#if you recognize the song lyrics I diagnose you with nerd
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ne0npaws · 1 year ago
NEON who’s ur favourite Warrior Cats kitty/kitties? this totally isnt for nefarious art reasons at all
this is absolutely for nefarious reasons /silly
leafpool, shadowsight, dovewing, frostpaw, willowshine (not in particular order)
also using this as an opportunity to show you shadowsight he is just a little baby guy (he has so much problems)
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years ago
A How artistic are you? I’m not at all. Do you want to go to Africa? I’d love to stay at Giraffe Manor! AC/DC or Aerosmith? Aerosmith. 
Do you know what Armenia is?
 What’s your beer of choice (if any)?  Blech, none. Do you know the title of Buffalo Springfield’s one-hit wonder?  Okay, I didn’t recognize the name so I Googled it and yes, I am familiar with their one hit wonder. I actually wasn’t familiar with the song title either, but after reading the lyrics I quickly realized what song it was. Do you have a brother? (Do you like it that way?) I have two brothers, and yes I love them. Which bank do you use?  Not sharing that. C
 Which comedian do you most enjoy?  I think Kevin Hart is funny. Would you ever live in California?  I have all my life. Is it possible/likely that you’ll become a cat lady?  *Dog lady, but yes. How many different countries have visited? Just one. D
 Do you believe there’s a devil? Yes. But demons maybe?  Yes. Does eating dessert often make you feel guilty?  Nope. Can you legally drive?  I’m definitely old enough to have my license, but I don’t.  What have you been diagnosed with (if you don’t mind sharing)? Depression, anxiety, and other physical health stuff. E
 How often do you drink energy drinks?  I like to drink Starbucks Doubleshot energy drinks often. 
Where did you live when you were 11 years old? The house next door to where I live now, ha. We had our big move to the house next door to us haha about 10 years ago because our landlords wanted to install new flooring and stuff to our house, but since they had just finished this one they offered for us to just move in here lol. Do you like the actor who played Edward Scissorhands in that movie?
 Why not just say Johnny Depp? Anyway, yes, I think he’s a very talented actor. Have you ever felt an earthquake?  No, just aftershocks from one. F
 When was the last time you saw your father one-on-one? Yesterday. Do you think French is the most beautiful language?  I don’t know what I’d say is the most beautiful language. Is Friday your favorite day of the week?  No. All the days are the same for me, so meh. Have you listened to Jimi’s song ‘Fire?’  Doesn’t sound familiar. G
 Do you have real gold jewelry?  No. How often do you watch ‘Gossip Girl’?  I never have. Is Google your homepage?  Yeah. 
Do you like Geico’s commercials? Most of them are annoying. The gecko character is cute, though. H
 When did you last feel happy? Uhhh. Do you prefer Hollister, Hot Topic, or H&M?  Hot Topic is the only one I shop at now, but I used to shop at the other 2 as well. Did you dress up last Halloween?  Nope. I stopped doing that a few years ago. Would you voluntarily watch the History Channel?  Yeah and I do if there’s something of interest on. I
 Have you ever been on an island?  No. I live on one in Animal Crossing, though. ha. Would you be able to locate Indonesia on a globe?  I think so. Do you know if Iceland or Greenland has more ice?  Greenland. I remember it’s the opposite of their name for some reason. 
Did you watch the last presidential inauguration?  No. J
 Do you enjoy jogging?  No. On which instrument could you most easily play ‘Jingle Bells’?  I’ve played it on the piano. How much do you know about John Lennon? *shrug* I know some stuff. Do you know how Jell-O is made?  I know how to make Jell-O with the mix, but no I don’t know how the mix itself is made. K
 Have you tried Krispy Kreme doughnuts? (Was it love at first bite?) Yeah, but no they’re definitely not my favorite. They’re not real donuts to me, they’re just pure sugar.  
How many pairs of khaki pants do you own? “Uh, khakis?” ha, if you know, you know. Anyway, I don’t own any. 
Have you ever been a fan of the Killers?  Yeah. L
 Does it bother you when couples are lovey-dovey in public? No, unless they’re having like full on makeout sessions, straddling each other and feeling each other up and whatnot lol. Hand holding/locked arms/arm around each other, hugging, little pecks, and just being playful with each other is cute.  
Do you have your own lighter (why or why not)?  No. I don’t have a need for one. In how many languages (besides English) can you count to 100?  I can in Spanish. What’s your favorite lollipop flavor? Not a lollipop fan. M
 Do you believe in miracles (why or why not)? I do because I'm a woman of faith. What do you think of shows like Maury and Jerry Springer? I used to like watching Maury, Jerry Springer was just for laughs.  
Do you care that Mars (the candy co.) uses deadly animal testing? I haven’t heard that... I’d have to fact check. How did you form your opinion of marijuana? Based off the research supporting that it has a lot of benefits. I was especially swayed when I saw how it helped cancer patients.
 How often do you sleep naked?  Never. I wouldn’t find that comfortable at all, I very much like being clothed.  Do you actually check the Nutrition Facts before eating something?  Not usually, but I sometimes will just out of curiosity. 
Who is your favorite musical artist/band beginning with ‘N’? Nirvana. 
How nerdy are you (in what ways)? I’m socially awkward, for one. I also cared about school and did well, which is often considered nerdy. Also, a book nerd, Star Wars nerd, Marvel and DC movies nerd...  I enjoy those things so I don’t care, but they’re deemed “nerdy.” What do you think about olives?  Black olives are good, green olives are gross. Are you much of an outdoorsy person? Not at all. The only time I enjoy being outside is when I’m sitting out at the beach. How big of an Oprah fan are you?  I don’t really consider myself a fan. How often do you shop online?
  Quite often. P
 Are you looking forward to your prom? If you already went, how was it? My prom was over a decade ago D: Anyway,  I danced with the guy I had a huge crush on at the time, so hey it wasn’t too bad. How are your local policemen? I think they do a pretty good job overall.  What is your ideal PB&J sandwich like? Just peanut butter and grape jelly, pretty simple. What do you think of the movie ‘Pineapple Express’? I could not get into that movie at all.  Q
 How true is the saying, ‘quitters never win and winners never quit’?  I mean, can’t say “never”, but the main point from the saying makes sense. Do you prefer Quiznos or Subway and why?  I’ve gone to Subway many times, but I think I’ve only been to a Quiznos once or twice. Have you learned the quadratic formula yet? (Do you remember it?) I think I actually remember it. What is the one question you most want to ask someone and who?
  I don’t know. R
 How many rooms are in your home?  2 bedrooms. 
Do you like raspberries?
  Nah. What’s one of your best memories from during a rain storm? Hmm. I don’t know, but I just really love that kind of weather. 
Have you actually read Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo & Juliet’?  Yeah, my freshman year in high school. S
 Do you know any Sign Language?  I know the alphabet and a few sayings. What is your sleeping schedule generally like?  Oh, my sleeping schedule is an absolute joke. How well do you sing? I can’t sing well at all. How often do you listen to 60-70’s music? Now and then. I actually have several songs on my main Spotify playlist from those decades. T What do you think of Twitter?  I like being able to post my random thoughts and following certain celebrities and just interesting people for funny and interesting stuff. How much do you value the Ten Commandments?  I value them a lot. Are there many trees where you live?  Not really. 
How much taller/shorter do you wish to be? “I wish I was a little bit taller.” 🎶
 Where do you usually buy your underwear?  Various places. How do you define ‘ugly’?  It goes a lot deeper than just the outer appearance. Do you like to shop at Urban Outfitters?  I’ve only been to an actual store a couple times and I’ve checked out their website a few times, but I just think they’re ridiculously overpriced. V
 Would you like being described as ‘voluptuous’? No one would use that word to describe me. 
For listening to music, do you like to crank up the volume or keep it calm? I like it at a reasonable level, I don’t need it blaring.  Do you ever watch the annual Victoria’s Secret fashion show? They cancelled that a few years ago, but I never had any interest in watching that. 
Would you agree that ‘variety is the spice of life’?  Yeah. W
 Are you currently on wireless Internet?  Yeah, that’s all I have. I haven’t had to connect to a wifi router or whatever with a cord in a very long time. Can you recall memories of learning how to whistle? I still can’t do it. Do you go to White Castle or just vicariously through ‘Harold & Kumar'? I’ve never actually been to one cause they don’t have one anywhere near me (they’re on the east coast, I’m a west coast gal). I’ve only had the the White Castle burgers from the store that you cook in the microwave. I actually like them, but I’m sure the real deal is even better. X
 Why did you need your most recent x-ray and what were the results? I had to get a CT Scan a couple years ago. When it comes to ‘xoxo’, do you interpret ‘x’ as the hug or the kiss?  It’s hugs and kisses, so the X’s are hugs. What does X stand for in Roman numerals? Can you write the previous number?  X is 10, IX is 9. Why do you think xylophones are only popular with young children? That’s true, that is a pretty common baby toy. At least it was when I was little. Also, I played the xylophone in music class in elementary school. I don’t know why that’s a thing with kids. Y
 Can you explain the meaning of the yin-yang symbol? Opposite, but complimentary principles. Like, you can’t have good without bad, lightness without darkness, etc. It’s about balance. Do people more often mistake you as being younger or older than you are? Younger. Did you know that yawning is contagious?  Yeah.  Would you like a bottle of Yoo-Hoo or it’s not really your thing?  I actually like Yoo-Hoo, but I prefer it in the little carton or whatever with the straw (kinda like a Capri Sun, but it’s a box carton). It’s the perfect size, not too much. The strawberry one is my favorite. I haven’t had one in a long time, though. Z
 How many places’ zip codes do you know by heart?  Uhh, not many. What comes to mind when I say ‘Zero to Hero’? Disney’s Hercules movie.
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joie-university-rp · 6 years ago
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It is with great pleasure we invite you admission to Joie University! Welcome to the Thunderclap family!
Congratulations, DAISY! Please be sure to check the New Members’ Checklistand send in your character’s account within 24 hours from now. We cannot wait to see all that you will bring to this roleplay! We love you already!
Name/Alias; preferred pronouns: Daisy aka Vice Provost D and she/her
Age, Timezone: 19 and EST
Activity, short explanation: 9-9.5/10, since I do have a lot of free time, but college will soon be a thing and I also spend a lot of time with family.
Ships: Austin/Chemistry
Anti-Ships: Austin/Forced
Triggers: Nothing that isn’t already listed
Preferred photo for Character’s ID (please give a link): One (1) giant nerd
Anything else: Here’s my happier son
Full Name (First, Middle, Last): Austin Michael Pillsbury-Schuester
FC: Casey Cott
Age/Year at University (Freshman [1st Year], Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Graduate Student): 19/Sophomore
Birth date: November 10th
Hometown (please be sure to check the hometowns listed for characters your muse is related to!): Littleton, CO
Gender/Pronouns: Male and he/him
Sexuality: Gay
Major(s): Culinary Arts
Minor(s) [optional]: Business Studies
Housing request (remember, only the president of a Greek Organization is required to live at a Greek House to be in it!): Schuester 201
Extracurriculars (Click here for the list. Be sure to specify any executive board positions [i.e. president, secretary, etc.] If something isn’t listed, please put it here and we will add it to the masterlist!): Comedy Club, Drama Club, Fencing [Captain], Dance and Drill
Greek Life Affiliation [optional] (Please be sure to specify any executive board positions [i.e. president, pledge educator, etc.] or if your character is not yet a member, but plans to rush): N/A
[At least] 3 Headcanons for your character:
Austin’s parents, Emma and Will, had quite the rollercoaster of a love story. Of course, when asked, they still told their children the story of how they met. When it got condensed into a short tale before bedtime, little did they know that it had turned Austin into a hopeless romantic. He dreams of having a fairytale romance or as close as he can get. Occasionally, he’ll try to go on a date in attempts to find ‘Mr. Right’, but more often than not, Austin simply longs for a love story akin to the one his mom and dad had.
[Anxiety TW] He was diagnosed with GAD during a regular doctor’s visit when he was 13 and he came clean about the symptoms he’d been experiencing. Restlessness and fatigue due to the barrage of thoughts slash concerns, almost always checking over his shoulders despite no danger being present, headaches were much more common. There were a few other related troubles he identified that day, but those three were the ones that gave him the most trouble. He tried taking medication for awhile, yet eventually came to find that exercise and keeping himself occupied with tasks that required his full attention helped.
Around this time, Austin discovered his passion as well as his talent for cooking and baking. It met the requirement for using his concentration, but it also brought him back down to Earth whenever he got too carried away with his thoughts. Of course, there is a minor stress baking issue, yet it’s been said it will fade with time.
He also has a strong passion for making people smile and laugh. He was named class clown in his high school yearbook thanks to his reputation for telling pretty decent jokes alongside puns whenever the moment called for it. It’s also why he is a member of the comedy club as well as the drama one. If he can help bring a bit of brightness to at least one person’s day, then Austin considers it be a win. Watching feel good comedy movies plus specials helped him through a difficult time, so he hopes to do the same thing for others.
(Please answer the following questions IN CHARACTER. Responses can be as long or short as you see fit!)
What made you want to attend Joie University? “My parents are alumni and they’ve been singing the praises of this place for as long as I can remember. But I did a little research when the time came to apply to colleges then discovered they were praising this lovely place for all the right reasons. Plus having some stellar programs helped make the decision. In the end, I applied then got accepted and haven’t looked back since.”
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess? “Positive trait wise, I’m told that I can be clever, selfless, and trustworthy. As for negative traits, that would have to go to worrywart, impulsive, and hesitant.”
Which of your traits do you value most? “This is probably going to sound really odd, but I’m going to go with one of my negative ones and say I value the whole hesitant thing most. More often than not, I’m very careful with how I conduct myself and can figure out when to recognize an actual good thing amongst all of the other stuff that might be masquerading as one.”
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole? “Long story short is that I can speak from experience and can tell people to not take too many chances, to instead prepare themselves for whatever might get tossed their way. It’s best to be overprepared than underprepared, plus it never hurt to keep your guard up slash stay on your toes. Just to be on the safe side, you know?”
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU? “I do hope to try stepping outside my comfort zone more often. While my brain does feel like it’s on red alert 24/7, I want to try to prove it wrong by getting involved in a lot more activities this year. That I’m capable of a whole lot more and that taking a leap of faith or two won’t always end in doom, gloom, or whatever worst case scenario my mind can cook up.”
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you? “'Out of the darkness and into the sun, but I won’t forget all the ones that I love’ from Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson. It’s a song about leaving what you know behind, taking those first few steps outside of your comfort zone, but also acknowledging as well as remembering the people who helped you get there.”
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