#if you haven't heard it you should totally listen to it
swan-of-sunrise · 5 months
...Is Love, Sweet Love (Part II)
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Summary: Eight months later, (Y/N) and her daughter Molly have settled in well at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, with (Y/N) teaching a Classical Literature class and six-year-old Molly taking courses while learning more about her telepathic skills. Charles, having fallen head over heels for the school's new professor, debates whether or not to act upon his feelings.
Pairing: Charles Xavier X F!Reader
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: Yes, I know, it's slightly unhinged to write a Part II to a one-shot that I published over 2 years ago, but I couldn't get this idea out of my head and here's what I came up with! Again, "What The World Needs Now Is Love" by Jackie DeShannon partially inspired this fic, so you should totally give it a listen if you haven't heard it before :)
…Is Love, Sweet Love May 1980 Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, Westchester (Previous Chapter)
Despite living in his family’s mansion for the majority of his life and spending countless hours of his childhood eagerly exploring its sprawling grounds, Charles Xavier hadn’t truly grown to appreciate the tranquility that the estate provided until he’d re-started Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. The sight of young mutants happily playing on the playground and partaking in group sports without feeling the need to hide their differences away brought a smile to Charles’ face, and the cheerful laughter of his students paired with the beautiful spring sunshine inspired him to once again enjoy his lunch outside with a good book…although, it was difficult to deny that he spent far more time listening in on Professor (Y/L/N)’s nearby Classical Literature class than actually reading his novel.
“Can anyone tell me why the characters of King Lear worship the pagan gods and not any form of Christianity?” (Y/N), who was sitting cross-legged on the grass in front of her small class, arched a brow as she surveyed the silent group of teenagers before her. “C’mon, guys, you know this. We went over the background of the play during our last lecture, and I seem to remember some of you even taking notes…” After a moment, a timid hand went up from the red-headed girl in the front and (Y/N) smiled. “Yes, Jean?”
“The play is set in ancient Britain, long before the arrival of Christianity.”
“Very good, Jean!” Jean Grey’s shoulders relaxed and beside her, her friend Jubilee gave her an enthusiastic thumbs-up. “Now, why would Shakespeare choose to set this play in this specific time period? Think about the time period in which Shakespeare lived, and what the social and political climate in England was like.” A dark-haired boy towards the back of their group raised his hand. “Go ahead, Remy.”
Remy LeBeau lowered his hand and began fiddling with his deck of playing cards as he spoke in his distinct French-Creole accent. “Well, Professor, that was when there was a lil’ trouble brewin’ ‘tween the Catholics and Protestants over there, right? He prob’ly didn’t wanna ruffle any feathers by puttin’ a popular religion in his plays, so he had his characters worship the gods from ol’ Roman mythology; anybody who’d be offended would’ve been long dead, so Willy did what any guy’d do to keep his head on his shoulders.”
Charles smiled to himself as the class laughed and (Y/N)’s lips curved upwards into a reluctant grin. “A little unorthodoxly put, Remy, but you’re absolutely correct. In the play, Lear states that-” She was cut off when the familiar sound of the school bell rang out and her students started to pack their things away. “Remember, on Monday we’ll begin performing your assigned scenes so be sure to work on memorizing your lines with your groups over the weekend. Have a good rest of your day!”
While they laughed and talked amongst themselves, the students headed back towards the mansion for their next class and with a fond smile on her face, (Y/N) looked away from them and finished packing her binders and books into her messenger bag. The novel in Charles’ hand was all but forgotten in favor of admiring his colleague and friend, who’s effortless beauty almost always succeeded in making him stutter over his words and caused him to blush in a way that he hadn’t since he was a schoolboy; she was dressed casually in a striped button-down blouse tucked into a faded pair of high-waisted jeans and well-worn Birkenstocks, with her (Y/H/C) hair pulled away from her face by a blue headband and her reading glasses dangling around her neck by a colorful beaded chain. Charles took in all of her striking figure, but it was her content smile and the happy gleam in her (Y/E/C) eyes that made him release a lovelorn sigh and look down at his lap.
Charles was infatuated with Professor (Y/L/N). Well, it perhaps started out as a simple infatuation, back when she’d first arrived on his doorstep pleading for him to help her daughter; her kindness and caring nature in regards to Molly’s safety and well-being was touching, considering how many parents he’d met who were overly eager to pass their mutant children off to a complete stranger just to be rid of them. After hearing their story, he knew that she couldn’t bear to be separated from her five-year-old and so, he asked that she stay and teach at the school to ensure that they would remain together. That was eight months ago and since then, the infatuation had evolved into a full-blown romantic crush; Charles was captivated by (Y/N)’s capacity for compassion, enchanted by her quick wit and natural beauty, in awe of her progressive idealism in regards to mutant rights and more than appreciative of her boundless consideration in regards to his disability.
Yes, Charles was enamored by his school’s newest professor, but he was also plagued by insecurity. The last woman he was romantically involved with was Agent Moira MacTaggert of the CIA, all the way back in 1962 when he was a dashing young man who’d just earned his doctorate and possessed an egotistical streak wider than the English Channel; nowadays, his ego was tempered and his youthful good looks were beginning to give way to wrinkles and streaks of silver. While a ten-year age gap between two consenting adults was hardly an insurmountable obstacle to a happy relationship, a part of him couldn’t help but think that (Y/N) would be happier with someone younger than him. Both Alex and Hank thought that he was overthinking the situation, and perhaps they were right but whenever he started to consider asking her out, that little voice of doubt whispered on in the back of his mind.
“Hi Charles!”
Looking up, Charles’ face reflexively broke out into a grin when he saw (Y/N) approaching the bench he’d parked his wheelchair beside. “Hello, (Y/N)! Holding your classes outside today, I see?”
“It’s such a beautiful day, so you could hardly blame me for taking full advantage of it.” The professor adjusted the strap of her messenger bag and tilted her head as a teasing smile played across her cherry-red lips. “Enjoying your lunch outside today, I see?”
“Touché, Professor,” Charles chuckled, slipping his bookmark into his novel to mark his place and tucking it into his wheelchair’s saddle pack. “Hank seems to believe that my vitamin D levels are too low, so I decided that eating outside was the quickest way to get our resident worrywart off of my back. Not only did I soak up plenty of sun, I had the added pleasure of listening in on your fantastic lesson on Shakespeare’s King Lear; no offense to the Bard, but it’s refreshing to see an Classical Literature professor teach her students about one of his historical plays instead of one of his romances.”
(Y/N) shrugged nonchalantly, but the way she began to fiddle with her pendant revealed the bashfulness she was attempting to mask. “Well, I remember what it was like being fourteen; you’re around the same age as Romeo and Juliet, yes, but you don’t know a damn thing about love and it’s not easy to understand why they do the things they do.”
“As a former fourteen-year-old, I heartily concur. At that age, I could scarcely understand myself let alone an emotion as complex as love, no matter how beautifully Shakespeare described it,” Charles replied, looking out across the manicured grounds as he recited, “‘My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep-’”
“‘-The more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite,’” (Y/N) finished and when their eyes met, Charles’ heart fluttered and he could feel his face beginning to warm; his brows rose in surprise when the professor hastily turned her head to try and hide her besotted smile, a flicker of hope igniting within him at the sight. “I, um, I-I should go and find Molly…”
“She’s at the playground with Alex’s second graders. Speaking of which, I need to speak with Alex about tomorrow’s scheduled book delivery…” Charles awkwardly cleared his throat before giving (Y/N) a tentative smile. “Would you allow me to escort you there?”
(Y/N)’s own smile widened at that. “Of course!”
While Charles wheeled himself along the stone pathway and (Y/N) kept in step with him, they eagerly discussed the school’s ongoing library expansion and all the new books they’d obtained for the students; any progress made at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters filled him with a sense of accomplishment, but expanding his ancestral home’s library was one of his greatest desires and he was thrilled that the children would soon have access to more knowledge than many of the country’s best private schools and universities. (Y/N) was just as excited about the expansion as he was, and he couldn’t help but admire the enthusiasm written across her beautiful features while he listened to her talk about all the lesson plans she’d brainstormed involving their new books.
They reached the playground sooner than Charles would’ve preferred, but his disappointment was set aside by the sight and sound of his school’s youngest students happily entertaining themselves on the elaborate structure; so many of them came from broken homes and were sent away without any second thoughts by families that couldn’t care less about them and while Charles couldn’t change their heartbreaking pasts, he did all in his power to give each and every one of his students a loving home and bright, promising futures. For the first time, I find myself truly understanding the blinding rage that fills Erik in regards to mutant rights, he thought with an inward grimace before glancing over at (Y/N) and smiling as the human woman affectionately watched her mutant daughter play, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve lost my faith in humanity’s innate goodness.
“Hi Mommy!” Molly exclaimed from the top of the structure, a toothy grin stretching across her face as she gave them both an enthusiastic wave. “Hi Professor ‘Zavier!”
“Hi Molly-Bear!” (Y/N) called back while a beaming Charles returned the little girl’s wave with one of his own. He’d always maintained that a good professor shouldn’t have favorites, but no one would blame him if he came out and admitted that Molly (Y/L/N) was – hands down – his favorite student; she was as exuberant and carefree as any human six year old, but her mutant abilities as a psychometric telepath meant that she was more insightful and tended to see the world around her with sage eyes. In truth, Molly reminded him so much of himself when he was a child and knowing first-hand how challenging having telepathic abilities at that age can be, he was grateful that he could help her by teaching her how to control and accept her gifts.
While Charles scanned the playground for Alex, he caught (Y/N) looking over at him and the tender expression on her face nearly took his breath away; she quickly looked away and pretended to adjust the fasteners of her messenger bag, but not before Charles noticed the glimmer of affection in her gorgeous (Y/E/C) eyes. A familiar whistle cut through his racing thoughts and when he glanced over, he spotted Alex leaning against a light pole that bordered the playground; a knowing smirk curved across the younger man’s face, widening as he brought a hand up to his temple and wiggled his fingers to signal for Charles to read his mind.
“I told you so.”
“(Y/N)’s into you, Charles, and you’re clearly into her. So, what’re you gonna do about it?”
After taking a steadying breath and running an anxious hand through his hair, Charles cleared his suddenly dry throat and hesitantly spoke. “(Y/N)?” The professor looked over at him expectantly and his finger drifted upwards to loosen his shirt’s collar while he clumsily continued. “I, ah…well, I-I was wondering if I…(Y/N), would you and Molly care to join me for dinner sometime? There’s a wonderful Italian restaurant in Salem Center and a little movie theater just down the street from it that I think you’ll enjoy…”
(Y/N) blinked, looking dumbfounded but slightly hopeful as she took a moment to find her voice. “Charles, are you asking me out on a date?”
Charles nodded and offered her the barest of smiles. “Over the past few months, I’ve grown…immensely fond of you; I wake up every morning looking forward to our usual discussions over breakfast, I find myself spending far too much time styling my hair and picking out what to wear in the hopes that you’ll take note and every time you smile at me, my heart skips a beat.” The professor shyly smiled at that and he couldn’t help but lightly chuckle, the weight in his chest already feeling lighter with each confession he uttered. “Yes, just like that.”
“And you…you wouldn’t mind Molly coming along?”
The anxiety that filled (Y/N)’s eyes as she awaited his answer nearly shattered Charles’ heart; based on what little she’d disclosed to him about her past, he knew that she’s struggled with dating as a single mother and he could only imagine how disillusioned with romance she’d become as a result. “Of course not, (Y/N),” He softly replied and in a bold move, he reached forward and took her hand in his. “You two are a team, after all; Molly is your entire world, and I want you to know that I respect that more than anything. It’s also…well, let’s just say that it’s been quite a while since I’ve gone on a date, and I’d…”
“Like to go slow?” (Y/N) gently offered and when Charles wordlessly nodded, she gave him the smallest of smiles before looking over her shoulder and calling out, “Molly? Sweetheart, can you come here for a second, please?” After coming down the slide, Molly skipped over to them and the professor knelt down so that they were eye-level, her hand still holding onto his. “Professor Xavier wanted to know if he could take us out for dinner and a movie. Does that sound all right to you, Molly-Bear?”
The little girl’s head tilted to the side as her (Y/E/C) eyes studied Charles, and he was forced to mask his amused chuckle with a cough when she brought a mitten-clad hand up to her mother’s ear. “Like on a date?” Molly loudly whispered, and (Y/N) pursed her lips to keep from chuckling as she nodded; her daughter lowered her hand to reveal her excited smile and she gave her mother an enthusiastic thumbs-up. “Sounds good to me!” Molly looked back at Charles with a conspiratorial giggle. “Mommy likes you, Professor ‘Zavier.”
Charles arched a playful brow as his eyes flicked between the embarrassed elder (Y/L/N) and the beaming younger (Y/L/N). “She does, does she?”
“Mm-hmm, she likes your eyes and your smile and your hair and your-”
“Okay, young lady, that’s enough out of you,” (Y/N) hastily interrupted, tickling her daughter’s neck with both hands and smiling when she shrieked with laughter and scurried back to the playground. Shaking her head in fond exasperation, she stood and glanced back at Charles, who was trying and failing to muffle his laughter. “Well, I guess that settles it. Does six o’clock this Friday work for you?”
He emphatically nodded. “Yes, of course, it’s perfect!” He felt himself begin to blush at his obvious enthusiasm, and it was (Y/N)’s turn to chuckle as he awkwardly cleared his throat and tried again. “…I-I mean, Friday at six o’clock works for me.”
“Good. I guess that Molly and I will see you then.” The professor turned to walk away but took Charles by surprise when she turned back around and bashfully smiled at him. “I’ve…I’ve grown immensely fond of you too, Charles.”
Before he could say or do anything, she’d bent down and pressed a feather-light kiss onto his cheek, an infatuated gleam in her (Y/E/C) eyes as she flashed him one last smile and left to meet her daughter on the playground. A broad grin slowly spread across Charles’ face and while he watched her walk away, he leaned an elbow onto his wheelchair’s armrest and rested the side of his head against his palm, releasing a love-struck sigh and barely taking note of the familiar figure that moved to stand beside him.
“See what happens when you actually take my advice?”
Charles straightened his posture and glanced over at Alex, who was wearing the smuggest of smiles on his faces as he stared back at him. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re an impertinent ass, Alex Summers?”
Alex’s smirk widened. “Heard it all my life. So, when’s the big date?”
“This Friday at six o’clock. And since you and Hank have taken such a keen interest in my love life, I’ll be requiring your assistance on Friday.” The younger man quickly sobered and with a grin of his own, Charles chuckled and patted his arm. “There’s a good chap. Now, about tomorrow’s book delivery…”
Although it was a far cry from the hazy evenings spent at Oxford’s many lively pubs and in the company of the college’s most flirtatious female students, Charles’ date with (Y/N) and Molly was undoubtedly the most enjoyable one he’d ever been on. He’d met the mother and daughter in the mansion’s foyer with two bouquets in his hands – daisies for Molly and vibrant pink roses for (Y/N) – and he happily watched them admire their flowers while simultaneously hiding the fact that he was studying (Y/N)’s figure; the professor was wearing a knee-length yellow dress with long billowing sleeves, a bright pink sash tied around her waist and matching high heels, and her carefully styled hair was pulled back by a pink headband. She was beautiful, far too beautiful to be going out with the likes of him, but his fears of inadequacy were quickly alleviated when she looked over at him and smiled.
Hank and Alex drove the three of them to Salem Center in Charles’ maroon 1959 Jaguar Mark IX, the pair of them opting to stay in town and catch a showing of the newly-released The Empire Strikes Back while they dined at La Mensa. Sensing Molly’s apprehension with being around so many non-mutant strangers, Charles distracted her by playing ‘tic-tac-toe’ and ‘hangman’ with her on her paper place-mat and (Y/N) threw him a grateful look as she asked her daughter about her schoolwork; while they enjoyed their food, (Y/N) entertained them with stories of her students’ antics and after some goading by Molly, she even balanced a spoon on the end of her nose much to her daughter and Charles’ delight. After dinner, they made their way down the street to the small movie theater and while many of its patrons were queued up to watch the latest Star Wars film, the three of them decided on watching the re-release of Disney’s Lady and the Tramp; Molly adored the classic cartoon and while Charles was impartial to the film, he thoroughly enjoyed exchanging enamored glances with (Y/N) over the little girl’s head.
Molly fell asleep on the drive home, cuddling against her mother’s side as she lovingly brushed her fingers through her daughter’s (Y/H/C) hair. In low whispers, (Y/N) assured Charles that Molly had a wonderful time and that she hadn’t seen the little girl so happy since before she’d come into her mutation; although aware that Hank and Alex were clearly eavesdropping from their front seats, Charles quietly asked her if she’d care for a quick nightcap in his study after putting Molly to bed, and he was thrilled when she readily accepted his invitation. When they arrived back at the mansion, (Y/N) carried the still-sleeping Molly inside, but not before giving Charles one last smile as he maneuvered into his outside wheelchair.
“So…” Hank arched a curious brow as he walked beside Charles’ wheelchair and steadied it when they reached the top of the ramp, where Alex was waiting with his motorized indoor wheelchair. “How was it?”
“Charming, but I could’ve done without the rather offensive Asian and Italian stereotypes-”
“Not the movie, Charles, the date,” Alex interrupted and when Charles chuckled in amusement at his friends, he leaned a shoulder against the doorway and crossed his arms over his chest. “C’mon, you finally ask out the woman you’ve been head over heels for and you’re not gonna give your two best friends the four-one-one?”
Shaking his head in faux exasperation, Charles shifted himself into his motorized wheelchair and arranged his legs as he airily answered, “(Y/N), Molly and I ate a truly magnificent meal at La Mensa that we followed up by watching a classic Disney film at the movie theater. What more is there to say?”
Alex heaved a sigh but moved to allow Charles to wheel himself into the mansion. “A little help here, Hank?”
“Oh, he’s having far too much fun messing with us to stop.” The scientist tucked his hands into his jacket pockets while a mischievous smirk played on his lips. “But speaking as the school’s resident genius, I couldn’t help but notice the good professor clearly checking (Y/N) out before we left and blushing when she smiled at him just now.”
A reluctant blush warmed Charles’ cheeks at that. “Don’t you two perverts have morning classes to prepare for?”
“Tomorrow’s Saturday, lover boy,” Alex smugly countered, nudging Hank’s arm with his elbow as they walked beside Charles’ wheelchair down the vacant hall to his study. “Well, Beast, there’s no doubt about it: Charles here’s got it bad for our lovely Professor (Y/L/N).”
When they reached his study’s door, Charles nudged it open and wheeled himself inside, but not before giving both men a look of genuine sincerity. “Thank you, for your assistance tonight and for your encouragement; the pair of you can occasionally be a pain in the ass, but tonight couldn’t have happened without you.”
Hank’s smile softened. “You’re welcome, Charles. We’re just happy that we succeeded in making you do something selfish for once.”
“Yeah, you’ve helped us both out so much over the years and it was high-time we returned the favor,” Alex added as he clapped Charles on the shoulder, his earnest expression morphing into a knowing smirk while he continued. “Enjoy your nightcap with (Y/N), and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, lover boy.”
“Oh, and don’t forget protection!”
“Goodnight, gentlemen.”
Chuckling, Alex and Hank left the study and closed the door behind them; after pausing for a moment to take a calming breath, Charles wheeled himself over to the oak cabinet near his cluttered desk and unlocked it, pulling out a glass decanter of scotch and two glasses and setting them down on the coffee table. He bit his lip as his eyes surveyed the messy state of his study, cursing himself for not tidying up earlier, but a part of him knew that (Y/N) wasn’t the type to mind a little clutter; she liked to joke that the best professors had the messiest studies because they spent all their time teaching instead of worrying about how others perceive them. It was the good manners instilled in him from birth that saw him gathering stacks of loose papers, binders and leather-bound books and unceremoniously shoving them behind his desk before lifting himself out of his wheelchair to sit on the couch; with nothing else to distract himself from the anxious anticipation building up within him, Charles plucked the maple-colored queen off the chessboard and nimbly twirled it around his fingers as he waited for (Y/N).
Minutes later, there was a quiet knock on the door of his study and after scrambling to straighten up his chessboard, Charles called out, “Come in!” The door opened and (Y/N) stepped into the room, her gentle smile widening when she spotted him seated on the couch. “How’s Molly?”
“Out like a light.” (Y/N) crossed the room and sat on the couch beside him, her fingers playing with the flowing yellow material of her dress’ skirt as Charles poured their drinks. “She wanted me to tell you that she had a really fun time tonight, and she wanted me to thank you.”
“She’s been working so hard these past few months to complete her schoolwork and training, so if anyone deserves to have a little fun it’s undoubtedly her,” Charles replied, a surge of fondness for his youngest student and her kindheartedness bringing a smile to her face as he turned to (Y/N) and offered her a glass of the amber-colored liquid. “As do you, Professor.”
Accepting the glass, (Y/N) hummed thoughtfully before holding it up and angling it towards him. “In that case…to having fun.”
“To having fun,” Charles repeated, lightly clinking his glass of scotch against hers and taking a sip, his eyes appreciatively roaming along the professor’s figure while she took a sip of the strong liquor. “Do you like it? It’s top shelf scotch whiskey, all the way from Scotland.”
(Y/N) arched a playful brow as she crossed her leg over her knee and angled herself to face him. “Expensive, imported liquor? Are you trying to impress me, Professor?”
“Well, that all depends…” Following his instincts, Charles set his glass down and rested his elbow on the couch’s back cushion, his lips curving into a playful grin. “Is it working?”
Her (Y/E/C) eyes softened and after setting her own glass down, she rested one of her hands on his and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Charles, I was impressed by you before the top shelf scotch, before the fancy Italian restaurant, and before I ever laid eyes on this beautiful mansion.” His brow furrowed in confusion but she merely smiled and rubbed small circles along his knuckles with her thumb. “Eight months ago, the letter that I sent you asking for help with Molly was my Hail Mary; I had nowhere to go and no way to protect my daughter from the people who hated her for who she was, so I decided to write to the one person I knew could help her. And when you sent me a letter back – that incredibly kind and empathetic letter – you gave me hope, hope that I hadn’t felt in so long. So, you see? You managed to impress me before we’d even met, Charles Xavier.”
Charles, touched by her sincerity and feeling a little emotional, reached forward with his free hand and carefully cradled her warm cheek in his palm. “Oh, my darling (Y/N)…you’re not the only one who’s had their hope restored; I gave up any hope for romance not long after I lost my legs, choosing to focus my attention on the school and my fellow mutants. Over these past several months, however, you helped me to see that there was still hope.” His thumb traced along her cheekbone as he smiled and slowly began to lean in. “And now, I would very much like to kiss you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
(Y/N)’s smile widened. “I’d like that very much as well, I just…” He could feel her cheek flush beneath his touch, and a look of embarrassment flashed across her face. “God, it’s been so long since I’ve done anything like this. Would it be silly to say that I’ve got butterflies in my stomach?”
“Not at all, darling. Truth be told, I’m a little nervous myself,” Charles murmured, his eyes flicking away from hers to stare at her enticing lips before glancing back up. “The last time I kissed a woman was in 1962, so you’ll have to forgive me if my technique has gotten slightly rusty over the past eighteen years.”
“Well, we won’t know unless we give it a go, will we?” (Y/N) breathed and her (Y/E/C) eyes burned with desire as they both inched closer. “Charles, dear…please kiss me.”
Wanting nothing more than to please the professor, Charles’ eyes fluttered closed as he tentatively brushed his lips against hers. (Y/N) wasted no time in returning the kiss, kissing him softly and sweetly as her hand left his to rest on the back of his head, her fingers tangling in his hair and eliciting a blissful groan from him; with one hand still cupping her cheek, he rested the other on her waist but soon found himself winding his arm around her in an effort to bring her closer. (Y/N)’s lips were soft and oh so addictive, slowly but firmly caressing against his as her fingers carded through his locks, and Charles surrendered himself over to the woman wrapped in his embrace.
Eventually, they were forced to separate for some much-needed air, the both of them out of breath and almost dizzy from their impromptu make-out session; Charles felt a surge of pride as he took in (Y/N)’s kiss-swollen lips, heaving chest and the dazed smile on her face, and he couldn’t resist leaning forward to lightly rub his nose against hers. When he pulled back, he huffed out a breathless chuckle at the incredulous look that she was giving him. “That’s a rusty technique?”
“Mm-hmm. Dreadful, wasn’t it?”
(Y/N) giggled at his joking question and pretended to consider it. “You know, I think I need another example before I can definitively say.” They both laughed but when Charles moved in for another kiss, a sharp twinge in his lower back caused him to recoil with a hiss of pain. “Charles, are you okay?!”
He mutely nodded, his eyes squeezed shut as he straightened his posture and leaned his back against the plush couch cushions. “I’m fine, it’s just a muscle spasm.”
“Is it…?” (Y/N) trailed off and when Charles finally opened his eyes as the pain began to fade, he could see the worry written across her face. “Is it because of your spinal cord injury?”
“That, and I’m afraid that I’m getting on in years; I’m not as young and spritely as I was in 1962.” Instead of stammering out a string of apologies and getting up to leave as Charles feared she would, the corner of (Y/N)’s lips curved upwards into a lopsided grin that left him slightly confused. “(Y/N)?”
The professor shifted closer to him. “Did you know that Molly’s father was fourteen years older than me?” Charles’ brow rose in surprise and he silently shook his head, watching as she reached over and brushed a lock of hair behind his ear. “You could say that I’ve always had a thing for older men…” Before he could think of something witty to say, (Y/N) swung her leg over his to straddle his lap and rested her hands on either side of his face; Charles couldn’t help but grin and, inspired by her delectable boldness, he placed his hands on her waist to hold her securely to him, his grin widening as her breath hitched. “Go ahead and read my mind if you don’t believe me, but it’s true.”
Shaking his head, Charles rested his head on the back of the couch so that he was staring up at her, softly smiling as one of his hands traveled upwards to cradle her cheek. “I believe you, darling. Would it be too sappy to say that I don’t want this night to end?”
“Not at all, dear,” (Y/N) shook her head before closing the distance between them and captured his lips in another passionate kiss; when they finally broke apart, she rested her forehead against his and returned his blissful smile with one of her own. “We can make this work, can’t we? Balance the two of us with running the school and raising Molly?”
“I believe that you and I can do just about anything, so long as we’re together,” Charles replied, his thumb and forefinger moving to guide her chin forward and pouring all his emotions into another kiss; there was no place on Earth he’d rather be than in the arms of the lovely Classical Literature professor who’d captured his heart and judging by the way she kissed him back, it was clear that she was thinking something along the same lines.
A/N: I had so much fun dipping my toes back into the Fox X-Men Universe (I still have a massive thing for 80's Charles Xavier and his flowing brown hair lol) and I loved that I finally resolved Charles and (Y/N)'s mutual attraction with this cute Part II! I may or may not have a few ideas for a possible Part III, so let me know if you'd be interested in reading more! Thank you all so much for reading and enjoying!
Story Tag List: @mostlymarvelgirl @holb32 @f1uveryysblog Marvel Tag List: @brooke0297​​​​ @deadlymistletoe Permanent Tag List:​ @momc95​​​​ @crowleysqueenofhell​​​ @groovy-lady​ @yasmin12312
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stone-stars · 2 months
Murph: And then of course we've got Caldwell Tanner. Caldwell: Beverly Toegold V, a purposeful lad who's the dad of a turdis. [The others laugh] Emily: A turdis?? Jake: What the hell's a turdis, man? Caldwell: It's a turdis! Emily, laughing: What the fuck is a turdis?? Murph: I thought you were changing it to make it rhyme, but I'm… Jake: You-- it didn't rhyme and you made up a word. Caldwell: What do you mean? It's a turdis. What's wrong? Haven't you ever seen a turdis on the side of the road? Emily: Turdis is truly the most uncomfortable word! [Everyone laughs.] Emily: Why is it T-U-R-D-I-S. Caldwell: They got a big shill. There's a shill on your turdis. Jake: Oh go-- oh you have an accent. Oh, we forgot that Caldwell's from Maryland. Emily: You do sound like-- I had a teacher once who said "robit". And it sounds like whoever says "robit" would also say turdis. Murph: Yeah. Jake, laughing: Robit! Caldwell: It was either-- listen, it was either tortoise and porpoise or turdis and purpose, so, you know, you take your pick. Jake: Oh, I see. Murph: Did you say-- Emily: So you went for the one with turd in it. Murph: Yeah, okay. I'm still-- Jake: I didn't hear purpose. I don't remember, like-- Murph: I didn't hear purpose, I'm still absolutely baffled. [Emily laughs] Jake: I'm still-- yeah, I'm processing it. Murph: I-- Caldwell: Should I do it again? Murph: Uh, could you? Caldwell: Yeah. Murph: I'm-- I'm confused. Emily: I'd like you to do it again, but I think I'd like you to keep it the same, because I am into you committing to this Jake: Don't change anything! Caldwell: Here we go, here we go. Murph: Alright, let's try it, one more time, ready? Jake: I love this for you. Murph: And of course, Caldwell Tanner. Caldwell: Beverly Toegold V, a purposeful lad who's the dad of a turdis. [Emily laughs.] Jake: So you-- I mean you didn't-- Murph: Dude. What? Jake: Turdis dad. That's what you should've said to make it-- Murph: No. No wait. So-- Y-- Just because purpose-- what? Emily: Is turdis the new crabster? I think turdis is the new crabster? Jake: Absolutely! Absolutely yes. It totally is. Caldwell: No way. Emily: Wait, actually the second I heard Jake's voice I remembered crabster, and that shit was funny. Jake: Hey, at least I did that shit on a short rest I think, like-- Murph: Crabster is an inside joke from the short rest. Jake: This is a main campaign flub. [Murph: Yes.] And I think that's-- Caldwell: I meant to say "a lad of purpose", can I say-- can I actually take it again? [Emily laughs.] Murph: THERE you go. Now I underst-- Jake: There it is. Murph: Now I understand what you were doing. Caldwell: Please let me take it again. Murph: Good lord, Caldwell. That makes sense. Okay. One more time. Guys, this is really-- the absolute last time. And Caldwell Tanner. Caldwell: Beverly Toegold V, a lad of purpose who's the dad of a turdis. [Jake and Emily laugh.] Murph: THERE you go. Okay. Now-- Jake: It was really-- It was worth the wait, too. Murph: I… Emily: I'm so. What a privilege to witness that process. To just be part of that process. To watch you workshop that. Caldwell: You'll just cut everything before that Murph, right? Murph: Yeah. This is gonna be a real clean intro. Caldwell: Great. Great, cool. Murph: Really straight to the point. Caldwell: Cool, I-- I wanna keep things serious. I know that this is-- we've got big stuff ahead of us. Murph: Right on. Jake: End of the campaign.
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ashen-char · 3 months
brace yourself
ship: amber freeman (scream) x fem reader
warnings: some jokes about blood/murder since its amber yknow, not much tho
summary: after getting braces, you feel insecure about it. your girlfriend amber reassures you about it
word count: 1100+
notes: requested here. thank you <3 i dont know too much abt braces but i hope you like it regardless
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Awkward would be the first word that jumps into your head about how you're feeling right now. Your mouth feels weird, your lips and cheeks feeling crowded like there's suddenly not enough space in your mouth. You can't help running your tongue over the brackets and wires as your orthodontist speaks to you. He's telling you about how to take care of them, what foods not to eat, things to avoid. You're not really paying attention. Instead, you nod along to pretend you're listening when internally all you're thinking about is whether Amber would totally hate it.
When you had told her about the possibility of you getting braces, you couldn't really read your girlfriend's reaction. Amber was a big part of why you had grown to accept your old smile. She had made you confident in something you used to hate when you were younger, always telling you how much she liked it, always trying to make you smile so she could see it.
Your orthodontist hands you a pamphlet that sums up all the care he was describing, and after thanking him you stuff it into your pocket. That's when your phone buzzes with a text from Amber.
Hey, babe! Can't wait to see u. How was it?
You take a deep breath and type back quickly. Walking out of the clinic, you get into your car. You two had planned a date for after your appointment so that Amber could treat you while your gums and stuff were still all achey. It's cute how much she wanted to take care of you.
ah it went alright. give me a few? omw to pick you up
You catch sight of yourself in the rearview mirror. You flash a smile to inspect how the braces look, if it's really as different as it feels. The braces are clear as day in the bright pink you chose, like they're mocking you. You had picked a colour you liked in hopes that it'd cheer you up but maybe that was a bad idea.
Sitting on your driver's seat, you think about Amber's perfect smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners when she laughs. What if she notices the braces first thing? What if she thinks they’re ugly? Or what if she'll be disappointed that they're just... different?
Your thoughts are interrupted when Amber texts back. There's no time to worry about what she'll think - she'll see you in a few minutes whether you like it or not.
Getting changed. See ya mwah
Sighing, you buckle your seatbelt and turn the ignition key. There's no stalling when Amber's waiting for you.
By the time you pull up in the driveway of her house, Amber is already waiting at her front door. She lights up upon seeing you, walking out to your car before you even had the chance to go to her front door.
"Hey, babe," she says, sliding into the passenger seat. "How was the orthodontist?"
"Hey. And fine, I guess," you answer, barely even turning to look at her. You hesitate for a moment, wondering if you should go in for a kiss like you usually do. You've heard these stories about braces getting stuck together when people made out, or the brackets cutting lips. You don't wanna hurt Amber.
You hadn't even realised that you were pursing your lips shut until Amber calls you out on it. "What's with the frown, huh? Hiding them from me?" she asks teasingly.
"I-" you go to argue back, but inside you know she's right. It might have been unconscious but you didn't want her to see yet. Didn't want the opportunity to be judged.
"It can't be that bad," Amber says. "Come on. You haven't even kissed me hello yet."
You bite your lip. "I'm just nervous to kiss you with these," you mumble, still trying your best not to talk too much. "I dunno how to. It could scratch you or something."
Amber rolls her eyes. As if something that small would prevent her from kissing her girlfriend. She goes to playfully nudge your arm. "I'm tougher than that. Kissing you 'til I bleed sounds kinda fun, actually. Kinky."
You can't help but to smile at her playful tone. Amber made you forget that you were trying to keep your lips from parting too much. "I should've known you'd say that."
When you speak, Amber goes to hold your face in your hand, holding your jaw to keep your mouth open. "Ah, don't close 'em again. I wanna see!"
And well, you're a simp so you tend to do whatever your girlfriend wants. You feel your cheeks heat up as she studies you, your mouth pulled to a smile to show them to Amber.
"Cute. Pink," she notes. Amber tilts your jaw, looking at you from every angle. "You're always cute."
You avoid her gaze. When she has your face tilted back to look directly at her, relief flows over you when you can see she's being genuine. She likes it. She still thinks you're cute. "Shut up," you say, but you're smiling now.
"Is that all you were worried about, babe? Can I get a kiss from my girlfriend now?"
It's not like your nerves can go away with a few words. As much as she says it's OK now, you don't wanna ruin kissing her. You don't wanna scratch up those soft pillowy lips you love kissing so much. But still, Amber always gets what she wants. And if she thinks a little bit of blood would be hot, well so be it.
"Alright," you breathe out, weak to how she's cupping your face. "If you do it softly. Don't scratch yourself."
"Don't tell me what to do," is her jokey reply. Still, Amber closes the distance, pressing a soft and tentative (on your end, at least) kiss to your lips. You’re hyper-aware of the braces, but her kiss is gentle, careful, and all your fears of metal mishaps melt away. When she pulls back, she’s smiling, her eyes sparkling. “See? Not so bad, right?”
You laugh, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. “Not bad at all.”
"Were you seriously nervous?" Amber laughs. She swats your arm, thinking you're ridiculous. "As if you could be anything but cute to me. Why would I care about some braces?"
"I dunno... You think the others will say anything?" you ask, of Amber's friends.
"They're not gonna laugh. And if they do, I'll knife em' in their sleep for ya. You know me, babe. I wouldn't let anyone make fun of my girl." Amber smirked, her trademark dark humour helping lighten the mood. She squeezes your thigh in a show of quick reassurance before going to do her seatbelt. "Now hurry up and take me out, I'm fucking starving."
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teaboot · 2 years
Fun fight things I never see in fight scenes:
You are giving me important information from the sidelines and I can't hear you because my entire head inside this man's armpit
We are fighting and it is important that I focus on winning but I am hesitant to pull this maneuver because doing it puts me in danger of accidentally grabbing a dick or a titty
Someone's hand slipped up a shirt or down a waistband for a sec and we're both gonna pretend it didn't until we die
Dude you just got drool like all fucking over my face just now what the fuck
Okay I get that you're about to snap my neck with your thighs but also you totally just farted a bit which is reasonable considering the position we're in but still oh my God
If the last thing I experience on earth before I die is your ass in my face I'm going to drag you to hell with me
Someone is trying to give me advice right now and if they don't shut the fuck up I'm gonna kill them
I know the perfect maneuver to get out of this but if I go for it I'm definitely gonna dislocate my shoulder and I haven't decided if I want the win that bad yet
I just heard my knee pop and either it's fine or I'm going to spend the next six months in physical therapy and be in pain for the rest of my life
I thought I walked away from that ok but it's three in the morning and I just woke up out of a dead sleep because one of my limbs just started screaming
"You should ice that" Is the physical injury version of "Well its gotta be around here somewhere"
Hey bud you wanna maybe stop watching and lend me a fucking hand maybe
I Am Between You And Very Upset Person And If You Keep Pissing Them Off Then I Am Going To Get Stabbed
Nobody Expects To Get Licked
Oh God dude you smell so bad. Like you smell SO bad
Okay so like. I WOULD fight you but tbh you're actually super gross and I sort of don't wanna touch you. What is that stain from? You know what I don't wanna know, I don't wanna think about it
You are giving me important information from the sidelines but are missing some critical details that I cannot explain right now and you're getting frustrated that I'm not listening and I'm getting frustrated that you're angry at me for not doing something that will break both my arms at the same time
Sweetheart I love you to the moon and back but cheering me on is actually very distracting and I'm gonna need you to stop right now exactly right now please and thank you so so much baby PLEASE
Why do I smell like them now. Oh God I need a shower
haha nice underwear dipshit lol
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writingwithciara · 7 months
He Never Will ~Jack Hughes~
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summary: jack loves his best friend and only wants to protect her from the worlds shittiest boyfriend
word count: 3.6k
pairing: jack hughes x reader, reader x shitty boyfriend
notes: based off the song by alexander stewart (my birthday twin 💕). i've recently become obsessed with this song & haven't put anything out for jack yet so i figured i'd write this for him [TW: toxic relationship with abuse]
jack was in love with his best friend. it was cliche and he knew it but he didn’t care. the only thing he cared about was making sure she didn’t find out.
her boyfriend could tell though. he saw the way jack looked at y/n & he hated hearing him talk about her to other people as if he was the one dating her.
it was like a game to hunter though. well, more of a test really.
he had suspicions that y/n was into jack so every once in a while, he would pick a fight with her just to see if she ran crying to jack. and most of the time, she did.
when she didn’t run to her best friend, she would run to his brother or the captain of his hockey team. but to hunter, it didn't matter who she ran to. The point was that she ran to another guy and he didn't like it.
but she always went back to him, no matter how bad he treated her and jack hated that. he knew she deserved better and he wanted to be the one she chose. jack wanted her to stay on one of the many nights she ran to him.
but she never did.
if he don't know what he's got now, he never will
it was the night before jack was supposed to head up to toronto for the all-star game when y/n came back to his place.
the tears were pouring down her face as jack let her into his apartment without a word. he could never bring himself to say i told you so, especially not when she was in such a vulnerable state.
a few minutes of silence passed as they sat on the end of his bed before jack spoke up.
"so what happened tonight?"
"i don't even really know. i got home from work and he was in the middle of trashing my apartment. he said something about me not being faithful to him, which is total bullshit. and i know we have our fights and shit on a daily basis, and that's alright. but tonight felt different. like if i had stayed any longer, maybe he would've hit me or something."
jack looked at her face for any sign of a mark, fearing that she may have been hiding something from him. but there was nothing so he let it slide.
"i'm gonna take you home and i want you to pack a bag as quickly as you possibly can."
"why?" she wiped her eyes and looked at jack.
"you're coming with me to toronto."
"are you nuts? that's only going to make this worse, jack."
"i'm going to be gone for a week and there's no way in hell that i'm leaving you alone with him for that long with no guarantee of safety."
"i'll still have nico. and luke even."
"please just do this for me? i'm worried about leaving you with hunter. i swear the kid's just begging to get his ass beat."
"jack, if i promise to go with you to toronto, will you promise to try to get along with hunter when we get back?"
"y/n, i've already tried. he's a lost cause honestly."
"can we not have this conversation again? i'm tired of hearing it." y/n sighed with frustration and stood up. she began to pace around jack's room.
"until you see how much better you are than hunter, i'm gonna keep bringing it up. and the fact that you've heard it more than once should be enough to tell you something!" jack raised his voice but regretted it immediately when y/n started to cry. "please just listen to me okay? look, i care about you and i only want what's best for you. i'm not trying to make you feel bad or anything. i'm sorry if i upset you." jack pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back as she sobbed.
y/n cried for a good 10 minutes before she finally spoke again.
"i'm not upset with you, jack. i could never be. i'm upset with myself because i know i shouldn't be with someone like hunter but i love him so much and i can't just walk away from that." she looked up at jack and smiled when he wiped her tears away. "please don't hate me for staying with him."
"i could never ever hate you. i hope you know that." he rubbed her back soothingly. "and although i don't support you staying with him, i'm always here if you need me and i'm never ever leaving your side, okay?"
"okay." y/n nodded with a shy smile.
"so, will you please come to toronto with me?"
jack and y/n ended up meeting up with luke and nico before the boys took y/n back o her apartment to get her stuff. luckily for them, hunter was nowhere to be found.
y/n packed a bag quickly and left a little note for hunter. jack didn't agree with that idea, fearing hunter would come find her and do something terrible. but luke and nico assured him that y/n would be safe with them while at the game.
the 4 of them got in the car and were on the plane in no time. y/n took the window seat and jack sat next to her.
"what's going on in your mind?"
"part of me just...i don't know...i feel a little bad for hunter. maybe he's only like this because he didn't get a whole lot of positive attention growing up."
"don't feel bad for that piece of shit, y/n. he doesn't deserve you. and his lack of positive attention is no excuse for the way he treats you. i really hope you understand that someday." jack sighed and changed the topic.
for the rest of the flight, nico did most of the talking while luke did everything he could to keep a smile on y/n's face, even if it was only a small one. he accepted it either way.
when they got to the hotel they were staying at, the lady at the front desk gave them 2 keys. jack handed one to y/n and the group went up to their rooms. y/n wasn't a fan of being alone but at least the boys were just next door if she needed them.
the first night in toronto was not great. y/n woke up from a nightmare screaming and she couldn't bring herself to stop crying. jack heard her scream and was in her room in seconds. his heart broke when he saw the state she was in so he stayed with her for the next two nights.
on draft day, y/n was sitting with nico and luke as they watched the event unfold. she excused herself to use the bathroom and while she was gone, her phone buzzed in her seat.
it was a series of texts from hunter. nico and luke took it upon themselves to respond.
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the two boys shared a look before y/n returned. she noticed their weird behavior and raised an eyebrow.
"you weirdos doing alright?"
"yeah. never better." nico lied and turned his attention back to the draft.
"hunter texted you while you were in the bathroom and we answered him."
"luke!" nico shot his teammate a look before looking over at y/n beside him.
"what did you guys do that for?" y/n opened her phone and went through the messages. "i could've handled it, you guys."
"we're all tired of him treating you like you mean nothing to him. that's not how you deserve to be treated." luke sighed.
"we're sorry, y/n." nico sighed. "we just love you so much."
"i'm not sorry."
"luke!" nico shot him another glare and rolled his eyes.
"i'm sorry, okay? but it had to be said. y/n deserves better than what she has and if you guys want to tell me different, then go right ahead. but we all know the truth." luke sighed. y/n placed her hand on his shoulder and hugged him.
"i know you guys are looking out for me, and i love you for it. so much." y/n looked over at nico. "can you guys let jack know that i'm gonna head back to new jersey before hunter gets here? i need to go pack my stuff."
"are you leaving him?"
"yeah." she stood up and sighed. "i don't know where i'm gonna go though."
"crash at jack's. you know he won't mind."
"yeah because he's in love with her." luke chuckled, earning another glare and a wide-eyed expression from y/n.
"that's supposed to be a secret, luke."
"oh, my bad. i thought she knew."
"that's a conversation for another day. i got something to focus on right now. but i won't forget you told me." y/n kissed luke's head and gave nico a hug before heading back to the hotel to pack. she left a note for jack because she knew the boys would forget to tell him.
when everything was done, y/n found herself back on the plane to new jersey.
the flight wasn't long but it gave her some time to think about what luke told her. she was shocke but everything was hitting her all at once.
had jack always felt this way?
when the plane landed, y/n got in the first cab she could find and headed to her apartment. as the car approached the building, y/n was suddenly overcome with a feeling of dread. she didn't want to end up running into hunter on the off chance he hadn't actually gone to toronto.
she slowly unlocked the front door and made her way inside. when there was no sign of hunter, y/n let out a sigh of relief before making her way to the bedroom.
she grabbed her suitcase and started throwing all her clothes into it. unfortunately, she only made it through half her clothes before she heard the door open and close. she tried to hide the fact that she was leaving but hunter entered the room before she could do anything.
"why would you feel the need to lie about where you were going?"
"you wouldn't have let me go support my best friends, hunter. i had no other choice. lying was my only option. plus i needed a damn break."
"what could you have possibly needed a break from?"
"from you. you're constantly keeping track of my whereabouts and you won't let me spend any time with my friends. the only time i get to see jack is whenever you start some pointless argument and drive me away for a night. it's getting to the point where i need to put my own mental health above everything."
"what the fuck are you trying to say?"
"i'm leaving, hunter. this is too much." y/n went to grab her bag but hunter gripped her wrist firmly.
"you're not going anywhere."
"let me go!"
"you're not going anywhere." he repeated, this time with emphasis on each word.
"i swear to god, if you don't let me go, i'll-"
"you'll what? call jack to come rescue you like always? well you can't. he's in toronto and i-"
at this point, y/n was tired of him and his comments about jack. she reached for the nearest object and swung it at his arm. hunter released his grip on her and before he could grab her again, she grabbed her suitcase and used it to keep some distance between them.
"i'll be back for my other stuff later."
"whatever, bitch."
y/n rolled her eyes and hurried out of the apartment. when she got in her car, she broke down and facetimed jack.
he picked up with a smile but it disappeared when he saw her tears.
"what happened? why did you go back to jersey?"
"i thought hunter was gonna be in toronto...and i figured i'd take that opportunity to come home and pack my stuff & leave the apartment. but he came home and...." y/n began to sob harder. "he hurt me, jack. hs grabbed my arm and it hurts so much. i don't know why i'm calling you when there's nothing you can do about it now."
"bullshit. i'm getting on the next flight home and i'm going to kick that douchebag's ass."
"jack, you're a captain of an all star team. you can't leave. quinn needs you there."
"but you need me there more." jack moved around the hotel room to pack his bag. "besides, quinn has elias and if he really needs another hughes, luke is here too. plus, i can't even compete in the all-star game so there's really no point in me being here."
"but this is important to you, jack."
"y/n, you are more important than any hockey game, all-star or not. you are my best friend and i'm going to be there for you when you need me to be." he looked at his laptop. "i'll be home in about 5 hours, okay?"
"okay." y/n sniffled and wiped her eyes. "is it alright if i-"
"of course you can stay with me. you don't even have to ask." jack smiled softly at the girl on his screen. "want me to stay on the phone with you?"
"please? i mean, if you don't mind." y/n propped her phone in the holder and began driving to jack's apartment.
"anything for you. you know that." jack kept y/n on the phone while he knocked on luke and nico's door. luke answered and smiled at his brother.
"hey. what's up?"
"i'm heading home. y/n needs me."
"just how in love with her are you?" luke smirked, not even realizing that y/n's face was on jack's screen and she could hear everything.
"dude, she's on the phone." jack's eyes darted down to his phone and back to luke's, whose eyes only widened when he realized.
"cat's out of the bag. oops." luke went to shut the door. "good luck, jack."
luke shut the door completely and jack looked back at his phone.
"for the record, luke is an idiot and i wouldn't listen to anything he says ever."
"never do." y/n smiled. jack returned the smile and couldn't help but stare at her as he headed down to the lobby to hail a cab.
"i won't be able to talk to you while i'm on the flight but i'll call you when i land, okay?"
"okay." y/n pulled into the parking lot of jack's building and got out. as she made her way into the apartment, part of her felt relieved. it felt like she was home.
"alright. the flight is boarding but i'll make sure to call you when i land. help yourself to anything in the apartment. there's some bath bombs and bubble bath at the back of my closet in case you want to take a nice, relaxing bath."
"thanks again, jack. for everything. i really appreciate you. have a safe flight."
"i will. love you."
"love you too." y/n smiled and hung up. she made her way into jack's room and pulled the bath stuff out from his closet. she ran the water for her bath and put on some calming music while also lighting a few candles. she put the cotton candy bath bomb in the water and when it was filled, she got in.
she hadn't even been paying attention to the time when jack got home. he stumbled in through the door with a busted lip and a shiny black eye.
"jesus christ. what the hell happened to you?"
"i'm sorry. i know you don't like it when i get violent off the ice, but i had to stop at hunter's before i came home. he hurt you so i hurt him. tit for tat i guess."
"how bad did you hurt him?"
"pretty bad. he's like 10 times worse than me right now."
"you didn't have to do that for me, jack." y/n looked at the cut on his lip. "now let's go clean up your lip and see if we can do something about that eye." y/n grabbed his hand and brought him to the bathroom. she sat him on the edge of the tub and grabbed a rag from the bin, running it under some warm water.
jack watched her every move intently, afraid that if he looked away, she would fade into a memory.
y/n wiped the dried blood from his face and started looking through her own bag for something to heal the black eye faster.
"you know, i don't hate it when you get violent off the ice, especially when it's to defend me. kinda think it's hot that you would put yourself in the way of violence if you're protecting me." she applied a cream to his left eye and placed a gentle kiss just below the bruise. when she pulled away from his face, she made eye contact with him. "i love you but can you please stop getting into fights?"
"thought you found it hot when i did." jack smirked.
"i do. but i also don't like seeing you get hurt." y/n ran her hands through his hair slowly while his hands held her waist. he tugged her closer and hugged her tightly.
"you're truly a blessing and i hate that hunter could never realize what he had."
"hopefully he realizes what he had now that he's lost it."
"you would never go back to him again, would you?" jack moved his had from his resting spot on her stomach and looked up at her.
"and leave you? no chance in hell will that ever happen." y/n knelt down to be at eye level with him.
there was something about the way he was looking at her that made her feel like they were alone in the world.
jack looked at her and he swore his heart began to beat faster. her gaze was focused on his lips and she tried to look away but she couldn't.
when jack's thumb reached up to draw delicate circles on her cheek, she knew she was screwed.
for years she was telling herself that she didn't have feelings for jack but here they were now, in the bathroom, sharing an intimate moment.
the feelings hit her hard and before she knew it, she was pulling jack in for a gentle kiss. when she tried to pull away, jack held her cheeks and poured everything into the kiss.
by the time the kiss ended, they were both out of breath and their faces were red. jack had a playful smirk on his face as he admired y/n's features.
"you are so incredibly beautiful, y/n. can't believe hunter would treat you so badly."
"how about we stop talking about that asshole & instead focus on this?" she gestured between them and smirked. "i love you and i'm sorry it took me so long to realize it."
"i'm sorry i never told you how i felt." jack continued to hold onto her face while y/n held his arms. "in case it's not obvious now, i do actually love you. but how could i not? i mean you are the most incredible human being & definitely the most precious person i've ever known. you are perfect in every way and i will spend the rest of my life showing you how you deserve to be loved. i-if that's alright with you."
"you are all i want and all i need jack. forever and always, since forever." she wrapped her pinky around his and smiled. a simple gesture that's been part of their lives since they were 9 but they loved it because it meant more to them than anyone could ever know.
taglist: @worldlxvlys @fearfam69691
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buckgasms · 1 month
Ok let's get some of these trailer park Bucky ideas out shall we?
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- This is what I need in my life ☝🏼
- Maybe you live opposite each other and one of you is the new neighbour?
- You could be the newbie maybe and you find he's very helpful when moving boxes.
- You both flirt a little but nothing serious, just a smirk or a touch here and there.
- But alas, nothing happens beyond that, and you settle in to your new home.
- Ah but perhaps you start noticing that Bucky has a lot of female visitors throughout the week.
- You mostly only see them leaving his place, but occasionally you get a bit more than that.
- From across the way, in the late hours you hear them whimpering and whining as his trailer creaks. You might hear a hand meet ass cheek or a shrill giggle.
- It's a little annoying no infuriating
- But sometimes, if you listen really closely which you'd never admit to you hear him.
- His grunts.
- His groans.
- "That's it. Take it."
- It's the sweetest form of torture and you try to resist but sometimes it just drives you to the edge and you desperately need release, imagining his hot, sweaty body working on you.
- Perhaps one morning you are sitting out front, reading a book and he appears, waving off another woman who looks satisfied and somewhat disappointed to be sent on her way.
- You smile and try to go back to your book, but he's intrigued. And a tease.
- "Morning sugar."
- "Good mornin Bucky" you reply turning a page you haven't read a word of in your book.
- He pulls up a chair and settles next to you.
- "Wow. Our bedroom windows are pretty close to each other huh?" He remarks, a smile tugging at his lips as you clear your throat.
- "I never noticed" you say, voice clearly strained.
- He stands to leave but first leans down, right by your ear.
- "But I have sweetheart."
- You spend the rest of the day totally paranoid.
- Had he heard you? Has he seen you?
- You don't hate the idea of him wanting you, but you don't want to be a notch on his belt.
- If he's going to tease, why don't you tease right back?
- Ice lollies are your weapon of choice.
- You sit in your chair, book open, skirt short, top skimpy and a ice lolly popping lewdly from your mouth.
- He looks like he's leaving but when he catches sight of you he seems to change his mind.
- Instead he sets himself up with a beer and a pack of cigarettes and enjoys the show you e decided to put on.
- Naturally, your plan immediately backfires because damn he looks so hot.
- It's Bucky....
- He distracts you by offering a beer, which you accept once your lolly is finished.
- He distracts you by asking about your book.
- He distracts you by talking about where you are from.
- Before you know it, he's back next to you, you are feeling warm from the beer and you can't help but notice how blue his eyes are.
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- But wait I am getting ahead of myself.
- Because maybe????
- One night after the "sweetheart" incident you see Bucky come home, head into his trailer and open his bedroom window wide.
- You crawl into bed and slowly push your window open, enjoying the cool air streaming into the room.
- "Can you hear me sweet girl?"
- You freeze, sweat springs up on your brow despite the cool air.
- "I know you can baby. God, you should see what you do to me. Fuck."
- Your heart is thumping in your chest. Oh god, he's going to give you a heart attack.
- "You're gonna touch yourself baby girl? Gonna think about what I might do to ya huh?"
- Despite yourself, you find yourself thinking all those things, doing all the things he says as the night goes on.
- It ends with your sweet voice calling out his name in the dark and a deep chuckle from his bedroom window.
- So...
- with all this in mind....
- After all this teasing and flirting he leans in a presses a soft kiss to your lips.
- "I wanna hear you moan for me baby. Properly this time..."
- He pinches your chin between his fingers and deepens the kiss and you instinctively wrap your arms around him.
- He breaks the kiss with a chuckle.
- "Come on sweetheart, let me give you the tour."
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- The tour takes moments because you want to kiss him. He presses your body up against a wall, you can barely breathe as he dominates your mouth, hands squeezing at your waist.
- Finally you land on the bed, and he growls as your skirt flips up and reveals your skimpy underwear.
- "Such a little tease huh?"
- You watch as he unbuckles his belt, you admire his rings but swiftly get distracted by his thick cock springing towards you.
- He strokes himself but you take over, shimmying forward so you can get nice and close.
- "Oh I see baby girl, not so innocent are we?"
- His grin turns to a growl as your lips wrap around his length, fingers wrapping around what you can't swallow.
- Your chokes fill the room, as he sinks further down your throat, his hand lacing through your hair holding you in place.
- Finally he pulls you off him, smears your spit over your face before pushing you back down onto the bed.
- He rips your underwear and leans over, pushing the fabric into your mouth.
- "You just hold onto those for me sweetheart" he chuckles as he moves your legs, gripping your ankles, pressing a kiss to them as he lines himself up.
- His fat cock slaps against your aching heat. You groan around your underwear, as he rubs against you until suddenly he slides in, filling you, stretching you until your eyes roll.
- "Sweet jesus baby girl. Knew you'd be perfect for me. So tight. Takin me so well baby..."
- He presses your legs back, so he can bring himself closer to you. He pulls the gag from your mouth and presses a kiss to your lips. You try your best to return but you've lost control of pretty much everything.
- All you can feel is his cock stretching you and hitting that point inside that has been neglected for so long.
- "Wanna hear those pretty moans angel. Want everyone to hear you, let them know what a pretty little slut you are. How desperate you are for me, for this."
- He defines the word with a smooth thrust of his hips that draws a long groan from your lips.
- "Thatta girl, just what I wanted."
- It's hours of endless pleasure.
- He explores your body, working out every pleasure point, finding your secret kinks that you swore no one would ever know.
- His fingers flex in your pussy as he fucks your ass, watching as he spits on your heat. It sends you crashing over the edge again as he rubs it over your heat, a scream leaving you as tears track down your cheeks.
- "Bucky.... I can't... So sensitive" you wail as he slowly continues fucking your ass, a thumb lazily rubbing your swollen clit.
- "Not my fault angel, you can't stop coming for me can ya?"
- He still sounds remarkably put together, but he isn't. He's just as gone as you are, mesmerized by what you can do, what he can pull out of you.
- Laying out before him, you are divine.
- Your legs tremble as another wave of pleasure rips through you and it drags him with you.
- Your walls pulse and squeeze as you emit a long weak cry. It mixes with his groan, a loud curse slips from his lips as he fills you up, again.
- Finally he crashes down, dragging you in close as exhaustion takes over your body.
Like sign me up.
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God I want a trailer park Bucky 🥺
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fuck-customers · 3 months
This one isn't necessarily horrible, but the intensity of this lady was weird, but kind of funny in hindsight.
A woman comes up to the register with some Bluey merchandise. I go into my usual spiel "hi how are you? Find everything ok? Blah blah blah" She tells me that she's buying the Bluey stuff for her toddler daughter's birthday. I feign polite interest. Pretty insignificant transaction.
Until she asks me if I had ever seen the show.
I answer honestly. "I haven't. I've heard of it and I see the merch a lot, but it seems a bit young for me and I don't have any children to watch it with."
"Oh you should give it a shot! It's not just for kids, it has parts adults can enjoy as well."
"Really? Maybe I'll check it out when I have a chance."
"You REALLY should try it! It's very good. Bluey's mom is in it and [very detailed background on this show that I honestly could not remember even if I wanted to. She talked for at least 3 minutes nonstop]"
I'm desperately trying to get her to pay and finish this transaction because a line is forming. "That sounds like a cute show, actually. Your total is $47.82. Would you like a bag?"
She's not listening and goes on about Bluey for another minute or so.
Try to bring her attention back to paying again. Doesn't work. Ask again twice. Finally get her to pay and as she's leaving, she calls out "you really should watch it! I mean it! It's a good show!"
Uh ok
TL;DR: Bluey disguised himself in drag to convince a random childless 27 year old to watch his show. Sadly, it did not work.
I think it's the Australian accents that are making it so popular. All I have to say about it is the dad is the most patient character ever written.
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Heyyyy yknow what we were just talking about? So, maybe you should write Schlatt getting mad and fucking the shit out of you
-In any context-
I’m totally not just asking this so I can complete all the drafts I have
Heyyyy, i'm going to use what we were talking about as the scenario for this. (For anyone confused, you can go read the post here (you definitely SHOULD go read it because) but tldr, Schlatt would throw a bitch fit trying to put a tent up. (The SHELTER kind, you filthy rats)
also, was definitely listening to ysf audio while doing this which kinda helped. Definitely recommend him if you haven't heard.
Just some HCs:
It definitely would have taken weeks and a couple blowjobs to convince Schlatt to take you camping.
When he finally gave in, the process didn't go smooth AT ALL.
You both somehow forgot to actually make reservations at a camping site, but you reassured him that you didn't need a campsite, you could just drive into the mountains somewhere.
So anyway it starts POURING rain.
And his car is getting dirty driving through all the mud puddles trying to find a place
Side note I think Schlatt is definitely the kind of man who babies his stupid car.
As much as he babies you, if not more
When you finally find a clearing, and the rain stopped, you both got out to set up camp
But come to find out the instructions for your tent were nowhere to be found.
Schlatt being who he is, insisted with every ounce of pride in his body, that he could figure the damn thing out.
He definitely muttered lots of swear words under his breath, along with the whole idea of this stupid trip
You'd been unloading the bed supplies and when you were done you noticed it was getting darker
So you innocently asked Schlatt if he wanted a little bit of help when you noticed that he'd made no progress
"No I don't want you goddamn help. I'm not a fucking idiot."
"Schlatt, come on, it's getting dark, let me help."
"Shut the fuck up. This whole stupid camping trip was your idea in the first place."
You could see Schlatt's eyes darken with anger and frustration and fuck was it hot.
Was it a good idea to say that right now? Oh absolutely fucking not. Did you care? Absolutely fucking not.
"What the fuck did you just say to me?"
"You heard me."
Schlatt would stand up, throwing the bag of stakes down and walk to the pile of blankets before grabbing a big one off the top.
"I thought I fucking did. Fuck this fucking dumbass tent, I can blow your back out right here, now lay the fuck down."
After Schlatt would spread the blanket out you'd lay down on the slightly damp ground, barely having time to move a rock from under your back before Schlatt was pressing hard kisses against your neck, sucking harsh bruises.
"What, I don't even get a kiss first?"
Schlatts hand would immediately be on your throat.
"You need to shut your goddamn mouth. Make me drive to the middle of bum fuck nowhere with a stupid tent that won't stay up."
Schlatt would break up his sentences with nips to your neck.
His other hand would hold both of your above your head, pinning your wrists.
The nice thing about being in the middle of nowhere was you could be as loud as you needed and Schlatt made it his personal goal sometime to make you break the world record for loudest noise ever made.
He'd waste no time getting both of you naked so he could just fuck you already and sink the tent he never had trouble getting up between your thighs.
And he'd go HARD.
Taking every bit of anger out on you
"Yeah, that's my little bitch. Just a fucking little cumslut for me aren't you doll? That's all your good for apparently, since you can only come up with stupid ideas like camping"
"Open your fucking mouth." he'd say before spitting in it. "That's it, sweetheart, take it."
Man would go for hours he was so pent up, both of you coming multiple times together.
After he'd finally calmed down, when the sun was just coming up, he'd pull his underwear back on before dressing you in the warm pajamas you'd brought
Just some of his sweats and his Wilson hoodie
before wrapping you in a clean blanket and bridal carrying you to the passenger seat of the car
He'd get dressed and pack everything up before sliding in to his sit and leaning over the console to kiss you.
"You okay baby?"
Schlatt is aftercare king, always.
"Mmm" you'd mumble quietly
Starting the car, Schlatt would start driving home.
You'd turn to watch the trees pass by out the window before glancing in the rearview mirror.
"Schlatt I think you forgot the tent."
And he'd drive away without another word leaving a pile of canvas behind you.
Anyway sorry this was shit. <3
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beamtori · 10 months
𝟓-𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰
nonidol!jacob bae x afab!reader
you've heard plenty of things about certified campus crush jacob bae, but when you finally meet him, you decide to find out if the rumors are true.
6.0k words (ITS ONLY THIS LONG BC OF THE PLOT), strangers 2 lovers, tutor!jacob, mentions of physics (yuck), swearing (not from jacob 💀), SMUT (minors dni), penetrative sex, oral sex (f.receiving)/face riding (m.receiving), cum eating, fingering, kind of sweet..., kissing, this was kind of tame ngl, pet names (smart girl, angel, baby, beautiful), barely proofread i am up past my bedtime 🤣
a/n: there is hope for me yet o7 @winterchimez here's the thing 💀, @zzoguri @snowflakewhispers to the jacob stans...
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Your friend Ronnie's voice drew you out of your bubble, and you ripped the earbud out from your ear without looking up from your laptop screen. “Yeah, babe.”
“Jacob Bae just walked in—” Her hushed squealing was paired by an insistent tapping on your arm from across the table inside the café.
You made a face, taking the other earbud out. “Who?”
Ronnie's face flattened into incredulity. “The guy I have literally been talking your ear off about for the past month.”
Jacob… Jacob Bae… ah, Jacob. The name echoed something familiar in your near-empty noggin. Sometimes names just didn't stick when you were busy with other things like the torque and force mechanics you were trying to nail for your physics midterm in two weeks. “Oh right.”
“Damn,” she swore, twisting over her shoulder toward the entrance. She turned back to face you with a pout. “He just left.”
“He didn't get anything?”
“No,” Ronnie sighed. She twirled her pen around between her fingers, then tapped the top edge of your laptop screen. That was what pulled your eyes away from it. “I feel like I haven't seen your eyes in the last ninety minutes, Yn.”
You huffed a laugh, scribbling a note on your scratch notepad about how you performed the last exercise incorrectly. Just like the last one. “We are here to study, Ron.”
Ronnie gave a small smile, but the edges were down turned. “Yeah, I know we said that, but it was kind of an excuse for me to get you out of your apartment.”
“I go out of my apartment,” you protested.
Her eyebrow lifted as she reached for her iced coffee. “Besides for food or class.”
You opened your mouth, then snapped it closed after giving it more than a moment's thought. “Listen,” you ended up with as a response.
Ronnie snorted. “See? I haven't hung out with you ever since your last physics midterm, Yn. It's normal to worry about your friends, you know?” She nudged you teasingly from across the table.
You finally set your pen down to massage the pulsing headache beginning to form between your eyes. You wrinkled your nose up. “I guess you're right.”
“I know I am,” she mused. “Hey, if physics is overwhelming you, then you should totally go check out their tutoring center. I'm sure they have one.”
Your shoulders immediately slumped. Just the thought of the physics student center sent a queasy churn to your stomach. It wasn't that the people there weren't nice, it was just the fact that you hadn't had the best track record with tutors. No matter how hard they tried, no matter what method was used, you could never seem to get it down. Most of the time, you just forced yourself to buckle down until some miracle got you to get the correct answer. (Awful learning strategy, but you would take luck over skill at this point. Your GPA needed the luck.)
“You're probably right,” was what you said to her anyway. You knew she was just trying to help.
Shaking the negative thoughts away, you lowered your laptop screen to swap your pen for your untouched beverage. “Tell me about this Jacob guy again. How do you know him?”
Ronnie's eyes lit up, and you found yourself slowly relaxing again. “I'm pretty sure he's everybody's campus crush or something. Every time I bring him up with my other girl friends, they also seem to know about him? Which is crazy.”
You nodded. “Yeah, this is a pretty big uni.”
“Right? But—” Ronnie groaned, slumping back in her seat. “He's so hot, Yn-ie. I swear to god, his smile makes my fucking panties melt.”
You nearly snorted your drink up and out of your nose, and your friend slapped a hand over her mouth when you realized she said that out loud. “Please,” you wheezed, swiping your thumb at the corner of your lips. “So he's that attractive? Is he a good guy though? Like does his physical traits overcompensate for a… uh, an awful personality or something?”
“That's the best part—”
Your eyes narrowed. “No way.”
“He's literally the nicest person on Planet Earth, I swear to god, Yn.”
“You've talked to him?”
She paused. “No…”
You sent her a pointed look. “Then you can't say that unless you've talked to him, Ronnie. That's just how it works.”
Ronnie pursed her lips, gesturing vaguely with her hands. “It's just something you have to trust me on! Everybody knows he's super cool and handsome and just a top notch, cream-of-the-crop—”
“Not me,” you pointed out with a laugh.
“That's because your head is where your calculator is.”
You gasped, pressing your beloved scientific calculator to your chest as if hiding it from your friend's words. “You take that back! She's been more loyal than any man, thank you very much.”
Ronnie rolled her eyes. “Okay, that's probably true, but Jacob's gotten five-star reviews from everybody!”
“On what account?” You scoffed.
“You just have to trust me,” Ronnie repeated, emphasizing her words with a cheeky smile.
Your face contorted into one that clearly gave away your disbelief. “Okay, sure.”
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Despite your reluctance to go in the first place, you found yourself walking down the hallway of the physics department building toward the student center. There were usually TA office hours held here throughout the week, and a couple of the physics professors even came here to hold their own help sessions, but the hour you chose was none of those. Frankly, you had zero faith you were going to be able to learn this from someone else successfully; there was just something weird about how your brain worked.
Nonetheless, you were desperate.
The room was rather bustling when you arrived with nearly all of the group tables filled up with students helping each other work through the problems. Anxiety settled in your gut like a parasite, and you meandered toward the side of the room where there was an open single desk. Maybe if you just sat here and worked on your problems by yourself, you could technically still say you came to the student center like a coward.
With a sigh, you began pulling your materials out from your bag to get to work. Immediately, you realized that you had last stopped working on an awful problem you didn't even know how to start.
You startled, head whipping upward fast enough to give you whiplash. Heat swarmed up to your neck and ears.
There was a guy standing in front of you with a boyish smile and wearing a deep purple Laker's hoodie. With a sweater paw, he gave a wave, repeating his greeting. “Hi, I'm sorry I snuck up on you. I was wondering if I could be of any assistance?”
The way his dark brown hair curled over his forehead and the way his molten brown eyes shone so warmly in the fluorescent lights was throwing you off your mark. And that was only when you weren't already stunned by the absolute beautiful smile adorning his—you snapped out of it.
A sheepish smile wormed its way onto your face, and you cupped the back of your neck. “Oh, that's okay, I tend to get kind of oblivious with my surroundings,” you laughed nervously. Why was the way he looked at you making you so clumsy with your words? “Uhm, I guess maybe? I've kind of been stuck on this torque problem for a while.”
You swallowed, spinning your laptop around to show him the practice problem on the screen. His eyes skimmed over the words, tongue jamming into the side of his cheek.
“Oh, I see,” he said kindly. “This problem is notoriously awful, but I have a trick for getting through these ones if you'd like.”
“Oh, really?” You couldn't help the hopeful tilt in pitch at the end of your question, and you watched him drag over a spare chair to sit adjacent to you.
He settled next to you, his knees knocking against yours, and you both blurted out apologies to each other. “Sorry,” he murmured. “May I?” He gestured to your writing utensil and notepad.
“Yeah, of course.”
He twirled the pen between his fingers. “Ooh, these ones are nice to write with. Super smooth.”
You nodded. “Yeah, for sure! They also last really long, too.”
There was an interesting gleam in his eyes as he peered over at you. “That's also true.” He shook his head, a sheepish chuckle falling from his mouth. “I'm sorry, I just realized I completely butted into your study session, and didn't even introduce myself.”
You couldn't help the small flutter in your chest. Oh, the bare minimum of chivalry, and yet, here you were feeling so woozy from it. “It's no worries,” you assured him, “I really would have just stared at this thing before giving up, so.”
He brushed a hand through his hair. “I totally get that. Physics isn't for the faint of heart, so you're already doing great by coming here for help in the first place. I'm Jacob, by the way.” He accompanied the latter with an outstretched hand toward yours.
You licked your lips, managing a small smile and clasping his hand in a shake. “Nice to meet you, Jacob—” That name sounded familiar, “—I’m Yn.”
But there were probably hundreds of Jacobs who went to this school. There was no way that the one time you happened to come to the student help center, the Jacob Bae that Ronnie gushed to you about just happened to be the guy to help you.
It was ridiculous.
“Yn,” he repeated, as if trying the way your name tasted on his tongue. “Nice to meet you, too,” he beamed. You realized how your heart stuttered every time he smiled.
His eye contact lingered, and then he cleared his throat. “Sorry, shall we?” He motioned to the problem, and you nodded eagerly.
“Yeah, let's do it,” you said. You subtly brought your hand up against your cheek and felt your skin. It definitely was hot to the touch; why did this guy have to be so attractive? If you weren't going to learn anything because of your weird learning quirk, you weren't going to learn jackshit because the man teaching you was just that distracting.
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It turned out miracles did exist.
“You would not believe what happened to me this afternoon.”
You paced about the bedroom in your apartment with your phone on speaker and broadcasting Ronnie's voice. You had just gotten home from the physics student center, your heart rate still over the speed limit and your skin warm. There was a giddiness and adrenaline making your fingers twitch, and frankly, you couldn't sit down for this.
“Why? What happened?” Your friend asked in earnest.
You massaged your lips together. “Okay, you know the other day when you were telling me about that Jacob Bae guy?”
You could hear the excitement creeping into her voice. “Yes…”
“Do you know what his major is?”
“I'm pretty sure it's physics...”
You had to stop and slap your hands to your face. The sound was loud enough for Ronnie to hear on the other side, and she began barking out the standard “What happened? What happened? Tell me what happened!”
“Okay, so I went to the physics student center to try and get help, right?” When you heard Ronnie's hum of acknowledgment, you continued on, “And there's this one problem I've been stuck on for an illegal amount of time. And this guy comes up to me and asks if he can help me, and Ronnie—Ronnie, he was so—”
“Hot! Panty-meltingly attractive?”
You nearly bursted into laughter at how ridiculous all of this sounded. “He was just so cute. Like fine-cute. And he actually helped me, dude. You know my weird schtick about people teaching me—”
“Oh my gosh, for real? He was actually able to help you out?”
You flopped onto your bed, grinning at the ceiling in pure relief and accomplishment. “Yes! If he's the Jacob Bae you were talking about…” You sighed, shaking your head, “He gets my stamp of approval.”
Rather than coming back to your apartment defeated as you thought you would, you left with a newfound confidence in your abilities to understand physics, new tips and tricks from Jacob, and… you were probably going to frame the little “You did well today, Yn! Super lovely meeting you. x, Jacob” note he left for you in the corner of one of the notepad leaflets. It was his faith in you and unrelenting patience that got you through your practice problems today.
Maybe you weren't a lost cause after all? Crazy.
“I told you!” Ronnie exclaimed.
You drew an arm over your eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Gloat all you want.” You were still proud of yourself, and way too satisfied with how the day went.
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“Well, hello hello,” Jacob chuckled as he sidled up by your desk with a white lollipop stick hanging out from his lips. His eyes were crinkled in amusement as he peered down at you with his hands shoved into his pockets, hair tucked beneath a black baseball cap.
“Hey,” you chirped. “How're you?”
He smiled around the sweet in his mouth, stepping over to drag a chair beside you as he always did. It had been about a week since you first met him, and you had yet to fail to come to the tutoring center once. “I'm great. How about you? Ready for the exam tomorrow?”
Your hand met your forehead, and your expression coaxed a chuckle from him. “I definitely feel more prepared than a week ago, but it's still nerve-racking. The horror stories I've heard, Cobie…”
Something appeared in your view. You blinked, surprised, when you realized Jacob was holding out a little lollipop in front of you bundled in a standard paper wrapper.
“Encouragement,” he said simply, giggling at your doe-eyed expression.
You broke out into a smile and accepted the lollipop from him, eagerly twisting the wrapper off to pop the treat into your mouth. “Thanks, man.”
“Yeah, no worries. I had extras and thought you might need the extra boost.”
“That's really sweet of you,” you said in earnest. “I haven't had a lollipop in forever.” Your lips pursed around the head as you took the strawberry flavored pop out of your mouth to look at the glistening surface in the tutoring center lights.
You licked your lips of the juices, not catching how his eyes darted to watch you do so.
He cleared his throat, shifting his lollipop from one cheek to the other. “So, what did you wanna go over today?”
It had been a little over a week since you first met Jacob and came under his tutelage. It seemed the chemistry-turned-physics major always happened to be free to cater to your needs every time you walked in for help. Everything Ronnie had told you that day in the café had been true—not only was Jacob an absolute stud, he was also a perfect angel. You couldn't believe such a divine human being even existed, let alone continued to find your company amusing enough to still tutor you one on one without payment.
(And you couldn't believe you were even able to focus around him. There were always gentle brushes of his hand against yours, lingering glances that made your neck heat, and the like. Your heart cartwheeled in your chest with more agility and frequency than your physical body could.)
By the time the physics midterm exam rolled around, you were feeling much more prepared for the material you would be tested on. The exam flew by in the blink of an eye, and before you knew it, you were breaking out of the examination hall and into the cool autumn evening. Your stomach growled as you wandered down the street toward the university district to find dinner.
Adrenaline still pumped through your veins from the exam, but your mood was substantially higher than it was after the first exam.
You stood outside one of the ramen shops in the district, head cocked to the side as you contemplated the menu plastered on one of the windows.
You broke out from your food-searching daze, your lips pulling into a smile as you greeted Jacob coming down the sidewalk toward you. “Hey, Cobie. What's good?”
Jacob grinned as he sidled up beside you, one of his hands carding through his hair before sticking itself back into the pocket of his dark bomber jacket. “I'm just looking for dinner," he chuckled. “Did you just come from the exam?”
“I did,” you confirmed with a bob of your head.
“And? How'd it go?”
Your smile widened, and you ducked your head for a second. “I think it went pretty alright,” you admitted. “I don't wanna jinx myself though. But I think I do deserve a reward for making it through, don't you think?”
Jacob nodded. “Oh, for sure. You've been so good for m—I mean,” he coughed, amending his words, “You've worked really hard these past couple weeks and so it deserves a little celebration. Are you… are you here with anyone?”
“Definitely not,” you winced sheepishly, “since I just got out of the exam and all—I don't usually make plans right after tests.”
“I see; I get that.” He rubbed the back of his head, tongue ghosting over his bottom lip. “Well, I'm not really here with anyone either. Would you mind some company?”
You met his eyes and your heart did the little hop-n-skip it always did when you made eye contact with him. “Yeah, I'd love some company, actually. I'd love to repay you for all the help you've given me recently.”
He chuckled, swinging the door to the shop open for you. “Trust me, it was my pleasure, Yn.”
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If there was one thing you knew for sure, Jacob was a gentleman through and through. If chivalry was dead, then Jacob Bae was dead—okay, maybe that was a little morbid to think about on your way home, especially when the man in question walked right beside you, hands tucked into his jacket pockets with a wistful little smile on his face.
Dinner had gone splendidly—except for the fact he had a feeling you would want to pay for his meal and subtly slipped the waiter his card before you could. The cherry on top was his offer to walk you home—only if you were comfortable—and though you knew that definitely wouldn't even on the ledger, you accepted his offer. More time with him? Yes, please.
“This is my building here,” you murmured, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth as reluctance for this evening to end worked its way up your throat. You inclined your chin to the apartment complex coming up just a few hundred feet ahead.
“Ah,” he said under his breath.
The two of you stopped in front of the entrance to the lobby, facing one another. “Thanks for dinner,” you said for what seemed like the fifth night.
He beamed. “Anytime, Yn. I loved hanging out with you.”
If you wore a heart rate monitor, it probably would have been screaming at you right about now. “Uhm… would you… like to continue hanging out with me? I mean, like, coming up?” You nudged your thumb behind you in the direction of the doors. Was that too forward of you?
His eyes widened a smidge, and his smile softened at the corners. “I'd love to.”
A giddy sort of feeling bubbled up in your chest as you and he shared wide grins, and you led him up to your apartment. Your hands shook slightly as you arrived at your door, your keys jingling against one another as you sorted through them for the right one.
“I wasn't expecting company, so I hope you don't mind the mess,” you laughed nervously, fingers pinching the right key to insert into the lock.
He gave a kind smile. “Oh, it's no worries at all. Actually, can I—I should probably say something before we go in.”
Your movements stopped short and you turned to face him, wide-eyed. “Uh oh,” you mused half-heartedly, “this is the moment you tell me you're a serial killer.” Please don't be a serial killer…
That coaxed a bright laugh from his mouth, and your heart melted a little bit. He shook his head, “No, no. Nothing of that sort, I swear! I just…” His lips pressed into a smile again and he confessed, “I'm attracted to you, Yn. Ah, there it is; I said it.”
He released a nervous giggle, cupping the back of his neck.
Starstruck, you lost the key in your hand. “Me?” You stammered. Were your ears deceiving you? “Like… in a not-just-friends way?”
Jacob nodded. “Yeah, in a not-just-friends way.” Then quickly added, “I mean, if that makes you uncomfortable, I can totally leave. We can be just friends, too, if you're okay with that. I just think you're gorgeous, and smart, and—”
“Can I kiss you?” You blurted.
“Please do—I need to shut up.”
And you gladly shut him up.
You stepped forward and closed the gap between you, his hands coming up to cup your face as your lips met. He tasted like spearmint from the gum he offered right after tonight's meal—always thinking of everything, this one. His mouth was soft against yours, something tender and gentle, giving you enough space to pull away if you wished.
But you didn't. Good lord, you wanted more.
Your eyes fluttered open just as he did, his nose bumping against yours.
“Inside?” He murmured.
You nodded. “Yeah, inside.”
You fumbled with the keys into your apartment, hand blindly flipping the light switch on as Jacob found your lips again, hands grappling onto your waist. His foot kicked the front door shut behind you both as shoes came off.
Your back met the wall just as you slid a hand into his curls. The sound of keys hitting the floor echoed in your ears, but your other senses were far too overwhelmed with Jacob right now—the smell of the cologne clinging to his clothes, the soft earnestness of his mouth against yours, his hard body pressed up—
“So sweet,” he groaned, squeezing your sides. “Could eat you up.”
You whimpered at his words, his mouth breaking away from yours so you could both shove your jackets off your shoulders. “You shouldn't say things like that,” you breathed, pressing your hands against his chest.
The corners of his lips curled upward. “Actually,” he drawled, dropping his mouth near your ear, “that's not a bad idea.”
Your knees nearly buckled. “Huh?”
Your mind went fuzzy as he attached his lips to the side of your neck, suckling sweetly against your pulse, your skin, your collarbone.
“You're a smart girl,” he chuckled warmly, the vibrations sending something just as warm to your panties. “You can figure it out.”
He smiled against your throat, feeling your pulse skip. “There you go,” he purred.
You knocked your head back against the wall at the thought of what he was insinuating—planning—to do to you. When you turned your gaze down, you nearly whimpered again at the sight of him sinking down to his knees before you with a wicked grin on his face.
Forget angelic—this man could be the Devil if he so wished.
“I have a bedroom, you know,” you attempted to joke, but you were also dead serious. Was he seriously about to…?
His hands—large, warm, veiny, and studded with rings—smoothed over the fabric of your skirt, not daring to venture under until you gave him the go-ahead. “We'll get to that,” he promised. “May I?”
You wrestled down a swallow, blood hammering in your ears. “Yeah,” you croaked.
Jacob licked his lips, then pressed a featherweight kiss to the side of your knee. He glanced up at you in silent question. Was that okay?
You nodded in approval, moving your hands into his hair and to cup the back of his head.
He continued on, kissing his way up your inner thighs, until his head dipped beneath the hem of your skirt and you could feel his hot breath fan over your clothed cunt.
Your breath hitched when you felt him blow cool air at the wet spot that collected at the bottom of your underwear.
Jacob's warm laugh met your ears. “You're so cute,” he murmured. His nose nudged you through the damp fabric, and he marveled, “You're so wet for me—can’t wait to taste you.”
Your fingers tightened in his hair. “Please, Cobie.”
“Almost there, angel. You've been so good for me.”
A whine fell from your lips at that, and you slapped a palm against your mouth. God, you sounded so desperate, and maybe you were.
He slowly tugged your underwear down, and you stepped out of them. With the barrier out of the way, Jacob went right to work, licking a broad stripe up your slit and sending you careening against his face.
“Shit,” you swore, one hand grappling onto his shoulder.
Jacob held you upright with one of his arms looped under your thigh to anchor you into place. His nose bumped against your clit as he wormed his tongue through your folds.
You grounded your hips against his tongue, his mouth, his face, begging for more.
His lips latched onto your puffed up clit next, and your head knocked back against the wall again. “Jacob, please—”
He teased your opening with one of his fingers, then dipped it into your weeping cunt. The metal ring was cool against your pussy lips, the sting delicious, as he thrusted his fingers in and out of you as his mouth sucked on your clit mercilessly.
“Jacob, right there—please, please, please—” You tugged the strands of his hair and he groaned into your pussy, the vibrations going straight to your sensitive nub. You rocked your hips against him, desperately chasing after your own high.
You felt a second finger enter you, and the two digits curled and jammed against the soft, gummy spot inside you.
He licked your clit, replacing his tongue with his thumb for a second. “Close, angel?”
“Mhm,” you bit your lip. “Please, I'm so close.”
You moaned as he reattached his lips to your clit, vigorously suckling it until it was bruised, his fingers ramming up into you in tandem. His arm tightened around you as you cried out, your fingers clawing into the meat of his shoulder—your knees buckled, your vision went white for a split second, and fire erupted in your belly as you went over the edge.
Jacob's tongue lapped up all of the slick that had collected, and you sucked in a breath when his tongue dove through your folds and made you clench around the appendage.
When his head came out from under your skirt, his hair was a ruffled mess (thanks to you), and his face gleamed in your arousal and his sweat. He met your eyes, sticking his two fingers in his mouth to clean them.
You nearly went over again at the sight. “Fucking hell,” you exhaled, curling an arm around him as he clambered up to his feet.
Jacob smiled, swooping in to kiss you again so you could taste yourself on him. His hands smoothed down the sides of your body before coming down to cup the backs of your thighs. “You feeling okay?” He murmured into you, coaxing you to wrap your legs around his waist, thumb grazing the skin on your leg.
“Mmh,” you hummed against him, breath hitching when your bare pussy brushed against the rough hardness in his jeans. “Definitely better than okay. What about you?”
“Same here.” He cradled your head with one hand, and held you up with his other. “Do you want more?” He asked you breathlessly, pulling away.
His hand smoothed over the top of your head fondly. You nodded. He seemed to always be wanting to give. “Only if you want more.”
“Yeah, baby. Where's your bedroom?”
He had scooped you up and laid you out over your bed sheets like his own personal feast—and to be so very honest, you wouldn't mind being his meal every single day.
“This is cute,” he said cheekily with his knee pressed into the mattress as he climbed over you onto the bed.
You cupped the side of his face to draw him down to you. “You didn't even look at the room,” you mused into his mouth.
He hummed deeply, maneuvering your head back to deepen the kiss. He pressed his tongue into your mouth, the rough surface massaging against your own and making you forget your own name. “Anything you—” he said at last, “—I find unabashedly cute.”
“Unabashedly, you say?” You teased.
Jacob broke away only to tear his shirt over his head and to give you space to do the same. You pulled your shirt over your head and swiftly undid the clasp of your bra, your eyes fixing on the carved muscle flexing on his stomach as he settled back over you.
His tongue darted out of his lips. “Like what you see?”
You couldn't deny it; who were you trying to fool anyways? “I do.”
Maybe he was surprised by your forwardness. A bit of pink brushed his cheekbones and he leaned over you to press a kiss to your lips. “I can say the same about you, beautiful.”
He trailed one of his knuckles down the valley between your breasts, your chest rising and falling with your every breath. Goosebumps rose upon your flesh as he went, and you were itching to feel his mouth on your skin again.
“Can I touch you some more?” He murmured, eyes darting up to yours.
You nodded earnestly.
Jacob bracketed his arms next to your body and lowered his mouth over one of your nipples. Your fingers found his hair again with a gasp, arching yourself into his mouth and relishing the feeling of his skilled tongue swirling around your perked nub. His other hand gently massaged your other breast, squeezing the mound affectionately.
You covered his hand with yours, urging him to fondle you harder, rougher. The way his skin felt against yours was heavenly.
You sighed his name, wrapping one of your legs around his waist to grind your pelvis against his hardness.
He groaned around you, “Ugh, Yn.” He popped his mouth off your breast, lips trailing down to your belly, all while he grinded into you to chase some form of relief.
“Jacob, please,” you rasped, urging him with a harsh thrust. “Wanna feel you.”
You were tugging your skirt down your legs next, accompanied to the sound of his belt buckle clinking and the denim falling to the floor beside your bed. His erection tented his boxers, and his face looked flushed, but he dug around in his wallet for a spare condom before coming back to you.
When he yanked his boxers down, his heavy cock sprung up and slapped against his stomach. You pushed yourself up onto your elbows to watch him tear the condom packet open with his teeth before sliding the rubber over his throbbing cock.
He groaned softly under his breath, a muscle in his jaw feathering as he wrapped his fist around the head and squeezed himself lightly.
“You're really hot,” you said then, catching him off guard and making him grin boyishly.
He laughed, leaning down to find your lips in a sweet kiss. “Yeah?” He murmured. “You walked into the tutoring center and I knew I was gone, I thought you were so pretty.”
Your chuckle was muffled against him. “Trying to one-up me, Jacob?” Your mirth sobered slightly as he rubbed the tip of his cock between your slickened folds.
Jacob nipped at your bottom lip. “You’ve always been a fast learner.”
As he pushed himself into you, stretching you out inch by inch, you melted into him, fingers digging into his shoulders and his face burying itself into the hollow of your neck.
Your stomach rose and fell with your quick breaths. “Holy shit,” you moaned, mouth falling open as you clung onto him. You could feel him filling you up, the condom doing nearly nothing to hide the ridges of the veins along his shaft. They rubbed against your walls, and you clenched desperately around him.
Jacob moaned loudly, his hips twitching against yours. “Baby, please," he choked out. “You're so—god, you're so tight.”
“You can move now,” you told him softly, cupping the back of his head.
You felt him nod, and with a groan, he pulled his hips back and pushed them into you again. The first thrust was delicious, the second and all the rest were sublime. With every drag of his cock against your walls, you could feel your stomach clench, the pressure building inside you.
His hips slammed against yours desperately, the bed rocking with your movements beneath you and knocking against the wall—thunk, think, thunk—a steady rhythm. He seemed to be consistent in everything he did.
Jacob pressed his body weight against yours as he moved against you. The room filled with the sounds of both of your bliss, and the lewd squelching noises every time he fucked himseld in you. You could feel the wetness and sweat dribbled to your thighs and your ass; barely comprehending just how messy this would be.
“You feel so good, angel,” he groaned, reaching down between your bodies to flick his thumb over your clit.
You yelped, the sensation nearly tipping you over. “Jacob, oh my god—”
“So good for me,” he murmured, sweat dripping down the curve of his sculpted nose. “Gonna come again for me? Nice and pretty as always?”
Your head nodded vigorously, your hips rising to meet his, pelvic bones smashing against each other, his balls slapping against your ass. “Shit, I'm so close!”
You could feel yourself being cranked and wound up like a jack in the box—the precipice was in sight and just in your reach.
Jacob's thrusts grew sloppy, but rougher as he reached his own high. He grunted against your skin, and you both came at once, his hips stilling inside you as you clenched down hard around him.
“Jacob,” you cried out for what seemed like the thousandth time tonight, while his own voice hoarsely grunted your name by your ear.
For a moment, you let your breathing and heart rate steady. You gently brushed your hand against the back of his head as his arms wrapped around your body and he littered your skin with kisses.
“How was that, angel?” He murmured to you, voice husky. He raised his head up to meet your lips with his.
You kissed him back. “It was really good.”
Jacob gave a warm chuckle, eyes crinkling with a smile. “Yeah?”
“Five stars,” you joked.
That drew a slightly louder laugh out of him, and he carefully pulled his softened cock out of you. Swiftly tying the condom off, you directed him to the waste bin beneath your desk.
Jacob settled onto the edge of bed next to you and one of his hands cupped the side of your face, his thumb trailing over your cheekbone. “I meant it—you’re really, really gorgeous. And I know this kind of moved fast, but I'd really like to see where this goes.”
You bit your lip around a smile and met the twinkle in his eye. “I feel the same way.”
You slowly sat up and draped yourself around him, one of his hands holding your forearm to return the gesture. “How's a bath sound?” You asked. You wanted to do something for him now.
He grinned, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “I would love that.”
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a/n: abrupt endings are my weakness 💀 someone remind me how to write a conclusion
tbz m.list
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yellowbunnydreams · 9 months
Bunny Ears (Part 17) ~William Afton X F! Reader~
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Want more or something different? *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Tag List: @ruh--roh-raggy @h4nluv @sleepy---head @do-double-g @confiscated-peaches-main @dij-ology @viviennemuerte @robin-the-enby @shari-berri @randymeeksisafinalgirl @hallow1090 @aponia-yue @likoplays @dilflover-3 @oak-leafs @phd-in-fuckery @weirdoartist21 @nicolezghostz @fauine
Sorry if I missed you on the tag-list!
CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 30's), divorce/processing divorce, Afton being a sarcastic hot ass, Henry being such a dad, grumpy x sunshine . Faz-Fuck TM. Cringe scenes ft. Henry.
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The ringing phone turned your peaceful sleep into a groan and soft 'thwump' as you rolled out of bed, swearing as you picked yourself up out of bed and padded through to your phone. Rubbing at your eyes as you took a moment to yawn before glancing at the clock on the wall that you'd finally gotten round to mounting. It wasn't too early you supposed, but you wanted to sleep in on one of your days off at least.
You heard your name being chuckled through the phone, the gravelly voice sending shivers down your spine as you woke up a little more. Rubbing at your face as you tried to listen to the familiar voice.
"Good morning, bunny. It sounds like I woke you up." His own voice was deep in a way you hadn't heard before, making you smile as your finger twisted the phone cord idly whilst you talked, making an approving hum.
"You sound pretty tired yourself this morning, Will." Making him chuckle and you could faintly hear the rustle of cloth in the background as it took him a moment to answer.
"Well I did just wake up myself. I haven't even left my bed yet." Your cheeks flooding with heat at the image that flashed in your mind of William. Laid in bed and sprawled out, holding the phone to his ear and talking to you in his half-asleep voice. The thought made you wish you had a mobile so that you could say the same thing back to him. "I'm shirtless too, if that helps your little daydream." Practically hearing the smirk in his voice.
"I-I wasn't- I... You..." It was too early to have your boyfriend fluster you in such a way, hearing him chuckling as you stumbled over your words and hearing the rustle of cloth that you now assumed was his comforter being moved as he shifted in the bed. Wondering what colour it was. You could totally see him rocking black satin sheets somehow.
"Sorry bunny, I couldn't resist. You sound so adorable all sleepy and flustered like this. I'm now far more tempted to make these calls a regular thing." The thought made your knees weak and suddenly you were all to eager for the mornings if he followed through with it. Giggling as you bit your lip and tightened your grip on your phone cord.
"Don't threaten me with a good time, Afton." Hearing his chuckle before he made a little noise that you tried to imagine was him stretching, letting out a satisfied sigh afterwards as if to confirm your theory. Wondering if he understood that he kept finding new ways to surprise you and make you even more smitten with him, if you had the same effect on him despite not being as experienced in the whole 'dating' thing.
"Oh I'd say worse if I wanted to do that, honey." A slight scratching sound making you think he'd run his hand over his beard, perhaps wiping the sleep from his face just like you were doing. "Anyway, I wanted to call and ask if you wanted to go out together today? Henry texted me last night that him and Sarah are going to a new mall that opened and apparently she's eager to spend some more 'girl time' together."
It was sweet to you that Henry's wife clearly thought to highly of you, your cheeks flushed and looking at the clock, nodding to yourself despite the fact that he couldn't see you. Freeing your hand from the cord and touching your hair, wondering if you should shower that morning before you went out and deciding that it was probably for the best.
"Sure, I'd love that William. Are you up for socialising today?" Teasing him as you heard a slight grunt and shifting cloth again, a low hum before he answered you in that deep gravel that made your knees weak and body ache.
"Got at least one thing to sort before I'm acceptable to be out in public, but I'll always make exceptions to 'no socialising' if I get to spend more time with you sweetheart." You giggled at his affectionate use of nicknames for you, wondering if he would only ever use your name if you were in trouble or in a professional setting. Chewing on your lip as he yawned down the phone, building the image of him in your mind during the call. "Oh, and I want to ask something."
"Sure Will, what is it?"
"Can you not wear my hoodie today? Not that I don't love seeing you in it, I just...have a present to give you and now seems like a good time. But it requires you to be jacketless." He explained, voice somewhat sheepish as you smiled into the phone. Raising an eyebrow as you tried to figure out what it was that he was going to give you.
"You don't have to get me anything Will." Speaking softly and hearing him chuckle as he spoke again, speaking lowly as he stretched again on the other side.
"No, I know. But what else am I supposed to do with this money I've saved aside from treat you, my beautiful girlfriend?" Making you blush as you shrugged your shoulders and thought for a moment before speaking again.
"Pay off your mortgage? Pay off your car? Spoil Vanessa rotten?" Hearing that chuckle become more awake as you talked, making you smile wider as you heard what sounded like him turning over in bed.
"Baby-girl, bunny, I own my own house and my own car. I already spoil her rotten, so what if I want to spoil the other girl in my life too?"
"Owning your own home and car is probably the sexiest thing I've ever heard." You joke, pulling your phone away from your ear as William laughed loudly into the landline, making you beam with pride that you'd made him laugh like that.
Sarah and Henry had picked you up a few hours later, dressed in a black skirt and a baggy t-shirt from a metal band you'd forgotten you even purchased a few years ago. Deciding to apply a little lip-gloss and mascara, as well as some eyeliner like how Sarah had showed you, although yours wasn't perhaps as skilled as hers had been. The pack of used make-up wipes and the slightly red skin around your eyes from the what felt like hundreds of attempts attested to your practise however.
"You look like the kind of girl we would have tried to set Will up with in college." Sarah laughed when she saw you, making you blush as you'd climbed into the car.
"Is that a good thing?"
"Absolutely. He's going to faint when he sees you." Henry confirmed, grinning at you before heading out. The drive had been a little long, but when you finally arrived, you found yourself scanning the lot to try and spot William's car.
Walking just behind the couple as you all headed inside, scanning the bright banners that advertised the grand-opening and the sales going on inside because of it. Smiling as you saw Sarah practically vibrating with excitement at the prospect of a bargain, Henry staring at his pager for a moment before waving his hand to get you to follow him. Sarah linking arms with you and letting him lead as Henry looked at the mall map and tried to figure out where to go, presumably from a text from William.
"He's in the food court, wanted to get coffee and some food before we spend hours in here." Henry laughed, making Sarah roll her eyes and scoff at the thought, looking around at how busy it was since it was the opening week of the mall.
"We're going to miss out on the best sales!"
"Babe, I love you, my darling wife, but they are aware that a lot of people would be coming so probably over-stocked a lot of the shops." He explained, looking at her with a gentle smile, receiving one back from his wife before he moved off.
It was pretty quick to spot William in the food court, sat at a table, one leg brought up to rest on his knee, leaning back into the chair did little to hide his tall stature and he was broader than most of the chairs were seemingly designed for. A purple bag sat on the floor besides him as he drummed his fingers idly against the metal table, expression a slight frown as he waited.
You couldn't help but blink and admire him in a lighter colour pair of jeans and another tight t-shirt, black with some design that had faded but you could recognise as some punk bank you'd vaguely heard of. He looked good. His glasses perched on the end of his nose as he reached up to adjust them, seemingly lost in his own little world and failing to notice your approach.
Grinning widely, you broke away from the group and ran up to him. Throwing your arms around his neck and bringing him into a hug as he grunted from the slight impact, his arms wrapping around you and one hand landing on your thigh just because of the fact he was sitting whilst you ran at him. Hearing laughter behind you, you assumed his expression was mildly confused. Taking a second to register who was holding onto him before he turned his head and let his stubble scratch across your cheek and planting a kiss along your neck. Pulling you tighter to him and his large hand pressing into your back and his other one moved from your thigh.
"Well hello to you too, bunny." He laughed into your neck, making you shudder as the hot air brushed your skin. Planting a soft kiss to the top of his head before pulling back to grin at him.
"I couldn't help it, I wanted to hug you." Playfully pouting at him, watching the lopsided smile grow before he planted a firm kiss on your lip, humming into it and licking his lips when he pulled away, the slightly sheen on your gloss visible on his lips and making you giggle.
"Well I'm never going to say no to that now, am I? And I approve of that cherry flavour, I quite like cherry." William grinned as he went in for another kiss, waving off Henry as he wolf whistled whilst taking a seat at the table.
"Get a room love-birds!" He teased, earning a smack on the arm from his wife as you parted from William's lips again, both smiling as he ran his hand up and down your back soothingly. Finally seeing what you were wearing and pausing, blinking and eyes widening as he saw you in the skirt, boots and metal t-shirt. Seemingly processing what was before him as Sarah laughed.
"Told you he'd break a bit." William seemed to snap out of the comment, shooting a sideways scowl before smiling at you again, taking a barely perceptible shuddering breath. Resuming the path of his hand on your back and making you feel relaxed under his touch.
Reaching down, he brought up the bag with a smile, waggling it in front of you and kicking out a chair for you to sit on. Making you raise an eyebrow curiously before you opened it. Glancing at the matching bracelets that both of you constantly wore with a smile before untying the little ribbon at the top of the bag. Brow furrowed in concentration as you undid it and looked inside. Gently taking out the material inside and thumbs brushing over it. Something faintly spicy hitting your senses before you let the material unfold, revealing a large hoodie that would surely look baggy on Afton even. Black with a zip down the front, eyes widening as you realised there was a little embroidered part in black thread over the breast. A little leaping bunny, looking closer at it as you saw a speck of purple. Grinning wider as you realised it was wearing a tiny purple bow-tie.
"Thank you Will, I love it!" Throwing your arms around him and his arms came up automatically to wrap around you this time, holding you close and planting a kiss on your cheek as he laughed slightly at the second over the top hug you'd put him through for the day.
"You're more than welcome, bunny. I know it's subtle, but I thought you'd get a kick out of it." He whispered to you, planting another kiss and taking a deep breath, squeezing you slightly before he let you go. Allowing you to slip the massive sleeves on and shrug it onto your shoulders, the size absolutely drowning you as you felt the soft material against your skin. Realising that the spicy smell was his cologne that he always wore, you came to the conclusion that either he'd drowned it in the stuff, or that he'd secretly been wearing it for a few days to get the scent there. Either one made you incredibly happy and made your chest tighten and flutter.
"Good job you got a zippered one Wills, she might look she might have nothing else on otherwise!" Henry laughed, earning an eyeroll from Sarah as she all but dragged him up to go and get coffee and some food since that was what you'd gone there for. Leaving William to take your hand and stroke his thumb over the knuckles before planting a kiss there, your cheeks flushing as he raked his gaze across your body before meeting your curious eyes.
"Oh, trust me. She's already been occupying my thoughts with such delicious ideas today." Whispering it as Henry was clearly intended not to hear it. Making you shudder and feel your thighs press together slightly as he held your gaze hungrily, placing a conversely chaste kiss against your knuckles again.
Henry and William had gone off to look at some of the stores that took their interest, and you and Sarah had split off. Chatting together idly and Sarah making you laugh and blush as you talked about various things together, her teasing you about breaking your boyfriend with your outfit. You hadn't been in many stores. more following Sarah until your eyes drifted to a dark store-front, brow furrowing as you tried to figure out why the windows were darkened with minimal branding on it, but the door was propped open to welcome people inside.
Sarah noticed your gaze with a wicked grin, practically sprinting and dragging you behind her to go inside despite your protests that you weren't sure it was even open. Blinking as you adjusted to the low light inside and felt your cheeks heating up as you realised that it was a discreet lingerie store. Eyes flickering over racks of lace and satin, cheeks burning as you tried to avoid looking anywhere in particular but feeling yourself curiously looking at certain pieces.
"Don't tell me you've never been in a lingerie store before?" Sarah teased as she noticed your burning cheeks, your eyes widening as she seemed to say it all too loudly over the quiet music playing in the store.
Shaking your head slowly and making the older woman squeal in delight that she got to introduce you to another new thing, taking your arm and walking you through the racks. Grinning widely as she thumbed through the racks and occasionally glancing at you. "So, do you have any big dates planned with William?" Her voice sing-song as she pried and clearly fished for a reason for you to remain in the store for a bit longer.
"I-I mean, I'm going to his house on Friday?" You stammered out, making Sarah pause and raise an eyebrow at you. Checking you were serious before her jaw dropped and her eyes widened, suddenly squealing happily and seizing you by the arms, jumping up and down slightly, catching you off guard.
"Girl! Dear! He didn't even invite his ex-wife around his house until they were engaged. Even then it took her suggesting it for a month before he reluctantly agreed. Did he ask you?"
"Oh my god, he's probably cooking for you too then! I bet it's going to be such a cute date!!" The blonde squealed in excitement and made you feel a little self-conscious as other patrons of the store threw questioning glances your way before returning to their own browsing. Planting a kiss on your cheek before she looked about conspicuously, taking you to some back corner away from the most prying eyes and speaking quietly to you. "Have you thought about..you know?"
"About what Sarah, there have been a lot of thoughts recently." Crossing your arms over your chest, fiddling with the sleeves to help calm your nerves, William's cologne helping to relax you despite your nervousness.
"Have you thought about...Well, no delicate way to put this...Whether you want to have sex with him?"
You were sure your cheeks couldn't get any hotter, but somehow you were proven wrong as they increased in temperature again. Shoulders tensing as your mind froze and then began to race. Feeling embarrassed that Sarah had asked you so blunty, but then you supposed that this was the same woman who had told you your boyfriend was a player in college in a restaurant bathroom whilst reapplying her lipgloss.
"I um...Maybe? A-A few times maybe...I mean...That's normal, right?"
"Of course it's natural sweetie. But, I was thinking you probably want to feel sexy and cute for that time, so why don't we shop for something for you and you can wear it when the time feels right? Men love this shit, and it can make you feel like a million dollars too." She suggested, returning to her normal, calming voice once she saw how nervous you were. Nodding your head slowly and playing with the sleeves more on your hoodie, letting Sarah gently take your arm and guide you around to look at various styles.
She talked lowly and slowly for you, whispering to you about the pros and cons of each style and material and after a few minutes of her patiently walking you through everything, you felt glad you had a friend who seemed to know about all these sorts of things. Relaxing a little more as she talked you through the various bits and pieces that you were clueless about.
Eventually, something caught your eye and your fingers reached out to brush the delicate chiffon fabric. Picking up the hanger and fingers moving over the lace cups, the slight strap that went down the front. It looked almost like a see-through slip, and Sarah hummed over your shoulder as you looked over the item.
"That's a baby-doll set. They're super comfy and breezy, plus they offer a little more cover than some types, whilst still being revealing." She explained lowly, making you nod in understanding as you bit your lip. Chewing it slightly as you admired the sheer black fabric, the details on the cups forming flowers and leaves. A small vine-like design moving from between the cups and forming a sort of halter-neck strap alongside the two shoulder straps. You guessed it had something to do with lines and how people tended to let their eyes move over a person.
"I-I think I like this one." Blushing as Sarah nodded and squeezed your arm lightly, leading you towards the cashiers with a few selections of her own, after she made sure you had the right size for yourself. Letting you pay for it and beaming with pride as you took the bag, the discreet branding of it meaning you didn't quite feel a burning guilt that everybody would know where you'd been.
"Let's go find something pretty to put over the top of it now. We've got some time before the boys come back after all." Sarah giggled, taking your arm and leading you again. "And I think you chose well. William, from what Henry has said, is a man of...tastes."
You raised an eyebrow at her, but she refused to elaborate, only grinning at you wickedly and focusing on her hunt for an appropriate shop for her purposes, woman on a mission as she tried to guide you through the art of feeling sexy for yourself.
Suddenly, you couldn't wait for Friday. Even more than you had been before.
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space-helen · 6 months
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Words: 1499
Pairing: All platonic (?) Nick Stokes x Reader, Greg Sanders x Reader, David Hodges x Reader
A/N: This was written back in October (sorry) but enjoy!
Request: Okay so this may be totally very random but idk either- the idea just popped into my head but my writer ass is too filled up with school to have motivation to write so- but like onto the idea.
So like, reader is maybe like, a student/works part time at the lab? And theyre everyones favourite as they can get along with everyone (even hodges though he would be the last to admit it-) but their grades are slipping majorly and no one knows as they keep up the 'im fine' mask before diverting the topic, like how that person is.
But one day maybe they get a grade or something in a subject they really studied for and its very bad or something else happens and someone just finds them in a very random spot and its all fluff :(?
Sorry if this was long and you dont have to write this if you dont want to, I just think your writing is awesome so :)
You nervously checked your phone again before shoving it back in your pocket. God, you hated waiting for results. It seemed like you'd been on a losing streak recently. No matter how hard you were studying your grades were consistently low. You knew some of your classmates thought it was because of your job in the crime lab but you wouldn't give it up for the world.
"How's it going?" Hodges spoke from the other side of the room.
"Everything's fine." You forced a smile "the tests are running."
"Perfect." He returned his attention back to the work in front of him "You can go for a break if you want. Go grab a coffee, just be back to get the results."
"Thanks. Want me to make you one?" 
The man waved you off and gave you a smile "I'll be ok but thank you." Standing up you made sure everything was safe before leaving the room.
Getting into the break room you poured yourself a drink before looking at the snacks on offer today before turning and taking a seat at the table.
"How's it going?" Greg sat across from you at the table, a drink of his own in his hand.
"I'm ok, pretty quiet morning so far."
He laughed "today does seem slower, huh?" He took a sip of his drink as you did yours "have you had the test results back?"
"Yours should be done soon, Hodges told me to take a break while they were-"
"Not those." He interrupted "your grade for the-"
"Oh, they haven't come back yet."
"Are you nervous?"
You shook your head and took another sip of your drink, feeling the hot liquid slightly scold your mouth and throat. "I studied hard, it should be fine like always."
"I respect your positivity so much" he smiled as he checked his phone and then  downed the last part of his drink, you weren't sure how he did it really, you knew you wouldn't be able to with the coffee at this temperature. "I have to run but let me know when you get the grade back." As he stood he placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder and gave it a light squeeze "good luck."
You gave him a smile and thanked him but before you knew it he was gone. Enjoying the rest of the silence you flipped through one of the newspapers left on the table before eventually finishing your coffee and cleaning your mug. Walking back down the corridor towards your workstation you felt a notification come in on your phone. Seeing it was your results you opened it immediately but instantly regretted it, another failed test. Diving for the nearest door you opened flung it open and threw yourself through into it. As you stared at your phone screen you could feel tears coming to your eyes quickly as your chest began to feel tighter. This couldn't be happening, not again.
Nick had seen your odd behaviour as he turned the corner. Speeding up his pace he knocked lightly on the storage cupboard door "Y/N is everything ok?" he listened carefully for a response but instead heard your quiet sobs through the door. Opening it carefully he slid inside and his heart felt sorry for you as soon as your tear filled eyes met his.
"Come here." His whispered opening his arms. You closed the small distance and were soon in his arms, allowing him to hug you. "What happened?"
"The test." You sobbed "I just got my grade back" another sob "I failed." 
"It's ok. It's ok." The man placed his one hand on your hair to comfort you more as he brought you into his chest. 
As he did Greg came to the door and opened it carefully, seeing the two of you he gave Nick a questioning look and mouthed the words 'what's up?' 
'Grades' Nick mouthed back and Greg nodded his head. Leaning against the door frame he looked at you sympathetically, knowing how difficult it could be.
"I know it's silly." You pulled away from Nick and wiped your face. "But I worked so hard and it's just like I'm running in circles. Maybe I'm just not good enough."
"Don't say that." Nick said calmly
"Y/N you're literally incredible. Probably the most promising I've seen around here in forever. You're so clever and definitely have what it takes." It was Greg speaking now.
Looking at the man with tears in your eyes you swallowed a sob "It really doesn't feel like it right now."
Nick placed his hand on your shoulder lightly. "You should have said something if you're struggling with grades. We could have helped you out." 
"I didn't want you to all think I was stupid."
"Didn't you hear what I just said?" Greg teased lightly "We're all in awe at how much you have going on and we'd never think you were stupid."
"Man, you teach me something new most days." Nick added in, moving his hand from your shoulder to your back, gesturing forward with his other hand "let's move from the closet though, it's cramped in here and there's better places to cry in the lab."
Nodding you allowed the men to walk you to somewhere more appropriate, the two of them giving warning glances to anyone staring or small shakes of their head in a 'drop it' fashion to those who looked like they were going to interfere. 
Sitting down at your desk, Hodges handed you your results as the two men stood next to you, clearly puzzled by everyone's expressions he had to fill the silence "what's going on-"
"I failed" You cut him off. 
The man's jaw was slack "What? How? Wasn't this exam in your main field of expertise? We work on it most days."
You nodded and rested your elbows on the table and your chin on your hands as your eyes skimmed the results he'd handed you "yep."
"You have to ask for a remark."
"Leave it." Nick spoke as he pulled up a stool next to you.
You sighed if Nick and Greg knew, David should probably know too since you worked with him everyday and you were actually quite close to the man. "I've been pretty consistent with my failing grades this semester." You didn't raise your eyes from the piece of paper.
"There has to be some form of favouritism going on." The man shook his head "you've never once made an error in this lab-"
Greg interrupted the man "I don't think this is helping right now."
"No it's fine." You looked up at the men "What's done is done. I can try and redeem myself in the next one but if I fail that too I'll probably have to kiss the lab goodbye."
Hodges grumbled "I'll help you. Whatever you need I'll help."
"Can't we just show them the work you do here? Would that help your grade?" Nick questioned.
You shrugged "we could try, but they'd probably just tell me I've got too much going on. Just like how my friends say it."
"They don't sound very much like friends then do they." Greg scoffed "we're here for you though Y/N, like Hodges said, anything you need." Greg's phone buzzed and he was quickly excusing himself.
You looked back down at the results and slid them in front of Nick as you talked him through them as I'd nothing had happened, the man thanked you and gave you a warm smile before leaving.
"What do you have for me next?" You asked Hodges.
"You can help me prep these samples?"
You smiled and began to cross the room to him when your phone began to ring. Answering the call without looking, you were surprised to hear your University lecturer on the other end.. 
Locking your phone you slid it into your pocket and took a step back inside your lab space. "You'll never guess what" Hodges gestured for you to continue speaking "There was apparently an error in the system and everyone was given a failing grade. I passed. I’m a little annoyed it happened but-"
"I knew it had to be a mistake.” Hodges quickly added a smile beaming on his face.
"I don't know what my exact grade was but at least it wasn't a fail. She said that although my past grades weren't great the ones they really take into consideration is this one and the next two we get."
He smiled even more "good because I have no clue what I'd do in here without you now" 
"Thank you, I really love the opportunity I have to work with you, I've learnt so much-"
He held up his hand "As much as I love to hear it from other people I don't want to hear it from you." He joked "go and tell Nick and Greg."
You nodded "I'll be right back" 
"There's no rush, enjoy the news"
Tag List: (open, send an ask or let me know if you want to be added)
CSI: @perasperaadastrawriting
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luvsturniolo · 10 months
hey love :) idk if this makes sense at all but i think it'd be so cute if you wrote something about chris where the reader and him have been friends for only a year, but it's been a year of them obsessing over each other with out the other even knowing, and then maybe the reader is over at the triplets's house and she's really anxious cos she's worried chris doesn't feel the same way, and chris notices so he asks her what's wrong and she kinda like vents it all out while hugging him and he keeps running his hand through her hair and when she stops her rant of how much she loves him, he just kisses her as his response !!!!!!! like that's so chris :,)
ー ★ !! reciprocate
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pairing : chris x fem!reader
synopsis : after a year of being best friends , your feelings for chris have been changing. it’s not hard to recognize this feeling in your chest to be love. the only question in your mind is this : does he feels the same?
a/n : i jumped when i saw ur user like literally ilysm what ?? also i apologize for how long this took its literally been months
wc : 2.09k
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you aren't the type to be insecure in your relationships. but something about chris made you feel like you weren't enough.
he's just so insanely perfect in your eyes that you can't fathom the fact that he'd ever like you back. so you've decided to bury your feelings for him — since you deemed them as unrealistic anyway.
it's been an entire year of teasing and flirting with a guy that probably only sees you as a friend. but you can't help it! chris always talks to you in a flirty manner, how are you expected to just ignore his antics and hide your feelings!?
today marks one year of you guys being friends.
it's only been twelve months, but you honestly feel like you've known him for an eternity — which might sound dramatic, but it's true. chris has this aroma to him that makes you feel so safe and secure. he listens to you when you speak ; he laughs with you when you're joking ; he gives you space if you need it. he's just so perfect at reading your emotions and understanding how you feel that it's a shock you haven't been friends for a decade.
"do you think matt could pick me up?" you ask chris over the phone, flopping backward so you're laying flat on your back. "i want to hang out at your house. mine is boring."
chris laughs at you, "don't you have a car? i'd gladly make him drive to you, but what's stopping you from already being over here?"
you think back on earlier today when you were pulled over by a cop. your depth perception may have been a bit off. and you may have accidently hit a pedestrian and gotten your license revoked for a few months.
"it's in the shop." you lie with an innocent smile. "getting new tires."
chris holds his phone close to his face, staring at you through the screen. after only a few seconds of analyzing your face, he decides that you're definitely not telling the truth.
"yeah, sure." he agrees sarcastically. "i totally believe that."
"you should!" you tell him. "because it's completely true!"
the sound of a door opening and closing is heard through the tiny speakers of your phone. chris's head snaps in the direction of someone entering his bedroom. his face suddenly falls with annoyance before he says, "what do you want nick?"
"just wanna talk to you," nick yawns, stretching himself out to lay on top of his brother. chris groans and shoves him off of his bed, but nick just laughs.
"oh my god! did you say nick's here!?" you exclaim, sitting up in your own bed and clutching your phone tightly in your hands with excitement. "tell nick to come here, i want to talk to him!"
chris looks down at you — well, his phone — and sighs before glancing back over at nick. he mutters something about you betraying him before shoving his screen in nick's face and pouting. "y/n wants to talk to you."
nick snatches the phone out of chris's hands and rushes out of his room, leaving the door open just to be annoying. then, nick runs into the bathroom an locks the door behind them. he holds the phone close to his face before whisper-shouting his next question. "why aren't you here yet!? i thought you said you were going to confess your feelings to chris today!"
"hey!" you defend yourself. "hear me out before yelling at me!"
"i'm listening..." he urges you to continue, putting his ear in the camera to give you a visual that he is in fact listening.
"i was planning to come over today, i swear! but i got my license revoked last night, so i don't have a car." you explain. "i was going to ask matt to pick me up, but then chris started asking questions about why i couldnt drive myself. then you barged in."
"why don't you just tell chris that you got it revoked?" nick says, sitting down on the closed seat of the toilet.
"because that's embarrassing." you say as though it's obvious. "i'll tell him tomorrow, but today needs to be perfect! i don't want him to be thinking about my patheticness while i confess."
nick shrugs, "i guess that makes sense."
"okay now go tell matt to come pick me up!" you order. "i'm sick of being at home. my cat won't play with me anymore because she's getting too old."
nick nods, flushing the toilet and running the sink even though he didn't use the bathroom — simply to put on a show for anyone who might have their ear pressed to teh door (cough chris cough). he then opens the door and comes face to face with chris standing in the hallway. he's leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.
"why'd you pretend to flush and shit?" chris asks him. "you literally have y/n on the phone. i know you didn't piss."
nick rolls his eyes before handing the phone back to his brother. you watch as they argue about something completely random and offtopic before chris walks back into his bedroom and plops back down on his bed.
"sorry he stole you like that." he apologizes as he reaches over to open his blind and let some sunlight pour in. "what'd you guys talk about?"
"my tires." you lie.
again, chris immediately knows that you're not being honest. despite being able to see right through you, he doesn't want to pry. so he just nods and changes the topic.
"is that a new shirt?" he asks with a laugh. "i’ve never seen it before."
you look down at what you’re wearing and immediately whip your head back up to glare at him. you’re wearing his shirt. “you let told me to take it!”
“i’m just kidding.” he says. “it looks way better on you, pretty girl.”
your face flushes red and you set your phone down so the camera is facing the ceiling. you hold your cheeks in your hands and stare at the blankets on your bed.
chris always does shit like this, and you don’t know how to feel. part of you loves it because of how it makes you get all giddy. but another part of you hates it because you struggle to read what it means. is he just joking, or does it mean something more?
“matt’s on his way!” you hear nick’s voice shout across the room. he seemingly poked his head through the crack of chris’s door.
“on his way where?” chris asks.
“oh, he’s just picking up y/n so she can come over and tell you something important.” nick says easily.
you rush to pick your phone back up so you can yell at him. “NICOLAS!” you shout.
the screen is still pointed at chris’s face, but you can hear nick’s giggle before he runs out of the room and shuts the door.
half an hour later, you and matt arrive at the sturniolos’ house. you guys walk through the door with a big bag of mcdonald’s. you guys impulsively decided to get some food on the way home, and made sure to get chris and nick something as well.
“aww!” nick says, taking the bag out of your hand with a wide grin plastered across his face. “you got me food!?”
“share with chris.” matt tells him. “it’s not all for you.”
“yeah.” chris agrees, walking out of his room and chasing after nick to take the bag from him. “give me some, you greedy little shit!”
nick runs away from chris, taking the food with him as he locks himself in the bathroom and his laughs can be heard through the closed door.
chris groans, rolling his eyes before turning around and directing his attention toward the more important subject — you.
he pulls you into a hug, "i haven’t seen you in forever!"
you wrap your arms around him, hugging him back before speaking against his ear. “i know, it’s been ages.”
“it’s been half a day.” matt corrects you, pushing past his brother to walk into the kitchen and set his car keys onto the counter. “i’m going back to sleep. you guys are too fucking dramatic to handle.”
then, matt leaves the kitchen and walks down the hall to his bedroom. you hear the door close behind him, knowing you and chris are now officially alone together for the first time all day.
well, all day is pretty exaggerated seeing as you to have only been reunited for a few minutes. also, you guys have been on facetime since you woke up this morning.
“so!” chris says, pulling out of the hug. “what was nick talking about earlier. you need to tell me something important?”
your heart drops.
“oh, that can wait!” you say, trying to laugh it off. “let’s watch a movie or something. ooh! we could make, uh, pizza or cookies or some shit. that'd be fun right? you guys have pizza, don't you? well. never mind, everyone has pizza, haha." you walk into the kitchen and begin to dig through their freezer. "honestly, cookies would be more fun to make than some pizza. they taste better too. wait no, that's controversial. how about-"
your anxious ranting is cut off when chris places a hand on your shoulder. you stop digging through the freezer and turn around to face him with a frown.
"calm down, y/n." he tells you softly. he lets his hand drop from your shoulder and land on your hand. he grabs it and gently pulls you into the living room. he sits down on the couch with you, still holding your hand in his. "slow down a bit. we can talk about it at whatever pace you want."
"i'm gonna rant again." you warn him.
he chuckles, "that's fine by me. i love your ranting."
you suck in a deep breath before you begin. "i know we've only known each other for a year, but i really fucking like you. you're kind, attractive, and literally fucking perfect. you make me feel happy whenever i'm around you as if you're purposely trying to make me feel comfortable. and if you are, it's working by the way." you keep your eyes pinned to the couch cushion, not wanting to make eye contact with him. "i've been keeping my feelings to myself because i don't want to ruin what we have. but i realize now that even if i try to ignore my feelings, they're still going to explode eventually — and probably not in a healthy way. i don't want to hurt you by accidentally lashing out, so i decided it'd be best to tell you the truth."
you tear your eyes from thr cushion and raise them to face chris. he isn't answering you, but he definitely heard everything you said. his eyes are flicking across the room, processing all the shit you just dumped on him.
his silence stresses you out even more. what if you said the wrong thing? what if he hates you now? what if this ruins you guys's friendship before you can even try to form a romantic relationship? what if this is the lashing out you feared would happen? oh shit. you didn't even consider that.
"fuck," you mutter, "i'm sorry. i should go. this was a mistake. just forget everything i just said."
you begin to stand up, but chris grabs your hand before you can walk away. you turn and look at him but his eyes are already pinned to yours.
"how could i ever forget that?" he asks.
you don't answer.
"my dream girl just confessed that she likes me." he says before pulling on your hand, causing you to fall on top of him. he catches you and holds you in a hug. he runs a hand through your hair, caressing it gently. "i never even thought it would be fucking possible for you to ever like me back."
your eyes widen. "what? so you don't hate me?"
your feel his chest shake with a laugh. he then moves his hands to your shoulers before pushing you back to look at your face. without another word, chris presses your lips together.
the kiss is passionate, but unfortunately short-lived. within the few seconds it lasts, everything you struggled to tell him wth your rants was silently understood.
"i could never hate you." he whispers against your lips before connecting them back together.
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tags : @kasqnxx @lvrsparadise @prettysturniolo @strniolo @urmyslxt @cupidsturniolo @opheliaofficial07 @thetriplets3 @sturn1olo-ffics @uhnanix @deadxrx @kitaysworld @slaysturniolo @wilmalovegood @ladylokilaufeyson5 @sturniolopepsi @strnilolo
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kairiscorner · 1 year
HIII!! :33 love ur writing sm btw always makes me giggle and kick my feet
could i request a ceo!miguel and a detective!reader who are childhood best friends - even better if hes protective of her although she can clearly handle herself
SORRY IF ITS TOO MUCH this is my first time requesting things on tumblr waaa (* ´Д `)
if its okay can i be 🌼 anon?? thank you so much!!
HELLO DEAR, YES OFC YOU CAN BE 🌼 ANON 💖💖 and sure thing :DDD when i read 'detective', my mind immediately went to ranpo edogawa from bsd (totally not gonna give y/n his energy) ANYWAY i hope you like this 🌼 anon (人*´∀`)。*゚+
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
think you can do this on your own? – ceo!miguel o'hara x detective!reader
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he stared at you from across the table, looking a little skeptical at you as you noisily slurped at your frappe that he got you, all smiles as you drank it up. he raised an eyebrow at you. "could you drink any louder?" he asked you in a sarcastic, low voice–as if he were a parent about to chide their child for their poor table manners. you looked at miguel with your wide, bright eyes and tilted your head to the side. "i could." you replied, slurping the drink even louder, much to miguel's dismay. he sighed to himself and shut his eyes, rubbing his temples with his hand on his face as his eyebrows came together in a furrow. you were always this cheeky and childish, though the problem was, you both were in your early 30's, and you were a well-known and highly-respected detective in all of nueva york–yet you couldn't even restrain yourself from preventing making a ruckus from how loud you were drinking your sugary concoction. "please." miguel muttered as you chuckled in response.
"please what, miggy? you don't just leave me hanging–i might be a detective, but i can't work with insufficient evidence. do you perhpas want me to drink louder? well, watch this." you quipped as miguel pushed his sunglasses back up on his face and leaned closer towards you slurping even louder as you drank away. "listen, you are a genius detective, alright–" "oh, tell me something i don't know, mig." you said with a giggle as you slurped your frappe again, much to miguel's dismay. he took in a deep breath and let out a long sigh. "you may be a genius, however... you're careless, childish to a fault." he muttered with a sigh as he covered his mouth with his hand, his eyebrows slightly furrowed as he narrowed his gaze at you still slurping at your frappe, gazing back at him with your widened gaze.
you sighed as you rested the cup you were clenching on the table, folded one leg over the other, rested your elbows back on either ends of the backrest of your chair and leaned your head back. "what? it's true, you haven't got as much responsibility and seriousness compared to the cases you've solved." miguel chided you as you groaned. "but, miggy... i get out of those cases scot-free! so what if i'm not as serious or boring as you, at least i've got a brain that can think and a soul that loves fun!" you whined as you lifted you head up and looked at miguel with a pleading face. miguel shook his head as he brought his mug up to his lips, taking in the bitter taste of his black coffee. "i still don't think you should be the one to take on the case, it's too risky." you furrowed your eyebrows as you heard him say that, folding your arms over your chest again. "and how so? i've solved kidnapping and thievery cases that the police were so sure that were going to end up as cold cases—i'm the detective you need, mig." you told him as you unfolded your legs and arms and leaned closer to him, piercing his gaze with your own intense, determined ones as you clasped your hands around his own once you grasped his hand.
"no. besides, this is an internal issue within alchemax, you shouldn't even be informed of what's going on, but because of... you know, the fact that you know how to pry—" "investigate." you corrected him with a look of disappointment in your eyes. miguel nodded and sighed. "...because of the fact you know how to investigate properly, you managed to figure out a whole shipment of rapture was stolen from us in a single night without me having to tell you. and i hope that you figure out that i will be hiring a different private investigator to deal with this for us." "what, why?! i'm only like, your best childhood friend for the past thirty years, i'm literally the only friend you have!" you exclaimed, hurt that miguel didn't trust you to investigate the stolen goods situation for alchemax. "you are not my only friend." "oh, really, then who else've you got?" you asked him with a raised eyebrow.
miguel opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. "and don't say it's lyla, because you know for a fact you don't program friends." you quipped as lyla appeared from out of miguel's watch and folded her arms up at you with a little glare. "ugh, rude." she said to you as she stuck her tongue out at you, with miguel closing his mouth and shutting his eyes. "this is getting way off-topic, lemme just cut to the chase—i don't want you anywhere near alchemax until this whole situation blows over. i've... made a few enemies since we last spoke—" "gotta hand it to your wonderful people skills, i really do." you said as you slurped away at your frappe again as miguel's eyebrows crinkled together again. "anyway, there are dangerous people in neuva york right now, they could be in this very coffee shop we're at right now. the last thing i want is for you to be jeopardized... so please, keep a low profile, keep your head down, and stay far away from me." miguel warned you with a stern voice as you stared at him with an unfazed gaze, as if you've been warned by miguel time and time again never to do something, but of course... you'd always end up doing it, just because.
you set your frappe down again and sighed. "you're forgetting that i, hah, actually caught a cat burglar the other night. did i tell you about it?" "um, no?" miguel answered you with a raised eyebrow. you smirked at him and shook your head with that smirk on your face. "tsk, tsk, oh, miggy... i think i found your guy." you said as you pulled out your phone and showed him the selfie you had with the crook you captured. you were smiling and showing a peace sign in the photo while the crook was beaten up and bruised, you giggled as you showed miguel the photo as he stared at it with widened eyes. "you beat this guy up?" he asked you as he zoomed into the screen and you nodded. "you shouldn't be proud you resorted to violence, is this guy even actually—" "the thief? well... why don't you check with lyla right now on the status of your rapture shipments?" you asked him as you slurped again on your frappe as miguel inquired lyla on that very statement.
"oh, would ya look at that." lyla said aloud as she got an email from several of miguel's subordinates that the ravage shipments were returned safely at alchemax, untampered and alright. miguel looked at the emails and back at you in astonishment, or as much as he was going to allow. he cleared his throat and adjusted the sunglasses on his face, bringing the mug of black coffee back to his lips. you smiled devilishly at him and leaned your head into your palm, balancing it while you looked at miguel all cheekily. "you know that's got nothing left in it, right?" you asked him as miguel had only then realized he ran out of coffee.
he cleared his throat and nodded. "i... okay. but you could've told me that you, y'know..." he stammered, feeling ashamed of himself for not trusting you and having faith in your capabilities that made you the person you are today—he was just so concerned about you, worried about what might happen to you if he wasn't there to protect you, but you already deciphered that from how he presented himself and how he spoke around you, it warmed your heart but also annoyed you. you leaned back in your chair and smiled, proud of yourself at finally making miguel eat his words for the umpteenth time. "a 'thank you' would be nice, mig. c'mon, you can say it, i know you wanna." you teased him as miguel sighed and folded his arms over his chest. "...thank you." he whispered under his breath as you leaned closer to him, placing a hand to your ear to hear him better as your smile broadened. "can't hear ya, miggy, again please?" you asked him with a slight giggle as miguel grumbled.
"i said..." he began as he leaned over closer to you, his breath hot against your ear, his lips brushing over your earlobe as he whispered, "thank you, you damned brat." you felt yourself get a little hot in the cheeks after you heard him whisper in that low, raspy voice of his that kind of made you feel a lot more than just cocky. you may have gotten a bit flustered by him, but you still have all the bragging rights in the world that you defied his assumptions and solved his problem for him before he could even ask anybody else for help. "am i your favorite detective now, then, miggy?" "you're my sole headache, you're far from my favorite." he responded flatly as you pouted up at him. "well you're my sole accident prone dorito, there." you quipped as miguel looked at you quizzically. "dorito?" you chuckled. "lyla would get it." you said as lyla appeared and gave you a thumbs up. "you run your mouth a lot, but you're right on one thing at least." the AI assistant said as you smiled wider, with miguel looking ever more confused.
"don't worry, miggy... i'm your problem solver. just make sure to tell me i'm the best, and i'll keep helping you." you said playfully as miguel sighed yet again. "...you are highly unprofessional and brash, but you've got a good brain in that pretty little kid-like, airhead of yours." he said as he got up and put his coat back on, getting ready to head to his office. your face beamed even brighter at miguel's praise. you got up and followed him, you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and clung your legs around his waist, with miguel instinctively holding you up by holding on to your inner thighs. he grumbled under his breath, telling you this was embarrassing for the two of you.
"it's been so long since you held me! you owe me big time, miggy. now, to the ice cream shop!" you exclaimed as miguel walked out of the coffee shop with you clinging on to his chest, looking stoic and composed as he told you calmly, "you're way too spoiled." "and you love spoiling me with your seven-figure paycheck." you replied with a giggle as miguel's face got all sheepish and frustrated that, once again, you were right.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck @melovetitties @arachnoia @ophanimgold @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @simsrandomstuff @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0
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julius caesar but i've never watched it
...either the play or the actual man. I am not a time-travelling voyeur. Why does that give Doctor Who vibes? I haven't watched that either.
Anyway, happy Ides of March, tumblr. I am about as enthusiastic about the celebration as Neil Gaiman is, but here we are. Doing what I do worst, making a summary of things I have no authority to summarise... WAHOO LET'S GO. Whatever it is I know about the play:
Caesar was vibing sometime around the '40s. 0040s, not 1940s.
He has a wife named Calpurnia. A maggot wants to be her because and I quote 'no one ever listens to me either'.
She tells him not to go to some kind of coronation or speech or something on the Ides. He's like nah wifey 'sall gucci.
I regret saying that sentence. As did Caesar, because he went and got stabbed in 44. Spoiler alert.
People ship Mark Antony with Caesar but some ship Brutus and Caesar. *youtuber voice* Comment below with your favourite ship.
Don't do it I don't want to know. Anyway, he's also married to Cleopatra, who is killed by snake venom that may not have been snake venom or something.
Idk they were cute. They had a kid that ran away and Asterix and Obelix had to take care of him. Caesarian?
There is a soothsayer. He tries to soothwarn Caesar.
Caesar does not soothlisten. Caesar is a lil bitch.
On the Ides of March, Caesar goes up to the soothsayer who is lurking on the steps of the maybe-coronation place. He soothsays The Ides of March are come!
The soothsayer soothsighs and soothsays Aye, Caesar, but not gone.
The senators, otherwise known as the soothslayers, have been plotting for a while. Brutus is a very dear friend of Caesar. He thinks Caesar slays.
But the other senators convince him this is what's best for Rome. So he thinks Caesar should be slayed.
So now the soothslayers at the maybe-coronation gather around Caesar and start stabbing him. Et tu, Brute? and all that (though I remember something about that phrase not meaning the same thing as it does in popular context...).
The soothslayers are a bit extra. Like bro. One stab to the heart would have soothsufficed.
Anyway, Caesar is soothslayed like the soothsayer soothsaid.
There is a funeral thing. The People of Rome are cranky.
A maggot once said Moots, maggots, countrymen! and it lives rent-free in my head.
So he gives the soothspeech and everyone is emotional. IF YOU HAVE TEARS, PREPARE TO SHED THEM NOW. Damn bro. It's like playing villain music just as the camera focuses on the villain.
Anyway then there is a lot of chaos and blah blah blah Mark Antony does some stuff Caesar's adoptive son Octavian does some stuff.
There's some bloke named Augustus who may or may not be Octavian (if he was sorry for the deadname Auggy my bad).
Brutus is killed? Or he kills Mark Antony? One of them die.
They were totally not fighting over who was a better lover to Caesar.
Roman Republic gone byebye as I say to Roxie. Roman Empire starts. The end.
That was a thing. I rather like summarising my homeboy Shakespeare haven't read him in a while and I only read his comedies. Maybe I should do more in honour of the Globe Theatre Maggots.
Happy Ides. Please don't soothslay me. I've been a good Maggot Prince to you, haven't I?
*runs just in soothcase*
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skythighs · 4 months
Calista's Dream: Child in your Womb
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Hello guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy. My schedule is less hectic this week, so I will be posting at least twice more. This is not edited. I read through it, but I could have missed something, so please excuse any mistakes. These pictures have been linked in previous chapters already
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: 18+ per usual, but this one just has some violence and mentions of pregnancy.
Chapter 8
It was late evening when a slave brought my missing letters to me on an ornate golden platter as promised. Feyd lounged on the bed totally nude while I replied to the many letters my father had sent and the one solitary letter my mother wrote. Although, calling it a letter was an overstatement. It was more of a message. A warning that I would be receiving a visit from the old woman I met many years ago when I was just a girl. No reasons were given as to why she was coming, simply that I should expect her. 
The days that followed my encounter with Baron Vladimir were surprisingly calm. Feyd and I had trained early this morning and I found myself feeling fatigued. I had bathed and changed with the help of Mia who reminded me that the Harkonnens' very own Suk doctor was expecting me today. Mia led me to the medical wing of the palace. It smelled...medicinal somehow and looked even more sterile than the rest of the cold bleak palace. 
“Na Baroness, welcome. Please sit on the exam table.”
The exam was quick and the outcome was not surprising. There was life inside me. A fluttering heart could be heard by the doctor's trained ear.
“A healthy heart is a good indicator the child will thrive. I have here a supplement you must take daily.”
“What is it for?”
“It’s filled with nutrients you may be missing in your new diet here on Giedi Prime.”
I nod and take the supplement along with a glass of water downing both.
“You may start to experience some pregnancy related illness. If so, send a message, you needn’t suffer through it.”
I make my way back towards my quarters with Mia there to guide me. She was doing a poor job at hiding her beaming smile after hearing the news alongside me. At least she was happy, I’m sure that feeling was rare for her. Once we returned to the bed chamber I felt relieved and terrified all at once. Now that I carried life I felt the slow tendrils of fear start to seep into my marrow. What would become of us?
“Now that you carry Na Barons child there will be many celebrations in your honor in these coming weeks. You will no longer be hidden away here in these rooms. You will be received into the public eye.”
I simply listen to her. She was knowledgeable and a true asset to me, maybe one day we would talk as friends as opposed to master and slave.
“There will be many feasts, and Na Baron will perform for you in the arena. You’ll be introduced to a group of ladies that you may call on and invite here to entertain.”
“All this now that I’m with child? What’s the significance?”
She kneels before me as I’m seated at the foot of the bed. She begins removing my slippers from my feet, massaging each foot slowly.
“You are truly one of us now. No restrictions. No one would dare speak ill of you or question you any longer.” 
She looked so happy for me. I guess I should be happy to be free of my isolation period but this didn’t feel real yet. 
The double doors open slowly and Feyd walks in taking in the scene before him. Mia on her knees before me. She looks at the ground now back to her usual submissive self. 
“Mia you may go.” I say softly.
Feyd watches her every move as she rises up bowing before me leaving the room quietly. Only once she has shut the doors behind her does Feyd turn to face me. There's a glint in his eyes as he inspects me. 
“You’ve heard the news I presume.”
He smiles a black smile at me before taking Mia’s place kneeling where she once did. 
“Since our betrothal was announced my uncle made it his personal goal to tell me how disappointing you’d be. How you would never be anything special to anyone, especially me.”
I look into his dark blue eyes not sure if I should respond or not.
“Do you know what he did in trying to convince me you were worthless?”
I shake my head, not sure where he was going with this.
“It made me wonder why he fears you. Now I know.”
“Fears me?” I echo incredulously. Standing from the bed walking away from him. 
“You are the Heir of Caladan, and now you carry Giedi Primes heir within you. You are untouchable now more than ever.”
His hands find me and he holds my face making our eyes meet. Penetrating me with his words, and his gaze. There behind the blue of his irises were the unspoken words he wanted me to hear. 
‘He is the insignificant one now.’
Somehow I heard it loud and clear. The roles have been reversed.
Today was the first day of celebratory events. I was dressed elegantly with a thin silk veil layered over my head and face. Feyd Rautha requested my presence thus here I am at an unfamiliar part of the palace. Mia waited outside the door and motioned for me to enter. Feyd stood in black loincloth with slaves surrounding him applying paint to his perfect physique. I look around the large round room and notice three women lounging and watching him closely. These must be his darlings.
“Husband.” One word hangs in the air drawing everyone's attention. More importantly it captures his attention. 
He smiles at me and beckons me forward.
“There you are, wife. I missed your sweet scent.”
He claims my lips once I’m at arms length. A passionate kiss. I find myself getting wet at the taste of him, but I pull away. 
“Won’t you finally introduce me to your darlings?”
I gesture to the lounging women that resemble large felines. They perk up hearing me mention them.
“My darlings, come greet your Na Baroness.” 
He turns my back to him, always preferring to observe my interactions from over my shoulder. The elegant pale women make their way to us, languidly. They stop before me looking me up and over again. Feyd begins to remove the veil from me slowly, as if teasing them with the idea of seeing my bare face. Tendrils of my hair are visible as he lifts the veil slower still. A quick pale hand reaches up and seizes up a lock of hair.
My frame tenses at the unexpected contact. The veil falls aside before it’s scoped up by a silent slave for safe keeping. The concubines can’t look away from my face, my hair, my umber eyes. They seem enthralled by my very being. They look at my belly in reverence, small touches here and there and everywhere makes me close my eyes softly. I don’t protest as I feel them take turns stroking my scalp gently. Noses pushing into my ebony hair occasionally.
“They love your scent as much as I do.” His sandpaper voice caresses my neck as he speaks. Opening my eyes and turning to face him I stroke his cheek.
“My Lord na- Baron your blades.” 
A portly man presents Feyd with two blades, one white the other black. Feyd walks towards him inspecting them. He grabs the white blade testing the sharpness of the tip on his own tongue. When the blade fails that test he slices the throat of a slave nearby. It slices her neck seamlessly, so he moves on and stabs another slave with the dull tip. He critiques the tip alone, commenting on the balance of the blade over all. 
My knees nearly buckle at the scene before me. Three pairs of hands hold my weight momentarily. He killed them so calmly. There was zero hesitation and just to test the blade, surely there was a better way. He grabbed the black blade testing it with his own flesh yet again, but this time the tip was indeed sharp. He nodded his approval before returning his attention to me. 
“This blade is worthy of your blood. Will you do me the honor?”
I nod hesitantly as he approaches me. He squats before me lifting the hem of my gown slowly exposing my creamy thighs. He takes the blade and slowly runs it along my inner thigh leaving a shallow cut. He removes it and uses his tongue to gather the small trickle of blood. He slurps obscenely, taking his time to make sure he didn’t miss out on a single drop. 
I look towards the concubines and see them lounging once again watching us with keen interest and smiles. They were not the hissing harpies I imagined whenever Vladimir chose to throw them in my face. They genuinely seemed like loyal pets, serving their purpose. Simple creatures content with their role as concubines, not jealous of ‘the wife’ or covetting my position. Perhaps that was a change done when they were modified just for him. Life must be much more simple if you could simply pick and choose which traits your women possessed. Especially women who could be blood thirsty and literally ate human flesh. However genetic modification was a touchy subject across the Imperium. 
The black sun and the gory arena scene nauseated me and I was barely containing my vomit as I was seated next to the Baron. He didn’t speak a single word to me and I was content being silent. Mia must have noticed my discomfort because she brought me a sweet cool drink to soothe me. Across the arena I noted a group of women with headdresses on. Bene Gesserit women, they looked as out of place here as I did. Perhaps the Reverend Mother was among them, watching me. A chill down my spine and a cold sweat broke out at the thought. She was indeed watching me from across the arena. 
“Na Baroness, perhaps you should retire and take a break from the sun. You don’t look well.” Whispered Mia.
I nod my head suddenly feeling very unwell. Mia helps me from my seat and leads me away. 
“The doctor said this could happen, in these early days. He has medication that can help.” Mia reassured me gently. 
The Suk doctor visited my chamber quickly with the requested medication and just to be sure he checked me over thoroughly. The child was doing well and it was all as expected. 
“This tonic will kick in quickly, I have been made aware you are to rejoin the festivities immediately after you recover.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize I would be missed so soon.”
“He walked into the arena to begin only to realize you weren’t present in your seat. He demanded it be put on hold.”
Embarrassment stung my cheeks. Oh no, I hope I did not offend him.
“Perhaps we should start heading that way now. I don’t want to cause more of a delay. As you said, the tincture is fast acting.” 
Once reseated and given another refreshment by the attentive Mia, the large arena doors open and my husband begins walking towards the center. As he reaches the center of the arena he kneels acknowledging the Baron. The seconds tick by as he stands and gestures for me to move closer. I stand and walk to the balcony offering him a better view of me even from the great distance between us.
He pulls the black blade out, the blade christened in my blood. He kisses the blade slowly with his pillowy lips before he holds it up to me. I smile at him lifting my veil to show him my face unobstructed. The crowd around us cheers with a deafening boom. Fireworks begin to go off and sadly they are black and colorless much like everything else here.
The crowd chants his name as he only has eyes for me. Like a cobra being charmed with a pungi I can’t look away from him. He was mesmerizing, he was god-like to his people and they adored him so. He finally resheathed the blade and turned towards the doors ready to begin his performance. I took my seat ignoring everything around me, my focus was entirely on Feyd Rautha. I wanted to see him in action against an actual opponent for the first time. 
Slaves large and small limped out towards the Na Baron and he stood still accessing his adversaries. Men were located around the arena wearing black garments from head to toe. They looked like something that would terrorize a child's worst nightmares. They moved in sync with Feyd watching his every step and the slaves around him. 
The battle begins with a charge of the largest slave towards Feyd Rautha. A sloppy attempt at rushing him and catching him off guard. Feyd immediately strikes a killing blow, slicing the man's head clean off with little to no effort. The next attack came from two at once and he dispelled them quickly. I noticed a large slave was merely watching Feyd assessing his moves but not attacking. He didn’t seem to limp when he walked; he looked to be in good health. Was this a part of the show perhaps? I notice Vladimir looking at Piter, understanding passed over Piters’ eyes then. 
“That slave has not been drugged Baron.” Piter spoke robotically. 
I looked back to the arena and watched Feyd closely. Surely he could handle a slave drugged or not.
“Do not ruin my nephew's day, Piter.”
Returning his eyes to Feyd Rautha as well, the Baron sat up straight.
“Congratulations my dear nephew.”
Taglist: @mamawiggers1980 @drunkennunicornn @aoi-targaryen @lovereadingfanfic @avidreader73
@nemodeus @landlockedmermaid77 @wo-ming-bai
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(🐝 to recognise as mine)
AITA for not interfering in my little sister's friends icing her out? For context, my sister is two years younger than me and we both go to the same school — I know her friends and they know me.
My sister is in a small group (six in total) and none of them are in her class. She is in the highest classes for every subjects and none of her friends are — but she's the only one who makes it a problem, constantly bragging about her own marks and actively belittling everybody else. She also makes comments about their body weight, appearance, diet and fitness, ranging from general nasty remarks to actively referring to certain friends as the "fucking fatties of the group". She always shit talks her friends to each other in this manner and they all know because they do the same sport as me (my sister doesn't) and I hear them talking about it (one time one of her friends was genuinely crying when confessing some of the stuff my sister said).
Furthermore she is notoriously homophobic, transphobic and ableist, and often says things and slurs that make her friends uncomfortable (none of them to my knowledge are queer but one has been formally diagnosed with ADHD and tics).
Her friends have begun to distance themselves from her and though they haven't fully iced her out yet, I know it's going to happen first because it's the natural course of these types of things and second because I've overheard many of them say that that's their goal. As someone who has dealt with people like my sister in my own friend group, I don't blame them for this in the slightest.
I've talked to her before as her older sibling about not behaving this way, both because it's fucking rude and also because for several months now I've heard her friends saying they're "uncomfortable" around her and don't like hanging out with her. I haven't told her what I've overheard her friends say about her but I have warned her that they "will and probably already do" feel that way. She hasn't listened to me in the past and won't now because I'm "not her mother".
She has begun to notice them separating from her (most recently going trick-or-treating and not inviting her) and has mentioned it vaguely to my parents. My mum has asked me privately to step in and help my sister out.
I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to interfere in what's happening. It's firmly my belief that you should always accept the consequences of your actions and I also am taking some degree of satisfaction watching her finally do so. (In the past she has actively bullied people and gotten away with it scot free).
Furthermore, she frequently says homophobic shit about me and my friends to my face, misgendering me and calling all of us slurs despite me being out about it and my parents being aware and vaguely accepting (it's complicated lol). It is satisfying to see her take heat for her behaviour, even if it's not directly related to what she says at home.
I'm not going to help my sister because in my opinion she has dug her own grave and it's time to lie in it. I doubt I will change my mind on this but I am curious if people beyond my own friends and my sister's friends think that this makes me the asshole.
What are these acronyms?
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