#if you need clarification on anything also please let me know
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shenzi-hemlock · 3 days ago
hey girl(?)! I love your posting of religious content and that you are unashamed to be religious even amid such a secular society. I was wondering where you stand morally speaking on homosexuality/gender politics? I know it's a complex issue within the scope of religion but I would love to hear your thoughts on it as someone who is religious but doesn't necessarily have an easy time processing how religion should interact with societal issues in general?
Sorry for not answering this one right away, I’ve been mulling over some topics and readying myself to explain them. Ok, here we go!
Thank you! I try first and foremost to be a Christian and let everything else follow. For some people, that puts them off and they would rather not be around me. It happens and it’s fine. I can’t force them to be a Christian or to like me.
So to have that lead into the main topic here, where do Christians stand on homosexuality/gender politics?? Well it’s very clearly detailed in the Bible. Homosexuality is a sin, period. There are a lot of people that will claim that the Greek word for “homosexuality” isn’t talking about two adult men but is warning against an adult man sleeping with a young boy. This particular translation has been debunked on more than one occasion and it does mean “homosexuality” as in two males having sexual relations with each other. The Bible does not endorse pedophilia but verses talking about two men laying together or men giving themselves up to unnatural and sinful desires are very loud and clear that homosexuality is a sin which goes against God’s design. God instituted marriage (and this all sexual acts) to be within the covenant of one man and one woman. No more, no less, no different.
As for gender politics, I’ll put here what I put in my other post, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. God, the creator of the universe and its planets, the God who composed physics and taught His galaxies to dance, the God who cultivated the tallest tree and tiniest flower, He knit you in your mother’s womb. He knows everything about you. Every fear, every joy, every lie, every truth. And He loves you. God does not make mistakes.
So just based off this, I can very firmly conclude that we are not to mutilate ourselves in order to feel better in our skin. We already are in the best body we will ever have. Specifically, transgender is a mental illness and it needs to be treated as such. Depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, all of these are treated as a mental illness. Could you imagine how worse off all these folks would be if instead of getting actual medical and psychological care, they were instead told there was nothing wrong with them and to not only continue living a delusion but actively encouraged to feed into it?
Suicide rates in the transgender community are extremely high. That is a direct consequence of encouraging that mental illness instead of directing them to the proper clinics/physicians to get the help they need.
So we’ve got both of those out of the way. Next, I should touch on what you said about being religious and how that interacts with societal issues.
I am a Christian because I believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. None come to the Father except through Him. I am not a Christian because my parents expect it or because it’s just how I was raised. I have a personal relationship with Christ in which He called me by name and saved me. Jesus shapes the way I look at not only myself but every other person on this planet. He informs my every decision and directs me to follow His Word. If you agree with this, then that leads to my next point.
Jesus is our priority in life and everything else comes after Him. And when I say everything, I mean truly, absolutely, *everything*. Jesus comes before my parents, before my siblings, before my husband, before my friends, before everyone else and everything else. That is how I view societal issues. Jesus comes first. Because God is a God of love, that will inform and direct me in how I interact with the world at large. Sometimes, love is tough and wants the best for you. Sometimes people don’t like what is best for them. Sometimes, a lot of times, they want what is easy.
Putting Jesus first is hard. It’s an everyday challenge. But when I put Him first, that allows me to look at issues like homosexuality and transgenderism through the lens of Christ. It is a sin to lust after someone of the same sex just as lust is a sin for people of the opposite sex. It is a sin to try and permanently change or destroy your body and say that God was wrong. You do not live a life led by Christ and decide to mutilate yourself.
But there is always hope. Christ is King. He has won. No matter what you have done, no matter how evil you think you are, no matter how lost you feel, no matter how much you have put Him down, Christ still wants to have you home. And so do I.
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welcome-to-green-hills · 2 years ago
I forgot you like the science stuff ooooooooh okay and you mentioned mind uploading and I have a THOUGHT.
A HEADCANNON (kinda) because I like ti take pieces of canon and try to fit them all together.
And I'd love your thoughts.
In Sonic Brawl, Rouge says Shadow has Maria's soul. That is super vague, but we do know that Gerald was willing to go to any lengths to save Maria.
... Do you think a backup of her brain was created and 'downloaded' into Shadow?
(I have other thoughts in tandem with this but they're all mildly sad so I just want to ask the fun one💜)
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Hello, my dear!❤️✨
I’m terribly sorry for taking so long on your ask. I wanted to make sure that my answer was reasonable, as well as supplied some knowledge to the character’s purpose of creation. Essentially, I wanted to make sure that I was thorough enough to share my thoughts. I’ve even shared this question with a couple of my colleagues at the lab to hear their thoughts too. This will be a pretty lengthy, but well-educated answer.
I absolutely agree, the journal entries from Sonic Battle are vague. I feel that they are purposefully meant to be vague so that the audience could make their own conclusions on what it means. Short answer: possibly, but I lean more towards “no.” Long and complicated answer can be found under the “read more” tab (because why not😅).
We just don’t know the extent of how extreme Gerald’s plans were with discovering immortality. We’ve seen in SA2, Sonic Battles, Sonic Rivals 2 and ShTH 2005 that Gerald has been known to tamper with very questionable forces in order to achieve immortality at the cost of risking everyone and everything around him. It’s desperation, yes. He care more about Maria than anything else. I think it’s just… really up for debate.
We have a couple of ideas that need to be addressed first in order for me to share my thoughts:
1). Brain uploading requirements, zettabytes
2). Psychology/Ethics and Moral Teachings
The assumption that Gerald was crafty with uploading a consciousness into a computer is a process called “Whole Brain Emulation (WBE).” This is also referred to as a “mind transfer.” This is a process in which, presumably, has the ability to scan the state of our minds and transfer into a database whether it’s postmortem (deceased) or antemortem (living).
As of now, the process of uploading one’s consciousness into an artificial body or database is a pseudoscience. This means that it’s more of a fantasy sci-fi scenario other than supplying factual results. Whole Brain Emulation would have to take into consideration of scanning layers upon layers of one’s mind and convert them into various strands of code. The human brain is made up of neurons; the human mind has about 86 billion neurons (PNAS, 2012).
In order to even begin scanning the mind, we’d need an exorbitant amount of storage space that could store not even a handful of neurons. We’d need to take into consideration of zettabytes. The human mind itself can store about 1.1950 petabytes of data in a lifetime if it was used at its fullest capacity (Houzel, 2009). That’s roughly two zettabytes. That’s like finding the Pacific Ocean with water twice! Thankfully, we live in a world where we have access to zettabytes. Zettabytes are used to store large sums of data in servers for social media sites, like Tumblr and Twitter. Being able to store all of the data into a database seem plausible, but we still run into a couple of problems.
We would not be able to get a 100% accurate reflection of Maria. If anything, we’d only be able to replicate it via artificial intelligence. We would have to take into consideration of Maria’s mannerisms and wide variety of responses to the world around her.
With all of the technological advancements made in human history, the capability of transferring organic consciousness into a mechanical device is nonexistent. We might be able to replicate states of consciousness, but we would have to teach AI and code human ethics and morals. In this case, we could make an attempt in replicating Maria’s consciousness to a certain extent. We don’t know a whole lot of Maria’s characteristics other than the fact that she mattered tremendously to both Shadow and Gerald.
The problem here would be that we’d lack a ration and irrational response of decision making of the individual. What we think that we might know of a person might be different from them being right then and there as they respond to the phenomenon. If anything, we wouldn’t have Maria’s internal thinking and logic. Everything that would be coded would not be Maria’s true thoughts, it would be an assumed thought of the AI and/or programmer.
There is no guarantee that the AI will possess every thought and feeling that Maria might have had when transferring her consciousness. In order to get that, we’d have to do extensive psychological research of Maria’s response to every situation in a controlled environment. This would have to be monitored 24/7. The Maria program would have to relearn everything about herself on top of learning culturally acceptable ethics and morals depending on the environment she was raised in.
If this is the case, then Shadow would have to be habilitated into having the same—or nearly the same—mannerisms that Maria would have had if having her consciousness uploaded into his mind. And if she were still a child, then that would take longer. A child is still in the process of knowing themselves and their identity. Because we would only have a secondary source of Maria’s characteristics, we would lack internal feelings of her growing up.
It’s safer to assume that everything that Shadow has done in his life are his own thoughts and feelings. Shadow is meant to be perceived as his own person. I’m positive that his actions are influenced by Maria and his interactions with the world around him. Most, if not all, of his actions after learning the truth from SA2 are his own. I do not believe that Maria had her consciousness uploaded into Shadow’s mind, but it is a possibility that Gerald thought about it. The problem here is that we might never know. All that we know is that Gerald would have done nearly anything, even using government funding, to save Maria (Windii, 2018).
Most of my thoughts and feelings are told through the perspective of human interactions. We don’t know enough of Shadow’s physiology in order to make a true comparison. Until we learn more about Gerald and Maria’s characteristics, I think that it’s safe to say that this is more of a hypothetical scenario that needs more information.
I hope this answers your question, my dear!❤️✨
PNAS, 2012: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1201895109
Houzel, 2009: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2776484/
Ted-ED, 2023: https://youtu.be/2DWnvx1NYUA
Windii, 2018: http://info.sonicretro.org/Sonic_Adventure_2_-_The_Truth_of_50_Years_Ago...
Here’s a great text from the National Institute of Health made that talks about neurogenics: https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/public-education/brain-basics/brain-basics-life-and-death-neuron
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quarterlifekitty · 3 months ago
Can we pretty please have König with the secret baby trope?
( . .)
( づ♡
I offer a little bunny as a bribe [I really hope it works and doesn’t end up misshapen lol]
Bunny looks good to me…. I accept
So in this, I imagine that you were something of a friends with benefits to him. While it wasn’t a sugaring situation, he did insist upon treating you to a nice dinner whenever you met up. When he’d come home on leave, he’d reach out, you’d meet up and fuck, and eventually he’d ship back out and the cycle repeated.
Truthfully, he’d been planning on trying to make things less casual for a long time. He’s not the kind of person who can fuck someone repeatedly and not fall in love, as much as he tried to be when this began. He decided that on his next leave, he would tell you.
He didn’t expect his next leave to be as far away as it turned out to be. While he is within his rights as a mercenary to decline extending his time on the job, he often doesn’t. He’s a workaholic and one of the small number of people at KorTac with no family to speak of, so he often takes on the burden staying on longer when needed. The time gets away from him. He’s gone longer than a year.
He comes back, anxious about where he stands with you. What you had hadn’t exactly been exclusive, and it’s hard to believe that you wouldn’t have been snapped up in that time away. To him, there can be no shortage of other men in your life that are crazy about you.
He contacts you. You tell him that you’re not really in a position to meet up with him, and you don’t really know if you ever will be again, honestly. His hands are sweating and his fingers fuck up on the keyboard all the time, so he just decides to call. Ask you what he’s done, if there’s someone else, if you know that he’s madly in love—
Not thirty seconds into the phone call, just barely past the niceties and pleasant greetings, when all of those questions are on the tip of his tongue— he hears crying. A baby crying. You tell him hurriedly that you’ll have to call him back. He decides he just can’t wait that long. He goes to your place.
You answer the door with a baby in a sling around you, tucked up to your chest, markedly more calm than it had been over the phone. Red hair. Your expression is a little tightened, like you hadn’t really wanted to see him at the door.
“As you can see, I’m not really able to attend a dick appointment right now.”
Fuck, is that what it was? You thought he just wanted sex?
A Quick look at your apartment tells him there isn’t anyone else. No men’s shoes by the door. Photos on the wall are just you and your friends— no partner in sight. It’s also kind of a mess. If there was a man in your life, he deserved to have his head beat in for leaving you to deal with all of this alone all day.
Then comes the quick mental math.
“That’s not what I want. Let me come in, schatz. Let me talk to you.”
It breaks his heart to see how reticent you are to let him in. It’s part and parcel with how tired you look.
“Look, if you’re wondering— yes, he’s yours, biologically.” Well, that clarification at the end stings a little. “But it was my choice to keep him, so I don’t expect anything from you. If this feels like an obligation to you, I’d prefer if we just cut things off here.”
The words that follow spill from his mouth uncontrollably.
“I don’t just want him— I want you. I want the both of you. I want it to be us,” he nearly babbles, hoping what he says is even halfway coherent.
“You’re all I think of when I’m away. I cannot lie and say I’d imagined the… the order of events would be this way. But I’d thought of it— with you. Please let me in, and… and let me meet him properly, ja?”
There are tears in his eyes when his son holding his finger for the first time, not ten minutes later.
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 1 month ago
Twelve Days: Part 5 **^
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Here's the next part! Sorry it took so long 😭 But A LOT happens in this part and it might make y'all a little angry but I think the ending makes up for it!
Full Series Masterlist
WC: 10.5K
Warnings: Infidelity, mentions of slight germaphobia, mentions of unkept/untidy home life, fear of abandonment, sex (unprotected, penetrative), mentions of divorce.
It didn’t take as long as you had been expecting to hear back from Harry. Just another few days, you had just gotten into your car after a dinner service at a client’s home when his call came in. You were excited but feeling a bit nervous regarding the purpose of the call, it could be very casual but given the precarious situation you all found yourselves in, it could also be a call about things getting even more complicated. Regardless of what it was, you wanted to hear his voice.
“Hello?” You answered as you started to take off.
“Hi, how was your day?” He asked and you smiled.
“It was alright. And yours?” You asked.
“Busy. I had two lectures today, I’m just getting my things together before going home.” He shared.
“Okay. I am just heading home myself.” You shared.
“Good, I’m glad we get to accompany each other on our drives.” He said and you smiled.
“So how was it when you got back home?” You asked.
“We had a fight…she AirTag-ged my car.” He disclosed and your features twisted in concern.
“Right? Said she needed to confirm that I would go see you. I told her that I would’ve been honest about my plans if she asked.” Harry explained.
“It’s not like we did anything bad.”
“That’s what I told her. She seemed surprised for some reason.”
“Maybe because I’ve always been the more…liberated of the two.” You explained and he chuckled a bit and you smiled. “This would also disprove her theory that you’ve been spending time with me to make her jealous. I feel like that pisses her off more than anything.” You explained. “She’s always been first choice…” you said, “I get it though. She just puts herself out there more and whatnot, she’s easier to notice. I don’t mind that. I’m definitely more of a background girl, it’s where I thrive and feel comfortable so I’ve never competed her for it and I think she might…sense this…us as me trying to compete with her.” You explained.
“Well that’s shitty for me.”
“It is. And I promise you, I’m not trying to compete for you.” You assured him.
“I know, love. It just sucks thatshe is…” he said solemnly.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered.
“Don’t feel bad for me, love.” He hummed.
“I do because you don’t deserve it. No one does! I just hopes she…gets some clarity soon. This is getting so insane.” You sighed.
“I don’t want to…create a bigger divide but she’s being pretty harsh towards you. She thinks it’s stupid of me to invest all this time in you because according to her, you’re a flake.” He said and you pouted.
“A flake?” You asked for clarification, you were shocked.
“Yep…she’s just saying things at this point.”
“Yeah.” You hummed.
“Well, I’ve given her a month, in my head. To just get her ducks in a row, meet with the lawyer, figure out what she’s going to do…if she doesn’t, I’m going to talk to your parents and ask them to please…reason with her.” He shared and you hummed, “Do you think they would?” He asked you.
“I think so…they love you so much. My mom has always said you’re the son she never got to have.” You shared and he chuckled.
“Did she?”
“She did! Has actually said it on multiple occasions.” You reassured him.
“Well that does make me feel better.” He hummed.
“Good.” You grinned.
After getting that over with, it was just some light conversation about the good and bad parts of your days until he had arrived home. You were going to do some grocery shopping before getting back to your apartment but assured him you’d let him know when you’d made it home. 
Thankfully, Ash hadn’t shown up again. You half expected another visit and had been feeling on edge arriving at your apartment the last few days, but with each passing day you  tried to let the anxiety diminish. You were loving your quiet life alone so far. You also liked your apartment and were sad that you might have to move if he ever showed up again, but you just needed to not see him again. It was disrespectful really, his inability to honor your wishes after he had left you the way he had. You were feeling even more upset by Bea telling him where you had moved to. You let her know that what she had done was completely unacceptable and just blocked her on everything. You’d observed the way she always got a little more flirty when Ash was around but didn’t think it’d get to the point where she’d share your private information just to get on his good side. Especially when she knew you wanted nothing more to do with him. Hopefully, you’d seen the last of him so that you could actually focus on the dilemma at hand. Your sister. 
You were genuinely feeling really worried over what Julie’s next steps would be. You wanted to talk to her but she wasn’t answering your calls or responding to any of your texts just yet. Of course she had the right to be angry with you, but to think you were just using Harry for attention or to make her jealous? That wasn’t in your nature at all. To call you a flake? You were steadfast as can be, she knew this. You were raised the same. You were definitely hurt by her remarks, but you founds some solace in the knowledge that she was projecting her own insecurities about Joe onto you. This was the man who she had personally told you had some commitment issues! The man who undoubtedly made his way back into her life when he saw the seemingly perfect life she was leading with Harry via her social media, through the outlet she had used to allow him back into her life. 
You wanted to correct this narrative Julie had made up of you so badly because she ought to know you better than what she was choosing to believe of you. You had never had the type of sister relationship that made you best friends, like you’d mentioned to Harry, there’d always been an air of competition. Being just three years older than you, you’d coincided academically on a few occasions and you really didn’t start to “fight back” until high school. Naturally, you were a bit more likable because you were more laid back . You were great in your classes without imparting as much effort, which surprised your teachers. You soon learned that they expected you to be a little more of a wooer as she had been but when they learned you weren’t they eased up on you, the other students did too. Comparison was a killer and after one awful fight she told you that you had ruined her senior year. She had been cold towards you after that until she was off at college. And well, you decided not to go that route, you went to culinary school instead. And that gave her enough of the sense of superiority that she needed to have over you to placate her.
It had been a week after your conversation with Harry that you had your appointment with your therapist and had gotten to speak to her about what your sister had been saying and how you were feeling about it all. She had been supportive of you trying to go speak with her and so you had done just that. It was the end of her workday and though you felt like a stalker for being parked next to her car waiting for her…this was the only way you’d get anything from her. When you saw her approaching the car you hopped out of yours. As soon as she caught your gaze she noticeably became deflated. 
“What are you doing here?” She asked you and you offered a slightly nervous smile.
“Hi.” You greeted Julie. “I was just hoping we could go for dinner and talk?” You asked hopefully.
“About?” She asked cooly.
“What you saw.” You said and you saw her lips purse a bit as she gnawed the inside of her cheek pensively.
“I don’t know…I mean…I know what I saw, I don’t think we need to rehash it.” She stated as she crossed her arms.
“Well you’re still not talking to me so…”
“Because you kissed my husband!” She scowled.
“I know and I’m sorry-”
“No you’re not.” She cut you off.
“I’m not sorry for kissing him. I’m sorry that my actions upset you and angered you.” You clarified.
“So you’re sorry you got caught?” She asked.
“Not necessarily…I mean, I know that you actually don’t care that I kissed him. You don’t love him, so I know that it didn’t hurt you.” You said and she glanced away, “So I’m here to figure out what exactly you’re still so offended with me over.” You said and her gaze found yours again.
“You couldn’t have gone for anyone else?” She asked.
“I didn’t go for him, Julie! We were literally just talking about the things that we were dealing with. I mean, we’ve always had a good relationship as friends, you know that! But through these experiences we’ve been through we bonded on a new level. The attraction was just…there. It wasn’t on purpose. It wasn’t a plan of any sort! And the fact that you believe I would do something like that…” you said sadly, “I’m not calculating like that. You know that. And to be quite honest with you, I feel like…your anger actually has nothing to do with me. It’s just being directed at me and that makes me upset.” You said and her jaw clenched a bit. “Well…that’s all I wanted to say so…” you trailed off and she just nodded but said nothing else. 
After standing there in silence for a few seconds you just got into your car and left. You had done your part and now, the ball was in Julie’s court. You hoped that she would give what you’d said some honest thought and consideration. You had only been on the road for a few minutes when a call came in from Harry.
“Hey.” You greeted him.
“That was enthusiastic.” He chuckled sardonically and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Sorry. I’m just heading home from ambushing my sister.” You informed.
“Ah…I take it didn’t go too well?” 
“Not really…” you confirmed. “She didn’t say much apart from the usual accusations of me interfering in your marriage.” You sighed. “I also presented to her the idea that maybe the things she’s been saying of me are actually her displacing her anger with her situation with Joe onto me. That one did upset her, I saw it in her eyes.” You elaborated.
“Yeah, she doesn’t love to be in the wrong…” Harry chuckled. 
“Yeah. And have you made any headway with her?”
“I don’t know…we’ll see tomorrow. She has an appointment with the lawyer. I’ve already asked mine what I can do if she refuses to sign.” 
“And what did the lawyer say?”
“I can petition through the court for them to serve her the divorce papers. If she does’t sign within a certain timeline then the judge can make a default ruling to dissolve the marriage. So there is a way to proceed if she doesn’t abide by my timeline. I just…I don’t want to put her through that humiliation because the only place I know where to find her apart from our house would be her job.”
“Yeah, that’s low…” you agreed. “I mean, you can AirTag her…” you chuckled and he laughed.
“I could…that low has been reached.” He hummed in amusement. “We also have to get a court date if I go that route and who knows how long that would take.”
“Yeah…let’s just hope she does the right thing and comes around.”
“Yeah.” Harry agreed. “I’d like to see you again soon.” He said after a beat of silence.
“I’d like to see you too.” You hummed.
“Been seeing those videos of the couples painting each other…” Harry shared and you giggled.
“Is that what you want to do?”
“Yeah! I think it’d be fun, don’t you?” He asked and you giggled some more.
“Yeah, I think so too!”
“And I can cook for you this time.”
“Love that.” You hummed.
“And we can ask each other all the questions we have for each other over dinner and the painting.” He added to his suggestion.
“Yeah! That sounds like such a fun evening!” You agreed excitedly.
“Good! So let me know when you’ll have at least two days in a row off so that we can also have a little extra time the day after.”
“Okay, I’ll check my work calendar when I get home.”
“Perfect.” Harry smiled. “How are you holding up? Did Ash show up again?”
“I’m alright, still feeling a little…annoyed, I guess. But no, he didn’t come back.” You shared.
“Would you want him to come back? I mean, just so you can clear the air?”
“The more I give it some thought, not really. He’s said what he wanted to say…that he made a mistake, that he loves me and wants me back…” you said with a sarcastic, sing-song-y cadence. 
“Do you want to say anything to him?”
“Just how much he hurt me but if anything, that gives him more power over me and I’d hate that.” You confessed.
“I’d hate that for you too. But if you need that for your closure then it might be worth thinking over before completely disregarding it.” Harry advised, as much as he really did hate the thought of you giving Ash another morsel of your time and attention. He wasn’t jealous, more protective than anything. You were still a shell of yourself and he hated that Ash had done that to you. 
“Maybe you’re right…but I mean, just saying it out loud is enough for now.” You said, “Thank you for…making me feel comfortable and safe enough to be able to say it.” You thanked him.
“Of course, love.” Harry replied. 
Harry was happy that he could make you feel safe and looked after. But he also wanted that same reassurance from you. He understood why you weren’t leaning into that 
and into your feelings for him just yet though. You had every right to feel wary about what you two had going, especially with the stance Julie had taken. But that also meant that right now he had no one to really talk about his heavier and darker feelings. He knew for a fact that if he communicated that to you, you’d be there for him but he also didn’t want to overburden you while you yourself were struggling.
“And what about you? I know that maybe your feelings for Julie are not what they used to be but…it also can’t be easy for you.” You said and he bit his lip as he gave some thought to what he wanted to say.
“You’re right about that…It hasn’t been easy. I mean, because of my family and all, it’s created this…fear of being left behind.” He explained. “That weekend that I went to see you?”
“She didn’t come home until Monday afternoon and when I got in she’d left her suitcase by the garage door and I was just filled with dread that she was leaving without saying anything to me.” He explained. “It felt…confusing…because, while I know that the love isn’t there anymore I still…invested a lot in her. In our home…”
“Yeah, I get that.” You assured him.
“And again, it was just that fear of not having a family again. That after everything I did to build a happy home life for myself, I’d still end up…alone.” He disclosed. After a few seconds of quiet he cleared his throat. “Sorry, that was a lot.”
“Don’t be. I was just…processing, empathizing…” you said and he hummed, “If anything, I’d like you to say all of this to me as it comes. You’re always here for me. I want to be here for you too.”
“I want to tell you more but I don’t want to put more on your plate.” He explained.
“I appreciate that but I am feeling better…mentally.”
“Yeah? Since when?”
“Since…you.” You said and Harry smiled.
“Yeah. Honest. It’s nice to have a friend and someone to care for with reciprocity.” 
“It is. And for the record, I know that you’ll always be in my life. But a part of me is also scared that we won’t be able to have more down the line. Like, what if that gets ruined?”
“So my same fear?” You asked and he hummed.
“Guess so.” He confirmed.
“Well, there’ll always be space for you in my life. I mean that. I feel good when I’m with you and I can only imagine that it’ll only get better if we…are more.” You said timidly.
“I think so too.” Harry hummed and you smiled. “I understand that we both have things to heal from though and that it might take some time to get anywhere near where we might want to get eventually…” he trailed off and chuckled, “I don’t know if maybe I’m getting ahead of myself but I really like you and I like that I can fully be myself around you.” He explained.
You could feel your heart pounding so hard at what he was saying. You could feeling a warmth growing inside of you and spreading all throughout your body. This crush you had on him had you so affected. To hear him saying this was more of a relief than a cause for anxiety. You hadn’t allowed yourself to think that far out of fear that maybe it was intense for now but would fizzle out at some point down the line. But to hear him say that he wanted to give you two an honest shot when things got better, it made you feel a little less delusional. You loved his vulnerability with you. You could also be yourself around him in a way that was so pure. You knew he wouldn’t judge or make you feel bad for it. There was a baseline safety with him that helped your closeness grow quickly. 
“Ummm…sorry. D-did I lose you?” He asked nervously and you shook your head quickly. 
“Oh my god, no sorry! I was just…so happy to hear you say that.” You giggled.
“Thank god…” he chuckled in relief.
“So sorry.” You laughed through an apology again and he joined you as well. 
“Ummm…a-are you far from Santa Barbara?” He asked and you bit your lip.
“Like…almost 30 minutes?”
“Hmmm…do you work tomorrow?” 
“I actually don’t…” you shared.
“Can I come see you?” He asked.
“Yeah!” He chuckled, “If you don’t mind the company, it’s gonna be a long weekend. I won’t have class until next Wednesday.”
“You want to spend a whole ass week with me?”
“Yeah. If you’ll have me.” He hummed.
“What about Julie? I don’t want to instigate any bigger issues.”
“She hasn’t really been staying at the house since she returned from her weekend getaway.” Harry shared, “So…I think she’ll be fine.”
“Well then, I’d love to have you over.” You confirmed happily.
“Great! I’m just getting home so I’m gonna get showered, pack, and head over to you.”
“Perfect! See you soon!” You chirped, not even bothering to minimize your excitement. 
“Alright, I’ll be seeing you soon.” Harry chuckled.
It was nearing 8pm when Harry was calling to tell you he was outside of your building. You hurried down with your visitor’s badge to ensure his car was safe while parked there and soon enough you were heading back up to the warmth of your apartment.
“Have you eaten?” You asked him as he followed you in.
“Not yet. Do you want to order in?” 
“We can but I’m not too hungry to be honest.” You explained.
“Has that been constant lately?” He asked as he set his luggage against your couch and his tote down on the couch.
“No, it’s actually been better. But I’m just…coming off my anxious wave after I ambushed Julie. I feel like it was alright but maybe I’ve made things worse.” You explained your concern as he came up to you and grabbed your hands.
“I get the anxiety but I must say that I’m proud of you for making an effort. And well, you know your sister, and whatever she does with what you said is out of your hands now, love. So try not to be too worried about it.” He advised you and you exhaled and nodded. “I know it’s a lot easier said than done, but you’ve said what you needed to and done your part, yeah?” He asked you and you nodded. “That’s all there is to it.” He said with an encouraging smile.
“I know…” you sighed and glanced down as his hands ran up your arms and rubbed over your shoulders soothingly a few times.
“Yeah?” You asked as you turned your gaze back to him.
“I’m really proud of you for doing that. I know it wasn’t easy for you.”
“Thank you.” You whispered happily.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked next and you smirked a bit.
“Of course.” You hummed as one of his hands grabbed your chin gently and angled you up, “Kiss me whenever you want.” You said softly and he smiled.
“I don’t think you know what you’re unleashing…” he responded and you giggled.
“Show me then.” You smirked and he leaned in the rest of the way until your lips were meeting.
You loved to kiss Harry and thought of it often when you’d get lost in your day dreams. The shape of his lips fit so nicely against yours. The pressure of them pressing to your own, the eagerness and need that you could feel flooding the atmosphere between the two of you was addicting. If only he knew how much you were affected by this. Your mouth parted easily to let him in as his tongue swiped against your bottom lip. He moaned in relief in perfect unison with you when his tongue smoothed against yours. He had been longing for your taste as much as you had been longing for his. You grabbed his hands and guided them around your waist and he was quick to hug around you, pulling you even closer to his body as your kiss deepened. It was so easy to get lost in the moment with Harry. You were not sitting on your counter with him standing between your legs as you made out. His hands were up your shirt and yours were feeling over his biceps. You hadn’t ever been with someone as muscular as he was. He didn’t even have to flex for you to feel how strong and built he was. 
You were suddenly startled apart by your phone ringing loudly across the counter indicating that it was time for you to begin your “no screen” time. It was easy to find yourself doom scrolling, especially when you struggled to sleep, so you’d made the resolution to cut down your screen time starting at 8pm each night.
“Can you grab it for me?” You asked Harry, your lips smearing into his as you asked your question and he nodded.
“Sure.” He responded and slid his hands from beneath your shirt and walked around the counter to grab your phone before bringing it back to you.
“Sorry, I’m trying to stop using my phone by 8pm each night.” You explained as you stopped the alarm and proceeded to turn on “Do Not Disturb” mode for the night.
“Smart!” He said as his hands landed on your thighs.
“It’s hard but research says cutting off screen time before bed helps.”
“Well, that’s true.” He assured you and you smiled. “And it’s 8 already? I should order something in.” He said before stuffing his hand down his back pocket and pulling out his phone. “Are you hungry now?” He asked you with a smirk.
“Yeah, more now.” You chuckled.
“Hungry for anything in particular?”
“Tacos?” You suggested.
“Ooh, perfect! What’s good in your area?” He asked and soon you had selected a little mom and pop, hole in the way a couple miles away that had never failed you before. 
After placing the order you suggested Harry get into something more comfortable and then get settled in.
“Sorry, I don’t have any space for your toiletries.” You mumbled, “But you’re more than welcome to put your clothes in a drawer! The one of the top right should be empty.” 
“It’s fine. As long as you don’t mind the bag staying up here. If not I’ll just keep it in my soot case.” He said with the Baron Trump meme accent. You looked to him and burst into laughter at this.
“I’m dead! I love that video!” You cackled.
“It’s funny!” He laughed along, “One of my students showed it to me…s’been stuck in my head ever since.” He explained with a smile.
“It is a gem…well, I don’t mind you having your things out for easier access!” You assured him.
“I’m tidy. I promise.” He chuckled and you rolled your eyes playfully. “Tell me what your pet peeves are in a shared space, so that I can avoid them.” Harry requested.
“Ummm…just don’t be gross. Ash used to do this ridiculous thing where he’d leave his dirty laundry beside the hamper…” You recalled and Harry chuckled, “That pissed me off. Like it’s right there!” You expressed.
“Yeah, that’s stupid.” He chuckled.
“Or leave his towel on the ground, like he was in a fucking hotel.”
“Oh god…” Harry grimaced, “The smell…”
“Yeah! Mildewy and ugh…thinking of it is giving me the ick.” You frowned. “One time he did not unpack it from the gym and-”
“I know where it’s going, you don’t need to tell me.” He said and you giggled.
“I discovered it, so I have to tell you.”
“Fine. Go on.”
“It grew mold. The whole bag! And who discovered it in the garage?”
“Not Ash!”
“Exactly! And it was so humid that week…God, that was horrifying. Then he had the gall to be pissed at me for throwing away his Alo gym bag…ridiculous.” You huffed.
“If he cared so much about it why did he leave it in that state? What a prick.” He said and you nodded in agreement.
“Exactly what I said…he probably left it in his trunk, encountered the smell and just left it in the garage for me to find and wash.” you rolled your eyes. “And like, he wasn’t like nasty apart from those things. Like, you could tell his mom would do those things for him and his brothers.” You explained and he nodded. “What about you?” You asked.
“Ummm… well growing up my house was very neat until my mom met that prick of a man and then it was pretty unkept. I did a lot of the cleaning up so uh…I guess just clutter and dishes in the sink. That invites ants and cockroaches, which I detest. And well, one time I was going to treat myself to some biscuits and was met with a mouse in the packet so uh… yeah, I’m a little bit of a clean freak.” He explained. You could see that when he talked about these things he got a distant look in his eyes. Like he had to remind himself that, that wasn’t his life anymore. “Also, no eating in bed.” He added, “Because that is literally inviting bugs.” He explained and you nodded.
“Noted. Though I must admit, I have eaten in bed…specially when I’ve gotten sick and no one’s around to look after me.”
“Well you’ve got me now so…no need for that.” He said and you smiled.
“Yeah.” You hummed. “But being in the valley, there are just critters around so it is important to keep things extra clean. I haven’t had any encounters, thankfully! I’m very averse to them.” You explained.
“Yeah, they’re gross.” He agreed.
“Anything else?” You asked.
“Oh! Getting on the bed in outside clothes.”
“Okay, yes!” You agreed, “There are “safe” spaces for me though, I don’t know about you? But like if I visit my parents or friends that don’t have pets, I wouldn’t mind a quick sit on my bed, not gonna roll around in it either…” you said and he chuckled, “But that’s not as gross as if I had gone out to a restaurant or the movies, for example.”
“Well, wouldn’t your car seats have all the germs from everywhere else? So when you sit in the car that gets on your clothes, even if you were in a safe space…” you pouted after he explained.
“Oh god…we could be laying in filth right now…” you said with feigned concern.
“When did you last wash your comforter?” He asked, you knew he was trying to come off pretend-horrified but his eyes said otherwise.
“I’m messing with you! Literally over the weekend. I promise!” You laughed as he looked at you skeptically.
“Pinky promise?”
“Yeah!” You said as you extended your pinky out to him and he wrapped his around yours.
“If I get pink eye, we know what happened here.” He joked and you rolled your eyes at his dramatics as he sniggered. He then interlaced his fingers with yours and just held your hand in his. You could see that there was a lot going on in his mind and you wanted to help however you could.
“Is there anything you want to talk about?” You asked him tentatively.
“Tons! But ummm…time and place.” He said as he glanced down at your hands. You squeezed his hand and he glanced up at you.
“Tell me.” You insisted and he sighed.
“Just that…when your sister leaves, for good, I was thinking about how long I’d have to be alone in that house. Like…I saved up a lot for that with the hopes of having a life and a family there, you know?” You nodded in understanding. “I don’t know if I could be there as comfortably if I were alone. I’d hate to sell it but…what would be the point in keeping it?” He asked and you hummed. “And you really don’t have to say anything about it, I just…am a little nervous to be all alone again. And like, I know that I wouldn’t be totally alone, but in a way I haven’t been in a decade you know?”
“Yeah, I get that.” You assured him.
“Like things would be missing that have been there since we moved in together…half of the things would be gone…and well, I couldn’t very well ask or expect you to be able to visit as often as I’d probably like…” he added. 
“I get it. It’s scary.” You said and he nodded.
“How’d you do it?” He asked and you smiled.
“Well, I’m in the middle of that and well, I am depressed!” You chuckled and he smiled, “So…still learning how to cope, I guess. This, with us? It’s helped. I don’t feel so alone anymore.” You explained.
“Good.” He hummed. 
“Yeah, so if you… need me to go out there and hang out you can ask. Whatever the reason in your brain is that’s holding you back from asking me for reciprocity? It’s wrong. If being there and enjoying the home you worked so hard for is important to you, then it’s important to me too.” You assured him with a sincerity that he hadn’t seen from anyone in years and you saw his lips turn up a bit.
Harry just felt this sudden rush of warmth overcome him. He definitely wanted you over more, he just felt a little bad about it right now while things were still up in the air. He wanted to live there forever, he hadn’t committed to buying a home thinking that he would one day grow sick of it. It was heaven on earth to him. He could step out onto his balcony and see the ocean from it! Of course he had made compromises along the way to accommodate Julie like in decor, in paints, upgrades…but he still loved the house. And to know that you’d be willing to make the drive out and spend time with him there simply because he loved it and was comfortable there, well, that was almost more than he could ever ask for. So he was really glad that you had offered it.
“I’d actually really like that.” He finally said and you smiled.
“Okay. Then we’ll make it happen.” You assured him and he smiled and let go of your hand but only because he was pressing himself up to kiss you again. And as your new normal seemed to be, you got lost in it until the delivery person’s call was interrupting you.
You had initially been concerned that maybe you’d pushed him too far or said too much but by the way he was acting now, it seems you had said the correct thing. Harry was a protector, he always had been that way. He was very concerned for your sister, for you, your family… it was never in a way that made you feel incapable, but he just liked to show you all that he would take care of you all if shit hit the fan. You knew that it had been hard for him not to be able to do that for you in the last year, even when he was going through his own stuff. So now, you wanted to allow him to make up for lost time and as you had said, you wanted to reciprocate the way he made you feel and were glad that he felt like you were.
“M’afraid you’re not gonna get a turn, love…” Harry practically slurred with his cheek smushed up against your stomach. You were currently laid on the couch, longways of course, and had put on “Miss Congeniality”. But you had agreed to give each other massages. However, Harry had elected for you to massage his head and it was putting him to sleep.
You giggled, but kept on going. “S’alright.” You responded softly. You could feel him growing heavier against you. “Maybe we should move to the bed though. Don’t want you to have a rough night.” You explained.
“In a minute.” He mumbled.
“Okay.” You agreed. 
Soon enough you’d made it to your bed and as soon as you got under the covers he was reaching for you and pulling you against him. You smiled as you snuggled in against him. You felt him kiss your shoulder before he exhaled and you knew it would be so easy to fall asleep tonight.
When you woke up the next morning it wasn’t because of your alarm, it was just a force of habit. But you were shivering from the cold and were pleased that it was apparently raining. You could heard the soft patter against your bedroom window. And then, you heard Harry humming along to John Mayer just a few feet away in the kitchen. Despite wanting to stay tucked away in the warmth of your bed, you got up and hurried into the bathroom to relieve yourself and freshen up a little bit. When you emerged, Harry was back in bed, topless and smiling at you.
“Good morning.” You smiled.
“You were snoring.”
“I was not…” you mumbled bashfully as you headed back over to the bed.
“You were! But not like, loud or scary, it was just soft.” He described with a grin. “It was cute! Like a cartoon.” He assured you and you rolled your eyes as you got back in bed. “I just put on some coffee.”
“Thanks.” You hummed as you turned on your side to face him.
“Now, c’mere, please. It’s cold.” You requested and he smiled and hurried over into your side. 
“What do you wanna do today?” He asked.
“Be lazy.” You said and he chuckled. “I do have a client to cook for tomorrow, s’just dinner prep, so I should be back around 6-6:30 the latest.” 
“Would you be up to doing something after?” He asked.
“Yeah!” You hummed.
“Something lowkey, yeah?”
“Yeah, that sounds good.” You confirmed.
“Perfect. Now, I’m gonna kiss you.” He mumbled.
He moved closer and leaned in until your lips were meeting slowly but still eager and saturated with passion. Your hand landed on his chest and slid over his shoulder, tugging him into you, inviting him to settle over you. Your legs tangled momentarily as he started to straddle you. He was holding your jaw as your kiss deepened even further. His hands were sliding up your body, dragging your top up as he went. You sat up to help him pull it off and as soon as he was able, he was back on you, his lips littering your chest in kisses and delicate but playful nicks to your breasts. Your fingers combed through his hair, relishing in the sensations he was giving you. You were absolutely desperate for him and your skin was tingling, you were desperate to feel the warmth of his hands over your arms. You wanted to kiss him again and so you tried to tug him up and he quickly got the hint and kissed up your chest, neck, and jaw before kissing you sloppily. You ground up against him to feel the bulge in his thin pajama pants against you. He grinned and ground down against you with more intent. 
“Is that what you want?” He asked and you blinked up at him.
“More.” You whispered and his gaze softened.
“You sure?” He asked you and you nodded.
“Yes. Please.” You beseeched and Harry smiled before kissing you once more. In moments, he was helping you undress. You were both moving impatiently and albeit a little clumsily, but you were absolutely desperate for each other. And as his naked body hovered over yours you finally felt a little bit better. Relieved. “Please get inside me.”
“Okay.” He hummed and kissed your lips once more, “Didn’t think to bring condoms. D-do you have some?” He asked and you huffed.
“No.” You muttered in slight irritation. You hadn’t planned to ask him to have sex with you, if you had, you would have stocked up, just in case.
“Would you care if we didn’t use one?” He asked and you bit your lip pensively. “Obviously, we don’t have to if you’re not comfortable with it. And well, I can go buy some really quick and give you some time t-to really think about if you really want to do this. You know, in case you maybe have s-some doubt?” He asked.
“I don’t have any doubts.” You assured him with a smile, “D-do you?” You asked and he shook his head, his little smirk mirroring your own. 
“No. I can go get the condoms.” He said again and you bit your lip for a second.
“Ummm…that’s alright.” You assured him and as happy as he was to hear you say that, he gave it a few seconds to let you change your mind.
“Sure?” He asked again and you nodded.
“I’m so fucking sure.” You whispered through a nervous chuckle and he smiled and kissed you again.
“I’ll be mindful to pull out, okay?” He mumbled into your lips.
“Yeah.” You agreed as you raised your leg over his hips to give him space to get inside of you. You could feel the heat and weight of his cock pressed up against you. “I want you so bad.” You whispered.
“I do too, baby.” He hummed as he ground down, letting his cock settle between the sticky and swollen folds of your pussy. You shivered when his tip kissed at your clit with his soft thrusts. “Right there?” He asked and you nodded frantically.
“Yeah, that feels good.” You confirmed breathily and he smiled as his eyes bore into yours.
“Go on then, get what you need.” He hummed lowly and you wasted no time in grinding along with him at your desired pace. You whined lowly as you started to feel the pleasure escalating from the friction. Just when you were getting close you stopped yourself.
“Want to stop?” He asked you, looking into your eyes to ensure everything was okay.
“No, but I don’t want to come like that.” You explained a bit bashfully. 
“Oh…I see.” He hummed with a smirk on his face that made you blush. “Get me inside then.” You smiled and reached down between your bodies. You grabbed a hold of his cock, he was so fucking hard. You raised your hips a bit as you guided him down to your entrance and when you felt that slight dip you rubbed him over your slit a few times. Your eyes flickered up to his only to see his brows furrowed together at the feeling of being just on the edge of slipping inside of you.
“Do it.” You whispered and he let his weight drop down to his hips and just like that he was being swallowed up by your hot and wet muscle. The two of you moaned in unison when he sunk in all the way and collided with your back wall. He held inside for a few second before groaning as he drew back and sunk in again. You exhaled shakily and grabbed his face to kiss him deeply. “Harder.” You said and he nodded before fucking into you with more force and that was absolutely what you were after. You moaned in relief and he kissed you deeply again.
“Good?” He asked.
“Yeah, it feels so good!” You whined and he hummed in satisfaction.
You were already so close, but you wanted to be closer, as close as was physically possible. You wanted to feel overwhelmed by him in the best way possible. And when he delivered his next thrust harder than before you couldn’t help the moan that fell from your mouth. Harry groaned and went again and again, relishing in the satisfied, little grunts you were making. You were absolutely drenching his cock but you couldn’t help it because he was thrusting up against the most sensational spot inside of you. It was almost too deep for you but you welcomed the feeling, you wanted to feel the ache after he was gone in a few days. And it’s almost like he could read your mind as he thrust in and held himself inside of you, grinding into you, watching as your eyes squeezed shut and you shuddered at the sensation of him fucking you that deep.
“Fuck y’feel so good!” You whimpered as you squeezed your legs around his hips and he grinned as he watched your brows pinching together.
“Not as good as you feel, baby.” He hummed lowly, “So fucking wet and hot…” he grumbled, “Shit…gonna need you so fucking badly. All the time. Gonna be dreaming of how nice it feels.” He muttered against the column of your throat. 
You were completely covered in goosebumps, you were trying to stop your legs from trembling but you wouldn’t be able to hold that off for much longer. It just felt too fucking good…he was hitting a part inside of you that even had your clit tingling, if you rubbed on it, it would truly be too much. As badly as you wanted and needed to come, you wanted him to keep fucking you. For him to be your first fuck after all this time, it was well worth it. You could hear the wet squelches of your arousal slicking up his cock and helping him fit inside of you. His girth and length were to die for and absolutely addictive.
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me come!” you warned him and he grinned down at you, very pleased with himself for how fucked out he had you already.
“Already?” He gloated slightly and you smiled and nodded. Your vision was even blurry at this point as tears of ecstasy and joy welled up in your eyes. “You’re already so fucking gone f’me, S’gonna wipe you out.” He said smugly and you hummed with a slight smile.
He was right, this orgasm would absolutely ruin you and melt your brain. He was literally fucking you better, quite literally forcing your brain to flood your body with that deliciously and slightly terrifying cocktail of oxytocin and dopamine. You swore your skin was tingling, every single cell in your body was going to contribute to this orgasm. But the longer you held off the more intense everything felt. Your walls were throbbing uncontrollably and you were trying so hard to just hold off for a second to make it last longer but it made it worse, as you squeezed the deep plunges of his cock became even more pleasurable and your legs started to tremble and your breathing to shallow.
“Come on, baby. Give it t’me.” He encouraged you and you nodded before pulling him down to kiss you and as your lips met urgently in a messy kiss you started to come. You emitted these pathetic whines and whimpers you’d never ever made before as the ecstasy took over every single part of your body. You were trying not too make too much noise but you were on fire and it had never felt like that before, it was almost too much! Harry’s lips parted from yours so that you could breathe and properly release your sounds as your hips ground up into his to keep the pleasure going. One of your hands pressed down on his butt, holding him close to you and the other was tangled in the curls at the back of his head. He groaned as you squeezed hard around his cock. Your tight, hot muscles were suffocating and contracting around his girth, he nearly fucking drooled from how delicious it felt to be buried in you like this. “M’gonna come.” He panted.
“Come inside of me.” You slurred and he moaned at the mere idea of getting to flood your hot, little pussy with his sperm. He got goosebumps as he thought about how good it would feel to have you take it all. To pull out and see it dripping from your swollen and wrecked little hole only for him to push his cock back into you and get his load back into you. “Please, come in my pussy.” 
“Fuck, baby…” he chuckled as he pressed his forehead to yours, “I’m gonna come so hard.” He panted, “Gonna drown your little pussy.” He mumbled as his abs started to clench and his toes to curl. And moments later he was grunting through three hard and pointed thrusts before stilling. He pressed right up against you and moaned deeply in satisfaction as he came undone. He felt his muscles spasming, struggling to hold his weight as he started to gush inside of you. You could feel the dramatic twitches of his cock lodged up deep inside of you as he filled you up, just as he promised and it was so good, his hips were moving by his own accord at this point and he was enslaved to the feeling of being inside of you, no matter how sensitive it was starting to feel for him. “Fuck…” he panted lowly. 
You could feel his arms trembling and just hugged him tight, encouraging him to drop his weight over you and he did easily. Your fingers danced and tickled over the heated and slightly damp skin of his back as he came down from it. You were finding comfort in his deep inhales as he continued trying to catch his breath. After a few more moments of this he was still completely silent. You knew there was nothing wrong because he was practically melted against your body, and you smiled and kissed the top of his head as he started to sponged a few sloppy kisses along your jaw. With the little strength he had built up again, he pulled you both onto your sides. He slipped from you with the change in position but you draped your leg over his hip and his hand immediately ran up your leg soothingly while he rested his head over his other arm. You were smiling as you just watched him, he still had his eyes closed as he regulated his breathing.
“You alright there?” You inquired, your voice was a whisper but he could hear the slight hint of smugness in it.
“Just a little light headed.” He chuckled his confession and you giggled and reached for his face. You caressed the side of his face lovingly with the backs of your fingers.
“Want me t’get you some water?” You asked.
“No, stay here with me.” He responded and you smiled.
“‘Kay.” You whispered. You just watched him for a few seconds until he slowly blinked his eyes open. You smiled as he squinted a bit.
“Jesus, I’m seeing spots.” He laughed lowly through his admission and you started to giggle along with him. “Don’t laugh at me.” He griped and you leaned forward and smooched over his pouted lips.
“M’not. I’m laughing with you.” You mumbled against his mouth and he quickly kissed your lips back.
“Sure…” he hummed and finally opened his eyes and met your adoring gaze.
“We’re going again later, right?” You asked and he laughed for a moment before kissing you again and nodding.
“Oh absolutely. I might not be able to walk but it’ll be worth it.” He mumbled into your kiss-swollen lips.
“God…but good.” You giggled, completely satisfied with his response.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.” He whispered and you glanced away bashfully and instead focused on the swallow tattooed over his left pectoral.
“Neither do I.” You admitted and he smiled as you leaned closer and buried your face into the crook of his neck and took a deep inhale before placing a kiss at the base of his throat. 
There was only one thought at the forefront of his mind right now and it was that there was absolutely no world in which this didn’t end with him falling absolutely and hopelessly in love with you. He loved everything about you and what he’d seen of your life so far, he couldn’t wait to experience it for the rest of the days he’d be here with you.
Several Days Later…
You didn’t want to verbalize just how perfect the last several days had been with Harry in case you were to jinx it, but you were certainly thinking about it with each passing minute. You had clients that day so you had to leave Harry at your place for but it was  so lovely to return to a clean home and a meal. As soon as you walked in you could smell the lingering fresh scent of cleaning products but were mostly overpowered by what you were kind of hoping was a bolognese sauce. Thankfully, you were able to make off from your last client with a little extra dessert, so you had something to contribute for tonight.
“Smell’s amazing!” You announced your arrival as you slipped out of your shoes. 
Harry didn’t respond so you figured he was in the shower or something. And as you walked further in you saw that the table was set and two long stick candles were lit, giving the setting a more intimate feel. You bit your lip to hold back your excitement. It was your last night together, so you weren’t surprised that Harry was pulling out all the stops until the next time you got to be together. You headed towards your bedroom to change into a fresh and more comfortable outfit and when you stepped inside you saw Harry just standing at the window and glancing out towards the busy street below.
“Harry?” You called in question and he sniffled and turned around. 
“Sorry, I was trying to collect myself-”
“What happened? What’s wrong?” You asked quickly as you let your purse drop to the floor and rushed over to him.
“Your mom called,” he said and you immediately though the worst, your heart dropped, “Julie told them that she’s pregnant.” He said and you stopped right before you reached him. Not as terrifying as you thought but still incredibly fucking awful. Your features furrowed in disappointment and your stomach turned as the information processed. Harry hurried over to you, “Baby, it’s not me. It couldn’t be, we haven’t slept together since like August!” He explained and you nodded and let him take your hands. “But they don’t know that.”
“Ask for a paternity test.” You said right away.
“I will.” He assured you. “I guess she said she wasn’t feeling well so your mom drove her to the urgent care and they found out. Your mom called me all excited about it… I just don’t want to humiliate her.” He explained.
“And that’s very noble and considerate of you, Harry. But you do realize that she’s trying to put you in an impossible position.” You said and he frowned. “You deserve to do this. To have a family on your own terms. With someone who loves you. This isn’t on you, Harry. You know why she asked mom to go with her.” You said and he nodded.
“I-I don’t even know what to do about this.” He stammered, still in shock.
“This is going to sound awful but…tell your lawyer.” You said and he sighed. “She’s willing to force you into this situation when you had nothing to do with it. If she has to prove paternity she will have to be honest. She loves Joey and she did this with him, they need to figure this out together.”
“You’re right.” He conceded. “Ummm… I’m not feeling too hungry any more. I’m sorry.” He said and glanced down at the floor.
“That’s alright. I understand.” You assured him. “I also understand if you…need some space.” You said and he glanced into your eyes again.
“Yeah… I ummm…I should go.” He said and you nodded, “They’re expecting me to look after her since she isn’t feeling well. And the drive’ll help, I think.” He muttered, but he was quite absent.
“Okay.” You said softly and he just walked around you and into your closet to grab his suitcase. You just watched silently as he robotically and haphazardly just dumped his things into the luggage before shutting it and wheeling it out. You followed after him as he headed to the entrance and slipped into his sneakers. 
“Harry.” You said and he glanced up at you. You could see his eyes welled up with tears. “Please be safe.” You said and he nodded before rushing out. As soon as the door shut your own tears started to trickle down your face. 
You were relieved when he texted you that he’d gotten home and assured him that if he needed to talk at all that you’d be there for him. But you felt so angry at your sister for this one. How could she do this to him? It was awful and selfish behavior. You wanted to call her but this wasn’t your battle to fight.
Harry’s POV:
Harry felt completely blindsided by Isabel’s phone call about Julie. He felt sick to his stomach as he parked in the garage because Isabel was still at their house, her car was up front and he had no idea how he would swallow down all that devastation and dread he was feeling. He didn’t want to ruin Isabel’s excitement but pretending that he was happy about this…having to hold and kiss Julie, congratulate her for something he had nothing to do with, it made him sick to his stomach. He texted you to let you know that he’d made it safely and you immediately loved his message and with that he made it inside. 
“Oh good! You’re home!” Isabel greeted him excitedly as soon as Harry made it inside from the garage. He put on a smile and nodded, approaching her to greet her. 
“Yeah, sorry it took me a while. I was out in LA.” He explained.
“No problem, as long as you made it safe!” She said as she opened her arms and he ducked down a bit to hug her and kiss her cheek. “Congrats, mijo.” She hummed happily as she gave him a firm squeeze.
“Thank you.” He responded as they pulled away slowly.
“I’m just making her some ginger tea, she’s been very nauseous.” Isabel explained.
“Thank you, I’m gonna go see her now.”
“Yes, please!” She insisted, beaming from ear to ear and he smiled and made his way out of the kitchen. 
Every step he took up towards the bedroom made him even more sick to his stomach. He hoped there was extra of that ginger tea because this was getting to be too much. When he made it to the top landing he saw the bedroom door open and he made his way over to see Julie scrolling through her phone. 
“Hey.” She greeted him solemnly.
“Hi.” He said quite cooly.
“What the fuck is the matter with you?” He cut her off and she frowned.
“Not while my mom is here, Harry.” She sighed.
“No. We’re doing this right now.” He insisted as he pushed the door back leaving it slightly ajar.
“Then close it all the way.” She said.
“Then we won’t hear her coming. I won’t raise my voice if you don’t.” He said and she sighed. “There is no way you didn’t know.” He insisted, “When did you find out?” 
“On Monday.” She said, “I missed my period last week and I took two tests on Monday. One positive and the other inconclusive. Sometimes it can be stress or other things that impact so I figured I should go and find out.”
“And you had to take your mom to do that?”
“I was scared!” She defended herself.
“Then you should’ve asked Joe.” He retorted.
“I didn’t want him to freak out!”
“But you’re okay with your mom thinking that I got you pregnant?!” He asked angrily and her eyes started welling up. “You have to tell your parents now, Julie.” He said.
“Harry, please-”
“No! I’m not going to take responsibility for this!”
“And what if he leaves me?” She asked and Harry’s eyes softened for a moment.
“I-I don’t know but you have been cheating on me for months! We haven’t slept together since last year! This has nothing to do with me, Julie!” He was trying not to raise his voice but he was so hurt and angry at her. “You don’t love me and I know for a fact you don’t want this with me.” Harry finished and she started to sniffle as her tears fell. “You have to tell your family the truth!” He urged.
“Do you know how humiliating that will be!?”
“If you had agreed to the divorce when I brought it up not as much as it might be now! If you don’t come clean to your parents about this I will involve my lawyer and demand a paternity test! And we both know what the result will be.”
“I need more time.” She said softly.
“You have until the end of the month.”
“You tell them or I do.” He said sternly.
Isabel’s POV:
She hadn’t meant to eaves drop, she just wanted to come ask Julie if she would want some toast with her tea to settle her stomach when she heard the hushed argument.
“Harry, please-”
“No! I’m not going to take responsibility for this!” She heard Harry respond. She almost intervened when she heard this, feeling so much anger rising up in her at the sound of her son-in-law being so disinterested and cold after finding out he would be a father!
“And what if he leaves me?” Julie asked and she stopped from reaching for the door. She was momentarily frozen in shock as she processed Julie’s concern.
“I-I don’t know but you have been cheating on me for months! We haven’t slept together since last year! This has nothing to do with me, Julie!”
Isabel could hear it in his voice that he felt bad but if this was not his child, he truly had no obligation to her. Especially if she had been having an affair for who knows how long.
“You don’t love me and I know for a fact you don’t want this with me.” Harry added. “You have to tell your family the truth!” 
“Do you know how humiliating that will be!?” Julie cried quietly and Isabel frowned and started to back away, hearing faintly about previous discussions of a divorce. This was very private and she had heard more than she probably should have. 
She was completely taken by surprise and immediately felt so bad for Harry and the situation that she had unintentionally put him in. She could only imagine how devastated he felt knowing that his wife was pregnant with another man’s child. A man that might not even stick around to help her or support her with this. Obviously she would always love her daughter, but it didn’t mean that she would always support her choices and this choice…to have an extramarital affair. To not grant Harry the divorce he had seemingly asked for before when she didn’t even love him anymore. The gall to ask him to stick around if the other man didn’t… it did not sit well with her and made her feel so frustrated at her. She hoped that Julie would say something soon because there was no way she could keep quiet for too long. Harry had been so good to all of them and he did not deserve that.
---- TAG LIST ----
@harrystyleshotwife @daphnesutton  @mads3502  @triski73 @xoxxjada  @fangirl509east  @stylesftcher  @charlottesrecommendations  @taintedwonderland-blog @goobernickle @loverofhsandallthings1d @toasterstreudelsworld @sassamanda77 @behindmygreyeyes
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flightlessangelwings · 1 year ago
While we’re in Latino Heritage Month, let’s stop assuming your reader doesn’t know/speak Spanish in your reader insert fics. Especially if you’re writing for Pedro’s, Oscar’s or other Latino characters please.
EDIT: After some criticism of how this was originally phrased, let me change it into a question/request instead- Can we as writers please try to be more inclusive with our reader insert fics so poc and others can feel represented and see themselves too? Including taking out a quick throwaway line about reader not understanding Spanish. (Keeping the original phrasing above so anyone who missed the post to begin with can still see how I originally phrased it)
If you have a throwaway line of “he said in Spanish that you didn’t understand” or something similar, just take it out. Have something like “you didn’t hear” instead and let the reader interpret how they want. Or use italics to indicate Spanish. Or have the translation right there without mention of anyone translating for them. Simple. Or if you don’t want to/feel you cannot change it, then please have something in with your warnings so Latinos/poc can skip it if they choose.
And let me tell you why this is so frustrating (even for me as someone who is not a fluent speaker). It’s because Latinos look to these characters and actors for representation. We see ourselves in them. And when you clearly do not have a Latino person in mind when writing, you’re saying we don’t belong here. In a space where we should feel welcomed and celebrated. Representation matters. Inclusivity matters. Please try to be more inclusive with reader fics so we can all enjoy and immerse ourselves in your writing.
This is nothing new, poc have been asking for years now to be inclusive in fics and yet it’s still a battle. We’re not asking for a lot, and certainly not asking anyone to change their style or creativity or anything like that. Literally simple edits: take out the word “blush” don’t mention hair, don’t mention not understanding Spanish, not making reader blood related to a white character, etc. Literally tiny things that would not change the story at all but make a world of difference.
Here’s an example too: a few years ago it was not common for writers to label the gender of their reader as it was usually assumed the reader would be a woman. But, people advocated to label readers as f/m/gn/whatever to be more inclusive and asked writers to strive for gender neutral readers when possible so that more readers felt seen and welcome. Now it’s a common thing to do. Why is making the readers race ambiguous any different?
Yes sometimes posts like this come across harsh, but know that they’re not meant to be. Poc aren’t trying to demand anything, we just ask to broaden your langauge when writing reader insert so more can see themselves in your work. It’s incredibly frustrating to ask for inclusivity and be met with hostility and rudeness in return and a refusal to think about poc so yes sometimes the wording gets harsh out of that frustration. But I encourage y’all to focus on the message more and maybe think about why poc in fandom get snippy like this. We do need to have an open conversation, yes. Just look in the comments at the Latinos and poc who are upset by the exclusion and feel hurt by it. How you you white fans feel if roles were reversed and none of the fics included you? Not fun, right?
And to those who say write it yourself: I do. I’ve been a x reader writer for years now and I do strive for inclusivity in my work. But I’m only one person and this is bigger than any one person. This isn’t about what I personally find acceptable or what I personally what. It should be a collective effort among writers as a whole to strive to include as many as possible in their works and not white code your readers. It’s not about demanding writers write it a certain way, it’s about asking writers to consider others who don’t look like them who also want the immersion and the escape that your fic brings.
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puraiuddo · 9 months ago
༺JazzProwl Fic Recs༻
— brought to you by puraiuddo -
This is by all means not a complete list of banger JP fics! It's my personal favorites—those fics that lodged themselves in my brain for one reason or another and never left.
Hopefully this list satisfies at least some of the sudden influx of interest for JP fics (and given how well rec'ing a fic turned out last time...) But, nah for real, not to make rec'ing fics fake deep or anything, but I think the fandom would be a better place if people were more unapologetically enthusiastic about fics and less afraid to interact with authors. So if you use this list to find some fics you have to promise to leave some unhinged comments! ٩("•̀ᴗ•́")و ̑̑
But before I start, I want to acknowledge the prevalence of potentially stereotypical depictions of Jazz in regards to his speech (❞), criminal/violent/sexual characterization (▾), or backstory/origins (⟲) in the JP/TF fandom. I've attempted to flag fics with the corresponding symbols above, because I'd like to recognize those problems while still rec'ing for a variety of other fantastic qualities. That said, I'm not infallible so please use your own discretion.
I've also tagged fics with "hiatus" if it's been a while between updates, but the author hasn't made a comment—these fics are especially important to interact with, b/c you never know if the author stopped posting b/c they weren't getting any reviews!
Now, without further adieu...
༺♡❦♡❦♡❦♡ -ˋˏ ♫ ♡ 𓆩𓆪 ˎˊ- ♡❦♡❦♡❦♡༻
Mistakes on Mistakes Until— by jabberish
『oneshot - ao3 - Words: 280,212 - Alt-War AU』
Ricochet's got a bad case of conscience and he's pretty sure it's about to get him killed. (aka I think I've read every defection/ex-Con au and now I'm forced to make my own. Jazz-centric.)
* (づ ᴗ _ ᴗ)づ♡ The crème de la crème of JP fics. I really can't properly articulate the sheer amount of love and respect I have for MOMU other than that if you haven't read it, your life is worse for it. Go read it. Then read it again. Now. (I've read it 4 times. No, I'm not joking) I love all the fics on this list dearly, but MOMU holds a very special place in my heart. Flawless characterization, flawless dynamics, flawless plot, one-of-a-kind writing style... it's got it all. Of note: I've not flagged it despite its premise, because it will expertly subvert your expectations and you need to read it to understand. Bonus: it's got a lot of well-deserved fanart!
Untitled Series by Need2Scream
『(2/?) - ffn - Words: 158,064 - War AU - hiatus』
Where the Lonely Ones Roam - 116,327
"Say you have a little faith in me. Just close your eyes and let me lead. Follow me home. Need to have a little trust in me. Just close your eyes and let me lead. Follow me home. To where the lonely ones roam." Eventual Prowl/Jazz
Spark - 41,737 - hiatus
"Chase you deep into the unknown. In my dark, in my dark, you're the Spark."/ "Roam with me, come down to where all of the others fell. Get lost, in the dark to find yourself. Just remember what I said, 'cause it isn't over yet."/SEQUEL to Where the Lonely Ones Roam
*It's not clear by the summary, but the series is essentially about Jazz and Prowl's developing relationship as they overcome war-related trauma, intermingled with a spectacular amount of original lore. See the author's ffn bio for a rundown. The originality and attention to detail in the world building in this AU is awe-inspiring. There are 2 fics in the JP series, but the author has a bunch of other Gen fics set in the same AU and another on ao3. Bonus: some of the Gen fics are Jazz & Prowl-centric and can be read as romantic!
Crime in Crystals Series by Aard_Rinn
『(7/?) - ao3 - Words: 258,030 - Crime/Hitman AU - hiatus - ▾ ⟲』
The Hitman - 6,942 - pt 1
Prowl is the last clean cop in Praxus, the final flickering light in the darkness. There are plenty of people who would like to see him snuffed.
2. The Clarification, 3. The Kill, 4. The Capture, 5. The Prime, 6. The Talk, 7. The Chase 8. TBD
*The main plot is broken into 7 separate fics, but it's all one continuous story. Read the whole thing! It's on my all time favorites. It's thrilling, tremendously action packed, and the character dynamics are some of my favorites. It's also hysterical and wholesome and I've reread it a stupid amount of times. Bonus: it's got fanart + there are 5 extra fics, including a Jazz-centric prequel, in the same AU.
War Eternal Series by Hearts of Eternity
『(3/4) - ffn - 2m? idk it's insane - Bayverse War AU - discontinued - ▾ ❞ ⟲』
Where You and I Collide - 362,090 - prequel
Separately, Jazz and Prowl are like forces of nature- they are uncompromising and uncontrollable. But what becomes of their natures when these two unstoppable forces collide? Will one break the other, or will they both be stronger for it?
As We Come Together - 485,586 - pt 2 - Gen
While the surviving Autobots begin to flock to Earth in response to Optimus' call, trying to find a new home on the strange organic planet called Earth, some unfortunate bots are beginning to realize the price of war may have been too high. Sequel to Time
May We Never Let Go - 408,409 - pt 3 - Gen - d/c
Hell literally lies in wait above Earth as the Cybertronians and Earthlings coexist uneasily, rattled by every attack the Fallen and his master launch on them. With new evil rising, the powers that be on Earth and beyond are gearing up for war.
1. As We Come Together, prequel 2: Surface of the Sun
*Long, convoluted explanation coming up given that this series is obviously a whole different beast compared to likely any other fanfic series you or I have ever encountered in our lives... b/c the author is just superhuman or smth idk...
The series is officially listed as 4 parts (WYaIC, WTWHL, AWCT, MWNLG). Where You and I Collide is the JP-centric prequel to the other 3 Gen fics (that have substantial background JP). WTWHL is technically part 1 of the series, but it's sorta more character-focused ficlets than a continuous story... which is why I didn't specifically list it as a rec even if that makes things more confusing... (ᵕ¬ᴗ¬) Also the author didn't list Surface of the Sun as part of the series, but it's a direct prequel (like WYaIC) starring the Lambo twins and it's... oh it's so good... absolutely shatters my heart that it's been d/c'd.
I've not listed an exact world count, b/c if you want to read every bit of the AU with all its prequels and offshoots (which I would highly recommend and have done)... I'm not gonna do the math for you, sorry. The main 4-part story is ~1.7m+ which I realize is frankly insane and extraordinarily intimidating, but it is so sooo sooooo worth it. The author has created their own fully fleshed out TF world with its own lore and characters and the time and effort they've put into is mind-boggling .
Anywho, despite ultimately being d/c'd, the series is still tremendously readable and nothing about JP is left feeling unbearably unfinished. I also happened to track down the lovely author and beg for a summary of the ending, b/c I'm a bit of a freak and they very kindly provided it so if not knowing how a fic ends bothers you/prevents you from reading, you have the option of getting closure even if you can't have it written out.
Fathomless by Sroloc_Elbisivni
『oneshot - ao3 - Words: 19,949 - Fantasy AU - complete』
Jazz is drowning on dry land on the other side of the world. Once upon a time, before Jazz was born, the Rust Sea covered a swathe of Cybertron bigger than the territory of any city-state except Iacon. The sea had been more powerful than any engine besides the one at the heart of the planet itself, big enough to swallow a metrotitan in its depths, the birthplace of storms. Thing is, none of that was Jazz. He doesn’t remember those days, before he was himself, except in his dreams. And his dreams are terrifying.
*This fic makes me feel some type of way... it gives me shivers. It's so eerie and the premise is so unique. It's also beautifully bittersweet, which is a hard concept to pull off.
The Judge by SilenceoftheLlamas
『oneshot - ao3 - Words: 107,653 - Alt-War AU』
Prowl’s got a secret, and he’d rather be dead in the ground before he let anyone find out about it. Jazz’s got one too, but he’s not as good at hiding it. Prowl is a secret superhero, Jazz is a secret fanboy who doesn’t know that he works with the guy. By night Prowl is the virtuous hero The Judge, but by day he’s just an unassuming tactical officer.
*Jazz and Prowl are sorta painfully adorable in this fic and the JP is so sweet it makes my teeth hurt. Plus it's got a really fun premise with lots of shenanigans.
Black on White on Black Series by pipermca
『(3/?) - ao3 - Words: 86,248 - fix-it, War AU - complete』
Anamnesis - 31,097 - pt 1
When Jazz and his team are lost on a mission, Prowl has to carry on alone. But a discovery a thousand vorn later could turn his life upside down again.
2. The Ghost of the Howling Plains, 3. Pulling Strings
*Super interesting sorta-kinda-fix-it fic and/or explanation for the events and characterizations in IDW. There are 3 stories in the main JP plot line. Bonus: there's 2 "Extras" fics for cut scenes from the main fics.
Crystal Ghosts Series by Rizobact
『(2/2) - ao3 - Words: 85,688 - Fantasy AU - complete - ⟲』
Enduring as Crystal - 40,517 - pt 1
There were a lot of reasons Prowl visited the library. He never knew the most important one was waiting for him in the garden behind it.
Eternal as Love - 45,171 - pt 2
Prowl promised he would help Jazz, the ghost of the crystal chapel in the garden behind Praxus' central library. He just couldn't anticipate what shape that help would wind up taking.
*Another super unique premise! I love a good historical mystery and the imagery is specularly evocative! And I'm a sucker for the trope... which I can't reveal, because of spoilers.
Untitled Series by Vaeru
『(2/2) - ffn - Words: 10,766 - War AU - complete - ❞』
Descant - 7,925 - pt 2
G1/Jux compliant. Requiem sequel. Prowl doubted that his desired image of Respected Superior Officer came across very well with a half-scrapped mech clinging to his hand, but he loomed as best as he was able and glared.
*Requiem is Jazz-centric and I'd say more of a prequel to Descant than Descant is a sequel to Requiem... if that makes any sense. Regardless of how you view it or what order you read it, it's fucking brutal. (-‿-“) Bonus: author also wrote another really great fic called Transformers: Juxtaposition which is Lambo twin-centric and OC-centric, but perhaps one of the only OC fics that I've ever enjoyed.
Domino Milkshake by SilenceoftheLlamas
『oneshot - (1/?) - ao3 - Words: 24,886 - War AU - complete - ❞』
Jazz drunkenly pretends that he's dating Prowl. Only he isn't, and the mech is right behind him.
*It's a fake dating AU... what more can I say? I love the the begrudging developing romance and the meddling friends. Bonus: it's got fanart!
Hunter's Spark by WandersUnderStarlight
『oneshot - ao3 - Words: 43,645 - Alt-War AU - ❞』
Jazz disobeys orders to abandon the ruins of Praxus and runs into one of the Senate's dirty secrets.
*This author also has a few more JP fics that I enjoy like An Offer He Can't Refuse and Long Patrol. I gotta offer aisclaimer though: the fics are... fairly cliche and a bit OOC. Hunter's Spark is much more tame than the other two, though. They're all sorta a guilty pleasure of mine, because it's fun to enjoy Prowl being a bit of a BAMF and Jazz being a bit of a damsel on occasion even if objectively I understand why it's not everyone's cup of tea. (" ̄▽ ̄";)ゞ But the author definitely deserves credit for creative and entertaining premises and a really nice writing style!
༺☆★☆★☆★-ˋˏ ♫ ♡ 𓆩𓆪 ˎˊ-★☆ ★☆★☆༻
Little Brother by Meiza
『oneshot - ffn - Words: 64,542 - War AU - discontinued』
Prowl is infamous for being a logical, nigh emotionaless thinker who's better at battle calculations than interpersonal relationships. How he was roped into taking care of the last survivor of Praxus is anyone's guess.
*Prowl & Bluestreak centric, but Jazz has a solid amount of screentime. The subplot is pre-relationship, co-parenting JazzProwl and it's cute as hell. It's not 'officially' discontinued, but it hasn't been updated since 2010... so... At least it doesn't end in a cliffhanger. (╥﹏╥|||)
Things We Don't Tell Humans by SineadRivka
『oneshot - ao3 - Words: 363,057 - Bayverse War AU - complete』
This was a first for us Autobots; never before have we come in contact with a species like these humans, so eerily similar to our own race and twice as tenacious as Sparklings. The question was, how far can we trust the humans with our culture? Some things have translated between cultures without much effort. Other subjects, however…
*Please note the tags! Also... I'll be honest that I mostly skip to the JP parts and main plot points in this fic as it's about a very ensemble cast and I'm not interested in TF humans ... so I can't entirely vouch for the integrity of the whole thing. (¬ω¬;)
Echoes of Messatine by MlleMusketeer
『oneshot - ao3 - Words: 303,863 - Alt-War AU - complete - ▾ 』
Cybertron hurtles toward war, and only a handful of mecha see it. Not Megatron, whose inflammatory writings gain him agonizing attention from those on high. Not Ratchet, the Iacon Medical Center’s most prized practitioner, whose Dead-End clinic remains the worst-guarded secret on Cybertron. Not Overlord, whose iron hold over Cybertron’s underworld is beginning to falter. Not Orion Pax, whose concern over the sudden silence of one of his favorite writers drives him to take up his hero’s pen. Not Terminus, who only wants to survive. But Trepan and Senator Shockwave both know well what’s coming. One aims to use a defiant miner’s fall to crush the aspirations of the masses. The other wants to use that miner’s triumph to ignite them. Neither much cares about Megatron himself, or his ultimate survival. Therein lies their fatal error.
*Not clear from the summary, but the premise is essentially "what if Megatron got the matrix instead of OP" and how their pre-war lives would have to pan out for them to ultimately switch roles. Just a really fascinating, supremely well-done "what-if" fic, but also probably the weirdest one to put on this particular list, b/c JP turns into megatron/JP at the very, very end... but... I just kinda ignore that development since it happens in like almost literally in the last chapter and you can def read it as friendship up until that point... (¬⤙¬ ᵕ)
༺☓○☓○☓○☓○-ˋˏ ♫ ♡ 𓆩𓆪 ˎˊ-☓○☓○☓○☓○༻
*listen... don't @ me. They're definitely saucy, but they're not explicit. Yada, yada... hey minors, don't read these! ...But we all know you will so just don't talk to me or anyone else about it, cool? Cool. (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
Intermission by crabapplered
『oneshot - ao3 - Words: 5,049 - War AU - complete - ▾』
As the war stretched on for interminable vorn, Prowl found himself faced time and again with the mounting stress of his position. Many of those times he was forced to face alone, the gear grinding stress sending him to Ratchet for system overhauls and forced defrags. But every so often he'd be fortunate enough to have Jazz on hand, and when he did, well, it didn't take much. Pressing Jazz up against the wall, cramming him into corners, pinning him facedown over Prowl's desk. It didn't matter as long he could keep Jazz still.
Audition by crabapplered
『oneshot - ao3 - Words: 12,783 - War AU - complete - ▾』
If one were to be delicate, one would say that Jazz and Prowl are incompatible. The blunt truth? 'You just lie there with this blank expression on your face,' he'd been told by his last partner. Signal had stayed longer then most, willing to try since Prowl was so obviously doing his best, interfacing to please his partner and give him what Prowl himself disliked. In the end, though, it hadn't worked. 'You don't like me touching you, you don't like the mess, you don't even like the overload, and half the time I swear you're running economic simulations in your CPU you look that bored. I don't want that. I don't want you miserable, and I don't want me miserable, either.' So why can't Prowl stop wishing?
༺♡❦♡❦♡❦♡ -ˋˏ ♫ ♡ 𓆩𓆪 ˎˊ- ♡❦♡❦♡❦♡༻
That's all, folks.
ദ്ദി(。•̀ω-)✧ ~Happy reading!
and for the shit tumblr search/tag system, i offer: #jazzprowl #jazzprowl recs #jazz x prowl #jazzprowl fic recs #jazzprowl fanfic recs #tansformers fic recs #tf jazzprowl #tf fic recs
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epiphainie · 3 months ago
😱 i've seen "buck comes over randomly and finds tommy with another dude" a couple of times and i want SO MUCH MORE 🙏 underutilized knife to be twisted!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
@teabroomsandbooks and anons. i don't know if this will ever be a completed fic but i loved starting it lol, thanks for making me write this one 🫶
Tommy's place was an hour and twelve minutes away from the firehouse 118, across the city, out of the way. A seventy-two minute drive, before the morning traffic jammed the roads and slowed down time. As the clock on the Jeep's dash changed from 5:18 to 5:19, Buck knew he wasn't going to make it to the shift relief on time today.
It'd probably be a good idea to let Bobby know.
He didn't know how to say it, though. That he was parked at the end of Tommy's street, watching his door on the rearview mirror. That he'd been parked here since before the sodium lamps dotting the road had even come to life. It was still dark, dawnbreak still away, but at least he had that golden glow over his car, highlighting the creep creeping on his ex at this ungodly hour.
Buck just... couldn't sleep. His kitchen smelled like sourdough starter and his bed felt too empty and too cold even with all the pillows he'd stacked around him, and Tommy had bubbled him. Sure, it'd been weeks ago – the breakup longer than a month behind them now – but lying there on his chilly bed, wide-eyed, Buck just remembered the bubbles. Or couldn't forget about them. Something like that.
He just wanted to talk to Tommy. He just wanted to say something about Eddie leaving and Maddie being pregnant and Bobby being busy with the new Grant-Nash house. He just wanted to ask something. For a clarification of some sorts. Something between 'What did I do wrong?' and 'Why did you even start if you were always going to leave?'
You're the first person who left me when all I heard was that they desperately wanted to stay.
It didn't make sense.
Buck rubbed his eyelids. He looked at the rearview mirror again. Along with the sodium lamps, a single light in Tommy's house had flickered alive. It was the one between the living room and the entrance. The first night Buck had stayed over, Tommy had joked about it being easier on his old pair of eyes as they'd maneuvered around the otherwise dark house getting ready for work.
Tommy would leave in about twenty minutes. Maybe ten if he fancied coffee from that cafe three blocks over that he'd pretended was just okay. 
Mind made-up, Buck released a breath, and tore his keys from the ignition. If anything, he needed to dump all these useless Tommy facts he'd had somewhere and maybe that place could be Tommy's threshold.
He hunched in his walk to the door. He knocked, twice, and waited. Anything more felt too desperate and Buck was sick of feeling desperate.
The door opened to Tommy, his chest exposed, ass jean-clad, hair still mussed. His blue-gray eyes flashed with recognition and something else, and quickly dimmed back.
“Buck,” he said, stepping out to his porch, and pulling the door ajar behind him. His voice sounded low, deep, with that cadence that would fire up a whole different feeling in Buck just a couple of weeks ago. It'd also call him by another name. “What are you doing here?”
As it stood, it just made Buck run his palms on his thighs with nerves.
“I'm sorry,” he said, then cleared his throat. Sticking his hands in his pocket, he took a fortifying breath. “I know it's early, I just…” The breath left him. “Can we talk?”
Tommy stared at him. He didn't look particularly happy or upset about seeing Buck, but Buck could see the line of awkwardness in the way he was standing. His eyes flicked to the door and back and his mouth pinched. “Look, I'm not su–”
“Just talking,” Buck said. Okay, maybe a little desperate. “I'm not here to start a fight or anything, I just want to talk.”
Tommy shook his head. “Not now.”
“Tommy, please, I just need to–”
“Tommy!” interrupted, calling out from inside the house. It wasn't a deep voice, but it certainly belonged to a guy and it was wide-awake, sing-songy, in that playful way reserved for people who weren't just friends.
The door nudged behind Tommy. “Here you are.” Shock of black hair popped out. “So, question. Would you find me using your toothbrush absolutely gross or irresistibly erotic? Because I'm– Oh! Hey.”
He had a dimpled smile. Even with the question laced there dimming the shine of it in his eyes, it was a good smile. Tommy loved good smiles, dimpled ones, sunny ones.
Buck bit on his lip too hard, he tasted copper.
His eyes slid to Tommy's, then to the hand reaching for him. Before Tommy's touch closed on his elbow, he took a back step down the stairs and turned around.
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carmesi-butterfly · 1 year ago
kiss me and bite me
vampire nishimura riki + female human reader. word count 1,8k. vampire au/fantasy au. warnings mention of illness and death. not proofread.
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"Riki..." you murmured, the hard breathing leaving your mouth was accompanied by the soft wind, both sounds making a pleasing melody for the youthful boy, who was enchanted by you.
"Hm? What?" responded, leaving the panorama of the clear sky to look at you with curiosity, only to stumble upon your eyes shedding a few tears. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?" his body moved fast, leaving his spot where his figure lay down on the grass to reach near your body, now your faces were just a few centimeters distant from each and the closeness between your forms created a more comforting aura, appropriate for the two young lovers.
A few more tears left your eyes before you could reply, "I'm afraid of what's going to happen in the future…" your words unleashed an unstoppable sobbing by your side, leaving your lover confused for a second. After a few sobs, you took a deep breath, in an attempt to clear your throat and mind, the words stood clear in your heart searching for being released. "I'm not recovering, Riki, I'm just getting worse" you cried, "the doctor visited me yesterday… he did not tell me anything but I spied on him talking with my parents, my health is just declining and it would be a miracle for me to last long from now on" you broke the news for the boy who seemed impacted by your words.
"What are you saying…" The boy broke the silence, filled with confusion and anguish.
"I'm losing my strength, I'm tired. Soon I won't be able to get out of bed, I will lose my senses, and probably it won't take much for me to be completely worthless" Your clarifications developed more than an ache in his heart, it felt like being stabbed on the chest over and over again.
If being a vampire implied that things as such strong emotions could not be felt, why did his soul hurt this much? He felt like dying, perhaps the sin of love could kill an immortal spirit.
His body distanced from yours, not simply cutting all physical contact but also creating more distance between the two of you, getting up on his feet and looking at you from above with an indecipherable gaze.
"No… Are you going to give up this easily?!" his words hurt, from the bottom to the top of you being you were also hurting, and even though you cried incessantly, Riki didn't notice.
"I'm dying! What do you want me to do?!" your voice reciprocated his, increasing itself trying to show all the feelings it holds. "You would never understand it, because you can't die!" your body followed him, standing up from the grass to confront the situation, "you don't conceive the idea of death, because it's not something meant for you to experiment. You will never pass through the illness, your friends or family will never die, and you will never understand what is to perish in this agony" The discussion escalated quickly, reaching its end at the same peace. The things you said defined the end of this senseless conversation and for Nishimura Riki, your words didn't feel like stabs anymore, the heartache remained and his feelings got hurt, but this was the reality hit he needed.
"I know I'm being selfish…" As an abrupt act, he got on his knees desperately hugging your legs and clinging to the end of your dress, holding as if his endless life depended on it. "But I don't want you to die, please, let me help you… I c-can turn you into a vampire" Big tears ran away from his eyes, and the sobs impeded the words from coming out properly, "I know you don't want this, but please, please… I can't live without you…" you could notice a ramble was coming, about all the reasons you had to accept the proposal and how it would benefit all of you.
"How would you do that?..." your weak whisper could be hardly heard by your lover, whose ears were plagued by his cry.
The question made his body react, his head raised leaving its spot on your legs. "I can turn you into a vampire, I just need to bite you, we can do it right now if you want!" Riki rapidly got up, his hands holding your shoulders excited.
"But… What am I going to tell my parents?" The idea of becoming a vampire crossed your mind more than twice, all these thoughts generated by the presence of the youthful Nishimura who appeared in your life unexpectedly and changed the perspective of your life as a normal person in a small town.
"U-uhm… They don't have to know" he said, without giving it a second thought.
"Yes, it's a good idea because they are not going to notice that I'm not dying anymore, furthermore that I'm not getting old" Your sarcastic reply got him out of the fantasy cloud he had the opportunity to stay in for a few seconds.
"You're right, then… I will tell them! No parent wants to lose their daughter, and even if they are against the idea, we can run away together" Both pairs of hands connected, intertwining their fingers looking for more contact. "I have my family and my friends to help us! Jungwon was converted by Jay, it's secure to ask them about it"
The course of the actions being so sudden didn't help your already blurred mind, your disease has been part of you and your current life for most of it, always having hope about successfully evading the so-frightening called death, and the show up of your couple finished wrecking what lasted of your sanity. How could life be so cruel? Assembling two opposite individuals to fall into something so deep as love, the first one; was a vampire, a fortunate specimen blessed by nature, who didn't have to worry about the expected loss of life. And the second one; a poor human, the dangers of the surroundings being enough for such a weak personage.
Between your relationship was a line, an invisible border that could only be crossed by the weakest one and possibly now was about to fade.
"I don't want to die" Your lips dropped, maintaining that low tone you used before, full of fear and worry, "Let's do it, Riki"
And then, under the shadow of a big weeping willow, the connection between both bodies becomes stronger, your lips fused in an act of pure love after a few minutes of discussion that felt like an eternity.
When the sun went down and the secretive night welcomed everything that reached its perimeter, the figure of your loved one could be seen from your window, stealthily letting himself into your room.
"Psst, hey y/n, wake up" With light footsteps, he moved closer to your bed, where you lay comfortably while sleeping.
"Hm?" Your eyes opened slowly, trying to adapt to the nonexistent light in the space, "Riki? What are you doing here?" asked while changing your position, taking a seat on the mattress and patting softly on your side inviting him to do the same.
"Sorry, I couldn't wait anymore" Imitating your action he got comfortable on your side, talking with the lowest tone he could manage to, "I spoke with my mom about this, she was a little… concerned? But in the end, she permitted me to do it" said with his characteristic big smile. "I also talked with Jay and Jungwon, the conversion should be something easy, just a bite"
"Okay, we should do it now then?", you offered, "Mom and Dad, they… we can tell them later" Searching for contact in this moment of nerves, your hands reached his. His head nodded in response, "But wait!" your voice raised, luckily not enough to be noticeable by the other people in the house, "First, kiss me"
"Why? Do you need me that much?" The boy asked playfully, teasing you up a little bit.
"I want comfort, I'm about to be bitten you know? What if this turns out wrong and we can't kiss anymore? Of course, kissing is not the only problem, what if I die? Or end up defective? I may be immune-" a verbal vomit built by anxiety came out of your mouth, only being stopped by your boyfriend, who placed a peck on your lips.
"You don't have to worry, I'm not an idiot to do it wrong," said, with a jolly smirk and a bit of an "arrogant" manner, nothing new to see on the young Nishimura.
"Okay, let's do it…" With that the conversation ended and the so-called conversion ritual began.
Riki didn't want to bite your neck, not simply for being a pretty visible zone but also because he did not want to inflict you more pain than the one you're already passing through, evidently, something like sinking his teeth into her lover's skin wouldn't be painless, but if he can avoid generating her additional pain than the needed, that's okay. Your arm was grabbed so softly and delicately, the tact being so gentle that you could feel like he was holding a porcelain doll, both hands pressed smoothly in your extremity, finding the perfect spot.
"Should I count to three? Maybe it will help" suggested by pure courtesy, his body positioned and mouth near your upper limb waiting for you to give the green light.
"Please," you responded, accompanied by a few scared nods.
"One, tw-" and then, completely omitting the countdown he suggested, sank his fangs into your left arm, drilling your skin and releasing the poison.
You barely had any time to react to the puncturing pain of two deep needles piercing your skin, it hurt so much that you felt like you were burning, groans departing your mouth, such was the case that utilizing your free hand you had to seal your lips, and then, a huge wave slam your senses, sharpening every one of them; your ears? Possessed by an incessant whistle; your tact? It was overwhelming, even the slightest fold in your clothing could be felt; and probably the most shocking one, your vision; nothing could escape your new falcon view, small details on your walls that you hadn't noticed after years of living there were now extraordinarily detailed, the presence of tiny bugs hosting on the corners of your room is now detected, everything felt clearer.
By the time he was done, you had fallen into a trance, the venom running through your veins made your body temperature increase, and an unpleasant sensation spread to your teeth focusing on the fangs, implicating that the transformation already started and soon your hunger would awaken, and as an act of love between two vampires, he could ask you to kiss and bite him.
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theshitpostcalligrapher · 1 year ago
ground rules:
1) Funny- the request needs to be humorous, memes usually the most popular but dnd in jokes and other shitpostery is welcome. i abide by the MBMBAM NO BUMMERS rule - there are plenty of sad/deep/beautiful calligraphers out there who’d be happy to work with yall, but this isn’t that sort of channel
2) Length - aim for no more than 75 characters a request, my cue cards are only so big so I can only fit so much on each one and still not look like garbage. There is a little leeway but if you send me smth with like 120 characters it aint getting written
3) Amount of Requests - I am trying to be fair but i am one person running almost the ENTIRE thing, logistics, tech, etc, I have twitch mods and a roommate for retrieving things and that's it. In order to be fair, please restrict yourselves to 3 requests per person to let everyone have a shot, if you send in more i will ctrl-f your username and pick my favourites
4) Content - I will not do anything I consider under the umbrella of general assholery - this includes racial slurs, edgelord bullshit, exclusionist jackassery etc. Please be kind to each other. Please let me know if I’ve taken a request that is some incredibly obscure piece of assholery, someone once tried to slip a really obscure antisemetic piece of slang by me once
5) Repeats - I keyword tag EVERY SINGLE piece i’ve ever done on this blog, if you think I might have written smth already but aren’t sure, the /search/[keyword] is your friend, check if i’ve done your request before
the askbox is theshitpostcalligrapher.tumblr.com/ask , not a dm or submission to the blog. I’ll close submissions too so people don’t get the boxes confused. DM me for any actual clarifications, kind words, etc so they don’t get swallowed up by the behemoth of my askbox for months, and if you want to give me live encouragement the twitch link is right there, and is the ideal way to inquire more about any of the day's rules.
If you want to jump the ENTIRE queue and get your card done immediately, there are ways to donate on the twitch stream to get your request done with an ink of your choice. You can still submit 3 free requests in addition to what you pay for.
I’ll be streaming the entire time the askbox is open on twitch @ theshitpostcalligrapher, trying to get as many of these done today as possible live. Once 10PM EST hits, the askbox will close but if you get your request into the askbox by then, it will be done eventually as I always have 4 cards up per day.
Here’s the link to my twitch, we’ll start a little after 3 o’clock.
Here is a direct donation link to my streamlabs, it works like a ko-fi but I’ve got it set to give me alerts on my twitch so I can see and thank you straightaway for supporting my takeout order
I've planned on a few donation goals this time! They help pay for all the hours I put in and the material costs. Every time we hit a goal, I'll refresh it to 0 and math out whatever overlap to add to the new goal
$20 > Time For Tea! I make a sparkly, food safe glittery tea that looks like ink to enjoy with yall on stream
$30 > Jackbox Break! My Discord VC and potentially chat plays a few games
$40 > Takeout O'clock: It is time to order a food, Mia! Polls will probably be involved for food options
$200 (I am fairly sure we won't get this one) > I bought all the requisite items to bleach my hair to prep for a dye. Let's do this shit LIVE ON AIR BAYBEE
Also of Note: I will be moving house sometime in the next week and a half, which means I will be RECYCLING ALL OF THE CARDS I'VE WRITTEN IN THE PAST TWO AND A HALF YEARS (save for the ones folks pay for on stream, those are earmarked to be mailed out anyways) so if you've gotten something written by me from september 2021 to january 2024 or so, please remember that there is an an etsy shop where you can snag any card from the blog for a few dollars. dm the shop if you'd like to buy a bundle of randoms, I WILL give you a sale about it
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cloudcountry · 1 year ago
I don't know if you still taking Fellow's rqs, buut-
fireworks awhile first kiss with Fellow Honest has been in my mind 🤓
SUMMARY: you and fellow talk things through under a fireworks show.
WARNINGS: none!!
unedited as always for i am eepy
TAGLIST: @yanderepuck
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The lights are brighter and more beautiful than ever tonight. You hope it's not just you that notices.
Sparing a glance at Fellow, you notice that his gaze is more alive than usual. Maybe it’s the fireworks display. Maybe it’s your yearning. Maybe it’s your imagination, trying desperately to grasp at straws that could lead to the conclusion that he loves you back.
The conclusion is that he knows why you’ve stayed with him, even though he fears not being able to provide enough for you, enough for Gidel, enough for the three of you.
You don’t think he understands. You wish you had the courage to explain it to him.
“Do you like it?” he asks, finally breaking the silence between the two of you with some simple small talk.
It makes you squirm.
“The fireworks?” you ask, as if clarification is needed. It’s not like he asked if you like him. It’s not like you wish he did.
“Yes, the fireworks.” he answers, his words trailing off in a gentle sigh.
It must be hard to run this show.
You turn your gaze back up to the fireworks, gnawing at your lower lip. Silence falls between you two, and you wish it was anything but.
“Listen...” Fellow breaks it again, and in the corner of your eye you can see him sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
He says your name.
You turn to face him and he’s close, he’s too close, and your heart nearly pops out of your mouth.
“Listen. I know I don’t deserve you and I know I’m just some guy that going to mess up and everyone around you knows you deserve better, even Gidel does and he wants you to stay with us just as much as I do, but I—” he groans and digs his hands into his hair, resting his elbows on his knees as he avoids your gaze.
“Fellow?” you murmur tentatively, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, “What is it?”
“Please don’t leave.” he jolts up, clasping your hands on his, “I don’t know what I’ll do if you leave. I can’t force you to stay because my heart won’t let me and that’s so confusing but I can’t help it.”
“I’m not planning on going anywhere! Where did this come from?!” you rip your hands out of his grasp and sandwich his face in your hands.
He stops talking immediately, eyes darting around the ground.
He doesn’t know. That much is obvious.
“Look, Fellow...I don’t want to leave. I want to be here with you and Gidel. I don’t care if you think I deserve better because I can make those decisions for myself. I would have walked out of here if I didn’t want what you have. So please don’t say those things, alright?”
He hesitates.
“Alright.” Fellow relents, a soft smile touching his lips, and you work up the nerve to do something you’d been wanting to do forever.
You grab his hands and press two kisses to his palms, curling his fingers into fists to protect your gift. He stands there, slack-jawed, cheeks burning pink.
“A...Anyway!” you push his hands back towards his body, whipping around to face the fireworks again, “I’m not leaving! So make sure you remember that, okay?”
“Can I...return the favor?” Fellow murmurs like he didn’t even hear what you said, like his mind has been wiped clean at the touch of your lips on his skin.
Your cheeks burn as you nod, and he descends upon you like he's also been waiting forever.
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ghost-in-the-hall · 2 months ago
The Arrangement (Slipknot x Free Use! Fem! Reader) Part 2 - Chris x Reader x Jim SMUT
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Hello! Welcome back to the next part of The Arrangement! This chapter we're going to learn how Jim got involved in the situation, then we have one more member who's going to get added into the mix before some just fun self indulgent chapters lol. Thank you all so much for reading, feel free to drop a comment!
WARNINGS: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, 18+ CONTENT, MDNI, threesome, slight size kink but not really, oral (m and f receiving), edging, fingering, spit roast, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, riding, voyeurism, video taping, nipple play, lots of praise, biting, marking, if I missed any please let me know!
My Masterlist ~ Tip Jar! ~ AO3 Link!
Part 1 - Part 3 (TBA)
Divider Credit: @adornedwithlight
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“Baby, can you go grab my drum key?” He nods in the direction of the amps at the side of the stage. You hop up with a nod, pressing a kiss to his cheek while he messed with whatever was out of place on his kit. You stand up on your tiptoes, feeling around on top of the amp for the small piece of metal.
“Need some help?” Jim chuckles as you jump.
“Chris said he stuck his drum key up here.” Your eyes trail up his form as you turn around, physically having to look up to meet his eyes. 
Easily being able to see on top of the stack, he reaches over and grabs exactly what you were looking for. “This one?” He asks with a playful smile.
“That would be it.” You giggle. “Thank you Jim.” You can't help but blush as his gaze flickers over your much smaller form.
“Anytime, sweetheart.” He winks, shooting you a playful smile before continuing with his pre show preparations. Chris had watched the whole thing unfold before his eyes, smirking as an idea passed through his mind.
“Jim getting you all hot and bothered, baby?” He teases with a laugh. You just playfully smack him in the shoulder as you hand him his drum key. You sit yourself on his stool, watching him work. “Maybe I could see if he wants to join us after the show?” Your heart races at the suggestion. You quickly look over at Jim, the thought alone of being underneath that mountain of a man was overwhelming… but you couldn't deny the way you had to squeeze your thighs together to suppress the pang of arousal in your core.
“If you think he'd be interested…” you lean forward, your chin coming to rest on his shoulder. “But, if you want to just keep this between me, you, and Sid, that's also okay.”
“I don't think there's anything wrong with trying something new.” He smirks, finishing his last adjustment before turning his attention to you. “You're still all mine, right?” You smile, nodding in response. “Then that’s all I care about.” He presses a chaste kiss to your lips. “I have fun watching you enjoy yourself, no matter how that happens.”
Chris has everything set up by the end of the show. It didn't take much convincing on Jim’s end, he always had a weakness for pretty little things like you, he'd be an idiot to pass up an opportunity like this. Jim chuckles as he watches an expression of nervous excitement pass over your features. “Come here, pretty girl.” Jim coos. His hands settle onto your waist as he eases you into his lap. You shiver as his fingers press into your plush thighs. “Chris,” he carefully leans you back against his chest, “you know what your girl likes, why don't you give me a little instruction.” He smirks. Chris stares at him for a moment, dumbfounded.
“You want me to tell you what to do to her?” He asks slowly for clarification.
Jim nods, letting his hands lazily drift over your body. “I'm here to help her feel good, right? Well, you're the expert at that, my friend.”
Your cheeks grow warm under Chris’s intense gaze. A brief worry flashed through your mind about how it might’ve been a bad idea to invite Jim– “Well, you're not going to be able to do much of anything with her clothes on, are you?” He chuckles.
“You have a point.” You tense as his large hands drift under your shirt, feeling along the curves of your body as he slowly pushes the fabric over your head. Chris steps closer to you, pressing his lips to yours as Jim makes quick work of undoing your bra.
“Such a pretty girl,” any tension you still held in your body melted away at Chris’s praise. “We’re going to take good care of you, baby, okay?” His lips crash back into yours as he works your pants down your legs, you moan into his mouth as Jim’s skilled hands massage your sensitive breasts.
“God,” he breathes out, pressing his lips to your neck. “I can't wait to sink my fucking teeth into you.” You shiver as he chuckles against your skin.
Chris hums against your lips, holding your chin firmly in his hand as he pulls back. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, baby?” Chris can't help but chuckle as he meets your hazy, far off gaze. The undivided attention from the two men making your brain foggy with lust. “Play with her.” He orders with a smirk. “We want her nice and warmed up, don’t we?” You feel Jim’s chest rumble as he laughs.
He nuzzles.his face into your hair, pressing a kiss to the side of your face. “Is that okay with you, love?” You nod, making both men chuckle. “Good girl.” He praises softly, his hands wrapping around your thighs to gently ease them open. You shiver as you feel his fingers ghost over your skin, memorizing the curves of your body as he passes over them. You moan as Chris bites into the sensitive skin of your neck, immediately placing hot, opened mouth kisses to the spot afterwards to soothe the pain. Jim wraps a hand loosely around your throat, angling your chin away in order to give Chris more room. Your eyes meet Jim’s, a sultry smirk passing over his features. “Feel good, baby?” He asks softly, his gaze immediately dropping to your lips. You let out a tiny hum of affirmation, the small sound making a growl bubble up in Jim’s throat. His lips crash against yours, the groan Chris lets out is absolutely obscene as your body arches out of Jim’s lap, pressing into Chris’s needy, attentive hands. He, of course, had no plans of giving into what you wanted so easily.
“You’ll get your turn.” He can’t help but chuckle as you pout up at him. “You have to be patient, baby.”
“She’s been so good for us already, I think you can wait just a little longer.” Jim coos, trailing kisses along your jaw. “Don’t you, pretty girl?” 
Chris takes your face in his hand, the plush of your cheeks squishing between his fingers as he keeps your eyes locked on his. “She can, she just likes to be a little difficult.” He chuckles. “Part of the fun.” He mutters afterwards. Jim’s hands massage your thighs, his palms gradually drifting closer to your soaked core. You whined as his fingers ghosted over where you needed them most, your hips stuttering against his hand. Jim chuckles as you groan, your head dropping against his shoulder as you huff.
“Behave.” Chris warns. “Or, I’ll keep you like this all night.”
“Mean.” You mumble, making him laugh.
“Hey, you can’t blame me for punishing you when you act out… brat.” He laces the pet name onto the end of his statement with a smirk.
Chris wouldn’t let Jim actually touch you until you were in tears. Your inner thighs covered in bites and dark purple marks in the shape of Chris’s teeth. Jim’s fingers still tracing slow, torturous circles around your clit, never giving you enough friction for any type of relief. “Please,” you sob, “I’m sorry.”
“Are you going to listen?” He couldn’t keep the amused expression off his face as he let the question tumble from his lips. He could get drunk off the sight of you alone: your lips pink and puffy from being repeatedly swapped between Chris’s ravenous kisses and Jim’s languid, almost lazy ones, tears dotting your lashes as the got ready to spill onto your cheeks, he hated to admit how pretty he thought you looked when you cried. “What do you think Jim, has she earned it?”
His lips press to your temple with a soft hum, “I think she deserves to be spoiled a little after that.” He chuckles.
He takes your face in his hand, turning your hazy, lust filled eyes to face him. “Should I let him play with you for a little bit, honey?” You nod, your eyes fluttering shut as Chris presses a tender, loving kiss to your lips. “She’s all yours, Jim.” You could feel him smile against your lips before he pulls away.
Jim chuckles, his hands tracing over the curve of your waist. “Perfect,” he starts with a smirk, “I promise, I'll take good care of her.” The feeling of being surrounded by him was all consuming, a strong arm wrapping around your middle to hold you in place as he wrapped a giant hand around your thigh. He settles you against his chest, you can't help but whine as he goes back to his earlier actions of tracing languid shapes into your skin. “Easy, pretty girl,” he starts with a soft laugh, “I'm not going to make you wait any longer.” A gasp catches in your throat as his fingers finally graze over your clit. Chris kept his distance, knowing that if he was too close to you he wouldn't be able to help but interfere, but you could feel his eyes burning into you from where he sat. Your body jolted with every slight touch, you bit hard into your bottom lip as you struggled to contain the sounds that Jim easily pulled from you. The soft praise that rumbled from his chest left your mind hazy and filled with need. He tilts your chin so you can face him, his lips slotting against yours as he eases a finger inside of you. You were already a mess from all of his and Chris’s teasing, he hums at the feeling of your slick heat enveloping his finger. “You're already so wet, baby.” He chuckles against your lips. “You really want us that badly, hm?” You gasp as he slips a second finger in alongside the first. His pace was deliberately slow. Giving you what you wanted but only at the pace he was willing to give it to you. Your eyes flutter shut as his lips press to yours. You squirm in his lap, struggling to sit still under his careful movements. You let out a sharp gasp as his fingers pressed into a spot inside of you that made white hot pleasure course through your entire body. Your hand wraps around his wrist, nails biting into his skin as you fight against the heat pooling in your core, his smallest touches driving you insane. You hear Chris curse under his breath, catching the sight of him palming himself through his pants as he watched Jim have his way with you.
He treated you a lot differently than Sid had. Where Sid was animalistic and raw, Jim was meticulous and calculated. You sucked in a sharp breath, teetering on the edge of your climax only for him to slow his pace. He chuckles at your frustrated groan. “What’s the matter, love? You didn’t think you’d get to cum already, did you?” He gradually begins to increase his pace again. “Poor baby,” he coos, “unfortunately, I think you have a long night ahead of you.” He chuckles darkly.
You were repeatedly brought right to the edge of your climax by Jim’s skilled fingers only for him to ruin any chance you had of actually finishing. You had lost count of how many times he had edged you, barely able to think straight as it was. You whine, rolling your hips against his hand. You yelp as he pinches your clit roughly between his fingers. “Sit fuckin’still.” He growls, sliding his fingers back inside your soaked pussy at an agonizingly slow pace. “Chris, you wanna jump in?”
“Gladly.” He chuckles. He takes your chin between his fingers, “you look so pretty, baby.” He coos. “You’re doing such a good job.” You hum as he presses his lips to yours before trailing hot, open mouthed kisses down your body. You gasp as you feel Jim’s teeth sink into your shoulder.
“Are you doing okay, pretty girl?” Chris pauses, waiting for your confirmation before continuing.
“Yes.” You manage to breathe out. The pair share a look, wordlessly coming to a decision about something. Jim’s hands wrap around the underside of your thighs, pulling them into your chest, Chris dropping to his knees in front of you. His fingers intertwined with yours, giving your hands a gentle squeeze. You cry out as Chris wastes no time diving in to taste you, your thighs straining to push together only to be held apart by Jim’s strong grasp.
“You’re not going anywhere, beautiful.” Jim chuckles. Chris groans, pulling your hands in order to drag your core closer to him, Jim’s lips crushing against yours, the attention from the pair making your head spin. You squeeze Chris’s hands tightly, your climax speeding forward from how many times you had been edged. He chuckles as you tense, pulling back to swipe slowly over your clit with his thumb.
“You want a turn before I absolutely break her?” He asks Jim, who chuckles in response.
“Gladly, I'll make sure to save the fun part for you.” You whine in response to his statement, knowing that meant you would have to wait even longer until Chris had decided you had enough. Your body felt like putty in Jim’s hands as he gently lowered your legs to their normal position. “Poor baby, can't even sit up by yourself anymore, can you?” He teases. He tips you back onto the bed, peppering your body with kisses as he slowly makes his way onto his knees in front of you. He drapes your tired legs over his shoulders, his thumbs massaging into your hips. You cry out, fingers tangling into his hair as he pulls your clit eagerly into his mouth. You hear the clink of Chris’s belt as it clatters to the floor, he curses as he watches you writhe under Jim’s attention. Chris’s fingers slide into your hair, turning your head to the side in order to line up his hard cock with your pretty mouth.
He lets out a shaky breath as the tip of his member slides past your lips. “Fuck, that’s it baby, just like that.” He groans as you moan around his length, Jim’s tongue skillfully tracing shapes over your clit. You whine, your hips rolling in time with his movements, your whole body trembling with pleasure. You keen into Chris’s touch, his large hands roaming your body as you fought against your oncoming climax. Jim pulls off you with a chuckle, mumbling an ‘all you’ as he leaves Chris to pick up where he left off. His body blankets yours, he groans as he feels his cock press to the back of your throat. He carefully spreads you open with his fingers, humming as he lets the taste of you coat his tongue. It was Jim’s turn to watch the scene at hand play out. You were even more stunning than he could have imagined. Of course, he had Chris’s careful, attentive care to thank for that. He played your body better than one of his instruments, knowing exactly where and how to touch you in order to turn you into a babbling mess underneath him. You screamed as he finally allowed your first orgasm to rip through you, your body going rigid as your voice gradually faded to silence. Jim hears him chuckle, your hands flying to the top of his head in an unsuccessful attempt to push him off of you.
Your loud moans and shrill whines filled the room as Chris continued to eat you out like a man starved. Jim curses as he finally manages to free his hard, aching cock. He places himself within your reach, hissing as you take him into your hand, your skin velvety soft against him. Chris repositions, allowing you to take him into your free hand. He continues to lazily eat you out, your second climax building with every slow roll of his tongue. The two of them had been getting you all worked up for hours, at this rate they would have no problem pulling have no problem pulling orgasm after orgasm from you. You wrap your lips around Jim’s member, he curses as you glance up at him through your lashes. “Pretty girl,” he coos, “doing such a good job for us.”
“He’s right, baby.” Chris mumbles from his position nestled in between your thighs, chuckling when you whine at his praise. You gasp as his thumb presses to your clit, your hands fisting into the sheets. Chris instructs you to sit back in Jim’s lap, his gaze intense as it remains glued on you. Your hands settle on Chris’s shoulders, using his strong body to study yourself as Jim lines his member up with your entrance. “That’s it, baby.” He studies your fucked out expression closesly, smirking at the glow of sweat that had settled across your skin. You whimper as Jim bottoms out inside of you, his fingers digging painfully into your hips as he lets out a sinful growl. Your eyes meet Chris’s, your heart racing as his bright blue eyes trail down your body. You moan as Jim rolls his hips. “You’ve got a job to do, love.” Chris teases with a smirk.
Every small movement tore a loud moan from your throat, Jim’s thick cock stretching you perfectly, every roll of your hips making his member press deliciously into you. “You feel so fucking good.” You let out a shrill cry as he quickly thrusts up into you. Chris places a hand under your chin, keeping your gaze locked on his. You curse as he starts to draw slow circles on your clit with his fingers, making him chuckle. Jim chuckles, “someone’s getting close again. Fuck, you’re squeezing me really tight, baby.” Heat settles in your cheeks at Jim’s words.
“Oh no, you’re not allowed to be embarrassed.” Chris immediately jumps in, noticing the subtle shift in your expression. “You look so fucking hot, baby.” Jim chuckles when he feels how you react to Chris’s praise, his large hands wandering over your curves.
“He’s right,” Jim murmurs, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, “you’re absolutely perfect, love.”
“You must love all of this attention, don’t you baby?” Chris coos. “My pretty girl is always getting so much praise, you always do such a good job, don’t you, sweetheart?” You can’t help but whine at his sweet tone. You feel the coil in your stomach wind tighter as you watch the devilish smirk spread across his features. “Maybe I should take a video for Sid, I’m sure he’d love to see you like this, too.”
“Sid, huh?” Jim grumbles out the question with a chuckle. “I gotta admit, I’m a little jealous that he got to see you like this before I did.” You moan as you feel his teeth sink into your shoulder. He hums as he presses his lips to the spot afterwards. “You must love all the special attention.” He teases, making your cheeks grow warm. “Chris, why don’t you take that video?” He chuckles.
Chris’s gaze takes over you hungrily, smirking before his lips crash against yours, your thighs trembling from pleasure and over exertion. “I’ll be right back.”
You shiver as Jim’s hot palms run over the curve of your waist. “Such a dirty girl, getting used by three different men.” He chuckles as he feels you clench down hard on him, another broken moan tearing free from your throat. He lets out a sultry hum, “but, you deserve all the attention. Such a sweet, little thing.” He picks up your hand, pressing your wrist to his lips. Chris rests a hand gently on your cheek as he kneels in front of you.
“You’re sure this is alright with you, love?” His thumb soothingly runs over your skin.
You nod, pulling your lip between your teeth. “I wanna give Sid something to watch when I can’t be there.” Chris lets out a sound somewhere between a growl and a chuckle.
“Well, then why don’t you give him a little show baby?” He says with a smirk.
Watching you grind on Jim’s cock through his phone screen made him curse under his breath. Your shrill breathy moans and skin slapping against skin resonated through the room. Chris dips a hand in between your legs, your curse loudly as he rubs fast, tight circles over your clit. You tense, your thighs trembling as your climax crashes over you. Chris ends the video, quickly sending it to Sid with a message of how you wanted to record something specially for him tacked onto it before tossing his phone somewhere else in the room. You could barely keep yourself upright, collapsing into Chris’s chest as Jim fucks into you from below. Chris’s hands slide under your thighs, helping you ease off Jim’s cock as he hisses. He flips you onto your stomach, grabbing a fistful of your hair in order to settle your gaze on Jim. “Show him how good I make you feel, baby.” He growls in your ear, knocking your thighs apart with his legs. You gasp as you feel him tease at your entrance, Jim curses under his breath as he begins to stroke himself in time with Chris easing his cock inside of you. Chris’s hands wrap around your hips, lifting you into place. Your chest pressing into the mattress as your back arches perfectly up to meet him. He works you over his length, sinful groans spilling from his lips only to be drowned out by your whines.
“Feel good, pretty girl?” Jim asks with a chuckle, cupping your cheek in his hand. Broken moans tumbled freely from your lips, your eyes rolling back every time Chris bottoms out inside of you. “You want to help me finish?” You nod, unable to form a coherent word with Chris feverishly pounding into you from behind. Jim holds your chin in his hand, you open your mouth eagerly for him. He slaps the tip of his cock against your tongue. He slowly eased himself into your mouth, cursing as he feels your lips stretch around him. His hips would stutter with every slow thrust, a shaky breath following as you take in as much of him as you can. You were pushed onto him with every sharp snap of Chris’s hips, your moans dragging Jim closer to the edge. “Just a little longer, love.” He groans, his cock kicking at the sight of you glancing up at him through your lashes, tears shimmering in your eyes. His voice breaks slightly as he speaks, “doing such a good job.” He praises softly.
“You can be a little rough with her,” Chris chuckles through a heaving breath. “She can take it.” Jim wasted no time giving into his needs. You choke around him as his cock knocks into the back of your throat, Chris curses as you squeeze around him. You could feel both of them losing their steady rhythm, your body on the verge of giving out as you rapidly approached another climax.
Jim curses loudly as he pulls his cock from your mouth, ropes of pearly white cum painting his stomach and chest as he finishes, collapsing back onto his heels with a shaky sigh. Chris followed not far behind, your name tumbling from his lips as he pressed impossibly deep inside you. The feeling of his hot cum pooling inside you was enough to tip you over the edge, a sob cracking from your throat as Chris fucks your through your climax. He holds you there for a moment, breathing ragged, too sensitive to pull out. He lays down with you in his arms, eventually easing out of you with a hiss. Chris trails a thumb lazily across your hip, Jim absentmindedly playing with your hair.
“So, tell me about this arrangement you two have with Sid…”
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okay hi, this is kinda a sensitive topic so feel free to deny, jst lmk cuz tumblr eats asks sometimes
I wanna request a self aware!bsd x gn teen!reader. Reader is like 15-16, and has a very bad home life (father is physically & s*xually abusive as well as an addict and mom doesnt care) and uses bsd as an escape and stuff. They see Chuuya and Kouyou as parental figures (not a ship). And reader is like really lifeless/numb but also extremely scared and paranoid
It is not your fault
Self-Aware! Platonic! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Abused! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Kouyou Ozaki
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Description: There are monsters in your house. You want to be saved. From reality no one want help you. Maybe, you can help world in different world.
TW: Non-descriptive SA (psychological (photos, comments, forced looking at nudity) and physical (forced touching)). Mentions, without clarification or NSFW language. Mentions of drugs. Reader think that it's their fault [IT'S NOT AND IT WILL NEVER BE]. The bastard gets what he deserves. Soft protective platonic yandere. English is my second language.
The school break will end soon, and you have to go to class.
You were reading BSD manga on your phone. When you got the message.
You heard the notification sound. You take a look at the screen.
[1 photo send from Father]
You feel sick. You knew what he sent you. You don't want to look at it.
Another notification.
[Look at it]
[That's what I put into your mother, so she can have you]
[Isn't he looked good?]
You hurry to the school bathroom. You can't let anyone accidentally see, what your father sent you.
You can't ignore him. Or it would be worse.
When you got into the school bathroom, you make sure, that no one see you. You opened the chat with your father and immediately closed your eyes.
It takes you a few moments to close the app without looking at the screen.
There were tears in your eyes.
But when you go back to class, you were emotionless.
From outside, you looked numb and emotionless. But inside you were scared.
Really scared.
But you were hiding your fear.
Because no one cares. Even your own mother.
"Mom... Dad was sending me photos... Of his... Of his..."
"[Y/N], stop mumbling. Just ignore him."
"Mom... Dad was making comments... About my... hips. He is making me uncomfortable..."
"[Y/N], I told you before. Ignore him."
"Mom, why Dad is walking around home naked? He is..."
"[Y/N], stop whining. Ignore your father..."
"Mom... He touched me... He forced me to touch him... He held my hand and didn't let me go..."
"Mom... He hit me because I called him gross... My hands feel gross and dirty... Mom, please help me!"
"Mom... Why are you ignoring me?"
You hoped, that today he won't touch you.
You won and loose at the same time.
He didn't 'touch' you, but he beat you.
For not looking at his messages the same moment you got them.
Then he was too high on God knows what to touch you or force you to touch him.
You hide in your room.
You use the chair to hold the door down.
Your father is 'satisfied' with touching.
One day he will want more.
You prayed, that this day won't come for the next year. Until you are eighteen and can finally leave this house for good.
Your hands already will be dirty for the rest of your life.
You don't want to be dirty for the rest of your life.
From books, you have read, you learned, that's not your fault.
If only you could believe in these words yourself.
Were you really innocent? Or you did something, that made your father... interested in you?
You curled under the blanket and open your phone. You want to escape. You need to escape.
You opened BSD Mayoi App. You need to look at Chuuya and Kouyou cards.
In BSD world
Chuuya and Kouyou were ruthless. You need them. You were stuck in one house with the monster. Two monsters, because your mother didn't do anything to help you.
Chuuya growled at Ango.
"When the damn thing will be ready?! [Y/N] need us!"
Kouyou's gaze were cold. Golden Demon was hovering above here.
Ango took a step back.
"It still needs two hours to charge. I wish, it can be faster, but we can't do anything for it."
Chuuya turned around and left the room. Soon, everyone heard the sound of the road near the building been destroyed. Chuuya tried to calm down this way, otherwise he would attack someone.
He remembered your words.
"He beat me again. I don't want to be hurt anymore. I don't want to be touched by him... If you were real, would you care enough to help me?"
"I would, [Y/N]. I care enough. I will show him. He will pay."
Kouyou did a better job in holding herself together. But inside she was livid.
"I wish you were there, Kouyou. With you near me, he won't go near me. He won't touch me."
"He won't. Please, [Y/N], wait. It will be over soon."
"How dare you to hold your door with the chair?! Ungrateful brat! STRIP!"
"No! Let me go! I don't want to! It's wrong!"
"Don't go near me! Stay away! Someone, please help me! Mom, please help me!"
"Come on! Open, damn portal! Open!"
And the white light fills the room, right after your father grabbed you by the shirt.
It takes one kick from Chuuya, to make your father fall down on the floor. He can't move, thanks to Chuuya's ability.
Your mother came to your room, trying to see, what was the noise. She saw you, your father been pinned down. And all BSD characters. Before she can shout, Golden Demon's katana was aimed at her throat.
Kouyou was standing before you, hiding you from your father and mother.
You can't believe your eyes. Was it real? Are BSD characters really standing in your room? Are they really protecting you?
You heard Kouyou's voice. She sounds soft.
"[Y/N], dear, sorry for almost letting this vermin do what he was planning to do. But we are here now, we are here to take you out of here. Do you trust us? Will you come with us?"
You nodded. You were certain, that they won't hurt you. It was time. You can finally be free.
Chuuya looked at you and smiled.
"[Y/N], is it okay if Kouyou and I join you and others later? We need to deal with this man and woman."
You simply nodded and follow after the rest of the Cast. You were leaving the house. You stayed near Kyouka.
When you were gone, Chuuya and Kouyou start their revenge on your 'parents'.
You were free.
There is still work to do. You will need professional help.
But now you have people, who love you and respect you.
You have two parental figures in your life. Chuuya and Kouyou respect your privacy. They want you to feel safe.
They will protect you.
Monsters that you lived with, are dead. Your father died with his stomach ripped open and been as thin as a paper sheet. Your mother was torn apart.
Nothing can hurt you anymore. You will be better. You will feel safe.
They are with you.
The most important thing they told you, was this.
You are innocent. And it was never your fault. You are not dirty or disgusting.
It was never your fault.
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hyperfixiation-station · 1 year ago
Hi Sun, could I please request some Alejandro whump headcanons? How does this man react to being taken care of? I love your writing 💜
CW: Sickness, Injuries, Canon-Typical Violence thank youuu anon!!! also sorry for the wait😭😅 I did ramble a bit, so sorry if it doesn't make sense or things get repeated Also I wrote this at 2 veeeery different times so sorry again😭 as always, no beta read, and feel free to ask for clarification on anything :))
My dude is man-cold kinda guy It has nothing to do with the fact that he doesn’t know how to ask for affection and you always cuddle with him when he’s sick
But only for unimportant things. A cold or a sprained ankle?
He's dying, needing you to cater to his every need
But if he's seriously sick or injured he will push himself till he passes out
You have threatened to tie him down if he does not obey his medical leave
Case in point:
He had some lung issues after pulling Rudy from the fire during the whole Hassan fiasco
He got pneumonia because he didn’t rest and exposed himself to cold, wet environments
Oh and he had fracturedbruised ribs from his time with teh Shadows
Of course he didn’t go to the doctor, and you were out of town and couldn't force him to
You walked in on him coughing so hard he couldn't breathe
Blood was splattered on the floor as the coughing aggravated his ribs which aggravated his lungs which made him cough and then it'd start all over
You watched in horror as he choked, as he tried to inhale something other than his saliva
The 12 minutes and 47 seconds it took for Rudy to get to your house were the longest of your life
He was confused when he woke up in the hospital two days later, until he saw you sitting next to his bed, your hand in his, head lolled to the side as you slept.
You gave him a reaming of a life time
"Do you not care Alejo? About yourself? About Rudy? About me? Do you not care what we would feel if you died because you're too Godsdammed stubborn to ask for help? You made this-"
"Ay Cariño, you are beautiful when you cry."
"Don't try to flirt you're way out of this Vargas, I am so worriedmad at you right now."
"I am sorry Amo-"
"Don't do this again Alejo,. I don't think I could handle walking in to find you...because you didn't take care of yourself, okay?"
He hit a wall at that point in your tirade, and you could see it
You climbed into the bed with, curled up so your head was on his chest and fell asleep, the first peaceful night you'd had since coming home and finding him
Things were different after that
It was slow going, but you could see him making an effort to tell you when things were bothering him, to not deflect his emotions and issues
You make him chicken noodle soup when he's sick
And then you'll climb in bed with him and watch Disney movies until he falls asleep
You don't kiss him when he's sick because, ew, germs
But you'll cuddle and run your fingers through his hair
Your dialogue when he's actually hurt vs. when he's exaggerating is drastically different
"Sick" days look like: "Ay, you'll feel better baby." "You're no' gonna die, it's just a sprained ankle." "Do not kiss me Alejo." "Yes baby, we can watch a movie."
Sick sick days look like: "Alejandro sit your ass down!" "Do not make me call Rudy over here." "What do you think you're doing? Alejandro!" "Alejo, baby, why won't you let me help you?"
He got sick 2 weeks after you moved in with him
Like really, actually, sick(he had the flu)
Your first clue something was wrong was when you woke before him
The man had woken up at 6:45 am on the dot your whole relationship, so you knew something was up.
The heat you could feel radiating under the covers was the second
You were fully prepared for over-dramatic, whiny, clinginess, just like he'd acted when he got the cold a couple of months ago
So you were surprised when he got out of bed and started getting ready for work
Your third clue something was up was the fact that he didn't notice you watching him lean against the door for support as he pulled his pants on
"Alejo?" He spun around to face you, honest to god swaying on his feet
"Alejo, baby, you can't go to work like that."
"Like what?" His voice had just the slightest quaver to it
You looked his flushes face, his trembling hands, the way he was leaning against the door and sighed
The only reason you even got him back to bed was because he had the day off, he had just wanted to train
It hurt a little, how he didn't ask you for anything. He didn't beg you to cuddle or hold him, in fact it didn't seem like he wanted you there at all
Not because he wasn't being loving or because you felt unwanted
But because you knew it came from a childhood of misplaced trust and neglect.
He made it clear he didn't want to be touched, but you still hesitantly placed your hand on his forehead to check his temperature
The way he pressed into your palm and the small, shuddering sigh he gave broke your heart.
In the end you had Rudy pull him from the schedule, and spent the next week curled up with him in bed
You got into a very heated argument on day 3, which ended with you in tears and him coughing so hard he can't breathe
When you stayed with him, rubbing his back even after everything, things got better
He still doesn't like being a burden, but it's a start
He didn't/doesn't like your desire to care for him, not because he didn’t want it, but because he didn't know what to do with it/doesn't understand it
He’s spent his whole life in a warzone. He’s never had the opportunity/ability to sit back and let someone take care of him.
It wasn't that people didn't love him as a child, but in-between the drug-trades, gang fights, the cartels push for power and the subsequent war launched by the government, the struggle to survive outweighed any of his problems.
"Alejandro, we can't afford a doctors visit right now, you'll just have to drink some water." "Ay mijo, you have to be more careful, I can't afford the hospital bill to fix your arm, we'll just have to wrap it up at home." "Alejandro I already told you, we can't make it to the ceremony." "I can't, we can't, you can't..."
He’s used to patching himself up, used to people not having time or resources to care when he’s injured. It why he over plays the little things, because he didn't worry anyone when or take up precious time when his ailments could be fixed with a band-aid
His family was too busy making sure they survived to give him the attention a child required. It's why him and Rudy are such good friends.
They spent more time with each other than with their own flesh and blood.
My man does not like being open, and Valeria's betray
He deflects, much in the same way he did as a kid, by overplaying the little things so no one notices the big things.
For the longest time you had to have Rudy text you when Alejandro got injured, because he wouldn't tell you
Anyways hope you enjoyed my rambling!! I tried out a new format so lmk how you like it! Oh and reqs are open :3
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look-a-yandere-fandom-blog · 6 months ago
Reader tried to break into Moira's lab but ended up messing up something which led them to get injured and caught.
They thought they were ready for anything but turns to their surprise the doctor seems to have taken a sort of liking in them.
Reader is not sure if it's better or worse than simply being treated like a spy.
(Yes the Overwatch one. Sorry I wasn't aware that there were others with the same name among your fanchises as I'm only familiar with OW.)
Break-In | Oneshot
Moira O’Deorain / Gender Neutral Reader
Fandom: Overwatch 
Ambiguous yan - can be read as platonic or romantic.
Content Warning: Injury detail, blood, implied obsession, Moira being condescending as hell (so pretty much how she usually acts).
(If there’s anything else I need to add to these warnings, please let me know.)
Thank you for the ask anon, and also thanks for the additional clarification! Moira’s always been a fave of mine, so this was super fun to write! (outside of tumblr glitching out and not letting me save to my drafts haha)
The job was simple.
Get in.
Steal the vial.
Get out.
What was in the vial?
To be honest, you had no idea.
The mission brief was the same as the previous two, so you didn't pay much attention.
You knew the drill, having worked alongside Overwatch for a few months now. You weren't exactly a member of the group, but your knack for infiltration led to you being roped into a few assignments here and there.
These missions allowed you to stretch your wings: they gave you a chance to hone your skills in the field, without being limited by the security of a simulation or training program. Every mistake would cost something, every slip-up would eat away precious time. This was the real deal; which made every victory that much sweeter.
And apparently, your actions helped prevent an array of nefarious plots from being carried out. That's a nice bonus. So, despite the little pay, it's not the worst gig you've had. 
You start to climb through the lab's window carefully. The alarm was easily disabled during your first mission here, and, after a quick check, you confirm that it's still inactive. 
The security here must be pretty lousy to not have fixed the alarm, you think. And even lousier to not have noticed it’s deactivation. It’s weird… as you remember the brief saying this was a pretty high-tech place. High budget. Higher-profile investors. Fancy gadgets and all that. 
But, if it saves you from having to find another way in, you’ll take advantage of their ignorance. 
You swing your legs over the window frame, setting yourself down on the tiled floor of the laboratory. The room was meticulous, as always. Its occupant must be the diligent type. 
Test tubes, chemicals, and strange-looking contraptions that you couldn’t even try to guess the purpose of are dotted about the room. They’re kept in organised groups, neatly distributed on the lab’s countertops. 
It’s spotless. Shiny. Blinking lights of green, blue, and red reflect off the countertops’ dull steel. The garish gleam of artificial colour bounces off the edge of every surface, lining corners and curves while the rest of their forms remain shrouded in darkness. 
You tread the room carefully, eyes trained in their search for any new cameras or alarms. It doesn’t matter if they catch you on film, as long as you can escape before they alert any guards. 
After a few moments, you see movement on the edge of your peripheral vision. A camera is lodged in the corner of the room, attached to the ceiling, panning back and forth blindly. The hunk of metal is indifferent to you, continuing its monotonous loop.  
So there have been changes since your last visit. And with it, a chance someone could be watching you. 
But you’re already in. It’d be a waste to back out now. 
Swiftly, you start to rifle through cabinets, through drawers, searching for that vial. Intel had given a vague description: it being rather small, glass, easy to miss, and containing a purple fluid. They couldn’t get much more on it, the lab’s owner intent on keeping most others out. 
The name of its owner continues to elude you. It was mentioned during the first mission’s brief. Upon hearing it, those attending alongside you gave each other concerned glances, but you didn’t pay much mind, focused instead on memorising the building’s layout. It didn’t much matter to you who worked here, only if you could get in. 
Then, finally, you spot it. Tucked away in a corner of a cabinet. Just a little too high for you to reach. 
You shift to stand on the tips of your toes, leaning on the countertop to keep yourself steady, as you reach up. Your fingertips grasp at nothing, while your thoughts are occupied with prayers that you don’t knock the cursed thing further back. 
Almost, almost, then…
Sharpness tears into you. Air knocked out of your lungs. You look down. 
A trap digs into your leg. Rippling patterns upon it as it strives to blend into the floor. Cloaking technology. Near-invisible until activated. 
Your vision blurs. Adrenaline fogging up your sight. Like smoke filling an enclosed space. Choking. Inescapable. 
It does nothing to dispel the sting. Agony biting into your leg as you sink to the floor, trying to pry your limb from the trap. But every movement only makes the injury worse. 
Blood, your blood, glints with blaring colours. Green. Blue. Red. 
Red coats your hands, making the attempt to free yourself clumsy. Blood pools atop the pale-tiled floor. It gathers in the shallow channels between each tile. Flowing like rivers from their human source. 
Gritting your teeth, your heartbeat pounds in your ears.
You can’t hear the sound of a door opening, nor that of footsteps stepping closer. 
You can’t see the figure approaching. Assured. Confident. Striding close with an aura of victory. A hunter returning to their snare. 
Their outline shifts into focus. Faint colours saturated by the blinking lights of the lab. Red hair. Black shirt. Purple tie. The details fade in and out. It's all blots and blotches and assumptions. 
Then, the figure crouches down right in front of you. 
She is right in front of you.
“Awh…” She coos, condescension falling from her lips in waves.
"Aren't you just pathetic..?"
A hand emerges from the haze. It rests upon your face, thumb and forefinger along your cheekbone, ring finger against your jaw. 
"Did you really believe you could fool me thrice, little thief?”
Your hand fumbles to hers, trying to push it away. Blood smears across her pale skin as she chuckles. Words rise in your throat, but are smothered by your lung’s ragged breaths.
“Marvellous contraption, isn’t it?” She continues in her rhetorical speech, knowing that you’re in no state to reply. Her hand trails down to your injured leg, nails brushing against your punctured skin, captivated and cruel. You look down to the trap, its blurry outline barely visible. 
“One of Sombra’s works. Remotely activated, imperceptible, and immobilising.”
“While the disorientation-” She grabs your chin, suddenly yanking your head back up. Eye to eye. “That is thanks to something of mine.” 
“In fact, it’s what you came here for. Laced along the points. Distilled, of course. I wouldn’t want you to be… permanently afflicted by it.” Your vision swims, your surroundings fading in and out. Her face remains the only constant, the only thing your cloudy eyes can keep their focus on. 
Then, even that begins to fade… your eyelids feeling heavier by the second. Falling closed, despite your efforts to keep them open, prompting another laugh from her. 
“There’s no point in fighting, little thief. You wouldn’t make it far regardless.” Amusement fills her voice. You both know that there’s no escape for you here. Not now. With this concoction in your system, and this metal jammed into your leg. 
No escape… no way out…
As you slip away… into the unknown of unconsciousness… the last thing you see is her face… mismatched eyes glinting in the blinking lights of the lab.  _________________________________
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roxannepolice · 5 months ago
Rant 3/phantom pains of Schrödinger's lore in ChibnallWho/"the history between" doesn't mean much to the author. that is, it does. but it doesn't. but it does. but not really. but./can someone in the group chat please read my time sensitive questions I posted 25 hours ago?
Between bracing myself to finally open the advisors reviewed thesis, waiting for anyone at work to give a newbie a hint, and reading a fairly good criticism of the political stance in ChibnallWho, I guess it's a good time to let go off some steam about this era. Now, an important clarification for tumblr: when I criticize the show, I am not in any way bashing on people who enjoy it! Good for you, and that's why I try to tag these appropriately.
But yeah, this is going to go deep into what I mean when I say the writing in this era is just bad, something even its defenders sometimes concede. This often turns into dicussions of political/social messaging in seasons 11-13, which is as fair criticism as any. Yes, it often veered into confusing to downright appalling. But for me, that's not what "bad writing" means. You can make an excellent story about a likeable rapist and murderer. You can make compelling propaganda of pretty much any economic stance (well, maybe except for "the solution to problems with Amazon is to blow up their trucks so now everything has to be delivered on foot I guess", that's something straight from Monty Python). And of course, the "too woke" "criticisms" aren't anything valid like at all.
No, for me the bad writing in ChibnallWho lies in the general sense of confusion as to who exactly is the target audience here: someone who's very well acquaintanced with the lore(s), or someone who's completely new to the show. Now, this is also inspired by some criticisms of RTD2 is that it is too expository, leading into the show-within-a-show theorizing. And of course, exposition can be done well or not-so-well, and there's good argument some parts of exposition in s14 were on the nose. But the thing about a television series, especially one as long as Doctor Who, is that any episode can be someone's first - and the writer's job is to make it so it won't be their last. What this means is that the audience needs to be provided the information necessary to grasp at least the emotional level of the story, if not every bit of earlier lore logic. In the case of Doctor Who there's also a part of establishing which part of the lore is valid to the story at hand, considering that both within the show itself, but also the huge multimedia lore, there are bound to be contradictions. And that's ok! You have a good story idea that will require a retcon for a better pay off, go for it! Like, if you really think the Doctor should get to save Gallifrey for their 50th birthday, then go ahead, just reduce the Time War to a local conflict between Time Lords and Daleks instead of underlining just how widespread across time and space it was, and logistically impossible to contain by removing one party (this is one of the many cases of "I don't like what Moffat did, but I agree the execution is functional").
Basically, Lancelot having an affair with Guinevre isn't relevant to him storming a wedding and killing mortally wounding giving a fleshwound to the bride's father.
So, essentially my issue with ChibnallWho writing is simultaneously trying to cut itself off from lore/earlier seasons, while relying on it for any emotional pay off. To give a counterexample from this very era's one of best written episodes: when the Doctor goes on about what being turned into a Cyberman means and that she won't lose anyone else to that, that's bloody powerful! And it's powerful regardless of whether you know it's specifically about Bill, or just go on the information provided within the episode - that the Doctor lost someone to this. Unfortunately, The Haunting of Villa Diodati is an honourable exception in this and many other aspects.
So, to start from the beginning. There's a frequent criticism that team TARDIS was overcrowded in seasons 11 and 12 with three companions, to which an immediate defense is that it's not the first time there were three companions at once. Fine. But combine this with the following: it's not just three companions introduced at once, it's three companions introduced at once, plus a brand new Doctor, plus a brand new sonic, plus a brand new TARDIS interior (that's absent for nearly full two first episodes). So you're basically left with four strangers and no point of reference in your getting to know them. And by no point of reference, I mean something that I haven't noticed anyone else pointing out: Thirteen is literally the first Doctor since One to have no established elements in their first season, at all (barring the TARDIS and sonic, again, completely redesigned).
It's a bit hard to discuss One to Two regeneration relying only on stills and audio, but Polly and Ben are there to act as audience proxies for this Beatle-hairstyled guy with a recorder being the old man he was a moment ago. Three's first season all revolves around UNIT, established in Two's era. Four inherits UNIT and Sarah Jane. Five inherits Adric, Nyssa, Tegan and the Master for his welcome. Six has Peri. Seven has Mel, the Master and the Rani. Eight's movie is all about the Master. Even the reboot for Nine has the Nastene consciousness as a hello and the whole season revolving around the Daleks. Ten gets Rose and Tylers, and Cybermen, and Daleks, and Sarah Jane, and K-9. Eleven gets the previously established River Song and a Classic Who villain reunion in the season finale. Twelve gets Clara. Thirteen gets.... Twelve's suit that she should have stayed in and Daleks, nearly three months from her first episode.
And the thing is, I understand how this would have appeared to be a good idea on paper! Complaints about the show getting lost up it's own self-referential ass have been around for years by this point, and even Moffat tried to go for a soft reboot in s10. Chibs literally asking him to set the TARDIS on fire is as symbolic a new beginning as they get. A bold, intriguing idea. As is trying to explore Titanic with nothing but a snorkel.
Because in practice it had two fundamental flaws, one more general and one specific to the story as it unfolded. The general one has been hinted at: this is basically why there's the sense of overcrowding on the TARDIS, while also leaving the audience feeling they don't really know anyone on board. Are we getting to know the new Doctor from the companions' perspective? The companions from the Doctor's? The new villain (and a really unfamiliar one, Toothboy isn't a familiar threat like plastic pollution metaphor or pshysically inevitable end of the world) from an alien's or humans' perspective? The new worlds from all of theirs? We sort of end up relating most to Grace, except she dies in the first episode. The thing is, it is in confrontation with the established that we learn most about the characters. Nothing characterizes Nine more than his interactions with the Daleks, going from torturing one to deciding he can't commit another planetary destruction to stop them. Basically, between a kind straight Black navy officer and a White lesbian strangling her wife in a jealous rage, you're likelier to recognize Othello in the latter. Something tells me this is why RTD had Fifteen interact with another Doctor, Donna, Mel, Kate, UNIT, the Toymaker and even toothied Master before sending him on his own merry way.
The second problem has more to do with the direction the story actually went in. Because just from the above, and indeed after s11 it was a frequent praise of the era, it would look like Chibs is going for something easily accessible to new audiences. Great. But then comes s12 and basically all of the emotional pay off comes from the audience's attitude to the the lore! Or, maybe I'll put it this way: all charitable interpretations of it are rooted in not only lore literacy, but specific readings of established lore. And not only is the lore hardly established for the newcomers, but it's also not established which parts are to be cherry picked for the returning audience. Nowhere is it better visible than in Fugitive!Doctor's TARDIS being a police box. This was clearly meant to tell the audience yes, this is indeed the Doctor's TARDIS, but if you know how much of a deal pre-Hartnell Doctors would be, you'd also know the TARDIS doesn't just look like a police box, it was stuck looking like one in 1963. And so we end up with secret third Doctor theories between classic series 6 and 7.
And this is the fundamental problem with the timeless child. It shakes the lore to the core, but without establishing what this lore is, and how the audience is supposed to feel about it. Oh, you can go for post-colonial criticisms, but that relies on you reading the Time Lords as the british empire, a reading not clear to all of the audience, as exhibited by an actual academic article (because yes, I spent my hard earned money on a collection of academic articles about ChibnallWho and no I absolutely won't share a pdf should anyone dm me) written by an author more rooted in feminist than post-colonial critical theories seeing the new origin of Time Lords as replacing a masculine creatio ex nihilo ethos by that of a feminine explorer-scientist [appreciative]. You're basically supposed to get a phantom pain of a lore that's both alive and dead until observed, the presumed intention being that you will have a positive or negative feelings about the cat, without considering most people will be either abstractly impressed by the metaphor, or equally abstractly disturbed by animal abuse. It's criticising the roman empire by debunking it being founded by Mars's children raised by a she-wolf.
And this is also visible in the Doctor's own reaction to the revelation, which I guess you might argue is complex, but I would say it's more shifting from establishing moment to establishing moment. She goes from being shocked by it (again, no part of the text informed me I shouldn't cherry pick her characterization as including calling Time Lords the most rotten civilization in the universe, also is it even established that's the second time Gallifrey was destroyed?), to describing it as empowering, to apparently not thinking about it for 100 years, to having an identity crisis, to stating her identity is about what she does, to bemoaning the could-have-beens, to deciding she doesn't want to know, to her deepest desire being wanting to know it after all (the vision of ttc in potd). Like, come on, not finding your glasses means your room is messy, not complex. The effect is infantilizing more than anything else, I mean it's been what, three months since the last time a villain informed a heroine she has an epic origin that's also very horrible in The rise of Skywalker? Which impression is amplified by the only clue as to the Doctor's personal, not performed, attitude being that she apparently finds the cliche chosen one story of a boy abused by his adoptive family turning out to be a wizard, and a special wizard at that, comforting. Probably not the intended reading that wouldn't even be available if Rowling got cancelled earlier, but there as things are.
And of course, this has a lot of bearing on how thoschei dynamic is executed. On the one hand we have the entire emotional pay off rooted in the "history between them", on the other vague references to Classic Who and expanded universe, on the third characterization of the Master that is rooted more in fanon Freud-for-dummies woobification than anything this character's motivations have ever been established as. Like, between the charitable reading "Thirteen is hostile to the Master because of the events of s10" and the anti-charitable reading of "Missy's development was retconned in the Master's hostility", the answer is, it doesn't bloody matter to the story at hand, or else it's the writer's job to point to it as meaningful (again, as Maxine Alderton did with cybermenification in THOVD). Another case of "I don't agree with Moffat, but I agree the execution was functional", but you can juxtapose this with the way Simm!Master was presented in s10 - yeah, he got cured and kicked out of Gallifrey; that's really all you need to know, because his role in this story is being an unrepentant asshole and no amount of gifs slowing down John Simm turning his eyes down before saying "Eh, you wouldn't understand" will change that. The same goes for "see, the Master didn't destroy Gallifrey over everything that's been done to them, but over Theta being hurt uwu" interpretation - neither the reading this was the motivation, nor anything relating to the Master suffering from the Time Lords have been established in the text, neither as it unfolded nor as a pay off reveal! This basically relies on the attitude that the most charitable reading is by default the intended one, which is how you end up with "op means that Taylor Swift being gay shouldn't make you ignore all other gay women musicians".
A little bit of an aside, but people remember O was an actual person the Doctor met in unknown circumstances, not just a creation of the Master from the beginning, right? Like, this is taken into account in all "he's so desperate to be friends again uwu" readings, right?
So this is why "if the history between means anything" quote falls flat to me. The meaning is rooted in lore that's brushed aside in the same breath. The author relies on it being meaningful for the audience, while providing only the bare bones of "we were friends, but took completely different paths" background, and that by the end of the first act. Just as he relies on the audience having an emotional attachment to the lore without doing anything to create that attachment.
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blacklegsanjiii · 8 months ago
Can I show you a little thing? Fem!Sanji x Hiyori. Just- them meeting each other in Wano and Hiyori immediately feeling things for her while trying to convince herself she likes Zoro. Robin at some point notices, and with the help of a little but meaningful talk with the woman, Hiyori finally chooses to act upon what she fells.
It ends great, Sanji is also in love with the blue/green haired girl when the StrawHats leave. Hiyori notices after some talk with the blonde that pirate is perfect, the type of people she would love to marry one day. At the time the crew leaves, both are already dating or something pretty close to that, and they promise to communicate by letters or Den Den Mushi calls.
After Luffy turns King of the Pirates, and Sanji finds the All Blue, everyone is celebrating when Hiyori, her brother and Yamato arrives. And seeing the woman of her life, the love of her life as beautiful as the last time they see each other and happy after reaching her dream, she can't just help the words "Marry me, please, I want to be with you for the rest of my life" leave her mouth.
The StrawHats hear this, and when Sanji (after the initial shock) says a "Yes!" full of happyness and hug and kiss her Hiyori, they all cheer.
After, Sanji offers at Hiyori to go at Baratie, meet Zeff and the other chefs. Of course, when the Thousand Sunny arrives after a call two days before saying they're going and Sanji has a surprise for her "father", the last thing Zeff thought was that he was going to meet the woman his daughter is in love and going to marry soon. The Baratie closes and they (Zeff, his little eggplant, Sanji, and her future wife, fucking princess Kozuki Hiyori) talk, Zeff and Hiyori get along.
The marriage happens some weeks later, and it happens in Wano, with the Baratie, some people from Momoiro and friends from the StrawHats seeing. After being officially married, Sanji opens a restaurant in Wano, with dishes from the All Blue and the other four Blues (she wants the next generation to find the All Blue themselves, and there she will live with her precious wife).
Comphet Hiyori is really struggling and doesn't understand why that blonde woman is driving her mad. First she thinks it's because of how much time that woman spends with Zoro and how close they are. She keeps glaring at Sanji who is confused and Robin is laughing to herself the entire time. Robin eventually asks Hiyori what she feels towards the swordsman and the cook and Hiyori talks about Zoro first and then starts going off about Sanji, first about how she's annoying and taking Zoro away from her. Then as Hiyori is ranting to Robin, she starts rambling about how the cook should be paying attention to her, feeding her. She's rambling and ranting and Robin interrupts her to ask if she would like the cook to dote on her. Hiyori pauses and stumbles over syllables and Robin mentions that while Sanji and Zoro are rivals, Sanji's the biggest lesbian she knows, and she knows Nami.
Hiyori stares at Robin with wide eyes and asks for clarification. Robin explains that Sanji doesn't like men and she likes women. Sanji has been pining over her actually and that's most of Zoro and her fight at the moment because Sanji thinks he doesn't know how to behave in front of a woman let alone a princess. Hiyori tries to stumble out that Sanji doesn't know how to use a sword and Robin points out she doesn't fight with her hands because they are her treasures, just as Wano is Hiyori's. Hiyori asks if she really has a shot with the blond woman and Robin says she has more than a shot if she goes and finds the cook quickly. The speed at which Hiyori is gone makes Robin giggle again.
Of course the cook is alarmed Hiyori has found her, is panting and looking slightly crazed and asks if she needs anything and Hiyori is just like 'You! I need you!' and Sanji is saying that she is always at her service. Oblivious because why would an actual princess like her? Impossible, perish the thought. Sanji could only dream of an actual princess like Hiyori liking her. But Hiyori is looking at her like a starving woman and Sanji would feed the starving with her body. Hiyori starts rambling about her talk with Robin and how she thought she was jealous of Sanji for spending time with Zoro when she was actually jealous of the attention she was giving to Zoro. Sanji is listening and says if she needs anything to not hesitate to ask but Hiyori says she already gave her answer and her answer was Sanji. Sanji is trying to laugh it off awkwardly again because she doesn't believe anyone would like her like that, especially not the princess she's been jealous of Zoro getting the attention, not understanding the honor he had. Gods have they really just been pining over each other since meeting?
Apparently the answer is yes as Hiyori closes the distance and asks the cook to take a break with her, spend time with her. Sanji agrees and goes with the princess where they have a more in depth talk about what's going on and it lasts for hours because it turns into them getting to know each other. Hiyori likes how the cook looks in the night, a cigarette hanging from her mouth and the smoke curling into the air. If they fall asleep Robin simply giggles when she finds them and lays a blanket over them, tells the others not to disturb them as Franky quietly cries and calls them adorable and he's so glad the cook found someone after what happened with her family. The next morning Sanji is cooking for them all and Hiyori is watching enamored with the cook's movements and Zoro just rolls his eye at them. Sanji is making more of a show of it than normal as she serves the food. Yeah, Hiyori is so fucked.
When it's time for the strawhats to leave a few weeks later the women realize they are in love. They are crying and kissing with soft smiles and promises to keep in contact. Yamato is holding Hiyori close as they wave the Thousand Sunny off. Robin has an arm around Sanji as well as she watches Wano slip below the horizon line. Nami says it was the same way when Vivi stayed behind in Alabasta, the cat burglar's girlfriend who is also a princess. Sanji asks if gets easier and Nami shrugs, says yes and no, that Sanji will get used to them not being there but it sucks when things happen and they're not, that letters and calls can only do so much. Sanji nods, they do call as much as they can- even if they cut in and out, letters are slow coming to and from Wano for obvious reasons. Wano is still closed off so it's not as fast as Alabasta or the others.
Years later, Luffy the King of the Pirates and the crew still with him, following their dreams and becoming the best versions of themselves. They find the All Blue and are there for a while, Nami called Wano to let them know and give them coordinates to get there, to surprise Sanji. It's been a non-stop celebration since they've arrived and Sanji is busy cataloguing everything she's found, fish plants, spices. She's been cooking and feeding the crew and having fun and swimming and diving with Jinbei who is just as excited to see everything as her. Then a boat arrives as well and Sanji is confused until she sees Momonosuke, Hiyori and Yamato, all of them cheering and Sanji is shocked and excited to see her, in the All Blue of all places. Sanji is shocked and happy and bewildered and just in disbelief the love of her life is here, in the All Blue, screaming for her. Running across a gang plank into her arms and hoisting the cook up and kissing her. Sanji is trying to say something to her but she can't get words out.
"You're as beautiful as the day you left Wano." Hiyori smiles at her and kisses her again. Sanji is flustered and holding onto her tightly and there's tears of happiness falling from her eyes because this is unbelievable, completely and totally unbelievable. "Show me everything you've found." Hiyori demands and that gives Sanji a way to finally start kind of talking to her. When Sanji is finally calmed down enough to excitedly ramble to the princess about everything she's found, she's cooked. Hiyori is watching the blonde with nothing but adoration and love in her eyes. When they're all on deck later, curled up together and watching the crew around them it just seems so natural to ask Sanji to marry her, like there's no better time to ask, so she does. Sanji's eyes widen to look at her and then kisses her.
"Of course I'll marry you!" Sanji laughs wetly. "Fucking hells, you're going to make me cry again." Everyone has gone silent to watch them, Sanji is smiling so widely and Hiyori is head over heels and swords for this woman.
"Woo! Another party to celebrate them getting married!" Luffy cheers.
"Engaged, you shit rubber!" Sanji yells at him as she moves to start cooking again but Robin pins her down with extra limbs sprouting around her.
"Our turn, it's your celebration." Robin smiles politely as she and Nami head to the kitchen.
After a few more days of celebrating Sanji says they need to head to Baratie so that Hiyori can meet Zeff properly and the rest of the East Blue Crew agree it would be good to go home and see their respective friends and families and tell them everything. So they head back to the East, the first stop being the Baratie where another party is thrown. Zeff is happy to see his daughter and then he is introduced to her fiancee who is the princess of Wano and currently smiling very widely at him and bowing and shaking his hand because of how much she loves Sanji. Zeff approves of her heartily and Patty and Carne keep giving Sanji so much shit for being engaged and absolutely teasing her to hell and back. Everyone agrees to head to Wano for the wedding though, Momo says it's going to be huge and grand and fit for them and it is. It happens two weeks after everyone arrives and Sanji puts her foot down about Zeff cooking for the reception because as her father he should be enoying it with her but he does get to make the cake with the rest of the Baratie staff. Zeff says it should be perfect and she gestures around them in the palace saying Momo won't let it not be perfect, also look at Luffy and Nami - they also only want everything perfect for the wedding.
The day of the guests are plentiful, Iva and some other from Kamabakka, most of the Strawhat allies, Reiju shows up. The ceremony is sweet and the party is long and grand and the drinks are flowing and the music never ending as guests dance and eat and wish the couple well. Sanji and Hiyori dance and Zeff dances with both the brides and so does Momo and Luffy. Hell even Zoro dances with Sanji and grumbles about it the whole time as she laughs at him. They're rivals, ya know?
Sanji opens a restaurant in Wano but I don't think the Baratie would relocate since Wano isn't reopen. Sanji does still leave as she's still on the crew but she's never gone long and Hiyori goes with her more often than not. They go to the East Blue to see Zeff and work the Baratie sometimes, catch up with old regulars. She takes Zeff to the All Blue and Sanji will regularly head there to get things for the restaurant. Hiyori dotes on the chef and chef absolutely dotes back. On their travels Sanji tells the newer generations coming forth about going regularly to the All Blue, won't share the information on how to get there. Keeps saying it's more fun to find it themselves.
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