#if you support alex kindly get the fuck off of my page
phoenix-creates · 9 months
Wow! YandereDev's Apology Sucked!
This is a rant post more than anything, so if drama isn't your thing, you are well within your right to click away from this post. If you do want to read through this, it continues down below. Apologies if this isn't the most cohesive or concise post, but I have too many thoughts that I need to share and I obviously can't share them on his dumb YT video because Alex heavily moderates all his comments and only leaves up the ones that stroke his ego. So let's get into it. CW/TW for mentions of grooming
For those unaware of the situation, back in September of 2023, talk of Alex Mahan/YandereDev surfaced, accusing him of inappropriate communication with a minor (video can be found here). What followed was months of voice actors and volunteers dropping from the game and asking that their contributions be removed, other evidence coming to light, and Alex attempting to do "damage control" both in his discord server and through his blog posts (as far as I know, Alex's Twitch and Discord had both been permanently banned and he's talked about having a backup Discord account and a Guilded account)
Finally, on January 1st of 2024, he released his "apology" video, explaining and "debunking" all the controversy surrounding these grooming allegations. Ironically enough, the video has been made private now (Alex claims he put someone at risk by releasing the video), though there are a couple of reuploads floating around YouTube, plus a healthy amount of criticism videos of said apology, which are worth checking out as those people can provide much more context and give better opinions than my ranting.
To sum it up, Alex's video was around fifteen minutes of pure bullshit.
Not just bullshit, but gaslighting bullshit as well. The TL;DR of the video is that, Alex acknowledges that yes the victim said right off the bat that they were 16 and although Alex felt uncomfortable when his conversations with the victim turned "spicy", he still continued to chat with them and pushed past his discomfort because he was lonely, he didn't have much of a social life, and his mental health wasn't great. He also mentions that when he saw the victim as "one of the guys" and genuinely didn't see anything wrong with the interactions he was having with them as he had friends who had been older than him when he was younger and he assumed that was how it was for everyone. Ultimately, it was more on the victim for continuously bringing up NSFW topics, not on Alex for responding to them.
You read that right.
Alex essentially blames the victim and says that the video I linked above was taken out of context and the clips were cut together in a way that made everything seem worse than it actually was. He also says that the victim themselves has also made a statement regarding the situation (however take this with a grain of salt as even though Alex admits the victim did come to him for "feedback"; I am hesitant to believe that as Alex and one of his Discord Mods were in contact with the victim even though Alex previously said they weren't communicating with them) which also corroborates his account of events.
There is so much more to be said but I do want to get into the core of why I'm making this post.
Alex is an adult. A grown man. IN HIS 30s (or 40s I don't remember). If you are uncomfortable with a topic, especially NSFW topics coming from a MINOR, you shut that shit down. No amount of mental health excuses will cut it. You do not, under any circumstance, engage in sexually explicit conversations with a minor.
(Also, quick tangent, if I were Alex and I knew my reputation as a person and as a developer was already being torn to shreds by people and I was already involved in a controversy previously regarding a minor, I would not privately engage in sexual conversation with another minor. No amount of loneliness would ever make that okay.)
You'd think that Alex would finally be suffering the consequences of his actions, but it is entirely a mixed bag. For as many people who are condemning him for his actions, there are other people who are praising him for his "apology" and also engaging in victim blaming. Yes, many of his accounts are getting banned, his patreon earnings seem to be on a downward trend, and his volunteers are leaving. But in their place are many more (I've been informed that Info-Chan and Shiromi have new voice actresses already) ready to help him. If you see the notes on his YT community post and his personal blog post, he still has fans and supporters.
He is still receiving support. And in my opinion, it is because we are not taking this as seriously as we should be.
Whenever news about Alex comes out, we are quick to make jokes and meme on him. We very easily make light of the situation or file it under "who was really surprised that Yandere Dev did this?" and we move on with our lives. By not acknowledging the very serious accusations of this man, he is effectively absolved from any consequences of his actions because he had so many people jumping to defend him. He got away with his bullshit Hate and Shame video, as well as his Debunk page, because he has people coming to defend him and we joke about it instead of taking action on it. And yes, this is still an on-going problem. Just check the blog post of his stupid fucking apology. The comments are FILLED with people blaming the victim. There are even people claiming that Alex could have autism/adhd/etc. and that is why he couldn't understand right from wrong.
(Sidenote, using autism as an excuse when someone does horrendous shit is horrible. We aren't here to self-diagnose because when we excuse bad behavior as simply "autism", it creates a stereotype for actual autistic people and makes it harder for them to be heard and understood because we keep conflating autism with certain behavior. STOP doing this. It doesn't help anyone.)
I do not believe that Alex will change. He might continue to get worse because we have allowed him to get by with vague excuses and promises while he "debunks" everything that makes him look bad. He has spent years claiming anyone with negative things to say about him and his game are ignorant trolls who don't understand game development or coding like he does and that people just spread rumors about him. He keeps delaying the game with more excuses. It has and always will be excuses with him. It has been ten years of excuses for a shoddily put together game.
Put that into perspective. It is 2024. In April, that will make it TEN YEARS of development that this game has gone through.
Alex has spent ten years developing this game, milking money from people, and giving us nothing in return. He has a consistent pattern of horrible behavior towards mods, fans, and volunteers. He has rejected help from competent developers to fix his spaghetti jumbling mess of a code. He has nothing to show for ten years. The game is not fun. We have ONE rival who is a challenge to eliminate (there is no reason the very first challenge in the game makes you work so hard during the first week), we have a "ten rivals mode" that is even worse and a slog to get through. We constantly get new hair and texture models for miscellaneous things instead of actual content. Alex swears he spends hours every day on this game and we are no closer to getting a better experience with the game then we were a few years ago. It might even be 2030 before we even get the fully completed game.
I don't think he deserves sympathy. I don't think people should be praising him for the bare minimum. I've long since stopped caring about the game coming out; I'll likely have my own kids by the time the game is finished with the rate it's going. I just hope that the victim will get all the help and support they need and Alex stays away from them.
Thanks for following the development of YS or what the fuck ever.
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blondsauduun-reads · 4 years
The Revolution That’s Been Singing In The Rain (JATP Reggie X Reader)
Pairing: 1995!Reggie x Reader
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: some swearing?
Plot: Ok so, it’s a pride parade/riot/demo, in 1995 (or so), and the boys go to support Alex, but surprise! There’s music there too! And Reggie likes the person playing the electric violin at the march. But like it starts to rain and they gotta stop with the instruments and get off the stage but they don’t stop singing. So anyway Reggie is in first row and the band was singing a cover of We Will Rock You and Reg of course knows the lyrics as does everyone. So they start singing and dancing very energetically and passionately in the rain. At the end the violin person gives Reggie their number
A/N: nonbinary reader (they/them pronouns) The link to the electric violin cover of we will rock you without the lyrics. Also. This is the first one-shot I’ve ever written and stuff so please be nice :) yes I accept constructive criticism too.
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After practice, Alex had finally mustered up the strength to ask his best friends/bandmates,
“So, there’s this gay thing, on Saturday, and I wanted to ask if it you guys wanted to come with me?” The three other guys were listening closely to him, while fiddling around a bit with their instruments.
“It’s okay though, if you don’t.” Hadn’t even given them time to react, let alone answer. “If you don’t wanna come, I mean.”
A second of silence, the three of them surprised, exchanging looks, the blond one dreading the answer.
“No, yeah, dude.” Luke finally said, leaving his guitar on the stand. “We’ll totally go with you!”
“Yeah! We were just shocked that you’d wanna go.” Bobby said, because he and the two other guys had heard about it but weren’t going to bring it up if Alex wasn’t.
“We’re really proud of you, bro,” Reggie said, hugging his neck from behind. Kinda looked awkward. “I wish I was half as brave as you.”
With the whole AIDs thing, the President, his parents, and you know, the anxiety he lived with, Alex couldn’t really live his whole truth most of the time without fearing for his life, so yes, going to a Pride thing was no small feat for the boy.
“Yep, you can let me go now, Reg.” He chuckled, or coughed, because Reggie wasn’t exactly a spaghetti build person, and was hugging his neck rather tightly.
“So when’s the date bro?” Luke sat down on the couch, spreading himself out like pancake batter on a pan.
It was Saturday. Somehow, Reggie convinced them all to paint lil rainbows on either their cheeks or hands. They all looked adorable, sitting in the metro pressed together like anchovies, all with backpacks loaded with water, their respective lunches, and whatever the hell more fitted in the backpack.
Once they got to the station, they went out, following another group of people dressed for a parade, and in a bit more than five minutes, they were smack in the middle of the parade, chanting something in favor of LGBTQ+ rights.
“Do you hear that?” Reggie asked Alex, but like, screaming.
“Yeah, its about to storm, or something.” He said, looking at the sky, which was getting grayer by the minute.
“Not thunder, it’s like,” The black haired squinted in thought. “it’s like, music, I think. Queen.” He said. “Imma go, be right back!”
Reg disappeared in between the queers at the parade, following that sound.
“Reg, no! Shi…” Alex opened and closed his eyes in disapproval and desperation. “Luke! Bobby! We got a rogue bassist!” Bobby and Luke’s reactions to that were similar to Alex’s.
Meanwhile, Reggie had successfully found the source of the music. At a nearby park, was a stage, like those kinds of stages that can be built in like a day, and on top of it, a rock band.
Said like that, it probably doesn’t sound too special, but the thing was, they were playing a We Will Rock You cover, with an electric violin, or that’s what he could tell from a hundred feet distance from the actual stage, so, continuing squishing himself through the crowd, feeling some droplets of rain on his face, he got closer to the band, until he reached a six feet distance.
Shit, the violin was so incredibly pretty, like, it looked like some sort of futuristic weapon. The guy was loving it. The person playing it though, divine; the way they moved their arms and feet and carried themself. Also, yeah, probably the prettiest person Reg had seen to date.
The band, apart from having the violinist, who also was the backup singer, had a drummer, a bassist, and a guitarist, also the lead singer.
Anyway, the scene, everyone stomping their feet on the ground, singing the song with the band, remembering the now dead Freddie Mercury and how iconic he was, the energy of all those people, together in the fight for freedom and equality. The revolution. And the fucking rain.
Droplets were suddenly drops, which then started falling faster, and suddenly the band started panicking a bit, they couldn’t break up these vibes, these people.
So, the three with the string instruments put away the instruments, amps, cables and everything as fast as they could, and the drummer rushing his music cylinders into safety, the only ones carrying the music were the people, among which was Reggie, tearing out his vocal chords singing along the various hundreds of people singing too.
Once all the electric shtick on stage was cleared up, the whole band jumped down from the stage, joining the crowd, singing and stomping.
Buddy you’re an old man poor man
Pleadin’ with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day
The violinist, which had seen Reggie look starstruck at them and later on give his all to the music, joined him to sing (and stomp).
They were almost dancing, doing a duet, smiling like children on Christmas morning, being completely soaked through with the rain, and looking at each other with a feeling I can only describe as electricity (and if they looked at each other more electricly, they would have electrocuted themselves along the way.)
You got mud on your face You big disgrace Somebody better put you back in your place
The violinist shot him a wink, he tried to not get flustered, and in return winked back.
We will we will rock you
One last verse to the song, everyone still as excited as they were at the beginning. And yet, this one was sung with intention, with motive, as if they were shouting at the world that they’d rock it to achieve their goal.
We will we will rock you
And that was it. After a couple of seconds, the crowd calmed down and scattered.
“Hey, what are your pronouns?” The violinist asked.
Reggie remembered both the dictionary meaning of pronoun and the context in which it was asked (which Alex so kindly explained to them earlier), “He/Him, I’m Reggie.” He smiled.
“You’re in that band, right? Sunset Curve?” They asked.
“Tell your friends!” I’m pretty sure you can imagine how exactly he said this quote. “I’m the bassist.” Ah yes, and now the important question, “What about you, pronouns and name, I mean.”
“Oh, yeah, that.” They thought for one second before blurting it out, “They/Them, the name’s Y/n.” Y/n stretched out a hand, he seized it and made a mental note to ask Alex about those pronouns after, “So, what brings you here today?”
“Oh, well, my best friend’s gay, but,” He leaned closer to their ear, “I’m like, 90% sure I’m bi.”
“Damn boy, same!” They laughed.
“Anyway, I gotta go now, the instruments are only safe from the rain, not from people,” Y/n scratched the back of their neck. “But, in case I’m not only bi and yearning,” They whipped out a marker from their pocket and scribbled their number on Reggie’s forearm, “give me a call. Maybe we can try to rock out again together.” Wow, so full of confidence, must be the adrenaline that implied losing their instrument over getting a cute bassist as a date.
“Uh, yeah sure,” Y/n was already walking away, smiling at him.” I’ll def give you a call!” There was no answer to that. Only a distant holler.
“Yo! Reggie!” Luke.
And he did walk over, fishing from his backpack a piece of dry paper and a pen to write down the number on something a bit more permanent. Anyway, he found the guys.
“Remember when I told you I might be bisexual?” He asked, copying the number.
“Yeah, when we were watching Indiana Jones, why?” Alex remembered. Indiana Jones is hot, that’s so not up for discussion.
“Yeah, well” He ripped the page with the number out and stuffed it in his pocket. “now I know, I’m bi.”
“Yeah man, no shit.” Luke teased him. Joke’s on you bitch you’re too.
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captainjanegay · 4 years
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Where I’m Meant to Be | Stucky | Meet-Cute, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Kid Fic, No powers AU | Chapters 3/? | 12k words | Ao3
Summary: Bucky is a single dad coming back from a work trip with a very bored, very whiney 7-year-old girl. A mysterious stranger with a kind heart and a notebook full of doodles comes to the rescue.
A/N: I was pondering whether I should leave the dance recital for later or just go with it and I decided that I had no idea how else could this third chapter go, so here it is! I hope you'll like it and as always I wanted to thank you so so much for all the love and kind words :') They all make my heart melt and make me actually excited (even though still anxious) about posting next chapters :') Thank you so much to everyone who has read, commented, liked or reblogged this fic, it means the world to me ♥
I was worried this one is going to be shorter but I've added some last minute Natasha content because who doesn't love Natasha content? I certainly do. Enjoy and see you all next time ♥
Chapter 3 
(4.4k words)
Bucky is nervous. It feels almost as if he is the one who’s going to dance in front of all those people in less than an hour. Although he thinks it would be less anxiety-inducing than watching Alex's performance. It’s not like he doesn’t believe in her. If there’s one thing that Bucky is sure of, it’s that his daughter is talented and brilliant and that she’s going to be amazing. He just knows how important it is to her, so he wants everything to go perfectly. Which is why in the last two minutes he has sent at least four messages to Clint to make sure he won't be late. 
Each time Clint told him to fuck off and not be a dick. There’s still over thirty minutes left before the recital starts and objectively Bucky knows Clint would never miss something that’s so important to Alex. It doesn’t stop him from worrying, though.
With a sigh, he slides his phone into his back pocket and looks around the lobby. Not that many people are around yet and Bucky is not that surprised. Besides the parents, there are rarely any other people coming to those things. Sometimes not even all the parents do. Alex probably has the biggest support group even on the smallest events. And Bucky doesn’t even need to drag anyone forcefully. They’re just lucky enough to have plenty of supportive friends in their life and thinking about it makes Bucky really emotional sometimes.
The door opens and Bucky’s eyes skip that way automatically. The man that walks in is tall and blond-haired, dressed in an old-school brown leather jacket and a scarf wrapped haphazardly around his neck. He hovers by the door for a few moments and looks a bit lost, scanning the lobby.
“Steve?” Bucky says and the man’s head turns towards him quickly.
When Steve's eyes land on Bucky, a big smile blooms on his face.
“Bucky, hi!” Steve says, walking over to him.
“You came.” Bucky points out with a smile. Steve made it clear on a few occasions that he will, but actually seeing him here is still a bit of a surprise.
“Of course. Didn’t want to let Alex down. Or you, but mostly her,” the sincerity in his voice warms Bucky’s heart. Steve rubs at his neck in a nervous gesture and reaches to his messenger bag. “I’ve actually— You’ve said how important to her it was so I— I’ve made a little something for her, I hope that’s OK?”
Surprised, Bucky looks down and sees that Steve is holding an open folder. Inside, there’s a drawing made with coloured pencils and when Bucky sees it his breath catches.
It shows Alexandra in full ballerina gear, with a big fluffy tutu and a little tiara on her head. There’s a huge smile on her face and her eyes are sparkling in the spotlights. She’s caught mid-pirouette. Even though it’s just a drawing, it’s so dynamic Bucky half expects her to start twirling across the page. Around her there is a confetti of musical notes and roses being thrown her way, some of them scattered on the stage in front of her. It’s so beautiful Bucky’s fingers twitch forward to touch the drawing but he quickly catches himself.
“God, Steve—” he starts but he has no idea what to say next.
“I just— I don’t know, I wanted to have a little gift for her? The dancers are given flowers after their performances, but I— I don’t know, I can just—,” Steve mumbles.
When Bucky finally tears his eyes away from the drawing, he notices that Steve has an honest to God blush on his cheeks and he’s still rubbing his neck in that nervous gesture. A sudden urge to wrap this amazing, kind man in a hug overwhelms Bucky. He manages to stop himself. Instead, he puts his hand on Steve’s bicep and squeezes lightly.
“It’s beautiful. I can’t even— My god, it’s amazing. Alex will go crazy when she sees it. I bet she’s gonna make me hang it somewhere,” Bucky lets out a chuckle. “And I’ll gladly do that, it’s really wonderful.”
A shy smile appears on Steve’s face as he closes the folder and carefully tucks it into his bag. “It’s nothing, just a little drawing.”
“Maybe for you but she’s gonna be over the moon. And I can’t believe that you really came and did this drawing and— You’re amazing, Steve.”
The blush on Steve’s cheeks only deepens. He looks down, refusing to look into Bucky’s eyes and he opens his mouth to say something.
But before he gets the chance, there’s some commotion on the other side of the lobby. When Bucky looks that way, he sees Clint and Scott arguing about something, the former holding a phone in front of his face. Walking calmly behind them are Hope and Cassie, both with similar tired yet fond expressions on their faces.
“Hi guys, you’ve made it!” Bucky greets them with a smile.
“We did! Clint kept rushing us cause apparently you’ve been bugging him for the last hour not to be late,” Hope says giving Bucky an one-armed hug. 
“I—,” Bucky stutters. “It wasn’t an hour. Besides I wouldn’t if I knew he was picking you up.”
“Of course it was an hour and of course you would, Barnes. Don’t lie and pretend you're not a crazy person,” Clint says, looking up from the phone. 
Clint’s eyes skip from Bucky to Steve, who moved half a step back and is watching the commotion with a polite smile on his face. When Clint looks back at Bucky, he wiggles his eyebrows with an awful smile. 
Bucky never wanted to smack him so badly. 
“You won’t introduce us?” Clint asks.
Sending him one last hateful look, Bucky glances at Steve, giving him an apologetic smile.
“Sorry. Here’s Scott, his fiancee Hope and his daughter Cassie. And this idiot is Clint, sorry about him. Guys, this is Steve, a… friend, we’ve met recently.”
“It’s nice to meet you all,” Steve says with a smile.
“Wait, what Steve? How is James making friends, I didn’t know he could do that?” comes a voice from Clint’s phone, making Bucky groan.
“We’re just as surprised, Nat.”
Clint turns his phone around, showing the screen with Natasha’s slightly glitchy face on it. She quickly scans the new surroundings and her eyebrows shoot up when she notices Steve.
“Oh hello,” she greets with a signature Natasha smile, kind but slightly wolfish and possibly intimidating to strangers. "I'm Natasha."
“Um.” Steve sends a confused glance Bucky’s way, but says. “Nice to meet you too, Natasha. I’m Steve, the new friend. Apparently that's an achievement for Bucky.”
If Bucky felt sympathetic for Steve for being ambushed by his friends, he’s not anymore. Instead, he groans again and ignores the small smirk that Steve sends him and Natasha’s “I like this one!”.
“Can you all just shut up and proceed to the hall, please?” Bucky gestures towards the door across the room. “Since we’re all here already and the show is going to start soon we can as well take our seats already.”
When they don't move, Bucky ushers them forward, waving his arms as if they were a flock of chickens. Sometimes it feels like they are. Eventually, they do move and Bucky sends a small smile towards Steve who hangs back waiting for him.
"So, um—," Steve starts, looking at the small group in front of them before glancing back at Bucky. "Your wife couldn't come?"
Steve's voice is conversational so he seems surprised when Bucky halts to a stop.
"I'm—” Bucky furrows his brows in confusion. "I don't have a wife."
"Oh." Steve looks both confused and embarrassed now. "I'm sorry, I didn't— I just assumed, since Alex mentioned her mum a lot and— sorry."
"Oh no, Bucky's single," Scott says, apparently hearing the little exchange.
"And desperately ready to mingle," Clint prompts helpfully, throwing a grin over his shoulder.
It feels like Bucky has been doing nothing but groaning in distress during the past few minutes. "I'm not desperate—"
"I'm the mum!" comes Natasha's chipper voice from Clint's video call and he kindly turns the phone around. "Not the wife, though. James's too insufferable as anything but a friend. And likes men too much for that."
"Tasha, for fuck's sake," Bucky says loudly, getting a dirty look from some random mum who overhears him.
He pointedly doesn't look at Steve throughout this whole exchange. Why do his friends hate him so much? He doesn't deserve to be treated like this.
"Can we just—" Bucky takes a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose, "not talk about this and to the performance, please. It's starting soon."
It's Hope who stops this madness and decides not to ignore Bucky's obvious discomfort. With a smile directed at both Steve and Bucky, she takes Scott by his elbow and turns him around, pushing Clint slightly towards the hall. They don't object. Bucky has never been more grateful for her.
It's not until a few minutes later when they are all seated in the hall, surrounded by the quiet murmur of different conversations before the show, when Steve leans closer from his seat next to Bucky's.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Steve says quietly.
Bucky chances a look at him. The lightning is dim but the distance between them is small enough for Bucky to make out the dark blush dusting Steve's cheeks.
"It's not your fault my friends are idiots," Bucky jokes to lighten the mood. "Should've worn ya' before I've invited you."
Steve laughs at that. "Still, though. Shouldn't have just assumed things."
"It was a perfectly normal assumption to make." Bucky points out. "Really, don't stress about it. It's all good."
For a moment, Steve doesn't look convinced but eventually he nods and smiles. Bucky reciprocates the gesture. For a moment they just look at each other but their attention is soon drawn towards the front of the room. Some more lights above the stage appear when the owner of the studio walks in with a smile, asking everyone to take a seat. Her introductions are pretty standard and she keeps them short. Soon enough, the main show begins.
It’s really entertaining, even considering the fact that the age of the performers varies between 4 and 12 years old. They’re dancing in many configurations, the smallest dancers mostly in big groups and Bucky smiles the whole time, watching their — sometimes still clumsy but oh so cheery — dancing. Two of the oldest kids perform an amazing pas de deux to the music from Sleeping Beauty. They dance to a lot of contemporary music and loads of Disney songs, to Steve’s great delight. Bucky only shakes his head with a disbelieving smile when he hears Steve singing along to A Whole New World under his breath. Feeling Bucky’s eyes on him, Steve only shrugs and laughs quietly.
Alex is in two group dances and she has her own solo performance. She’s brilliant in all of them. And it’s not just Bucky’s biased opinions, because the hall erupts in loud applause when she finishes her solo with a bow and a huge smile on her face. Watching the concentration on her face, mixed with the absolute joy of dancing makes Bucky teary-eyed and by the end of her last performance he doesn’t even try to stop the tears. All the pride he feels, threatens to tear him apart. He would be the proudest even if she sucked but the fact that she manages to awe everyone in the room makes it all so much better.
After the recital is over, some of the guests leave to wait in the lobby but Bucky and his friends stick around in the hall, moving closer to the stage. Soon enough, Alex bolts from backstage, still in her dress and everything and launches herself into Bucky’s arms.
“You were incredible, my love!" Bucky says, hugging her tight and kissing the side of her face. “I’m so proud of you! You made me cry real tears, you were so beautiful.”
“Thanks, papa,” Alex laughs, leaning away a bit to look at him, her eyes sparkling with joy.
Soon enough, she gets whipped away from Bucky’s embrace by Clint who starts spinning her around the room, both of them shrieking loudly. They earn some disapproving looks by doing that, but they couldn’t care less. Bucky only watches them with a fond smile, laughing and getting emotional again when Alexandra notices the huge bouquet they’ve bought just for her. She talks briefly with Natasha - the video conference was on during the whole performance so even though Nat couldn’t be here in person, she could still watch the whole thing. Natasha apologises for not being there but promises to make it to the next recital that is supposed to happen around New Year’s Eve and she points out how proud she is every two words.
Bucky lets everybody congratulate his little girl and shower her with the love she deserves. He’ll have plenty of time to do that at home. So he takes a step back and stands next to Steve.
Steve, who waits politely, probably not wanting to interrupt as he just watches it all with a smile on his face. But when Alex’s eyes finally land on him, matching big smiles bloom on both of their faces.
“Steve! You came!” Alex exclaims, bouncing closer to where Steve and Bucky are standing.
“Of course I did,” Steve says and he crouches to be on Alex’s eye level. “You were incredible! Thank you so much for inviting me, it was so worth it. And I have a little gift for you.”
Hearing that, Alex starts bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement and she watches as Steve retrieves the drawing. The moment her eyes land on it, she lets out a small gasp. Just like Bucky did before, she moves her hand as if she wants to touch it but stops, afraid to ruin it. When she looks up at Steve, her eyes seem a little watery.
“It’s for me?” she asks and when Steve nods, she carefully takes it from his hands. “I love it! Thank you so much, Steve!”
With that, she wraps her small arms around Steve’s neck. The movement catches Steve off guard, almost enough to make him lose his balance and Bucky laughs at the surprised look Steve sends him.
“You’re so welcome, Alexandra,” Steve says eventually, rubbing her back. “I’m happy you like it. Thank you again for inviting me.”
“Papa, look!” Alex yells, moving away from Steve and proudly showing Bucky the drawing. “It’s me!”
“It is!” Bucky agrees, hugging her close one more time. “It's my wonderful little ballerina!"
After the performance, they all decide to go to a restaurant for a celebratory dinner. Steve tries to flee but both Clint and Hope — which comes out as a bit of surprise to Bucky — nag him to join them. He sends a look at Bucky, probably hoping Bucky's gonna back him up.
He doesn't. Instead, both he and Alex send Steve their best puppy dog eyes saying that they'll love if Steve came along. Steve is not able to resist such power.
Bucky's not sure why he insists so hard on Steve coming with them, not really knowing what to expect. It turns out he had nothing to worry about. Steve fits right in with their little group. The evening is very nice and they all feel comfortable in each other's company. Bucky's a bit afraid at the beginning, when Clint starts asking some pretty nosy questions and is being his horrible self. Everyone except Steve has gotten used to it and they know that Clint is the best friend one can have but for some reason, he sometimes hides it quite well. But Steve doesn’t seem to be judging or getting annoyed in any way. Quite the opposite. It also turns out that under all of Steve’s gold-heartedness hides a little asshole with witty comebacks and good-natured jabs at whoever tries to mess with him. He can totally keep up with whatever Clint’s up to at any given moment.
It's enough to say that Clint absolutely loves it.
They don’t stay at the restaurant for too long. They can’t since Alex is tired after all of today’s excitement. She tries very hard to hide it, though. Fortunately for her, Bucky knows her better and he saves her from crossing the line between happy and miserably exhausted. No matter how nice the evening is going so far, they should go. So for the sake of Alex’s pride, Bucky says he’s getting tired and the two of them are probably going to head home. It's not even a lie. Considering he's only 29 and it's not even 10 p.m. it's kind of sad that he really does feel a bit sleepy. Alex tries to protest but it’s weak, which only proves Bucky’s assessment of her energy levels was correct. Of course, everyone else jumps to their feet almost immediately. They exchange hugs and thank-you’s and more congratulations for Alexandra and finally some goodbye’s as they all go in different directions. 
The short walk home wakes Alex up a bit. And because it's still her big night, Bucky lets her stay up for a little longer than usually when they finally get home. They cuddle on the couch and watch How to Train Your Dragon together, while sharing a bowl of ice cream. Of course their private little celebrations can’t start until the drawing from Steve is safely put away in Alex's room with promises that Bucky will hang it tomorrow.
About halfway through the movie Alex drifts off to sleep, curled safely on Bucky's lap. He takes a few extra minutes stroking her hair, trying not to think too much about how big she's getting or that soon she won't be so happy about cuddling with her papa anymore. Eventually, Bucky picks her up gently and carries her to her room. He finishes the movie and gets himself an extra scoop of ice cream before he heads to bed.
The next morning Alex almost drags him out of bed, rushes him through breakfast and almost pushes him out of the door. All that because he promised they're gonna shop for things they need to put the portrait from Steve on the wall. Bucky is not even mad. It is a gorgeous piece of art and he's really happy that Alex is so thrilled with it.
A few hours, some drilling and vacuuming tons of dust later, he snaps a picture of the drawing hanging proudly on the wall above the chest of drawers in Alex's bed. He attaches it to a message.
To: Steve Guess who got bullied into an IKEA trip at 10 in the morning on a Saturday just to buy a frame? Saturday, 12:30 A.M.
From: Steve Sorry? :) Saturday, 12:31 A.M.
From: Steve I'm honoured she likes it so much, though. Saturday, 12:32 A.M.
To: Steve I bet you're not sorry at all, you jump out of buildings for fun, you can't be trusted. Saturday, 12:37 A.M.
From: Steve I did NOT jump out of a building, stop saying that! And what happened to "you're amazing, Steve"? Saturday, 12:40 A.M.
To: Steve ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Saturday, 12:41 A.M.
After all the emotions from yesterday, Saturday passes in a nice yet uneventful way. Alex falls asleep on her feet at barely half past seven, but it’s no surprise that the tiredness has finally caught up to her. She doesn’t even try to argue when Bucky suggests she should head to bed earlier. After tucking her in, he lays down on the couch for a second, promising himself that he’ll do the dishes before heading to bed. Suddenly, it’s past 10 P.M. and he’s mindlessly watching some late-night reruns of Say Yes to The Dress. He’s not even surprised at this turn of events.
The noise his phone makes blasts in the quiet of the living room, making Bucky jump. He’s in such a rush to turn off the ringing that he drops the phone on his face, accidentally answering the incoming video call.
“Hi, dimwit. Did you just drop your phone on your face again?” He hears Natasha’s amused voice.
“I’ve never dropped a phone on my face in my life, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bucky answers as he rubs his aching nose that has taken most of the impact.
Natasha only rolls her eyes at that. “My girl already asleep?”
“Yeah, went to bed before 8 p.m. and i bet she’ll sleep in tomorrow. She was positively exhausted today.”
“I’m not even surprised. She deserves some rest though, she was so brilliant last night,” Natasha says with a sad smile. “I hate that I couldn’t be there.”
“Don’t do this to yourself, Tasha. She understands,” Bucky tries to convince her. “Besides you’re gonna be here for Christmas, right?”
Natasha is not reassured. She thinks she hides it well enough for Bucky not to notice, but he’s known her for too long. She sighs but then answers with a small smile. “Yeah, I will be home for most of December. I’ll need to go to Cali for a bit, as always, but I should be back for Christmas.”
“That’s great,” Bucky smiles. “We miss you here and you’ll be just in time to see Alex in the Nutcracker, you know that one’s even more important to her.”
“Can’t wait. She’s gonna outmatch me sooner than I’ve expected.”
“She will and I don’t even feel sorry for you. She’s just so incredible. Like with your skills and my brains and also my good looks she’s destined for great things. I feel kind of bad for other kids,” Bucky chuckles but he only half-jokes.
In response he gets a raised eyebrow from Natasha. “I think you’ve meant my skills, my brains and my good looks and your—,” she waves her hand towards him dismissively. “I mean, I’m sure there’s something, we’ll figure it out at some point. Maybe it’s your love for Say Yes to the Dress, who knows.
“I’m—,” Bucky tries to defend himself but the grin on Natasha’s face tells him it’s a lost fight. He didn’t expect Natasha to recognise the background noise of his TV but then — it’s Natasha, so he should have. “You’re so full of shit, Romanoff.”
“I’m not. You are though,” Natasha says and when Bucky sends her a questioning look, she explains with a cheeky smirk. “I can’t believe you haven’t told me you’ve found yourself a new, smoking hot friend!”
“You know what, I don’t have to put up with this, I’m gonna go to bed,” Bucky sighs, but he makes no move to actually hang up.
Natasha only laughs triumphantly. “Oh my, why are you so defensive all of sudden? I didn’t say anything bad, did I?”
“You’re something bad in general, so I’m always prepared. Why are you all so obsessed with Steve? I have to put up with Clint already, so please, leave me alone.”
“We just care about you! And since you’ve been stuck with just us for ages, we’re excited there’s someone new, kind and handsome in your life!” the grin on her face makes Bucky groan out loud. “He seems nice and I hope you’ll be able to get to know him better. In a lot of ways.”
“See? This is exactly what I meant. I can’t believe I’ve been friends with you for so long.”
Another laugh escapes her mouth but her eyes soften when she looks back at him a moment later. “Really, though. You can’t be alone your whole life. And don’t bullshit me saying that you have Alex, you know that’s not my point. You’re just a huge softie who needs someone to make heart eyes at, it’s basically in your blood.”
Bucky chuckles in disbelief, not sure how this conversation got to this point. “What are you even talking about? I’ve known Steve for way too little for you to say all this. I’ve seen him in person twice. Twice, Natasha.”
“I’m not saying it has to be Steve, I know you’ve just met him. It was just a side note, completely unrelated to Steve. If anyone’s making a connection here, it’s you. So maybe you should think about that.” Natasha looks at him pointedly and when Bucky tries to chime in, she doesn’t let him. “Also on a completely unrelated note, Steve seems like a good guy, if you think about dating. And if you think about casual, he’s also smoking hot.”
“You’ve already mentioned that,” Bucky points out. “And you’ve only seen him via video chat.”
“Well, he is and it was clear even through Clint’s shitty camera.”
It’s hard to disagree with that. Even though Natasha is insane and he is not going to date anyone in the near future, let alone Steve whom he barely knows. He can objectively agree that Steve is unfairly attractive, though.
“Before you go all defensive and mean again — I just want you to be happy, James,” Natasha says. “And maybe having around someone who’s not Clint would be good for you.”
Bucky shakes his head with a chuckle. “You might have a point. But dating is not really on my priority list and I don’t think it’s a good time to change that now.”
“Ugh, whatever,” Natasha groans. “I really hope it won’t turn out that our daughter actually inherited your brains, because you’re an idiot.” She takes a deep sigh and changes the topic. “But let’s get to the important things now — is it just me or the dresses he shows this Caroline chick are getting uglier and uglier?”
“Oh God, I know, right? I don’t think I can handle another one of those monstrosities.”
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taglist: @steverrogers​ @till-the-end-of-the-line-punk​ (@ anyone else - let me know if you want to be tagged ♥
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verysmol-and-tired · 5 years
About me / Before you follow (mobile)
Throwing this under a read more as to not clutter others dashboards.
General About:
My name is Alex, I’m 16, bisexual/demiromantic and use any pronouns though currently they/them is preferred.
I’m from Australia, so my timezone tends to more often than not be ahead of others. Because of this, I tend to miss a lot of things. If I’ve missed anything you want to see please don’t hesitate to shoot me a message.
My interests include: drawing, theatre, writing, D&D, self shipping/self inserting, minecraft, photography, jamming out to bway tunes and poorly dancing pretty much anywhere lmao
 Anyone can follow/interact just as long as long as 1. you’re not an asshole and 2. you aren’t anything listed in the Do Not Interact portion of this page.
The Important Things:
Please ask me if you’re allowed to follow if you know me personally/irl. This is my little personal corner of the internet so I tend to post a lot of private things here and some of things I’m not comfortable with you knowing about myself or talking about.
I don’t participate in discourse. I stay informed, but I also keep my distance and do not voice my opinions. If you have concerns, my PMs are always open.
I will never block someone without reason. If you tell me to block someone, I will do my own research first and decide on my own.
If I reblog something from a problematic source please let me know!
I try my best to tag my posts accordingly in courtesy of others, but I do forget sometimes. If that does happen please please PLEASE let me know via PMs with a link to the post so I can tag it accordingly
On Self Shipping Specifically:
I am very aware it’s not real or anything. Please keep your concerns to yourself.
I am perfectly fine with having the same F/O(s) as someone else, just please don’t be an ass about it.
I’m also aware its a strange concept, but it’s a huge coping mechanism and way of self love for me. I don’t get rude over the things you like, so I expect that in return.
Do Not Interact If:
You fall under the usual hateful criteria (racist, ablest, LGBTphobic etc.)
You believe in/support ace/aro exclusion (or any exclusion for that matter)
You support cringe culture. Look, I don’t care how “"cringey”“ or weird something is, you do not attack people over their interests, ways of self love, coping mechanisms etc.etc. If you support or are actively engaging in this behaviour, kindly fuck off.
While I’m at it; TERFs, transmeds, truscum etc. y'all can also fuck off.
Stay right the fuck away if you’re a pedophile
My Tags and Side blogs:
General post tag: lexi screams into the void
Vent tag: lexi is not okay™
Art tag: Lexi’s art
Important posts: lexi’s PSA’s
My side blogs include @verysmol-and-tired art (art blog/portfolio), @self-squipping (my self indulgent self ship blog) and @cozycrafting (minecraft sideblog). 
That should be it for now, if there is anything you want to ask or anything I’ve missed feel free to shoot me a PM. If anything else comes to mind, I’ll update and reblog in case anyone wants to see.
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