legs.
you're aware that hundreds of eyes were on you now. they're probably studying the curve and dimples of your back, the cotton fabric of your underwear, and the soft skin that only eren got to feel under his hands.
the light highlighted every dip of your body and every inch of you while the camera stared at you so dauntingly. it made your body tense. you want to shy away, but this was a decision that you made. you get as close to eren as possible, wanting to feel his skin up against yours to feel that comfort that he brought to you, help you ease up.
yasminab: wait who's that
mayle.e: omg um???
your leg swings over one side of him, then the other, straddling his lap. warm hands settle on your hips while his cock sat taut against his stomach between you both.
"what's up?" he murmurs, only low enough for you to hear.
your hands come up to cup his jaw, tan skin hot in your grasp. he turns his head to press his lips to your hand,softening up at the feel of you. he almost completely forgets he's recording because that's the effect you alone have on him.
his reputation precedes him— someone who has never met him before, who only knows him from his streams, his filthy videos, and pictures would say something completely different about him than you would.
you, however, knew how tender he could be, how loving he could be. you also knew what he put up for the camera wasn't completely a sham because well... you've experienced it first hand, and you reckoned if you asked kindly you could experience it again.
"want you to fuck me." your nearly whispering to him as you spoke.
"on camera?" he's not taken aback, he knew that you knew what you were getting into the second you stepped foot in front of the camera. if you wanted to back out now he wouldn't mind. he'd never force you to do something you didn't want— even if it would disappoint the watchers, even if it would disturb his live.
"on camera." you roll your hips forward, his hands on either side of you tightening as he hums. pink lips press against your shoulder before he rests his head on it, verdigris eyes meeting the camera again with a small smirk.
"we have a guest guys." his voice is sing-song, eren failing to hide his excitement because he was excited. excited to show you off, excited for his followers to see you in all your glory, to see what was his like you wanted them to, to see who fucked you dumb every chance he got.
erenwhore21: i did not sign up for this
you turn your head to the side so your profile is showing, fluttering your eyes at the camera as if you were a natural-born star that was made for it, and you give a shy smile as you lean forward into eren. his body on yours was a haven. "hi."
erenwhore21: but i am not complaining
lillilyx: HE GOT A GF omg
erenwhore21: he didn't say that
"she wants me to fuck her on camera." eren's hand comes up to turn your head towards him, pulling you closer by your jaw and pressing a kiss to your bottom lip while his other hand moves down to squeeze at your ass— an abrupt slap making you yelp. "isn't that nasty?"
your eyes roll at the irony of his words— as if not moments ago he was getting off for the eyes of strangers.
"so what do you want, baby? tell them what you told me."
your hands slip over his shoulders and your arms dangle behind them. you lean forward to peck eren's lips as his hand slides underneath your underwear to grip the flesh of your cheeks. "i said, i want you to fuck me."
he reciprocates your kiss and his lips upturn as he does, happy with your compliance. your arousal pools in your stomach, not only because you're about to give yourself to eren, but because you're going to let him have you on camera for everyone to see.
"you hear that?" he's not talking to you although his eyes are on you. he's searching for a sign of hesitation in them, a sign that you don't want to do this anymore, but you're too giddy. so when he finds none he pats your side, "turn around."
and with that same lack of hesitation, you listen, pulling your legs from over him and turning to face the camera.
the light felt brighter than it was when it could only see your backside, the camera felt farther than it was before you were facing it, and you press back on eren as much as possible. your eyes dart around his set up while you get comfortable in his lap, sitting pretty— a doll on display. "this is my girlfriend, she wants me to slut her out for you guys."
lillilyx: eren shes HOT
yasminab: thought he was single :((
b3li3v3: bI pANIC BC WHEW
eren's hands travel to your breasts, kneading both of them while pressing soft, wet kisses to your neck. you can't help but squirm in his lap— you wanted to feel something down below, you were already ready for him from the moment you stepped foot in front of the camera.
"she wants to show you guys how i fuck her when no one is around. she's dirty; my little whore, right?" the way his voice vibrates through your body from where he speaks against your neck sends a shiver through it, your back unintentionally arching and your hips trying to gain friction from your position on top of him.
one of his hands drops from your chest to your clit, giving it a few taps over top of your underwear. "right?" and only then did you realize he was speaking to you.
your eyes were focused on the camera, the thought of what was to come racking your nerves delightfully. "right... yours, no one else."
he nods his head, rewarding you by slipping his hand down past your underwear. your lips part in surprise as his warm fingers brush against your clit before dipping down further to your folds. "then show them."
eren draws a small whine from you and your hands scramble to tug at your panties, begging eren to take them off without opening your mouth. and he listens, helping you pull them off with his other hand while you lift your hips.
he slips them down far enough so that you're able to get them down your legs and let them fall to your feet. sliding out of them you open your legs further while his hand covers your cunt as if he was hiding it from his— your audience.
"you guys wanna see?" he taunts, and your head falls back onto his shoulder. you ached for him to really touch you, to really make you feel good. the camera moves into your subconscious and it almost feels like every other time when it's just you and eren.
his palm cups your heat while his fingers dance across your slit, and you find yourself trying to grind against him, trying to get more from him.
"she's so wet... don't even think i need to prep her," and as if he was testing his theory, his two fingers plunge into you making you moan at the feeling. his fingers always stretched you open so nicely, even if it was in the slightest bit.
your pleasure was short-lived. as fast as he buries his digits into you he pulls them out, and your eyebrows furrow in discontent, muscles in your leg tensing beside eren.
"eren," you whine his name, chest jutting out— god was he such a tease, you could hear him chuckle from over your shoulder before bringing his fingers up to his lips to taste you.
he made a noise of satisfaction, another small peck to your shoulder, reassuring you you'd get what you wanted. his hands come down to massage the skin of your stomach as he looked up to the camera. "i should just fuck her, yeah?"
lillilyx: YES
mira928: please do
it was funny— it didn't matter what the chat said; eren wouldn't be able to read the comments from the distance away he was from his set up. it was his decision to make. it was always his decision to make.
you found yourself nodding your head, jaw brushing against the side of eren's with every up and down motion before he pats your side, signaling you to stand.
"all fours," and you stand, the camera getting a clear view of your backside while you crawl onto the bed. eren stands up as well, positioning himself behind you, as his hand follows the curve of your spine before giving your ass a firm spank that made you wince from below him.
his eyes flit to the camera for a minute, and you reckon he was trying to make sure you were centered enough for them to see you well before his hand presses down on your back making you rest on your forearms.
his dick slides against your folds and you shudder with anticipation, letting your head rest against the sheet and pushing back on eren as he teases you.
it was teasing for him too. as much as he wanted to fuck you he had to take his time, let his viewers indulge in everything, let the camera pick up everything from the sounds of your slick coating his cock to the soft impatient whimpers that would fall from your lips.
"ready?" you can't tell if he's talking to you or the camera, but you nod your head faster than expected anyway, pressing back on him before he adjusts your hips. "gonna fuck you so good."
your mouth can't help but drop open when eren's tip meets your cunt and your breathing stutters as he slides into you. although you were slightly aware so many faces could see you, this time felt no different from the rest.
he grips your hips and sheathes himself fully inside of you, a low groan emitting from his throat as he bottoms out completely.
you feel so tight, so good, better than you usually do— and eren isn't sure if it's a trick of the camera or not. either way, he indulges in the feeling of you sucking him in, slicked up and ready for his cock.
you bury your head into the sheets to smother your moan, the way every inch of eren settles inside of you making your body quiver and your eyes roll.
eren doesn't seem to like this, his hand reaching forward to grab a handful of your hair and exposing your face again. he angles his grip facing you towards the camera, the red light winking at you, taunting you; almost like it was telling you to smile.
"look up, they can't see your face."
this is what you wanted. if you were gonna disrupt his stream the least you could do was listen to him. so you stable yourself on your elbows and keep your head up. his hand falls from your hair and onto your shoulder to keep himself steady as he begins to move.
the way he moves his hips back and forth 'til they're flush with your ass is enough to make you shudder. you can feel every movement of him sliding in and out of you through your whole body— and it feels better than ever. you're sure the attention on you has something to do with it.
"god, eren,"
eren speeds up his pace and the smack of his hips can be heard throughout the whole room alongside the sound of your juices getting pushed around every time he fucked into you. it was lewd— disgusting, but what was even nastier was the comments.
they were enjoying this, much to eren's satisfaction and possibly yours too.
jjjohn21: fuck she's hot
cumslxt0: turn her more to the camera ;p
itachiwife: need to see more tits!!!
guest37657: i wanna fuck someone like this
"god," as if eren could read what they were saying he adjusts your body by pulling you up by your neck, hands warm around your throat while your back presses up against his chest. he's radiating heat, it makes you even more warm and gushy than before, and a small whimper leaves your mouth. "you like this?"
another whimper and your eyes slide sideways so you can see the camera in your peripheral, the image of it jumping every time eren slammed into you.
"yes, yes, yeah," you gasp, your words choked.
"you like everyone watching you?"
your eyes flutter for a few seconds, mouth open to speak but only small croaks slip from your lips.
you did like everyone watching you. you liked them seeing how eren fucked you; how his cock slid in and out of you swiftly. deep strokes that made you dazed, unable to utter anything but quick confirmations to his words, and even then— barely that.
if it wasn't for the pleasure that swallowed you whole you would've felt embarrassed, would've been trying to sink into eren because of the eyes on you, because of the way you stupidly stumbled when trying to be coherent. and it was all at the hands of eren.
you didn't feel embarrassed, you felt hedonistic. felt devoted to this way of pleasure, like this was the only way you'd ever feel so euphoric— on top of the world. you could do this a million times over.
the vulgar comments no longer bothered you because you were sure they were about you. you were sure people's free hands were typing away trying to appraise how hot you looked. from your chest moved with each forceful thrust, to your ass clapping every time eren reached your cervix, small uncomfortable cries tumbling from your mouth that were a blend of pain and pleasure.
you'd try to speak again. "shit—" maybe hearing your sultry voice would help the image of you that they all had burned into their heads by now. "eren,"
maybe it would help the mirage they'd form at night from here on out. it'd be them fucking you, running their hands over your soft curves and helping you bounce over the top of them while you whispered obscenities in their ears. "hah,"
you could see why eren liked the camera so much now.
despite your hokum, you felt like a star, and you played the role so well. eren must've been long forgotten the minute you stepped foot into his spotlight.
but he couldn't have that either.
first and foremost, the only reason they were able to see you in this state was because of him. he's the one who fucked you so stupid, so dumb that you couldn't speak. you were his and as if he knew what you were thinking he'd let it be known.
"you can't speak baby?" he hums condescendingly ashis fingers crawl up from your neck, the tips prodding at your lips, slipping into your mouth to make sure of it.
your tongue lolls out so gracefully, the sloppy surface of it wetting eren's fingers and making him push up in your mouth so he could get a better grip. "fucked you so dumb?"
you nod your head, his fingertips grazing the back of your throat and eren's chuckle turns into a guttural sound when you clench around him at his words. "shit— you like that? like showing everyone how well i can fuck you?"
another nod, another whimper.
"and i'm the only one who can fuck you like this, yeah?" he slows his strokes and when he's buried inside you his hips grind against yours as if he's trying to get as deep as possible. trying to reach your stomach— hell, you can feel him in your stomach.
your yes is so mumbly, but eren can understand it all too well— you're not sure about his viewers though. "that's my girl." he lets his fingers fall from your mouth, a string of saliva connecting his index to the tip of your tongue. your spittle is smeared onto your nipple by him before he lets go of you completely, letting your body fall to the bed with a plop.
you don't even realize how you're circling your hips against his until eren pulls out of you, falling onto his knees and shuffling to the edge of the bed to pull you into his lap. you're straddling him, cunt searching for his dick— fluttering at the empty feeling.
eren couldn't have taken any longer to position you, you wanted to be full again. "let's show them how your slutty pussy takes my cum too."
lillilyx: they r so hot im crying
nbhdluvr: bestie THIS is so hot
laur7n: (s)CREAMING /s
eren's dick is coated in your slick and it glistens as light reflects off of it. eren's thankful for his setup, it makes the sheen of sweat coating the both of you look like an intended glow, accentuating your best parts and making you camera ready.
he pumps himself a few times before lining himself up and pushing into you again with a sound that's near titillating.
your moan is so breathy as you accommodate his length so easily. eren hisses at the feeling of your squishy walls squeezing him again. it's like he's fucked you so many times that you're molded to him, a perfect fit for him— cinderella's glass slipper.
"oh god— eren," you're becoming spent, leaning almost all your weight against eren, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and burying your face into the crevice of his neck.
you mouth at his skin, hot open-mouthed kisses being planted on the tan of his neck, and he reciprocates the gesture by smoothing his thumb over your ear, holding you by your nape as he leans back.
he presses a small subtle kiss to the side of your head that may have gone unnoticed by the camera but not by him and you squeeze your eyes shut relaxing against him.
"fuck me." you mutter. it's so quiet that you're not sure if eren begins moving because of you or because he would've anyway.
eren's movements are steady, bucking up into you so you don't have to do much work— only taking him and taking him so well. he's proud of your performance and he's a little sad the two of you were already in the last act of it.
he speeds up a bit when you tense up, back arching and you putting in a little work as your orgasm creeps up on you. your head lifts from eren's neck slightly and you begin to let out small pants of breath. "eren..."
"yeah?" his voice is shaky and his pace begins to falter. he's just as close as you are.
"almost there," now your meeting eren's thrusts, slamming down onto him as he bucks up into you. your hand finds its way to your clit, rubbing small circles into it to the best of your ability, squeezing around eren and your mouth dropping open to let out larger pants, let out moans. "'m almost there, 'mma cum,"
"me too, me too." stray brown strands stick to the sweat coating eren's forehead. his hand on your nape falls down to the small of your back pushing you as close to him as possible. there's a furrow in his brow as he stares straight at the camera. the heat bubbles in his stomach, that familiar build-up, and it doesn't matter that he's looking at the camera— he can barely see it, eyes half-lidded and his mind blanking as all he's focused on is you and him. his high and yours.
"come," your tone pleading, you wanna be filled to the brim with his cum. want it to leak out of you for everyone and have him push as much in because you can't waste a single drop! you want eren to claim you on camera for your last act and your body shivers at the thought. "please!"
eren groans at your voice, the tremble of it is almost enough to send him over the edge. he leans back even further so you're more on display and his breathing gets heavier. "shit— want me to.. to cum inside you? fill you up?"
"yes, eren, please!"
his body tingles, that same pleasurable sensation spreads. "breed that pretty pussy, like the little slut you are, yeah?"
"yes!" you're practically sobbing for him, sobbing for it.
"fuck, baby take my cum..." and eren shoots inside of you, warmth filling you up. you cream all over him at the same time, your cunt clenching him so tightly. an unintelligible cry of his name escapes your lips. you sound so consumed, so weary, and eren loves it.
he tenses up underneath you, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he fills you up like you wanted, like he wanted.
yasminab: omg
guest11923: ughhh sexy
it was no doubt you belonged to him now.
your body still twitches, and eren has yet to pull out. the two of you are calming down, it's only your heavy breathing that fills the room.
after a moment eren finally speaks, tapping your side. "come on, get up." and as much as you didn't want to you do, lifting yourself up slightly on weak knees— eren's cum following his cock out of you and dripping onto his leg. he sighs at the sight and you sigh at the feel. what a finishing touch to your performance.
your skin gets prickly and cool albeit the warmth of the room, and you're hyper aware that the camera's on you once more. the exterior you built up begins to fade, and as if eren can read your mind he stands up to shut it off and end the live as he usually does.
you relax, watching as he turns off some of the extra lights, and heads to the bathroom, coming back to clean you and him up before sinking into the bed with you wrapped in his arms.
you're tired, your eyes are droopy, and you know eren's holding off the few more things he needs to do to cuddle with you, to lull you to sleep.
he's peppering kisses along your cheek, massaging the fat of your stomach, and holding you so close to him. "you did so good," is what he mumbles between every kiss.
the softness in his voice is what makes you feel tender, feel loved.
your envy was absurd. it's the way he gently kisses your skin that makes you realize that on or off camera eren belonged to you. you didn't need to show out for his viewers (not that you regret it), or prove anything to them. sitting behind a camera was fine as long as it was you who had eren in his entirety at the end of the day.
even after your realization, you're not so sure if this would be the last time you'd step foot in front of a camera, with or without eren.
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miyuwuki · 3 years
coach kataoka with wife mc hc, and can it include her relationship with the team as well if its not too much? she will be the unofficial mother of the team, especially for someone like kazuya since he is the captain, main catcher and if she know about his past like rei-chan... wish you an amazing day, you've been spoiling us so much i can't thank you enough♡
OMG A KATAOKA REQUEST,,? GIRL <3 and i love giving you guys lots to read :) ily
warnings: none
kataoka tesshin x adult!reader
the parents of seido
kataoka, as scary as he is, is the softest with you
literally treats you like a queen
would cook you breakfast, prepare your materials for the next day, and even go as far as buying you flowers every week
the way he talks to the baseball team would never be heard when it comes to you
he would often tell you how much he appreciates you for being so patient with him since he’s quite busy
he would be the type to take you out on fancy dinners :)
would also share his thoughts to you as a coach
“miyuki would be a fit captain for the team..”
anyways you also work at seido as a teacher
you and him would eat lunch together that you’ve made and sometimes rei would join
you love rei and rei loves you just as much
“i love your wife more” she would say
you and her have such a cute friendship, like a mentor mentee type of bond
and you know what else
you have a great relationship with seido’s prestigious baseball team!
sawamura calls you “MS BOSS” or “MOTHER”
kataoka be like “who are you calling mother?”
you have a good relationship with miyuki since he’s so close to your husband and he’s the captain/main catcher
“you look lovely today, y/n-san” he would say, “but coach looks better”
you’re usually helping the managers make food, clean, all that stuff and treat them like your own daughters
“haru, be careful next time okay?” cus she tripped
essentially you’re the complete opposite of kataoka when it comes to the team; very soft hearted and kind and less strict
you wouldn’t be in the dugout when the team has playoffs but you’ll definitely be on the first benches of the bleachers
you’d cheer to your hearts content
you bake cakes for them when there’s a special occasion (birthdays, christmas, etc)
one point the first year trio were your students and you always had to wake sawamura and furuya up
“sawamura-kun, furuya-kun.. if you guys don’t ace this test, you’ll never wear the number 1”
they instantly jolt awake (haruichi is already a good student)
oh! another thing is that after practice you do stretching exercises with them— making the managers do it too (they also work hard for the team :D)
when they make it to nationals, they throw a huge party for you and kataoka the next day
“without you guys we wouldn’t have done it” kuramochi would laugh
tears form in your eyes with your husband— they’re like your own kids
seeing them graduate gives you a bittersweet feeling but you know they’ll visit you and coach <3
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sophsun1 · 2 years
Hey Soph! I really enjoy reading your QAF opinions so here's my question (sorry if you've been asked this before) - how would you have changed season 5? I enjoyed the finale and Brian's "it's only time" speech, but I mostly enjoy it because I feel like it was the most logical conclusion after how season 5 played out. However, if season 5 had been written differently (better), I feel like the wedding could still have happened +
without it seeming too rushed or OOC. What do you think? And I love your gifs, thanks for helping this fandom stay alive :'')
Aww that's sweet of you I mean I try, they are my favourite pairing 😊
I'm hoping to get back to a regular giffing schedule once I get my new laptop and get back in a better frame of mind (anxiety sucks, boo) But for the 3 of us out there I'm glad to help :))
I've probably answered a variation of this before but I'm gonna try and keep from writing an essay and stick to some key points. I agree the ending we got with the path the writers chose was the most logical conclusion for that. But the gripes I have with it are Justin/Randy deserved more than a fade out for their final appearance and Britin a proper goodbye at the airport with a more definitive promise they were still together and would visit each other long distance. Instead of the open ended imagine it for yourself scenario we got. LIKE NO SIRS, I WAITED FIVE YEARS FOR THEIR AND MY HAPPY EVER AFTER. FILM IT, HAVE THEM EXPLICITLY SAY IT, ALL THE ROMANCE, ALL THE FEELS PLS AND TY.
I know a lot of people were upset they didn't get married but honestly for me I wasn't, for that moment in time for their relationship. Even if it was paced better and we didn't go at the breakneck speed of the ily/engagement/Justin's new art career I still feel it would've been too soon for BOTH of them. I always viewed them as having a love that already fulfilled wedding vows (I made a gifset of this) so the"We don't need rings or vows to prove that we love each other we already know that" part rang very true to me. Maybe that's because it's how I myself view love/relationships in real life. That doesn't mean I don't think they wouldn't have got married later on, I absolutely do.
But they had already split so many times, I feel they needed to just be them. Adjust to being in a working couple, learning to communicate, going through the ups and downs and not having it end in a breakup before going into this huge commitment. Justin needed to grow into himself in his new art career and live life outside of Brian. Those 5 years revolved around getting that final stamp of approval from Brian that he was longing for and he got it. Brian learning that love doesn't have to be this horrible, conformative, suffocating thing it's your own interpretation of it and he could still be himself but also love and be loved in return.
My ideal ending would've been both of them moving to New York, Justin to pursue his art and Brian to open Kinnetic and thrive as he had always hoped to. It would've been such a satisfying and full circle end to his story. Remember Brian had always dreamed of going there, we saw him fail in S1 but what better timing for him to finally get there with the love of his life. Neither of them would be sacrificing their dreams to go there it would be beneficial to both. Honestly there was nothing left for Brian in Pittsburgh, Gus had gone, Michael had his own family and everyone had transitioned into the new phases of their lives. Brian and Justin had outgrown Pittsburgh they were made for the bold, bright, colourful lights of New York City.
It seems you would've wanted a wedding for them, I'd love to hear your thoughts if you want to share!
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1tad0ri · 4 years
head only full of itadori yuuji✨
kissing away your insecurites, every curves of your body while keep telling you how much he loves everything, every little thing about you and your body, calling you beautiful so many times with his soft whisper voice. if you trying to cover your body from him, at first he will just stare at you, unsure what to do and he just smile, with a little blush in his cheek, hand caressing your face. 'are you okay, baby?' of course not, itadori yuuji, the man you would easily, without much question, give all of your entire life for him, if you can give the world for him, you will do it instantly. right now, his body is above you, moonlight shines within his shirtless body, showing you a perfect picture of how gorgeous he is. you think often, what did you do in your previous life to get such a perfect man like him? you just nod your head to his question, nuzzling your face to his palm, kissing it softly. he can feels your lips trembles. 'baby, you know it's okay if you-' 'no!' you let out a whine 'please.... i want this' you cut his words off before he continue. he's a little bit shocked and turned on after that, but he got his soft smile back. then, he kiss your hand, the upper one that covering your body from him, keeping his lips there for a while. 'angel, do you trust me?' a sweet nickname rolled off from his tongue, he kiss your hand once again 'don't worry, just relax and i'll take care of you. okay?' you nod your head, your hand slowly getting away, he's giving you a kiss in the part that you've been hiding from him earlier, 'it's fine, just tell me if you don't like it. and i'll stop' now his face is getting closer, he probably can sense how much you miss the soft lips of his on yours, you can still taste the sweetness of strawberry juice he drink before all of this happened. tongue dancing between the passion kiss, a thin string of saliva can be seen when the two of you part, need an air to breath. his forehead now touching yours, his eyes locked to your face, trying to memorize every little detail 'i want you to feel good, baby. i love you, love you so much' you can't help but smile at his word, you cup his cheek, kissing him in the lips . that's right. you don't need to worry about anything when you're with him.
hello! this is my first time sending ask and i'm sorry it's much longer than i intended to, this have been living on my head for a whole day and the first person i thought i need to share it, is you💞 ijustloveyourwritingsomuch- english is not my mother language, i'm pretty sure there is errors and please forgive me for that, i'm just hoping, you understand what i've tried to write(´;ω;`) i literally would do anything for softdom! yuuji, really. he's the best. i can't ask for more. cries. but thank you for taking your time reading this(。・ω・。)ノ♡
sincerely, zero anon.
HI THIS IS LITERALLY SO CUTE I LOVE IT????? omg i’m so honored u sent this to me WHAT it’s so perfect??? :( <3 yuuji??? soft dom yuuji??? pls yes i love him so much :( this was so nice to read omg ty for sending it ily!!!!! i’m so in love with it and him 😞😞💓💓💓
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the-lonelybarricade · 2 years
I had a thought while editing one of my assignments, and it was very motivational tbh. I'll be traveling after uni is done, and that means I can binge read all the chapters I miss from ACoFD and LVER on the way to the airport😌 You best believe I'll be spending those 1.5-2hrs reading all the Elucien and Feysand goodness!
(Also ty for tagging me in that game🥺 that was very sweet<3 ily)
Bestie stop you are so sweet 😭
I hope the assingments aren't stressing you out too much and you've managed to slip a tiny break into this time off! <3
Me and my fics will be so honored to keep you company during your travels 🥺 Will you be done soon?? I won't be finished until June.
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