#if you haven't checked out his music yet you are really missing out!
jeonginsleftcheek · 3 months
Code to your heart
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pairing: lee felix x amab!reader
genre: fluff, smut
word count: 12.5k
description: Felix pines over his oblivious coworker. But a new project at the office becomes a chance for him to get closer to his crush.
warning/s: swearing, time skips, masturbation, lots of mutual pining, mc and felix are both oblivious, oral, handjobs, cum swapping, kinda public sex, protected sex, bulge kink for a moment, dirty talk, praising, light bondage, lots of aftercare (lmk if i missed something)
a/n: i enjoyed imagining and writing this so much and i am so proud of it, i hope y'all enjoy this too!🥹🫶🏻
~check out my: Masterlist
How long has it been since you haven't moved from your desk? Four, five, six hours? You've lost track of time, your brows are furrowed, eyes red from lack of sleep, your bottom lip caught between your teeth, nimble fingers gliding over the keyboard.
You haven't gotten up to get your coffee refilled yet or to eat. You didn't even notice your cup was almost empty. But Felix noticed.
He notices everything about you. Like how you only come to the office Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. Those are the days he looks forward to the most. Your favorite color must be black because that's mostly what you wear. You have a favorite pair of jeans, black with rips on your thighs. Felix's eyes always linger a little longer on your legs when you wear those.
You take your coffee black too, your eyes always closed when you take the first sip. Felix's face scrunches up when he imagines the bitter taste of it. You run your hand through your hair multiple times whenever you're frustrated, only to have it fall back into your eyes. You bite your lower lip when you concentrate.
Felix could go on and on, and does that make him creepy? No, he is just observant and you're his favorite person to observe.
You're oblivious to this, not even sparing a single glance towards your secret admirer. Somehow, you always turn your brain into work mode, tunnel vision only for the two screens before you as you type out your code.
Felix doesn't mind this dynamic (if you could even call it that), he's too afraid to actually come up and talk to you. Looking at you from afar is kind of comforting. It's safe. It helps him get through the day. Whenever he's stressed about an error or a bug in his program, he can just look up, face almost completely hidden behind his screen as he glances at you, working a few tables away from him.
After all, the two of you do different things so you don't really cross paths or communicate a lot. Felix deals more with clients whereas you just like to put your headphones on and code. It's a safe space, you get to listen to your favorite music, be in your own little world, create from scratch, every word, number, symbol and parentheses typed out with vigor and purpose.
It's lovely to do work that fulfills you but it's also frustrating and lots of times it makes you want to pull your hair out or punch through your screen. But, it's nothing a good cup of strong coffee can't solve.
And Felix knows this. He knows that whenever you start feeling frustrated, you get up to get more coffee. He's at his desk, looking at you losing your mind. You're running your hand through your hair, biting your lip, shaking your leg. Something's got you worked up and Felix has been gathering his courage for three fucking months.
He's gonna do it. He will get up, get your coffee from the machine and he will bring it to you, strike up a conversation, maybe ask you out. His skin starts itching from nervousness and he has to get up right now, before he chickens out again.
Felix shuffles hurriedly to the machine, before you can get up and ruin his plan. He puts his coins into the machine and punches the button for black coffee. He glances back at you, your back now turned to him and he gulps as he looks at the broad expanse of your shoulders.
This really is not the right time to think about your shoulders or your arms, not when he's already so nervous to even come close to you. The machine beeps and Felix grabs the coffee, his heart leaping out his chest.
"Lix, hi!"- he almost bumps into his coworker Jisung as he turns around.
"Oh, hi Jisung."- Felix curses him in his mind. Wrong timing. Jisung is a blabbermouth and now he's going to ruin everything.
"Since when do you drink black coffee? I thought even dark chocolate was too strong for you."- Jisung smirks, poking fun at the poor boy.
"No, this is not for me. It's..."- Felix starts and then you're next to him suddenly. Well, next to the machine. And you drop your coins in and punch the button for the black coffee. Shit.
"It's what?"- Jisung tilts his head.
"Nothing, I gotta get back to my desk."- Felix mumbles, almost skipping back to his designated place, embarassment settling in his bones.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. Stupid Jisung. Why did he have to come in the wrong moment? Stupid Felix. Why can't he just come up and talk to you like a normal person? He groans, hiding his face in his hands, his body shrinking behind his desk. And that stupid cup of black coffee staring at him, mocking his predicament.
He can't even bring himself to look up at you, he feels so embarassed, as if you can read his mind and know what his intentions were. Felix sighs, fingers gliding over his keyboard, you didn't even acknowledge his existence when you came up to the coffee machine. If you were interested in him even a little bit you'd probably strike up a conversation, Felix thinks. He sees you communicating with some of your colleagues, laughing with them and he wishes he was the one causing that laugh and twinkle in your eye.
It's been a week since Felix's lame attempt at talking to you and he's contemplating what to do again. Should he try the same thing? Should he just come up to you like a normal grown up and say something like 'hey, I think you're hot, wanna go out?'. No, there's no way he would ever do something so bold. With his luck, he would probably accidentally do or say something embarassing and you'd never talk to him again.
But his luck is about to change.
"Felix, I need to see you in my office."- his boss comes up to his desk.
"Oh, okay."- Felix nods, confused if he did something wrong. He glances at your desk, but you're not sitting there anymore.
He takes a deep breath in, preparing himself mentally for whatever awaits for him in his boss's office. What he least expects is to see you sitting in one of the chairs.
Felix stops in his tracks, legs turning to jelly, his heart beating hard against his chest, hands shaking. How to breathe? Because he feels like he can't remember the basic things his body automatically does.
You turn around and look at him, your eyes traveling from his feet to the top of his head and Felix feels scrutinized. Fuck, is his hair messy? Did he fuck up his eyeliner this morning? Does he have something between his teeth? Did he accidentally forget to change out of his pjs before coming to work?
Felix's feels like his last brain cells have just abandoned him.
"I'm sure you two already made acquaintances, Felix and Y/n."- your boss gestures between the two of you with his hands, smiling like nothing important is happening. Like you aren't just two steps away from him, and he can smell your cologne and it's making him feel dizzy.
"Yeah, sure."- you nod, a small polite smile on your face, your eyes unreadable. Felix's chest vibrates with nerves, excitement rushing through his veins. You've noticed him?
"Yeah!"- he says, a little too enthusiastic and then cringes internally at himself.
"Well that's good because we have a huge project coming up. I've been monitoring both of your work recently, and I've decided that coupled with the skills you two have, the time you put into your work and your results, you'd be my best people for this."- your boss says and is Felix dreaming? Is he dreaming? Because this can't be for real.
"These are the clients files, Felix you will take care of the promotion and marketing, Y/n you will take care of coding and implementing the product. Ofcourse, this isn't something only the two of you can do so I'm also assigning you a team. But I want the two of you to come up with ideas how to implement this because through your creative work, I can see you have a similar thought process."- your boss explains, giving you a folder of documents.
You seem unphased as you flip through the pages while Felix is literally melting into a puddle, he wants to scream, cry or claw at the wall, or possibly all of the above.
"Questions?"- your boss asks.
"When can we start?"- you ask, ready to tackle any task you've been given.
"As soon as possible."
Felix follows you as you make your way out of your boss's office.
"Wanna get started right away?"- you ask.
"Yeah, sure, I just finished the last assignment I had."- Felix answers, trying to calm himself down and hoping to all the gods that he looks normal on the outside.
You nod, making your way towards your table where you leave the folder.
"You want some coffee?"- you ask.
"Oh sure. With milk and three sugars."- Felix says and he swears you look disgusted for a moment before you turn around and leave for the coffee machine.
"Thanks!"- Felix calls behind you and you dismiss him with a wave of your hand.
Felix doesn't know what to do with himself. He doesn't know if you wanna work at your desk, his desk, or maybe one of the empty offices. He feels so awkward, scared that he'll embarass himself and look stupid in front of you, and he doesn't want to blow what might be his only chance.
He's startled from his thoughts by you putting the coffee cup on the table.
"Here, your coffee."- you say it pointedly.
"T-thank you."- Felix feels his face heating up as you stand so close to him.
"Maybe we should take one of the empty offices for more privacy."- you say, grabbing the folder and shrugging.
More privacy. Why would you say it like that? Felix starts freaking out as he reads between the lines.
"Y-yeah, sure."- he answers and both of you grab whatever you need from your desks before you walk into one of the empty offices.
As soon as you sit down, you take a sip of your coffee, your eyes closing like always and Felix steals a glance at you. He can't believe you're actually sitting so close to him.
After that first sip, you waste no time, going over the documents and requests of the client with Felix. The boss is proven to be right as the both of you start discussing the best way to approach this project, you agree on everything almost instantly.
For a few moments, Felix forgets how embarassed he is to be next to you as you keep your themes of conversation professional.
This is the first time you've actually taken a good look at Felix. Ofcourse, you'd say a polite 'hello' whenever you ran into him. You'd seen him at his table or walking around, talking to everyone, always wearing pastels, especially baby blue. When you're concentrated on your screen and he walks by, you see a bundle of blue just pass by your peripheral, leaving behind the sweet scent of his cologne.
You've also noticed that there's half eaten chocolate or candy on his desk always. You wonder if he has cavities with the amount of sugar he's eating, internally cringing at the thought of the artificial sugary taste.
You never noticed that he wears makeup, just a bit of eyeshadow, barely noticeable eyeliner and gems under his eyes. You never noticed that his face is full of freckles, reaching even up to his ears. You never noticed how plump his lips are, upper lip in the shape of a heart.
A thought runs through your mind; wow, he's really pretty.
Your heart skips a beat and you shake your head. No, you don't even want to entertain such thoughts. You don't want to start anything with anyone, you enjoy being alone and free, only having to care for your cat. Humans are complicated. You don't do complicated, unless it's a code. And even the most difficult algorithms are easier to you than people.
Business. That's what you're going to concentrate on. The task before you. You dismiss thoughts about Felix, almost ignoring his presence as you start working on a data flow chart.
Felix on the other hand, sweats profusely across from you. He's also working on his laptop but it feels awkward. He's used to yapping away with someone even while he works but you're so zeroed in on your screen that it seems like you don't even care that he's there.
How is it so easy to strike up conversation with anyone except you? Felix swears his brain turns to mush whenever he tries to formulate sentences in front of you.
"Felix? Are you listening?"- you wave your hand in front of his face, and oh my god you said his name. Felix perks up immediately, his neck and face burning up like a fucking forest fire as you stare at him.
"Um, you were saying?"- Felix fake coughs, trying to cover up that he was zoning out.
"I said I'm done with the flow chart. If you wanna look at it?"- you say, turning your laptop towards Felix.
"Oh right, sure."- Felix nods and you get up and sit next to him, sliding your laptop closer. Fuck fuck fuck. He can't do this, Felix has no idea how he'll take being so close to you, yet so far away.
"So, this is what I was thinking..."- you start explaining, and Felix listens, he really does but you smell so nice, your hair looks so soft and your knee bumps into his a few times. His insides turn into jelly but he makes himself listen. He can't afford to make a fool out of himself in front of you. He wants to impress you.
He concentrates and adds his input, and you stare at him as he talks, your eyes roaming all over his face. Just why are you looking at him like that?, Felix thinks as his heart beats out of his chest.
Your eyes fall to his lips as he keeps talking, and Felix sees your tongue dart out shortly and lick your bottom lip. Fuck.
"Anyways, yeah, so what do you think about that?"- Felix finishes.
"Sounds good. We're on the same wavelength. We should have a meeting with the rest of the team tomorrow. Jisung and Minho probably already went home. And I don't think Changbin is here today at all."- you conclude.
"Yeah, I agree."- stupid. 'Ask him out! Do it! Just say it!', Felix's brain screams at him.
"Looking forward to working with you, Felix."- you smile, a genuine smile, your hand reaching towards his.
"Yeah, me too!"- Felix beams at you, shaking your hand.
Something flutters in your stomach. Those damned butterflies! You get up as fast as you can, gathering your things because the office suddenly seems smaller than it did before.
"See you tomorrow."- you say, and turn around, speeding out the door before Felix can even react.
Felix sits there for another five to ten minutes, the smell of your cologne lingering around him, your voice still echoing in his ear, the feeling of your hand holding his still on his skin.
How can he recover from this?
The next day, you arrange a meeting with your coworkers. Felix wants to strike up a conversation that doesn't involve work with you. But it seems that being closer to you feels like you're even further away than you usually are, a few desks away from him and not acknowleding his existence.
You're concentrated on your coding, mostly talking to Minho and Changbin since they're programmers too. The three of you keep exchanging ideas and talking about things Felix doesn't understand as deeply as you do.
At the end of the day, you politely greet everyone and slip away like sand slipping away through his fingers.
And that happens every single day of you working together on the project.
Ten days later, Felix is becoming more and more frustrated, and today's been a particularly bad day all together and Felix makes mistakes the whole time.
"Are you even paying attention?! We're gonna be behind because of you."- Jisung rolls his eyes in annoyance.
"Cut him some slack, Jisung."- you chime in before Felix can even open his mouth and hey, what the hell. You stood up for him! Felix feels like he can conquer the world, climb the highest mountain, dive the deepest sea, fly up into the sky and probably land on the Moon.
"Sorry."- Jisung mutters. "I'm just on edge."
"We all are."- Changbin adds and it's true. The client keeps changing and adding requests, and he's too particular about everything, making all of your team want to pull their hair out.
"Next week, I'll be working from home only. So, we can just use Zoom for meetings, okay?"- you announce at the end of the shift.
Felix is disappointed. Now, he's not even gonna see you for a whole damn week. He hasn't been without you for more than 2 days in the last few months and he doesn't know how he'll survive working without getting a dose of you.
Felix chooses to work from home that week too. His roommate and friend, Chan, is out of town so he can sit in his living room freely and type away.
He's on his couch, munching on some gummy candy as he works when suddenly he gets a notification to join a zoom meeting. He looks at it and freezes. Your name is on the screen.
He quickly fixes his hair, already embarassed that he's wearing some dumb gaming merch shirt, it's too late to change it right? Is the apartment even clean?, he thinks and looks around. The frame of what you'll see seems fine so he connects to the meeting.
Felix fully expects to see his other three teammates but it's just you. You on his screen. In a plain white shirt, your hair still wet presumably from a shower, posters on the wall behind you, lofi music playing somewhere in the background.
Fuck, you look delicious, Felix almost starts screaming at the screen. How can you be that gorgeous without even giving it any effort?
"Hey, sorry to pull you into a meeting without warning but I just wanted to go through some of the things we talked about on Friday with you."- you say.
"Yeah ofcourse! Don't apologize. I was working anyways."- Felix says, moving his hand and accidentally rustling the bag of gummies next to him.
"Are you munching on candy again?"- you ask, with a knowing smirk and Felix swallows. This is the first time you asked him anything that has nothing to do with work.
"Well yeah. Sugar fuels me."- Felix shrugs, flashing you a bright smile.
"You'll get cavities."- you shake your head.
"That's a problem for tomorrow."- Felix says and you chuckle. His heart hammers in his chest, he can't believe he made you laugh, even if it was just a small chuckle.
"Well then, let's talk about today's problem."- and there it is, back to work again.
Felix deflates a little but there is still a spark within him, a spark of hope for anything blossoming between you, even if it was just a friendship, he would be happy to be by your side.
You work through your ideas together, and Felix sees you're ready to end the meeting so he panics and attempts to make you stay on the call a little more.
"Why did you take a week to work remotely?"- he blurts out. Fucking cringe. Why did he ask something like that?! You probably have your own private reasons and now he's prying into your life like some kind of desperate fool.
You look taken aback by the question and Felix wishes his couch would open up and swallow him, making him disappear forever.
"Oh, well, my cat is sick. So, I have to take him to the vet and be with him while he gets better."- you answer, and Felix absolutely melts.
"You have a cat?"- he smiles at you and you nod, returning a smile.
"Dimples."- you say.
"My cat's name. It's Dimples."- you chuckle, your cheeks becoming a little rosy. Felix screams internally. You're not only handsome and intelligent. You're fucking adorable.
"Don't ask."- you wave your hand as Felix opens his mouth.
"Can I see him?"- Felix beams at you.
"Oh, sure. Let me get him."- you say and get up.
Felix catches a glimpse of your sweatpants, his insides churning at the sight. He has some time to look around the room you are in, and he leans in closer to get all the details imprinted in his mind. The posters hung on your wall, a cool lamp in the corner, a bookshelf full of figurines and well books, a guitar case on the floor.
Your bed, slightly unmade, with black covers and a black fluffy blanket.
"Here he is. Mister Dimples."- you appear suddenly, startling Felix as he backs away from his laptop a little.
"Oh my god! He's adorable!"- Felix gasps.
"Isn't he just the prettiest?"- you say, eyes shining as you look at your cat and nuzzle into him. Dimples meows, trying to get out of your grasp, obviously not having it.
Felix doesn't know if he wants to squish you in that moment or if he wants to be squished by you.
"Alright, he's not in the mood right now."- you chuckle, letting Dimples hop out of your arms. "But, I swear he's a friendly cat usually."
"He's not like too sick? I mean, he'll be okay?"
"Oh, yeah he'll be fine."- you smile, some kind of intimate atmosphere settling between you and your coworker. Your stomach does that butterflies thing again and you panic.
"Well, anyways, revise what I sent you in that document and then we can continue tomorrow."- your demeanor changes and Felix straightens his back and nods.
"Bye, Felix."- you say and end the meeting abruptly.
Felix sits still for a few moments. Did he do something wrong? Did he cross the line somehow? Did he make you uncomfortable?
He sighs as he opens up the document and pops another gummy in his mouth.
So what if he gets cavities.
On the other side of the screen, you're taking a few moments too. Seeing Felix without makeup, dressed casually, with his hair unkempt made you feel some type of way. He looked even prettier than he does at work, if that was even possible.
It's hard enough to resist talking to him every day at work, but now that you've seen him in a relaxed state like that, your mind races.
Images run through your mind and you wonder how his soft lips would feel against yours. How pretty his legs would look all wrapped around your waist. How sweet his moans of pleasure would sound if you had your way with him.
Oh, what the hell is wrong with you?
Felix can't sleep that evening. Now he knows what your room and your bed look like. Now he can really imagine one of his many scenarios. One that involves the two of you in your bed.
In his half-asleep state, Felix feels hot as he imagines you on top of him, his hand sliding down to the tent in his boxers. He imagines you taking complete control over him, your kisses demanding, hands bruising and hips unforgiving.
He wants to surrender himself completely, let you touch him however you want, fuck him however you want.
His hand wraps around his leaking cock and he wishes it was your hand squeezing him, demanding sweet release from him.
He lets himself moan loudly, hand speeding up, lost in the thoughts of you, your voice, your smell, your touch. Felix cums hard and as soon as he comes down from his high, shame rushes into his brain. He can't believe he just did that.
Monday. That dreadful day. Felix is afraid of facing you, like you'd know what he did. He didn't touch himself to the thought of you only once, not even twice, he did so three times. The things he imagined were getting more visceral every time and when he walks into the building and sees you getting coffee, he is mortified.
He hesitates, almost tripping over his feet as he slowly makes his way to you. You sense a presence and turn around only to be greeted by Felix's shiny eyes and freckled cheeks. Your face heats up and you turn back to the coffee machine again.
"Morning."- you mumble, avoiding to look at him. Fuck, why does he look especially pretty today? His hair is in a half updo, there's little shiny stars around his eyes and lipgloss on his lips. It's all sparkly and sugary but his eyes shine the most as he looks at you. You can't take it.
"Good morning!"- Felix says nervously, why did you turn away like that? Can you actually read minds?, Felix is panicking again. Can you see what he's been thinking about all week? He catches a glimpse of himself in the glass nearby, he put in extra effort today and even wore his favorite baby blue shirt. He hopes you'll notice.
"You're getting coffee too?"- you say, grabbing your cup, still avoiding to look at him, cursing those damn insects buzzing around in your stomach.
"Oh, yeah."- Felix accidentally zoned out again. He gulps when he notices that you're wearing those damn ripped jeans, they're so tight. He can't help his curious eyes as they flit towards the slight bulge in the middle, and he feels something coil in his stomach, his throat dry.
"I'll be in the office."- you break his stare and he gasps quietly, looking up at you. Thankfully, you were staring at your phone with your brows furrowed.
"Okay."- Felix nods as you spin on your heel and hurry across the room.
When he walks into the office, he notices it's just the two of you.
"Where is our team?"- Felix asks, sitting down and opening up his laptop.
"Changbin will be here shortly, around 10 I think. Jisung has a meeting. Minho has to work on another project today."- you say, checking the schedule as Felix admires your organization.
"So it's just the two of us."- you add quietly, and Felix catches a glimpse of a shy smile as you stare at your screen. His heart jumps, almost too hard, like it's leaping out towards you.
"Good. Okay. That's good."- Felix's leg bounces up from nervousness. You're already typing away and his eyes fall down to look at your hands.
That's when he notices it, a hair tye on your wrist. Now, that would be normal if it was a black one like you always wore, but this one is baby blue.
Is Felix imagining things or did you wear it on purpose because you know that that's his favorite color? His heart can't take the thought of that.
"Good morning, suckers!"- Jisung breaks the comfortable atmosphere, as you and Felix work while listening to some lofi hiphop mix.
"Morning, Ji."- Felix greets his coworker.
"Morning."- you say, not looking up from your laptop.
"It's not even 10 and I'm already exhausted."- Jisung rolls his eyes.
"Bad meeting?"- Felix asks, sipping on his sweet coffee.
"Bad client. Was on my ass the whole time. They bombarded me with messages last night! And then they found more shit to complain about this morning. Like I didn't have a whole sleepless week because of their project."- Jisung huffs, his nose scrunched up in disgust.
"Ah, I'm sorry Ji."- Felix says, and Jisung waves his hand.
"Minho's taking me on a little road trip this weekend so we good."- he smirks. "I just had to vent a little."
"Ooh, a road trip? That's so romantic."- Felix sighs, leaning his chin on his hand. You look up at him from your screen, his eyes shiny as he stares into the distance.
"When are you gonna get some?"- Jisung smirks.
Felix's face becomes as red as a tomato in record time when he hears you cough on the left of him.
"Anyways, I revised the last entry our client made. Should be able to upload the numbers into the database now."- you break the conversation and Felix can see your cheeks becoming rosy.
"Great work!"- Felix says, he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable and he definitely doesn't want Jisung talking about his non-existent sex life in front of you of all people.
"Thank you, Felix."- you smile, and Jisung looks up at the both of you.
Felix looks around, suddenly feeling like he's missing something.
"Oh! I forgot to bring my candy."- Felix whines and your eyes fall on his pouty, glossy lips. Images of you kissing that pout away run through your mind and your heart starts racing faster.
"Um... these are your favorite, right?"- you reach into your backpack and pull out a brand new bag of Felix's favorite candy. You have no idea what prompted you to do this but that damn bag of candy has been in your backpack for two whole weeks.
"Oh!"- Felix gasps, butterflies errupting in his stomach all the way to his chest where they flutter around his heart. "Yes, they are! You got them for me?"
"Well, yeah. I don't exactly have a sweet tooth."- you say, 'except for you', you think but bite your lip.
"That's... that's really nice of you. Thanks, y/n."- Felix is at a loss of words. "By the way, how's Dimples? Is he better?"
"Dimples?"- Jisung raises his eyebrow.
"My cat. Don't ask."- you shake your head and Felix giggles, and then cringes internally at himself.
"He was sick. And to answer your question, yes, he's good now. Back to normal. Zoomies and all."
"That's great news."- Felix smiles, feeling triumphant that he knows something more about you than your coworkers do.
Jisung observes the whole interaction, a knowing smirk on his face.
The project is almost done. Just a few more finishing touches. Felix fears that you'll go back to basically being strangers, passing by each other's desk when you go to get coffee.
The last week he's barely seen you, since you had no real need to come to the office. He's bummed and Jisung notices.
"Why so blue?"- he comes up to Felix. "Pun fully intended."- he motions towards Felix's blue sweater.
"I'm just tired."- the usual sparkle in his eyes is dim.
"It's y/n, isn't it? You've been ogling that man ever since the first day he walked into this building."- Jisung smirks. Damn him.
"What? I don't ogle. I... observe... and what's it to you anyways?"- Felix gets defensive, feeling embarassed that someone noticed his crush.
"Woah damn, I'm just worried about you. You don't seem like yourself these last few days."- Jisung points out.
"Sorry. I'm just worried... that we'll go back to being nothing. Not that we're anything special right now. But at least we talk. And I don't know, I- I like him a lot."
"Just like?"- Jisung smirks.
"Don't start, Ji."
"In my humble opinion, both of you are fucking idiots. Why don't you just talk to each other like normal grown-ups? If I never confessed to Minho, we wouldn't be enjoying our wonderful time together right now."
"Thanks, but no thanks."- Felix shakes his head making Jisung laugh. "I don't think he even looks at me that way."
"Oh so you're not just a coward, you're also blind."- Jisung snorts.
"Did you come here to insult me or comfort me?"- Felix smacks Jisung's arm.
"Ow! Both?"- Jisung rubs his arm. "You know what then? There's gonna be a party this weekend, more of a get-together actually. We will celebrate our project well done. That could be your chance to talk to y/n."- Jisung smirks.
"Ugh, I don't want to get intoxicated while trying to talk to him."- Felix cringes.
"Just two little drinks. To boost up your courage. What could go wrong?"
Everything. Everything can go wrong.
The evening starts out nicely, Felix put in even more effort to look pretty for you (even though you think he is beautiful always), his make up is sweet and sparkly, lips rosy and glossy. His outfit is cute too, hair in a half updo with a baby blue bow to top it all off.
You almost trip over nothing when you see him all dolled up like that, a bright smile on his face as he approaches you.
The two of you join Changbin, Minho and Jisung at a table. Everyone orders alcohol and everyone clinks their glasses together in the name of success and great teamwork.
There are more drinks sent to your table over and over again, you have no problems with that but Felix does. You're actually talking to him, probably buzzed from the alcohol and Felix tries to keep up with you, but he can't take all the alcohol well.
Pretty soon, the music seems distorted, the room is spinning and Felix's stomach churns.
You're talking about videogames you played in your childhood and as much as Felix enjoys this topic of conversation, he needs to tell you how he feels now.
"Y/n, there's something I have to- to tell you."- he hiccups, and you stop talking as you look at him. Felix swings a little, getting into your personal space and you can hear your heart hammering in your ears.
"Yeah?"- you say and he smiles a big dumb smile, his eyes closing as he starts chuckling.
Felix calms down after a few moments and opens his eyes.
"I'm-" - he starts and then his stomach betrays him as it rises up in his throat. And then everything is black.
Black covers. Posters on the wall. Figurines on the bookshelf. A cool lamp in the corner.
Felix squints as he looks around. No fucking way!
"Hey, you awake?"- your voice calls to him and he must be dreaming.
"What the hell?"- he whimpers as his head starts pounding.
You come closer to the bed and Felix looks up at you, still confused.
"You got shitfaced last night. Changbin left early. And then Jisung and Minho said they need to get something done but they never came back. I didn't really want to leave you alone so I brought you here. I hope that's okay."- you explain.
"Oh..."- Felix tries to remember what he did or said but his mind is blank. Then he notices he's wearing your shirt and he gasps.
"Oh my god... Did we...?"- he asks, heart pounding in his chest and your eyes widden, cheeks red in an instant.
"What?! No, no way. I mean not that I wouldn't want to... Just... Not like that... What am I even saying?"- you panic, and Felix can't believe what you just said.
"I'll go make you coffee."- you clear your throat. "Wait, I don't have any milk. Would you like a smoothie?"
"S-sure. Um... Did you change my clothes?"- Felix grips the blanket covering him.
"You puked all over them so..."
Oh that is so embarassing!, Felix curses himself as you disappear into the kitchen. How could he be so stupid and get so drunk that he didn't even remember anything?!
There is a lot he needs to process in this moment and he feels like his brain is not braining at all. He embarassed himself in front of you, he incovenienced you by making you take care of his stupid drunk ass, you literally saw him almost naked and not in the scenario he was imagining and now he's in your room. In your bed.
Everything around him smells like you and he's overwhelmed. Something stirs in his gut. God, please, not now!
"Hey, breakfast is done."- you appear in the doorway.
"Oh, I'll be right there. I just need to use the bathroom first."- you nod and show him where it is.
Your shirt is so big on him and he pulls it down even more, feeling exposed in his boxers. He makes his way to your bathroom and when he's done, he finds you in the kitchen. Your aparment is not too big but it's stylish and full of knick knacks that are just so you.
The sight of Felix in just your shirt makes your brain go haywire. His thighs look so plush and delicious, you just want to squeeze them.
"Um, do you have any pants I can wear?"- he asks as if he knew what you were thinking.
"Oh, right, sorry. I'll go find something."- you say, pushing the smoothie glass towards Felix.
"Thanks."- Felix whispers, he feels so awkward and his brain still can't wrap around the fact that he slept in your bed and that you made breakfast for him.
As he waits for you, he hears rustling to his right and he turns and sees your cat sniffing the air and checking him out.
"Oh, Dimples hello!"- Felix greets the cat, squatting down and beckoning him to come closer. Dimples shuffles towards him and after sniffing his hand, he immediately nuzzles into him.
"He likes you."- you say as you walk back in.
"I like him too."- Felix smiles up at you and you feel your face heat up.
"Here."- you give him some sweats to wear and he puts them on, having to tie them up tightly around his waist.
"So, how shitfaced did I get last night? I mean I don't remember anything, so I wanna know... What'd I say or do?"- Felix asks, already nervous. But it can't be that bad since you took him home and took care of him.
"Um... well..."- your face is beet red as you avoid Felix's eyes. Fuck, what did he do?
"You tried to... to kiss me."- you mumble and Felix freezes.
"Oh my god! Oh my god!"- he panics, his face falling into his hands. Felix wishes he could erase his entire existence in that moment. "I am so sorry! I don't know why I did that!"
"Really? Cause you also kinda told me that you're in love with me."- you deadpan.
Felix can't believe he fucked up this bad.
He feels like he could cry right now. And he probably will, his eyes are already watering and he buries his face as deep as he can into his palms.
"Felix? Are you crying?"- you ask cautiously, trying to look at him.
"No."- he says, his voice muffled. "Yes."- he adds, and looks up at you, a single tear streaming down his freckled cheek.
"Why are you crying?"
"Because I fucked everything up and I feel so embarassed. I literally dumped all my emotions on you and tried to kiss you. I would totally understand if you don't feel comfortable with me anymore."- Felix sniffles.
You stare at him for a few moments before you start chuckling. His eyes widden as he looks at you.
"You didn't fuck anything up. If I wasn't comfortable, I wouldn't bring you here, would I?"
"No?"- Felix shakes his head.
"Look, I turned you down becase you were drunk and I didn't want us to do something only to have you regret it in the morning. If I was ever gonna make a move on you, I'd do it while we're both sober, preferably."- you chuckle, your cheeks rosy again.
"You... what?"
"Even though I tried do deny it, I couldn't. I... like you too Felix."- you say. Felix thinks his hearing has gone bad or he's hallucinating.
"But, I would like for us to be friends first. I- I need time to warm up to people. If that's okay with you."
This is it. Almost seven months of fucking pining for you and daydreaming 24/7, you are the one to confess to Felix.
He can't help the huge smile spreading on his face.
"I'm totally okay with that! More than okay!"
As Felix comes to find out, you weren't joking when you said you need time to warm up to people.
It's been almost 6 months since he drunkenly confessed to you, and your relationship hasn't upgraded much since then. At times he feels like your cat likes him more than you do.
Yes, you hang out outside of work now but it is not that different to Felix than hanging out with his other friends.
He feels hopeless again, you never even talk about that day like it didn't even happen. Did you forget about what he said? Did you not like him as he likes you anymore? How does that just come up in a conversation?
Felix doesn't know how to ask you, he sits contemplating at his desk. He catches a glimpse of you, getting up and greeting Minho. He doesn't do it on purpose but he overhears a part of your conversation.
"...you know for our dinner party on Friday. I have a date for you if you don't wanna come alone."- Minho said.
"Oh, I'm kinda seeing someone so that wont be a problem."- you say. What?
"Ooh, I didn't know that! Who's the lucky guy?"- Minho smirks.
"You'll see on Friday."
What the hell? Felix's heart drops to his stomach. That's why you haven't made a move on him. You're seeing someone. He knows it's probably dramatic but at that moment he feels like his whole world is crashing down around him.
His vision blurs and he stands up abruptly, turning around and making his way to the bathroom quickly.
Much to his dismay, the bathroom is occupied and he's not about to cry in front of his coworkers. He runs into the first empty office and closes the door. Tears are already running down his cheeks, and he tries to calm himself down. He can't be caught crying like this at work.
To his horror, the handle turns and the door creaks open.
He slowly turns around, eyes already red from crying and ofcourse it has to be you.
"Felix?! Are you okay?"- your concerned face turns into a face full of confusion as you come closer to him.
"No, I'm not."- he shakes his head.
"What's wrong?"- you reach out to touch his shoulder but he avoids it.
"D-don't. You're seeing someone, I bet they wouldn't like seeing you touching someone else."
"What? What are you talking about?"- your brows furrow.
"I overheard your conversation with Minho. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but it happened."
"Oh that."- you sigh. "I was- I was talking about you."
"Me? Aren't we hanging out as friends?"- Felix asks, sniffling and wiping his tears off.
"Yeah but I thought we were clear with our feelings."- you say and Felix chuckles.
"Oh my god, I am so stupid."- he rolls his eyes in disbelief.
"Were you crying because you thought I was going out with someone else?"
"Maybe."- Felix says, embarassment settling in. "I didn't know if you liked me anymore."
"I guess I have to do something to convince you I do then."- you say, gently laying your hand on his cheek. You slowly lean in closer and Felix's eyes widden.
Is this really happening?
Felix's lips part and yours press your lips into his, they mold together like they were made for each other.
Both of you stay still for a moment, Felix's eyelashes and cheeks are still wet and you bring your other hand to his cheek and gently swipe your thumb over his skin. You start moving your lips against his, and oh my god, you are kissing him.
Felix melts into you, kissing you back with everything he has, hands grabbing at your arms to help him ground himself because at this point he feels like if he doesn't hold on he will float away.
You wanted to give him an innocent kiss just to show him that you do actually see him as more than a friend but the pent up emotions both of you had bubbling inside you started spilling out.
Your mind is racing, Felix's lips are so soft and plump, they taste like the strawberry lipgloss he wears, the candy he loves the most and the sugary coffee he drinks every morning. Under any other circumstances, this much sugar would make you puke but with Felix you couldn't get enough.
Your hand holds the back of his neck, other hand sliding down to his waist. Felix whines, lips parting more and you lick his bottom lip to ask for permission.
He lets you in and your tongues dance together as you keep tasting him, both of you are grabbing at each other desperately, Felix's hands gripping your shirt as you pull him in closer.
"Felix..."- you whisper on his lips before you lean in to kiss his jaw, his breathing gets shaky, fingers digging into the material of your shirt.
You're in a trance, he's intoxicating and you wonder why you haven't kissed him before. Your lips press below his ear and Felix whimpers quietly, head falling back to give you access.
You kiss the soft skin on his neck, his sweet perfume making your pants tighten.
"Y/n..."- Felix moans when you lick at his neck and bite down, sucking on his skin. Your hands grip his hips and you push your middle into his.
"Ahh!"- he moans, grabbing at your arms again.
You lean back and look at him, both of your eyes glazed over with lust.
Felix looks down at the obvious tent in your pants and gulps. You smirk and run your hands to the back of his thighs. He gasps as you lift him up on the table, his legs falling open for you to slot your hips between his.
"I want to make you feel good."- you whisper, leaning your forehead against his.
"Here?"- he swallows, glancing at the door.
"Right here."- you smirk, biting on your lip.
"Okay."- Felix is desperate, his hips are already lifting up towards you, his cock straining in his tight jeans.
You put your hands on his thighs, gently running them up and squeezing occasionally and Felix squirms. You unbutton and unzip his jeans, sliding them down slowly as he lifts his ass up.
His heart is beating so fast and he can't believe this is happening. He's been dreaming about you for so long, dreaming of giving himself to you, belonging to you in every sense of that word. He's more than ready to let you do whatever you want with him.
You hook your fingers in his boxers and slowly slide them down too. His cock springs up from the confines and you wrap your fingers around him, tip already leaking with precum.
Felix keens at the sight of your big hand wrapped around his cock and he ruts up into it.
"Someone's eager."- you smirk, thumbing his slit.
"Ahh- I'm sorry!"- he whimpers.
"Don't be, I think that's sweet."- you say, squeezing him a little.
"Mm..."- Felix grips at the end of the table.
You give his cock a few tugs, your other hand on his inner thigh, squeezing the flesh.
"Please, please, oh my god!"- Felix whines desperately pushing up into your hand. He's touch starved and thirsty for you, he can't take any teasing. You understand and drop down to your knees and he gasps as he looks at you.
"W-what are you doing?"- he whimpers as you gently fondle his balls, your other hand moving on his tip.
"I'm taking care of you. Just relax."- you whisper, leaning in closer and pressing your lips on the soft skin of his inner thigh.
Felix mewls, completely surrendering to your touch, his mind gone from the stimulation you're giving him. You cover his thighs with pretty love bites, hands working on his cock and balls. You think he looks so beautiful in this moment, head thrown back, tongue lolling out of his plump lips, fingers gripping at the table, his legs spread wide and his cock leaking just for you.
You need to taste him so you lean in and wrap your lips around his tip.
"Ah, fuck!"- Felix whimpers loudly, clamping his hand over his lips and glancing at the door.
You smirk around his cock and take more of him in your mouth. Felix's moans are muffled by his hand and you're not having it. You reach up and gently grab his arm tugging it down.
"I want to hear you."- you say, releasing him with a pop.
"B-but people-"
"I don't care. I want to hear how good I'm making you feel."- you look at him, eyes dark with lust and Felix whimpers, his cock twitching.
"Okay."- he nods and you take him in your mouth again, your hands roaming whatever part of his body you can reach. He gives in completely, leaning his body into you, lifting his legs up and pressing his heels into the table so you have full access to him.
You bob your head on him faster, no gag reflex as you practically swallow his smaller cock, the salty taste of his precum sweet on your tongue.
"Ah, y/n, I'm close!"- Felix whines, trying to push you away but you grab his hands, intertwining your fingers with his as you speed up even more.
His legs start shaking, heart beating hard against his chest, his thoughts are swimming with only you as he looks down at you. You may be kneeling in front of him, but to him you look demanding and authoritative as you play with his body.
It's like your eyes full of lust, lips wrapped around him and hands squeezing the flesh of his thighs are ordering him to cum for you. Whines of pleasure keep spilling from his lips, body shaking as he spasms and cums hard down your throat. You swallow almost all of it, savoring the taste of him.
You lift up immediately and grab his head, crashing your lips into his, tongue pushing into his mouth so you can make him taste himself.
Felix moans into your lips, eyes rolling back as he swallows some of his cum mixed with your saliva.
"Fuck."- you lean back, looking at him darkly.
"Fuck indeed."- Felix nods, still breathless.
"What about you?"- he asks, looking down at the bulge in your pants.
"S'okay. Don't worry about me. Next time."- you say as you caress his cheek gently.
"Are you sure? I want to please you."- he says and you just want to eat him up in that moment.
"You already did."- you smile and lean in, capturing his lips, giving him a kiss more gentle than the ones before.
"You free on Friday?"- you ask and Felix nods fervently.
"Great. I'll pick you up."- you say and give him another peck.
Felix must be having some sort of out-of-body experience as he gets ready on Friday. He still can't believe what happened in the office two days ago and he can't stop thinking about it.
Every time he remembers the way you looked at him, the way you handled him and the way you made him cum, he wants to giggle and kick his feet. He feels so giddy as he puts his outfit together, thinking how after dinner you'll take it off of him, his face gets red just from the images running through his mind.
You pick him up at 6:30, he sits in the passenger seat of your car and you lean in immediately and peck his lips.
"You look pretty."- you tell him, your stomach swarming with butterflies but by now you've decided to just go with the feeling.
"T-thank you. You look handsome."- Felix smiles sweetly at you, his cheeks rosy.
God, he'll be the death of you.
You arrive at Minho and Jisung's shared apartment on time and as soon as Jisung sees the two of you enter together, he yells.
"Aha! I fucking knew it! You owe me money, Changbin."- Jisung smirks, wiggling his eyebrows at his coworker.
Changbin groans in annoyance at him but smiles at the two of you.
"You two finally pulled your heads out of your asses, huh?"- Minho asks and Felix smacks his arm.
"Please, shut up!"- Felix whines, both of your faces red.
Your coworkers/friends don't stop teasing you throughout dinner anyways but you don't care anymore. Your attention is on Felix only, and he looks so pretty tonight, so delicate and sweet.
There's a growing need in the pit of your stomach, burning a fire inside your heart. You want him so bad.
"Hey, you wanna leave?"- you lean in to whisper in his ear as Jisung talks about some funny mishap that happened on a date with Minho.
"Oh, you wanna go home already?"- Felix looks at you, disappointment flashing in his eyes.
"No, I wanna take you home. To my house, I mean."- you say, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth.
"Oh... Oh! Okay! I want to!"- Felix says, cursing himself for acting so eager like he's desperate (he is).
"Well, this was fun and all but we gotta go. I have somewhere to be in the morning and Felix is sleepy, right?"- you look at him and Felix plays along, faking a yawn.
"Y'all can just say you wanna go home and fuck."- Jisung smirks.
"I'm never coming to your dinner party ever again."- Felix throws a piece of bread at Jisung, face red in embarassment and Jisung just laughs obnoxiously.
As soon as the two of you walk into your apartment, Dimples runs towards you meowing loudly and butting his head into yours and Felix's legs.
"He's hungry. As if I didn't feed the little gremlin before I went out tonight."- you shake your head, a fond smile dancing across your lips.
Felix chuckles and follows you into the kitchen.
"You want something to drink?"- you ask, after feeding your cat.
"No, thanks."- Felix says, fiddling with the rings on his fingers. Why does he feel so awkward suddenly? You must be feeling awkward too, as silence settles between the two of you.
Felix screams at himself on the inside, willing himself to make a move but you beat him to it as you step closer to him, cornering his body into the kitchen bar.
"Oh"- he gasps a little as he looks up at you.
"I know I said this before but you look so pretty tonight. I love the sparkles on your eyes. And the bow in your hair. It's very sweet."- you compliment him like it's nothing and Felix melts, his face turning into a tomato.
"T-thank you. I- I dressed up for you."- he says quietly, voice wavering at the end.
"You did, hm?"- you smirk, bringing your hand to his waist, your fingers brushing the exposed skin where his crop top rode up.
"Yeah."- Felix nods, his eyes fluttering as you caress his face and hold his waist. He leans into your hand and you lean closer to his candy lips.
"Can I kiss you?"- you whisper, breath hitting his skin.
"Please."- he says, relief painted in his deep voice.
You crash your lips into his, wasting no time for an intro as you pour all your passion into it. Felix becomes putty in your hands immediately, opening his mouth so you can explore him with your tongue.
You keep kissing, hands roaming all over each other before you hear Dimples meowing on the right. You part, chuckling and looking at the little cockblocker.
"Let's go to my room."- you say and Felix shivers, nodding as you grab his hand.
Dimples makes himself comfy on the couch and you pull Felix into your room, closing the door behind you.
"Now where were we?"- you smirk, hands tangling into Felix's soft hair.
"You were kissing me."- Felix smirks back at you and you chuckle, leaning in to kiss his neck. Felix's arms wrap around your waist as he leans his head back into your hand. You craddle his head and bite down hard on his skin, sucking a love mark into it.
"Mm..."- Felix moans, pushing his hips into you.
Your kisses keep getting more and more heated, your hands sliding down his back to grip his plush ass. You both stumble towards the bed, your back colliding with the shelf next to it, the figurines displayed on it rattling from the impact.
"Let me..."- Felix whispers before he kneels down, hands on your jeans button. You nod and he opens it up, unzipping them and sliding them down.
Felix's hand ghosts over your bulge tentatively and you push your hips towards his face. He can see that you're big and his cock twitches in his pants as he squeezes you through your boxers.
"Take them off."- you say and Felix complies immediately, fingers hooking in your underwear. As soon as he pulls it down your cock springs out slapping his face.
"Sorry."- you chuckle and Felix groans as he feels precum pooling in the panties he wore for you.
Fuck, you're so big! Felix prays to all the gods that he can fit you in his mouth somehow. His small hand wraps around the base of your cock, the tip of his tongue playing with your slit.
You can't wait anymore, you want to fuck his pretty face and see him gag on your dick.
"Open your mouth."- you order and Felix's eyes glaze over with lust as he opens his mouth for you. Your hand holds his head as you slowly push in, just the tip and a little more.
Felix moans around you immediately, eyes fluttering as he starts bobbing his head up and down, taking more and more of you each time.
"Fuck."- you look at him, his plump lips wrapped around you, his lipgloss staining your cock.
You grip his hair and Felix whines around you pushing himself to take more as his hand works the rest of it, he leans towards you and gags, tears gathering in his eyes. He looks so perfect with his mouth full of your cock.
"Ah, fuck. Just like that baby. You're doing so good."- you praise him, and Felix knows he's done for. His cock throbs for attention and he starts moving faster, sucking you off with everything he has, taking as much as he can, gagging and crying as he gives it his all.
You're close but you don't want to cum yet. Not until you've fucked him, so you pull him off of you and he whines, tongue chasing after your cock.
"Patience, baby."- you smirk at the state of him. He looks completely disheveled, his makeup is ruined and his cheeks are red, eyes dark with lust.
"P-please..."- he coughs a little.
"Tell me what you want."- you lean down to look at him, your hand still tangled in his hair.
"Touch me, please."- he begs.
"Get on the bed."- you say, helping him up and he obeys, laying down on your fluffy blanket. You kneel between his legs, hovering over him and Felix is so excited, reality feels so much better than all his imagination.
Your hands slide on his body and you take his top off, fingers play with his sensitive nipples as you kiss each and every freckle you find on his skin.
You take his pants off and your eyes darken with want when you see what he had on under them the whole time.
"Do you like it?"- Felix asks, batting his long eyelashes at you as your finger plays with the lacy hem on his panties.
"I love it."- you lick your lips, hands grabbing his thighs so you can push his legs up and keep them open for you.
"You're so hard and wet just from sucking my cock, hm?"- you ask, palming him hard without warning.
"Ahh!"- Felix moans, hands gripping at the blanket, hips lifting up into you.
"Mm yes, y/n."- he whines and you smirk, gripping at his panties. Felix looks down just in time to see you ripping them in half.
"Oh!"- he gasps and you grab his cock, giving it a few tugs.
"I want full access."- you smirk, grabbing the ruined panties and throwing them somewhere behind you.
"You have it."- Felix whispers, mind racing from the thought that he's finally at your mercy.
His knees are pressed to his shoulders and you grab a bottle of lube from your night stand drawer.
"Stop me at any time, okay? We don't have to do anything you don't want."- you say, caressing the back of his thigh gently.
"Okay."- he nods and you open the lube bottle, coating your fingers in it generously, letting it warm up a little before you press your fingertips on his fluttering hole.
"A-ah, y/n!"- Felix whines as you circle your fingers on his entrance.
You slowly start pushing in, meeting a little resistence as you bury your fingers into him. His eyes roll back and his cock twitches as you keep pushing in.
"You're sucking my fingers in."- you say and Felix whines in embarassment, it's been too long since anyone touched him or talked to him like that.
He covers his face with his hands as you start moving your fingers and curling them to hit the sweet spot inside him.
"You okay?"- you ask, hand coming up to touch his.
"Yeah, just embarassed."- Felix answers, peeking at you from between his fingers.
"Of what?"- you ask, slowing your fingers down.
"Just embarassed for myself in advance because I haven't done this in a long time and I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing."- Felix says as he moves his hands away.
"You don't have to do anything. Just keep your legs open like that and I'll do all the work. Your task is to enjoy and let me hear how much you're enjoying."- you smirk and press into his sweet spot.
"Oh!"- Felix shivers. "O-okay... Ah, whatever you want, y/n."- his head falls to the side as you keep hitting that spot over and over again, moans spilling from his pretty lips.
His legs start shaking and his cock twitches as you add another finger, stretching his tight little hole as you keep pushing deeper and faster.
"Oh my god!"- Felix whines but before he can cum, you pull your fingers out and he fists the blanket in frustration.
"Why'd you stop?"- he almost cries.
"I can't wait any longer. I need to be inside you."- you say, grabbing a condom you took out with the lube.
Felix looks down at your cock and gulps. He hopes he'll be able to take it, he wants to take it. He wants you so bad that he is willing to work extra hard just fo fit your dick inside him.
You roll the condom on, lubing up again because you really don't want to hurt Felix, you want to see him get lost in pleasure.
You rub your tip on his hole and Felix mewls, holding the backs of his thighs and looking down at your tip teasing him.
"You ready?"- you ask.
"Yes."- Felix nods and you slowly start pushing your cock into him.
His eyes roll back as you stretch him and you look down, biting your lip at the sight of his hole sucking your cock in.
Felix's eyes are closed and he lifts his hand up, blindly reaching out for you. You immediately grab his hand, intertwining your fingers with his, your other hand squeezing the back of his thigh.
He's whimpering so you stop and let him adjust for a moment.
"You okay?"- you ask, leaning down to look at his face, his nose scrunched up and brows furrowed.
"Yeah, it's just... I've never taken a cock this big."- he admits sheepishly and your face heats up, and the blood rushes down again making you impossibly hard.
"Oh yeah? You're doing so well, though."- you smirk, pushing the rest of your cock slowly inside him. Felix whines, gripping your hand and the blanket. Fuck, you're even bigger than in his fantasies and his whole body starts shivering with anticipation.
He looks at you, his eyes shining and you start moving slowly.
"Ah, you're so tight baby."- you say, hips moving in a rhythmic motion and Felix whimpers at the way you talk to him.
He feels so warm and tight, stretching just enough to have you fit snuggly into him, his flesh molding around your cock like it was made for you.
"You're taking me so well."- you praise him again, hips moving faster. His cock twitches at the praise and you smirk leaning down to kiss his neck, collarbone and play with his nipples.
"Ah, y/n!"- he moans as you circle one of his nipples with your tongue. Your hand ghosts over his thigh to his neglected cock and you grab him, moving your hand in time with your thrusts.
"F-fuck, oh god!"- Felix stutters out, his hips jerking up into your hand.
"Feels good, huh?"- you ask, fucking him harder, your cock hitting his g-spot.
"So good! So good!"- Felix cries out, holding your hand in a death grip but you don't care about that. All you care about is making him feel good.
"Please, faster!"- he whines.
"Faster?"- you tease, slowing down a little, your hand squeezing his cock, thumb sliding over his slit.
"P-please... please fuck me faster, y/n!"- he begs with tears in his eyes and you comply, hips snapping into his ass faster and harder.
Felix is a mess under you, he can't think anymore, all he can feel is you everywhere around him, above him and inside him. His free hand grabs at your shoulder, he wants to feel you even closer to him. You lean down and kiss him, swallowing the moans that are spilling from his pretty lips.
You release his cock for a moment, pressing down on his stomach where there's a bulge showing.
"Ah, you're in my guts."- Felix whimpers as he looks down at your hand.
"You like that, don't you?"- you grip his thighs and start fucking him harder again.
"Like being filled up with cock, hm?"- you say, watching Felix fall apart when you talk to him like that.
"Yes, yes I do!"- he moans loudly, your hips snapping into his hard again, hand working on his cock.
"Good boy."- you praise and the sound that comes from his lips sounds almost animalistic as his cock twitches in your hand. He's on the edge of his high, you can see that.
"My good boy."- you repeat and that's all it takes for Felix to explode all over himself while moaning your name. The sight of him shaking while you milk his cock dry brings you to your edge and you finish inside the condom, your hips stuttering and cock buried deep inside Felix's ass.
"Oh god."- he whimpers when you slowly pull out, taking off the condom.
Felix's vision is blurred from tears of pleasure and he brings his hands up to wipe them away.
"You okay?"- you hover over him.
"Yeah. Just need a moment."- he smiles at you and you lean down to kiss his forehead, your lips lingering on his hot skin.
"Where are you go-"
"Just relax, I'm gonna bring you some water and clean you up, okay?"- you brush your knuckles on his cheek gently and he nods.
Felix feels blissed out, eyes searching around your room as his legs finally relax. He hears rustling in the kitchen and you talking to Dimples, and he smiles to himself. He could get used to this.
You come back to your room, this time leaving the door ajar. Felix looks at you as you gently clean him up, his hair and makeup is ruined and you chuckle fondly as you take him in.
"What?"- he asks sheepishly.
"You're adorable."- you say and his face heats up.
"Shut up."- Felix whines in embarassment, covering his face with his hands and you laugh, leaning down and kissing his knuckles gently.
Dimples walks into the room, meowing curiously at the two of you right as you slip under the covers with Felix, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into your chest. He sighs and relaxes into you, his eyelids fluttering.
Dimples jumps up at the foot of the bed and curls up next to you.
"Is that Dimples?"- Felix asks, voice laced with sleep.
"Mhm."- you mutter, moving his hair out of his face and leaning down to kiss his cheek gently.
"Go to sleep, baby."- is the last thing Felix hears before he drifts off into dreamland.
The whole next week both you and Felix are walking around the office on cloud 9, and Jisung's constantly teasing the both of you like the annoying little shit that he is.
But nothing can ruin Felix's mood when he comes to the office in the morning and finds his favorite candy waiting for him at his desk. He smiles and sits down, eyes searching for you.
You're at your desk, deep into your screen and Felix wants to get up and greet you but he gets a notification from you.
He clicks on the message and sees a link and next to it: 'download and play this game. it's rlly short, you'll love it (hopefully)'. His eyebrows shoot up in excitement as he clicks on the link.
It downloads fast since it's short and he clicks on the candy icon, realizing it's his favorite candy, the one you leave for him on his desk every day.
When the game opens up, it says 'made by y/n for felix' and his heart leaps out of his chest. He clicks on the play button and is greeted by a little 2D pixelated world bursting with cute pastel colors, and a little character that looks exactly like him. Down to all the details, the bow he sometimes puts in his hair, the sparkly make up, freckles, his favorite blue shirt. He gasps and starts moving with the character, jumping over obstacles.
Huge pieces of his favorite candy start rolling into the screen and he obtains the ability to double jump so he can avoid getting hit by the candy.
He manages to get to the gate at the end and when he clicks on them, the door opens up and a character that looks exactly like you walks out, a cat following behind you.
A bubble pops up and it says: "you've obtained a boyfriend (and a cat)! how do you wish to proceed?" and there are two options under it that say 'keep playing' and 'quit'. Felix clicks on 'keep playing' and the screen fills up with hearts, candy and Mister Dimples, all of it exploding before his eyes until it shows yours and his character holding hands.
Felix is melting and smiling brightly, his face red and you get up, making your way towards his table. Felix looks up at you and you smile at him, leaning down, one hand on his table and the other around the back of his chair.
"That- that was so cute! I don't know what to say!"- Felix almost cries, in disbelief that you actually made a game to ask him to be your boyfriend.
"Just let me kiss you."- you say, your hand coming up to hold his chin, tilting his head up.
"Yes, please!"- Felix whimpers a little and you smirk leaning down to kiss his sweet lips.
"Meet me in the empty office before lunch."- you whisper in his ear and Felix nods, his stomach exploding with butterflies.
Felix didn't know what exactly to expect in the empty office but he didn't expect to be bended over the table, hands tied with his own shirt, your cock buried deep inside him.
"Ah fuck! Y/n, oh my god!"- Felix almost yells as you keep hitting his sweet spot repeatedly.
"Shh baby, you don't want anyone to come in and interrupt us."- you say, your big hand splayed on his lower back as you press him down.
"No, I don't."- he quickly shakes his head.
"You want me to keep fucking you, right?"
"Yes, yes please!"- Felix begs desperately as you halt your movements.
"Then just be quiet for me and take it, okay?"- your grip his tied wrists.
"Mm, yes."- Felix moans quietly and you start fucking him hard again, hands grabbing at his plush ass, hips and his pretty waist.
Felix's hands are balled into fists, and he bites his lip, almost drawing blood as he tries hard to keep his moans in.
"I'm close, I'm close!"- he whines.
"You wanna cum for me?"
"Please, let me cum for you!"- Felix whimpers, tears sliding down his cheeks.
"You can cum."- you say and he explodes immediately, cumming untouched as your name spills from his lips like a prayer.
"What a good boy."- you praise him and feel him melt under you as you thrust harder into him, chasing your release and cumming into the condom.
You pull out and lean down, caressing his back.
"Lix? You okay?"- you ask.
"I've been fucked hard."- he says and you chuckle, fingers coming up to play with his hair. "But yeah, I'm okay. More than okay. If you could just untie me now."- he giggles and you smirk.
"Hmm, should I just keep you tied up like this?"- you tease and he whines.
"Alright, alright. I'm just joking."- you say, untying his hands and helping him lift up.
After you both clean up and get dressed, Felix grabs at your shirt and pulls you in closer.
"Wanna eat lunch together?"- you ask, craddling his head in your hands, fingers tangled in his hair.
"Yeah but before we leave the office, I wanna ask something."- Felix says.
"Yeah sure, anything."- you nod, caressing him as he wraps his arms around your waist.
"Did you wear the baby blue hair tye on purpose?"- you didn't expect that question and you didn't expect him to notice that.
"Oh... that... Well, yeah. You always wear baby blue and I liked looking at it while I was working from home or away from you. It was kinda comforting."- you confess and Felix's face morphs into a beautiful smile, his eyes sparkling more than ever.
"I love you."- he blurts out and then gasps as your eyes widden.
Your heart actually hurts from the love bursting inside you in that moment, and you grip Felix tightly.
"I love you."- you say, leaning your forehead on his and Felix visibly melts in your arms. You love him! He can die happy now!
You lean in, kissing the candy lips you became addicted to.
Who cares if you get cavities?
✨Taglist: @moonchild9350 @janepg
(y'all I actually wanna make the game mc makes for felix ahsjslsl)
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11cupids-tarot11 · 1 month
What can help your dreams ★Manifest☆ ?
1 -> 3
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HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL YET?! (It would mean the world to me♡) Check out my Silent 😶 Pick-A-Piles!
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Cash app tag: minnieplant3
PayPal @: janellec03
Tarot Deck used: Garbage Pail Kids
Oracle Deck used : The Roast Iconic
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Pile 1- The Devil, Six of Coins in Reverse, The Hanged Man
Oracle cards- "Billionaire: Are you hoarding wealth to fuel your King or Queen Baby dreams? Do not pass Go, do not collect a million dollars, don't even go to jail or pay taxes- think about doing some good and using your hoard to end WORLD HUNGER ALREADY!"
"Black Square: Apparently, you are only down for doing the bare minimum during an incredibly significant time to stand up and advocate for human rights. Drawing this card reminds you that your actions need to not be just performative, they must be based in real knowledge and include follow-through, both online and IRL (in real life). You don't have to be on the front lines, but at this point in history, you can't be silent either."
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Hi my pile 1's 😭 I feel like it's been forever I hate being away from my blog for too long cause I start to miss y'all literally lol.
So anyways for your reading today I feel like Spirit is wanting to draw attention to maybe some addictions, self sabotage is what I heard while shuffling the cards. I feel this heavy energy of someone purposely messing up their own blessings in a way I feel like maybe someone's stuck in this very heavy energy but also not really doing anything about it? Like maybe you know something's not good for you, maybe it's a connection or even a job that's tiring you out, it's something along those lines but you just can't stop it, you know? I heard someone needs to do an energy cleanse! I heard take some time off. Maybe someone's drowning themselves in something like studying too much, there's something about over doing something. Someone could have very curly hair here.
So I'm hearing here someone should take the time off and do something fun, relax a little. I think there's a message here also of feeling like you haven't done enough of something and you're obsessing about it mentally a lot and spirit is saying just take a little break from it and endulg in something else, something that makes you happy and makes you feel like you, you know? Even if it's just taking a walk while listening to your favorite music or maybe reading your favorite book and watching your favorite movie, you know? So with the six of coins here I'm also getting a message of like you've worked really hard already and you've done a great job honestly it's okay to rest and not be perfect already already, Rome wasn't built in a day I'm hearing!
The hanged man is just confirmation you've definitely been making yourself sick and stuck by obsessing over this thing. I also feel like maybe you're stuck because spirit is wanting you to see things from a different perspective, like in my garbage pail kid tarot card Wacky Jacky is hanging and all stuck in a tree but while she's stuck she realizes she sees the world in a whole different perspective and it's then new ideas come to her. Approach your goal from a new angle!
I feel like someone here is also someone very important with a very hard position and that might be why you work so hard, you have a lot of pressure on you maybe. Take what resonates!
Hope you enjoyed this reading! Let me know, I love you and take care ♡
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Pile 2- Queen of Wands Reversed, Seven of Wands Reversed and Three of Cups.
Oracle cards- "Troll: Are you a Necessary Evil? Do you feel you must play Devil's Advocate? Or are you someone who hates themselves so much they feel they have to try to get others to feel the same way? If you answered "yes" to one or more of these questions, please seek help or therapy, or get a hobby."
"Bitch: Are you being a Bitch, or just making sure they can't take advantage of you? Stand up for yourself, but make sure you don't steamroll anyone in the process. Do no harm, but take no shit."
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Hi pile 2's, hope you're doing amazing 🤩
So right off the bat I'm picking up shy energy lol, someone who's maybe more reserved or introverted. I don't want to say basically Spirit thinks you should be loud or more outgoing but I definitely think you'll go through a time period of weird energy and out of the ordinary situations happening that are forcing you out of your comfort zone. You might not get any more extroverted but I definitely do see branching out might help, sitting with your close friends and just letting yourself let loose or just enjoy the company. You might be someone who people look at and not get the big picture right away, like they have lots of accusations about you but you're kind of closed off so these accusations aren't 100% true because there's more to you than people know, you're just not the type to go and give yourself away that easily. You might be someone who prefers to keep a very close knit group of friends, I heard something about trust issues.
You could be petite, someone who doesn't look like they're very strong and that's what surprises everyone when you finally do show them you are indeed strong. You can be loud and extroverted too I think it's a choice to really be in this shell of yours, maybe it's what's comfortable and that's exactly the problem, when we're too comfortable we don't see the point in changing. Like why fix it if it isn't broken? But you hold great significance, you're just a significant person to the universe and I'm not even sure if you're aware but you are lol.
It's crazy because I'm picking up mixed messages lol, with the Queen of Wands in reverse it makes me feel like someone here is very down and unsure about themselves, needs to take some me time and get away from socializing but with the Three of Cups someone here needs to "stop being alone so much" is how I channeled it, advising you to go out more with the people you love and celebrate, have a good time and just have fun so take what resonates as you know yourself best and what applies to your situation.
With the seven of Wands I'm getting a message of someone who's stressed, you maybe have felt very tired, over worked maybe, even dealing with certain responsibilities or relationship makes us feel tired and all worn out so take this how it resonates. You're on the brink of giving up, maybe you felt like it's not worth it or simply just can't find results you've been wanting to see, maybe this thing is literally killing you because Spirit is stressing you drop it enough to take the stress off you. I wouldn't advise anyone to just give up, but Spirit used such words as "drop it" like maybe the thing you're supposed to drop isn't serving you and that's why it's making you feel so bad. I'm just hearing Spirit even ask if you think all of this is worth it? This is something tough that's been bothering you, it could even be as simple as negative thoughts with all of the wands energy here, I think this is a group in their head a lot always trying to hold themselves accountable and very motivated to just do right. I heard a message that it's hard coming up for new creative endeavors because of all of the negativity in your thoughts holding you back, this energy is blocking your ideas. It's like you vs you almost, I think you have the power to help your dreams manifest all on their own just with your thoughts alone so keep a check for your energy, watch who you share your energy with because it's important and powerful. You're powerful I heard!
I hope you find this helpful! Take care angelz love you! ♡
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Pile 3- Seven of Cups, The Chariot and King of Wands.
Oracle Cards- "Black Square: Apparently, you are only down for doing the bare minimum during an incredibly significant time to stand up and advocate for human rights. Drawing this card reminds you that your actions need to not be just performative, they must be based in real knowledge and include follow-through, both online and IRL (in real life). You don't have to be on the front lines, but at this point in history, you can't be silent either."
"Red Flag: No matter how often you try to bleach the red flags white, they only turn back to red. You have been warned- now PULL ANOTHER CARD!"
"Cult Leader: You are not a guru, a Timelord, or a demigod. You are an egomaniac who needs minions so you can feel like an authority to compensate for your own feelings of inferiority. Grow up!"
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Hi pile 3! Hope you're having a fantastic day where you are!
So right away I'm picking up a message of not seeing the bigger picture, this pile feels more like a "How to Manifest more quicker" lol. I'm hearing this very slow moving energy, someone refusing to move on to the next chapter though you might be aware it's time to even but I'm getting a sense of fear. Even if you are unaware of these changes there's still so much anxiety and fear surrounding you at these times because the universe is basically forcing you to move lol! Move or be moved I'm hearing.
So overall I feel like someone in this pile might have lots of distractions, someone might have adhd and a hard time concentrating on tasks. Spirits drawing your attention these times and reminding you to stay focus.
With the Chariot card I feel like there's some movement here that needs to happen, you need to take action. I think that's the best way to help your manifestations right now, maybe someone here even forget exactly what they were manifesting and Spirit is like "Uhh HELLO? DO YOU REMEBER THAT THING??" lol. I heard someone's just been away from the job a little too long, I even get from the Seven of Cups it might've been you were distracted with something else that just sparked your attention better, but all that glitters isn't gold!
So I think you're working on being in this King of Wands energy, someone who is very productive, knows what they want, speaks up about anything, rather it's an idea they have or just wanting authority. I feel like a few of you even might know exactly what this is, I feel like a few of you might not even have a specific dream you want to manifest just clicking on the reading for fun lol but there's still a secretive message here I think you'll understand as you apply it to your situation.
Spirit is asking you to maybe think about the roots you want to plant and start from there, stay true to your craft and perspective and be committed.
I hope you enjoyed this reading! I love you, see you soon ❤️ ★
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gor3-hound · 10 months
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are you lonely?
ft. leon kennedy x fem!reader
cw: 18+ content, incest, dad leon, 18+ reader(obviously), p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, dubcon??(just to be safe), a lot of self-loathing and guilt on leon's part
a/n: i apologise wholeheartedly if i tagged anything incorrectly, this is my first time ever posting something i've written(and one of my first times finishing an idea), but i will try my hardest. THIS IS DARK CONTENT, so please be careful reading and scroll if you don't like it!! also genuinely please tell me if i missed any tags! hope you like it :)
word count: 2.4k words
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It never gets easier. Every single mission manages to drain Leon more than the last. He almost just gave up on it all a long time ago - he would have if it wasn't for one thing.
As he opens the door from another exhausting mission, he's hit with the smell of home cooked food that has his mouth watering. The house is spotless, as always. Floors completely polished, the sound of music coming from the kitchen has him dragging his feet there on autopilot, eyes settling on you.
His sweet daughter is at the stove, stirring something in a pot. You haven't even noticed he's home yet, humming along to the music coming from your phone softly as you cook. He leans against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest, just gazing at you for a few moments.
God, he missed you.
“Hey, honey.” He hums, the corner of his mouth twitching in a close approximation of a smile, about all he can manage after the shit he's seen this past week. Your movements pause, and then you're tilting your head over your shoulder to look at him.
“Dad! You're home!” You exclaim, shooting him a smile that lights up your whole face. He barely has time to react before your arms are wrapped around his torso, giving him a tight hug. He never feels like he deserves your affection. He's barely even around, but you're always clinging to him like a needy puppy when he is. 
“Mhm. Managed to finish up a little early.” He mumbles, a hand coming to your head to press it against his chest, giving your waist a little squeeze with his other one. Doesn't bother telling you about what he was doing. Doesn't want you worrying. “You miss me?”
“Course I did.” You reply without hesitation, giving him a squeeze in return before pulling away from him. “Gotta keep cooking before it burns, though. You hungry?” You ask softly, returning to the stove.
He hums softly, eyes lingering on you as he walks away. He finds himself looking at you for a little too long, blinking his eyes to snap himself out of it. “Yeah, I could eat.”
His gaze finds you again before long. His eyes flick over your form, hovering on your curves for a moment before he frowns. Jesus. Since when did he look at his daughter like that? Since when did his daughter look like that? Must of been a while, but he's only really noticing it now
He's only been gone for a week, but it feels like a lifetime. You're always so happy to see him, always acting so domestic. You cook for him, clean for him and cuddle up to him after he's had a particularly tough day.
You'd make a good wife for someone one day.
His frown deepens as his brain supplies that thought to him. Is this what's happening to him now? He's so sick that he's attracted to his own damn daughter? Is that really how fucked up his life has got? 
He gets a little weird after that, eating dinner with you in silence when it's done before rushing off to the bedroom. You ask him about 100 times what's wrong, but he always gives you the same ‘it's nothing, honey, just tired.’ You don't believe a word of it, naturally. You know your dad better than that, know when something’s bothering him
And you're a sweet girl. Too sweet for him, if he's being honest. So he shouldn't be surprised when you go to check on him after you clean up the dishes before you go to bed. But he wasn't thinking right, and you walk in on him right as he's pumping his dick to the thought of you.
“Shit…” He breathes out as he sees you in the doorway. He thinks he's going to be sick when the sight of your surprised face is what tips him over the edge, your pretty lips parted in shock as he cums harder than he has in years.
Post-nut clarity hits him like a train, guilt clawing its way up his chest, nausea setting in. “Fuck, baby. I'm so sorry.” He says quickly, too stunned to move. His hand is still gripping his cock, still hard and leaking, his hand coated in his release.
And you're just staring, unable to take your eyes away. Makes your stomach flip and your heart beat faster. You open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. He quickly seems to snap out of his daze and yanks the cover over himself, his jaw tightening as he refuses to meet your eyes.
You find yourself disappointed that you can't see him like that anymore, a frown tugging at your face. “It's okay, dad.” You manage to say, voice a little strained. Heat pools in your stomach, and you fidget a little as you stand in the doorway, your common sense warring with what you wanted.
“I just wanted to check on you.” You say after a moment of silence, Leon still not looking at you. “You seemed… weird at dinner. Wanted to make sure you were okay.”
You continue to stand awkwardly in the doorway before you shift further into the room. Against your better judgement, you sit on the edge of his bed, trying to catch his eye.
“It's okay, dad. Really.” You tell him, reaching a hand out to touch his cheek. He lets out a stifled groan, his eyes squeezing shut. You're too good for him. “My fault for not knocking.”
His eyes crack open to meet yours, and he slowly realises he's found you beautiful for a long time - more than what's considered acceptable as a father. Ever since you came back from college during one of your breaks, filling out your clothes in a way you never had before, looking up at him with those pretty eyes…
Fuck. He's sick. He deserves to rot in hell. He'd noticed long ago, pushed the thoughts away so he could be the father you deserved. And you're perfect. So goddamn beautiful, like you were made for him. Your hand is so warm and soft where it cups his cheek, your touch so gentle.
He's been so, so lonely. And you're the prettiest thing he's ever seen, brows furrowed in concern as he refuses to answer you. Knows if he opens his mouth, he's gonna say some shit he regrets.
He ends up doing something he's gonna regret, anyway. Can't help himself when you're giving him those eyes. He's grabbing you by the cheeks, pulling you into a kiss without even thinking about it.
You pull away, and he whimpers. He tugs you back in again, kissing you with more fervour this time. Your body freezes up, then you find yourself kissing back, and he's not sure if that's worse or not. Guilt is eating him alive, but he can't help himself.
“I'm so sorry, baby.” He murmurs between kisses, desperately tugging you closer to him. His tongue slips into your mouth, and he moans softly as your own prods against his. “Can't help it. You're so pretty.”
This time, you're the one deepening the kiss. His hands find your waist, his grip tightening. He didn't realise how badly he needed this. Needed you. He can feel how badly you want him, the way you're pressing up against him as he kisses you.
It's so wrong. He wants to do so many things to you. You want him in a way no one has ever wanted him before, even more than your mom ever did. It's intoxicating, makes him dizzy. He feels so pathetic. What kind of sicko wants to fuck his own daughter? He's your dad. He should be protecting you from creeps like this, not making a move on you.
“Baby…” He breathes out, pulling away from your mouth, his heart hammering in his chest at the disappointed look that spreads across your face. “We can't do this. Y'know that, yeah?”
But his hands move to settle on your hips, tugging you into his lap, the duvet the only thing separating you from sitting on his bare cock that he never had a chance to shiver back into his pants after you caught him. He's not strong enough, needs you to be the one to bring him to his senses. You just needed to say no, and he'd be able to stop. But you don't, and he's too weak to do it himself. Far too weak.
“Daddy…” You breathe out, frown tugging at your lips. “Please? Just this once?”
How is he meant to say no to that? He buries the guilt, buries the self-loathing. He's good at that - pushing away his feelings and pretending that everything's okay. He can't deny his pretty girl of anything, especially not when she asks so sweetly.
So he kisses you again. It's a messy, sloppy kiss, one that has him groaning and rocking his hips up to get some kind of friction on his aching cock. It twitches, already leaking pre-cum. He can't even remember the last time he fucked someone. Can't believe he's about to fuck you. He's tempted to cut his dick off after this. Doesn't deserve it.
It's not long before his hands are pawing desperately at your pants, tugging them off along with your panties. He keeps your shirt on, pretends that makes him better, even if he wants to see how your tits bounce. Hey, he thinks, at least I had some self-control.
You moan so prettily when his thumb brushes your clit, rubbing slow circles into it. You're already so wet, his cock jumping with interest. Even Hell is too good for him.
Your hands slip down to tug at the fabric separating the two of you, your hips only hovering long enough to pull the duvet down and expose him, a low whine spilling from your lips.
“Want it, daddy. Please?” You murmur, dipping your head down to kiss his neck, making him suppress a groan.
“Yeah, baby. Anything you want.” He breathes out, his free hand reaching for the base to make his cock stand tall, offering it up like some kind of treat while his other hand still rubs lazy circles onto your clit.
You both moan in sync as you lower yourself onto his length. His hand slips to your hip, gripping it to guide your movements. His hips buck up into you, his tip brushing your cervix whenever you sink down fully onto him.
You're so wet, and you squeeze him just right. He's going to go insane. There's no way he can help himself now. He's never gonna stop thinking about how good you feel wrapped around him.
“Fuck, honey. Pussy's made just for me,” he groans, cringing as he says the words. He's never been a fan of dirty talk, feels awkward. Worse when he thinks about who he's fucking. But you feel so good, he really can't stop himself. His brain isn't working anymore.
“You're so big.” You whine, grinding your hips down against him more than actually riding him, like you don't want his dick to leave you for even a moment. Cute. He almost cums just at the way your face twists as he fucks up into you.
“S’all yours, baby. C'mon,” he coos, thumb slipping away from your clit and making you whimper, just so he can grab your waist with both hands. “Ride daddy.”
He lifts you up and down, helping you ride him. You rock your hips desperately, moaning as he presses up against your sweet spot with every thrust, picking up the pace as he fucks into you. He's able to manhandle you so easily, which only has you moaning louder, your eyes fluttering shut.
With his hands occupied with gripping your waist as he helps you fuck yourself on his dick, you bring your own hand down to rub at your clit, making the heat in your stomach build rapidly.
The bed creaks as he picks up the pace again, rutting deeper into you than before, your pussy making the most obscene squelching noises. It's downright sinful, Leon has to use all of his focus to stop himself from cumming right then and there. Fuck, if it wasn't for him jerking off right before you came in, he'd have cum as soon as he saw your pretty pussy.
You're close, biting your lip to sniffle your moans as they grow louder, fingers moving faster against your clit. Your dad notices, shifting his hips until he's pounding relentlessly into your sweet spot, making you see stars.
He feels his chest swell with pride when he feels you tense up, pussy clenching around his cock deliciously as your orgasm hits, juices gushing past his cock and coating his balls. He didn't even know he still had it in him, thought his dick game died in his 20s. This was a pleasant surprise.
His balls tighten, and he knows he's about to cum. He grunts and goes to pull you off of him, but you whine and shake your head, pushing yourself down. “S'okay, daddy. I'm on birth control. Wanna feel it, please.”
He frowns a little at that. He doesn't like thinking about other guys fucking you. You're his princess, a sweet girl. Your daddy will take care of you, not these other losers. God, he's fucked up.
“Yeah, baby? Want daddy to fill you up?” He grunts, flipping you over with ease so your back's pressed to the bed, him hovering over you. He pounds into you with renewed vigor, head hanging and bangs covering his eyes.
“Fuck.” He hisses as he buries himself balls deep in you, cock kicking inside your pussy as he cums. He pants a little as he fills you, he's not quite as young as he used to be. Takes it out of him sometimes.
He pulls out and slumps next to you. You cuddle up to him instantly, and that guilt and shame comes to the surface again. He pulls you close to him, pets your hair and kisses your forehead like he always does.
“Love you, baby girl.” He murmurs, his free hand pulling the covers up and over your body, his fingertips scratching your scalp lightly.
“I love you more, dad.”
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stevesbipanic · 7 months
@steddielovemonth Day 10: Love is missing each other @lihhelsing
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Steve heard the voicemail click for the third time today. Eddie was away in Sam Francisco recording a proper demo for a company that had seen him in an Indy bar a few months ago. It was his big break, everything Eddie had dreamt of, Steve was of course excited for him too.
He had promised to call every day for the two weeks they'd be gone. Every night at 7pm the phone would ring and Steve would excitedly pick up the phone and listen to whatever crazy story Eddie had for him that day.
He'd heard all about Eddie's first time flying and how Jeff almost puked on the plane. He'd laughed while listening to how they got lost on their second day and ended up in Chinatown. He smiled hearing how happy Eddie's voice sounded when he talked about the studio.
It made Steve sad when he hung up the phone, knowing he'd have to wait another day to hear his boyfriend's voice. Eddie was fulfilling his dreams, he might even want to move there soon if this goes well.
They'd talked a bit about it before he left but it was all hypotheticals, but the more phone calls ended with Eddie telling Steve how awesome a time he was having there the more it seemed like leaving Hawkins would soon be a reality for Eddie.
Steve was conflicted, the kids were graduating the following year, and Robin and Nancy already lived in Chicago, there were dwindling reasons to stay in Hawkins. But something kept holding Steve back. He didn't know if it was old Upside Down worries even though it had been a couple years since anything had happened, or if it was something he didn't want to think about.
Maybe he felt if he left with Eddie he'd be holding him back still, did Steve Harrington make sense in California, did they make sense in California?
It was 8pm and the phone hadn't rung. He'd called the number Eddie had given him for emergencies but for the third time he'd been met with just voicemail box.
Was Eddie hurt? Had he forgotten about Steve? He was supposed to be back in a couple days. Was Steve easy enough to forget after not even two weeks?
He rang one more time.
Please leave your message after the beep.
Steve sighed, "Hey, Eds. Um, it's about 8 now, you haven't called yet so I just want to make sure you're ok. I um, I really miss you, please call me back. Did I do something? Or um, are you um..."
Steve couldn't get the words out, too worried of what the answer would be.
"Call me when you can please, I'm sorry if this is clingy though, you don't have to call me every day it's fine, I get it, my voice probably has gotten pretty tiring."
"No voice I'd rather hear, baby."
Wait, had Eddie picked up and Steve missed the click of the line, Steve heard the beep of the end of the voicemail. That could only mean... Steve turned around to see Eddie smiling at him.
"Hi, baby."
All of Steve's worries melted as he took no time to step forward and hold Eddie in his arms.
"What are you doing here?"
"We finished early and I couldn't stand another few days without you, missed you so much baby."
"We should move."
"Wherever your music is going, I wanna follow, Eds."
"Don't want to spend any more time missing you."
"I'll take you everywhere with me, sweetheart, don't want to miss you anymore either."
By the next spring, Steve and Eddie were across the country, and phone calls were for checking in with their family, the rest of their time was for them.
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yaekiss · 1 year
#Mailroom Open!- Hello, I would like to request a love letter for Alhaitham. NSFW and Yandere response please, and any pet names work but if you could use Habib that would be great 💖 (I hope I did this right)
"To my favorite feeble scholar,
I hope this letter is finding you well! I have arrived safely in Fontaine and haven't known a moment of peace since I have arrived. The chaotic cocktail of getting settled into a new city, preparing for this research project, and missing home makes me yearn for the simpler times spent in Sumeru.
Especially my time spent with you.
Thats enough of my lamenting, how fare things with you back home? Have you finally shaken the title of acting Grand Sage yet? Is Kaveh being too much of a "menace"? (Also, please let him know his mother says hello and sends her best wishes to you both). Regardless, I hope you are taking care yourself. Archons know I can't ensure you are eating well while I'm nations away. I will just have to trust that you are treating yourself with the same kindness I would extend to you.
On the topic of kindness, I have a gift for you attached to this letter. I know while I am here doing my research for the next six months we won't be able to have our usual meetings at Lambad's to discuss books over good food, but I hope these books will entertain you well during my absence.
I'm eagerly counting down the days until I can see you again. I find myself thinking of you often and it is a truly vexing experience to see you on whim like I would do so before. It makes the days seem to drag on even longer, but I pray time will fly by regardless of this.
-Sincerely, your wayward scholar
[In a simply decorated box, there are three books: one is on the topic on Fontaine's hydro transportation system and infrastructure, the second is about the complexities surrounding Fontaine's judicial system, and lastly is an infamous and popular erotica anthology from Fontaine (think the Karma sutra but French)]
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꩜ Letter Content: Dom! GN! Reader x Yan! Sub! Alhaitham, Alhaitham calls you "habib", lightly implied abuse of power, unhealthy possessive and obsessive relationship from Alhaitham, mentions of sex toys, lmk if I missed out anything ! ꩜ Delivery Notes: He tipped me extra and requested me to be extra careful with the delivery so I'll hand it over to you directly instead of leaving it at your door as per usual procedure! ꩜ Wanna write a love letter yourself? Check out it out here!
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There’s a knock at your door when you’re relaxing in your room, opening it shows a hotel staff member who passes you a delivery. And it doesn’t take a genius to know it’s from your beloved feeble scholar.
Alhaitham sends you a simple package, nothing too gaudy or showy, just a few accents of turquoise to denote who the sender is. It’s secure and durable, perfect for weathering long and bumpy trips. 
When you open up the package, you find a few gifts he carefully arranged so that nothing would be broken if the contents were jostled around a little too hard. Gingerly, you lift out a lacquered box which reveals a set of headphones and a music player that’s almost identical to the one he owns. It rests in its cushioned groove in the box with the colours of the device matching your favourites instead of the shades of green on his set.
There’s a small note attached to the music player, “In case you ever miss me too much, you’ll have my voice as background noise for your moping, habib.” On the back of it, he’s written something akin to a track list. Flicking through the different audio files for a quick sample, you realise there’s one for every mood. Tracks with words of encouragement (...or as encouraging as someone like Alhaitham can get), ones scolding you for overworking. There’s even a really cute one where he softly hums a love song that both of you adore, his voice low and soothing. However, the best track of all might be the one where you get to hear his grunts and moans, as if he were right next to your ear in person. The sounds are so sinful and wet, you could just picture him grinding on his dildo, trying to reach his peak. And the way he pitifully breaths out a “I c-can’t cum witho- AH! -without you!” has you yearning for him yet again.
Taking the headphones off before you get too carried away, you retrieve his letter in the package. The envelope is the one from his Grand Sage office, not that he ever really uses them for work purposes. Inside it, his reply is written on parchment, the kind that’s provided for him due to his high position once again. His handwriting is as tidy as ever, the font and formatting standardised throughout the letter. His reply reads:
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“Reply for: My springtime sublimity,
I was wondering when you were going to write back to me. After all, there’s no way you would’ve forgotten me in the midst of your research or from meeting someone new, right? Regardless, you have not left my mind since your departure and I’m sure it’s the same for you too habib. 
Do let me know if the gifts are to your liking. I’ve managed to recreate my headphones and they will definitely be useful in blocking out anyone else who might be getting on your nerves or when you’re trying to focus on your research. I included my latest read in the package as well. I'd like for us to discuss our thoughts on the book, even if it’ll have to be done over pen and paper. I’m eager to hear your thoughts on it.
There’s also no reason for me to answer whether I’ve managed to resign from my title as Grand Sage, as evident from the envelope and parchment used. I simply have an unfortunate one last thing to wrap up before I can do so.
Moving on, habib, you know Kaveh is always a menace. I relayed his mother’s well wishes to him earlier and he just smiled. Now he’s locked himself in his room. I never have any idea what’s in that mind of his. It’ll be a miracle if I don’t have to drag him out before he starves. Although I must ask, since when were you privy to Kaveh’s background? I don’t recall him bringing it up around us. Habib, just how close are you to him? How close has he gotten to you? Do write back to me and explain.
Now, this is where I must thank you for your gifts. They all have proven to be succinct and informative. However, I must comment on the choice of one of the books. My, I knew you were lewd before, but to send me an erotica anthology habib? Though, I never said I minded it. I am simply inspired, that's all. Perhaps, you should come back sooner and we can try some of the positions referenced in it. In the meantime, habib, I can only pleasure myself with toys, although, they’re nothing in comparison to you. I’m addicted to you, the caress of your hands on my skin, how only you can make me shudder and cry out your name. You have me wrapped around your finger.
I crave you desperately, habib. There are so many words I could use to describe you with my extensive vocabulary, but the most fitting one would be blossoming. You’ve managed to sow all these emotions in me and now that they’re blooming, you’ll take responsibility right? I’ve always been logical but the degree of affection I feel for you is irregular, all-encompassing and ever-growing. Almost as if you’re twisting the very essence of my mind, rotting and changing me from the inside out. It matches in a way, spring being the season of rebirth.
This letter has gotten too long, I will end it off here habib. I trust you will stay safe and return in one piece unharmed. I await your reply.
May your days be peaceful,
- Alhaitham -”
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Setting his letter back in the package, you pick up the book he entrusted to you. Flipping through the pages, it’s littered with markings and annotations from the scribe, he even wrote some questions for you to ponder over. “What do you think about this point?” “Why would the author write this in?” But there are a few unrelated… unsettling annotations that you probably shouldn’t dwell on for too long such as, “Do you know just how much I miss you?” or “How were you able to corrupt my reason and rationality to this extent?” These annotations were left in here for a reason, Alhaitham is a smart man, a renowned member of the Haravatat. There’s a message behind his carefully selected words, waiting for you to unearth it before it festers and decays into something even worse.
Lastly, written neatly on the inside of the back cover, is a puzzling riddle, each word written in a different ancient script. After deciphering the question, an unpleasant awareness worms its way into your mind.
It reads, “Would you still extend your same kindness to me after realising what I would do for you?”
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
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tainted-liquor · 1 year
'You love me'✧˖°
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Arachkids x Reader! TWs: I don't think there are any Ingredients: Sugar, kisses, and a lil bit of smiles ! W/C: 1080 A/N: Sorry if Gwen is a lil ooc, I really don't write for her that much lol. FIRST REQUESTTTT EUUUGHH!! /pos
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Miles Morales
You watched as your boyfriend paced around his room, occasionally walking up the wall as he ranted about some sort of 'Villain-of-the-week", laying flat on your stomach on top of his bed as he hung upside down from his roof. You chuckled to yourself as an Idea manifested in your head, raising yourself up slightly. "Hey, Miles."
"Huh-...Yeah? You need something, love?" He snapped out of his trance and turned to face you as he dangled from the ceiling. You inched closer to him, analyzing his confused expression as you cupped the sides of his face within your hands, pressing a gentle and loving kiss to his lips at a slightly awkward angle. He may have been there physically in front of you, but as soon as he felt your soft lips on his he was gone. He quickly returned the kiss, gently cupping your face in the same manner that you had cupped his.
When you pulled back, Miles gave a small frown before quickly fixing his expression. He already felt himself missing your touch, quickly pulling you back in before you could even think.
"What was that for?"
"Cuz I love you, Miles."
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Hobie Brown
Now Hobie was a slightly different case. He more than likely preferred having two feet firmly planted on the ground, and was more than likely not home. Being Spider-Man and an infamous music artist took up most of his time, so there were some days when he really just...not home. So here you were in the middle of the night, bundled up in his bedsheets half asleep and missing your beloved boyfriend. You heard the front door to his canal boat open as you heard his familiar East London dialect muffle itself at the front door
"I'll see you guys later. Gonna check on the missus."
You heard him shut the door as quietly as the door would allow him, his heavy boots thudding against the hardwood floors. The bedroom door creaked open as I slowly rose up from my comfortable position on my side. His eyes widened a fraction when he saw that I was partially asleep, wasting absolutely 0 time in apologizing for waking me up. "Sorry, lovey. Didn't mean to wake ya." He beamed as he looked down at me from the side of his bed.
"You didn't bee...don't worry" you sighed while simultaneously leaning upwards towards the punk. "Can you do me a favor though? Pleaaaase~?"
"Yeah love whatever you-...No." Hobie immediately knew what you were talking about as soon as he saw your eyes gravitate toward the ceiling. Despite being the Spider-Man of his world, he was very afraid of hanging upside down for longer periods. He said it felt 'suffocating and made him dizzy.'
"C'mon, I haven't seen you in two days I wanna kiss my man." You pouted, turning away from him and crossing your arms against your chest. Hobie let out a long sigh before walking up the wall and standing perfectly still on his ceiling. "There. Happy?" He grinned as he placed both hands over his hips.
"Very." you smiled as you eagerly smashed his lips into yours, attempting to hold the kiss as long as possible due to the possibility of it never happening again.
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Pavitr Prabhakar
Your boyfriend, Pavitr is Spider-Man. Now of course he didn't tell you just yet, but everyone in Mumbattan knew. The hair, the clothes, the horrible faux deep voice, it was completely obvious to everyone but him. Not that you minded though, if anything you found his cluelessness cute. So when you sat on the ledge of a rather tall building fidgeting with your phone, In came your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man from above.
"Hey Mer-" He cleared his throat quickly, forcing his voice down an octave before carefully selecting his next few words. "Hey, you really shouldn't be sitting this close to the ledge! I think you might want to move back juuuust a smidge!" he reasoned, the white-painted eyes in his mask narrowing shut, indicating that loving smile you'd see every time he was out of his mask. You scooted back on the ledge slightly, looking up at the slowly spinning spider as he dangled from an even higher ledge. You fought back giggles at his slight hypocrisy, before answering with a small
"Why thank you, Spider-Man! What would I do without you here to protect me!" You joked with a barely concealed chuckle. You reached out towards him, gently taking his upside-down face into your hands. Pav didn't mean to lean into your touch so easily, it was just so hard to keep up the façade of not knowing you. It became clear at that moment that you knew who resided under the mask when you pulled the soft fabric up over his nose, pressing a small kiss to his lips before pulling back with your usual smile. His face grew slightly pink as he watched you walk back into your building, giving him a small wave and mouthing "Bye Pav!"
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Gwen Stacy
It was a relatively warm morning as you went for your daily walk on the streets of Brooklyn. Around this time your girlfriend would normally be on patrol, on the lookout for any crime or anomalies. So instead of dwelling on her abscence, you made your way to the nearby abandoned bridge. You made the space as comfortable as possible, kicking away any debris or stones before sitting on the ground and scrolling through social media on your phone. You heard a small thwip noise above you, looking up to see your girlfriend standing en pointe with her arms crossed on the side of the bridge above.
"Hey Gwennie!" You called as she walked down the pillar of the bridge, bringing herself closer to you so you didn't have to shout. "Hey!" She said as she pulled off her mask to reveal that beautiful smile of hers. "What are you doing all the way over here? Shouldn't you be on your walk?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
"Yeah, normally. Just wanted a change in scenery" you shrugged as you stood up, craning your neck to look up at the sideways spider. You beckoned her closer, giving a short and simple kiss as she looked at you with blown pupils and the most furious blush you've ever seen. You watched as she slung her mask back on, covering her face with her hands and webbed away. She was so adorable
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chheolie · 20 days
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ready get set go get it go ♪ (part 1) part 2 here
the members were scattered around the dance studio, lounging on the sofas, warming up with relaxed steps, or exchanging jokes. the rehearsal for lollapalooza berlin was about to begin, but the atmosphere was light, filled with the low sound of music playing in the background and the laughter that echoed as mingyu teased seungkwan about a move he kept messing up.
suddenly, the door burst open, and seokmin entered the studio with an explosive energy that made everyone look up at once. he had his phone in one hand, his breath quickened, and his eyes shining like never before. a huge smile dominated his face, and he could barely contain his excitement, practically bouncing with joy.
seungcheol furrowed his brow, both concerned and curious. "what's going on? did you win the lottery, seokmin?"
seokmin shook his head frantically, his breath still heavy, and clutched the phone to his chest as if it were the greatest treasure in the world. "you won't believe it... you... you know who just sent me a message?"
the other members exchanged confused looks, but curiosity was growing. "who, man?" vernon asked, watching closely as minghao approached, intrigued.
seokmin dropped to his knees on the floor, the sparkle in his eyes almost radiating. "y/n! y/n herself!" he repeated your name with a mix of disbelief and pure joy, as if he needed to confirm that it was really happening.
the members' eyes widened in visible surprise. jeonghan, who was closest, widened his eyes and let out a low whistle. "are you serious? y/n, the singer you talk about all day long? her?"
"yes!" seokmin nearly shouted, laughing in shock as he struggled to contain his excitement. "she reached out because she wants me to perform with her! at lollapalooza! she wants me to sing with her!" he threw himself back on the floor dramatically.
"this is amazing, seokmin!" wonwoo shouted, smiling genuinely. "man, you're going to sing with y/n! this is huge!"
seokmin nodded, still in disbelief, and sat down on the floor. "i can't believe she knows who i am! that she wants me to be there with her! she even mentioned she likes our songs!" he waved his phone as proof, and the smile on his face was the widest anyone had ever seen. "you have no idea how much this means to me... it's y/n, guys!"
the excitement was palpable, and the members didn't miss the chance to tease their friend. "i told you all that fanboying was going to pay off," seungkwan teased, pushing seokmin's shoulder with a broad grin. "it's going to be incredible, hyung! you're going to kill it, and she's going to love singing with you!"
seokmin laughed, his heart still racing, and took a deep breath, trying to process the surreal moment. "i still can't believe it..."
"and if you get nervous up there, just remember that you're dk, seventeen's vocalist, and now also y/n's partner," jeonghan said with an encouraging smile, patting his back. "she couldn't have picked a better person."
seungcheol, with a big smile on his face, asked, "so, what did you say to her? you accepted, right?"
seokmin hesitated, biting his lower lip. he looked around, taking in the friends who had always been with him during the most important moments of his career. "actually... i haven't replied yet." the studio fell momentarily silent, and seokmin laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "i wanted to check with you guys first. like... i don't know, if you think it's okay for me to accept, if it won't mess anything up. you guys always help me with the big decisions, so i didn't want to do this without hearing what you think."
the other members looked at him for a second, and then seungkwan shook his head with an amused smile. "are you serious, seokmin? we're talking about y/n asking you to perform at lollapalooza! of course, it's okay! go and show her why you're the best vocalist around."
minghao patted seokmin's back. "this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. we'll be here supporting you all the way, so don't even think twice. just say yes!"
jeonghan nodded with a gentle smile. "this is going to be amazing for you and for us too, seeing you accomplish something so big. don't worry, we're all proud of you."
seokmin's eyes filled with emotion, and he nodded, deeply grateful. "you guys are the best. really, thanks for this." with an excited sigh and his heart pounding, he unlocked his phone, opening y/n's message. he typed with slightly trembling fingers, trying to contain his excitement as each word was carefully chosen.
seokmin: hi, y/n! this is dokyeom. seokmin: i’m so happy about your invitation! seokmin: first, i need to say that i’m a huge fan of your work, and getting this message from you is surreal for me. seokmin: i’d love to be part of your performance at lollapalooza and share this special moment with you. count on me to make something amazing on stage!
he took a deep breath before hitting the send button, and the members gathered around, curious and excited. when he finally hit send, everyone jumped on him in celebration. laughter and cheers filled the room, everyone thrilled that seokmin was fulfilling a fan’s dream. it didn’t take long for the phone to vibrate, and seokmin’s eyes widened as he started shouting, "she replied, she replied!"
you: hi, seokmin! i’m so glad you agreed! you: i love your talent, and i’m sure that together we’ll create an unforgettable performance! you: let’s schedule our first rehearsal tomorrow afternoon at the studio, at 3 pm, if that works for you. you: i can’t wait to get started! see you then! 😊
seokmin read the message with a smile that seemed to light up the studio. "she scheduled the first rehearsal for tomorrow! at 3 pm! she said it’s going to be unforgettable!"
the members burst into more celebrations, showering seokmin with hugs and words of encouragement. the group’s rehearsal was important, but at that moment, everyone knew that seokmin’s next step would be something extraordinary. he was about to live one of the biggest dreams of his career, and the thought of sharing the stage with you made his heart race like never before.
the day of the first rehearsal arrived faster than seokmin had imagined. anxious and determined to make a good impression, he arrived at the studio early, well before the scheduled time. his hands were slightly sweaty, and his heart was racing, but he felt ready to face that surreal moment. he sat on one of the benches in the hallway outside the recording studio, trying to calm his nerves while repeatedly checking the clock.
the anticipation grew with each passing minute, and he could hardly believe he was there, about to rehearse with you, the artist he admired so much. he took a deep breath, listening to calm music through his headphones, trying to relax, but his thoughts were running wild, imagining how your first interaction would be. so he rehearsed mentally what to say and how to act.
a few minutes later, you appeared in the hallway, carrying two takeaway coffee cups and a warm smile that lit up the space. seokmin quickly stood up, almost tripping over his own feet but managing to compose himself just in time.
“hi, dokyeom!” you greeted him with a friendly smile, extending one of the cups toward him. “i hope you like coffee. i brought one for you.”
he blinked, surprised and touched by the simple but thoughtful gesture. “oh, yes, i love it! thank you!” he carefully took the cup as if it were a precious gift. he was truly moved that you had thought of him on your way. his heart raced even faster, but he managed to maintain his composure, internally grateful that he hadn’t let his emotions show too much.
as you walked together down the hallway toward the studio, you started chatting casually, lightening the mood. “you know, i love seventeen. the energy you all bring to the stage is incredible, and your voice always impresses me. it’s powerful and full of emotion at the same time.”
seokmin felt his face heat up, trying to hide the blush that was surely appearing. “really? thank you! that means a lot, coming from you. i... i’ve always admired your work. your songs have a unique sensitivity, and being able to sing with you is just amazing.”
you smiled, appreciating the sincere compliment. when you reached the studio door, you paused before opening it, turning to him with a gentle look. “this studio is one of my favorite places to rehearse. i like to keep it quiet; i know you’re used to having a lot of people at rehearsals, but i hope you don’t mind it being just the two of us today.”
seokmin almost laughed in relief and surprise. “mind? not at all! actually, this is perfect. i was a bit nervous, but now... it feels like i’m exactly where i’m supposed to be.”
you opened the studio door, revealing a cozy space with soft lighting and a decor that exuded creativity and comfort. the environment was comforting, with instruments neatly arranged and some personal touches that showed how much that place meant to you. and he walked in, observing everything with great care.
“i’m glad you feel that way,” you said as you both entered the studio. “i’m really excited to create something with you."
seokmin smiled, finally allowing himself to relax. the warm atmosphere and your calm presence made him feel that he was about to experience something truly special. and he was ready to give his best, for you, for himself, and for the fans who were about to witness something unforgettable.
after you entered the studio, the first thing you did was take off your jacket, revealing a comfortable t-shirt that perfectly matched the relaxed vibe of the studio. you casually hung it on the chair next to you, showing a familiarity and ease that left seokmin impressed. there was something about the way you moved, confident and natural, that made him feel more at ease too.
you turned to him with a warm smile, crossing your arms in a relaxed manner. "there’s a specific song i’d really love to sing with you at the festival," you began, and seokmin felt his heart leap. "ever since i first heard it, i’ve been completely hooked on it. it’s from the soundtrack of twenty-five, twenty-one..." you laughed shyly as you revealed your current favorite song.
seokmin stood still for a moment, his eyes wide with surprise. he couldn’t believe what he had just heard. "you... you know i’m the one who sings 'go!'?" he asked, still a bit stunned.
you giggled, nodding affirmatively. "of course i know! your voice is unmistakable. from the first time i heard it, i couldn’t stop listening. the energy, the emotion... it’s incredible. and i think it would be perfect for us to sing together."
seokmin felt a wave of pride and happiness wash over him. not only did you, the artist he admired so much, know the song, but you wanted to sing it with him. he could barely contain the smile spreading across his face. "i... of course, i’m in! it would be an honor to sing 'go!' with you. actually, it’s one of my favorite songs to sing."
your eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "great! it’s going to be amazing. i was hoping you’d say that." you approached the soundboard and began preparing the space for rehearsal. "shall we start then? i want to see how our voices blend in this song."
seokmin felt his heart race even faster with your excitement. he had been nervous before, but now it was a different kind of nervousness—one that came from anticipation and the joy of being about to create something really special. he knew this rehearsal would be unforgettable, not just for what it meant to him, but for the connection he already felt beginning to form between you through the music.
as you prepared everything, seokmin approached the microphone, adjusting it to his height. he still couldn’t believe his luck at being there, sharing the studio with you. when you finally positioned yourself next to him, ready to start, he took a deep breath, feeling the energy in the air. he took a deep breath. "let’s do this," he said, with a smile that mixed emotion and determination.
and when the first notes of 'go!' began to play, seokmin knew that this would be one of the most memorable moments of his career.
during the rehearsal, without realizing it, seokmin had a natural talent for making you laugh. every time he spoke, he made you smile in a genuine and carefree way. whether it was a spontaneous joke or a funny gesture, he was always creating a light and fun atmosphere, unaware of the impact he had.
you were enchanted. the connection you felt with seokmin during the rehearsal was something that transcended the music. you were so involved that laughter came easily, and the small interactions between you were creating a natural harmony. seokmin, in turn, was amazed that he was actually making someone as talented and admired as you laugh that way.
when the rehearsal finally ended, you looked at seokmin with a sincere smile, satisfaction written all over your face. “i want you to know that it was a huge pleasure meeting you in person. you have such a light and happy energy; it’s contagious. i really hope our contact doesn’t end after the festival performance. i’d love to build a friendship with you.”
seokmin was visibly moved, his eyes shining with gratitude. “i also really enjoyed meeting you, y/n. it was an amazing experience, and i really hope we can keep in touch. this rehearsal was one of the best experiences of my career.”
you said goodbye with a shy hug, laughing just as shyly, and seokmin left the studio with a sense of fulfillment and joy. the way home felt lighter and brighter, and he couldn’t wait to share what happened with the members.
when he got home, seokmin immediately grabbed his phone and sent a message to the members.
with a smile on his face and his heart still racing from the wonderful day, he typed:
seokmin: guys, you won’t believe how amazing today’s rehearsal was! seokmin: i met y/n, and she’s even more wonderful than i imagined. and even more beautiful!!!! seokmin: we rehearsed "go!" together, and it was an experience i’ll never forget. CAN YOU BELIEVE SHE LOVES THIS SONG? seokmin: she’s super fun, and her energy is simply contagious. we got along so well, and she even said she hopes we keep in touch after the festival. seokmin: i don’t think i’ll be able to sleep tonight.
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zegrasdrysdale · 10 months
part 2 of what happens in that hotel room w Jamie😏
[ hotel room service ] j. drysdale
part two !
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find part one HERE
pairing : Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
summary : Jamie goes back to the hotel with (Y/N) after the game
warning(s) : smut ! language, multiple orgasms, handjob, fingering, p in v penetrative sex, protected sex, pet names during sex, some dirty talk
author’s note : ask and you shall receive, anon. this is basically all smut and no plot (oops)
18+ below the cut ! MINORS DNI
Instead of taking the bus back with the team, Jamie takes Trevor’s rental car to the hotel with (Y/N). Cronin didn’t give him any issues when he said he was going to get a ride back. Probably because Jamie played well during the game and had an assist on the Ducks’ only goal. All he has to do is be on time for the flight back to Anaheim in the morning.
The ride to the hotel feels like an eternity in Las Vegas traffic. (Y/N) thinks Los Angeles and New York traffic is terrible but Vegas on a warm night is just as bad. All she wants to do is spend the night with her boyfriend and show him how proud she is of him.
She keeps a hand on Jamie’s leg the entire drive back to the hotel. Jamie has a hand resting on hers while he responds to some texts on his phone. Music is playing at a soft level so they aren’t driving back in complete silence.
Jamie chuckles beside her and she glances over at him when they stop at a red light. "The team found out that I wasn't getting on the bus with them and Trevor told them why so now they're all making comments in the group chat," he tells her. "Some of the comments are funny."
(Y/N) smiles and keeps her eyes on the road. "I'm glad that they feel like they can still tease you considering this was your first game back after injury and your contract dispute," she replies.
"Me too."
She parks the car when she gets to the hotel. This time the car is parked closer to the entrance since she doesn't have to hide from the Ducks or Jamie. Jamie grabs her hand as they walk inside. She can't help but smile at how he is being so public with his affection.
He normally isn't like this, but she's never minded a little PDA. Jamie isn't normally a fan of PDA. They'll hold hands occasionally, but they never do when he thinks his teammates will be around. Jamie doesn't like some of the comments they, mostly Trevor and Mason, make when they show affection.
Of course a couple of Ducks players are sitting in the lobby when (Y/N) and Jamie walk into the hotel. One of them whistles to get their attention. She looks over and sees Frank, Mason, Rico, and Cam are all sitting in the lounge area across from the check-in desk.
Rico and Frank have grins on their faces. Mason smiles and shouts, "Get it, Jimmy!"
(Y/N) looks up at Jamie, who finally looks over at Mason. "Be glad I'm not going to be on the same floor as you," he retorts. "You wouldn't be saying that if I was."
Mason's jaw drops and Jamie snickers as he pulls (Y/N) to the elevator. She clicks the button for her floor as the doors shut. Jamie wastes no time in the empty elevator and presses her against the cool wall by her waist.
"You can't wait a few more minutes?" she giggles.
"You're a sight in my jersey, (Y/N)," he tells her as he leans and nips at her jaw. "Plus, I've really missed you. I wasn't expecting to see you here when you're supposed to be in New York for another week."
She melts against Jamie and wraps her arms around his neck. "I had to be there for your first game," she manages to get out. "I haven't watched you play NHL hockey yet."
The elevator dings and Jamie backs away just in case anyone is on the other side of the doors. There is no one so (Y/N) grabs his hand and walks down the hallway to her room. She digs in her pocket for the key as they stumble down the hallway.
As she grabs her key when they reach her door, Jamie comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist. He moves her hair off her shoulder and begins kissing her neck. "Jamie," she gasps as she unlocks the door with the key. "We're literally right outside the room."
"Get inside the room," he mumbles against her skin.
"So needy," she teases as she pushes the door open. Jamie stumbles into the room behind her.
The door shuts and Jamie is quick to spin them around to (Y/N) is being pressed against the wall right by the door. She gasps and stares up at Jamie. "You have no idea how much I've missed you," he says to her as he presses himself against her.
Something pokes at (Y/N)'s waist and she smiles. "I think I might have an idea," she replies as she snakes her hand between them. She palms Jamie over the pants of his arrival suit. He lets out a low groan.
"Fuck," he breathes out. She presses a little harder and he lets out a soft gasp. "Oh, fuck me."
She uses her other hand to begin unbuttoning Jamie's button up that he's wearing under his jacket as her lips attach to his neck right under his jaw. She's gotten pretty good at unbuttoning his shirts with one hand recently. It drives Jamie crazy that she can do this.
As soon as his shirt is unbuttoned and untucked from his pants, she trails kisses down his neck to his chest. "(Y/N)," he sighs as she nips at his chest. "Bed. Now."
"Take me to bed, Jamie," she challenges.
Without missing a beat, Jamie lifts her up. She sequels and wraps herself around him as he walks fifteen feet to the closest bed.
She's still wrapped around him when he deposits her onto the mattress after crawling onto the bed on his knees. He falls and hovers on top of her as her head hits the pillows and she lets out a giggle. He smiles and looks down at her.
The sight above her is almost too much for (Y/N).
His usually soft eyes have a fire behind them that she only sees when he's turned on. She can see his freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks in the dimly lit room. The smile he has on his lips is beautiful. Jamie's beautiful.
She reaches up and cups Jamie's jaw in her hands. "I missed you," she tells him. Her voice is so soft it almost comes out as a whisper. "A month away from you is too long."
"I agree," he says. "I missed you too. I missed this."
Needing him close to her, (Y/N) pulls Jamie into a searing kiss. It's hot and needy and quick from the moment their lips connect. The kiss alone is enough to cause a warm sensation to form in her belly. She's been away from Jamie too long.
Jamie grinds the bulge of his pants against her legging covered core. He lifts one of her legs around his waist to get a better angle. She lets out a soft groan into the kiss that follows.
She pushes the jacket and unbuttoned shirt he's still wearing off his upper body. Jamie throws them somewhere on the floor without breaking the kiss. Her hands find their way to the back of his neck and her fingers curl into the hair at the base of his neck. She pulls him even closer to him.
His lips leave hers and attach to her neck. He nips at the skin but is careful not to leave any marks. Hopefully.
She sighs and reaches between them to get Jamie's pants off his body. She manages to get them down to his knees before he kicks them off. Her hand sneaks into the waistband of his boxers to get a hold of his hard dick. She gives him a few slow pumps.
Jamie begins to slowly kiss down her neck. "(Y/N)," he mumbles against her collarbone. "Jersey off."
"Get off of me then."
She feels Jamie smile before he falls onto his side. (Y/N) sits up and pulls Jamie's jersey over her head. He props himself up on his elbow and pulls at her leggings. "These too because you know I'm going to struggle getting them off and I want to get my hands on you as soon as possible," he tells her.
(Y/N) laughs and shakes her head. "I think you need to figure out how to get a pair of leggings off a woman, Jamie," she teases. "You wear compression pants all the time so I don't know how you can't get a pair of leggings off of me."
"I'm rarely ever in a rush to get my compression pants off," Jamie tells her. "Get them off, (Y/N). Please."
Another laugh falls from her lips as she lays back and lifts her hips off the mattress so she can get her leggings off. She throws them to the side and pulls Jamie back down for a tender kiss.
His hand runs up and down her right thigh. She lets her legs fall apart for him. Jamie jumps on the opportunity because he immediately slips his fingers into the waistband of her lace panties.
Yes, she wore a lace set under the jersey. She hoped that she would end up in bed with Jamie since it had been weeks. She wanted to look nice.
He runs his fingers through her already soaked folds. She wouldn't be surprised if the lace was ruined from how wet she is. Jamie hums into the kiss. "So wet," he mumbles.
"Only for you," she says between kisses. Jamie smiles and dips a finger into her. She gasps and pulls back from the kiss to look at him. "Jamie. Teasing isn't nice. Finger me or don't-"
Jamie cuts her off by fully sinking two fingers into her. She whines at the sudden but familiar feel of Jamie's fingers inside of her. "I always take care of you, baby," he tells her.
He begins to move his fingers and she sighs. Her right hands makes it over to the waistband of Jamie's boxers. She slides it in and wraps her hand around his dick. Her thumb runs over the leaking tip and uses the precome to pump him easier.
They're both a mess as they work each other closer to the edge. Jamie lets out soft groans and (Y/N) moans every time Jamie moves his fingers into her. Jamie's nose is buried against her cheek and he occasionally presses a soft kiss to her cheekbone.
Eventually, Jamie adds a third fingers. She cries out when he curls his fingers every time he moves them. "Jamie," she whines. "Jamie, Jamie Jamie."
"I've got you," he tells her, breath hitting her ear. "Come, baby. I know you want to. Come on my fingers."
His words are the reason she comes right then and there. She lets out a loud cry and her entire body shakes from the orgasm. Her back arches off the bed and closer to Jamie. Her vision goes completely white for a second.
Her legs are shaking and Jamie has his fingers in his mouth when she comes to. "Fuck," she pants as she watches Jamie suck the come off his fingers. "That's hot."
"You're hot," Jamie retorts.
(Y/N) crashes her lips to Jamie's and she swears she tastes herself on his lips. She hums and moves so she's straddling Jamie's bulge. She reaches behind her and unclasps the bra she's wearing. She lets the fabric fall off her body before it joins the rest of the clothes on the floor. Jamie's hands are immediately cupping her breasts.
Jamie sits up and wraps one of his arms around her waist. The kiss breaks and he turns his attention to her chest. His free hand grasps one breast and his mouth is on the other. He plays with her nipple and she gasps. "God, Jamie," she breathes out. "Keep this up and I'm gonna come again before you even get inside of me."
"I'd be okay with making you come three times in less than an hour," Jamie tells her. He looks up at her with his eyes as he trails kisses from one boob to the other.
She smiles and shakes her head. "Needed you in me like yesterday, Jamie," she replies. He nips at her breast and she gasps. "Baby. Come on."
"Okay, okay," he laughs. He snaps the waistband of her ruined panties. "Get these off while I grab a condom."
With zero hesitation, she falls off his lap onto her back. She lifts her hips up to pull off the panties. As she throws them to the ground, Jamie grabs a tiny silver package out of his wallet. He tears it open with his teeth as he pushes his boxers off his body. She watches as he slides its contents on his dick.
Jamie comes back over to her and crawls on top of her. She notices the layer of sweat that has formed on his forehead. She can't help but smile.
That smile quickly falters as Jamie runs the tip of his dick through her folds. "Jamie," she breathes out. "Please. Please, baby."
She wraps her legs around his waist and digs her heels into the back of his thighs. Jamie kisses her jaw and mumbles, "So beautiful like this. All mine."
(Y/N)'s smile returns as Jamie slowly slides himself into her. She wraps her arms around his neck and lets out a soft sigh as he lets her adjust to his size. It has been a month since they've had sex.
Jamie bottoms out in her and doesn't move so she can adjust. She's also extremely impatient so she rolls her hips against him. "Fuck, (Y/N)," Jamie breathes out.
"Move, Jamie," she pleads. "I swear to God-"
He slams into her so hard it makes her dizzy. "I told you that I have you," he tells her. "So fucking needy for me."
Jamie rolls his hips into her slowly but deeply. "So fucking needy for you, Jamie baby," she echoes. "Fuck."
He must use that as motivation because his pace quickens.
She's so overwhelmed by how good it feels that she nearly blacks out. She's a moaning mess beneath Jamie, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
Jamie's lips reattach to her neck and she whines.
Sex with Jamie is never the same twice, and that's what she loves most about being in bed with him. She never knows what to expect. Tonight, she gets soft Jamie that moves and touches her like she's fragile. She gets the Jamie that makes sure she's taken care of first before he worries about his own needs.
She wants that to change though.
Without warning, (Y/N) pushes Jamie to the side and rolls on top of him. All without him slipping out of her. She sits up on his dick and he looks at her with wide eyes. "You lay there and look pretty," she tells him. "You played an entire hockey game tonight. Gonna take care of you. Gonna make you feel good."
"Shit," Jamie breathes out as she begins to roll her hips. She smiles as Jamie squirms underneath her.
It's not often when she takes control in the bedroom, but she knows Jamie loves it whenever she does because of how rare it is. She loves to surprise him.
His hands rest on her waist and he helps her keep her pace. Her hands are on his torso. Soft groans fall from her lips every time she lowers herself onto him.
Her hair creates a curtain around their faces when she leans down to get her lips on Jamie's neck. He fucks up into her and she moans against his skin.
"Feel so good around me," Jamie sighs. "So tight."
"Feels so good inside me," she mumbles. "Make me come again, Jamie."
Jamie sneaks a hand between them and takes the sensitive bud between his fingers. He plays with her clit and she cries out from the slight oversensitivity. She cries out in pleasure.
"Come for me again, baby," Jamie rasps in her ear. "Come on my cock like a good girl. You want to make me feel good? Come for me."
That's the first time Jamie has talked to her like that and it's so hot.
Her second orgasm hits her harder than the first. She cries out right near Jamie's ear as she clenches around him. She has a fistful of the pillow under Jamie's head as her orgasm rips through her entire body.
She collapses on top of Jamie with a loud groan.
At some point, Jamie came inside the condom inside of her. When she comes to, her entire body is shaking and Jamie is tying off the used condom and throwing it into the trash.
"I'm gonna need you to talk to me like that more often," she pants. "Holy shit, Jamie."
"Not too much?"
"Definitely not too much."
The next morning comes way too early for (Y/N). Light is coming in through the large window that overlooks the strip. Jamie is already up and looking at her when she opens her eyes.
He smiles and mumbles, "Good morning." He nuzzles at her jaw and she laughs.
"Watching me sleep is so Edward Cullen of you," she comments as Jamie leaves soft kisses to her jaw. "But good morning."
"Team is doing breakfast before we pack up and head back to Anaheim," he tells her. "They said you're welcome to join us. Just be prepared for the comments I'm going to get when I show up to the table in the suit I was wearing yesterday."
She smiles and backs up so she can look at him. He looks so pretty in the rising sunlight. "I'll give it right back to them so you better be ready for that," she replies. "Anyway, I'm hungry. Let's go."
Without warning, she jumps out of bed. She finds one of the sports bras she packed and throws that on. She puts on one of her Ducks hockey shirts that Jamie gave her as well as a pair of shorts. She puts her hair up in a messy bun before she turns and looks at Jamie.
He's buttoning the shirt all the way up to the collar. She walks up to him and swats his hands away. "Leave these undone," she tells him as she undoes the first few buttons. "It's hot."
Jamie shakes his head as she grabs the key card from the floor. He taps her ass on the way out the door and she squeals in reply. She does get her revenge in the elevator.
The entire Ducks roster looks over at Jamie and (Y/N) as they walk into the little dining area. Conversations die out when they make their appearance and they see how disheveled Jamie looks.
Trevor is sitting at a table with Mason, Leo, Frank, and Rico. He ends up standing up and starts a round of applause that the entire team joins in on. "He survived!"
She looks up and sees Jamie's face is tomato red. She smiles and shakes her head before heading toward the food. "Barely," is all she says in reply.
"Oh shit," Mason says. Trevor's jaw drops as Jamie follows right behind (Y/N) to get something to eat.
She bets Jamie is wishing they just ordered some room service or something with the way his teammates congratulate him and tease him because he had sex.
She loves watching them tease him though. It's like they're one big happy family and she's glad that Jamie has them.
MASTERLIST | part one
have a request ? check out the guidelines !
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choke-me-joey · 2 years
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Eddie Munson x fem metalhead cheerleader
Summary: Based on this - how Eddie met his not so typical cheerleader girlfriend and a little exploration of their relationship.
Content warning: 18+ content minors DNI, smoking, underage drinking, drug use, swearing, flirting, smut.
AN: there is a scene in this based on a ✨️video✨️ i had sent to me by a beautiful anon and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. If you want the link you can find it on my page or message me and I'll try to send it!
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
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Chapter 4
The following Tuesday, after practice and your homework, you'd driven over to The Hideout to see the famous Corroded Coffin play to their crowd of regular drunks. You parked your car in the lot, getting out and straightening out your cropped Iron Maiden shirt. You'd paired it with some shorts and fishnets, as well as your Docs and your jacket which, courtesy of Eddie, now had a WASP pin resting proudly on the lapel.
You made your way into the, quite honestly, dump of a bar, impressed that you didn't even need a fake ID to get in. You grinned when you saw Corroded Coffin setting up on the small stage and made a beeline for your friends and your....Eddie.
"What's up, rockstars?" You smile, giving Eddie a cheeky pinch to the butt as he was bent over with his back to you sorting out his peddle. He angled his head to look at you, and nearly keeled over at the sight of your outfit. He recovered, standing up to hug you.
"Now this just isn't fair, sweetheart, gonna be playing our set with a fucking boner," he groans into you ear, making you giggle. He subtly kissed your head.
"Holy shit you actually came!" Gareth said, grinning at you from behind his drum kit. "Eddie said you might not make it because of practice."
"Like I'd miss the infamous Corroded Coffin live in concert," you gesture to the homemade banner behind them. "I'm excited!"
"You're probably the only one in the audience who is," Jeff laughs, glancing over the few people who had come to the bar to watch them play.
"Well, just remember who your biggest fan was in the early days, yeah?"
"Of course, sweetheart," Eddie winks at you and you have to wrestle down the urge to kiss him, not knowing how he felt about your...whatever this was between you being made super public yet. You instead settle on shooting him a wink and going to get yourself a drink whilst they finished setting up, patiently waiting for their set to start.
You were surprised when the bartender handed you a beer, apparently Eddie had sorted you with a drink before you'd gotten there, and again that meant nobody was checking your ID. You said nothing, taking your beer and sitting at a table close to the stage where you had a good view and Eddie could definitely see you.
The band start their set and you're completely blown away. Not only are they actually pretty damn good, the way Eddie carries himself on stage is incredible. He's confident, charismatic, nothing new there, but he eludes this sexy rockstar attitude that makes your pussy clench as you watch him. He plays with an energy that should be for 80,000 people not just 0.01% of that.
You watch his skilled fingers running up and down the frets, effortlessly playing chords without even glancing down. And when he sang, god your heart skipped a beat. His voice was the perfect mix of soft melodic singing and raw yells and shouts. They played a mix of covers and their own songs, their musical influences clear in those original pieces. Your favourite so far had been their rendition of Paranoid by Black Sabbath, and a song called Shallow Grave of their own. You had screamed and shouted and applauded, probably too enthusiastically really, but you didn't care. They were good, and Eddie was hot.
As the notes of another original song, Strangers in the Dark, came to an end, Eddie spoke into the microphone.
"We're going to change things up a little bit now folks, with a new cover dedicated to a very special person who happens to be our number one fan. This one's for you, airhead." He shot you a smirk and you grinned back at him, your cheeks flushing. "Sing along if you know it, maybe even dance a little if you're drunk enough."
The opening notes of Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks, but with a Corroded Coffin touch, began to play and your jaw dropped. You fucking loved this song, and your mind and heart race when you remember you had told Eddie that, probably about 3 weeks ago when you'd first started speaking properly, only mentioned it briefly when he'd seen the tape of Bella Donna sticking out of your bag.
He'd...learnt this, for you? Made his band learn this for you without even knowing if you'd ever come to one of his shows?
It's a good thing you were sat down because your knees felt stupidly weak.
"Just like the white wing dove, sings a song sounds like she's singing, ooh, ooh, ooh," Eddie croons; his voice could have brought tears to your eyes. He wasn't playing guitar for this, cupping the mic in his hands in a way that should have been illegal.
You sit in your seat, singing along, watching as a few drunks get up to dance, mostly middle aged women who look as if Stevie Nicks is their lord and saviour.
"Come on honey, your boyfriend is singing this for you! You gotta dance!" One of the Stevie-ites grabs your hand and tries to pull you up to dance.
"Oh, I cant-" you start, feeling a little embarassed. Ridiculous really, seeing as you were in front of two entire high schools nearly every week dancing and cartwheeling and splitting. Why the fuck was dancing in front of Eddie making you shy?!
You catch Eddie's eye as you're dragged onto the small dance area in front of the stage, the woman lets go of your hand to do her own Stevie style twirl, and you laugh, doing the same when she encourages you to do so. You glance up at Eddie and he grins back at you, still singing away as he pulls you up onto the small stage, twirling you around. You stay next to him, wrapped in his arms as the band finishes the song. When the last note plays, Eddie grabs you and you kisses you hard on the lips and you wrap your arms around his neck, the small crowd whooping and cat calling as you break apart, both of you panting and grinning like fools.
"You're amazing," Eddie says breathlessly, looking into your eyes.
"Me?! I'm not the one who just turned Stevie Nicks into a bad ass metal anthem! You gotta record that, you...you're incredible!" You pant, your face starting to hurt with how much you're smiling. You run one finger down his chest whilst looking up at him through your lashes. "How much longer is the set, rock star?"
Eddie swallows hard.
"Uh, th-three songs."
"Perfect, I'll be waiting by your van when you've packed up." You shoot him a sexy smirk, pecking his lips once more and hopping off the stage to watch the rest of the set.
True to your words you were waiting, leant up against the side of Eddie's van as he finished loading up his equipment.
"So, I've been thinking, that bed you've got in there?" You gesture to the back of the van. "Super fucking comfortable, perfect for laying down after a successful show, don't you think?"
"While every fibre of my being is going to hate me for saying this, Y/N-"
"Who said anything about sex?" You cut him off and he looks at you, confusion etched on his face. "Just wanna show you how appreciative I am that you learned a song for me, very cute by the way."
"Well, I have been known to be pretty cute," Eddie grins, letting you pull him into the back of the van, kicking the door shut. He grunts, letting out a breathless laugh as you push him onto his back and straddle him, pushing his shirt up his stomach. "Hey, you know you don't have to do anything you don't want to, right?"
"What about if I want to?" You smile, rocking your hips experimentally against him. Eddie groans, fingers biting into your hips. You lean down and kiss him, tongue immediately finding his. Eddie's hands travel from your hips to your ass, squeezing it softly at first, then harder as your kisses grows deeper and more desperate. You pull away from the kiss, sitting back on your heels and your hands hover over his belt buckle. "Can I?"
"Yeah, yes, shit, you can do anything you want to me right now, sweetheart." Eddie groans as you undo his belt, your hand ghosting over the bulge in his jeans. Once his jeans are also undone, he helps you by lifting his hips so you can pull his jeans and boxers down to his mid thigh. You can't help the gasp that leaves your mouth as his cock springs free, slapping his lower stomach.
"Holy...what the fuck, Eddie?!" You laugh, unable to process what you're seeing. He's big. And not just big, but thick too. Uncut, with a delicious thick vein running along the underside of his cock. His balls are - is it weird to say perfect?- big and round and your mouth salivates at the sight. Would you even be able to wrap your hand around him? Swallow him down? Would your cunt stretch enough to accommodate him? Your brain buzzed with arousal.
"Not really something I go around showing off," Eddie chuckles, hissing as you attempt to wrap your hand around him, slowly stroking him. You pull back his foreskin to expose the head of his cock, the same beautiful shade of reddy purple as his lips, and you watch in fascination as a small bead of precum blurts out and over your fingers. "Shit, Y/N, your hand feels so fucking good."
"I haven't even done anything yet," you giggle, moving a tiny bit faster, your other hand gently cupping his balls. You make sure he's looking at you before you let a glob of spit fall from your mouth onto the head of his cock, using it to lube his shaft for your hand to glide easier along it. Eddie fucking whimpers, whimpers, at that, his head dropping back onto the pillow beneath him.
"Fuck, babe, you're fucking...you're a dream."
"A wet one, I hope?"
"You're...everything. God the amount of times I've thought about this, about you...Jesus, how are you fucking real?" Eddie sighs as you work your hand over his cock faster, the mix of your spit and his precum making it easier. "Can I...fuck, can you take your shirt off? And...and put my jacket on?"
He prayed silently that you'd agree, it was all he'd been able to think about for about 3 weeks. You smile, nodding, taking off your shirt. Eddie almost blows his load there and then. Not only were you braless, but you also had your fucking nipples pierced, the two silver bars winking at him in the dim lights streaming in from the car park. You send him a knowing smirk briefly letting go of his cock to grab his previously discarded jacket and slip your arms into it, the leather cool and somewhat a little sticky against your damp skin.
"How do I look?" Your voice is low and sultry, laced with arousal. The throb between your legs is almost unbearable now, and you grind your crotch against his leg for some relief.
"Like every wet dream I've had since I was 13," Eddie groans as you spit on his cock again. "Shit, never thought you'd be so..."
"So what?" You challenge with a smirk, one eyebrow cocked as you continue to jerk him off.
"Jesus, so fucking...filthy." Eddie gasps as you run your other thumb over the slit of his cock, gathering some precum on the digit and sucking it into your mouth. You exaggerate a moan, this was purely for him right now but he did taste really fucking good. "Shit, gonna cum soon, don't stop baby."
"Not going to Eds, want you to make a mess all over me." You push the jacket off of your tits so he can clearly see them. Your free hand pinches one of your nipples, making you moan and grind down onto him again, a whimper leaving your mouth.
"Jesus fuck!" Eddie grunts, his cock twitching in your hand as he cums, streaking your tits, stomach and a little bit of his own jacket with thick white ropes. You stroke him through it, letting go of his thick cock when he starts to hiss in discomfort. "Fuck, princess, easy, easy," he lets a breathless laugh as you scoop up some of his cum off your tits with your finger, popping it into your mouth and sucking it off. "Jesus H Christ."
"I prefer Y/N." You grin, letting out a squeal as Eddie pins you down onto the floor of the van, kissing you hard. His hand wanders to the button of your shorts. "Hey, don't worry about me, handsome. This was all for you."
"You sure? I want to." Eddie's eyes flick to yours and you smile.
"I know, and believe me I really want you to but I have to get home, school night and all that." You sigh and Eddie groans, dropping his head to your shoulder. "My fingers will just have to do tonight."
Eddie groans even louder.
"Shit, Y/N, that isn't fair."
"Relax, Eds, my parents are away this weekend, so I'll have that big, empty house all to myself. You wanna come over and protect poor little old me?" You put on a fake pout. Eddie smirks.
"And by protect you mean-"
"Fuck my brains out until I can't fucking walk and make me scream so loud the neighbours will know your name? Yeah, that's what I meant." You giggle, pecking his lips softly.
"Oh, I'll be there baby, I'll protect you so hard, don't you worry."
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kurooo-is-here · 9 months
I got a request!
Kieran's Hydrapple trying to set him up with a Fem!Reader?
Little guy's been witnessing that boy being an absolute mess since he was a Dipplin and has had ENOUGH!
Ohoho, this sounds cute!! I assume you mean a writing request, so here you go! This takes place after the events of the Indigo Disk DLC.
Warnings: None! Just some romance :)
Notes: Kieran deserves a hug, I fr wish Game Freak let us hug him after all that went down..
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Kieran checked his closet, which was full of assorted colors of Jinbei outfits. He sighed, closing the closet door again.
"Hydrapple, which color would Y/N like..?" Kieran turned to his Hydrapple, who was resting on the floor.
Hydrapple huffed and let out an indifferent hiss.
"I know, I know... It doesn't matter that much, but.. what if she doesn't like the color?" He asked, scratching his head. "Tonight is the Festival of Mask, and I haven't seen her in awhile."
Hydrapple hissed again, seemingly impatient. It stretched its head over to the white Jinbei, pointing at the outfit with its snout.
"White..? But I wore that one last year." Kieran huffed. "I've changed, maybe I should pick a different color-" Hydrapple hissed louder, as if begging him to just pick one.
Kieran sighed. "Alright, alright.. I hear you. Let's just go with white." He said, grabbing the outfit reluctantly.
"C'mon Hydrapple, get in your pokeball. The festival starts soon."
You were back in Kitakami! Traveling was easy for you since you were a champion of Paldea, but you still missed this place. The bright festival lights and music drew you closer to the town hall as you hopped off of Miraidon.
Miraidon looked eager to try the food, but you were more interested in something else. Scanning the area, you couldn't help but notice that Kieran wasn't there yet, so you decided to help yourself to a candy apple (and you bought a second one for your hungry dragon friend, too).
As you and Miraidon munched on your treats at a table, you heard a familiar voice behind you.
"Is that a candy apple? Oh man, I haven't had one in awhile."
It was Kieran. He was dressed in the white Jinbei he wore last year, back when you first met him. His hair was still tied up too. For some reason, he looked nervous.
"Oh, hey Kieran!" You smiled and waved, gesturing for him to come closer. "Do you want one? I can buy one for you."
Kieran shuffled over awkwardly, taking a seat next to you. "No thanks, I'm not hungry. Carmine made me eat dinner before I got here."
You giggled. Carmine was always fussing over her little brother. She probably said he was getting too skinny or something.
"Well, at least try some of mine! It's really sweet!" You said, holding out the candy apple.
Kieran raised an eyebrow. "Um... Is that like, sanitary? Maybe I shouldn't."
You shrugged. "Suit yourself!" You said, going back to eating it.
Suddenly, you saw a flash of light. Kieran's Hydrapple had popped out of its pokeball.
"Hydrapple, what are you doing?" Kieran asked.
Hydrapple hissed in response, seeming excited. It leaned forward and pushed its snout into Kieran's shoulder, trying to push him closer to you.
"What the- No, I'm not gonna share the apple with her! I can buy my own later." Kieran protested, lightly nudging Hydrapple's head away.
You made a pouting face. "Pleeeaaase, Kieran? Even Hydrapple thinks you should try some."
Kieran sighed and took the candy apple from you, taking a bite of the side that wasn't eaten yet. You watched as his eyes lit up.
"How is it?" You asked, grinning at him.
"It's... just like how I remember it." He said, seemingly lost in thought. "Thank you." His smile was small, but warm. Your heart skipped a beat, seeing him genuinely happy.
Hydrapple, still out of its pokeball, hissed at Kieran again. Kieran seemed taken aback at whatever Hydrapple said, because his face instantly went red.
"Wha-- NO! I'm not gonna-" He exclaimed, before shutting himself up to not draw attention to himself. You looked at him, confused.
Hydrapple seemed to... grin? It used its two tails to push itself closer to Kieran, then nudged its snout into Kieran's side again, pushing him towards you.
"Kieran, what did Hydrapple say-?" You asked, tilting your head. Kieran let out an exasperated sigh as he finally looked at you.
"Ugh... It said.. that we should kiss." He mumbled, his eyes trailing off. "But I'm not gonna, because I don't think you like me like that. Hydrapple is being weird again, I swear."
...You leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. Kieran nearly fell out of his seat, his eyes widened as you pulled back.
"Wha.... huh? You....... w-what?" He stammered, his face turning red all over again.
You licked your lips, then smiled at him. "Tastes sweet."
Kieran sputtered. "WH- You just-- You kissed me! Why did you kiss me?! Is this a prank??"
You laughed, then shook your head. "No, I just love you Kieran. And you're cute when you get flustered like that."
Kieran seemed to short-circuit. His face was still red, and he kept looking at you, then touching his mouth with his hand. "Y-You... love me? Why?"
Suddenly, the bells in the town hall rang out, and people started shuffling towards the exit.
"Ah, the festival-" Kieran paused when he felt you stand up and grab his hand, and he got up as well.
You smiled as you walked beside him, his hand in yours. "Kieran, you're genuinely the coolest person I know. I had no idea you were suffering so much because of what happened last year, and I... I wanna be there for you this time. I really do love you."
Kieran's eyes met yours, then he sniffled as tears welled up in his eyes. He had to stop walking for a moment just to collect himself, and you stayed by his side and hugged him.
"Y-Y/N..." He sniffled, wiping tears out of his eyes. "I-I love you too, Y/N.."
You decided to sit down with him at a bench on the side of the path. There was a clear view of the sky, which was twinkling with stars. Hydrapple scooted itself next to you and Kieran, with Miraidon sitting on the other side.
It was a beautiful view, and you would remember it for weeks to come.
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jgrills · 10 months
!?(・_・,? ♡
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tw: fluff, rooftop date ^^, and exhausted reader.
the reader can also see his border!
but otherwise, no warnings really.
sorry for not writing lately!! I haven't had a bunch of motivation.
make sure to take a break, eat some food, plenty of rest, don't forget to drink water!!
Take care of yourself!!
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It had been a long week for you, your professors seemed to want to drown you in assignments and homework. You haven't had a blink of sleep since.. Monday.
You were at your desk, the sight of ruined markers, cluttered papers, and sticky notes ruining your mood even more, full of all sorts of marked papers, good, bad, and neutral. The calming music your friends recommend only aggravates you more, your computer screen illuminating your figure. You groan, rubbing your eyes, refusing to acknowledge the 16 pages left of the assignment.
You don't even remember the last time you saw Hobie, you've been so busy drowning in assignments, that you miss several calls from Hobie, or your friends.
You close your computer, put the papers in a messy stack, put the markers somewhere random, and flop on the bed, you can't even sleep.
You start to drift off, getting under the covers and putting your head on the pillow, closing your eyes.
knock knock
"Are you serious.." You groan, slinging the covers off of you, and walking to the door. You open the door, looking around.
You don't see anybody.
"Hello?" You rub your eyes, then look down, you see a cd with a note on it.
"Hi! I know you've been stressed with exam prep, but please go to the roof!!" -Miles Morales
"P.S: It's worth it!"
You go back in your room, getting a comfortable outfit on, lacing up your shoes, and putting your room key in your pant pocket.
"Okay, let's go" You close the door, not forgetting to grab your bag, setting an OUT note by your door, locking it, and walking to the elevator.
The emptiness of the hallway eaves you with a sort of calming sensation, the closed doors, the many numbers, and the floor seems paranormal. You thought the elevator was more closer to your room, you look down at your phone.
1 message from 🌻
🌻: Did you get the note? (˘ŏ_ŏ)
[ ]: Yeah, I'm coming.
🌻: Okay, enjoy! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
You close the message, and put on some music, pressing the RF button, and watching as the doors closed. You feel the elevator rise, looking out of the windows and seeing all the bright lights, the moving cars, and the traffic lights turning different colors.
This was way more interesting than your apartment room view.
The elevator dings, the doors opening, you check your phone again.
[ ]: Miles are you sure? There's no one up here"
🌻: Look to your left.
You look towards your left, seeing Hobie taking off his mask, holding two lunchboxes, sitting by the edge of the roof, his border full of !?'s and a light pink color.
[ ] Thank you!
🌻: Your welcome! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
You put your phone away, walking towards him "Hey Hobie" you say, going over and sitting down beside him. "What's up? I got Miles' note to come up here."
Hobie waves you off playfully, "Hey, I wanted you to come up because I knew you needed a load off your shoulders" He hands you a lunchbox, with a fork on top.
"Thank you" You cheered, opening the latch of the light brown box, unrevealing the small white bow, revealing a small cake with your favorite fruits, colors, and designs on it, the small confetti wrap cradling the cake is adorned with several designs of hand-drawn hearts on it, the cake fits perfectly on the confection, and the size of the box, showing how much thought was put into this gift.
You look to the top of the inside of the box, the top reveals a red heart-folded piece of paper with tape on it, you take the clear tape off slowly, not wanting to mess up anything. Unfolding it, it reveals a note from Hobie:
"Love you" it's written in many different writing materials, mixed with Hobie's messy yet perfect writing.
"You're so sweet, did you get one for yourself?" You tease, putting the lunchbox in your lap.
"Of course, I can't have you eating mine" He teases back, nudging you while picking up his fork, taking a bite of his cake, some icing smearing by his mouth.
"Whatever" You roll your eyes, eating some of yours, the sweetness of the pastry hitting your taste buds, and you hum in satisfaction, chewing the treat and looking down at the city.
You see Hobie's fork approaching your cake, you try to swat his hand away, but it's too late, he's already eating your pastry.
"Hobie!" You exclaim, reaching your fork to his pastry, but you're interrupted when he shoves a fork full of his pastry in your mouth, then tak it back out after you eat it.
You cover your mouth, not knowing how to react after tasting his pastries' flavor, it was a mix of his and your favorite flavors.
"Wow, that's good" you mutter, still embracing the flavors of the pastry.
"I know right? Yours is good also" He says, taking a few more bites from your cake.
After this moment, the brown lunchboxes sit nearby, the confetti wrapping swaying softly in the breeze. You and Hobie both relax, stealing kisses, hugging, making jokes, and just taking comfort in each other's presence.
"I know I don't say it enough, but I'm proud of you, even with all this exam prep you're doing, you never gave up, and I love you," He says, his head in your lap as you run your hands on his wicks.
"Fuck" You check your phone, going to the assignment page, a late notice greeting you as soon as you open the app.
"What happened?"
"My work was due at 11:59..." You groan, tilting your head back, closing your eyes.
"Still love you"
"You're not making this any better."
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and many thanks to @adorefavv for the lunchbox cake idea + more details !!
-have a fluffy blanket and a warm drink.
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marimayscarlett · 6 months
Hi! I absolutely love all of your detailed posts about Richard, they make my day when you post them, I was wondering if you could make a compilation of very wholesome moments with fans? I'm afraid that Rammstein will never come back to the US and I'll miss my chance of meeting him in person and I'd love to see some sweet fan interactions ❤️ Dankeschön ❤️❤️
Hi 🤍
Please excuse my late reply to this, but I love this ask! It's known that Richard can be very warmhearted towards fans and gives out bone-crushing hugs left and right - I found several accounts of fans who met him and will accumulate these in the following post 😊 (sources are linked at the end of the post.)
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First some stories of fans who shared their experiences on the internet:
One fan met him before a concert, he gave the fan a hug and they say that to this day, they haven't forgotten the feeling of this hug.
Here's an account of a fan who met Richard at a resort in Mexico: "Richard never acted like we were imposing on his time or being a hindrance, even though he was with a table of friends. As soon as we were in eye contact range, his entire demeanor changed. He lit up like a Christmas tree and stood to shake our hands, stood close to us to chat for a few minutes - five minutes, tops, and gave us hugs as we left before shaking our hands again."
After a concert: "The hug I got was bone crushing. I was right in front of him. Cried my way through Frühling [...]. He checked on me and asked me if I was ok. Said i was fine and even the amount of times I'd seen them play, i got so caught up in the emotion. Richard told me they were the most moving moments for him at least and pulled me into a huge hug that if i think about it, i can still feel. Sounds weird but when you get a hug like that you dont forget it."
Richard seems to be a bit camera-shy while being out and about (declining selfies most of the time), but offers/asks for hugs himself as a return, as told by a fan who met him at the Chicago Airport. The fan apologized after asking for a selfie, yet Richard immediately asked her to give him a hug afterwards.
At a concert at the Palace of Auburn Hills in Detroit back, May 2012: "For some reason, I thought of making a sign that said "Pick für mich, bitte". We were right at the barricade and I decided to flash the sign. I don't even know what I expected out of it. Well, Richard fucking Kruspe went to his mic stand, got a pick, went to the security guard in front of the railing and told him to give me the pick. The guard and I had chatted prior to their performance, so he looked at me with a "way to go, kid" look. People around me cheered. Best concert memory ever. Nothing but a class act."
Another fan reports him being quite talkative and attentive during parties - apparently really listening to the other person and showing real interest. He really likes to talk about music and guitars and seemingly likes hearing the opinions of fans.
Meeting the band in front of their hotel: "His hug was the tightest, and he smells SO GOOD, I wanted to ask what was his perfume. I told him I loved Emigrate, he gave me the biggest smile and thanked me."
Then we have voice from withing the fandom on here - the lovely and helpful @anwiel13 said this about meeting him at a Meet&Greet (thank you again for sharing this! 🤍):
"Once he entered the room, we immediately know it. Not that he did something, but he really has this big personality, in very good way. He was smiling all the time, unless taking photos, than we was all his gothic deep stare self. He was also super nice to two girls, who were absolutely nervous, telling him how much they love him. We all know he hear this all the time, but he really looked like he is listening them and make them feel not like crazy fangirls annoying him with their feelings. If that's make sense. He hugged one girl when she asked him and again, did not looked like she's annoying him with this. He left very quickly after taking photos and signed our things. Overall, he was very nice and caring. I heard somebody complain about him being all snobby and annoyed during some M&G, but he was nothing like this during the one in Prague."
Plus I have found two 'essay'-posts on here describing fan-experiences at Meet&Greets and afterparties:
Here Richard is described as really warmhearted, smiling and patient with the fans:
A very wholesome interaction (with a cute Paulchard momet) with a fan who brought selfmade fan art with her:
And since of course I found some experiences with other band members on my research-way, here are my favourites of some of the other guys 😊:
At an afterparty: "I spent a long time talking to Flake who is beautifully underappreciated. He's such a wise man with an incredibly dark sense of humour. [...] Flakes English isn't great but he seemed to really appreciate that someone would talk to him in German and happy to help me figure out words I wasn't familiar with and vice versa. I really appreciated it as he did slow down his natural German speaking speed to help me continue a conversation in German as native speaking speed was just a little too fast."
At a meet and greet: "Schneider gave me such Dom-Daddy vibes that I would have got on my knees if he asked. He was so friendly, asked about myself and I was able to give him a letter from my best friend who had spoken to him years before, and he was so happy to take it."
At an afterparty of Till's solo tour (London concert): "I went to see Lindemann in London and was invited to the after party and ended up trying to open a bottle of wine with a set of keys with Till and then ended up drinking vodka and chatting to him for a few hours. Such a humble human and one of my biggest role models in life - he made me want to become a fire performer and he said I looked great doing what I do."
"Did a meet & greet on the 2019 tour and a bunch of the after parties. Doom is an incredible dancer and Paul and Richard give the best hugs." (I've read several times that Schneider seemingly kills it on the dance floor 👀)
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6
All in all, it's always amazing reading about fans having nice experiences with them - but let's not forget (since some people do exactly this), the band members are also just human beings like you and me, don't owe the fans smiles and good moods, and it's not a crime to have a bad day once in a while (with less enthusiastic interaction with fans) or just wanting some peace or being in a hurry, since they all do have private lives🤝🏼
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slasher-jax · 2 months
Police Officer
Characters: Nubbins, Bubba, Chop-Top, Drayton
Warning: cannon typical violence, corrupt cop!reader, cop!reader, cannibalism, slight NSFW, mention of being shot
Gender: gender neutral, m4f, m4m, m4n
A/N: Basically what the title says lol. There may be a few things I missed in the warnings so please proceed with caution.
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Nubbins Sawyer:
•He somehow always know exactly what road you will be patrolling and proceeds to hitchhike on that one when he starts heading home
•Loves how you make sure that he and his family doesn't get caught
•Helps you burn and destroy all evidence against him and his family
•Drayton respects you for keeping his family off the radar and keeping his younger brother at least slightly more under control
•He definitely hides in the back of your car/truck to go with you to work
•He gets to antsy and reveals himself not long after you start heading towards town
•He has done it so many times that you have to check everytime you get into any car/truck for him in the back
•He is way more clingy then he normally is when you have to take care of a dangerous individual
•If you get shot, expect multiple tantrums if you try to get out of bed (even if you had a bullet proof vest on)
•Doesn't want you to lose your job, but also hates when you have to leave
•Won't force you to eat human, but will get slightly disappointed
•Has 'pranked' you by replacing whatever meat you cooked for yourself with Drayton's barbeque
•Has wanted to use your handcuffs on you before, whether you let him or not is up to you
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Bubba Sawyer:
•Doesn't really understand why you are with him if you know what he does
•Hates killing infront of you
•Unaware that they have had several cases built against them that you stopped from happening completely by removing/destroying any incriminating evidence such as fingerprints and such
•Doesn't believe he or his family deserves you
•Doesn't necessarily like when you are partnered with a guy, even if you reassure him that he is the only man for you
•Panicked squeal when he finds out you got hurt on the job
•Makes you stay sitting in the basement until you are better
•Drayton doesn't really care, just as long as you don't get in the way of Bubba's chores
•Will hug and cuddle you if he finds out that you had to deal with a very dangerous individual that day
•Doesn't like when you leave, but understands  your need to work
•Definitely won't force you to eat human, however if you want to he will be pretty happy
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Robert "Choptop" Sawyer:
•Likes riding with you in your cop car/truck and blasting music while you are patrolling
•Panics so hard you'd think he was the one who got shot
•Your not going back into work for the next two weeks
•"I-I don't care if y-y-you were in a bullet proof vest, you are not leaving me."
•Thinks that you both can trauma bond since he was in a war
•As long as you cause no trouble, Drayton has no issues
•Is aware that you help the family stay under the radar, and is so thankful for that
•King of police jokes
•"No, wait, please, Mx.Officer, please, don't hurt me!" "Don't worry, I'm not gonna touch you." "...Why not?!"
•^The embodiment of this statement
•Is actually really into cop role play, so you being an actual cop is so hot to him
•Really wants you to use your cuffs on him and cuff him up in your car/truck and ride him into oblivion
•Genuinely loves watching when you have to tackle people to the ground
•Wishes it was him
•Over all probably the most thirsty with the most disgusting nasty thoughts in the family
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Drayton Sawyer:
•Is honestly surprised you even wanna be with him in the first place
•You're a cop? Cool, you can't meet his family until he can sit down with you and tell you about what he and his family do
•You're alright with it? Welcome to the family
•Is aware but also isn't aware at the same time that you are 99% of the reason they haven't been found out yet
•You don't wanna eat human? goes to kitchen for about 5 minutes and moves stuff about
•walks back in and hands you the exact same plate Heres your non-human meal!
•Just eat it for his sake please, he wants one person to not complain
•Honestly finds how gentle and sweet you are to Bubba adorable, but he'd never say that
•Likes how you can get both Chop and Nubbins to chill with just a whistle
•Or if you can't whistle(like me), a yell
•Doesn't freak out per say if you get shot or hurt, but definitely doesn't want you going back to work for a while
•Isn't exactly turned on just because of you being a cop, but he can kinda see the appeal when you start getting out of your uniform for a shower
•This man has on more than one occasion went directly into the police station with human meat in a bag for you
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All rights reserved, I do not allow for my work to be posted elsewhere unless given permission by me. If you want to write this idea in your own image, go ahead, but if you want to you can credit me, I would like to see your ideas. You can reblog if you would like as well, just do not copy and paste my work and call it your own.
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sinswithpleasure · 7 months
Hi sins your thoughts on lesserafim comeback easy, chaewon looks so hot in blonde 🔥🥵
This is going to be long and probably somewhat inflammatory. Let's get the horny part out of the way—blonde Chaewon is hot, and also quite adorable.
Personally, I feel like with every comeback, the quality is dropping. I don't watch MVs for hot outfits, I watch them for the art that it is. The MV itself is quite artistic and I love it. However, I'm going to go into my thoughts on it + some of the opinions I agree with. It's probably going to get some mad, but like... I trust the lot of you to not make my ask box a Twitter timeline.
I like the song on it's own—if I don't think that it's the title of a comeback, I really like it. I'm a rnb type of guy, so rap beats like these are right there up my alley. The instrumental is really nice.
However, read it carefully: I like it if it's just a single, not the title of a comeback. The problem here is that it's a fucking title, and not the B-side to a great album. As a title, this is just underwhelming when I know the standard is Antfragile.
I haven't given the album a listen yet, and I'm not even sure I want to. I've heard it's been a miss for a lot of writers who actually care about the music, with criticisms about the (over)use of autotune. The mad part is, I'm at a point where I'm happier to listen to NMIXX than LSRFM. This was not the case a year ago—I used to think NMIXX was unlistenable with the absolute sleep paralysis demon that O.O was (I'm aware that it's two different songs. I haven't listened to them yet though, and I'm told they're amazing), and now I listen to Dash and the album that it's part of, as well as Party o'Clock when it comes on. With LSRFM, I wouldn't skip Antifragile and No Return, and (actually i grit my teeth because it wasnt that good but i still can tolerate it occasionally) Unforgiven. It's sad that I'm caring less about em musically and being happier that LSRFM looks like fap fuel. That's really not why I'm here as a fan.
At this point, I might as well be disappointed already every time they announce a LSRFM comeback. As other writers have said, it's feeling a lot like they're a stripper group and not a band anymore—choreo is horny, fits are horny, and the concepts really just horny packaged as music.
Now, on to happier stuff—my thoughts were doom and gloom. Yunjin put out an insane collab with MAX, and I recommend that everyone checks that out. It's a beautiful song.
Thanks for the ask, by the way. I usually don't share my thoughts like that.
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pedge-stuff · 1 year
thermos (pedro pascal x gn/m!reader)
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a/n: same vague universe as “marked.” drop a line if you have a sug. (:
summary: sometimes, love boils on the stove. (set 2021.)
It had been a long fucking day.  Delayed table read, late picks, emergency rewrites—  the perfect storm at SNL.  
The steady pressure in your temples had gradually increased throughout the day, despite the Excedrine you'd taken early on. This had morphed into an ache at the back of your throat, because of course it had— bad things always came in waves. 
Halfway through the last-minute pitch meeting post-rehearsal, you'd missed a call from Pedro. The same time he called every day,  usually timed well with your walk home from midtown. Sending him to voicemail was out of character. 
Sorry, you'd texted. Rehearsal tonight. Lightly sautéed, gonna crash after work, talk tomorrow? Love  you very much x 
He'd shot back a " :( " and then had been typing for several minutes, the little bubbles appearing over and over. OK, he finally said. Love you too. 
It tweaked your heart, a bit. The two thousand miles between your phones was hard to stomach, sometimes. Alberta felt, for reasons unknown, so infinitely farther than LA, though the mileage was comparable. You picture him, alone in his trailer, reading glasses perched on his nose as he scrolls his phone, waiting for wrap to leave and tuck his old bones into bed.
Ultimately, you are a little too tired, and achy, and frustrated with work, and maybe a little cranky, to dwell on the finality of his "OK."  There's nothing he can do for you, from Alberta; it's not worth worrying him. 
You drag yourself home, resigned to making a weak cup of tea and curling up with the dogs. (Home is your studio apartment, while he's gone, though he maintains a steady campaign for you to just move into his. You haven't yet been able to articulate how fucking lonely his Brooklyn townhouse is without him.) Politely squeeze past the elderly couple who have pushed their sidewalk table all the way in front of the door to your building. Check the mail, of which there is none. Climb the stairs, a slow shuffle, fumbling with your stupid keys, music still playing at street volume in your headphones, eyes burning, lock turning— 
Fuck, fuck. 
Pedro turns the stove off, offers you a shy smile. Your bag drops to the floor. Something inside you snaps, pulls loose. You burst into tears. 
"Oh," he says, and you forcefully close the distance, wrapping your arms around him as you try and stifle quiet sobs. Wonder, for a moment, what the fuck is happening. "Surprise?" 
You laugh, weakly. Run a hand down your face. "Sorry, sorry." 
He pushes you back, apprising you with a gentle and skeptical look. Holds your face in his hands and thumbs away the fresh tears. Frowns. Presses his palm to your forehead. "You didn't tell me you were sick."
Leaning into his hand, you shake your head. "Not sick. Just tired." You pull back. "I can't believe you're here. Jesus. How long are you here for?" 
His attention is drawn back to the stove, beside which he has set your green travel mug. He smiles sheepishly. "Was trackin' ya on Find My." The kettle spits a small whistle as he pours the water. Your heart clenches; this stupidly thoughtful man. 
"I can rally," you offer, even as he ushers you into the bedroom. There is a suddenly conspicuous absence of dogs. 
"They're in Brooklyn. Figured you'd wanna get some shit here, and then we Uber that way?"
"You really thought this through, huh?" There are clothes and toiletries at his place ("our place," he calls it, though the studio is decidedly "your place."), but you pack a few things, just in case. 
It's not a secret that he doesn't love your apartment— it's a little cramped, for two men and two dogs. Plus, his apartment is more of a full condo. And the bathroom's nicer.
He watches you pack, perched on the edge of the bed. It's hard to focus on anything other than studying the soft lines of his travel-weary face. The rise and fall of his chest. Bits and pieces of him that the front-facing iPhone camera cannot pick up over FaceTime. 
In the back of the Uber, mindful of the rearview mirror, you have his left hand trapped between both of yours. The skin of his palm has toughened, calloused slightly from whatever they have him doing in the woods of Canada. It still feels the same as you press your lips to the center. 
"I'm still a little confused," you whisper, "but I'm so happy you're here." 
His steals his hand back, to card it through your hair. "Me too. Was going crazy, trying to keep it a secret. We've got the long weekend off for Veteran's day, so I thought..." 
"Mm. Do you have an agenda this weekend?" 
The Uber makes its final turn. "Yeah. I would like to sleep for one million years, in a bed, with you. And probably see Oscar and Elvira, at some point. Also maybe order Empanada Mama. I ate a Canadian empanada last week that legitimately made me sad." 
You hold onto his hand as you exit the car, cross the street, key in. The tea put you at ease, but with the shock of the surprise wearing off, the weight of the day resettles as an ache across your shoulders. 
The dogs bound down the hallway as you key in. Pedro's suitcase has not made it much farther than the front door, though it has been cracked open and partially rummaged. "I was in a rush," he said sheepishly.
"Mm. You showerin’?” 
“Probably should. We heading up?” 
You nod, kneeling to re-zip his bag; the duties of young knees. (The age gap is disregarded, unless he plays the old card to his advantage.) Edgar pounces on you while you’re accessibly low. Ten different questions die in the back of your throat. Every step between you and the king sized bed on the third floor feels impossible. 
He smells clean, as he wraps his arms around you, skin still damp and warm from the obscenely hot showers he prefers. You have a long day of rehearsal ahead of you tomorrow, then an even longer show day— but none of that matters now.
"Thank you for coming." You mumble, sleepily, into the worn fabric on his shoulder. Fingers card through your hair, brush gently over your temple. You've got a hand beneath his t-shirt, splayed across the base of his ribs.
Pedro makes an indignant noise, low, from his chest. "Not a place on Earth I'd rather be."
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Sweet Music Playing In The Dark (Be Still, My Foolish Heart) [Part One]
I'm super excited about this "fic" and am so happy to finally start sharing it with you guys! It's really gonna be more of like... a "not-fic" and mostly me rambling on and on about this world I've got in my head.
Some things will probably be contradictory because i constantly think of new things and ways to do things as i ramble, but it's just a loosey goosey overview of the thing! That I'm posting cuz i hope you guys will enjoy it too!
It's all pretty much based on inspiration I've gotten from listening to Bring Me The Horizon so it's almost all gonna be their songs, if i get the links to post! And i hope you enjoy listening to the songs as well! I'll post the song that inspired each part on each part!
It's a friends to lovers au! There will be some Buckingham as well, because Chrissy and Robin are together and have a band together and are Eddie and Steve's besties! Steve is with Nancy at the beginning but there's really not gonna be much details about them aside from the breakup! Eddie also has a partner at the beginning (i haven't decided who yet shh shh shh shh), but there will also be a breakup. Or maybe I'll just have him not able to find the right person. We'll see what happens! But i hope y'all enjoy the ride with me!!!
{ Cute little bat banner is by @1-800-shedevil }
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What if they know each other vaguely from robin and chrissy. They aren't close really, just see each other around. Passing in the studio sometimes. Or at events. They're each others besties friends. Besties in law maybe?They chat here and there.
And then covid happens. They're in lockdown. And chrissy and robin get tagged in some musical video challenge that's going around. So they do it, cuz they live together, and because they've been dying to see steve and eddie sing together, they tag them and pass it on. They have each others numbers because of chrissy and robin importance. So they'll both see it. And eddie sends steve a song name, some 80s song, he remembers them chatting about how they love 80s music at an event when they'd both run to hide in the bathroom to be away from the crowds for a bit. And steve text back,
"???" so eddie sends the post, and steve is like,
"oh!!! Oh my god yes let's do it!" So they do a little face time split video thing and its not a huge deal. Its goes a little crazy for a day or two and then calms. But then steve wakes up to robin calling him, and like 10 missed calls from her already. And he answers all groggy in the middle of the afternoon, lockdown, he can sleep when he wants damn it. And he's like,
"whats happened?" And she SHOUTS his name into the phone, he groans. But then she tells him to check Eddie's instagram, and then promptly hangs up on him. And he's like blinking himself awake still but he clicks it open and pulls up Eddie’s. It's actually the first thing that pops up on his feed cuz he really doesn't follow that many people... like... at all. He can see eddie, sitting on his bed, guitar in his lap and one of his little music machines next to him. Steve clicks it and feels himself blushing because of what Eddie's saying.
Basically, he starts of with,
"okay so normally i wouldn't comment or respond to like... assholes in the notes and comments but, I'm locked in my apartment and haven't talked to anyone face to face in like a fucking month an half and am just scrolling through all these stupid fucking comments so lets break this down." He shakes his hair out of his face, it's even longer than normal, his bangs are falling into his eyes. He settles back in, leans closer over his guitar, pointing into the camera.
"All you assholes. Calling Steve's music like... bland pop whatever blah blah blah. Have you listened to his stuff??? Cuz like, not to get TOO into it. Just... oh fucks sake hang on." He leans off the bed, making a weird strangled noise as he stretches. He manages to get hold of a hair band and shoved his hair up into a severely messy bun. Pushing his bangs to the sides he settles back in with his guitar and plays a bit of one of Steve's songs.
Steve feels his face getting hotter and hotter. He's still with nancy. But she's locked down at her own place and it's not even attraction making him blush. It's the fact that eddie munson, heavy metal rockstar man, is playing one of his songs, peice by peice, and laying down some serious music theory on his fans.
He plays it bit by bit until a small section of the song is playing out over his little recorder. And its acoustic and not electric like the actual song. But all the parts are there, and it sounds good. Steve can't stop watching. Barely blinking. Eddie stops playing and looks back into the camera, eyes a little wild, he's really been going at it for awhile. And he's like,
"steve might be, technically, a popstar, which, isn't really even THAT true. He jumps genres just like we do, but thats not the point. The point is, there are so many fucking... the fucking layers??? The goddamn depth of the composition of these songs he's making? He's a musical genius okay? Like... his songs are bonkers when you break them down okay?? So of i see one more of you cunts come into my comments and tell me to stop associating with popstars, which is a whole fucking OTHER topic im choosing to ignore. Dont fuckin tell me who to associate with you pretentious fucks. Anyway. Dont fuckin talk about his music until you fucking LISTEN to his music. The skill and precision it takes to make music like this? And in all the genres he ventures into, the skill level stays. Like...." eddie makes a wild flourishing motion.
"This dudes fuckin nuts okay? He's got fucking bars. He's got fucking talent. And he's my fuckin friend. So shut the fuck up. Mind your own business. Or get with the fucking program and go fucking listen to his shit. Fuck. Got me all fuckin heated now. Bunch'a dumbasses." He shakes his head. Clicks the music play back off, and sets his guitar down next to him. He pushes his bangs up off his head, breathes out a deep breath and rolls his eyes.
"Just... be nice. Or stay out of my comments. He's a friend. He's a fucking hard worker. And i dont take kindly to people calling themselves my "fans", he does the air quotes,
"and then showing up and shitting on steve just cuz he doesn't sing metal." Eddie lets his eyes move away, and then back, and then he smirks, reaches for the camera and says
"Not yet, anyway." He winks, and the video goes black.
Steve is so fucking flattered he has no words. And it only gets worse when he scrolls and sees chrissy and robin cheering eddie on. But THEN he sees Jeff, Andy, and Gareth in the comments too, saying stuff as well. Jeff leaves a trail of fire emojis and then says,
"yes!!! We use Steve's stuff at warm ups alllll the time!!! His shit will rock your world!"
And steve is just, so fucking flattered. He likes the post and tries to think of a way to respond. He thanks eddie in the comments. After checking his own and seeing some of HIS fans saying similar stuff about eddie and his band.
So he comments and doubles down,tell HIS fans he feels the same. He doesn't tolerate hate toward his friends. And then, he grabs the box from under his bed. Pulls out his stack of Corroded Coffin ticket stubs. He's been to.... several shows. Like a lot. Not always front row. He and robin love lawn seats. So they hang back there, and party with the kids and make a good space for themselves, dustin had started a lawn mosh three or four times. But he just makes a video, says,
"its come to my attention some of you think i couldn't possibly be a fan of Corroded Coffin. And i just woke up like an hour ago and im not generally good with words so im not gonna say anything. I'm just gonna do this." He holds up the stubs, all stacked together at first, and then he slides his thumb and the stubs fan out, he's got like... 15 to 25 of them.
He smiles. Fans himself a bit with them, holds them closer to the camera so people can see they're actually Corroded Coffin tickets and then pulls them back. He gives a little toothy smile and a peace sign and then turns the camera off. He goes to take a shower and comes back to a comment from eddie under his video thats just,
Cuz he's an emoji slut and had been up for... over 24 hours making that video and just losing his shit a little. But then he also gets a personal text from Eddie and he's like,
"holy shit. Have you really been to that many of our shows?" And steve is like,
"yup. More actually. Ive seen you a few times at festivals from backstage too" and they get to chatting.
Steve tells eddie about dustin starting the lawn moshing and eddie loses his shit again cuz that was so cool to him and the guys, that the lawn had been moshing like the pit. And thats how they start really talking and becoming actually friends and not just semi sort of adjacent friends. Robin and Chrissy add them both to the same group chat and it just blossoms from there.
They dont really post anymore videos, alone or together. But then, after lockdown, a music award show comes to them both and asks if they'd wanna perform a song together as a suprise for the show. And Steve's kind of hesitant. Cuz he doesn't know if he can pull off a Corroded Coffin song. But eddie just claps him on the back and is like,
"dont worry. We're gonna play one of yours" and steves like,
"shouldn't we talk about it a little?" And the band boys chime in that they've been DYING to perform one of his songs. And steve is just so flattered. But he's also like,
"i dont... know. How's my song work with you guys and your style? Im not exactly a heavy metal guru." Eddie smirks at the word, throws his arm over Steve's shoulder and says,
"oh steve. Lemme open your eyes. Lemme show you what you can really do." He widens his eyes cheekily and he and the boys take him to their studio to show him what they have in mind.
When they perform, it starts with just steve alone with his guitar, the stage behind him dark. He gets through the beginning and then the band kicks in with their heavy style and the crowd 'ooohs'. Steve finishes the first verse and then the lights come up, the band goes harder and Eddie comes out from behind Gareth and starts playing his guitar, walks up to the second mic and starts singing and everyone goes CRAZY.
Steve matches Eddie's energy for the whole performance. Eddie jumping and playing and sliding to his knees when he's not singing. Steve jumping to the beat and playing when its Eddie's time to sing. Both of them leaning in close to one mic to sing and play their guitars in unison a few time. The crowd screaming making them both smile.
The crowd screams loud again when Steve leans against Eddie's back as they play, head falling back to lay on his shoulder. And then Eddie is hard core screaming the end of the song. Steve bouncing on his toes as he plays the final notes and the light fall and the stage goes black.
The comments on the videos online are almost all about how GOOD it sounds. And how well their voice go together. And a ton of Corroded Coffin fans being like,
"look at the little popstar man go!!! He's a little rocker at heart!" Cuz steve had been jumping around, keeping up with eddie as he played his guitar and yelled into the mic with him. And Steve's fans are like,
"holy shit! I haven't seen him look that happy on stage in ages!! He's a rockstar!!!" Everyone coming together and agreeing that rock agrees with steve! Even if he doesn't go their on his own in the future, they're glad he's friends with eddie and can venture there if he wants too, when he wants too. Because eddie is always happy to have him. They hug super tight at the end, eddie grabbing Steve's hand and holding it over their head as he screams,
"make some fucking NOISE!! FOR STEVE. FUCKING. HARRINGTON!" and the crowd fucking loses it as they smile and walk off, Eddie's arm draped over Steve's neck, both of them sweaty and hot and beaming.
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