#if you cant tell naomi is the one i dragged through the gutter
idioticsky · 2 months
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You've opened pandora's box Wonder-
WARNINGS FOR UP AHEAD: character death mentioned, characters loosing limbs, implied child abuse and characters vaping
I have so many fan kids for fairytale man and I'll try to organize them by age-
Naomi's the oldest out of the six kids her parents have. She's a little chaos kid who wants to be a hero like her dad in a bad timeline while just wanting to run free in a good timeline.
In the bad timeline she follows her dad around as he throws out orders a lot while visiting her mom during her breaks in the med bay. She wants to make them proud of her and help them carry some of the weight on their shoulders- not really the best mentality for a kid though!
One day when she was seven a kraang attack happened on the base and she tried to show off that she could be strong to her parents by causing an explosion, making her lose her hearing and her legs from the accident. This also caused the base to collapse, killing dozens- including Danny and Donnie-
Naomi was separated from her family and was soon found by the kraanf and taken in and used in an experiment called 'project flower garden' because why not take something so sweet, like a child, and turn them into weapons. The whole point of the experiment was to see how the kraang could infect the kids with the kraang mutation to make super soldiers. They weren't treated the best and were even brainwashed during this to think the kraang were saving them and giving them a new home and life.
Naomi was the prize of that project and was a pretty powerful soldier. She was given prosthetic legs and hearing aids to make her a better soldiers and went on many missions during the seven years she was used in that project before Casey Jr., Michael, and two of their cousins (two ocs by my friends @skrapa-doodlzz and @ljgarts ). After that, Leo went out with one of my friends ocs name Celeste (also by Lj) to do what they could to take down kraang prime and their forces. During the big fight, Naomi is brought out to fight against her father, which causes Leo to hold back and try to get through to his little girl before she finally breaks the brainwashing before turning on kraang prime and killing him and passing out.
Leo takes Naomi back to what's left of the resistance before going to get her help, but soon realizes something: his loved ones are back and alive-
Yeah- when Naomi passed out, I made it so she brought back a few important people in her life because she's a witch like her mother without any of the training. She didn't know she could do this and didn't even know what she did, but it used a great deal of her magic which put a heavy toll on her body, so she's gonna be out for a while.
Once she wakes up, she's just trying her best to adjust to a normal life after the kraang war is over, and that's the basics for the bad timeline! I don't got too much for her for a good timeline though since I don't think of them often-
Michael is Leo and Danny's second born who was literally born from magic. He's a kind kid who can be a little dense, but means well in any timeline.
During the bad timeline he would do a lot of what Naomi did while also playing around with his cousins Izzy (also by Skraps) and Lena (also by Lj). He would train with his dad along side Naomi some days and really loves his family.
When he was five, the base collapse happened, but luckily, Celeste was able to grab him and regroup with Mikey, Leo and a few others. After that, Michael tried to check on his dad a lot more after the lose if his sister and mom. He wanted to be strong for his dad and be there for him when he would be upset, so he would hide his pain in favor of helping out his dad. During the seven years before he was sent to the past, he would train and help out where he could, but was never allowed on missions because Leo fears of loosing his son.
When Michael was sent to the passed to stop the invasion, he loses a leg and cracking his shell pretty bad after taking past Leo's place in the prison dimension, he's still dragged out like in the movie, but he's shaken up after that. He stays with the turtles for a whole before Lena, Izzy, and him get an apartment together. He starts healing a bit before finding out that Izzy started vaping. Michael promises to hide it, but soon follows her in starting to vape. He does quit after a while and ends up going to therapy for all the stuff he repressed and even takes up music as a way to help him relax and vent out frustrations. He's finally healing and being happy again.
I got more fan kids but this is way to long as is so imma just cut this here. And have some friend doodles of our sillies!
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Added a bit of fairytale cuz I care them<3
All the arts belongs to @skrapa-doodlzz and @ljgarts btw! I can't draw for shit, but I do got a few stories of these goobers I need to find and post!
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