#if u were to cut open my brain and look inside it would be a constant rotation between
junkissed · 3 months
feeling romantical this evening i want to kiss jun on the mouth
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foodiegoogie · 23 days
what friends are for
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sirius black x fem!reader ✮ 3.95k summary: you’re an overthinker at its finest; sirius is an overdoer when it comes to saving you from you and your thoughts. cw/tags: no use of y/n, highschool!au, biker!sirius (mentioned), too long for its own good,, nothing too heavy <3 also the teachers r still called professors here bcoz yes !
note: DAMN FINALLY ive finished this 😭 tho its still a little too long for my taste .. i am kinda proud of this :> this was a recycled thoma request, but since i kind of serve to the marauders audience now,, i decided to give it to sirius 🥰 happy reading! 🫶🏼
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Having an overly active brain was both a blessing, and a curse. You loved your creativity and intelligence, and they definitely showed in your report cards. What you didn't like was how often you thought about simple, small matters, and then thought about it some more, and then some more after that. You were an overthinker at its finest. Everyone who knew you well enough would agree that you were a non-stop thinking machine, and they all hoped you would cut yourself some slack and give yourself a break.
“That’s easier said than done,” you’d say to them. Oh, what you wouldn't give to stop being a self-sufficient, but also self-pitying brainiac! 
But, as they all say, old habits die hard. That is why here you are, in class, watching your teacher collect your test papers and slowly getting into the routine of asking yourself the questions—the what-ifs, did-Is, and the like. 
You were bouncing your leg up and down restlessly while chewing on your bottom lip, looking very deep in thought, when you felt something hit your head lightly. A crumpled ball of paper landed in your point of view, breaking you out of the trance from overthinking. Picking it up, you opened it and smoothed it out to see what was written inside. 
You look like you just murdered someone and are now burdened by your guilty conscience.
Despite your sour mood, you managed to let out a snort and a soft smile after reading the line. You could recognize the flawlessly cursive handwriting anywhere; it belonged to your good friend, Sirius Black. And knowing him, you knew better than to come up with a snarky reply and retaliate. Getting caught chit chatting with someone like him during class hours could land you in detention, especially now that the teacher inside your classroom was the one and only Physics Terror, Professor McGonagall.
So, you crumple the piece of paper back into its ball shape, and stuff it into your backpack. A few seconds later, you feel something hit your head again. The culprit? Yet another crumpled ball of paper, now sitting on your desk. Letting curiosity get the best of you, you open it up and read what's written.
Ok, rude? Guess you can forget about getting my help cuz I know a good place to bury a body :)
Softly chuckling to yourself, you shook your head and wondered why you were even friends with someone as bizarre as Sirius while you put the crumpled paper in your bag. For a while, you didn’t feel anything light hit your head like you expected. But just as you were about to spiral into another endless stream of self-doubt, you were hit again with a crumpled ball of paper. 
Slowly, you turned around in your seat to glare at Sirius. You meet his eyes doing the same thing, and then gesturing impatiently at you to open the piece of paper he just threw at you. You stuck your tongue out at him out of spite before finally opening the piece of paper.
The sentence was written in bold black letters, underlined a bunch of times, and the punctuation marks at the end were twice the size of the letters. Having read the ridiculous note, you let out what might have been the loudest cackle you have ever let out in your highschool life.
You hear your name called out loudly by Professor McGonagall, in a stern tone that could only mean one thing for you. It felt absolutely mortifying to have your classmates' eyes on you, seeing their pity and amusement appear on their faces. 
"You'll be seeing Mr. Filch for detention after class," She said, zeroing in on you with her piercing glare. If looks could kill, you'd have been dead in your seat by now, and Sirius could use his knowledge of good places to bury dead bodies so he could bury yours. "I hope you'll learn your lesson in your time with him." 
"I will, Professor," You replied, the embarrassment reflecting in your voice.  Great—not only were you unsure about your grade for this class, but now you had one more thing to be worried about, as well as overthink about.
Unable to take on your classmates’ pitying looks on you, you crossed your arms on your desk and laid your head down against them, hiding your face from the prying eyes of your classmates. You could not handle any more humiliations. But you also thought that nothing could possibly be worse than the situation you put yourself in.
Then, you were proven wrong.
All of a sudden, you heard your classmates murmuring around you. Lifting your head up to see what was going on, you saw a paper plane glide smoothly through the air before it landed perfectly on the stack of test papers Professor McGonagall was currently grading. 
To some of your classmates, what happened afterward took less than a minute. But to the rest, including yourself, it seemed like eternity with how carefully Professor McGonagall dropped her pen, and took off her glasses. She picked up the paper plane and opened it up, narrowing her eyes at whatever was written inside. Unfortunately, none of you ever knew what was written inside. But you all knew that it wasn't any good, judging by the twitch in her eye and the frown on her face.
"Who does this belong to?" She asked, her displeasure clearly heard in her voice and seen in the glare she gives everyone in the room. A beat passes, and suddenly everyone is pointing fingers to someone sitting at the back of the classroom. 
Though you had a hunch on who it was they were pointing at, you hoped that you were wrong; that it turned out to be some other classmate of yours who had rotten luck just like you. Then, you were proven wrong… again.
You turned around in your seat just in time to meet the mischievous eyes of your raven-haired friend. He even took the time to throw you a playful wink before clearing his throat dramatically. 
"Good morning, Professor,” Sirius began, his hand closed in a fist like it was holding something near his mouth. “This is your captain speaking. It seems like my aeroplane experienced turbulence and crashed in your area. Terribly sorry, rookie mistake! Rest assured that I'll comply with whatever punishment you subject me to for the matter." 
"In that case, good, because you'll be serving detention alongside your classmate here," Professor McGonagall nods in your direction. "I hope you'll both learn something about rudely disrupting the peace and quiet during class hours with unnecessary distractions." She smiled, although anyone could tell it wasn't to be kind. Then, she returned to her previously interrupted task of grading test papers.
Rolling your eyes, you sighed. Of course, he'd get himself into trouble, you thought. You turned to look at him, catching his attention, and mouthed the words, "What'd you do that for?"
Sirius shrugged in reply, a cheeky smile on his face before mouthing the word, "You."
Genuinely, you have always wondered how you managed to land yourself a place in Sirius’ life as one of his closest friends. It was one of the things you’ve thought about over and over, but have never really gotten to the bottom of. Nevertheless, you will always be grateful for having a friend like him, even if he does give you a headache sometimes.
It turns out that serving detention wasn’t as bad as you expected it to be, having been assigned under Mr. Filch’s orders of tending to the flora and fauna stored in the school greenhouses. In fact, you were actually kind of enjoying it, and Sirius being with you totally wasn’t a part of the reason why. 
“You know, this actually isn’t so bad,” He remarked, spraying the lavenders with some water, a faint smile on his face. “I thought we’d be somewhere organizing Sprout’s herb collection or something.”
You laugh at his statement, “Not gonna lie, I expected something boring, too. But this is pretty nice.” You beamed at him, looking away from where you’d been adjusting potted plants accordingly where the sunlight was hitting. 
“Who knew we’d be so good at gardening?” 
“I know, right?” 
Sirius chuckled in reply, and you joined in with him, taking the time to look at him before returning to your task. He looked especially handsome whenever he laughed; eyes crinkled by the edges with amusement, his pearly whites on perfect display as he smiled. It also certainly didn’t help that on top of the black leather jacket he wore, he was wearing an apron, and a bandana tied around his hair which pushed it back to act as a headband, revealing his forehead which glistened with a thin layer of sweat. 
Sirius Black looked ridiculously handsome, and you didn’t need to think twice about that, because it was a well-known fact.
At that moment, you were so caught up in staring at him that Sirius caught you in action. It was already too late to look away and feign indifference for you as a smirk had started to make its way onto his face.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” He practically purred, his voice taking on a deeper, more flirtatious tone than usual. Your brain loses its ability to function momentarily before you quickly wracked your mind for a snarky retort. 
“How original,” You quipped, trying to hide your momentary lapse in brain function at his unexpected tone. Sirius lets you get away with it, hiding a subtle smile of amusement to himself. 
Turning back to a pot of chrysanthemums you’d neglected briefly, you decide to change the topic. “So I was just wondering,” You began, a curious lilt to your voice. “What’d you write on that paper plane you flew to Professor McGonagall?” You queried as you turned to face him again, placing your hand on your hip.
“Oh, psh, that old thing?” Sirius waved it off dismissively as he wrapped up with his task of watering the flowers. “Just a little piece of an opinion I’ve been meaning to tell her.” 
“And just what was it you were meaning to tell her?” 
Before he answered your question, he took the time to take his bandana off, wiping the sweat off his forehead with it. Then, he fixed his hair - running a hand through it and ruffling it up slightly. Inwardly, you had to admit, you almost forgot what you were talking about as you shamelessly watched him be… hot; and like he knew the effect it had on you—which he most likely did—he smirked at you. Again. 
“I told her that dogs were better than cats,” Sirius smiled wickedly. 
You gasped in horror. “No, you did not.” 
“Oh, yes I did,” He said as-a-matter-of-factly.
“You know how she feels about cats, Sirius!” 
“Precisely the point, darling.”
To some, it would seem like something off of a controversial debate, like if pineapples belong on pizza for example. But to everyone who really knew Professor McGonagall well, saying things like that was just a recipe for disaster—with disaster meaning serving detention, of course.
“No wonder you ended up here,” You shook your head in disbelief at him. 
“Buuut, like I said, it’s not so bad here,” Sirius opposed, untying his apron from the back and behind his neck. “Plus, I’ve got good company.” He winked at you before hanging the apron on one of the hooks attached to the wall of the greenhouse.
You didn’t— no, couldn’t reply to him, seeing how you were caught off guard with what he said. But it wasn’t like Sirius wasn’t good company for you, no. There was never a dull moment with him by your side. In fact, if it were someone else you were stuck with in detention, you wouldn’t have agreed with him earlier that serving it wasn’t so bad. And frankly speaking, if serving detention just meant extra time to hang out with Sirius Black, then you wouldn’t mind disrupting the peace and quiet of class hours every now and then.
Though that would certainly look bad on your report cards, so you mentally chastise yourself for even entertaining the thought. But you couldn’t deny that there was some truth behind it, at least. Or more than some.
“Let me walk you home?” Sirius asked as he regarded you with a certain gentleness in his grey eyes. You felt like melting on the spot, right then and there, as he lingered by the doorway to the greenhouse, waiting for your answer. 
But you managed to pull yourself together, and smiled at him. “Sure.”
On some days, you would have just taken the school bus home, and Sirius would have just gone on his motorbike. Though in the past, he’d asked you countless times if he could give you a ride home, of course, because it was quicker and more cost-efficient than taking the public transport. But with the way your face blanched at his offering, and the way you kept spewing facts upon facts about how motorbike riding was dangerous (Sirius tried to reassure you that it wasn’t for very obvious reasons), he settled for walking you home instead. 
While that had quickly become an almost regular occurrence for the both of you, Sirius always made sure to ask you first, despite the fact that he would have to go back for his motorbike parked at the school after. Knowing this, you tried very hard to kindly refuse him at first. But over time, you found yourself saying yes without a second thought.
At the same time, you refrain yourself from giving it much thought. It was simply a kind gesture from a really good friend of yours, and that was that. 
A devilishly handsome, fiercely loyal, and incredibly caring… friend of yours. 
Walking home with Sirius never fails to make you feel better after a long day at school. The both of you are instantly engaged in meaningful conversation, debriefing the events that occurred during the day. You like to think it’s a mandatory routine by how often you do it, how often it happens, and how natural it feels. It’s definitely one of, or maybe the best way to de-stress and relax after spending a whole day just studying and working. 
If only he could keep the teasing to a minimum, though. 
“I’m just saying, you know,” Sirius said, shrugging nonchalantly as he walked beside you. “You didn’t have to laugh that hard.” 
You scoff in disbelief, the sarcastic reply bubbling up in your throat. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you liked it whenever I laugh at your jokes?” 
“Never said I didn’t, love,” He responded, voice softening at the term of endearment used. “But you could’ve been saved from Minnie’s wrath if you hadn’t done that evil cackle of yours that you call a ‘laugh.’” Sirius chuckled slightly as he spoke, reminding you both of your embarrassment. 
“Okay, first of all, rude,” You shot him a half-hearted glare, a smile threatening to come alive on your lips. “And second of all, it’s your fault that I accidentally laughed out loud during class.”
Sirius scoffed immediately, taking full offense as he turned away from you. “‘Accidentally,’ she says.” 
“What? It’s true!” 
“So I suspect you must have ‘accidentally’ found me funny, too?” He air-quoted. 
You let out a sigh, feeling exasperated and slightly frustrated by his consistently witty replies. It seemed like Sirius never ran out of energy when it came to your banter, filled with incessant teasing (coming from Sirius himself most of the time, of course) and lighthearted jabs at each other. But even with your patience increasingly wearing thin with him, you found yourself looking forward to the banter every time. In spite of his knack for getting on your nerves more often than not, you liked sharing it with him. It was almost as if it was something only you and Sirius shared - intimate and unique to your dynamic.
“Whatever, Sirius,” You settled for a dismissive response eventually, rolling your eyes as you did so. Though you knew that he would take the piss out of you again for your lack of a snarky retort.
But to your surprise, the boy only chuckled in amusement, kicking a few pebbles and leaves out of the way as the two of you continued to walk. You didn’t think much of it, passing it off as a likely thing for people to do when they walk on sidewalks riddled with objects in the way. 
(But little did you know about Sirius’ true intentions, though.)
After a moment of comfortable silence, you decided to speak up again. 
“Hey, so I was wondering—”
Sirius interrupts with a snort of laughter. “When are you not?” “Please shut up and let me finish.” “Alright, alright. I’m sorry,” he said. Though with the ever so present smirk on his face, and the hint of mirth in his eyes, you couldn’t tell if he was truly sorry. “What were you wondering about in that pretty head of yours?” You paused for a moment, thinking of how to phrase your question. Sirius gave you a brief glance, curious about what you were thinking of that had you pondering like this.
“Why’d you do it?” You finally blurted out.
“What do you mean? You’re gonna have to be a bit more specific than that for me, love.”
Sirius earns the sweet sound of your chuckling, and he zeroes in on the slight flush that appeared on your cheeks, betraying your embarrassment.
“I’m talking about earlier, Sirius. During Physics? When you flew that paper plane to McGonagall?”
His lips formed an O shape as he came to the realization of what you were referring to. And as if the reminder was nothing but a lighthearted one, Sirius snickered to himself.
“And? What about that?” 
You sigh, internally wondering how on earth he could find such a thing so amusing. Sure, perhaps Professor McGonagall had developed some sort of fondness or a soft spot for Sirius over the years he’d acted against her in his mischief. But the fact still remained that McGonagall was not to be taken lightly to, especially not during her class. 
“I was just wondering why you would do such a thing. I mean.. it was certainly unprovoked, don’t you think?” 
“‘Unprovoked,’ you say? Is that what you really think?” 
There’s a shift in his tone this time around when he spoke, though there still remained the unmistakable, and ever so present hint of a tease in his voice. You studied his face intently as you thought of a response. 
“Yeah. I mean, whatever did you do that for?” 
Sirius sighed, though you couldn’t tell if it was out of frustration with you or exasperation. “Didn’t I tell you already? I did it for you, you daft woman.” 
You resist the urge to scoff at his remark of you being a supposed daft woman. “I thought you were just messing with me there when you said that.”
“‘Messing with you?’ Why would I—“ He cut himself off with another sigh. 
Oh, so he’s frustrated, you realized. 
“You know, for someone whose mind runs a thousand miles per hour, you can be really clueless sometimes.” 
You let yourself scoff by then, feeling indignant. “What are you on about now?” 
Sirius almost smirked at your words, and you knew that by the twitch at the corner of his lips. You tear your eyes away from them, focusing on his eyes instead. 
“Come on, you’re a smart girl. Surely, you know why I did that, and why I risked detention?”
Deep down, you had an inkling as to what he was telling you. But you refused to acknowledge it aside from the fact that it was downright ridiculous. After all, you firmly believed yourself to be out of Sirius Black’s league. Your dynamic was synonymous to one of those Paramore songs that went, “He was a punk, she did ballet. Can I make it anymore obvious?” 
And as if he could read you, and sense your inner thoughts, Sirius sighed for what seemed like the nth time of that moment. Though now it had sounded almost… sad? 
“Shall I spell it aloud for you, then?” He broke the silence, his voice deeper and tinged with seriousness. 
“Yes.” Please. For my own sake. 
He takes a deep breath first, although the both of you didn’t know for what exactly. But it felt like it was necessary for Sirius, and so—
“I did it for you, ‘cause,” He paused, seemingly trying to push the words out of his mouth. Why he was forcing them out, you didn’t know. “What friends are for, right?” 
Well, admittedly, that kind of stung you inside. For a moment—a fleeting, hopeful moment—you wanted Sirius to say that he did it for you, and that was that. Just for you. For the sake of keeping you company, and letting it be up for interpretation on whether it was done under platonic intentions or… not. 
“Yeah,” You nodded, mentally chastising yourself for ever expecting such a thing. “What friends are for.” 
Sirius is looking at you pensively, noticing a hint of your disappointment in the way your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes, and in the way you looked away from him as you replied. He wondered why.
But, ever the one to cheer his friends up, Sirius clears his throat to catch your attention, his grey eyes glittering with mirth. 
“And besides,” he added. “You would’ve gone mad if you served detention all alone. You’re kind of a danger to yourself here, love.” He ruffled your hair playfully as he said this, eliciting a smile from you. 
“Hey! It doesn’t get that bad, you know,” You defend yourself, fixing your hair with your fingers. Sirius helps you out by tucking the wayward strands of hair, covering your face, behind your ear. 
He snickered. “Trust me, love. I know how bad it can get.” 
In truth, Sirius has always found it endearing—your knack for getting a little lost in your head more often than not. But he was also one of those people who wanted to grab you by the shoulders and shake some sense into you, to tell you to give yourself a damn break. So, he’ll take any chance to distract you from your thoughts. And if that meant angering McGonagall and serving detention, he didn’t mind at all. 
The rest of your walk home goes easily after that, the lighthearted atmosphere returning despite the momentary shift to the slightest, almost imperceptible indication to the feelings you harbored for each other—though unacknowledged on both sides of the party in fear of losing the other.
Although, Sirius suspects that he’ll be brave enough for the both of you one day to bring these feelings into light. 
In the meantime, he’ll let you get away with your acting aloof and coy about it. He’ll gladly wait until you’re ready to hear what he’s always wanted to tell you. 
So, as the two of you bask in the orange hue of the afternoon sun, walking down the path to your home, you don’t realize that it’s only a few steps away until you’ve reached your destination. You were getting carried away (again) with ranting about tomorrow’s quizzes, and Sirius is trying (again) to calm your anxieties, and reassure you. 
At the very same time, he realizes the increasing distance between the two of you and your home. He doesn’t make a move to tell you, and you simply don’t notice.
( ♡ )
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3rachaslut · 1 year
HIIII YOURE LITERALLY ONE OF MY FAVS WRITTERS HERE AND you legit never disappoint with your writtings like hello??? URE SO TALENTEN MWAH!!! I was thinking
Maybe if you could like,,write hard dom leeknow x bratty sub fem reader but with a plot being like; we got into an argument with leeknow and we talked back this time, and he actually got super mad and then it leads to an aggressive sex?? Yk..like us begging him to stop but he actually fucks us harder each time we beg him.. HAHSJWKSNQKSK THANK U
ACTUAL BRAIN ROT OMG. mean lee know has me on my knees KASJDKEJB. i hope i did your ask justice!
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warning: SMUT MINORS DNI!!! possessive behaviour, choking, humiliation kinda, degradation, pet names (slut, whore, little girl etc) DUB CON but consensual !!!, fingering, squirting, PIV sex, unprotected sex (don’t be fucking stupid) i think that’s it?
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“I wasn’t fucking flirting with him Lee Know! What, I can’t even talk to my friends anymore?” You spit harshly at your boyfriend, his possessiveness getting the best of him yet again.
“You might as well have been grinding Hyunjin's fucking thigh in front of me y/n!” Lee Know bit back, anger lacing every. single. word. coming out of his mouth. He turned away from you with an exasperated sigh and you smirked at the anticipation of his reply to your next statement…
“Yeah.” You scoff. “Maybe I should have. Maybe he would know how to please a woman.” Silence. The tension in the air was so thick, you could effortlessly cut through it. Lee Know turned round to face you, his eyebrows furrowed and a threatening look crept its way onto his face. Your brave bravado instantly faltering as you shuffle on your feet as Lee Know strides closer and closer to you.
“I beg your pardon?” he says, now only inches away from you. Regret washes over you like a tsunami and you wish you would have just kept your mouth closed. “What did you just say?”
“I said..” you stutter, still trying to maintain the faux confidence you once convincingly had. “Maybe Hyunjin would know how to please a wo-“ Before you even had a chance to repeat yourself fully, a hand was swiftly wrapped around your throat, pressing firmly into the sides of your neck, preventing you from fully replying to his question. You gasp at the sudden lack of oxygen.
“Oh, little girl..” Lee Know tilts his head, mockingly. “You better watch that fucking mouth or I’ll fuck you so hard, you’ll wish you never opened it princess. Got it?” His piercing eyes burning into you told you he wasn’t kidding and you only grew more and more lustful at each word.
“You won’t” you croak out through strained breaths, eyes locked on his. Lee Know raises his eyebrows and the smirk on his face told you that you were in. for. it. He practically manhandles you into your shared bedroom, quickly grabbing the bottom of your shirt and whipping it off you. He throws you onto the bed, towering over you tauntingly and fear instantly washes over you.
“Such a beautiful girl…” He says, hands finding your pants and ripping them down your legs. “But still so fucking stupid” He says, feigning disappointment as he shakes his head at your naked body underneath him. His fingers run playfully through your bare cunt, teasing your clit in such a way that he wasn’t attempting to pleasure you, rather in a manner of ‘seeing what he has to work with’. It was as if he was deciding if your pussy was worth his time and the humiliation of it making your pussy wetter. He swiftly shoves two fingers into you and you let out a strangled cry at the intrusion, a harsh slap to your inner thigh following your moans. “Stop whining, you can take two fingers up your little cunt." He scoffs. "So wet.. such a slut” Lee Know says as he makes his way upwards so you were face to face with your boyfriend, a look in his eyes that said he was hungry to punish you. His fingers began to speed up inside of you, curling them against your sweet spot and the tears threatening to leave your eyes were hindering your vision.
“God, listen to your fucking pussy, squelching like a fucking whore.” He torments. “I think you forget this is supposed to be a punishment tsk. You fucking love this don’t you? Love being treated like nothing but a whore don’t you, yeah?” He says and you whine in response, his words sending ungodly waves of pleasure straight to your pussy. Unsatisfied with your reply, a harsh slap was landed on your cheek and Lee Know grips your chin between his hand, forcing you to look at him. “Fucking, answer me y/n”
“Yes sir! Fuck!-“ You scrunch your eyes closed, your face contorting from the overwhelming pleasure your pussy was being forced to receive.
“Fucking whore." He tuts. "Look at me." You reluctantly open your eyes and see his evil glare looking back at you. You had received 'punishments' off of Lee Know in the past but something about his demeanour told you that this time, he wasn't going to go so easy on you. He shoves you legs upwards, your knees on either side of your head and the new position allowed his fingers to dive deeper inside of you. Tears begin to fall from your eyes at the angle he was hitting your sweet spot at, hurting slightly due to the relentless thrusting of his fingers inside you.
"Sir.. ah- hurts" you mewl. He harshly pulls his fingers out from inside of you and you let out a jagged breath you didn't know you were holding.
"Aww, it hurts baby?" Lee Know mocks, tilting his head to the side and looking down at you, a wicked smirk plastered over his face. He gets up from the bed and swiftly takes off his pants and boxers, discarding them elsewhere and assuming his previous position on top of you. "If my fingers hurt you baby girl, you better pray to god that you make me cum quickly or this is gonna be a longgg punishment for you doll." He says, his tormenting words making you huff out a sigh of defeat. He teasingly rubs the tip of his cock over your sensitive clit and you let out a whimper, Lee Know smiling at the mess he's made of you. He bottoms out at the first thrust into you and you throw your head back, a mixture of pleasure and pain flooding your senses all at once and the familiar floating feeling of sub space washes over you.
"M- minho, 'm sorry, didn't mean it, hurts.." you babble out as his thrusts begin to speed up inside of you, your body jolting at each thrust and your chest heaving up and down from the uncontrollable sobs you were letting out. His dick was thrusting into you so hard and so fast that you could see his bulge in your stomach.
"Moan his name slut, do it" He dares you, the fierce look in his eyes making you feel so small underneath him.
"W-what?" You respond as best as your vocal chords will let you, unsure if you heard him correctly.
"Moan for Hyunjin baby doll. Close your eyes and moan for him" He leans down to grab your chin. "Do. it."
You unwillingly submit to his request, feeling more timid than ever before. Every part of moaning another mans name during sex with your boyfriend felt totally foreign and wrong. However right now, you realised it was probably best to do what you were told.
"Hy- Hyunjin.." You whisper, almost inaudibly and his thrusts begin to speed up rapidly. The sound of his skin slapping skin filling the room and you let out a loud "AH" every time he slams into you.
"Louder." He demands and again you reluctantly comply.
"Hyunjin! Fuck- AH!" You practically shout this time, "Please.. slow down ah- hurts." You beg, the knot in your stomach threatening to break any minute. "Gonna.. AH" you scream as you come undone, squirting all over Lee Knows cock inside you. His thrusts never slow down, hitting your sensitive sweet spot over and over again and you scream out.
"Such a messy girl" He chuckles.
"Please.." You beg, however, unsure of what you were begging for at this point.
"That's it doll, you just keep begging whilst I cum inside of you ah!-" He growls as he releases inside of you, kissing your face as he comes down from his high. The sound of his kisses ringing in your ears bringing you back to reality.
"Are you okay baby girl. Wasn't too rough was I?" he says as he manoeuvres you into his arms, laying you both down on the bed.
"A little bit but it felt really nice." you giggle at him, pecking his lips and he smiled back at you. "Maybe I should 'flirt' with your friends more often.."
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mo0nfairy · 1 year
😍😍 OMG, I'm gonna be needing a part four to that Leon post stat.
(Love your writing it's amazing just like you are) ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎
part 1. part 2. part 3.
tw :: re4 spoilers, obsessive!leon, yandere!leon, violence, knives, tasers, guns, explosives, framing, murder, abuse of power, death of a character, physical restrainment, noncon touching, thoughts of suicide, being knocked unconscious, shit goes down basically.
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⸺ thank u, honeybaby !!!!! i've been vv busy these past few days, but this man has been HEAVY on my mind. i've also been listening to playing dangerous by our lord and savior lana del rey on repeat and it had my brain conjuring up some ideas... (also this part is long so buckle up friends)
you see, you've been praying everyday to earn back those damned memories that slipped from your mind 6 years ago. but in a attempt to do so, all you can feel is a gun against your head, an explosion against your body, and dust permeating your lungs. all before the classic cut to black welcomes you. no crying mouse-ley, no crying guard-dog. just empty darkness. through the abyss, however, you are now able to unveil memories that were buried deep within you. and whether the return of these past events is a good thing or not is up to you.
you remember a late august evening. the cool air and descending leaves would calm you, but your current circumstances prevent you from any serenity. an anonymous tip to the RPD claimed that you were in possession of illegal substances. and somehow, those said drugs had magically appeared into existence within your home. this leaves you here, being driven to the station by the officer of the month, marvin branagh. despite everything, you're grateful marvin was the one to arrest you. you happen to favor him and his basic understanding of boundaries, as opposed to a certain mutt you know far too well.
it's safe to say you've now got quite the reputation in the RPD with how much trouble you get into. and especially with how quickly the problems seem to fade away. you're being escorted through the station until another officer complains to marvin about some kids with fake ID's. he leaves you by yourself at an empty desk with one hand cuffed to the armrest. the desk right beside leon's. you look to the blonde beside you. his head is rested against his arms folded upon his desk, deep in slumber. his cheek is squished against the surface of his arm, pushing his lips out into a duck-like pout. your mugshot peeks out from beneath his sleeping form. you swear through his unintelligible murmuring, you hear a gentle whimper of your name. marvin had mentioned during the drive how he was up all night looking through your case (wouldn't be the first time), but you can't find it in yourself to feel bad for him. you don't trust him. even several years ago, something within you has always prevented you from trusting him.
you fiddle with a mr. raccoon toy as 20 minutes slowly tread by. completely overcome with boredom, you peak over leon's shoulder to see your case file beneath him. maybe you could find something useful inside, like the bastard responsible for all these false claims. using your free hand, you manage to slyly slip your case folder from under his weight. not without a quiet whine of "no, y/n/n... don't leave me..." good god, was he cuddling your mugshot? (it would be the closest he could get to you physically, after all). you ignore him entirely, thanking the heavens that this man is such a deep sleeper.
opening the file, you find standard information about your case. you read through the notes leon left behind, which causes nausea to then stir in your stomach. he jotted down his worries of your case closing and not being able to keep you in the station any longer; there was ideas of any potential loopholes in the system he could take advantage of and prove your innocence. beside his rambling, there was a long list of certain ways he can frame you for crimes to reel you back into his clutches. what in the actual fuck? and just when you thought this situation couldn't get worse, you find he used pictures of your friends at the shooting range, bullet holes piercing through their paper faces.
you read through the evidence in shock, until a sickeningly-sweet tone gasps your name and pulls you out of your trance. you look over the folder to see those familiar blue eyes peering into yours. leon lights up like a golden retriever with a bone when he wakes up and you're the first thing he sees, metaphorical tail wagging and all. to dream of you and to be the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes, it is pure heaven! only, instead of the early morning, love-drunk haze within his dreams, he is instead met with the heartbreaking look of horror on your face. his eyes trail down to see you holding his notes and his heart sinks to the pit of his stomach. no, no, no, it wasn't supposed to be like this! it was never supposed to be like this! you were supposed to fall in love with him! you are supposed to be with him forever!
you are supposed to love him! you have to!
and you thought you've seen the worst, you thought you reached the bottom of the iceberg. but you were so, so wrong. it had been 2 weeks since you learned the truth about leon. since then, you were able to find solace within an old friend, claire redfield. not only do you adore her, but the layer of protection she had given you when you complained about the clingy cop on your hip was just the cherry on top. without leon, these 14 days were the most peace you have felt in what feels like months. you didn't know how the man who acted like he needed your presence more than air felt about this sudden separation. and to be completely honest, you didn't really care.
now, with your arm hooked around claire's, you two walk home after a night out in raccoon city. you're repeating old inside jokes and clutching your chest in heaps of rib-straining laughter. everything is full of high-spirits until you notice a certain cop car sitting in the street. claire enters your estate first, guarding you protectively while you follow her footsteps. you find (you guessed it!) no other than leon kennedy rummaging through your belongings. and the look on leon's face when he sees you with someone else is nothing short of pure anguish, sheer betrayal. he is jealous — so much so that it practically suffocates the room. you've seen plenty of emotions expressed by leon and the consequences that followed, but you've never seen first-hand what jealousy may compel him to do. considering the pictures of your friends he used as target practice, you feel as though the outcome won't be any good.
claire breaks the silence, "you disgusting pig! i'm calling my brother down here and he's gonna kick your-" her roar of anger is cut off with a sharp groan.
leon stands, taser gun in hand, as the electrodes strike into claire's body. she then falls to the ground with a loud thump, her form convulsing from the electric shocks waving through her. rushing to her side, you attempt to help her. but, you then cave into yourself when leon walks over in three large strides. and you now realize he is absolutely terrifying when he is jealous. his voice drops to a low husk as he demands you tell him who the fuck this is, a major contrast to the bubbly-puppy you're grown familiar with. you are left flabbergasted and are unable to mutter even a syllable.
you aren't even granted a mere second to compose of yourself before leon pulls a knife, plunging it deep into claire's chest. a scream of pure terror erupts from your throat. you're painted red as he relentlessly stabs your best friend, curling yourself into a corner and hiding your face in your arms. through your tear-stained vision, you see the lifeless body of claire and leon standing above her, huffing with fury like some blood-thirsty creature. something in his gaze perceptibly softens when he sees you, so scared and feeble. and it shatters his heart. after all, leon would take every life on planet earth just to see your lips curl into a smile, even once more. but, nothing could have prepared you for the words that would then leave his mouth.
he turns his body cam on. "y/n l/n, you are under arrest for the murder of... whoever this was. you have the right to remain silent. anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." you stare at leon entirely flabbergasted, but you're too exhausted to fight against him.
he bends down to you, light whispers of "you're ok, it wasn't your fault" and "i've got you, sweet angel" doing little to comfort you. with his gentle hands against you, leon proceeds to cuff you with the same softness you would use to handle a baby bird. and you let him take you away, because you are too caught up in looking at your best friend who was laughing with you just minutes ago now dead on the ground. you cry to yourself in the backseat of the cop car the whole way to the station.
by the time you get there, you are entirely in a state of shock. tears of dread stream down your cheeks, but your face is nothing short of emotionless. you are so caught up in your head, you don't even notice the whispers of other officers there. they gossip about how considering your track record, it's no wonder you'd end up here for good. a sharp glare from the man guiding you through the department is enough for them to shut their mouths. you're then brought into an interrogation room, with cameras off and no other presence besides you and this mad-man at your beck and call.
cuffed to a chair once again, leon locks the door behind him. he then drops to his knees and ties his arms around your waist, burying his head into you. it takes several seconds for reality to hit you, but you soon realize he is crying. and if you weren't restrained currently, you would've pushed him off and made him suffer a fate far worse than what claire endured. now, the two of you are sobbing together, but for entirely different reasons. you, full of grief over someone you love being murdered just moments ago. leon, full of agony over how the gleam of emotion he was so infatuated with left your eyes. all because of him.
you muster enough strength to plead to the blonde, your voice coming out through hoarse, slurred sniffles. but much to your dismay, your cries fall on deaf ears. if only leon had more morality than he did love for you.
"i'm so sorry, y/n, i just needed to hold you. even for just one last time” he picks his head up to look at you, face breaking out in a pitiful smile. “and i can't lose you. not again.” he grabs hold of your hands from behind your back and begins caressing the digits of your fingers. and the contrast between his smile and the crazed look in his eyes has you shuddering in apprehension.
"you're stuck with me to the end."
your eyes then flutter open to see a blinding white light; you begin to hear the quiet chant of a monitor beside you. where the hell am i? despite your current confusion, all you can think about is how you grieved for your best friend in the grimy cells of the RPD, how everyone turned into undead creatures just a week later, and how leon protected you from anything as small as a paper cut. you remember how several zombies overpowered him and how you took advantage of the opportunity, running like hell away and out of raccoon city. you remember the burning of your lungs, the rain on your skin, the hope of getting far, far away from this nightmare. you also remember the fear you felt when umbrella snatched you into their possession, to where you would soon forget everything that happened. including leon kennedy.
you're in the present now, as you can tell by the sheepskin jacket around your form and the hospital bed you're laid upon. it takes you too long to realize that you're safe, out of the hellhole that is los iluminados. looking down, you find a gun sitting by your hip (leon made the declaration that if you were to never wake up again, he wouldn't hesitate to end it all right then and there). you shift your train of sight to see leon at your bedside with his head in his hands while his entire body trembles with trepidation. the sight of this lovesick maniac at your side causes you to spring forward with a harsh gasp. his heartbeat skyrockets at the sudden occurrence. you're alive, and leon can't stop the tears of relief that fall from his eyes.
"hi, pretty... i'm here, you're safe now..." the smile on his face is borderline terrifying. his hands cup your face, practically clinging onto you like a lifeline.
"i remember... i remember everything..." the statement is entirely said to yourself, your gaze distant and not entirely there.
his eyebrows scrunch upwards, gaze softening (if it can even soften more than it already has). leon then pulls your face to his and molds his lips against yours aggressively, desperately. it isn't soft, sweet, or romantic in any sense. it is inexperienced, but overflowing with raw passion, need, and obsession. he only stops when the two are you are breathless and gasping for air. a dreamy sigh escapes leon's lips once he parts from you, gazing into your eyes as if you were something holy (which you are, obvi, but i digress). leon is so horrifically, irrevocably, disgustingly in love with you. and you can feel everything in his all-too overwhelming kiss.
he then engulfs you and melts into your arms like a noodle in boiling water. his light-headed, lovesick laughter fans against your neck. leon somehow pulls you impossibly closer to him, almost as if he were trying to morph the two of you together. it is too much; he is all you can feel, smell, touch. but, without a sliver of strength in your body, you are entirely vulnerable to him and his captivation.
"ashley... she didn't make it..." there’s a certain tone in leon's voice you can’t explain, but you shudder beneath it, anyway. he tells the information softly, but his voice is full of too much exhilaration to be normal. with these newfound memories, that dread returns to your stomach at the thought of what leon is capable of. what leon may have done to ashley while you were out cold.
through the abyssal darkness, your wish has been granted. you have now retrieved all lost memories.
and now, you know why you never were able to trust leon kennedy.
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the end !! hehe, thanks for the fun ride babes.
HOWEVER……….. this is surely not the end of my resident evil stained brainrot. so i will not be continuing this series, but i will most certainly be pouring out everything in my RE-obsessed brain. only if u would like to see it, of course. if u do, pls send me some asks!! and thank u again !!!
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minv97 · 1 year
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Warning nsfw content Minors dni.
Contains unprotected sex, mentions of cum and overstimulation and everything else nasty.
Friends with benefits, fem reader and Felix bet that reader can't sleep with anyone else because according to him it's "my pussy".
Hii! So I found out I hate doing requests and I've been gone for a good week or 2 but I'm back! I'll be posting more often hopefully but I hope u guys enjoy this! Been an idea in my head for awhile now and I'm obsessed with Lee Felix these days but who isn't? TAKE CARE
You're not surprised to see Felix standing in your living room when you get home, he's got an annoying smirk on his pretty pink lips upon seeing your arrival and he's giving you a look that just screams I fucking told you so.
"I'm not in the mood Felix." You say before he can even start and he puts his hands up in a surrendering gesture.
"Wasn't gonna say anything, sweetheart." He smiles at you innocently but you know Felix well enough to know he's just waiting to pour alcohol in your cut.
"I'm serious," you throw your purse down on the floor more aggressively than you had meant to. "I'll fucking kill you if you say it."
Felix can barely hold back a laugh, eyes squinting as he walks to you with open arms.
"Fine, I won't say I told you so," he says as he pulls you into his chest. "Want to tell me what happened?"
You groan, squeezing your eyes shut tight before hiding your face in his chest as the memories came flooding back to the surface of your brain. All you wanted to do was go on about your day and try to pretend it never happened.
"He couldn't get me to cum-" you groan again, feeling heat rushing to your face.
"Is that all?" You can feel Felix's chest begin to shake as he tries to contain his laughter only for your sake.
"-I had to fake an orgasm and he kinda caught on which resulted in me leaving and it was so awkward. I thought I was going to die."
"Wanna know why you couldn't cum?" Felix asks tauntingly, forcing your chin up to look him in his eyes and he places a peck on the tip of your nose. "It's 'cause he's not me."
You can't stop yourself from rolling your eyes at the cocky motherfucker, hating the fact you knew deep down inside he was right, you were hooked to Felix.
"Lucky for you though, I'm here. What would you do without me?" He presses his lips against your cheek in a soft sweet peck.
"I'd have to start buying my brownies from the store." You wrap your arms around his neck and lean on your tippy toes to connect your lips with his in a kiss for a moment
"You know damn well I'm good for other things too but I see you've forgotten, must need a reminder hm love?"
And that's exactly how you ended up under Felix for the umpteenth time, Felix thinks it's where you should've been all along, under him with him between your legs and his cock stuffing your needy pussy to the brim. He loves this position just so he can see your face as he slides out of you only to slide right back in your velvety walls with a sqwelsh, loves seeing your eyes roll to the back of your head as your brain turns to mush all because of his cock.
"Look at that-" he has to hold the back of your neck up to get you to watch when he slides out of your pussy again, only to push right back in your pulsating count, watching the way your walls wrap around him so deliciously. "That's all mine baby, my pussy. Say it."
"Ahh fuck Felix..." You whine out, Felix knows your head is practically mush right now and it makes him chuckle but he's determined, slapping your pussy hard enough to see if that'll make you come back to your senses just enough.
"Say it, tell me who's pussy this is." He demands, rutting in to you at such a fast pace it's hard for you to form a coherent sentence.
"Yours." You breathe out, hands searching for something to grab onto and you opt for your bedsheets, fisting the fabric in your hands for deer life. "Yours, yours, yours. Ts'your pussy-"
"There you go, good girl." He watches the way your face scrunches up in pleasure as you cream all over his cock, lips parting and he can't help but to kiss your parted lips as he fucks you through your high till your thighs are shaking from the overstimulation.
"Too much- pleasee-" You beg, eyes beginning to gloss over with tears from how overstimulated your pussy feels but Felix isn't done yet.
"Give me one more baby, please? I know you can fucking take it." Felix continues thrusting in your pussy at his same fast pace, not bothering to wipe your mascara and tear covered face nor the drool spilling from the corner of your lips, sadistically basking at the sight of your fucked out state.
"fuck fuck fuck." You mumble repeatedly as you begin to feel that familiar knot forming again, Felix's thrusts get sloppier and he reaches his hand down to begin playing with your clit, rubbing hard and fast circles as he rests his forehead against yours.
"Take that fucking dick, that's it, baby fuck." Felix can't help but ramble on as he feels himself getting closer and closer to his release, becoming drunk off your pussy and cumming instantly with you when he feels your pussy clenching around him like crazy as you reach your own orgasm, whole body shaking in pleasure as he fucks his white hot sticky fluids into you for good measure. "So next time you try and give my pussy away you'll remember this is mine." He pecks your lips a few times, patting your fucked out pussy a few times in the process and making you flinch with each pat.
Can find all of my work under #minv97
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iwanty0uu · 8 months
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Can I ~Kehlani
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯ ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
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“This shit so good like it should be illegal” you said to yourself after discretely taking a puff out of the pre-rolls connie left for you, feet over the arm of the huge chair that held you inside of the common rooms of your college. Notebooks of all colors displayed messily along the table in front of you, filled with doodles of the brain, and respiratory system. You were trying to prepare yourself for your pre-med exam in two days, but you couldn’t help think about him.. How he made you touch the back-board of his bed like you was a free throw, how he spent so much time with you that you found yourself…“Little Miss Scholar” using all his lingo,how his ex-girlfriend claimed he lied when he told u he was single. The way his hands slid in between your thighs, fitting like a puzzle piece that you never knew was missing. How he always said “a sweet girl like you shouldn’t know how to fuck like this cus you fuck me like a porn star.. u sure that I’m ya only one?” How he intertwined his longer tattooed fingers with your own freshly polished ones, and squeezed tighter as he heard the mumbles of your “friends” asking “how the fuck he know her home-body ass?” How he left you in shambles everytime his tongue grazed against your clit, shutting your mouth with his hand when you got too loud in the dorms.
You felt as if your pen went dry because of your day dreaming, you scribbled on the paper attempting to gain some ink flow, but managed to get lost in your thoughts again..
The thoughts about him making you squirt, leaving the juices on his pretty white tee shirt, the same night he convinced you to make a sex tape cus he strokes himself to the bloopers..How your velvety walls clenched around his pink tip as a reward, almost as if they were saying “you lasted long babe you’re a trooper.” Gripping him, forcing him to cum inside you.. “Don’t pull out my love, make me proud n thug it out” you would whisper in his ear, running butterfly kisses along his temple. How he then massaged your clit, squeezing the fat of your thighs, while pussy drunk, muttering about how you’re a keeper..But not just because of how you fucked him senseless considering you didn’t partake in those activities, but because it was never hard to read him, to understand him. He wasn’t like everyone else, and you realized this when you didn’t automatically dislike him, it makes you feel even more confident in your relationship knowing how he always says “Baby i need ya” and not in sexual ways. He made it known that he cared about you because he changed his ways so you can mold into him, gave you room to grow and de-cluttered himself so you could use him as extra space when you needed it, when you were stressed and the burden was too much. How he always thought of you and made it obvious in everything that he did even when he didn’t realize it.
“Damn…” you thought wrapping up your daydream realizing that an hour more than passed. The suns rays danced through the huge windows, slightly blinding you almost as if it was a punishment for getting yourself distracted. Eyes peering at the still notebooks below you, waiting to be used, basically taking up dust because of your negligence. The red water bottle resting in your lap was snatched up as you took sips, ignoring the obnoxious sound of the doors opening in the comms, but off of instinct, you still looked up and made eye contact with the tall man who stood in front of the sun..As if he became your sun for a second, and as he came closer, you noticed the buzz-cut and relaxed, resting the water bottle on the table, trying to stop the smile that crept onto your face…
“Hey, can I come over? Is it okay if I stop by n see u later?”……….
↺ ᴿᴱᴾᴱᴬᵀ ‖ ᴾᴬᵁˢᴱ ≫ ᴺᴱˣᵀ ˢᴼᴺᴳ
this one if for you pook! i highlighted my fav lyrics🥸 @soulaanshere ~𝓁ℯ𝓁ℯ
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hughesluv · 1 year
Broken Trust | Luke Hughes
luke hughes x fem!reader in which Luke ruined your relationship in the worse possible way. (words: 0.8k)
request: could u do a angest with luke! “are you fucking serious” “we built so much together, and you threw it all away…for her?” plz☺️♥️
a/n: not proofread! my first writing in forever! finally found the time to sit down and write, and of course it had to be so angsty😭 this broke my heart to write and i apologize in advance.
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The time on your phone displayed a brutal 3:00 am, a merciless reminder of sleeplessness as you lay in your dimly lit room. The image was etched in your mind—the image of the man who had once been your entire world, his lips pressed against another woman's.
Ten missed calls, sixteen text messages, all from the very person responsible for this. The phone lay there, silent yet pulsating with the echoes of a love that had been shattered into a million irreparable pieces.
You placed your trust in him, more than anyone else in the world, only for him to carelessly toss it aside for a stranger he met in a bar? The front door slammed shut, reverberating through the house, and heavy footsteps echoed up the stairs. Yet, you remained seated, hunched over, tears streaming down your cheeks, each one hitting your phone. You watched the minutes on your phone's screen tick by, yet it felt like everything was standing still. What did you do to drive him to do this? You’d been nothing but a faithful and loving girlfriend.
Luke swung the door open. It forcefully smashed against the wall. But you couldn't summon the energy to care. Nothing mattered anymore.
“Y/N,” he began, his voice pitiful. “I swear it meant nothing. I love you more than anyone else.”
"Are you fucking serious?" The words, heavy with disbelief, escaped your trembling lips. “It meant nothing? Luke, if you loved me, you would’ve never done that. You would’ve never touched that girl!” You spat his name like poison on your tongue.Your blood ran cold as he frowned. What did he have to be sad about? He ruined your relationship. He ruined you.
“I’m just so-” he began, but your laughter cut through the air, devoid of any humor.
“You’re just what?” you retorted. “You’re just sorry?! Oh my god, that means so much to me, Luke!” You spat, sarcasm dripping from your voice. "We built so much together, and you threw it all away…for her?” The anguish in your voice reverberated through the room, mingling with the breeze that rustled through the curtains.
Outside, the world remained oblivious, stars glistening with beauty. But inside, your world was crumbling, crumbling like the fragile trust that had been shattered.
He stayed silent, his gaze fixed on the wooden floors, avoiding your accusing eyes. He looked like a child that got caught lying after breaking his mother’s vases.
“I shouldn’t even be surprised.” You muttered, your voice slicing through him like sharp knives. “Because everyone told me this was going to happen. Everyone said that you’re just another hockey boy with a lot of talent and a small brain.” The hurtful words rolled off your tongue so simply. You paused, breath hitching in your throat. “But I didn’t believe them. I didn’t believe them when they would say you were going to cheat. No, my Luke would never! He’s too sweet, he’s too kind.”
Soft sobs escaped both of your lips.
In the heavy silence that followed, Luke's shoulders slumped, weighed down not just by your words, but by the guilt he couldn't escape.
As your soft sobs filled the room, Luke finally found his voice, but it was shaky and hesitant. "Y/N, I don't know what came over me. It was a mistake—a terrible mistake. I can't even explain why I did it." He took a step toward you, but you backed away, your trust destroyed.
"You can't explain it?" Your voice wavered between anger and sadness. "That's not good enough, Luke. You owe me an explanation, a real one. Why did you ruin what we had?!”
He raked a hand through his disheveled hair, his eyes pleading for understanding. "I'm not making excuses, but I was confused, Y/N. Things were going wrong, and I made a stupid decision. I was weak."
A heavy silence hung in the air of the room.
Finally, you whispered, your voice filled with exhaustion, "I don't know if I can ever trust you again.”
His face contorted with anguish, and he fell to his knees beside you, tears glistening in his eyes. "I'll do anything to make it right, Y/N. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you. Please, give me a chance to prove that I can change."
You stared at him through teary eyes. “I really want to forgive you. I really want to give you another chance,” you swallowed harshly. “But I can’t. Trust is what relationships are built on, and you ruined it. It’s never going to be the same.” Your soft tone tore through him.
What had he done?
Through choked out sobs you whispered, “I’m sorry.” Except you weren’t exactly sure what you were apologizing for.
The room echoed with the sounds of your broken hearts. You walked closer to him, pulling him into your chest. He didn’t have the strength to stand up, so he comfortably sobbed into your sweatshirt.
And that’s when you both realized it was over. It was truly over.
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cstlez · 3 months
can u do a mafia smut where toms in his 2011 era with a fem reader and he fucks her under a table while on call with his opponents pleasee if not then im fine with jst smut.
no, yes, yes i can! i had to go read a couple things for inspiration tho! (i’ve never written mafia..)
this is lowk tweaked cus idk!
(banner is a joke i needed a giggle!)
i think i missed the point! but still, hope you enjoy!
anyways, enjoy!! :3
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warnings! : smut, (obv!),strong language, mentions of smoking, (dk what else)
Tom is always, and will always be an absolute thoughtless, good-for-nothing asshole, though, calling him good-for-nothing would be a laughing matter because having him around, is an automatic save.
He also almost always, wants to fuck, when he’s proud, when he’s not, when he’s frustrated, annoyed, but, you don’t mind.
Secretly, you relinquish in the restless fucking, whether it’s a quickie, or not, you love every minute and moment of it.
He rotted the good in you but maybe that’s why you liked him so much.
You walked into Tom’s office, the very familiar sound of tapping and smell of smoke overwhelming your senses in mere seconds, immediately you were welcomed by the sound of his screaming, you winced, debating whether or not you should even be in there.
The cybersecurity major resided in his office, worriedly typing away on his laptop, pushing in his glasses every few seconds, you raised a brow, walking over to his desk, you slipped onto it, crossing your legs, he looked at you through his lashes, he spun his chair around, ignoring you completely.
“His IP, track it.”
“Yes sir.”
You scoffed, watching as he gripped his phone like it was an animal, he was fuming, just about seconds away from shooting someone.
“Kill one of my men again, and I'll slaughter you and any remaining heir that exists under your name. You owe me Red. You fucking owe me!"
You looked at your hands, waiting, somewhat patiently but not really. He huffed in annoyance, his teeth gritted, his tongue gliding along his lips finding his lip piercing to fidget with. He hung the phone up, almost instantly chucking it across his office, You hissed, pretending not to notice the ongoing tension within the atmosphere.
"Sir, I found him sir. He's headed for Bahnhofsstraße." He spun around his laptop, revealing the markings of Red and his team, he was right, they were headed for Bahnhofsstraße. Your only question was why, though Tom seemed to know.
"Fuck, seriously!? Call Bill, Tell him to head there now. Now!" He scoffed, he ran his hand down his face, a few seconds passed and he begun rushing to get a team out. You opened your mouth to speak but he shut you down within seconds. "You're staying here-" You cut him off, to speak, "My uncle-" He scoffed slamming his fist on the desk. "I don't care! You will only slow me down. Stay here."
The clock inside of your bedroom ticked ferociously. Every tick standing for another long second. You skimmed through yet another book from the library, your brain fogged from everything possible.
Though the profound "peace" instantly came to an end when Tom burst through your door, no knock, no warning, nothing. Immediately you set your book down, you raised a brow in annoyance, sitting up as he inched near you.
"What the fuck Tom!"
He looked jagged, his eyes displaying just how tiresome the day must've been. The first thing he did was grip your wrist, grabbing you as if you'd run from him. He kissed you with absolute desire. Like he'd been aching for it.
He shoved you against the bed frame his body engulfing yours entirely, You pushed him away, only momentarily to find words to speak. "You're supposed to call for me-" He pushed himself closer, biting down on your tender skin, his tongue sucking the skin on your neck with such experience it made you ache.
"I don't care." His voice was shallow, it made every single bone in your body ache, he pressed his lips against yours yet again, this time speeding up the process. His body grinded against your, the obvious difference in your strength was something you were used to but everything always became a blur the moment you felt his weight above you.
You could sense the anger and annoyance he held, the eagerness with no apparent attachment. He undressed you even quicker then he had undressed himself, his hands trailing and gripping your body, you squirmed with pleasure as he pushed himself inside you, his relentless strength consuming you. Your eyes grew half lidded, hiding the pleasure in your throat, he groaned impatiently, his hand trailed down your body as he aggressively slammed himself into you, his thumb pressed hardly onto your clit making you swallow dryly, at last a whimper left your lips, he grinned, leaning over you.
He grabbed your face tightly, brushing his thumb across your face, the flush of your cheeks made him mad, he trailed kisses from your jaw all the way to your collarbones. He shoved himself in deeper, his nails digging into your hips, "Don't go acting innocent now- I like you because you're a slut. You're anything but innocent." You dug your nails into his back grabbing him by his braids. "Fuck you." His grin widened, his hand cupping the back of your neck as he fucked you senseless.
His mouth trailed down to your chest, sucking your nipple with yet again, so much experience, you always wondered how much people he might've needed to fuck to get so good at it. He pulled away, the sight of his darkened eyes and swollen lips could've made you finish alone.
He gripped your hips, flipping your bodies over, he guided you, forcing you to move, with every thrust of your hip he grew more and more relentless, his hands grabbing you with every ounce of strength he had, you moaned as you grew close, you wanted to wince at how tightly he held your hips but the pleasure overcame the pain. He threw his head back thrusting upwards until he found what he was looking for.
You both moaned in pleasure, gripping at each-others bodies, he pulled you against his chest, kissing you as he fought back moans and the urge to moan your name. He bit down on your bottom lip, cupping your ass. His dick twitched inside you as you clenched around him, he let out an exasperated sigh, his eyes melted into yours as he slowly pushed you off him. Leaving you with his scent lingering in the air.
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iwas-princess · 2 years
i love love LOVE you writing sm! esp the fluffy to angst ones hehe. i really loved how you write the 'all too well' with suna rintarou. i dont wanna be that type of person, but if you can and if it's possible, can you maaaybe write a short part 2 of it? like what happens next after that huge fight and how yn decides to try again with suna? up to you honestly! would love to hear your opinion about making or reasons why you wouldn't make a part 2 about it! thank u and have a good day/night! <3
suna rintaro • all too well (taylor’s version)
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the irrigated glare that you held to rintaro’s back all evening had begun to make him sweat with intimidation. every word that left your sweet lips seemed to be soaked with venom before being released and his heart was wounded with each ice cold syllable that stabbed into his chest.
he deserved it, he knew that it was a consequence to be treated like this after last week’s occurrence— but it hadn’t made your defensive behavior hurt any less.
“do you want to play some mario kart then, baby?”
suna had been on the floor of your living room, suggesting things to do together for your rainy night in, for twenty minutes now and every proposal was shot down with a grumpy ‘no’ by the princess herself. he would be lying if he told anyone that he wasn’t getting tired of your difficult attitude, because he was just on the brink of locking himself in the extra bedroom for the night at this point. but, as he always did, he put up with it to please you.
once he was met with the same effortless answer, he decided to take another route. perhaps you hadn’t wanted to play any video games tonight and he was assuming something wrong. but, he wasn’t sure what else there was to do given he had already offered nearly every source of entertainment.
with a small huff, he pushed himself off of the carpet and stood.
“i’m not sure what else to do then, baby.” he scratched his head as he racked his brain for any other ideas. “i’ve suggested everything that we do on days like these, do you have any ideas, princess?”
he was gentle, masking his frustration very well, but you knew— you knew how many shadows of anger lurked inside of him, no matter how good he hid them from you.
the reminded made your heart ache and tears threaten to burn your eyes, but you held your ground strong. you wouldn’t let him hurt you anymore, not after last time.
you agreed afterward that you were being a bit irrational about the missed date, but his words were beyond unreasonable. the cut they left ran deep and stung every time you looked at him, never failing to remind you of his true feelings.
doubt was all you felt recently whenever he did his usual generous acts for you, the old feeling of love and appreciation disappeared you once felt showed no sign of return. the only thing you could think of every time he did something as caring as opening a door for you or giving you a mindless foot rub at night, was his words. his cruel, hatful words he claimed were honest.
‘even five minutes in the same room with you can leave me so exhausted.’
‘you drain my battery’
‘you’re just so goddamn clingy all of the fucking time.’
they repeated like a mantra in your head all day, reminding you to never say too much to him or be near him longer than ten minutes before leaving the room. at first, it was difficult to stay away from him and do things yourself, but after a few long days went by, you began to learn.
you did surprisingly well at being somewhat independent, finding that time away from your boyfriend was peaceful and the extra time you put in for yourself made you feel refreshed. soon, you no longer felt the heartache that came along with distancing yourself from suna, and even longed to hermit into your room for alone time whenever he entered your space.
you loved him still, and some times found yourself aching to have everything back to the way it once was— but you knew that would never happen.
so, you decided to make the best of what the future held instead of grieving the loss of your once angelic relationship.
although, you were finally becoming happy within yourself, all you felt towards suna was anger.
pure anger for wasting your time thinking you were loved and cared for genuinely, not just to please you. he had made you think all along that he thought of you as his princess, his pretty princess that he lived to serve and couldn’t stay away from— but as it turns out, he couldn’t stand you.
so, why play nice?
“have you ever thought that maybe, i don’t want to do anything with you, rintaro?”
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luminiscented · 10 months
The hc in the master of nature hc list where she makes cole his mom's broth and he cries,,,,that is so 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺can u maybe so a full fic on that hc🙏🙏🙏💓💓thanky 💕💕
Taste of home/ Take care of the inside
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Pairing: Cole x Fem! Master of nature! Reader
Status: Dating
Type: oneshot
Summary: Reader makes Cole a broth with her healing herbs from one of his mother's recepies. She comforts him.
Warnings: Insecurities, no beta we die like Zane in s3
Note: THAT WAS SO CUTEEEE THANK UUU!! I'm sorry for it being so late!! I'm having exams in my non dominant language almost every day and i'm holding on a thread :')
Your boyfriend layed in your bed, his shirt and gi off and in the washing machine after a tough mission. The door to your room creaked open silently as you came in with a small tray of food. Cole's eyes we're closed as he layed his head back to rest for a minute, but as soon as the scent of your cooking hit his nose, his eyelashes fluttered open. The smell was familiar to him. It scratched his brain in the right way, as if something missing was tugging at his heart that was seemingly long forgotten. You gently sat down on the bed and left the tray of food on the counter. You rearranged the pillows and covers so your partner was more comfortable and not in pain. You looked at Cole's muscular chest, now littered in cuts and few bruises here and there. You took his hand and he met your gaze with his own softening one, frustration still visible. For now it was time to take care of the outside, the inside would have to wait for a brief second. You pressed a tender kiss to his cheek as you handed him the tray - a small bowl of broth, a piece of bread and a piece of cake on the side. Cole sighed in relief at the warm sensation of the steam in his face.
"Thanks, Hun. You're great." The master of earth spoke softly before the smell hit his nose even harder and it really caught his attention. It brought a lot to him in a brief moment - sounds, senses, smells, feelings...people. It was his favorite dish as a kid, when everything was ok, when he had smiling, laughing mom and dad at the dinner table. A simple bowl of broth was able to bring back a piece of his long gone family back to him. He stared at the bowl for a while more. His thoughts were scattered, flying into different directions, but in a calm manner. His thoughts shifted to his mom. What would she think of him now? What would she say? How would she look like now? He wanted her to be proud so badly. He thought of his mother every day, especially on missions like this one where he barely made it out alive.
Cole brought the spoon to his lips with shaky movements. It even tasted the same. That same exact flavor. All bruises and cuts faded instantly on his muscular chest. You pressed a kiss to his forehead at the sight of his clear skin. A sigh escaped Cole's lips before a tear dripped down right into the hot broth. A wave of anxiety flooded through your chest. Maybe it was a mistake, you shouldn't have called Cole's dad to ask for the recipe. You took a soft breath before speaking up.
"I'm sorry, maybe i shouldn't have." He was clearly pained by such a memory, perhaps you did more bad than good. "I thought it would've been nice and i...don't know. Sorry." You looked at him with a gentle gaze. You had no idea what it was like to lose the rock in your life, the person who loved you the most. The master of earth's hand found it's way to yours and enveloped it tenderly, afraid to break it if he used more force.
"Thank you for reminding of something nice i had." He looked down, his smile melancholic and full of different emotions you couldn't describe. You were relieved for a moment until you heard a sob. You looked at Cole and your heart broke - the strong, undestroyable guy who was as tough as stone finally let his guard down and he broke right in front of you, crying ugly, but still with a smile on his face. You rushed to take the plate away and you took him in your arms.
He cried quietly as you stroked his gorgeous raven locks. You shushed the man grasping you for dear life and you pressed kisses to the top of his head. You gave him back a piece of his home. It was nothing to you, but to him it mattered so so much. Something even as simple as that could be so much for him. You could never know. You kept petting his hair as he wailed in your arms quietly. Maybe the same way once his father wailed in his mother's arms. You wouldn't know. For now you could only shush the sweetest man in the world as he trusted his most sacred feelings to you.
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dvlboy · 2 years
scaramouche does not like it when you foster another animal, much less a cute ginger hybrid that seems to soak up your attention.
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if this gets got im literally deactivating srs
top male reader, minors fem alligned dni thx
-> warnings below cut
warnings: cat hybrid scara, alludes to yandere scara, new hybrid childe, punishment, nice smooth silk rope, size k1nk, cockwarming, weeniedrunk, mean scara to childe
in his eyes it wasn't fair that you got another hybrid, wasn't he enough? your sweet cat hybrid soon turned sour, and you couldn't help but start to get frustrated at his sudden change in expression, even when you assured him time and time again that he wasn't going anywhere and you loved him so much.
so when you come home to a teary eyed ginger, and a very very messed up house, you know who to look at, especially when he doesn't look at you when you call his name.
maybe a different type of reassurement was needed instead.
childe's ears flicked up when he woke from his nap. what a strange noise was being held within your room, surely a peek couldn't hurt? when his hands pushed the door slightly open, he was not expecting you between scaramouches legs, or seeing the mean cat hybrid tied up with red rope, or the copious noises of sex that sounded the room.
"there was never a reason to get jealous, kitty. you know i already love you for who you are." you smirked down at him, seeing his reaction to your words while you thrusted harshly into him. you were going to make sure that he knew how much he was loved, by pumping him full of it until he was swollen by your cum. he was crying, turning his face to the side so that he didn't have to see your knowing smirk-- the same one that could undo him in seconds. your words didn't even process fully, only the key words of love and you ringing in those black fuzzy ears as he let out breathless apologies, which increased in volume whenever he felt your hips pound into him, your balls smacking his ass with every thrust.
you gathered the boy in your arms, leaning over his face until he could feel your warm breath, before you stilled, staring at him, watching until he realized. at first he struggled against the rope that held him before he realized how intently you were staring at him, as if you were waiting for him to say something. Scara could barely think coherently, feeling you grind against him slowly, feeling your big meaty cock pulse inside of his sore ass.
"c'mon now pretty boy, let me hear your words, with no other noise to drown out your words. so let me hear what you have to say, i might even untie the ropes.." there was a faux look of curiousity in your eyes.
there was a silence, not exactly uncomfortable but scara could hardly let the words slip from his mouth. he could barely get his thoughts together, and the words of apology mixed with his small pants and whines. he would never let anyone see this side of him, especially not that stupid ginger, but with you he felt safe. your skin made contact with his warm, sweaty skin, as scara stuck his face into your chest while mewling out an apology. his brain was mush, your cock breaking his mind when it was throbbing and rubbing inside of him like that
a warning grunt was heard in the air as childes hand reached down into his pants, palming himself-- careful not to make a noise, god was this meant to be the ravens punishment or reward for his behaviour? childe wasn't sure with the way that you coddled the much smaller cat boy, even when you made his belly bulge slightly from your cock.
"i'm losing my patience love, let me hear those pretty words before i stuff your mouth, or else i'm gonna treat you alot worse then this.." there was a threat in your voice, one that was very real and made both hybrids throb and leak. scara has never really seen you this mad, but he couldn't say it wasn't sexy.
"i-i'm,ah-u-uh s-orry," there were many small hiccups in his words, his brain barely coherent unless he forced his mind to try to ignore how you lightly grinded against his body, or your sharp eyes and warm breath. if its what his master wanted then he'd do it, he would do anything for you. scara let out a visual exhale before he turned his head to the side, relaxing his body to feel everything you were giving him. but when he didn't feel you move, or that sweet, sweet feeling of you pressing his body down, he looked up.
"such a good hybrid, so what did you do? after this i'll give you a reward." you weren't sure how much longer with this facade you could put on, not when scaramouche had clenched around you like a vice, his spongey walls milking you. if you squinted, you could see how there was a small lump in his stomach no doubt from your cock. his tail was curled around you and flickered every so often, or would shoot out when you pressed in that spot that made tears form and toes curl from unrivaled pleasure.
you loved destroying him.
"i-uh scr-aatched him! m'sorry i destroyed some-- haah-- t-things! jus' want you to lov'me and me only.." scara trailed his words off, hazy cockdrunk brain foggy at the thought of the man who he owed everything to getting mad at him. it wasn't his fault you were so kind, and so loveable!
the small black haired hybrid felt your hands reposition before wiping his tears, before he regained the freedom in his wrists. he looked up at you with puffy eyes, seeing that lustful smile. your hands let him down onto the soft fabric sheets before you grabbed his much smaller hands. it only took one to grab both his hands before they were placed on his stomach. scaramouche let a whine in confusion, clearly wanting you to hurry up and fuck him. so when you started thrusting he could feel how his body made way for you.
"what a good little kitty, following my orders and obediently waiting to get filled till you're bloated with my cum. say, do you have any energy to give an apology to the little eavesdropper in the corner?" both scara and childes ears puffed up, but neither had the will to disobey when you curled your finger repeatedly, beconing the ginger towards you.
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Prompt Request: Hey, could u do smut 7 with Shuri? Thank u! 
Prompt Request: Hellooo ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)♡ Can u do 7 from the smut prompts lists with Shuri? ALSO I REALLY LOVE UR WRITTINGSSS AAAAA, U DID A REALLY GOODD JOBB ON UR WRITTINGSS ♡ I hopee u have a greatt dayyy, and take caree
Smut #7: “I wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it”
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You flipped through the papers in front of you with a slight scowl as Shuri was explaining the sequence to you again. Something about it just wasn't clicking on your brain, giving you a hard time. 
"Baby can I just skip this one? It's harder than I expected it to be." You whined in frustration as she let a laugh rock her frame. She moved a couple of spheres before looking over at you to see your attention was on the papers in front of you. 
"I just showed you and you weren't even paying attention." She joked and you gave her your best puppy dog eyes. "I'm sorry your highness. Can you ever forgive me?" She gave a small smirk as she shrugged her shoulders. 
"Don't know. You don't seem like you deserve my forgiveness." You began to pout as she grabbed hold of your waist. "You weren't paying attention when I was trying to help you." You frowned knowing she did attempt to help you but you didn't want to pay attention. You didn't say anything before she pulled you to the glass in her lab. You could see the rest of the lab down below and it never ceased to amaze you. Without warning she pressed up against you, pushing you closer to the glass. 
"Griot. Lock down the upper part of the lab. No one gets in or out until I say so." She said and you shivered as her breath fanned over your ear.
"Yes Princess." Her hand started traveling down your body and you were glad you wore a dress today. Her skilled hands undid your lab coat revealing the black dress underneath, stopping mid thigh.
"Shuri what are you-" She peppered soft kisses along your shoulder cutting off your sentence as she moved to lift your dress over your ass.
“I wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it.” You could practically hear the smirk on her lips as she slid your panties to the side to toy with your folds. She purposely avoided touching your clit and you wiggled in annoyance until her hand came up to grab your throat. "You don't listen when I try to help you and you're the one mad? Absolutely not princess. You don't get to be mad." Her voice was enough for you to moan out softly as her fingers grazed over your clit. Bucking into her as she drew circles into your skin before pushing a finger inside you. You groped to grab onto something for support but all you could do was push into the glass in front of you. She held you to make sure you stayed bent over as her finger slid in and out of you. "You look so pretty like this sthandwa. So fucking pretty."
You found yourself pushing back to fuck yourself on her finger when she added a second one. Her speed increased and the glass in front of you started to fog up. "What would the others think if they saw you like this? All they have to do is look up. Then they'll see you fucking yourself on my hand." Cocky little shit. Your eyes fluttered closed when her thumb started rubbing circles on your clit. Your knees shook a little and sweat started to form on your forehead. You clenched down on her fingers causing her to groan into your ear. 
"Just like that. Are you going to cum for me?" She lightly bit down on your ear as you put more force into fucking her hand. Her hand sped up and you clenched your thighs together. "Cum for me pretty girl. That's it." Her words pushed you over the edge and you found yourself coming undone all over her hand. She fucked you through your orgasm before pulling you back into her. "Open." Your lips parted as her fingers slipped in your mouth giving you a taste of yourself. "Pull yourself together sthandwa." She grinned as she pulled your panties and dress down. Hiding your panties in her pocket you buttoned the lab coat with a playful scowl. You went up to kiss her and she leaned into you. 
"I love you." You mumbled against her lips as she held you. 
"I love you too princess. Griot allow access to the upper part of the lab." She said aloud before pecking your lips again. The door opened to reveal Okoye with an annoyed expression on her features. 
"About time! We have things to discuss with the queen." The two of you nodded before her attention went to the glass. "Also Princess get someone to clean your window. It's all smudged. Not a good look."
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prttykittes · 10 months
I’ve been brain rotting about fluff kenji, baking w reader><!! like it reminds me of the song stir & mix 💗 if u could do that I’d be so thankful <33! It just seems so cute -mwa! Kisses and hugs by Miko!
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Of course!! Yeah you go friend, I love Kenji he's so silly and I love him he's so sweet also I love stir and mix :33
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ෆ Kenji X(&) GN!reader[you/your]
CW. Food, baking, romantic & platonic, bad baking
A/N :: So here, I written two versions of this, one with reader liking kenji(reader is kenjis age), there other one with reader liking an ada member while Kenji helps them bake :) — written by a minor
[MASTERLIST] — (⁠ノ⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠)⁠ノ works in link!
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KENJI (Romantic, reader is kenjis age) —
You're next to him, giving stuff from the fridge, which was brought by the ada workers. You asked them to buy stuff for baked goods! You grab a mixing bowl, you wanted to make cupcakes with him. He grabbed a book and begins to read it or so you thought, he didn't read all of it just some. "I am excited!" He says, you both start to bake. He was next to you, your face was heating up. You were slightly nervous about confessing to him at the end, would he see this was a friendship thing?! I mean he probably would, he's so nice and why make him bake cupcakes for himself?! You felt like a dumby but he seemed to have fun and you had fun, you have the tin and he pours in the batter. He smiles and places it in the oven, you put on a timer as you both wait. You were waiting in the office, playing cards. He left for a bit and tried to bring in his cow, but kunikida came in the room at the wrong time... So he got mad and pushed the cow out of the room, Kenji left again to put away his cow until he was gone. "Kenji, I have—" you got cut off by a beeping sound, he got up fast. His eyes shining in glee, you smiled and went behind him, he opens the oven. He grabs it out, he places it on the table. You both begin to decorate it, yours was better and his was messier but yeah it's the thought that counts! You both made a mistake, the icing was melting...Finally after it was cool-down, you replace the icing. It was a bit better, you both sat down. You both made lots, probably could be fed to the whole office! "It tastes good!" Kenji says, his mouth stuffed with cupcakes, you giggled. Your heart was racing, you could hear it. This was your time to do so. "Kenji, I-I have a crush on you!"
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KENJI (Platonic, reader is inlove with an ada member and Kenji helps them bake) —
"Kenji!" You cried, you stopped infront of him, he smiles and looks up at you. "What is it, {yourname}!" He says, you smile and let out a sigh, he was the perfect one to do this with! "Can you help me bake some cupcakes!" You asked, your heart was pumping. You were excited to bake cupcakes for your loved one! Oh how happy they were going to be!! And make extras for the rest, you guess. "Of course, I can!" Kenji gets up and you smiled, he follows you. You grab stuff, placing them on the table. You hoped that none will spoil your surprise or worse! Your loved one sees you baking for them, the surprise will be ruined! You were overthinking while Kenji figures out stuff, he cracks eggs. "Let's stir!" You yell out, pouring everything into the two bowels, you begin stirring and mixing. He tries to copy your movements but you were too fast, your hands stirring the mixer. "Don't go too fast! Your spilling the batter." He says with worry, you smile and continue but slower. Finally you two were done, pouring the batter into the tins. Putting them inside the oven which you did because you were worried that he was going to burn himself. You played cards, talked, played with cow to waste time. Finally the time was done, you got up but Kenji was faster. He didn't even grab oven mittens! "Kenji! Be careful!" You say, but he grabbed it. He hissed and places it on the table, whew atleast he didn't drop it! You opened a window so the cold air gets in. You got the icing, you and him begins to decorate the cupcakes. "Would my darling enjoy this!" You asked in worry, you were nervous now. Realizing what if they didn't enjoy it!! "Don't worry, I bet they will!" He said, you let out a shaky breath. You hope he is right!
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
absolutely need to know what jeans kinks are in detail cononically w tbaw 🤭
ah! a question i’m able to answer 🥰 there’s actually a nasty deleted smut scene w jean that i cut out because it served no plot purpose and was basically completely self-indulgent…
so i have a very detailed response for u anon!!
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╰┈➤ kinks in bed - tbaw.
ft. jean/fem!reader
cw. explicit sexual content, explicit language.
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jean is nasty in bed!! he tries to pretend like he’s not, especially when him and eren were besties, because eren and jean got compared to one another so much growing up and eren already had a reputation for being a fuck boy. jean didn’t want ppl to think he’s like that too.
but because he’s got such a big dick, he’s got such little blood flow to his brain 🥺 so when he’s really horny he goes completely crazy in bed
idk the proper name for this, but jean definitely has a wet and messy kink. he wants to spit in your mouth and watch you swallow it. spit on your pussy before he eats it. he wants to make you squirt all over him and his sheets. he wants to cum inside of you and then eat it out. he would go fucking crazy if he came in your mouth and then you spat it back into his 🥵
loooooves ass play. he loves the idea of stretching your ass out to take him, working you up to it (plz see my previous anal headcanons w jean for more detail). if you wanted to finger his ass or try pegging, he would be sooooo down because of course, bi!jean supremacy, so he has experience in this area.
tbaw!jean is so insecure of himself so of course, he has a praise kink. he needs to hear you tell him that he’s the best you’ve ever had. he needs to hear you say that he’s the only guy that’s ever made you feel this way — that he’s the only man you want. he wants you to make him feel like he’s an absolute sex god and that you’ll be thinking about him when you touch yourself for the rest of your life. (hmmm praise kink or ego thing 🤔)
marking. this ties in w the praise kink, but he loves it that you scratch open his back during sex. it’s like proof of how good he is 💀 not only that, but it’s almost like a possessive thing? he’ll mark you up too with hickeys on your neck, breasts, and thighs — places that someone would only see if they had you naked.
and finally, jean is into choking 😩 his hands are just so big and they perfectly wrap around your throat, squeezing the sides and cutting the blood flow off a little bit while he’s fucking you — and honestly, he doesn’t even need to squeeze. just wrapping his hand around your throat is enough. it’s probably like a trust thing for him? like that you feel so comfortable letting him hold you in a way that could really hurt you, but trusting him not too. (which is probably a giant, billboard-sized red flag w his violence issues but…….)
wow look at the ways that jean’s issues manifest themselves in his kinks 💀
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purifiedclitoris69 · 1 year
When To Give up - 2
A/n : Hi! Very raw unedited short ch just to try and get me going again. hope u enjoy. thanks :)
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Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of torture, violence, angst.
Word Count: 1.9k
It wasn’t suppose to go like this. It was suppose to be a simple mission, how come you didn’t see it.
You had been watching from afar, keeping tabs on the base in question for a month and a half, it was a pretty boring mission, weren’t getting much lead way, until you entered that shitty diner. It was shady from the beginning but you had intel from the bugs you planted in that base, a deal would be going down there, you just didn’t know that the deal involved you. Unknown to you shield or at the time hydra was handing you over for experimentation. You are a highly trained world class assassin, who wouldn’t want to experiment with your capabilities. You had tried to fight your way out and things were looking good for a minute until you felt the two pricks in the back of your shoulder, two tranquilizers.
That’s how you ended up here, day after day of pure torture. They would stick you with as many things as possible, putting your brain in the blender over and over again. You fought at first, but how much fight could you put up with the things they did and after the hours of torture they put you through you would get thrown in a concrete cell with absolutely nothing in it. You’d lay there for hours on the cold, damp floor hoping and praying to a god that you didn’t even believe in that someone would save you.
But things started to get bigger than you imagined.
“ ahh good morning Miss y/l/n,” you heard the thick accent say as you felt the cold water splash across you,” get up we have great plans for you this week.”
Your attempt to sit up slowly was futile as two brutes came in and picked you up by the arms as your body stayed limp from pure exhaustion. They threw you on the table in the middle of the experimentation room that you have become so accustom and began to unchain you just to strap you back down to the table.
“just kill me,” you pleaded tiredly.
“oh but with our new materials, you are going to do amazing things..help us discover amazing things,” the chilling voice belonging to Strucker,” prepare the gallery,” he directed one of the brutes,” now be good today, we have an audience.”
You lazily turned your head to see the usually empty gallery was an older man with a clean white cut and circle black glasses in a grey suit.
“Daniel Whitehall,” Strucker informed you,” my longterm mentor and friend, we will not be letting him down today,” Strucker turned towards one of the other doctors in the room and nodded his head.
You heard treys being moved and machines begin to run as cold medal gripped your shoulders and upper arms as well as your thighs and calfs. You closed your eyes and let tears fall silently as some kind of metal wired helmet was placed on your head. You opened your eyes to see unknown ugly bubbly black purple liquid prepared to corse through your veins.
“eins..zwei..drei..injizieren,” you felt hundreds of needles prick you were the medal pads laid as shocks came from the helmet and an intense burn set throughout your body. It felt like you were being set on fire from the inside out, you could feel the unknown thick liquid run through you as you let out blood curdling screams, just begging to be killed. You were scared, in pain, and all alone, and you felt like it was never going to end. You blacked out after that, waking up alone on the experimentation table.
You were in a daze, they usually just throw you back into your cold damp cell, but something was different. Voices arouse in your mind; not saying anything , just mumbles and sorrow. It was painful like your skin was being pealed back layer by layer, they were practically screaming to be let out, so that’s what you did, you screamed. Everything you’ve been through flashing through your mind, the red room, the training, the killing, your friends, Bobbi, Yelena, Natasha, your sweet beautiful Natasha, her breaking your heart, Strucker breaking you, the voices going quiet after youve ripped your throat raw, you were left with broking sobs, just for you to hear the whispers return.
“That was beautiful,” you heard the static of the intercom,” really bravo.”
“You have done an excellent job, Strucker,” you slowly opened your eyes as your tears slowed. The Whitehall man and Strucker stood above in the gallery as you took in the damage surrounding you. Everything around you was thrown, black residue everywhere.
“What have you done.”
“We’ve made a new discovery, Miss Y/l/n,” White stated straightening his tie,” prep her for another injection.”
“Please, please, just kill me,” you sobbed.
“You should be grateful, your playing such a big part in this,” Strucker spoke as more hydra agents came in extinguishing the small fires.
“Discovery requires experimentation, Miss Y/l/n,” Whitehall smirked, “and we have much much more to discover.”
Discoveries hydra made.
With the amount of chemicals and things they did to you. You developed a series of powers, enhanced strength, agility, hearing, and of course your shadow manipulation. You were one of their favorite little lab rats. They had tried to make duplicates of you, others, but it didn’t work, not the way they wanted. Those it made it through that actual injection went mad, blood thirsty, built up a rage they couldn’t contain, that only you were able to.
Clenching your teeth as yet another needle is stabbed into your neck. The liquid flowed throughout your veins, as you thrashed around trying to get out, with futile efforts.
“Come on Y/l/n, you’ve been here long enough to know there’s not point in fighting it,” Strucker spoke as he wrote down notes. He comes into view as he prepares another needle for injection,” soon you will be the perfect killing machine, that hydra needs to rise once more.”
“Fuck you,” you seethe through gritted teeth as another needle is stabbed into the other side of your neck.
“Oh Y/n, don’t worry, the pain will be over soon enough,” Strucker spoke condescendingly,” after your physiological conditioning you won’t feel anything, but they need to obey.”
“You’re fucking dead,” you breathed panting,” you hear me?” you shout,” I’m going to get out of hear, and once I do I’m going to fucking kill you!”
Strucker lets out a chuckle,” prepare another injection.”
They finished four more rounds of injections in your arms, ignoring your screams of pain.
“Let’s open her restraints,” Strucker orders as he makes he makes his way out of the room. All of your restraints are undone and you breathing begins to slow and you sit up with a new rage, ready to get your pay back for everything this man has done. But he smirks as he’s about to leave room and three of his brutes walk in with fire resistant gear and sticks and shields,” don’t worry Miss Y/l/n if the injections worked, you should be healed and ready for another round in less then 12 hours.”
Looking between the three men, one of the batons collides with your face and you stumble backward loosing you footing. You haven’t exactly figured out your powers, You attempt to channel the black matter in your hand, began to get back up before, one of the other guys stick you in the neck with the electricity running on his baton. Your vision goes blurry after the weeks of tortures as the other two men hold your arms behind your back.
“Let’s get to work boys.”
Pain, that’s all you were processing. The men hit you over and over again, not even knowing for how long.
They broke you about a year and a half back, turning you into the loyal killing machine needed to keep them a float.
They turned you back into the assassin that the red room crafted, so naturally SHEILD got word of your ‘abilities’ natural and enhanced. You were labeled as the Shadow thing. An assassin showing up worldwide on SHIELD’s radar for about 7 months, known for leaving black residue at your scenes, and your victims with milk white eyes and black infesting knife wounds, knives unknown to man. You had been a mystery; but with the flash drive Kate and Yelena had found, answers were being revealed.
The flash drive documented what had happened to you; the experimenting, torturing, and brainwashing of you. You’ve become their main muscle to build it all back up. once again in the shadows.
Your screams were further heard on a small screen projected in the lab, Tony and Bruce both with grimaces on their faces. Natasha stood in the doorway unnoticed with tears in her eyes. Those were your screams. Y/n screams, and all Natasha could do was listen.
“You shouldn’t be listening Nat,” Bruce had stood up and the tv remained off as Natasha blinked away her tears.
“You guys have been watching going through that thing for almost 6 hours.” Natasha blinked, “please tell me you found something.”
“The last time this was updated was almost 14 months,” Tony spoke running his eyes, “and it was of her going through the winter solider initiative.”
Natasha’s breath was caught. Everything they had fought to get out of; you had been thrown back into..and she wasn’t there, all because she was scared. She didn’t want to loose her best friend because of some feelings. She couldn’t, but now she had.
“We’re trying to understand her full capabilities,” Bruce had interrupted Natasha’s thoughts, “she has some sort of shadow manipulation ability; traveling through them, forming matter through them, and expelling physical, very powerful, clouds.
“Clouds?” Natasha had question, flashes of what they might have done to you running through her head.
“It’s unreal, I mean I thought I’ve seen everything,” Stark had stated starting to pace, “she’s not only manipulating dark matter,” he rambled,” it’s like she is physically it, I mean if we can get ahold of her and what she was inject—.”
“ahold of her,” Natasha began to seethe;, after everything you’ve been through, “this is a rescue mission,” she spoke getting closer and closer as Tony backed away, “you’re not getting ahold of anything, you’re not poking and prodding someone, I love, no ones gonna lay a fucking hand on her again.” Natasha backed Tony up into the desk.
“Understood Romanoff,” Tony had said as Bruce pulled Natasha back and Steve entered the room upon hearing Nat.
“Let’s focus on the task Nat, Stark,” Steve mediated, “Last we know of the Shadow things location is in Tokyo; she had taken out a drug lord in a small bar, again with an unknown knife.”
“It’s formed out of dark matter,” Bruce spoke up as Tony went back on the flash drive.
“She forms weapons out of the substance,” the video showed you doing so in the cell.
“How’d they contain her,” Steve questioned with his arms crossed.
“Before the brainwashing——bear tranquilizers.” Tony spoke backing away from Nat.
Bruce cleared his throat, “from what we know now, she’s brainwashed, and—chipped.”
Steve looked back at Nat, “this is going to be very difficult Nat, Hydra—.”
“I know,” Nat answered, “I can handle it.”
Bobbi and Maria entered in Mission attire, “we have a list,” Maria spoke.
“we know where her employers are planning to be, where she is,” Bobbi said looking at Nat.
Steve stood up straight,” go tell Wanda to suit up,” Steve pressed his lips, “you too Nat.”
Walking up to the quinjet, Natasha didn’t know what to think, all she was thinking about, all she was praying for, was for you to come back…remember her.
Part 3
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yesimwriting · 2 years
could u do something about stu being sweet w the reader after something making jokes but she’s being sensitive and he realises she needs sweetness from him
ofc i can!! i love stu sm, even though the oldest daughter of an immigrant household in me would fr be fighting with him every two seconds lmao
also part 5 of final girl is coming, she's just big😭 and my homework levels are insane and i don't want it to feel rushed, and these drabbles/fics are easier to get out during weeks like this!! but i'm working!
warnings: bit of toxicity tbh (expected tho lol), mentions of Billy bc they're a matching set in my mind lol, but it's brief and his role in the relationship is pretty open I think, pinch of manipulation, cheesiness lol
Sometimes the way you care about people gets under Stu's skin, like a bug bite that he can't scratch because it's on the inside.
He doesn't hold it against you, or at the very least, he really tries not to. But sometimes, when you get like this on the behalf of other people...
Stu lets out a low sigh as he shoves his hands into his pockets. When he first realized that you had locked your window, he had briefly tried to not jump to worst case scenario. Maybe you weren't that mad, maybe the early fall draft kept blowing the window open, or maybe you were out with Sidney and Tatum. But no, the tightly shut window was intentional.
After knocking on your front door and being greeted by your mother, Stu had learned that you had just been in the kitchen, complaining about being bored.
"You're actually that mad at me?"
At the sudden intrusion, you snap your head back, the chair in front of your desk moving back slightly with the motion. Your panic lasts for less than a second and is quickly replaced by a small sigh and an eye roll.
"Stu, you nearly gave me a heart attack." It's not the first time that you've scolded him for that. Despite his typical energy and tall frame, he can maneuver like a cat when he wants to. "I-I locked the window, how are you even in here?"
He leans against your doorway, angling his head so that he's looking at your dresser instead of at you. There's something about your room that's just so you. It's comforting and sometimes overwhelming if he hasn't gotten off in too long.
He could spend an entire afternoon looking through your drawers and sampling your perfumes and lotions. He actually did that one Friday you slept over at Tatum's.
Stu shifts his gaze, his eyes meeting yours. You're trying to be harsh, he can see it in the slight draw of your eyebrows. It's endearing, especially with the stubborn almost pout of your lips. Sometimes when you're mad all Stu can think about is kissing you.
"Your mom told me to go ahead and let myself into your room," he mumbles, pushing away from the doorway as he steps entirely into the room, "You might be mad at me, but she's not."
Your eyes narrow a little at that. You know that Stu knows exactly what he's doing. "Well, she shouldn't have." You scratch the back of your wrist, trying your best to avoid Stu's gaze. "I'm doing homework."
"She said you were bored."
"History homework tends to do that."
Stu takes another step forward. You move your hand, gripping the back of your desk chair. When it comes to staying mad at Stu, physical distance is your only ally. The closer he gets, the less your brain functions.
"You said your history homework wasn't due until next week." Another step forward, the skin over your knuckles strains. "You can't be that mad at me." He continues to walk further into your room until he's so close to your desk chair that he has to turn his head down to look at you. "Let's just watch a movie or something. I'll let you pick."
His piercing gaze cuts straight through you. You can barely breathe. You drop your gaze in order to be able to get your thoughts out. "No, I said I wasn't talking to you."
Even in your own ears your words sound weak. Stu, already feeling his victory, reaches forward. He takes your chin between his pointer finger and thumb, tilting your head up so that he's inescapable. "All of this over a few things I said to Randy? I was joking, he knows I was." When your frown doesn't go away, Stu lets out a sigh, "If it means that much to you, next time I see him I'll give him a joint or something and we'll be even. Promise."
You lean back, pressing your spine into the side of your desk. "It's not really about Randy, y'know." You inhale, thinking through your words carefully. Stu takes your reproaching well as long as you don't cross any invisible lines. "You can't just say what you want about people. It hurts their feelings, and you might forget about it after a second, but that person doesn't."
Stu blinks, an oddly uncomfortable feeling settling in his stomach. You genuinely care so much about how other people feel. Everyone. Even people you don't know.
Thinking about it too much makes him uneasy. It makes him feel like anything he feels for you is so much more than anything you could ever feel for him. You consider everyone's feeling, he can only bring himself to worry about how you and Billy are feeling.
He forces himself to back away from you. Stu moves to sit on your bed. Safe distance. The thought is mainly subconscious but that doesn't stop it from rolling in his stomach. He likes to think that he wouldn't actually hurt you over something this small, but he refuses to take the chance when it comes to you. Even more so when Billy isn't around as some kind of silent assurance.
"I thought that the other woman was supposed to be less of a pain in the ass. You're cute, sweetheart, but at least Tatum knows when to drop something."
Out of all the things he could have said, that stung the most. And he knows it. Your relationship exists in a world of in-betweens. You didn't like the idea of being some kind of side piece, especially the side piece to one of your best friend's boyfriends. But you guys never figured out how to stay away from each other.
Stu had spent so much time swearing to you that things were different than they looked. He promised time and time again that his real feelings are for you, that you were it for him, and that he couldn't just blow off Tatum for the sake of the group. With everything going on, with Sidney still grieving, it'd be selfish to risk it all over feelings.
By keeping your thing together secret, you were protecting everyone's feelings while still not breaking your own hearts.
But that single comment burned it all away. You were just starting to believe him, and now... "Really?" The word is pointed, but nowhere near as violent as you want them to be. "You really don't care about anyone's feelings but your own." Your eyes feel teary. "I'm such an idiot because I-I defend you when people say things like that about you, and I'm always thinking that it's just that they don't know you like I do. But they're right--you're--" None of the words that come to mind feel harsh enough, so you decide to just be honest, "You're mean."
Stu blinks as everything you've said settles into his chest. A rare, fleeting touch of a feeling some might have labeled as guilt stabs at him. He crossed a line, and now you’re looking at him in a way you never have before. And your eyes...fuck, your eyes are so wide and glassy. You're about to cry.
He had dealt with your anger before. Petty, teasing anger, sure, but still--anger. Stu could handle that. He knows what to do when you push him away and pout and even knows what to do when you curse at him. But this, this is so much worse than any of that.
You're more hurt than angry and Stu hates it. He hates that he doesn't know how to fix it. He hates that a part of him wishes that Billy was here, he'd be able to smooth this over and get you to stop looking like that.
"Not true," Stu finally manages, his voice nearly wavering at the shocking amount of honesty in it, "I care about someone's feelings."
You shift in your seat, rolling your eyes. "Yeah, your own." Stu watches expectantly as you squeeze your hands together on your lap. "You should go."
"No," Stu stands, "I'm not leaving you like this." Before you can register what's happening, Stu is by your side, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean it, I just--" He can't put it into words, and even if he could, he wouldn't be able to express it to you without making you want to call a psychologist. "I'm sorry. You know how I feel about you."
With a sigh, you look up at him. "Stu, go." You stand up, forcing him to let go of you as you start walking towards your bedroom door. "I mean it. Either go or I'm going downstairs and telling my mom I have a migraine, and she'll tell you to leave."
Stu's quiet as you take another step forward. You should have taken his silence as a warning.
You're about to walk out into the hall, but before you can make it, something strong catches you by the waist. You instinctually squirm, but Stu ignores that as he forces you down onto your bed.
A small yelp escapes your lips. You hear the door to your bedroom shut before you can sit up fully. "Stu!"
He's on you in a second, trapping you so that you're forced to stay on your back. If you were struggling to think before, being completely beneath Stu has made it impossible.
Stu's hand finds your face, his thumb soothingly moving across the apple of your cheek. "I didn't mean it." That was true. Tatum is just a part of the plan now, and an occasional lay. But you--you're his first and final thought each day. You're everything, more than you'd ever understand. "You're it for me. No matter what."
You bite your tongue, fighting to not give in to the way he's looking at you. His eyes are pure adoration. "You said that before, and look at how quickly you changed your mind. Since I'm so annoying and I have no interest in being 'the other woman' as you put it, go away."
He doesn't want to talk about this anymore. It's making him feel something that he can't name. He doesn't want you to be mad or upset, he just wants things to go back to normal.
Stu slips his hand across your cheek so that his fingers can twist themselves into your hair. Before you can question him, he presses his lips to yours.
The kiss feels different than the normal way he touches you. It's persistent despite the patience behind it. The way his mouth moves against yours is vulnerable and the way he swipes his tongue against your barely parted lips is pleading.
Your hand instinctively find his chest. You push against him with lethargic force. Stu pulls your bottom lip in between his teeth. A breathy sound that's equally surprised as it is needy escapes you. He takes that as his opening to deepen the kiss.
Just as you start feeling out of breath, Stu pulls away, resting his forehead against yours. I love you.
The thought comes so suddenly Stu has to bite his tongue hard to keep from blurting it out. It's not like he's never felt that towards you, but this is the closest he's ever come to blurting it out.
It's instinct to shut your eyes as you focus on your breathing, but you can still feel his eyes on you. You feel him move, but before you can say anything, Stu starts kissing down your cheek. You don't open your eyes until you feel teeth grazing against your jaw.
"Stu." It's supposed to be a warning.
His hands move, forcing the oversized shirt you're in to ride up enough to expose your hips. Stu squeezes the newly exposed skin as he starts to kiss down your neck. "Do you trust me?"
Yeah, after the way he's been acting, there's no way you're answering that. "There's no way I'm doing anything even remotely sexual with you after what you--"
He finds that one spot near your collarbone. Your breath catches itself in your throat. Stu moves, pushing your shirt up a little more. He kisses down your stomach. You're lost in bliss until you feel his teeth sink into the soft skin of your stomach.
You nearly jump out of your own skin. "Stu!"
Grinning at your tone, he rests his head against you, chin pressing into your hip. "What?"
You're desperate to hold onto your anger, but with the way he's looking at you? It's nearly impossible to not smile. "You're so weird."
"You love it."
Pressing your lips together, you pause to think. "I love it better than you being an asshole."
Not taking the bait, Stu squeezes your hips a little firmer, "I love that smile. It's your 'you-wish-you-were-more-mad-at-me' smile. I think that that's the smile I see the most."
Fondly rolling your eyes, you casually move your hand in order to softly comb your nails through Stu's hair. This is a cute game. "I love that my anger amuses you."
"I love when you do that thing with your nails."
You finally let yourself grin. There's just something about Stu when he's like this, all relaxed and touchy and content. "I love when I can tell you're happy."
"I love you."
Your hand pauses, still in his hair. There's no way you heard that right. "Shit," he breathes, hiding his face against the fabric of your shirt. "I said that out loud." Oh my god--you did hear that right. He just said-- "I was going to be romantic about it. I was going to take you out to that one hill where you can see all the lights from town, and then we were going to go to my place. And I was going to let you pick the movie, and I wasn't going to talk about it, even if you picked that really lame one you're always talking about."
Still in total shock, you blink, stiff beneath him. "I kinda like when you talk about the movies we watch." Stu, looks up, but you don't meet his gaze. "But that's not what we're talking about, so I um--" You shift awkwardly. "Did you mean it?"
Your rush of words come out jumbled, but Stu understands them regardless. "So much. I love you, and I'm sorry that I'm an asshole, but you're not--" He lets out a breath. His silence forces you to finally meet his gaze. "If you think the friend group and Sid can handle it right now, I'll go over to Tatum's right now and break up with her."
Stu's boldness nearly surprises him, because in that moment, he really thinks he might mean it.
Everything you want is hanging there, right in front of you. Every selfish fiber of your being wants to say yes. You want to send Stu off and have him back in your arms in less than an hour. Stu can see it, but he can also see the hesitance in your eyes. After all, you care so deeply about everyone's feelings.
"It-it wouldn't be right," you whisper, more to yourself than him, "Not that any of what we're doing has been right, but that feels meaner than it needs to be. To just completely dump her on a random Saturday night without starting to pull away to prepare her first."
"I'll start pulling away." He's glad to have something productive to latch onto. He could start to pull away from Tatum (like he hasn't already with all the time he spends with you) carefully. Not enough to get her to break up with him, just enough to ease you. He could play at that game until he and Billy finish their plans. "Really laying the ground work for a breakup starts next time I see her."
You nod absentmindedly, the excitement from his confession waning fast. You're retreating into that quiet version of yourself that comes out whenever you think too much about your arrangement.
Stu leans over, pressing a quick kiss to your side. "I think I might've already started because you're all I think about."
"Shut up."
He adjusts his hold on you, "I mean it." You still don't seem too convinced. "You can scold me as much as you want about being nicer to people or anything else. I'm in love you." You finally crack, a smile playing at your lips. "Which is something I've said three times now without you saying it back."
At that, your jaw playfully drops, "Hmm...yeah, you have said it three times now. Weird."
The glint behind Stu's eyes is dangerous. He pulls himself off of you with no warning. You're too confused to do anything until you feel his hands on you. He moves his fingers swiftly, tickling you as you squeal and try to push him off. "What were you saying?"
Through fits of giggles, you manage to get out, "Th-that I'm--" You can barely breathe as you push against him. "That I'm in love with--with a--sadist."
At that, Stu pauses. "In love with, huh?"
"Unfortunately," you sigh.
Stu throws you an exaggeratedly offended look. "Rude. You're going to need to make it up to me."
Deciding to play along, you hum in agreement, "Let me guess. You have something in mind."
Stu leans down, placing a quick kiss to your lips. "You know me so well. C'mon let's go to my place and watch a movie."
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