#if you get upset by this stuff i'm gonna assume you're either a child or immature. and to that i'll say either get out of here because -
theodoravery · 5 months
okay, apparently this needs to be said because some people can't come to this conclusion on their own, but if you don't like to see people criticising or hating on your fave characters or you fave game, then maybe social media isn't for you, or maybe you should go to reddit, where no one's allowed to have an opinion unless they're riding rc's cock. either that, or start choosing lis that aren't so awful or problematic, because obviously you can't deal with people having a different opinion to yours
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sweetmoonstorm · 1 year
HELLOO!! I saw that your requests were open so I wanted to request something for Ninjago!!
Basically a hc where the ninja see the reader as their baby sibling (so obviously platonic) and they would do anything for them and protect them on missions or if they got in trouble with others! Just some sibling fluff because we are in need of this stuff!
Hopefully that made sense and hopefully you're having a WONDERFUL day! Thank you❤️
Yw + Ty!! <33
There r gonna be spoilers for certain seasons in this-
So Basically for hcs with a reader that is viewed as a lil sib to ninjas.
You will definitely be treated like a child/baby.
This is just assuming you're one of the youngest in the ninja group, (including Lloyd), or you're a bit childish, whatever it would take for the ninja to view you as a younger sib.
Most likely, you're very close with them, or at least most of them, and know lots about them, and they know lots about you!
That being said....
There most definitely will be light hearted teasing/joking about you being 'the youngest' of the group no matter your age, and that may be annoying at times.
If you dislike the teasing/jokes though, they'll (tro to) stop.
So, into the ninjas relationships with you.(Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Zane, and Jay, including Nya)
Personally a fav of mine, Zane is really the guy to go to when you need help in the brains department.
He's also an excellent cook, who'd be willing to give the youngest sib something to eat whenever you're hungry.
I see Zane as the one who's although not the best at understanding emotion, will try to comfort you if you get upset or annoyed by one of your other brothers/sister, or are just having a bad day in general.
"Stay Calm y/n. Good things come to people who are able to stay calm."
"...you got that from Master Wu, right?"
"Yes, I did. Did it make you feel better?"
"...Sorta. Thanks Zane."
"I am here anytime you would like to talk, little sibling."
Allow me to add-
Even if you get scolded for getting into trouble, Zane will have this kinda look towards you that's like :
'That was very brave of you, y/n', or 'Good job defending yourself.'
He'll probs talk to u abt the event after it happens too just bc-
So we got the master of lightning.
If you're the type to tease, then here's the guy-
Aside from Lloyd, Jay's the only one who's ' element' isn't actually an element-
Cue you messing around with him and playfully joking abt his element.
Now if your element isn't actually an element either, well be prepared-
For more fluff stuff, Jay and you will probably compete against each other along with the other ninja, or maybe he's just gonna pester ya while you're doing something.
For the whole when he gets the hots for Nya, Jay may or may not ask for dating advice. Depending on how your love life is n stuff.
Now according to generic protection, Jay will try n seem a bit tough, beat up the evil with his nunchucks, y'know?
Keep the youngest safe (not that it really matters how old you are, you're gonna be the youngest to the master of lightning-)
Now, I feel you'd get along best if your element had something to do with earth, or you're just a nature enjoyer in general.
But for the general subjects.
Personally, I'm able to imagine Cole as like, the older brother who didn't realize what was going on, though that role may fit Kai or Lloyd better.
He and you may have disputes at times, along with Jay, but y'all get along in general.
And while I didn't really talk about this in the Jay section, when the time comes to where they're arguing over Nya, you could just be a lil sneaky and tell Nya legit all about their arguments over her as a youngest sibling would,
Or you could ignite the arguments a lil more, or who knows??
It's really up to you-
During battle, Cole will act similar to Jay, tryna show off some, but he may check on you a bit more often, quick glances to make sure you haven't run off to fight an enemy in Narnia or some bullsh-
Ima just jump to the protection start bc I've got more ideas for this fiery boi-
Seeing as Kai's lil sis, Nya, is also in the group, he'd probably be the most protective out of them all.
While all the Ninja care about you, Kai's the one who actually has experience with his lil sis Nya, and likely knows the best ways to make sure you don't get yourself into trouble.
Tbh, he'd probably treat you the same way he treats Nya.
Telling you to 'stay back so you don't get hurt', or to just don't do stuff that'll get you hurt, making sure you're alright, getting defensive over you when the others start arguments, etc.
It does NOT matter what role you play or how good/bad you are in battle, Kai's gonna treat you like his bio lil sib
Well, i suppose that would depend on how long he'd known you, but, stillll
That would actually prob be the main reason he argues with you.
Despite wanting you to be safe, along with Nya, Kai still has that fiery personality of his, to match with his element.
But for general, Kai can be a fun guy to be around!
Kai would like it if you got along with Nya too.
Not only would he get an additional lil sib, said sib gets along with his bio sib! Win-Win!
Ok so
This one is the youngest if we ignore the part where you're seen as the youngest sib/are the youngest.
Since he never actually 'grew up', and had to deal with some sorta potion that deals with ages(it's froma certain episode I don't exactly remember) I feel Lloyd would be more... Eh, awkward.
Assuming you were with the ninja from the beginning, Lloyd joined in later on, and it'd probably feel weird to him seeing he can now refer to you as 'lil sib'.
Maybe you'd be the one that got him back into mischief making.
Not too far to the point where y'all end up summoning even more legendary tribes, but harmless pranks and such.
Or you'd be able to help him adjust to life as a grownup! Who knows?
Lloyd, I feel would be one who tries to deal with things more... Idk, his way.
When protecting you, the amount of power that goes into his attacks depends on the level of danger, but the main priority is to keep everyone safe, which includes you.
Seeing as the ninja often made him stay behind on missions when he was still a kid, I think Lloyd would sympathize more with you on the whole having to stay behind bc "mission to dangerous for lil sib" thing.
This gonna be a lil shorter-
Will sympathize with you as well in the whole having to stay behind missions thing.
(Og Ninjago fans will remember what she did in s1 during that whole samurai thing)
During that time period, she'll maybe help you w your own contraption so that you can do missions as well.
Oho but during the part she found out she got her mom's powers?
She bout to go ham on those tryna hurt her lil sib ':)
And that's all I got. I hope this is likeable, and I apologize for this being rather very long anon!
(new signature)
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #132
Who is your favorite sibling? I'm not picking a favorite.
Do you have neat handwriting? Yeah, people regularly say it's almost too fancy to read lmao. Once you're used to how I write my letters though I think it's perfectly decipherable.
Have you ever tried seaweed? Yes, I thought it was disgusting.
Would you rather grow wings or a tail? WINGS
Have you ever been to a gynecologist? I went to my very first one over a month ago, maybe close to two; I'd been able to avoid them this long because of being a virgin but by 27 years old, it was understandably being pushed on me for my own protection; not everything that happens down there is related to intimacy and I was being very unsafe by refusing to go for this long. It was an extremely upsetting and difficult experience that took a long time to do because I just wouldn't cooperate and calm down but we eventually got it done. I'm very, very thankful for how patient and understanding the doctor and her assistant were, and obviously my mom being so supportive and present too.
Do you get on Facebook every day? Generally, yes.
What is your Instagram screenname? I have three lmao (brittsburrow, brittanymphotography, eldritch_obscura), all for different purposes.
Would you ever consider naming a child after a family member? No. They're having their own, unique identity.
Do you know anyone who has the virus? Not currently, I think.
What do you remember from sex ed class when you were younger? That apparently you were either abstinent or stupid. No in-betweens.
Are caterpillars more cute or disgusting? Cute!!!!
Did you reject or accept your last friend request? No, some rando I didn't know or even have mutuals with.
Have you ever made out with someone you weren’t dating? No.
What was the last thing you threw away? A food wrapper.
When you were born was the umbilical cord wrapped around your neck? Not that I know of, and I'd definitely assume no because of how my mom explains mine and my two immediate sisters' births: Ashley was born with a very red face, I was normal (white as a newborn baby is gonna be), and Nicole was blue (she wasn't breathing/at risk of dying), so she sometimes calls us the American Girls lmfao.
Do you have a guilty conscience? YES
Would you enter a burning building to save a kitten? I think in the heat (lul) of the moment, unless it was a very clear, indisputable case of "you're going to die walking directly into fire," I feel like I would.
Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John? If you're asking which section of the Bible I prefer, none. What name do I like best, Luke.
Do you like avocados? Ugh no, I do NOT get the appeal whatsoever.
What’s the worst name you’ve ever been called? A weak-willed deadweight. Or martyr (and not in the "I'd die for my beliefs" sense). The first one hurt more though, because I get insecure over myself in the way of seeing myself as weak and burdensome.
What are some pieces of furniture that you must have in your dream house? Uhhh I haven't thought much about this. Obviously a comfortable bed large enough for me and my partner, a decent couch (that is NOT leather, that I do have a strong opinion on, lol), and I'd actually really really like a cozy hanging swing chair for reading and stuff. Certainly an entertainment center of some sort for a television and gaming consoles.
If you smoke weed, what do you usually do after you get high? If you don’t, what would you do if everyone around you were smoking? I don't, and I've been in the second situation before lol, I just chatted with 'em and watched TV.
Have you ever studied human anatomy? No. I mean, besides lightly in very basic science courses that cover like our different bodily systems.
Do you plan to do much or go anywhere tomorrow? Um nothing that I know of. I'd like to see Girt though, maybe I will.
Would you have more Word documents or images saved on your computer? Images, by a long shot.
What's your favourite non-dairy milk? I only enjoy dairy milk. Trust me, I've tried not to.
Which sibling are you closest to, both physically (distance) and emotionally? Physically, uhhhh... I'm preeeetty sure Ashley's place is closer? Emotionally, none, honestly. I WISH I was closer with them.
What would you do if your partner cheated on you? I'm gone, immediately.
What’s the furthest you’ve gone with the opposite gender? I guess it'd be oral.
Have you ever taken part in an orgy or bondage party? Noooooo I have no interest in doing intimate stuff with more than just my partner present.
Does pain turn you on? More than what I'm rather positive is considered normal but not to an extreme level, I absolutely have boundaries.
What time of day you were born? Like, 11:30 AM.
Have you ever had sex at school before? You couldn't have paid me to do that.
What piercings do you want? A good chunk more in my ears, right nostril for the third time lmao, I'm DYING to get a pair of collarbone dermals if my collarbones are ever prominent again (or with this new tattoo I'm actually considering the possibility of just getting one in the middle of the arch of the moon that's in it), and I've also thought about MAYBE back dimple dermals if my body/weight gets to a point that I'm happy with. There are more facial piercings that I'd like, but me ever not having glasses again isn't realistic and I don't think they'd look good with glasses.
How many people have you kissed? Four.
Describe your dream home. Not sure about the building material (I love wooden houses but there are more sustainable options), but I know with absolute fucking certainty it's GOT to be out in nature, very preferably the woods, with only few neighbors. A nature-friendly yard is absolutely mandatory; fuck that bland-ass green carpet shit, we're having plenty of flowers (even those that are considered weeds), a birdfeeder, hopefully a bat house, and a bird bath would be AMAZING. I'd really like a flower garden too, but that REALLY depends on if I develop the dedication for it and tolerance to being outside in the heat and stuff. As far as interior stuff goes and besides the very obvious essentials, I'd like a room to dedicate to my hopeful collection of reptiles and inverts, as well as one for gaming and computer stuff... more so for Girt at this point, haha, but I'd love it too. A room dedicated to productivity (drawing, doing yoga, writing poems, etc.) would be really beneficial for me, and it's one where I'd like big windows to let tons of light in.
Do you watch porn? No, very much not my thing.
Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced? Most likely not.
How would you spend a million dollars? House and car for Mom, then buy a house for Girt and me.
Describe your best friend. Funny as hell and loyal as a dog. He leaves nobody he cares about behind, ever, and despite he himself actually thinking he's generally selfish, he's SO far from it. When he cares, he cares incredibly deeply, and he's the most hard-headed human being I've ever met, sometimes to his detriment. He's an extremely hard worker, but on the downside, puts an absurd amount of pressure on himself and is convinced he's never enough in any sort of way. He's very much a provider in personality, like he's straight-up said he LIKES knowing that he's taking weight off people and that it gives him a sense of purpose. He's an introvert and a major homebody that likes sticking to himself, but he's perfectly friendly when he does interact with others, unless you give him reason not to be. He's VERY much more logical than emotional, like it's not even close, but he's absolutely not heartless and especially as his s/o I certainly see he has feelings. He is honest to god just such a fucking fantastic person and I consider myself remarkably lucky to know this one guy out of eight billion people.
Do you still have feelings for any of your exes? No romantic feelings, no. I do care that Jason stays okay (even though I don't have a way of truly knowing this) and I want him to do great in the world, but I don't have surviving romantic feelings for him anymore.
If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick? I don't personally know a single celebrity, so none of them.
What’s your favorite kind of weather? Snowy! Not like a blizzard, but just a gentle, quiet snowfall.
What in your opinion is the best love song ever written? Maaaan idk there's so many lol, I have a long-time adoration of "When It's Love" by Van Halen, but I also think "If It's Love" by Train is insanely adorable.
Was your mother married when she had you? No, apparently.
Who was the last person(s) you took a photo with? Uh, I'm actually not sure, I feel like it was my sisters on my birthday...
Do you like cheeseburgers? They're actually one of my favorite foods and I really wish they weren't lmao
Are you mad at your best friend right now? No, got no reason to be. On the contrary I've been clingier than normal the past few days, I've noticed.
Do you have a Flickr? Yeah. Not a big photography platform focus for me, but it's there.
Anything exciting happening in the month of September? Yeah, that'll be mine and Girt's second anniversary.
Where was your FB display pic taken? This desk chair.
Your ex calls wanting to hang out. What do you say? I don't know how the hell he'd have my number, but in the total hypothetical, the answer's no. I'd ask him why he's asking, and I mean... I guess maybe I'd be fine meeting up in a public location with Girt present if he in some foreign universe wanted to like, make amends/try to dispel any remaining bad energy, but I'd prefer that not happen. I'm not willing to "hang out" on a more personal level, that I know for sure.
Would you get back with your last ex if they asked you? HELL FUCKING NO
Are any of your friends virgins? Extremely unlikely.
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