#if you look like ryan ross hmu
quirkybr0ll · 10 months
Yearning for ryan ross
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munchbunch97 · 8 years
I was tagged by @stylelikesarahurie Thank you!!!
1. What’s your fashion style? Like how would you describe it? Lesbian chic.

2. Any cool or fascinating feature about yourself? Either physical or personality wise? I have double jointed thumbs, hmu ladies ;)
3. Any celebrity look- a-like? I’ve gotten Abigail Breslin before but idk.

4. Who would you love to meet and spend a whole day together? I think Spencer Smith, he seems like a cool dude.
5. Any cool talents? Secret talents even? I sing goodly??
6. Celebrity crush? atm Trevor Noah and Ariana Grande and Halsey.

7. What type of wedding would you like as of right now? Yooo I have no idea bc marriage is icky

8. Do people consider you tall or short? Dude I’m 4′11. I am so short.
10. Do you have anything from your childhood still? I have my very first stuffed animal which is an old school winnie the pooh as well a sheep that remind nameless until recently and now his name is Ryan Ross and he watches me sleep.
11. Any pets? Describe them if you’d like. I don’t have any but my friend @blindlester has a cat called Gary who is my favorite living thing in the world
I tag: @blindlester @doublebubblediscoqueenxo @trademymistakes @trademistakesz @art-iculating @bridgetoncwhere @agetwellcard
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spacednp · 7 years
For blog rates ☺️ I like ryan ross 👌👌👌👌
i had to google whom that was whoops
❁ URL: um sorry but idk her/it’s okay but not really my thing/omg yess/WHO DID YOU SELL YOUR SOUL TO TO GET THAT
❁ Icon: ?i don’t understand her?/looks nice babes/yasssssss/did you make it or who did bc I need to hit them up I mean DAYM
❁ Mobile theme: not my thing/nice colors/mmm that’s a sexy mf v v noice/mk I’ll be over here stealing this
❁ Desktop theme: default nvm i just saw the castiel thing i fucking love you/pretty nice/ wowza yes queen/send me the code hmu bebe
❁ Content: not my thing/pretty nice/awesome!!/I’m reblogging every post omg ily
❁ Following: I don’t really like your blog, no offense tho/no but you seem cool/I am now!!/ofc hunti ily
❁ Extra comments/concerns: i love your dangling cas wHATS THE CODE ASDFGHJKL
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