ffskorday · 4 years
@kami: feeling bored. maybe i should release my album soon instead of waiting
@KORDAY: @kami “where is the album? we want the damn album!”
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ffskorday · 4 years
@KORDAY: i love a lotta zeroes but i don’t fuck with no losers, 2 types of ppl in this world and i’m a chooser ✍🏼😏 #comingsoon
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ffskorday · 4 years
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ffskorday · 4 years
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amari had to admit that going through her contact list and calling the first person she landed upon was one of her favorite pass times but with that being said, she always felt a bit odd doing so. “so, hey, thanks for coming out with me tonight. i know it was last minute and random and all that but i appreciate it.”, she stated to break the silence between the two of them. “seriously, get whatever you want, i don’t care, i just hate coming to things like this alone and my parents insisted since they’re in town and all that.”  ( @exstarters​ )
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“oh, honey it’s no problem at all,” she murmured with her southern drawl, shaking her head. she flippantly waved her hand, dismissing amari’s worries of being a bother to her. “i didn’t have anything better to do tonight anyway. just a lot of netflix and hulu. maybe a dash of disney plus if i felt like spicing it up a bit and taking a walk down memory lane.” she chuckled, looking over the menu of options she had to choose from. “oh, i was going to do that anyway because that’s just how i am,” she joked when she told her to get whatever she wanted. “where are your parents anyway? are they here?”
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ffskorday · 4 years
ft. korday  ( @ffskorday· )     
       last  night  was  a  blur.  whenever  his  bandmates  are  invited  out ,  it’s  almost  always  guaranteed  that  he’d  be  swept  away  in  another  drunken  fun   night.  but,  he  didn’t    expect  to  be  photographed  all  over  a  random  red  head  and  to  see  said  photo  all  over  twitter  the  next  day.   for  nothing  to  have  happened  between  him  and  the  stranger  ,  the  photos  make  it  seem  otherwise.  sure,  maybe  he  shouldn’t  care  to  clear  his  name.  afterall,   he’s  said  multiple  times  he’s  not  dating  anyone.  that  he  didn’t  want  anything  serious  with  korday.  but,  still  he  knew  he  needed  to  defuse  this  situation  –  fast.  “hey,  you’re  home!  i  was  worried  you’d  be  out  or  something,”  out  on  a  sunday  morning?  he’s  kicking  himself  for  sounding  so  suspicious  already.  “ you  look  gorgeous,  as  always.” 
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korday had no idea why she was even bothered by what she had seen on twitter when she woke up that morning. a day that was supposed to be filled with writing and working on her next project was basically ruined, all because of the careless actions of the man she was foolish enough to place her trust and affection into. they weren’t a couple - not officially, that is. they did as couples do, just without the monogamy. she couldn’t help but feel stupid. she thought that eventually things would change, but they didn’t. time and time again, she found herself turning down the advances of men and women alike because she was too emotionally tied to scotty. she looked up from her spot perched on the arm of the couch when she heard the door open, arms crossed over her chest and phone held tightly in her hand. “no, no. someone has to be home when the sun rises, right?” she asked, keeping her tone neutral. “i know. where have you been, scotty?” she brushed off his compliment, jumping right to the point.
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ffskorday · 4 years
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Hey everyone! I’m working on a few gif icons of Jorja and I’m replying to plotting DMs, but I’d love to get some threads going! So like this if you’d like a starter from Korday. It might be a text or a full thread! If you have a preference between the two, just drop a reply to this post telling me which.
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ffskorday · 4 years
i will not stop doing peace signs in photos until there is world peace
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ffskorday · 4 years
The world is filled with nice people, if you can’t find one be one.
T.W (via the-perfect-aesthetic)
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ffskorday · 4 years
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ffskorday · 4 years
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ffskorday · 4 years
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jorja smith. cis female. she/her.  /  korday james just pulled up blasting comfort inn ending (freestyle) by jhene aiko  — that song is so them ! you know, for a(n) twenty-six (26) year old rapper, i’ve heard they’re really -timid, but that they make up for it by being so +passionate. if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say vanilla scented candles, late nights on the beach, jasmine scented perfume. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble ! ( bobbi, 23, cst, she/her )
career claims: megan thee stallion + nicki minaj
hello everyone! bobbi here, with my baby korday james. i apologize for my tardy intro post, i got a little caught up with rl yesterday, but i’m here now! i’d also like to apologize for my lack of jorja gif icons, i’m working on making some now! but until then, i’ll probably be doing iconless threads for the time being. so ugly, ik, but it’s what i get for wanting to use an underrated fc lol anyway! onto more important things, like korday~ 
she was born and raised in houston, texas until she was thirteen, then she moved to los angeles with her mother. her mom is from new york and moved to texas when she was twelve, and her dad was born and raised in texas. her mother is actually a retired rapper, and her father was a record producer and own shares in a pretty big record label. unfortunately for korday and her mother, her father died when she was ten years old due to lung cancer. 
she got her rapping skills from her mother, of course. she would always go to the studio with her mom when she recorded albums, and she would go on tour with her mom (when she wasn’t in school). that was how she fell in love with music and the music industry (the good parts of it, at least). 
she didn’t have many friends growing up until she moved to l.a. she was actually bullied quite a bit back in texas, mostly because she was someone who was quiet and stuck to herself. she’s never been an outgoing or extroverted person, so she was an easy target for people. and a lot of people just mistook her quiet and shyness for her thinking she was better than everyone else because she had wealthy and famous parents. luckily that changed when she moved to l.a. and started making friends with the kids of other rich and successful people. 
her music career started when she was sixteen years old. she would make mixtapes with her own lyrics over sampled beats, and that was how she got picked up by her first label when she was seventeen. people assumed that she would just have her mother pull strings for her, but she wanted to do things on her own to prove herself. 
she impressed people with her freestyles and the first few singles she released, but she really blew up when she was nineteen and featured on a song with other rappers - all men, and had (what her fans and a lot of other people claim is) the best verse on the song. (we all know what verse i’m talking about lol)
after that, she became a household name. whether you loved or hated her, you knew who she was and her talent couldn’t be denied. by the time she was twenty one, she was seen as one of the best rappers in the industry at the moment, regardless of gender.
it wasn’t until around 2017 that she started to realize that things weren’t right. money was starting to go missing, her schedules were thrown off, music that SHE wrote and kept saved for herself was being given away to other artists under the label she was signed to. it didn’t take long for her to get a lawyer and have things with her contract double, triple and quadruple checked. it turned out that a clause in her contract that she didn’t realize (because she was young, dumb and prideful when she signed it at seventeen) stated that all things she did creatively while signed under the label was subject to being taken by the label. 
so she fell off the map for about a year and a half, going through lawsuit after lawsuit, trying to fight for the right to her own music. in the end, she won - and lost. she got the rights to all of her music, but she had to pay a six figure fee to buy the rights back. a lot less than she would have had to pay, considering her former company was asking for millions. 
towards the end of 2018, she made her comeback. she’s an independent artist now. she doesn’t trust anyone when it comes to her music and career now, so she decided that she’ll handle everything herself. 
korday likes to think that there’s two different sides to her - the everyday korday. kind, a little shy, loyal, soft hearted. then there’s rapper korday. aggressive, explicit, confident, cocky. that’s how she keeps herself from losing herself in the industry. and it’s a form of expression, of course. korday on stage is one thing, but if you approach her at any other given time and ask her to rap one of her songs or twerk, she’d get so flustered and embarrassed so fast lol 
tldr; sweetheart with a cocky rap persona who became independent after being fucked over by her label and has the world’s softest heart.
wanted connections (any non platonic connections are open to any gender, korday’s pan~)
best friend(s)
other people in the music industry that she’s collaborated with
close friend(s) 
childhood friends (if your muse is from texas!) 
adolescence friends (if your muse is from los angeles) 
someone who thinks she’s two faced or fake because of how different she acts off stage v.s. on stage 
past / current hookups, flings, fwb, e.t.c 
exes who ended on good terms 
exes who ended on bad terms 
friends who bring her out of her shell 
she’s the good angel on their shoulder 
they’re the devil on her shoulder 
cousins / relatives! (she’s biracial [black and white], so that leaves a lot of possibilities!) 
a sibling like relationship! she’s an only child, so she would love to have someone to dote on like a younger sibling, or someone to treat her like their younger sibling 
a celebrity crush, because cute! 
group of girls that are squad girls (pls, i’ll make aesthetics and shit, i live for these kind of dynamics) 
media fueled rivalry (i just think this is funny because korday is sooo the opposite of having beef with someone lol) 
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ffskorday · 4 years
tag dump
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* // POST — OOC.
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ffskorday · 4 years
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ffskorday · 4 years
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