#if you find typos or mistakes mind your business
crazedhatesoul · 1 year
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@wanderinglcst @inxthexshadowxofxdeath
Matt: Matt looked at Hobbes across the way on the couch and frowned some at the hat on his head. "Do you ever wash that thing? I can smell it from here." He leaned over and knocked it off his head before turning back to the match they were watching today. Hawk was at work so instead of sitting around bored, he had radioed Hobbes to come over.
Hobbes: Hobbes was hyper focused on the television, edge of his seat as he watched the play only to be rudely interrupted. "Awh, what the fuck?" He snatched his cap before it could fall to the ground, "Nah, I rather it age like fine fuckin' wine -- of course I wash it!" He waved the hat in Matt's direction with one hand. "Look, I work in the goddamn woods, Matt. We had to burn a bunch of debris today and the smoke stuck to my clothes." The other arm stretched out to his side in a 'sue me' fashion. "It just so happens I was on my way home to shower before you radio'ed me." He put on a bad British accent, throwing the back of a hand over his forehead dramatically, "I'm so lonelyyy, come visit meee, Hawk's at workkk…"
Matt: "Still, you smell." Matt shrugged then rolled his eyes at the explanation. "Yeah, yeah. Excuses, excuses…" He couldn't hold it back any more and laughed at the impression. "Next time I won't fucking bother you arsehole." He was still laughing though and gave him a rough shove then picked up the nachos to eat and watch.
Hobbes: "Look, man your the one who interrupted me mid-route to my shower so unless you're offering yours…" He caught Matt's sleeve when shoved, "-- Oh, c'mon, baby don't be that way. This is tradition. You, me, the boys," he motioned to the tv, "There's somethin' sacred about this practice and you know it…" He paused. His own loneliness always snuck up on him. He turned his attention back to the tv. "…Honestly, rather be here than be home…"
Matt: He shook his head. "No, too late." Matt was still chuckling though as Hobbes had hold of his sleeve. "Fine fine, you've won me over." He slumped back into the couch. "I don't blame you. When I lived in the commune I felt super lonely despite being in a house full of people." Then he looked over again. "Why don't you use our shower? The towels are in the cupboard. I'm sure Hawk won't mind."
Hobbes: He considered Matt's words for a moment, hand moving to comb through his hair. "…My place used to be so much… brighter. There was always background noice. And crayola on the walls. And I was always stepping on fuckin' marbles and race cars." a slow exhale through his nose at the memory. "And now it's just silent. All the time. -- Sorry. Yeah. I think I will. Thanks." His mood had dropped exponentially, so he stood. Maybe a shower would help.
Matt: He looked at Hobbes as he spoke and didn't say anything until he was finished so leaned over and gave his knee a comforting squeeze. "Okay." Matt sat back again. "I'll be here watching this." He gestured with a smile.
Hobbes: The hand was a comfort, and Hobbes surprised himself by lifting his own to wisp over Matt's knuckles before standing. He didn't have the words to say thank you yet. He promised himself he would figure out a way to after his shower. Even if he clumsily stumbled through it.
Matt: The touch didn't go to miss and he tried his best to not react to it because he was super affectionate and loved nothing but being touched but it wasn't the right place nor time for it so he sat, eating the nachos for a little while, listening to the game then when he heard the key in the door, Matt dumped the food on the table and climbed over the back of the sofa. "Babe!"
Hawk: hawk was just getting home from what felt like a longer day then it should've been and he wanted nothing more than to just curl up next to matt and relax the rest of the night so when he heard the 'babe' after walking inside he smiled and closed the door behind him making sure to lock it. "hey baby," hawk walked up to matt and wrapped an arm around his waist not noticing anything else just yet, "how was yer day?"
Matt: He practically threw himself onto Hawk when he got closer and draped his arms around him, smothering his face with kisses. "Boring, Sugar sent me home early." Then he kissed his lips. "I just want a kiss from you and the world's all right again."
Hawk: he set his keys down on the table right before matt draped his arms over him and started laughing at the smothering, "alright alright i get it ya missed me," hawk teased but gladly kissed him back. "bummer she sent ya home early though." he finally looked over into the living room and spotted the nachos and drinks on the table then looked back at matt with a raised eyebrow, "did ya have company over?"
Hobbes: Hobbes had been rehearsing what to say, finding it increasingly difficult. He was so good at talking when he was saying nothing at all but when it came to the important moments he struggled. Towel wrapped around his waist he stared himself down in the mirror and told himself to get over it and that it wasn't that hard to let somebody know that you appreciated them. The only issue was that when you started appreciating people being around it hurt so much more when they weren't there anymore. But when he was with Matt he felt little need to be anything other than just Hobbes (be it goofy and hyperactive or exhausted and sad). Not many people had that privilege.
He hadn't heard Hawk come in over the shower head. "Hey, Matt? Listen…" He pushed wet curls off his forehead, "I just wanted to say thank you, for, you know…" His voice trailed at the sight of the two together. His sleepy gaze easily met Hawk's. "Oh, hey. Welcome home."
Matt: "I do actually it-" then Hobbes was speaking so he turned to face him with a smile when he started to thank him. "Yeah, Hobbes is here to watch a game, I hope it's okay that I let him use our shower." Matt stepped away from Hawk then grabbed a beer off the table, holding it out to him. Yeah, Matt did look for a second but it left as fast as it came. "Here you go, it's home brewed."
Hawk: hawks gaze met hobbes back after he'd realized it was him, trying not to stare or have a reaction at the fact he was just standing there in a towel but he did notice that matt had a look himself, then looked back at matt. "yeah that's fine i don' care," he said grabbing the beer. "and hey hobbes," hawk added taking a swig of the beer. "you two and sports, i don' get it sometimes."
Hobbes: Everyone seemed to take interest in Hobbes in his towel other than Hobbes who was currently more concerned that now he had to start his whole 'thanks you for being a friend' spiel over to Matt at a later date. "S'why you're never invited." Hobbes responded with a lazy smile. He leaned against the hallway wall arms crossed, "Since Matt takes such issue wit' my work gettup, it alright with either of you if I borrow something to…" He motioned to his torso, "Cover up?"
Matt: Matt pointed at Hobbes when he said that. "Exactly." Then he laughed some. "It's okay though babe, that's why Hobbes and I like hanging out so we can watch sports and be manly." When he said that, he flexed his arms then dropped them. "Yeah, course. I'll get you something of mine because his will swallow you." Then he vanished into the bedroom to fetch a t-shirt for Hobbes, bringing it back out shortly. "Here you go."
Hobbes: "I know what you just said to be true but I'm still upset about it." He snatched the shirt playfully, pulling it over his head, words muffled. "It anything. They'd be too long. That's all. You remember that."
Matt: He grinned. "Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you, Hobbes? You're small." Chuckling, he pushed away from Hawk then sat himself back down on the sofa. "I'd rather they be too long than too big."
Hawk: hawk just watched the two of them go back and forth and thought to himself 'what the fuck is happening right now' before he shook himself out of his head. he kissed matt on the head after he'd sat down and laughed, "ya forgot to get him some pants dumbass." it was always said with love as he ruffled matts hair and disappeared into the bedroom, changing out of his work clothes and into his own sweatshirt and sweatpants, pulling out an extra pair of sweats for hobbes. hawk reappeared not shortly after and tossed the sweats at hobbes, "there, now ya can get out of the towel." not like he minded it anyway but he wasn't about to admit that now as he sat down and threw an arm around matts shoulders.
Hobbes: Hobbes leaned against the back of the couch where Matt sat, "I might be shorter than you two. But I'm definitely not small." he patted Matt's shoulder with one hand and caught the sweats with his other. He slipped them on and hung up his towel, returning to Hawk in his seat. He'd allow it. Tugging gently at one of the hoodie's laces he commented, "I never seen this before. You're always all dressed up when I see you." Or, before, all dressed down to nothing. Hobbes realized then he'd never really seen Hawk like this before. Sure they've hung out at the bar or on one of their porches but never had they sat on the couch together like Hobbes and Matt did. It was… nice. "Matt this is the softest fuckin' shirt I've ever worn." He looked down at it and found it comforting, fingers brushing over the bottom hem. "You might not get this back." Perhaps this was something like why his wife would always weasel away with Hobbes' henleys. 'I just like you close to me' she would say. He ignored the thought.
Matt: Matt glanced up at Hobbes when he leaned behind him and shook his head. "We'll have to see about that won't we." He teased then grinned when Hawk came back out, for some reason he didn't stop smiling every time Hawk entered the room and when he sat with him, Matt shuffled right up against him with the nachos, offering them for him to eat one by one. "It's my favourite hoodie. I keep telling him he should dress like this more in public but you know how he is." Matt sighed dramatically. "Why don't you keep it?" He offered after the statement about his shirt being soft. "I have others, it won't kill me to have one less shirt."
Hawk: hawk looked at the hand that tugged at the string for a moment and shrugged, using his free hand to pick at the nachos matt had offered him. "i don' know, jsut don' like dressin' this way in public. can' let people know i might actually have a soft side." he tried to joke but it came out sounding a bit too sincere. hobbes and matt were really the only two who ever got to see this side of hawk, occasionally his family depending on the situation but he felt comfortable being himself around these two. he rolled his eyes at the dramatics and gave matts shoulder a quick shove as he laughed. "it's not like he's wearin' his own clothes anyway, he practically steals everythin' i wear," hawk commented about matt.
Hobbes: He almost responded 'Hawk knows' before thinking better of it. Now was not the time. There were strict boundaries, rules to be followed. Otherwise, the easy order of what Hobbes had built with both of them would crumble. "You mean that?" Hobbes asked in response to Matt's offer, glancing at the man with raised brows. He looked back down at the shirt, "…Thanks, Matt…" It was a soft shit. And it smelt faintly of Matt too. There was something almost too comforting abut how they were set up now, too familiar. It reminded him of how he and his wife used to hole up on the couch with monsters and junk food. She'd rest her feet on him and yell at those stupid shows where they made a big to-do about who was or was NOT the father. He hadn't had that in so long…
When he reached for his beer it was almost sudden, finishing the one he had open before taking a swig of a second. "…I don't want to intrude or nothing if… you know… y'all want to spend time together. I get it. We can always finish the game another day Matt. Really I was just supposed to keep you company til' Hawk got home…"
Matt: He took Hawk's hand and made him hold the plate of nacho's now so he didn't need to keep holding onto it. "Having a soft side, as we've learned isn't a bad thing, babe." He rolled his eyes some. "I'm swearing his jumper right now." Matt flapped his arm then looked over at Hobbes. "I mean that, keep it." He confirmed with a smile.
"You're not intruding, you're our friend. Sit and stay." Matt patted the spot next to him on the couch. "I'm sure this one won't mind if we finished the game, will you babe? You don't even need to stick around if you don't want to. I know you're not a fan."
Hawk: hawk took the plate of nachos in his free hand since matt didn't want to hold them anymore and kind of made a face at matts comment, "yeah i know yer right just hard to get outta my shell i guess." hawk admitted. he rolled his eyes right back at him but for hawk it was about the fact he was wearing his hoodie but made no comment on it.
he frowned a little at how quickly hobbes seemed to want to leave since he'd gotten there. "when have ya ever intruded hobbes?" hawk added onto matts comment. "no i won' mind and it's fine, i wanna stay. i wanna learn more about the things ya like." was that directed towards the both of them? a little bit.
Hobbes: “Well we never really did this before…” Hobbes responded, “And you never…” he paused. Hawk never had a partner and he and Hobbes hadn’t really talked about it. Matt and Hobbes being friends complicated things slightly. It was easier for Hobbes to keep people in boxes. Since Hanna died he pushed most ‘friends’ away and kept the people he did interact with safely at arms length. Dedicated to them but never letting them worry about him. Duck was a good example.
Hawk had always been smoking, drinking, and the occasional fuck. It was almost methodical. Matt now acted as a soft, warm, binder between the two of them. Hobbes was loyal to a fault, and when Matt asked him to come over or sit and stay he had a hard time saying no.
He took a moment before sliding onto the couch, sandwiching Matt between him and Hawk. He ran a hand over the back of his neck.
“We’ll finish the game then, then I’ll get on down the road.”
Matt: Matt looked between them with a raised eyebrow but said nothing, none of his business, if they told him, they told him but honestly, Matt wasn't stupid but still said nothing.
When Hobbes sat next to him, he cheered and threw his arms around their shoulders and brought them closer to him. "Two very warm bodies." Matt gave them both a squeeze then kissed both on the heads and finally turned his attention back to the TV.
"Okay, we're watching some rugby because that's my favourite sport."
Hawk: what hobbes meant by ‘he never’ hawk would remain clueless about which was fine, maybe it was better that way anyway. it was easy to tell that matt was catching on that there might’ve been more to hawk and hobbes than what they’ve let on because they weren’t exactly being subtle about it but then matt threw in a curveball which made hawk raise his own eyebrow in response.
he looked behind matt’s head trying to see hobbes reaction to what just happened and noticed his ears were bright red, the same way they get with him sometimes. “what’s rugby?” hawk asked trying to fill the silence while hobbes seemed frozen in time which made him chuckle a little. since his arm was already around matt’s shoulder and he’d just pulled hobbes closer it was easier to do this, hawk flicked hobbes ear gently and smiled over at him, “earth to hobbes, ya good over there dude?”
Hobbes: No, Hawk. Hobbes wasn’t good. Because Matt just kissed him on the goddamn forehead.
He smacked Hawk’s hand. Shaking his head to toss his damp hair to cover his ears.
“Shut the fuck up. You know what rugby is.” He knew and Hawk knew he wasn’t telling Hawk to shut up over rugby. “S’like football but also not at all. — Sorry. S’like American football.” He added for Matt. As someone who’s played both it was easy enough for Hobbes to point out the differences. “Matter fact, it’s probably closer to soccer.” Again he added for Matt, “— or football. Happy?” He couldn’t help buy miss having Matt’s arm around him. It had been literal years since he had someone crawl onto the couch with him to cuddle. He tried to ignore how much he missed it. But now it was hard.
So he would force himself. He leaned back, resting his elbow on the arm of the couch. It was an attempt to keep himself on his own cushion. If his knee still brushed next to Matt’s it was merely a coincidence.
Matt: Was he a snob about the terms used? Yes so when Hobbes added both, he smirked a bit. He did let him go though and focused on getting closer to Hawk instead, leaning right up against him.
"It's a good explanation." Matt nodded with approval then kissed Hawk on the cheek, slipping his hand into his. "So this is just a recording of one of the six nations matches."
Hawk: hawk tried to process everything they were saying and just got increasingly more confused at hobbes changing from football to soccer to american football and all the which ways this man does not know sports terms let alone the difference in sports between countries.
when he noticed that matt had let him go and hobbes sunk to the arm rest he couldn’t help the slight frown, but smiled at matt, getting closer to him as well. hawks arm stayed around matt’s shoulder and the back of the couch as he watched and it was almost as if it was on instincts that hawks fingertips found hobbes shoulder letting them rest there gently. “so this is what you two do when i’m not around?”
Hobbes: Hobbes rested his chin in the palm of his hand. He exhaled through his nose at the fingertips resting on his shoulder.
His instinct was to excuse himself to smoke but he couldn't. So he chewed on his bottom lip instead, brow slightly furrowed as he tried to stay focused on the television.
"When you're not around we're usually screaming at the tv." He eyed Matt, teasing, "He's acting all sweet now but just wait til the referee does some dumb shit. Turns into a lil British monster."
Matt: "We also shag." Matt teased then laughed. "What the fuck are you on about mate? I am sweet as fuck." He reached over and pushed Hobbes for that. "Fun fact for the pair of ya, when I was in my 20's, me and some of me mates used to go to Liverpool in our Man U shirts, stand outside Liverpool's stadium and piss the fans off for fun. I got arrested for trespassing once, I only put my leg up over a barrier because Liverpool fans are pussys." He nodded once he finished his story then cleared his throat.
"Anyway… I like the footie ok? I like rugby too and shouting at the ref is a national past time at home." His accent had shifted back to normal now he was finished with his story.
Hawk:: "oh trust me i've seen when he's not sweet," hawk commented, rubbing at his chin to try and hide the smirk that was trying to form on his lips and focused in on the tv. then at the tease hawk chuckled a little unable to help himself, "without me? rude."
he really did try and understand what matt was saying but man was it hard, something about being arrested and whatever the fuck footie was so hawk just stared at matt confused, "i've not a clue what ya just said babe."
Hobbes: "He just confirmed what I said." Hobbes responded, adding a mumbled, "(I think…)" A half smile against his hand at the shove. He wasn't watching the game anymore, eyes staring at nothing for a moment. "No, we don't fuck, Hawk, don't worry. But he does beat me up. Can't speak on what kind of sick pleasure Matt gets out of that though." No wonder Matt and Hawk were together. They both were gluttons for punishment. He took a swig from his beer at such a realization, eyes finding anywhere else to look at and landing on the curtains. "…Shit." He pulled out his phone - it really just served as his watch now and a photo album. "It got late." He stood to peek through the curtains, "I should probably head out now if I want to get home." again he glanced at the time, "If I can get home…"
Matt: He glanced between them, expecting them to know what he was on about but when they didn't, he shook his head some. "You Americans." He nodded, confirming that he does indeed beat him up. "You don't have to leave, there's a spare bedroom and it's gonna be dark in a little while." Matt didn't want Hobbes to have to run home and still get caught out there. "I can make up the bed in no time."
Hawk: hawk ruffled matts hair about the americans comment and watched as hobbes got up to look out the curtains, god did he hate when people did that but that was his own personal issue. he wanted to pretend the night didn't even exist in this town and got well enough in ignoring the whispers that would try and lure him out, especially those of his brothers. hawk got up and off the couch, heading for the front door making sure he'd locked it before and now standing in front of it to block hobbes from leaving. "i'm not lettin' ya go home now, it's way too late, like matt and said and like ya already know i've got sparerooms." he was protective of the people he cared about, hawk was scared of loosing either of them in anyway and the thought of hobbes trying to run home and still possibly getting caught made him feel sick as he pointed back at the couch, "so sit yer ass back down." he might've sounded a little more stern than he was intended but if it got the point across then it did its job.
Hobbes: "If I left now I could get home…" Hobbes began in response to Matt when he turned to face Hawk who was now acting as some sort of barricade. For a moment he was at a loss for words. He should have left when Hawk got in. And yes, it was silly. Yes, Hobbes had stayed over Hawk's in the past but only in very specific capacities. Yes, he knew Matt and Hawk were together but Hobbes had never been witness to their domestic home life. And that was easier for him. Because it didn't remind him of what he lost.
Now the balance was completely thrown and it left Hobbes feeling anxious, and sad, and frustrated.
His eyes narrowed.
"…Since when the fuck do I take orders from you, Hawk?" He took a step forward into Hawk's space, "If I want to leave and go home, I'm going to leave and go home. I don't have an issue movin' your ass. How bout that?"
Matt: Matt watched carefully then winced some when it started to escalate but he hung back a little. "Babe… maybe you should just let him go then." He suggested calmly. "It's still light enough and those things will still be far enough that he'll make it." Matt then got off the couch when Hobbes stepped into Hawk's space.
"Guys, come on. We're all supposed to be friends here hanging out." He moved closer just in case one tried to punch the other or something, he was fully prepared to pull off whoever starts it. "Hawk, have another beer and let Hobbes go."
Hawk: "since yer tryna get yourself fuckin' killed hobbes," hawk took a step back now pressed against the door when hobbes stepped into his space not wanting to fight him. he glanced at matt at the suggestion and felt.. almost angry that he'd even suggest something like that so close to dusk. "have you seen how fast those things can run? no one has a chance i don' care how fast someone says they can run they're not human."
and then matt was suggesting to let him go again , "would you quit tellin' me to let him go?! no! the answers no! i'm not lettin' either of you step outside of this fuckin' house right now, not anymore. i can't. i won't." hawk was in full panic mode at this point but was trying not to show it so much. he knows hobbes strength despite his size, he knows if hobbes really wanted too he could easily move hawk from the door and maybe that's why he chose to be pressed up against it. "would you just fuckin' listen to me for once hobbes?" he was looking down at him, quite literally pleading with his eyes before whispering, "please."
Hobbes: Hobbes hands rose to run over his brow, frustrated for no reason. He knew Hawk was right but couldn't form the right words to explain what was bothering him.
Of course Hobbes didn't want to hurt Hawk. He would never.
"Alright." he responded quietly, "Alright."
He didn't know what to do with his hands, curling them into his palm tightly then releasing them then curling them again. Stuck in place, unsure what to do he chewed down on his bottom lip again til it bled.
"Sorry. I don't know what's fuckin' wrong with me…"
Usually when Hobbes had moments of panic like this he was alone. Trembling by himself in an empty house. And they were the most miserable awful feeling. Now Hawk and Matt were there and he wasn't sure if that was better or worse yet.
Matt: "There's no need to shout at me, Hawk! He's clearly feeling trapped right now, now move." Matt went over and took hold of Hawk's arm, gently guiding him away from the door then took his hand, giving it a squeeze before slowly pulling him into a hug, clearly something had been going on there to cause him to panic. "It's okay." He shhed him softly then glanced over at Hobbes.
"Like I said, I can make the spare room up for you in a bit." He sighed heavily. "You're just frightened, I can see that. It's a lot safer here but if you really want to leave then the door's there." Matt pointed to it. "If you don't, then go sit somewhere and calm down." He kept his voice soft and steady for both of them. "Everything's fine."
Hawk: hawk never shouted at matt before and the moment he pointed it out he felt instant guilt as he looked at his feet, letting matt move him away from the door and hugging him back tightly as if it was his way of apologizing for it. he wasn't used to being vulnerable around either of them and was only just getting used to it with matt so when he felt like tears were about to spill over he glanced at hobbes after matt pointed at the door. "please stay," hawk whispered, reaching out to grab his hand and pull him into the hug as well even if that's not what hobbes might have wanted, "i can't lose you. i can't lose either of you." he mumbled resting his chin on matts head.
Hobbes: Hobbes was going to leave. He needed to break and smoke and drink and be alone to figure out why this all was such an issue or (more realistically) ignore what happened entirely. It would be fine. He’d leave tonight and then the next time they could fix this. They could set things back to normal they could…
But Hawk had caught his hand and was even more upset than before. His eyes found Matt’s then.
This is why I shoulda left.
When he spoke again it was almost like he was in a trance. Like he had some form of deep silent revelation.
“I know where the spare room is.” He spoke directly to Matt. “You stay with him…” he pressed Hawk’s hand into Matt’s. Then made his way to the spare bedroom.
Matt: Matt took hold of Hawk's hand, watching Hobbes leave to go to the spare room and frowned some. After a couple of minutes, he pulled away from the hug for a second. "Leave him, he'll show his face when he's ready to again. Come on." Matt led him over to the couch and sat down, pulling Hawk down with him so he was lying against his chest. While he sat there with Hawk on him, he stroked his hair and decided to continue watching the game while he waited for Hawk to calm down.
Hawk: hawk just nodded as he watched hobbes disappear into the spare room, moving with matt to the couch and wrapping his arms through the cushions so they could be wrapped around matt. he closed his eyes and just focused on matts heartbeat to ground himself from everything until he opened them again to look at the tv. "i'm sorry," hawk mumbled against his chest, "i just.. i thought of him gettin' attacked by one of the monsters and i panicked."
Matt: He sat in silence for a little bit, stroking at Hawk's hair still, he seemed to be calming down judging by the fact that his breathing was no longer panicked. So he glanced down when he spoke. "I know, it's okay to be concerned but you went about it wrong and you know what? So did he." Matt shook his head a little. "You didn't have to yell at me, you know? I was just trying to stop you from practically throwing your body on Hobbes' to stop him from leaving but I get it, you panicked, it's okay now. Are you feeling any better?"
Hawk: ‘you went about it wrong’
that seems to be the only thing hawks good at doing is going about everything the wrong way no matter who it was, a stranger, family, someone he cared about, he doesn’t know the right way. “i know,” he whispered looking up at him finally, squeezing him tighter again when matt said he didn’t have to yell at him.
that same guilt from before hit wanting to retreat into himself and hide. “i’m so sorry i yelled at you, i’m really fuckin’ sorry.” now he hid his face into matt’s chest trying not to let his emotions overwhelm him, “not really but i’ll be fine.” at least it wasn’t his heart this time.
Matt: Matt sighed softly as his features softened up too, he couldn't stay like this with him for long, clearly there was something more going on here. "I forgive you." He told him softly then put his head back on the couch. "Can I ask you a question though?" Matt glanced at him again. "And I really need you to be honest with me because judging by your behavour then, there's something more going on?" He asked straight up, unable to hold the question back any longer.
Hawk: hawk was able to crack a small smile as matt forgave him but that was soon taken away when he wanted to ask him a question and felt his heart start racing all over again. he ran a hand through his hair and stood up from the couch, reaching out for matts hand. "not here," hawk had every intention on being honest with matt, he always was and always will be no matter what and what he was about to say he didn't want hobbes to potentially overhear. he waited for matt to get up and led him to the bedroom, shutting the door behind them and sat himself on the bed letting go of matts hand to let him choose if he wanted to sit or stand.
"hobbes and i, we hooked up in the past, it was usually when one or the other needed to just fuck to forget," at least for hawk it started off that way, "we haven't done anythin' since you and i got together i promise you that but." he had to pause and look down at his hands afraid to admit the next thing in fear it'll push matt away, "at some point i realized i liked him the same way i liked you, not love but i know i feel the same way i felt about him that i felt about you when we first got together."
Matt: Matt got up and followed Hawk into the bedroom, closing the door behind them then crossed his arms over his chest, listening to what he was telling him and letting him finish before speaking. "Okay, one, I figured out that you guys had fucked like five minutes into meeting Hobbes, so that isn't anything new just a confirmation if anything and two, what do you wanna do about it?" He asked now.
Hawk: he looked up at matt now, well that was one way to know that matt already knew and he was being honest that him and hobbes haven't done anything since then. "i-" hawk furrowed his eyes a little looking back down, "i don' know." he shrugged a little, "i wanna respect that you said you want it to be just us, i don' wanna push ya into anythin' cause then i'll just feel worse about it all."
Matt: He moved his hands onto his hips now then glanced up at the ceiling before heading over to Hawk and kissed his lips. "We'll see, ok? But fucking hell, you have to tell him at some point, the tension that comes off you around him is tense, relax." He put his hands on his shoulders. "Everything's ok, I'm not mad, I've forgiven you and heard you out."
Hawk: hawk wrapped his arms around matt as he kissed him and rested his head against his stomach for a second before moving his head back to look up at him, "no, i can' do that, not to hobbes. you saw how he got out there i don' wanna make him feel that way, not again." even though he really really wanted to tell him but he wasn't sure how it'd go and was afraid to find out. hawk nodded and took a deep breath in, using the hands on his shoulders and matts words to keep himself grounded. "can you go check on him? please? i'm sorry if that's askin' a lot i'm just… i'm worried." that and he needed a moment alone.
Matt: He rested a hand on top of his head and stroked his fingers through his hair, honestly? He didn't even know what to say about the entire thing and finding out the guy you love also likes someone else? Matt knew what he was but it didn't stop it from stinging any less. At it was now out in the open between them. "Ok, alright. Well, I'm leaving the choice to you because it's not my thing to tell him." He shrugged some. Matt leaned down to kiss him a little more deeply. "I love you." He kissed him once more then pulled away, nodding. "Of course I will." Matt had to get one more kiss in before leaving their room to go check on Hobbes.
Hawk: god when the fuck was the guilt going to stop? no matter what he said or the more hawk said he didn't feel any less guilty for admitting to the man he loves that yeah he has feelings for someone else. sure he'd told matt he was poly but he wasn't expecting this conversation to hurt as much as it was in this moment. who wouldn't feel hurt about hearing that kind of stuff? hawk was at least glad matt had agree'd not to tell hobbes because maybe eventually he'd tell him himself. "thank you," he whispered right before matt kissed him, kissing him back just as deep and sighing softly against his lips. "i love you too," hawk held onto the back of matts neck to have their foreheads touching just needing that contact in that moment and let go as he kissed him again.
he gave matt an appreciative smile since he'd said he'd check on him and waited for matt to leave, closing the door behind him and climbed back into bed. matt had never seen hawk when he hits one of his lows and if he had anything to say about it, it would stay that way while he climbed back into the bed and barried his face into the pillow, holding onto it as he just silently let the tears fall now that threatened to spill over earlier.
Matt: When the door closed, he just stood there silently for a couple of minutes then took a deep breath and headed down the hall to the other rooms, the first one he checked there was no Hobbes in that one so moved to the next door and knocked on. "Hobbes? Can I come in?"
Hobbes: He’d been siting on the edge of the bed, head in his hands for he didn’t know how long. His hair had dried by the time Matt called to him, voice muffled by the door.
His head shot up.
“Yeah.. Course…” he exhaled.
Was it better that Matt came to check up on him rather than Hawk? Like most everything about tonight it was a complicated prospect.
He waited for the door to close behind Matt before running a hand over his mouth.
“…I’m sorry. About. Whatever the fuck happened out there.” He forced his gaze from the wall to look at Matt, “Remember when you asked me about Hawk? When we first met? Yes. We were fuckin’ but it was just sex. It was supposed to be just sex. And us? Hangin’ out was just supposed to be hangin’ out and now I’m in your shirt and that’s the only fuckin’ thing keeping me grounded right now. That’s fucked.” He stood, pacing, his voice hushed, “And now… now I’m… I’m fuckin’ worried that…” he shook his head, willing himself to stop, “…Forget it. Bottom line is I’m a fuckin’ asshole. And Hawk loves you. I’m sure I’m just getting all worked up for no reason. So I’m sorry.” He pushed curls off his forehead, “You’re a really good friend that’s what I was trying to thank you for earlier and I’m the asshole.”
“You’re always so good and sweet to me and I’m freaking the fuck out over nothing.”
Matt: He waited for confirmation before going in (what do u mean? He's still polite) and closed the door behind him, leaning against it.
Matt shrugged some. "It happened, you wanted to leave and Hawk tried to stop you… in a way he shouldn't have but we spoke." He put his hands in his pockets, not moving from where he was leaning while Hobbes spoke. "Worried about what? You can tell me, it's only me." He gestured to himself. He shook his head when Hobbes called himself an asshole. "You're not an arsehole, clearly something happened but you're still not an arsehole."
He moved closer now and put his hands on his shoulders and gave them a squeeze, hoping it would help him calm down more. "Well, I can't help being good and sweet. You've seen outside and the shit we've got to live in, why add to the collection of arseholes who will have no trouble throwing others out there if it meant saving their own skins."
Hobbes: “Worried that the lines had blurred.” He answered honestly. When hands found Hobbes’ shoulders one of Hobbes’ own rose to rest atop Matt’s. It happened without him even thinking about it, continuing with a shake of his head, “But how fuckin’ full of myself can I be, huh?” He looked back up at Matt then, small smile pulling at his lips.
“You’re a good man, Matt.”
There was a parallel there.. between ‘throwing people out’ because it was easier and how Hobbes pushed people away in attempt to protect both parties from what he felt was inevitable pain, because that was easier than loss. But Hobbes was too many beers in and too tired to think about that right now.
“He’s a lucky guy.”
Matt: He sighed a little, maybe the lines were a little blurred now after what Hawk had told him, his feelings for Hobbes. Matt turned his hand around and gave Hobbes' a squeeze before taking it away and sitting himself on the bed. "You and Hawk need to talk this through." Matt glanced at him. "But leave it till the morning when you're both, hopefully feeling better emotionally."
"He's an extremely lucky guy." Then he dropped a hand on his thigh and gave it a squeeze. "You good? Do you need a hug too?" He offered.
Hobbes: Matt’s answer didn’t help ease Hobbes’ concerns. His brow furrowed.
“…Why’d you sigh like that?”
He followed Matt to the bed, sitting next to him.
“Extremely? Now that might be an overstatement.” He tried for a joke, responding to Matt’s question by wrapping his arms around him. Hobbes couldn’t remember the last time he went out of his way to hug someone. Not a half hug, a true hug. It very well might not have been since before Hanna passed.
“Don’t change, man.” He murmured into Matt’s shoulder. His eyes closed for a moment, savoring the moment. “No one calls me this. And it feels like a shitty time to tell you. But if we’re bein’ honest tonight I might as well…” he pulled away, “My name’s Ruben. Hobbes is my last. Just… realized I never told you that. And feel like you should know.”
Matt: He shook his head in response because what Hawk told him wasn't stinging any less right now, he knew he needed to come to terms with it and he will sooner or later.
"Oh please, we both know I'm out of his league." He joked back with a chuckle. "Oh." Matt hadn't expected Hobbes to just launch himself into the offered hug but wrapped his arms around him anyway, giving him a proper hug.
"I tried to be a football hooligan once, it didn't work out so it's safe to say I won't be changing any time soon." He shook his head a little then raised a brow slightly after he told him that and dropped his arms. "Hm, you don't look like a Ruben. You look more like a Mike or a Tyler." He was kidding of course and sighed all dramatically. "I guess I can accept this information."
Hobbes: Matt still wasn’t telling him something, Hobbes knew that.
His hand involuntary moved to his back pocket for a pack of cigarettes that wasn’t there anymore. Instead he found a mint, popping it in his mouth and almost choking when he laughed.
“Mike?” for the first time a full smile appeared on his face, hand moving to push hair off his forehead, amused, “I know I’m I dumb athlete but sheesh.” Next Matt’ll say he looks like a Toby or worse a Cody.
Arms now free he leaned back on his elbows on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
“Anyway the only people who called me Ruben were my folks. And they’re dead… And Hanna called me Roo.” And Matt knew she was passed, “Feel like I’m not really a Roo anymore either…” like a part of him had died with her and that was a depressing thought.
“…Hawk ok? I should probably go apologize to him too, huh?”
Matt: As much as Matt wanted to tell him, it was Hawks business and he needed to tell him himself so all Matt could do was suck it up and push those feelings down.
"Mike." He repeated with a smile and didn't even help when he nearly choked on the mint. "I think it's the blonde more like." He chuckled some.
"It's okay if you don't feel like Roo any more, things changed for you. I think Hobbes is very fitting." Matt looked down at him.
"Hawk's not okay but give him some space till the morning okay? I'll cook some breakfast to lure him out of bed."
Hobbes: “Oh, so I’m a dumb blonde now.” He teased. His voice trailed however as Matt continued, “… It’s less I don’t feel like Roo anymore.” He searched the ceiling for answers, “More like he’s been lost for a long time and I don’t know how to get him back… If I can…” sleepy gaze returned to Matt’s, “That make sense?”
He examined Matt’s face for a moment.
Don’t push.
But at this point Hobbes wasn’t sure his his original strategy of not pushing too hard or asking too many questions was the real problem.
“Why don’t you wake me up? I’ll help you.” He held Matt’s gaze, “I mean it. I’m not good in the kitchen but, wake me up, ok?” He waited for confirmation, sat in silence for a moment.
He shifted to his side.
“What about you? You ok?”
Matt: He listened and nodded some. "Maybe he'll come back to you at some point." Then Matt got off the bed. "Fingers crossed." Then he headed to the door.
"We'll see." Matt gave him a smile. "Maybe the smell will lure you out too." Now he raised an eyebrow at the question. "I'm always okay." Matt opened the door. "Get some rest."
Hobbes: His brow furrowed.
“…You’re allowed to not be, Matt. Hold on.” He stood now but stayed put by the bed. He thought better of going after him. The last thing he wanted was to crowd Matt. “……Alright. You too.”
Matt: Matt didn't actually go bed that night, just stayed up, cleaned everything up and watched more matches until the sun came up. That's when he left the house.
Hobbes: Hobbes didn’t sleep much either. He was a light sleeper anyway, and was often up early for work. He waited for the knock from Matt that never came before venturing into the quiet house.
He poked his head into Hawks room where only one body laid sleeping. Then fo the kitchen. Then to the living room. Then out to the front porch.
“Shit… Fuck.”
He pulled on his hat then work jacket over the borrowed clothes, pulling on heavy duty boots when he went back to Hawk’s room. He wondered if he had time to search for Matt before waking Hawk but knew that Hawk getting up to an empty house would be equally as stressful.
“Yo, Hawk. Wake up. Hey.” He shook Hawk’s shoulder, “Does Matt go on morning walks?”
Hawk: some point during hawks silent cry while matt was talking to hobbes it turned into exhaustion until he eventually passed out for the night. it was a weird sleep almost as if even unconscious he knew something was missing.
maybe that’s why it was pretty easy for hobbes to wake him up by just shaking his shoulder which usually wouldn’t. hawk jerked awake, staring in front of him silently as if the words that were said were foreign to him until they finally processed. “what?” he looked up to see hobbes then looked next to him to the empty bed, jumping out of bed now. “no he doesn’t.”
hawk wasn’t trying to seem like he was ignoring hobbes when he went past him and into the kitchen where the was of course no matt to be found and the panic he felt last night came back in that moment. “where the fuck is he, where did he go, hobbes i fucked up man this is all my fault i fucked up. where is he?!”
Hobbes: He followed after Hawk, grabbing a pair of the man’s shoes ans holding them out.
“I already checked the house. I don’t know, Hawk! That’s why I woke you. — You want to take the commune, I’ll take the garage?” He asked, already in go-mode.
Hawk: he grabbed the shoes from hobbes and put them on quickly, shaking his head, “no, you should take the commune. i cant promise i won’ fight some fucker while i’m there cause i know one of thems gonna say somethin’ smart.”
Hobbes: “Copy. I’ll take the commune. — Hold on…” He pulled out his talkie as he bounded down the front porch stairs, “Ay-O. Miss Sugar. This is Ruben Hobbes. Radio check. Over.”
The mechanics’ voice was static but clear enough over.
“Go ahead!”
“Matt come into work today?”
“Negative.” A pause, “Why?”
“If you see him can you let him know we’re lookin’ for him Miss Sugar?” He responded without going into detail.
“Thank you. Out. — Not at the garage.” He called to Hawk, “I’d start wherever else he likes to go in town. You got a radio on you?”
Hawk: no point in changing obviously there was more important things to worry about so his sweats and hoodie are there to stay, listening to the conversation while he thought of where matt might be.
hawk held up his radio in response, “always,” it came out as a mumble.
“i’ll check the diner and video store first, let you know if i find him there. let me know if you find him at the commune yeah?”
Hobbes: He merely nodded, one hand firm against Hawk’s bicep. It was his way of saying, We’ll find him before bounding off towards the commune.
Hawk: hawk didn’t react to the hand on his bicep, not right now, not with the way he felt about this all being his fault
’i shoulda just let him leave then nona this would’ve happened.’
he shook that thought away real fast, following hobbes out the door and off in the direction of the diner first.
Matt: Matt rounded a corner with two bags full of produce, chowing down on the strawberries. He paused when he saw them about to split off to find him so raised an eyebrow. "Hey guys, what you doing?" Matt offered them the strawberries. "I got up early to get the best produce of the day." He held up the bags that were draped over his arms. "We didn't have any eggs for the breakfast I wanna make but hey, now I do." Then he looked between them. "What?"
Hobbes: Hobbes literally made a little dent in the top soil when he skidded to a stop. He took his sunglasses off to run his hands over his face.
“Fuuuuck me.”
A hand shot out to rest against a nearby tree, the other found his knee. He felt like he was going to throw up. Like he’d just run a god damn mile and needed to catch his breath.
Hawk: all hawk could do was blink when he saw matt just casually walk up to them right before they parted.
he grabbed matt’s face with both his hands, pulling him into a kiss and then pulled away, smacking him upside the head in the process.
“what the fuck is wrong with you?! you couldn’t have left a note?”
Matt: "Hey babe." Matt smiled and kissed him back before flinching at the smack. "Hey!" He couldn't even rub his head then looked between them. "Were you worried about me? Sorry, it's Saturday, I usually go the market at this time and get some fresh produce. You're usually sleeping like a log, Hawk that you don't even notice when I'm getting dressed and leaving. Hobbes is our first overnight visitor. Sorry guys, I didn't even think about leaving a note."
Hobbes: Hobbes exhaled slowly through his nose. “Yeah, Matt. We were…” he moved back towards the house to grab his backpack, hefting it over his shoulder.
“Thank you for the clothes. I’ll wash em and bring em back next time. Think I’ve overstayed my welcome.” This was the feeling he’d been trying to avoid, that ache in his chest. “I know we,” he motioned to Hawk, “Gotta talk at some point. But it don’t got to be over eggs. You two enjoy your breakfast.” It was almost like… a switch went of in his head. He was speaking to them like civilians, like he was Deputy Game Warden Ruben Hobbes and not… just Hobbes. Silly, tired Hobbes. No… he was just tired.
“You know where to find me, man.” He said, only briefly meeting Hawks gaze before finding Matt’s, “I’m glad you’re ok, Matt. I’ll see y’all… Whenever you want me.”
Hawk: as much as hawk wanted to stop hobbes, the last time that happened it did not go over well so he’d leave the trying to convince him to stay up to matt and just nodded. truthfully he didn’t want to talk to hobbes about it but knew either him or matt were gonna get sick of him not saying something anyway but that felt like a future problem. “i guess we’ll see ya around then hobbes.”
he grabbed the groceries from matt, leaning over to whisper, “talk to him,” then kissed his cheek, going inside with the bags now.
Matt: Matt watched as Hobbes gathered his things and proclaimed that he was going home, that's fair enough. Then he was left alone with him, why did he have to convince him to stay? Matt watched Hawk go back into the house then looked at Hobbes. "I'm making eggs benedict." He shrugged his shoulders some. "I'm a banging cook but it's your choice, I'm not gonna stop you from leaving."
Hobbes: He shook his head, having overheard Hawk’s request but not stopping to turn til Matt spoke.
“Matt, enjoy your morning with your boyfriend.” And with that he threw his sunglasses back on, offered a gentle, “I’ll see you.” Before heading out “Oh and thanks for everything.”
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sugugasm · 1 year
#1 : SLUT CERTIFIED ! — eren yaeger
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꒱ ➛ CHAPTER SYNOPSIS : eren’s first favor.
˚◞♡ who ?? : eren yaeger x black fem! reader
˚◞♡ word count : 8.2K ( i am so sorry )
˚◞♡ chapter warnings : minors DO NOT interact, mentions of female anatomy, fem! reader using she/her pronouns, somewhat bimbo reader ??? mentions of asshole connie, mentions of player! connie ( i’m sorry ), use of profanity, oral penetration, cunninlingus, body worship, fingering, pet names such as [ mama, baby, angel ] slow-paced smut, a little bit of a cliffhanger.
˚◞♡ author’s note : NUMBER ONE — i am so sorry for posting this so late. i ended up re-writing the entire thing many times but i have a good feeling ab this ver. BUT ANYWAY !!!! first chapter !!! yayyy !! i’m very exited to share this with you alllll <3 i appreciate the amount of support you’ve given me before this was released and i love u for it 🫶🏽 anyways, excuse any mistakes or typos !! i hope you enjoy. reblogs n interactions are deeply loved <33
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the typical friday night lights of the city shined brightly through eren’s studio apartment. nothing but the sound of livid drivers behind their steering wheels and the occasional dog barking at whomever may pass by. not to mention you — his best friend ; sitting next to him with a burning blunt plied between your fingers as your eyes intensely gaze at the soothing window view.
although, you didn’t exactly look so soothed.
there was a look of a apprehension pervading your features, almost as if you were deep in thought. eren sets his jaded irises on you and the small smile that once stretched across his lips fades.
“uh, you good?”
your eyes trail over when you take heed to his question, w taking a breath before looking at him with hopeful eyes. usually, you didn’t find yourself having such a challenging time when asking eren anything, but as of right now, the next few sentences you say may or may not tarnish your friendship.
“i’m fine. i um.. i just don’t know how to really ask you this,” you confess. eren then turns his rested head towards you, eyes looking at you with scrutiny as he tries to piece together what exactly that little mind of yours was thinking.
“talk to me, what’s wrong? i do somethin’ again?” you rashly shake your head from side to side, grabbing his hands in yours and squeezing as you nervously laugh —
“you know your friend connie, right?”
the audible groan that leaves eren’s lips is priceless, and so was the look on his face, “you mean the annoying bald motherfucker from high school that won’t leave me alone? hm, the name doesn’t really ring a bell.”
well if that wasn’t obvious enough, yes, they knew each other. they’d been friends for a while now. you can recall first meeting connie during your junior year of high school ; eren introducing you at a house party your devious asses had no business being at. he was cute, and even a little funny, but you’d never really paid attention to him until a few months ago.
him now being in his twenties meant you got to see him grow to cover his body with ink — his arms and legs. and you most definitely couldn’t forget the amount of muscle he’d gained just over a year after graduating high school. point being, he was just your type. and you were his. that’s why it didn’t take very long for you two to begin talking. but of course, after a few dates and many, many occasions of giving him severe blue balls, you figured it was finally time to step it up a notch.
“well you know we’ve been talking for a while now..and we’ve been planning to go out of the city for a little vaycay and i was thinking that maybe it was time he and I could take our relationship to the next — “
“for him to fuck you and break up with you like he did that one girl last year? nah. not lettin’ you do that.” he interrupts you before you could even begin to finish, shaking his head from side to side as he focuses his attention back to the moving city outside the window.
you could say he was being harsh, but at the end of the day, eren knew him better than you did — regardless of being familiar with one another since the early age of fourteen. connie was a heartbreaker. a true player at heart.
that boy couldn’t keep a woman for longer than a month before tossing her to the side as if she was some accessory — many of those women being too good to for him to begin with.
women like you.
the women who were too kind for their own good. the women who never failed to put a smile on a saddened face with just a few simple words. you were the type of woman he’d easily break — and that was just something eren couldn’t bare to swallow. but alas, who was he to judge? he just wanted to see you happy — that was his one and only concern, and if this whole ordeal would succeed that goal, he has no problem doing whatever he can to get you there.
“i wasn’t asking for your permission. i just needed your help, but i guess it’s useless to ask now.” the look of lost hope on your face pulls at eren’s heartstrings, him almost immediately exhaling and rolling at eyes at the sight of your pleading yet condescending gaze.
“jesus, what do you want? advice? intel? a wing man—“
“i want you to teach me how to fuck.”
it took everything in him not to laugh because the more he held your gaze, the more he realized you were genuinely being serious. eren’s eyes nearly pop out of his skull. you stare, waiting for his response as he gives you an intrigued looked rather than a confused one, “i think you need to elaborate. that’s a crazy sentence to say.”
“y’know, like blowjo —“
“i know what sex is, yn.”
you and the word ‘fuck’ had never been been a thought in eren’s mind up until now, so to know he’d be the one seeing you bare for the first time was definitely…mind boggling. seriously, the closest eren has come to even seeing a glimpse of you would have to be when you went scuba diving in miami for your nineteenth birthday — and even then, you were still somewhat clothed.
“i know it’s weird and i completely get it if you aren’t comfortable with —“
“i mean..i don’t really mind teaching you. i’d rather you learn from me rather than a lame ass porno.”
that was a response you weren’t expecting. you’d made sure to prepare yourself for rejection when you came over, but eren had proved you wrong. he didn’t seem to be phased — a resting grin on his face whilst you fully comprehend his answer.
“wait — really?”
he nods, shrugging his broad shoulders, “yeah? it’s not like we like each other or somethin.’ just think of it as my favor to you.” eren motions his fingers for you to pass him the blunt, but you nearly drop it from your fingers as you toss your arms around his neck — embracing him tightly as you whisper a stream of ‘thank yous’ into his neck.
you feel eren’s palms trail up and down your spine, rubbing the small of your back. he laughs at your excitement, “what’s connie gonna’ think about all this, hm?” he questions — validly questions. of course he didn’t like the guy, but he still needed some source of clarity. his days of fucking someone else’s girl were long gone and he’d never step foot into that life ever again. it was too messy.
“he doesn’t know he’d be my first — well, second..besides you. plus, he said it himself : we’re not official! it’s not wrong to see other people,” you casually say this as if you hadn’t just admitted to connie openly voicing that he was playing you, but then again, if you didn’t see an issue, neither did eren.
“yeah, i bet he did say that.”
“oh don’t be like that. you’re such a hater — he is your friend after all,” you poke at his bicep teasingly, amused at the side eye he sends you. you knew eren and connie relationship wasn’t the absolute best — frenemies you’d like to call it. they had their good days, and their bad ones, but you knew, on the outside looking in, it was endless love for one another all around.
“he’s an acquaintance.”
your eyes roll and you huff, “whatever. when do you wanna do this? i leave for the trip in a few weeks. i wanna’ be as ready as possible before then.”
“well, i gotta’ meet up with jean and armin for poker tomorrow night, but after that i’m free if you —“
“great. we’ll start tomorrow. and poker? what are you, old men?”
“oh hush, you like to knit.”
you shove him and you both begin burst out in laughter. the rest of the night was spent doing what you and eren would normally do — watching movies, chatting amongst yourselves and every now and then, casually bickering like an old married couple over the silliest of things.
but these innocent gestures would soon hold a brand new meaning in such a short amount of time. neither of you realized the mistake you were about to make. the days of occasional i love you’s and holding hands out of comfort were long gone now.
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saturday night at armin’s ; a night looked forward to by most —most meaning eren and eren only. there was no better feeling than getting together with his closest friends to trash talk, share a few glasses of rum, and catch up on whatever life had thrown at one another throughout the week.
but what he loved most watching the look of defeat on jean’s face when eren finally placed his last chips. it was a scene he’d pay for.
“you’re a fuckin’ cheater.”
eren laughs, stretching his arms across the table and pulling the pile of neatly stacked chips toward himself. he takes a moment to look over at armin who has his phone out recording jean’s rage all the while chuckling tauntingly under his breath.
“hating the player when you should be hating the game. that’s crazy.”
“fuck you,” jean mumbles. eren steers his attention away from the grown man’s mini tantrum when he hears an angry knock at armin’s door. heads turn in unison, “damn armin. forgot you had a girl comin’ over tonight or something?” the blonde rises from his seat, walking over to take a look at the peephole to reveal a standing connie in front of the door, “it’s just con, guys.” the door is pulled open, and at the sound of connie’s name eren could already feel himself tuning everyone out.
the sound of connie’s voice alone was enough to make eren want to gather his keys and satchel to make a run for it, but it was nowhere near the time to meet with you.
“its about time y’all answer the fuckin’ door. i’ve been knocking and waiting for like thirty minutes now,” this was a lie. poker always started at seven, and it was now thirty past nine.
“you’re late,” eren huffs. connie gives him the finger, scoffing as he makes his way over to the table, “where were you?” eren sounded like a stern parent scolding their child, but at the end of the day, there was something off about connie in this moment that was shifting his mood from solemn to easily irritable.
“damn, am i not allowed to oversleep every once in a while?” oversleep eren’s ass. the purple and blueish colored bruises beginning to taint connie’s neck said otherwise. he’d obviously been acting on that ‘seeing other people’ bullshit he fed you — and if eren was being honest, the lack of coverage showed just how little he respected you.
eren conjures a smug laugh, “oversleeping huh?” jean does the same, vividly noticing the markings as his eyes peer over to the exact spot as eren’s, “more like fucking. i see you and yn are becoming pretty close, huh ?” he asks.
“y-yeah, yeah. she’s great, man.”
“just great? you’ve been talking for like four or five months now,” armin chimes in, and thank the heavens above that he did. it was evident that the group as a collective were well aware of connie’s shitty behavior.
“i mean…it’s nothin’ too serious. she’s cute, for real. we’re just taking it slow.” nothing too serious? for christ’s sake, he was planning a getaway with you in a few weeks. it’s like all of this was just a little game of cat and mouse to him. you’d think connie being aware of how tightly knit you and eren were would give him some sort of change at heart, but nope — that was just connie for you.
eren could practically feel the blood pumping through his veins. he rolls his tongue around the inside of his cheek, tapping lightly onto the wooden table with a deep mug twisting his chiseled features.
“i think ima’ call it a night,” eren voices, rising from his reclined position slowly while avoiding eye contact, “i have some shit to do.” shit to do meaning heading towards your place earlier than he should be. he couldn’t stand to be around connie and his ignorance. it was depriving and overall time consuming.
“the fuck? i just got here, eren,” connie scoffs, but eren doesn’t stick around long enough to hear the bass in his voice rise to a T. the door slams behind him, eren now making his way out of the door and down the hall to head for his black mustang parked out front. the skin of his cheeks and the tips of his ears flushed pink with a crack of discomfort bubbling inside of him.
the moment he unlocked his car doors and hopped in, he didn’t know if the adrenaline was getting to him or just the sheer fact that he liked the taste of making connie angry, but that whole interaction just made him all more enthused to see you.
no matter how much you liked connie or how much you cared about a potential relationship with him, he couldn’t beat the fact that eren would easily treat and fuck you way better than he ever could — hypothetically speaking, of course.
and that’s why, the only thought on his mind was to make tonight a moment you’ll never forget.
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with a day consisted of excruciatingly long lectures and excessive amounts of homework given by your professors, you could finally find yourself prancing down your apartment hallway, eager to enter your home to prepare for what the night had in store.
you fumble with the keys on your baby-pink lanyard, specially made for you and given to you by eren for your birthday one year. the sound of your living room television could be faintly heard resonating through the wood as you started to unlock your door. you furrow your brows since you know for a fact that you made sure to turn it off before you departed earlier this morning.
your hand twists at the nob, the fingers of your opposite hand clutching tightly onto your pepper spray, but to your surprise — you quickly feel a sense of relief travel through your body as you see none other than eren. his legs spread, arms behind his head as he lounges on your white couch which a bowl of half eaten ice cream resting on the coffee table before him.
to say he startled you would be an understatement, but the sound of your keys jangling did just about the same to him : his head almost immediately turning toward the door to face you.
“what are you doing here, ren? and how the fuck did you even get—“
“you gave me a key, remember?” he asks, pointing to his neatly hung set of keys on the coat hook beside the front door. as soon as you turn to look in that way, his lifeless lips start to smile and he begins to giggle at your confusion, “damn, about to pepper spray me and everything, huh?” he quips.
you simply plop down next to him, sinking into the warmth of the sofa as his arm gently moves to rest behind your head, “you’re the one who can’t send a damn text. it would’ve been nice to have a heads up, ren,” he smiles at your tone ; sounding just like his mother, carla, when she used to yell at him for being a sneak.
ah, what a time.
“i thought it was poker night. i didn’t think i’d see you until ten,” your inquiry was enough to make eren riled up all over again, but for your sake, he chooses to leave out the part where he nearly wanted to slap your potential partner across his face.
“i kept winning, so i left. it got boring.”
eren’s blatant lie didn’t seem to phase you. in fact, you seemed to have easily glossed over his sorry excuse of a response, and instead choosing to gush over the possibility of him seeing connie.
“was con there? did he say anything about me?” you giddily ask, a smile complimenting your dilated pupils with just the mention of his name. eren only sheepishly grins, “yeah, he was there alright. called you cute too.”
eren barely cracks a smile at this, seeing how effortlessly your face lit up at the sound of the bare minimum. poor, sweet, innocent yn — too blinded to realize the boy you spoke so highly of only used a simple sentence when speaking of you. it was sad almost, seeing you be so naïve. but then again, telling you wouldn’t make a difference — it would only start an argument.
“he’s so sweet. i think he gets nervous in front of you guys…y’know, when he talks about me.”
“…right.” eren decides to navigate the conversation elsewhere, “so..did you wanna’ get some food or something before we start or..”
“don’t be so awkward, eren,” you laugh. you squeeze his bicep consolingly, “i’m gonna’ go freshen up a bit and then we can get going. it’s been a long day.” you tread off toward your room, shutting the door behind you and leaving eren alone on your living room couch.
for some odd reason, eren found himself to be more nervous than he was when he first entered. he didn’t know if it was the mystery of it all or the simple fact that he would be seeing you naked for the first time, but his heart was damn near beating out of his chest.
the scuffling sounds coming from your bedroom only induces his anxious heart, eyes directing their attention toward howl’s moving castle playing quietly on the tv.
“eren! can you come in here for a minute?” he hears your soft voice call out from behind the door. eren blinks a few times, confused on why you hadn’t just come out yet, but the moment he opens the door to your room — he knows.
there you were, standing in the connected bathroom in front of the mirror, adjusting and shifting your waist length faux locs from one side to the other. your body was decorated in a pink, two piece lingerie set. he’s stunned to say the least, eyes tracing the outline of your figure — picking and observing the small tattoos sitting just above your ass and right below your left thigh.
“eren? you with me?” your question snaps him out of your forbidden trance. eren clears his throat, running a hand down his chest in a self-comforting manner. it takes everything in him to control the arousal forming in his pants. there was no denying it — you were fucking gorgeous, but this wasn’t a regular hookup and you weren’t just a regular girl.
you were his best friend and right now, the hard cock in his pants is thinking otherwise.
“y-yeah, i’m with you. i’m right here.” you don’t see the way his eyes look you up and down, nor do you see him sucking on his bottom lip while doing so. instead, your focus is on the inner thoughts in your head, pondering about if your choice of attire was overdone.
“is it too much? i saw it at the mall earlier today after class and i thought it would be fitting —“ he cuts you off before you could even dare finish that sentence.
“nah, you..,” he takes a moment, looking at you in awe as if he’d just seen an angel, “you look beautiful.” you don’t perceive the smoothness of his voice but it’s there. it’s so obviously there, and you’re so obviously breathtaking.
face bare, lips coated in a thin layer of lipgloss and smelling as if you’d just showered in roses — like said, breathtaking.
“i-im sorry. i can take it off if it makes you uncomfortable —“
“no.” that slips out faster than he intended, but he didn’t care. it got his point across simple enough. you laugh, turning to your left to finally come face to face with him, only to dig eren in a deeper hole than he was already in.
“well..i’m ready when you are,” you announce. seeming to be all around enthused about this, you take a few steps closer, inching forward to the point where you’re arms length away. eren still stands there, quiet with gentle eyes as he grips the top ledge of the doorframe. you hear his breathing become unsteady, almost as if he’d lost that smooth talking, serenading attitude he once carried.
he felt like the virgin here.
“are you nervous?” you ask, studying the way his eyes pierce while he stares at your lips, “we can stop before it starts.”
with he way he was feeling, a wise man would’ve called it all off, but eren…eren needed needed you. he needed to touch you, to feel you, to please you in some way — beyond the act of just giving you guidance.
he answers your question with a question, “are you?” you shake your head, rocking back and forth on the heels of your feet as you wait for his next statement.
but his next move surprises you.
without hesitation, you watch as eren towers over you, taking his thumb and index to lift your chin — letting you naturally meet his alluring gaze, “can i kiss you, yn?” the moment you begin to nod is the same exact moment when his lips brush against your own. the contact almost shocking the both of you as a small gasp leaves your mouth, and his stuttered hand grasps the side of your neck.
eren was kissing you. he was kissing you as if you’d easily break under his touch. the butterflies in your stomach begin to flip. by default, you close your eyes and fall into it — moving along and following his soft yet hungry pace.
it was funny. it was like you were kissing each other as if you’d been waiting to do so your entire lives. considering you’d always deemed eren as attractive and an overall somewhat decent man, the thought of him giving you butterflies had never occurred.
if anything, those same butterflies were present while you spent time with connie, but never ever have they fluttered like this. maybe it was the heat of the moment, or maybe it was just an effort to set the mood, but this felt like an eternity you’d never wish to end.
his hand was incredibly light against your neck, giving you a distinct chill as the one creeping down your waist sends an unfamiliar shiver elsewhere. as the kiss gradually intensifies, over the course of a few seconds, reaching its peak, he then sucks on your bottom lip. pulling and yanking on it like he was in dire need of more — which he was.
he’s groaning, he’s hard, and most importantly, he’s infatuated. your lips felt like heaven against his, so plush and so comforting. eren was so lost in you that he couldn’t even begin to fathom the consequences that may come.
“y-you can touch me some more,” you mumble in between breaths — and that was all he needed.
“where…tell me where, baby.”
baby — a word you thought you never hear coming out of eren’s mouth when referring to you. it didn’t make you contemplate much though, it was hard to think about anything at all once you felt his hands grip and mush at your backside. he fondles it in his palms, letting your skin mold into his hands.
“i more, ren. more please…”
he hears you, he hears you so clearly — and he wants more of you too, “what, hm? want me to touch you here?” you feel his hand sneak around toward your inner thigh, fingers tips grazing the area near your pussy. you let out an unexpected sigh of pleasure.
“an important part of intimacy is what makes you feel good. so tell me, what feels good to you, yn?” eren appeared to look and sound more confident than he felt.
“h-here. here feels good.” you gesture toward your pretty pink underwear that had been fighting to be taken off for the last five minutes. eren was just as ready as you were, waiting for the moment you were comfortable enough to allow him to please you like he was itching to.
“yeah, you like touching yourself there don’t you?”
“you want me to touch you there?”
there should be a world record for how quickly you whimper ‘yes’ under your breath. the same goes for how quickly eren scoops you from the floor, cupping his hands underneath the back of your thighs as he carries you in his arms toward your bed. eren lays you on your back, your spine hitting the fluffed sheets of your mattress. as much as he wanted you right then and there, the thought of your innocence comes back to mind.
this was your first time.
“we’ll take it slow, alright?” he asks, and when he doesn’t hear a response from you he becomes worried. the energy shifts from hot and hasty to nerve wracking and what the fuck am i doing, and it’s evident, “do you wanna’ stop? we can forget that shit in the bathroom ever happened, okay? i don’t mind—“
“no! no, it’s..it’s okay, ren. really, i’m just a bit nervous that’s all.”
you weren’t lying. you were more than comfortable with him being the one to do this. in truth, you were more turned on than you’ve ever been, but then again this was all so surreal. the boy you’ve called best friend your entire life was about to be the first to see you in such a personal way.
there were so many what ifs — too many to count on your own two hands. what if there was a possibility he gets uninterested mid-way through? what if he was judgmental of the way you looked? what if he lies about your anatomy just to spare you the embarrassment?
these were all the things you’d thought of, but these were also all of the things that eren would never in a million fucking years do.
“nervous? of me?”
“it’s just, you’re the only one who’s ever…seen down there and i don’t know if —“
“look at me.” his hands travel up and down your thighs, comforting and soothing your jitters as you fight the intense amount of eye contact he was throwing your way, “can you look at me, please?” eren’s treasuring voice allows you to relax a bit, your eyes meeting his.
“you’re an angel — an absolute angel. you have nothing to be ashamed of. especially in front of me, okay?” you nod, breath remaining steady after hearing his words of encouragement. you shoot him that sweet, signature smile, allowing him to wipe away the small tear that’d fallen down your cheek.
“you’re too pretty to be cryin’ like that. worrying over nothing. lemme’ make you feel better..”
you let your back fall back onto your bed once again, watching as eren lowers down onto his knees while coming face to face with your cunt, “spread your legs for me,” he kindly orders. eren has no problem helping you do so, lifting your squished thighs onto his shoulders while your ass hangs off of the bed.
he takes the hair tie around his wrist and gathers his hair back, pulling his strands into a low, loose bun to the back of his head. there were a few more pieces of small hairs that scattered across his hairline, making him look all the more handsome than he already did.
you nod.
“if there’s ever a time where you want me to stop, don’t hesitate to tell me.”
you wished you could’ve captured the look on his face on camera, cause it was definitely a sight to remember. you hadn’t seen his cheeks this red since he peed himself in front of his crush in the second grade.
“can i take these off?” these referring to your underwear. the same pair underwear that reveal a damp patch in the middle now that eren was really looking at them. once you voice a simple yes, he takes a second to admire you. running his fingers along the waistband, eyes roaming all over with no clue what they should look at first. you were too pretty — too lovely for him to even begin comprehending.
eren hears you lightly groan, and he begins to pry your underwear off, but he does this slowly — so slowly that it’s almost unbearable for you. he was moving as if you were a brittle creature in danger of being easily corrupted ; which you were, and that’s when he felt the need to pinch himself. seeing your hips lurch around in an effort to get him to move faster was one of the cutest things eren’s ever laid his eyes on.
there was no way he was in this position right now. kneeled in front of you with your bare cunt staring back at him, your folds sleek with your own liquid bliss dripping from them like honey on a comb. to put it short, you looked good enough to eat — and that’s exactly what eren was going to do : devour you like you were the last meal he’d ever be able to taste.
he kisses your inner thighs, the intention of leaving marks becoming prevalent as he makes his way down toward your pussy, “you ever play with yourself?” eren was so close — close enough for you to be able to feel his breath on your clit, tickling you.
“s-sometimes,” you couldn’t look at him. not when he’s on his knees and touching you like this. he hadn’t even begun the action and you were already losing hope in the idea of you being able to keep your composure.
“ever had someone do it for you?”
with unsteady breaths leaving your lips, you choose to answer honestly, “no.” he chuckles, taking his thumb and unexpectedly grazing it over your clit. you nearly jolt at the feeling. given you’ve been the only one with the access down there, it felt much different feeling someone else’s hand.
“i can tell. look at how responsive you are, mama.” he sounded fascinated, flicking you gently just to get you used to the sensation. you felt so sensitive, so fragile — and that wouldn’t even be the be the end of it, “and this pussy’s so fuckin’ wet..”
“erenn… wanna — i wanna’ feel more!”
“what, hm? more what?” he keeps at the slow pace of his thumb, not stopping or increasing until he hears your next few words fill his ears and shoot straight to his pants.
“your mouth..wanna’ feel your mouth, ren. please?” you say this as if he didn’t look like he was sitting on the edge of his seat just waiting for you to grant him the access. it doesn’t take any further words for eren to latch his mouth onto your pussy slowly. he makes an introduction with small pecks to your visibly puffy clit, making sure to pay attention to the way your body reacted to the simple touch.
he watches your belly rise up and down from the snag in your pattern of breath. once he sees you begin to grow comfortable, he makes the jump to lay his tongue flat against your pussy, licking a long stripe against your core and letting the sticky salvia from his mouth lubricate you.
“ooh – fuck!” you whimper, quickly covering your mouth once realizing what’d slipped out. eren sees this, reaching his hand out for you to grab before taking his mouth off of you for a split second.
“don’t do that shit. i wanna’ hear you.”
he resumes, pressing the bridge of his nose against your clit and licking your folds to create a sort of double penetration. you feel the texture of his tongue tickling your labia, applying minimum pressure to ensure a pleasurable stream of delight traveling through your belly, “feels s-so good. you’re so fucking good at tha – nnn!” when eren starts to feel himself losing his breath, he comes up for air, just to see you now resting on your elbows and looking down at him with quizzical eyes. he’d never seen you look so happy.
there was sweat beaming from your forehead and a bit of it forming on your upper lip, the lips that which eren was fighting the urge to kiss. your bra strap had slipped down a bit, now resting on your upper arm and exposing a bit of your nipple that slipped from the cup.
“w-why’d you stop?” you ask, hyperventilating. eren rests his head against the inner flesh of your thigh, looking as dazed as ever.
“i-im sorry, you just look…so pretty.”
this wasn’t out of the norm. eren always made it a goal to uplift you whenever he could, but there was something about the deliverance of that sentence that sent your mind into a never-ending frenzy. it was hard to believe that this was anything more than just a simple gesture to really get himself into character with the heart shaped desire he carried in his eyes.
“you look pretty too,” the echo in your head must’ve been deceiving you. you’d hoped to keep that one to yourself but the look on his face told you that he’d definitely heard you say that out loud.
“yeah? bet you wonder what else i look pretty doin’ don’t you?”
a smug grin appears on his lips, but the teasing remark did no justice for how he truly felt. instead, he just decides to show you ; placing his mouth back into your pussy with little to no remorse with his tongue this time. your hands magically find their way to his hair, running your nails through his scalp as you balance your upper body with one elbow. eren groans into you, the sound reverberating through your core and shaking you a bit.
at one point, his fingers brush past your hole, earning a loud unexpected moan from you. this shocks him, almost as much as it shocks you. you didn’t know why, but there was a sense of urgency pumping through your veins. you wanted more — more than what he was already giving you after you’d asked the first time.
“oh? you want a finger, don’t you?”
“mmfuck – yes! yes, just, do something eren, please!” you beg. your back arches from the sheets, fists bawling with anticipation. eren stands onto his feet and finds a seat on the bed. his back now rests against the headboard, eren’s chest heaving as he motions his index and middle finger in a ‘come here’ motion.
you hesitate at first, not sure exactly where he wants you until he’s pulling you into the space between his thighs. you instantly feel the warmth as you collide with his tank top covered chest. he was so much larger than you — and well, that’s the benefit of having a best friend that stood tall at a whopping 6’3.
“lemme’ see that pussy,” eren orders and you oblige quickly, parting your thighs for him once again while his chin sits in the crook of your neck, “isn’t she pretty, look at her..” you feel his hand grasping on your jaw softly, directing your focus to the soppy, wet cunt between your legs.
you were still so wet. wet enough to feel your essence dripping down your crack and onto your bed. you were messy but you wanted to be messier — you wanted to feel messier.
and he reads your thoughts before you even have to say a damn thing.
“you want me to play with you, hm? teach you how to take fingers before takin’ dick, is that right?”
“ren, just do something –“
“answer me, baby. don’t be shy. this is about you and what you want. so why don’t you just tell me what it is you want from me?” the room felt hot, and the air felt thick. the only contact between you both being your back against eren’s chest and his hand casually caressing your tummy, “p-put them in. god – just put them the fuck in,” you whine. eren’s chest fumbled with a laugh and he gives the side of your forehead a quick kiss.
“there she is.”
goosebumps pattern your chestnut skin when you finally feel his hand inching toward your pussy. you carefully watch, mouth held agape and your eyes batting shut the moment his fingers move in a counterclockwise motion against your agitated clit.
“gotta’ prep you some more, okay? i don’t wanna’ hurt you.” oh, right, pain. you’d been so blindsided by the pleasure that you’d forgotten that this in fact was not the simplest of processes.
eren keeps rubbing your clit, his eyes piercing into the side of your skull as he does this. you take a second to observe the veins that decorated his forearms. blue and greenish lines hiking from his wrist to his inner elbow. you’d always thought he had the prettiest hands. so neatly manicured and topped with a thick coat of clear polish — a pink color if you’d volunteer to paint them for him.
you don’t know why, but all of this made you crave him — badly. you turn your head, wandering eyes finding his. you stare at him, then his lips, then him again. he looked so kissable.
you just had to do it.
leaning in, you take in his musky scent and it lures you in closer. so close to where you’re practically poking your lips out to get him to kiss you back — and he does. for the second time tonight, your heart bursts with excitement feeling his lips on yours. you place your hands on his thighs, grinding along with his fingers, “i think i’m wet enough,” you mumble. he looks down, seeing that — you were indeed wet enough. your slick covered the majority of his fingers and your pulsing pussy felt like it was just about ready to give up on its orgasm.
“i think so too,” he pauses the motion, hovering his middle finger over your hole, and begins to softly lubricate the area with your own mess, “it’ll be uncomfortable at first. body isn’t used to being stretched, y’know?” eren pauses, lips coming close to your ear as he whispers, “but i’ll break you in…and i’ll do it so good…and you’re gonna’ tell me just how good it feels, okay?”
that sentence alone got you wetter, and eren feels this — literally. he kisses your temple over and over as he slowly begins to push his finger inside of you, “don’t look away, you’ll miss how good you’re doing..” you clench onto his opposite arm ; the one that wasn’t busy giving you a bit of discomfort, and you bite down on your bottom lip.
it was one finger, and you’d been used to that. you’d done it to yourself maybe once or twice, but you’ve never gotten any sort of pleasure out of doing so. but now, it felt so different — the slow in and out, in and out, pace. his finger pushing and gliding along your snugged walls while he licks and nips at your neck and ear. it felt amazing.
“f-fuck eren, so…so good,” your breathless chest rises and falls, nipples as hard as they’ve ever been — needing to be touched. your hand slowly creeps up to touch one of your needy tits, gripping and mounding it in your hand slowly while pulling your nipples between your fingers.
he’s watching you — studying you, actually. this wasn’t just a learning experience for you, but for him as well. eren was learning exactly how to navigate your body. he knew which itches to scratch and what barriers you’d overcome. he got to see you in your purest form — carefree and exhilarated.
“y’know…the human body is a temple, yn,” eren begins, resting his head on your shoulder as he wraps his other arm across your chest, pulling you in tightly, “only the worthiest of men should be able to touch you like this.” you didn’t know where he was going with this, and you didn’t know why it was giving you the feeling it was, but you wouldn’t stop it even if you had the option to. his finger felt too good. you wanted — no, you needed another.
“so, what makes me so worthy, baby?”
“b-because i trust you.”
you feel the pressure of another finger slowly making its move to inch it’s way in — eren holding back until you give him the green light to even try, “yeah? you trust me to do this too?” he asks, pushing the second finger past your barricade as gently as he could. he didn’t lie, the stinging discomfort was nothing to mess with — but you wanted it.
“sh-shit eren!
you wanted to feel him stuff you full.
you clench your eyes shut, face scrunching up as you whine a bit at the temporary pain, “you’re doing good, yn. you’re bein’ such a good girl..”
that opened you up more. able to get better access to you, eren’s fingers moving together as one eventually became pleasurable. the uncomfortable feeling had subsided and somehow turned into an eye rolling, spine twisting pressure against your core. his fingers were slowly, but surely, jabbing into your pussy, a small creamy noise following behind his movements as the wetness of you makes it easier for him to get around.
“o-ooh! fuuuck, eren…right there –” you could barely maintain pulling a full sentence from your brain, but luckily for you, you didn’t need to say a word. eren could feel every little thought or emotion through your pussy. the way your walls naturally open up for him, giving him the opportunity to find that perfect spot ; it was like you were made for this — made for him.
“she’s so needy – thinkin’ maybe i should move a little faster, don't you? all i wanna’ do is make you cum, mama.” he says this as if it’s a promise — and to be honest, he was pretty close to achieving that promise. the sound of your whines and the squirms of your hips were enough to tell him to pick up speed.
so that's exactly what he does.
eren plunges his fingers in and out of you, poking at what he was certain was your g-spot — every time he’d hit it with his fingertips, there was another whimper leaving your mouth, “i feel that pussy tightin’ up, you wanna’ cum, don’t you?” tauntingly, he asks this as if you weren’t already on the brink of tears, “don’t fight yourself. let it go.”
now eren’s hand is moving rapidly, automatically making your legs spread further open. now, he was really there — and so were you. the knot in your stomach that's been there this whole time was starting to unravel. you rest your head firmly against his shoulder, “rennn – feels so fuckin’ good! don’t stop, please don’t stop!”
“i won’t, baby. i’m right here – i feel you, just let me have it.” his encouragement works and he reels you in. you feel your stomach contracting as your heart starts to race. eren sits you up straight, keeping your weakened body from falling over while he keeps working your pussy.
“eren, eren, eren! f-fuuck yess!” you shout and his fingers curl upwards creating a distinct squelching sound and you claw onto whatever you could find — that being the same arm between your legs.
“cum for me. cum for me, come on,” out of nowhere, you release — and all over his hand, at that. your eyes are wandering, seeing blank spots trickling the ceiling as you cum on both eren’s fingers and your mattress, “atta’ fuckin’ girl..”
he pumps you some more before slowly pulling his fingers out, leaving a stringed trail of your cum to follow them. there was enough on him for both he, and you to get a little taste — but he needed to know you were okay first.
you were reclined against his chest still, eyes closed with your exhales being rather hoarse. eren wraps both arms around you, hugging you from behind as he kisses the top of your scalp repeatedly, “m’ so proud of you, yn. you did great – so, fuckin’ great.”
your head is still in a slight daze, and although your vision had come back, you hadn’t yet gained the full consciousness to realize what the hell just happened.
eren just fingered you.
eren just made you cum.
eren just mind fucked you.
there were so many things to think about, so many moments to cherish, but most importantly — there were so many doubts running through your mind. you walked into your apartment today under the impression that this would just be a piece of cake : he comes in, he teaches you, he leaves — that’s it. so why did you want to remain snuggled into his arms? why did you want him to kiss you to sleep after coming down from that life changing orgasm?
why did you want…eren?
“you okay? i wasn’t too rough was i? anything hurt?” he must’ve sensed your uncertainty. you quickly rise a bit, turning over your shoulder only to see him with worried eyes.
“no, no. you were perfect,” you go to lift your hand up to side of his face but you stop before completing that thought, “but, i think we need to make some rules.” his already flattened expression got even flatter. eren could feel his heart dropping to his stomach at the thought of even making you uncomfortable in the slightest bit. that was the last thing he’d ever want to do.
you nod, now feeling the need to sit directly in front of him, still in between his legs. you hold his hands in yours, looking at him with sympathy, “you did nothing wrong, ren. i just think we should set some boundaries?”
“oh. so..uh, what’d you have in mind?”
you sit there for a moment, reminiscing back to a few moments ago when you were shaking in his comforting grasp, “well, maybe we should hold off on the kissing? i just…i’m with connie and i don’t think it’s appropriate to kiss you while —“
“got it.”
you’re left silent. eren had a habit of cutting you off, but as of right now, he seemed rather passive than talkative. the guy couldn’t even make eye contact with you. he only sits, eyes fixed on any other object in sight but you.
“eren —“
“it’s okay, really. i understand. no kissing, anything else you can think of that you might wanna’ add?” eren held a forced grin. there was no need to elucidate. he’d already caught on to what you were throwing down. you wanted him to forget about it. you wanted him to pretend like the brief moment of his lips on yours didn’t mean anything. he knows you’re confused, and so was he, but to deny the spark between you both in that moment would be ludicrous.
“well i…i haven’t really thought about anything else yet, but i’ll let you know when i do,” you stare into eren’s empty eyes for a few more seconds before he abruptly gets up and heads toward your bathroom. you watch as he snags a towel from your linen cabinet and runs it under the warm sink water.
he wrings it out, now bringing the towel over toward you ; who still sits up straight while watching him do all of this. he sits next to you, adjusting the towel in his palm, “open your legs, please.”
you were ineffable. completely silent, but slowly parting your thighs to allow him to gently wipe away the mess that streamed between them. you don’t say anything, and neither does he, but you both secretly cherish the feeling of his hands roaming your body.
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a bit of time passes, and you fall asleep. you didn’t know how, but you’d ended up on the couch in eren’s arms — snuggled in close with your kuromi plushie between your arms as you dreamt of anything besides the events that took place tonight.
you drifted off easily, eren on the other hand, couldn’t spare to shut his eyes. there were too many questions without answers running through his mind for him to even think about sleeping at all.
in all of his years of knowing you, he’d never thought about you as anything more than a companion, a partner in crime, a best friend — but tonight revealed that narrative to be false. eren liked the feeling of your body against his. he liked to be able to navigate which spots made you weak in the knees.
he liked that he would be your firsts.
but to openly say those words aloud is forbidden. you were right, you were somewhat with connie. it wasn’t eren’s place to feel any type of way about how you felt.
you asked him to help you out, not fall for you.
so that’s exactly what he’d do. he’d give you what you want. he’d play the role until his help is unwanted, and although it’d ache him, that ache would be nothing compared to the ache of losing you as a whole.
eren takes a moment to look at your somnolent face, finding himself with the same tingly feeling he’d had when he kissed you earlier. his eyes bat as he finds himself in a daze, reaching his hand up to touch the side of your face, eren’s cracked voice conjuring up one last sentence before returning his focus to the tv.
“you’re gonna’ be the death of me, yn..”
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©️ SATORUBI 2023 please do not copy, or repost as your own <33
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tags : @sully-stick-together @lalalucidity
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zoeykallus · 10 months
I just woke up from a very vivid fever dream involving Tech and thought I had to capture it. So I decided to make it an X - Reader one-shot and fill in the usual Dream-gaps. If you find any mistakes, feel free to keep them, my fever is high enough to fry eggs on my ribcage, so I'm assuming some typos must have crept in. I file this under 'slightly complicated Fluff'. It might be a little silly too, after all, it was a fever dream.
Tech x Fem!Reader – One-Shot – Distractions
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Warnings: Annoying Crosshair/Idiots in Love
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some cough syrup)
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You see Tech working on the Marauder outside, sit down near him on one of the many boxes of spare parts standing around him, and watch him for a while. He is fully concentrated, hasn't even noticed your presence yet, is completely in his element, in a focused tunnel, while he works. When you finally ask, "What are you doing?" Startled, he straightens up a little too quickly, bumps his head on the outer hull of the ship and rubs his head with a soft sigh. Tech finally turns to you and looks at you briefly, pushing his goggles up the bridge of his nose with a nimble finger. "Replace a few burnt-out parts, our last mission didn't leave the Marauder unscathed" He frowns briefly, then says before turning back to his work, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't always sneak up on me like that" You smirk and look at the back of his head, as he has turned back around when you say, "I'm not sneaking, you're just hyper-focused again" You hear him sigh softly again. As he loosens one of the charred pieces he says, "Maybe, but you could have cleared your throat" "Maybe I should put a bell on my neck," you joke amusedly. Tech comments, "That would work too, but after a while it would probably be annoying for you and those around you"
You watch him in silence for a little while, then offer, "Want me to take a look at your head?" Tech pauses for a moment and asks, "Why should you?" You roll your eyes with a smile and say, "Because it's pretty, but mostly because you hit it" He glances over his shoulder very briefly, but long enough for you to see how his cheeks have taken on a slightly rosy tint. "I'm fine," Tech waves it off, continues working, stretches out his hand and says, "Better pass me the welding blaster" You glance over the scattered tools and grab the only one that looks anything like a welding blaster. Tech doesn't complain when you pass it to him, so it must be the right one. You ask him curious questions for a while, not necessarily because you're interested in the tool, more because you want to talk to him, hoping for a conversation. You really like Tech, much more than you wanted to admit to yourself for a while. But Tech is a little... different, it's not so easy to get close to him or make small talk. For a while, he patiently answers all your questions, but from one moment to the next, his tone becomes a little more irritable.
"Do you have to ask me all these questions? I work here and would like to concentrate on my task in peace" You swallow, blink, and don't know what to say at first. Then you suddenly hear Hunter's voice next to you, "You guys all right?" "Sure," you say, forcing yourself to smile briefly and hurrying away, your heart pounding uncomfortably. It stings more than you want to admit that Tech has practically shooed you away. Some distance away, but still in sight, you sit down with your holopad on the speeder you came here with and browse aimlessly around the holonet to keep your hands busy. Tech hears Hunter sigh and turns around. When he sees that you are no longer in your seat, he frowns in surprise. He looks around and finally catches sight of you by your speeder. He blinks, thinking, he hadn't actually wanted to scare you away. Tech actually likes having you around, but you're the only person who manages to distract him, to break his concentration, which he can't handle too well. When he hears your voice, his whole mind is automatically occupied with listening to you, recognizing nuances, soaking them up like a sponge, enjoying them. However, this is a hindrance at work.
Tech senses that Hunter is looking at him and returns his gaze. The squad leader stands there, his arms crossed in front of his chest, the typical expression on his face that he always has when something interpersonal has gone over Tech's head. "You know you hurt her?" Hunter asks quietly, patiently. Tech sighs, "I do now" Hunter puts a hand on his shoulder and says, "'Brother, I'm certainly no expert, but I think she really likes you. And judging by the way you react to her sometimes, albeit often very subtly, you like her too." Tech turns the tool in his hands and watches you from a distance for a while, unsure. He shrugs and says, "Well, I was able to rule out a virus" Hunter frowns questioningly. "I don't understand" Tech explains in his typical matter-of-fact tone, "My body and mind react to her, I get warm around her, her voice throws me off balance, her laugh tingles under my skin. To be honest, at first I thought these were symptoms of illness" Hunter raises his eyebrows and suppresses a grin, then clears his throat and says, "Now I understand. Well, maybe you should go over to her. Talk to her."
Your attention is stubbornly focused on the holopad in your hand, you don't look up once, even though you sense that you are being watched. You don't look up either when you hear footsteps and finally Tech clearing his throat. When you don't respond, he says uncertainly, "I'm sorry I snapped at you" "Okay," you say calmly. Somehow Tech was expecting a different reaction, or more, because he's still standing there staring at you while you stare at your holopad, which is currently showing an advertisement for some instant meal. "Are you mad at me?" he suddenly asks, so uncertainly that you almost look up from your holopad. "No, Tech," you say a little more gently. "I don't believe you" Surprised, you look up and look at him. You look at each other in silence for what feels like an eternity. Crosshair walks past in the background and grumbles, "Kiss each other already, nobody can watch this anymore" You both look briefly in his direction, but the Sniper doesn't even stop to wait for your reaction. Tech yells after him, "That interjection was uncalled for!"
"Was it?" you ask quietly. Tech very slowly turns back to you. "Excuse me?" You blink, look at his face, and your courage leaves you again. You wave it off. "Oh, nothing." Tech sighs and sits down next to you on the speeder, his long legs reaching down to the ground, while yours are slightly bent and resting on the footboard of the speeder. After a while, you hear him say, "At the risk of embarrassing myself and making myself look vulnerable, I'd like to confess something to you" You turn your head in his direction to look at him. He swallows as he realizes he has your full attention. He finally opens his mouth and says, "I like you" You can't help but smile automatically. "How much?" you ask again, much more boldly.
Tech blinks, he hadn't expected this question. "You want a measurable comparison?" he asks, surprised. You nod with a grin. Tech slightly blushes and says, "Okay, you don't seem angry anymore, that's a good start. Let me think for a minute." "Okay. Take your time." Suddenly, his eyes light up, and you realize that he has just found a way to tell you how much he likes you. "Remember, you once asked me what the best thing about being part of this squad was?" You nod and say, "Yeah, you said the Marauders and flying it" Tech clears his throat and his cheeks turn rosy again as he says, "I like you more than the Marauders, and more than flying" You beam at him, and you know he's going to start arguing with you and yet you say, "I like you even more" Tech pauses, he smiles but then says matter-of-factly, "That's not possible" "Of course it is," you insist, amused.
You discuss back and forth for a while, comparing how much you like each other and Tech even makes calculations in the end. Crosshair, meanwhile, is standing behind you, more or less sneaking up on you and listening to you, arms crossed in front of his chest, rolling his eyes every few seconds. Tech shows you his holopad, "See, my probability calculation contradicts your assumption" You show him yours on which you have drawn a heart in a paint program and say, "And mine contradicts your calculation" Tech frowns, "That's a heart, not a-" "HEY!" Crosshair's loud exclamation makes you both jump off the speeder, startled, and Tech automatically shoves you behind him protectively. Tech snorts, "Was that really necessary?" Crosshair looks at you with his piercing gaze and says, "Didn't I tell you two to kiss?" "You're rude," you say, still recovering from your shock. "Tell me something new," Crosshair says dryly, "For example, that you kissed each other." "That's none of your business," says Tech indignantly.
"So no," the Sniper says, rolling his eyes and backing away again. You look up at Tech and say, "Maybe we really should?" He blinks several times then asks uncertainly, "Kiss?" As you nod, Tech licks his lips, wondering if he's used his lip balm today, how many hours it's been since he brushed his teeth and if he's eaten anything since then. While his thoughts are still running nervously over each other, he feels your fingers gently reach into the collar of his Blacks that sticks out of the top of his armor and pull him in your direction. Suddenly his head is completely empty, but his heart is beating incredibly fast and his pulse is racing. At the same moment his warm lips gently touch yours, somewhere in the distance you hear Crosshair shout, "GET A ROOM YOU TWO!"
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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selfishdoll · 11 months
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FOUND OUT FT. VAMP! ARMIN ୨୧ 。 ⟡ ⋆ ࣪. ໒
armin arlert, your good friend of two years and hard crush of one. you decided to become his roommate just three months ago and all has been well. except for the fact, a ludicrous idea has entered your mind. one so silly, you didn’t even want to believe it. what was it exactly? well.. that armin, was a vampire. this wasn’t some fantasy or fairy tale.. you weren’t bella and he wasn’t edward. there was no way, no way in hell armin was a vampire.. right?
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❛content warning(s)...❜ ━━ period sex. i repeat, PERIOD SEX. if you don’t like that, leave! | oral sex (f. receiving) | soft & service top! armin | he’s a little condescending, however | pet names (sweetheart, pretty, princess, etc) | praise | blood (ofc) | biting & marking | armin talks reader through it | multiple orgasms | armin loves eye contact | ooc armin | inspired by true blood (also mentioned in the fic) | lowkey gaslighting (maybe? he’s not doing it to harm, he’s just tryna keep his identity hidden) | a bit of manhandling | reader wears pads & has really bad cramps. again if that’s an issue for you, don’t read it. | etc. if i forgot something please let me know.
❛author’s note...❜ ━━ please bare in mind i haven’t touched aot for a long time & only posting this fic for my reawakened obsession with the anime & manga. that said, if you think armin is ooc, i’m sorry— but again, i warned you (plus i’m not the creator). if you enjoy this, please give me more characters to make vamp versions of. of jjk or aot. and as always, please excuse any grammar mistakes or typos <3 (4680 WORDS)
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It was common to question reality. To ponder about situations that were outside the norm. What if a zombie apocalypse happened? What if aliens were real? And finally, what if your good friend— turned roommate, was a vampire?
You felt silly as the thought, the pondering consumed you within the first week of living together. You really had no reason to believe Armin Arlert; a sweet young man with a heart of gold was some bloodsucking beast. Or rather, you didn’t want to believe it. Such information would drastically change the trajectory of the relationship you had with him.
The pipeline from friends — secret one sided pining — to prey wasn’t one you wished to follow.
Yet, all signs pointed to the answer; all signs pointed to Armin being a vampire.
For one, you’ve never seen him eat. Ever. Each time you offered some of your food, Armin would give you a gentle smile— while refusing. I already ate. Was the signature line he delivered, no matter the time of day. But, that wasn’t too concrete; he worked at home and you worked in a clinic— there was a possibility he was telling the truth.
The second piece of evidence may have been the key. The man would stock up his side of the fridge with this.. juice. Red liquid within clear bottles, the print labeled in a language you couldn’t understand. No matter how much you searched online, you simply couldn’t find it. So, you did the unthinkable.
You popped open a bottle, taking a swig. You expected a disturbing metallic taste; one that would cause you to spill the contents of your stomach. Instead a sweet fruity flavor tickled your tastebuds, causing your eyes to widen and quickly pull back from the bottle.
In time to see Armin entering the kitchen, flashing you a smile.
“I was wondering when you’d try them. I bought so many.” He spoke sweetly, informing you it was some random juice he bought whilst on a business trip.
With both his words and the concrete evidence, you believed him.
But there were so, so many more instances where you wondering if you were grasping at straws. His refusal to enter a home without access? Well, Armin was always polite. The way he avoided you whenever you got hurt? He did inform you blood makes him queasy. Or how each time you got your period the man just suddenly had a business trip? Armin did state his work schedule was weird.
It frustrated you to no end. You hated yourself for developing the thought in the first place. You already fucked falling for him a year ago, and now you just had to come up with the most ludicrous idea.
Armin Arlert, a vampire? Please..
The breath that escaped you was ragged, eyes pinched close and leaning your head against the steering wheel. The way a cramp could ruin your mood in a matter of seconds was beyond you. Truly, it was.
You were glued to your seat unable to move due to the pain within your stomach. Which could only be described as millions of knives being rammed directly into your uterus. A dramatic metaphor, but a fitting one.
A groan escaped you as you lifted from your curled position, the back of your head pressed against the seat. The pills you consumed just ten minutes ago had obviously not taken effect yet, leaving you unable to fight against the pain. You tried, you really did try to make it to work despite the aches— but you couldn’t. You pulled over into the nearest store parking lot just to make a quick call to your supervisor.
Thankfully, she was very understanding; even gently scolding you for attempting to work in the first place. The interaction caused you to smile, thanking her profusely and promising to make up the hours.
Now, all you had to do was get home. Though, as your eyes opened from its previous pained scrunch, you focused on the store in-front of you. A soft hum escaped you as turned the engine of your car off. A quick run to get some much deserved snacks was fine, right?
You opened the car door and exited, locking it behind you with a hand pressed against your stomach. It was comical attempting to massage the cramps, but the warmth of your hand was elevating the pain— slightly. Not much.
You approached the store doors and entered, flashing a smile to a worker that greeted you. You turned down an aisle whilst looking over the selection of snacks, kneeling to take in the rest of the shelf. While thinking over what you wanted, an idea popped into your mind.
Armin was always so doting and sweet whenever he went out to the store; always asking if you needed something. You wanted to do the same.
So without a second thought you grabbed your phone from your purse, clicking his contact and placing the receiver to your ear. The ringer went off two times before the man picked up, his usual tone entering your ears;
“Hey (Y/N)— are you okay? You don’t usually call me during work.”
You smiled, standing from your kneeled position. “I’m okay!.. well, not really. Cramps are kicking my ass right now,” You hummed, walking down the end of the shelf.
A silence entered the call for a moment before Armin spoke again. “You mean.. menstrual cramps?”
“Yeah!— sorry if that was too much to share.. Anyway, I’m at the store right now do you need anything?”
Armin cleared his throat a bit, the faint sound of something entering the call— but leaving quickly. “N—no. No, I’m fine. Thank you for asking, (Y/N).”
With chaste goodbyes you ended the call, placing your phone back into your purse. You finally decided on some gummies and chocolate, heading over to the register with a little pep in your step.
Pigging out on the couch seemed like the perfect day.
You left the store quickly after paying, entering your car even quicker and reaching your shared home in record time. Opening the door, you sighed as you placed your keys onto a table nearby; purse following. You walked towards the back of the house, glancing over at Armin’s closed bedroom door. With a small smile you walked up, pressing your knuckles against the maroon colored wood.
A minute passed before the door was opened, revealing his form. His eyes bored into your own, flashing the same gentle smile he always did. “(Y/N).. you should be resting.”
You smiled back at him, “Just wanted to check on you before I lay on the couch for the rest of the day.”
The man blinked as your words set in, watching you turn to enter your bedroom. Hesitantly, he followed, standing in the doorway. “On the couch?”
“Yeah! Don’t worry I’ll have a towel under me.”
“I wasn’t worried about that..” Was the faint mumble that escaped the blonde, words you didn’t hear. A soft sigh escaped him, however, blinking to glance at you. “Hope you feel better.” Armin said more clearly, turning to walk into his room after you gave soft gratitude.
You grabbed some pink bebe shorts and a random black tshirt, walking over to the bathroom with a pad in tow. After doing your business and changing, you entered your bedroom again to place your work clothes away— grabbing a clean towel shortly after.
You exited to enter the living room, smiling at the couch waiting for you. Walking over, you stretched the towel out along the cushions, pulling the coffee table closer for convenience. After grabbing your snacks and a water bottle, a stiff sigh escaped you as you laid across the couch. The towel was a bit uncomfortable if you moved, but you rather that then possibly leaking through the pad you wore.
Your hand reached for the remote beside you, turning the channel to a tv show you’ve currently been obsessed with; True Blood. A small chuckle escaped you as your cheek sunk into the pillow under you, placing the remote down. Maybe you were watching it too much, maybe that’s why you thought Armin was some blood sucking beast.
But, there was no way. You were literally on your period and he was.. well— normal. As normal as Armin Arlert was anyway.
You turned to open the pack of gummies, taking a bit in your hand before sinking back into the cushions. Your eyes remained glued to the screen as you popped one into your mouth, oblivious to the hard stare you were receiving.
An hour and a half passed with your continued watching, getting up in between to use the restroom. Your snacks were long gone, water bottle empty, and pill; worn off. You had zero energy to get up and grab some more, especially since you just found the perfect spot to help your cramps.
You hissed softly, moving to press your face deeper into the cushion. You’ve had a period for twenty-two years now, yet it always felt as if you were experiencing it for the first time. It was annoying, truly annoying. With a subtle groan your eyes blinked open, racking your mind for a moment before an idea peaked within you.
“Armin!” You called out from the living room while turning to lay on your back, hand strewn across your lower stomach. Moments passed before his bedroom door opened, footsteps entering the living room and revealing your roommate. Who looked a little tired. Strange, you’ve never seen him in such a way.
But, instead of inquiring you gave a little smile; “Could you grab my pills from my bedroom, and a water bottle?”
Armin’s eyes carried down your form for a moment, mouth opening before closing. Instead, he simply nodded; turning to head to your bedroom.
Maybe periods really did make him uncomfortable. You’ve never seen Armin so fidgety and nervous, as if scared to speak. It would concern you more if another cramp didn’t pierce you, causing a soft groan to slip past your lips. You heard Armin move from your bedroom to the kitchen, opening the fridge and closing it after.
You looked up at the man, watching him stand a few feet away; placing the items you requested down on the table. You sat up with a sweet smile, swinging your legs over the couch. “Thanks Min.” You spoke, watching him nod and turn to walk away. Instead of leaving him be, you spoke up again;
“You wanna watch something together? I’m sure being cooped up in your room is boring..” You don’t know why the suggestion escaped you, feeling embarrassment the moment you noticed Armin’s form stiffen. Your eyes turned to the pill bottle, twisting the cap slow. “It’s uh.. cool if you don’t want t—“
“Is this another test, (Y/N)?”
You blinked slowly as his words permeated the atmosphere, entering your mind and settling there for a split second. You thought over the sentence, tongue nervously swiping across your bottom lip the moment you realized his tone. It’s usual softness was gone, replaced with something you couldn’t pinpoint.
You tried to play off your silence, a soft— forced chuckle escaping you. “Test? What test, Armin?”
You watched as the man’s shoulders lowered, body turning to face you. Your teeth was caught on your bottom lip, feeling tension enter the air.
Armin looked at you, or rather observed you for a silent moment. You didn’t know what to do, trapped under the gaze; unable to look away. Your fingers gripped the towel underneath you, debating whether to apologize or demand to know what was suddenly wrong.
Finally, after what seemed like hours but was truly five minutes; Armin spoke.
“First, you take a bottle of mine and drink it without permission.” His words were slow, as if listing off the directions of a cookbook. What’s more, Armin moved towards you, your chest bumping with each step he took. “Next, you accidentally, cut yourself whenever I’m in the kitchen.” He was close now, standing beside the table.
You sunk into the cushion behind you, gasping the moment he closed the space; hands pressed against the furniture— trapping you. “And lastly, you invite me to sit with you in such an innocent manner.. I don’t know whether to call you a genius or just plain naive, (Y/N).”
“Armin..” You breathed softly, feeling your mouth go dry. His eyes flicked between your body and lips, clearly struggling to focus on a single thing. “Armin, I—.. I’m confused, what are you talking about?”
Finally it seemed he had made a choice, gaze focusing onto your own. Silently, the man smiled, a forced one— a toothy one. Your eyes widened, breath hitching the moment you spotted the fangs placed perfectly in his mouth. A shudder went down your spine, gripping the towel even harsher.
“Oh wow..” Armin spoke lowly, stealing your attention from his canines. “I reveal something.. so, so troubling and yet— you’re excited. More then excited actually.. ecstatic, maybe?” The man pondered, coming even closer to you.
Your hands rose to grip his arms, gasping the moment you felt his face lower to your neck. As his teeth ghosted your neck, you felt your heart threatening to escape your chest. You pinched your eyes closed, twitched, even turned your head to the side.
And yet, Armin did nothing. He simply.. hovered there.
A frustration you didn’t wish to acknowledge build within you, manicured fingers digging into his cool, skin. “Armin..”
“What is it, (Y/N)? You want me to bite you, don’t you?” The words escaped him the moment you uttered his name, a hand lifting from the cushion whilst he pulled back from your neck. Now face to face, his fingers collected your chin to assure you didn’t glance away. “I thought at first you were concerned for your safety, maybe even scared. But no..” His lips quirked, thumb rising to smooth across your wet bottom lip. “You’re clearly far from scared.”
“Armin.. please just—“
“I will. I promise.” He interjected, releasing your face. Your eyes widened the moment he pushed your shoulder, laying you down on the couch. The cushion in-front of you sunk in as he sat down, hands dragging to your waist covered in shorts. “But first.. I think I’ll get my fill another way.”
Your eyes widened at his words, feeling his fingers hook under the thin pink fabric of your bottoms and panties, peeling them from your body in one swift motion. Embarrassment flooded through your body, instinctively closing your thighs.
Armin’s eyes switched from your legs over to your face, head tilting as he took in your nervous expression. To your surprise, a gentle smile stretched across his face, one that you’ve gotten used to, one that caused you to melt easily.
Noticing this, it didn’t take much to gently push your legs apart, featuring your cunt to him. “That’s a good girl..” Armin spoke softly, hand slipping under your shirt, spreading across your stomach. The man lowered until he was face to face with your slit, unfazed by the blood upon it.
You whimpered the moment his thick tongue glided up— hole to clit, hands reaching down to rest upon his hair. A soft groan escaped the man, rising up whilst licking his lips clean of your mess. It was clear all restraints were gone now, the wild look in his eyes causing your stomach to stir.
“Do you know how long I waited for this?” The man questioned you, resting on one hand; the other’s fingers gently gliding up and down cunt, collecting your mixed essence and blood. “You were gonna drive me crazy one day; parading in such small shorts, showcasing your skin to me.” His words escaped him shamelessly, fingers pushing past your folds to gently brush your clit, moving away before you could even moan.
“You wanted this from the beginning.. didn’t you?” Armin suddenly spoke, escaping the trance to look at your face. He watched as you shook your head far too quickly, a small no even escaping you. That alone caused his reddened lips to curl into a smile, “You should leave the lying to me, sweetheart.”
You gasped the moment he dove back down, lips pressed against your wet slit. The man wasted no time in allow his tongue to glide across your slit, pushing to licking at your clit. Your taste, your smell— it was enough to have him groan right into your pussy, drinking every crimson droplet that escaped you.
You thought you would feel uncomfortable, maybe even a little gross; getting ate out in such a state. But those thoughts melted the minute his lips wrapped around your swelling bud, teasing you gently with the points of his fangs. Your back was rising from the cushion now, squirming upon the towel underneath you.
Your hands lowered to his hair, fingers curling in the blonde tresses for a tight hold. With the way his tongue was moving against you, you needed leverage; you needed an anchor. You felt far too pliable, melting into the feeling as wanton moans escaped your slick lips.
Gasps of his name, sweet whispers of how good it felt. Your arousal mixed with blood was trickling freely from your entrance, making such a mess; one that Armin lapped up far too eagerly.
And the moment you felt his thick tongue curl inside your awaiting hole, oh— you were finished.
“Hah.. Fuck, Armin—!” You hissed softly, feeling the wet muscle twist and turn inside you, brushing against your gummy walls and delving on you like a meal.
Which, to Armin, you were.
The man groaned into you in response, hands moving to your thighs and gripping; halting your moving. You were forced to lay there as he ate you, a band forming within your stomach; long replacing the agonizing cramps.
Your moans bounced off the living room walls, face turning into the cushions as hot pants escaped you. Your toes were curling, a sweat presenting itself upon your forehead as the pleasure consumed you full; flooding his mouth with more crimson arousal.
Armin drunk you up eagerly, fingers digging into your skin to keep to right there. He licked you clean, leaving no spot untouched; savoring his plate. After moments of this pleasure it melted into overstimulated torture, hands falling and pushing against his head.
“A—armin.. fuck, I can’t—“ Your eyebrows were pushing close, rising to sit up; gasping the moment he tugged, forcing you to fall back on the cushions. His face was flush against your messy cunt, drinking you up completely. Little tears formed in your eyes, legs moving as your stomach clenched and clenched.
Your worried words fell on deaf ears, literally. With how much your warm thighs were wrapping around his head, he could barely hear a damn thing. Even so, Armin refused to leave— not until you came on his tongue again.
With more fearsome licks and sucks, hands massaging your skin as if coaxing you— Armin felt his dick jump the moment you cried out for him, coming all over his tongue again.
“Taste.. so good, so fucking good princess…” He drawled right into your center, the vibrations of his voice causing you to keen. Unlike before, he let up from licking you dry, raising from between your legs— a complete mess.
You watched as Armin’s tongue licked the rest of your taste off his lips, his eyes closed; relishing it.
His hands slowly dropped your body to the cushion, hand curling under his shirt and pulling it off his body. Once off, the man used it to wipe his face— tossing it to the ground shortly after.
He’d wash it later.
Armin moved to hover above you, hand falling to your chin and turning to looking at your eyes. The man smiled the moment your hand wrapped around his wrist, leaning down and pressing a wet kiss to your cheek. “Your cramps gone?” He asked in a soft, coy tone. The small huff you released caused the man to chuckle, moving to plant his lips on your own.
You moaned as his tongue intruded your mouth, ignoring the foreign taste of yourself on your tongue. Instead, you focused on him sucking your own wet muscle whilst his hand lowered to your covered chest, a thumb brushing over your hardening nipple. Your soft pants entered his mouth, hips rising against him; caring less if you soiled his pants.
And it seemed he didn’t either, hand gripping your hip and grinding back against you. Your hands traveled up his back, a hiss escaping him from how your short nails dragged across his cool, uncovered skin.
Pulling back, Armin stared down at you, taking in your bruised lips and the clear want swimming within your dark eyes. To add to the pretty picture was your bonnet slipping off your head, exposing the perfect boho braids you’ve recently got; edges sweated off.
“Such a mess.” The man murmured softly, hand rising and treading from your neck to your cheek; cupping it to allow his thumb to drag under your eye. “My pretty mess..” Armin dragged, leaning closer as his hand released your face, falling to his hips to tug down his sweats and boxers.
Your noses brushed together, your soft breaths fanning against his face. “Yours..” You murmured back, staring into his eyes. Such words brought a smile to his face, stealing your lips in another kiss while his tip brushed against your soaked slit.
Pushing you wider, Armin angled to slowly push inside, gripping your thigh the moment you tensed up. He pulled back from the kiss, forehead rested against your own. “Mm, don’t tense up; relax for me.. Just, relax.” He cooed softly, thumb tracing the stretch marks that littered your hips. With less effort he pushed all the way inside, praising you softly;
“Taking me so well, pretty.. such a good girl.” Armin spoke, chuckling at the small whine that escaped you. Pressing a gentle kiss to the space between your eyes, the vampire rose to rest on his hunches. He observed you closely, searching for any sign of restraint or discomfort. The moment he discovered neither, he was pulling his hips back until only the tip was inside.
Armin then plunged his hips forward, the wet sound echoing in the room; followed by your soft moan. His hands moved to your hips, starting a languid pace. Despite how good you felt around his throbbing length, you didn’t want to hurt him. Despite how sweet your moans were, he controlled himself in fear of harming you.
But, you were far from compliant with the current pace.
Your hips rose to meet a thrust, the action alone causing a moan to escape the both of you.
“N—need more, Min.. please.” Was the soft beg that escaped your slick lips, rocking your hips; watching the way his eyebrows creased and lip was caught under his fangs.
His restraint was dwindling with each roll of your hips, each sickeningly sweet plead that escaped your throat. Finally Armin’s inhibitions melted away, the slow; carful moans switching into fast snaps of his hips.
Your head landed against the plush cushions, crying out as your legs wrapped around his waist. He was drilling you into the mattress at this point, a harsh grip to keep you in place as he fucked you. A string of curses escaped you, gripping the towel underneath you as your feet bounced with each thrust.
Armin lowered, the new angle causing your swollen bud to brush against his pelvic area; the new sensation completely turning your brain into mush. The man enjoyed it all, glancing down at you in complete awe. You looked far too beautiful like this, far too—
“Perfect.. so fucking perfect— fu..fuck—“ The man hissed, pressing an arm above your head whilst the other grabbed your cheeks. “Look at me, princess.. that’s it, keep your eyes on me. Watch how well you take me.” His words were driving you deeper and deeper, your walls clenching as jumbled cries of his name escaped you.
His eyes were rolling back at the call of his name, drilling into you as he leaned down to your neck. Between the harsh bouncing of your body his fangs sunk right through your skin, gripping you even closer the moment a shriek escaped you.
A guttural groan escaped Armin as he delved on your blood, hissing the moment you creamed all over his cock. Yet, his hips never stopped; continuing to ruin you, using his form to keep you laid out and open on the couch.
Your eyes were meeting your skull, lips parted as shameless noises leaped from your raw throat. Soon he let up, licking the wound from his fangs and moving to be face to face with you again.
“Taking me so good, princess— like your.. fu—fucking made for me, shit—“ Armin closed his eyes tight, feeling his orgasm build. Your velvety walls were clenching him so nicely, pulsing around his heavy length with each drag of his hips. His balls were slapping against your center, the wet strikes entering the room of sex and combined moans.
Tears trailed from your eyes, staining your brown, chubby cheeks as your hand carried to his hip. Despite the pleasure, the pain of another orgasm was approaching; your body writhing as you furiously shook your head. “Fuck, I— fuck, I can’t Min!” You whined out, breath bitching as a feverish kiss was placed to your forehead.
His face was close now, nose brushing your own as his lips ghosted your own. “You’ve been so good so far, don’t stop now sweet girl.” Armin hissed between clenched teeth, a hand falling from your hip between your conjoined bodies. The moment his fingers rubbed against your little bud you were arching, the vampire easily chasing your body to continue the harsh circles.
“Fuck, fuck! Armin—!”
“That’s it, baby.. let it out, don’t hold it.” The man coaxed softly, eyebrows creasing as he felt his own orgasm arriving. Armin watched intently as your stiffened, a drawn out cry of his name escaping you while making a complete mess of his lower half. “That’s my girl.. my good fucking girl.” He leaned to plant another kiss to your lips all while his hips never stopped their pace.
Soon enough, a harsh groan entered your mouth as he flooded you with his come; some spilling out from inside.
You pulled back from his lips for air, clinging to him with your eyes pinched closed. Your body was aching, you felt sweaty, and frankly gross— but you didn’t care. Not one bit.
A subtle whine escaped you the moment Armin pulled out from you, his gaze settled on his come escaping you. With a slow rub of his thumb against your skin, the man leaned to stamp a kiss right above your heart. “I’ll start the shower up.”
You watched as he stepped off the couch, moving to walk over to the bathroom— only for your voice to stop him.
“Armin.. those bottles in the fridge, they weren’t blood right?”
He looked at you for a long moment before a little grin pulled his features. “No. Just the ones in back. I knew you would pick from the front.”
With that Armin resumed his walk to the bathroom, leaving you there; feeling just a little stupid.
Well, at least you were right. Your good friend of two years turned roommate turned something more— was definitely a vampire.
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fuckingstrange · 21 days
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In the precinct (is crazy)
WARNING: PWP/Porn without plot, straight into the smut again, Public sex(?), blowjob (l.a. receiving), nearly caught in the act, also caught after the fact, brief mention of the case being worked?, gn!r genitals only explained as “aching crotch” 1 (one) time, Luke pushes your head down 1 (one) time, mention of gagging 1 (one) time, brief handjob?, cum swallowing, SMUT, non-beta read; we make typos like my grandma without reading glasses.
WORDS: 690?+
PAIRING: Luke Alvez x gn!reader
a/n: There's just something about this charity house I'm in that has me spitting out fics like a madman
Luke is sat at one of the officer's desks after they had kindly offered him a seat, away from the other crowd of officers and the team so that he could think more clearly.
Well, He was originally trying to work on some of the profile himself, wanting to try and connect the dots that just weren't aligning before, But now, his mind is on nothing other than the feeling of your mouth wrapped around his aching dick.
Sitting with his chair tucked into the corner desk, nobody can see you beneath it, sucking him off like his semen holds the cure for homosexuality.
His hands are occupied typing on the computer, typing pure gibberish into a private document to make it look like he's busy without making it look like he's having a breakthrough on the case so that nobody approaches. “Cleverly”, He'll cough to disguise a groan whenever you take him completely into your mouth.
Luke makes the mistake of looking down and leaning back, enough to watch you for a moment. The sight of your head bobbing, tounge swirling around the tip of his dick, his breath catches and the moan he lets out is undisguisable. You slow the pace of your head’s bobbing when you hear somebody approach.
“Are you alright, Alvez?” Hotch’s voice rings through the room. It makes you tremble as you start to pull off of him, but the nudge his boot gives your own aching crotch makes you keep going, just much slower.
“Yes, I'm- okay. Just stressed. Can't figure out how to.. to connect the profile to the killer enough that we can.. really pin him.” Luke manages to calmly respond, the only hint that anything else is wrong being the way he stops speaking to take a breath.
He leans back in the chair just as Hotch turns around to leave after a moment of lingering, obviously not believing everything is okay but deciding to leave him alone. His hand finds the back of your head and shoves it further down onto his cock, making you gag around it.
Swallowing, you see the way his hips subtly roll forward to make it look like he's merely adjusting in his chair. His dick throbs in your mouth, drool nearly dripping off the shaft from how long you've been going at him. You shove yourself down further this time, head nearly poking out from your spot beneath the desk. Swallowing around him again, you're able to look up and see the way his eyes flutter shut and his head dips.
You reach up to wrap your fingers around him while your head pulls back, lapping at the head while you stroke him. Within seconds, you're having to let your lips wrap back around his tip to make sure every drop of his cum spilling ends up in your mouth to leave no traceable evidence other than your breath afterwards.
Luke stays surprisingly quiet as he finishes, his face beet red and a bit of sweat forming on his brow line, but that just makes him look hot. Temperature wise.
Staying on your knees beneath the desk, you wait for him to give you the all clear before sliding out and standing up. He stands up as well, claiming that you should both step outside for a moment so that he can calm down. Turning around to walk to the door, you see Tara with her eyes widened and her jaw slack in surprise.
Luke's red face suddenly turns pale, like he saw a ghost. Yours matches.
Your weak stumble of a cover up isn't enough. She doesn't believe you were “fixing his chair.” Nobody really would, you were a fool to think that she'd believe anything other than the truth. Tara's look of surprise shifts to one of amusement. She even chuckles.
“Yeah, chair must have been a little.. stiff, huh?” She teases, giving the both of you a wink before motioning for you both to step outside like Luke had asked.
You both exit with an embarrassed look on your face, aware she won't snitch but won't let you live it down either.
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unsaidthingsj2e · 1 year
Promise i don't forget all of my fault in this
Summary : After Jude broke your heart, he can't help but regret how he did it. Loosing his best friend of 10 years is not something he knows how to cope with
a/n : here is part 2 to this fic, probably not what you were expecting but i like it this way better!
english is still not my first language so if any sentence doesn't make sense or if typos are hiding in there, i apologize!! (+ this is even barely proofread sorry)
title is a lyrics from Best by Gracie Abrams
To the eye of anyone else, his life looked like a dream.
With his career predicted to continue its raising towards a legendary peak, a beautiful girl he genuinely was in love with at his side and a promise of everything going his way in life, it seemed like the equation was solved.
The thing is, it was solved, he found x, he had x but he also threw x away, thinking it wasn't necessary to his well-being.
The problem is, x was his ex-lover, ex-best friend, ex-childhood friend. When he made the decision to leave her behind, he thought he did the right thing.
Breaking her heart was the hardest thing he ever had to do, but he knew she wouldn't have survived seeing him with a new girl while still being in his life. He knew if given the option, she would've stayed at his side, as a best friend, a friend, an acquaintance. So in his mind, breaking her heart, leaving her with a lost soulmate was the best decision, for her.
He had not anticipated how much it would hurt him as well.
He spent the first week feeling unbelievably lighter. Lying to her, going out with his girl behind her back and cheating were not things he had enjoyed doing. He knew he had no right to be sad or even to complain about anything, being the one doing the cheating and not being cheated on.
He was certain if younger Jude could, he would find a way to travel in time and hunt current Jude down until the end of his days. She used to be so much more than an ex-lover.
Ever since primary school, she had been the only constant thing in his life. He had other friendships that he grew out of, he had girlfriends that wouldn't last enough time for him to even get attached, and he now had fans that would forget about him in a few months. But she was always there, and that's what made him think she was the perfect match for him.
He already loved her and they got along better than any other friends, he knew her inside out and still admired her, he already went through hell and back by her side. It made sense that what he was feeling was romantic love. And perhaps it was at first, or maybe it never was, he could not pinpoint the moment he realized he made a mistake and confused platonic feelings for romantic ones.
It's the fact that she realized so much faster than him that scared him, and that made the process happen so much faster. She managed to watch the light fade from his eyes before he could put a name on what was happening in his head when he looked at her. She noticed the nature of the blank stares he would be stuck in and deep down, she knew.
Tonight marks the third week since he broke her heart, and his guilt laced with longing is eating him alive. Because today was the 22nd of the month, day on which, every month without a miss, they would meet up one way or another to watch movies and gossip and catch up on lost time due to their busy schedules.
It had become a tradition since they were kids, Jude had to conceal football and school and ended up being able to spend less time with her. A June 22nd, she had voiced her worries of him forgetting her in the whole process, so he promised at least every month, she would get a night of his full undivided attention.
It was never just movies, some 22nd's were spent on her house's roof, stargazing while sharing terrifying thoughts about growing up, about feelings taking a meaning, others were spent driving around your hometown, signing along to their shared playlist.
But it always was on the 22nd. Twelve 22nd's a year, twelve nights to ensure their hearts were still each others.
Tonight's 22nd was the first one in eight years they weren't in each other's presence or on a videocall. On this 22nd, Jude decided he had to face his feelings. He was done hiding them and pretending this didn't affect him, he lost someone who was dear to him no matter who was to blame.
Coming home from practice, where his performance were mediocre at best, and ended in his coach voicing his worries about his mood and its affect on his stats lately, Jude was worn off.
Turning his keys in the door lock, his eyes fell down on the red phone cabin keychain he reluctantly kept after she forced him to. He had playfully refused to do so at first, claiming this was too much of a tourist thing to even just buy, let alone display on his keys. But she had argued that this would be a fond way to remember every place they had traveled to.
Not realizing he had been staring at the keys lost in thoughts for a few minutes, not making any moves to enter, a soft voice got him out of this haze.
"Jude, is that you?" He heard his girlfriend ask from the other side of the door, voice uncertain and fear audible
"Yes, yes it's me darling. Sorry about that I kinda zoned out", Jude rushed to explain while opening the door, noting how scary hearing the quiet sound of keys fumbling into the lock would've been from her point of view.
He stepped into his house, immediately face to face with his lover, whom he engulfed into a bone crushing hug almost as quickly.
"Today's the 22nd" he mumbled into her hoodie "It sucked, 'm feeling like shit and I did bad at practice"
One thing he made sure to do with any partner of his, was to make sure they both felt safe enough to share any thought, not wanting to hold the weight of any information by themselves. Therefore, he had told her everything about his feeling about his ex best friend, how much he missed her and everything about their moments ; including the 22nd tradition.
"Yeah, i figured you would- not do bad at practice, feel like shit i meant" she answered while playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, simultaneously rubbing comforting circles into his back.
"I just- it's so frustrating. I'm the one who broke things off, I got the fucking good side of things and here I am whining about it.", squeezing her body harder, Jude tried another way to convey the emotions that invaded every cell of his body, feeling like words aren't enough. Before he could continue, she interrupted his rant.
"Jude, hun, we talked about this. You did break things off but it was needed, even she could tell things weren't the same anymore. But she was your best friend, shit like that hurts even if it was the best option at the time", this conversation was held almost every day, he was convinced his feelings were not justified because of the way he handled the situation.
"Yeah, I know, my feelings are valid and all this bullshit, doesn't mean it doesn't feel unfair" he moved from the embrace to take his shoes off, focusing on the task to avoid his lover's eyes "I mean, I miss her so much and it's so selfish considering she's probably in her head overthinking the authenticity of every moment we ever spent together, I'm literally a piece of shit". His shoe laces weren't cooperating, seemingly in sync with his conflicting emotions. With a groan, he gave up, throwing himself on the floor with his back on the door, his head resting on it, looking up the ceiling.
She gently crouched down next to him, rubbing his thigh in hopes to calm him down with the soothing movement. "I won't lie and say she's thriving right now, because let's face the truth, it definitely destroyed her-", at this statement, Jude banged his head on the door, "-but. But it was a shitty situation that needed to be dealt with in a shitty way. You missing her is not you being selfish, get that out of your pretty head."
Now on her knees beside him, she brought her other hand on his cheek, nudging him to make eye contact with her. Her gaze was full of empathy for his internal struggle, understanding his part, but also seeing hers. "Did you-" she stopped for a second when he finally looked back at her, eyes glossy, "Did you think about reaching out to talk to her? I'm aware you don't want to do it because you're scared she'd come back and end up hurting more. But. If not for you, do it for her? You haven't seen her since you broke things off, and she didn't even get the chance to talk, she probably is dying to find closure in a way"
"You're probably right, she deserves it. I'm just not even sure she'd want to meet up though. I wouldn't want to see someone who is as much of a dickhead as I am. Good motives or not, I did this badly." Jude did not lack self awareness concerning this situation. It's because he knows her so well that he knew the words he used would wound her deeply, although unintentionally.
Voice barely above a whisper, he shamefully admits, "Sometimes, I don't even want her to get closure. God that sounds so bad but. I don't want her to forget about me, about us. 10 years of friendship is a fucking long time, I don't want her to wipe this off her memory because I was an asshole"
Not even bothering to correct him, and uselessly try to convince him he isn't an asshole, she instead continued, "Please, talk to her, she probably doesn't want 10 years worth of memory to be tainted by this ugly night. And it's been due, for both of your sake." She felt helpless in front of her boyfriend's misery, and would do anything to help it be less intense and all consuming. "Don't let her spend her first 22nd in eight years all alone, thinking you hate her", slowly detangling his shoe lace and tying it back the right way, she moved to kiss his forehead. "Be patient and let her time to voice her thoughts, yeah?"
He stood up, and took his time to take the woman in front of him in, he felt incredibly lucky this exact second. Any other woman would be fuming with jealousy at the thought of their man going to see their ex-girlfriend that they've known for half their life. He hated to think that getting her had to come with losing his best friend. "Okay, yeah, okay i'm going then. I appreciate you so much for this, thank you for understanding."
a/n : you guys : "part 2 w reader living her best life n Jude wanting her back!!"
me : "how about no?" i actually wrote about 6 different start to this but it always felt off, knowing how brutally Jude left reader?
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s-dei · 1 month
I wonder, how in your opinion did Illidan's and Khadgar's relationship started?
Hi anon!!! Thank you for askin, it will be fun to dive into my mind of 5 years ago and recall all the stuff :'D (It can go out of control…)
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(IT DID went out of control, so I'm throwin it under the cut 😂) There may be typos or mistakes, haven't checked and lazy.
I think I should start with character's reasons to be interested in eachother. Like, beside from "we happened to be in the same place doing the same thing (fighting Legion)", a more specific moments from the both sides.
Khadgar's side: 1) He was glad to get one more ally who is really passionate to fight Legion. Of course, Legion was everyone's business at a moment, and there were a lot of powerful allies. And Illidan is well - pretty controversial person. But at this moment Khadgar was really exhausted, and still was questioning a lot his Guardian role (even if it was only nominal), and Illidan was realy personal with Legion. So he was mostly glad someone else wanted to take the main role (while there also were moments of regret xD)
2) That's a curious magic nerd Khadgar. And an ancient demon-elf. Of course he wants to ask something, even if he knows even more ancient creatures. While not using it himself, he would enjoy to listen about dark ways of magic or something.
3) Illidari. He was unsure at first, but in the end enjoyed 'babysitting' them. Even when Illidan is back, he still cares about them and asks if they need something, or just comes to chit-chat. He is also curious to know especially about the bond of Illidari and their Master, from the both sides.
Illidan's side: 1) That's a magic nerd Illidan (in other ways, but still here we are). And a human mage wielding a great power AND having mark of Sargeras left on his aura. Of course Illidan is curious about it. And he wants it - in a greedy demonic way he holds back, so he is just going with decent conversation.
2) Khadgar is an ally you better to team up with. Of course Illidan Stormrage is mighty and powerful, but he still lives in society 😂 Azeroth changed a lot since he went to Outland, the ruling power is different now. Illidan came back to life, but he's still a war criminal, and many ppl want him dead or in prison again. Of cooourse they need him to fight Legion, but if the war is over succesfully, who will speak for him and Illidari? Oh, maybe it will be Khadgar, who is suddenly non-hostile (while he have all the rights to be after Outland?) Let's keep it as an option. Illidari say too that he's really cool ally.
3) Some really far-fetched stuff, but Illidan pays attention to details. Back in the WotA he was trained by Rhonin and fought along Kur'talos Ravencrest, and so he makes a remark about Khadgar and his raven form. Even if Illidan chooses his way himself (tm), sometimes he still thinks about the promised Fate of his, and wonders if it is in a things repeating. (That's just me bringin all the lore bits to one pile, I love it. Khadgar also was in a Black Temple. Mind it)
Both sides: sharing the feeling of a "missed time". One literally spent hella majority of his life in isolation, and the other turned into oldman in his 17 (or 19? damn i always confuse those numbers). I think it works kinda equal for them, and they went "oooh, you understand?"
Sooo in my vision, Khadgar already had some opinion about Illidan and things to ask him, and Illidan was fine with speaking to him aside from Illidari to know more about events happened in the world. I think before Brokenshore campaign started, they had a few personal and group meetings, and found out that they share something in common while having different tempers.
When the campaign began, things went… complicated xD They started to find out their differences, and always were loud discussing it and their disagreement. Sometimes they started with disagreement and finished with agreement, keeping it with a passive agression :Д Were they mad? They had fun! Mostly. I think both enjoyed a 'look i'm having a dispute with this important dude'
But besides from discussing strategy and other serious stuff, they still had a moments of discussions of magic and past events (unless they were too personal). Khadgar shared stuff with him, from food and drinks to artifacts and books, and enjoyed watching how Illidan interacts with it. Sometimes amazed. And often endeared. There was actions from Illidan's side as well, but he mostly did it via Illidari (not like he was ashamed, just really busy). And they mostly said "yeeeeah this is from Lord Illidan!"
Eventually Khadgar fell in love and WAS TERRIFIED. He spent a lot of time figuring out what he really feels. When he came to conclusion, he thought a lot if he should confess, coz it's fkin Illidan Stormrage. It felt so crazy, but Khadgar decided that his life is going crazy for a while, and he decided to try. I can see Khadgar as a person who isn't going love crazy right away. He feels something buzzing, a certain kind of interest, but it's not a "omg this is the one and only person in my life" untill they go mutual. He, of course, will be sad if Illidan rejects him, and it will take some time to recover, but he isn't going to keep it forever.
And so he decided to confess. He purposely have chosen a short peacefull moment before some big battle in case if the things go awkward or even bad, so they both have an excuse to leave.
Now coming back to Illidan and what he felt. Ngl he's a complicated char if you want to go thoughtful with him. But I think during this time he became a little sympathetic with Khadgar. Found him special in one ways and annoying in others, but def considered him and ally and maybe even a friend, while he wasn't going to admit it outloud.
Still, the confession made him baffled (even if he suspected it a bit). If it was someone else, he would just say "lol no" and leaved. But he was really curious about Khadgar's reasons and what the actual fuck. He couldn't say he felt something even similar to love, but also didn't went with just a "no". He said that Khadgar is probably mistaken, or just don't realize that he isn't the type to build a 'true lovestory' with and live happily ever after. He is a demon and his passion is already going on hating Legion, so don't you expect a romantic fairytale. Khadgar said that he pretty aware of all of this, he isn't going to fix Illidan, or cure his scars, or bring him into typical lovey-dovey routine. "How about we just find our own way?"
You see, Illidan says "yes" in any case, but I can see it going in different ways: - First is a direct "yes", but not in a "i want to be with you" way. It's a "You know what, I will be with you, and I'm curious how you gonna handle it". Being baffled at first, he is now going into offence and declares "If you want a challenge, I'm giving it to you". Not love - a challenge. The challenge isn't about Illidan being a demon/ancient/edgy person. It's about the fact Illidan knows zero shit about romance and he's goin to explore it and experiment af (of course he didn't said it literally, but he implied). He is going to be unbearable. And he enjoys how Khadgar reacts - confused and happy and non-believing and terrified. He's goin to love it. - Second is Illidan taking a time to think, and they talk once more after the battle was over. This conversation is more calm, more intimate and Illidan lets Khadgar close to try and see how he feels about it. They speak about some personal stuff, and while Illidan didn't said it directly, he implied he don't mind to try (yet warns that it still won't be a lovey-dovey stuff). (ngl, their moment of confession is so hard, I tried to write it 5 times with different words, so I will never come to a single solution)
Illidan promised no lovey-dovey, but he found out he enjoys it actually 😌👌
I think I have some more stuff to say, but this post already went WILD. IDK, feel free to ask more direct questions or somethin :)
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Strings - Joel Miller
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Summary: Joel had cockblocked you, not once, but twice. The build-up frustration getting to your head, making you challenge Joel which he merely accepts.
Pairing: Joel Miller x reader
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, unprotected p in the v, age gap (reader in 20s, Joel in 40s), teasing, let me know if I missed something.
Word count: approx 2,5k
A/N: Hi there lovelies. I might be late to the party, but I fell down this spiral of TLOU / Joel Miller and here we are. This is my first fic (one of many yet to come) with Joel so please be kind. I will not work with a taglist so just follow @confessionbrain-writings and turn on the notification. English isn’t my mother tongue so apologies for typos or mistakes.
“I am an adult. I can perfectly decide for myself what I should and shouldn’t do. Mind your own fucking business, old man.”  Maybe it was a cheap shot, but calling him an old man seemed to trigger something in him. His eyes darkened and a muscle ticked in his jaw. “What did you jus’ say?” “Problem hearing? Do I need to repeat myself?” Before you knew it, he had grabbed your biceps, took a few strides back and had pinned you to the wall harshly. “You better watch that filthy mouth f’yours.”
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“Hurry!” You whispered and tugged on the stubborn strings of Howard’s hoody. Why the fuck would he tie them together into this twisted knot. What was he? Fucking twelve?
“I’m trying,” he hissed back and batted your hands away. You let out an irritated breath and watched him fumble, but you could already tell that the sun would be long up before he had untied them.
“Jesus Christ, Howard, just leave it on.” You snapped and yanked him by his collar towards you which made him stumble forward. Luckily he could catch himself with one hand against the wall behind you and the other on your bare waist. You had scattered your own sweater on the floor already, not waiting for Howard to take it off.
Having him so close you could feel his panting breath on your face. Your own breath was ragged too, accompanied by the strong tug of need down in your core. 
It’s been a while since you got off and the need to find release started to fester. The hollow and craving need in your stomach now also settling in your head, which was getting harder and harder to shake off till all you could think of was dick. Dick, dick and dick.
Then luckily, there was Howard. Not the guy you’d typically would go for, but hey, at least he had a dick and was working the same shift, so that was that. Why bother when you could take the easy road? So at the end of your shift, you silently snuck off to one of the abandoned floors.
And here you were. Howard’s hands roaming - or more like hovering - over your sides and you sighed. 
“Harder.” You pleaded which he answered with a light squeeze. That’s it?
A groan rolled over your lips and he tilted his head back. 
“What?” He whispered and you clenched your jaw.
“I told you ‘harder’, please tell me you have that word in your vocabulary.” 
“I don’t wanna hurt you—“ he started but you interrupted him. 
“Shut up— just— never mind,” and then you leaned in to kiss him which he answered greedily. His hands moved up and massaged your breasts which earned him a soft moan while your hands skimmed down his chest.
Well shit, the hoody was hiding his slim frame well and also the lack of muscle. This guy must be pretty young. Oh God, what if he was a virgin.
That would explain why he was grabbing you too softly, oh well, he fortunately was a good kisser. Guess that’s one win. Hope he is a good fucker too. 
The need nagged at you and irritation started to spark. Could he please hurry up and just fuck you?
Before you could order him to just get to it, you heard a cough which made the both of you freeze.
“If you lovebirds are done with exchangin' ya saliva, I suggest you go back b’fore curfew hits.”  
You knew that deep southern drawl. You didn’t need to turn your head to know who that voice belonged to. But when you did, you saw him standing just a few feet away. Joel fucking Miller. 
You couldn’t stop the shudder from running down your spine as you took in his broad frame and furrowed brow, giving him a stern look. Asshole. 
Howard took a step back instantly, clearly being intimidated by Joel’s you-better-do-as-I-say-because-I-tell-you vibe. 
“Uh— sir, we— I— she—“ Howard stumbled and I rolled my eyes at him. 
Okay, you had to admit, Joel could be a bit intimidating and was someone you probably wouldn’t want to have on your bad side. But at this moment you couldn’t care if you provoked him. 
This was the second fucking time that he had cockblocked you and the fact that he did made your blood boil. The first time he had busted in on you was while Leo’s skillfully hand was in your panties. But Joel ordered you both to get going before you could even reach your climax, leaving you all hot and bothered. Now the intense feeling to get off was starting to mix up with white hot anger.
“What do you want?” You bit out and crossed your arms in front of your breasts, making them squeeze together and for a split-second you could feel Joel’s burning gaze before it quickly shot back to Howard again.
“Go home, hoody boy,” he commanded and took a step aside. Cocking his head towards the doorway for Howard to get a move. Howard seemed to be plastered to the floor, opening and closing his mouth like a fish on dry land. 
“Now.” Joel growled and that made Howard snap out of his haze. The growl shot straight to the throbbing between your legs, like adding oil to the burning fire. This was bad.
Without saying goodbye or even giving you a look, Howard scurried off. A mix of a scuff and huff escaped your lips. Was he fucking serious? What a douchebag.
Joel closed the door behind him and turned back to you but kept standing where he stood. You started to tap your foot. Somehow trying to get the build-up frustration out, but to no avail. There was only one thing that could fix this mess and that fix just sprinted out of the door. Great.
“You know Joel,” you said, voice clearly laced with frustration. “I hate seeing you like this.”
“Like what?”
“Like, in person.”
His furrowed brow deepened, the rest of him still stoic and brewing like always. And somehow that started to irritate you too.
“You need to stop wastin’ ya time with losers like that.” He said and took slow steps towards you. 
Your arms fell next to your sides and your chest heaved from all the build-up tension and anger, making your fists clench and press them against your sides.
“Oh and you think you can decide that for me?” Taking two steps towards him, standing now so close your chests almost touched.
You had to crane your neck to look him in the eye. For fuck sake. You never stood so close to him and it was like you suddenly noticed his physique while he towered over you.
The sight and feel of it made you swallow the dry lump forming in your throat. Well, this wasn’t exactly helping the tension. It felt like you were about to jump out of your skin, fists shaking and heart racing.
“I am an adult. I can perfectly decide for myself what I should and shouldn’t do. Mind your own fucking business, old man.” 
Maybe it was a cheap shot, but calling him an old man seemed to trigger something in him. His eyes darkened and a muscle ticked in his jaw.
“What did you jus’ say?”
“Problem hearing? Do I need to repeat myself?”
Before you knew it, he had grabbed your biceps, took a few strides back and had pinned you to the wall harshly.
“You better watch that filthy mouth f’yours.” He growled and you blinked to catch up with what just happend. 
Not even a split-second ago you were standing in front of him and the next he had you pinned against the wall. Your heart was beating like crazy, accompanied by your panting breath.
Suddenly the air was too thick and the room too small. Your skin felt too tight, his rough flannel brushed against your bare flesh. The need now so intense, you felt like you could explode.
Being overpowered like that was so— so fucking hot. So exhilarating. Fuck, you were screwed. Even though you hated his guts for being such an ass, this was what you craved when you told Howard ‘harder’.
Your thoughts derailed insanely quick and the image of Joel fucking you senseless clouded your mind. A deep moan traveled its way up but you swallowed it down before it could escape.
“Or what? Gonna ground me, dad? Jesus, what does a girl have to do to get off.” You groaned and tried to snake out of his hold by pushing yourself off the wall, but again to no avail.
Joel’s eyes dropped from your face to your breasts. Oh right, your bra was on display aka you just gave him a good shimmy-of-the-tits-show. A shiver ran down your back when you met his darkened gaze, he apparently liked that. Well, good for him.
 “S'that what you want?” He dared. “Need someone t’fuck you?”
“Mmm, maybe you should check in with medical, since not only your hearing is failing you but also your eyesight. ‘Cause that’s what I’ve been trying to do before you cockblocked me. Twice!”  
That seemed to snap something in him.
“Enough.” He barked and jerked on your arms. Your vision blurred and you suddenly faced the wall, his broad body pressed against your back. 
He leaned in and you felt his infuriating breath on your temples. “Yer insufferable.”
You tilted your head and challenged him, “What are you gonna do about it?” 
“This old man ‘sgonna teach you a lesson for being a brat.” 
A loud ‘clunk’ rang through the room as his belt met the floor.
“Ya gonna do exactly as I say.” He yanked your jeans and panties down, grabbed your wrist so tight it almost hurt, and pressed them against the wall.
“Keep ‘m here,” he snarled. 
The rough movements in combination with his deepened voice sent goosebumps all over your body. Gosh, this was already so fucking hot. Your nerves on edge as his hands landed on your hips and pulled you towards him. 
This time the moan bubbled out of your throat when you felt his cock press against your bare ass. 
“And if I don’t?” You breathed.
“Then ya will find out the hard way. Now shut up ’n face the wall.” 
As being under his spell suddenly, you did as he told and turned back to the wall. Your heart rate now racing, accompanied by shallow breaths while your body started to tremble in anticipation.
There was no denying you were aroused and the slickness between your legs was proof. You felt how he started to slide the head of his cock up and down, collecting the slickness. Gosh, the feeling already leaving you in a frenzy.
“Fuck sweetheart,” he cursed and lifted his hips so his tip slipped in. “So fuckin' wet.”
The sudden stretch made you hiss, and you started to dig your nails into the wall. 
"M'gonna give it just how you asked, hard.”
And hard it was. He snapped his hips, filling and stretching you up. He snaked one hand over the front of your body and ending at your throat while his other hand tightened on your hip. The pressure of his digits digging into your flesh, which you were sure would leave some bruises. 
Without wasting any second he pounded into you at a feral pace, full of need. Even though you were absolutely wet enough, it had been a while and the sudden stretch and pace caught you a bit off guard since there was no time for you to adjust.
“Joel,” you moaned at the sting and tried to turn your head, but he stopped you by gripping your jaw. His upper body now totally covering your back while he tipped your head back against his shoulder.
“Shut up,” he ordered and continued his torturous pace. 
“Joel, please.” You whimpered. “I need a minute—”
“Too bad, ya take it jus’ how I give it to you,” he snarled, hand sliding back down to your throat and squeezed it for emphasize.
His words sent a wave of pure lust through your veins. Besides the sting, the pleasure was overwhelming. The flames of desire licking your insides with each punishing thrust. Yes, that was exactly like this was. Punishment. But oh God, how good and bad was this. This was what you’ve been craving.
The sting slowly faded and made way for pleasure. Moans and curses started to spill over your lips as Joel growled into your ear.
“Yeah, jus’ like that sweetheart. Takin’ me so damn well.” 
You were always a softy for praises but receiving them from Joel felt sinful and made you yearn for him even more. His thrust started to get relentless. The sound of slapping skin, the moans and pleads from your mouth and Joel’s grunts filled the interior. 
Joel’s hand around your throat started to snake down, giving your breast a tight squeeze before bending you over against the wall by placing his palm between your shoulder blades. It made you sob as he started to take you deeper due the angle.
The blood started to ring in your ears, your orgasm getting closer and closer. With a couple more punishing thrusts Joel pulled out. His hand left your hip as he fisted his cock and with just two jerks he came. Spilling his warm seed onto your lower back and ass while he cursed your name through clenched teeth.
Jesus. This was so incredibly hot it made you almost come at the spot. The coiling feeling in your stomach now so high, you could feel your hear beat throb between your legs.
A zzzrrrt sound reached your ears and without even thinking about it, you turned your head just to see how Joel had tucked himself back into his pants and pulled the zipper up.
Sweat coated his brow and his chest heaved, the sight was magnificent. He was insanely panty-dropping, looking like this. He stared right back at you but said nothing and also didn’t move.
Was he waiting for something? You opened your mouth to speak but he leaned forward and you quickly faced the wall again. The need to reach your orgasm taking you over, making your head spin. You felt his presence next to you and followed him with a side-eye. He bent over and got back up, something popped up in the corner of your eye and you tilted your head.
What.. he had grabbed your sweater from the floor and reached out, which you automatically accepted. It took a few seconds for you to let it sink in what was happening.
You opened your mouth as your brows furrowed. “Joel?”
“Get dressed, curfew ’s about to hit.”
What. The. Fuck. 
“But Joel,” you protested, voice filled with desperation. “I didn’t cum yet?” You hated that it came out as a question, but your mind was still hazed by your craving need that you couldn’t focus on what was going on.
“Sorry, sweetheart. Imma old man, can’t take n’more and we need to go.” A devilish grin started to tug at his lips. 
No. No. He couldn’t be serious now, right? Right?! Was he gonna leave you hot and bothered with your back covered in his cum? No, no, no, no, no.
“Ya heard me, be ready in 2. I wait in the hall.” 
Without saying another word he had turned on his heels and took off. His heavy boots pounding on the floor, each step felt like a pang in your chest.
“Joel!” You called after him but he ignored you.
Tears started to form in your eyes as you felt a kind of panic, you were getting so close to your built-up release. Getting fucked this good and before you could reach your high, he just.. left you?
You bit on the inside of your cheek as you felt a wave of fury course through your veins. This wasn’t over. Like hell it was. A waterfall of curses spilled over your lips. Still a bit dazed you got dressed. Oh, he wasn’t getting away with this, you will make him pay. One thought chanting in your head over and over again.
Fuck you, Joel fucking Miller.
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Leave some 🧡 by a comment or reblog, would love to hear what you think and if you like to read more!
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its-straykeedz · 1 year
purple person ; kth
pairing: kim taehyung x afab!reader
genre: angst, fluff, a bit suggestive in the end
tw: mentions of body-shaming, mentions of hurtful comments, reader is self-conscious about her physical appearance, mentions of a breakup;
please do keep in mind that english is not my first language, therefore if you spot any typos/mistakes let me know!
you can find my masterlist here ♡
© jtothehopeworld ] don't copy/plagiarize/translate any of my works or post them elsewhere.
Kim Taehyung is utterly in love with you. 
He tells you every day - it’s the first thing he tells you when you wake up in his arms and the last thing he whispers into your ear at night as he hugs you, one arm around your waist and nose buried in your hair as he breathes in the scent of your shampoo. He also loves to tell you when you least expect it - he loves to see your cheeks and ears turn red when he whispers those three little words on your lips right before he leans in and kisses you. 
Taehyung loves you - you’re sure of that. You never once doubted him - never in all the years you’ve been together. Even when he has to leave for months due to his busy schedule and tours all around the world - he’d always find a way to make you feel loved and appreciated. He’d send you cute selfies with sweet captions just to tell you how bad he’s missing you - how much he misses sleeping next to you, how it’s not the same, to fall asleep on a cold, lonely hotel bed. 
Taehyung loves you and he always finds a way to show it - that’s why you trust his judgement when he tells you he’s ready to announce your relationship to the whole world. You’re taken aback at first - how could you not? It’s a huge deal, and you’re a bit scared to take such a big step, but Taehyung makes you feel safe and loved and appreciated, and you trust him. 
He announces it through his social media’s stories while he’s on tour - posting a couple picture you took months before. It’s a nice picture, but you don’t exactly look the cutest - though Taehyung claims it’s his favorite picture of you. He says that whenever he misses you, he scrolls down his camera roll to look for that specific picture to ease his low spirits - your smile is so bright and contagious. He’s kissing you on the cheek as you do the “v” sign with your fingers - it’s definitely his favorite picture, you both look so genuinely happy and in love, happier than ever. 
You’re not ready for what happens next. As predicted, the news of Kim Taehyung - a member of the world’s most famous kpop group - spread fast, and so do the comments. There’s who’s happy for you and congratulates with the idol, and there’s who isn’t but doesn’t spread hate. 
Then - there are those comments which you really shouldn’t read, because deep down you know it’s all bullshit. You knew what you were getting yourself into when you’d started going out with Taehyung - you knew he was worldwide famous and that dealing with fans isn’t always a pleasant and easy matter, and you definitely knew you weren’t as perfect as all those idols people shipped him with. 
Though - you weren’t expecting to receive that much hate for your physical appearance. 
Why does it matter anyways? Why are people so damn obsessed with one’s looks? Why would they comment such hurtful shit just to make one feel bad? What do they even gain from doing that? It’s mean and pointless.
You know you’re chubby - you don’t need haters to tell you that. You are perfectly aware of the way you look, and you’ve never really felt self-conscious about it - you didn’t think it played an important role in your relationship with Taehyung.
Apparently, it does to some people. 
Taehyung’s not really aware there’s a shitstorm involving you - he has a busy schedule and has no time to go check what people are saying online. You don’t tell him anything either - you don’t tell him about the hurtful comments about your looks and how people had been body-shaming you since he’d posted the picture. You don’t talk to him about it - you don’t want him to feel bad about it, after all it’s not his fault.
But the days pass and the mean comments just won’t stop. A few people even recognized you at work and started gossiping about you with their coworkers. How isn’t he ashamed of her? or She looks so big compared to him! are just a few of the comments you’ve heard so far, and the truth is - you’re starting to believe them.
When Taehyung comes back home from tour, the first thing he does as soon as he enters your shared apartment is lean in for a kiss - he doesn’t expect you to turn your head so that he ends up kissing your cheek instead of your lips. 
“Why won’t you kiss me? Are you mad at me, jagi?”, he jokes, but immediately notices something’s off with you. 
You’ve been distant lately, replying late to his texts to the point he thought you were deliberately ignoring him. He hadn’t minded - brushing it off thinking you were just too caught up with your job or something. 
“Taehyung…”, you take a deep breath, not ready to voice out your thoughts - but you have to. “We need to talk.”
His eyes widen and nods weakly. He thinks you’re about to give him sad news or something, he’s not ready for what you’re about to tell him - and neither are you. As soon as you utter those five words, he feels as if somebody had just punched him in the guts. We need to break up, you said. 
“Is this a joke? Because it’s not funny, jagiya.”, he lets out a nervous laugh, but returns serious when you don’t laugh along. He feels his head spinning as he’s trying to process your words. 
Break up. Why would you break up with him? Does this mean you’re not happy with him, that you don’t love him? The mere thought’s enough to make tears well up in his dark chocolate eyes, so tired from the international flight and from the jet-lag. 
“I’m serious.”, your voice quivers - you’re on the verge of tears, too. “We need to break up.”, you repeat, but it doesn’t make it any easier for Taehyung to hear. 
“Why?”, he asks quickly - too quickly. He needs to know what’s wrong - he needs to know whether it’s something that can be fixed, that he can fix, because he can’t bare the thought of not being yours. 
You don’t answer him, and he insists, repeating the exact same question - voice broke. 
“Because we’re not meant for each other.”, is all you reply. 
Taehyung’s sure he never heard something more absurd and ridiculous than this. You’re not meant for each other? You’re his fucking soulmate! He was sure of it since he asked you out on a date and found out you were just like him - he had never felt this way before. You complete him, you’re the person who makes him the happiest, you’re all he really misses whenever he’s outside the country.
“You’re lying.” Taehyung states, though a couple of tears escape from his eyes. He doesn’t wipe them off, and you don’t do it for him, which makes it even more real. You’re breaking up with him. “If you’re really doing this, if - if you’re breaking up with me then give me the real reason. I deserve to know the truth.”, his voice trembles and he even chokes on his own words. 
He does, he deserves to know the true reason you’re leaving him. It’s the least you can do - after all the years you’ve spent together, you owe him at least that, honesty. 
“It’s about the comments.”, you don’t look him in the eyes as you speak. “It’s true - what everyone’s saying. I don’t deserve you. You’re… you, and I’m just, well, me.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”, he argues - anger replacing the sadness.  How could you say something like that right to his face? How could you decide who does and doesn’t deserve him? 
“It’s supposed to mean that your fans are right.”, you swallow the lump in your throat. “You should be with one of those stunning models or- or actresses or, I don’t know, someone like you. Someone who’s perfect.”, you whisper the last words, and a few tears fall from your eyes as well. 
Taehyung’s shocked - too shocked to speak. His girlfriend - the love of his life is now sitting in front of him, telling him she wants to break up. Telling him she doesn’t think she’s worthy of his love, telling him she isn’t perfect. That’s bullshit, Taehyung thinks, because he’s sure you’re perfect - inside and outside - and that you’re the most beautiful he’s ever seen. And he’s seen a lot of women - but they don’t stand a chance compared to you. 
“How can you say that, jagiya?” Taehyung’s tone is much softer now, and he brings his hands to your face - gently cupping it as he wipes your tears off your face with the pads of his thumbs. “You’re perfect.”
You shake your head as a no, and it pains him to see you so torn. “I’m not.”, you cry harder. “I’m so… big compared to you - you’re so fit and handsome and I…”, you hiccup “You should be ashamed of me.”
“Ashamed of you?” Taehyung repeats - hoping you’d realize the absurdity of what you’ve just said. Ashamed, pff. As if Taehyung didn’t talk about you like you put the stars in the sky, as if he wasn’t desperately whipped for you. “Jagiya, are you out of your mind?”
You shake your head as a no once again. 
“I’m not ashamed of you, jagiya. How could I be?”, he rhetorically asks. “Jagiya, anyone who commented those stupid shit is not a fan of mine and they don’t care about me - otherwise they’d just be happy for me, that I found my soulmate. Trust me, I’m going to give those haters a piece of my mind.”
You snap your head up to meet his eyes as soon as the word soulmate leaves his lips. 
“You’re my soulmate, jagi.”, he repeats, placing a soft kiss right on the tip of your nose. “You complete me, my love, how could you think you’re not enough for me? I’m the one who’s not worthy of you, my sweet love. My sweet jagiya.”, he grabs your hands and brings them to his lips, gently kissing them. 
“Don’t say that.”, you scold him. 
“But it’s true.”, he argues, leaving a series of chaste kisses all over your hands and wrists - all the way up to your forearms. “You’re my purple person, jagi.”
“I’m your what?”, you ask him with furrowed eyebrows. 
“My purple person.”, he repeats. “It’s a person with whom you instantly click - the first person you truly love. It’s you, jagiya, it’s always gonna be you.”, he doesn’t stop kissing your skin all the way up to your arms and shoulders until he reaches your neck. He places a soft kiss there, then reaches your lips. “Can I kiss you, my love?”, he asks for permission. 
You nod, and he places his lips on top of yours - they’re a bit salty from the tears. 
“You’re not leaving me, jagiya, are you?”, he asks once he pulls away from the kiss. “Please, tell me you’re not leaving me. We can make this work - we’ll figure everything out like we always do, yeah?”
You nod again, and this time a happy smile spreads on his face. Oh, how you’ve missed that smile… 
“How could you be insecure, my jagiya?”, he rhetorically asks, before pecking your lips once again. “How could you think I don’t love your perfect body?” 
His hands travel all the way down your neck and shoulders to your wrists. “How could you think I don’t love these perfect arms? The arms that hug every night, the arms I want to feel wrapped around me all the time, holding me tight?”, he leaves a series of kisses all over your arms once again.
Then, his hands move to your thighs - one of your biggest insecurities. Taehyung notices the way you tense up as soon as his fingers brush against your clothed skin. “How could you think I don’t love these thighs, hm?”, he hums. “These perfect thighs - I fit so perfectly in between them, it’s like they were made for me, how could I not love them? They look so fucking hot - it doesn’t even matter what you’re wearing.”, he continues to praise you. 
“Taehyung…”, you whisper, feeling a bit embarrassed, but he doesn’t stop. 
His hands travel all the way up to your waist, gently squeezing it. “And your waist, jagiya. God, your waist.”, he bites his lips. “Why would I not love your waist, hm? Fucking perfect.” 
His hands are now on your tummy, and he doesn’t miss the way your breath hitches in your throat as soon as he places his hand on your stomach - hidden by an oversized t-shirt. He lifts the fabric so that his fingers can brush against your naked skin. “Is this what you’re insecure about? Your tummy? It drives me crazy, jagiya. Why would you even hide it under this big shirt, hm? This tummy is going to carry our children one day, my love, how could I not love it?”
Your heart is hammering hard in your chest and you’re sure even the tips of your ears have turned red by now. His hands travel upwards, and he cups your breasts in his hands. “Don’t even get me started on these, jagiya.”, he whispers on your lips, leaning in for another kiss. 
“Do you believe me now?”, he whispers on your lips as he retrieves his hands from under your shirt. You nod, though weakly. “I’m in love with you, jagiya. You’re my purple person, I told you. I love every single inch of your perfect body - I wouldn’t change a single bit of you, jagiya.”
“Taehyung?”, you whisper, caressing his cheek with your fingers. 
“You’re my purple person, too.”
He grins, then pulls you in for another kiss - this time more passionate, as he lets his tongue brush against your lower lip. “I love you so much, jagiya.”, he mutters between kisses. “Love every single part of you - I feel like you forgot it. Maybe I should remind you how much your body turns me on?”
if you want to request something, you can do so by clicking on the "💌" emoji on my profile, remember to write down the bts member, the scenario and the rating!
remember to like/comment/reblog if you like my works - that encourages me to keep writing!
you can find me at @straykeedz for the stray kids' fics. ♡
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chokohen · 5 months
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Hi! I’m Cho! I’ve been roleplaying and writing fanfiction for about eight years now! I took a two-year break from roleplay because I got busy, but now I intend to get back into the groove. I really miss roleplaying and hyper-fixating on original characters with others, so I hope to find that again making this post to scout partners ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹!
Cho ⁞ He/him ⁞ 18
All art by Takeshi Obata
Roleplay Status: CLOSED
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FYI: I will not roleplay with anyone who is a minor or under 18!
I⎯ HOW TO CONTACT ME: I roleplay exclusively on Discord, so please contact me @y2kkoko. My name is char on there, which you can also call me. You can also contact me here if you want to roleplay, however, we will take it to Discord after our initial introduction. So, you definitely need Discord to roleplay with me. If you have any further questions, you either ask under this post or click the “Ask me Anything!” on my profile!
II⎯ LITERACY LEVEL: I’ve always been literate throughout the years I’ve roleplayed. Though, as of recently, I’ve been an advanced-literate to novella roleplayer. I find it much more enjoyable being advanced-literate. I like writing detailed and lengthy replies with more than five paragraphs. Usually, my replies range from 1000-2000 words per response, so please be okay with that. I’m detail-oriented in my prose. I enjoy describing emotions and details of the environment/setting. I’ll be sure to leave an example of my writing style at the end of the post ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧!
III⎯ VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR: I don’t take this so seriously. I’m not a pro editor, but please keep your typos to a minimum. Sometimes if there are too many typos in one sentence it becomes very hard to read. As for grammar, I don’t notice any minor grammar mistakes—to this day I don’t know how a semicolon works. I’d also like to consider a lot of people on here don't have English as their first language, so I understand.
IV⎯OC CRITERIA: I’m not very picky when it comes to original characters, as long as they’re interesting and intriguing. I, myself, draw, so two out of the three of my original characters I drew. However, face claims are completely fine if they are real people, anime or art (that is credited and/or granted permission via the artist).
V⎯THEMES & GENRES: Like previously mentioned, I’m not a picky guy, so a lot of genres I’m open to roleplay. However, I do have a few I specifically love. I like romance, science fiction, historical fiction, fantasy *looks around awkwardly* and smut—ANYWAYS! When it comes to historical fiction, I’m not educate on every historical event or past-time in the world, so obviously there’s limits to what I can and can’t roleplay.
As for themes, I’m an avid enjoyer of angst, especially hurt/comfort. I’m fine with dark themes such as drug abuse and violence. However, I will not roleplay anything that’s under the umbrella of sexual assault, such as pedophelia and sexual coercion. I’m fine with sexual assault being mentioned in your character’s backstory, but that’s as far as it can go.
Though, for NSFW, I don’t know what I don’t and do like, so please communicate to me what you plan on doing if we ever roleplay smut.
VI⎯ PLOTTING: I never have plots in mind, but I do have an old stack of plots buried somewhere in my Google Docs. Though, I’m good at making them and being a helping hand according to my previous roleplay partners. With that being said, I don’t want to make a plot where I’m the only one constructing the storyline. Roleplay isn’t a one-sided effort, so, please, put mutual effort into creating and writing the scenes.
VII⎯ PAIRING CRITERIA: I don’t limit myself to any relationship dynamic, but most of and probably all of my roleplay experience is with lgbtq pairings. This includes mlm, wlw and anything under that umbrella. I don’t exclude those who are non-binary or gender non-conforming (e.g. gender fluid and two-spirit people). Since I’m a gay guy, I’ve mostly roleplayed mlm. However, even though I’ve barely roleplayed wlw, I’ve written a lot of wlw short stories and read and watched alot of wlw fiction so I’m not uneducated in that manner!
Further clarification of what I pairings I can do:
man loves man (mlm)
trans man/transmasc loves man (mlm)
non-binary/gender non-conforming loves man (nblm)
woman loves woman (wlw)
nonbinary/gender non-conforming loves nonbinary/gender non-conforming (nblnb)
trans woman/transfemme loves woman (wlw)
nonbinary/gender non-conforming loves w (nblw)
man loves woman (mlw; inexperienced)
pretty much anything.
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I⎯ JUJUTSU KAISEN: I’ve been a fan of Jujutsu Kaisen since 2021, so I know quite a lot about it. Unfortunately, I’m not completely caught up to the manga. From what I remember, I read up to chapter 210. However, I know all the spoilers and the current plot in the recent chapters either from leaks or from online gossip! I’m a huge SatoSugu shipper, and Geto is one of my all-time favourite characters! I also like Itadori and Choso ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
II⎯ HELL’S PARADISE: JIGOKURAKU: I have only watched season one of Hell’s Paradise and only read some of the manga. However, I’m up to roleplaying any of the plot of season one (as of the time I’m posting this: May 7th, 2024). My favourite characters are the Tensen (I’m sorry, I have a love for villains), Sagiri and Yuzuriha!
III⎯ TOKYO REVENGERS: Oh, I love Tokyo Revengers so much ദ്ദി ꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ )✧! I’ve been a fan of TR since 2021, and despite the fact the manga is finished I still obsess over it to this day. My all-time favourite character is Koko, and I love him so much. I really love Inukoko, so if anyone sees this post and is both a Tokyo Revengers fan and loves Inupi x Koko, please hit me up. I’m begging to roleplay Koko in any situation possible.
IV⎯ GOKURAKUGAI/GOKURAKU DISTRICT: This manga is fairly new, but I’m in love with the plot right now, along with the art style and character designs. I’m free to play any character from this manga! My favourite from Gokurakugai is Yomi (the hot evil guy with white hair).
V⎯ CHAINSAW MAN: I’m caught up with Chainsaw Man, both part one and part two. However, I’m only like a chapter or two behind in part two. My favourites from this series is Reze, Denji, Quanxi, Makima and Aki. I love RezeDenji a lot. Lastly, I’m completely fine with playing any of the character’s I listed prior.
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I⎯ TIME ZONE: My time zone is Easter Standard Time or EST/EDT. Please be at least an hour to three hours away from my time. I feel it’s really hard to roleplay with people who are five to six hours ahead of me, and let’s not even fathom how hard it would be to roleplay with someone 12 hours ahead of me. With that being said, my activity time during the week is much less than during the weekend. I am definitely active on the weekend unless I have a huge assignment or project due. I have to warn you that a few of those will come up, so I will go inactive for a few days.
II⎯ COMMUNICATION: With that being said, communication is key to keeping my future/our partnership together. I do like talking a lot out of the roleplay, discussing storyline ideas, making jokes and being compatible with my partners. Furthermore, I will tell you if I have a huge project or assignment due, or if exam season is coming up. Please do the same if you’re busy and tell me in case you can’t reply. As of now, I believe my replies will take 2-3 days, though when there’s a lot of homework I might not be able to reply until the weekend. However, I will try to talk to you OOC in the meantime!
Once again, please contact me if you read through these rules and think we are compatible! You can either DM me on here or DM me on discord @y2kkoko
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oliversrarebooks · 11 months
Waking up to a whole bunch of comments is one of the best things ever! Especially since I've been a bit busy this weekend to post any writing, but I am not dead!
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Haha yeah, you aren't wrong! Thralls can sometimes be brought back from this level of conditioning, but it takes someone working with them who knows what they're doing, and some thralls just can't ever be brought back to independent adult levels of functioning ever again.
Hunters often don't have time to do the long, complex work of unthralling the humans they rescue, so vampire thralls are often left in a bad state, especially if they have nowhere to go. Some hunters will even simply mercy kill thralls, especially those that are unlikely to be "salvageable," such as those with their minds entirely erased.
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Thank you! I did research into the ballgowns and then I don't even think I posted the picture. I love the imagery of the vampire thrall in the low-cut ballgown and I didn't want to let a silly thing like gender stop me.
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Ooh yes, I had some ideas in mind for the fae blood bag... if I get to it...
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Thank you! Yes, Alexander paid an exorbitant sum for Oliver. Maybe I overdid it, but the intention is indeed that it's a staggering amount. Alexander is filthy rich and Oliver is in very high demand.
I don't really like to write with the standard roles in mind, although some characters in the story do fit the bill. Alexander does have both whumper and caretaker aspects to him, which is something I really enjoy. Whumpers who aren't sadists, who are caring for their whumpee on some level, who are providing a "gilded cage" or who are relatively safe given the alternatives... those are all concepts I find really fascinating, so why not write them myself, right?
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Alexander is indeed not a pureblood! This is a setting where all vampires are turned (except, presumably, for some original vampires who won't factor into this story). While both are good, I love the terror and danger of humans being turned...
Fitz was a thrall, yes, as becomes more apparent later! So yes, he was turned, and the story behind that will be later.
Alexander is very old and mistrusts cars, telephones, radio, and electricity.
You're spot on about Alexander's troubles here.
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Thank you so much for pointing out the mistake! Pointing out typos is always morally correct for me. I write so much of this story in a sleep-deprived haze that I'm not surprised to see things like that sneaking in.
And yes, it seems ridiculous that poor Fitz risks so much for five dollars, but in 1905 money it's a lot more understandable. Still, Fitz himself will regret this...
Thank you so much for your support for this story!
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Hired you get started with fanfic? And tips for aspiring writers?
What a fun ask!😍
I apologize in advance as this will probably be more than you wanted to know; I will add a cut. I love talking about writing and helping fellow authors if I can.
The first tip, and in my opinion the most important, is to just write. I have notebooks and pens everywhere. I have fragments of ideas in the Notes app on my phone and tablet. I have dozens of google docs with snippets of dialogue or scenes. I have random sticky notes and pieces of scrap paper full of scribbled words. Inspiration comes at the weirdest times, so be ready for it.😏🤣
Aqua notes are a great way to preserve those shower ideas.
My second tip is to write for you, write what you enjoy. I don't care if it sounds cliche or cheesy. If you are not writing about something you enjoy, then how do you expect others to like it? A lack of delight in what you are writing will definitely show in the finished product.
Read. When you find stories that you love to read, try to pinpoint what you like most about them. Chances are the things you like to read will be part of your writing style.
Your writing will evolve over time. Everyone has their own style and skill level. Don't be too hard on yourself. I cringe a little reading my first fics. However, I still love those stories.
On the technical side, follow proper grammar rules, but don't get hung up on them. A couple of typos are not going to ruin your story. A lot of typos, though, will make it difficult for others to read.
If you are not confident in your grammar skills, find a good beta and/or alpha reader. Someone who understands your style of writing and communicates well. It may take a couple of attempts to find that person. Don't be afraid to not agree with your beta reader.
I can't underscore this enough, it's about communication—from both parties. They should not be forcing their suggestions on you and you should not be rude when disagreeing with them.
Try not to self-edit and proofread while you are writing. Get those ideas on paper or in a doc first. It's a draft—there will be mistakes, and changes will be made. Edit, then proofread. Or have someone else proofread for you. That should be the last step before posting or publishing.
I have a few more tips/thoughts on writing, but I feel like the ones above are generally a good foundation. You are welcome to contact me through my DM if you want to chat.☺️
As far as my personal journey into fanfic ...
I've always been a creator. When I was younger I wrote poems and short stories. Even won a couple of awards in high school. Papercrafts, knitting, and crocheting are on-again off-again hobbies. I had my own business for a while-mixed media art and home decor.
About six years ago it cycled back around to writing. I knew about tumblr through my kiddo.
Yes, I have a kid old enough to be on this site. Yes, they know what I write. No, they don't read it. It's not their genre/fandom of interest. We don't interact on here.
After falling in love with SPN and more specifically Dean, I joined the site to find like-minded individuals. I had already started writing a very self-indulgent fic which I will probably never post. Some things you just have to keep for yourself.😁
After lurking for a few months and connecting with a couple of people, I decided to join a challenge and posted a fic.
It spiraled from there. 🤣🤣🤣
Once again, I apologize for the length of this response. If you read any of my fics, though, you should know how wordy I can be.
Thanks again for this ask. I hope you have a wonderful day!🤗💜🤗
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v-anrouge · 2 years
I'm sorry if I didn't get the memo, but I was wondering if I can request a match-up with a character?  👉👈
If I am allowed, I'll just type up the stuff for it under here. But if not, then you can just disregard this request and have a lovely day!
My love language is probably physical touch and quality time. I also really like reciprocating because I want the other person to feel as appreciated as I do when they are with me. So that means I'll listen to them as long as they'll listen to me, or if they want to hang out I am ABSOLUTELY there!
What I like in a partner is someone who likes to have fun but can also be reasonable, patient, and understanding. I tend to be insecure, so someone needs to reign me in or be there for me during those moments of vulnerability.
Some of my hobbies are writing, video games, and art. My social nature gets sporadic, so while I'm prone to doing these activities for long periods of time I still like going outside to hang out at parties (though I get drained really easily).
i match you with....
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LILIA he loves to pop up behind you to surprise you with a hug, he does it every single day so you don't really get scared anymore but he doesn't really mind because the end is always the same, both of you laughing and hugging eachother tightly
lilia and you have quite a bit in common and perhaps that's what make you both work out so well, lilia loves to talk to you, it doesn't need to be anything important he just wants to spend time with you listening to your voice and watching your expressions change as you speak, its very common for you two to spend hours talking about completely random things, the topics change quickly and the more you two talk the more excited you two get to talk about the next topic, sometimes either you or lilia will get a bit tired of talking and either just listen to you or you both will just stay in a comfortable silence, in those moments if you're close to lilia you can feel him purring with a cute little smile on his face
lilia adores the fact that unless you're really truly extremely busy you'll always show up to hang out with him when he invites you, he'll wait excitedly until he can detect your presence and when he does he'll teleport in front of you trying to scare you, sometimes you get scared and sometimes you're already expecting it but regardless of your reaction he'll always give you a soft kiss on the cheek to greet you and then take your hand to guide you to the place he wants to hang out in
lilia is an old fae, he has LOT of experience comforting and calming people down, those skills will get even better if it's someone he cares about, so you can imagine how sweet and caring he is when he sees that you're feeling down, lilia knows you well and so he'll always find a way to cheer you up, it's honestly surprising how quickly he can make all of your sadness go away and have you laughing until your stomach hurts instead, it's a skill lilia is very proud of, after all it shows him his favorite view; your smile
gaming nights are a must! most of the times you'll both be in the same room because lilia thinks it's way more fun than talking through a call, and he is right! it is way more fun to have the person playint against you right by your side, the only bad thing is that lilia will try and distract you from your game so he can win, sometimes he'll start tickling you or flirting with you just anything that'll make you start paying more attention to him, however you have found a way to cut the distractions and distract HIM instead, play with the little wing like things in his hair he'll immediately start giggling and purring giving you a few seconds of advantage
other possibilities: rook, cater, jade & malleus
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emphistic · 5 months
hiii can i request a scenario like sometime before sukuna and reader got together like what pushed sukuna to ask reader out :)))
pls don’t be lonely, in time your anons will have emojis/names ^^
A/N: ugh i hate beta reading (im sorry if you find any typos or mistakes), and i hate how this turned out — definitely gonna rewrite another version for this request
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"Alright, your total is coming up to $11.89 Would you like to pay with cash or card today?"
You cleared your throat, "Could you give me a second?"
"Of course!"
You turned away from the cashier to face Sukuna, who stood behind you, and probably playing some dumb video game on his phone. When he noticed your gaze on him, he looked up at you, raising a brow.
"We ordered two croissants, two drinks, and two cookies, right?"
Sukuna hummed
"So why is our total so low? We always get this as our order and it always costs more than $11.89."
Sukuna shrugged, "Why would I know?" Then, an idea came to Sukuna — his eyes lighting up. "How about . . . we don't say anything, that way we get to pay less. See? At least one of us has brain."
You frowned at that last part, "Says the one who literally tries to cheat off of me on every test we take. Anyways, that's not a good thing to do. If we did that, we would be making this business lose money. What if this store goes bankrupt because of us? I really like their croissants."
Sukuna was taken aback, were you really this nice of a person?
"No way. Are you stupid? This is the perfect way to save—"
You turned your back on Sukuna and faced the cashier, "I have a quick question."
"We order this every time we come here and our total is always higher than just $11.89, is there any reason why it's lower today?"
Sukuna facepalmed after hearing you.
"Oh, right! I forgot to mention, we have a 35% discount for all couples today — in honor of Valentine's Day being right around the corner. You guys are together, right? As in you're dating?"
"We are—" Sukuna began, eager to get a discount, as he knew you were paying with his card — not that he minded spending money on you.
"We are not, actually," you finished his sentence.
Sukuna's chest tightened at your words. He didn't know why. You guys weren't actually dating, so why did he feel the need to say you were?
"Oh, my bad. I just assumed because you guys were ordering together. Sorry again," the cashier retyped whatever they had recently put in on their screen.
You laughed, "Don't worry about it."
"Grandpa, how do you know if a girl likes you?" Sukuna had called for a meeting in the dining room with Mr. Itadori — the grandpa in question. The pink-haired elder sat on his chair, with a cup of still smoking tea in his hands, taking occasional sips here and there.
Mr. Itadori laughed, a boisterous, and clearly very amused laugh. "You've had plenty of girlfriends, how do you not know?"
Sukuna winced at the deluge of memories, because the only reason he even had girlfriends before was to get you out of his head. You were the only one he ever thought of, ever dreamt of. You were the only one so unfortunate as to have him thinking of you night and day. Well, that's what Sukuna thought. You, on the other hand, had a different idea of him.
"I just," Sukuna scratched at his nap, "don't know."
"Well, boy. It can be a very easy thing to know. Or it can be a very hard thing to know. My best piece of advice is—"
Sukuna sat at the edge of his chair, impatiently waiting for his elder to advise him further.
"—you never know. You can never know."
Sukuna's mouth fell to his feet. "You've got to be kidding me — Grandpa, please. I need your help."
Mr. Itadori laughed, again, "You've asked me your question. I've answered your question. What more do you want?"
Sukuna grumbled, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to think. He didn't know what to feel. He didn't know what to do . . . about you.
This time, Sukuna had planned to meet with your parents, in order to further investigate and see if you had even a speck of feeling for him (besides friendship, of course).
"We've seen you two kiss before, a multitude of times actually. Why would she not like you?"
Sukuna immediately reddened in the face, "She's only kissed me on the cheek. And, ah, I've done the umm . . . same to her. I haven't done anything bad to your daughter, I swear — on my life." He held his hands up in a defensive manner.
"Relax, Sukuna. You seriously think we haven't seen your guys' photos from the photo booth at the fair last week? Besides, you're the only boy she has movie nights. You're the only boy she would ever work with on a group project. You're the only boy she ever talks about. You're the only boy," your mom said.
Sukuna gulped. "So, can I ask her to be my—" He winced. "—girlfriend?"
Your parents both sighed, "Kids these days. Always asking questions they already know the answer to."
Sukuna's heart hammered in his chest; this was it. He finally got his answer, the answer he's been dreaming of. Now here comes the hard part: figuring out what to do next.
"Wait, hold on Zoe. Sukuna just texted me," you turned your camera off in order to view your messages.
"Ooooh, it's Loverboy. How romantic of him to be texting you at 8pm on a school night. Shouldn't he be getting his Z's in, considering he's like, what, 80 years old?"
You laughed, "He's only a year older than us, he just got held back."
"Uh huh." You heard the squeak of a chair from the other line as [you assumed] Zoe leaned back in her seat.
Meet me @ the beach
I need your help rq
Why the hell r u at the beacj at eight?
Just get over here already
You rolled your eyes at his bluntness. "Sorry, girl. He needs my help with — actually, I don't even know what he needs my help for. Anywho, I'll call you back after."
"Sureee you will. After he kills you or something. Y'know, from the moment you introduced him to me, I knew there was something off about his demeanor—"
"Okay, bye!" You hung up the call and quickly slipped a pair of sneakers on.
When you pulled up to the beach, you saw a figure sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. You recognized said figure are none other than Sukuna.
"So, what's up?" You approached Sukuna.
He looked up, somewhat surprised to see you arrive so fast.
"Um—" He looked around, searching for something, before standing up quickly.
"You gonna tell me what's going on? Are do you want me to figure it out myself?"
"I'd rather you not do the latter."
"Oh my God, just tell me," you spoke, with an exasperated expression on your face.
Sukuna sighed, before thrusting a bouquet of roses (he's not that basic, he just didn't know what flowers you liked best, and was too scared to ask) into your arms, saying, "Be my girlfriend."
"Sorry — be your what?" Your mouth fell open in utter disbelief.
"My girlfriend," he muttered, now turned away from you; you could see the tips of his ears reddening. "Are you deaf or something, kid?"
Even when he was flustered he worked hard to keep up a cold attitude.
You regained your posture, clearing your throat, "Does that line work work with all the ladies? Is that how you get all your girls? Oh, please. 'Be my girlfriend'? What the hell, Sukuna? Is that seriously the best you've got?"
"Ugh, forget it." Sukuna stuffed his hands into his hoodie pocket and began to walk away.
"Wait — I never said my answer was 'no'."
That made him turn around instantly.
"But I never said my answer was 'yes'," you teased, flashing a grin in Sukuna's direction.
"You're so annoying," he met you halfway.
"And you're such a silly goose," you booped him on the nose, earning a grunt in response. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, 'Kuna," you stood up on your tippy toes and placed a chaste kiss on Sukuna's chapped lips.
As you pulled away, he brought you back in for another, more zealous kiss, this time. One of his arms wrapped around the curve of your waist while the other played with your hair; you placed your hands on his shoulders.
This was it.
Sukuna now knew what to do. Sukuna now knew what to say. Sukuna now knew what to think. Sukuna now knew what to feel. Sukuna now knew you.
Taglist: @starlets-things @sad-darksoul @mochimoee @r0ckst4rjk @lillycore @deepchromatose @yinyinyinyinyinyin @fivehoneyharg @desihopelessromantic @lich1 @hannas16 @acroso
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bizconnectus1 · 7 months
Enhance Your Networking Game with the Best Business Cards Reader: Bizconnectus
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In today's fast-paced business world, networking is key to success. Whether you're attending conferences, meetings, or social events, exchanging business cards remains a fundamental way to connect with potential clients and partners. However, manually inputting contact information from these cards into your digital devices can be time-consuming and error-prone. This is where a reliable business cards reader comes into play, streamlining the process and helping you stay organized. In this article, we'll delve into the world of business cards readers, focusing on the best solution out there: Bizconnectus.
Understanding the Need for a Business Cards Reader
Imagine attending a networking event where you collect a stack of business cards. Each card represents a potential business opportunity, but what comes next can be daunting. Typing in names, numbers, and email addresses into your phone or CRM system is not only tedious but can lead to mistakes that could cost you valuable connections.
A business cards reader eliminates these challenges by instantly capturing and storing contact details. With a simple scan, you can digitize business cards in seconds, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. This technology is a game-changer for professionals who understand the importance of nurturing relationships in today's competitive landscape.
Introducing Bizconnectus: Your Ultimate Networking Companion
Among the plethora of business cards readers available, Bizconnectus stands out as a reliable and user-friendly solution. Designed with professionals in mind, Bizconnectus offers a seamless experience for capturing, organizing, and utilizing contact information.
Key Features of Bizconnectus:
1. Accurate Scanning Technology
Bizconnectus employs cutting-edge OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to ensure accurate scanning of business cards. This means no more manual entry or typos in your contacts list. The app captures details like names, phone numbers, emails, and even company information with impressive precision.
2. Instant Digital Organization
Once a business card is scanned, Bizconnectus automatically creates a digital contact card. These cards can be categorized, tagged, and easily searched, making it a breeze to find the right contact when you need it. Say goodbye to the days of rifling through stacks of paper cards.
3. Seamless Integration
Bizconnectus understands the importance of seamless integration with existing tools. Whether you use Google Contacts, Outlook, Salesforce, or other CRM systems, Bizconnectus offers easy integration. Syncing your contacts across platforms has never been smoother.
4. Customizable Notes and Reminders
Networking isn't just about collecting contacts; it's about building relationships. Bizconnectus allows you to add custom notes to each contact card, such as where and when you met them or specific details about your conversation. Additionally, set reminders to follow up with important contacts, ensuring you never miss an opportunity.
How Bizconnectus Boosts Your Networking Efforts
1. Time Efficiency
With Bizconnectus, the time-consuming task of manually inputting contact information is eliminated. A quick scan of a business card, and you're done. This efficiency means you can focus on meaningful interactions rather than administrative tasks.
2. Enhanced Organization
Gone are the days of scattered business cards or lost contacts. Bizconnectus centralizes all your contacts in one place, neatly organized and easily accessible. Whether you're at your desk or on the go, your contacts are just a few clicks away.
3. Improved Follow-ups
Following up is crucial in networking, and Bizconnectus helps you stay on top of it. Set reminders to reach out to new connections, send personalized messages, and nurture those professional relationships effectively.
How to Get Started with Bizconnectus
Getting started with Bizconnectus is simple:
Download the App: Available on both iOS and Android devices, download Bizconnectus from the App Store or Google Play Store.
Create Your Account: Sign up for an account using your email or social media profiles.
Scan Your Cards: Open the app, select the "Scan" option, and align the business card within the frame. The app will automatically capture the details.
Review and Edit: After scanning, review the information for accuracy. You can edit or add notes as needed.
Save and Sync: Once satisfied, save the contact to your digital Rolodex and sync it with your preferred platforms.
In the world of networking, efficiency and organization are the keys to success. Bizconnectus offers a comprehensive solution to manage your contacts effortlessly. Say goodbye to the days of manual data entry and disorganized stacks of business cards. With Bizconnectus, you'll have a powerful tool at your fingertips to streamline your networking efforts and make meaningful connections.
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onlineprintingdubai · 10 months
In the bustling business landscape of Dubai, standing out is essential. To make a lasting impression, every detail matters, including your business card. A well-designed business card in Dubai can turn out to be a powerful tool for networking as well as brand representation. In regards to business cards, it is not just about exchanging contact information, but also it is about making a strong impact. Here, we will explore the art of business card design, business Card Printing in Dubai, with Print Online.ae and how to maximize its impact in Dubai, a city where business never sleeps.
Keep It Simple, Yet Striking
When designing your business card, remember that simplicity is key. A cluttered card can overwhelm and confuse, while a clean and straightforward design can make a lasting impression. The same principle is applicable to the language you use on your card. Keep your message concise and to the point.
Make Your Brand the Focus
Your business card reflects your brand's identity. Use your brand logo, perfect colors, and appropriate fonts on it to make it look like your brand. In Dubai, where several other businesses exist, a good business card can make you stand out from your competitors. Thus keep the details in mind while business Card Printing in Dubai.
Use Good-Quality Materials
Business Card Printing in Dubai is a competitive field, and there's a reason for that. High-quality materials make a significant difference. Opt for 350gsm or 760mic and consider lamination like matte or glossy to enhance the look and feel of your card. When you hand out a well-crafted business card, it reflects positively on your professionalism.
Think About Size and Shape
Business Card in Dubai is no stranger to unconventional card shapes. While standard-sized business cards are common, don't be afraid to get creative. A unique size can make your card more memorable. Just ensure it fits comfortably in a standard wallet or cardholder.
Choose Typography Wisely
The font you use on your business card should be legible and reflective of your brand. Avoid using overly fancy fonts that are difficult to read. In Dubai's diverse business environment, clarity and accessibility are paramount. Test different font styles to find the perfect balance.
Embrace Personalization
Personalization is like a special trick. It's important to put your name and job title in a noticeable way. This makes people remember you and shows that you know your stuff. You can also think about putting a QR code that links to your website and other social media sites. This is a modern thing that works well in Dubai's tech-friendly business world.
Use High-Resolution Images
If you are thinking of including images on your business card, make sure they are high-resolution and relevant to your brand. Blurred or pixilated images will only reduce the impact of your card and your brand. Having crisp, clear visuals can speak volumes about your attention to detail.
Choose Your Color Palette Wisely
Colors can evoke emotions and associations. Choose a color palette (CMYK) that aligns with your brand and the message you want to convey. For example, blue often represents trust and professionalism, while red conveys energy and excitement. Dubai is a multicultural hub, so be mindful of the cultural significance of colors.
Prioritize Contact Information
It is essential to make your card look the best. But the most important thing is to put your contact details on it. Make sure your phone number, email, and other contact details are correct and easy to read. People usually share business cards in Dubai, so it is important to be clear with the details.
Proofreading is Essential
Typos and errors can be embarrassing and unprofessional. Before sending your design to business Card Printing Dubai, proofread the content carefully. Ask a friend to review the card. Mistakes on your card can leave a negative impression on potential clients or partners.
Take Feedback
Once you have your business card design, seek feedback from peers, colleagues, or even clients. They can provide valuable insights and help you fine-tune your design. In the dynamic business environment of Dubai, a second opinion can be a game-changer.
Consider Sustainability
As sustainability becomes a growing concern, you may want to explore eco-friendly printing options for your business cards. Being environmentally conscious can resonate well with both clients and partners in Dubai, where sustainability is gaining momentum. With Print Online.ae you achieve the goal of sustainability.
Staying Updated
Businesses are always changing, and your business card should show that. Once in a while, check and fix your business card to make sure it matches your current brand and has your current contact details.
Your business card in Dubai is beyond just a piece of paper. It is more a representation of your brand and professionalism. Business Card Printing Dubai offers numerous options, but it's your design that will set you apart. Keep it simple, make your brand the focus, and embrace personalization. With these tips, your business card in Dubai can make a lasting impact in the vibrant and competitive business scene of Dubai. So, go ahead, design your business card in Dubai wisely with Print Online.ae, and watch your networking efforts in Dubai flourish.
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