#if you wanna be cute about it you can probably say that seungri himself asked them not to mention him etc etc because imo he seems the type
bangriseyo · 4 years
#kinda frustrated so i'll just leave this in the tags#but i think it's so entitled of people to be demanding that the BB members speak up about seungri#like... who would want to talk about their brother's traumatising court case#they are aware of the influence their words have and know that the media would go ham over anything they say#they have all hinted in some way to their continued connection to him#i don't really care that ''bb would be nothing without us fans!!!'' because at the end of the day we are not their friends or family#if you wanna be cute about it you can probably say that seungri himself asked them not to mention him etc etc because imo he seems the type#if you think they're loyal enough to keep supporting him privately why do you need evidence of that#idk you can all believe what you want but my only wish is that they support him privately#and possibly mention him at an appropriate time before promoting as a group again (if that ever happens)#i also think it's kinda strange of people to assume that BB can do/say whatever they want just because of their status#we don't know what circumstances they re-signed to yg under#and we don't know what possible legal repercussions they could face especially in terms of ''media play''#you can all grasp that the media and police have worked to fuck over seungri#but why can't you grasp that the police and media could suggest that by speaking out the BB members are using their status#to influence a court case#there are real examples of this being brought to courts like. come on.#anyway <3
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itsmarianstories · 5 years
They call me kitty🐾
[Jikook Social Media Au]
Part 28: Monster >> Part 29: Fine?
Jungkook is a bratty college student, who stumbles through life, trying to find his way. He is attractive and he knows it, so he is used to getting whoever he wants. Until a certain cute boy walks into his life with swaying hips and fluttering lashes, who seems completely unimpressed by Jungkook. However, being the stubborn boy that he is Jungkook refuses to give up just yet, not knowing that with that he has already become a figure in Jimins game of life.
(A/N: Okay this time I really need to leave a trigger warning: Torture, Murder, lots of blood is in this chapter, please read with caution!!)
Jeongguk didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of him crying again. He didn’t want to confirm their impression of him just being a weak boy toy. However, once the man stepped in front of him with a butterfly knife he couldn’t suppress the whimpering. Jeongguk always thought he had a pretty high pain tolerance. Getting tattoos in all kinds of sensitive places was never a problem to him, but this was a completely different situation.
The man knelt down in front of him, the knife dangling loosely from his hand as he grinned up at Jeongguk. 
“Where should we start, huh? Maybe just a nice few little cuts here and there? A stab in the leg?” Jeongguk felt nauseous. He had the desperate urge to get away somehow but everytime he tried the ropes cut deeper into his skin. His wrist had to be bloody already. 
“You still won’t speak, huh?” The man said and lifted the knife up. Jeongguk stared at it with wide eyes and shook his head.
“N-No, please.” He choked out. The man laughed and pressed the knife against his cheek.
“Oh, so you can talk, after all. Got something to say?” Jeongguk tried to gulp but his mouth and throat were too dry. He wanted to cry again.
“I--- I don’t know anything.” Which wasn’t a lie really. Jimin never told him much. All he knew were basics, his name and the new recipe since he did it himself. He wasn’t sure if that were informations that would please the man. He could try but he also didn’t really want to give him what he wanted. Jeongguk is going to die anyway. He could bear a bit of pain. 
“Wrong answer.” The man growled. His grin had disappeared and with a quick movement he brought the knife down right into Jeongguks thigh. The pain was overbearing, it crushed his lungs and rushed through his whole body. He choked on his scream and whimpered again. New tears are now streaming down his cheeks. His left cheek burned a little bit, Jeongguk guessed that the knife did leave a cut there and the salty tears just increased the pain, however it was nothing compared to the knife that was still buried in his thigh. 
“You might wanna reconsider your answer. I’m sure there is something you know.” The man said and pressed the knife down a little more. Jeongguk cried out again and tried to stop his leg from shaking since it was only causing more damage. 
“I--- I r-really don’t know anything. I know he is in a gang a-and has drug labs and br-brothels but that’s all. I- I swear.” He pressed out but the man only sighed exasperated. He pulled out the knife which send another wave of burning hot pain through Jeongguks body and stood up again.
“You are not helping yourself right now.” He said and started pacing around Jeongguks chair. Somehow it made everything worse not being able to see him. “I can appreciate your loyalty but it’s really unnecessary here. It won’t be getting you anywhere.” Jeongguk stared at the deep red patch that was forming on his leg. He could see his own flesh and that just made him even more sick. This wasn’t supposed to happen, all of this wasn’t supposed to happen. Today had been his last exam and it went great. He was feeling amazing and was euphoric to spend the next ten weeks with nothing but lazing around, playing video games, eating all the junk food and maybe fucking Jimin. How did it come to this? 
“What are Kitty’s dirty little secrets, huh?” The man whispered into his ear and Jeongguk jerked a bit before trying to get away from him, but the man grabbed his shoulder and held him tightly. 
“I don’t kno-” Jeongguk was cut off by another wave of pain. It was so extreme that for a moment all he saw was white. He couldn’t breath, he couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak.This was worse than anything he has ever felt combined, even worse than the stab in his leg. 
“Say that again, I dare you.” The man hissed and pulled the knife out of Jeongguks shoulder. Jeongguk wheezed, his vision still blurry and his mind blank. He couldn’t concentrate on anything but the pain. Just as Jeongguk thought he was about to pass out a loud bang could be heard, from somewhere in the building. The whole room shook for a moment, followed by total silent for barely three seconds before all hell broke loose. The sound of gunshots and screams grew louder and louder.
“What the fuck is going on there?!” The man screamed towards his men, who all seem to be alarmed now. One of them pulled out a radio set and mumbled into it. After a few moments a deep voice answerd.
“He--- He’s here.” A groan. “Kitty is here, he brought a whole fucking army. We couldn’t-” More shots could be heard and a rustling sound came from the radio set before another voice spoke up. Jeongguks head snapped up at that voice.
“Seungri, you ugly little motherfucker! Where are you hiding, huh? Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily? Did no one tells you that the cat always catches the rat?” Hope spread through Jeongguks chest like a wildfire. He bit his lip to not sob again. The blonde man cursed and walked over to snatch the device out of his mans hand.
“What do you wanna do, huh? Blow up this whole shithole? I know you, you wouldn’t do that. Here are ‘innocent’ people after all. And I personally have someone here with me that I’m sure you wanna know about.” Seungri spit the word ‘innocent’ out as if it was something ridiculous. Jimins chuckles rang through the room.
“With innocent you mean the women you kidnapped and drugged? We already evacuated them, so don’t worry about that. And Jeongguk, well he was a nice way of passing time but do you really think I’d endanger my men for a boy toy? You can shoot him for all I care.” The hope he felt blew away like a balloon that you prick with a needle. Once again he couldn’t breath. He lowered his head to not show how those words affected him. He really couldn’t tell anymore where the most pain was coming from, his leg, his shoulder or his chest. Jimin continued.
“So you might notice, there is actually nothing stopping me from blowing up this ratnest. It would be a really convenient way to get rid of you and all your shit at once.” Seungri paced through the room angrily and kicked the chair he was sitting on earlier, it flew through the room and crashed against the next wall. The three men by the door looked nervously between each other.
“However, I’m feeling kind of generous today. I can see you tried really hard, so why don’t you and your last three men-” Seungri made a surprised noise and looked up. His eyes searched the corners of the room until they landed on a camera in the left corner over the door. He cursed again.
“come out and we can-” Jimin flicked his tongue “‘talk’ about this whole thing. I give you ten minutes to decide then I’m blowing everything up.” A rustling sound showed that Jimin deemed this conversation over.
“FUCK!” Seungri screamed and threw the radio set against the wall as well. He started pacing through the room again and fisted his hands into his hair. The three man at the door got more and more agitated. 
“What are we gonna do, Boss?” The one who also gave him the knife asked. Seungri stopped pacing and looked over to them.
“How many shots do y’all have left?” He asked and the men started checking all their guns. 
“We have 47 combined.” The man in the middle answered. 
“Okay. They have to be in the control room to be able to see the camera views. The room has only one door, once we made it to the corridor they won’t be able to escape. We’ll have to be quick and precise, but we can do it. Be careful and save your shots.” Seungri ordered and the men immediately started gathering themselves. One of them looked over to Jeongguk quickly.
“What’s with him?” He asked and Seungri followed his eyes before shrugging.
“We’ll just leave him here. He’s gonna die sooner or later.” Jeongguk sobbed again but no one took note of him anymore. And moments later he was alone again. The heavy metal door fell back into it’s lock and Jeongguk allowed himself to cry again. Once again he struggled against his ties but they didn’t move one inch. He looked around for something that might be of help and his eyes landed on the bloody knife that was buried into his shoulder just a few moments earlier. It lay on the ground maybe three feet away from him. He took a shuddering breath and started scooping towards it. The chair made ugly noises as the metal feet scraped over the rough ground. Jeongguk started sweating, probably mostly from pain and he whined again when first drops of sweat reached his injuries. 
It was exhausting and he was barely moving forward but it was the only hope he had left. Halfway towards the knife he had to make a pause to catch his breath. The movement felt like it was ripping his wounds more open. He heard several gunshots again and wondered what was going on. Would these guys really be able to defeat Jimin? Jeongguk shook his head, he shouldn’t care about that. He made another small hop towards the knife when he heard steps outside of the door. Immediately he froze in place. Was someone coming to kill him off after all? The ‘no-witnesses’ kind of thing. He bit his lip and stared at the door, not daring to move. The steps became louder and stopped in front of the door. Jeongguk held his breath and suppressed a sniffle. 
And then the door clicked and swung open and Jeongguk stared wide-eyed as no other than Jimin stepped into the room. His hair was messy, his eyes had something feral to them and he was covered in blood but his gaze became a bit softer as he saw Jeongguk. His eyes drifted over his whole body and then he came rushed over.
“Oh bunny, I’m so sorry.” Jimin whispered. He pulled the blood-soaked gloves of his hands and threw them to the ground before gently cupping Jeongguks cheeks. The latter was so confused. Was his mind making this up? Playing tricks on him? Giving him a last bit of hope before he’s going to die? 
“What--- why?” He choked out as Jimin let go of him and pulled a clean knife out of his boot. For a second Jeongguk thought Jimin is gonna kill him with it but then the older kneels down and cuts the ties around his wrists and ankles. He sighs as he inspects Jeongguks wounds. 
“It’s gonna hurt like a bitch walking with that.” Jimin said and stood up again. He started undoing his belt and Jeongguk is too shocked to say anything. “I’m sorry for this but your pants are already ruined anyway and the soft fabric is better than anything I’m wearing.” The older mumbled and used the knife to cut off a piece from Jeongguks sweatpants.
“Jimin, what the fuck?” Jeongguk finally said as he somewhat gained his voice back. Jimin started wrapping the fabric of the pants around the belt and then motioned for Jeongguk to stand up.
“I know, Jeongguk. I’m sorry, I really am, for all of this but can we discuss this later? We really need to get you out of here and stitched up, you are losing a lot of blood.” Jimin said and pulled him out off the chair. Jeongguk hopped around on the healthy leg until he found his balance, supporting himself on the backrest of the chair as Jimin crouched down again and wrapped the belt around his leg, directly over his stab wound.
“This is gonna hurt now.” He warned and tied the belt so it was tightly pressing his wound close. Jeongguk groaned. Jimin checked that everything was secured and then stood back up, wrapping one arm around Jeongguks waist and Jeongguk wrapped an arm around Jimins shoulders. Like that they made their way over to the door. 
“Uhm, I should probably warn you. It’s not a pretty sight out there. You don’t have a problem with seeing blood do you?” Jimin asked and Jeongguk gulped. He doesn’t have a problem with blood but he still wasn’t prepared for the amounts of dead bodies laying around. 
“Oh my god,” He gagged as the metallic scent hit his nose just as he stared directly at a man who got shot in the face. 
“Close your eyes, I’ll lead you out of here.” Jimin suggested but Jeongguk couldn’t. He just couldn’t. It was like his eyes were glued to the massacre around them. He has seen scenes like this in movies but it’s so, so different in real life. Jeongguk was sure he could taste the blood on his tongue. It might have just been his own but it didn’t help in this situation. His breathing quickened.
“H-How can you stay so c-calm?” He asked, his voice trembling, nearing a panic attack. They came into another room, with way less corpses but the images were already burned into his mind.
“I’ve seen plenty of worse things.” Jimin answered. Jeongguk wondered what could be worse than this. “Listen, all those people here, were bad. They did a lot of horrible things. Rapists, Kidnapper, Dealer, they sell humans as slaves. They steal and murder without a second thought. No one will miss them.” 
“You can’t know that. They might have had families or-”
“Jeongguk. Stop thinking about it.” Jimin said sternly just as they stepped through a door and cold, fresh night air hit them. Jeongguk greedly gulped down the air to get rid of the blood scent. They were on a parking lot. Several trucks and jeeps were standing around them. Jeongguk saw a lot of men who looked like Jimin. Feral and drenched in blood. Then, further to the left was a group of women who looked traumatized. They were all wearing way too less for the cold night. 
“They would have been sold soon or forced into prostitution.” Jimin explained as he saw Jeongguks look. 
“And now?” The younger asked, wondering what Jimin would do with them. 
“Now we are bringing them to the hospital. Together with you, by the way.” 
“H-Hospital?” Jeongguk repeated. In movies they never go to hospitals, since the police can easily find them there. 
“Duh, you need stitches.” Jimin said matter-of-factly. 
“Isn’t it dangerous for you?” The younger clarified. 
“I have connections to one of the hospitals. The chief doctor there is a regular customer of mine, so in his own interest they are very discrete there.” Jeongguk scoffed at that and regretted it immediately once a hot wave of pain rushed through his shoulder. 
“Of course.” He mumbled and then another thought crossed his mind. “What happened to Seungri?” Jimins grip around his waist tightened a bit as they walked over to one of the Jeeps. 
“I’m not done with him yet. He pulled a lot of shit and he has to pay for it.” 
“Are--- Are you gonna kill him?” Jeongguk asked carefully as they reached the Jeep. A few men were standing around it but no one bothered them as Jimin helped him climbing into the back seat. 
“Why? Would you rather do it yourself?” Jimin asked with a smirk. Jeongguk would have choked on his own saliva if his mouth wasn’t so godamn dry. As if Jimin read his mind he reached under the seat and pulled out a water bottle, handing it over to him. 
“Why would i wanna do that?” Jeongguk said incredulous as he accepted the drink. Jimin shrugged.
“I mean he kidnapped and tortured you. I think that’s a pretty valid reason. You don’t have to kill him if you don’t wanna you can also just knock him out, break some bones you know. There are many possibilities.” Jeongguk has never heard Jimin talk like that. For the first time he really thought about what kind of things Jimin did in his past in order to be where he is now. Everyone told him Jimins way up was covered in blood but he never actually thought about what this really meant.
“That would make me into the same monster as he is.” Jeongguk stated. Jimin chuckled at that. 
“In everyone sleeps a monster, that gets woken up if just enough shit happens to you.” Jimin said and for some reason that made Jeongguk sad. He couldn’t help but wonder what shit happened to Jimin to make him like this. Seungri has mentioned some stuff about Jimin in the past, he just wasn’t sure if he really could believe him. 
“Hey Tae,” Jimin then called and turned away from Jeongguk. A tall guy with fiery eyes and a big smirk on the face turned around. “Make sure everything is cleaned up here, bring the girls to the hospital and Seungri to the base.” Jimin ordered. The tall guy saluted jokingly.
“Aye, aye boss.” He said and marched off. 
“Jongin, let’s go!” Jimin screamed next and seconds later someone got in the driver's seat. Jeongguk leaned back in his seat as they started driving. However, he couldn't relax. Everything was still hurting so badly and the whole events of the night just caught up to him. He wanted to curl up in bed, cry and never leave it again. Maybe he really never should have gotten involved with Jimin.
(A/N: I actuall thought a lot about how to write these last two parts, but in the end I kind of wanted Jimin to be badass and not make everything more complicated. So I hope y’all liked it. Feel free to ask me all your questions if you didn’t understand anything!)
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