#if you try to bash on trans people in my blog I will remove your genitals with rusty tools
rat-rosemary · 1 year
Sometimes i want to make jokes like "girlhood is rising your pussy for 5 minutes straight so you dont get blood on the towel" but I dont want to exclude trans girls :[[[
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mueritos · 2 years
It’s kinda scary not bashing on that anon but how a lot of young trans masc/boys (14-17 yrs old) want to go on t but haven’t deeply researched or watched any YouTube videos about t changes etc. and this is coming from a pre t and top 20 yr old trans man. Like I fully knew all the changes and risk that you get from t at 15. Idk it just concerns me how little they have done research with something as irreversible as t changes such as voice drop and facial hair.
Yea, I do agree. I've seen the questions shift over the years, even within my own blog. Years ago I was answering questions from trans folks about HRT that was from people who were well informed or learning. Now, it's like people don't want to try researching on their own, or try looking for trans youtubers or trans timeline videos, or look at studies or medical journals, or talk to people. It seems like a lot of folks that are younger want their information ASAP, as the instant gratification of bite size information from tiktok and instagram infographics has removed nuance, critical thought, context, and more from people's abilities to intake information. I understand if you are beginning to learn about HRT, but I don't know how anyone doesn't realize that HRT is a form of inducing a masculinized or femininized puberty, even without knowing the full effects of HRT. The questions I get now are honestly terrifying to me. I never got questions in the past about whether HRT can change your voice or will make you grow body hair; now I get those and more about incredibly well known and well discussed affects of HRT. It just proves to me that younger trans people are not involving themselves into queer spaces, or at least queer spaces with diversity in terms of experience, age, and culture. It is concerning, and I just wish people would utilize their own ability to research instead before seeking out individuals to understand further. You'd be surprised how quickly your questions will be answered with a simple google search.
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answersfromzestual · 8 months
Rules of the Blog: PLEASE READ!
Be kind. Asks that are mean, cruel, hurtful, hateful, transphobic, homophobic, or anything hurtful about any other ideification of Trans or LGBTQAI+ (this includes any hate on transmascs/femmes/anything inbetween) are automatic block and report. I will not put up with anti transitioning propaganda. I will call it out. Depending on how rude you are, I will block you without warning.
If you have something to add to my post, make sure you post at least three legitimate sources with your fact or correction. Without doing so, I will ask you to remove your comment. If not, you will be blocked from access to this blog.
I do have autism, so if I do not understand your context, it is okay to tell me. I would prefer an ask.
Trans people can themselves be transphobic - there is no argument here, so if you pull that card, I'd put it back in the deck before you use it on me, this blog, or the followers... This is a blockable offense without any warning!
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I only use articles that are peer-reviewed, medical studies, medical journals, physician websites and interviews, or legitmate articles from reliable sources. I always provide information sources. I also draw from personal experiences.
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Just general guidelines:
I do not use the words: "fag", "faggot", queer", or "dyke"- Those words have deep wounds for me personally. I have a post that explains why. Please understand. I will not block or unfollow you for your identity, but just know that this is why I do not use those words. If you identify that way, I can't take away your identity, nor do I want to. You do you and be proud.
I am much older than many of you, I do not know all the terms and what they mean. I may ask you questions on what the words mean. This is not meant to be disrespectful by any means.
If I do make a mistake (spelling, usage of terminology, etc.). It is okay to send me an ask to let me know.
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I'm proud of you, I'm glad you are here today and you should be too. ❤️ 💙 💜
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ablednt · 4 years
aren’t u that blog that constantly promotes self dx and bashes professional dx? like self dx is fine but it’s a last resort for people who can’t access prof dx.
I don't bash prof dx, first off. I fully understand and respect people who needed one for any reason.
However self diagnosis should never be treated like a backup for if you can't get a prof dx and here is why:
(Disclaimer: exact details vary by country making this not fully accurate in every country also I am not saying that treatment is bad or that therapists are inherently bad I am currently trying to seek therapy but any good therapist will treat you without a diagnosis if they are aware of the legal consequences of one)
You can and likely will lose your rights for your diagnoses. It's different by country but in the US if your diagnosed with things like DID, Autism, and probs a lot more you won't be allowed to go on HRT if you're trans. You may have your children taken away if you have any, you may be prevented from donating or receiving blood or organs, if you have abusive family members they may be able to put you under a conservatorship (what happened to Britney Spears) etc.
Literally the vast majority of psychologists do not study these disorders! Do you know what they do when they prof dx? THE SAME SHIT PPL WHO SELF DX DO. The dx process is exactly the same but with a professional dx you have someone who doesn't have that thing, who has no actual first hand experiences, listening to you talk about that thing and telling you whether or not they think you have it with literally no input from the community.
By saying every one has to try to be prof dxed before they're allowed to self dx you're saying that people of color should put up with blatant racism because there's so many documented biases.
Also the criteria that therapists use to diagnose is found in the dsm5, have you read it? I have, it says that autistic people cannot take care of themselves that they're prone to self harm bc of their autism and that they should have their needs ignored it uses all the labels that autistic people ask it doesn't. It says that even if an adult fits all the criteria of ADHD that if their parents arent available to say "yeah they sucked at school and were annoying" that you shouldn't diagnose them. The criteria for personality disorders, schizophrenia, and similar are all intentionally vague and/or exclusionary to one highly stereotyped set of symptoms. They literally admitted to trying to make the criteria for DID as specific and exclusive as possible because they wanted to remove it entirely because they believed people dxed with MPD before DID was coined did not deserve treatment.
The field of psychology started historically to abuse people, they were thrown into asylums and literally beaten and subjected to horrible conditions for any presumed mental illness. This actually has not changed very much at all, even in the last century a psychiatrist was caught physically abusing his patients and using the theory he made on DID to force them to keep coming to him for therapy. Psyche wards are notorious for mistreating patients there in every aspect and I've had psyche students tell me they believe that psychologists should have the right to physically harm patients. Children professionally dxed with autism are often physically harmed at school by their teachers, physical restraint is still used and it's killed multiple autistic students.
Children and teens in abusive homes have ableist parents often who may get violent or worsen the abuse or use a dx against them legally to trap them at home. Do you give them a pass for self dx? Except here's the thing you literally don't know who's being abused and who isn't and asking ppl that is really fucked up so you should be accepting all self dx to create a welcoming and safe space for them.
Physciatrists actually misdiagnose more than people mis-self-diagnose. Which isn't a reflection on the psychiatrist as much as the fact that people know their own experiences but they very often can't explain them. An example before I met someone who had OSDD1 and would explain it to me from first hand perspective no one would have ever suspected I had a dissociative disorder and was plural Because the only words I had for my experiences were "everything before a certain date literally wasn't me idk I'm just not the same person I was" "I'm a really good writer because I talk to characters in my head all day and they respond to things even when I'm not trying to think about them and they're real to me somehow idk lol" none of that sounds like DID but I was actually describing memory gaps from switches, internal communication and presence of fictives, etc. The best guest anyone had was depression and an overactive imagination. Self dxing is literally more accurate and accessible because people can look at the community and see the disorder explained from first hand experience.
Historically (but it's still happening in some cases) therapists would literally refuse treatment to anyone who talked to other people with their diagnosis. The case I'm thinking of is people with MPD (the dx that came before DID replaced it) would be refused therapy if they spoke to anyone else with MPD outside of therapy and even forbade them from going to support groups for survivors of incestual abuse because those groups advocated for the rights of people with MPD. To this day therapists often disrespect any and all ND/mentally ill communities because we happen to know our own literal lived experiences better than them.
Oh and prof dxes are often used against people legally so if anyone is in a minority group often targeted by police that potentially puts them in even more danger if they're arrested. Least we forget there's an entire field of study dedicated to criminalizing mental illness.
This isnt even half the reasons but I'm running out of spoons (I can source most of these things but I don't have the spoons so if anyone needs a source just ask)
I'm a firm believer that the need for prof dx not be pushed on everyone when it can have permanent and negative consequences and is no better than a self dx. If someone needs a diagnosis for access to medications, for financial support, or for any other legal reason then it very well may be worth the risk but they need to have the right to understand the consequences and make that decision. Imo it's professional dxes that should be not a last resort perse but it shouldn't even remotely be your first steps, your first steps are find the community and hear their actual lived experiences bc that will be so much clearer than anything a therapist who doesn't experience that thing can explain.
Also why do you care if people self dx? Why does their not having an Official Document saying they have their disorder bother you? I think it's deeply unsettling that you think everyone in the entire world needs YOUR approval to have something.
Jsyk the sentiment that self dx is lesser than prof dx is fostered by our capitalist nt society that's benefiting off of our abuse and systematic oppression so like you're literally helping us stay oppressed with this rhetoric.
If y'all really want to be progressive and anti-capitalist like most of this site does (and should) then that goes for disability justice too. Stop helping our own communities abuse and accept that not everyone has the luxury you apparently had to never be affected by your diagnosis ever.
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