#if ur wondering why her gun looks like that its cuz i wanted to make thirteen be pastel bisexual colors at first
sheepthatgobaa · 3 months
Tw: a pastel pew pew shooter gun
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Can everyone look at my wife
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enbyblades · 3 years
ok so my roommate and i were talking about starop bc i love dragging her into my bullshit...but also its her own fault for asking why i ship them jsdlafsf but anyway we came up with some good angsty content 
so anyway to be honest we were detailing a potential animatic jashdlasfjsf but it kinda led to us talking about the story potential of having this cross faction romance and all that like parallels between characters; theyre in a fight and somehow starscream winds up fighting against optimus and he fires a missile at him but misses a little too intentionally and megatron notices and like squints his eyes and gives starscream shit about it later of course bc hes suspicious and tells soundwave to keep a closer eye on him,,,, 
whereas ratchet, in a separate battle, starscream gets shot down by one of the other autobots and optimus just freezes and he wants to run to star and make sure hes ok and it shows on his face and his body language and ratchets pieced things together at this point, he knows Smthn is going on between those two, cuz hes perceptive and he just,, nods at optimus and turns the other way, off to help the others...he pretends he does not see it. 
and knockout knows, hes still a bitch but he and starscream have smthn of a mutual respect for one another, mostly bc breakdown acts as knockouts conscience ajsdhlsff, so while he teases star like “have fun with your boy toy, screamer? ‘,:)” he still like covers for him when megatron is wondering where he is and hes off with optimus. 
but the SPICY parts, so starscream kidnaps bumblebee and fucks him up a good deal, probably as a desperate attempt to get megatron off his back a little, and when optimus and maybe someone else arrives to save him, star grabs bee in a chokehold with his gun pointed at his head and optimus of course is horrified and trying to talk him down telling him he doesnt have to do this and wondering whY hes doing this, and starscream shoots bumblebee in the torso, not killing him but yknow, hes gonna be out for the count for a hot minute, and flees the scene 
so they dont see eachother for a while, they stop having their secret meetings bc optimus is hurt and starscream is in his own emotional turmoil over the situation. before optimus can figure out how he wants to handle the situation, he gets a complaint from fowler whos like “WHY is this goddamn jet ATTACKING random truckers???” bc starscream, ever so smooth, decided the best way to get ops attention was to. tackle him in alt mode apparently. ratchet gives him a look and says “looks like someones trying to get ur attention...” and optimus decides hell try to find star in their usual meeting place. ratchet of course is like, long suffering sigh “i cant stop you optimus...i just hope you know what youre doing. be careful.”
so they meet and starscream tries to act like everything is normal but of course optimus has to address the elephant in the room, and starscream is like “i thought we agreed to not talk about war and factions when we meet..” and optimus is like “starscream, you grievously injured bumblebee. you know why we have to talk about this” it becomes pretty heated, mostly bc starscream is explaining himself and is frustrated at the world and their situation and is ranting. he apologizes and clearly regrets what he did, and optimus, having the spark of a saint, forgives him tho hes still hurt. starscreams still VERY distressed though. they have This exchange:
“starscream...please. come back with me... you wont feel like you have to hurt my friends anymore. we wont have to sneak out in secret...”
“how many times do i have to tell you i CANT optimus! megatron would KILL me!” (he used to claim that he cant abandon this cause hes worked so hard for, but hes since come to realize the original ideas the decepticons were fighting for have been lost to megatrons batshittery.)
“we would protect you-”
“oh, like you protected CLIFFJUMPER?”
his eyes widen as he immediately realizes how royally hes just fucked up, and he can see it in optimus face that hes barely holding back a whole slew of hurt, disappointment, anger. it hurts twice as bad bc we all know WHO killed cliff, but also bc optimus no doubt has that leader complex that causes him to feel like cliffs death was his fault bc he couldnt lead them well enough to prevent it, and STAR knows this, and optimus Knows that star knows this, and its just..OOF. so optimus holds it in.
“o-optimus, i- im sorry, i didnt-”
“starscream....i cannot abandon my family. so you need to pick a side....and if it is not removed from the decepticons...i dont think it is healthy for us to keep this up.”
“optimus wAIT-”
but hes already transformed and is driving away. 
again time passes, i havent thought this part all the way thru yet, but eventually they meet again somehow and starscream apologizes (again) PROFUSELY, and optimus, in his infinite patience, forgives him again. they meet in their secret place, and its a pleasant normal meeting, but what optimus said is still very much an issue that needs to be addressed, and its lingering. starscream apologizes again for what he said about cliffjumper, and says smthn along the lines of “if anyone could protect me, not that i NEED protection, mind you......id trust you to be able to.”
“then come back with me...”
he looks conflicted. he wants to go so bad, but....
“we’ll see.” 
they kiss and part ways. optimus drives off, but when starscream turns around hes face to face with lazerbeak. soundwave comes out of his hiding place.
he doesnt bother trying to come up with a lie. he knows it wont get him anywhere. soundwave heard enough, and no doubt recorded it. so instead he pleads with soundwave not to say anything. he promises he wont betray the decepticon cause, he hasnt given the autobots any information and he doesnt plan to, just PLEASE dont say anything. 
soundwave doesnt say a word. he opens a groundbridge and gestures for starscream to walk through first. 
and the next part also isnt totally fleshed out but i imagine he doesnt feel like he has much of a choice, so he walks through and has to face whatever megatron has in store for him unless he manages to escape somehow. whether he gets out on his own volition or is thrown off the ship by megatron is still up in the air, but the ensuing fallout of soundwave finding out and telling megs is what finally pushes starscream to abandon the decepticons for good. 
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rockfact · 3 years
fuck it liveblogging tpoh but putting it in one post so its not annoying (pls read tpoh before reading this post its got so many spoilers) also this is rlly long (http://jolleycomics.com/TPoH/The%20Hook/1)
anyway wow rgb rlly didnt like hero in the beginning eh?
god i love the worldbuilding in this beginning bit like ofc theres lies and doubts and fears like sure!! why not!!! this guys got a tv head!
oh dude rgb dead<3
"cover ur vents" dude he IS a tv eh. well i know that she takes apart his wiring later but LMAO
rgb hates water<3 i would too if i was a tv. my sona is a tv but has water IN them so... yknow
oh yeah the ferrys gone innit
sorry she did what to u TOby??? WHAT???
i forgot rgb is British. gay little guy who says cheerio and telly
bro her fucking dreams got in his vents oh no
dude she killed that idea OH hi the moth butterfly is back
oh nooo the doubts r here and shes crying nnonoooo
oh bro the grief fuckin cried on him oh noooo wait isn't this when he goes negative. i think soYEAH IT IS !!! NEGATIVE MY CONFUSING BELOVED
get those fears asses negative wooo !!!! also bye the grief ^_^
oh yeah gotta take him to the tree since he's out of order eh
oh rgbs outfit changed again. does that when he glitches it seems:) i love it
hero pls just listen to him
THE FUCKING TREE MELTED CANT HAVE SHIT IN [whatever this place is called i don't remember rn]
aaand down they go!
poor TOby :(
the fuckin.. god i love this comic. the metaphors for trauma and shit i eat it UP
rgb i love ur puns but please shut up /j
DID SOME FUCKIN SCISSORS COME IN HERE AND CUT OUT THE WIVES ??? WHAT THE FUCK<3 LOOKS COOL AF BUT DIE. WHY ohhh that's why we see them later and they're all wet n shit. the ocean ate them
AWE HERO ILY bye you stinkin butterfly get outta here !!!
wait dial don't u dare throw TOby into the abyss i stg. die dial
oh they rlly are cousins huh. sayin the same thing.. also dial die i hate ur gay little headNNNOOOOOOOO HE DROPPED TOby FUCK YOU DIAL
nooo this is making me sad abt the characters i make and then forget :( i don't want them to be forgotten
god i love hero sm
i love the explanations of characters getting outlines n stuff. this is so cooooool
oh goodnight to the market. hi dial fuck you OPH HERES THE WIVES !!
oguh the one sided convo ... spooky
mmmmm don't dream around rgb or no good!! bad !!!! love the bits of lore tho. fuck yeah
oh and his clothes changed again i think! nice!!! i love the suit he's wearing in the recent ones.. really my style
this story legit be changing the way i look at other stories . mmm solid outlines my beloved
the fact rgb can just turn up his volume to scream louder<3
AH OFUCK THE DUDES GOT A GUN EH oh yeah his names click. i wonder how many names i can steal from this comic
god rgb so smart :)
click my beloved antagonist
god i love this bit. hero can shoot him or not. he's muted he cant defend himself. its so good oh my god. rgb accepts it too.. he takes his hat off expecting to die oh my god. i love this bit SO MUCHH
the fuckin.. "what do heroes do to monsters?" "SAVE THEM!" LIKE YEAH HERO I LOV EYOU
n then rgb is banned (rightly but how do they get assok back??) and hero becomes his keeper i love this. i fucking love all the chapters in the market
"did you ever forgive me?" "did you want me to?" "...no" "oh, well, that's too bad" HELLO? WHAT!
ogoh and clicks eye(??) falling into the market.... checkovs gun innit
madras lore yesss
all my homies love the world of make believe :)
ah fuck the trees are gone oh this is fuck
oooh so rgb was a writer? or a comic artist or something???????? cooool
idea loose in the market!!
the idea is a fish now! cool. good on it. love this idea
oh TOby finally hit the bottom huh?
this rabbit is so confusing wtf
3 suns????????? rabbit cmon man you put us way too forward wtf!!
ah yeah rgb is broken eh? getting close to the end
MELODYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also lmao julienne melted cuz shes cotton candy :(
i love how hero goes from obviously human to ?? that could be a monster!
madras time
fuckers turned off rgbs body cant have shit in make believe
and they step back!
elastic valley my beloved
i love these pigs sm
hi tg
"because he's *trying*" hero id fuckign die for you
AAAAAAAAAAAND I'm caught up! post time. sorry if u read all of this i have an illness and its called sharing my feelings all the time
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Beauty Realms
I refused to pick myself up
Off the damn ground
Just like u refused to help
That child to his feet
Stop letting ur guns whisper
Wrds get crisper like ruffles
Listen to ur heart listen
To ur heart listen to ur lover
Don't go out like biggie Tupac?
U dig? macking like combs
No poppa just bringing something proper
Stop poppin start huggin
And she never ever kept me
Warm at night pick up in
Hearses brief like gun be silent
My children Feel the prints on dead mulch
Shook ur folks like her looks
Killer creepin to ur window
Crushin dead leaves as he enters
A person's crib bnn hit in the face
By the coffin lid father thought
It was intentional i took it well
No help meh i come from them
Like mary for her baby the times
They never good to us
trump got me thinking
Biggie got me shaking my head
Tupac got me Reminiscing
Robin Schultz have me forlorn
I wanna think sick dreams to put
The devil to sleep why the fightin?
Stop u cryin ur groaning tha moanin
Caht u see im dying on my death
Bed like Wallace said u wouldn't understand I'll make the phone call brief
Like highschool love u don't wanna love
No more too late for this
Somebody put the pipe to my
Nutshell i want the trigger to
Talk dirty to me so let it squeeze
Young Fools don't wanna help a nigga
Breathe and i don't make enough bread
To set examples Like chances
Making mills givin bills no cheap thrills lovin pll Instead of ur bread ur pills love urself Even tho i tried i cried too much
Am srry too much let's sit
And hold hands with kim
Tell donald he gotta go
Let Steyer Take office i wanna
See smiles on people's faces
I wanna see Liberia and Africa
Dance to no more sickness no more pain
Tell shinzō am srry he won't accept it
But i want to express the thought
That should matter to him and me
Like they and them but no one ever
Spoke of us and we its always i to the am
No she cuz they were too irrelevant
To man as man was too
irrelevant to woman its funny how
That i express this better thnn a
Typical adult would but i was i
I shook my head and asked my
Pistol for help it proceeded to
Shoot meh in the noggin why The jokin?
I wasn't yet laughin stop clowin
This Is serious drink the maggots
Eat ur meal the coffins call us all
They stop ur flower bringing
Ur slow songs  whnn three yrs go by
now ur just dirt
In the hue time its past our time Subliminal like a correspondence
Too dependable Don't overreact
I hate going to the room cover doors
We gonna be here for awhile so two-sided
Living like a hypocrite so wishy-washy
Triggers keep whispering to me
Why call the ems?  U got soul to
Call them urself u pullin my leg
Choking my collar put up
against the furnace Hansel and Gretel
Got away scott free pull ur guns
But pull ur frustrations on ur kids
Why so petty?  I must find a way to die
Getting real tired of people just let
Me die slow slow as sloth
u waste my time wrap me up like
A pharaoh no king no godd just a bad boy
Im choking on wrds as ur friends choke
On high clouds sinking in high tide
Oh no no don't come back and haunt
My lonely soul i ain't got time
For entities gotta my mind
On my goddamn feelings don't Have
Time for weeping gotta
keep my Eyes on goddamn time
Don't carsick me with ur fake affection
I couldn't figure out why the same
Damn cars were parked outside hospitals
Evrynight i couldn't picture my
Lover dying a slow death too
Gone like onfroy and the Nineties
Were terrible with some honorable
Mentions the hospital was a night clinic
Send urself back the crib
dying early dawns suffocating
On life support u test me my heart
Ripped out Rip so sad let die
Wasn't worth a penny a Dime To'em
U didn't wanna be a molester
No killer am in the act of street knowledge Am stray no godd
Wise godd stray i get around i see well
I don't lie well but eat good
Make sour promises look distainful
I keep wrds as if they were
precious stones i sought it out
Like beauty realms but unreachable
Like a pretty woman like a goddess
They saw me ugly and unseasoned
Had a personality i never seen before
More lame thnn the average
So weak thnn the meek so wasteful
Like a bottle not precious as diamonds
Flith as a rug that's me on ur floor dead
Its so real like a beauty realm
i couldn't touch and fantasies and dreams
Remained in my skull but shut them off
With a noose i was so wrong Whnn will
I see a smile on my Face??
Whnn will Japan forgive Us???
Who will feed the needy everyday?
Make ur days worth don't make one
Day good make a hundred more
So high u could be like Jesus
But u weren't my saviour
Stop climbing high u wanted
Clout and fame for ur good deeds
Stop ur boasting be humble
Ur not a modest man with high morals
Not so great now Huh??
U think u better thnn Us yeah???
U misunderstood my lettering
That's why with each paragraph
U get more and more confused
This isnt to teach its to understand
Why we lack so i keep my head low
And except the worser deeds by
The higher man cuz they lie all the same
I look for imperfections in the mirror
Instead i saw the devil mock me
With sick expression ur no Ecstasy
Just a supernatural phenomenon
Caused By my own fabricated Infatuation
Within beauty and splendor so
Grand i shot my heart out
Filled my head With Grandeur
Passed out on my brother's shoulder
But he knock me to the ground
And cussed me being a flower
I was a ugly flower brother saw
Me a burden and our mother troublesome
And our sister worrisome but i
Cut off excuses brother why the frowin?
Have i failed u? I was i not motivated
To keep ur mind at ease
I grieve on ur bed side cuz the way u sleep Looks as if ur in a coffin and i couldn't Bare the sight i sigh cuz we all will be In wood coffins one way or another People shoot me off my feet
Like a realm i was forever lost
To Infinite amount of souls
Crying to themselves rotten
Like the stray the maggots breed on him
I passed the arsenic to my
Darling lover no wonder why
The blue blazer and the yellow tights
Fitted me so well i was going
To start a mass chain affect
So horrendous be like Marylin Monroe
Dial nine no call back just silence
Crack of dawning lead out in a stroller
Beauty's dead and where was judy?
Tell me if i go to a pastor
Will be truthful with Me?
Could he say with a heavy heart
That things happen for a reason?
Could he rlly honestly possibly
Probably hopefully reassure me
That i could die Happy???
Uh huh....didn't think so....
Riddle me this u ppl who think ur above all
U who thinks ur generosity
holds no bounds u women hold signs
For change u need to rlly look
Urselves in the mirror to understand me
Riddle me this can we still love
Once the heart stops beating??
Can u fix a beggar a hot meal
Without think lowly or suspicious
Of him? Can u care for a child
After he lost waht u got??
See ironically u all berates me
Cuz u kno im telling the truth
But ur stuck in denial and me
Taking great pity in u
I sigh and walk into a hwy
My talking was shunned out by
Visco girls and Woman stereotyping
Men without giving urselves a second
Reason whnn we act we act reason
The other 50% were just fools
I turned a Symphony to a sad man crying
Old man dying dead stray a walkin
I stop the talkin cuz am sinking
They murders me softly
I sullied myself to the coffin once more as The birds stop their srry note
Im being for real for real.
And not fake for fake
See where am going with this??
But u don't wanna listen
But u wanna help ppl??
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the sun smashers are important y’all
so i was rewatching bahroo’s zane stream please dont judge me i just wanted to see how he screamed when he got set on fire
and i noticed something funky about the main quests
tl;dr: the main quest levels are really weird, we go from a level 1 quest, to 2, to 2 (no that’s not a mistake), to 4, to 10!!, to 14, to 13. I theorize that either there is a hidden mission somewhere, or the quests were oddly leveled for the demonstrations and should have been spread out like so: (1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 14) and give my reasoning for that. its still a pretty big jump from 4 to 7 and so on, but its more reasonable to think they wanted to fit in some side quests there
i then go talk about the Sun Smashers! and these guys are fun :)
y’all when we show up at the HBC, we’re already on a mission to “Find the Sun Smashers”. the first time we hear about them during the footage we’re shown is when Tyreen mentions them. The theory is that the sun smashers stole the vault key from the recruitment center (we offered them a place in our family = we recruited them) and they just wanted guns and cash (they betrayed the family = they stole our vault map) and Vaults are a source of both guns and cash
i think when we go fight Shiv, the room back there with monitors is going to give us information on who the sun smashers are and where the vault key is (the HBC) and lilith tells us we NEED to go get it. I don’t think there is any power stealing here and now. Probably later. but not now!
Tyreen also says in the hologram “Like i said, that vault map is super busted”. but she had never talked to us before in the footage we’re shown. I’m thinking there is a point where we do speak with the twins, or we “overhear” something and then they see us, etc, and that’s the reason they cut the footage.
so i think the timeline is: 
Get attacked by CoV, head to RC, save Clappy, meet Lilith, learn about Sun Smashers stealing key from RC, maaayybe some talk/introduction with the twins?? idk, head to the HBC, beat up Mouthpiece, get the Vault Map, Hologram time (hi again), Lilith gets her powers stolen and the Vault Map too, we get Sanctuary III (either we find the ship itself on pandora (my vote: we’re probably going to have to clear it of wildlife ew), or we take a shuttle up), head to Promethea to stop the twins cuz they got to teleport with lily’s powers and had time to set up that sweet alliance with maliwan because they have a grudge against atlas for experimenting on them while we’re fumbling on a sand planet looking for an escape
is that good? are we good?
i think we’re good.
so the first quest is level 1, that’s a given
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second quest
level 2
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also a given
the third quest???
also? level 2?
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which is weird cuz im pretty sure the demo streamers were around level 4 for that quest, but the enemies were levels 6-7 so… i imagine the actual level for the quest is about 5?
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the fourth quest is level 4, but it might actually be around level 7.
the reason i’m bumping the levels up is because when you get to the fifth quest in the game
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the quests jump from level 4 requirement to level 10
and that’s one huge-ass leap to make all of a sudden
not to mention the jump from 10 to 14
slightly better than 4 to 10, but its still a big jump, especially since the characters are starting to level up more. I could believe there’s no gap between 5 and 6 because the streamers start the level at lvl 10, but then the enemies are scaled to level 10/11 so… what the heck. from the HBC footage it’s clear the enemies don’t scale directly to player level (as a lvl 4 amara was taking on level 6/7 enemies) so im wondering if they changed the levels to make it look earlier in the game than i actually is
it’s even weirder because the quest you get when you finish the demo is level 13
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usually when you get mainline quests, they try to make it so that they’re in order level-wise. these two are… very much not in order. and i understand that Congratulations was put in solely for the demo players, but the fact that it’s actually a lower level than the quest preceding it is really bizarre. I think the quest log for Hostile Takeover was supposed to be scaled down to level 10/11/12 (take ur pick) for the demo and it wasn’t.
Same for Sanctuary. I think it was supposed to be scaled down as well. That would leave a smaller, less noticeable gap between quests 
So we’d have a level 1 quest, TWO level 2 quests, a level 4 quest, a level 8ish quest, then a level 11 quest. Not bad. There’s still the huge gap between quests 4 and 5 but it could be much worse. Could be the 6 level gap we had before.
I do think it could also be that the third and fourth quests were pulled forwards in level. Example being that the third quest isn’t supposed to be level 2, it should be level 4. Then the fourth quest would be around 6/7 and then we’d have 5 coming in at 10, which is just on the mark.
There’s still a lot of awkward leveling here and there but its borderlands? so it’s possible they wanted to fit in some side quests at this point to pad it out. I prefer the theory that there’s a quest that was taken out of the quest logs. 
so you’d have something like (and this is going by the original, demo-ordering of the quests):
level 1
level 2
level 2
level 4
level 7 (hidden quest)
level 10
level 14
i just don’t understand why from the ground up and cult following are apparently the same level. I suppose that’s where they’re making us believe Lilith gets her powers stolen so maybe its because we don’t get to do a lot of combat at the time so we’re still level 2 when we head over to the HBC? Which… is weird because when they get to the recruitment center, even though Cult Following is supposedly a level 2 quest, the player characters are level 4 while the enemies are ranging from 5-7
it’s possible they scaled this quest up since amara would later be playing with Zane (though she levels up to 5 almost immediately when entering), but i’m thinking of something else.
i want to propose something
I think the sun smashers stole the vault key from the recruitment center. the quest objectives for Cult Following are these:
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“Find the Sun Smashers”
Tyreen talks about them a little bit when we first meet her in the hologram but we’ll get to that in a second
so obviously the sun smashers are those purple corpses we’ve been seeing all throughout the HBC. im uncertain if Mouthpiece is a part of their subsect of the cult or not (Tyreen didn’t kill him sooo), as the objective changes to “Kill Mouthpiece” once you enter the arena. I imagine if he is, maybe he’s their leader? Maybe he asked them to steal the Vault Map to prove themselves to the twins by opening a vault by themselves or some shit. I dunno if he is though. Maybe Tyreen left him alive to prove a point to us because she knew we were coming for the busted-ass Vault Map. Like she let him continue to protect it (even though it was broke) because she knew we’d come to get it and kill him on the way. I digress.
Mouthpiece says, when he dies: “I see it… The Great Vault” which I think is once again proving the theory that the twins are saying they’re going to lead the bandit clans to salvation through the Red Vault. Unsure if that’s the wicked Vault symbol we see in the trailers (you know, the biological looking one) or if that’s just a symbol for the first Vault on Promethea, or if they’re the same thing. I dunno, I can’t imagine we’d reach the so-called “Great Vault” by chapter 6/7/8 in the game, but its possible that Vault unleashes a wealth of alien horrors for us to defeat annnd, yeah, you know the drill. Twins either die or join our side to help us defeat whatever comes out of it. Or, the so-called “Great Vault” is a bust and it either can’t be opened yet and other Vaults need to be opened first, or some other inane shit to pad time. I am most curious as to why they’re going to the Vault on Promethea first, though. Randy says Tyreen wants to absorb the Vault Monsters’ powers so she can become the most powerful living being or whatever so going to a Vault that was (possibly) already opened by Atlas seems like a weird choice (still not sure if Atlas ever actually opened the Vault on Promethea or not. Never actually said if it was the Vault or just some Eridian ruins they found themselves that boosted their company up so high. We know Typhon found the actual Vault and Key, though!). Also going for the salvation bit ASAP when u kinda need ur cult to get the other Vaults is really weird.
anyway. I got kinda off topic here. … again.
i imagine our first interaction with the twins is in the recruitment center, but I don’t think they actually show up. More holograms, or an ECHO stream, or whatever. I’m gonna stand by what I said in that one lilith post (one of many ugh) that when we enter the room Shiv came out of, a broadcast is going to start.
I think maybe the twins (or mouthpiece) … (or both) will be broadcasting something detailing where the Vault Key went (stolen by the Sun Smashers) and where they’re all headed (the HBC). that would explain why Tyreen starts out with “did you come all this way just to see me?” and not some sorta greeting like “oh who the heck are you?” (also can I point out that she asks us to thank lilith for the Firehawk powers not during this scene, but during the Promethean scene. just another point in the “they steal lilith’s powers after we retrieve and fix the vault map” box). 
She goes on to show off her powers (yay for “we’ve never seen her use her powers before, not even on lilith”)
and then immediately goes on to say “so i offered the sun smashers a place in our family, but they just wanted guns and cash, they betrayed the family” then we get “Gods don’t negotiate” (hell yeah). She goes into this like we have context for who exactly the Sun Smashers are, which is where my theory comes into play. What was the betrayal? Well, we all know Vaults are (supposedly) a source of kick-ass loot. Of guns, and cash. They stole the Vault Map from the twins after they had let them into the “family”. That’s how we know who the sun smashers are before this demo. We have an objective to find the “sun smashers”. why do we need to find them? they took the vault key. lilith thought the vault key was in the recruitment center (where the sun smashers were being recruited!!!) but they had stolen it and brought it to the HBC. The twins show up to make a demonstration out of them and Ty rock-ifies all of them. She knows the Vault Hunters are coming to get the key, and that the crimson raiders were the ones with the vault key in the first place (from when Sanctuary had fallen… in theee upcoming dlc). she probably understands that we have a better idea of how to work it than she does. And I’m betting, the reason she decides to steal Lilith’s powers is because Lilith knows how to work it. So even if we do meet the twins in flesh-and-blood before the HBC? They wouldn’t have a reason to steal her powers then. It’s only after we fix the Vault Map that they decide to come get it back and get the key that will make it work (lilith’s powers. in case that part wasn’t clear lmao). 
oh and tyreen talking about the whole sun smashers thing in general is interesting:
Like, she hadn’t mentioned the sun smashers before so… I assume this was mentioned the first time we meet her (or at least during the climb up to the HBC). maybe we witness the twins in conversation (either in-person or through an ECHO stream/hologram/whatever) and they don’t realize (or don’t care) that we’re watching? and ty mentions something about being annoyed they have to get the Map back because it’s broken, anyway and then they’re like “oh! hello! we were waiting for you guys! that was quick!” but they totally knew we were watching because they WANTED us to get the Vault Key, its all part of their master plan
because Ty does say at the end: “go ahead and take it! I’ll swing by later to pick it up. you’re my most loyal follower, Vault Thief :) you just don’t know it yet :)”
i imagine she knows we’re a “vault thief” because we tell her we’re vault hunters and she’s all like “well… that sucks, those vaults are ours, they’re our birthright, you thief”
i got a little into this lmao
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staysuki · 3 years
btw softukiyos really doesnt have a masterlist, i think shes fixing the links or smth. you can find her other stories on the tags tho ! https://softukiyos.tumblr.com/post/661861264424943616 -> heres the link to the story i recommended hehe
hala baka ikaw nga ang tunay na mrs. hwang 😏 you felt that pic? 👀👀👀👀 me too lol believe me, the longer you watch the show, the more irritating she becomes. AND THE KID MATE. the handsome kid who took off his mask cuz he was threatened to be stabbed. he got shot tho, died nevertheless :"> uhh they are selling organs, its not rly a spoiler so dw abt it. it was just a side story that didnt even got explained LMAO its fun reading your predictions hehe but i dont want to say much, im scared i ll accidentally spoil you. still, i feel like some kind of god that know what happens while you re out here guessing XD
MOVING ON, YHMs new ch ! seungmin really is smooth, damn. inviting a girl immediately to his home but what he actually really wants is for his idol to come in 👀 seungmins really taking advantage of all the benefits he can get for keeping a stranger's, who surprisingly has many connections to famous artists, phone at gun point. HHAHAHAHAHA same vibes. crush > literally anything that needs to be prioritized.
i did not do anything today, just laid down and thought abt what to do with life but the chapters you posted still recharged me. i love the updates aaaaaaa you could already tell by how long this ask is but being straightforward is cool 😎 thank you ehhe
except maybe like at 12 am. omg remembering it still stresses me wat da fuq. i read a horror fic at that time and it was so good that i sent a long ass review full of love and me just saying "it scared me shitless" a bunch of times. i did it in phone and i stated before that the app lags sm. it was abt as long as my previous ask. anyways i pressed ask and the words something went wrong with your ask showed up. i started typing it out at 1 am and i literaly finished at 2:30. BELIEVE me, even when sending you asks, i usually take an hour at least. i need to organize my thoughts so much. SMH >:( uGH i kenat. anyways lol i just did it again, it wasnt really that bad LMAO
hows ur day btw 😎
- bs
ohh, that’s sad, i’ll wait for it then, or look thru the tags 👀. and yeah! i’ve read that one already, personally not a big fan of non-contemporary aus but her works are great :,))).
BYE. and i see, THAT kid, i already forgot him but yeah, i do feel really bad :((( he did not deserve that, so sad. makes me wonder about the people who works there though and why they seem so emotionless, i wonder if it’ll get explained. are any of my predictions true 💀 i’m still wondering about that but hngghhh i should finish the series na.
i love seungmin’s smau 😭 there’s so many on queue na and i’m currently writing the written chapter. as i wrote for it, i realized that it’s probably not going to be a long fic, i feel like with the story revolving around six people, there really isn’t much arcs to go on and i think i’d focus on the main boy na anywho. it’ll probably be a linear development with two to three arcs at most, not like jyp-u where there’s so many things happening all at once.
and thank you, i’m glad you enjoyed the fics 😭🤧 i’ve loved writing them too especially since i’m currently in another motivational streak uwu. i’m even already excited to plan out hyunjin’s smau (wow i just love smaus). and yes, i love receiving your asks no matter how long 👩‍💻.
and yes, the app is so buggy, i hate it 😭. but i enjoy reading your asks even though they’re incoherent sometimes JSHWJSHWS JKJK, i love it.
my day went great! i’ve been in a productive streak this week so i spent today being all 😴😴😴 bc i deserve it. mostly just writing fics too honestly.
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