#if you need glasses you should support free healthcare
squeepotatoes · 10 months
it's so expensive to be able to see
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 3 months
Becoming Spider-Man - Chapter Eleven
Peter Parker Takes a Step
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> Peter Parker & Tony Stark (IronDad)
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ->In which Peter has an appointment, and Tony did some research.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> (T) Trans medical discussion; minor, hypothetical discussion of self-harm and suicide, but nothing particularly heavy.
𝐀/𝐍 -> Disclaimer - I know almost nothing about trans healthcare in America, and the waiting times involved. I know that sometimes there is one, and sometimes there isn't, and quality is highly variable. Please don't assume this is factually accurate, for everyone's sakes. <3 Check it out below, or on AO3 here! Cute divider by @/sweetmelodygraphics!
<- Previous Chapter (10/16) Next Chapter (12/16) ->
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It was an oddly unobtrusive start to such a momentous day. I didn’t sleep well, finding blissful escape only as the sun began to hint at the horizon, but I felt refreshed as I stretched luxuriously between Egyptian cotton sheets. There was no obnoxious alarm blaring, no manic genius hammering on my door – only a slow progression into a comfortable consciousness. Sleep stolen in hours that should be spent in class are undeniably the best, I mused distantly as I slid myself into my suit, having learnt the trick by now and flattening my body without the flailing of limbs that had accompanied my first attempt. I had other binders now, sure – but this was a big day, and I wanted to do it not only as Peter Parker-Stark, but also as Spider-Man.
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When I emerged, dishevelled, Tony was waiting in the kitchen, a mug of coffee sending curls of steam into the charged air. “Morning, kid. You all ready to go?” I nodded hesitantly, unable to hide the trembling of my hands. “I think so.” He watched me carefully, tracking the shaking of my fingers as I moved to pour myself my own pick-me-up, knowing I’d need it when the adrenaline wore off. “Nervous?” I wriggled my free hand indecisively as I took a sip, before offering him a weak grin. “Terrified… But in the best way.” He simply smiled in response, shrugging on his jacket. “We’ll get on our way in a minute.” I nodded then paused, struck dumb. “M… Mr. Stark, is that… A pronoun badge?” The small pin was stuck unobtrusively to his chest, pale blue with black typing, but once I’d spotted it adorning his jacket, I couldn’t look away. “Huh? Oh, this?” He looked down, offering a half-shrug at the he/him proudly displayed.  “Yeah. I wanted to… Y’know, show that you have my support. And it’s good to normalise offering and asking pronouns, to avoid trans people feeling singled out when they clarify theirs.”
Despite his head still being angled down, I could see the text scrolling across the bottom of his tinted glasses, and pinched my lips to suppress a smile. “I think it’s a lovely idea, Tony. I’ll have to get myself one, too.” He looked back up, grinning broadly as he reached under the counter. “We have a range to choose from. I intend to offer them to both the Avengers and the Stark employees – and we’re putting together a HR meeting with the Stark Enterprises team to discuss the importance of using people’s correct pronouns.” My own smile broke free then, fondly eyeing the box before me. “That’s amazing – so cool of you!” He hesitated briefly before opening the box and sliding it toward me. “I… Never actually thought to ask you, actually. Are you comfortable sharing your pronouns with me? I’m sorry for not asking before now.” I resisted the urge to clasp a hand over my heart theatrically, deeply touched by his care. “It’s no problem, Mr. Stark. I use he/him pronouns, but I’m ok with they/them, too. Really, the only ones I don’t like are she/her.” I couldn’t fight the curl in my lip at the words, making Tony chuckle fondly, reaching out to tousle my hair as I dove into the box for my matching pin.
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The small badge on my lapel bolstered my confidence as we entered the sleek clinic, a minor-yet-major thing that proclaimed me as male for the world to see. Tony checked us in while I gazed around myself in wonder, stunned by the white furniture and polished surfaces.
“This place looks expensive,” I hissed under my breath when we were invited to sit in the sterile waiting room. Tony shrugged one shoulder modestly.
“It isn’t – not for me,” he added when I arched a brow in disbelief. “Kid, you’ve gotta remember; at this point, I have more money than I know what do with. And besides… It’s all yours in the end, anyway. I may as well get chance to see it being put to use.”
I nodded, still not entirely comfortable, before hesitating. “… ‘Mine in the end’?” I clarified, heart stuttering.
Tony met my gaze, head tipped. “Of course. You’re my son, Peter – where else would it go?”
I swallowed dryly, fighting off the flutter of happiness in my chest that occurred whenever he called me his son. “M-Mr. St… Tony… I didn’t… I’m not-”
“-here for the money, I know,” he interrupted softly. “I know, kid. But it’ll be yours regardless. It’s up to you what you do with it, and if you don’t want to keep it, that’s fine. However, in the meantime, just let me do something good with it, okay?”
I looked down, chagrined and humbled, and nodded once. “Okay, Tony.”
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The office we were shown to was just as sophisticated as the waiting room, which did nothing to ease my nerves, despite the nurse smiling at me from her straight-backed leather chair.
“Peter and Tony, right?”
I nodded and mumbled out a hello, while Tony stepped forward confidently, offering his hand. “That’s us. Thanks for fitting us in so quickly.”
The woman laughed, a comforting, gentle sound. “My son is a big Iron Man fan, in all honesty. He’d never believe I’d met you!” There was a tense pause, and her hand went to her mouth as she flushed pink. “Not… Not that I’d tell him, of course. We take patient confidentiality very seriously here – I just meant, you know, hypothetically.”
Tony glanced at me, and I shrugged. “I don’t care.”
He smiled affectionately before turning back to our nurse. “I don’t suppose you have your phone?” Her mouth worked wordlessly before she nodded, reaching into a purse below the desk and handing it to him silently. I watched as he deftly opened the camera, clearly used to the routine by now, and set up the front facing video. “What’s your son’s name?”
“Um… T-Tyler. He… He’s actually why I work here. He’s trans, too. Not that that’s… I mean, he’s very open about it, and we touch base often about whether I can disclose that to clients, and he’s fine with it,” she clarified quickly.
“You don’t say?” Tony’s lips quirked in the corner as he glanced at the nurse – a pretty blonde, I noticed for the first time. “What about you? What’s your name?”
“Lola,” she replied, blushing once more. “She/her.”
“He/him,” he responded smoothly, settling in front of the phone.
“Hey, Tyler! I’m here with your mom, and she said you’re a big fan. She’s…” Tony glanced at me once more, and again, I nodded, eliciting a fond smile. “She’s looking after my son, too. Peter.” He gestured me over, and I ducked into frame, offering an awkward wave.
“Hey, Tyler. I’m a pretty big Iron Man fan, too.” Tony elbowed me lightly in the ribs, chuckling playfully, and I laughed.
“I’ll make sure to give her an autograph for you. You’ve got a good mom, sport. Look after her. The world needs heroes, big and small.” ‘Sport’? So he only calls me ‘kid’, huh? I thought affectionately as he threw up a peace sign before cutting the camera, and I smirked, dropping back into one of the vacant seats.
“Kinda ironic, don’t you think?” I quipped, and he rolled his eyes at me.
“Yes, yes, very funny, kid.”
“Thank you so much, Mr. Stark – and you, too, Peter,” she added, voice soft and flattered as she put her phone away. “Now… How about we get to business?”
Tony nodded, quickly returning to the task at hand. “Yeah. We – Peter and I – we put together a kind of plan of what he’s after, if that helps?” Delving into his own case, he pulled out a clear file, through which I could just about see the sheet covered in our mingled, untidy scrawl.
Lola raised an eyebrow, visibly surprised. “You two really thought this through, huh?”
I shuffled forward a little, finding my voice at last. “Yeah. Tony’s been really supportive, and he’s helped me so much. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without him. I mean, I’ve known that this was what I wanted for a long time, y’know? But actually doing it is a little scary. I didn’t always… Well, I’ve not always had the greatest of support systems. Tony’s being unquestioningly compassionate to my struggles, and done a ton of research on how he can help. It… Means a lot,” I finished lamely, wincing. But how could I put words to what he’s done for me? He saved my life.
She smiled again, glancing warmly at my guardian. “That’s great. I’m really happy for you; far too many trans youth are in unsupportive environment, and it makes an already difficult life significantly harder. Society’s treatment of trans people has a long way to go, but a bit of compassion at home can make the world of difference. But,” she added, growing serious, “this process is, first and foremost, about you, Peter. And while I understand that you are appreciative of your relationship with Tony and how he’s supported you, I am required to ask – are you ok with him being here while we talk, or would you rather he stepped outside?” I opened my mouth to respond instinctively, but she cut across quickly. “If you want him to stay, that’s ok. Or if you want to discuss the more sensitive stuff first, we can ask him to come back in after. Or if you’d rather speak without him here at all, that’s fine too. It’s about you, Peter.”
I glanced across, chewing on my lip. Tony offered me a reassuring smile, and I couldn’t help but wince. “Is it okay if… If we talk about some stuff alone, first?” I asked meekly, looking away when Tony’s smile began to feel strained. There was a heavy pause, then he got to his feet, clapping me on the shoulder.
“Sure thing, kid. I’ll be right out there if you need me.” His fingers ruffled my hair and I couldn’t help but lean into the touch, feeling deeply ungrateful, but somewhat relieved.
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The door closed with a quiet click, silence continuing for a heartbeat before the nurse spoke again, her voice soft. “It seems like that was kinda hard for you to do, huh?” I simply nodded, chewing on my thumbnail. “Can you explain to me why that is?”
I looked up, startled, into her clinically impassable mask. “Nothing… It’s nothing like that. Tony’s supporting me, sure, but I’ve never felt pushed into transitioning. It’s always been what I want, and when I want it.”
She frowned infinitesimally, puzzled, and shook her head. “I didn’t assume otherwise, Peter. It seems like the two of you have a great relationship.” I swallowed dryly around my throat, cursing myself for my assumption. Nothing looks quite so suspicious as vehemently denying something that was never even a question, huh? “I only want to understand why it was difficult for you. It seemed like a pretty hard thing to do, so I don’t think you’d have done it without a good reason.”
I nodded again, my gaze still low. “I… I feel ungrateful. He’s done so much, and this feels like secrecy, and he deserves better.” I picked at the skin around my nail uncomfortably, yet another wave of guilt rising in my chest. “But… Yeah. I figure it’ll be less painful for me to ask him to leave.”
“Less painful than hearing what you have to say?” she prompted softly.
I ground my teeth, reluctantly meeting her eye. “Yeah. I… I know that part of this is talking about my mental health. And that’s… I mean, there’s nothing to worry about. But it’s not always… Great. And I know that wouldn’t be fun for him to hear.” She watched me quietly, waiting patiently for me to continue, and I sighed. “I feel… If I don’t think about it, I feel okay. Normal, y’know? But… Then I do. And it sucks. I feel… I feel trapped. In here,” I added, tapping a finger to my temple. “I feel like who I am will never be seen by everyone else.”
“Do you ever think about hurting yourself, or ending your own life?”
The question was a simple one, but there was no simple answer. I squeezed my eyes shut briefly, a flashing blade flickering across my lids. “I think about it every day,” I answered softly, hesitating before opening my eyes to meet her gaze. “I think about it constantly. It’s always there – an exit strategy. A way to opt out, y’know? If it all gets too much.”
“Do you have any plans, or are you actively harming yourself?”
I couldn’t help but smile, albeit weakly. “No. And I’m not even tempted anymore, not really. Ever since I moved in with Tony, it’s been easier to ignore that voice. But even when I lived with Aunt May – when it was the loudest it’s ever been – I still never intended to actually do anything. I just… Find comfort in the fact that it’s a possibility.”
She nodded once, making a brief note on her legal paper. “Well… We’ve only had a brief interaction here – and it’s something I’d definitely like to discuss again – but I don’t feel like you’re a danger to yourself or others, and you haven’t told me anything that makes me think you or anyone else is at risk. So, you’ll be relieved to know, I have no cause to disclose anything you’ve said to me to Mr. Stark. But,” she added, looking up to meet my eye seriously, “I encourage you to talk to him about it yourself. It’s important to share how you’re feeling with the people in your life, especially those who clearly care about you.”
I hummed thoughtfully, pulling on a hangnail. “Maybe. I’ll think about it.”
She offered me a reassuring smile, and leant forward a little. “Are you ready to call him back in?”
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“Deep breath.”
I inhaled sharply, the sound tearing in my throat, fingers laced tightly with those of my guardian as the needle sank into my skin.
The gravity and monument of the moment was disturbed somewhat by the explanation by the kind, but chatty, nurse. “Make sure you fully depress the plunger before pulling out the needle, Mr. Stark. I doubt this young man will want a low dose in your hurry to remove it!” she chuckled, sliding the needle from my skin almost painlessly. “A small bit of blood is normal, but if you remember to draw back before injecting, you can be sure you haven’t hit a vessel.”
Tony, to his credit, was nodding along, a look of fierce concentration fixed on his face, despite his own extensive medical knowledge; I was more than certain that he knew how to administer a shot without instruction, but he was entirely devoted to listening, and entirely oblivious to my gazing at him adoringly. The man basically performed heart surgery on himself, but he’s so adamant about getting this right for me…
“And that’s you done! You can go ahead and pull up your pants now, Peter. Congratulations,” she added with a tender smile. “You’re officially on testosterone.”
I split into a wide grin, inching my waistband over the site gingerly. Tony’s partially-removable suit had been a Godsend when I’d been told I could start testosterone there and then – the idea of having to remove my entire suit just to access the top of my butt was one I hadn’t been thrilled about, but Tony had simply reprogrammed his nanos, forming a strip of available skin for the shot without any hassle.
“And that’s every four weeks?” he clarified, tapping his palm against the side of his fist as he committed the procedure to memory. She nodded, and he met my eye with a proud smile. “I’d be honoured.”
I flushed crimson as his arm snaked around my shoulders, gripping me affectionately. “You don’t have to, Mr. Stark. I’m sure Dr. Banner would-”
“Not a chance, kid,” he interrupted gently, ruffling my hair. “It’s a blessing I want… If you’ll have me?” His voice tilted at the question, subtly concerned, and I shook my head with a grin.
“I’d love for it to be you, Mr. Stark. Who else? I’m only here because of you.”
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We pulled up outside the complex before I mustered the courage to approach the sensitive topic, but I knew it was never far from either of our minds.
“Mr. Stark, I want to-”
“Look, Peter, I don’t expect you to-”
We hesitated together, and chuckled uncertainly, each motioning the other before he exhaled heavily, running a hand through his hair. “Kid, I know you aren’t going to tell me everything. That’s fine; I wasn’t offended that you asked me to leave. I just worry. I know about the mental health concerns in trans kids – especially those that are kicked out. And I know that I’m not… That it’s not always easy to approach me. I’m not that great at talking about feelings. But I’m always – always – here for you, Peter. I just want to make sure you know that. There’s nothing that will make me stop loving you, or want to get rid of you, okay?” I’d looked away halfway through his speech, and his declaration of love had the windscreen swimming before my eyes, vision suddenly blurred as I swallowed around the swollen lump in my throat, simply nodding. His gentle hand found the hair at the nape of my neck, smoothing tenderly, which, while comforting, only made my emotions more difficult to control, and I sniffed loudly, breaking the silence. “I do, y’know. I… I love you, kid. You mean everything to me, and I sure as hell am not going to let something as simple as ‘talking about our feelings’ get in the way of that.”
His voice cracked almost imperceptibly, sending my pixellated gaze sliding back to his face, locking on his own watery eyes. “M… Tony. I… I owe you everything,” I breathed, trying to keep the sobs from bursting from my lungs as they fought to maintain control. “Without you, I… Well, I probably wouldn’t be here. I definitely wouldn’t be here,” I added, waving a hand blindly at the main building of the compound I’d almost forgotten existed in this moment, “living with superheroes and on T.  I love you too – of course I do. I… Uncle Ben died before I ever really knew him, and I can’t remember what my father was like. They’re just figures in my mind – a shadow without a face. I never really had a dad… Until now.”
I blinked in surprise as a tear rolled down his cheek, devastation and delight warring across his features. This man, renowned for his robots and literal suit of armour, was dissolving before my eyes, simply from my tender words. He pursed his lips, looking away, the muscle in his jaw ticking as he fought with his emotions. “That… That means a lot, kid. Thank you.”
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Our return to the compound came after several minutes of quiet in Tony’s car, both sniffling and wiping our eyes. It had been an emotional day in every way, and combined with the dull ache in my butt, I was definitely ready for bed, despite it only being a little after midday.
“Just… I’m sorry, in advance,” Tony murmured as he led the way into the kitchen, following up on his promise of a cup of coffee and a relaxed evening. “I tried to tell them that you’d likely just want to slump in front of the TV, but…”
The door opened to the amassed Avengers, each grinning as broadly as the next, cheering beneath a banner proudly proclaiming, ‘It’s a boy!’ – a cliché, undoubtedly, but one that touched my heart. I laughed breathlessly as the team gathered around me, clapping me on the back and making light-hearted jibes about when I’d eventually grow a moustache. Tony shrugged apologetically over Widow’s shoulder, and I shook my head minutely, fondly.
How could I be mad about this?
“Congratulations, Peter. How do you feel?” Vision enquired, his soft voice cutting over the clamour as he hung back with Wanda, ever the reserved pair.
“Honestly? It’s… Weird,” I chuckled, scratching my neck uncomfortably. “It’s both a huge, momentous thing… But also oddly anticlimactic, y’know? Like… A quick stab, and that’s it – I’m on Testosterone. This massive goal of my life is achieved. I don’t really know what to do now,” I added, laughing lightly. Vision smiled tightly, sympathetic.
“It’s not the end of your journey, though,” Tony added, nudging his way through the mass of bodies to my side. “It’s just the beginning. And I think I speak for everyone here when I say – we can’t wait to see the man you grow into.”
I smiled, tipping my head against Natasha’s fondly. “Thank you, Tony.”
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iamsudhirkp · 3 months
How does the Metaverse affect real life?
The Metaverse is a digital world made possible by augmented and virtual reality. It could have a big effect on our daily lives. Even though we will always need to talk to real people, the Metaverse could change many parts of our lives.
Health care is one place where the Metaverse can make a difference. Virtual help and easier access can be very helpful for both healthcare workers and customers. For instance, doctors and injured players can already get better at their jobs and speed up their recovery by training in virtual reality. This technology makes models more accurate and useful, which leads to better results in the real world.
The Metaverse can also change places of work. Isolation can be avoided and face-to-face relationships can be changed by digital offices. Using VR glasses to explore online worlds lets employees work together and interact with each other in realistic settings, no matter where they are physically located. This might help people be more productive, flexible, and creative at work.
AI is also a part of how the Metaverse might affect things. The Metaverse can boost productivity and give each person a more unique experience by using AI technologies. Metaverse platforms give businesses and brands a chance to learn more about their customers by giving them a full picture of their likes and dislikes and how they act.
Metaverse technology is already being used by stores to improve the shopping experience. Customers can virtually try on clothes before they buy them, which gets rid of the need for real try-ons and cuts down on returns. This not only makes things easier, but it also cuts down on trash and damage to the earth.
The Metaverse also lets people express themselves and could help make society more open. People in this digital world are free to make models that are like them, without having to worry about what other people might think. This can help bring people from different backgrounds together and help them accept each other.
It is important to remember that even though the Metaverse has a lot of interesting options, real-life interactions with other people will always be important. The Metaverse is not meant to replace real-life relationships; instead, it should be seen as a tool that makes our lives better. To build properly in the Metaverse, you need to make sure that everyone can enjoy their experiences, put safety and privacy first, and make sure that technologies are accessible to everyone.
On the whole, the Metaverse can make big changes in many areas of our lives. This digital world can make businesses better, create jobs, create economic chances, and support fairness and inclusion in everything from healthcare to workplaces to shopping. But we must responsibly create the Metaverse so that it has a good effect on real life.
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smartcarediagnostics · 5 months
Simplifying Healthcare: How SmartCare Diagnostics Makes Finding Affordable Blood Tests a Breeze
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In today's busy world, keeping track of our health is super important. But sometimes, finding affordable blood tests from trustworthy companies can be really hard. There are so many diagnostic centers out there, each with different prices and services. It can be confusing and stressful!
That's where SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd comes in. It's a cool digital healthcare platform that makes finding the best blood test deals super easy. No more spending hours online or calling around – with SmartCare Diagnostics, it's just a click away.
Stress-Free Health Checkups
Whether you need a regular health checkup or specific tests done, SmartCare Diagnostics has you covered. They've got all the price lists from top companies like Thyrocare, Dr Lal Path, Suburban Diagnostics, Metropolis, and Agilus. You can easily compare prices and services without all the hassle.
All the Tests You Need
SmartCare Diagnostics isn't just about prices – they've got info on all sorts of tests too. From basic blood work to fancy screenings, everything you need to know is right there. No more guesswork or confusion!
Easy Peasy Home Sample Collection
Who has time to go to a diagnostic center? With SmartCare Diagnostics, you can get your samples collected right at home. Just pick a time that works for you, and a friendly professional will come to you. It's super convenient and saves you a ton of time.
One-Stop Shop for Health
SmartCare Diagnostics puts all the info you need right at your fingertips. Whether you're a tech whiz or just getting started online, their platform is easy to use. Say goodbye to the stress of booking blood tests – SmartCare Diagnostics makes it a breeze.
Taking Control of Your Health
At SmartCare Diagnostics, They believe everyone should have access to affordable healthcare. By making prices transparent and services convenient, they're helping people take charge of their health. It's all about making healthcare simple and accessible for everyone.
In short, finding affordable blood tests from top companies doesn't have to be a headache anymore. With SmartCare Diagnostics, you can take care of your health without all the stress. Say hello to easy, hassle-free healthcare – it's just a click away!
10 Title- Tips to Improve Liver Function Quickly
Tips to Improve Liver Function Quickly
The liver is an incredible organ with the remarkable ability to regenerate and heal itself. However, various factors like poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, and sedentary lifestyles can hamper its function. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to enhance liver function swiftly. In this article, we'll explore effective strategies to improve liver health rapidly, including lifestyle changes geared towards fostering better liver function.
How to Improve Liver Function Fast?
Stay Hydrated: Adequate hydration is crucial for supporting liver function. Water helps flush toxins out of the body, allowing the liver to function optimally. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day to keep your liver hydrated and healthy.
Consume Liver-Friendly Foods: Incorporate foods that are beneficial for liver health into your diet. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins in your meals. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, leafy greens, and nuts, can help protect the liver from damage.
Limit Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption can wreak havoc on the liver, leading to inflammation, fatty liver disease, and even liver failure. Limit your alcohol intake or, ideally, abstain from alcohol altogether to promote liver health.
Avoid Processed Foods: Processed foods are often high in unhealthy fats, sugars, and additives that can burden the liver. Opt for whole, nutrient-dense foods instead, which provide essential vitamins and minerals without taxing the liver.
Exercise Regularly: Engaging in regular physical activity is beneficial for liver health. Exercise helps reduce fat accumulation in the liver, improves circulation, and enhances overall metabolic function. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.
Maintain a Healthy Weight: Obesity and excess body fat can contribute to fatty liver disease and impair liver function. By maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise, you can reduce the risk of liver-related complications.
Get Sufficient Sleep: Quality sleep is essential for overall health, including liver function. Aim for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night to allow your body to repair and regenerate, promoting optimal liver health.
Lifestyle Changes for Better Liver Health
Quit Smoking: Smoking not only damages the lungs but also harms the liver. Quitting smoking can significantly improve liver function and reduce the risk of liver-related diseases.
Manage Stress: Chronic stress can take a toll on liver health by triggering inflammation and impairing detoxification processes. Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or spending time in nature to support liver health.
Limit Exposure to Toxins: Minimize your exposure to environmental toxins and chemicals that can harm the liver. Use natural cleaning products, avoid prolonged exposure to pesticides and other harmful substances, and opt for organic foods whenever possible.
Stay Up to Date with Vaccinations: Certain viral infections, such as hepatitis A and B, can cause liver damage. Stay up to date with vaccinations to protect yourself against these infections and safeguard liver health.
Timely Detection Screening with Smartcare Diagnostics: Timely detection and screening are crucial for identifying liver diseases early on. Smartcare Diagnostics offers accurate diagnostic services to detect liver issues and provide timely interventions. By getting regular screenings, you can ensure early detection of any abnormalities and take proactive steps to maintain liver health.
Consult a Healthcare Professional: If you're experiencing persistent symptoms of liver dysfunction or have concerns about your liver health, consult a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized advice, conduct tests to assess liver function, and recommend appropriate treatments or lifestyle modifications.
In conclusion, improving liver function quickly requires a combination of dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and healthy habits. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can support liver health, boost overall well-being, and enjoy a healthier life.
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dumbbellguider · 9 months
Crafting Your Balanced diet chart For Healthy Life Style
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Creating a balanced diet chart is pivotal in ensuring you receive the necessary nutrients for optimal health and well-being. Here's a comprehensive guide to crafting your personalized balanced diet chart:
Understanding Nutritional Needs
Begin by understanding your body's nutritional requirements. These encompass macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Consider factors like age, gender, activity level, and specific health goals when outlining your diet plan.
Incorporating Macronutrients
Carbohydrates: Opt for complex carbohydrates found in whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. These provide sustained energy and fiber crucial for digestive health.
Proteins: Include lean sources such as poultry, fish, tofu, legumes, and dairy. Protein aids in muscle repair and supports various bodily functions.
Fats: Embrace healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. These fats are essential for cell function and nutrient absorption.
Balancing Portion Sizes
Maintain balance and portion control. Your diet chart should feature appropriate serving sizes of each food group to ensure you meet nutritional needs without overconsumption. Consider using measuring tools or visual aids to gauge portion sizes accurately.
Adding Micronutrients
Vitamins: Integrate a variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure a spectrum of vitamins (A, C, D, E, K) vital for immune function, vision, and overall health.
Minerals: Incorporate sources of essential minerals like calcium (from dairy, leafy greens), iron (found in red meat, beans, fortified cereals), and potassium (bananas, sweet potatoes) to support bone health, blood formation, and electrolyte balance.
Hydration Matters
Don't overlook the significance of hydration. Water is crucial for bodily functions, so ensure you drink an adequate amount throughout the day. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses daily, adjusting based on activity levels and climate.
Meal Planning for Consistency
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Design a meal plan that aligns with your daily routine. Incorporate breakfast, lunch, dinner, and healthy snacks in between to maintain consistent energy levels and prevent overeating.
Consideration for Special Diets
If following a specific diet (e.g., vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free), ensure your balanced diet chart accommodates those dietary restrictions. Seek alternatives that provide the necessary nutrients for your unique needs.
Monitoring and Adjusting
Regularly review your diet chart and its impact on your health, energy levels, and overall well-being. Adjust as necessary based on how your body responds to different foods and quantities.
Consultation with a Professional
For personalized guidance or specific health concerns, consult a registered dietitian or healthcare professional. They can offer tailored advice based on your individual needs and health goals.
Crafting a balanced diet chart involves a combination of understanding nutritional requirements, incorporating a variety of foods, maintaining portion control, and staying hydrated. By creating a well-rounded plan, you provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs for optimal functioning and overall health.
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ushealthrealsolutions · 10 months
How Can You Maximize Your Beauty & Minerals Nutrition?
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Achieving optimal beauty and mineral nutrition involves a combination of a well-balanced diet, hydration, and lifestyle choices. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you maximize your beauty and mineral intake:
Diverse and Nutrient-Rich Diet:
Start by consuming a diverse range of nutrient-rich foods. Include colorful fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats in your diet. These foods provide essential vitamins and minerals crucial for skin health, hair strength, and overall well-being.
Hydration Matters:
Water is fundamental to every aspect of health, including skin hydration. Adequate water intake helps flush out toxins, keeps skin supple, and supports overall bodily functions. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day, adjusting for factors like climate and physical activity.
Prioritize Antioxidants:
Antioxidants play a crucial role in protecting the skin from free radical damage, which can accelerate aging. Include foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, dark leafy greens, and nuts, to promote radiant and youthful-looking skin.
Essential Fatty Acids:
Incorporate sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids into your diet. These essential fats contribute to skin health, promoting elasticity and a natural glow. Fish, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts are excellent sources of these fatty acids.
Choose Whole Foods:
Opt for whole, minimally processed foods over highly processed and sugary options. Whole foods provide a broader spectrum of nutrients, ensuring that you receive a comprehensive range of vitamins and minerals necessary for your beauty and overall health.
Supplementation, if Necessary:
While a balanced diet should ideally fulfill your nutritional needs, certain circumstances may warrant supplementation. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine if you need additional vitamins or minerals.
Limit Alcohol and Caffeine:
Excessive alcohol and caffeine intake can dehydrate the body and affect skin health. Moderation is key; consider reducing consumption and ensuring that you balance these beverages with ample water.
Adequate Sleep and Stress Management:
Quality sleep and stress management are integral to your beauty regimen. Lack of sleep and chronic stress can contribute to skin issues and accelerate aging. Prioritize restful sleep and incorporate stress-reducing activities like meditation or yoga into your routine.
Remember, beauty and mineral nutrition are not isolated to specific foods but rather the culmination of a holistic approach to overall well-being. By adopting these habits, you can enhance your natural beauty from the inside out.
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essentialcannabyuk · 10 months
Oils for Quit Smoking: A Natural Path to Break the Habit
Quitting smoking can be an arduous journey, but with determination and the right resources, it's entirely achievable. One such resource that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of essential oils. These concentrated extracts from various plants offer a natural and holistic approach to help individuals quit smoking. In this article, we will explore the potential benefits of using Oils for quit smoking and how they can aid in the process.
1. Peppermint Oil-
Peppermint oil is well-known for its ability to curb cravings and reduce stress, both of which are significant hurdles for those trying to quit smoking. Its refreshing scent can help alleviate the desire for a cigarette, and when applied topically, it can soothe anxiety and withdrawal symptoms. Inhaling peppermint oil through a diffuser or directly from the bottle can provide instant relief during challenging moments.
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2. Lavender Oil-
Lavender oil is a calming and soothing essential oil that can help manage the irritability and restlessness often associated with quitting smoking. Its relaxing properties can reduce stress and anxiety, making the quitting process more manageable. Adding a few drops of lavender oil to a warm bath or using it in a diffuser before bedtime can promote better sleep, which is crucial for recovery.
3. Eucalyptus Oil-
Eucalyptus oil is renowned for its respiratory benefits. When quitting smoking, the respiratory system goes through a healing process, and eucalyptus oil can support this. Inhaling the vapours of eucalyptus oil can help clear the airways and reduce the urge to smoke. It can also provide a sense of refreshment that many former smokers find beneficial.
4. Lemon Oil-
Lemon oil can be a powerful ally in the battle against nicotine addiction. Its citrusy scent can help improve mood and energy levels, combating the lethargy often experienced during nicotine withdrawal. By diffusing lemon oil or adding a drop or two to a glass of water, individuals can benefit from its uplifting effects.
5. Black Pepper Oil-
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Black pepper oil can aid in reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Its warm and spicy scent can stimulate the senses and provide a distraction from the urge to smoke. Mixing a few drops of black pepper oil with a carrier oil and applying it topically can help individuals stay on track with their quit-smoking journey.
Quitting smoking is undoubtedly challenging, but with the support of essential oils, it can become a more manageable and holistic process. While essential oils can play a significant role in curbing cravings, reducing stress, and managing withdrawal symptoms, it's essential to remember that they should be used as a complementary approach alongside other smoking cessation methods. Consult with a healthcare professional or smoking cessation expert to create a comprehensive plan tailored to your individual needs. With the right combination of determination and natural aids like essential oils, you can increase your chances of successfully breaking free from the grip of smoking.
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dietnourish · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to how to gain weight for girls
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A Comprehensive Guide to Healthy Weight Gain for Girls
Gaining weight in a healthy and sustainable way is a goal for many girls who are looking to improve their overall well-being, build muscle, or address specific health concerns.
Understanding Healthy Weight Gain:
Before embarking on a weight gain journey, it's crucial to understand that healthy weight gain involves increasing lean muscle mass while minimizing the accumulation of excess body fat. Rapid weight gain is not advisable, as it can lead to health issues and unwanted fat gain. The focus should be on nourishing the body and promoting overall health.
Determining Your Weight Gain Goals:
Setting realistic and achievable weight gain goals is the first step. Understand why you want to gain weight, whether it's to improve athletic performance, build muscle, or enhance your overall physique. Defining your goals will help you stay motivated and track your progress effectively.
Creating a how to gain weight for girls
Consult a Healthcare Provider: Before making significant changes to your diet or exercise routine, consult with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian. They can assess your current health, provide guidance, and ensure that weight gain is appropriate for your individual circumstances.
Balanced Diet: A well-rounded and balanced diet is essential for healthy weight gain. Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods from all food groups, including carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and dairy or dairy alternatives.
Caloric Surplus: To gain weight, you need to consume more calories than your body burns. Calculate your daily caloric needs and aim for a surplus of 300-500 calories per day. This surplus will support gradual and sustainable weight gain.
Protein Intake: Protein is crucial for muscle growth and repair. Include lean protein sources like poultry, fish, lean meats, tofu, legumes, and dairy in your diet.
Healthy Fats: Incorporate sources of healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish. These provide essential nutrients and additional calories.
Complex Carbohydrates: Opt for complex carbohydrates like whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat pasta), sweet potatoes, and oats to provide energy for workouts and daily activities.
Regular Meals and Snacks: Instead of three large meals, eat smaller, more frequent meals and snacks throughout the day to increase your overall calorie intake.
Strength Training: Incorporate resistance exercises like weightlifting or bodyweight workouts into your routine to build muscle mass. Consult a fitness trainer for guidance on creating a personalized workout plan.
Hydration: Stay well-hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. Avoid excessive consumption of water just before or during meals, as it can make you feel full.
Sample how to gain weight for girls
Here's a sample meal plan for one day. Customize it based on your dietary preferences and caloric needs:
Scrambled eggs with spinach and feta cheese.
Whole-grain toast with almond butter.
A glass of whole milk or a dairy-free alternative.
Mid-Morning Snack:
Greek yogurt with honey and mixed berries.
Grilled chicken breast or tofu (for vegetarians) with quinoa.
Steamed broccoli and carrots.
A small serving of hummus with whole-grain crackers.
Afternoon Snack:
A banana with a handful of mixed nuts.
Baked salmon or tempeh (for vegetarians).
Brown rice or sweet potatoes.
Sautéed kale with garlic.
Evening Snack:
A serving of cottage cheese with pineapple.
Additional Tips:
Nutrient Density: Focus on nutrient-dense foods rather than empty-calorie options. Avoid excessive consumption of sugary and processed foods.
Stay Active: While gaining weight, it's essential to remain physically active. Regular exercise helps build muscle mass and stimulates appetite.
Track Your Progress: Maintain a journal of your meals, weight, and changes in your body composition. This can help you adjust your plan as needed.
Consistency: Healthy weight gain is a gradual process. Stick to your meal plan and exercise routine consistently.
Seek Professional Help: If you have difficulty gaining weight or have underlying health concerns, consider consulting a registered dietitian or nutritionist for personalized guidance.
Gaining weight in a healthy and sustainable manner requires a balanced approach that focuses on increasing caloric intake, incorporating strength training exercises, and maintaining overall well-being. It's essential to set realistic goals and consult with healthcare professionals or experts in nutrition and fitness to create a personalized weight gain plan that aligns with your needs and preferences. Remember that healthy weight gain is a gradual process, and patience and consistency are key to achieving your goals safely and effectively.
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amit0707 · 1 year
What is the importance of alkaline water in our daily life?
In our quest for a healthier lifestyle, we often come across various trends and fads. One such trend that has gained popularity in recent years is the consumption of alkaline water. Alkaline water is believed to offer numerous health benefits, but is it really worth the hype? In this blog post, we will explore the importance of alkaline water in our daily lives and whether it lives up to its claims.
Understanding Alkaline Water
To grasp the significance of alkaline water, it’s essential to understand what it is. Alkaline water has a higher pH level than regular tap water, typically around 8 or 9. This higher pH level is believed to provide certain health benefits. While alkaline water can be found naturally in some springs and streams, it is also manufactured through various processes.
Health Benefits of Alkaline Water
Improved Hydration: Alkaline water is thought to be more readily absorbed by the body. Its smaller molecular clusters can penetrate cells more efficiently, leading to better hydration.
Neutralizing Acidity: Many believe that alkaline water can counteract the effects of acidic foods and beverages, potentially reducing symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn.
Antioxidant Properties: Alkaline water is believed to have antioxidant properties, helping to combat free radicals and potentially slowing down the aging process.
Alkaline Water and Digestive Health
The alkalinity of water can play a role in digestion. It may help neutralize stomach acid, which can be particularly beneficial for those who suffer from acid reflux or heartburn. By maintaining a balanced pH in the digestive system, alkaline water can contribute to better overall digestive health.
Athletic Performance and Alkaline Water
Athletes often turn to alkaline water for its potential benefits. It may help improve muscle function, reduce lactic acid buildup, and enhance endurance. While more research is needed in this area, some athletes swear by the benefits of alkaline water for their performance.
Detoxification and Alkaline Water
Alkaline water is thought to support the body’s natural detoxification processes. By maintaining a balanced pH, it may help the body eliminate toxins more effectively. Some detox diets even recommend the consumption of alkaline water as part of their regimen.
Alkaline Water and Bone Health
There is a connection between the body’s acidity levels and bone density. High acidity can leach calcium from the bones, potentially leading to conditions like osteoporosis. Alkaline water may help counteract this effect and contribute to better bone health.
Alkaline Water vs. Regular Water
While alkaline water offers potential benefits, it’s essential to compare it to regular water. Regular water typically has a neutral pH of around 7, making it suitable for hydration. Alkaline water, on the other hand, has a higher pH and a distinct taste that some may prefer.
How to Incorporate Alkaline Water into Your Daily Routine
If you’re interested in trying alkaline water, there are several ways to incorporate it into your daily routine. You can purchase bottled alkaline water or invest in water ionizers to make your own at home. Experts typically recommend drinking about 8–10 glasses of water a day, so be mindful of your intake.
Potential Risks and Considerations
While alkaline water offers potential benefits, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Excessive consumption of alkaline water can disrupt your body’s natural pH balance. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your water consumption.
In conclusion, alkaline water has garnered attention for its potential health benefits. While some claims are supported by research, more studies are needed to fully understand its effects. Ultimately, whether you choose to incorporate alkaline water into your daily life should be a personal decision based on your health goals and preferences. Balancing alkaline water with a healthy diet and consulting with a healthcare professional can help you make an informed choice about its role in your daily routine. Try https://azoicwater.com/product/ula-natural-mineral-water/ for a healthy and premium option for hydration.
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trafficcaus · 1 year
A New Mom’s Guide to Lactation Treats
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Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! As a new mom, you're navigating a world filled with sleepless nights, endless diaper changes, and the joy of nurturing your little one.  Along with these precious moments, you may also face challenges when it comes to breastfeeding and milk supply. Don't worry, though! In this blog post, we'll introduce you to dairy free lactation cookies – a delightful solution for your breastfeeding. These tasty treats can help boost your milk production while satisfying your sweet tooth. So, grab a cup of tea and let's dive into the wonderful world of lactation treats!
Understanding Lactation And Milk Supply
Before we delve into lactation treats, let's take a moment to understand the basics of lactation and milk supply.
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Breast milk production works on a supply-and-demand basis. The more your baby feeds, the more milk your body produces. However, some new moms may experience temporary dips in milk supply due to various factors such as stress, fatigue, or medical conditions. That's where lactation treats come into play!
The Power of Lactation Cookies
Lactation treats, especially dairy-free lactation cookies, have gained popularity among new moms for their potential to boost milk supply. These cookies are infused with ingredients known as galactagogues, which are substances that help increase milk production. The best part is that they are delicious and incredibly easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Here are some reasons why lactation cookies can be a great addition to your breastfeeding journey: Nutritious Ingredients Lactation cookies are typically made with wholesome ingredients that provide essential nutrients for both you and your baby. Oats, flaxseeds, brewer's yeast, and coconut oil are commonly found in these cookies, offering a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Boosting Milk Supply The magic lies in the galactagogues present in these cookies. Oats, for example, are known to stimulate the production of oxytocin, a hormone responsible for milk letdown. Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can support milk production. Brewer's yeast is another ingredient believed to enhance milk supply. Convenience As a new mom, convenience is key. Lactation cookies provide a quick and hassle-free way to support your milk production. You can easily grab a cookie during those late-night nursing sessions or whenever you need a little pick-me-up. Treat for Your Taste Buds : Who says lactation treats can't be delicious? Dairy-free lactation cookies come in a variety of flavours, from classic chocolate chip to oatmeal raisin and even peanut butter. They are a tasty way to reward yourself while nurturing your little one.
Incorporating Lactation Cookies into Your Routine
Now that you're aware of the benefits, let's discuss how you can incorporate dairy-free lactation cookies into your routine: Choose High-Quality Cookies Look for reputable brands or trusted recipes that prioritize natural and organic ingredients. Read labels carefully to ensure the cookies are truly dairy-free and packed with galactagogues. Enjoy as a Snack Keep a stash of lactation cookies in your pantry or diaper bag for a quick snack on the go. You can enjoy them with a cup of herbal tea or a glass of water while breastfeeding or pumping. Get Creative Don't limit yourself to just cookies! Experiment with other lactation treats like muffins, energy balls, or granola bars. There are numerous recipes available online to suit your preferences. Share with Fellow Moms Spread the joy of lactation treats by baking a batch for your new mom friends. You can swap recipes and support each other on your breastfeeding journeys. Remember, while lactation treats can be beneficial, they should supplement a healthy diet and breastfeeding routine. If you have concerns about your milk supply, it's always best to consult a lactation consultant or healthcare professional.
Embrace the Journey With Lactation Treats
In conclusion, dairy-free lactation cookies are a delightful and effective way to boost your milk supply while enjoying a tasty treat. These cookies, packed with galactagogues like oats, flaxseeds, and brewer's yeast, can provide the much-needed support during your breastfeeding journey.  So, indulge in a couple of cookies a day, cherish the special moments with your little one, and embrace the beautiful journey of motherhood! Read the full article
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worldhealth44 · 1 year
Cataract Surgery in Delhi
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A cataract is a clouded region in your eye's lens (the clear part of your eye that aids in focusing light). This might cause your eyesight to become cloudy. Cataracts can only be treated surgically.
Who should get cataract surgery? If you suffer vision loss that interferes with ordinary tasks like reading, driving, or watching TV, your eye doctor will most likely recommend cataract surgery. Cataract symptoms and signs include:
Vision that appears clouded, hazy, or dull
Light and glare sensitivity, particularly during night.
Brighter lighting is called for for reading and other activities. Adjustments in eyeglass or contact lens prescription on a regular basis
Colours that are bright seem faded or yellow.
Even if cataracts aren't the primary cause of your visual difficulties, your doctor could suggest surgery. Cataracts, for example, may need to be treated so your doctor has access into the back of your eye. This can aid in the detection and treatment of various eye disorders such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). You do not need to get cataract surgery right away. To determine whether cataract surgery is best for you, speak with your eye doctor about the potential hazards and benefits.
What goes on during cataract surgery? Your eye doctor will take out the clouded lens from your eye and substitute it with an artificial lens (called an intraocular lens, or IOL) via surgery. The procedure takes approximately an hour and is almost painless. You will usually be awake throughout cataract surgery. You may see lights or movement, but you will not be able to observe what your doctor is doing. Your eye doctor could give medication to help you be comfortable and peaceful throughout the procedure.
What should I expect following cataract surgery? Following the surgery, your surgeon will observe you for 15 to 30 minutes. They will also set up your follow-up visit. Then, you are free to return home.
Things may appear fuzzy immediately following your procedure. This is usual. In the next days and weeks, your eyesight will steadily improve. Other possible transient side effects include:
You get a gritty feeling in your eyes.
Eyes becoming red or bloodshot.
Eyes becoming wet.
Will my eyesight return to normal following cataract surgery? Approximately 9 out of 10 individuals who have cataract surgery sight clearly afterward, however your vision may be fuzzy initially while your eye heals. Colours may appear brighter following cataract surgery, according to some people. This is because the artificial lens lacks the apparent yellow or brown tint that your natural lens had as a result of the cataract. Once your eye has recovered entirely, you may require a fresh prescription for glasses or contact lenses to see effectively.
What should I do to be ready for cataract surgery? Before your operation, you'll get a complete eye exam with your ophthalmologist. Your ophthalmologist will do the following tests as part of this examination:
Examine your vision.
Examine your body for any indications that you should not have surgery.
Determine the risk factors that might make your surgery more difficult.
To determine the optimal focusing power for your IOL, measure your eye.
Inform you whether you require prescription eye drops.
Taca Healthcare offers Cataract Treatment in Delhi at very affordable rate. We also provide insurance paperwork support. TaCa Healthcare is working on a Mission to make cataract treatment affordable in India.
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kirstenlinae · 2 years
Manifesting New Opportunities
My boyfriend made us french toast this morning :) I had sugar free syrup with mine and a glass of 1% milk. It was so delicious. Plus, it's the thought and sentiment that counts; very nice of him to think to make us breakfast this cold Friday morning. Also-- I really did not want to exercise this morning but, I figured not wanting to is a sign that I really need to. So I finished a 30 minute ride. It always makes me feel better to accomplish that every day.
Last night at work I peeked at the anticipated check-ins for today. It's some ridiculous amount like 47 or something. I took the liberty of assigning rooms to all of those check-ins so that I wouldn't have to do it today. I swear, no one every does anything to maintain the front desk during first or third shift. It all usually falls on second shift, which means me >< I am growing so tired of working at the hotel. It's not that it's a bad job, it's just not for me. I want to get back into healthcare. I've been applying for jobs like crazy the last few days at the major health systems in my area. Yesterday I applied for two positions (these are the positions that I REALLY want) and I applied for eight positions today. One of the biggest health systems in the area has like over 100 job postings that I'm qualified for but, their application requires a cover letter so, the process can get time consuming writing one specific to every job I apply for. I'll keep working through them over the weekend. Since my boss cut my Saturdays this month, I have more free time to look for another job. Joke's on them.
I want to work in another healthcare system again mostly because I want the benefits. While the health/dental/vison is nice (obviously), I'm really focused on the tuition assistance. If I get one of the two jobs I applied for yesterday, that health system offers full tuition assistance for nursing students who go to their college affiliate (which I already earned my BS from). Plus, being that I'm about to turn 31 in December...it's high time that I begin contributing to a matched 401k if I ever want the chance of retiring before I die. The free life insurance wouldn't be a bad thing, either all things considered in this day and age. Currently, I have none of those benefits working for the hotel. I get Medicaid since I work part time which is obviously awesome for medical care and prescription meds but awful for vision and dental, although still free. Even though my boyfriend does a phenomenal job of supporting us while I work part time to prep for surgery, I can't help but feel as though we could be going so much farther in our lives, both personally and financially, if I worked a full time job with full benefits.
I am praying for this. I know that maybe right now wouldn't be the best time to make a job/career change. I should probably wait until after surgery but, I am growing restless with my current situation. I want to move forward in big ways. I know that if God sees fit, he will bring it to my feet.
Thanks for reading if you got this far.
Until next time.
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seijohsremade · 4 years
ways to help protestors if you are unable to protest
everybody has to do their part. as a reference, this was posted on 1 june 2020. if any links are broken or direct to a place they should not, please feel free to add on with corrections. if there is new information with better knowledge, please feel free to share. thank you.
1. donate
do not donate to shaun king. he has repeatedly collected money to “support” black people, but no one knows where the money is.
note: washington dc and new jersey have cashless bail systems.
bail fund google doc (also includes lawyers for protestors)
national bail fund network (directory of community bail funds)
community bail funds masterpost by @keplercryptids
resistance funds (google sheets; lists bail funds around the country)
nationwide bail funds (split a donation to the bail funds listed on the linked page with a single transaction)
atlanta bail fund
brooklyn bail fund
colorado freedom fund
columbus freedom fund
houston chapter of black lives matter
liberty fund (nyc based; focuses services on people from low-income communities)
los angeles freedom fund
louisville community fund
massachusetts bail fund
minnesota freedom fund (as of may 30, 2020, they are encouraging people to donate elsewhere since they have raised enough money; as of may 29, 2020, they do not have a venmo, as some fraudulent accounts have been claiming, source)
philadelphia bail out fund
richmond bail fund
note: more links are listed in the masterposts below.
northstar health collective (healthcare and medical aid for people on the front lines)
reclaim the block (aims to redistribute police funding to help the minneapolis community)
twin cities dsa (provides fresh groceries and hot meals to people in minneapolis)
2. educate yourself
it isn’t enough to sign petitions and reblog/retweet/etc. nonblack people, including people of color, owe it to black people to educate themselves and correct themselves and the people around them on anti-blackness.
note: more links are in the masterposts linked below.
resources and tools regarding racism and anti-blackness (google sheets compilation)
readings on society, racism, the prison system, etc. (twitter thread)
“where do we go after ferguson?” by michael eric dyson
official black lives matter website
3. give out supplies to protestors
people need supplies to protest safely, and even if they bring supplies with them, they can often run out. if you’re able, stock up and hand them out to people protesting. for more supplies to donate, see the “george floyd action” google docs link in section 5.
water bottles (dehydration and heatstroke are not things people should have to deal with alongside bastard cops. if the police in your area are particularly violent or known to use tear gas, get the ones with the sports cap/suction-thing/etc so people can use them as emergency eye-flushes.)
snacks (make sure to take into account that people have allergies of all sorts. foods will have a little label that says “may contain” and then list any potential allergens. write the allergens on the ziploc (or any container you use) in permanent marker, or better yet, write the snacks included in the pack.)
masks (don’t forget there’s still a pandemic going on. also it will aid in deterring facial recognition when the police try to track down protestors,  also part two, if the cops use tear gas, wearing a mask (with the combination of a scarf or bandana) will lessen the adverse effects. lessen, not stop.)
bandanas, scarves, etc. and goggles (ski goggles, swimming goggles, etc.) (see above for explanation on the scarves. same goes for the goggles. anti–tear gas and anti–facial recognition.)
clean shirts (for people who are heavily gassed. also helps deter recognition through clothing.)
wound care supplies (band-aids, packets of neosporin packets or a similar antibiotic, alcohol wipes, etc.; if you can, decant bactine into those little travel bottles.)
a sharpie or another type of marker (for writing bail numbers or emergency contacts on arms, hands, etc. it’s not enough to have your city’s bail fund number stored on your phone; the police won’t give it to you to look it up. give people a marker so they can write it down, preferably not washable so it isn’t easily removed.)
tear gas: if you’re hit, get out as fast and as soon as you can. take anyone you can with you. the longer you’re in the gas, the harder it will be for you to see, and it can irritate your airways, making it hard to breathe. if you’re hit, don’t run; it’ll only make things worse on your lungs. when you leave the area, take a cold shower. don’t use hot water (it will only reactivate the agent); don’t bathe (it will only spread the CS around). (source 1) (source 2) (cdc fact sheet on tear gas)
move them to a clean and ventilated area where it’s as safe as possible.
ask them if they’re wearing contact lenses. have them remove it. if they’re wearing glasses, rinse it with water.
solution of half liquid antacid, half water. spray from the inside going out, with the head tilted back and slightly towards the side being rinsed. if they say it’s okay, open the eye slightly while doing this. (source)
bullet wounds: the most important thing is to stop the bleeding. be sure to check for an exit wound and cover that as well. treat both wounds, but treat the worse one first.
stop the bleed (youtube video by uc san diego health)
first aid in active shooting scenarios
making a tourniquet (a commercial tourniquet is best, but improvised ones can work as well if done properly; the most important things to remember is that tourniquets are for limb injuries and are not meant for the head or torso and that they have to be very tightly wound on the injury.)
how to apply pressure dressings
adult cpr tutorial (youtube video by cincinnati children’s; think of “staying alive” by the beegees or “uptown funk”)
4. be a source of information
be responsible with this. people’s lives are at stake. that being said, the media is a fucking joke and the best way to get accurate information in a grassroots rebellion is amongst ourselves. record everything, but if you are going to share any information at all, be sure to blur people’s faces.
signal (encrypted messenger app; messages delete after x amount of time): app store | google play
tool for scrubbing metadata from images and selectively blurring identifiable features
tech tips to protect yourself while protesting (by rey.nbows on tiktok, via vicent_efl on twitter)
cop spotting 101 (google docs)
know your rights (by personachuu on twitter)
remember to keep phones OFF unless absolutely necessary. cell phone towers, stingrays, location notifs can all be used to track you and other protestors. don’t fuck around. if your phone must be on, keep it on airplane mode as often as possible and only communicate using encrypted methods. no, snapchat doesn’t count. (a twitter thread on stingrays, for those interested)
lawyers assisting protestors pro-bono (by riyakatariax on twitter)
atlanta: 404-689-1519
chicago: 773-309-1198
minneapolis: 612-444-2654
5. miscellaneous links and links for protestors
masterpost of petitions to sign, numbers to call, places to donate, and more (carrd by dehyedration on twitter)
#blacklivesmatter (google docs by ambivaIcnt on twitter; includes information on relevant events, other masterposts, lists of petitions and donation links, how to protest safely and protests to go to, and more)
george floyd action (google docs; includes information on apps to download, supplies to buy and donate, places to donate to, protest safety, resources on unlearning racial bias, and more)
how to get out of ziptie “handcuffs” (by finnianj on tiktok, via katzerax on twitter)
how can i help? by @abbiheartstaylor
how to make a signal-blocking cell phone pouch
tips for protestors by @aurora00boredealis
twitter thread for protestors (by vantaemuseum on twitter)
also, if you’re protesting, change your passcode. make it at least 11 characters long and don’t use facial/thumb recognition.
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With the election I've been hearing a lot about dental care and vision and stuff, I'm assuming hearing healthcare (i/e hearing tests, cost of hearing aids or other devices, therapies and programs for hoh or tinnitus, and other supports like asl lessons) also aren't covered by the Canadian national healthcare system? If it's not have you ever heard any politicians bring it up when discussing other issues/failures of our healthcare system?
Canada's healthcare system does not cover dental, pharmaceutical drugs (pharmacare), eyecare, hearing care and lots of other things.
The NDP has promised to fund a national dental, pharamacare, vision/hearing care programs if elected. The Liberals and Conservatives have no plans to significantly expand the healthcare system in any way.
From the NDP's platform:
Extending Medicare to cover services you need Canada’s health care system today reflects the health care needs of the 1950s. Back then, New Democrats boldly transformed the health care system by guaranteeing that Canadians who needed to see their doctor or go to a hospital would not be faced by bills they couldn’t pay.
A decade of Conservative neglect has hurt our public health care system and eroded public trust. The Liberal approach – a patchwork of interventions, programs here and there – simply isn’t delivering the results that Canadians need. Too many Canadians, even those with private insurance, just aren’t able to get the help they need.
As it stands, the Canada Health Act is supposed to fund all medically necessary services that Canadians might need. But in reality, there are many kinds of medical services that Canadians need for their health and wellbeing that aren’t covered by public health care plans. As jobs with extended health benefits become harder to find, fewer people will have access to extended healthcare services.
You and your family deserve better. New Democrats believe that over the next decade, Canadians need a historic expansion of the services covered under our national health care system. One in three Canadians has no dental insurance – and almost seven million people don’t visit the dentist every year because they can’t afford to. Too many people are forced to go without the care they need, until the pain is so severe that they are forced to seek relief in hospital emergency rooms.
We know now that good oral health is a critical component of overall good health – and that means our health care system should cover it, too. A New Democrat government will work together with provincial partners, health professionals and dentists to develop a roadmap to incorporate universal dental care into Canada’s public health care system, and immediately deliver dental care coverage for people who don’t have any private insurance.
There’s a lot more to do to modernize our health system for today’s needs. Mental health support is an enormous unmet need across the country; over one in five Canadians struggling with mental health challenges who have expressed a need for counselling weren’t able to get it. Eye check-ups are important for preventing vision loss and identifying other health issues – yet many, particularly children and seniors, don’t get regular eye care, or struggle to pay for the glasses that they need to function.
New Democrats believe that we need to work towards health care that covers us from head to toe. COVID-19 took a tremendous toll on Canadians’ mental health. This is especially true for young people who are reporting high levels of depression and anxiety. Mental health care should be available at no cost for people who need it.
As a first step, a New Democrat government would bring in mental health care for uninsured Canadians – ensuring that people with no coverage for mental health services could gain access to these supports without worrying about the cost. Our comprehensive pharmacare plan will also mean that prescription medication for mental health care will now be available free of cost to Canadians. We will work with provinces and territories to build on these initiatives and put in place a truly comprehensive approach to mental health services. And we believe that no new parent should struggle alone – it’s time for a national perinatal mental health strategy to support growing families before and after birth.
Everyone should be able to get eye care and hearing care. Canadians struggling with infertility should also have access to the procedures and care they need, no matter which province or territory they live in.
The long-term path to providing public coverage for these services will require strong federal re-investment in our health system, with the knowledge that investing in preventative health services will ultimately save money and give Canadians the care they need to live healthy, full lives.
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thatjayjustice · 3 years
Your Life Has Value Beyond Measure: Disability and Poverty In the United States
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This is a story about why it’s so important to get medical help, even if you can’t afford it. It is so hard to break the habit of ignoring our own pain because poverty won’t let us get help. Because we have to.
The number one killer in the US isn’t heart disease. It’s capitalism.
I have been permanently disabled and chronically ill since I was a child. I live with severe chronic pain and debilitating damage in my entire body. I am also on SSDI, which means that I am not allowed to earn more than $15k a year or I lose my disability insurance. This makes medical care unaffordable.
The combination of extreme, constant pain & the knowledge that healthcare is unattainable, leads to not getting help until it is too late. It is a trap that has taken countless lives. People who deserved to live but were told that healthcare was only for the privileged. Not us.
Because I couldn’t afford treatment, I didn’t try after the first huge medical bill. I ignored headaches, vision & hearing loss, & periodic paralysis. I crowdfunded a wheelchair. I tried my best to survive. And then I fell in love with someone who forced me to get an eye exam.
I moved in with my girlfriend. She immediately noticed how massive the fonts on my pc are & asked if I had ever considered glasses. I hadn’t, because that involved going to the doctor and that was for rich people. She would not take no for an answer. So off to the doctor I went.
The first doctor I saw was alarmed at the amount of nerve damage in my eyes and referred me to a colleague. The second doctor I saw was very alarmed at the massive amount of swelling in my eyes and brain, as well as nerve damage & asked how quickly I could get to a top neuro-ophthalmologist he knew.
I knew this would be expensive, but I was now being told that there was a very high risk for stroke, blindness, and/or death, so away we went. We were at the hospital for over 24 consecutive hours. My eyes were dilated twice because the dilation wore off before they could finish all the tests. So many tests.
The neurology team discovered that I had over 4x the amount of pressure on my brain that a person is supposed to have, & they did their best to relieve it. The cause is still unknown. I have been prescribed medication to treat the condition, but the optic nerve damage is permanent. My eyesight will not improve.
The doctors say that if I had not gotten treatment when I did, I could have died. Without ongoing treatment, I am still at risk of dying. I have to be extremely diligent with my new medication to prevent this. Medicare refused to cover it so I had to pay out of pocket. 1 month of the generic version of the prescribed medicine costs $260. That is over 1/3 of my SSDI check.
I have several more medical follow-up apps & neurological procedures and all of this is mandatory for my survival but costs more money than I am legally allowed to earn. The US Government’s mandate to permanently tie disability status to income limits is killing disabled people.
Millions of people are living with the uncertainty of inadequate healthcare coupled with inescapable mandated poverty. Medical care shouldn’t be a privilege. It should be free. Instead, it’s denied to those who need it most & gatekept behind a paywall thousands of dollars high.
All of this is why I avoided treatment for over 20 years until it was clear that I had no choice. Regardless of your ability to pay, you deserve to live. Poverty is not a moral failing. Your life has value beyond measure. If you are in pain, please get help before it’s too late. Medium article for this post: https://jayjustice.medium.com/your-life-has-value-beyond If this post helped you and/or you'd like to support my work: jayjustice.net gofundme.com/justice-on-wheels http://www.patreon.com/ThatJayJustice http://www.ko-fi.com/thatjayjustice https://www.venmo.com/ThatJayJustice https://cash.me/$ThatJayJustice
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voidstain · 2 years
Proper Pinned Post
Anonymous blog that started as a writing blog. Now it's a bit of a mishmash. Self expression, often unedited and done on mobile. Maybe discourse, maybe rambly posts, who really knows.
Quick rundown: Pro-ship, pro-endogenic systems, pro-kink, pro-sex work, pro being radically inclusive generally. Disabled (physically and mentally, though the distinction is not one we feel needs to be made), queer, tired. 25+ body. We block liberally but do try to be understanding and own up to mistakes.
Feel free to block for any reason. We try to respect DNIs, if they exist/are accessible for us, but don't really think stating one ourselves is worth it. If you want to interact, you will, a DNI isn't going to do much to stop people. If you don't want to interact because of our stances, you aren't going to anyway.
Info on us and what you may expect to find on this blog below the cut.
We are a plural system that prefers using headmate/fictive terms over parts/alters/introjects. Voices will not be given names, and are numbered in order of choosing to use this blog, not by how many are actually here.
Voice 1 (They/It)
Voice 2 (She/Her)
Voice 3 (They/It)
Voice: undisclosed (could be anyone, or a mix! Not necessarily a voice given a number.)
Voice 4 (They/Them)
Voice 5 (He/Him, & any)
Topics you may find:
Queer themes
Neurodiverse themes (Autism, ADHD, plurality, trauma, & more)
Cripplepunk/Madpunk/Punk in general
The woes of chronic pain
Lots of identity stuff
Self harm/Suicide/Death
Religious trauma
Unreality/Things of an otherworldly nature as if literal and as if really had happened
Dealing with reality, usually with hopepunk, but like, yikes
Fandomish stuff, maybe. Headmates/fictives being vague probably.
& more!
Any identifying info is not happening. If you think you know us no you don't. NDA this shit. Redirect your brain cells away from suspicion. If you browse thats fine but leave no trace, nature trail visit this place. Coincidences are just that, not even correlation. Or else.
(We'd probably just be embarrassed about being Known(tm) and kinda upset about some stuff being seen thats private but pretend I have a gun for the meme)
Thanks for coming to our ted talk, except psych, bonus ted talk of thoughts will be randomly added below
Anti-psychiatry. Yes we have a psychologist headmate, yes we are in therapy with a therapist who knows about us. Tear down the medical field and rebuild it brick by fucking brick without any brick not being seen to by someone it impacts. No one should be forced to have medical choices and bodily autonomy stripped like that.
As such, obviously, pro self-dx, because dx labels are like. a horrible mess. Half of it is different brands of slightly varied symptoms lining stuff up to see which eye glass you see through best at the eye doctor. Whatever's comfy yall. It's like trauma all the way down anyway. Yes for like, almost everything. Even the biological stuff is exacerbated by trauma. Life in our society is inherently traumatizing for 99.9% of people.
So like. Drugs. Relatedly. Addiction is a societal problem. Free supervised substance use sites is a public health issue. Stop jailing people (disproportionately BIPOC who are often then exploited as prison labor) for drugs. Stop villainizing them. Addicts should be supported, and you know what? If someone wants to do drugs sometimes, let em. They aren't a crime that forever marrs your immortal soul or some shit.
Opiod crisis. Pain relief seeking behavior being classified as drug seeking is costing lives, just give them the prescription. Also on this topic free healthcare. Abortion is an inherent right to bodily autonomy. Let someone trans their gender as much as they please so long as consent is informed. Also palliative care over life-prolonging care any day if the person wishes. Also physician's assisted suicide.
For the love of the vast void or whatever you believe in stop letting cops kill people. Stop letting cops. That's it end of sentence. Redirect funds to better serve the community. Cheer when the station goes up in flames. Also just because you're European doesn't mean you're free of the racism of the US.
More to be added when we feel like it. Also posts may get made abt these separately
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