#if you can't use it/have tried and it didn't work then sorry for rubbing salt in the wound
girlbob-boypants · 1 year
I absolutely agreed with the balding post. I have balding due to my testosterone injections and it sucks. Like looking in the mirror and just hating it so much.
I get that so bad. It's like. Devastating for a lot of reasons to see it slowly disappear. Hair is a form of expression, you know? And it so deeply affects the way people treat you in public.
And there's always that twisted feeling of existing in public that's just like "I know someone is seeing me and judging me for this" when there's something "wrong" with you. With how much society judges women for everything, women who have these kinds of problems probably feel that AWFUL tension everywhere. And god knows how hard it would be to get a job compared to others.
idk it's like. It sucks. For a lot of reasons. And yeah there's always ways around it but like. Rogaine doesn't work for everyone (and some people can't take it since it affects blood flow), wigs are itchy/sweaty, both of those options are expensive but cheaper than some of the other shit people suggest, and you're just stuck existing knowing everyone is going to see you and form a moral opinion of you because of something literally beyond your control.
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Hi! I love, your work, by the way! I was wondering if I could get a Tim x Adrien story. With a side of childhood friends to lovers? Like Tim and Adri met at one of the Drakes Parties? But also I want a side a relationship reveal, but with Class Field Trip to Gotham City salt. Also, also Tim and Adrien already know each other superhero identities.
Basically all of Lila's lying, Tim x Adrien's relationship, is revealed at one of the Wayne Gala's.
I have never shipped Adrien with anyone because I have zero grasp of his character and I gave this my best shot. I lost control of the plot somewhere and It turned into this monster. I know you guys might ask me to continue this but my answer is no. And Class Redemption because why not?
Ten-year-old Adrien smiled as the old lady pinched his cheeks. Even in Gotham, he can't escape the obsession old wealthy women has with his ‘chubby’ cheeks.
While she commented on how cute he was (at least that is what Adrien thinks she is talking about, he had slacked in his English lessons a little bit and she was using the English word for cute a lot), he scanned the lavishly decorated ballroom for signs of his mother.
She would be more willing to distract the nice lady than Père while Adrien made his escape. Instead, he locked eyes with another boy around his age.
“Help me!” Adrien mouthed to the other boy in English.
Tim was ecstatic at meeting another child his age at the boring gala his parents made him attend and concerned when they started asking for help.
Once he got a glimpse at who was holding the other boy hostage, he winced in sympathy. Ms. Milson may look like a feeble old lady, albeit dressed in more expensive clothing than your average grandmother, but her hands are like crab pincers which Tim had been the victim of many, many times.
Tim recognised the other boy as Adrien Agreste, French model for his father’s, Gabriel Agreste’s, brand. Said blonde’s cheeks were turning a worryingly red and Ms. Milson took no notice as she continued to coo about how cute he is.
Once Adrien realised that Tim was looking at him, he widened his eyes so comically and mouthed at Tim for help. His pleading green eyes, similar to that of a sad kitten, made Tim cave in to help despite the potential damage Ms. Milson will inflict on his cheeks.
 Tim sighed and tried his best to make sure his smile didn't look like a grimace, “Ms. Milson.”
“Timothy, darling, where have you been hiding? I have been looking for you everywhere …” Ms Milson babbled on as she predictably reached for his cheeks after letting go of Adrien’s. Tim tried to stay still and not flinch at her approach.
Holy crab pincers, Batman. It hurts so bad. Why was he doing this again?
Adrien, behind Ms. Milson, rubbed his cheeks and gave Tim a bright smile in gratitude which made Tim’s stomach feel funny.
Are all models this pretty? Honestly, he could see why Gabriel would openly try to break child labour laws and use such a pretty face.
“... and you have grown so big. Timothy dear, have you met this boy yet? He’s your age. His name is…erm….what was it again, dear?”
“Adrien Agreste, Madam,” he replied.
“Well, Adrien, this is Timothy,” she said as she pulled said boy’s cheek and Tim grimaced from the pain, “and his parents are the one hosting this lovely gala.”
“Ms. Milson, can Adrien and I go play?”
“Of course, dearie,” She finally released Tim’s cheek from her grip and gave it one last pat, “I remember when my boys were your age. Oh look, there’s Richard. I haven’t seen him in a while. He’s growing up into a rather smart young man. You boys go have fun now.”
By then, Tim had already grabbed Adrien’s hand and dragged him across the room, out of Ms. Milson’s sight.
“Sorry, about dragging you, Adrien. But if we don't get out of there, she will come pinch us again.”
“It’s fine. No cheeks being pinched is good.” Adrien said in a slight mix of French and British accent.
“I was afraid that you might not understand me.”
“I have a family in London so I learn it but there are some things about English that I find confusing.”
“Don’t worry, even Americans sometimes find the language confusing.”
They stood there and stared at each other. Tim used that opportunity to study Adrien. His blonde hair was well-combed and all of his clothes were all obviously Gabriel branded. So another reason for Gabriel coming was to promote his new line. 
“Do you want to be friends?” Adrien bursted out asking.
“Yeah,” Tim absentmindedly answered, deep in thought about his observations of Adrien before registering the question, “Huh, I mean, sure. We can be friends.”
“Adrien, what are you doing here?” A blond woman who is likely to be Adrien’s mother called out due to their resemblance.
“Mama, this is my new friend, Timothy.”
“Nice to meet you, Madam. My name is Timothy Drake. My parents are the hosts of today’s gala. I hope you are enjoying your evening.”
“Such a polite boy. But you don’t need to be like that with me. Are you boys having fun?”
“Timothy was going to show me around.” Adrien exclaimed, before lowering his head and quietly asked, “Can I go with him, Mama?”
Emilie smiled and bent down to pat his head, “Of course, you can, mon cher. Stay inside the mansion at all times. I will be staying in the Ballroom the entire time. Come find me when you want to go back to the hotel.”
“Okay, Mama!” Adrien smiled brightly, causing the funny feeling in Tim’s stomach to increase and his face felt hotter. Tim held out his hand (why was it sweating so much? ) for Adrien to grab.
Emilie tried to resist the urge to squeal as she watched the two boys walk away, giggling like the children they are supposed to be. She was going to persuade Gabriel to let Adrien keep in touch and be friends with the son of the Drakes.
Adrien tuned out Lila’s voice as he stared out the airplane window of his first class seat. Lila was also somehow in first-class and she was making as much use of it as she could. As soon as the seatbelt sign was off, she had spent every second of her time sitting next to him, stating that first-class chairs were big enough for two. All of his requests for her to go away fell on deaf ears. (Does she actually have tinnitus or is it selective hearing?)
Many of the other passengers had put in earplugs or headphones to avoid her but Adrien had not much luck as Lila stopped his every attempt to do the same. 
On paper, the class was on their way to Gotham City for their school field trip. As an Agreste, he got a seat in first class and unfortunately along with Lila, who by some miracle managed to get his father to get her in.
The truth was that it was just a cover for the Miraculous Court, who were sitting in business class along with the rest of their classmates, to get into Gotham to escape Shadowmoth’s scrutiny and discuss with the Bats about the Paris situation. For Adrien, it was an excuse to see his boyfriend, Tim Drake-Wayne again. Or also known as Red Robin.
The two boys had kept in contact over the years. Tim began to reach out more after he learned about the akuma situation and patiently endured Adrien’s crush on Ladybug. Luckily, one identity reveal later, Marinette and Adrien decided that they were both better off as friends. Marinette had long moved on from her own crush on ‘Adrien Agreste’ and in the suits, Chat Noir no longer flirted around Ladybug.
Soon after, Tim and Adrien confessed to liking each other and started dating in a long distance relationship.
After a long talk with the rest of the Miraculous Court, they agreed to let Adrien tell Tim about his identity. They thought that as a Wayne, Tim would be able to connect them to Batman and get them the help they needed. It hasn’t been long since the Court was formed and properly established. Between school and the akumas, they don’t have the proper manpower or resources to investigate Shadowmoth.
The second identity reveal was more chaotic than the first.
Adrien, transformed as Chat Noir, was nervously standing in front of his computer screen where a shocked Tim was frozen for the past few minutes.
“Tim?” Adrien asked worriedly, “I know this is a lot to spring it much on you and you might not believe it-”
“No. No. Babe, I believe you. It’s just… wow, my brothers are not going to leave me alone if they find out about this.” Tim looked down thoughtfully and tried to process the fact that his boyfriend wears a leather catsuit on a regular basis to battle.
“Tim, are you okay?”
“I am fine. So you are Chat Noir. I know that but my head can’t seem to get around to that fact.”
“Oh. Wait. Plagg, claws in.” Adrien said and a green light flashed over him. Tim takes a double take as the camembert on Adrien’s desk starts floating.
“On second thought, I think I should get some sleep if I am hallucinating floating cheese.”
“Tim! What have I told you about your sleep schedule.”
“Relax, Adrien,” a nasally voice was heard, “your boyfriend’s fine. He just couldn’t see me because kwamis don’t show up on cameras. Remember Kwami Buster?”
“Oh yeah.”
“Who was that?” Tim asked.
“Plagg, he’s basically a god that allows me to transform into Chat Noir. Cameras can’t seem to work on him and that’s probably why you think that there is a floating cheese besides me.”
“Right. Right.” Tim placed his head in his hands, “So to recap, you are a cat-themed superhero. Specifically one of the main heroes that are fighting that Butterfly Man.”
“Okay. And you are powered by an invisible god.”
“He looks like a black chibi cat actually. You can’t see him because of the cameras. I think there’s a picture Marinette drew of him somewhere. Hold on.” Adrien went out of frame for a moment before returning with a sketch of Plagg.
There were points in Tim’s life when he thought that things can’t get weirder and they did. His boyfriend confesses to being one of the heroes that the JL had been trying to make contact with for the past year but couldn’t, due to a frustrating combination of magic and politics. That is making its way to the top ten weirdest.
“Tim?” Adrien’s hesitant voice brought him back from his thoughts.
“I am fine, Adrien.” Tim reassured, “It was a lot to process but I believe you. You should be glad that I have made this line so secure that even Lex Luthor would have trouble listening in. I don’t think you would like your father knowing about this.”
“Oh thank kwamis. Well, the other reason I am telling you this is because I need your help contacting Batman. As a Wayne, you probably know how to do that. At least I hope you have a way.”
Oh. Tim wanted to laugh.
After many months of failing to get into contact with the Miraculous Court, an opportunity simply landed on Tim’s lap in the form of his boyfriend. Now, he had a decision to make.
“Adrien, I also have something I have been keeping a secret.”
“It can’t be that you are also a superhero, right?” Adrien joked, “Cause what are the chances that both of us are heroes.”
Adrien’s smile faded, upon seeing Tim’s completely serious face.
“No. No. No. No way. Non. Non.”
“Adrien, I am Red Robin.” Tim interrupted Adrien’s denial session. Cackling was heard through the speakers which Tim assumed was from Adrien’s floating cat god.
Adrien went silent for a moment before asking, “Who’s Red Robin?”
It was Tim’s turn to be shocked into silence. His boyfriend didn’t even know who his hero identity. Granted, he never talked about the Bats of Gotham in detail to Adrien besides mentioning that they ‘save’ him a few times and his family’s alter egos weren’t as public as the Parisian heroes. But still.
Tim slapped his hand to his forehead in despair, “My boyfriend doesn't even know who I am. Granted, I am not that much of a big deal but that hurts.”
“I’m sorry,” Adrien apologised, “I only know about Batman and his sidekick, Robin.”
“I’m fine. Don’t let Damian know that you called Robin a sidekick.”
“Your brother is Robin?”
“My entire family is in on it.”
“Is Alfred Batman then?”
Tim laughed.
“Come on, Tim. I want to know who he is.”
“It’s Bruce.”
Adrien felt his brain trying to process the information. “What?”
“Bruce Wayne is Batman.”
“Are you sure you are not making fun of me for being honest and telling you my superhero identity?”
“Nope. Completely serious. I am the hero, Red Robin. If you search up about the Teen Titans or the Young Justice, you will see my name beside them. I am best friends with the older Superboy and Kid Flash.”
They spent the rest of the call, talking about their alter egos.
After months of planning over video calls to somehow get most of the Miraculous Court out of Paris so they can discuss the Shadowmoth problem. A class trip to Gotham was what they came up with.
Adrien was jealous of Marinette, Kagami and Luka who went ahead of the class a few days prior, using Jagged Stone’s tour as a cover.
Marinette had came clean to her parents about Ladybug and they pulled her out of Dupont to be homeschooled. (The official reason was so she can focus more on her career since Jagged named her his favourite designer and she had more work. The real reason was so she can focus on taking down Shadowmoth.) She was there as Jagged’s costume designer.
Luka had persuaded his father to take a detour in Gotham so it coincided with the class trip and Kagami was a tagalong as Luka’s girlfriend. How they managed to persuade her strict mother Adrien didn’t know. 
Chloe and Zoe had stayed behind, partly because the sisters didn’t want to go to Gotham and partly so there would be someone to hold off the akuma until the others portaled back. The final three members of the Miraculous Court, Alix, Alya and Nino, were in business class with the rest of the class.
“Adrien~” The sickly sweet voice which felt like bugs crawling up his skin, called for his attention, “Can you tell this lady who I am so I can get my drink?”
There was an attendant who looked frustrated and tried her best to hide it behind a professional smile. Adrien knew that look all too well, seeing it on many of his co-workers’ faces when Lila was on set for a photoshoot.
“What seems to be the problem?” Adrien asked the attendant, a practised smile on his face.
“The young lady wants wine but we can’t do that because she’s underage.”
“See, Adrien, she’s being unreasonable. I already told her that I am 18 and I can drink.”
“Lila,” Adrien said gently, “I am sure the nice lady is working hard to make sure you are comfortable but unfortunately, it is the law in America that the drinking age is 21. She doesn’t want you to get in trouble.”
“But, Adrien-”
“ You can drink when we get back. It’s only for a few days. You don’t want to get kicked out of this trip for causing trouble. Right, Lila?”
“Fine. Can you get me a soda then?” Lila asked the attendant, who nodded and walked away in relief. (She was gonna tell the others to be watch out of the entitled girl in first class)
“And can you get out of my seat please?” Adrien interrupted, “I want more leg room to myself right now so I can sleep.”
Lila dropped her smile and her lips began to tremble, preparing to cry and cause a scene.
Adrien looked at where Gorilla was sitting. The bodyguard was getting ready to intervene if Adrien wanted him to. He gestured to show Gorilla that he had it handled.
“This flight will take hours and I think both of us having our own space instead of being cramped in one seat for that long will be more comfortable.”
“But Adrien, I want to be together with you.”
“And I don’t.”
“Adrien, how could you?” Lila started crying.
“Lila, we aren’t even dating. I don’t like you getting into my personal space. I only tolerate you because you are my classmate and for some bizarre reason, my dad deemed you good enough to be my friend.”
“I thought we had something,” Lila sobbed.
“Hey, girly,” a dark-haired man from a seat over snapped, “The guy’s reasonable in wanting his own space so quit your whining and get over your delusions before I drag you back to your seat and gag you.”
Lila immediately went silent and looked at Adrien with an expectant look. He simply tilted his head in the direction of her seat. Lila turned to find the man glaring at her.
Knowing she lost, Lila slowly went back to her seat.
Adrien sighed in relief and turned towards the man with a look of gratitude,
“Thanks a lot for the help.”
“No problem. She was getting on my last nerves too.”
“I am sorry that you had to deal with her.”
“It’s fine. Us bros got to stick together on things like this.”
Finally, peace and quiet. Adrien put on his earphones to listen to the playlist Nino had made for him and enjoy the rest of the flight.
Tim rocked his heels nervously as he waited for Adrien and his class to show up. Bruce had put him and Dick in charge of the tour of Wayne Enterprises for the Dupont class. Dick was there to do the actual tour guide duties while Tim was there to pass on the meeting details to the Miraculous Court by discreetly blending in with the class.
And also because he was a sap who missed his boyfriend. Jason and Dick would never stop teasing him about how he spent 40 minutes in the bathroom to get ready. Was it wrong to look good in front of his boyfriend who he hadn’t physically seen in 1 year, 3 months and 23 days?
The bus carrying Adrien and his friends finally arrived. Dick elbowed Tim in his ribs to focus because Tim couldn’t stop staring at his love. Adrien immediately brightened when he spotted Tim besides his brother. Tim had to wonder if Gotham was sunnier than usual.
Unfortunately, their moment was interrupted when a brunette girl latched onto Adrien’s arm, blabbering about why ‘Adrien-boo’ didn’t help her when she needed help getting off the bus. She reminded the Waynes of the gold diggers who would throw themselves at Bruce and only viewed him as a trophy and money dispenser.
Adrien had an uncomfortable smile as he tried in vain to make the girl let go of his arm. She instead doubled down and gripped harder on his arm, making him grimace. The rest of the class was oblivious of Adrien’s pain as they huddled around the two and cooing about how cute they look and underhandedly berating Adrien for not helping Lila out. Thankfully, the one Tim recognised as Adrien’s best friend, Nino, stepped in while his girlfriend, Alya, smoothly redirected the class attention to the tour.
Dick gave them a bright smile and introduced himself as the tour guide. He shook hands with the teachers while Tim made his way towards his boyfriend, careful to not be noticed. He found Nino fussing over the marks on Adrien’s arm a little bit away from the group who were distracted by the fact that they were meeting the eldest Wayne child, Richard Grayson. Seeing the marks, Tim saw red.
Tim was aware about the girl, Lila Rossi.
She was a manipulative liar who had been causing a lot of trouble for the Miraculous Team by trying to isolate Adrien from his friends and slandering the rest of them with false lies. She also nearly got Ladybug akumatized which made the over-stressed Marinette finally decide to tell her parents about the Miraculous to ease the burden. However, once her main target and who she perceived as a ‘rival’, Marinette, was gone, Lila was hell bent on making Adrien hers.
Gabriel, the only person who Tim thinks can beat his parents for ‘Worst parent of the year’, had employed that snake as a model because apparently she was a good influence on Adrien and the reason why Adrien’s actual friends are no longer allowed at his house.
Overall, Lila was a person that should be taken care of immediately. Already, Tim had formulated many plans to get rid of her, preferably somewhere as far from Adrien as possible.
While Dick started the tour and Lila left Adrien in favour of trying to gain favour with a Wayne, Tim sidled up next to his boyfriend who was in the back with his friends.
“Hey, love.”
Adrien lit up and hugged him, “Tim!”
Nino and Alya gave the two thumbs up before shielding the two boys with their bodies to give the couple some privacy and prevent Lila from seeing.
Tim hugged him back and gave him a peck on the lips, “Are you okay?”
“Great. I am doing fine.”
Tim did a small frown at the answer. He laced their fingers together and slowly brought Adrien’s hand up to his lips which made Adrien’s cheeks turn pink at the gesture.
“You made me promise to not lie about not sleeping,” Tim said, “So I wish you won’t lie to me about the wounds that girl inflicted on you.”
“Tim, it’s nothing.” Adrien tried to reassure his boyfriend.
“It’s not. I have seen this kind of thing on a lot of people from Gotham. I don’t want what happened to them happen to you too. People who leave these kinds of marks are bad news. Besides as your boyfriend, I have the right to be worried about anyone who hurt you. I want to unleash hell upon her but I am not doing it now since you guys suspect that she has a way to contact Shadowmoth. So what can I do for you?”
Adrien smiled gently, touched by his boyfriend’s sincerity and squeezed his hand, “I want Lila to leave me alone.” His voice, soft and vulnerable. “Everyone else in the class is pushing for me to be with her. Father is not helping. I wish he didn’t send Lila to breathe down my neck and report back my every move to him. I want to be able to relax without her hounding me when I want to be alone. I don’t want my arm to hurt because of her nails. I want to be able to hang out with my friends without having to sneak around. I wish I could say I love you to you in public and tell people I have a boyfriend without the worry that my father would lock me up in the mansion.”
"As you wish.”
Adrien snorted, “Does that make me Buttercup, Westley?”
“You are beautiful enough for the role,” Tim flirted, making Adrien blush.
The blond cleared his throat to recompose himself, “So about tonight?”
“We will meet you on the rooftop of your hotel.”
“Marinette, Luka and Kagami can portal over with the horse.”
Tim looked towards the group in front of them, “Would they notice if you were gone for a moment?”
“Alya and Nino would cover for me. I can tell Gorilla that I am meeting up with you.” Adrien said, wanting to know what Tim had planned.
“I can tell Tam to not let anyone into my office for a while. My office has a rather comfortable sofa. How about we spend some time catching up,” Tim suggested and he kissed Adrien.
Plagg peeked out of Adrien’s jacket pocket and interrupted them, “Hey, kit, if you are going to go lip-lock with your lover boy, I am going to join Trixx and Wyazz in blogger girl’s fanny pack. I heard that they were going to play cards.”
Adrien spluttered but didn’t refute Plagg’s request.
“Don’t cause trouble and I will leave some cheese for you to eat. Please behave, Plagg.”
“Yeah, yeah, just go enjoy your tryst.”
Adrien tapped Nino’s shoulder to grab his attention as Tim grinned. He texted Dick to drag out the tour as long as possible. 
Was it mean of him to throw his brother to the wolves while he go and make out with his boyfriend?
But Tim never had any guilt throwing his brothers under a bus and wasn’t starting now. He dragged Adrien into his office which he had cleaned every surface beforehand in anticipation of this and dear god, Heaven has never tasted so sweet.
Chat Noir paced back and forth nervously on the rooftop. It was easy to slip out when Adrien and Nino shared a room while Alya and Alix were the same and they had stuff pillows under the blankets in case one of the chaperones does a bed check. They managed to get up to the roof, unseen with the help of the Fox miraculous.
There was a slightly muted thud which he heard thanks to his enhanced hearing and alerted Chat Noir to the arrival of the Bats.
“Ti- I mean Red Robin.” Chat Noir ran and hugged his boyfriend.
Until he heard throat-clearing and realised it came from the Batman.
Chat Noir hoped that his embarrassment wasn’t visible as he slightly moved away from Red Robin.
“Ummm, bonjour, Monsieur Batman, sir. I- um We- errr,” Adrien stuttered under the intense gaze from Batman, “So anyways, LB called me and they were a bit late because Shadowmoth had the worst timing. Am I right?” He gave a nervous chuckle, “It’s one of the recurring akuma which are easier to deal with unless Shadowmoth gave them a power up. Which might take a bit longer. But they will definitely be here. Definitely. So um-” Adrien babbled, nervous because while he had experiences with Jack Drake and the Brucie Wayne persona, Batman was on a different level than the other two and he was losing his cool.
“Relax, Batman’s not going to hurt you.” Red Robin rubbed his shoulders.
Just then, like the miracle she is, a blue portal opened to allow three people Chat Noir was very happy to see pass through.
“LB! I am so glad you showed up.” Chat Noir hugged his best friend.
A cough came from where the two other heroes were standing from the sides.
“Sorry, I am glad to see you too. Viperion and Ryuko.”
“Yeah, sorry for being late,” Ladybug said in a professional tone, bringing her hand out towards Batman for a handshake, “Shadowmoth has been very active these days. Anyways, thank you for meeting us.”
Batman accepted it, “The Justice League has been wanting to make contact with you for a while now. Sorry that we haven’t been unable to find out about the situation in Paris until this year. We have monitored you from afar and I see that you have done a great job keeping the akumas under control by yourselves. What can we help you with?”
“Yes. First-” Ladybug stopped mid-sentence as she stared at Robin.
“Ladybug?” Batman asked, confused.
The heroine ignored him and glared at Robin who also looked confused.
“You!” Ladybug pointed at him menacingly, “Al Ghul, you fucking bitch. Why are you still alive?!”
Robin lets out a curse in recognition to which Batman reprimanded with a “Language”. “The same goes for you, Cheng. I thought you blew yourself in Taiwan,” Robin hissed.
“Whatever. You owe me for saving your life.” Ladybug retorted.
Chat Noir made a time-out gesture, “Hold on, you two know each other? And what is this about blowing yourself up, LB?”
Ladybug sighed, “I will give you the long story later but Al Ghul and I do know each other. That’s because we were once engaged.”
“WHAT?!” Everyone looked back and forth between the bird and the ladybug.
“Those weren’t rumours?” Red Hood said, voice filled with disbelief.
“You knew Baby Bat was married?” Nightwing turned his head towards Red Hood.
“I am not married, you idiots. Only engaged. Grandfather wanted to unite the power of the Chengs with ours so he proposed an engagement between the two of us.” Robin explained.
“The old man got too greedy. The engagement got cancelled and our clans had been feuding until the League’s fall.” Ladybug continued.
“Is this a Romeo and Juliet kinda thing?” Rena Rouge asked.
“Fuck no. I think we are cousins, something-times-removed through our grandmother or something.” Ladybug looked disgusted at the idea and Robin had a similar look of disgust on his face.
“And I am not marrying a child,” She added.
Robin scowled, “Just because you are three years older than me, does not mean you can call me a child. But I will express a similar sentiment about not marrying you.”
“That’s effed up. I thought Ra’s can’t get more crazy.” Red Robin shuttered at the thought.
“Hello,” Bunnyx cut in, “I thought we are discussing the Shadowmoth thing and not about what family problems LB and Robin has with the crazy grandpa.”
“Right,” Ladybug cleared her throat and went into details about Paris and what help they required.
“Monsieur Batman, there is one last thing I need to talk to you about,” Ladybug said, her eyes telling him that it was important. The others had left for patrol, joined by a few of the Miraculous Court so the Bats can assess the Court’s ability. The only ones left on the rooftop were Batman, Ladybug, Chat Noir and Red Robin.
“Robin, you can come out,” Ladybug called out.
“Tch.” Robin appeared from where he was hiding after he had done his rounds, mad that he had been discovered.
“Chat, how about you go with Red Robin? It’s not about Shadowmoth.”
“You okay, LB?” Chat Noir gave her a look of concern.
“I am fine, Chat. Just family secrets.” She gave him a small smile as an apology.
“It’s fine. I get it.” Chat Noir reassured her and turned to Red Robin, “So about this place you said you would show me.”
“Oh you are going to love this.” Red Robin grabbed his boyfriend tightly and grappled away.
Once they were out of sight, Ladybug turned back towards the father and son pair, “Okay, I lied. It was about Shadowmoth’s potential identity. I just didn’t want Chat to know about this.”
“And you used me as an excuse to get rid of them?” Robin asked with a raised eyebrow.
“A very convenient one,” Ladybug replied, causing another round of bickering.
“Back to what you were talking about. This information is somehow related to Chat Noir.” Batman cuts in to which Ladybug nodded.
“I wasn’t lying when I said that it was family secrets. This will break Chaton if he knew,” Ladybug nervously said, “Since I started home-schooling and getting the support of my parents, I have been using my free time and family’s resources to investigate who Shadowmoth might be. We already know that he is in regular contact with Lila Rossi and Felix Fathom, Adrien’s cousin, is aware of who he is. There’s not much evidence but the only one with the connection with the two is…” She trailed off.
“You already have a suspect.”
“Gabriel Agreste might be Shadowmoth.” Ladybug revealed before going into more details about her theory.
Somewhere a little far from the rooftop, sitting together on a perch, hidden by the shadows, Chat Noir covered his mouth with his hands as tears flowed down his masked cheeks while Red Robin hugged him tightly to offer comfort.
The saying ‘Curiosity killed the Cat’ could be said of Adrien.
There were many things he wanted to know. Everyone in his life had their own secrets and Adrien had come to learn that secrets were secrets for a reason.
Pushing Ladybug’s boundaries to reveal hers and her unwillingness to tell him anything had cost them their easy-going partnership and broken to the point of Shadowmoth nearly winning. It was then that they had their identity revealed to each other. Their friendship as Marinette and Adrien also took a hit.
Luckily, thanks to the two kwamis’ stubbornness, they were able to build their relationship to the way it was before although there was a bit of tension here and there.
Marinette learned to be more open with Adrien and other people instead of keeping it all to herself and Adrien learned to not be so pushy about revealing them and wait for them to be told when the time comes.
That said, Marinette’s family history is one of the things that everyone in the Court wanted to know about. They knew there was something off and there were times when something didn’t fit quite right with the image of a very friendly family that runs a bakery business. The Dupain-Chengs told all of them to keep it to themselves for their own safety.
However, the interaction between Ladybug and Robin had aroused his curiosity.
“Tim,” Adrien asked as they admired the Gotham skyline, “can you find out what they are talking about?”
“They still have their comms in so I can. I was going to do it anyway because I want to know what their deal is.”
After a few minutes, Ladybug’s voice can be heard through Red Robin’s ear piece which the two boys huddled around.
“...didn’t want Chat to know about this.”
“And you used me as an excuse to get rid of them?”
“A very convenient one.”
“What did LB want me to not know about?” Chat Noir thought out loud as the pair bickered.
“Back to what you were talking about. This information is somehow related to Chat Noir.”
Batman’s gruff voice cuts in.
“I wasn’t lying when I said that it was family secrets. This would break Chaton if he knew. Since I started home-schooling and getting the support of my parents, I have been using my free time and family’s resources to investigate who Shadowmoth might be. We already know that he is in regular contact with Lila Rossi and Felix Fathom, Adrien’s cousin, is somehow aware of who he is. There’s not much evidence but the only one with the connection between the two…”
Tim connected the dots about what the topic was about. He looked over at his boyfriend to find his cat green eyes watery.
“You already have a suspect.”
“Gabriel Agreste might be Shadowmoth.”
Adrien took in a sharp breath and choked. Tears started to fall. Tim caught him before he accidentally pushed himself off the ledge and held Adrien tight. Tim muted the comms and whispered a mantra of ‘It’s going to okay’ as he rubbed soothing circles into Adrien’s back. (A part of him idly wondered why the ones he dated have supervillain daddy issues.)
The next day, Adrien met up with Tim at the Gotham Museum of Antiquities. He had told Mme. Bustier and Gorilla that he was expecting to meet with a friend who lives in the city. It took a lot of work and Nino and Alya’s help to convince Lila and the class to leave him alone. Tim showed up in the middle of it and Adrien didn’t like the way Lila’s eyes lit up when Tim introduced himself.
“Adrien~ you didn’t tell me that your friend was a Wayne,” Lila gripped Adrien’s arm and leaned on it, “Why didn’t you want us to meet him?”
Adrien pushed her away and got closer to Tim instead. He positioned them in a way that used Tim as a human shield against Lila.
Tim  grabbed Adrien’s hand behind his back, hidden from the eyes of the class, and squeezed it in reassurance. He gave a glare to Lila who tried to make a grab for his boyfriend.
She took a step back at the sudden show of hostility.
The glare was replaced so quickly, that Lila wondered if she had imagined it, by the polite mask reserved for formal events and interviews.
“That’s on me. I told Adrien not to tell anyone about it. Didn’t want to attract unwanted attention and all that. The price of fame is big as I hope you will understand, Miss.”
“Oh, I am Lila. Lila Rossi. You might have heard of me.”
Tim lets his grin turn sharper, “Oh, I didn’t ask but I am very aware of who you are, Miss Rossi.”
Lila opened her mouth to say something, only to be ignored as Tim turned towards the rest of the class with a charming smile, “And if you guys don’t mind, I would like to join you on the tour.”
As predicted, Lila latched onto Tim while Adrien stuck to Tim’s other side.
Tim dropped his smile and gave her a cold look that can freeze the Sahara, “Miss Rossi, would you mind letting go of me?”
“You don’t mind Adrien touching you.”
“I have known Adrien since I was a kid. You however are a stranger and I don’t like strangers touching me.”
“But you are Adrien’s friend and his friends are also my friends.”
“Unfortunately, I don’t see the same and I feel rather uncomfortable with your advances. My boyfriend might not appreciate you hanging on to me.”
Lila made some excuses about Italians being affectionate and needing support in case she fainted due to her poor health. (No way was Lila letting a golden ticket go that easily. Famous people have paparazzi following them and a break-up might be bound to happen if there are pictures of Wayne with a girl in his arms floating around.)
The class backed her up but Tim wasn’t going to deal with this bullshit. 
“Well, if you are that concerned for your classmate, I have no choice but to help her out.” Tim sighed in defeat. Lila tried not to smile too widely and show her glee at the victory but the smirk on his face gave the girl an uneasy feeling.
The next minute, Lila found herself in a wheelchair pushed around by Gorilla while Adrien and Tim were nowhere to be seen and supposedly exploring the VIP section together which Tim had reserved earlier only just for the two of them.
Tim had gone up to the Receptionist desk and returned with a wheelchair that had an annoying squeaky wheel, muttering about getting better disability aids at the Museum. He managed to reason with the whole class that this was a better way in case Lila passed out and they would just have to bring her back with the wheelchair instead of dragging her unconscious body around.
Lila had tried to stop the boys from separating from the group but Adrien already had permission from his father to go hang out with Tim since Gabriel was not going to miss the chance to be on good terms with a Wayne. There was nothing she could do but sulk as she listened to the boring tour and cursed Timothy Drake-Wayne.
Meanwhile, Tim and Adrien were having a nice time, looking at the exhibition of the history of the entertainment film industry. Tim had used his connections as a Wayne to arrange the exhibition for their date.
After looking around for a fair while, Tim felt that it was safe to approach about what happened last night.
“So did you and Marinette talk it out?” Tim asked as he caressed Adrien’s face which had concealer on to hide his eyebags from crying and little sleep.
When Chat Noir and Red Robin returned, Ladybug immediately knew that they knew and took Adrien away for a private talk.
“I sort of get why she didn’t tell me. Like she said, there was little concrete evidence and it was just a theory. One of the many possibilities but just a little more plausible than the others,” Adrien replied, closing his eyes and resting his head on Tim’s shoulder while Tim wrapped his arm around Adrien to pull him closer. Plagg flew up into Adrien’s hair and purred.
“There is something else that is bugging you, isn’t there?”
“It just- It feels like she doesn’t trust me. Marinette had told me that she does but I can’t help and feel that way.”
“There was time during our first years as heroes and Ladybug thought that my father could be Shadowmoth because we found out that he had the Grimoire in his possession. Ladybug wanted to investigate it and I threw a fit because I didn’t want to believe my father could be the ‘bad guy’. Then, he got akumatized and we dropped the subject.”
“So because of what happened back then, you think Marinette doesn’t trust you.”
“From her point of view, I stopped her from pursuing one of the big leads we had since we began and I am the son of our prime suspect. It’s understandable if she wasn’t able to trust me completely.”
Plagg stopped his purring and somehow gave Tim a look that said, ‘don’t fuck this up’.
“I don’t think she thinks that way.” Tim soothed Adrien, “The way I see it, she kept it from you because she knew you would be hurt if you knew that Shadowmoth might possibly be your father and she was trying to have it confirmed to see if it was true or not by collecting more solid evidence. I would have done the same in her shoes.”
“You think so?”
“We love you, Adrien. Although her love is different from mine,” Tim kissed Adrien and touched their foreheads together, “we just don’t want to see you hurt. I already dated people with supervillain for fathers so this won’t change a thing. I will still love you because you are still Adrien, the one for whom I would give my everything to see you smile.”
“Tim, I love you too.” Adrien whispered as he returned the kiss.
“That’s my cue to leave. It’s getting to lovey-dovey here for my taste,” Plagg grumbled. The kwami was disgruntled to be ignored by the two boys and then took off through halls devoid of people for something to entertain himself with instead.
As time went out, the kisses became longer and heavier.
Adrien thanked Tim’s genius idea to reserve the exhibition just for the two of them. Between the vigilante work, akumas and the thousand miles between Gotham and Paris, they never got to do makeout sessions like this often and they were going to make every moment of it count.
When Tim and Adrien showed up from their own private tour, Adrien looked a little flushed. Alya and Alix wolf-whistled while Nino put his fist out which Tim fist-bumped.
After a few quick whispers, Tim broke off and walked towards Mme. Bustier with whom he exchanged a few words.
“Attention, class,” Mme. Bustier called, “Tim has some exciting news for us.”
“Thank you, Madam. So this is a last minute change to your plans and we weren’t able to confirm it yesterday during your tour of WE but you are all invited to our annual Thomas and Martha Wayne Charity gala this Friday, which is two days from now,” Tim announced, causing the class to burst into excited chatter.
“Since I know that you might not have brought along formal wear, we have arranged a shopping trip tomorrow and contacted your parents or guardians to send you money to buy something to wear. We will also arrange for you to rent something if you want. That is all.”
Alix leaned towards Adrien and whispered, “Dude, your boyfriend is awesome.”
“I know, right?” Adrien agreed.
“Thank kwamis that Fluff made me ask Marinette to make a formal suit for me a month ago.”
“I think my father hoped that something like this might happen and that’s why he made Nathalie pack a tuxedo. Just in case.”
“Do you know why he invited the entire class and not just you?”
Adrien put his index finger on his lips, “You will find out in due time. Tim told me to keep it a secret. But here’s a hint. It starts with a L and ends with an A and rhymes with Liar.”
Alix mock-punched his shoulder, “You are making all the single people jealous.”
Adrien just laughed.
On the day of the gala, Adrien found a suit delivered to his hotel room with a note.
It was from Marinette saying, ‘Tim ordered me to make this in a week. So you better wear it instead of what basic white monochrome piece your father made.’
Nino laughed when he read the note as Adrien opened the package to reveal a red tuxedo jacket with a gold floral pattern. Its collar and inner lining were black. There was a similar vest, a white shirt, a black bowtie and black suit pants. As he examined the suit, he saw robins and cats hidden among the floral designs.
[Dear god, help me how to describe clothes better.]
Adrien blushed when he saw the words ‘Property of Tim Drake-Wayne’ and a downward arrow stitched near the bottom of the jacket’s inner lining. Plagg and Nino both cackled at Adrien who buried his face into the jacket.
“Oh, camembert, Pigtails is evil. This is perfection. Why did Tikki get her and not me?”
“Quiet, Plagg, before someone hears you and comes in.” Adrien admonished him.
Plagg quieted down but snickers still escaped him.
“You have to admit that it’s funny.”
Adrien’s phone dinged and he checked to see it was a text from Marinette, ‘I better see you wearing it because I pulled three all nighters to finish it on time.’
“She must have worked a lot for her to be this pushy about it,” Adrien observed.
After changing their clothes, the boys headed down to the lobby after meeting up with Alya and Alix on the way. (Marinette had also sent the others MDC originals.) Only a few of their classmates were done but they all complimented Adrien on his suit.
The only chaperone following with them to the gala was Gorilla and the rest, including Mme. Bustier, had opted out for a spa day since the gala has good security and nothing to be worried about.
Soon, two limousines arrived and Tim came out of one.
The black-haired boy was wearing a suit, similar to the one Adrien was wearing except his colour scheme was black and the same green shade as Chat Noir’s eyes, instead of Adrien’s red, gold and black. However, his bowtie was a golden-yellow like Chat Noir’s bell. Adrien laughed as he realised that they were wearing each other’s colours.
“Tim!” Adrien happily greeted and hugged his boyfriend.
“Hey, Adrien. Your ride is here.” Tim resisted the urge to kiss Adrien’s hand. He couldn’t yet because of the Plan.
“Wait, we get to ride in a limo?” Kim asked excitedly.
“Courtesy of Wayne Enterprises.” Tim explained and then asked, “Where are the rest of you?”
On cue, the elevator door opened to let Lila and the rest of their noisy classmates out. Their chattering stopped upon seeing what Adrien was wearing.
“Adrien?” Lila sounded angry for some reason.
“Didn’t you say that Gabriel made matching outfits for the two of you to wear to the gala?” Rose piped up, confused.
Ah. So that’s explained a lot. The dress design itself was beautiful, made of purple silk and white laces and elaborate patterns. Adrien could say it was one of his father’s finer pieces. However, it still would have looked better on a mannequin than it would on Lila and just screamed expensive and pretentious. Adrien remembered the suit his father wanted him to wear and realised that it indeed would have matched the dress Lila was currently wearing.
Adrien straightened his suit and with the most innocent and clueless face he could muster, told them, “I was told to wear this one.” 
“Don’t you have another one? A spare one? One that is white?” Lila insisted..
Adrien tapped his chin for a moment as if in thought before replying with a, “Nope.”
Since he had enough fun out of Lila’s reaction, Tim clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention and announced, “Since everyone is present, it’s time for us to go.”
Lila’s complaints were unheard over the cheers of excitement as everyone walked towards the limos.
It went according to Tim’s plan when Lila threw another tantrum about not being in the same car as Adrien and stating there wasn’t enough room on the larger and more spacious limo the class was given while Adrien, Tim, Nino, Alya and Alix went on the other. Tim calmly explained that Adrien had only been allowed to name three people to go in the same car as him and Lila wasn’t on the list. Lila cried about her ‘Adri-boo’ not choosing her as she held Adrien in a desperate grip. However, Adrien had the courage to do whatever he wanted and face no immediate consequences since his father was thousands miles away in another country.
He pushed her off, “Lila, I never said this before but you make me uncomfortable. You may say that it’s because Italians are affectionate people or whatever but it doesn’t change the fact that I hate the feeling of you touching me everywhere. I also don’t like that you go around telling people that we are dating when we are not and you ignore me when I say not to do that. I also have someone else I like.”
“It’s Marinette, isn’t it?” Lila accused him.
Adrien rolled his eyes.
“Marinette isn’t even here. And no, it’s not her. He is someone very special to me.”
The class gasped in surprise at the reveal.
Adrien continued, “He listens to what I want and does everything to make me happy. He doesn’t care about my looks, or money, or fame. He only sees me as Adrien. Not Adrien Agreste the model. And I am very happy that he likes me back. So fuck off, Lila.”
Adrien hurried and got into the car while Lila stood there in shock. Alix, Alya and Nino quickly followed. (trying to hold in their giggles.) Gorilla got into the front passenger seat.
“We will see you at the gala,” Tim cheerfully waved at the class before closing the door and the limo drove off.
Camera lights flashed as they exited the limo and reporters tried to grab their attention. While the Miraculous Team was used to it as heroes, it was different from the attention they were being currently given.
The class later arrived and were mostly flustered by the reception. Lila tried to ignore what had happened at the hotel and just enjoyed the red carpet moment that she believed was for her. However, there was less enthusiasm from the sidelines than she was pleased with. But you have to take what you can get.
Suddenly, the reporters stopped their barrage of light when they were given a piece of news in their earpieces and they rushed to the other end of the carpet near the entrance where Adrien and Tim were posing side by side, with arms wrapped around each other.
Lila’s heart stopped when she realised what the reporters were shouting at the couple,
“Tim and Adrien, is it true? Are you two dating? How long have you been together? Why come out now?”
Tim raised his hand for silence and the reporters quieted down like obedient dogs eager for treats, “You must be talking about that post Adrien made earlier this evening so to answer your questions,” He and Adrien leaned towards each other for a passionate kiss which had Lila screaming internally in rage and the crowd roaring in delight.
“I hope that will suffice.” Adrien threw out before Tim dragged him inside. Nino, Alya and Alix rushed after them to not be caught by the media burning with questions.
Around Lila, the class was in a similar state and interrogating her if she had known or giving her empty words of comfort.
Lila wanted to scream but she didn’t want to look like a mad woman in front of the cameras and tried to hurriedly get the class inside. “We should get inside. Then, we can ask Adrien what this is all about. It was so mean of him to pull a prank like this without telling us.”
The crowd started up again when Jagged Stone exited from the next limo in all his rock and roll glory. He was accompanied by his son, up and coming musician and heartthrob for teenage fans everywhere, Luka and his girlfriend, one of the youngest Olympic gold medalist fencers, Kagami. They were followed by MDC, Jagged’s favourite and mysterious designer, a young prodigy in a fashion world and whom many notorious and tough fashion critics only have praises and compliments for. Many have tried to speculate who she might be but to no avail.
The reporters erupted a flood of flashing lights at the rockstar’s group, Jagged Stone, drawing most of their attention. Lila seethed that she was outshone and the attention she ‘rightfully’ deserved was stolen by someone else. However, since there were cameras everywhere, she couldn’t act out but just continued to smile and wave despite no one focusing on her.
“It’s Jagged Stone!” Ivan pointed out. Most of the class turned around to look at the rockstar behind them who had a look of impatience.
“Can you kids move? You are holding up the line.” Jagged said impatiently.
“Hey, dad. Luka. Kagami. M.” Juleka waved awkwardly from where she was standing next to Rose and Jagged’s face morphed into a smile.
“Jules, my daughter. Why didn’t you tell me you were in Gotham? I would have come to see you if I knew. Anyways, I am glad to see you….” Jagged chattered on as he hugged Juleka who fist-bumped with Luka as a greeting while in her father’s embrace. The rockstar kept on talking about meeting Brucie again.
“Hello, M. Stone.” Rose greeted.
“Rosie, hope you have taken good care of my daughter.”
“Of course. And these are our classmates.”
Luka cleared his throat to get their attention and said, “ Dad, how about we move along so the people behind us can get in?”
The former Kitty Section members felt a little awkward, considering they broke up because Luka didn’t like how the class treated Marinette and falling so easily to Lila’s lies.
“Sure. Let’s go, kiddos.” Jagged walked past the class with one arm around Juleka’s shoulders and the other around Luka’s. Rose and Kagami followed closely behind. MDC, who wore a mask to conceal her identity, didn’t spare a glance to the class as she sashayed past in her gorgeous blood red evening gown.
Lila felt indignant about being ignored and tried not to show it as she followed the other group, cheeks burning from humiliation. Luckily for her, the class was in awe of meeting one of their favourite celebrities to question why Lila wasn’t mentioned at all during the conversation.
And MDC, there was something about the way the designer stare at her throughout the conversation between Jagged and the class that made Lila feel uneasy.
The class stepped into the large ballroom, looking like they had stepped into a movie. Elegant crystal chandeliers hung from the ceilings, a pyramid made of champagne flute glasses, a buffet table laid out with mouth-watering appetisers to snack on, a fountain with a statue of a nearly naked woman pouring out water from her golden pitcher, classical music softly played by musicians from a balcony while rich and fancy danced, chatted and mingled among themselves.
Lila’s mouth was wide open in shock. The events she had been attending as Adrien’s plus one, thanks to Gabriel, weren’t as lavish as the one before her. While Timothy might be out, Bruce Wayne had adopted several over the years and she just needed to catch the attention of one of them. Then, she can go to galas like these all the time. With her becoming a legal adult that year, she won’t have to go through the tedious process of convincing her mother to move here. She could just apply at one of the local colleges.
Lila had unconsciously rubbed her hands together like a typical scheming villain which Sabrina noticed.
“Lila, are you cold?” Sabrina asked worriedly.
“I asked if you were cold. You seemed to be rubbing your hands together for warmth.”
“Don’t worry. It's just a little chilly. I am fine.”
“Well, the truth to be told, I still can’t believe what Adrien did earlier. What was he thinking?”
“About him being boyfriends with Tim?”
“Yes! He pushed me away and told me that he didn’t like me. Now he is kissing a boy just to prove a point.” Lila covered her eyes as if to hide her tears, “He didn’t have to go that far to hurt me.”
Sabrina pursed her lips and said nothing as she rubbed Lila’s back to comfort her. She exchanged doubtful glances with Mylene.
Adrien’s declaration of not liking Lila had given the class the realisation that they had never considered his feelings when plotting to bring the two of them together. Right now, seeing Adrien contentedly swaying to the music with Tim made them feel guilty about how they treated him and only encouraged Lila to get closer to him.
While the class might be gullible, they weren’t entirely stupid. The Wayne Gala was attended by many famous faces, many of whom the class admired.
After the initial starstruck awe of the situation faded away, it didn’t take long for the class to realise that Lila was ignored the people she claimed to know and have ‘helped’. Ignored wasn’t quite the right word. There was no hint of recognition when they look at Lila. Only smiling and nodding before walking away.
Then, Lila would tell them that the person was busy these days or they had something on their mind or she would backtrack and say that they weren’t as close as she had said. Lila really loved making excuses. Sometimes, the class had to point out who certain people are when Lila once claimed to have known them to be like ‘family’.
There was a sense of dread among the Akuma Class as the night went on. There was voice in the back of their heads that sounded a lot like Marinette whispering, “She lied. She lied to you. She can’t do what she said she can. She lied. She lied and you believed her.”
The doubts and suspicions built up. The class didn’t want to believe Lila would lie to them. If so, was she ever really the nice sweet girl they thought she was? While Lila went around trying to find a Wayne child to suck up to, the class exchanged quiet words about their suspicions.
“Guys, I don’t think Lila is who she says she is.” Sabrina blurted out.
“Oh thank human’s common sense, I thought I was the only one,” Max exclaimed.
He brought out his phone, “I had Markov run searches for if Lila had done anything she had said to have done in the past year based on Markov’s recordings of her claims. There’s nothing.”
“What? What do you mean, Max?”
“There should be at least some traces of Lila on the internet, like paparazzi pictures, a post mentioning or hinting at her involvement, some credit given to prevent copyright lawsuits or news articles on the events Lila said to have attended. There’s nothing. Not a single thing. I even told him to run facial scans on pictures of parties that many celebrities attended. Other than the ones that Gabriel was invited to, there is not even an accidental shot. Either Lila loves her anonymity so much that she will edit herself out of pictures which is unlikely given how much she loves being in the spotlight or she lied to us.”
“Marinette!” Mylene cried out in realisation, “She was telling us the whole time.”
“We should have listened when she told that Lila was lying to us,” Kim added.
“Oh my god, what have we done?! We made her drop out.”
Someone slow clapped, drawing their attention.
“I suppose I didn’t give you enough credit. You aren’t complete morons if you still have enough brain cells to work out that you were being played like puppets on a string.” Tim Drake stood before them, smirking like some evil mastermind about to reveal his schemes.
The class spotted Adrien hanging out with Luka, Kagami, a blonde girl in a stunning purple gown and an Asian girl in a gorgeous midnight blue dress.
“Tim. What are you doing here?”
Tim made a displeased expression and explained, “I was going to introduce you to some of your idols that I invited for this purpose and subtly shift the topic towards Rossi. One by one. So all of you will figure out that Lila Rossi is nothing but a lying snake. No offence to the snakes.”
“How do we know that you didn’t set the whole thing up?”
Tim rolled his eyes, “Oh please, some of these people have enough wealth of their own that I can’t even bribe them. It would just be a waste of everyone’s time. The most I did was just sent some invites and made sure that they would come. Can you believe how hard to was to get a hold of Tony Stark? And he didn’t even show up. I bet if any of you go ask any one of them if they knew Lila Rossi, they will say no. So either a whole lot of people are lying or your ‘friend’ lied to you. I don’t know why. For the popularity.  Fame. Or just some lap dogs she can use to get through school. I don’t know but I know that everything that came out of her mouth is not true.”
“Why are you doing all of this?” Ivan asked.
Tim held up two fingers, “Two reasons. Reason one is of course Adrien. He’s my boyfriend and I don’t want her around him. Reason two is also why I don’t want her around him. But first.”
Red heels clicked across the marble floor as they approached the group.
“Let me introduce you to the lovely Mademoiselle MDC,” Tim gestured behind him towards the masked woman who they saw with Jagged Stone earlier.
She removed her mask, revealing a familiar face that made the class gasp her name.
“Hello. It was nice seeing you again,” Marinette said in a way that reminded them of the evil smart assistant to Tim’s evil mastermind.
“We are so sorry,” Mylene apologised, “We drove you away because we didn’t want to believe you about Lila.”
Marinette gave her a small smile that didn’t look forgiving, “Save your apologies until this whole fiasco is over.”
She took out her phone and all of their phone dinged as they all received the link she texted.
“What’s this?” Kim asked as they all opened it. Sabrina dropped her phone in shock at the news articles about Lila’s past victims. Chills went down their spines as they kept scrolling, unable to look away in horror because this was someone they went to school with every day and smiled at them so innocently. They were all playthings to her.
“Lila wouldn’t. She wouldn’t do something like this.”
Marinette’s face remain neutral as she replied, “But she did. She just hadn’t had the chance to go that far yet. I got out before I became one of them.” Marinette pointed to the phones to show what she meant.
Suddenly, Tim and Marinette looked in the same direction and the class followed their gazes to Lila was making her way through a crowd towards them. Marinette put her mask back on and the two blended into the surroundings like they were never there.
Lila grinned, happy that Duke Thomas-Wayne, newest addition to the family, gave her his fake number. He was still a little green and awkward but she can work with it.
Now, today she just got ‘dumped’ by Adrien and got the class’s sympathy. She could play into that and milk it for all it’s worth for the last few months until graduation. Then, she could make an effort of moving on from Adrien and slowly introduce Duke as her new love interest.
The only problem might be Gabriel. He might terminate her modelling contract since she let something like Adrien’s boyfriend slip through. Once she managed to get Duke to be her boyfriend that problem might be easily solved. Bruce Wayne was said to love his kids, going to as far as to built a zoo for one of them as a birthday present. So if one of his kid asked for his girlfriend to get a modelling gig..
Lila sipped the champagne she managed to snatch from a passing waiter and mentally patted herself on her back. She drained the flute and made her way towards the class, a tad wobbly from the alcohol she had. She made sure her face was one of heartbreak and say she drunk out of despair.
However, the atmosphere around her minions were so chilly, that Lila almost immediately sobered up.
“Guys, there you are…” her voice trailed off upon seeing their glares. “What’s going on?” She tried going for meek and confused. The weak ones like Mylene wavered but Kim pointed at her with anger, “We know, Lila. Drop the act.”
“Know? Know what?” Lila tried to think, assessing the risk of keeping the act up or moving to another school and starting all over again.
“Lila, stop. We know that you lied.”
Lila stopped like they asked and grinned so smugly that the class felt like there was someone else instead of Lila in front of them.
Lila opened her mouth and hell broke loose.
A year later, Adrien laid in Tim’s arms and sighed in contentment. Finally peaceful days were upon them. With Batman’s vast resources, they were able to confirm Shadowmoth’s identity as Adrien’s father. The final fight was not only physically exhausting but emotionally draining considering who he had to fight. Both Marinette and Tim offered the option for Adrien to sit out since it might be painful for him while Tim fights as Chat Noir on his behalf. To which, Adrien declined.
In the end, he got another closure of what had happened to his mother and buried her. The Waynes helped with the media fallout of him being Shadowmoth’s son. Adrien was seen as Shadowmoth’s naive and sheltered son who had no idea what his father id although there were still some wary eyes when he goes out in public. He had donated most of the wealth Gabriel spent decades accumulating to akuma relief and therapy for the trauma his father caused the whole city. He only kept the amount that was left by his mother for college and savings to use until he found a source of income from a job he likes doing. 
The Miraculous Team announced their retirement but agreed to come back if the Justice League calls on them.
Marinette had gone to the Order’s Temple to complete her guardianship training and kept them updated with a reassuring text once a month. Luka and Kagami were engaged while Alya and Nino were each focusing on their careers and college before deciding to get married or not. Alix was the only one of them still using her Miraculous to do Bunnyx stuff. Chloe and Zoe were kicking ass and taking name as the Bourgeois sisters. A pair more terrifying than their mother.
The Akuma class or the part of the class that listened to Lila were steadily getting their lives back on track after the number the she-devil had inflicted on them.
As for the Italian herself. She was nothing but a distant nightmare.
The night of the gala of where she was exposed, it was attacked by Two-Face and Lila got shot while trying to escape. Luckily for her, she was only shot in the leg and just  needed a surgery and weeks of physical therapy. Lila was very upset about her perfect body being marred and the bloodstain on the expensive dress. The class gave her the cold shoulder so she had no one to help her with her very real disability as she recovered.
Lila’s mother went to the school to complain about how her daughter got shot when she was reassured that Lila would be safe and all of Lila’s lies came to light. Turns out Signora Rossi was aware of her lying habits but not that she had Lila was capable of forging her parent’s signature on documents and doctor’s notes, and the many months she skipped schools. That day, Signora Rossi came home to a anonymous thick manila envelope that contained evidence of Lila bullying and harassing people from the her past school and until now. The akuma fight was a tough battle but the Miraculous Team managed to defeat her within an hour.
By the end of next week, Lila was gone and Tim investigated into the matter to see she had been sent to some disciplinary school.
 Life was peaceful..
Until a portal opened up in front of the couple and spat out a very young black haired kid with green eyes dressed in a cat suit who looked at Tim and Adrien with wide eyes and said, “Papa? Daddy?”
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October Prompt #2 - Apple Scent
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I can't breathe, I tried inhaling but my mouth felt dry as if feathers were shoved in my throat.
What is going on?
I opened my eyes and honestly, to no surprise, it wasn't feathers, but the thick black coat of my cat. I moved my face and gasped for hair.
"Girl, one day I won't wake up and it'll be your fault. Nobody will feed you then"
"Yeah, yeah. Come on." I sat up, rubbing my eyes. Blurry vision I looked at the clock. 8:56am. These mornings were ideal. No alarm, no kids yelling, the sun being the only light in the house, it was peaceful. Minus being suffocated, but I digress.
While Bruja swirled between my legs, we made our way to the kitchen. While the coffee was brewing I started on Bruja's breakfast. Of course she had to sing to me the entire time to make sure I didn't forget she was there. By the time she was eating, I had finished making my morning cup and that's when it hit me. It's October 1st. The witching month, the time where the veil is so thin I could reach my hand through it, the time where I get to bake all day, every day, and have no on to stop me, where I can craft as much as I want.
"Bruja!" she jumped but continued eating, knowing I'm just going to go on a rant. "We're already behind! Let's start the morning of with a simmer pot!" I looked around and realized, I haven't picked anything for a simmer pot. What kind of witch was i? Setting my mug down, I half ran to the back door. The air was crisp and cool. Without any care in the world, I shoved my boots on my bare feet and got to work. Oh if the neighbors could see me now. Nothing but boots and an oversized sweater on.
I heard Bruja meow with every step as she ran towards me.
mow mow mow mow mow
"Oh how dare I start without you?" I rolled my eyes as I set the step stool down. "We're doing apple this year, do I hear any complaints?" I looked down to see her just sitting and staring at me.
"Good!" Filling a large basket with apples, sticks, and leaves, I decided that I would definitely have left over apples for baking. Bruja leading the way, we waddled back into the kitchen and started our large pot to boil over the fire. We were classy, we still used our fireplace to do our cooking. Chopping sounds and hums filled the home. In went the apples, sticks and leaves, don't forget the cinnamon for luck, salt for protections, and cloves for abundance. It took no time at all for the scent to fill the entire home.
"Oh this is just lovely, Bruja!" I sighed
"I thought you'd agree." Picking up an apple, I noticed I had a lot left over. With that, we made an apple pie, and even decided this year to sell poisoned apples for those who pay the big bucks. The apple scent was slightly overwhelming but definitely worth it. Once everything was said and done, I wiped my hands and smiled.
"I am so happy with how things were coming along so far!"
Ring, ring. Ring, ring.
"Hello? This is she. Oh, now you decide to listen to me about your husband. Girl, I told you he's been cheating on you. Not only did I tell you, but so did the tarot reading. Sorry, the last 6 tarot readings. Mhm, mhm. Okay yeah, well I just made two so far." I fiddled with an apple, "Yes, yes. Come on down, same price. Tomorrow? Okay, you too."
"Not even an hour has gone by and finally Melissa is coming to pick up a poison apple."
"I know! We tried telling her!" I exclaimed and took a bite of the apple I was fiddling with, "oh, oh no."
Same time tomorrow, Melissa came by. No answer at the door, no answer to her phone calls. Just the yummy scent of apples, flowing through the cracks of doors and windows.
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imthepunchlord · 3 years
YO did you hear about that Rising Flag cameo mess in Ephemeral?? Like, not only is that mad disrespectful to Korean viewers, who have complained to Thomas Astruc on Twitter only to be blocked, because of fucking course that was his response, and just disrespectful to Korean people in general, but the fact that ML was first produced under a Korean animation company only rubs more goddamn salt in an already festering wound?? Like, what type of bigoted, backstabbing bullshitery is this??? The HELL???
I did. It was a big wtf.
From a friend who did watch it, that flag wasn't even a must include. Why not just use Japan's current flag? Who approved of that? Or did no one in the crew know about it? If the latter, it really backs that these guys shouldn't be working on a show about diversity (which ML was built up to be) if they're going to be unaware of what they're putting in.
And then the response to this.
You do not go and block people coming to you about this very offensive and painful symbol. You apologize. You do what you can to fix it immediately. You don't block people because they're rightfully angry and coming to you about this. You're the show's creator. I can't remember if he's directing it right now, but you're THE face of the show. You're the spokesman about it. And how he's always responded to fans has always been immature, but this is just a whole new level.
And to add to the drama, the person that Marc is based on, either called Thomas out or tried to talk to him about it, I'm not sure, but Thomas had blocked them too. So, any Marc fans, I'm sorry if it happens. Knowing how petty Thomas can be, chances are good that Marc might disappear from the show. I wonder if they may even go so far as to change up Marc being a hero as everyone speculates.
Either way, this is incredibly shitty. And we can't say if this was done in ignorance or if it was even done intentionally, either way its upsetting. It's upsetting for the Korean fans who have a bad history with it, and its upsetting for others that this hurtful symbol was included and a certain group of fans got to be hurt by it. And then the response to just block them when they come about this...
No one deserves this treatment.
To the Korean fans, if any are reading, I am sorry that that symbol was included. I am sorry that the creator is such an immature asshole in response to it. Cause that is not ok. And blocking hurt and upset people in response to it is not ok.
Only thing that can be done right now is spreading the word of this. Here is the original post that I discovered this. Only thing to hope is that this becomes a big enough outcry that Thomas or ZAG has to respond or that the popularity of the show gets damaged. It's always been racist but this is a whole new level, both in either their ignorance, intentions, or just didn't care about their viewers, and the response to it. Yeah, spread the word. This shouldn't be brushed under a rug and ignored.
It's not cool.
It's a big what the hell.
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
Isn't She Lovely?
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"Please, please go to sleep" I whispered desperately, as I rocked back and forth in the small room. Gracie our one month old daughter was distraught, I'd tried everything feeding her burping her, changing her, laying her down, rocking her and still she was crying. I was at the end of my wit and I really didn't know what to do. To make matters worse Shawn, the love of my life and husband of six months had gone out for the day with his little sister and even though he told me before he left to call if I needed abything, I was reluctant. This was his first full day off from work as an E.R. doctor in almost a month. Normally he'd spend the day with me and Gracie and he'd tried to do the same thing today, but I was insistent when his sister contacted him that he spend the day with her. The last thing I wanted was to get in the way of that.
But I was really starting to regret it now. It felt like no matter what I did, nothing would stop the unchecked sobs that left poor Gracie's mouth, her face was red and blotchy from the tears and her skin clammy from the force she was exuding.
"Sshh, sshh," I lulled, trying to comfort her, but it was no use, my voice could barely be heard over her cries. Finally I gave up, placing her in her crib which only caused her to cry harder and went down stairs to find the formula which we kept on hand for times like this when there was no other solution. For some reason she always seemed to settle when she was fed formula. Strange, maybe, but it worked, and I wasn't about to say no to something that might calm her down. We were both exhausted.
I made the bottle quickly rushing around the kitchen, conscious of the fact that she was upstairs squawking her little head off. I was just heading back up stairs when I remembered her dummy on the counter and turned back to get it,but there must have been water on the floor from when I was rinsing the bottle that I'd somehow missed, because the last thing I was aware of was falling and not being able to catch myself, whacking my head on the counter,landing harshly on the floor and then black.
The next thing I was aware of was the vague sound of a lock being turned and then a shadow in the doorway to the kitchen which I couldn't quite make out in my hazy state before a frantic voice yelled out, way to loudly for my pounding head,
"Shawn, you need to get in here now!"
There was the sound of quick footsteps, only making my head hurt more, before Shawn was squatting down so his face was level with mine. I had never seen him look as worried in all the time I'd known him than he did right now. His brows furrowed, mouth tipped slightly downwards as he studied me.
"Baby, what happened? Why is Gracie crying? Are you okay?" he fired question after question at me, but my brain was still too frazzled to take much in.It felt like when you wake up from an extra long nap and you're all disoriented. And all I could take in was pain, both my head and side were throbbing and I couldn't help but hold my side around my ribs in a weak attempt to stop it hurting.
The look of concern only grew at my silence. Finally the gravity of the situation actually hit me and it all came flooding back, Gracie's crying,my unsuccessful attempts to pacify her, the kitchen and my fall.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I sobbed into his chest, tears now streaming down my face. "It's okay baby, tell me what happend? Aaliyah would you go and get Gracie please?" he asked, looking up at her from the floor.
She nodded, and left the room quickly ,leaving us alone momentarily.
"I'm so sorry," I continued to mumble into his chest between sobs as Shawn rubbed soothing circles into my back, waiting patiently for me to calm down enough to explain what had happened. I must have looked like a complete mess.
"Baby, I'm not mad, I promise," he whispered leaning back again to look at me. "I'm just worried, you scared me so bad," he admitted, kissing the top of my head. "Now what happened?"
I just looked at him still feeling overwhelmed and guilty. How could I let this happen?
"Tell me what happend?" he whispered again, brushing the hair out of my face.
"I was coming down here to get the formula, she's been crying all day, and I'm so tired and sore Shawn!" I hiccupped.
"Why didn't you tell me, honey? You should have called or texted," he half scolded, but I could tell his heart wasn't in it.
"And I feel so stupid, I can't even get my own baby to feed properly and she's crying all the time, and my scar is excruciating," I cried. My C-section scar had been hurting for a little over a week now and when I'd looked at it, it looked red and I knew it was probably infected, but I was too scared to do anything about it, so this was the first time Shawn was hearing about it.
"Hey, the last thing you are is stupid, I don't ever want to hear you say that again," he spoke fiercely. "You are the mother of my child and the love of my life." He kissed my hair softly.
"Can I have a look?" he asked, moving to lift my top up.
I nodded, letting him know it was okay.
He lifted the fabric and there was the scar looking more red and angry than ever.
"Baby, why didn't you tell me?" he asked searching my face. The worst part wasn't the pain I was in, but the fact that he looked genuinely hurt that I hadn't asked him for help. I really couldn't tell you what had stopped me, but the way he looked at me now made me feel so guity. I let out a whimper as he gently touched the area surrounding the wound testing for I don't know what.
"Baby this is infected. You'll need antibiotics and cream for this," he explained, moving to sit on the floor in front of me, taking my hands in his.
"Promise me next time, you'll tell me okay. Even if you think it's nothing okay. You know I'm always here for you." he squeezed my hands gently as he spoke. I nodded not trusting my voice as I felt a new wave of tears coming.
"I didn't want to worry you, you were out with Liyah, and I didn't want to bother you." I paused unsure of how to go on.
Thankfully he seemed to understand and broke the silence for me.
"You've knocked your head on something honey, you've got a small cut above your left eyebrow." He reached up to the bench grabbing the kitchen towel roll and tapping at my face gently, before showing me the red paper.
"It's not as bad as it could be, but I'll still need to clean it."
"I can do it," I insisted. He frowned, clearly disapproving. He knew I didn't like it when he went all medical on me.
"Lilah, no offense baby, but you're in no state to be doing anything medically related right now. You're clearly exhausted, you've hit your head and from the way you're holding your side I'd bet you've bruised a few ribs."
"Come on, let's go into the bathroom and we'll get you cleaned up and you can have a nice long bath, with some Epsom salts and I'll see about getting you on some antibiotics and cleaning your scar okay?" he smiled encouragingly.
I went to open my mouth, but he stopped me mid-word, holding his finger to my lips with a smile. "No buts, I know you don't like it when I worry, but it's my job, both as your husband and as a doctor, please let me do it."
He led me into the bathroom, helping me to sit down on the closed lid of the toilet seat, before reaching up into the cabinet and pulling the giant first aid box down.
"You know," he spoke as he opened it up and surveyed the contents for a moment. "Asking for help doesn't make you a bad mum. If anything it'll make you an even better mum- if that's even possible," he smiled. "Because you will have the support there when you need it. Me your mum, my mum even are Aaliyah are all here for you Lilah."
I dropped my head as what he was saying sank in. I could have avoided all of this if I'd just swallowed my pride and asked for help.
"I'm sorry," I whispered again.
"Baby, you don't need to be sorry," he murmured coming over to stand in from of me holding what looked like cotton swabs. "Head up for me honey," he spoke, tapping under my chin with his pointer finger.
I lifted my head as he asked and made the mistake of looking him in the eye. That was all it took for another round of tears fuelled by exhaustion and humiliation to well up as I faught to stop them falling again.
"I'm just going to wipe the blood away so I can see the cut a little better okay?" he asked, stepping closer so his legs were on either side of mine. I nodded, trying to be brave.
Once he'd cleaned by head up and placed a plaster on it for good measure he turned his attention to my scar. "Lift your top for me again Princess?" he asked as he turned to get more cotton swabs, disinfectant and cream from the box.
"This is going to sting, I'm sorry honey," he warned as he poured the yellowish liquid onto one of the swabs and moved to pull the fabric of my shirt up further."Ready?" he asked, watching me carefully.
I nodded,clenching my fists. "Try to relax honey," he encouraged, dropping my shirt and placing a comforting hand on my thigh instead.
Sure enough as soon as the liquid came into contact with my skin I wanted to scream.
"Deep breathes Lilah," he encouraged as he wiped the area a few times. "Nearly done."
I tried my hardest to not move, but I couldn't help he whimper that slipped through my lips. Shawn frowned, his hand giving my thigh a slight squeeze.
"What do you want to have for dinner tonight bub? I could do Carbonara?" I knew he was trying to distract me from what he was doing, but I was greatful. It gave me something to do other than focus on the intense burning that was still eminating from my stomach.
"That would be nice," I smiled, I could feel my stomach rumbling at the thought.
"Okay, we'll do that and we can have a movie night how does that sound?" he asked as he finally removed the swab,and placed it in the bin.
"How you feeling Lilah?" Aaliyah asked a few minutes later, stepping into the bathroom as Shawn wiped some soothing care onto the area.
Gracie was now asleep in her arms, no hint of the earlier upset apparent on her face. She looked like a sleeping angel.
Shawn placed the cream on the counter and went over to take Gracie gently from his sister kissing her softly on the head as she fidgeted slightly getting comfortable in her daddy's arms. I could just make out him speaking softly to her, " I heard you've been giving your mommy a hard time little lady, maybe save that for when daddy's home so we can play two man defense," he whispered.
I couldn't help but laugh at the way he spoke as though she could understand everything he was saying.
"Hey, who said you could listen in, this is a private conversation between me and my girl." he hugged her closer to his chest a fake scowl on his face as she grabbed a fist full of his shirt in her sleep,
"She's half mine," I quipped back with a grin.
"Touche," he smiled, rubbing the bridge of her nose with a feather light touch watching as she scrunched it in response.
"How about you take a bath honey, I'll start getting dinner going," he suggested as he carefully passed Gracie back Aaliyah.
"But what about Gracie?" I asked.
"Her aunty has her hey baby," Aaliyah smiled down at Gracie from the doorway.
I smiled, I knew that between Aaliyah and Shawn they could handle her, so I nodded and they both left, though Shawn not before placing a soft kiss to my temple and whispering an "I love you."
It was several hours later and Shawn had made dinner and put Gracie down, Aaliyah having left leaving Shawn and I to cuddle on the sofa 10 things I hate about you playing softly on the T.V. though I was so tired from the day's events that I wasn't really paying attention to the movie, instead enjoying the warmth radiating from Shawn his soft breathing lulling me further into sleep.
"I'm sorry if you felt like you couldn't tell me," he murmured as he traced patterns into my thigh.
I sighed, snuggling into him more.
"It's okay, it's me, it's just all new, and I guess I wasn't expecting it to be so hard," I admitted.
"You know, I'm always here right, whenever you need me, my family comes before anything."
"I know." And I did know, Shawn was never exactly quiet about his love of protectiveness of us.
"You and Gracie are my life," he spoke.
Just as he said that a soft whine started from down the hallway signalling that she'd woken.
I sighed going to get up,"No," he spoke firmly, pushing me gently so I was forced back into my little cacoon on the sofa. "I'll go."
"Are you sure, I'm fine to get her," I started.
"Babe, you've had a tough day,let me look after my girls," he pleaded with the best puppy dog eyes I'd ever seen, even for him.
I nodded, letting him go, watching as he made his way down the hall and into our daughter's room.
A few moments later he returned, little Gracie in nothing but a nappy due to the hot summer night, her whines having turned into soft little grunts as she lay on Shawn's shoulder.
"Hi bubba," I sang as Shawn sat down again, moving her to his right shoulder so I could keep talking to her. "What are you doing up so late ha? You're gonna be so tired in the morning little lady." As if on cue she started crying again, more forcefully than before.
I sat up holding my hands out ready to take her, a reflex reaction, but Shawn shook his head "I wanna try something," he told me, shifting her slightly and unbuttoning his shirt to show his toned chest. Her placed Gracie down and as soon as her skin touched his she settled. I smiled, watching the cute scene unfold before me.
"She knows daddy's got her and it's all okay,hey baby," he cooed softly and unapologetically, rubbing firm comforting circles into her back. "I can't believe we made her," he whispered in awe minutes later when she'd fallen back to sleep, resting soundly on Shawn.
"I can, but isn't she lovely," I moved to ever so softly stroke her hair, it was like angel's hair, still perfect,she was perfect, still so innocent, oblivious to the big bad world outside our perfect little family.
"She's the most lovely girl in the world, she takes after her mommy like that," Shawn smiled, turning to peak me on the lips. And in that moment I felt that everything in the world was right. That no matter what happened I would always have my perfect little family and that was all I needed.
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Alexander “Tig” Trager x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: First part of Choose. I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“So, what about (Y/N) and you?” Bobby asks sipping from his beer.
“What about what?”
“Ar'ya alrede' ‘official’”? Chibs adds while Jax, Juice and Happy leans above the table with a naughty smile drawn on their lips, palming the picnic table and making some noise.
“She's just a groupie, man”.
You can't hear Tig chuckling, because of the sound your heart does by breaking itself is louder.
“A groupie?” Jax's voice sounds confused, raising a blonde eyebrow as the palms stops.
“Yeah, you know. She's not one of those bitches that come here to eat us. But she's not my girl either. We just have fun”.
“You just have fun?” Juice asks incredulous, shaking his head just for a moment.
“Yeah, man! I must say I have eaten a lot of pussies, but, shit! Hers is a fucking delight. And she doesn' have any contagious disease, that's an important plus too”.
“If she was my mom, I would pull out your eyes”. The scratchy voice of Happy appears from nowhere, somewhat disappointed. “And I would eat them”.
“What the fuck?”
“Brother, that girl really lose her shit for you”. Bobby says, because it's something pretty obvious. “And you can say whatever you wan', but you're strained to the bone for that sassy girl”.
Tig's laughs flood the main yard, before drinking his beer.
“Man, you call her when we're ridin'. And her house it's the first stop when you come back”. Juice assures placing his forearms over the table.
“Yea', and you also have clothes in her house, and she in yours”. Jax hit the wood with his knuckles, watching the look on his face trying to hide how right they are.
“Oh! And remember that time (Y/N) told us that Tig brought breakfast at bed”. Ratboy palms Happy chest breaking into laughter, joying the talk, sitting by his side.
“We didn't even know you cook, brother”.
“C'mon, shut up!”
“And tha time ya brought ha' flowers”. Chibs points at Tig with pursed lips joking on him.
“Yeah, that was pretty romantic”. Jax continues with the jokes, making him feel angrier.
“I said she's just a fuckin' groupie. We fuck when I want. That's all”. Trager finishes the conversation, upset of their brothers teasing him about you.
Sitting on the sofa under the closest open window to them, you rest an empty beer on your lap. With your eyes on it and an incessant pain growing in your chest, lash after lash, you don't even know who the fuck are you. Then, the last year has been a lie. All those times he said he loved you, they were a lie. All those times he said he missed you, they were a lie. All those times he said you he didn't want a life without you, they were a lie. Like many others. Yes, he never asked you to be his girlfriend, but you didn't know he had to do it to make it ‘official’. You thought it was implicit in the fact that you really look like a couple. Not like Tara and Jax, but somewhat like. And it's confusing look back and seeing all the shit he did for you and all the shit you did for him, only to hear that your a clean pussy to put his cock in whenever he needs it. No feelings. No compromise. No nothing. Just sex.
You take off the black high-heels, holding them by the strips, leaving away the beer. Getting up and putting on well the dress you bought for him, feeling stupid on one of these garments, you walk barefoot towards the exit door at the end of the hallway' dorms. Your car is parked there. Safe from the Sons' of other subsidiaries and their non expected fights just for fun. The only thing you want to do is drive your way back home and hide in your bed of the shame you're feeling, after listening him talking like that about you with his friends.
“Brother, listen”. Jax sits on the nearest stool at the bar. “I lost Tara for fourteen years, don' commit my mistake”.
Tig has another shot, ripping his throat as he cleans his mouth with the back of the left hand.
“I was fuckin' scared of seeing that I was in love with her. We do all this shit that has our families in a continuous danger, but I don' regret about what I feel for my wife”. He defends the point of view he's trying to make him understand. “She's a good girl and you look focused since you met. Think about it”.
The other man doesn't say anything with the blue eyes placed on some bottles in front of him.
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“You ok?” Tara's voice pushes you to reality.
You shake your head somewhat confused, raising your gaze towards her.
“I've been standing there for the last five minutes, without you noticing it”. She chuckles, closing the door behind her back to have a sit at the desk, having a quick look of the medical records on it. “Too much work?”
“I wish… It's been a quiet day and I need to distract myself”.
“It's everything okay? Didn' Tig like the dress?”
By the look on your face, putting away your eyes, Tara knows something isn't going well. You leave a heavy sigh, closing your eyes just to contain a wild tear.
“I'm just a… pussy for him”.
“What the hell…? Don't tell that, (Y/N). Maybe he's not the most romantic man on earth, but he loves you”.
“Yes, that what I thought”. Laughing somewhat bittersweet, you put your arms above the table. “Last night I heard him talking with the guys. Telling them I'm just a groupie to fuck when he needs it”.
The woman snorts resting her back on the chair, rubbing her eyes with both hands.
“The only difference between those... bitches he used to fuck and me, it's that I don't have HIV”.
“Maybe he was dru—”.
“I never heard Jax talk about you, as Tig talked about me, when he's drunk”. You reiterate shrugging your shoulders. “He just… told me all that bullshit about love and a family and a future to suck his cock. And I was so fuckin' stupid that I believed him…”
“I'm sorry, sweetheart”.
“Yeah, I'm too”. You answer getting up and taking off the medical gown to hang it on the coat rack. “I'm done with my meetings. Could you tell Marcia I wasn't feeling okay and I went home?”
“Yes, sure. Don't worry about it”.
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All his stuff is already on a plastic bag. His clothes, his motorbike' things for when he travels… Everything. It was painful collect them all, with his smell flooding your room while you were keeping them. Placing it over the table in the kitchen, you sit there just waiting for him to come. You didn't call him, but even if he lied to you, you know something about him. So, when he didn't find you last night, he probably went first to the hospital by morning. And proving that you're right, the roar of his engine comes closer as he reaches your house. Crossing the back door in front of you, he takes off the helmet putting inside it the leather gloves and the sunglasses.
“Your boss told me you weren' feeling ok, what's up?” He asks truly worried, or at least seems like. Leaning forward he tries to kiss you, but you pull away your face without any words.
Now he's confused as fuck, getting up finding the bag on the table. Opening it with his forefinger to have a quick look twisting the neck just for a second, the blue eyes go straight you.
“What's that?”
“Your things. I want you to leave”.
“The fuck is wrong with you?” He demands making some gesture with both hands, as you get up of the chair.
“I'm not the one who lied every time I said ‘I love you’!” You push him away when he tries to take a step next to you, with all the pain concentrated on it.
“The fuck does it means? I didn' fuckin' lie to you”.
“Yeah, that's what you tell me in the meantime you tell your friends I'm just a clean pussy!”
“Who told you about that…?” He snorts cross-armed, supporting his waist against the counter.
“Nobody! I fuckin' hear you, Trager!” You scream totally mad, throwing him the plastic bag. “I just… fuckin' thought that someday you really would want to have a family... Shit, I'm so fucking stupid I feel so sorry for myself…”
“Sunshine, list—”.
“Go fuck yourself!” You push him away again, as he tries to grab your wrists, stirring under his grip. “You're a fucking dickhead!”
“Calm fuckin' down and listen!” He shouts at you for first time since you know him. Your heart stop, as your body does. Not because you're afraid, but because it's enough for you.
“I don' wanna see you anymore… Leave me alone”. You almost beg to him, shutting up some sobs stuck in your throat and your gaze away from the man.
He just nods in silence knowing that you are not going to come to your senses right now. So he grabs his things with anger, before throwing your house's keys on the table. Only when he disappear from the kitchen is when you break in tears. You had too much contained in your heart and you can't help but cry louder than never. Sometimes you have had fantasies about living together, having some free days and getting lost on the road, with nobody close to bother you. Sometimes you also have had fantasize of a kid running through your house calling him “daddy”. But it was just that. A year full of lies and a bunch of fantasies.
“What's that?” Bobby asks behinds the bar lifting up an eyebrow.
Tig throws the bag to the nearest wall, furious with himself and the way he has fucked up. His heart is beating fast, having a sit on a stool and grabbing a bottle of whisky to drink from it. There's no music in the clubhouse, just silence, so his guilty becomes louder of what he said. All those words dancing around him once and again.
“Clothes?” Juice asks taking the bag to open it confused.
“(Y/N) heard me last night”. He answers with his eyes getting reddened, trying to hold in the tears.
“I would have rip off your chest with a knife wetted on vinegar and salt”. Happy says without losing sight of the tip of the pool stick. After hit the white one, he raises his eyes towards him. “Later I would have pissed on you. Be thankful she kept your things in a bag”.
Jax looks at the ex-nomad not knowing why he's surprised about his threats. Walking close to Tig, with both hands inside the pockets, he supports a forearm against the bar.
“Now, what?” The president asks, lifting his chin in a simple gesture.
“Now nothing. I already lost her for being a fuckin' asshole. That's all”.
“Yeah, brotha, ya said fuckin' mean thengs bout ha'”. Chibs palms his back a little bit harder, making him spit the whisky in his mouth.
“Even if we were jokin'... Fuck man…” Jax shakes his head sighing, having a quick look of the Sons' faces. “Wan'me to talk with her?”
“No. I will… try to fix it”. He coughs by clearing his throat after the hit, having another sip.
“One year enduring your bullshit…” Bobby clicks his tongue, leaning above the bar. “I thinks it's fuckin' obvious what you should do, Tiggy”.
“Yes”. Juice, Chibs and Jax said in unison.
“That's the only way to fix it. And if you don' think so, then leave her alone”. In moments like that, Tig sees how much Jax looks like his father, with all those advices and wise words. “She's not a warm pussy, she's a woman who didn' care you're mentally fucked and who didn' care about what you do with the club”.
“I know…”
“Then, choose”. Palming the wooden bar, Jax finishes the conversation as if it was a table-business to Samcro.
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wayward-riana · 4 years
Bun In The Oven | Jay Halstead
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Summary : The reader passes out scaring Jay and the rest of the crew, only to find out that a bundle of joy is on it's way.
Requested by : @fofisstilinski
Warnings : None.
"All right, team. Good job. Now get the hell out of here and leave me in peace." Voight grumbles as he closes the door to his office.
Everyone arranges their desk and grabs their coat, ready to get the hell out and call it a night. Y/N sits down in her chair, rubbing her temples. Everything seemed blurry to her for a moment. She felt really dizzy. She told herself it was because of the very stressful case they worked on, earlier today.
"Hey, you okay?" Jay frowns as he sees the love of his life sitting helplessly in her chair.
"Yeah, don't worry. I'm all right," She offers him a tired smile. "Just tired, that's all."
Jay takes her hand in his and kisses her knuckles.
"Ayo, I'm going to Molly's. Who's with me?" Kevin announces.
"I'm in." Y/N forces herself out of her seat. Jay gives her a look but she gives his hand a reassuring squeeze.
Soon, the group of cops find themselves laughing over Adam's horrible jokes with drinks in their hand. Y/N doesn't take a single sip of the drink she's ordered as the nausea courses through her.
Jay rubs soothing circles on her back with his index finger, sensing her discomfort. He presses a soft kiss on her temple. He lets his lips linger on her skin for some time before pulling away.
"....And then he said 'You might never know what will hit you'." Adam almost snorts out the whiskey as he tells his lame story.
"And you might never know what will hit your head if you keep continuing." Y/N hisses.
"Thank you, Y/N." Kim says as she elbows Adam.
Y/N's blurry vision distracts her from her co-workers' antics. Soon, her vision turns completely black. Jay feels her pulling away from him. He does a double take when he sees her starting to fall from her seat. Right before she can hit the ground, he catches her.
"Y/N? Baby? Open your eyes!" Jay exclaims as he holds her close to his chest. "Come on, doll. Please, hold on."
Tears blur Jay's vision as he sees her lying helplessly in his arms. His heart starts racing, thinking his soul would leave his body any time.
The entire crew rushes in Chicago Med. Will walks out of the doctor's lounge, ready to go back home but stops in his tracks as he sees his brother run in the ED with Y/N in his arms.
"I need some help here!" Jay yells out.
Will drops his backpack and rushes forward.
Jay holds Y/N's hand to his cheek, leaning in her warmth. A few tears escape his eyes as he patiently waits for his best girl to wake up.
He stares at her face which was pale, so were her lips. He thinks about the first time he met her. She came in a couple of months before Erin left. From the moment she walked in the district, she blew everyone away with her wit, charisma and with how badass she was. She might not be physically strong, but she almost always takes out all the suspects that get into a fight with her. She doesn't use her strength, she uses her brain. She can outsmart anyone.
From the moment Jay saw her, he was in love with her. He did ask her out multiple times, but they always ended with them hanging out as friends. What he didn't know is that she was in love with him, as well.
Hank was actually the one who asked Jay to cut it out and tell Y/N about his feelings.
"Hey, Halstead. My office. Now." Hank called the detective to his office, one day. Jay wondered what he did wrong. He thought of every potential thing he did that would get him in trouble with Voight.
"Look if it's about the cake, then I'm sorry. I accidentally ate it. It was just sitting in the staff fridge. I had no ide -"
"Cake - what cake? Hold up, you ate my cake?" Hank put his hands on his hips and glowered down at Jay.
"So, this isn't about the cake." Jay chuckled, nervously. He mentally slapped himself for being such an idiot.
"You and Y/N get along?"
"You friends?"
"Just friends?"
"All right, why are you pouring salt on my wounds?" Jay huffs.
"Look, kid. I see it in your eyes, you care about her. So, just tell her and make my job easier."
"How will that make your job easier?"
"I won't have to see you whine over the officers in the district hitting on her. You already annoy me enough. I don't need you whining on this duty. Got it? Good."
Jay almost smiles when he remembers those times. He snaps out of his trance when he sees Y/N opening her eyes.
"Hey, doll" He rushes closer to her. "You're awake."
"Hi, darling." Y/N croaks out and tries to sit up.
"Easy." Jay says as he helps her sit up. At that moment, Will walks in with a tablet in his hands.
"Hey, Y/N. I see you're awake. Your lab results came back," Will states.
"And?" Jay presses.
"And, I have some good news."
Will stares at the couple with the biggest grin on his face.
"I'm going to be an uncle!"
It takes a second or two for Y/N and Jay to process what Will said.
"O-Oh my God," Y/N gasps. "I'm pregnant."
Will nods, grinning.
Jay jumps out from his seat with a blank look on his face scaring both Y/N and Will.
"I'm gonna be a dad?" He breathes out. "I'm gonna be a dad! BRO, I'M GONNA BE A DAD"
He yells at the top his lungs in pure ecstasy. Y/N covers her mouth with her hands, laughing hard at her boyfriend's state.
After Will discharges Y/N, Jay's dramatic ass pulls an Oscar worthy performance in front of the crew who were impatiently waiting in the waiting room.
He walks out without Y/N. He musters up a devastated look as he walks into the waiting room. His expression startles the others.
"Dude, what's wrong?" Kevin questions.
"Is Y/N okay?" Kim asks.
"What did the doctor say?" Adam asks while rubbing Jay's back, in a comforting manner.
"The doctor said that -" Jay's voice breaks. The others furrow their eyebrows as they wait for him to deliver the worst news. "-I'm gonna be a dad!"
The rest of the team was way too happy to kill Jay. So, instead they celebrated as Y/N came out in the waiting room laughing at Jay's shenanigans.
Later, Jay and Y/N drive home.
"I'm sort of glad that I passed out." Y/N speaks. Jay gives her a questioning look.
"You want to explain that?" He raises his eyebrow.
"Well, if I hadn't passed out I probably would've ended up having that drink. I can't have alcohol, I'm pregnant."
"Doll, you don't have to worry about that anymore cause now you'll be eating for two and I'll be drinking for two." He winks at her right before receiving a smack in the arm.
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Obey Me Romanian MC
idea inspired by @/harunayuuka2060 (too shy to tag them)
Nu ştiu ce inspirație supraomenească m-a lovit dar am început asta la 2 dimineața și am terminat-o la 6.30
Im sleep deprived bc I stayed up all night doing this, enjoy gagicile mele
[added translations]
(under the cut bc this bitch is long af)
Lucifer: Are you not enjoying your meal?
MC: This food isn't even good. Next time I'm bringing my bunica to make you guys sarmale best thing you ever tried 👩‍🍳👌😘 mwah
MC: I'm not gonna go out with Satan, Beel, Asmo or Belphie.
Asmo: Awww
Beel: :(
Belphie: What?!
Satan: Why?
MC: Why date a guy who's favorite color is not in romanian flag? 🤔🇷🇴
Asmo: But I thought you could-
Levi: Ohhh!!!! So are you like familiar with Castlevania-
MC: We don't talk about that *cries in disappointed*
Solomon: What is this weird potion.
MC: *puts bottle of țuică (plum brandy) on the table*
MC: This is not a potion, but a solution to all of your problems gagica 💖
MC: *talking to Lucifer* Oh iubire (love), stop crying over Diavolo again. Why cry over guy who would wear vagabond everyday in my country?
MC: Tsch tsch tsch
Lucifer: What the fuck is Vagabond
MC: Only the worst of streetwear existent. Only f-boys use it
Lucifer: Fair enough
Beel: Why do you want to try out for the sports team?
MC: Because Steaua, my country's team, disappointed me 😔
MC: Mammon! Asmo! Let me show you guys a thing called ✨manele✨
(after the Belphie incident)
MC: Does anybody have a belt.... a belt so I can...no reason...papuci de casă (slippers) works too
MC: Hey Belphie! Did you enjoy your punishment? 😜
Belphie: My butt still hurts...
MC: Next time it's the lingură de lemn ♡ (wooden spoon)
*MC dancing to Braşoveanca*
Mammon: W-what's that???
Satan: Some sort of ritual I suppose
Asmo: *joining in* It's fun!
MC: Doi✌paşi🦵înainte➡️şi😱doi😩înapoi⬅️ (two steps forward two steps back)
MC: Who has summoned me?
Satan: Belphie isn't feeling well and the medicine didn't really do it's job.
MC: Everyone watch closely because I'm going to teach you guys a sacred ritual called ✨Frecție cu Oțet✨
Satan: You're just pouring vinegar on his wrist.
MC: Now here comes the fun part. *maggages his wrists*
Belphie: Someone please kill me this is unbearable
MC: Am I allowed to say Tatăl Nostru (Lord's prayer) or is that too....uhhh weird since yall are demons and stuff-
Barbatos: MC...
MC: I'm sorry but crossing myself after I finish a meal is implemented in my brain. It's in the default settings.
Barbatos: What happens if you don't cross yourself?
MC: Lingura de lemn (wooden spoon) *shivers*
Diavolo: Do you like my castle?
MC: Baby, Peleş puts you to shame.
MC: Also, too much current (swift). Close the damn windows
Lucifer, giving up on life: Oh not again...
MC: Real music here 😌
MC: There, there gacica (girlfriend). Don't cry. *pats him on the back*
Lucifer: Do you got any more țuică...
MC: That's the spirit!
MC: I know I technically didn't die, but can we please have a funeral??? There is this really tasty cake just for this special occasion called colivă. Beel is okay with it so- hey don't ignore me! wait guys this is important- wAIT!
Satan: I hate Lucifer because he is my father.
Belphie: I hate Lucifer because he sucks in general.
MC: I hate Lucifer because Favorite color is red which is COMMUNISM COLOUR 😡‼
Solomon: See?? MC likes my cooking!
MC: Piftie...Caltaboş...
MC: Solomon, you would make a very good romanian housewife. Say, have you ever considered getting a 701st wife...?
Beel: *munching happily on the food MC makes*
Lucifer: *getting a fucking break*
MC: *making grătar(barbeque) cu mici*
MC: Everybody loves 1 Mai!
MC: Beelphiiieee!!!! I have a spell for you 😊
Belphie: Please not the lingură de lemn-
MC: *boop on the nose* ✨du-te dracu✨ (go to hell)
Lucifer: How did you make everyone behave?
MC: *looking at the papuc de casă in hand*
MC: You either die a hero...or live enough to become the villain...
Lucifer: Interesting, can you teach me?
MC: The secret is to use your wrist-
MC, whispering: Psst! Mammon! How's the sarmale trading going?
Mammon: Its okay, but why can't you just give me the recipe?
MC: E din moşi strămoşi (it's from older generations) I can't give it to you
MC: Hey pisi, want a ride in my Dacia?
Simeon: ...what? :)
MC: Come on gagica(girlfriend)! We are going to visit my family they will love you!
MC: You can also bring Luke. Just uhhh don't let him drink from the "juicebox" ok? It's not- It's not juice in there
MC: But you can drink. I won't tell anyone.
Diavolo: MC you can't leave yet. Not even for a quick visit back home.
MC: Auzi, da du-te-n p- (well why don't you fuck yourself on my dic-)
MC: *sigh* Sometimes I wish Satan was wearing Vagabond instead of...whatever that is
Asmo: Ouch, but yeah I guess we are that desperate.
Satan: I'm never tutoring any of you again.
MC and Luke, just vibing honestly: ⬇️Intră-n👇apa🌊mării🐚şi🐋nu🐟te🙄teme😱ai😳să-nveți🤯să-noți🐠printre🤔sirene🧜‍♀️🧜‍♂️
(go in the sea's water and don't you be afraid you'll learn to swim among mermaids)
MC: No Asmo, I have a date to the ball he's right here *points at țuică bottle*
Belphie: *misbehaving*
MC: Vai, vai, vai. Sărumâna Belphie 😃 ( well, well, well good day Belphie)
MC: *grabs the papuc (slipper)*
MC and Luke, vibing yet again: POVEȘTI DIN FOLCLORUL MAGHIAR!!! (maghiar folklore stories!)
MC: Where is my țuică? :)
Everyone: *quiet*
MC: I won't get mad :)
MC: Foaie verse de trifoi~ *papuc reappears* Dați băi țuica înapoi (green leaf of clover, give the țuică back you fucker)
Everybody: *runs*
MC: Mândruțelor (girls), come back until I'll put this to good use
Levi: *exists*
MC: *in love with him bc his fav color is in the Romanian flag and not in the commie flag*
MC: Te las să te lingi cu mime în parcare la lidl (I'll let you french kiss me in the Lidl market parking lot)
MC: Lucifer you don't understand!
MC: Sandu Ciorbă cured my depression!
MC: Muie cretinii pământului (fuck y'all stupid asses) my țuică is back and I'm not sharing anymore
Asmo: We're doing hot girl shit tonight
MC: Ne curvim rău (we're hoeing)
MC: futu-ți cristelnița mătii (fuck your mother's font) Simeon you're the one that drank all my țuică
MC: I'll let it slide this once, if u take me for shaorma(shawarma) in Piața Victoriei (Victoria's market)
Solomon: Whoops, I accidentally messed up the sarmale recipe
MC: Aşadar războiu alesu l-ai (So you have chosen war)
Mammon: MC, how do you say "I hate you" in romanian?
MC: Dar eu sunt mândru că sunt twink. (I'm proud to be a twink)
Mammon, clueless: ok thanks
MC, to Belphie: I had such a rough day, please fute-mi una (fuck me over) and not the way I like
Mammon: What would be a quick way to make money?
MC: Gagica(girlfriend), listen. Culegător de sparanghel (asparagus picker) in Spain is your go-to.
Asmo: *blasting manele vechi (old manele).2006*
Asmo: Please love me!
MC: *already in wedding attire*
MC: Beel! Here, try this! Yeah yeah its completely fine!
MC: ...what do you mean it looks like Solomon's cooking?
MC: *dragging them all by the hand to therapy*
MC: Păi aşa-i hora pe la noi măi bade- (This is hora to us well my mans)
MC, talking to Lucifer: Măi omu lu dumnezeu îți fut una de nu te vezi (listen God's man I'll fuck you over that you'll not see again) if u lay a finger on my țuică again
MC: I don't care that you have daddy issues, this is MINE now thank you very much.
MC: Doamne cu ce ți-am greşit? (God, what have I done to you?)
MC: tanti Lilith, ia-mă cu tine gagicuțo milf ce ești (Miss Lilith, take me with you you milf girlfriend)
MC: Chiar și culesul de căpșuni din Spania era mai ok dacât (even strawberry picking in Spain is better than) Therapist Simulator hell edition
Diavolo: *exists*
MC: Vrei să-ți fiu a ta mireasă? (Do you want me to be your wife?)
Simeon: *exists*
MC: Vrei să-ți fiu Ileană Cosânzeană? ( Want me to be your fairy wife?)
Belphie: Every time I doze off they say this weird phrase...
MC: Dormeo(mattress company) ! Noapte bună! (good night!)
MC: What do you mean im not allowed to have a cross around my neck?
MC: My dead grandmother would kill me it's Sfântu Andrei for fucks sake
MC: The law is law we gotta put garlic and salt everywhere around the house
MC: This is what you get from taking my țuică away AGAIN
MC: I mean, at least i dont have to take the bacalaureat and face the woman-hating-Ion-Creangă-fucking-twink-looking-nightmare-inducing Eminescu so
MC: *drinks a Mona Spirt (rubbing alcohol) bottle in one go*
MC: that works wonders for me
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Isn't She Lovely?
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"Please, please go to sleep" I whispered desperately, as I rocked back and forth in the small room. Gracie our one month old daughter was distraught, I'd tried everything feeding her burping her, changing her, laying her down, rocking her and still she was crying. I was at the end of my wit and I really didn't know what to do. To make matters worse Shawn, the love of my life and husband of six months had gone out for the day with his little sister and even though he told me before he left to call if I needed abything, I was reluctant. This was his first full day off from work as an E.R. doctor in almost a month. Normally he'd spend the day with me and Gracie and he'd tried to do the same thing today, but I was insistent when his sister contacted him that he spend the day with her. The last thing I wanted was to get in the way of that.
But I was really starting to regret it now. It felt like no matter what I did, nothing would stop the unchecked sobs that left poor Gracie's mouth, her face was red and blotchy from the tears and her skin clammy from the force she was exuding.
"Sshh, sshh," I lulled, trying to comfort her, but it was no use, my voice could barely be heard over her cries. Finally I gave up, placing her in her crib which only caused her to cry harder and went down stairs to find the formula which we kept on hand for times like this when there was no other solution. For some reason she always seemed to settle when she was fed formula. Strange, maybe, but it worked, and I wasn't about to say no to something that might calm her down. We were both exhausted.
I made the bottle quickly rushing around the kitchen, conscious of the fact that she was upstairs squawking her little head off. I was just heading back up stairs when I remembered her dummy on the counter and turned back to get it,but there must have been water on the floor from when I was rinsing the bottle that I'd somehow missed, because the last thing I was aware of was falling and not being able to catch myself, whacking my head on the counter,landing harshly on the floor and then black.
The next thing I was aware of was the vague sound of a lock being turned and then a shadow in the doorway to the kitchen which I couldn't quite make out in my hazy state before a frantic voice yelled out, way to loudly for my pounding head,
"Shawn, you need to get in here now!"
There was the sound of quick footsteps, only making my head hurt more, before Shawn was squatting down so his face was level with mine. I had never seen him look as worried in all the time I'd known him than he did right now. His brows furrowed, mouth tipped slightly downwards as he studied me.
"Baby, what happened? Why is Gracie crying? Are you okay?" he fired question after question at me, but my brain was still too frazzled to take much in.It felt like when you wake up from an extra long nap and you're all disoriented. And all I could take in was pain, both my head and side were throbbing and I couldn't help but hold my side around my ribs in a weak attempt to stop it hurting.
The look of concern only grew at my silence. Finally the gravity of the situation actually hit me and it all came flooding back, Gracie's crying,my unsuccessful attempts to pacify her, the kitchen and my fall.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I sobbed into his chest, tears now streaming down my face. "It's okay baby, tell me what happend? Aaliyah would you go and get Gracie please?" he asked, looking up at her from the floor.
She nodded, and left the room quickly,leaving us alone momentarily.
"I'm so sorry," I continued to mumble into his chest between sobs as Shawn rubbed soothing circles into my back, waiting patiently for me to calm down enough to explain what had happened. I must have looked like a complete mess.
"Baby, I'm not mad, I promise," he whispered leaning back again to look at me. "I'm just worried, you scared me so bad," he admitted, kissing the top of my head. "Now what happened?"
I just looked at him still feeling overwhelmed and guilty. How could I let this happen?
"Tell me what happend?" he whispered again, brushing the hair out of my face.
"I was coming down here to get the formula, she's been crying all day,and I'm so tired and sore Shawn!" I hiccupped.
"Why didn't you tell me, honey? You should have called or texted," he half scolded, but I could tell his heart wasn't in it.
"And I feel so stupid, I can't even get my own baby to feed properly and she's crying all the time, and my scar is excruciating," I cried. My C-section scar had been hurting for a little over a week now and when I'd looked at it, it looked red and I knew it was probably infected, but I was too scared to do anything about it, so this was the first time Shawn was hearing about it.
"Hey, the last thing you are is stupid, I don't ever want to hear you say that again," he spoke fiercely. "You are the mother of my child and the love of my life." He kissed my hair softly.
"Can I have a look?" he asked, moving to lift my top up.
I nodded, letting him know it was okay.
He lifted the fabric and there was the scar looking more red and angry than ever.
"Baby, why didn't you tell me?" he asked searching my face. The worst part wasn't the pain I was in, but the fact that he looked genuinely hurt that I hadn't asked him for help. I really couldn't tell you what had stopped me, but the way he looked at me now made me feel so guity. I let out a whimper as he gently touched the area surrounding the wound testing for I don't know what.
"Baby this is infected. You'll need antibiotics and cream for this," he explained, moving to sit on the floor in front of me, taking my hands in his.
"Promise me next time, you'll tell me okay. Even if you think it's nothing okay. You know I'm always here for you." he squeezed my hands gently as he spoke. I nodded not trusting my voice as I felt a new wave of tears coming.
"I didn't want to worry you, you were out with Liyah, and I didn't want to bother you." I paused unsure of how to go on.
Thankfully he seemed to understand and broke the silence for me.
"You've knocked your head on something honey, you've got a small cut above your left eyebrow." He reached up to the bench grabbing the kitchen towel roll and tapping at my face gently, before showing me the red paper.
"It's not as bad as it could be, but I'll still need to clean it."
"I can do it," I insisted. He frowned, clearly disapproving. He knew I didn't like it when he went all medical on me.
"Lilah, no offense baby, but you're in no state to be doing anything medically related right now. You're clearly exhausted, you've hit your head and from the way you're holding your side I'd bet you've bruised a few ribs."
"Come on, let's go into the bathroom and we'll get you cleaned up and you can have a nice long bath, with some Epsom salts and I'll see about getting you on some antibiotics and cleaning your scar okay?" he smiled encouragingly.
I went to open my mouth, but he stopped me mid-word, holding his finger to my lips with a smile. "No buts, I know you don't like it when I worry, but it's my job, both as your husband and as a doctor, please let me do it."
He led me into the bathroom, helping me to sit down on the closed lid of the toilet seat, before reaching up into the cabinet and pulling the giant first aid box down.
"You know," he spoke as he opened it up and surveyed the contents for a moment. "Asking for help doesn't make you a bad mum. If anything it'll make you an even better mum- if that's even possible," he smiled. "Because you will have the support there when you need it. Me your mum, my mum even are Aaliyah are all here for you Lilah."
I dropped my head as what he was saying sank in. I could have avoided all of this if I'd just swallowed my pride and asked for help.
"I'm sorry," I whispered again.
"Baby, you don't need to be sorry," he murmured coming over to stand in from of me holding what looked like cotton swabs. "Head up for me honey," he spoke, tapping under my chin with his pointer finger.
I lifted my head as he asked and made the mistake of looking him in the eye. That was all it took for another round of tears fuelled by exhaustion and humiliation to well up as I faught to stop them falling again.
"I'm just going to wipe the blood away so I can see the cut a little better okay?" he asked, stepping closer so his legs were on either side of mine. I nodded, trying to be brave.
Once he'd cleaned by head up and placed a plaster on it for good measure he turned his attention to my scar. "Lift your top for me again Princess?" he asked as he turned to get more cotton swabs, disinfectant and cream from the box.
"This is going to sting, I'm sorry honey," he warned as he poured the yellowish liquid onto one of the swabs and moved to pull the fabric of my shirt up further."Ready?" he asked, watching me carefully.
I nodded,clenching my fists. "Try to relax honey," he encouraged, dropping my shirt and placing a comforting hand on my thigh instead.
Sure enough as soon as the liquid came into contact with my skin I wanted to scream.
"Deep breathes Lilah," he encouraged as he wiped the area a few times. "Nearly done."
I tried my hardest to not move, but I couldn't help he whimper that slipped through my lips. Shawn frowned, his hand giving my thigh a slight squeeze.
"What do you want to have for dinner tonight bub? I could do Carbonara?" I knew he was trying to distract me from what he was doing, but I was greatful. It gave me something to do other than focus on the intense burning that was still eminating from my stomach.
"That would be nice," I smiled, I could feel my stomach rumbling at the thought.
"Okay, we'll do that and we can have a movie night how does that sound?" he asked as he finally removed the swab,and placed it in the bin.
"How you feeling Lilah?" Aaliyah asked a few minutes later, stepping into the bathroom as Shawn wiped some soothing care onto the area.
Gracie was now asleep in her arms, no hint of the earlier upset apparent on her face. She looked like a sleeping angel.
Shawn placed the cream on the counter and went over to take Gracie gently from his sister kissing her softly on the head as she fidgeted slightly getting comfortable in her daddy's arms. I could just make out him speaking softly to her, " I heard you've been giving your mommy a hard time little lady, maybe save that for when daddy's home so we can play two man defense," he whispered.
I couldn't help but laugh at the way he spoke as though she could understand everything he was saying.
"Hey, who said you could listen in, this is a private conversation between me and my girl." he hugged her closer to his chest a fake scowl on his face as she grabbed a fist full of his shirt in her sleep,
"She's half mine," I quipped back with a grin.
"Touche," he smiled, rubbing the bridge of her nose with a feather light touch watching as she scrunched it in response.
"How about you take a bath honey, I'll start getting dinner going," he suggested as he carefully passed Gracie back Aaliyah.
"But what about Gracie?" I asked.
"Her aunty has her hey baby," Aaliyah smiled down at Gracie from the doorway.
I smiled, I knew that between Aaliyah and Shawn they could handle her, so I nodded and they both left, though Shawn not before placing a soft kiss to my temple and whispering an "I love you."
It was several hours later and Shawn had made dinner and put Gracie down, Aaliyah having left leaving Shawn and I to cuddle on the sofa 10 things I hate about you playing softly on the T.V. though I was so tired from the day's events that I wasn't really paying attention to the movie, instead enjoying the warmth radiating from Shawn his soft breathing lulling me further into sleep.
"I'm sorry if you felt like you couldn't tell me," he murmured as he traced patterns into my thigh.
I sighed, snuggling into him more.
"It's okay, it's me, it's just all new, and I guess I wasn't expecting it to be so hard," I admitted.
"You know, I'm always here right, whenever you need me, my family comes before anything."
"I know." And I did know, Shawn was never exactly quiet about his love of protectiveness of us.
"You and Gracie are my life," he spoke.
Just as he said that a soft whine started from down the hallway signalling that she'd woken.
I sighed going to get up,"No," he spoke firmly, pushing me gently so I was forced back into my little cacoon on the sofa. "I'll go."
"Are you sure, I'm fine to get her," I started.
"Babe, you've had a tough day,let me look after my girls," he pleaded with the best puppy dog eyes I'd ever seen, even for him.
I nodded, letting him go, watching as he made his way down the hall and into our daughter's room.
A few moments later he returned, little Gracie in nothing but a nappy due to the hot summer night, her whines having turned into soft little grunts as she lay on Shawn's shoulder.
"Hi bubba," I sang as Shawn sat down again, moving her to his right shoulder so I could keep talking to her. "What are you doing up so late ha? You're gonna be so tired in the morning little lady." As if on cue she started crying again, more forcefully than before.
I sat up holding my hands out ready to take her, a reflex reaction, but Shawn shook his head "I wanna try something," he told me, shifting her slightly and unbuttoning his shirt to show his toned chest. Her placed Gracie down and as soon as her skin touched his she settled. I smiled, watching the cute scene unfold before me.
"She knows daddy's got her and it's all okay,hey baby," he cooed softly and unapologetically, rubbing firm comforting circles into her back. "I can't believe we made her," he whispered in awe minutes later when she'd fallen back to sleep, resting soundly on Shawn.
"I can, but isn't she lovely," I moved to ever so softly stroke her hair, it was like angel's hair, still perfect,she was perfect, still so innocent, oblivious to the big bad world outside our perfect little family.
"She's the most lovely girl in the world, she takes after her mommy like that," Shawn smiled, turning to peak me on the lips. And in that moment I felt that everything in the world was right. That no matter what happened I would always have my perfect little family and that was all I needed.
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
Man, I do not know how long it's been since I last made a post on Toppat!Charles, but it's been a while!!!!
If you haven't read the previous parts, you can find them here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: https://themadauthors-bitch.tumblr.com/post/634320381188161536/i-dont-know-if-tumblr-showed-it-or-not-but-here
Part 4: https://themadauthors-bitch.tumblr.com/post/634769620050558976/welcome-back-one-and-all
Part 5:
Part 6:
As usual: RECAP!!!
Henry acts on his plan to rescue Charles, said plan being to use the location of the clan's next big heist to get info or Charles himself. The plan went awry with the heist succeeding, Ellie getting severely injured, and Henry getting the snot kicked out of him by none other than Charles himself, who had given up on the notion that he would be rescued and stepped up to join his captors. Confused about and torn apart by Charles's and Ellie's words, we left Henry alone and guilty over the night's events.
HEAVY recap, I know, but one more thing before we truly begin: Two of the clan's previous leaders make an appearance in this chapter.
We good with all that? Great!
We start off in the dead in night, in the middle of the dessert. Quiet and still as the moon shines high in the night sky.
Terrence Suave sprints on the sand as best as he can, panting heavily because he hasn't been full-fledged running in an eternity. CCC trucks are speeding behind him, but there is a bank truck ahead that just started driving and like hell Terrence isn't getting on it, especially if the truck is heading towards the city.
Nets and tranquilizers are being shot at him to retrieve him, but a lot of the darts keep bouncing off his augmentations and thankfully missing him and lqnding in the sand.
The CCC trucks are catching up, but Terrence continues running, tired and sore; his lungs burning and the stumps of where his arms and leg used to be are sore, not the metal, though there is a phantom limb feeling going on and it is not a good feeling to have right now; even if one of his legs are metal, the other is sore as hell.
He gets closer to the bank truck as its speed increases, Terrence letting out a yell as he jumps and snatches the latch of the door and hops on, holding on for dear life as he sees the CCC trucks slow and eventually turn around.
He heaves and breathes very fast and heavily as he watches the sky, noting the orbital station.
"Right," he says raspily, "you sorry son of a bitch."
We find him watching with a hollow expression as Ellie is doing some physical therapy to help her leg; Charles is surprisingly one hell of a shot.
The two partners haven't spoken since the plan backfired and while Ellie waves at Henry, Henry only keeps his expression.
It's hard to live life when you can't stop living.
The words have had plenty of time to sink in.
Ellie and Henry are the same.
And Henry feels dumb for not noticing sooner.
"Whatever happened between you two, you better patch it up before that CCC guy gets here."
Henry looks over his shoulder to see Galeforce walking to stand beside him.
"Bill Bullet called. Even though the mission... didn't go as planned, he still wants to bring you into his facility."
Henry turns back to Ellie in time to see her trip and fall down, her leg shaking. She's been walking for maybe an hour and, while she has gotten stronger, she is also tired and needs to rest.
'Only if Charles came back here safely. That was our agreement.'
"Guess he can't wait."
Henry continues to watch Ellie help herself into her crutches.
Charles is standing in that cafeteria area that Right was in in the Free Man ending and staring at Earth.
The heist was a success. The clan got the sapphire. No one got arrested.
But Ellie got hurt.
Sure, she wasn't there to help him, but she was still busy taking care of the toppat, and she got injured, so there's that.
"Like the view, kid?"
Charles doesn't look at Right when he walks up to and stands beside him.
"Reg always talked about wanting a view like this. 'E really liked the sky. Night, day, didn't matter. 'E jist didn't want to be stuck on the ground."
Charles turns his head slightly. "How close were you two?"
"Closer than you and those two criminals were."
Charles looks back at the window, content to let Right keep talking.
"The clan was in shambles after the last leader took over. Reg 'ad some big shoes to fill, and 'e knew that. Didn't stop 'im from stepping up." Right leans forward on the glass with his arm, his head against forearm. "'E was better than the other leaders. Smarter. 'E got the clan back on its feet. Never met a toppat leader who took good care of the clan."
Charles doesn't look at Right, but imagine if this was a game cutscene or movie or something. We'd have Right be closer to the camera and in better focus with Charles beside him, but seemingly behind him, with how the shot is framed, and out of focus.
Charles is back in focus as he asks, "He was that good, huh?"
Right only nods, not looking away from Earth.
"If that's the case, he should've been more careful, then. None of this would've happened, if he was."
Quick as a flash, Right grabs Charles and smashes him into the window by his collar.
"Careful, pilot. You might be in the toppat clan, but no one 'ere'll stop me from throwing you out there."
Right glares at Charles for a second longer before letting him go and leaving the room with no more words spoken.
Charles resumes staring at Earth.
Sorry, Ellie.
Back to Henry sleeping in his bed. I know, I'm so original, right?🤪🥴
Don't worry, this time is different.😉
While Henry sleeps, someone quite rudely bursts into his room, waking him up.
Before he can draw the gun under his pillow, one cybernetic hand grabbing his mouth while the other holds down the hand that's going for the gun, and a normal, human knee digs into his stomach.
"Sorry to wake you up, but this is important."
Henry's eyes adjust and and he sees Terrence Suave over him, sweaty, ragged, and shaking from running for miles on end.
Henry stares at his father with wide eyes before using his free hand to write a message on Terrence's forehead: 'What. The. Hell.'
"Just stay quiet, okay? I have an idea on how we can get your friend back and keep you out of-"
Henry shakes his head and writes another message.
'It didn't work. He got away with the sapphire and won't let is help.'
Terrence sits back on his heels and pulls Henry up into a sitting position. "What happened?"
Henry looks at his feet and signs, 'We tried hijacking the heist they planned. I think they were expecting us. They got the sapphire and Ellie got shot. Charles was with them.' Henry starts choling up and his signing becomes rougher. 'He won't come back. He shot Ellie. He shot us both. He's one of them now.'
Terrence lowers his head and runs his fingers through his hair at the news. "That's... I... I'm so sorry." After a second, he asks, "How is she? Your friend Ellie?"
Henry shrugs before signing, 'Getting better. We aren't talking right now.'
"You should," Terrence states matter-of-factly with a scowl. "She's the only friend you've got left and she's going through something that'd be easier to deal with with someone there for her."
Henry glares back. 'She's been through worse. And what do you know about being there for others?'
Terrence rolls his eye. "We're really getting into this right now? What did she even do? The clan took the sapphire and not her, right?"
At this, Henry nods, slowly and shamefully.
"Then quit being a baby and man up. Don't you two want to get your friend back?"
Henry doesn't respond for a second, after which he signs. 'What was your plan?'
Terrence's face stretches into a smile. "You might want to throw some clothes on and wake up your girlfriend."
Henry blanches at those words, but doesn't get anything out as Terrence leaves the room.
Nonetheless, he gets up and meets Terrence and Ellie outside, the latter using crutches because her leg isn't strong enough yet.
Remember, neither have talked since the night of the heist, so both are silent before Ellie asks, "So, um, who's this?"
"Terrence Suave," Terrence replies as he ahakes Ellie's hand. "Although he won't admit it, I'm Henry's father."
Ellie's eyes widen as she looks between the two. "Huh. I can see the resemblance."
Henry shakes his head and signs, 'Plan.'
Terrence gives Henry a withering look. "All work and no play, huh?" When neither Ellie or Henry answer back, Terrence sighs; we're done playing around now.
"You remeber that Wall place you were held at?"
"How hard is it to forget?" Ellie groans back.
Despite the unnecessary amount of salt, Terrence continues, "I have a friend there that has connections with the clan."
"As in he got arrested?"
"As in I sent him there to spy so I could plan a heist on the treasury. Guess Reg and Right forgot about him." He gives a chuckle and rubs the back if his head. "And you give me snark for leaving you," he says to Henry.
Henry glares at his father before the gears in his head start turning and he starts smiling.
'I think we need to pack our bags.'
Ellie joins him in this smiling, as does Terrence.
It is a LONG trip to get to The Wall, and a long process of explaining that they're only there for visiting, not arrest.
It certainly didn't help that Dmitri and Grigori had CCC guards and Bill Bullet at The Wall.
At the sight of them, Terrence quickly rushes Ellie and Henry into a nearby office and locks the door behind them.
"What was-"
"Okay," Terrence says slowly and under his breath, "change of plan. We're not doing this."
Where Henry rolls his eyes, Ellie bristles.
"Why not?"
Terrence mumbles under his breath, but both Henry and Ellie hear him say something along the lines of, "I kinda escaped, and now everyone's sort of looking for me."
Ellie cuts in, "You didn't think they'd look there first?"
"Give me a break, Red," Terrence barks. "I figured they'd be looking somewhere else by the time we got here."
Henry slinks past them and cracks the door open enough to look out into the cafeteria.
No wonder they overthrew you.
Henry watches Dmitri and Bill continue talking, the latter nodding at the former's words. When Bill looks over Dmitri's shoulders, Henry slips back inside and shuts the door; there are now more eyes than ever.
"What do we do?"
Henry gulps and shrugs before leaning back.
Terrence, however, is busy looking at files on a computer, specifically looking through the inmates that were arrsted during the time of Infiltrating the Airship.
I know. Great team dynamic, right? Best team ever, 10/10.
"Good news, I found Reggie."
Both Ellie and Henry turn to Terrence, who is very proud that he used a computer after so long and having only one eye.
"Twelfth floor. Just four levels down. If we're careful, we can take the stairs."
Henry shakes his head and points up to a vent, not in the ceiling, but close to it, on the wall.
He begins signing, but Ellie only looks confused as Terrence shakes his head.
"Not a good idea. You can crawl through just fine, but what about me and Ellie? How are we supposed to crawl around with this-" He points to his cybernetic leg, "-and that?" He points to Ellie's injured leg.
"What's he saying?"
"Apparently, our only option is to crawl our way to Reg through the vents, which is going to be impossible."
Henry signs agian, more frustrated now.
"We can't afford to be safe at the moment, if you haven't noticed." Terrence shakes his head and stage whispers to Ellie, "Close minded, just like his mother/father". (YOU decide if Henry's other parental figure was a man or a woman; I know toxic masculinity states men can't have emotional breakdowns that lead their kids into growing kleptomaniac tendencies, but I say FUCK TOXIC MASCULINITY).
Back on track, the comment APPALLS Ellie and makes Henry raise a fist, ready to swing-
All three turn as the guard bangs on the door.
With no more options, the three climb up into the vent, Terrence and Henry helping Ellie before Henry and Terrence climb in, just getting into and closing the vent as the guard, Dmitri, and Bill enter.
"Strange, I thought there was someone..."
As the guard trails off, Bill takes a look at the computer and then the vent as Dmitri yells at the guard; the warrant's reputation has suffered enough already with Henry's and Ellie's escape.
Ellie is wide eyed as she covers her mouth, Terrence is scooting backwards as slowly and quietly as he can, and Henry only stares back at Bill.
"Is there something wrong here, Corporal?"
Bill is silent as he and Henry continue to stare each other. Neither move or blink.
"No," Bullet says after a long couple of minutes. "Nothing at all."
Dmitri turns his heel and leaves the room with the guard following.
Bill takes a second, though, and closes the page Terrence was on.
With a wink and nod to Henry, he leaves the room and shuts the door behind him. "Don't be so hard on your guards, Dmitri. Rookies are allowed to make mistakes."
No one in the trio speaks for a little while, but Henry gives Ellie a smile. 'We're gonna be okay.'
With her leg still healing and his body being more than half metal, Henry is alone as he retrieves Reginald Copperbottom.
Currently, Reginald is lying on his bed and staring at the ceiling of his cell, bored and hungry because the guards lost track of time again.
To say living in The Wall was bad is an understatement. Honestly, Terrence has had it better than our boy Reginald because at least the CCC crew cared about Terrence's well being and mental state. (They don't want Terrence going insame and causing chaos.)
The time alone has also made him incredibly lonely and made him realize just how much he's taken for granted. Having colleagues doing stuff for and with you being one. Privacy is another.
Mostly, though, he misses Right, not having him AS his right hand man, but just having him around.
But he's gone.
He remimds himself of that a lot, but that doesn't stop his mind from wandering back to Right.
Henry kicks the vent open and bursts into the cell, throwing himself to his feet like a badass.
At the sight of the guy who got him arrested in the first place, Reginald presses himself against the wall, getting as small as he can; he has no weapons, no one to defend him, and it's only him and Henry in the room.
"Wait! WAIT! Don't-"
Before he can finish, Henry grabs him by the collar and points to the vent.
"What? What are you saying?"
Henry groans and rolls his eyes before writing on Reg's hand with his finger, like he does with Ellie.
'Want to get out of here and see the Right Hand Man again?'
Reginald is silent for a second, feeling the world stop for a second.
"He... He's-"
'He's alive, yes! And he has my friend Charles!'
Reginald purses his lip and pouts as he 'hmphs' and turns his head to the window. "I'd say it serves you right, given what you did to the clan and my right hand man."
Henry slaps him for that one.
'It doesn't matter now. Do you want to stay here or see him again?'
On the intercom, Grogori announces, "Attention, everyone. There are intruders here in The Wall. Keep an eye out and report to the warrant once you find and apprehend them."
It makes Henry pale and Reginald smirk.
Henry smacks a hand over Reginald's mouth and writes, 'LAST CHANCE. I WILL LEAVE YOU HERE, IF YOU DON'T AGREE TO COME WITH ME RIGHT NOW.'
As guards run closer, Reginald looks between the door and Henry, who hasn't broken eye contact ONCE.
This is his only chance of freedom, and, regardless of who's offering it, it is something he is going to look over.
Reginald nods and replies, "Alright," behind Henry's hand.
Both are gone when the guards arrive.
Inside the vent, Reginald groans in disgust as he crawls. "When do you suppose these were last cleaned? Is there no regard for good conditions here?"
Henry groans again and punched the back of Reginald's thigh.
Ellie and Terrence are sitting outside as guards run around like ants, simply watching as they have acquired a truck. (HURRAY!!)
"What's taking him?" Ellie ponders as she rests her head on the steering wheel. "I hope he didn't get caught."
"He'll be okay," Terrence replies, much to Ellie's surprise because of his earlier comment. "He's smart. Knows what he's doing." He turns to her, noting the slight bags under her eyes. "You two really care about each other, don't you?"
Ellie shrugs. "Well, yeah. Honestly, Henry and Charles... are the first real friends I've ever had." She sits up and tips her head as she smirks. "Ever tried having a game night with a heist partner?"
Terrence hisses and winces at that as he leans against the truck. "Try having a party with FIFTY of them. Don't know what got stolen from my room, but I never got it back."
Ellie chuckles. "Some loyal toppats."
Terrence can't help but snicker back. "Indeed."
Ellie's smile drops as she remembers what Henry told her, and the earlier comment. "Did you... Did you know about Henry before he visited you?"
"Of course I did," Terrence replies, more than a little offended at the question. "He's my son. Why wouldn't I?"
Ellie turns to the road they'll have to start driving on and rests her chin on the steering wheel. "He's just... confused on why you picked the clan over your family."
Terrence chews on his lip at that, more specifically the word Ellie used.
"He said you told him life is for living."
"I did," Terrence agrees. "Guess we have different opinions on what 'living' is."
Ellie nods, though she's more agreeing with Henry's 'living' than his father's.
"And I didn't pick the clan. I chose it."
Ellie scrunches her nose. "Same thing."
"Picking is what you do in an icecream shop when you want cookies cough or mint chocolate chip. Choosing is when you decide whether or not you want to be somewhere because it makes you or everyone happy. Picking is what you do in a shelter when you look for a cat or a dog. Choosing is figuring out what cat or dog you want to take home and take care of. Picking is me jumping form person to person just so I can get what I want from them, valuable stuff of any kind, money, skill, you name it. Choosing is me staying with what I see as having more value that I could use at any given time. Make sense?"
Ellie nods after a second. "Was it worth it?"
Terrence points to her leg. "Was that worth meeting Henry, Mrs. 'Living with many lives?'"
Ellie narrows his eyes, and Terrence holds up his hands.
"Easy, girl. No. It wasn't worth it. And I know because I chose wrong. I literally remind myself every day that I chose wrong. Won't change a thing, though." He turns to The Wall, watching the guards. "If he messes this up, it's all over."
Henry and Reginald sprint towards the truck, Ellie and Terrence waving them over.
The sight of the cybernetic male halts Reginald in his steps.
"T-Terrence... Suave!?"
Terrence glares at Reginald and crosses his arms. "Hey, Reggie."
"Y-You... But, I-... You-eh..."
Henry taps them on their shoulders and points to the truck, signing, 'Save it for later! Let's go!'
Before Terrence or Ellie can ask why, the four hear motorcycles approach, Dmitri riding one as a passenger and aiming a gun at the truck they're commandeering.
Ellie starts the truck and gets it moving as Terrence skids into the shotgun seat as the truck picks up speed.
Soon, Henry and Reginald are both sprinting as fast as they can behind the truck with both doors open. Having had more training and in the time between FtC and this timeline of CtM, Henry can better keep up with the truck, but Reginald is falling behind fast. Henry grabs Reginald's hand and pushes the former leader into the back of the truck.
"Don't stop!" Henry shouts as he grabs a bit of leather or cord hanging off the truck's back door and pulls it down, closing it and surprising Reginald.
As the truck speeds away, Henry makes a turn and darts into the woods.
The motorcycles follow, however, though they're on a path and not through trees.
Henry is ducking, diving, and constantly zigzagging as he's being shot at while trying not to run into a tree. For a while, he does okay, good, even, only getting scraped by stray branches and grazed by bullets, one in particular hitting his cheek.
But we know all good things must come to and end.
Henry looks behind him when he doesn't hear motorcycles behind him, only to look in front of him and get a tree branch to the face, not enough to knock him out but he does see stars.
Dmitri gets off the motorcycle he's on and gestures for the others to stay where they are, circling Henry as he tries to stand up.
"I knew you were here the moment that guard found the office door locked. Clever of you." Dmitri kicks Henry in the ribs and sends him back into the ground. "But not clever enough."
Henry expects another kick when he gets on his hands and knees, but it doesn't come; a punch does when he manages to get on his feet, one right into his nose that sends him spiraling back to the ground.
Remember, Henry just ran for maybe ten or fifteen minutes and got hit in the face with a tree branch.
There would have to be a miracle for Henry to win this fight.
"How long has it been since you and the girl escaped? A year? Two years?"
"Not long enough," Henry groans to mostly himself.
Dmitri slams his boot onto the back of his head for that one, earning a wince from some of the guards.
"Sir," one asks, "shouldn't we hold him up in maximum security?"
Henry's brain kicks into hyperdrive, already showing him how he could possibly escape such a situation, but a hard stomp on his hand snaps him out of it, making him scream because with his mind living another life, his body went numb, like he didn't have those injuries or they healed. The stomp just make every injure ten times worse.
"You've all seen how slippery this one can be," Dmitri shouts, grinding the sle of his boot into Henry's hand. "He escaped before, he can do it again."
Henry tries pushing off Dmitri's boot as he suddenly realizes what's probably going to happen to him; normally he wouldn't be worried because we've seen him come back from getting shot, but with Bill Bullet around there's a chance they can make sure he dies and doesn't come back, with all the CCC lniws already about Terrence.
Dmitri notices this and drives a really hard kick into Henry's teeth, sending him backward before stomping on his face, ribs, and legs.
"You've ruined everything I've worked for since the day I saw you, Henry Stickmin!"
Dmitri kneels down and grabs the hair on either side of Henry's head, smashing him into the ground repeatedly as hard as he can.
Before you start thinking I'm being too unfair to Henry during this scene:
Henry swings possibly the best punch ever and knocks out some fake acrylic teeth Dmitri had to get put in. It catches tolhe warrant off guard, and gives Henry the opportunity to kick him away.
With some more punching, hair pulling, and head smashing, THE FIGHT BEGINS!!!
Even with a busted hand, Henry does okay, mostly relying on right hooks and kicks to fight. Dmitri, however, is able to use simple punches, jabs, and hooks to knock out Henry.
It's something like a stilted dance, as in there's a little bit of a pause before the next attack.
Bith men beat each other bloody, but it ultimately ends with Henry kneeing Dmitri in the side and kicking him back, AND DMITRI CHEATING BY HITTING HENRY WITH A ROCK. (NO FAIR, DMITRI! YELLOW CARD AND FIVE MINUTE PENALTY!!!)
When Henry's down this time, though, Dmitri wastes no time driving his knee into Henry's stomach and slapping his hands around Henry's neck. The action makes Henry gasp because of the sudden air loss, having the wind knocked out of him before getting his air cut off, and start thrashing around, gagging and making all those gross choking sounds that make your stomach flip.
"Look at you," Dmitri spits as Henry tries to break free, kicking the ground and scratching at Dmitri's wrists. "All you rats are the same, but it was you that did all this! You cost me everything! You made me lose everything!" Dmitri tightens his grip on Henry's throat, making Henry gasp loudly. "Allow me to return the favor!"
On the ground, Henry is very quickly blacking out and can feel it as he tries hitting Dmitri off of him.
His movements slow and his eyes roll back as his hand drops.
Dmitri falls back as the guards take aim at where the shot came from.
More shots are fired, a some guards are taken down while the rest chase down the shooter, one ordered to take Dmitri back to The Wall.
Terrence climbs out of the trees and shakes his head at an unconscious Henry.
"Stupid, stupid idiot," he mumbles as he picks up Henry and slings him over his shoulders. "What were you thinking? What the hell were you thinking?"
Terrence walks through the trees as he carries Henry, silent all the way until he reaches the edge of the woods.
Bill Bullet stands waiting for him.
The two stare each other down, but Bill only stands with his hands in his pockets.
"You coming to take us back? We're a little busy right now."
"I can see that." Bullet sees Henry stir a little on Terrence's shoulders and fights the urge to smile; for someone who is so dangerous, he's so cute when he sleeps. "I guess genius over there has another plan?"
Terrence shakes his head. "It started off as my plan, but he had other ideas."
"Credit where credit's due."
After another silent stare down, Bill sighs and stands aside.
"He said he wanted his friend back safe before we brought him in. Better make this plan count."
Terrence nods as he seriously fights a smile and runs to where Ellie had left the truck, waiting for them both to get in so they can make like a banana and split.
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babygirlkiki1016 · 5 years
Dean and Sam are on there way to the bar where you had to been drinking, but find something dark on the way..then a few months later, they never expected this.
Part 1
Y/n's Pov-
"Y/n?..." Sam muttered, shaking his head like he couldn't believe I was there. He ran over, dropping his stuff and embraced me in a hug, sobbing into my shoulder. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"
"...Hey shh...it's ok I promise it's ok...Dean? You wanna join us?" I smile, he had just been staring at me, like he didn't know either to hug me or not move. I reach out my hand, inviting him into the hug me and San were having. Immediately he rushed over and hugged me, kissing my cheek. I smiled at the two men who had there arms around me, I felt safe once again. "Sorry I smell like death." I joked and the both of them laughed, pulling back.
"..How are you alive?.."
"I don't know, Cass?" I turn to Cass, who was smiling.
"I found a way to bring her back, her soul wasn't in heaven or hell."
"Then where was it?"
"That's the thing, your soul was connected to an object. A ring on this man, so I stole it and replaced it back into you body...hoping it would bring you back."
"Well I'm guessing it worked cause I'm standing here. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to take a shower. Which I uh...hate to ask this but I might need some help with getting my back considering I'm covered in, well about everything that has to do with a dead body...any volunteers?" The three boys looked at each other, not knowing what to say. I guess they never expected me to ask this.
"I'll do it." Sam nervously muttered, I nodded and grabbed his hand, dragging him to my room. When I entered I saw my bed all messed up and not made. That's weird I thought, I always make my bed in the morning. Then I knew, Sam's flannel on the edge of the bed along with a pair of pants. Slowly turning to Sammy, who was bright red, I give him a sad look.
"...Have you been sleeping in my bed?" Not looking at me he nods, his cheeks turning even redder. "Oh...Sammy..." I caress his cheek, closing his eyes, he leans into my touch, smiling as he felt the touch of my hand.
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However when I pulled it away, he frowned, like he didn't want to lose the feeling. I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror, before I could make a corny joke I spot the blood. The stab wounds that had been placed on me.
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I look down and touch my shirt, to see if maybe the wounds were still bleeding, but all I could focus on was the blood on my hands....
Flashback: 10 months ago
I stood there waiting on the edge of the beach house bar, waiting eagerly for Sam and Dean to pick me up. Tonight was the night, I had it all planned out, even Dean helped me. We decided I'd go to the bar and pretend to be drinking there but really it was a plan to ask out Sam. I'd tell him to come to the balcony, and ask him right there, while moonlight showered us. Hopefully he would say yes, but there's no telling.
"And what is a pretty lady like you doing here all by yourself?" A dark voice asked, I look over to see a drunk red head man checking me out. It was Carlton Mathews, one of the rich men in the city. I remember him because we questioned him about the murders, turned out it was just vampires.
"Just waiting for someone." I responded and turned my gaze back to the sea, smelling the salty air.
"Well maybe me an you could have some fun.." He steps closer, I could feel his hot breath against my neck. Politely I refused by stepping a foot away.
"I'm sorry I have my eye on someone else." That didn't stop him, he got closer once again, grabbing my wrist harshly.
"He can't treat you like I can, he can't fuck you like I ca-" I pushed him back.
"Keep your hands to yourself!" I turn to walk away but he turns me around and a sharp pain goes through my stomach. He stabbed me once, twice, three times, blood drooled out of my mouth and onto my shirt.
"So you thought it was Vampires killing the people in this town? No no sweetheart, it was me, a warlock. You see, I need pure souls for my spell to work and well there's only ten purest souls in the world that I need. Which yours is one of them..." He leans closer and whispers in my ear, "Sorry not sorry..." Now this part I don't understand, he pulled out what looked like a cigar and pressed it down on my skin while chanting Latin, a language I was never able to learn. When he was done, he threw my body over the railing and I plunged into the water. I desperately tried to go up for air but I couldn't the waves by the balcony were to strong. Swim with them, swim with the waves in order to reach the shore, that's what Sam had told me once. Luckily the shore was nearby so I was able to swim to it just like Sam said. I stepped out of the water, with blood travelling down my body and my wounds burning from the salt. I pulled out my phone, which thank god for the water proof case, and started texting Sam to hurry. I didn't get to send it, because when I looked up, there were more men. They beat, stabbed and battered me till I was dead, till I took my last breath...
"Y/n?.." Sam waved his hand over my face, trying to get my attention. I snapped back to reality, his face showed worry, he knew I was thinking about what happened. "C'mon...let's get you cleaned up." I nodded and started to strip, not caring if Sam was watching. I don't think he cared either because he helped me out of my bloody clothes. When I was naked, Sam helped me step into the shower as he turned on the hot water. I stood there, enjoying the feeling of the water run down my skin, the feeling of becoming cleaner by the second. The feeling of Sam's hand wondering up and down my back as he stepped into the shower, naked along with me. After he helped me clean up, dirt, blood and now dead worms down the drain, he began massaging my muscles. I moaned in pleasure as he massaged my shoulders, back, sliding his hands down my stomach as he stepped closer. His chest touching my back as he stopped when he got down to my lower region, I turned around to see him bright red once again. I guided his hand further down my body, down to my thigh as I pulled him closer. Kissing his lips, he lifted my thigh and I hooked it around his hip.
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One hand was placed against the wall as his soft lips touched my chapped ones. The water running down his back as he hovered over me, covering me with his body. My hands traced his muscles, up his chest and to his hair, where I tugged and pulled. His hand that was frequently pressed against the wall, made it's way to my other thigh, lifting me up so my back was against the wall as his hands were holding me up. His chest touched mine, making me crave more, wanting more. I pulled back for air, his forehead rested against mine.
"Sammy...I wanted to tell you the night that I...you know...I wanted to tell you that I..I love you.." He stared into my e/c eyes with list over coming his. Immediately his lips attacked my neck, making me moan as he sucked and nibbled at the skin. Roughly his hands gripped my hips tighter, possibly causing a bruise but I didn't care. With in hand holding me up, he lined himself with my entrance but first looked at me in reassurance. I nodded and he slowly slid into me, making my walls stretch at his size. Both of us cursing a long string of profanities. He moved his hips against mine, our skin making the tiniest bit of sound as they slapped together. Over time he went faster and harder, I screamed his name, digging my nails into his back.
"F-Fuck Sam..." He grunted as he went faster, making me closer to the edge. "Sammy! I'm close!"
"M-Me to-Oh fuck!" He growled, and he cummed inside of me, neither of us paying attention to that fact.
-Time Skip (Cause I'm tired)-
I dried my hair with the white towel Sam had provided for me. His hair already magically dry as he walked in with the pair of clothes that had been on my bed.
"Here." He said as he handed me a pair of my old lingerie and long sleeve shirt that belonged to him.
"Thanks.." I take them from him and begin to put them on as his eyes never leave my body. It turns out they packed most of my stuff and put it in storage, which I'm glad they didn't throw it away.
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When I was done, I look up at Sam who had those puppy dog eyes. He was now sitting on the bed, his hands running through his hair.
"...You ok Sammy?" I walk closer to him, he nods but looks away, biting his lip to keep him from sobbing. I wrap my arms around him while rubbing his back. He immediately responded by pulling me closer, never letting go, cause he was afraid I'd disappear.
"Sammy it's not your fault." I stroke his hair, while kissing the top of his head.
"I should've been there...I-I..." He cried, he lifted his head "I lost you...I lost you Y/n..all because you wanted to tell me you loved me...the reason I've been sleeping in your bed was because I wanted to smell you. To remember your scent because I had begun to forget it. I forgot how your voice sounded, how you smelled, the only thing I could remember was the cold dead stare that you had in your face when we found you...I couldn't do it Y/n..I couldn't cope with the fact that you were gone..I can't lose you again..." I was shocked, I've never seen Sam this vulnerable before. Well I have, but that was when Dean went to hell. I slowly place my legs on either side of his, straddling his waist and kiss him.
"I'm here, Sam. I'm here...and I never plan on leaving you again."
Part 3 will be posted within the week. So stay tuned for the next chapter.
Part 1
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minorin-fanfictions · 4 years
Falling For You - Jimin Oneshot
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Pairing: Jimin × reader (bestfriendtolovers!au)
Warning: mentions of cheating
Angst , Fluff
Word count: 2677
Here you were yet again. All smiles and cheerful. Totally not like the man who had bawled his eyes out over an ex, on my living room. You really couldn't see that she wasn't the one ever meant for an angel like you. But then again, love is blind. But you are an idiot for not noticing her cheating even after all the signs.
Jimin: "Do you think Kara and I would have lasted longer if I had been enough for her?" Of course.... her again. It makes me feel sick to the stomach listening to you still talk about your ex.
"Jimin, your enough for anyone out there. Even if you still love her, please move on." And the worst part is that i have to act like it's not killing me inside when you talk about her.
Jimin: "Y/n i know you will whack me with a magazine if i express my gratitude but thanks for being the bestest friend. I mma sure I'd still be mopping around my house about my love life if not for you."I refuse to accept that my heart clenced when you called me your bestfriend. It's funny how i started resenting that title in high school and look at nothing changing in College either.
"You still owe me a lot of grocery because s0mEoNE can't cook food for themselves so they think eating up others' is alright." His giggle made my playful frown turn into a soft smile. I guess that's Jimin Effect at this point.
The first week of Jimin's break up had been a disaster. I had found him crying on his bedroom floor, tears falling with an intensity capable of filling an entire bathtub with salt. He was reluctant to talk in detail about his cheating ex initially but soon spilled everything once he was ready, which was on the 6th day of his break up. The first five days had been spent with him crying his eyes out, while I rubbed his back and helped him breathe through his panic attacks.
The 2nd week, Jimin protected his fragile state in the depth of his silence. We would be in his living room like always yet the difference would be that he refused to speak. He just sat on his sofa with his head on my shoulder while I talked about anything and everything, pausing only to hear him hum in response.
So when I said that hearing him coo over Kara for the past years was painful and i wanted it to desperately stop. It definitely didn't mean that i wanted Jimin to loose sight of himself once he finally had to stop.
During the 3rd week, Jimin became more talkative. He laughed a little at my jokes, smiled at the compliments and cracked a few jests himself which I was obliged to laugh to. We would be in the kitchen while his mom cooked his favourite and i whispered things like, "Psst, I once planned to come to school mad but ended up laughing during the first period because I found you making faces at me from the front." Jimin had laughed so hard once he remembered the incident that he fell off his chair. "As far as i recall, you and chairs have a deep 'seated' hatred towards each other." I noticed his mother smile from the side upon seeing her son doubling over in laughter while Jimin found my pun unnecessarily funny. Not that I minded of course.
I could speak nonsense and Jimin would still appreciate it. We could call at 4 in the morning just to ask things like, 'what if birds aren't singing but screaming because they are afraid of heights' and then we would question our sanity.
I turned to look at him half lying on the couch with his gaze fixed on his phone while his feet laid on top- "PARK JIMIN GET YOUR FEET OFF MY TABLE I CLEANED THE ENTIRE HOUSE YESTERDAY " and cue me chasing Jimin around the house just for the sake of tackling him to the ground. In that moment I realized that Jimin had given me a lot of happiness by just being my bestfriend, the damage I inflicted upon myself after catching feelings was my fault.
It's been about a month since Jimin's break up and although he mentions how he had plans for their perfect future, from time to time, he has become more confident himself. Not that it makes me feel less annoyed at him being smitten over a cheater. So i really hope he grows out of what he has gone through before I snap some nec- Jimin: "You know Kara once said-" was all he was able to say on our peaceful walk out of the campus before i cut him off. "How about I don't want to know what Kara once said?" I replied sharply. "Do you hear yourself right now? Kara is gone and it is for the better."
Jimin simply nodded mumbling an apology and i felt bad for the way i said it. We continued walking but he still didn't bring his head up. Cautiously intertwining our hands together I gave his hand a light squeeze to which he responded with squeezing mine back. Not feeling satisfied i started swinging our arms back and forth, constantly bumping my shoulder with his to which he laughed. Jimin shook his head and smiled saying, "You have a unique way of showing that you feel bad but since I adore you, I accept your apology."
"I wasn't apologising for anything," i felt my ears burned as a result of his previous words.
"Mhm ofcourse" Jimin sarcastically said.
"Yes of course"
"I believe you"
"Like you should!"
We bickered. Like always. Having been friends for almost a decade, a silent apology for arguments or just going back to being crack heads was normal. And I could never be more glad for that. Everything seemed normal again.
"Umm.. Hey Jimin." a voice stuttered. We looked back in unision only to find Jimin's ex. Perhaps things only 'seemed' normal.
"Jimin, can I talk to you," Kara eyed me continuing, "alone?" I tugged at Jimin's sleeves and that is enough for him to know that he shouldn't cave in, so he hesitantly replied, "You can say it here."
"But it is supposed to be between us for privacy reasons," Kara inhaled sharply. Hearing her speak nonsense I voiced my thoughts, " I don't think you are well aware of the definition of either 'us' or 'privacy' between two people" Jimin holds Yukari in place when he notices her being two steps away from pouncing at Kara.
Jimin: "You can talk here, afterall, there is no 'us' any longer"
Kara: "Babe, give me a chance."
I interrupted, "Call him a pet name again. I dare you"
Kara visibly shuddered maybe because she knew that I was willing to throw hands at anyone hurting my friends.
Kara: "J-jimin, I am sorry for what i did. I know what I lost is irreplaceable. You are irrepla-"
"So it took you an entire month to know his worth or did you just run back to him because you got dumped," I hissed
Jimin reached forward to grab hold of my arm but I shrugged it off as soon as he made contact with me.
"You think ruining someone's perspective on love is alright? You did not cheat once. Nor was it an accident. Which cheap person would cheat for 8 consecutive months until they get caught? Apparently , you would." With each word I moved closer to Kara while Jimin did his best to hold my hand. But in an instant I yanked his hand away and was about to go into a full blown rage not really afraid of throwing hands. And that is when Jimin snapped, "You better stop Y/n!"
Time stilled. I gave Jimin a sceptical look waiting for him to continue.
He inhaled deeply, calming his nerves before addressing me, "Let me speak."
"What will you say? You will forgive her? Take her back? Wait for her to cheat agai-"
"Y/n," Jimin's stern voice cut me off.
His gaze fixated on me, not acknowledging Kara, "You know that she meant the entire world to me for 2 years, right? I will forgive her b-"
I stared incredulously at Jimin before blurting, "You should mean nothing to me." I speedily walked past them immediately, trying to calm my nerves so that the stinging in my eyes would ease.
Author P.O.V
On the other hand, Jimin realised the wrong meaning of his words and accelerated towards his best friend only to be stopped by his ex, "Jimin, please hear me out"
Jimin glared at her saying, "When I said I forgive you it didn't mean that I want you back."
Kara pleaded, "Don't leave me"
"She needs me and I need to fix it," was all Jimin said before he dashed after Y/n, stumbling down the hallway to reach his best friend.
"This is why we never worked out! It's her! It has always been her! You always left me when she needed you. You prioritised her even when I was you girlfriend! For once stay-"
Kara's voice became distant as he was further away from her but her first few words surely did not fall upon deaf ears.
He heard it. He heard her telling him how Y/n was the reason of their downfall. He heard her telling him how Y/n was the reason of her insecurities. He heard her telling him how his care and worry for Y/n outweighed what he felt for Kara. But he already knew that. Jimin was well aware that it was his mistake for giving himself to Kara just to overcome the attraction he had built for a certain bestfriend of his. Over the years, your heart often chooses the one who gets you most. The one that calls you stupid for crying while embracing you or maybe the one that cries with you over a movie. And he knew. He knew now , 'the one' for him.
"Y/n! Listen!" Jimin screamed as soon as he saw her just a few steps in front of him, standing under the bus stop shade. Thankfully, no one was around to witness Y/n's panicked state and Jimin's rushed words. Seeing that she completely ignored his call, he paced towards her and whirled her around to face him. "Please listen and don't say I mean nothing to you. It hurts."
"4 years. I waited for 4 years hopelessly. You think you are hurt? Well then i guess I am miserable," Y/n's voice wavered. Although confused by Yukari's words he still tried to get her to understand his prior actions, "No no no... J-just listen."
"No. You listen, Park Jimin! Please. Listen." Y/n snapped and Jimin immediately shut himself willing to hear her let it out. "It was difficult..." she cleared her throat to not let the lump grow further, "when I had to get through the moments where you cooed over your girlfriend and I silently contemplated on how to get over you. It was difficult to see you cry over her. It was obvious that you loved her a lot and maybe I was jealous that it would never be me whom you'd love in that manner." The all to familiar stinging was back in her eyes, "Each year that went by where we remained friends, I loved you even more! Honestly, having a guy bestfriend is truly amazing. Until you fall in love with him." She tilted her head to the side, "Jimin... I don't think my heart can take watching you love someone else again.... Not when everything in me is drawn to you!"
Once she ended her rant, realisation hit Jimin like a truck. He could have ended their sufferings if he hadn't been so afraid of ruining what they shared.
"Y/n.. I didn't know you felt that way"
As soon as, Y/n registered the words she had spoken during her rant, she wished the ground beneath would just swallow her. Completely mortified by her actions she looked for an escape.
Jimin frowned upon hearing her, "I’m not okay with just pretending."
Regaining her composure she phrased her next words, "I am so sorry Jimin. This was never part of my plan. We were supposed to be best friends but i ruined it."
"We might as well have been dating this entire time," Jimin sighed
" I know I- Excuse me, wait what? You don't mean..." Y/n wondered if she heard correctly.
He cheekily smiled in return, "Are you going to panic again if I confess?"
"Why didn’t you say something sooner, you jerk!? I- Oh gosh, I could have saved myself from all the embarrassing moments and you are telling me this now? Like, really? Am I a joke-"
"Would you like me to say it now?" Jimin interrupted her mini rant
"Hey! No! Listen! Don't cut me off-"
"I love you," Jimin tenderly reached for her hand and for once she didn't move away
Silence. Like he expected.
"I love you," Jimin repeated.
She stared at him and he knew she was trying. Trying to find the right words.
"I love you more than just as my best friend"
"Why so suddenly?" The question lingering in her thoughts was finally spoken.
“I- Well- You know I’m not good with these confessions," Jimin sighed, "But the thing is- I couldn't- just ruin our friendship with my mistakes. You are my.. umm… priority... You’ve always been important. To me.”
"Why me?" Y/n squeezed Jimin's hand and he tried to be smooth with his confession.
"Well, I love your face. And the stuff on it like your eyes and that small mole beside your ear, which apparently are very red right now." He chuckled to which Y/n playfully glared at him, "Also the things around your face such as your hair. Y'know.. The thing is, it’s you, okay?.. it's just you. Only you, in general.”
Very smooth indeed.
On the other hand, the corner of Y/n's lips tugged upwards upon see their stuttering roles reversed. She ruffled his soft locks and smiled. But before she could reply, a bus stopped in front of them and soon became vacant as people began exiting it.
"Let's go home, dum dum," Y/n entered it.
Meanwhile, Jimin followed her, constantly nudging and whispering, "Hey, gimme an answer" "I literally just confessed thrice" "C'mon just once" "pLEaSe" All to which, Y/n either rolled her eyes or teased Jimin by ignoring him.
Jimin walked Y/n home but refused to move away from her doorstep, only staring off in space. It was silent until he broke it,
“If I even slightly pecked your lips, would you smack me? Because I want to kiss you, but not if you’re going to jab me in the ribs.”
"I will, in fact, jab you in the ribs if you do that without even taking me on a date"
Jimin immediately became giddy at the thought of a date with his best friend and quickly rummaged for his phone, typing a message. All while, Y/n stared at his antics, bewildered once she saw him look up at her eagerly. Her phone soon rang notifying a message and upon reading it she let out a laugh.
Jm🐥: I'll pick you up at 8, tomorrow morning. So dress up in any comfortable clothes since I will only take you back home at night.
She typed 'sure✨, dum dum' and entered her house, but not before giving Jimin a quick hug to which he responded by a tight squeeze.
Y/n leaned against the door frame after closing it and tried to control the erratic beating of her heart while the tender confession he whispered during their hug echoed in her ears like lullaby, throughout the night.
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zitrolena · 5 years
Sick of losing Soulmates: a song-inspired Crisana fic
Decide for yourself if you want to listen to the song before, during or after reading. Hope you enjoy! :)  
"So how long do you think Harry Styles' hair would be if he hadn't cut it when he did?"
Questions like these have increased dramatically since Cris relistened to a song by One Direction and hadn't stopped to listen to any of their members songs yet. It's been a week. 
Joana sighed and looked to the weird girl that was sitting cross-legged opposite to her looking at her phone. Cris was a fangirl now - she came to the dark side and Joana had no idea what to do with that information.
Joana was not used to fangirls and it was especially new to her to be in a relationship with one. Fangirls were like a different species for Joana. For her it seemed as if they sometimes put other people's problems over their own or often even internalsied them as if they were their own.
But thinking about it she actually loved that Cris was a fangirl, or overall that everyone kind of was. What would humanity be if we didn't adapt and think about other people's problems? It just wouldn't be the same. Joana wouldn't be sitting here, wouldn't be medicated and definitely wouldn't be with a girl that she had given a thousand reasons to run. Life wouldn't be the same. Life wouldn't be as good as it was right now.
"What a strange being you are", Joana laughed and grapped Cris' legs, sperated them and put them around her own waist. 
"Are you trying to distract me from my life-changing question with your weird Dangerous Liaisons Spanish accent again?", Cris asked looking up from her phone. She tried acting annoyed but it was obvious to both of them that the smile on her face didn't help her act. Cris was never a good liar.
"Well.. no. At least not on purpose", Joana answered leaning into Cris and kissing her on the mouth. Her lips were soft, covered with a smile and she tasted like the salt of their popcorn they've both shared before.
"Well", Cris mocked Joana when she leaned back again "This isn't answering my question either"
"I don't know, Cris", Joana sighed "I'm not as great of a fangirl as you are"
"You know, I actually could be an amazing fangirl, if things were differently. I would be the kind of fangirl that had their whole walls plastered with posters and I'd know all the lyrics! And I'd be on twitter 24/7"
"You are on twitter 24/7", Joana interrupted her and rolled her eyes "But yes.. God knows where I would be if you hadn't found me sitting all alone in the dark aswell."
Cris laughed and tapped Joanas feet "Yeah. That was a weird night". Did I ever tell you that I've done a screenshot of you the same night and kept looking at it and it drove me insane?"
"Wait, what? Where did you find a picture of me?", Joana asked confused.
"You were on a picture that Viri posted and you can't tell me you didn't try to be on it because You seriously looked straight into the camera", Cris chuckled.
"Oh you mean that photo", Joana laughed remembering the photo she saw on Viris' account "And for your information I didn't try to be on the photo. I'm just that photogenic that the camera always finds me"
"Ah well, of course. My bad!". Both started laughing and all of the sudden all the memories from the past month came flashing back in Cris' head. Her looking at that photo far too many times to be straight. Their first kiss that made her not wash her hair for 3 days because she was not ready to forget the smell of the water that Joana had pushed her in. The breathtaking moment Joana told her that she broke up with Eloy. Those two days when she forgot everything bad in the world cause she was just that happy because she finally had Joana. The back and forth and the I love you's. They've built so much history in such little time and she could only dream about the future. Their future. It's going to be so different than what Cris would have imagined a couple months ago.
"What the hell would I be without you?", Cris leaned in and kissed Joanas nose then her left cheek and then her right. It was like their own kind of making the sign of the cross, their own special handshake, the things only meant for them. "I mean seriously, who the hell would I be?"
"You'd be a fangirl who's not over the fact that Harry Styles cut his hair years ago. Next question" 
"No seriously" Cris grabbed Joanas face in both of her hands "You made me grow so much it's almost weird to think about the past me"
Joana looked away embarrassed and closed her eyes "I'm sor-"
"I swear to god Joana don't say you're sorry now.", Cris laughed and shook Joanas head with both of her hands as if it was the only way to make her understand it "You changed me. You changed everything! And that's a fucking good thing"
Joana grabbed Cris' hands and took them off her face. "You grew because I put you through shit. That's not a good thing"She could feel the stunning pain in her chest again and she wanted it to stop immediately but it was easily said than done. Joana knew there was no reason to freak out. Cris made her choice to be with Joana and it was no one's choice but her own to do so. But it still hurt to think about all the bad things she had to go through because of her.
"We both grew, Joana.. We grew together". Eventhough Joana didn't look at her anymore but stared at the floor instead, Cris knew that Joana was fighting a battle inside of her. "Isn't that exactly what soulmates do?". 
Both were surprised by that word but still Cris couldn't whipe her whipped smile off her face. She loved how romantic Joana made her and how all the romantic movies she made her watch actually rubbed off on her. "A soulmate is someone that wants to grow with you and who chooses you over and over again and will love you through good and bad. Love is about making it work, isn't it?"
Joanas frown vanished and changed to the smiley one Cris oh so loved. "I think a hopeless romantic overtook the body of my girlfriend and I'm not sure how to cope with it"
"Well all that could have been avoided if you would just have answered my question". 
Cris grabbed her phone again out of protest and started scrolling through twitter when Joana tackled her and landed on top of her with "It would be long, okay? Very very long. Rapunzel-like-long. And soft. Just like yours", she said while she brushed over her hair. 
Cris chuckled and let her phone fall onto the soft sheets of the bed "You gonna be a fangirl with me, now? Sure you want to suffer through the pain?"
"Yes.. or at least I'm gonna listen to you obsess over them. Cause I'm sick of losing Soulmates, so where do we begin besides understanding that we both have problems. I know I have some and now I can finally see, you're as fucked up as me. And if letting you fangirl over Harry Styles makes you a romantic, I'll gladly take that kind of suffering". Joanas voice felt hot in Cris' cheeks "This specific fangirl right here", she said while brushing her nose against Cris' "Won't be alone again"
"I like that", Cris said before Jaona finally leaned in to give both of them the kiss they've been waiting for.
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