#if you're going to use artist's personal ocs for your home game just don't tell them majority are not comfortable with that
Prismo the WishMaster as your boyfriend
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First off, just a fact, chillest dude in all of Ooo
Like, if you guys broke up (not that you would, but-) he would be the kinda guy you would actually be friends with
Because he is confined to the time room, dates are limited
A lot of indoor dates; home-cooked food, board game nights and, of course, watching movies (or alternate realities on his TV)
The man always has your favourite snacks at hand (and most other things for that matter)
Honestly, your presence brightens up his day
Like, he could be having the most boring/hardest day at work, but you sending a quick check-in text really makes his day
Once you two start getting more serious, I can see him using his powers to spoil you (which probably is a violation of the rules, but oh well-)
Oh, you saw a dress you wanted that was out of your budget? Magically in your closet
You wish you could style your hair a certain way? Bam, new doo by the morning
There's a book you're dying to read that hasn't been released yet? it's now on your bedside table
on that note, with your consent, I think he would like to use his powers to play dress up with you, as long as you're both having fun, and it's not just you treating him like your personal tailor
And as nice as it is to have a cosmic sugar daddy, please reassure him that you like him for him, and not his powers.
Like, this man deals with crippling loneliness, you gotta let him know that you're there for him too
Maybe you can't give things to him like he gives you, but you can be there to listen to him vent or just say sweet things to him (COMPLIMENT THIS PINK STRING BEAN)
This man loves your praise
he barely gets enough recognition for his job, so please tell him you love him and that he's a sweet boyfriend
you automatically get an invite to all of his parties (but understands if you don't want to go)
if you make him anything home-made, dude is going to treasure it
like, he would make a whole ass room just to put the things you give him in it
Has defiantly used the pick-up like: "if everything around me is a dream, then you're the most beautiful thing I've ever dreamed of"
Guy can be suave in his own dorky kind of way
He also likes cooking for you
he does it with zero powers, he just wants to make something for you
his cooking isn't always the greatest, but he does get better over time, you just gotta stomach it for a while til his trial-and-error phase ends (spoiler alert: it never does)
And, this goes without saying, but he makes you pickles
one time he made a special batch for you, with a note that said 'for my sweet pickle'
He's also tried to write you a song on his banjo
he's got spirit and it's the thought that counts anyway
I also see him having the love language of quality time (He's in a time box, I don't think he has much of a choice)
If you stick around long enough, he will give you a guest room
He will occasionally ask you for feedback about his stories
oh, and it's totally obvious when he's written characters that remind you of you two a little *too* much
If you are a writer or an artist, he would love to know all about your stories/OCs
or if you're a creative at all, would love to know more about your work
Super supportive (again, will use his powers to get you the most expensive materials)
If you guys are serious, he will introduce you to jake, assuming you didn't meet jake earlier at his parties or just because Jake just dropped in to say hi
Has defiantly told Jake about you at some point
So when you introduce yourself to him, Jake defiantly embarrasses Prismo about it
"Oh, so this is the girl you've been telling me all about?"
you guys have a dinner planner. It avoids having the same talk about what to have for dinner every night
After some time, he does decorate his time room a bit more
It's still minimal, but now there's a plant and a bookshelf or something
Is the kinda guy that's shy about dancing and singing, until a few drinks, and then he's doing karaoke like it's no one's business
Not the kind of guy to raise his voice
like, even if he was mad at you, would never do that. i see him responding in short sentences if that's the case
He's a god, you're a mortal, y'all definitely have existential conversations
But he's also so chill that they never feel depressing
Even though the relationship may be a bit strange to navigate because of the whole God/Mortal thing, you wouldn't have it any other way
He may be a God, but you are his Heaven
This is my first time posting headcanons like this, hope you all enjoyed it. If you want more or have a specific scenario you want me to write about, don't hesitate to ask (I'm always looking to sharpen my writing skills)
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catverst · 4 years
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[beware the witch’s swamp]
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celestialevie · 3 years
Flower Boy // George Weasley x GN! Reader
Summary: AU where y/n is working at the tattoo shop, while their best friend is an owner of a flower shop. What happenes when expecting to see your best friend for lunch, you end up meeting a tall ginger man. Warnings: fluff, mention of food, tattoos, flowers, George being absolute charmer Word count: 1.7k a/n: enjoy this aboslute fluff of a fic!! and again, english is not my first language so if there are any mistakes please do not hestitate to let me know about it!! ' Evangeline ' is an oc of mine, so she might appear in some of my fics as a side charachter. Also credit to @bwbatta for the dividers!!
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Being a tattoo artist was one of the things you were proudest of. It wasn't easy to become one after neglecting art for so many years during High School. But after your best friend opened her own flower shop, she helped you get your inspiration for art being constantly surrounded by flowers and stories of why people were getting flowers. You were happy with everything but not knowing that wasn't the end of your happiness. It all started when you were on your lunch break and decided to swing by your best friend's flower shop to visit her. Expecting to see a small blonde girl behind the counter, you were shocked to see a tall ginger man standing there instead. '' Hello, how can I help you today? '' When ginger looked up, he felt as if someone kicked all of the air from his lungs because before him stood a beautiful person with y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes. Smiling at them as they approached the counter, they were even more beautiful up close. '' Hi, um I'm looking for Evangeline? I didn't know she hired someone new. '' Ginger laughed, nodding his head. '' Ah yes, I'm only here temporarily. Unfortunately, you just missed her, she left to go on a lunch break with my uglier twin. '' You only laughed at that. '' Too bad, but can you please let her know that y/n looked for her? '' He nodded. '' I'll let her know. I'm George by the way. If you ever wanna ask her for me. '' George wiggled his eyebrows, making you shook your head. '' It was nice meeting you, but I have to go now. Please don't break any of her flowers she's not afraid to commit murder if you break something in her shop. '' his eyes widen, making you laugh as you were leaving but his voice stopped you. '' Hey! You come here often? '' he asks '' Considering I use to work here and my best friend owns it, yes. '' and with that, you left the shop, heading back to your workplace.
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As the clock turned changed time to 8 pm, you relaxed finally going home after a stressful day. Just as you were open the door, Evangeline barged in. '' Hello, heard you've been looking for me. '' She grinned at her best friend, attacking them with a hug. '' Hello to you too,'' you said returning the hug '' I see the tall ginger you failed to mention to me kept his word. '' smirk appearing in the corner of your mouth as you recall your encounter with him from earlier today. '' It seemed to me you left a trance on Georgie boy. '' Evangeline wiggled her eyebrows, making you laugh '' You can't do that to me, I wanted to have lunch with my best friend only to find she ditched me for and I quote the ginger man '' uglier twin '', leaving me to get almost a heart attack. For a second I thought I walked into a wrong shop. '' Both of you walked out of the shop, heading towards your apartment. '' Speaking of that date, you also failed to mention you were dating someone, and here I thought we tell each other everything, tsk tsk. I'm disappointed. '' you nudged her, blush creeping on her cheeks. '' Oh my god are you blushing? He's making you blush just by thinking of him? You need to tell me about him. '' and so she did. She told you how his name is Fred and along with his twin, he has 6 siblings, making both of them the middle children. It was very interesting to know about a man who took an interest in my best friend. Deciding she'll spend the night at yours, you both got cosy into pyjamas and watched movies until you both crashed. The next morning you went together to work, letting you know she'll come to your work for the lunch break. So when your lunch break came, you didn't expect her to walk in with the same ginger man from yesterday. '' y/n/n, I brought us a bodyguard to keep us safe during our lunch break. '' grin played on her lips, making you shake your head. '' Yeah because we're so in danger that someone is gonna try and kill us while eating Taco Bell. '' George snorted, making you look at him. He looked even cuter than yesterday if that's even possible. Maybe there was something in gingers that you'd yet to discover that makes them so attractive. '' So flower boy, what do you do when you're not being a bodyguard or taking care of Evie's flower shop. '' he was grinning at the nickname. '' I own a joke shop with my brother, but we're currently redecorating inside so we had to close it for a week or two. '' An attractive businessman, that's a first one you snorted to yourself. Spending an hour with two of them, turned into a mostly back and forth conversation between George and you. Soon Evie had to leave, her lunch break coming to an end. To your surprise, George asked you if he could stay for a bit longer, which you said yes to since you had no client for another hour. He asked you about your art style, which, according to George made your eyes sparkle up with happiness, making him chuckle when you started to ramble not even noticing. '' You're rambling. '' he chuckled making you blush a little. '' Sorry, sometimes I can get carried away without even noticing. '' George smiled, taking your hand in his, making you look at him. '' Don't apologise, it's adorable. '' blushing even harder, you looked at the clock making you realise that in 15 minutes your client should be coming. '' Oh shit I didn't even realise how much time has passed already, I have to prepare for the next client. But hey if you ever want a tattoo you know where to come. '' You said and with that, you disappeared somewhere behind in the storage, kind of hiding from flower boy, because he's starting to make you feel things you haven't felt before.
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Everything was happening so fast, in the next few days he kept coming either alone or in a company of Evangeline. She knew what she was doing and she was enjoying it. You even got to meet Fred, him wanting to meet the fascinating best friend of his girlfriend and the person who his brother can't seem to stop talking about. So when George asked you out, you said yes having nothing to lose. Deciding on a picnic, both of you packed some food, and he picked you up after work, leading you to a park. He prepared a blanket and put down the baskets where food and drinks were, sitting down and relaxing. '' How was your day? '' you began the conversation. '' It was good, mostly spent the entire day thinking of what to bring for our date tonight. '' a smile appeared on his face. '' How was yours? Any interesting tattoos you did? '' so you told him about this older guy who had half of his back tattooed with some weird game character, which made him laugh. Looking up at the sky, it looked amazing. '' Isn't the view beautiful? '' a grin played on your lips as you looked at the stars. George was only looking at you, and how beautiful you looked under the stars. If he wasn't already falling, he definitely would've now. '' Yeah, it couldn't be more beautiful. '' you looked at him and he was looking at you. '' Stop looking at me like that! '' He grinned at you, placing a hand on your cheek. '' Like what? '' he said softly while looking you in the eyes. '' L-like I've placed all the stars in the sky as if I'm the most unique thing on this planet. '' you were avoiding his eyes, knowing you wouldn't be able to breathe if you do. George had other plans, because he softly placed finger under your chin, making you look up at him. His eyes were filled with so much adoration, making you get lost in them. '' I've been looking at you like that ever since we first met, darling. I've grown quite fond of you from the first time our eyes met. '' a smile was spread on both of your lips '' God how much I love seeing you smile. I like you so much, love. '' placing your hands on both of his cheeks '' Can I tell you something? '' you said quietly almost a whisper. '' You can tell me anything. '' ''I like you too flower boy. '' even bigger smile was on his lips. '' Could you say it again? '' you furrowed your eyebrows. '' Were you not listening? '' he shook his head. ' No, I was, I just like the sound of your voice. '' you shook your head at his goofiness. '' Can you kiss me? '' a grin appeared on his lips '' Thought you'd never ask. '' and with that, he placed his soft lips on top of yours, lips mending with each other. It was like fireworks exploded inside you, from how much happiness you felt in this moment. Everything was perfect.
The next day you decided to visit Evangeline in the shop, expecting to see I guy you've grown s much fond of. And there he was stood with Fred and Evangeline, his beautiful smile playing on his lips. '' Hello, hope I'm not interrupting a big secret meeting. '' you joked as you approached them. George pulled you in his embrace, placing a small kiss on your temple as he sneaked an arm around your shoulder. '' Of course not love. '' you smiled at him, starting a conversation with him, not noticing how Fred and Evangeline were looking at the two of you. '' I haven't seen her smile like that in ages. '' Evie said, '' Hey flower boy, '' Fred began only to be shot by a dirty look by you. '' Hey, only I can call him that,'' you said and with that making everyone laugh including yourself. This is the happiest you've been in forever, and you could only hope it could stay like this forever.
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