#if you were wondering yes this is the post I accidentally translated into arabic
mayasaura · 1 month
I'm feeling some kind of a way about Gideon the First again. There should be a dramatic story there. He must have been somebody, for Pyrrha to have loved him as she did. That man was a groundbreaking engineer. Quite literally a rocket scientist. He designed the ships intended to take humanity into the future, and he helped design the ships that eventually did launch; the very first faster than light vessels. He must have been a genius.
And it's so goddamn easy to forget that about him, because he's so quiet. Because his body wasn't his half the time we knew him. Because there was a boy on his block who used to buy him hand pies, and he followed that boy to the end of the Earth without even moderate complaining.
Why? Why did he do that? When he volunteered to take that nuke to Melbourne, holding the world hostage, who did he do it for? Did he do it for the love of his best friend, the man he'd known from childhood? Or ... his grandparents brought him up religious. Did he do it for his prophet, the voice of God? Was G— one of the first to worship John, even before the first bomb fell?
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nihil-nan · 2 months
hello \[^.^]> Nihil here
Welcome to this random blog where all my interests-will, or already did- converge into weird soup... hopefully tasty soup still.
Skip to the end if you just want updates about this blog.
Anyway, introductions and info due:
they/he/it. Gender is.. like.. like I have like one foot in the binary, and one foot and the rest of my body out in another dimension. I just refer to myself as a transmasc enby.
I'm asexual, alloromantic though, don't be fooled by the aro posting i just really like aro and aroace tumblr.
Am I nonhuman? not 100% sure. Do I believe in God? Does God even believe in me. Am I neurodivergent? I'm undiagnosed and have no idea what even starts to classify as divergent rather than typical.
Creating an interest list is overwhelming rn so I'll get to that point when I feel like it.
-You discriminate against a group of people in any way shape or form, I won't bother listing the discrimination types.
-You actively either encourage or cause any forms of harm on purpose. Bonus threat-to-society points if you think you're righteous.
-You're strictly and only NSFW porn related. I don't care.
-And if you're going to pester me about me needing to believe in your religion. I extra don't care.
-You think you'll dislike being around me or my blog... In that case why are you even here.
Blog Properties:
I'm inconsistent and my activity could vary from permenantly online to weekly check and silly reblog. I'm very much a lurker mainly so please @ or ask me it's totally chill and helps me stop lurking and start interacting with you more.
I cuss oftentimes without censorship, mostly as my favourite form of exclaimation or show of anger at something. You have been warned
I post about my current interests + relating to my identity and reblog cool stuff I find. I'll always tag any one interest in particular consistently, so just use the tag and you'll get all my specific stuff.
I've only posted about worldless so far. "worldless" is the tag, "worldless game" does NOT show all my posts.
Language: default English, I can still write and translate Arabic if needed.
Current Projects Status:
If you were wondering "wuh? Nihil weren't you really into Worldless and you wanted to do projects and stuff?" Currently I've struggled with 2 Worldless projects because I ran into both personal and technical issues at the same time, idk when I'll have any proper progress. I went a bit quiet on Worldless Tumblr because everytime I remember Worldless I rush to the projects I'm dealing with instead of the community.
-Basically I did a 100% run of both Edda and Aven only (excluding perfect trial and LUCA- LUCA for obvious reasons but perfect trial is totally possible) but the recording is way too long and chunky and I need to process it first (the processing part is so much more difficult than even doing the damned perfect trial with one of the duo at a time what the hell).
-And yes I announced long ago that I would create a set of save files to help kickstart the game from any point as a sort of live reference material or for whichever other need. I called it the sum total of all projects because what it meant for me is that I could review any situation, detail, animation, in game more conveniently and base future projects off of it. HOWEVER, creating multiple saves is a super buggy process in which I accidentally started a new world in which I had all the skill points and character progression despite all the enemies still being there (how). So with my laptop storage cussing me out and my cloud storage in absolute disarray I'm literally the "this is fine" meme rn and am scared to death I'll lose like my actual save files.
-With all that gibberish I forgot some of the memes and artworks I wanted to make for the game but another IMPORTANT thing I have in mind is my contribution to the fanzine. I have not started this but fingers crossed I create at least one thing for the fanzine by the end of August.
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