#if you say they're oppressors in any way it's akin to calling them a sinner - irredeemable and untouchable
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year ago
Like look at how many people made even jokey criticisms of usamericans to the tune of "they don't even know geography" are deactivated or have received an outrageous amount of anon hate for it
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velvetvexations · 5 months ago
Warless Weekend is over!
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I got a response to this post in screenshots, so I'm going to respond to it so my obnoxious stalkers can get the ecstasy that comes with me giving someone my attention.
My commentary in bold.
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It's interesting that theyyyy are degendering me to hide the fact that I am myself a trans woman, despite the multiple times I've had TRFs crawl up my fucking cock over casual they/themming! In fact, let's check in with Stalker B:
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Would you look at that, posted just today. The fit, by the way, was me being annoyed at getting accused of misgendering when I was using one of the two sets in this muck-sprout's bio and the selection was apparently a riddle I failed to solve correctly like l'd picked the wrong Holy Grail.
Theyyyyyyyyy, because it's apparently not degendering when it's someone you dislike, I guess, can call me a pickme all theyyyyyyyyyyyyy like, but surely my being a trans woman is relevant when discussing the disgusting transmisogynistic beliefs of "the coiner of transradfem"! Especially when you go out of your way to separate the subject from a group you define as "just trans women" in a way that suspiciously sounds like the subject is not one! Could it be that theyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy are intentionally they/theming me to give the impression the person they're quoting is a transmasc?
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Yes. How can you be any kinna activist and not understand how it's possible to have conflicting motivations for bigotry? Good Lord, watch The Hunchback of Notre Dame and observe how Frollo's self-loathing and insecurity drives him to lust for Esmerelda and hate her for not belonging to him, yet also hate her for being a vile temptress of a race of sinners! For all TRFs love their Women You Can Treat Like Men framework, that's a lot more accurate to how trans men are treated, by both the cis patriarchy and TRFs. A trans man is incorrectly perceived as a woman that has renounced womanhood, and the attitude this inspires in TRFs is something akin to "if I can't do anything to my actual oppressors, this pussycunt selfishly wasting what I view as a divine gift by pretending to be one will have to do." Which, as I've said so often, is what TERFs do to trans women! "I can't hurt my actual oppressors because the patriarchy feels demoralizingly invincible, but this freak has made the mistake of making itself vulnerable, and it I can actually cause some damage to."
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TRFs should be less fond of the comparison to Konami executives, that was the one I was worried about being too mean. But let's now turn our attention to the replies:
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Ah, as if TRFs don't copy and paste TERF rhetoric about transmascs on a regular basis. Like, idk what to tell you, most trans women aren't like this, it's just a you people thing specifically, and your Dear Leaders declaring "2024 is the year trans women united under the banner of transfeminism!" will never make you less repulsive to the rest of us. This isn't me saying anything about trans women, it's me saying things about radfems. It's me saying things about you.
But if you'd like, I can take the specifics out. We don't need to get that granular with why you behave the way you do. If you want, we can just say you're cruel and petty people because you like bullying others. There's no greater motive, no underlying issues, no traumatic backstory formed by your own tragic circumstances. My followers are constantly coming to me with a million theories about what awful things transradfems have been through that's forced them to temporarily not realize the harm they're causing and I always have to be the one to remind them it doesn't need to be that complicated. You're just cruel and petty people who like bullying others. You either sincerely believe trans men are infringing on our kink IP, in which case you're also profoundly stupid, or you just intentionally use inane shit like that as a weapon against people you declare the enemy because it gets you clout on the 2020s version of 2010s MySpace.
Does that make you feel better? Has my opinion of you been successfully deTERFed or should I keep going and get into how racist you are to TMoC with the excuse that some TWoC like OP say it's okay?
Because I get you want to to say I'm a TERF, but my view is and has always been simply that there's zero difference between any person of any combination of gender and sexual characteristics, which, if you knew anything about transfeminism outside of bitching about other trans people, you would know is something TERFs are violently opposed to. But that fact eludes you, because your insecurity drives you to spend all your time insisting transphobes are simply lying when they say they don't agree we're women, which means they must love cis and trans men, and just hate trans women specifically for no particular reason.
That's the same reason why me personally identifying as "male" no matter how much I clarify it only applies to me pisses you all off so much, because the idea of some trans women considering themselves male terrifies you and makes you self-conscious about if people see you that way. Understand this: it's all your head!
Man? Woman? Non-binary? Illusions, dumbasses. Vagaries of perception. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose. Bigfoot has more scientific validity than gender, which is just a social theory thought up by primitive screwheads and has no more inherent value than the idea the Sun is dragged across the sky by a flying chariot. All we're doing is putting a post-modern spin on what might as well be cave paintings, although even cave paintings have more actual substance.
Do you get it yet? Transphobes hate me for that because they're bioessentalists and do incorrectly perceive us as men. You hate me for it because you need 24/7 external validation in order to breathe and any tiny thing that threatens to get in the way of the feeling God crafted an objectively real Trve Fymyle soul for you makes you cry actual tears.
Our gender isn't real because no gender is real, including cis people's. Get over it.
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Supposedly it's been reclaimed...except, like, it hasn't. Countless thousands of cis guys are into it still and regularly make and consume forcefem content. TRFs are laying claim to something they don't own and never did purely to fuel spite towards transmascs.
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It's three things.
First, it's not that TRFs are threatened by forcemasc, it's that they're threatened by AFAB trans people in general. They represent not only what they want - literal forced feminization, from birth - but also a rejection of it. When you choose to not be a woman, you're spitting in their eye. It's like a starving person watching someone throw a lobster in the trash without even touching it because they decided they weren't hungry after all.
Secondly, TRFs desperately need you to be their version of cis men. Brutal oppression under the patriarchy is gender euphoria for these March hares. But they can't be that way to cis men, most of whom are violently opposed to treating them like women anyway and prefer to just murder them at the first opportunity, so they have to shadow box transmascs because they read The Transexual Empire and were like "wow, this level of conspiratorial outrage seems really cathartic and fun."
Finally, TRFs have screaming meltdowns because non-transfems like a toy, they are deliberately malicious people who search for things to be angry about and use as a weapon against trans men. They are just genuinely bad people who want to be cruel for it's own sake, because it's fun, because they are playground bullies and it gives them a rush to receive praise and adoration for bravely fighting on the frontlines of transmisogyny by unleashing their followers on teenage meme thieves. They have the morality of wasps, the same value to the world as nuclear waste, and less of my respect than the Konami executives who canceled Silent Hills.
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