#if you dont wanna hang out that's cool man just let me know
maudiemoods · 1 month
Trying to reconnect with old friends and oh my gosh they're such dry texters
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into-f0lkl0re · 3 months
kk arnold x reader
this is for all my kk arnold girlies (yall dont get enough love it hurts)
warnings: none i think maybe just my horrendous spelling
sfw (i might do something nsfw later but idk 🤷‍♀️ If yall like this i will)
Before dating
* y’all are either team mates or you like work on the uconn wbb team for something
* i cam honestly see you working on the media team (yk how it is with the kk arnold show)
* like you are a student at uconn but you do this to put on your portfolio/resume and also it pays
* you are the only media girly who puts up with kk’s antics
* like everyone else runs for the hills when kk starts acting up but you are there trying not to kys- i mean laugh
* like the whole team loves you cuz you take fire photos and you are just awesome and amazing in general
* but kk is like 😍😍😍 “she doesn’t find me annoying or atleast acts like she doesn’t” 😍😍😍
* talks paige’s ear off about you to the point where paige is contemplating murder
“Paige-paige did you see y/n today”
“she looked so pretty i wonder if she thinks about me”
“do you think we should invite her on the live”
“ paige do you think y/n likes crumbl”
“ i bet she likes warm cookies”
“ do you think she would want to hang out with me?”
and paige is just like 😟🔫
“kk why don’t you just ask her? what is the worst she could say?”
“kk the worst she could say is no”
“you have issues”
the entire team gets so pissed off by kk’s rambling that they take matters into their own hands
it’s after practice or media day or something and you are packing up your gear and kk is just like admiring you from the bench. paige and ice just kinda grab her and push her towards you whispering “man up dude”
kk being kk stumbles and almost falls on top of you then awkwardly just like stands there 🧍‍♂️
“oh hey kk what’s up?”
“you took good photos today”
“thank you”
“ofc! you also look really pretty today”
you like her and yk that she likes you so you mess with her a little
“so i didn’t look pretty yesterday?”
poor girl is sweating
“thank you kk you look really pretty as well”
“you think i’m pretty?”
“ofc i think you are pretty kk id be blind not to”
“would you -uh- maybe like -uh- wanna go out sometime just us or not like we can invite the rest of the team unless you want it to be just us which would be cool but if you dont-“
“kk i would love to go out with you”
“c-cool like just us? or like the team?”
“like just us”
“ok! cool! cool!”
kk is frantically wiping her sweaty palms on her shorts and does not know what else to say because she didn’t plan this far ahead she just kinda assumed you would say no
while dating
* kk absolutely adores you
* she is a big physical touch person
* it’s how she shows her love
* she will just lie on top of you and hold you and will not let you go
* she holds on to you for dear life
* like if you have to go to the bathroom while yall are cuddling she is having a fit
“kk get off i have to pee”
“so you are telling me you don’t love me”
“kk you are lying directly on my bladder get off”
“so you hate me and you wish i was dead”
“kk literally what??”
“why do you wanna leave me???!??”
“kk i promise i will be right back”
“ can i just come with you “
she sits outside the bathroom while you are in there
she once tried to hold your hand and you were like
“i love you but i have limits i will not hold your hand while im pissing”
•she loves showing you off to the live
“bab-baby cmere the live wants to say hi”
“hi live”
“yall this is my beautiful girlfriend”
“baby we are doing a talent show what’s your talent?”
“yall my talented girlfriend is gonna sing for yall”
“kk i don’t want to sing”
“baby please”
you end up singing like shake it off or something
* you take all of her fit photos and she loves it
“kk baby move over here so the sunlight is infront of you- look to the side and then down- ok perfect hold on-“
and you are just like crouching weirdly with your digital camera or phone trying to get the best angle and you always do
and anyway yall are just perfect and wonderful together
this is kinda shit but i love kk and she deserves more love
i hope yall like it 🤞🤞 please send in requests idk who to do next and idk what to write for fics
thank you for all the love 💗!!!!
big forehead kisses💕💕
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coolprettyleo · 6 months
fit my poems like a perfect rhyme - everything has changed au
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wc: 3k
tw: talks of sex. angst. drinking. lmk if more!
gabe perreault x oc
rachel summers was a girl everyone around her was drawn too. she was the cool it girl who seemed to be blessed, in just about every aspect of her life; she was.
she was born and raised in california, where her hobbies included surfing and hanging out with friends. in high school she was the popular girl who dated the star quarterback, and of course they won prom queen and king.
she even had her two best friends, that too the average eye; were her minions. together they were the hottest trio in school, it was iconic in a way. sadly, those minions chose to have a mind of their own, and stay on the west coast.
whereas she did not. Rachel. who of course went by the name 'summer', committed to a school on the easy coast; boston college.
she had flowy blonde hair that fell to her shoulders and a heart of gold that made her easy to love by just about anyone who met her. so when she moved into a new city, knowing no one but her beloved cat, she wasn't all too nervous.
"no I dont want to know who he got with tonight mary" rachel rolled her eyes as she face timed one of the minions, who she wanted to call a friend, but wasn't. mary was across the country at college and it happened to be the same college as said quarterback boyfriend, who was now her ex.
mary felt the need to update summer on just about everything he did. of course including the fact he got with a new girl every night.
at least he's finally getting what I couldn't give him.
"i'm not telling you this to be evil summer! I'm telling you this so you don't feel guilty, to go live a life. don't be a nobody, its gross" mary's voice said on the phone seeing as she was in thought. she had a bit of a point.
"I dont feel guilty to go out!"
"then go out!"
rachel thought for a moment, she could go out.
she had a neighbor, who seemed to love going out. that is, if she had been observing right, her neighbor would go alone? maybe she wouldn't mind a companion? they seemed to be around the same age and she seemed cool.
"anyways, I gotta go. love you babe" mary said before kissing the camera and hanging up, not even waiting for summer to mutter a goodbye.
it's like mary only called her, to rub in how much fun college had been going for her. summer on the other hand, was going through a nasty breakup for the beginning of it.
I do need to enjoy it
rachel was left nervously juggling the idea of whether or not she should ask her neighbor.
what do I even say
"wanna join me for drinks?" summer practiced pacing in her living room.
"hey! were neighbors can I join you?" too forward.
"lets have a blast tonight!" what's wrong with you?
what if her neighbor liked to go out alone? or what if she didn't go out alone, and just met up with friends? no summer was sure of the fact she did these activities alone. maybe she's just an alcoholic.
she decided to man up and shake off the nerves and just ask. the worst that could happen, would be she says no, and they go about their lives.
while we awkwardly avoid each other for our rest of co-existency.
summer decided to just go ahead and knock on her neighbors door.
"in a minuite!" she heard rustling and things knocking down on the other side for a minute, before the door swung open and there stood a brunette girl with going out boots. she is going out
the girl seemed to be surprised and confused. summer deciding start the conversation, before the girl thought she was just some creep.
"hi! were neighbors, my names rachel, but like everyone calls me summer" she nervously smiled.
"yeah! I've like seen you in the hallway and stuff sometimes" the neighbor nervously rambled.
"yeah me too. look, I don't know if this is weird or anything, but I was wondering if you would be down to get some drinks some time?"
yes summer! you sounded cool and chill!
the neighbor had not been expecting that. she had thought she was going to open the door to her situation ship , ending things with her, for the crap she pulled last night. but when she opened the door to find summer, she thought she was going to get confronted for the fact she had sex in the middle of said hallway last night. she wasn't proud of that fact either.
"oh! uhm. yeah, that sounds nice! -actually, i'm going out right now, did you want to join?"
"yes!- I mean- yeah sounds cool. super cool" summer cringed, realizing she scream 'yes' and seemed far too desperate.
"let me just get changed real quick" she added.
"okay slay! wear something cute! oh! and by the way my names frankie" the brunette smiled.
"sick name!"
"thanks I was gonna say summer's sick too!" the two girls told each other excitedly. this really felt the start of something new and good for the both of them.
the two girls hit the town with a sense of belonging. frankie had been searching for the feeling of a girl friend since she moved in, and summer was the ultimate coolest person you can find.
summer was finally happy she built up the courage to talk to her neighbor, that frankly intimidated her.
"wait so that guy from the beginning of the year wasn't even your boyfriend!?!" summer exclaimed as they got off the uber. she remembered seeing a tall boy in the hallway alot.
"nope. i thought he was gonna fall in love with me over time, news flash, I was wrong"
"he's a douche and love is fake"
"got that right" frankie said smiling.
"so... you got a love life?" frankie asked curiously, she was excited to have the bond of girl hood.
"not really, its kinda dead at the moment. I had a boyfriend, but college happened and everything" summer said kinda sadly.
"im sorry, but I mean we can get you laid?" she smiled wiggling her eyebrows.
summer wasn't the type of girl for hookups. she knew frankie was, she often saw them, but she didn't know if she could throw all her eggs in one basket like that. no-hate but she didn't even let her ex-boyfriend do anything to her till it was the summer of their senior year, ad even that didn't go all too well.
frankie saw her in thought and rewinded.
"oh my god! are you a virgin? i'm sorry. we'll find you just love, then!" frankie said hoping she didn't weird out the poor girl.
"no- I mean- well... kinda. its complicated" summer said, red in the face.
"you dont have to tell-"
summer cut her off by whispering something in frankie's ear. something that made her eyes go wide.
"your half a virgin!" frankie whispered yelled.
"oh shut up franks" summer said as the girls got giggling and gave the bouncer there very fake ID's. frankie knew they were going to be a duo.
the bar was frankie's favorite and summer soon understood why. it was a cool vintage bar that kind of resembled a dive bar.
the girls ordered themselves some shots and quickly downed them, needing to feel the feeling sooner than faster.
"oh my god, the boys hockey team just walked in" frankie said, turning and facing away from the door.
"why does that matter, their kinda cute" summer said tilting her head as the filed in sipping on her vodka cranberry.
"the douche guy is a hockey player" frankie told her.
"ohhhh. now I get it"
"I also have a little thing with one of his friends" frankie guilty told her.
"the guy from last night?"
"you saw that!" frankie said, embarrassed as hell.
"please. your not exactly quite either" summer told the girl as frankie wanted to die.
"it's not the guy from last night" frankie told her overall guilty as summer gasped.
"I slept with a BU guy last night. but I mean ryan keeps saying were not anything" frankie said shamelessly as summer had her hands over her mouth.
"do the guys know you" summer asked seeing as alot of them kept looking over at the two.
"yes" frankie said scared to ask why she was asking that.
"oh god four of them are coming over" summer said to her wanting to run away. she hated confrontation.
"your staying with me" frankie said grabbing her shirt before she tried to leave her.
"frankie! missed you at the game tonight" will said being petty, they were pissed at her.
frankie turned and looked at all of them, and by the look of their faces they were mad at her. ryan's face made her want to crumble. they weren't together, he made that very clear, but a girl like frankie had needs.
"it was meaningless" frankie told them, avoiding eye contact with ryan.
"he brought it up on the ice" ryan said to her, frankie now noticing he had a light black eye and busted up lip.
"we need to talk" he said, looking the most serious frankie had ever seen it.
frankie turned to look at summer who saw how frankie wanted to fix things between them. she wasn't going to get in the way of that, just because she was afraid to be left alone.
"go" summer urged her. as she gave her a sorry look and walked out behind a fuming ryan, leaving her with three boys.
"well that was uncomfortable" summer joked to the three boys. all of them eyeing her trying to figure out who she was, frankie didn't have friends.
"i'm her neighbor by the way, summer" she added, not wanting to seem like some nosy person as they nodded.
"jacob" a ginger haired guy said
"will" the blonde one said.
"gabe" a boy that summer found unbelievably handsome said.
"you go to BC?" a gabe asked.
"yeah... I know you guys do, good game today " summer said. she had been watching it on ESPN before she went to frankies apartment. they all smiled and thanked her as they got to talking. even though they looked intimidating they were overall nice goofy guys.
"you think lenny's letting up?" jacob asked as he noticed they were still outside.
"I don't know, he was pretty pissed" will said looking at the door.
"did he get in a fight over her or something" summer asked feeling like she was missing out on something.
"yeah. she has him on a leash and they're not even dating yet" gabe said chuckling.
"well they're not official" summer defended.
"they basically are, they hang out everyday" will said
"she said he's made it very clear, that they're not together" summer said.
"that doesn't give her the green light to sleep with other guys though" gabe argued.
"guy. just one. i think you guys are just mad it was with a BU guy" summer said to them.
"I mean obviously! before the champion ship game is crazy too. he was just trying to get in our heads too, especially lennys. hughes is smarter than that" will said while the other two nodded.
they have to be full of themselves, for them to think this is about them!
"all that over... hockey?" summer said confused. hockey was the not a big deal in the oc, where she grew up. but then again, she remembers the quarterback from the cross town rival school, claiming to have her nudes; he didn't.
so I mean they could be right... but that seemed very high school to summer; this was college.
"why'd you say hockey like that" gabe said to her, not liking she said 'hockey' with a tone of disgust.
"I just don't think it's all that serious" summer said, trying to not offend them. obviously still getting under ones skin though, specifically gabe.
"hockeys not important?"
"no! I mean it is for people like you guys-" summer said trying to save herself but failing horribly.
"like us? what's that supposed to mean?" gabe said. he felt summer was some stuck up girl and even though he had found the girl to be quite attractive he didnt know if he liked her all too well.
"not like that. i mean it's important to hockey players and stuff, but like its not someones whole life, you know?" summer didnt even know if she knew exactly what she was trying to say.
"so now you think we have no life?" gabe said honestly just wanting to pick on the flustered blonde.
"oh my god, im just going to shutup" summer said taking a sip out of her vodka cranberry as will and jacob laughed. they decided they liked the girl, gabe not so much.
"do you even know anything, hockey related?" gabe asked still wanting to bicker with the girl.
"not really. I honestly forget its like a real thing out here" summer said.
"you don't think hockey's a real sport" gabe said as will and jacob rolled their eyes. they knew their friend and if they didn't know any better, they'd say he was flirting?
"who doesn't think hockey is a real sport!?!" frankie said, as her and ryan rejoining the group, seemingly on good terms. gabe pointed to summer.
"nice! I knew I liked you!" frankie said giggling as the boys rolled their eyes.
"I didn't even mean it like that, its just I grew up in california. and over there, the closest ice rink is probably three hours away"
"isn't there hockey in california? they have three NHL teams" jacob asked.
"californias big. where'd you grow up?" ryan asked the girl as he had an arm wrapped around frankie.
"the oc. newport beach" summer answered. god she missed her hometown.
"can you surf?" will asked her,
"yeah, pretty well actually. when I was sixteen i got a silver medal for it too" summer answered casually.
"OMG! you have to teach me I've been trying to learn for so long now!" frankie said excitedly, remembering the memory of her and her brothers failing miserably. it wasn't like wake boarding on the lake.
"you guys are free to join us anytime. my parents are traveling across europe, for like a year, so the house is just sitting there, its on the beach too" summer told them as the boys and frankie agreed.
gabe on the other hand just couldn't stop his thoughts of thinking summer was some stuck up girl. everything that came out of her mouth, just now, wasn't helping either. 'its on the beach by the way' who says that! gabe thought.
the night went on, frankie and summer unknowingly becoming the best friends they've always needed, ryan finally happy that him and frankie made it official, and the other three boys creating a friendship with the two girls, it was all just so college.
right now though, the night was close to finished and the boys were taking the two very drunk girls back to their apartments. girls who thought everything in that moment was the most hilarious thing in the world.
the group stumbled on a large hill and it didn't take long for the two girls to want to roll down it.
"frankie and summer don't you dare!" ryan said speeding up, seeing as the boys had been walking a couple meters behind the two girls.
the two girls ignoring his please and giggling. ryan turned his head to look at his friends as if he was giving them the mom look for help. gabe huffed and went to help him, with summer.
"one-" frankie started off as the two girls sat side by side holding each others hands
"two" summer said giggling
"GO!" frankie screamed seeing as the boys were right behind them.
the girls began to slide as ryan missed his attempt to lunge at frankie, while gabe not so much. he attempted to grab summer but lost footing and down he went along with them.
only causing the girls to laugh ten times more, at gabe. summer was laughing loudly, a sound that gabe didn't know if he hated or loved.
"you good gabe?" she said as she held a hand out to him, trying to hold back a giggle.
gabe obviously holding his pride, ignored her hand and got up on his own.
"you are absolutely insufferable" he huffed as he walked past her.
"c'mon perreault! don't be mad at summer! she's just a girl" frankie said as she saw gabe began to walk back up the hill towards the group.
"yeah! its not my fault you ate shit!" summer said, before the two girls unleashed laughter, once again. both taking breaks as they walked up the hill.
"you guys pissed gabe off, him and jacob left back to the dorms" ryan told the two as will began to hold summer up.
"I don't think he likes me very much" summer told them.
"well, your lucky I like you enough to help you" will said as she began to slump herself onto him.
"gabes just being like that because he thinks he's flirting" frankie said against ryans back as he decided to haul her up over his shoulder.
"ewwwww" a drunk summer let out. as the group laughed.
it had been a great night for them, except gabe of course.
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hoesheez · 6 months
Free Racha…
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3Racha/AFAB Reader
WARNINGS: free use, unprotected sex, language
A/N: been wanting to write a fic with both studio sex and putting moans into a song, dont ask why haha
After dating the men of 3Racha for a few months now, you thought it was finally the perfect time to ask them something. It was something you had been thinking about for a while now, the thought of it fueled many of your late night thoughts you used to pleasure yourself. One day when the four of you were finally in the same room, you brought up your idea.
You were all hanging out in the kitchen, playing a game of UNO when you mustered up the courage to ask them. “Do you guys know what free use is?” Jisung practically choked on his drink, “Come again?” he asked as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. Changbin had stifled a laugh and hid behind his cards while Chan turned to you with an eyebrow raised. “What about it?” he asked curiously.
The three men looked at you, your words caught in your throat. “Come on then,” Changbin said as he placed his hand on the table, his muscular arms flexing as he crossed them over his chest. “Yeah, tell us Y/n,” Jisung spoke next. Seeing as how you couldn’t get out of it now, you sighed and cleared your throat. “Well, I wanna try it with you guys, it really turns me on thinking about it.” The men looked at one another, “You sure?” Chan asked. With him being the first man you started dating out of the trio, he knew you more than the others did and wanted to make sure you knew what you were getting into. He placed a hand on your thigh and squeezed , “Cause Im definitely on board.” Changbin and Jisung stood up as if they’d miss out on something, “Me too!” they both said in unison. You giggled at their enthusiasm, “Cool, uhmm,” you said and stood up, walking over to Changbin and Jisung who sat on the other side of the table, “should we try it out now?” you leaned in front of them on your hands and looked at them with a devilish smirk. Changbin reached out and pulled you in for a kiss, meanwhile Chan was already behind you pulling down your pants. Changbin pulled away and began undoing his pants as you leaned over to Jisung and gave him a kiss next. “So guys, when will you both be free so we can start working on the song?” Chan asked as he licked his hand and pumped himself, getting ready to enter you from behind. By now, you were already leaning on your arms sucking off Changbin and Jisung simultaneously. “I have an appointment tomorrow, why not this weekend?” Changbin huffed as you worked on him, taking his length all the way to the back of your throat. “Cant, we’ll be at dance practice all day.” he explained as you pumped him with your free hand. The men continued to talk and go about their business as you obeyed and let them fuck you however they liked.
Ever since then, they’d use you freely whenever they wanted. Whether it be at home or in the studio. When you were alone with each of them or altogether, it was incredible. Your deepest desires finally coming true, and the men you loved sharing every experience with you.
So of course when chan texted you to come over to the studio, you knew that you’d be used and fucked exactly how you liked. Just the thought of it caused your pussy to ache with need. You got ready and decided to wear your prettiest lingerie, some tight shorts that made your ass look amazing and sprayed yourself with your most intoxicating perfume. You stopped by their favorite restaurant to get some food and hurried to the JYP building to meet your three boyfriends.
You rode the elevator up and went to your second favorite place besides home and knocked on the door. Jisung answered, looking you up and down in appreciation, but then paying more attention to the bags of food. He took them from you and let you inside, finally saying hello with a gentle kiss. Chan turned away from his computer and looked at you, then did a double take, this time looking at you longer. He tapped Changbin who was behind him on his phone. The muscular man looked up at him as if he was going to say something but then followed Chan’s eyes to where they fell on you. You watched as he bit his bottom lip and shifted in his seat. “I brought food,” you said and put your things down before coming over to give Chan a kiss. He kissed you back and held the back of your head, “You look amazing.” he whispered against your lips. You smiled and went to Changbin, who offered you a seat on his lap. You sat on his thick thighs and leant in to kiss him. He couldn’t help himself and immediately undid his pants, pulling out his thick cock for you to suck. You quickly moved on the couch, laying on your belly and taking him into your mouth. Jisung came to sit and you moved your legs up and allowed him to sit, putting your legs back on his lap after he sat down to begin eating his food. He used one of his free hands to squeeze your ass, “How’s the song coming along?” he asked with a full mouth. Chan sucked his teeth, “Its, okay,” he said with a nervous laugh. Changbin patted your head as you sucked his dick, your hands coming to tug on his balls. He moaned softly, “Should we take a break?” he suggested and Chan shook his head, “There’s really no time, we have to push through the night, we’ve got this.”
He stretched with a small groan and quickly went back to mixing sounds. Jisung tapped you to get you to move your legs and he got up and put his food down. “Lets hear what you have so far.” he said and reached around your back to unbutton your shorts and pull them down your legs. “Alright, its not very long but,” he said and a tune began playing.
It sounded great to you, but these men were professionals, anything less than perfect wasn’t good enough. So you minded your own business and continued to suck Changbin off, ready to help in any way you could. You perked your ass up to Jisung after he finished taking off your shorts. He leaned in and began kissing your rear, pulling your underwear down to get more access to your plush skin. “Its a good start, lets record some vocals and see.” Chan turned to him, “Should i just do that now? Maybe it’ll help us decide on how to finish it?” He asked between the two men. Changbin nodded, “Good idea.” he said and pushed you onto him further. You gagged and dug your nails into his taught thighs through his jeans.
Chan started to set up the microphone so he could add some vocals to the demo. Jisung had already taken his cock out and slid it against your wet folds, slapping your ass and moaning at how wet you were. You immediately pulled off of Changbin, “Harder, Sungie, please” you begged and Changbin roughly took you by the hair and shoved his cock back into your mouth. “Go on, give them another.” he groaned out as he held your head down, his dick at the back of your throat making you gag. Jisung slapped your rear again, harder this time and you squirmed under him with a moan.
Chan finished setting up the microphone and cleared his throat to begin singing . While he recorded, Jisung finally entered you, his dick dragging deliciously against your tight walls. Changbin let go of you and you inhaled deep, his cum mixed with your saliva dripped from your mouth. He removed his shirt revealing his muscular body and moved to be on his knees on the couch, much like the position Jisung was in on the other side. They had you now on either side and thrust into you roughly in tandem. You moaned deeply with a stuffed mouth as the men thrust into you hard. Chan sighed, his need to be inside of you growing. He tapped the spacebar on the keyboard and the new tune began to play.
“Wait,” he said suspiciously and played it again, “Did you guys hear that?” Changbin and Jisung stopped, as their leader played the snippet over. You payed attention to the music after the man stopped and you could hear a moan in the background of the song. “Was that?” Jisung asked and slammed into you from behind. “That actually, sounded pretty good.” Changbin said and pulled you off of him.
He moved to take Chan’s place at the computer, chan coming over to your waiting mouth and pulling himself from his shorts. “You’re moans sound so good, lets hear some more.” he entered your mouth and wasted no time in thrusting to hit the back of your throat. Jisung picked up his pace and fucked you harder, his hands gripped your rear, sure to leave beautiful marks. He huffed and moaned, thrusting faster and nearing his peak. You felt him pick up his speed, moaning loudly when he reached a hand between your legs and began rubbing your clit. You gagged and huffed on Chan’s dick, unable to move, only looking up at him with tears in your eyes. “Play it back.” he said and Changbin clicked the mouse and replayed the part he just recorded.
Your whiny moan played in the background with the baseline. The three of them looked at each other, “So, we’re doing this?” Chan asked with a laugh. You got off of him quickly, “Start recording! I’m gonna cum!” you yelped and Changbin quickly hit record and brought the microphone closer to you. You huffed out a few light moans, growing louder and louder until your orgasm washed over you. “Ahhhh!” you cried out beautifully, the boys stunned from the noise you had just made.Jisung chuckled and stuttered against you, soon reaching his peak. He sighed and leaned down, kissing the back of you neck and trailing soft kisses down your back.
Your throbbing core spasmed on his softening cock before he finally slipped out of you. Jisung then tucked himself into his pants and went to the computer to review what was going on. “Come here babe.” Chan said and he brought you by your hand to sit on his cock. Your breath hitched and he bottomed out, your hands going to his shirt and gripping hard. “Play that one back.” Chan said as you began riding the leaders cock, greedily bouncing up and down as your orgasming moans played from the computer speaker. Chan removed your top and immediately grabbed your breasts and squeezed them through your bra. “That one might be a little, too suggestive.” he pumped up into you, meeting your hips with his. Changbin and Jisung agreed and began editing it to sound more subtle. Your head rested on his chest as you moaned and whined with how good he was fucking you. “Babe,” he said softly and turned your face to his. “Thank you.” he whispered against your lips and you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him, nibbling on his lower lip before you pulled away. He lifted you up and moved you to lay on your back on the couch. He grabbed one of your legs and pulled it closer to his body, letting the other hang off of the couch.
The sounds of your soaked and messy cunt caused the other men to look over at you getting fucked. Chan was fucking you so hard, your breasts bounced wildly with every thrust. “Damn.” Changbin said and stood up, and moved closer to you to fill your open mouth with his cock once again. “Let me try something,” Jisung mumbled and sat down, turning his attention to the computer. He clicked away and worked as you got pounded behind him: Chan picked up his pace, his thrusts becoming more brutal and precise, “See if there’s some samples saved, and add some autotune.” Chan grunted through his teeth, his hips stuttering as he climaxed. His seed shot into you and he moaned, breathy and soft. The sound of his moans and his last hard thrusts caused you to cum once again, your body involuntarily pulling away from him as you couldn’t handle the overstimulation.
“Auto tune? On the moans?” Jisung asked as he turned his head to look at Chan, who was standing up and stuffing himself back into his shorts. He went over to the computer and the two of them started disagreeing on how to finish the song. Changbin pulled out of your mouth and came to help you to stand up with a strong grip on your hand, “Just do rock, paper, scissors.” Changbin suggested and the other men began playing rock, paper, scissors to see if there will be auto tune or not. “Idiots,” Changbin said under his breath and the two of you laughed.
He turned you so that your back was to him, then he lifted you up, holding your thighs and arms with his arms over you.He thrust up into you, his balls slapping against your ass loudly. The arguing men quickly noticed what was going on, their heads turning and jaws going slack as Changbin used his strength to fuck you in a full vaginal nelson.
“Ahhh fuck!.” you cried out as he fucked you fast and deep. Jisung tapped chan to start recording and put the microphone in front of you, capturing your babbles and moans for them to hear later. “Assholes,” you huffed out, feeling your body go flush, all of a sudden feeling slightly embarrassed. The men teased you and laughed with you as Changbin continued.
“Well the songs almost done, just a bit more tweaking.” Chan said and focused on his work. Jisung brought his hand to your cunt, using his fingers to rub your clit, “Good, I’m so ready to head home,” he sighed and rubbed you faster. Changbin picked up his pace, fucking you faster, “You close?” You nodded, tears falling from your eyes at this point, “Yes Binnie.” Jisung continued to rub you, and along with Changbin’s brutal thrusts, you soon came, squirting with a small scream. The youngest’s jaw dropped as he got wet in the process, “Wow! Do it again!”
Changbin soon came into you, his strong arms holding you tight as he grunted out his climax. He sighed and put you on the floor, kissing your cheek before you stumbled and fell into Jisung’s body. He held you close, “Okay fine, maybe next time.” he kissed you on the lips and brought you to sit on the couch, which soon turned into you laying on his and Changbin’s laps. Chan came over and kissed you on the forehead, “Let me clean you up.” His voice was soothing as he grabbed some tissues to clean you and gave you the spare shirt and shorts he kept in his studio for emergencies.
The four of you relaxed and ate after the intense session. Changbin massaged your legs and feet, while Jisung rubbed your head gently and occasionally bent down to kiss you. Chan sat on the floor next to you, eating his food and feeding you at the same time. Once he was done, he went over to the computer, “Ok so, this is the song so far.” The song that played through the speakers was a slow r&b track with high hats and a sample of Chans vocals, along with your occasional moans hidden in the background music. “And heres what it sounds like with autotune.” he said and played the song. It sounded horrible, definitely not as good as the first. You all agreed it was trash with a look at one another, Jisung breaking out into a contagious laugh. They teased the way your moans sounded with the note changes thanks to the tuning, something you were sure they’d never stop doing for a while. You just laughed and enjoyed the moment with them, ecstatic that they cared about you so much and that you could truly be yourself with them.
A/N: no because tell me they wouldn’t tease you relentlessly with auto tune moan jokes lmao also this definitely isn’t one of MY fantasies 👀 you have no proof!!
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aliorsboxostuff · 1 year
hi V3 I am so sorry i am BLOWING UP YOUR INBOX OMGGG but I totally forgot the character Id like is Hobie, I think cause I was talking about him I thought I said his name but i forgor ty bae ily 🤗🤗🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️
HOBIEEE gotta be my fav 2nd to Miguel, i’m working on a fanart of that cool mf too. He’s such an interesting character to write, i’m honestly pretty sad i only thought something so short for this HC’s T-T I hope you enjoy this though big man, Hobie is definitely the type to hang out with you when youre going through those rough times <3
"Anythin' you wanna be."
Tags: Hobie Brown & ftm!Reader, fluff, dysphoria, Headcanons, going through those tough times, Hobie being the Homie he is, Reader is implied a Spider-person, But also up to interpretation, Comfort and Fluff, no angst
Hobie Brown headcanons for anyone that’s going through those dysphoric episodes <3
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first of all, let's get one thing straight here: Hobie FULLY SUPPORTS you being trans
He doesn't see you as anything fem aligned unless said otherwise
lets you crash in his universe, especially when you need it
he thrifts a lot of big and baggy jackets and sweaters, only to give them to you saying he "bought the wrong size"
There's definitely a couple of sweaters from his own wardrobe that you've stolen
you've definitely worn his jacket that he usually wears over his spidey suit, it makes you feel as cool as him
he made you your own jacket, with a trans pin and another with his Spidey logo
lets you borrow anything you want because he knows it makes you feel good 
the type to check in on you if you've been binding the whole day
When things get too much and you feel bad in your own skin, Hobie would spend time with you in his universe
he makes you a comfy fort blanket where you can stay and watch anything you please while he plucks the strings of his guitar on the floor
definitely, the type to get you anything you wanna eat when you've lost your appetite 
stays by your side, letting you lean on him when you seek comfort
If it gets too much as tears start to fall, he’ll hold you through it, brings you into his arms while you let all those feelings out
Rakes his fingers through your hair or just likes softly petting you if it helps you calm down 
completely understands if you need some alone time when dealing with dysphoria, making sure you have enough snacks and water before he leaves to hang somewhere else
he's the spokesperson whenever you wanna be left alone, making sure the others won't bother you too
Says "You're cooler than me mate, cooler than Miles too,"
says dumb shit like; "You are the manliest man to ever man," or "No one does a better job being a boy than you," Just to make you feel better
his side-eye game STRONG 💪dont look at you weird or he'll give them a bone-chilling, soul-crushing, ‘wish I was dead’ side eye
He and Pav is the type to make little trinkets for their friends tbh, he deff makes pins from bottle caps and gives them to you
His favorite spot to bring you when you feel down is near the top of any tall building, bringing snacks and a blanket. He says it makes him feel better knowing everyone is so small, and the world is huge, so in the end, nothing really matters and so be whatever the fuck you wanna be.
Requests are open! Reblogs are appreciated <3
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lookforthelightsposts · 7 months
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|Hello, you.|
summery: you have been working at your parents bakery since your were 14, one day at the store, you meet Abby anderson.
warnings: abby has sexual thoughts about you,SPOILERS FOR THE SHOW (YOU) (watch it before you read), perv!abby, everything is in lowercase, masterbating (a&r), you get fuckrf by man lol.
🌱’s notes (🌱 is me): tell me if i missed anything also i suck at spelling and have bad grammar, my phone will probably correct smth into smth completely different then what i ment, also this is my first fic. DONT RUSH ME PLEASE!! (i did add/ change stuff from the show so i know that the ending didn’t happen but stfu)
the sun shines in the room, lighting your face, the sound of footsteps, talking and carts being pushed around you. the new girl, who joined yesterday has been behind you the whole time, you obviously noticed but decided not to say anything. as she got closer and closer to you, you decided to say something. then you lift your head and look at her, holding the peach up, glancing at it then back up at the masculine girl. “do you think this peach looks like a butt?” you ask, making her go silent then she looks at the peach. “there is no wrong answer.” you add, easing your eyebrow with a tiny smile. and she looks back down and back up at you. “it looks at little, like a butt, yeah?” she says, “right?” you reply and hum, turning back around with a “thank you”.
“are you flirting..?, i’d like to think you are, but it’s just—— i can’t.”
the blonde thinks then she looks back up and she walks forward a little. “i should also inform you that..” she starts, walking closer then she’s right next to you and she points to the peaches. “all peaches look like butts.” she says and you take a deep breath, looking around. “oh yes. well, thank you for your honesty…” you start with a small fake sympathetic sigh, “i might go out on a limb and suggest that… bell peppers can be extremely vaginal depending on how you cut them.” you say, pressing your lips together. “i hadn’t noticed that, but i definitely will now. thank you.” the tall woman says. “yeah, no problem.” you say and you lift up off your heels then go back down with a smile. “were you following me?” you throw out, the blonde making a confused expression. “well.. i mean..” she starts, “not initially, but then yes.” she ends, holding the hand up that is holding her lettuce. “i was, completely. i am sorry… if i seem skeevy.” she admits and her dark blonde eyebrows lift up. “no.. i mean, you might’ve…” you start and look the tall blonde up and down, “if you looked like a skeeve, which.. i guess is me saying, good choice… showering today.” you say, nodding your head and your eyebrows lift also. “good. i debated so..” the blonde jokes, a grin forming on her face, her brow raising then going back down, her dark blue eyes meet your again. you let out a hum, “oh! you work here?” you ask, completely knowing that she does but you wanna keep the conversation going, the girls brow raises and she stares at you. “the apron” you say, pointing the the apron that’s hanging out of her backpack. “oh yeah,” she says, looking down at the strand hanging from her bag and she puts her hand that’s holding a green pepper and she puts over to the cafe. “abby. i just started at the cafe.” abby’s dark eyes dart to your again. “me too, um, i uh—— i manage the kitchen. i do most of the buying for the store,” you say, looking over across the room then you lift your left arm that has your basket and then put it back down. “i was just shopping for my dinner. anyway, sorry. y/n.” you say and chuckle, holding your hand out to shake the blondes. “cool, it’s nice to meet you y/n” abby smiles and shakes your hand. “i’ll see you in the break room then, abby.” you say and shrug with a chuckle walking off.
“no, not biting.” abby mutters as she stands there, staring at where you were, “i’m not that person anymore, and i don’t think i ever will be again.” she mutters again along with a “i can’t be, y/n you are not for me.” abby says, walking off.
it’s been a day since the store talk and everything has been fine, you haven’t said a word to her which she wants but also doesn’t.
abby walks over to the shelf, picking up the first book of a stack she has in her hand and she slides it next to many others, her muscles flexing as she does since who ever put the last book in, didn’t fit it right. abby takes one by one and she puts them in order, fixing that one fucking book that wasn’t placed right. “the best it’s gonna be.” abby says under her breath.
“no offense, you look like your ready to puke.” Candace says, abby looking down at the table then up at candace. “just tell me what your want.” abby says, her boot tapping on the ground underneath the table. “i’m getting to it.” candace says, her lips sticky from her awfully bright but somehow dark lipstick. “here you go,” the server says, setting down candace’s drink and abby looks over at the sever setting down candace’s drink then she looks at candace and she raises her eyes browns, her lips pressed together, candace’s eyes darting back to the blonde which who has the palest face she’s ever seen. “now you really look like you’re gonna puke.” candace says dipping a fry into her milkshake then eating it. “sorry excuse me.” abby sayss and she quickly gets up, rushing into the restroom.
“excuse me.” a man’s voice interrupts her thoughts then abby looks up and she walks over to the man. “yeah, how can i help?” abby asks, the clipboard and pencil in her hand. “how can you help? yeah um..” the man starts, taking his sun glasses off, “can you tell me if this Carl Jung book is vegan?” he asks, tilting his head slightly, catching abby off guard and she looks at her clipboard. “uh, if the—— if the book is——?-“ “new here, huh?” the man says, grinning slightly. “yeah, your apron is, like, very fresh.” he says, looking down at the apron tied around abby’s waist. “you got me. i just started this week.” abby says, pointing her pencil to the clipboard, “the books are made from trees. i’m pretty sure those are vegan,” abby says and she looks at the man. “i’m just messing with you old sport.” the brown haired man chuckles, poking at abby’s shoulder. “forty.” calvin’s voice says. “calvin.” forty replies. “you tell our new friend abby here that it was vegan author month at the cafe?” forty asks, turning his head to calvin. “i will get abby on the right page” calvin answers, pointing to abby then putting his hand in his pocket. “abby.. i think you are gonna do really well here. i like your whole look. it’s very um… i’ve-read-a-book.” forty says and his eyebrows raise, abby gives him a small smile and when he turns back to calvin she wipes it right off. “calvin…” forty starts, calvin clearing his throat then forty gives his drink to calvin and walks away. “so that’s..” abby’s starts, “forty’s parents own the place, obviously. shit he was being cool just now, but if he comes back and it’s still wrong…” calvin says quickly then abby looks up from the clipboard. “i got it. don’t worry, calvin.” abby says then looks back down at her clipboard. “watch the register.” calvin says, walking off quickly and abby takes a deep breath then she walks over to the register and she sees you. “let me guess, hurricane forty?” you joke, setting down a plate of croissants on the counter and you smile. “yeah. yeah, i guess so.” abby replies. “don’t worry. he almost never actually fires anyone. you know how some people are, like. starting in their own movie? well, his.. is about a hilarious misunderstood genius working with idiots.” you say as you put the croissants on a same plate filled with others for people to take after they buy something. “right, one of those.” abby replies, smiling with a nod and you chuckle. “what? do- do i have something?” abby says quickly, looking at you when she notices your expression. “oh no, i was just trying to figure out what your movie is.” you say, looking up at abby and she looks down “oh i think it might be the one where the gets the guy in trouble at work for slacking off. i’m sorry, i got to go. thank you, though.” abby says, walking away into the locker room.
abby walks into the room, biting into the croissant and sitting on a pile of wood. “are you running away from me?” your voice crosses over her mind and she glances up at ‘you’, your standing in front of her. “what? no.” abby starts, sitting up slightly. “i feel like you are.” you say and walk closer to her. your right in front of her now and you run your hands down her masculine arms then move your hands to her belt then kiss her, leaning her back and your lips latch onto her neck at your hand moves into her boxers and you shove two fingers into her sopping hole and she leans her head back slightly with a small groan. then abby’s snaps back into reality, her skilled fingers moving quickly in and out of her hole and she leans her head back, her lips parting and she pants slightly, her orgasm building but then she realizes where she is and what she’s doing so she quickly pulls her hand away and she moves her hands away from her body, she quickly stands up and she zips her pants up then fixes her belt.
the sky is now a orange, reddish as the wind blows faster and harsher, the day slowly turning into day. abby walks into her apartment, shutting her door then she sets her bag down and she walks into the living room, sitting down in front of the window, looking down at the scope and what are the odds..? it’s pointed right to your house.
you’re standing in the kitchen, cutting vegetables then she sees you grabbing your phone and something grabs your attention from the other side of the room, abby’s eye brows raise and she zooms in a little more and she sees a man walk inside the kitchen with his arm around you, she bites her lip then she pulls away from the scope for a second. “who the fuck is this y/n” abby grumbles, looking at you two through the scope again and she narrows her eyes, your back to cutting vegetables but the man his behind you, kissing your neck and her hand grips the scope but then she backs off, noticing herself again and she gets up, walking into her small kitchen and she looks down at the counter and makes herself some instant noodles since she hasn’t bought/ got the chance to get anything yet. abby sits down on her couch and she takes her phone out, going onto instagram and she types ‘y/n y/l/n’ which she finds instantly and it’s mostly about cooking but she sees nothing about the man and she scrolls for a little more then likes one of your old posts by accident and her eyes widen, she throws her phone down on the couch, knowing that you’ll see it.
abby eats her noodles then sets the cup down, glancing over at the scope then she gets up and she walks over to the scope and she zooms into your apartment again and her hand grips it to the point it might break, her muscles flexing.
your sitting on the couch, your head leaned back and the man is on top of you, she knows that she should look away but she doesn’t and her face turns red with anger and she sees the man get off of you and she calms down after that’s but she watches as he just leaves you. “fuck buddy, probably.” abby mutters then she grabs her phone again and she looks at your account and she goes to following and sees the man, andrew smith, he has multiple pictures of him with other women then she looks back at you through the scope and sees you sitting on the couch while running your hands through your hair, you clearly didn’t get even close to cumming and abby can tell, he just left you there also, bear and panting. suddenly she sees you laying back down and your legs spread again, her head turns then she quickly zooms in as far as the scope can go, seeing your thighs and you fucking yourself made her squeeze her legs together. abby then shoves her hand down her boxers once again and she starts abusing her cunt, her head falling back and then she tilts it back down to look at you and she starts saying your name over and over again like your actually there then she lets out a loud moan as she comes on her fingers, not even 2 seconds after she sees you leaning your head back and slowing down your movements. abby pulls her hand out of her boxers, not bothering to clean herself then she gets up and she cleans her hands, drying them after and she grabs her phone, seeing a picture in front of a house with andrew in the picture and she walks into her room, throwing a sweatshirt on and she walks outside, looking at the picture then she notices the exact place, it’s her wonderful neighbor, who has a wife.
🌱: don’t really like this but i promise i will get better at writing and i’ll try to make it more like abby then joe😭.
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shygirl4991 · 10 months
SMG3 Sussy Notebook
ima tag smg3 sussy notebook spoilers and have the pics of the notebook under read more so you can pick if ya wanna see the notebook! These are highlights and not every page!
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now that we have the pw for club penguin we can all log in and get all the cool skins, honestly i feel if mario just guess the password it wouldnt take him long to get it xD be faster then stealing the notebook and all
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ah yes the start of the worlds longest slowburn its a super funny thought that right out the usb he gets his notebook and goes this bitch here ima make him my life rival
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oh shit shout out to these two that showed up in SMG3 Gauntlet of gloom
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suuuure buddy keep telling yourself that, seems even tho SMG3 marked him as his rival and hated him over what happen in college he still wanted to hang out with 4 and be friends but its not like he cares or anything...baka!
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lmao the censor on what happen in the igloo ah yes nothing but hugging happen there nothing to M rated xD im guessing the real book in universe might have it a bit more detail given the big deal it was for wotfi 2023
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we really dont talk about that hug
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did...did i call it in my fic that this man legit is crazy about beans and hot sauce im dying i guess when your the bad guy with low budget for food you get use to the good classic beans and hot sauce
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oh honey thats not how that works xD this man is smart but also oh so dumb i think he gets that from his avatar that and he is a few years fresh from the usb Update: @alianarepasa let me know its from a mad max episode i manage to miss it was a fun watch and now i understand what this means xD these peeps really went wild without internet poor toad
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pifft im guessing he has masters degree specialized in psychology? other wise idk how he is a psychologist and he seems to be a good one from what we have seen but who knows he could be bullshitting his way through how evil xD
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both our boys are ready to ride forklifts into the sunset someone draw this please xD
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im laughing i guess SMG3 isnt much a fan of boopkins but seems he really enjoys being with the crew he wont say it but im sure he is a happy bean to finally be with the cool kids after years of being jealous.
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he says but give this man eggdog or eggdog memes and he becomes Tari in a second
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hey lads we found the page from SMG4 We Dont Talk About What Happened in the Elevator
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he wants a castle but ended up with a sick lair in a coffee shop i think thats better!
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okay putting my shipping heart away this is so interesting to me like he starts off thinking 4 is a loser and makes him his rival then gets jealous he has these friends and he isnt apart of them. We know SMG3 is lonely and lost as he doesn't know his purpose before becoming lord of the graveyard now being apart of the crew and now knowing who is he, SMG3 is much happier and closer to the crew. But the way he writes this feels like he likes the close contact with 4 and while he doesnt want to admit it could it be he legit does have romantic feelings? idk i feel these past episodes and this part really gets me thinking they have something here to really make smg34 canon naturally and not have the way they act with each other be to different might go more into this later.
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this sparks joy thank you for including this and thats it for my ted talk thanks for reading again this is just my highlights i dont want to post the whole notebook here just stuff that gets my mind going!
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heartssatoru · 1 year
Jjk men when they find out that the reader is crushing on them (yuji, megumi, gojo, sukuna and who else you like!)
Thank you for the request <33 I'm gonna assume that they like you back! If you didnt mean that let me know.
Characters: yuji, megumi, gojo, and sukuna!
Warnings:nothing but fluff
Crushing on him? Wow wait what
Hes surprised because of what megumi always tells him
Was always wondering why he caught you staring at him
Shocked for the most part, but also happy! Your not joking right?
Starts jumping up and down because you like him
Would hang out with you way more than before, because he wants to get to know you more
Not like he doesn't already know you, but he doesn't wanna miss a single detail about you
damn you like him? What do you want him to do with that info
Refuses to make the first move no matter what, he's just that kind of guy
And if you also are like that then have fun, however on rare occasions he will give small little hints
Kinda awkward with you, but not because he's uncomfortable
Its just that now that he knows that he wants to confess those feelings
But is struggling so he just ignores it
Whenever you guys hang out he always is akaward. If you point it out he may get a little red
But still refuses to confess, he found out already so you can just confess at that point.
Thats what he's telling himself
Cocky ass man, as soon as finds out he'll tease you n everything
Maybe your friend slipped up and said that you liked him out loud
While he was there
Now that's embarrassing! But to him its cute, but thinks your friend did you dirty
Cause they did
But he doesn't let that get in the way, he'll tell you how you should have said so before
Also the redder you get the more he teases
Honestly already knew with the way you acted towards him
Hes not complaining of course
Doesn't blame you for liking him though
A human liking a curse? How foolish
But the thing is, he feels the same way. Will not admit it though
If he's in itadoris body then he'll still insult you, a tiny bit nicer to you. Just a tiny tiny bit..
Probably threatens itadori if he dares to try and tell someone
Tells you how foolish you are for liking a curse, but if thats what you want then so be it
No going back though
If he's in his full form (I dont really like it as much, but he's still cool) its a different story
Bullies you a lot, because its amusing seeing your reactions
Acts like he doesn't feel the same, but he does.
Sometimes randomly sits you on his lap while two of his lower arms secure you and the top two arms are playing with your hair or something
Insults you per usual. Expect him to bring how your crushing on him up every once and awhile
If he wanted to he'd admit that he likes you, just not in a obvious way
Probably makes you cry every once and awhile cause of his insults
but shushes you while you sit on his lap or something. He's only joking
Request im working on -
"How do JJK men flirt with you?" - anon
"How about JJK men(Gojo, Megumi, Nanaimo,Itadori and Toge if possible) how they react to a fight with their s/o!" - anon
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osarina · 4 months
“there’s a lecherous smile on Albatross’s face as he leans against the frame and looks at you, glasses hanging off the bridge of his nose. ‘Damn, if you weren’t the boss’s girl…’” awww stop it you’ll make me blush
THE SCENE W DAZAI FINDING US NOT READY YET “It’s not silly if it has you upset,” kisses on the nape of the neck and then kissing our ankles & buckling our heels >>>>>> “I’m sorry that I’m not a good enough man to do what’s right and let you go.” hey so what if i started violently sobbing. “but if fate brought us together, then far be it from me to deny the one thing in this world that has ever made me happy.” HEY SO WHAT IF I STARTED VIOLENTLY SOBBING.
“Still, he wants to gouge their eyes out.” if my man doesn’t want to gouge out people’s eyes just for looking at me, i don’t want him ‼️‼️
“My, Dazai, possessive, aren’t you?” “Very,” Dazai agrees idly. “Be sure to remember that.” bringing his hand up from your waist to cup your cheek, thumb brushing over your bottom lip as he murmurs, “That’s my girl, always so smart.” blushing giggling kicking my feet twirling my hair
“Fyodor Dostoevsky. A pleasure, truly.” oh no. oh no no no no no. that’s not good.
one more thing, i noticed that you kinda like made up your own characters (which was super cool and really creative btw!!) could you explain how/why you chose the specific authors you did? and i’m assuming you got their group names from something they wrote, any reason you chose those works in particular? (these are the ones i’m talking about: Mishima Yukio of the Sun and Steel, Nabokov’s Pale Flame, Leo Tolstoy’s Three Deaths, Cao Xueqin of the Red Chamber, Kitazawa Michihiro of Fuji Electric)
ty for listening to my ramblings once again ily !!
albatross is truly her no1 fan in this fic and she adores him <3 dazai is so not unsubtly jealous of him whenever she talks to him. gets all side eyed and irritated and then has to hide it whenever she looks at him LOLLLLL meanwhile albatross is just pleased that dazai is no longer an emotionless brick wall with a quick trigger finger
WHEN I TELL U THAT SCENE WAS ACTUALLY MY FAVORITE EVER i actually struggled so much writing it not because it was hard to write just because i was yearning so terrible for him LOLLLLL HAHAHAH
</33333 we all need our own beastzai truly life is so unfair he's so perfect
OMGGGGGGGG actually thats my favorite part of writing series/long one shots. i adore being able to build up new characters and organizations. usually i pull them just from some of my favorite authors/works (i cheated with the one electric company its actually just a real company because i got lazy) BUTTTTT mishima is obviously my go to just because there's lowkey already been reference to him and his works in the series but no mention of him, so he's my favorite to build and explore. and then i dont know why but i always have the russian underground divided by three (tolstoy, dostoevsky, nabokov) and usually in a constant territory struggle. of the two ive built up, nabokov is usually the one i use the most because ive hced that he worked with the previous boss pretty often before things went to shit. but i've actually built tolstoy's organization more than his - the three deaths is led by a triumvirate of tolstoy, gorky, and cheknov who were all contemporaries and had were associated with each other. and actually fun fact, i plan on doing a fic with a reader who takes the place of cheknov as one of the three deaths so we're going to see more from them. cao xueqin wrote one of the 4 great classical novels of chinese literature. my fyozai fic i've also built a new organization for - they're based in italy and are in constant conflict with the clocktower, but i don't wanna give anything away because u shall see when i finally post that
maybe one day ill do a whole little page for the organizations ive built & their references in my fics for u guys to look at if ur interested!!
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bulbabutt · 1 year
just wanna get some thoughts out about april o'neil (mainly to hype up why i enjoy her in 87) so this is an analysis of writing her in each generation of shows.
1987 april o'neil is a character who i think has more agency than most of her counterparts, and i think it lies in the choice to make her a reporter.
i can understand where the negative sentiment about changing her career from scientist comes from, but hear me out. if we understand that the turtles as characters just kind of fall into plots, whether they have a history with it or not, it lets us understand that april is here because she's a key in the story.
so originally her story is that shes the assistant of baxter stockman, and he sets a trap to kill her, leaving her to be killed by mousers and saved by the turtles, but after that her life outside of anything turtle related is kind of... non existent. dont get me wrong, being an adult woman who takes in a bunch of teenage turtles makes her anything but boring, but in that concept (and other adaptations since then) we dont get a feel for what she could be doing if she wasnt around the turtles.
in 87 april her job as a reporter is central to the premise. she is the human they hang out with, and she has a day job, so her life becomes the turtles lives. the other humans in her life become the other humans in the turtles lives.
we have her boss Burn Thompson, who’s your typical J Jonah Jameson ‘get me a story on those mutant menace turtles’, giving her that classic Peter Parker role. he often tries to get her to do more feminine stories, which she always has to fight back against.
we also get her rival reporter and occasional camera man Vernon Fenwick, always trying to prove he’s better than her at their job, always trying to steal whatever story she’s on, always failing and proving that he is not as capable or brave as she is.
and we get the secretary and her best friend Irma, who contrasts to her character very well by being the more dorky and lovesick comedic counterpart to her assertive independent serious character. you fully believe these two women are friends in that workplace way, its very real.
certain aspects of these news room dynamics are great, like how despite all the turtle coms looking like radios, we give april one that looks like a compact mirror. why? because if she hears news of something the turtles should check out, when she calls them she gets to just look like shes checking her makeup. she gets to use the workplace sexism to her advantage.
another aspect is, why do the turtles have to save april? is it cuz people always kidnap her? no, its because she gets herself into trouble. shes always looking for a big story, shes not afraid of the bad guys. she goes looking for danger because shes a very capable person, and her becoming the big sister to the turtles, or maybe cool single aunt, feels very natural.
i love her, i love that she's kind of a loser with only work friends, that she doesnt date much cuz shes kind of a weirdo, i love that if she's not with the turtles we can imagine what she's up to. she feels very real, and she's not a character who could be replaced by an object, her life is central to that show. and i love that they dont need to make her a fighter or anything to do that, and its surprising coming from the oldest show.
so to go into the next two cartoons and this is not to dig on 03 or 12 as characters, but in both cases the writers dont really give us much perspective on what her life is or was outside of the guys.
in 03s case, shes that same comic april i mentioned earlier. but we know a lot more about casey in this show than we do her. we know she has the antique shop, and thats where she is, but who does she talk to? does she have friends? she has casey, but she knows him because the turtles know him.
in back story, we can assume her parents died, and we know her uncle went missing, and that the episode they found him we see she has a sister who's never come up before. but neither of those characters show up again after that. not even at her wedding. we see everyone in the turtles lives, we see everyone in casey's life (even his shitty cousin) but aprils family isnt there. so who is she she if she isnt around the guys? i guess she sells antiques. but does she have a life outside of that building? we also know she's a scientist, shes as smart as donnie, but where does she use that skill with computers outside of helping the turtles?
like shes still that same loser adult woman hanging out with turtles, this time shes taken up ninja training from splinter, and we know in the future shes going to found a tech company, but that feels more like flowery language about her, as opposed to getting to see her be someone interesting on her own.
and then in 12s case she's the only april i know who fails the sexy lamp test upon debut. shes kidnapped and the only reason the turtles go rescue her is because donnie thinks shes pretty. sure, we could say its because shes a person in need, but we all know that upon introduction she is love interest first, character second (as are.... most all of the women in that show). from that point, we know she has her dad, and unlike in the previous versions (including comics and movies) its april who has to stay with the turtles for a while, not the other way around. which on its own would be fine, but shes always sort of there. whats she up to? does she have her own interests? like in 03 when shes staying with the turtles for a bit after her shop blows up, we see she's butting heads with them a bit. same as when they stayed with her. but here she kind of just takes on whatever the turtles do, whatever they watch or are interested in. they also make her special. shes here because shes different. thats not bad on its own, but it means that she very much could be anyone, shes here not by her own choices leading her here, but because the plot is thrust upon her, not the turtles, as it has been in all other iterations.
this kind of comes to a head with the introduction of casey and irma into that show. on the surface you'd think, well there we go, she has human friends, those are hers and not the turtles friends, but they never properly introduce her or us to irma. they show irma calling her in one episode (and shes labeled 'weird-girl', so whats the story there?) and then when we meet her properly its so she can be a third body in the introduction of casey jones. the running gag of this is basically whenever april isnt around the turtles now, she's with casey and sometimes casey and irma, but we never understand why. and then youd think, well thats cool if april is who becomes friends with casey, and then casey is in the turtles lives because of her, but he actually just ends up following raphael home. they do make a point of making it so he's accepted because she's there, but he's never implied to be her friend more than the turtles'.
she invites irma along to a date with casey, neither irma or casey understanding why. is it because she doesnt want to date casey? maybe. but the writers never make her intentions clear to the audience, we're left speculating. irma comes up a few times more, always in more or less the same context, and often asking who are the mysterious friends you have besides me. i truly wish we could have seen any moments of why these two are friends, how these two are friends, what they do when april isnt with the turtles, before they pull the rug out from under us and show that irma? yeah she was actually a krang all along. and she was only here to get to the turtles. and it never seems to bother april much, besides the one outburst when it happens. to me it feels like she should at least... grieve this friend? that would be traumatizing. your only friend in your own world was never real.
i like that the farm house gets to belong to april again, as opposed to being casey's family farm, so that gives her something. but then we understand why when we're introduced to her mom. we think. a real kicker here is uh. we dont even know her moms name? she's just..... mrs o'neil. because she didnt really matter, she wasnt real. like her dad got a name (because reference), why cant her mom even have a name? a thing that bothers me here is, ok we know her dad kept getting kidnapped, or mutated, or became so traumatized that he never left the house, but we never even get that kind of basic family aspect to the first teenage april. the turtles, for better or worse, are her family in this show. thats her real support system. and its frustrating because two of the characters here just oggle her. whether its an episode where april could have a crush on donnie or casey back or not, the fact she's got no support or someone to talk to about it from someone outside of those characters brothers really sucks for her agency in this story. we never get to grasp how she feels about any of it. which is why i think those romances give people the ick, theyre things that could work if the show ever cared to tell us how april feels.
and then by the end she gets to be a kunoichi with telekinesis, a thing she got into because of the turtles, and a thing she just got to be because genetically shes special. i wish this april got to be a character who had things of her own that she could choose to be. like, she still lives above that same antique store from 03, maybe she could have had a family history there like 03, but even something simple as that is just an in name only reference. theres no part of her that feels like she chose to be it, or that there's anything about her life that isn't directly related to the turtles.
now we get to rise. and honstly, rise april is a breath of fresh air. she is a teen like the previous april, but shes also just as willing to get herself into danger by her own choices as 87. shes a fighter like 03 and 12, and unlike every other version, shes just here. we dont need to know how she got here, she's part of this family and you believe it.
we have our big sister april who's not only a loser who hangs out with turtles, but she's a complete weird magnet. she's overly excitable, very willing to get into fights, who has a strong sense of justice and getting into trouble to fix it. this series is more episodic like 87, so to just get the jist, episode one. april needs rescuing because why? she threw herself into a mystic portal to save a random creature. thats what sets the turtles off on their mystic adventure in the first place. because she put herself in harms way. and when they go to rescue her, shes actually fine. she finds them a place to get new weapons, she's the first one to run in and try to attack the villain. none of the guys ever coddle her or say "oh there goes april we have to rescue her", this time we have an april who is a fully capable fighter from the get go.
we see her school life, she doesnt have any friends besides a random guy who has a crush on her, and shes desperate to fit in. then we get sunita. we see exactly why these two are friends. it starts with april thinking shes found a normal kid at school, trying to prove to the guys she can be a normal teenager who doesnt need their weirdness, but as it turns out sunita is a yokai. shes from that same mystic world, but she didnt come into april's life because of the turtles, she came into her life because they like each other. they're just two weird girls who hang out, they like laser tag and rock shows, and we fully believe they are friends.
another aspect to her is her jobs, she's like jonesy from 6teen. she gets new jobs basically weekly, sometimes hijinks ensue, leading the turtles to an event unfolding around her, and keeps getting into trouble and getting fired, but this leaves her with a plethora of skills (and keys to random buildings or machinery good for you for not giving those back, respect).
then we also get to see an entire episode where the turtles dont appear, because its about her. we see her passion for helping the world, we see her disbelief in herself, and her ability to pick herself up. theres a moment where you think splinter is going to need to give her a pep talk, but she ignores him. she's got herself. she doesn't need to rely on the guys or splinter for her confidence, shes capable on her own.
then i think my favorite aspect here is about the finale, where we get this touching moment between her and karai where she doubts her place in the family, lamenting that she's not one of them. and its not one of the guys who tells her she is, it's karai. its another woman in this story. its the woman who's history this story has been leading up to, affirming april's part in her story. in their families story. and she gifts april her spirit. which leads her to go finding ,and in a way rescuing them, from their despair.
this april is a fully realized character, with a real place in the story. you never doubt it, but even if she wasn't you know exactly who she'd be without them. she's her own fully rounded character, and i love her so much. theres a reason people say she's definitively the best april, i wish we got to see more of her, i know we were supposed to get more, just like with everything from rise. but im glad she got to shine here.
so this is kind of why in terms of writing april, i think its interesting that the most agency we get for her, in my perspective, comes from the newest and oldest show.
basically to summarize and reiterate, all april's are good april's, some writers just care more to show us who she is than others.
also I’m ONLY talking about April’s writing here, not the rest of the show
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crushedsweets · 1 year
I am so curious as to what you'd think about Nina and Hoodie as a duo. They've been two of my absolute favorites (even if Brian technically isn't even a creepypasta) since I was younger and I've always loved them as a sort of big brother/little sister pairing. They are so siblings to me I adore them. What are your thoughts on the sillies..
OHHH this is actually super interesting... but also im worried i do not have a lot to say because they won't mesh very well/very much. but i will try. not super realistic headcanons i think but what do i know... <3
brian isnt very present in my story, partially bc ik some mh fans dont like the crossover very much. and by time ninas in the story, i want him+tim to kinda separate from slenderman as toby and kate take over. he's still involved and coming around since he gets horrible slender sickness(but its from the operator) if he's away too long, but he doesn't live near or befriend most of the main cast..
nina is very present in my story because i love her and she is such a good and fun representation of the fandom yk. but brian is much more realistic and late 30s man, while nina is a very cartoonish early 20s girl. theyre on very different fields character and life wise...
BUUUUUUUUUT they would still meet of course.
she'd be bubbling around the entire cast, meeting people through jeff. people initially think she's in the same vein as jeff, natalie, and toby, with a LONG list of blood on their hands influenced by the operator, so they just don't think much about it. theyre mostly surprised by how cheery she is, but the proxies are the first to find out she's just... obsessed with jeff..... so thats very off putting. brian isn't fond of it.
nina would develop some light slender sickness(again, from the operator) just by being around jeff all the time, but the operator never infected her because he didn't see her as a worthy vessel. so, she would have to come to the proxies about it. if toby isnt in the mood or busy, she'd just have to hope brian/tim are around with some pills that'll soothe the pain
brian is more likely to help. with nina, he'd be quick to take on a more protective role, trying to console her as she cries on the couch holding her head whining about static.
initial convos would go smth along the lines of "do you want some coffee ? or uh kids like hot chocolate huh... maybe tea" "i'm literally in my 20s please tell me toby has weed somewhere" "that does not help with this pain i promise" "how would you know" "haha. water it is."
brian was a major stoner back in his early 20s and nina thinks its fucking hilarious. . . she'll try to get him to smoke with her but he's rlly not interested LOLLLL.... hes like 15 yrs older than her he thinks its weird .
again, he's not around a lot, but she's always happy to bump into him. she'd be squealing n shit 'HIII BRIANNNN how r u :3' and he'd just be like :) hey nina. and then never answer the 'how r u' bc he doesnt actually wanna sit and talk .
its a good change of pace. he's been through hell and back for well over a decade by this point, everyone around him is a sad sack of shit, and he spent a long time just. fighting to be an optimistic, cool guy to hang around . . but .... like.... um..... its hard to be that kind of person after all he's been thru. something about nina just forces that sort of like..... glee out of him . its not a huge difference where he's suddenly bouncing and giggling and whatever, he's still just Some Guy. but he'll be like :) lol .
mayhaps he'd catch her trying on toby's goggles and he'd offer to let her try on his mask. but nina would fake gag and be like 'no i dont want that dirty musty nasty sack on my head' and he'd be like ?????. then he'd say she can wash it and then try it on. which.. as an older sibling.... is the type of shit i'd do just to get my sister to do smth for me that i dont wanna do LMFAOOO. she might fall for it just cuz my dear nina is the ultimate fangirl
i dunno i kinda struggled with this one just cuz in my au, they wouldnt be all that close and the Type of characters they are don't mesh very well, but i am super fond of the concept and would love to try expanding on it more
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mzblkauthor · 9 months
Warnings: Smoking, and cussing.
Summary: You decide to hang with Atsumu's friends and one happens to have the best weed you've ever smoked
Genre: I honestly don't know
You ain’t know what was wrong with you. Probably cause you were high as hell and had the munchies. “Girl lets go you bout high as hell,” currently you were at a party at Atsumu’s house and your bestie ,Kiyoko, was the designated driver and she couldn’t stand seeing you high out your mind while any nigga there would try to take of advantage of you. “Now you know damn well you’re the one that dragged me here. Don’t blame me for enjoying the party in my own way,” you told her scrunching your face up. But, you got up anyway cause ain't no way you bout to listen to her complain and blow your high. The music was fuzzy in your ears and every time you took a step it felt like you were walking on water. Yeah it's time for you to go home.
Yesterday… was something. You ain't have a headache but almost everything was a blur. Definitely got a little too high. Fuck. “I hope I ain't did something I regret.” Getting up to go get some food you heard your phone somewhere in your sheets. Then after patting down what seems like your whole bed you finally found it and answered the phone call. 
“Bitch wtf why you moaning my name. You must like me huh,”
“ Its aight babygirl I know you luh me. Less fuck then get eloped”
‘Whoa first off I gotta boyfriend so we can’t get eloped second what you need in your life is some dick you horny freaky kinky fuck talking bout marriage and fucking. Girl bye’
“Fuck that nigga Tanaka. I can give so much more but you over here worried bout that bald ass wigga jigga boo.”
‘Whatever I’m loyal to my man. We for real locked in tight like a bootyhole’
“Ew fuck off my phone with that nasty ass shit. Ain't nobody asked what Tanaka’s little freaky ass likes in bed. He prolly like to be fucked instead of doing the fucking.”
‘Shut the fuck up’
“You shut the fuck up”
‘Aight I gotta go I luh you’
“Aight I love you too”
Hanging up the phone you saw a big tittied bitch getting fucked  from the back. Woah. Your horny ass forgot to exit out of it yesterday “Damn I guess I do need dick in my life,” Closing the tab and heading downstairs you decided to make yourself some toast with hella butter cause that shit be hitting different when you first wake up. As you turned on the TV and got ready to chill for the rest of the day. You got a text message from Kiyoko.
Be ready in 30 mins We going to atsumus to hang   Why i need to go???? Cause Tanaka wanna go and i dont wanna b by myself Plus you know them That doesnt mean i wanna go There’ll be weed. Dam u makin me seem like a feen  Add in food and ill go Bet.
Groaning you got up and turned off the tv. After finishing your toast you went to get ready and chose a cute little outfit cause Atsumu be having fine ass friends. It was a spiderman crop top with jeans and your favorite spiderman beanie. You was looking mad cute but not like you was trying to hard. Cause you aint stunting no-mf-body. BEEP BEEP. “COME ON BITCH LETS GO,” the ghetto. You grabbed your bag and hurried to get your stuff. “Charger, phone, keys, pen, wallet, headphones” you told yourself going down the checklist of things you always put in your bag before you leave the house. You turned all the lights off and headed for the car after locking the door on your way out. “You know you coulda just texted me right,” 
“Yeah but I didn’t want to”
Straight facing  her you then nodded to Tanaka in the rearview mirror and closed the car door. No matter how much shit you talked about Tanaka you knew he was a cool dude yall just like to mess with each other hella. You put your headphones on and enjoyed the ride.
Before even walking through the doors you were hit with the smell of za. There wasn’t a lot of people, maybe like 8 and you only knew 3 of them. Didn’t really matter though cause they were to high too notice you for real. 
Well now they did. Atsumu’s loud ass had to yell your name. Bro don’t ever know how to talk swear, you awkwardly waved and sat on the couch closest to the door.  “What’er you doin here? I ain't knew you were coming, if I did ya know I woulda gotten ready or whateva,” he was high as fuck whenever you two would get high together he always would be a flirt way more than he usually was. That's why you stopped smoking with him. He was a little too flirty for your liking. “Boy please ain't nobody worried bout you. Where’s your brother?” you told him casually brushing him off and changing the subject. “He’s in the kitchen where he always is. But you tryna roll up?”  
This tall green eyed dude cleared his throat while looking at Atsumu with his face scrunched up. He was fine like something you never seen before. His tattoo’s were hot as hell in the lighting. It looked like a whole story on his arm and you wanted to ask about it but decided not to. And his eyes were somehow fox-like and the lips. God the lips. At this point you were just checking him out. Literally from the piercings lining his ears to his uncreased forces. 
Slowly tuning back into the conversation and looking at Atsumu you asked him “Why you always yelling?” 
“Maybe its cause you over there eye fucking Suna instead of paying attention,” he told you while taking a hit from the blunt. “Just cause I was looking that way doesn’t mean I was checking him out.  Jealousy isn’t a good look on you booboo now what do you want,” you said rolling your eyes. Honestly on the inside you were embarrassed hella cause who wouldn’t be. “Well I was gonna ask if you wanna roll up,” you turned back to ‘Suna’, looked him in the eyes and asked “If it's ok with you..”
He nodded and took another hit, eyes not leaving yours. Fuck. He was fine as hell. Atsumu passed you the tray which already had everything you needed on it. Then you were in your zone, starting grinding, pouring, then rolling it all up. His eyes stayed on you. You felt it and with chase Atlantic playing in the background it made the vibe feel even better. Next thing you knew you licked the paper and closed the ends. You did pretty damn good for it being on the spot. “Roller gets first hit,” some white haired dude said tossing you the lighter. You said thanks while putting the blunt between your lips and lighting it. 
Holy shit.
 After 3 good hits and 30 minutes you were already up there. It felt as if your whole body was tingling and you knew if you were to get up you’d probably stumble a little bit. “Is this shit laced?” you said to nobody in particular.
“Nah, Suna’s shit is just strong,” the white haired dude said laughing and shaking his head.
Then as if  he teleported in an apron Osamu called your name. “Y/n, I didn’t know you were here,”
You smiled up at him “ Yeah I knew you were in there cooking and I ain’t wanna bother you,” he kissed his teeth and then rolled his eyes.
Gesturing for you to get up he said “You know I don’t give a fuck about that shit next time come say hi. And gimmie a hug,”  You got up ,without stumbling, and gave him a big hug. You and Osamu were mad cool like literally yall would meet almost every week.
“How come you don’t greet me like that when I come through the door?” it was the white haired dude who said that. You ain't know who the fuck that nigga was.
“Whatever, ignore him. Did Atsumu already introduce everybody?” You looked at Atsumu who was scratching his head and then shook your head no.
After he introduced everybody you had the munchies and wanted the food Kiyoko promised. But looking over you saw that she was knocked out on Tanaka’s shoulder.  You put your headphones on and got up to go get some food low-key annoyed at the fact that you had to get up. You went to get water from the fridge and put some onigiri on a paper towel. Then sat on the counter as you got Brent Faiyaz pulled up. Whenever you were high you had to listen to music cause it felt like a journey that no one else could experience. Like the artist was talking specifically for you and only you. And Brent did that every time. So, it was just you swinging your legs on the counter while eating your onigiri while the music pulled you into a certain bliss that couldn't be replicated from anything else.
"Excuse me," you paused your chewing and stopped swinging your legs. It felt almost like a record scratch because the voice was deep as hell. You're gazed trailed from his feet to his eyes, it was obvious you were checking him out but, you were too high to give a fuck. "Excuse me," he said once again.
This time you answered, "Do you need something?" you asked while tilting your head and taking an earbud out.
He licked his lips and made his way to you "I was wondering if you wanted to come around next time we did something like this," now he was crossing his arms and leaning against the counter in front of you. He was confident. But, you couldn't tell if he was naturally like this or if the weed was a big factor of the way he was acting now. Fuck it, you thought. He was fine as hell but, you don't wanna seem easy.
"I don't know, I mean I don't even know you," you told him sweeping your eyes over his mouth "and if I do pull up. Will I have to pay? I don't wanna smoke up all your shit, that would be rude." This time you were staring at him in his eyes. Just like yours they were red and low. You knew what you were doing and so did he.
He smirked and said "As long as you roll up there wouldn't be a problem. I'm always the one rolling up it'd be nice for there to be a change."
You shrugged, "I'll think about it," telling him as you resumed kicking your legs. He pushed himself off the counter and in 2 strides was in front of you. He crouched down to your eye level and leaned forward to your ear.
"I don't think you understand," he was so close you could hear his mouth move "I want you there," his scent was overwhelming. You took a deep breath which caused your chest to press into him. You weren't wearing a bra. He noticed too, you could tell by the whisper of his laugh.
You brought your hand to his neck and slid it up to his hair. He moved his head away from your ear and stared at you, eye to eye. You bit your lip and clutched his hair at the nape of his neck.
Then tugging it lightly you told him, "I said, I'll think about it, I don't give a damn if you want me there or not." You gently pushed him back and jumped off the counter, then made your way back into the living room.
AN: Are yall messing with this? And should I make this into a series?
Cause I feel like only a little bit was really Sunaxblackreader.
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icyharrington · 2 years
Cat and Mouse- Billy Hargrove X Reader
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whats up yall, i am finally back for the first time in like a million ass years with some content!!!! if it wasnt obvious already yes, i am going to be writing for stranger things now. y’all can thank @wroteclassicaly for getting me into it lmaoo. but yea since i havent written something in a while i’m gonna be doing something a little shorter and more to the point lmaooo. so yea anyone who knows me from my icylangdon days knows that i <3 fuckboys that are mean. so naturally i kinda fell in love with billy when i first saw him okay. i KNOW he’s a bad person and shit but like he’s not real and he’s also sexy so. plzzz don’t be offended by this, if you don’t like billy simply scroll past!! but if you AREEEE a slut for billy, well then you just might wanna stick around for this one 😛 also dont judge me if this sucks i havent written in a million years ok. PS i am planning to write for eddie and steve in the future too so stay tuned for that if ur more into those characters!! ok i’ll shut up now teehee
description: billy hargrove decides to seduce you at a party; you decide to let him.
contains: mean/fuckboy billy, fingering, cunnilingus, dirty talk, face slapping, brief choking, degradation/humiliation kink
wc: 3.3k
He smells like musk and whiskey and cigarettes, like a grown ass man, and from this proximity it’s dizzying. He’s sitting beside you, thigh-to-thigh, right arm outstretched across the back of the couch just behind your shoulders. You will yourself not to turn your cheek, knowing that if you catch sight of his stormy, heavy-lidded eyes, you won’t be able to resist him any longer.
Billy speaks slowly, allowing the velvet sound of his words to simmer in your ears, rosy lips nearly brushing against them.
“You look so sad,” he’s saying, and the hair on the back of your neck stands up. “Why’re you so sad, hm?”
You keep your gaze fixed on your palms, feeling a prickling warmth flood your face. You can feel the danger emanating from his pores, hanging around him like a dark, bulbous cloud, but somehow that only tempts you more. “What makes you think I’m sad?”  
“You’ve been sitting here by yourself all night,” he mutters, his large hand finding your bare thigh, testing the waters. He doesn’t grope you, just trails his calloused fingertips down against your skin with a feather-light touch, and you don’t stop him. “Did your boyfriend dump you or something? Broke your heart?”
He’s mocking you, but it doesn’t register; all you can focus on is his skin against yours, his fingers tracing invisible patterns back and forth until you can no longer think straight. “I just don’t really like parties.”
He lets out a snicker. “Yet here you are.”  
“I know, it’s stupid.” You occupy yourself with taking a couple sips of your drink, which is lukewarm by now, but the accompanying buzz helps to dull your nerves slightly. “I honestly don’t know why I came.”
“Wanted to try playing cool girl this year, huh?” It’s like a power line has been cut when he draws his hand back from your leg, the absence of contact almost palpable. Finally you allow yourself to meet his eyes, stomach dipping at the smirk he has plastered across his picturesque features.
“No, it’s not that at all,” you say sternly, a little embarrassed he would assume that. You don’t want him to think you’re a try-hard, even though you know it’s stupid to care about his opinion of you. He’s just some douchey guy trying to get in your pants, after all. “I guess I just wanted to try something different.”
“Oh?” he says with a tilt of his head, tongue darting out to wet his lower lip. He doesn’t take his attention away from you for even a second, now spreading his hands out across his denim-clad knees. You can’t help but follow them with your eyes, wishing hopelessly that he’d put them back on you. “So you’re adventurous, then?”
“I mean, in some ways, maybe…” Your vision darts away from his face once more, not noticing how suggestive the phrase sounds until it’s too late. Clearing your throat, you attempt to regain composure. “But I don’t want to go crazy or anything.”
“I think I know how to drive you crazy in a way you’ll really like,” Billy chuckles, beginning to stand up from his spot on the sofa. Your heart skips a beat, almost like you’re panicking at the mere idea of him moving away from you. It’s jarring, and so unlike you—what the fuck kind of spell does he have you under?
You watch him move into an upright stance, his muscular frame casting a looming shadow over your head as he extends a hand before you. “I can show you. If you’re not scared, that is.”
You squirm in your seat, eyes zeroing in on the greenish blue veins that run  from his knuckles to his forearms like rivers on a map. You have to remind yourself that you aren’t special, that he probably does this same routine with a different girl every weekend, but the thought doesn’t stop your body from making the decision for you.
His hand is significantly bigger than yours, and rougher in texture; he gives you a leisurely once-over as he pulls you to your feet, yanking you forth with little grace until your chest is nearly flush with his. He leans forward, sending a pleasant waft of whatever product he’s sporting in his overgrown hair directly to your senses. “C’mon.”
It’s difficult to ignore the other kids at the party who are witnessing the situation unfold, entertaining themselves with other peoples’ business in true Hawkins fashion. You’re sure some uppity bitch will call you a slut for letting Billy seduce you come Monday, but for some unfathomable reason, you really can’t bring yourself to care.
Billy walks in front of you, leading you into a dim wood-paneled hallway. It’s not his house (you’re not entirely sure whose house it is, to be honest), but he moves like it is, his steps lingering but purposeful.
His jeans are worn-out and ripped in some spots, and they’re form fitting enough that you can easily see the prominent curve of his backside. He peers back over at you as he uses one toned shoulder to nudge open a door at the end of the hall, catching you ogle him, which he appears to take rude delight in.
“I see you’re assessing the merchandise,” he snickers with a shake of his head, guiding you into the shadowed bedroom. This remark causes your cheeks to flush deep red, which becomes apparent to Billy when he switches on the light. His smile grows, eyes glinting deviously. “Aw, don’t be shy, sweetheart. I see you looking at school all the time.”
Your chest tightens at this reveal, which honestly, you hadn’t been anticipating. Is it really that obvious, or is Billy Hargrove a fucking mind reader or something? Do you really stare at his ass that much?!
You sputter out something nonsensical before you’re simultaneously rescued and pushed further into insanity- he takes your chin with a firm grip and directs it upwards, pressing his lips against yours. The kiss becomes rough in a matter of seconds, his teeth sinking into your lower lip, backing you up until you’re in front of the bed. You pull at the white beer-stained fabric of his shirt and whine against his mouth, having to stand on the tips of your toes just to reach him properly.
He’s laughing when he pulls away, shoving you back onto the pale blue comforter. You narrow your eyes irritably, offended that he apparently found your kissing techniques to be amusing. “What’s so fucking funny?”
Billy’s expression sterns at this, taking hold of your jaw so you’re unable to break contact with him. “I’d suggest watching your tone with me, sweetheart.”
He lets go, leaving you panting like a dog, but you manage to contain yourself before he notices. You lean back on your palms, crossing your leg to show off the underside of your thigh as you survey him with doe eyes. “Then explain why you were just laughing at me!”
“S’nothing, really,” he says, the corner of his lips twitching upwards as he tries to stifle a smirk. He knocks you onto your back with a quick prod to your shoulders, bowing down so he’s looking at you from above. He pets your thigh where the seam is currently hiked up, “I just love it when bitches get all worked up for me.”
You scoff, but your brain seems to have short-circuited, leaving you without any ideas for a witty comeback. His statement should have offended you, but instead it ignites a warm, tingling sensation in the pit of your stomach and somewhere else familiar to you.
Clearing your throat, you choke out a puny, “I wasn’t worked up.”
As if on cue, the tips of his fingers make abrupt contact between your legs, where arousal has apparently begun to seep through the fabric of your underwear. Your face flushes when you hear him gasp lowly, his fingers stroking you up and down to assess the damage for himself; your hands fly to your face to hide yourself in shame, but Billy doesn’t make any effort to hide his smugness. “I mean, I dunno, (y/n). I think your panties beg to differ.”
You close your thighs around his hand instinctively, which he obviously doesn’t like, because he grabs both of your knees and forces them apart again.
“You’re gonna fucking lie to me, huh?”
He’s awaiting a response, his nostrils flaring menacingly as his head cocks to one side. You’re intimidated but insanely turned on, even more so when you see his jaw clench at your immediate silence.
“I didn’t mean to lie, Billy,” you say slowly, keeping close watch on how his expression changes (it doesn’t, not really, and somehow that’s more unnerving than any other way he could’ve reacted). “I guess I just didn’t like how cocky you were being.”
“Oh, you didn’t like it.” His tone drips with sarcasm, threading his fingers through your (texture) hair to jerk your head up sharply. “Then why the fuck is your pussy so wet?”
Oh, fuck. You struggle a little under his tight grasp, but not enough to actually make a difference. He stares you down coldly as his hand returns to your underwear, reaching inside this time to actually touch you without a barrier of cotton in the way.
He starts to rub your pussy in unceremonious patterns, and your breath catches in your throat when his palm presses hard against your clit.
“Hear that?” He pushes one finger inside of you and pumps it in and out lazily, producing a crude, wet noise. “That’s the sound of a bitch that’s worked up.”
He laughs, letting your head drop back down against the bed. You’re humiliated, but some part of you wants to see how far this will go, how far he’ll take you from reality. Billy is bigger than you, and stronger than you by far, but even still as he manhandles and overpowers you, you strangely don’t feel unsafe. In fact, you feel almost euphoric.
“Nothing to say? Huh?” He adds a second finger and quickens the pace of his thrusts, sitting down beside you. “Nothing at all?”
You’re too busy moaning to make any sense of what he says, eyes going vacant and glassy as they fix on the ceiling above. You’ve never been fingered like this before- it’s evident he knows what the fuck he’s doing, despite the lack of grace within his demeanor. He places his lips to your neck for a brief moment, teeth scraping the sensitive skin there until you let out a yelp, his free hand snaking up underneath your t-shirt and bra.
“It’s okay to admit that you’re a slut, you know. You really aren’t fooling anyone, anyway,” he continues cruelly, licking his lips as he palms and squeezes at your breasts. When he notices that your eyes are on the ceiling and not his face, he smacks your cheek. “Look at me.”
He stretches his fingers inside you, groaning inwardly at the feeling of you wrapped snugly around him, and you do what he says.
“Say it.” He moves his arm faster, curling his fingers with expertise to thrust against your tight inner walls.
You only get wetter viewing his stern features, the way his brows furrow in a mixture of focus and indignation. You poise a brow, though you’re really only half-lucid. “Say what?”
He takes his hand off your breast and slaps you once again, a little harder this time. It stings, and you huff in frustration, not knowing what you did wrong. “Say that you’re a slut.”
“Wha- no! I’m not!” Why you’re trying so hard to preserve a sense of pride that ceased to exist the second you agreed to accompany Billy to the bedroom, you aren’t completely sure. You don’t have the chance to figure it out either, because in the next moment his fingers are fitted around your neck.
His lips turn up at the corners, but he doesn’t really look like he’s smiling. “We spoke for the first time not even a half hour ago, and now you’re letting me finger fuck you in a stranger’s bedroom. You know what type of girl does that?”
You blink, fairly confident what his answer will be. “A slut?”
“That’s right,” he practically spits, releasing you from his hold on your throat. It hadn’t been enough to restrict your breathing at all, but if he’d applied just a little more pressure, you would’ve been totally at his mercy. It should be a frightening idea, but secretly, it arouses you. “A fucking easy, dirty, dime a dozen slut. So say it.”
“I-I’m a slut,” you say half-heartedly, which is a struggle, considering that he hasn’t slowed his pace at all between your thighs.
“Yeah? And what else?” He keeps his momentum going, at the last minute deciding to add a third finger with a satisfied grin. You cry out, hips wiggling as you attempt to adjust to the intense feeling, which hurts in a way you never want to end.
“I- I’m easy? And filthy, Billy.” His breathing seems to grow slightly more ragged when you say his name, but he doesn’t let himself falter; still, the lapse fills you with a triumphant sensation, and you’re encouraged to continue. “I’m so lucky I came across a man like you, Billy. Somebody who can teach me a lesson for being such a dumb little slut.”
You stretch the word man, assuming it’s a title he’ll appreciate.
He takes in a breath, eyelashes fluttering so subtly you almost miss it. You know you got him, even if he’s not letting it show. “You’re goddamn right about that.”
He adjusts himself so he can run his tongue over your swollen clit, pumping his fingers in and out of you as he does. Your fingernails grasp at the covers underneath your writhing body, back arching as your chest rises and collapses, a long and pitiful moan escaping the back of your throat. He continues until your head is spinning and you don’t know who or where you are, latching his lips around your clit to apply needed suction there. In your moment of incoherence, you still are able to steal a look at the man who has made you come undone with the smallest of efforts; he’s eyeing you from underneath a veil of dark lashes, and though his mouth is hidden between your parted legs, you can see traces of a smirk reflecting in his dilated pupils.
“O-oh fuck. Billy…” you reach out and grab a fistful of his styled waves, your hips pushing against his face shamelessly. He grunts at this action, using his spare hand to swat yours away.
“Don’t fuck up my hair,” he snaps, your arousal glistening on his chin. “And you better not cum without asking me first, bitch.”
You can hear the hot blood pumping through the veins in your neck when he says this; you grind yourself against him, not caring how desperate it makes you seem. “I-I’m gonna, Billy.”
He stops, screwing his face up like he’s deep in thought. “Here’s the thing, (y/n). I don’t see the point in making a bitch cum if she doesn’t do something for me in return. And you haven’t exactly done anything for me, have you? Besides whine like a little cunt.”
You gape back at him, but truthfully, you're not actually that shocked he would pull something like this. Why would a guy like Billy Hargrove give in so easily anyway? Especially when it’s apparent that he takes great pleasure in seeing you squirm.
“I can! I can do whatever you want, Billy.” You bat your eyes at him sweetly, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip in a display that you hope is seductive. “I’m a slut, remember?”
“You think I don’t know that you’d suck my cock?” He sits upright again, and you’re forced to hold in a full-on tantrum. All you want is to cum on his tongue, call out his name until your voice is hoarse and raspy. Why did he have to be such a fucking asshole!? “Every slut I’ve ever met loves to suck me off. They fucking beg me for it. But I don’t think every slut deserves that, y’know?”
“You’re saying I don’t deserve to suck your dick?” you ask in sheer disbelief. He can’t be serious right now, can he? It doesn’t seem like he’s joking, and all he gives you is a prolonged shrug of his shoulders.
“I dunno, (y/n). Do you?”
You figure what he wants you to say- he wants you to degrade yourself, submit all your self-worth over to him for the night. You start to shake your head, and he nods once, ushering you onward.
“N-no, Billy, I don’t. But I really, really want to, Billy. I would do anything to make you cum. I’d be honored to.”
He apparently approves of your choice in words, returning to the former harsh rhythm of his thrusting. He follows this up by nudging your thighs open further and dipping his head to align with your most sensitive area, rolling his tongue effortlessly against your clit.
You’re on the brink of an orgasm within a minute, gasping and bucking your hips in total desperation. “Billy- Billy, I’m…”
You cum, and right then, whatever you were going to say disintegrates into  a thousand pieces right in front of your rolled-back eyes. It’s loud, and embarrassing, probably, but you’re not in the frame of mind to think about anything other than the tsunami of an orgasm that’s encompassing every inch of your trembling body. Only when you’re limp and temporarily braindead does he remove his fingers from you, getting off of the bed and stretching his muscles like he just got back from working out.
“You definitely aren’t sucking me off tonight,” he says flatly, bringing his slick fingers up to wave tauntingly in your face. “Except for this.”
You wordlessly take them into your mouth and taste yourself, not resisting when he purposely pushes them back far enough to gag you. “Maybe some other time, if you’re good, I’ll let you. But right now, you’re still just a cheap whore in my book.”
He retracts his fingers from your mouth, dragging the mixture of saliva and cum down your chin before giving your face a chaste pat. “See you around school, (y/n).”
Then he leaves, shutting the door with one last devilish look behind him. You’re still on your back, barely having recovered from the orgasm Billy inflicted upon you mere moments before, but your mind spins wildly in the wake of his absence. You want him bad- to taste him, to be fucked by him. You don’t care if he treats you badly, or if he even cares for you at all; it’s illogical, but undeniable, the way your body reacts so naturally when he’s nearby.
If you were of sound mind, you’d probably be worrying about whether or not he was telling his friends about you, or wondering if anybody had heard your unabashed cries of ecstasy while Billy was doing his number on you. But you aren’t of sound mind; that much is clear as day.
You roll onto your side, limbs aching. You don’t have it in you to leave the bedroom yet, so you remain in this position for several minutes, merely existing.
For the first time in your high school career, you can’t wait for Monday to come. You have to see him, make him want you; it’s a game of cat-and-mouse that he’s strategically unleashed upon you, but you’re more than willing to play.
All you have to do now is plan your next move.
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creppersfunpalooza · 7 months
( @allergic-to-four-leaf-clovers )
*important disclaimer* i actually know very little about the following characters other than what the creator has directly told me. i’m going purely based on vibes.
COMING IN AT 5TH PLACE, WE HAVE RAYAN!! i love scars, man, i really do, and i also love soppy cats. so why is he so low, you may ask? because i do NOT 💥 think he should be mean to his fiance. come on my guy… be nice… spread peace and love!!!! peace and love!!!!!!!! put in some effort come on!!! put in the work!!!!! i know you can do it buddy you just gotta try!!!!!! pretty pretty please… anyways i do really like his design, its very simple while still conveying stuff about his character. like i dont know what he’s been through but clearly he’s been through a lot. but STILL 💥 BE NICE. 💥 TO YOUR. 💥 FIANCE 💥💥💥💥💥💥.
NEXT UP IN 4TH PLACE IS MADIR!!! i really do like madir!!! i know barely anything about him but once more i rlly like the details you mentioned about him. like he seems mildly unsettling and i love that for him. like you could probably find him in the woods just sort of hanging out. he’s a source of trauma but i honestly do not mind because at least HE 💥 would probably be nice to his fiancé. if he had one. i actually can’t speak on his behalf thats purely speculation.
IN 3RD, FOSTER!!!!! i don’t exactly know why i just think they’re neat. also hi in case you couldn’t tell i really like scars on characters 💖💖💖 love them they do something to my brain. and foster’s got a ton. i loove what you’ve told me about their backstory and they just seem so neat!!! i hope they’re healing now. even though. they’re probably not. because nobody is Allowed To Be Happy Ever. as a general rule for character making. anyways chewing on them and moving on.
it needs i need to put an ad here or else i’m getting fired. that’s what it means. SO HELLO!! DO YOU HAVE A WISH? DO YOU WANT A GOD THAT ACTUALLY LISTENS? THEN CONSIDER JOINING THE CHURCH OF OCELLUS!!!
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for the small, small initiation fee of a limb or organ, you too can have your wishes granted! help our god gain more power by having him help you! all you’ve gotta do is give us a little bit of yourself for each wish! and you know what? it doesn’t even have to be you! have a beloved family member, partner, or friend? they work too! just nick off an arm while they’re sleeping! they won’t miss it!!!! join today to get an additional wish!!!!!! and remember, Bless Ocellus’s Good and Generous Name!
(sponsored by the Church of Ocellus. The Church of Ocellus does not claim responsibility for any bodily injury or harm to come from this ad. Sacrificial ritual tutorials not included. Please check out your local place of worship for more details before committing any acts of mutilation.)
COMING IN 2ND… AARIN!!! boy oh boy my love of supernatural entities is surely not warping my bias here!!! they seem really cool honestly, even besides the whole angel thing. like woah…. you don’t wanna be a tool used for destruction? too bad! you’re gonna be used to burn down a house! lmao!!!! also i absolutely love aarin’s design. their scars(?) are so fucking cool i love the swirlies. auuygghh so normal about angel guys….. so so normal……….
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, IN 1ST PLACE…. ZURIEL!!! LET ME JUST SAY ITS DESIGN IS SO SO SO SO COOL I CANT GET OVER IT IT JUST LOOKS SO AWESOME. I love the gradients on the claws and the shape of the halo. once again, surely my bias and love for supernatural creatures is in no way warping my opinion!! it’s my favorite. also rare but appreciated and loved it/it’s pronouns representation.
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aajjks · 2 months
bet. let me cook ⚠️
“hey, what are—agh!!!” the black cat charges at the security guard before flipping him onto his back and knocking him out. she’s not here to start a commotion she just needs the black diamond and clear quartz crystals. she goes to the back of the store to shut off its security system and heads inside without setting off any alarms.
it’s easy. like taking candy from a baby but before she takes the black diamond she hears footsteps. she was sure she rid the area of any possible security so she isn’t sure how someone is walking around unless—
her thoughts are cut short by spider-man delivering a brutal punch to the black cat’s face which sends her through the walls of the crystal store. “wow” she coughs. “it’s unlike you to hit a lady. you wanna get your ass handed to you again?” the black cat smirks but spider-man doesn’t say a word. instead, he charges at the silver haired woman and uses his webs to prevent her from setting off any smoke bombs to escape.
the black cat scrambles to the top of the nearest building with spider-man on her tail. he uses his web to latch onto her boot and once it sticks, he lands on a building and uses the web to send the black cat crashing into another building.
the impact is painful and glass cuts through her latex outfit and her skin. as he closes in, the black cat throws a glowing red crystal which turns into lava but his spidey senses allow him to dodge it. she throws another and another before making her escape once again or at least attempting to.
he’s aggressive and much quicker than he usually is. could it be…the blood crystal?
using his webs as a slingshot, he quickly catches up to the black cat and tackles her on yet another roof. using his webs, he binds her hands and legs to the wall before giving the black cat another punch to her face.
“j-JUNGKOOK!!! JUNGKOOK!!!” she cries. “s-stop!!! STOP!!!!”
The sound of lightening doesn’t surprise him but, her words do.
His blood runs cold.
This woman knows his name. He’s pretty sure she knows him. OF COURSE, SHE KNOWS HIM.. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? WHO’S JUNGKOOK HUH?”
He tries to play it cool while he yanks on her hair. “I AM SPIDER-MAN, WHOSE REPUTATION YOU DESTROYED. AND I AM GOING TO TAKE MY REVENGE FOR IT.”
He laughs maniacally finally being able to control this black cat, now he just needs to unmask her so he can properly take his revenge but not before he discovers her identity because she knows him so maybe he knows her as well
“Aw black cat? You scared of the big bad spider hmm?” He mocks her, his face dangerously close to her now that she is finally in his trap.
The loud sounds of raining hit his ears and he grins.
It has started to rain too. AMAZING.
Jungkook lifts his hand up to take off her mask, he moves his face to her ear. “I’m gonna have so much fun with you tonight.” He laughs again before grabbing her mask.
But then.
Police sirens.
“FUCK FUCK FUCK-“” just as he exclaims the black cat manages to break free from his web, before delivering him a strong kick to the jaw.
She took an advantage of his distraction, fuck.
Jungkook moans in frustration before charging at her again but she’s too fast this time. And he has to escape too. “DONT WORRY STUPID BITCH I WILL CATCH YOU AGAIN!” He screams in anger before escaping before the police can catch him.
Even though he’s swinging in the air- the cold rain does nothing to calm his anger and frustration. It’s only soaking him more. “Fucking bitch I’ll catch you.” He growls, looking down on the ground.
Boring. This night was getting interesting but the police had to ruin it. “These people never come on time but whenever I’m there- they pop up from anywhere, fuckin parasites.”
Jungkook keeps looking down before changing his direction, he sighs, trying to calm himself down, after a few minutes of hanging out in the air- he spots a familiar face.
He smirks.
He latches his web on one of the shops and gets down on the ground. Blocking your view.
What are you doing on an empty way and why is it that you’re always in an empty alleyway.
“Hi pretty girl.” He is now standing infront of you. A rush of confidence surges through his veins. “You know… I missed getting punched by you.” He whispers.
Looks like the night is about to get very interesting, in more ways than one.
“Aw you’re soaking wet.”
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the-geek-librarian · 9 months
12, 15 and 25 for Vanica, Dante and Zenon :D
12. What's a Headcanon you have for this character?
Dante: He can't cook for SHIT. like as much as I love him (which is more then I will ever openly admit) bro can't make a sandwich or boil and egg so Vanica runs him out the kitchen with a wooden spoon. Also he can't drink. Homie is a lightweight and he hates that so much
Zenon: He really likes dancing! Though no one (except Allen) knows about it. Not even Vani and Dante. Plus he has a REALLY big sweet tooth, if their is a box of sweets in his field of vision he will leave nothing for the rest the siblings (this annoys Dante beyond belief )
Vanica: She is (somehow) a really great cook! She kicked Lucius out of cooking duty a month after she learned the basics. Dante has made the "Haha, your a woman and you cook" joke only once in his whole life because Vanica put rat poison in his food and uhhh it wasn't a nice experience. And she can sing too! Most of the time she acts like she can't just to annoy ppl
15. What's your favorite ship with this character? ( Doesn't matter if it's canon or not)
Dante: OHHHHHH BOYYYY UHHH. Sweet rat man, I love you (regrettably) but your ass is so fucking bitchless. The closest thing he has to a relationship is the fact that he is fuckbuddys with Lucifero, I won't count Yami x Dante as a ship bc it's literally just rat man being a weird ass mother fucker and getting his ass beat which is funny as shit. However I will say he is pansexual and he will get into a relationship with literally anything and anyone.
Zenon: There is only one correct answer. Allen x Zenon for LIFE. Because come on BC fandom that man is not attached to Wemon in any way, only thing he feels for them is fear bc of Vanica and his Mom. But moving on they are soulmate-coded and I will die on that, Golden retriever bf and Black cat bf
Vanica: Listen, all of Vanica ships are fucking soulmate coded ok??? (I'm dilulu shut UP) and I love them with my heart (except Vanica x Acier, not soulmate-coded but annoying cat x Tired mother of 4). I have three I would die for bc I am insane. 1) Vanica x Megicula and Vanica x Lolopechka really they give off SUCH old married couple energy I wanna DIE. 2) Vanica x Lolo x Gajah, it's the "We can fix her" mentality AND THEY SECSIDED THE MOTHER FUCKERS. They are very funny and funky but not everyone's cup of tea but it's ok.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Dante: My first impression was "OHHHH, he looks cool! (I also like the beard shot me) wonder what he can do" and now it's "Cring ass motherfucker pls stop being weird for the love of god (affectionately, I'm afraid), can you not have beef with an 18 year old?". Can you tell that I like him but wanna throw him of a clif?
Zenon: First impression "Emo boy, with a sad backstory incoming" I didn't care about bonehead at the start, I thought he had BANING magic but beyond that meh. And now "UHHH BABY BOY LIL WET CAT MAN BONE ASS IDIOT. can someone get this mans husband pls?" now I put him in my pocket and take him as far for house Zogratis as I can
Vanica: First impression "WEEEEEEE WEMON, IF HOT WHY EVIL???" I was uhh it was love at first sight honestly, same with Lolopechka so now I call them BOTH baby girls. Now "Oh baby- I would feel bad for what I put you through BUT I DONT SUFFER, then I wack her with the angst stick in almost all my Aus" really can you get more baby girl then Vanica? ( yes you can but SHUT up) she is both insane and has her mental health hanging on a thread, she really needs some tits to lean on and a tea to drink.
Thank you for the asks Cr!!
Asks for this are always open for any fandom I'm in!!
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