#if u want to hear more about what we have for slimeriana tell me as well
poltergeist-coffee · 1 year
Me and my friend have been talking about a college au with slimeriana where they’re roommates/live in the same dorm but they HATE each other
Why not get a new roommate if you hate your current one? I don’t know! They’re stupid that’s why!!! They’re stupid and gay, your honor!!
Mariana is probably head over heels for Slime despite it all and Slime is in heavy denial. He talks to Ted about how much he hates Mariana and somehow ends up giving Ted a very detailed description of how Marianas eyes look in the sunlight and how infuriating (cute) he looks after waking up.
Ted: no one would go from loudly ranting about their annoying roomate to describling in detail their entire routine and how pretty they look while exercising UNLESS they were in love
The entire dorm knows about Slime and Mariana and it’s like a tv show to them. They’re probably betting on who will confess first or something like that. Ted bet that Slime would last a month before he cracks and jumps Mariana’s bones.
In other unrelated news, slime one day decides to just start working out!! In their dorm!! Just walking around shirtless and defiantly not because he knows Mariana is checking him out!! He is not flexing and purposefully doing all this for his enemy!! No why would be do that?? Theres nothing going on between them besides hate and anger. Nothing at all
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