#if you wanna be a Patrochilles shipper worth your salt you gotta learn from the best one to ever do it amirite
darlingpoppet · 6 months
what's some of your favorite books of all time?
Hi myeotien, thanks for your ask! <3
Aaahhh this question is a bit tricky for me… because even though I read tons of books as a kid I pretty much fell out of reading published novels for pleasure since leaving school and only recently picked it back up again in the last couple of years. Before that, I think the only book series I had finished reading in the last decade were A Song Of Ice And Fire series and the Captive Prince trilogy, both of which I enjoyed. I remember having a minor fixation with Lord Of the Flies when I read it in 5th grade because it was ~darker & edgier~ than anything else I had read before at the time… I haven’t reread it since so idk if I can say it’s an all-timer but I’m pretty sure it has influenced my taste in stories in general lol. One of my first fandoms back in the day was for a certain book series about wizards but for reasons I’m sure I don’t have to explain I don’t fuck with it anymore lol.
Most of the pleasure reading I’ve done for the past 20ish years or so where I got to admire writing as a craft has been through fanfiction hahaha. Tbh I’m starting to realize that a lot of the inspiration for my own writing comes not from books but from completely different mediums such as film and music, which I have consumed a lot more of as an adult—trying to translate visuals and sounds and the feelings evoked by them into words is what fuels me, ykwim? Anyway now that I’m pivoting back into reading & writing as a hobby I can at least show you a sampling of the sorts of things that are on my bookshelf atm (either read, started, or TBR)… hopefully some of these will become new all-time favorites! Also if y’all have recommendations I’m all ears :3
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