#if you want to get into it i say play splat 2 but also dont even bother people are fucking sweats man.
raredrop · 1 year
as someone who went from fearing chargers, to sometimes using chargers, to maining them (and by them i mean mostly just the e-liter scope i used more in 2 than i do now)
watching people who do not play chargers play the e-liter for the first time or any sort of reason i just go YUP THATS IT START CRYING UNTIL U HIT A SICK SNIPE AND THEN BASK IN UR SECONDS OF FAME THAT NO ONE ELSE CARES ABOUT
#like i was a shooter main through 1 and 2 with some dabbling in various weapons in 2 usually chargers#during the rock paper scissors splatfest i said this was gonna be the start of me actually maining the eliter#id say in 2 my main was like...the jr.....#im also not into competitive play...i like watching videos going into things but im casual and ranked is something i only...sometimes play#but not enough to rank#chargers are like either confidant in their playing or like me stressed#and tho i cant say im like a pro charger despite the time i put into the eliter....i mean its still me after all#it is very...different from the other classes bc most of the time ur not gonna be good at holding a fight up close unless u get VERY lucky#but thats just me and i am maining the slowest charger with a scope#also watching someone talk about the comp nature of splat and how chargers will probably pick up the ballpoint like#i DO not like splatlings...way too awkward for me to play#i get one in salmon run its over its over hang up ur slops bc its over#the cool thing about the eliter is that sometimes you'll match with people who just want to leave you alone#the not cool thing is that people will also very much want to chase you down bc u got caught#mid repositioning#again im not a splat pro i just play casually so ur not gonna get actual good tips from me#also sorry if anyone acutally reads my tag rants bc they can get really long and idk why i dont kjust put all of this in the post itself any#anyway....
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gochujangst · 2 months
I just got horribly destroyed my hits weren't even landing when they totally were 😭 why is this game so ass
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 2 years
Splatoon 3: Turf War Tips!
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Turf War is kind of crazy in this game, so as someone who's had some pretty good success, I'd like to share some tips that have personally helped me!*
*NOTE: I stress PERSONAL, these are not always universal experiences! But they may help you if you try 'em out!
Problem #1: I keep losing the Turf Wars!
You may have seen the endless debates on "Ink the Base" vs "Push Mid", but for my experience, the best way is honestly somewhere in the middle! (It does change depending on circumstances though) Pay attention to what your teammates do; if they're all inking the base, then you rush mid! If they all rush mid, and you have a good special, you can probably hang back a LITTLE to build special! Don't dillydally and paint every spot though! Save a little for your respawning teammates to build special too.
Remember to watch the map! If you see BIG chunks of uninked turf on your base, you're far more likely to lose. Keep an eye on things in that final minute!
Problem #2: I keep being spawncamped!
UNFORTUNATELY, Turf Wars has become incredibly aggressive. When the match starts, open the map and see if there's a singular line going right for the middle (or even several) with minimal base inking. If so, chances are you've got very aggressive players! Rush mid and secure it as quickly as you can so they can't break in and overwhelm you!
If they seem slower moving, they're likely inking to build their specials! Have a plan and build yours too for the inevitable center fight! Use That Map!!
Problem #3: I keep being splatted over and over!
This one takes awareness of weapon comps and which fights to pick! If you're an Aerospray trying to pick fights with a Splatterscope, you are going to lose 99% of the time.
Work with your team and time your movements properly! If the enemy charger is distracted, don't go for the kill right away; sneak past 'em! Get some turf, build some special, spam 'em with a bomb or two when you're in a safer spot!
If something outranges you, have a plan of attack, AND a plan of escape. Don't rush in blindly to fight everyone you see! (TRUST ME, I SPEAK FROM PAINFUL EXPERIENCE...) Also PLEASE utilize those Sub Weapons and Special Weapons! I see too many people with 0 Specials out in an entire 3 minute match. You have options! Use them!!
Problem #4: MY TEAMMATES SUCK!! >:(
DONT HAVE MUCH FOR THIS'N SADLY. You can't control what your team does! If they keep dying a lot, hang back, build specials, and just ink what you can! Don't go out alone unless you are 100% sure you can win some fights. Use 'em for distractions if you need to! Lurk near the ones who keep being picked off and get an easy flank on the enemy!
Problem #5 (Ranked): No one does the Objective!
I'm sorry to say this, but YOU have to do the objective in this case 👀💦
"But my weapon role--" I know, I know...You may be a slayer weapon and your job is to push in and pressure them, and no one's on the tower, or grabbing the Rainmaker! Believe me, I feel your pain.
But if you want YOUR Rank to climb, unfortunately you can't always count on your randos to do the job for you. If no one's doing it, you gotta take it upon yourself to get that lead!
It's not fair, but it's the only way to stay winning. Don't ignore the objective just because you expect others to do it. Just do it!
Final Advice: Losses will happen! You will get stomped, camped, and maybe even bagged. Matchmaking genuinely doesn't exist, and sometimes we just have to take a deep breath and realize the game WILL throw us in very unfair matches. Try not to sweat it!
It doesn't mean you're necessarily bad at the game.
If you're losing like 10+ in a ROW...There maaay be some work you gotta do on your own approach, which is okay! It's okay to learn! Figure out where you struggle and think of how you can counter it!
Being splatted too much? Be more cautious with which fights you pick! Can't seem to get splats? Maybe you need another weapon! Can't seem to play well with any weapon? Check your gear! Maybe you need to swap some abilities in and out! Getting too tilted/angry? PLEASE TAKE A BREAK...Playing angry almost NEVER ends well. Try again later!
Hopefully some of these will help improve your game! Don't be afraid to try new things and even be a little unconventional! You'll never know what works if you don't try!
Good luck out there!
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crest-of-gautier · 8 months
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i am pleased to say that i have gotten to evp 999 on gone fission hydroplant for the first time! it took a lot of grinding and reflecting to get here, but it was such a fun rotation ✨
some thoughts under the cut....!
i think the best part of this grind was that i could start at EVP 300 rather than EVP 40. i say that, but i still spent a good 124 jobs getting there... whoops!
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this wouldn't have been possible without getting the bronze and silver badges first, which i wrote about here! i still stand by what i said in this post about key traits in salmon run players.
i feel that the key to my success can be boiled down to being able to rotate around the map and not overlap with what my teammates are doing- leaning into weapon strengths, all while flexing to other things when things go unaddressed.
for anyone curious about how the journey went, i streamed some of it on twitch!
EVP 575 -> 695 (Day 1) | 1 hour and 56 minutes
EVP 695 -> 865 (Day 2) | 8 hours and 11 minutes
while i did peak at EVP 935 on that second stream- as you can see, i quickly fell off of it (and i think you can figure out why).
i could talk about what i liked about my gameplay as well as what i didn't do well, but i think the vods speak for itself (and i usually made some kind of comment at the end of each shift as to what mistakes i did or what i could've done differently).
but i think the most important reminder of this particular grind was how important it is to take breaks while playing. my push from evp 865 to evp 999 was all done off-stream, after i ate dinner, took a shower to decompress and release tension, etc etc!
this push ended up taking around an hour- and all of the shifts were successful (well, except one). i don't think i can stress enough how important it is to take a break away from the game while doing these pushes, because i performed way better that time around.
i think it is evident to anyone who watches the twitch vod that i start getting really fatigued near the end. my movements aren't as sharp; i'm very sluggish. and the way i talk about the game too, is evident of how tired i was.
i still wanted to give an earnest attempt at grinding because i thought that: "well, if i'm able to clear 333% when fatigued, imagine doing it when my sense are actually sharp!" i had 4-5 hours to spare after the stream, and i'm glad i chose to try again in a better state. it was nice to clear HLM for the first time on a regular rotation!
i also feel pretty well attuned to snatchers on this map too now, which is lovely! i did feel that was something i was weak at, previously, but now it's more of a habit for me now which is good! :3c
anyway! fun rotation. of the weapon loadout, i feel like i've got a lot to learn about the s-blast, especially with ink management (i noticed that i died a lot because i couldnt ink paths to move around...). e-liter, while a bit slow compared to splat charger, can be immensely powerful if you can aim well under pressure. sploosh and splattershot are gods and i dont think i need to elaborate on that.
this is a very positive note for me to end my chill season 2023 on- i'll probably only be playing the chargers only challenge + eggstra work before shifting completely into reload (though i may still hop on from time to time)... i think eggstra work will be a cakewalk after doing a bunch of 333% runs hehe 😎
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0clu · 2 years
slipknot x splatoon because i feel the need to combine my interests all the time
originally i was gonna have all 12 here but i decided to keep it as the original 9 we all know and love since i hardly even know the new members.. i would have loved to have them under here tho
so basically these guys arent really an actual team (yet) but they do have scrimages with eachother. like all the time. everyone has basically the same traits and personalities as their irl human counterparts.
i went off of vibes i get from them btw
#0 Sid Wilson
• he has the rat/ray tail
• most annoying skirmisher..
• inkbrush main all day
• sucks at zipcaster and corey berates him for it
• A rank isnt treating him well but he doesnt care. hes just having fun (joyful little guy he is)
• loves qr ssu and ninja squid
• you know he has the record player in his locker
• dj
#1 Joey Jordison
• reliable frontline slayer
• if the dapple dualies has only 1 fan on earth its him.
• also plays jr and sploosh 7
• could get top 500 if he wanted to but he doesnt care much abt it
• prefers nouveau to vanilla despite its special
• still pops reefslider like its splashdown
• plays in a band
#2 Paul Gray
• midline
• average mini splat/nautilus main
• misses the zink variant from years ago (the old bubbler)
• just your basic S ranker, good but not the best
• comes up with the wackiest comp ideas
• "what if we all used weapons with splash wall as the sub... or quad big bubbler on tc"
#4 Jim/James Root
• anchor
• heavy splatling, ballpoint
• came from greater inkopolis (is that what they call it?)
• him moving made his rank reset from S back down to B- so now hes scared to touch ranked
• "im a backline, man... what if my teammates are fucking braindead?" ion know
• new to the group so doesnt really know these guys
• got in from a tryout session
#3 Chris Fehn
• midline slayer
• used to be insane with the sting ray special before it got banned
• shotpro main and jet dick rider for life
• never thought abt gear building until like a year ago, its amazing how he even got to X rank running opening gambit on jet.
• pinocchio mask in his locker he sometimes wears to turf war
#5 Craig "133" Jones
• slayer
• wiper. lives and dies by the sword
• he just kinda popped up one day
• ...
• him talking is like a big foot sighting
• really good. like... super good... almost mick level
• everyone wonders what the hell he mained before splatanas were a thing
• well decorated locker. nice color theory
#6 Shawn Crahan
• anchor but can be mid for faster comps
• explo is his babby. slosher is nice too
• 'they dont know i served in the octarian army'
• was basically the groups leader 24/7 until corey came
• his strongest feat is making strategic decisions and pop up plans for the team
• has been S+/X rank for yearsss
• probably responsible for some of the map callouts you hear today (ex. skipper pavilion, blackbelly skatepark)
• his locker has a dried squid corpse playing a miniature drum set inside
#7 Mick Thomson
• as anchor as it gets
• "do you ever play anything other than 5k??" "...5k scope"
• frequent top 500 in tc and rm
• wants the original eliter 4k to make a comeback
• evil charger main #666
• will talk you to death about chargers and their history
• his locker just has a singular eliter in it
• "come into MY house, suck MY dick, call ME gay?!?" incarnate
#8 Corey Motherfuckibg Taylor
• the most "splatlands born and raised 💀" guy ever
• aggro midline
• 💞flingza💞, stamper
• hates big swig it feels like a knock off flingza to him
• S rank isnt treating him well and he does care. bro is suffering
• some know him as "the great big mouth"
• no ass unfortunately
• shawn saw him in turf war once and immediately went and got him to join his team afterwards
• was found as a soggy flingza main but gradually learned to have great team spirit and become a good leader :D
• just kinda puts shit in his locker.
• joey says he has frontman energy
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trevanent · 2 years
part 2!! and now for some buffs!! well rounded are weapons that i read as just passable but that feel a bit limited, i like playing a lot of these but often feel a bit cloystered by their underwhelming aspects and think theys hould be tuned upa bit to rly feel fun!
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participation trophy weapons
sploosh o matic: god what the fuck is even going on with this one. its been buffed in some goofy ways as sis with insane object damage and a unique swim speed effect that reall has no justification lore wise. but yeah its still so silly and rekegated to ambush attacks. honestly i would just reduce its shot rng, i know its a spray shooter but its not rly a good painter cos of how stupidly short its range is, so making it slightly more cpaable of killing from more than point blank could make it just a bit more threatening of a supportish skirmisher!
splattershot jr. : an actually good support shooter! the ink tank buff is very fun even if the bombs piss me off.but this is sans bombs balancing (imo splat bombs and burst bombs should both be nerfed p notably but thats another subject), it actually wants to paint, so instead of rng reduction, if say just make its jump rng less severe by default by a little bit to give it a little bone :)
l-3 nozzlenose: a silly guy :) i honestly v much agree w the notion that of the semi sutomatic shooters its gooft it has jump rng unlike the rest given the rest of its drawbacks feel fair enough. give it perfect jump accuracy :) ill pick it up again then. maybe a bit worse falloff in case that makes it a little too strong tho
range blaster: rsnge blaster is my glorious lover. id say shed be perfect if the base jump rng wasnt so bad. this, on top of making intensify action slightly more effective for blasters across the board, would make them less gesr dependent and more fun to experiment with gear for, and also just less agonizing to move around with
splat roller: straight up, rollers just feel so pathetic without a good painter. just buff its damage in a similar way to dynamo roller and make its roll speed slightly booster by run speed. in general though i cam up witha concept for all rolling weappns to reach max roll speed fast and to have an option to drop their flick to immedistely start rolling. this would make them actuay feel like they have a mobility option, and their roll ink efficiency should be buffed a bit. roll sucks horridly anyways so i think this option wouldnt be too much of a buff for roller, just makes it easier to get away or move thru enemy ink in certain situations! i also laid out that rollers flick cancel shoukd have mroe end kag depending on the roller, light rollers and brushes can even do it (ink brush too even if its silly) they can all do it almost instantly since they cant immediately kill with roll anyway. i shouldve mentioned this before oh well. anywaus thats all i think splat roller would need to be more fun :)
flingza roller: flingza is only good cos of its fat paint rly, its apparently good at fighting too but sheesh i dont love its vertical flick min damage at max range. i rly dont get why its minimum damage cant be 45 :p i think thatd be all it needs cos i do get how the weapon can be kinda strong as is along with cancellable flicks and mobility implemented
octo brush: implement cancellable flicks! give it run speed boostie! and return its melee hitbox so you can kill faster at point blank its fun!
bamboozler 14 mki: boost the damage!!! to 91!!!! irs crazy how much you could boost its damage with mpu before honestly but yeah sometimes its annoying how rare those random one shot combos from teammates can feel now. i think this and increasing its shredding power would be great for varying good counters to hp specials and boost bamboos fight. also, everyone ntoe these buffs all assume better special balance soon so that you dont freak out abt nerfing splatana object damage
ballpoint splatling: bp is scary honestly, the only thing i would change is giving it better shot celocity for its ling range mode,it feels goofy bow long those shots can take to hit lol
heavy splatling: i almost consideried boosting range, cos honestly heavy sucks without the choke point hp special blitz goin on rn, and it needs a better chance fightign charger. imo it should get a buff similae to the nautilus one, after maps r fixed its charge should let it shoot 14% longer and its shot rng should be reduced a bit so it can more reliably challenge chargers in certain situations!! and then you will all see...
tri stringer: tri stringer feels rly solid after the paint buff honestly, and i like its high ibject damage as a unique strength, however, as things stand, i think given the potential i do think it has, it should be able to charge fast in midair imo thatd make its mobility feel real good
too many flaws pt 1 (i will get to the rest of the list in one final post)
.96 gal: JUST REDUCE THE FUCKING RNG ALREADY GODAMMIT! But inly slightly cos if it git too accurate itd be way too op 😭 it still has to be kinda bad, but it should be able to paint a little better to make up for it :p and make its base jump rng penalty a little lower for the sillies cos it is still oretty fkawed design wise. a little smthn smthn
aerospray: keep it a five shot but buff its damage. make it do like 24.5 for better dps and damage vs objects also boost its range a little bit and i think making it have zero penalty for jumping, since every spray shooter seems to have some kindof unique trait to itself, and i think aerospray would actually have reasons to be played in higher level matches! after all, its rng is already bad enough lmao
splattershot nova: honestly this shits so fun and i kinda am glad im the end they didnt make it the new dualie squelcher . just lower its rng a bit so it can fit a bit better cos the five shot kill is bad enough as is even if its rng doesnt worsen over time 😭 its bad enough as is. the paint buff was excellent, and buff its damage to 24.5 like aerospray for dps reasons and boom bobs yer uncle
splattershot pro: i heavily agree with chara that it should just get a damn fire rate buff, but also a bit of a damage buff by a few damage points for better object damage, and i feel its strafe speed a lil buff, yeah its a long range shooter but it feels relatively fast strafe speed is a staple for splattershots so :p
h-3 nozzlenose: LITERALLY just reduce the endlag by like. two frames and h-3 will feel usable. id even go so far as to make its range just slightly longer, give it a unique range value like squeezer, cos if squeezer gets that much range but not h-3 come on!!!
luna blaster: unironically reduce its endlag. like by literally two frames to make it feel nicer i guess, and give it a bit better object damage multipliers to set it apart a bit more from the other blasters and octobrush!!
carbon roller: give it all rhe roller cancellability and mobility buffs! and faster max speed to make it better at mobility and better roll ink efficiency. actually make tha tink efficiency fairly signifcant so it can use the hell out of its roll for mobility , and make its roll do 80 just for fun! better silly combos. give it better damage scaling to make up for mpu and give it a higher minimum damage honestly, to make up for how worthless it is for getting thru mid , and make its horizontal flick just a liiiiitle longer range cos it feels silly how pathetic that feels sometimes. also its horizontal flick should paint a bit better to give it a bit something extra. cos in mt ideal world burst bonbs should be nerfed decently and i love carbon deco but . yeah
dynamo roller: CANCELLABILITY AND ALL THE OTHER ROLLER WID EMOBILITY BUFFS!!! the damage buff was huge and honestly i think cancellable flick, although it should have the most lag on cancelling its flick, would be huge for minimizing its horrendous weakness to splatbombs. also heres a real fun idea i just had, it should be able to crusb bombs. itd be super risky and situationaly but with the roll speed changes itd be more doable in certain situations for a bit of cheese and an anti bomb option, which i think this game needs a bit more if honestly. finally, i think its min damage should be raised to 47 and its horizontal flick should paint more consistently!!! how fun how unique!! :3
stay tuned!!
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hometownrockstar · 5 years
Ok by popular demand (aka me wanting to info dump about my main) here is my epic splat brella guide!! follow this guide and you will be a brella pro hopefully! :) remember that you can succeed at anything with a little bit of practice and dedication, and you’ll need that if you wanna use a brella bc it is... a difficult weapon. i will put this under a cut bc i wrote a lot of stuff! but if you check it out then thank you!
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The Brella’s Shots: I tend to compare the brella’s shots to a blaster in my mind due to the shape of its shots and that it almost has indirect and direct shots, though it still functions differently. Indirect shots are when you hit the opponent with a fall off shot or with your aim slightly off, making not all of the pellets in your shot land their full damage. This can make a splat either a 2 shot kill (2 directs or 1 direct and a close enough indirect) or a 3-4 or more shot kill based on how close your other shots hit. There’s also a 1 shot kill where you hit the opponent with a direct and hold your brella open right after it and walk into them with it open, splatting them with the brella shield’s 30 damage hit. A very fun and quick way to splat opponents, but pretty situational as its super close range, good for ambushes and flanking though.
Splatting Strategy: The best strategy is to get in close to your opponents, not playing based on your range unless your trying to pick off fleeing opponents as that lowers the damage of your shots, and if you dont land/dont believe you’ll land your second shot then you start to open your brella while your opponents shooting at you, closing it and shooting when you predict they’ll stop shooting, rinse and repeat. its somewhat risky unless you make sure not to let them flank you while your brella’s open, or if they run out of ink, or they happen to miss their shots, or you predict their movements correctly. Getting your shots to land is similar to chargers (and probably blasters) in my experience, in that you have to shoot where you’ll predict your opponent is going to go. if you can master this then you’ll be a brella master! I’d also recommend playing on low sensitivity if you use motion controls as it makes your shots easier to aim, i play at around -2.5!
Weapon Advantages/Disadvantages: Weapons to watch out for are blasters (their shots will usually ignore your brella if they shoot slightly to the side or up. Flank them from the side or the back), sloshers (not the biggest problem unless they shoot at you from above), other brellas (theyre gonna try to predict when your shield is down, try to do the same to them but get the upper hand on them! Getting the first shot on them is crucial) and dualies (their rolls can cause issues when predicting where to shoot. Using the 1 shot/brella kill is recommended for them). Weapons you have an advantage over are rollers (easy to predict when they’ll stop attempting to hit you, allowing you to block and shoot efficiently) chargers and splatlings (you can block their quick-killing shots and hit them while theyre charging, but make sure to time it right) and shooters (watch out for close range and fast firing shooters however as they might splat you before you can even get your shield up.)
Maps And Terrain Advantages: Corners and tight corridors are your friends, and your friends are your friends as well! Shooting at opponents while in a corner or corridor can prevent the enemy from flanking behind you, and backing an opponent into a corner can be an easy 1 shot/brella kill. Some good splat brella maps are Blackbelly Skatepark, Moray Towers, Walleye Warehouse, and Port Mackerel. If you’re being overwhelmed by an opponent or two, try keeping your brella open and let a teammate splat them while theyre shooting at you. This weapon is a major support and assist weapon, its recommended that you dont go out of your way for kills unless theyre retreating or you have an advantage over them. Also be careful about getting into 2v1s, you’re basically certain to get splatted if youre outnumbered and dont have a teammate nearby. If you need to retreat try sending out your brella and superjumping back to base or swimming backwards, otherwise sending out your brella is mostly useless. i’d recommend getting the timing for when your brella automatically sends off so you can maximize how much you can hold it open. 
Game Modes: this weapon excels in splat zones, tower control and turf war the most, it paints very well and is good at charging its special to provide support with ink storm (or splat bomb rush if you use the sorella brella). this may sound obvious but this weapon is a defensive weapon in ranked, youre gonna wanna stay in the zone or on the tower and block any enemies from trying to get in. be sure to move around a lot and have a easy path to retreat in case multiple enemies try to come for you at once, though since tower control and splat zones are restricted to small areas retreating doesnt always have to be an option cause your teammates might be close enough to give you a hand. also always get on the tower! always!!! you can aim upwards and shoot your pellets over the tower to scare off anyone trying to climb on from the other side, and when you get on you can stop them from climbing on with your shield. try to block shots instead of shooting at opponents while the tower is moving, unless they are distracted and within splatting range. enemies swimming towards you and not shooting are very easy to pick off however.
Specials: For specials, i dont have much to say about the sorella brella bc i dont use it, i much prefer the more defensive splat brella kit as it compliments the weapon’s playstyle better imo. Try to throw your ink storm as soon as you get it as you’ll charge it pretty steadily with your sprinkler and with how good the brella is at painting, but if there are no enemies around try to wait till several opponents are in one place or when theyre trying to make a push in ranked and throw it to support your teammates. After your rain has been going on for a while you can look for damaged retreating opponents and catch them off guard with an easy 1 or 2 shot splat.
Tips: A tip regarding superjumping is that you can hold your brella open as you land back into the fray, meaning that chargers can’t splat you as you come in, and it can allow you to either retreat from other spawncampers or try to splat them back instead! 
a fun tip is that bombs blow up automatically on your brella but dont splat you (they can splat your teammates if theyre in front of your brella tho so watch out!), so you can hold your brella open and pop the bomb on it before its supposed to go off, its very good for suction and autobombs and a good way to clear a path in ranked when the opponents are trying to suppress your push. your shield will be destroyed by 2-4 bombs usually. it’ll also break if youre in close proximity to a splashdown or a baller explosion, so if you find yourself in a situation like that just retreat or superjump back to base, cause you wont win without your shield...... unless its a charger, like the kensa charger or goo tuber, in which case you might be able to splat them assuming they dont retreat fast enough!
another tip is with tentamissles, you can sort of block the damage from them if they dont fall directly on top of you and as long as theres not too many, if you find youself backed into a corner bc ur teammates ran past you and the missles surround you try holding your brella up! wont work everytime but its saved me from dumb splats countless times.
EDIT: another tip regarding sprinklers that i forgot to add! you can throw a sprinkler on top of an enemy superjump point and easily splat them with 1 direct or the brella shield as they jump in! sprinkler is really good for bait as well to use to ambush people, as stealth is very important for getting splats with the brella. you can also throw a sprinkler in a certain place where the enemy can come through to keep watch, if you see your sprinkler being destroyed you can alert your team where theyre coming from. i use this technique on the enemy side alley to the right on Ancho-V Games most often!
Gear Abilities: As for gear recommendations, ink main saver is a must due to how many times youre gonna be repeatedly shooting at an opponent, and how you lose ink when you hold your brella open. Special charge up is good for both the splat and sorella brella to allow you to always have a trump card when you need it. Run speed up may be good for strafing while shooting, but i prefer swim speed up to make flanking and chasing retreating opponents easier, as well as retreats. Quick super jump is good as well to allow you to get into the action quickly and to retreat back to spawn fast. Ninja squid is a pretty good ability as well seeing as stealth is your main asset in splatting opponents, but i personally dont run it as i prefer being fast (also i dont have any ninja squid shirt that fit my outfit) Main power up makes your brella come back faster after it’s been destroyed or after letting it go, and with enough you can even regain your brella before your sent-off umbrella has despawned. Though I wouldnt recommend it too much but it might be good for ranked and especially tower control. this is my gear setup, and the only thing i’d recommend is not using a main of quick superjump like me, one or 2 subs would work just as well. i just love quick superjump and those shoes fit my outfit :3c
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fruityotterpop · 5 years
Splat 2 Charger Tips
This post was inspired by @skyplayssplatoon who recently made some tip posts to help out the community
Control Settings - For chargers, a lower sensitivity is usually better in order to keep your aim steady. My personal settings are -2 for motion control sensitivity and +2 for R stick sensitivity. Just like any weapon, test with different settings to see what works best for you. 
 (Sorry analog stick users, I’m not very experienced with those types of controls, if any charger mains want to give their settings in the replies it would be appreciated)
Aiming TIps - Try to practice aiming in the training room before going into any matches. It doesn’t need to be for very long and you don’t need to hit all your targets, but it helps bring your muscle memory back if you haven't touched a charger in awhile or you’ve been using other weapons. 
- If you have the time, change up your aiming practice in the training room too. Don’t just practice shots while standing still. Shoot while moving, from above, from below, while jumping off of ledges etc. These routines may seem tedious, but the practice will stick over time and will make your aim more consistent. 
- Snapping onto your targets is a useful and flashy method for getting kills. This video is a great example of what snapping looks like. However, for less experienced charger players, it’s a bad habit to pickup early on and can actually hinder your aim if you try to rely on it. 
Survival Tips - Splat 1 veterans will remember right-side peeking. The same logic still applies to Splat 2 and is pretty important when you’re facing other chargers. For those that don’t know, this helpful Splat 1 video by Squidkids will explain,
- A lot of chargers panic when enemies get into shooting distance. This usually results in a lot of panicked shots that don’t do a lotta damage. When players are close, try to calm down and hit the target with 2 semi-charged shots (i forget about this one too, so don’t worry if this doesn’t stick right away)
- Scoped chargers have a 5% increase to their range, but don’t get the ability to hold their charge. They also lose their field of vision when they zoom in. Try not to stay zoomed in for too long, because you may not see any enemies trying to sneak up on you.
- BOMBS. Chargers with bombs are godlike (imo). They’re the most useful and readily available method of keeping enemies away from you when they get too close. A tip @radiogirl15 taught me was to aim the bomb around your feet when you think you’re going to die. You’d be surprised with how many kills you can get when squiddos and octos aren’t expecting it. 
- Don’t be afraid to jump back to spawn. Chargers will find themselves in a pinch more often than not. As you practice, try to learn when to stand your ground and when to fight another day. It doesn’t take much Quick Super Jump to make this effective either. 1 or 2 subs can make a huge difference, try it out sometime!
(Secret tip, try this out in recon mode. Hold Down on the control pad (like you’re saying Booyah!) and quickly press X then A. If you do this correctly, you can superjump back to spawn without even opening up the map! If you want a clearer explanation of this, just ask in the replies or I can setup a video after this post)
Abilities - Similar to settings, abilities are up to player preference. They’re also dependent on what kinda charger you’re playing. There are a ton of chargers in the game now (; ;) so I’ve put the list underneath 
(Also, remember that abilities in Splatoon operate in diminishing returns. Try not to stack more than 1 main and 3 subs of any given ability and give your gear some variety!)
Note: These abilities are just recommendations and are not set in stone. Find out what works best for your own playstyle. Chargers that are empty have the same recommended abilities as their siblings for the same reasons. 
Splat Charger - Ink Saver Main (2 subs can allow you to shoot an extra charged shot from a full ink tank) 
-Ink Saver Sub (BOMBS)
-Ink Recovery Up (Less time in in the ink, more time shooting)
-Swim Speed Up (Helps your survivability, by making you more mobile)
-Quick Super Jump (1-2 subs, i dont wanna be a nag, but i love it)
-Special Charge Up / Special Saver (Mostly used for ranked, Stingray is useful in Rainmaker and Tower Control)
Firefin Splat Charger - 
Special Charge Up / Special Saver (Suction Bomb Rush is good for Splat Zones and Turf War)
Kensa Splat Charger - 
Special Charge Up / Special Saver (Optional for this charger, since Sprinklers helps you get your special really quickly)
Special Power Up (A better replacement for Special Charge Up, 1 main and 3 subs recommended to keep your baller intact in most situations)
Classic Squiffer - Main Power Up (1 main and 2 subs can increase your range to about the same length as a Goo Tuber) 
Swim Speed Up (This charger has the shortest rage out of its class. It benefits from higher mobility to get within distance and run away cause enemies will closer most of the time)
Quick Super Jump
New Squiffer - 
Special Power Up (Use for the same reasons as the Kensa Splat Charger)
Fresh Squiffer - 
Ink Saver Sub (The suction bomb is pretty ink greedy, so some Ink Saver Sub comes in handy) (The other 2 Squiffers have less ink greedy subs so they don’t need the ability as much)
Special Power Up (2 subs to 1 main is recommended because it increases the splash damage from your inkjet shots - makes it easier to land shots basically)
-The 3 Squiffers are pretty flexible and are mostly up to personal preference when it comes to which abilities you want to run
E-liter 4K - Main Power Up (1 main or 1 main and 1 sub is recommended, the increased turf coverage can help build up special quickly too)
Swim Speed Up (Since heavyweight weapons were buffed in patch 4.3.0 it doesn’t take as much swim speed up its weight class) (recommended amount from as few as 2 subs to 1 main 3 subs)
Ink Saver Main (2 subs grants one more fully charged shot with a full ink tank, 1 main grants two more fully charged shots with a full ink tank)
Special Charge Up (When you use your special, your ink tank automatically refills) (Use your specials wisely in order to keep your ink tank in the green)
Ink Resistance Up (With low mobility, this weapon can suffer from being stuck in enemy ink) (1-2 subs is recommended)
Ink Recovery Up (This weapon needs a lottttttt of ink)
Quick Super Jump
Custom E-liter 4K - 
Ink Saver Sub (Optional, but beakons are expensive)
Sub Power Up (Help your teammates out by getting them to your beakons faster) (If they use your beakons lol)
Special Power Up (Patch 4.6.0 buffed special up for bubbles so you don’t need as much) (2 subs to 1 main of special power up is recommended) 
Bamboozler 14 Mk I - Main Power Up (2 mains and 7 subs / or 3 mains and 4 subs will get you to the damage cap of 99.9 damage)
Ink Saver Sub (The curling bomb is a useful mobility option and if you hold the bomb it can make a great defensive option)
Ink Resistance Up (The bamboozler is the only charger that doesn’t make complete lines of ink when it isn’t fully charged) (You’re bound to get stuck sometime so this ability comes in handy)
Quick Super Jump
Bamboozler 14 Mk II - 
Ink Saver Sub (The sub isn’t as threatening or ink greedy so not highly recommended for this version)
Bamboozler 14 Mk III - 
Special Power Up (Like the Custom E-liter, use it to increase the size and damge radius of your bubbles)
Goo Tuber - Special Charge Up (Splashdown is a good panic special that can take enemies by surprise when they get too close) (Having the special more often helps especially)
Ink Saver Sub (Gee suction bomb! Why do you get 70% of the ink tank?)
Swim Speed Up (With more time to hold a charge, having more speed grants you more opportunities to utilize this unique ability)
Quick Super Jump
Custom Goo Tuber - 
Special Power Up (Same with the New Squiffer, helps with the inkjet)
Scoped Variants -  Same recommended abilities as their unscoped variants. 
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ashenberry · 2 years
Hi Ashen! Grace here! Okay, for your ask game:
1. If you could have an AA Game spin-off focusing on a lawyer we haven't seen as a playable protagonist yet, who would it be and why? (Bonus if you have any hc for plot/cases)
2. If you could main any weapon in Splatoon 1/2 without having to learn/take the time to learn it, which would be your dream weapon/kit? (Either one your love or one you think is cool and wish you could master)
3. What Video Game are you Completely Normal About™️ that you wish more people would know about/play?
Anyhow- have a good day! -🍮
WAH. someone who hasnt been a playable protagonist... probably WAIT I WNJDAOOIWS sholmes investigations ofc. avoiding getting into too many dgs spoilers i think a game of him and watson during then (if you know you know) would be incredibly fun however i have trouble convincing people of this because i just want "more sholmes" and they want to see what happens to the "main cast" and "sholmes cant carry a game hes comic relief" fools. non believers. AGAIN i dont wanna get too in to it because. dgs spoilers :3c ok i was incredibly normal about question 2 so its going under a cut
2. YOU HAVE NO IDEA THE CONUNDRUM YOU PUT ME IN bc like. weapons i want to insta master would be chargers & blasters WHICH I DONT HAVE EXPERIENCE IN so i DONT KNOW LIKE a good dream kit :lc sajoidajkodk ill do one for each game tho Splatoon 1: E-Liter w/ Burst Bomb & Kraken. This is basically combining its 2 kits into a really agressive kit for when it gets flanked. does it have synergy w/ the main weapon? lol probably not but what are they gonna do when i have kraken AND burst bombs Splatoon 2: Carbon Roller w/ Burst Bombs & Ultra Stamp. WAH carbonnnn got. i cant say fucked but it got really weak kits compared to the first game. first games burst bomb / inkzooka combination was INCREDIBLY powerful giving it insane moment options and a special w/ range. honestly the perfect kit for it. and then the carbon deco build had the only seeker rush in the game <- seeker lover) and seekers also really helped with movement, the same way curling does with normal roller but in 2 they gave the vanilla kit fuckin. autobombs which are arguably the weakest bombs. at best they can let u know if someones in the area and they CAN kill but honestly i would perfer. torpedos or omg. fizzy can that would be baller but they werent in game when carbon dropped so. and its special is ink storm which honestly? not half bad. wouldnt mind it honestly but i never use vanilla carbon cause the sub sucks. carbon deco got burst bomb carbons best friend the ideal sub weapon for the weapon BUT THEN THEY GAVE IT AUTOBOMB RUSH WHICH IS THE WEAKEST BOMB RUSH IN THE GAME it doesnt kill like splat/sunction bomb rush, doesnt paint like curling bomb rush, and u cant fuck someone over w/ it like burst bomb rush. its most useful for popping the rain maker shield but it loses to like. everything but burst bomb rush if someone also used their bomb rush to pop it. WAH THAT WAS A LOT OF CARBON TALK anyways i think ultra stamp would be better because 1) close range quick kills when u flip with it 2) its the best at popping the rain maker shield 3) u can throw it giving carbon a ranged option 4) omg its such a fun special anyways im sorry for being normal about carbon are we still friends
3. GOD is there a game im normal tm about that im not normal about on here :lc gduiahjdsnkam idk lol i like mario & luigi dream team u should play that uhh. wah i got nothing :(
0 notes
My Experience With Splatoon 2
I’m gonna ramble off some stuff about what I’ve experienced so far! (Bear in mind this may not be AMAZING advice, you may learn/do better with a different approach, so take this with a grain of salt. It’s just what worked for me!)
Under the cut cause LONG LMAO;; (Sorry Mobile Users!)
-Complete Single Player Mode (Trust Me) -Experiment with weapons! You may find a new fave that works for you! -When you’re feeling low or not skilled, just focus on making money/getting experience! You get it even if you lose. Just ink a lot! -Remember that you’re up against a lot of people who played for 2 years in Splatoon 1. You aren’t a bad player, it’s a very steep difficulty curve to start! -We all started as bad players. Give yourself time! Team up with old pros and learn their tips! -If you’re REALLY feeling the salt, PLEAAAASE STEP BACK FROM THE GAME. I know we all wanna just get ONE win to feel better, but when we’re angry and heated, it can be harder to focus and it can make it worse. Take a 10 minute break and try again! -Stop blaming your teamies for EVERYTHING. I get that we all get stuck with bad teammates from time to time, but remember everyone’s trying. Sometimes the other team is just better; it doesnt mean your team sucks every time you lose. You just got put up against a better coordinated set of players!  -If you have some bad games, figure out why! Are you getting splatted a lot? Is it because you charge in too much, or aren’t very good at sneaking? Do you get cornered a lot? Use these to learn how to do better!
Turf Wars:
-If someone squidbags you, remember that they’re TRYING to get you angry. I get annoyed too but ultimately it’s a cheap tactic to slip ya up. Keep a cool head! -REMEMBER TO INK!! Turf isnt about killing, I’ve seen (and been) the person who gets 10 kills or more LOSE.  -However, a few kills definitely can help the cause. Balance it 50/50! Ink as you go! It can stop the enemy players from inking more. -If you keep going the same way and getting splatted, rethink your approach! It’s okay to hide out for a few and look for an opening!  -I’ve sacrificed myself as a distraction for Spawncampers! If you can slip past them and make a beeline for their base, chances are at least 2 of them will chase after you. They want you DEAD, but that means their hold on your base is weaker. It’s okay if you die a lot trying, but if you can break their camping, you can save your team the game!! EMBRACE BEING SPLATTED /dies -If you get the lowest score, don’t sweat it! It happens. Everyone has bad days/games. -Always look for side areas or higher up points! You can get an advantage of seeing where people are going and can either dive down or sneak past them. -Remember that it’s just turf wars! Don’t take it too hard. People may PLAY like it’s Ranked, but in the end it’s just a normal regular mode. Ranked Mode:
-If you love yourself, don’t play this mode /dies -RECON FIRST!! There’s a lot of new maps and my first matches were stuck trying to find where the tower/zones/pedestal was. Dont make my mistake, learn your map FIRST before going in! -Only your best gear and weapons here! You’re going to need it. -People are AGGRESSIVE. They are sneaky, they will employ any tactic possible whether fair or unfair to beat you. This is the mode to throw out all your fair-playing and pull out whatever it takes to win. -Try not to bee-line to their spawn to camp unless you’re WAY ahead. Your teamies need you out there, they dont need a 3v4 match in this mode. Help them!! -With the Rainmaker, it’s better to get some distance than no distance at all. Even if it keeps exploding in your hands every time you die, it’s precious seconds of respawning the Rainmaker that gives your teammates time to plan or attack to get ahead. Dont let it get closer to your base UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!! -With that being said, DONT BE AFRAID TO GRAB IT!! Unless you’re in a team with friends and have a specific plan on who’s best at carrying it, just try your best!! It helps to clear out some enemy players first, but if time’s ticking down and it’s close, JUST MAKE THE JUMP -With Splat Zones, be careful not to focus TOO much on filling that square. People will sneak around to your side or behind you to splat you! Be aware at ALL times.  -Also try to block some of their ink paths or wall paths! It can help slow ‘em down a little. -Tower Control, I’m actually pretty bad at. I’d say the biggest tip for this is let ONE person ride the tower and the rest of you work on defending it! Dont all group up on the tower, it makes you a very easy group-kill. -Bear in mind that little bar on the tower CAN block attacks. Rollers struggle with this a little, so dont try to attack behind that bar or your shots/swings may be blocked. -If your rank drops, it’s okay! It just means you start from square one and can learn and practice new tactics! Every loss is a learning experience. -PLEASE LOVE YOURSELF DONT PLAY RANKED
Salmon Run:
-PROTECT!! YOUR TEAMMATES!! PLEASE WE NEED YOU, IT CAN GET HECTIC BUT WE NEED ALL 4 PEOPLE ALIVE AND FIGHTIN’!! Getting the Quota is the only important part, a high score is nice but NOT at the risk of losing it all. -For the Steelhead Eel, I like to be the one to guide it along a specific path so my teamies have better access to its tail and can shoot it for me -If you’re stuck with a weapon you dont like, remember there are subs and specials to help!! -A big tip is to save both specials for Wave 3, unless you ABSOLUTELY need it to survive Wave 2. Only use one if possible. -Watch out for the small fries!! THEY’RE LIL ANKLEBITERS THAT CAN SPLAT YA BEFORE YOU NOTICE ‘EM -You dont have to take out every boss, but try to take out the worst ones. For me it’s the missile launcher, the stingray, and the Maw thing -I HAVENT PLAYED A TON YET SO THATS ALL I GOT, basically work together, get good practice with each weapon, and if you lose, it’s okay!! It’s better to play with friends, but I’ve honestly gotten some VERY skilled strangers on Freelance mode so, dont be afraid to take your chances!
ANYWAY WOW THAT WAS A LOT, if you have any questions or wanna dispute/suggest any extra advice, hit up my ask box so I can post it for others to see/learn! 
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pepperpaprika · 7 years
S3 Squeeing
Under the cut, mostly nonsense. :’D I’ll do a proper review once I digest it maybe!
First watch, no subtitles, GO.
(I’m sorry about name spellings)
huh they still have the same opening.
ah yes the zarkon shiro moaning
ahhh i forgot the robovoiceover thing the bom have need to add.
skirts seem to be a status symbol with galra.
oooh nice torpedo, hunk!
omfg an actual parade.
pooegian? aw cute name. im seriously getting avatar flashbacks tho.
planet keffron, feathery ears
freedom fighters.
intergalactic fashion pirate coran- YES
lance is all about the glory lmao
you can tell they ALL know they stepped on keiths landmine.
this guy is hunched.... OMG SHES A CHAMELEON.
galra empire is most massive... it seems like it could rule another ten thousand years.
poor boy.
oh hey pizza roll and pig in a blanket.
LOTOR a;lskdas;klj -Exiled prince -halfbreed at best, no honor -generals can fight for the throne -fighting beside your forces is considered lowly.
alskdjaskdjaskldj;asjkd;lasjkd;laslk;jdlasjk;dklajsd HES SHORT
Your own agression is your undoing.
oh he was expecting to be killed wasnt he.
arena is to the death confirmed.... so how did that robeast survive.
I mean sure theres an audience but still.
oh wow that guy has wolverine hands.
pet the kitty
let him rot with the ice worms~
LOL theyre all looking at lance... i guess they agreed beforehand.
nice seaside mediterranean city
is that an elephant?
whoah chameleon girls antenna is super long.
HOW DID THEY LAND GENTLY. oh i see... hmn ita racial.
whoah. she strong.
oh my god. HES THERE.
well i like how chameleon girl is like ty lee
LOL how allura chose the colors.
aw ladies first.
LOL PIDGE. lajkasdjasl;kdj
30 mins of lance sitting in the lion.
but im not you. i cant beat them like you.
"no black lion"
oh. shes part snake not lizard?  DID SHE HYPNOTIZE HIM
oh. they have warp technology.
Lancey Lance. JUST A PHASE. lmaooooo. HIS BEST LINE.
controls dont respond like the red lions.... hmm..
Allurance shoulder touch. well I didnt see that coming.
There's something different about that lion... its pilot isnt in control.
lol keith thanks coran but not lance. I mean its not his fault this time, technically.
weve seen enough, retreat.
LOL zarkon has a son allura: deeply disturbing.
"I'm glad it was you."
Episode 3
fkljas;kdfsaklj YES GO ONE ON ONE
lol yes this was gonna suck from the start.
man this is a trainwreck.
oh man theyre not gonna be able to form are they.
How disappointing... indeed, Lotor.
oh no keith playing straight into his hands.
nice planet tho.
huh Hunk has been really careful of allura huh :o its kinda interesting that hes the one who woories about her most... ope theres lance
'its not about the team its about the mission" - very telling.
lol he looks like orochimaru in that helmet, lotor.
generals call him lotor. interesting
alkdjasdkjsa NOOOO
oh no hes gonna capture allura first.
ohhh no she dropped into the abyss.
aw shes super scared.
lol yes keith you followed him into his trap.
"oh em gee"
abbb ok she must want to be guided. makes sense.
ahhh there we go 3 eps in before voltron can be formed.
HUNK IM A LEG pretty cool right. IMMORTAL WORDS.
lol allura you were never gonna be the last alteans alive unless youre a lot worse at shapeshifting than you thought.
I love this science talk.
oh its a wormhole.
ahah a time capsule ship of alteans. Nice.
Orrr not.
whoah lots of arms on that one. IS IT SLAV.
wheres slav anyway.
aldfjlkqwlk;jehs ITS THE ACCENT.
"I MAY BE CRAZY"Nice slav.
;ldkaslkak I LOVE ITTTTT
its nice that all the new chars are girls.
alkjd;askdjasjkl;d I CANT EVERY TIME SVEN TALKS.
preservation of life. is the highest prioirty.. interesting...
I love how sven has a mullet.
Voltron can travel between realities. I love this plot device.
ohhhh no. oh nooo. shes doing it WHY ARE YOU SO BLIND.
awww the mice are so SAD.
i cant stop laughing whenever i see Sven.
;lkvsdf;aldkas;lkd LOL SVEN SVEEEN. lol shance with sven?
NOOO DONT TAKE IT TO LOTOR. though thats probably needed to make a comparable weapon to voltron.
alk;sdjaskj SHIRO
oh wait this is a dream isn't it.
whoah. such hair.
wtfffff is happeniiing. STAGE 3??
wow the animation quality went up tho.
hmm thigh wound.
anime snow...
aw haggar, its ok.
Yep thigh wound. Niiiiice legs. oh nooo.shiro.
interesting. an oasis of warmth. ohhhh NO NOO NO. GET AWAY.
lol shiros face. he's so done.
but somethings not adding up.
why was he allowed free?
eiii the return of the term "years"
lol yes why dint they GO WITH HIM.
but how did his hair get so long??
Lotor is on bad terms Haggar. I AM THE LEADER BUT I AM NOT MY FATHER.
holy shit that arm looks like shiros arm.
alksdjasjd OMG MEMORIES.
oh new white undershirt.
"they need you you know." Keith talking about himself.
oomg. omg.
...OH NO
Leave the math to pidge. LOL. solid advice.
LOL keith defers ofc.
oh no.
oh its lotors guards.
lol they believe shiro ofc.
oh so it IS her.
aw yes allura grab lances scruff.
ohhh no. this is a rift.
lotors brains vs shiros brains. hmn.
ooooh no.
I wonder if Throk is still alive and can snitch.
Shoulder touch.
SOFT LOOK. The black lion has chosen you.
landing codes? what? whoa lotor. SO THAT PLAN WAS TO SET UP THROK? HES THAT PETTY??
episode 7
alluras already old there huh
and lions are super recent.
Minerva? Onerva?
oh ships vs clean energy.
why does she sound so dead???
also zarkon used to be so small
so blue lions are flirts. hmn.
isnt it with lance now??
live foreverrr.
Enerva is Haggar??
ohhh thats why his eyes are pink. SO THISIS THE BIRTH OF DRUID MAGIC, THE PARTICLES.
....THATS IT??
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trpg-dingusmaster · 7 years
druid rescue
Todays DMs was running DarkSun and we started almost an hour late because a new girl is joining the group instead of the usual reason- two of the younger players bickering.
the new guy, the halfling in this game, showed up and so did one of the older players, I cant think of what his character is right now, though I got the distinct impression he just wasnt feelin it tonight. I think he mostly showed up to catch up with the other older player and find out about the sunday game.
the new girl is playing a druid which was very handy for the dm because all she had to do to seamlessly add her to the game was to switch out the npc druid we were going to rescue anyway with the new character. I suppose it was nice for the new girl too maybe? She got a pretty good set of time just to observe the group and stuff? I dunno if shes played any games like this before, and she seemed kinda shy or at least very unsure of the group? so the observation period while we formulated the rescue hopefully gave time for acclimation? 
When we last played we went to this dwarf village, trying to make sure they weren’t going to die from poisoned water. the local elven town/fortress was cultivating toxic plants around the oasis- the plants leeched into the water making it deadly to anything non elven- animals included. the dwarves did not receive us well but our cleric gave them like 30+ gallons of water and purified everything they gathered from the poisoned oasis so they eventually decided they were ok enough with us.
they told us they used to work with this druid who would keep the oasis clean for everyone but eventually she just disappeared, turns out the elves kidnapped her and had no intention of releasing her unless the dwarves picked up and left. the dwarves didn’t have much intention to do that as they built their village there so they could uncover the remains of a much older dwarven settlement found there. We agreed to help and rescue the druid.
they gave us a “metal short sword of cure wounds”? we are pretty sure none of us can use the sword as an actual weapon though, I might be able to because of my class and if we have a rogue they should be able to. the dm mentioned some classes are specifically able to use it without an extra skill. I brought it up to her, “ I think because my class is psion I can use it? this pdf says short swords are possible starting equipment for me? I assume that means I can use it?” but she was just like: ”everybody is psionic, its darksun.” and I dunno what to make of that. she’s been pretty snippy with me the last several weeks I’ve gone so I dunno if this was that again or she just misunderstood what I meant?
the halfing took it because he knows he cant use it but somebody having it would prevent fighting over it (though the only ones fighting for it were the ones who also specifically couldnt use it?). and the cleric I guess SHOULD have something to heal with, it just feels right.
on the way we notice a single scout watching over the road, we hide and I ask if I can clairvoyance the place we were going to to see its defenses and stuff is there really just one scout? are there archers watching him? is there a back door, but the dm looked distressed and I know that look- I know I have to tell you because you CAN do that but because story I dont WANT you to do that -so I changed it to see the scout better, whats he up to does he look at ease? is there anyone else around him? the dm liked that much better.
turns out we caught him sleeping on the job.
so we ambush him. the half giant grabs scout and the halfing starts interrogating. we learn that not all the citizens were on board with the kings orders to poison the oasis, it was equal parts needlessly cruel and also just kinda inconvenient because they too have herd animals that need water but... its toxic now....
the halfing then says: so... I take it you dont like your king... what if... YOU were king? Hows that sound?
it sounded very good. The partys new goal is apparently a revolution, putting this random scout in charge of everything. he seemed down with the plan to share the oasis. for good measure we mentioned that since I’ve seen his face I can check on him from ANYWHERE and if he fucked up we’d find out and kill him, eat him, and replace him with a new random person. when a halfing says he’ll fuckin eat you its not an idle threat in darksun.
we kill some sentries and the thrikreen opens the gate for us and we find an elf girl getting attacked by some badies? turns out shes the princess. we save her and she seems to also be on our side but it just felt too easy so of course she betrayed us. every time we rescue somebody so far it hasnt gone well. we killed er before starting on the guards who came to help the princess escape from us.
we wander around a bit and come to the options- go kill the king now or go find the druid. we knew where the king was easy enough but there wer still a lot of places to look for the druid. I clarvoyance and find her in the basement of a tower we hadnt explored yet because t was on the other side of a bridge? the halfling gets tossed by the half giant WAY across the bridge to the tower by the half giant and turns ecoplasmic before splatting to death on the wall and slides through the walls and floors to get to the basement. the rest of us start combat with shit I think she said it was 75 guards? 
every check and save I made I rolled great, now that combat has started in a big way my dice decide this is the time to betray me and I only like two or three times rolled over a 9 while the guards were all ac 10.
thankfully the other half elf and the druid once she and the halfing arrived both have great crowd control abilities. so the guards went from being all blinded by the other half elf to 30 of them being incapacitated by something called wyvern-watch? or whither-watch? for up to 8 hours.  I didn’t hear well, the druid spoke very softly. it was even with my treacherous dice very easy. because of their sheer strength a number of the party members simply had to roll 2 or more to hit and probably 1 shot everything in our way, though we did take a surprising bit of damage for how quick it was. 
next session will address what we do with the 30 incapacitated guards. I suggested giving them the option to swear loyalty to the new king- unnamed scout npc -this was a popular idea however the halfing and half giant have decided that we’e just gonna kill them. to send a message to the over citizens not to oppose their new king or else.... unless it turn out hes actually a dick and wont share the water then whatever fuck him. 
the halfing makes our water, so hes kind of extorted his way into being party leader, so we dont really argue unless its worth it and these 30 assholes are really not worth it. besides I’m very curious how this bloody legacy will effect the new kings reign. assuming the dm does anything with this mess later.
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sleepysplace · 6 years
For a good while i have a very strong desire in my head to just go back to the past, 10 or 15 years ago and just live in a different time, both due to internal and external circunstances.
Im a child of the 90′s tho i dont think i could be considered one of the “90s kids” due to not having almost any memory of the decade itself, but, i did remember the early 2000s to a good extent, not as much as i want to but good enough to have some clear memories in my head. 
Now you could say “The 2000s are another decade” But i cant help but see it as an extensions of the 90s. Think about it, does going from 1999 to 2000 instantly changes the whole culture the second the new decade comes in? Of course not, well maybe a bit but it still takes time for culture to transition as a whole so i got a lot of the 90s merely by being a kid in this transition period so i still got a lot of things that the “90s kids” brag so much about, that includes that olde windows 98 computer, 90s cartoons and even some of the games that came around that decade, i could still feel some of that culture through my early infancy.
Oh boy one of the first things i remember is the fox kids channel, these really different times, instead of some shitty modern minimalistic or realistic visuals we got a nice stylized burst of colors with some goofy ass 3d effects. Instead of trying to look “cool” or modern it just really spoke to kids in their language and even included some goofy ass animations that plended real pictures with silly drawings, i can really describe the way things were announced or narrated but it was kinda loud and goofy (I know i use that word alot but i cant find other way to describe it lol), well, things in the 90s were really loud, just check out any anime dub of that time and you will get that notion.
I also got the “anime boom” of the early 2000s meaning i got to see lots of digimon as well as many crappy anime that never got remembered as well. The fox kids site was really colorful as well and it really showed how limited but also diverse the sites were at the time if compared with today.
Unfortunately fox kids met its end in 2004-2005 when it was replaced with jetix which is better than most garbage we got today but still showed signs of ugly modernization with a limited lifeless color pallete of grays and blues and use of a more minimalistic style.
There isnt much else to say about nickelodeon, most of the same thing except its orange all over that place but i think the visuals of early 2000s nickelodeon was pretty amazing. Instead of this “modern” “clean” pure text logo we had a splat filled with a bazooka font, it was rad and the same messy, colorful and energetic aura could be felt on the whole channel which also had a loud announcer just like fox kids. Nowdays its just a bland, boring modernized text saying “nickelodeon” and thats it, the whole aestethic of the channel was simplified and modernized, same thing happened with cartoon network which i wont talk for now but its mostly the same thing: A colorful channel full of life turned into a modern lifeless shell of its former being.
The internet was also pretty amazing and a big part of my infancy along with 90s informatics in general. We are talking about big fucking monitors with a huuge back end and not a lot of resulution, well, certainly beter than DOS or terminal crap but its shit compared with today. If you could run CS or early tomb raider congrats! You prolly have a gaming pc, so much potency! 
Instead of being stuck to youtube, twitter or furry art sites the internet was an entire world waiting for me to explore, that means i went to every kids TV channel site as well as every kids site i found by ocasion or really anything bright and full of colors that invited me to it, Playing every single clumsy flash game i could find and having a hell of a time just seeing what else could i find.
There wasnt any modern style trends at the time so even as rough as they were you got all sorts of different sites with different identities as opposed to one single site copy pasted probably done on wix or something. The internet was the fucking wild west, no ultramega big corporations (well maybe just a few), no regulations, no SJWs! Just a free land waiting to be explored and colonized by the few who were curious enough to explore it!
The lack of shitty trends and shitty corps also benefited the gaming industry as well, that means more creative games and no fucking empty dead open world copypasta but instead a huge variety of plataformers, rpgs and all kinds of shit, dont get me wrong, we still have variety and creative people but they are being limited by huge shitty companies and lifeless journos.
Being in the ps2 era meant no realistic graphics but it also meant creators had to focus and gameplay and do the best with what they got, just look at shadow of the colossus, that shit looks beautiful even by todays standards and it was pretty exprerimental, shit, the ps2 was the most legendary console to ever exist, point.
It had a huuuge library of amazing games, good fucking graphics (for the time, obviously) and it was goddam easy to run pirate games into it, so much that nearly the entire brazilian market (and i assume the entire latin american market as well) ran on pirated games, seriously, no one would pay 80+ bucks for a game at the time, fuck having 2 games a year, lets have fucking 20! The ps2 also had such good games that it was a nearly monopoly on the console market, nearly nobody had an xbox or gamecube, seriously, all the neightbors and their fucking dogs had a ps2 
I guess you could say what fucked a lot of the entertaiment industry later on were shitty industry trends, big shitty companies becoming shittier every year, excessive modernization of fucking everything and people trying to dictate what should be produced or not.
Shit, this is going to need a part two
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