#if you only like the sanitised unrecognisable fanon/fanfic interpretation of a character you don’t actually like that character
zinnie-zoloft · 1 month
“Crystal is the voice of reason” no tf she is not did we even watch the same show? She’s a mess, she’s 16, she’s angry and emotional and dealing with way too much at once.
Female characters are so often reduced to “the reasonable one” or “the one with the braincells” but Crystal clearly isn’t that, every character is dealing with their own shit and none of them are perfect, they’re teenagers who repeatedly fuck up.
Yeah, she tries to help Charles, but she’s no therapist. She pushes him and screams at him because she doesn’t know how to deal with any of this either. She isn’t any better at dealing with her emotions than he is and that’s the whole point.
She’s just as impulsive as him and just as angry. She constantly puts herself in danger in order to save the people she cares about, and would have absolutely reacted the same way Charles did with the night nurse if it had been her in that situation.
People love Charles for the same character traits they keep trying to strip away from Crystal, and this is a massive problem with female characters in fandom.
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